HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-10, Page 809 N SE WS -4 -FOR X31 tf I ep cry '�II:UM3,) Y at Tait idtvQJ n. k'rirttlnG House, .A bert 8 Anyrl,..o,, a nA,IES. I Yr. ONO. a No. I N �A ....... 06 00 $3i 00 ,*20 00 $7 mil ,,.,.. 35 00 20 0e 12 00 3 ho111 ...... 20 00 12 0o 7 00 2 uh 04 --.,en•. 1600 9(.0 6 00 1 '' • ......, a ou s so co t e1t+I pnstkion from ti i o 6r; percent ex tt R"Iransient advertisements 10 cen s,i49- far the first insertion; S cen I each subsequent insertion �arsll-lxlpai$Ure. Professional cart 1eXWediag one inch, $5.00 pi 111, Advertisements without spe Arections will be published ti %lid charged for according) eUt notices-T'Lost," "Found e Salo," etc -50 cents for first i 111, 25 cents for each subsequel rtion. IE NEWS -RECORD will be set by address, free of postage, ft i 1'er year, payable in advance. I' may be charged if not so pai, date to which every suiscrirrtio kid is denoted by the number o Iddress label. No paper disconth Until all arrears are Maid, excel ftiaiii of the proprietor. J. 1AITCHELL. ,c.,' •'Editpr an j Proprietor i-_ MDLS®N'S RANK gorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. ITAL . . $2000,000 ,S T $(,500,000 IlMd Oftiee, - MONTREAL. MWISOv, MAP"HERSON, President IIII(ETAN 11 H iyIAS, Gon. Man ag tsdi-countedC.-flections meds. Draft. ,S orling . and American Exchang 6 and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits SAVINGS BANK. 'est allowed on sums of 81 and up, FARMERS. iy advanced to farmers on their owr rithaneormoro endorsers. No mart squired as socuril,y. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. r. A McTA-G- GA RTf 1 Banker, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON K _-- �, General Banking Business Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. ''�:� (MYEYANCING. ", . John R,idout, {F. k , Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. " ire Insurance. - . Real Estate. f Money to Lend. ,,, �ffrce---HURON STREET, CLINTON - -. __.._-- _ _ _, - v� ibYf; OIC A L. -- .. Dr. W. Gunn R. C. P. and L. R. C. S , Edinburgh Office -Ontario. Street, Clinton, Night r calls at front doer of residence on Ratten- ,, . Street, Opp. Presbyterian Church. " Dr. Turnbull, �x D ; C,MTur.tbVictorri BUn Univ MtC P.ti& S. .I,, -.• t, ; Fellow of the obstetr cal society of '1,', inburgh. Late of London, Eng, and 'inburgh hospitals, Office -,Dr. Dowd,; 'ley s stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls :answered at Office. Dr. Shaw, i Office -Ontario Street, opposite English church;, formerly occupied oy Dr. Apple. on. • DENTISTRY. Dr, BRUCE, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to preser• nation of natural teeth. N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. , 11 I , DR. AG1\TEW11 , DENTIS P. l`.,!;,!.,,. _ Office Hours, - to S• , kt Zurich the second Thursday of each month. ;,X:11 VETERINARY. , - -- J, E. P lackall, VETERINARY SURGEON AND VETERINARY INSPECTOR. I,. " • t�fiice on Isaac Street next New Era office b l.; t2gsicience, Albert St., Clinton. ,..t B. Thomlinson, Veterinary Surgeon. �",. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vet. erinary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals ' ,,oil ALI most modern and scientific principles I A"tid Night calls promptly answered. , Residence--Rattenbury_ Street, West, i 01hiton, Ont. LEGAL. ,ti, • Scott, Barrister, &c. . )rLL�OTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. Money to Loan. w I N,S. Campion, Q c., I ,.. 11 tciNieP, '- Solicitor, - Notary, &c., 606ERiCH, ONT. ,'�4't'ft C-* Oyer Davi, Drug Store. . . Money to Loan,, - -'M. G. Johnston :.P) fodstory Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc„ 00f)FRICH, - ONr. I t:t1r11G� 'Cot'. Hamilton and St. Andrew's tr 'Streets. ] p� - W. Brydone, Pai'ris(er, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c„ I i OFFICR d I 0,9AVAn ALOcK, CLINTON. j "' Easy to Take - - asy to ®perati Are featuros peculiar to Hood's rills. Small I elze, tasteless, efficient, thorough As one nia o. 0 00 n C) 0, d s 25 EL. said; " You never know you is have Laken a pill till 1t is all 0 e is over." Lbs C. L lIood t4 Co., Proprietors, Lowell, :class. P i I I C sr The only pills to take with Ilood's Etusuvaria yl. The Ilcldillop Mutual Fill t Insurance Company. 'r •Farm and Isolated Town Propert - Only Insured. 1. . ° OFFICERS : ° George Watt, President, Harlock P.0 - Ja i- BA. adPoot, Vlco- Pres , Sea'orth P.O.*: W, t 11hannon. Sec'y'l'reas„ Seafor h, P.O, ; Micha Murdle, Inspector of to"yes, Seaforth. P.O. DIRECTORS: James Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Mlohael Mu' die, Seaforth: Genrtao Dale, Seaforth ; deo qq Watt, Her nck ; Thonlns E. Hays, Suafor,h F Alex. Gardiner. Leadbury t Thomas Garbut' t Canton; John McLean, K3ppen. AGENTS: Thomas Neilans. Hnalo•k: Robert McMiflar ScaP r h o t and James Cummings, tr 10 mondvllle Parties desirous to cfrect insurance or trat. sact a her business will be promptly att,en e, to on app,ioation to anv or the ab•,ve oHdcer addressed i o their respective post. offices. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parloi For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. E�'YIERTON, Prurrietor. MRS. WELLWOOD'S HEADACHE. ibe Secret or n 11aiurul Interntillent At81c Ulan rade plain. "Oh,•Henry," sighed Mrs. Wellwood "I'm so ill I can't hold up my head. I wish you had come home earlier. I've been so lonesome." "Sorry, 'my clear," said her fond hus- band. "it's particularly unfortunate that you're ill to -night. You know we are expected to be at the church this evening to help open the annual bazaar. Don't you think that you'll be better after you've had a cup of tea ?" "No," the sweet little woman replied, "the thought of tea is nauseating. There isn't any use trying to fight it Off. I never get over these attacks in- side of twenty-four hours. You must write a note to the pastor, explaining our absence, it's too bad, but it can't be helped." Dir. Wellwood sat clown an`d looked thoughtful na nt ul for a little while. Finally,I g 1 Y• a,s if he had just remembered it, he exclaimed; "By the way, I got a couple of passes for the theatre to -might. How un- lucky we are. I guess I'll go over and give them to the Brownings. it would be too bad to waste them T, Just thea it was announced that tea was ready and Henry \i elhvood went down to the dining room alone, He had got nearly half through eating when his fair yours; wife entered, and sat down. ,• "Why," lie said, "I thought,you did- a't care to take tea this e\ ening.?" "L feel a good deal bettor than I did a little while ago," she replied. Whe.a they had finkhed•tea hewent out to the hall and began putting on his overcoat. "What are you guiug to do, Henry?" 'Mrs. Wellwood inquired. "I'm goring to take these tickets over to the. Brownings." "Never mind," she said in her sweet= est tones; "we'll use them ourselves. My headache's almost gone and , I think it will do mtk good to get out." He took off his coat again and they weat upstairs to get ready. As Mrs. Wellwood was adjusting her hat Henry said; "Darling, will you forgive me if I tell you something?'' "What is it?" she innocently asked. "Tl'at was just a, ,joko about those passes. I ibavenrt any, but we can go and help open the bazaar, now that you're better." With a wild cry of distress the Wronged woman threw herself down among the cushions upon the sofa, and H,,,ury Wellwood has as yet been unable to convince her that his only reason for vv'ishinlg to attencl the bazaar was the fact that Mildred Hazelton, of whose beauty he had once unguardedly Epoken, was to be there in the character of a gypsy fortune teller. MONEY FROM SUNFLOWERS. A Lom,g Island farmer, who had more nand than his knew what to do w.tb has put 40 w res ,M10 suer;'ower culti,wa- tion. A fine table oil is made from the Iunflldwer seeds, Which, yield two and a aalf gallat•IG of cid to t,h,s bushel. The -sti,mated yield of 100 bushels of seed ;o the acre shoulid give a handsome irofi,t on tho ohl•, The crake left after ;hs oil has been pressed is one of the iest farms ofpouItry food, a.ndthe sun- hower is to be run iin conjunction with t potulltry yard of about 3,000 c'hiclreins. Che sunflower stalks will Lie made into t fine fibre, for which there is a great temand iin the manufacture of a cer- ,aim drapery, the texture of wh.ieb losely resembles silk. The new indus- sy is said to promise weld. One of a i arty of. Bostonian Klon- likens when he reached Ashcroft ex- 1aimed, "Thank God I the worst of the ourney is over." There are some Brings to be learned outside of Boston. I 7' CH i N G 1 CEEPING . R' 41AWLING ( STINGINGt iKIN DiCIIAOfitl RML16VKD dV ONr AP• v PLICAV ION Or It )r. Agnew's O10nuflent, 35 CENTS. \ Mr. Jatnes Gston, merchant, �pilkesbarre 'A. writes :-•-I•'or nine yearn I hnva been o Istignred with totter on hands and face. hit at last i have found it care in I)r, o gnew'a Ointment, My side is non month And soft and )"rep from ever. More. e ill. The first application gnro toilet,• --80, h __-.I' -)-- 5 . .........., .,. .,. _... . THE F�">11.R,Ll.. her bend, and in two or three days UN•NIUrHANS, not be removed from, her, but tied st she will care nothing for it. The __ THE SURROUNI7t1NGS. third point is not to breed this heifer PID( *\?pates! He otos q mast genal sJ again for' at least six months, and milk MOW. yes, Weed he was, moot nk The person who is desirous of having her thirteen or fourteon months, so as tThii:ng the evty took serluu u We home beautiful and comfortable to form a habit of long milking. cold t1twil carri �y was ti o Inside, is also the one who will make � 11iGim offs TO PRUNE FOR GIEtAF H'eke -I fedi s,a an effort to beautify the surround- ANG' er I won't to bed, M T a°sL wEtaL aft ings outside the house. A few hund- iff trees are not too old, it will pay aitllg arOulad awfully.Y W �d was spit( red feet of ground around every farm to regraft them. In cutting off the bably alept like a p. uks-you pr( house gould be converted into the most limbs for grafting, the first to be out Stones-%ViltW ,rnV its bound to gs: u attractive retreat with but small is the centre branch, or one directly in life. He Ihns a will of his awra. M.u, , outlay of money and, time. On a great over the body. This should be sawed gun• -Yes, but the wauldm't ,fund bedta off as low down as it can be and not Inenrtianed ial samebody else's. many farms. the poor attempt of the , Farmer's wife to have a little garden be over two and one-half to three inch- WneY "'asted-EbheL--Tlhsy say is soon frustrated by the pigs and es in diameter. From this conter,cut ilt costs Nary Van Nuodile ten tihausan chickens that are allowed to roam at off the limbs all around it, cutting each doll rs a year to lave. Penielope-Jjea a QLimb little lower down than a uen- mr ! td -a wihat doe she do it; for? B large about the farm, and that seem ter limb. Then take the next lot of T'roubblto ita the Fam:idy.-We gaive u to take especial delight in working hav- branches still nearer the outside, cut -coat -of -arms. coat -of -arms. ,\W',hy ? My h,ut Oc amoug gardens, That may often be ting them off a little lower down, and band sa:el my grdtin Wouldn't look we the reason for the untidy surround- so on until the top is adl out off and dxaglg„ug hda ancwtstraw !milk -wagon. Ings of many a farm house, where grafted, cutting off only those branch- Old Milli,ota--My dcear Miss Yautli es to be grafted, leav�ig the rest,which 7 there is neither front nor back yard. will be small, to keep up circulation. tllitn)g ,elf 3^uw'd' <nnly ¢n nary me T caul Rubbish and liapers of all kinds are When the tree is topped off in this way, dins Iha>ppy. Miss Yuu,nigt,Ling-Why allowed to accumulate, broken furni- and the grafts grow, the tree will be th:slp;, if you'd only tuarry mte I cowl tura a.nd wood ,ileo are thrown near very round and symmetrical, and no die thappy, IMiss Yorungt,hing -Who i I graft will grow u) through -any Lith- Mr. -AL-Lael,n, it you were clying, I'd uuat the doors, and not a tree or flower, ers. Each graft will grow up in its ry You trn a niiinuts. 1 often not a blade of .grass, is to he own Place, and in a few years a vig- BAle-i had an awful scare title orthe found where it should be most appre- orous productive orphard may be had, day, tndt:fts out far a walk wi,bh! \4'iL providing proper cultivation and feed- ciated. Ln' be J3 Lsy-ki,jlw? el\'hly, we Diet the mien Ing' given the orchard, such as all s A beautiful woods may be near by, orchards should have. ir�t.r, acrd \Vi l asked (blot to, juin v where grow pretty wild flowers, and --- I obi_,rt-",Vhn,t is tine difference be where one may go if trees and cool 'PENT CATERPILLAR EGGS, twe'eu doauest:v goods and good dome.,. shade are desired; yet that does not During mild winter da 's time can- ""S? RiChelad-1Jiouw,'ndo goods are ar y t;vl,:s made un tld' cufuntry. Good dom , beautify the home, Doubtless man Y a not be put u to better 10 es i • - I er Lir sa than t cs unto Lh. P L ere aren't • u am y. of Y farm excuse, f n Hr makes this his eau examine the small bran hes of apple lDOWe•st:rcit � having a bit of this hrauty, near they -Mr. Peck -Before w i house. It is not always that a busy trees for eggs of the tent caterpil'ar. were married yritu ca,:ded me your khat/ housewife has leisure to go to the They will be found in glossy, dense, Mrs. Peck --I know A, but I abva:ys div woods for an hour or two, but if just a hoop-shapod clusters, girding the top ,have More or ;cess trouble iin dI1SLill stop from her kitchen sh�s could en- twigs, As each cluster contains sev- gu:&hhng Lh(e kings thwim the jacks. joy many a hot, close afternoon or er•al hundred eggs it is ca7Ey seen how A Bruy's Fahey-Gieorge, srai,d his Eno evening with her flowers or amen- the much damage may be prevente&with t.b.'r, iv do O trees. A fere hours work with the little trouble, With a 1•air of prun- � Y Pett � much atten plow and leveler would convert the ing shears fastened to a stiff pole, a t.ae t ot,halt Niji'd'dl'eton girt? She ha lumpy, uneven yard into a smooth seed sharp-eyed man can clean a good siz- a face Like an apple pie. That, m, bed, where lawn gras3 could be sown, ell orchard in a comraratively short favoa.fte Pieo matlher, said Georgie. or the place could be sodded. In one or time. tOf course the clippings shou'd Vmat:on and Rtest-Hiixon-1 under Lvvo seasons the result would be afine not be left on the ground, but picked stand Dr. T,hiwdd0's com re aeiion ar lawn, providing the gra,A- is kept close up and burned. g g sort. A strong fence, no matter how ULLkinlg• of serLdli.ng hien, to Eu'roped Dix simple, is a necessity if onet is to Veep (� hj� jj��lj(1 on-Y,as; thtrt'S t..-la.x hrrtention, ,Hixo1 a garder. in order.°Wire fences are FROM THE LAND 0' UAKES -1.+Or a rest, 1 suppose? Dixon -Yes the prettiest, of course, but a neat 1 , th,c-ong-regaEon t;htink'they are entitl hoard or picket fence treated to a — ed to it. Boat of green paint, serves the pur- INTERESTING Nol'I:S FROM BONNIE No Noviiets.-Cactus Cal-Tdlet there pose admirably and if taken care of SCOTTI H BRAES. no wmhnister 'f oulrn ain't no tender will last for years. Hedges and shrul:- bery will soon hide it if desired, and -- foot. S"A; he's usin' tris left hand for when evergreen hedges I'erome Stray Scraps or Nrws rerrumpti by ti,e shake hands with th' members 'f hi, very thick they will exclude any kind Ileallt.•r- Ilaphenluxq of it Week Told iu c'''rigr'ga.t.on.f I.astearner-Wiliat doe, of an animal. A fence is worth little it hew 1v4)rd., that aA:on sig-nify?' Clia-bus Ca,! - It, unless gats are provided and caro A new colliery is to be started at don'ts gnify no'r)rrn', stranger, but it taken to keep them closed. New Craighall. hau.ves h s un-, toed free. 'frees are such beautiful ornaments S,W,Ah,-,Ur•uwu is g,e,tting to be quite that no country home is complete with- Scarlet fever is epici.:mic at Grange- abs,�nt-naande deaf ;tate, isn't the? June; out some cloys b Young trees from mouth, Stir]in'gshire. Y• 0' I-\\-hy I ,haven't n,at5ced it. Simath- the forest often succeed as well as It i5 proposed to form a ladies' curl- Well, he is. Tihe other day he happened nursery growth stock, and when a••- hng club at Ballyrow. Ito oak in a rnirror cut hogre,. and hie res"ible there is no excuse for not, askaicd his wife w1:.Iat she was doing having some near home. Fruit trees the, supposed to erect a bridge across asks- that fellow's pl,,:bt' she the house, also provi•le sba•le and beauty, besides Clyde at Fi-nnieston. NVA�- being valuable alone for their pro- Some Kirkcaldy young men are to CONCERNING OVERWORK. ducts. having a fence around her fain the rush for Klondike. garden the farmer's wife can raise her Soap works have, been opened plants and f'owers unmolested. She P ned at. Natural is uvv.v Not Suspended to ,,uy IIa)14 , can have, a kitchen garden at the back Gl•antgemouth costing £10,000. haver, �nva NJ,.. p.Illl••tou. door Sties she which. hit. r tahpick the A Coldstream man tLinks the sea- "Work," said Mr. Biffleton, "just c g daily., sons have changed, and no' for the bet- cwd,1: She ran ornament her home with that I ter. ".. g, plaid], solid hard work never kill- swcetest of thin-s-flow-rs, all throu,•h ed anybody, but overwork may. It may the summer season. :\lost wom"n en- The sealing sclu)oner IVlttstiff iris left the Cl besot da\\"n as a general proposition iov ten'ling flowers, and the recrea Clyde for the banks of Newfound-ith•tt work done in overtime is over - tion afrorded is moat healthful. Farm- land. wont, And it is certain that this kind er's wives e e's- es generally ne d more 1 t :rile old n g Y poorhouse of ' e bort w•'c•k P h Ber t ore an L n n c n t re wet 1r of t r t he pure., sweet a h(tT� been sold to a coach builder for I work dorsn't pay. There may lie which is furni,h:'d in such abunlan,e, ,X.1,1:00. same little temporary profit from it and a garden will afford the beat. op- John Diiller, news a reuL at Barrhead, I at t.h,� outset, bur. as the ;on,g run there portunity to obtain it. The pleasures I is not only no profit in it, but it ;nray on tho. farm are few, and th^ hou ^wife aged 84, is the oldest news agent in : resu;t ion great Loss, who has hat ituat+id h� rsel,f either from .Scotland.1 "L suppo5.'. that, most meal think there necessity or a false idra of economy to I Numerous tre,nsfers of station -ours-;will b, an exception in their case; that be. eternally prindin4 ac, -ay in the ter.; on Lhe North British railways have i theY can stand ilt anyhow; tout the tiuue house, will find a flower garden a been nra,le. I is sure to tome when they wild discover ile,w•ant reereation and a healthful A rnei Ross h w that the earth keels tight on turnin ocrul'ation. I as un the gold medal List g" --- of the Shutts Burns Cluj) for sin;in the same; that natural laws are t� not suspended on the;r account; that, DEDIAND FOR SAFE HORSd S, the Poet's songs. iso fart, there is no exception in their A Glasgow paper announces that ti cask, and that ii they craved themse:rves The hue and cry That on account of policemans helmet costs five shillings ,fx).hard they must pay the pena!ty. the electric car and the bicyc'e and and sixpen^e exactly. "T,hr.re are, of course, sAuations in horsedess carria.e, the noble horse was 'rhe Marquis of Bute. has'decided to which we, expect to �t•rn !Klose and work doomed to go out of use in the cities, issue a new edition of his translation I without regard to telcos, but every man 1 of the Roman breviar kuows when such occasions arise. A has a •out died away, and still the Y• I tnac, doesn't -want to stint his time, borne i'; in demand. An interesting find of early English either. It won't do him any hurt to The liverymen and ha„knren may co:nis have been made on the farm of begin a minute before the whistle blows have felt the effect of the ehan;;e in lailb�ills, near Penicuik. land whom the works lie ought to plug Tho Flour Millers 'Association of onto it for all he, knows Trow, as he will, the new, methods of individual trans- Edinburgh have adv:,n'ed therice of I if ,he is any) a iy, .But when he has put portation in the cities; yet the horse flour Ono shillhag a sack. P in a goad, Stout clay's work, JIB ought is still in demand for the addle and for to host. It w'On't pay .b,ilm to work ov- A statue of Burns, costing £800, will ertime. A fresh, and vigorous man can family r•arriages and i;uggies,and this be erected i,n Leith, Two-thirds of the <to more -work in eight hours than a demand kill incr,ase just in proportion money has been subscribed. Crc,d man can ial twelve. And he has to the common use of the electric car The Duke of Buccleuch has purelvrsed I th:s further tremendous advantage that and the wheel. the estate of Cooms aitrl Middlemoss h1! keeps his edge, wbitle the tired man Already ladies who do not like the near Langholm, for £17,000, s all th time }iecoming more tired) wheel have taken to Lho saddle to get and is drawn out -thinner and thinner the exercise and the airing that the There is much talk amang Kilmer- uint?l ,tile peters out. wheelist has found so beneficial from nock Freema•rons about the proposal to "In this condition the tired -out man her shin in the country. This habit erect a Masonic Temple there, may be useful as an object lessan he will soon increase until three will soon "The War Ode of the Galloway may even be of some service as a mis- lie a demand for Safe saddle horses for Rd[les1 u - P" is the title of the latest 10 s pnary, but he wulil not he of very, Jadies. lar song in Kirkeudbrightshire. much use to himself.” The, hustle and careless movement of ---�------ car and wheels on the streets,rer,uire Two Laureneekirk children experi- A USLLESS FOR.MAL•ITY. for the safety of those in carriages, mented on hanging a companion re- Bum,u de Way -A feller kinder likes that their horses should be accustomed gently and nearly made a job of it., ter build dese castles in de air 'bout to chess throes as well as to the sod- D. Downie, master of the steamer w'ot . he'd do if hwas rich an' had a den noises which they are apt to hear ga stranded off Arran, had his home an' could do as hepeased. iElm i n the city. The burse to he used in Wandering Tan ue-Wol; would you the cit for family safety, either unci- certificate suspended for titres months. g q Y Y Y, do under such kind of circumstances ? or the saddle or in the rarriage, must The locomotive department of the Bumm Do Way-Well,it allers struck he trained for city life. The, horses, Caledonian Railway employs 7,000 men me (at I wouldn't grit up at all in de therefore, which will be. in special de- and has a pay list of £439,000 annu- winter when de days was short. man([ in the rities, must be trained ally, 11 for the purpose. This will require 9e- Colonel Bailey, lecturer on forestry, � `- --._- lec•tion in the breeding, and especial ahas been elected chairm to of the Royal until they are care in hanrre prepared for use. from their first years Scottish Arboricultural Society of InDe Scotland. 'rho number of accidents which have GC1 FAVE happened in the last few years through Greenock sugar refineries during 197 the frig•htenerl horse and the arcom- turned out 120,000 tons, being only ponying runaw'ap has become alarm- about three-fourths of the output of 19l■` ing, and calls for a remedy. 1890. a This mwsi; lie found in the Proper The Caledonian Railway Company &,04 training of the horses to be used. The are to proceed with a scheme to abate�1 I C horse breeders who wish to secure good tho smoke nuisance at Cathcart sta- nrices for the horses they would sell tion Greenock. ,to,$ In the home market, will do well to take note or the kind of horse in de- Lord Balfour is a keen curler, and Why is it every sarsaparilla wand. Buyers for this kind of a horse thoroughly enjoys giving an opponent which tries to sell itself, ran es ire. always plenty, end they do not a good beating, though he is not fond g tesitaba to give high prires, when they of taking one himself. itself against Ayer's as the stand- mn be assured that the horse they pur- PaisleySchool Board have a and ? Why is it that all have to :,hase has the sense and the training appointed y 1e needs to be perfectly Safe in the a committee to coasideir'and, if expe- Offer extra inducements—bigger ;ides, dicot to revise the regulations regard- bottles, fancy wrappers, cheaper Good saddle horses and stylish and ing corporal punishment. price—anything, everything, but ,fife carriage horses, will always bring The next British Christian Endeav- the one inducement of quality? 1191, prires and can he. as easily rais- our convention will be held in Glasgow, id as others. The little extra rare on Aly 28th tol Slat, (yid ilt will be the shay need in training, will be well paid first to be held. out of Dagland. I er or when they are Sold. Burne celebrations have been observ- Ag TRAINING A HE.T.FER. ed in nearly every city, town, village and hamlet in Scotland, tens of n tbthou- In make a good cow, the sands M Scots taking part in them. sampoeaparlila teller must; naturally .possess the dairy Mr. unrco ]}eng;llson,of Navas, isgo- hararteristic, but still the owner can ing' to mango a wood of 2,000 aores fO much in developing nature's gifts. on, has Raith estate one the system of bas never been n this life of the heifer there are the German and French State forests. equaled by any hree things, at least, that really make At the aoplual dinner of the Duns cheap imitation of it, and quality spoil the cow, First, the heifer Curling Club the oross table was adorn- tells, just as blood tells. r r opo not kis allowed to ed with ourlin!g stares, brooms, and a . get fat be- number of trophdes won by the club. It is Me Standard. ore the birth of the first calf, but The Argyll and Sutherland Highland- ho"I have aoldAyer''r Saraaparllla formers ukl leo kept in a thriving condition, ors, stationed at Maryhill, are to pro- than tweety-five years, and have never of le ean by starvation. Before the tteed to Dublin In June. They are to board anything but words of praise from stl red) elf.Is dropped, the heifer should be be succeeded at Maryhdll by the Royal stainerd. to afford nutriment mycustomers ; not h single complaint has Ot only to hvrsalf, but to the ealf its, Scots' ever reached me. A preparation must rell, and to develop her milking papa- Lord Rosebary has truly observed: powessgroat merit tomaintain such arepu. Hies. Secondly, when the calf is drop- "There seems to be 'no resotion In the nation. I believe your Aarllaparilla to be ed, all concentratod foods should be, enthusiasm about Burne. It grown and the beet blood purifier that has ever been rithheld for a few days, and then grows and it is diffioult to set a limit introduced to tho general public: I often radually increased as the flow in- to it.'7 hear other mannfaotuirers say that this III reases, The calf should not be &I- Ag a result of tb;o Board of Trade `tar good as A et's," bob to one ever yet )wed to suck the heifer, She should enquiry into the rodent railway dune- heard ib sold that Ayor's wan "as good' as illy know that the milk is for her clan- any other kind. The always set Ayer's o�� tar at Dnarbar, Robert Steedman,, driver pp rs, and hence her desire will be to U the standard o "oelle>ao*#1-will, F. e mllkod by hand. The calf should $end.ed first ongidno, Iran been appre- BOYO 1, Dolatb, Minn. Many persons cannot taka .t plain cod-liver oil. y They cannot digest it. It upsets the stomach. -Knowing these things, we have digested the oil in Scott's Emulsion of Cod- -- liver Oil with Hypophos- I phites; that is, we have t broken it up into little glob - d Liles, or droplets, We use machinery to do - the work of the digestive I organs, and you obtain the - good effects of the digested I oil at once. That is why you I can take Scott's Emulsion. Soc, and $t.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists. Toronto. r 50C. 50C. d Cold watch - _F _R aI—Vi � - , Those watches are solid 14 -carat gold, and our ivu,u list price for them here in lialgtand is d36 ($25) each, but to intro. . duce ourenrnlous Catalogue, vc,: will send you this watch free if you take ad - ventage of our mnrvcllous otlbr. If ,you want one, write to us wltnoutdelity. With Your letter rend u, 50 cents inter- natii net Money Order, for which we . wil send you a solid silver bro,ch. worth I $1.;,ndout, ofrer Afteryourecciyuthe texutiful watch, we shall expect you to ;how it to yuurfriendo, and call their attention to this advertisement. The watch is sent free by registered post on your oomptying with our advertise- . ment and our offer, and is warranted for five yeara. Address— ' Watchmakers' Alliance & Ernest Good.e's Stores, Limited, 184 Ox- ford St., London, Enkland, Money returned if not more than satis. fled. i Unsolicited Testimonial. 15 Yrincessst., Birminvharn Entt. "I th-nk you very much for the beau- tiful wa: ch yo -i sent nee freo of charge. I have tested it for nine nionths and it nover varie, one h � if -a -m, •,u• a from one t WOWS end to another "- E WILKS. "To giro away a gold watch worth $25, is cortnin'.yy a •p:cnd}d advertke- ment, but as the Watchmakel•n' Alli- ann4 is the largest firm of \\'atchmakors In IU igland, they can atrord it."—ED- rroR X. Be cure and address your lette-, 184 OX10ORD STREET, Lom)oN, ENO. N&Mm mma,nmlffy mzkjww m2w�mwaaw,b • - Grand Trunk Railway. Trains arrive and le e Clinton Station as follows : Buffalo and Goderich District:- Going West, Mixed ........... so, i5 a.m. Express.......... 1.03 P.m. 16 14 Mixed............ 7.05 p,m, 1' 11 Express.......... 10,27 p,m. Going East, Express .......... 7.4o a.m, 11 11 11 2.55 P.M. 49 11 Alixed........... P 4.35 • m London, Huron ane Bruce :- Going South, Express ......... 7.47 a.m. 11 11 // 4.30 P.m. Going North, 41 ......... io,15 a.m. 11 1, 1< ......... 6.5;i P.m M, C. DICKSON, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto, W. E. DAVIS G. P. & T. A., Montreal. A. O. PATTISON, G.T.R, Agent at Clinton. 4 The kews-Record I's Not Excelled As an Advertising Medium. CENTRAL BUTCHER SNORT FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above I n+inees, wa Intend to conduct it on the cash pprinciple, and will supply our Customers with ttie boot meats at the lowest paying prices. Tord & Murphy. Live Hogs Wanted. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANT'ELON, Clinton. Removal of Night -Soil. The undersigned w of Night Soil ad horough clualning ofe the closets osets on short notice and at re n ontblo testes. All refuse removed out of town. ROBT, MENNEL, GEO. TROITHILL, °Horseshoer and General Bladksmith Albert .Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first-class material and wurx guaranteed. Farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO TETE FARMERS Study your own interest and go where You can get RELIABLE - HARNESS I manufacture none but the best of stock. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they .have got to live. C to and get prices. Orders by mail prompbly attended to John Bell, Harness Emporium, Blytb, Ont. '2 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Y'RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &G. Anyone sending a sketch End desertpption may live tlon Is probably opinion free Comemubica - tionsstrictlyconfidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing�ppotents. Patents taken through Mmin & Co. receive special notice, ¢¢without charge, in t�heezp p y� Scientific .7"Ime ida®pe A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ei*- culation of any scientiee journal. Terme, $3 a year: four 0 ourmonths, $1. Sold by all newedonlers. rAURN C0.36Illm.dway. New York Branch Office. 026 F St.. Washington, D. C. If. you Know what you Want it is your own fault ' � \ \� if you clop a. get it. � 1 - In days gone by dealers were \ able to sell p,,��� e just what they pleased, btfXih�e public of to -da I -� f P Y \ , I inclined to find out for them- i selves the best article in every line yythinthat ' •- and they insist 11p011 gCtt111g 11. along Igostra,gtitforgthc'Grmby' for t know it is the best. Granby Rubbers__ ANDOVERSHOES are known throughout the whole country to be the best in fit, finish, quality and durability and that is why people will have Grallby's and no other. The extra thickness at ball and heel snakes them last twice as long. �RANI$Y R[113BERS WEAR LIFE IRON. ONE GIVES RZELiEF. Dulaft Spi-ftend a DO-d1ar for Medicine until you have tried yta- x ; i • g 4 ,a a `•F'tl- rev. F , '• y ' +, '� e i �•;�'; You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. TRIM Port (.Put uP oheaply to amutr the unher•..1 rement dewn9d for a tow prl.a If you don't find this sort of l�ipans Tabules At the Druggist's Send Five Cents to TII6 RiPANs CnEMICAI, COMPANY, No, rA Spruce St„ New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or sa cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripens Tabules Are the very medicine you toped.