HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-02-26, Page 7i - ,�-,
�... ..rte,....- ^i- i i l An incident Attending toe Giving Out of
LITTJ(..1li HELPS IN THE KITCHEN. A SUCCESSFUL souvesilre of the Great Giraffe.
When Snaking salt fish it should be w "The first soavenurs I over knew of
placed in the conies with the skin side
baitng gllven out In tlho show business,"
up to freshen quickly; otherwise the I l said this olid Circus mans, "•we igiove away
salt lodges against the skin and it ILQ� ms �. Dunnet6 a Ull�ll 11Y�A78 pQQd �Tork in our show at the giraffe.
coo bad the
lt, �iY u11 11 big engll,teeu-feat giraffe. We never
takes lunger to becomo fresh. •
bald an attraction that beat the big gir-
CucumV.ers for pickles taken from affe. The people were'juat carried away
brine will freshen more quickly if cut Widely l�i.uWUe wLthhwm. TheTe wnsn't anything about
in two. If too small to be out inWidelyl two, d K u►I t! him but what interested them, even the
a slice taken from the stem and will slightest l,uttle things. On clear days,
answer' when wia were where we could do Lt
Sometimes pork is too salty to be oad the sun was right for as, we used
palatable. If so, when it is put to to (gleet the giraffe out in front of thecook if it is covered with cold what -Ile Relates Events in His Career of General Interest—Fol emitramee bf tlh+o main tent and 'have
or, get over the 'Sire until it boils, years He Suffered From Heart Trouble and Frequent. hum stand thexe Like a great sentry.
then removed, drained and fried as r q People used to stop amid look up cit
usual, it will be almost as sweet and ly from Collapse—On One Oocasion Five Doctors Were him, and then the farrst thimg, you know
nicely flavored as when fresh. somlebody'd discover his shadder. Any -
When sifting flour for cake It to in Attendance—He is Now Freed from His Old Enemy, body'd cast a long shadder at that hour
much handier to sift it onto a parr and Enjoys1118 Blessing Good Health.. of '� �, °f eaurse, but the girafWs
than Into a mixing bowl, particularlyn Oshadder reached as far as you could see.
if one sifts it several timea,as is us-
ually the case. And as sawn els cele anon bosun to look
alt it forty Others did, and then you'd
In smoothing flour in milk or water
to tissit a tiano as thickening for gravies, etc., see inm. I've seen o thousand people
eb ling up ].bins that shudder
if it is briskly beaten with a fork it amid
can be much mora quickly and easily � 1li` ', just stand a:ongl this edge c
than with a spoon. The egg beet- down past the mla,:m taut and the side -
done is even better than a fork. t show tents, just stan�di,ng, there looki.n'
er 1 at it. The fainly
giraffe was great, but his
A nail near the kitchen work table
•'; shedder fainly staggered 'ema. And
on which to hang' old papers is a great
convenience. Having them close at these they'd stand tilld the sun drop-
a folded paper is quickly slipped I. peed down under the edge of the en,rth,
under a kettle or hot dish before itamidthe fiwat things they know there
Is set on the table, and many other wr wasn't any shadder. `]then they'd stare
things that soon suggest themselves. I at each oither for a mainute, and then
A folded paper on the ironing table, .
all bunch up tog,etber algaien and look
beside the Iron stand on which to n1t the raffe illi] we tock bite in.
smooth the freshly boated iron, will S'
save much soil and wear from the "We used to have a lune on the prro-
Ironing sheet. ( gramme sayihig that at (3 a'olock and
If necessary to iron clothes soon at 9 o'clock the gTe+at giraffe would
after having been dampened, water as hand around loo water. That's where
hot as one can bear the hand in should A
he used for dampening, as the clothes ( I> the souveniTs came im. -We used, to give
will be in bottor condition for iron- away the glasses the water was In,. The
ing than when cold water ,is used. gltasses were markad, 'Souvenir of the
An oilcloth covering for. cupboard / Great Giraffe,' and whoever
and pantry shelves is one of the best got 'em
time and labor savers the busy house- / could keep 'em. The seats la our ehrcus
keeper can have. They render the fie- / f were divided infix foul sections. We
qu,ent changing of papers unnecessary; % Wed Ito give away four dozen tumblers'
a daily dusting or an occasional wipingI
with a damp cloth being ail that is ItI sit every performance) one in each se
needed to keep the .shelves clean and ; tion m Wil the time come we'd march
presentable. -the (giraffe around tto edgo of the ring,
After the egg beater has been used Lund In front of each section 'has keeper
if It is at onus put into clear water and p
given a few brisk turns, then dipped �" + I�Ei would (hand 'ham a wire holder holding[
in6t hot water as the wheel is still t A DOZEN GLASSES.
r, -,Lived, removed, shaken a little and �+
laid on the drying shelf of .he a tov;� * w,hi.ch he wtm,bd take by the handle im
until Ory, it will be cleaned and ra'idv :,.4 his mouth, Tabl as he was, he could
to hrnk away in its place in less time reach to the
than it takes to write about it. If easy highest back seats.
laid away to dry before washing it isIt's astonie,bi,W kgw people used to grab
a complicated and difficult task to 11 I far tbct3e ,Basses. It seams as t:lough
clean it. , 1 _ ` the ew'hole section would stand yp on
+d blte seats 'and all gwab for this holder
CARE OF WINTER FLOWERS. when Lt came near 'em. They'd spi,ld
A window or two in every home Ithe 'water and stet wet, and have the
should be filled with blooming plants,ga'eatest time you ever heard of, but
and with a little care and attention 'REV. W A. DUNNEri; nobody got hurt and so we just let her
bnrzz alom,g, But finally something did
they can be grown satisfactorily even From the Smith's Falls Record. ( N. H., five doctors h'ad arrived and happen'
by the inexperienced, and will be a Throughout Canada, from the west- "re im attand'amce before he regain- "At on,e evening entertainment when
source of delight to all during the prn boundary of Ontario to the A.tlan- ed consciousness, in all these cities he was serving out the souvendTs, when
tic Ocean, there is no name more wide- and towns the newspapers freely men- ewee coupe to one of the sections there
cold days when the ground is covered y known in temperance and evangel- tinned his affliction at the time. Mr. was a man sitting on the fourth tier
with snow. But it is not enough to 13tic work than that of the Rev. W. A. Dunnett said he had consulted many from the top who Picked up his boy,
merely supply them with water; the Dunnett, Mr. Dunnett has been 'the physicians, though he said, to be air.- a bright-lockim;g youngster about 10
leaves should be kept perfectly clean, Grand Vice -Councillor of Ontario and tireky fair, he had newer been any years old, 11110 was sitting alongside of
Quebec in the Royal Templars, and so great length of time under treatment him and salt bLm up an his Shoulder.
for plants breathe by their leaves, and opular Is he among the members of by any one doctor, because of hie Itln- The giraffe lifted the holder cop am,d
if their surfaces are clogged Nwith the order that id Montreal there is a erant mode of life. In the early part s"10, it fd-ng the seats with' the
dust, respiration is hindlared, or per- Royal Templar council named "Dun- of the summer of 1890, while in Brook- people grabbing, amid w,hon in come near
haps altogether prevented. klett Council" in his honor. For more villa assisting the pastor of the Wall this man with the boy on his shoulder
than ten years Mr. Dunnett has been street Methodist church in evangelis- the buLn just lifted Mi
Plants perspire by their leaves,too, going from place to plane pursuing his tic services, he was speaking of his boy couldsts•n,d (r,4 his shta Ida eso &t He
and dirt of course impedes this per- good work, sometimes assisting resi- trouble to a frieancl who urger] him to was going 6Y? set one arnyway, and w.hsn
sphratibn, and as they also feed in the dent minlsters, sometimes conducting try Dr. Williams' Pink rills, and next the holder came alonig the boy made a
same manner, it is evident that there a series of gospol temperance meotings da,y presented him with a dozen boxes. grab for it. T,h^re was only one glass
independently, but always laboring '. 1' took the pills," said Mr. Dunnett, left in it then„ but the boy got it. He
can be no thriving and growth with- for the good of his fellows. While in 'and I declare to you I am awell man upset it lifting It aut•of the holder, and
oiyt real cleanliness. It is a good Smith's Falls a few months ago in con- to -dally. I used to worr a great deal scattered the waiter all over everybody,
plan oR washdays to wash the plants nection with his work he dropped in- over the pain about ma �aart, but that but that didn't count; he get the glass,
In the warm suds after the clothes are to the Record office for a little visit is ail done now, an ,
d I feel like anew and was bollu.ng down w-iith, itwhen
with the editor. During the converm- man." All this the reverend gentle- his father, instead a4 feelinlg bine jounce
taken out. set them in the tub and tion the Record ventured to remark man told In a simple, conversational down on his sbouddmr, felt h -is weight
Vve them a thorough bath. This will that his duties entailed an enormous I way, and when it wad suggested that growing l.ighte,r and the next mnuite
so id in getting
therid of an
dany insects amount of hard work. To this Mr. Dun -1 be let it be known, be rWther demurr- hs and everybody also sane the boy mus-
t plants, nett assented, but added that in his ed, becaklse, as he p•utl tut, " I am almost pem,ded Ln the a.ls. Whom the giraffe
It is very important to have your present physical condition he was eq afraid to may I am cured, and yet there saw 'the last glass go has lifted. the hold-
TTr�bants free from insects, Scale, that ual to any amount of hard work. But to no man enjoying better health, to- er, 'the way he always did, to dear the
roublesome insect post, that clings so it was not always so, he said, and then day than I do," eaple before swing i
closet to the stems of the plants that he g mP it around and
Y p gave the writer the fallowing lit- At that time, at Mr. Dunnett's re- own to the keener. Th's time when he
it Is scarcely discernible, may usually tie personal history, with permission I quest, his statement was only publish- lifted it the bottoms on the outside of
be conquered by Pyrethrupowder. to make it public. ,He said that fon the ed locally, but now writing under the th,e cuff of the boy's jacket got caught
S tinkle it liberally upon the stems past thirteen years be had been great- date of Jan. 21st, from Fitchburg in the 'wires. They tvero sewed on the
of the plants wherever the flat, brown dy troubled with a pain in the region Mass., where he has been conductingway mothers sew an, buttons, and the
ppooalow are seen. After twenty-foar of his heart, from which he was unable! a very successful series Of evangelisti�ld.'the you m�steT weight oasi,ly, and
hours wash it off. Repeat this process to get any relief. At times, It was a meetings, be safv9:--"I had held back whran 'the ,giraffe lifted th
at the end of aweek, and in all pro- dull, heavy pain, at others sharp and from writing in regard to my health, lie lifted the boy wi,th it. 0 holder 111P
lftabllity the plants will be entirely pevere. Oftentimes it rendered him, ,not because I had forgotten, but be- "T.hr^,n there was a, scene. We knew
rfree from the peat. unfit for his engagements, and at all cause i.'t seemed too good to be true th,n giraffe wou,ldn't h.tirt a fly, but it
If you should be so unfortunate as times it made it difficult to move. His that the old time pain had gone. I looked ,to the people a' though
tp have some of your plants frosted, trouble was always visible to the pub- g he had
9 p cannot say whether itwill ever return, I the 'boy in his teeth, and was ggDing
remove them as soon as discovered to lie and frequently when conducting but I can certainly say it has not to slins- himthroulgh th+ other end of
a cool place where the temperature service he would give out and doctors troubled me for months, and I am is I nlnvh-re, The who're naildience rose up
can be gradually raised until it reach- had to be called in to attend him. This beater health than I have been for and stand I,ea,nin,g farwarcl watcluln' and
eo that to which the plants have been Occurred to him in the Yonge street years. I have gained in flesh, hence n ..ver sa.yln' boo, hurt the giraffe swung
accU,stomed. A sudden rise in the tem- church, Toronto, the Baptist church, im weight. I would prefer not to say his eneck
Y•r,ature, after plants have been bad- around as gentle, and easy
Woodstock, N.B.; the Methodist church, anything about my appetite; like the as tl" arm of a nen,ne and lowered the
y frosted, thaws them too rapidly and Carleton Place, Ont. On another occas poor, it is ever with me. Yee ; I at- WidiP,r and the boy hangyng to lit safe
results disastrously. Trim off the ten- sion white preaching to an awl -lance of tribute my good health to Dr. Wil- intto tlue arms of.. the keeper In the
der shoots which are beyond help, and 2,500 People in the Franklin Street liams' Pink Pills, and you, have my ring, The � dropped
than gradually raise the temperature Congregational chweb, at ManchiepWr, ttonsenit to use the fact." Y ehadm't even dr ed the
during the day untiil it reaches the ac- - _ tuunbler.
ustomed malrlr. They may then be 7',hen 'the peom'Le (Ed holler, and the
Placed In their proper Pisces, but it whein the child is old enough a little"'
is not vanity to make a study of geraffe 'walked off aS stately as you,
(night be well. to shade them for a day brush should be put into his hand, and what one can wear appropriately; rath- P'le'ase, the boy cliimbod. back up to his
ar two from the sun. he should be taught to use of it. Aft- er, it should be every girl's dui pop and the Show wept on. Nobody
A splendid and effective protection er this the mother- or nurse should see Y 10 hurt, but whom we ruin out of the tumb-
,4g1Linst a oertaitn amount of cold is se- that it is used regularly. make herself as attractive as she can Tera we l aid an hand wo adopted anotber 1 tired by placing over the plants cones The mouth of ewithout being child should be g "loud." There are shadestyle s y of souven,iT."
maele from paper. In this manner cold examined two or three times a year by and colors in one's hair, oyes and com- - --
drafts from around the windows on. the dentist, and any little cavities plexioln thnit should decide what looks STRIVE ON.
aevere nights can be kept from harm- should be stopped with a temporary best on one. Of course, then there
ing too plants. filling. indeed. as much care should be are pretty contrasts whish tone and If your seat is too hard to sit upon
taken of the first as of the second', set brigill.ten, and that can be combined stand up. If a rock rises before you,
CARE OF CHILDREN'S TEETH, of teeth, for they are, in their tanaz wttll charming effect. One shod Toll it away or climb over it. If you
orary way, just as necensary to health Sturdy what calor& bring out the best want money, earn it. If you wish for
,Beoauso the milk -teeth must, In the beauety and comfort- I effects In one's appearance and always confidence,
course of nature, fall out In a few ears, -- be Partial to them. There are colors Prove nt with
worthy of
P permanent det FOR FROZEN PLANTS. which seems to show UIP ever defect in it. Don't be content with doing what
to glue lace to the ,par- skin and complexion and if ybut anotltler Stas dons -surpass 1 t. Deserve
amts are apt to assume that Lt is hoe- People success and it will come. The ho was
Pls)mt growers do not always agree as knew it ,they would never select them, not born a man. The sun does not
I— to Pay special attention to thea.; to their method of reviving plants that Just because a ,thing looks well on one rico like a rocket or
they think it will be time enough to have been frozen. Many affirm that woman is no reason that all can wear g0 down like tL
Instruct the child in the care of the it. Because a tall, slim girl is so st 1- bullet It
from a gu:a ; slowly but
this plant must be immediately aprink- ish; in a plaid y surely [t makes its round, and .never
teeth when be has his permanent set. gaunt her short stout liras. It is as easy to be a lender as
This its a mistake, Led with cold welter, stud others state sister tllionilid not conclude that it a wbeelhorsa; if the ,job be long, the
• 1n the first place, it is novel, too early thiom, but botthot thin is h ag ee astto the advise l'y foolish did be wouldm4bop eramiso. anuau- Pay will be greater; iP the task be bard,
to inculcate good habits in the child, linty °2 beeptnig [theme out of ,the light lair woman to wear a dregs with g ills more competeht you must be to do
Pia- it.
and him peremanelnt teethe will always for several days, and letting the beat flounced longthlwiAo stripes in it, thus .-I-
be better taken care of H he has been thaw [helm out By. wally. E eo An' �h bier height.
thing as a bit A QUIET GAME.
taught to brush the ;temporar cot of 1&00 al?o thlo neck, there is room Tomm
from the time whom he could use a fish• selection. ,A Piece of Cream lace is y -Cam we play at keeping store
tooth-bruah. Fashion Is a tyrant; at least, women ifar more soft looking and becoming hn here, mamma?
It is also in the interest of the child's follow its dictates blindly regardless eto the average Complezian than dead 'Mamma, who has a headache -Yea,
and man's good looks, comfort and or blue white. Only the girls with milk- but you must be very quiet.
health that the m•i,lk-teetb should be °f whether a certain style or color io white transparent skins look charm- Tolmimy-All ri'gh't, wall pretankl we
Preserved as long as possible. One of Suited to thlam or not. The fact that ing in clear white In daylight. Very don't advertise.
their Most important functions is to this ow that is the "fashion" brooks Often it is agly the little things one
]scop a picas in the ,laws for the sea of no argutmont. Whbn green is the needs tlo -study-probably a bow of rib- 'A STRETCH OF COUNTRY.
omd sot, and ii they fall out too soon bon► or gam* such trifle.
the strand teeth may also come too soon fash`lonable color women of all sizes A Pair of Sumpenders-Tho haugwon1
and fi and his assistant.and out of their regular place; flue Bores', hale or sallow, dark or TO BD ENVIED•
the later teeth' will not have room en- fair, wear it. Wflfen purple recently Seedy IkldivlBn E Can't
rush, and will kis twisted sidewise or was this ri ge it was worn everywhere. you siva a Active Man Wanted
pushed in :front of., or behind the 0th- It in becoming to very few, but that demo to a Poor homeless wil;nou g /
era in the raw, g Well -Dressed Individual -No home? 17 -read this advertisement and bice]
The first teeth', like the second, are F.eemed to make no difference. Some Willy, imam you're in luck. I've got a give Putnnm'a Painless Corn Extractor
required also for the proper mastic&- girlst'hink that certain colors are suit- bill im un7 porlkot for X200 taaos an atrional: It never falls to cure. Acts In
Dion of the food, which Is all the more ed to tomMIM( Sia months overdue, that I oen't t1ty-fou, hlours and causes neithibr
neceleslary inthe growing child, who ' Frequently we See a sci- pay;, plain nor discomfort. Putnam's (bre
needs more nourishment than an older I faced blonde wearing n scarlet ribbon Extractor extracta corns. It is the heat,
person of twice bis size, abo-A Mer, thron.t; or the frockl�ed-face TOO MUCH Pon HIM. - " ' "''�'`
j finally. the appearance of n child girl with red hair who lack,persists in � Very
with throw or tour span spdc>Qs among wearin n1e blue, when black, ale b'{rat Iilondfke idI[ll[anakre--I Doverhire t0eth is far tram being attractive, g P p your bet nlnd (roileso you a'huoAred
and parrnts should he ashnmed to see gmy and deep cream, or combinations ounces.
them av a consequence of 'their own of these °°lora, are so becoming to her. yoocamd KlohdMe Mtlllonairo-•Pork or
n('4910et. tat not watching' proixwly over' The eoLiir fashion is always abused. be- gold dustI ' CEYLON TEA are lar er than ev
Tho preaer<vnti,on of the milk -teeth. I' imt Klondike Millionaire -,Pork 1 g
An soon as the tooth appear ,they minae no one can �czsa>c every irl>rade Second Klondike MI1ltonalre. sadly. cellencs oft s superb blend. Have
Ebould b4 eleilh%4 with' * calf cloth, and and h °' Let me out of it, I TO^ ea�ackages•-.-from
1 ^J��i�g is
Copy Editor, looking up from leis
work -What do you call a mea who
kills his son?
Prance rejoices on July 14th, the derte
°f the dlestrtuctian Df the d3alstiflle.
Englaud, always staid and uneunotion-
It is not generally known that Cof-
fee and Cocoa
Rich red blood—esserttal to perfect health — this
Pwelyherbal tonic Insures good health. At drug.
are several times more
expensive a drink than tea, yet many
fate. eco. a package. wooDwARD n$U1cINY Go..
aA obs -rues the biTthdray of the Queen
25c. a pound for tea. The agents for.P111
'jOW is the Tillie t0 Purify YOld
oi' a quirt way, but takes no note of the
their popular 40c. Ceylon blend con-
tains two hundned and seventy-five
lx>untless amnuveraaries of her great bid-
tariral events.
Yaks hood's Sarsaparilla and
guard Against Dstn,ger.
lEl r annual national hoHdaya are
three Molidays, two of wihirh follow
to frea from trashy China and japan Teas,
,a , 36, 40, 5° and 6o eta. per pound,
All it
er, and again the freight cost of pack-
gra religious Sunday festivals, so that
grocers keep -black and mixed.
Duri,nlg the winter, owing to close
the workmaab has really three days to
..�.�---� : •-�.�--_;
confinement, diminished perapirat[ou
and other causes, the blood has become
whil,ch to visit his old horns in the noun-
try °r O0° ills seacoast, a plan of com-
imlmverisbed and impure. In the sprin g
biniing semthm,ent and practical good for
(Aeodrditng to a tailor w'ho has had
the millions purity, enrich and vitalize
which the workiing classes of England
wearly a life experience, it is possible
their blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
ares anai.aly aaydebted to Sir John L ub-
with little study to tell within a llt-
is the greatest and beat Spring
Medicine, because it is the greatesb
AS 11,i.Le has became more strenuous
tie what part of Eingland a man comes
and best blood purifier medical soi-
and exacting Americans have added to
from simply by the color of his clotbr
once ever produced.
the number of their pational holidays.
ing. Fawn is in great demand among
It la Wonderful
TO a large extent even the irreligious
among them resist attempts to do away
Lincoln people. In the southern noun•
a change can be made by a few
wi)bh the keeptitaig• of Sunday as a nation-
ties, such as Cormlwall and Somerset,
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this
' al weekly season of rest. They know
the preference is for navy blue. In
season. This medicine creates an ap-
'tilat "all work sand no splay" is destrurr
North Wales the native choice Is for
petite, tones and strengthens the dig.
j Con to the strength of a man or it na-
tight cloth of a yellow that, but fur-
estive organs, regulates the bowels,
ther south you meet with dark shaded
gives sweet, refreshing sleep, quiets
the nerves, overcomes that tired feel-
of brown. There is more black cloth
sold hn Lancashire than in any other
ing and give renewed energy and
county, excepting Middlesex, and yet iii
ambition; strength and vigor.
'Ain editor in Kansas asks for the low-
the adjoining countries north, the pub-
®®� 9 ` arsa-
est tenders to supply him with a sack
bio fanoy runs to drab and tweeds.
Mela who wear clothes of a reddish -
of oae pair of pants and a hat.
brown tint are invariably Yorkshire -
Ze rho bests -in fact the One True Blood Purif er,
1 for
He says that is the way memhants do
bulsinress with' him when they want a
, six 45. C. I. Hood & o., Lowell, Maes
dollar's worth of job priating,
Hood's Pil15curelivertlle,eaN to take
oast' to operate, 25 cents,
The New WD ran
Now enters upon pursuits formerly,
What do you think the girlie are
monopolized by men. But the feminine
wearing now9 Finger rings mads of
Taking Life Bard, Indeed—Worrying Over
nerves are still hers and she suffers
from toothache. To her we recommend
horseshoe nails] They are certainly not
His worries.
Nerviline - nerve -Lain cure - cureq
pretty or graceful, but they are said
"I wondleT," said the middle-aged man,
toothache in a moment. Nerviline the
most marvellous pain remedy known
to bring good luck to the wearer on
certain conditions. To be a genuine
"why we take 1'iife so 'hard. At the very
to science. Nerviline may be used effi-.
obarm the ring must be made from a
best we have only seventy-five or a
caciously for all nerve pain. I
nail taken from a horseshoe found by
hundred years of Lit, and yet we fume
and fuse and worry all through ht. I
the owner herself and nobody else.
This is tmLen to a jeweler, who hent
thim,k of it, sometimes, here I am -well,
She told me I was her kLag-that I
had crowned ber fife.
it to fit her little finger and outs oft
the superfluous length. The ring is
say 50, with maybe twe,n,ty years yet
Well ?
not welded together and the head at
ahee,ad; the cold chances are against my
And -then sbe turned around and
the nail stands for the setting. 'There's
g.,ttin�g so mnlay, but take a hopeful
said she would never speak to me again
no way of proving it, but those who
view and say I've gat twenty. But
kf I didn't stop smoking.
have adopted these ornaments say
that's a miighty short thme, beh? But
that they have just as•much luck as a
justt think of fr,ittejAng aNmy that time
T. Ainslie Young, Rector, High
horseshoe itself bung over the door
un kvorry I
".When I Ithiink off these things I
School, Quebec, writes: -I should like
to add another testimonial to the num-
with ends up.
make up my miiad them, by ex'acky I I
will not worry amy more; and oabh I
bers you have already received in fav-
— '
think I take things more philosophi-
or of Quickeure." I have Leen iron-
bled a good deal lately with Boils, and
cably tha m I used to, But let comae lbt-
tie Thing' came up; I don't fly all to
tried Quiekeure. I cam only describe
Only thvee people know the pass -
pieces over it, maybe, but it drags and
its effect as magical; in about half a
minute after application, I felt as
word of the Tower of London, and they
grimds. And an'lry twenty years to 1'uvei
though I had never been troubled at
are the Queen, the Lord Mayor and the
What's a waste of time I What
all, and was completely well in two
Constable. The password is sent to
poor, mise•rabbe critters we are I"
days. Wishing you every success with
the Lord Mayor quarterly, signed by
your valuable discovery.
Her Majesty. It is merely a survival
of an old oustom.
North American .Life.
The repults of the busiiness for 1897
of this progressive bcma company, as
published, and ]:articularly referred to
by the " Monetary Times," Canada's
leading financial journal, in its Issue
of January 28, 1898, clearly shows the
unexcelled financial position to which
this company has attained, and is a
guarantee that the company is a good
one for its policy -holders. ,
New policies lasued amount to.... 0.4,660,021.00
Cash Jucome (interest and pre-
mlu ms) .......................... 69%M.49
Total waste ........................ 9,773,117.22
Net surplus after providing for
a 11l abilitles....... 427,18g1.33
The reserve fund stande at ....... 9,215,A 1.00
The total insurance in force is.... 18,015.673.1 0
"The assets of the compa4ny are in ex-
cellent gtsape and well looked after-
itn0 cated by the increase in cash in-
come from initerest, etc., l�hdwieng an
fiencrease of $15,092, whiffle the Interest
and rents due and secured at the and
of the year show„ core acre told, a do -
ere -ass. Notwit'listandl4ugi that $271,000
was paid to po?lcy-diolderrs during the
yeas, 'tlhe company ie able to show all
add:tiun bf more bbaan a quarter of a
mi'bliean to reserve. Tam annuity and
reserve funds a®oumit to the large oum
of $2 245,920, a handsome showing."
,'We referred last year to the com-
pany's marked carning power as shown
in the favorable results attained und-
er its investment policies. And there
Is still further to be noted, the 'clean'
character of its assets. The table sub-
mitted in Hon. Mr. Allan's speech,
showing details of the assets and.the
percentage of each class among them,
presents this is an interesting way.
The North American Life bas in vari-
ous respects made an enviable name
for itself. As a progressive, cargfully
managed and sound ooiiipany, it is en-
titled to rank high, and thls year, it
is able to show a noteworthy share of
the aggregate increase of business by
Canadian Companies. The company de-
serves congratulation on having se-
cured, in its knew premises on King-st.,
west, offices' which are difficult to
surpass in beAuty, modernness and con-
WM. McCABE, FIA., Managing Di-
tector. '
L. GOLDMAN, Secretary.
Days Set Apart ny PiMerent Countries for
Specini Rejoicing.
Eilght of the Central' and Borth Am-
eritam states ceidbrate the day when
they became itadfependent of a mother -
power;. Spada or Portulgtul' beiing the
pavers whose yokes were thrown off by
these u,nqu:et states. The bi,rtbday of
Brazid is September 7th; of Chile, Sep-
tember 7th; of Ohille, September 18th;
of Ecundbr, August 18th; of Columbia
July 20th; off. Veinezuelsei, July 5bh.; of
RoRvin„ Aulgust 13th, of PeTu, July 28th;
and of Costa Rica, September 15th.
Most of the Euaopean nations make
a ubliversal ,holwday of the birthday of
the isovereigin. Stpadn prefers to cole-
bralto t51hT 2mdb, the day when She es-
ra,ped from the iron (banal of Napoleon.
W YC908
New Style Tires
are constantly pushing old
makes to the wall. Why be
content with old fashioned
styles ?
Res -Flex TIES
have pushed themselves to the
foremost ranks entirely on their
40 merit. Our 'IT" catalogue is
full ofintdrest to every RIDER.
40Send for it. Dealers quoted.
- AM11Rt0AN TIRE 00., Limited,
I" and 1110 King et. W., -TORONTO.
10**** -*4****
That our stiles of LUDELLA
er and Are Increasing, argue the eco :
you trIed it P 25, 40, 50 or bac,
leading sttkr6keepers.
Copy Editor, looking up from leis
work -What do you call a mea who
kills his son?
Funny Editor- 5unnyside.
It is not generally known that Cof-
fee and Cocoa
Rich red blood—esserttal to perfect health — this
Pwelyherbal tonic Insures good health. At drug.
are several times more
expensive a drink than tea, yet many
fate. eco. a package. wooDwARD n$U1cINY Go..
grumble when asked to pay more than
25c. a pound for tea. The agents for.P111
Ludella tell as that -each pound of
their popular 40c. Ceylon blend con-
tains two hundned and seventy-five
cups, or Seven for one cent. They say
a good tea has more strength than the
cheaper grades, therefozae goes farth- ,
DR• SPROULB, B. n (graduate of Dante
University, Irols,ntil Speciuliat Chr,n,o
er, and again the freight cost of pack-
Diseases of the Nerves, Blood, Conatitational Ailments;
Ing and growing are the same Per
m$atrod Vital Energy. Letters confidentially answered.
sb., Toroatu.
pound on a
p poor tea As on a good
one. This does not mean that 25c. Lu-
della is not good value, in fact we won-
140 ACRES -WELL LOCATED -in the west; owner
Heads low prise ea -y lUr+ns; lower for cash;
der how it can be produced for the
write ab once. Iteop fns reference.
money, but that the 40e. Is better, and
W. JAMIE'OV, Merettton, Ont.
at such a small additional cost per cup,
gives the consumer greater ,satisfaction
Tea Agents Wanted. Any ell act
in the end. This Ludella,which Is hav-
can make
leis" uny selling our moods in thotr own local.
ing an enormous Sala, is put in sealed
lead t 25,
Ity Write to R. B. HAYHOE & CO., Importer(
of Teas
package � 40, 50 and 160
4enis per lb.
and COtfeee, 48 Church St., Toronto.
___ ---._..___.__.. --- __ .
Mamma-Do'a't you like your dollie,
Ethel ?
Little Ethel -Yell, mamma. But do
you thlak her compl f,xion N natural?
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they oan-
not reach the coat of the dlaoas0. Cata,rh
is a blood or coaetitutional dixome, and In
order to cure it ybu must take internoi
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curti' ie tak.
en internally and 'acts directly on
bhe blood and mucous surfaoss, Hall's Catarrh
Cure to not a quark medtoine. It was pros-
cribed by one of the beat physicians in this
country for years, and ks P regular prescrip-
Mon, Itis colaspos,ed of tib boat tontca known,
combined with the best blood purifiers,
toting directly onptbo mucous surtviro gfat•,ee. The
what pr ducescomb asoioh wo dof ertul rosrllts tin tour
ing Catarrh.' Rend tot, teettmontalu, free
l Ir. J. CHF1ikY & CO.. Props., Toledo, U,
Sold by Druggi,ta. prico 760
Hall's Family Pills are the hest,
' Ftbel-Wby didn't you attend Prof.
Dumps's lecture an the "Cycles of
Time? It was very baterestinlg.
Maude -The subject of the lecture
was embarrassing to me. You know,
daer, I bought my wheel an the in-
stallment plan,
It is Foolish to Nei ect any ,find of Tiles
—(Dare Them at the Beglanin2.
PIles am almsiple In the beginning and,
rsLof2y cured. They Dela be cured even
title wnanrt stages without pain or
blood. quiLekly, surely, and com-
pletal . T11iere is only, one remedy that
welll do it-"Trask'a Magnetic Oint-
It allays the taflamnlation immedi-
ately, UL "Is the Irritated surface, and,
with continued treatment, reduces the
pwellbag and puts the irnembmnes in
good, sound, healthy condition. The
cure is thorough sad permanent.
lure are came voluntary and unso-
licited. testimonials we have lately,re-
oei ved 1—
•Tudgea Hoary D. Barron, St. Croix
Falls, says: "I have suffered- severe-
ly frotm piles, and found. no remedy
until I applied 'Trask's Magn:'tio Oint-
liamnt.' It relieved. me at once, and
perma,mittly, to the present time."
Daniel JobA', of Liberty, says: -"My'
w,06 was afflicted with the piles for'
ben yeaiv or more, find have -„tried
many eminent physicians, but receiv-
ed no benefit until I wun induced by
your agent 'Mere, Dr. Beaver, to use
Track's Magnetic Ointment,' and I
cam now say saltie is entirely cured with
threa bottles."
. C. L. Root, Monroeville, says: -"I
have been using your'Trask's Magnet.
bo Ointment' for bleeding piles, and
find It ihelpe Me more then anything
else I have trial."
All druggists sell Trnak's Mhgnetto
Oip,ti oftt. It Is 25 and. 40 cents fol+
cuu MOA packs.g, % and is put uponlyl
RIbT Frtmds U. Ka,htio, 127 clay street,
ron to.
Butter, 9ggs, Apples, Frult, &c., to
Cor. of West Market and Oolborns Sts., TORONT01
Toronto Cutting School.
YOUNG MEN, Learn to Cut. No better trait
or profession. Write for partiouiAr,+,
Ile Yong. St, Toronto
Dominion Line Steamships.
11ontreal and Quebec to Liverpool Illaumtnor�
lort'and to Liverpool in winter. Lar,ao an
hgttivin sg rew steamships 'Labrador, van-
'ouver.' 'Dominion,' '19ootsman,' ' Yorkshire.'
,, 7F1011 accommodatlon for First Caiin, See.
Ind Cnbtn and Stecra1�o passengers. date of
passaagge--First Cabin, g50 ; Second Cabin, $34;
Meerdwe 022.60 and upwards according ti)
steamer and berth. For all ipformation apply
o Local Agonto, or DAVID Tonselvcs & Co„
00311 Agents, 17 Sb. Sacrament St., Montreal.
YM�1 v*�
J. N. ANDERSON, M.D., No. 6 Oolloga-et
_. -------------- — __
Intelligent ladies and gentlemen call be su
plie}t with genteel and very PROFITABL
rwnolo t enr. Industry is the a;aenttial N
t . to sacure GOOD RE tSUNI
ION. Can give the addreas ofrepreaeq ativa
wh^ tics jusb olearod $113 In 2i DAYS, a� can
be made e, •NvAnr own HOME.
S3 Richmond Wwk _ .rY-aa _ . _
L -RE I =
As the warm sun softens the snow
bank, it settles away and the top of
the wire fence appears above the sur-
face. Tihds is Jack Frost's opportunity
and he hardly waits the sun's setting
before the snow is frozen fast to the
wire. Then he rejoices to see TUB
PAGE go down as others have gone be.
fore. .But behold, when the mornino
sun loosens his grip, UP come the coiled
springS as perfect as ever, and pools
Tack Is again forced to bow down and
,u>rrender to elasticity.
Price list and illustrated printed
matter on application to the local Page
Fence dealer or to
P. 8.-360 our "ad" neat week.
YOU CAN'T PULL cotton over your eyes tend call it wool.
HARTFORD YOU CAN'T PULL .nd o011 tbae i good i ria filen ovq ►poor faFeri
��� Vi �(�('1 are not made that way. They aro
1 S made the way that has stood the
test --the best way -our way. Vin's
fully gtlaraetee every pair of road tires and repair them FREE Op' COST.
Write us for answers to your questlons about tires.
WINK Ptd Winnipogqubb rwsor Mal arks. TORONTO TIRE CO., Llntlt6d,
HALIKAII--Office opens let April. 9 Adalaldo Ste West,
f • II ..
y .
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