The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-11, Page 7Siutdayr ScJ ooL HITJ1ItNATIONALESSON NO. RI• JUNE 14, 1908. Paul at Rome.—Acte 28 : 1I -2i, 30, 31. Commentary. — ('onnteiting Links. When Paul and his eonpauiene rt arty til the land they learned that the 'Island was called Melita, of whiirh -Malta, the modern name, Is a short- ened form. They were rtreited kingly by, tho Inhabitants! of the isle me Paul remained three 11101ths 011 the talalld, and during that time there W0T8 some very important events; 1. A viper fastened Itself on Paul's hand, which caused the Islanders 10 think that he was a murderer, but W1e11 hee'hook It off and felt no harm they, decided that he meet be a goal. 2. Paul was entertained by the Gov- ernor of the island, whose father was very sick, and Paul healed 1111n. S. Manly which had dlecnses came and were healed. 4. The people of Malta honored Paul and 111s companions with many honors. I. Paul enters (tome (v. 16). 10. Came to Rome—ltomo is reached at Mit, and the lung Journey is at an end. At tide time the city of Rome was at the height of Its glory. It held away over nearly the entire known world, "Within a circuit of little more than twelve miles, more than two millions of Inliabltante were crowded, of whom (about one million were slaves." But Paul— "Nero, the emperor to whom Paul had appealed, was too much engaged in his debaucheries and. pleasures to pare much for such a man as Paul or such accusations as were made aaggaalnet him by the Jewe," By himself Ude lenity wee probably due to the commendation of the centurion Jui- fus,—Cam. Bib. With a so1dler—The testate was to chain the prisoner by tee hand to the guard. II. The first .Interview with the Jews (vs. 17-22). 17. After t !tree days —.Three days after Paul's arrival at Rome, he invited those who presided over the Jewish oommunity to visit Mtn. the first steps on passing be- yond the narrow circle of those al- ready converts were directed, In ac- cordance .with hla established prin- 'c(ple, toward Israel. And al 1(8 clr- Oumetancee did not allow }rim to trek rthe Jews, ae he had done Ln ()Hien pplacee, ho requested the repremamta- Itivee of the Jewish congregation to !Dome to his lodging.—Lange. Men and brethren—"This address to the .seiembled Jews to of a personal na- ture, and 1s intended to counteract oertaln prejudices which, the Roman Jews might entertain, In cones• queow. partly of Paul's imprison - Meat, partly of the fact that he had appealed unto the emperor, anti pertly elf any 'slanders possibly brought from Judea." 1.9, Let me go—He narrate, briefly the events given in eliapters 1J1 to 26.—Tho Hannan officials re- peatedly failed to find cause of of- fence 11I film. To appeal—Paul de- clared that itis appeal to the emper- or heel become lodlepeneablyi neces- sary, because the Jews opposed his acquittal, to which the Roman au- thorities judged him to be entitled. He elates that it had not been hie latentlon to bring any accusation against his people before the em- peror, :X1. Hope of Israel—The hope of Israel Is the general expectation of Ute Messiah. 21,—Neither received lettere' — ."Wiry the Jews In Judea had not for- warded the accusation against Paul to their brethren In Rome, that w they might continue the prosecution before the emperor, t8 not known. Desire to hear of time—"They Implied that they had heard of him, by their rquest to know whet Ile thought of ,tile new sect. That they woke 80 cautiously( and eub- geque:toy made no demonstration of hostility against Paul is readily ac- eoulltcd for. The apostle was held lu special favor by the chief of- ficer of Nero'e household, and the Jews of the synagogue were them- sel(ee subject to perseeutiou eo itbat they were powerless to eerie. - cute the disclplee of ehrist."—Bn1- de'. 1 I1I. The 8eeond interview with the Jewv (s8. 2,3-2U) 23. Caine mune —They came in great numbers, Witty accompanied the chief Jews. Ex- pounded, etc.—"Paul takes as hie theme that doctrine of lie kingdom of God which woo the central truth of tho 014.1 testament and the New ; that great dieelodure or the pro- phets which was 8(111, as it had been for centuries, the supreme thought and hope of the whole Jewish peo- ple. M0;ling until evening—MA shows the effort Paul put forth to sate the Jews. 14. 1lomo believed— A few were won to faith In the ('lirist; but the many dlsbelleved the tetchio,(e of their own Scrieturce, and reeieted the suffering Meselah, eo plainly dis- closed—Butler. "The seed of the word fell here, in Home cases, by the wayside; In others, upon stony plaoee, or among thorns; neverthe- less, some fell Into good ground." 25-20. Spoken ono word—With theme solemn words of the Holy Ghost, spoken by dcalah, Christ has opened bee teaching' by parables, and had finally elou'Yl hie ministry among the Jewe. Anil now Paul, as It him - melt cmmmsalon'd by the Holy Ghost as a prophet of the 'New Testa- ment, redly redelivers the sane message, enforced by the awful em- p�111'asta of the Mlester'e double ut- terance. Unto the. Gcntllek—"Paan was never dhocou'aged. If the gusted was rej'eted by one class of peo- ple, (Id was ready to offer It to an- other.'" IV. P111118 residence and ministry In Remo (ve. f10, 21). 80. Two Whole 'en re—\Vhy he teats not prosecuted fore lhr. Emperor <in deg tide time' le not known. As there team no pro - mention, Paul wn.s suffered to live , to euletnees and safety. f 111. Preaching endtenehing— ` Pant did a great work during throe SPECIALLY GROWN FOR JAPAN TEA DRINKERS 11 LAD Ceylon (.IIEIS 'leo is Pure, Heise fel awl ItrMeade. In sealed lead paekei 1, I lir emote am the tieR ',him it teas. 25e and 40c per pound. II is e lel only uJn" black two yens In Route. 1. Ile prrnelted the gospel to all who cane to him. 2. He wrote 8000(01' 41)1(1 I'e which wore by far the most Important pert of hie penmen activity. Teachings.—"A message from (ital should be delivered Immediately. If there tan charge against our char- acter, which le likely to Injure our Influence, \ve ought to remove It, 1f loeolble, before delivering the Lords meweagee. PRACTICAL SURVEY. A. farorod prisoner. Paul had for a long time deslrtrl to see Rome, and about two years previous the Lord had maid to hint, ".1s thou hast tea - tilled of Me In Jerusalem, so mot thou bear witness also at Rona•." Although he went am a prisoner, he no Lew on that account felt that he watt following God. During the terrible experience at sen, when the outlook one anything but favorable, Paul wee full vt courage and was more commander of the ship than the master himself. It was n bleeehtg to that Crew that they had such a man on (ward. On the Island the Lord UM! this man for Hie glory, and through Paud'e prrseneo the ship's crow were kindly treated. The Jews Committed, After only three drys' delay Paul Is about one of elle great objects of hie Journey to Rome. The cider of the Jews are palled and to then he make)) known 1118 mase ns it kande with him. His spirit Is one of gen- Geneve n.nd love, The Jews were reatyonelhle for file bonds, yet ho says, "Not that I had ought to ac- cuse my nation of." Ile had no tinge of vindletveneaa about Ilim. He could lay down Ila life for the Jews If that ,would accomplish' their eal- vaton. Ho was no less a Cllrfetian for his deep regard for his Jewish brethren, nor wee he any m0111 a Jew for having an Interest In them. Hie sect everywhere spoken against. The Jews Bald, "For as con- cerning this Nest, we, know that everywhere It Is spoken against." Wo have reason to be thaukful that the 0001 of which Paul WAN a part has an exletenee 011 earth to -day. There are two prineipal reasons why the children of God are spoken agatnet. The first ren - son Is that their spirit in radically different from that which Charoo- terizes the 'world, The second reit- e071 for (flus opposition to ('lIrlet- bins is that their outward life and appearance are unworldly. Turning to ,the Gentiles. Peer!! dlec0urso did not eoivinee all the Jews, but ;tomo believed, Ile fear- lee8le and powerfully presented the Leath to thbm, and when they agreed not among theuaelvea ho one conetro tned to deviate that " the salvation of God le Nola to the Gentles, and they will hear it.' Paul did hie duty and was crowned at last, although mane who hoard his preaching failed of salvation. God rewards Ile ser- vants nccording to their fait h111- neN8 and not Recording to 0kible re8ult14. Few Flies last year No Flies this year W1lson's Ply Pads The Safety Value of Objuratlon. Chicago Record. "Clergymen 'feel the heat more than other men." "How do you know?" " They are under professional obligations not to fay violent things about It." Do not give up In despair, you wile suffer from obstinate disfigurements of the akin. Auniilt the sore nimbi with wrnrer'n Cerate and purity the 1,10,0 with We/tyres Syrup. The Proper Time. Buffalo News. " Amy," said Mohd, -when do you Intend to wear that stunning bath- ing telt of yours 7" When the men arrive," replied Amy. An Irish Heart, Take iml„reure mrd auelor and a love for e0ery right, And nix them up together with a goodly share of fi;ht— ,\tel add a daell of pantos an of sympathy a mimeo, Aad riunt aerie of faith In Gad and forcer in the prayer, And charity's sweet emblem might be tucked In there to silo))' That hops (N e'er resplendent In a Noft, rretatic glow. There label it with o0urngr and a sense of wit mud fun. Nor be schemed to l'1:1 Ill it, nor to eland by- what you've done; I'ut simply pour in humor of tite ,brilliant, wholesome kliul, And all the loved Ingredients of the ht'wllily, Inman mind, And Net it oil n- pedestal of onyx gra ud 11 lel write And 1 110 call all tite people In, to to tvit1108e while you write This fend and true inscription taken from Ilfe'N every paint, "Tile 18, dear frlole, a common thing, 'tie just an 1rleh heart" —W. el. Fogarty. TRIED AGAIN AND WAS CURED H. Bailey, atter Repeated Dis- appointments, used Dodd's Kidney Pills And now his 01d Pain is Gone for Good and he Can do ally Kind 0t'Stolping or Milting Work. Winnipeg, Man., June 8.—(Speelul) —,y'o many (Loathe aro /1000 charged (0 Kidney D1ceatse and ailment( re- sulting from disorrlerrol Kidneyot that the cure of Mr. H. Bailey, of 250 Patrick street, of tori! city, is being widely discussed. Mr. Bailey wraps : "Some time ego 1 suffered n lot with palms Heroes my black and in Lilo region of the kidneys. 1 had spent considerable money in Eng- land treating Ohl nllnu'nt but got no permanent rdIef. "All by detect, 1 rea0l of (0)04 wonderful cnrew by lktdd'e Kidney Pills and though my pre110118 Gail• urea nude me lieg:tate, 1 finally de- cided to try then. It was a fortu- nate thing for n112 that 1 did. "After taking three boxes I found myself perfectly fere front any pain what ever, and n0 maatier what stooping or lifting work I d.x I never have the old pals. "It 1e 110w two year!! Hl11ce T was cored, will I think in Justly(' to Dodd'e Kidney Pale 1 havve the right to re- commend thein to anyone suffering from Kidney diemse." Probably Getting 1:Oen. Chicago Tribune, The young man with the malicloue gleam in elle eyes, who had dropped a ,time 11 1 h slot (,: the public tele- phone and obtained the desired 10n- nectiou, inquired In a falsetto voice: "Hello! le this Sties Suubbem?" "Yes," said the voice to: the other end of the wile. "Who le thele?e' "Beg pmtdan. I mini quite under- stand you." ''This Is It 188 Suubbetu. What do you--" "Be pardon. Speak a little novo plaluly, please. is this Sties Snub - hem 7" "It la Who are --f' "Deg pardon again, I can't quite catch ,.aur answer." "I sway .ills Is (fi8N Saubbem, Who "I am very sorry, but I never can understand anybody that is chew- ing gum and using a telephone You are chewing gum nre you not ?" "Y -y ee: "Plead take it out of your mouth. • • • Have you taken it out?" "Yes." "Well, that's all." Whereat he hung the receiver on the hook again and went out with a eati8fied grin an his (nee. Johnnycake, Talo two rnpfele of flour, two of t'oinme'ai, one of sugar, one tort - spoonful of atilt and mini ocll to- gether. Now take the well beaten yolks of fou' egg', two 0111)8 of torr cream end one tcaepoteaul of Id- oarbounte of Soda. Stir the two mlxturee well together. Iuke In n cake tin headed with a deep rim of buttered paper. This is the Page Menden! eleven ber wire feriae . Colt, sppring wl r not er mnerll-'t`e• with •het la itemiser, does not bmome 00 1 ht in winter -involutes It•,wn tension all ilio time. Pyre uprights In one niece stand n strain of l0( armada Common 0100 i pliaerlt r",t, t,s, break at tai woods. Peas te., ernamentalfenons, poultry /lotting, ore etand•rd the w riaov, The PapJ Wire Pence Co.,Co.,m ted, Reiterant., Ont. b6 John,1110. Iricntreal, P.O. 1 0 EDITH HITS 1111-�ti N 171 11, 111'': tier divorces and her cur - sets the .\utericutt W01111111 in 111 a bad why-. Thr bishops and clergymen are 111141 mizlug her on divorce and the 108'tere nee alter her on corth0L0. The divines say that In another bemired yearN she 10011'1 have a shred of morals., and the ep1,hllists declare that at the end of tl le century 6110 tron't hayed. remnant of tinge, Anil when all's meld n0,1 done, you knots, a woman without morale or lungs le 1101 a pretty sight, An eminent bishop got out Ids tongs the other day and attacked the di- vorce question very much am he would have handled a polecat. A bril- liant physician Is 1111 the rampage Jest now for coracle. Ile demands legal penalllos for the wearing of corsets, Ile elates that a woman who egnerzee her lungs, heart, ris, kidney, Intestines!, liver, spleen and letnereas le 1 criminal and (lottery OS to be t'ratel ns suoh. The bishop deelaree that If dlvorre gore on to the present Night!» 1 ratio there will be no American wife. T11e doctor submits that if corsets go on squeezing to the present appalling fashion the will be no American mother, I do not think it 1N quite fair to Name everything on the women. It le true tint marriage IN no longer the snored Institution it once was. It is true that our divorce paws are ',pry laud. Bit who made the divorce laws? Not the women, surely. Why does not the goat bishop pitch into the amen lawmakers of our great and ghurious country ? And for whom cdoe8 lovely woman squeeze bet' ,-abNt ? For whom 110e4 sem dye her hate and paint her lane ? For 00.1001 dory, sirs trick Ilerei if 011 like a eaten' ? Mist for women, surely. Men are vert much to bhyme toe tight deicing. 1'11 tell you why. The average man likes a slender woman. He i( always tntking about a "trim waist,' or a "811m, 1'011n,lol figure." Ile refers 'to a stout woman as "a fat slob," In the books he writes hie heroines are _always slim and willowy. They bend and away like tall, !denier Infos, A fat heroine le Impossible. Slenderness la rjeemelt Indlepen8a- blo in society or on the stage. Mlle nolVspnprrs reek with rtdvice to w01 11011 on Itow to get thin. And 80 the poor wretch' Who is piling up flesh eel knowing that with It ere going her youth and attraction reports to the deadly corset to help restrain her overflowing avoir- dupois. She pulls end tugs and strape and laces herself into an outeageouH altar, and all to weenie! 801111 man or men. "Wolman It the race; declares Dr. Roberto fiungloen1101, "end if she will not protect herself she should be proteelel. 1,00k at the Rom:ln women. They did not use the cor- sot, and their physical condition a•n.N 1 0rfeot. They wrro :amazons in stature, with et'ong limbs, large breast 11/14/ splendid 1houl,lere. They were the mothers of a ram' of the greatest wnrriore In rho world. Their 110)108 were learned men and genie HON. Why:' Ii'rnuse the parent organism was robust. Thnt'e all right. I'robnhly the nn- oleet Romans admired strong limbe, Targe brevets and splendid 011111 1 - dem,. .and their women strove to please them. 'fire modern American hankers after a trim. waist. So he gets it. Dietetic] or trying to secure leg- islation against the corset this; good rand earnest physician should attempt to begat a little sense Into the head of mankind. Ile. should urge parents to teach their boys certain wholesome truths, one of which; stereo? bo that when they are about to Hake wives they should look for Somali] Ing health! A /dill' waist. I1 there wag no demand for dls- tortel walst1 there would be nu supply. Women :are not the only fools on Garth, Now ata to the other count in the Indictment. 'Personally, I ane ns a rule opposed to divorce. But I ren take no such alarmist view of the situation las does the goal bishop who broke out all at 0110e. 1 4 10 not believe the .American woma1 18 go- ing to become a degraded being. 1 do not believe, the American home is going to he destroyed., There are, It is true, many light- headed men and women who think nothing of throwing off the metal - ego yoke and changing partners. But there tire many more strong souls who Nutter in silence, who never air their tt'Inle In the courts. Who Neck to preserve the hone and to uphold honor and decency. ' Moreover, there le more than one way of Teeing degraded. A wontan may be degraded through the di- ttoes! court, Yes. She may be more degraded by living with a drunkard, n. libertine, a criminal, an unspeakable beast. The divorces of fnehtonable 0o0i- ety, mere Nubterfugee for fresh amours, are disgraceful and (legend - leg. Put the divorce that sets a flue man e1 a noble weenie 11 free from hideous thraldom le a benefit t0 society. 'Illi' goad bishop had best save h18 mind. Ile could accomplish more by working for a liberal, universal al - verve law then by railing at the American woum1. Why, le there no- thing on eau'th tee matter with the American mall? Ilkes he no fauIte, n, Heullshes? Very few. I admit. .18 a rule Ile 18 nn tinny -going, kindly disposal, gonercns, i.ldnlgrnt husband. [rut hr loves the Hoch! glass anti he loves the society of women, especially those of slim wei0t8 enai tiny feet. HL wife grows a trifle stout with e,lv:uu'.'iu;' y -eves nal the carne of AT POOR MAN ; Clean Your Liver WITH • Iunyon's Liver Remedy. "People should die only from old age or oy accident "—Munyon. • I unhesitatingly pronounce my Cure for Liver troubles a discovery of the blgh- est Importance. sluggishness of that organ brings on blllouanens, sick head- ache, Indigestion, constipation and all the IIIc which follow those conditions. 117 Liver remedy acts promptly—purlftea the blood, clears the tongue and skin and makes you feel like o new person. The Liver is one ut the most Important or- gans of Ole human body. It la dangerous to neglect 11,--Munyon. •MUNYON'S REMEDIES. , Munyon's hirer Cure, 2&c a vial, Idunyon'e Blood Cure eradicates all !m. purities of the blend. Price 258. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia, and breaks up a cold In a few home. Price 2tc. Mw,yon's r'eme le liemedle8 are a boon 10 alt women. Mmya t'iteilzer restorers poet power 10 weak men. !'rice V. Personal letters addressed to Prof. Munynn, Philadelphia, U. s. A., eontaln• Ing details of sickness, will be answer- er, promptly and tree advice as to treat. '.Rent will be given, 148 maternity. Ile does not mean to be dishonorable. Cut -- Of coiree his wife should overlook ills peethdllleee for the Hake of the children and the glory of the church, AN a rule ah0 does. The American wife does a lot of eye -clothing. I nm tick "and tired of havingt woe I11011 Jumped on for everything that tinpprne from corsets to divorce. And I serve notice 011 btCllop and phyelc- hut that emu hove some responsibtile ties for Moth thee° evils. 1 want !lit Mee to do a little preachhog about the degradation of the .\ !Nolen n ea10 And 1 want doe, tore to tench melt to oho a%moth- firm of tiler children wa 0 not et squeezed -up Inver and pinched -up pnnerceH, hilt those of strong limbs and aplendld Hbouldere nn Junollke waists.—Edith Sessions Tupper. Our Created lenptatlons, Sometimes I • • • believe that ono of our grenlest strengths lies along the line of our greatest frailty, 1t all depentle upon our point 01 clew whether we regard tempta- tions as sent by malignannl powers to 1Neatil iN, or alreol0''es as sent out by a righteous power to meet them. There 14 11 thought of valor included in the last idea, and al hopefulness In the possibility It Nuggesl8 of our developing into sta- ture and girth, like the soldier* whom we train to meet a danger. Bud korrhnpm there IN leo little of comfort in it for most people. Groov- ing p11in8 are 011 affliction whoa they 0nee begin.—Tette Lillie 01(m- illoe lialekel's e31 0;,1 Maitre Cor- net'" lit the r'ealit'y. ss e A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painful and irregular periods by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Gratitude compels me to acknowl- edge the great merit of your Cog table Compound. I have suffered fr r four,years with irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness. pains in the hack and lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded the time to come which would only mean suffering to rue. Six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhant's %'e etttble('onipound brought me health and happiness in a few short myths, and was worth more than mouths under the doetor'e care, which really did net benefit mo at all, .l feel like another person 110(0. My aches and pains leave left me. I am satisfied there is no medicine so good for e1011 w0r11aa 00 your Vege- table Compound, and 1 advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help.''--51ns. II. A. 14,AscriAn e, 422 Broad St, Nas!u'ille. Tenn. —(5000 foo. frit a( ori ,inal of abooa letter proving peruineneit cannot be prudlceJ. When women aro trotbled with menstrual irregularities. weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that 'trearing-down feels int!, inflammation of the ovaries, backs ))rhe, they should remember there is one tried and true 1011110. Lydia E, pinkhactl'8l eprfab1,'Coulpound,