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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-02-26, Page 6
.w 1"11111— - - ,,;W, .. __ , M b . . 11 IS I AIN t I IS -A RESULT. 4c► pis a►©vote ®4 w 11 T is too a warning or an ap- peal from the special organ In which it exists for relief. Just as much is it a mute appeal for assistance when It i� i occurs in the eyes its when it doccurs in the heart. You 0 wouldu't neglect a pain in the heart, then why neglect one in the ages? Aching, paining, tired eyes itis but the result of t7 overstrain of some kind. Re- move or overcome the cause of this strain and the pain dis- P i .. YVURS EYESComfort ARE results SAVED 1'i % FROM BECOMING WORSE. 6 It is our business to assist you to perfect, comfortable, painless vision whether you he young;, C (� middle-aged or old, We do it by 0 fitting you with the glasses hest E 1•. ; Stilted to overcome your special 0 0 defect of vision. For- these o l- A glasses we charge but modet:a,te- P ly. $1.00 is an ordinary price 0 but higher of course if you want iD best pebble lenses or gold 0 frames. o i. a We take away Will you 0 W) all risk to buy- by Ing by gn,tran- us n teeing satisrac- on ' o tion or refund this t P' oP your money. basin ? 0 oe�e�e�e oe�e�emeo 0 d ALLEN WILSON DRUGGI�TSAND OPTICIANS. 6 0� e�e� e-�eo•s�e•�•om enol!) i ®•ise®���®taus®®®�ax�©®m®®vo • 1 ®TSE a . 0 ET W Of Clocks and t " t • Watches will go 0 i. a wrc:iilg at tinges all ® need repairing. s .If yours goes astray bring it to us and 06 e° we will put it to 00 e rights. leo cure a no pay. Perhaps 0 YOU �Eti®� • e e A New Watch. With • our large stock we are m obound to have Something • that will suit you while o "` e' the prices will please • 1.O you. No douse sells a cheaper than we do. ,a e Same with CLUCKS, • s SILVERWARE, etc. I 0 = J. B. Rumball0 , .. 0 Leader of Jewellery Fashion. io•••o••oono•••••o•®s®•a�•i I P ' u' Apples Wanted. II want all the Marketable Apples. I can buy i, and will pay the highest price commensurate with foreign quotations. Bold your apples un- til you have ascertained from ole what I can pay for them. Do not make any mistake. 978 t•f D. CANTELON', Clinton. �, w' Cottan and Lot for Sale. The undersigned ofrers for sale a frame cottage of four rooms, with :can -to. Centrally situated. Good water and drainage. Will b! sold cheap. Apply to W. C. �ARLIL. Clinton, Nov. lq,• , a - GOD TIMES HAVE COME. You can afford to indulge yourself or your family to the luxury of a good weekly news- paper and a quarterly magazine of Action. you can get both of these publications with almost a library of good novels for $S per year. __' , /ti&-'VOflft " 'iTlfU[i 9W world -famed for its brightness and the most complete General Weekly—covering a wider range of subjects suited to the tastes of men end•women of culture and refinement than any journal—aver published, Subscription price, !a per annum. TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS, a n56 -page Quarterly Magasine of fiction, appearing the first day of March, June, September and De - comber, and publishing original novels by the boat writers of the day and a mass of short siories, poems, burlesques, 'witticisms, etc. Subscription price, $2 per annum. Club price for both, $D per annum. You can have both of these if you subscribe NOW and a bonus of 10 novels selected from the list below. Regular price for each, 60 cents, All sent postpaid. Remit $S in New York exchange, express or podtdi money order, or by registered letter, together with a list of the foo novels selected, by tfumbers; to TOWN TOPICS, DOS Fifth Avenue, Now Work. J =,ftw. •e-,TIR SALT[ Or A Bout.. Bq c. wt. a. MtLellin. , T'F E COUSIN OP THE KIN' I1A. S. V*oWV vmrA. 1yFS/x MONTHS IN HA FIS nyy C1�aAce 1 CHnthain �"b+Tlllr SKIRTS OP CHANCB,• Dy Captain Alfred Thomppson. to-ANTHONV KENT fly chades Stokes 1Vayne. i ii—AN HCLIPSH OP VIRTUE. %y�champlon aluell. 1 st`.•AN UNSP$AKABLH SIREN. U john Ge tdt V one. ,,*+.THAT DRIIADPUL WOMAN. y N Y I vivand V naG oar ..e X111 CLINTONNLI rr M*.+It,4.-...%1'<J RD. a 10 5 8laovale. Is tlno �4nutluy'SclfQol >I►eeaYlna? - � � ,�...' � YOU RUN The 11ip;Xgtitau to the ]Klondike. � _ S Mr. John Burgess left on 111onday It took two and it half years fromNot fora 1anR tiara has the Sunday.#. ale `�71 ®�' for Peterborough where Ile will attend the first discovery of gold in California school as tel Institution been handled the Y1► 1 g vietoriv (�the high court meeting of the C. O. F. fur the popu @tion of that tevritor to SOabsoluteliy without gloves as in • NORISK He was accompanied as far as 'Toronto increase front 15,OOU to 92,000. YAt Edward Bok's editorial on "The Decayy 1-4111111010- by by Mrs. Burgess and daughter Nellie. least 100000, ro9 ect6rs will ad- (if the Sunday School" in the March A political meeting was held in the vitnee upon DawsonpOity tonal io vicin- °Ladies' Home Journal. Mr. Buk has prillb �l•tS111PE3t3 if Forester's Hall on Monday evening. itY in the first six or seven months of evidently studied his subject closely, . The two candidates,. Messrs. Mooney 1$88 -less than it, year from rile time and the results have been far �QUlf1d >t0 b(.' (,7, a,p�] Whatever and Hislop spoke, also Mr. Diblcenson, when the world first heard of the new from' Batt isfactory, judging by the ' of Wingbam, and Mr. Blalr, of Bruesele. gold sensattutt. The clays of '49 and way it' which he handles the the entire topic. In words which no in buying a Watch here. ion Wednesday of last week at 5 werepeaceful cornpar lush to years later one can inistindermtaud, with a Wheat is booming up i11 price and fal'mels, "The backbone of O'clock Mr. W. J. Johnston and Miss other dramatis: fact-thisarin of old- sure aim, he pillories the average Sun- Oft` Our county , will have money in every pocket. We guarantee PEI;FF,CT Maggie Stewart were united in mar Y g day school, and declares it to be "a y hunters will spend far transportation o riage in the Methodist church. The and supplies rebuke' to intelligence and a discredit Our preparations to meet the wants of the people are ver ex satisfaction with whatever pplfea before the end of the year gg P p bride was supported by Mies Sarah fully $60,000,000 -four times its much to the church.' Probably no religious P P y Johnston, sister of the groom. The as the pprobable output of gold 1 -From article of recent publication will cause tensive. Men and Bops can outfit here in Watch you buy Of u9, and groom was supported by k1r. William "The Itueh to the Klondike," by Sam so much comment or evoke such bitter Stewart, brother of the bride. After Stone Bush, in American Monthlycontroversyy as this remarkable editor- READY - To been in bu$1110sS the ceremony about one hundred and Review of Reviews for March. ial by the Philadelphia editor. READY TO NEAR C L OT H I N C long enough to prove that twenty guests went to the house of the ---------- ---- To greater advantage than most any other Mice. bride's father where a very enjoyable THE GOLD RUSH P we keep our promises, time was spent. IF YOU WISH TO BE WELL -- Our `,Mock of Men's and Boys' Now Felt Hats which the spring Mise West, of Woodstock, has arm IS NOT MORE ENTHUSIASTIC THAN ARE THE We know all about the raved here to keep house for her You must fortify your System against PRAISES OF TUB THOUSANDS WHO ARE will create tL large demand for 1$ 1'l -gilt U In style and the brother Rev. W. J. West, M. A. the attacks of disease. Volur blood P y must be kept urs O AMERICAN TODAY BECAUSE of eOUTH price is considered extremely l,lotlerate. WatClle$ We sell and sell We ars sorry to hear of the death of P pure, your stomach and AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. 'y Mre. Ramsay, of the first line of Mor, digestive organs in order, your appetite Its worth our while to them for just what they ria on Friar last. The funeral took good• Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi- and your Tweeds las 1 eriortto soft make thas store ttlueuSore of to in aof utinhwear , Y Thousands verify what is claimed of p place on Monday. � to build you up, purify and enrich your ing. Prices will be found low for quality offered. South American Kidney t�ure. Great- q Y are. Don't you need One, blood and give you strength. It creates q g, p The trade hits already y est, safest, quickest satin y alis y begun in Dress Stuffs. Its quite wonderful an appetite and gives digestive power. Hent results. A specific; for kidney alis- how quickly the ladies discover where the nice thing@ are. BIRTHS. --- P Y ° HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family orders in young or old, male or female, . BEATTIE,—In Se tforth, on Sunday, Feb. 20th, Y It enjoys the distinction of a hearty e �,,pP�� the wife of J. 1Vesley Beattie, of a daughter. cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate, recommendation by most eminent plry- �/ o0 1iLESTON.—in Exeter, on Sunday, Feb. 20th -- _ sicians. It relieves die tressing kidney P., r ®• ��,rd� the wife of H, E. Huoston, of a daughter, disease in six hours. Never Pails to REID.—In soaforth on Frida L,'eh. 18th' CLINTON MARLCET REPOR`rs. the cure if persisted in. Acts directly on Jeweller and Expert Watch wife of Mr. Jae. Heid, of a son. (Oorrected every Wednesday afternoon.) the circulation and eradicates from theGILROY & WISEMANp FISHER. -In Tuokeramith, on Thursday, Feb. Fat 1. Wheat, new ............. 0 96 to 0 98 system all solids and foreign substances Repairer. 24th, the wits of Mr. Joseph Fisher, of a son, Barley, 0 30 to 0 35 which dl, -g up these sanitary organs of `- CLINTON. HART. In MoKillo on Sunda Feb. 20th the ..... ` ' ' '-' N, Y Uats........................... 0 28 to 019 the jtuman anatomy. You teat what wife of Mr. Jas. Hurt, n a sun others have Silver Novelties -little things- peas.* ............................. 0 50 to 0 55 proved. These words from -- -^------•-- -- Big wife o Mr. Fordw r Thursday, Feb. 17th, Rye ..•., . , ....... 0 89 to 0 40 a letter received to -day : "I, despaired Permit Big sues if you choose; the wife of Mr. •,. J Crisp, of a son. Potatoes per bush new,.. 0 41 to 0 45 of recovery until I used South American Things for baby -Baby Rings; IRELAND.—In Blyth, on February ernd, to Mr. Butter lose in basket.... 0 13 to 0 14 Kidney Cure." —Sold by Watts & Co. �• � O Good +Lod cheap at CREWS'. and Mrs. James Ireland, a daughter. MORRISH.—In Clinton, on the 25 inst., to Mr. Butter in tub ...............: 0 13 t0 0 13 -- I -- - and Mrs. Marsh Morrish, a daughter. Eggs per doz.................. 0 14 to 0 15 The death of Eliza Uase, beloved - _ SUMMERHILL, Cabbageper doz............ 0 40 to 0 , 61 wife of Mr. John Glenn will be learned day.......,........•.•............ 6 00 to 6 00 An eas chair at hard prices 1II,,ICf1;tAGL3. by her many friends with deep regret. y l ` We should like to ee a much larger Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 25 The sad event took place at the family is not all etaschair at all. The �+ `} atterel tnee at Sunday School. The LAMONT-THOM.-At Revelstoke, on the 12th. Short Wood, Dry ............ 1 75 to 2 00 residence, Hibbert, early Wednesday y `< 7 . s I C. E. meeting last week was taken by January, by iheRov. ,Nit. Frew, the Presby- "hart Wood, G.t'een.,,......,1 50 to 1 75 morning of Isar week. The deceased Chairs you buy from 11$ al'e s_ 7 Mrs. Bingham in the absence of .Mr.' terian minis to:, of Nal on, Mr P. Lamont, of Live flogs................0 00 to 4 40 hits been it patient sufferer from par•- Wetherall. Mr. Chris. Lowery is ill the Canada Drug and Bookstore, of Nelson, Brit Pork per cwt.. ... - .. ..,.. . ... 6 00 to 6 00 itlysis for over,six years, and bore her easy and the prices you pay lt,r+ ( ,1")1 ish Columbia, to Miss Vary Thom, oldest 4 afiicti°u with Christian fortitude. with an attack of scarlet fever. daughter of her. James Thum, .formerly of PPlea per bbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 f0 ' them are also easy. _ —_ Mitchell. Dried Apples par Ib........ 0 03�t° 0 04 She was highly respected in Hibbert 4 y. - IVFLKES-ALLISON.-At Phoenix Cit Ari_ Ducl:s per lb ................. 0 05i10 tl O6 and also the place of her birth and her !/ A PAIN CRIPPLE. y' rurke a per ib .............. 0 07 to 0 O8 loath will ho regretted by all. She In Bedroom Suites rod Side-('lyp,1tt,)vtl;h1)lf,',!;)',''III'), �� . zona, on February 0th, Mr. I•red. C., second Y p leaves to mourn her demise a sorrow son of Mr Charles 11'eekes, of Varna, to Mise Geese per lb... ............... 0 05 to 0 O6 i,� �'.1,� // TORTURED AND TORMENTED WITH Maggie Allison, of Phoenix city, Chickens per air............ 0 30 to 0 35 ing husband and four children, who boards we have a line we are t• • (/ / SCIATICA -60L L H haus the sympathy of a large circle of `� )) 11 - 1, 1 I (' In tl � I have By Roy. 1�1r. 1\'001 ................. , RIiEL':YSATI6i<I AND .. � 18 f0 () 18 AMERICAN ItHEUMATIC CURE \VORKS Leitch, at the residence of the bride's father, " " friends. offering at pl'1Ce$ which are -- . r THE WONDER, her. Fronk R. hlcl{eehnie, of Tor,?nto, to uiss COUNTRY PRODUCE -TORONTO• ``more than easy." Margaret Amelia, second daughter of Mr. `U Mrs. John Fisher, Woodstock, N.' B., James Bennoeh, of Stratford. -- Toronto,R. GALEN AND HUMOURS. In Feb.Feb.25th-Eggs-Unchang- carrying on a Business like we do -which extends from the Atlantic t0 writes: "I had been suffering far over -DALRYMPLE-3101R—At the residence of ed, Litned are noted at, 15 to 15 c, the Pacific and also through Great Britain we are compelled to keepch+tn in th;ee years from ulnacul,ir rheumatism the bride's mother, Mrs. Gonrge noir, of Hen- new laid at 17 W 18c and held fresh Ht Seeing that he died about 1700 years Our designs. Our New Designs are now read for the market. A w oY Inst attacand k OYes al can PhtLd or ` Ve nl weeks eonacute s, oM ssbiIsabell i moir,lto tor. RobertnDid- 15 to 16c. ago, we can forgive the great Galen fon 'season's designs are left but not enough to offer to the wholesale trade. We Y Q not being quite up to date in physielo- want t0 c1e:Lr thew out and if low prices will do it they will soon go. If you I was unable to walk or attend to m rymple,o. of moose Jaw N. IV.. T. Potatoes— uiet. On track here car gy. As the physicists of his day be- are looking for Bargains come to its and you will get them• honsehold duties. Tried several re- STEWART—DUW.—At the residence of the lots etre quoted tit around 58 to 60c, per lieved our environmeDt to be composed UNDERTAKING. -In this Department our Stock is complete medics, and physicians failed to give bride's father, on Februrry 23rd, by Rev. P. hag; and on the street, in faruter's' of tour elements -fire air, earth and P p ate and prices rate rel ter. I saw South American Scutt, mr. Neil D. Stewart, to miss Johanna loads, at 65 to 70c per bag. water, ' ' as low as the lowest, We have the finest Hearses and Outf}ts in the Count Rheumatic Cure advertised and bought Dow, daughter of David Dow, Esq,, all of Ful.- so the doctors believed the y. larten. Poultry -About steady. Prices for human body to contain four humburs- Night and .`r,J. y calls for Undertaking answered at residence of our gc bottle. Fou bottlesteffectedrtul lot Of turkers range , phlegm, yellow Funeral Director, J. W. ChidleY, King street, opposite Foundry. perfect, mo00mB-GREEN.-.In Goderioh Township on ge from 10 to lac per lb • bloodblack bile and Wednesday, Fob. 23rd, at the residence of the geese, 7c pec lb ; chickens, 40 to 60e per bile. They held a man's disposition n permanent cure." -Sold by Watts & Co bride's uncle, mr. George (been, by the Rev. pair ; and ducks, 50 to 70c per pair. to be regulated by the amount and wt. Goodwin, mr. McComb of Palmoraton to eine Beans -Dull. Choice hand-picked quality of these several humours. Ex-����® T Ido 0. Green, formerly of Gorrie. beans sell at 80 to 90c; and common at cess of bile produced the melancholy, -------------__..__�_-_- JoHNST0:v-STEWART.- In the methodist 49 to 50c Pet, bush. one of yellow bile the bilous tempera- CLINTON. em era- ® �s9 church, Bluevale, on Feb. 16th, by Rev. D. p , A C)i;1NTON• Rogers, torr. \Ym. J. Johnston, of ,Morris, to menta, e° called. g Dried apples—Slow. Dealers quote Too much of one or the other of these FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WOOD AND COAL YARD' miss maggio, eldest daughter of Mr. Thea, new stock at about 3 to 411c delivered __ Stewart, of Btuevate. 'her e, and small lots resell here at 4. to humours, or a vitiationhanie them, was, in I f. ti�. �)k11C�)1@ ' Subscriber is prepared to promptly fill all or CHADNEY—PERDUE.— At the residence of 5C; ,Cud evaporated at 9 to 9ic for new. the opinion of the ancient mediciners, _ �e :l[anaxer. dors for Wood and Coal. which wi,l be sold at the bride's mother, East Wawanosh, on Feb, the cause of acute disease. Hence --- — -- — ^— lowest rates. Offlce on Isaac Street, at LAVIS' 23rd, by Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blyth, ,lies Honey—Slow. Rotund lots of choice, their r IMPLEMENTS ItOi�MS. \V. wHEATLA/Y delivered here practice of frequent purging and Sue, to Mr. F. tabes ter of .urs. James Par- r will bring shout 8c. blood-letting. There was both sense 1898 New �rled �g■.��.Ls 1Q08 -_____-__.__. __ �.._ ._ ._ _.._._�.__ __ due, to Mr. F. Chamney. Dealers gnats from 6 to 7c per, lb for 10 and login in it, too; as modern doctors �+ ]Fruits 1((]] - to 60 -ib tins, and in comb at around NOTICE. Ill LIPIIS $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen sections. admit, when driven into a Corner. , Maple 3 rut But when Galen taught that the Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. p syrup -Selling Iltng in 60 ll Eric in liver was headquarters for the BLOOD in RA 98, Jane, a In Morris. on Friday, rnbay,Eehruary d 64 large' tins, and 65 to 70c in scall Lina. Currants - F iliatras and Fine Vostizzas. Tharp being ease misunderstanding with re 1898, Jane, beloved wife of Allan Ramsay, aged 84 the body, he was a bit on one side of the Bard to wreelcage, let it be distinctly understood j'ears and months. Baled hay - Practicallynothing Y q California Prunes and Elime Figs. that If any person takes poescssion of any kind doing. Car lots are quot,ed,, delivered mark : et that the liver is he7Ld- uarterS , of wreckage and fails to report to Hie I shall at BEWLEY.—In Morris, on Friday, February 18th, for a lot of trouble and pain is as evident , once to -lie proceedings. Remember this is the 1898• Eva May, ,oungo,t daughter of ltiahard here, at tLCOnnd $8 t0 $8.75, and NO 2 at CROSSE sold BLACKWELL PEELS LemoD OraDge and Cifrou. last warning L shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Bewley, oged B years and 9 months, $7.50. to day ae it was in the ages when medi , , Recoiver of, Wreclm Goderich, DUNOAN.—In Elma, on Feb, lltb, Olt e, layant Straw—Very dtill. Cttr lots are cine,wasin. the hands of the priests and NUTS -Filberts, �. S. Almonds and Wall`nuts. Goderlch, Sept. 7th 1891. daughter of George Duncan, aged 5 montlis, quoted at $4 50 to $5 on track. surgery in the hands of the barbers. COOKING FIGS for 50, a 1b. NICE OLD RAISINS for 5e. s lb _��r..m MORRISON -In Nowry, on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, et it is no more than justice to the --. _—__ John Morrison, aged 83 years, 2 months and 22 Hops -Brewers not buying. Prices liver to remember that it does a tre- _ dave. keep as follows :-Round lots deliver- —Headquarters for A IV/4D I A N INGLIS.—In Howick, on Friday, Feb. 18th, 1894, ed here, strictly fancy, 1897'x, X15 to 16c; mendous deal of work, and does it PPACIFIC �� {� @� Geo. Inglis,. aged 30 yeare, 1 month and 21 days, choice, 14 to 14ic ; No. 1, 13c ; and amazingly well, so long as it gate any- TEAS, SIIGARS CROCgERY GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, ACi ■ I C R i ■ SHARPIN.—In Corrie, on Saturday, l+'ebrnary 19th, 1896's, nominal. thing like fair freatment ; but when ' r thew Jane ie, a d 8 yea, bub m wife of Mat- either the owner OP a particular liver or ' ' McKay, Block, thew Sharpie, aged 84 years, S months and 14 his ancestors for him) Overloads and AAI days' Toronto Farmers' Slarket. overdrives this faithful servant he not o e ' ���Clinton• SETTLERS' TRAINS FIAMredW. Ha menta on 7 yeday, Feb. 22nd, , Allred W. Hammett, aged 17 years, d0 months only finds he alae liumoure, but very Ben and 22 days. Toronto. Ont., Feb. 25th.—On the AND CRANKY humours, at that. Will leave Toronto 9 p. in. every TUESD.tY during BURKE.—In Seafortb, on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, street to -day about 7,400 bush- That is what happened to Mrs. Hamer MARCfIand APRIL ilan,youngestdaughter of Mrs. Burke, aged 8 Cls Of ,tfwh t so delivered; 1,000 ,i PP ' Slaughtered Sale of Crockery, Etc. (provided suRlctent baeiness offers) years. bushels of wheat sold at 84 t0 88c for who says "Eight years ago I .began to suffer from liver complaint. M a And ran via SMITH'S FALLS to PEAREN.—In Wingharo, on Feh, 20th, Diary Ann white, 93 to 95ic for red, and 86i t0 $7iC P Y P- r l t f the t M area a htadelund oto o h ate atthow Po ed . K petite was nor, old f a after meals To m for ossa a 1B I had ode room f , 3.000 bu P for vin importation shale O P g f barb r ��� ITp��ana too 75 years,' at 38 to 44c ; 3,000 bushels of ottsoat much pain and fulness around the I otter CROCKERY, CHINand GLASSWARE forconeemonth fruntrlst Feb. JOHNSTON,—In East Wawanosh, on February 20th peas at 57 CANADIAN NORTHWEST, David Johnston, aged 67, years. .34 to 34 c • 200 bushels chest and aides. at the following prices :- Pasaaengnrs travelling without live stock abould to 61c, and 20(1 bushels of rye at 51J to "I suffered excruciating pain from the Printed Toilet Sets, 10 pieces at... $ 225 regular price $ 300 leave Turemo 12.80 p, m, same days. -- - - 52c. On the hay market 30 loads passing of gall -stones. About every Printed and Gold Stiped, 10 pieces at...... , . 3 25 11 3 75 The only all Canadian direct fast line NOW IS THE TIME were offered at $7 to $9.25, and three three weeks I was attacked with this Gilt and Enamelled, 10 pieces at ........... . . . 5 56 7 50 -- of straw at $8 to 7.50. Dressed hogs agonising trouble, and what I Suffered 97 Piece Dinner Sets at .. 1. TO THa HEART OF THE TO purify your blood and fortify your sold at $6 to $0.20. • with it is past description."""" """' 13 00 4. 15 00 KLONDIKE AND YUKON COLD FIELDS, system against the debilatin effects Wheat, white, per hu.,$ 84 to 80 P P Breakfast Plates Der doz......Plates per d... .... 90 1 10 s g g $ I consulted several doctors, who pre- P ...... , .... �, 9(1 Ip via Canadian Pacific Railway. of Spring weather. At no other sea- ds red .. . . ...... . . .... 93 to 951J scribed for me, but. their medicines af- Tea Plates per doz........ , ....... .. .......,, 65 16 75 do goose .............. 88 to 87i forded only temporary relief. FANCY C13INA and GLASSWARE at cost. Cell and seo our Stock no trouble to show Goods. Be LOWf S'P RATES. FASTb;fiT TIDAL. Son is the bitter taste in the mouth e0 Burley per hush....... 38 t0" 44 rr 25o.Tea onthe Market. irryour Monsoon and Blue Ribbon Tea. Those Toas are never peddled. ONLY THROUGIH SEH VICK, prominent, the breath so offensive, the Year after year I continued to suf- . Oats per bush,........:. 34 to 34 fer, and carne almost to despair of ever drowsy dizziness so frequent or that ex- peas per hush........ 57 to 61 Tourist Card P ' N Robson Grocer Albeet Street trema tir«•d feeling so prevalent. Buckwheat per bush.... 00 to 3¢ being free from the disease. • )H:avh `Pec�l� Serious consP uenees o ten follow this tr 9 • q [tYe per t,ush........... , 511 to 52 In January, 1894, I read about cases _ Tu Tho lassitudT, which degenerates into de- Beans, per bush........ 80 to W like mine having been cured by Mother Pacific Coast. 3 bility most favorable for the appearance Onions, native, per bag 50 t0 80 Seigel's Curative Syrup, and determined For Over Fifty Years OATS I Gat full p,r lridars and oopy of "Settlers' Index" of disorders. Your system is all run Dressed hogs.......... 6 00 Lo 0 25 to give it a trial. I got a supply of this Y • • • • • . • • •, • ......... 700 to 925 medicine and after tak;n it a sbor MRS. WINlions SOOTHING SYRUP has been _ and "lih,nkike and Yukon Gald I9elde" lrnro Hoy down,' @nil your blood is to an impure Ha , g used by millions of mothers for their childre,, Canadian Paeiflo it llway Agent, or C. E. Mc PH Ell- and impovished condition. The blood Straw..... ... 6 00 to 750 time I felt marvellous benefit, and by while teething. If disturbed at night and SON, A. C. P. A•, Toronto, Ont. must be enriched apd purified if you are 1':ggs, new laid.......... 19 to 22 continuing to use it I was at length broken of your rest by a sick child suffering Wanted in exchange, Rutter, lb.lrolls......... 75 to 16 and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at —�—_ _�___� _ ___ to have good be, completely cured. once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow'sBooth- 12 lbs. C;hOi g} Chickens pet, ppair....... `0 to EO "Since that time 1 hove bad no re•• ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will to - For a g sod Spring Medicine we con, Turkeys per It,.......... 09 to 11 laevo the poor little sufferer infinedfatel De- Of the al ,enjoyedend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about c f r fidenlly recomm, nd Hood's Sarsapa- pucka per fisnr..,......... 50 to 75 painful ailment ai.dOatmeal for rills. By its use the blood is purified, Geese per 11', ... , , ... , .. 5 to 0� good health. Pt. It cures Diarrhoea r,egulates Lhe Stomach t enriched and vitalized that tired feel- PotatoeSI "I have strongly recommended this and bowels, cures \'�fnd Colic, softens the 13 lbs. Choice Rheumatism.?per bag...... 85 to 70 g Y energy tothe hhole %stem. " givestonoa 's 1.blis Oa,tS ing entirely Overcome, and the whole Mutton per lh...... 5 t° g remarkable remedy to many friends, soarg , reduces the whole syation 'Mia. tnalow'a Family I011r fol' r t boil given strength and vigor. The Beef, fore ............. . 4 to 5 who have benefited by employing it Sootlntn Syrup" for children teething is plea - Y g g g i sant to the taste and is the prescription of one l These etre Our present rates SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE appetite is restored and sharpened., the do hind .......... . . . 8 to 8 when in need of a medicine. Wishing of the oldest and best female physicians and but we don't know how A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. g K y veil, ..... . ....... ... 7 '1 others to know of what has done so nurses in tho United States, Price twenty-fve long they will last. ,digestive organs toned and the kidneys t° 8 centsabottle. Sold all druggists L+Liiih, carcase, per Ib.. 7 to 08 much for me, I uoneant to the ublioa, r throught and liver invigorated. p out the world." Be sure and ask for " Rs. Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. Relief in six hours Whab a Riad mes. Those who have never tried flood's - -_ tion of this statement. (Signed) (Mre.) WINSLOW'S SOOTHVG.`'SYRUP. sage to the pain -racked, bed•rldden, deo- grR. Hamer, 52, Catherine Street, Burn- - -- - " ni ® OLS�Nr$ • CLINTON Sarsaparilla abould do so this spring. TItO LIVO fetOCk Market. , , pairing sufferer from rhonmattem's cruel It is a thoroughly honest and reliable grOnA Road, Sheffield, May 5th, 1897.' the fisheries of the Dominion yield- ■ Qrasp—and this is a fact, borne out by re oration purely ve stable anal in TORONTO. One of the offices of the liver is to ex- ed Over $20,000,000 last year and em. volumes of evidence, for this greatest of P P , p vegetable, crete the bile acid, the bile pigment (or ployed 75,000 rnen. VICTORIA STREET. pain conquerors. fact the One True Blood Purifier. Toronto. Feb, 25 -At the Western oolouring matter), and other materials. Rheumatism Is curable -South Ameri. Thousands testify to its carative power. cattle market this morning we had it One of these iv a product of nerve THE KLONDYKE'S WEALTH can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute It is the ideal Spring medicine. total of fifty loads, including some re- waste, and goes by the musical name of LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND specific, and radically cures the most ___ _. v_ Ceipta yesterday; Chore wetel,400hu s, stubborncassslnfrom ono t0 throe days. f3 OHOLESTEILINE. NOW, wb3n this opera- WOULD BE NO INDUCEMENT TO THE A local merchant, Galt, wishes to itc- 500 sheep and Inuibs, 40 calves, and a tion is arrested and the bile stn nates WAGON FACTORY, "I suffered intensely from rheumatism knowledge the receipt of $8.00 from fete milkers. r stagnates, SUFFERER IF IT STOOD BETWHUN HIM and sciatica. Tried many remedies and bile sand is apt to form 1n some of the AND PERFECT HHALTH. Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. many phyaI lana without an lastin some one signed Oonscience, and as- II ort cattle were quiet,, at from 31 small ducts or Daseaggea and gets oar- benofit, a few donee of sout� Amer sures them that their letter 'and con- to 4Ic per pound. Shipping !,aIle are Tied into the all- tT . First -Clava Buggies on hand and made to can Rheumatic Cure wonderfully helped tents were a reciated laid re nest. I g blit dere. 'lhen, as H. IH. Little, calinpbonferd,rwrites: nn q weak, and sell at from 3 to 3,c with a order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and mo; two ill,,bottles cured me," -B. ErretG the sand grains grow by aoaretion, they About One year ago 1 bird a severe Mornekvtuo, Ont. granted. The letter said :-"1 have at- fraction more for extra choice. � repainting promptly attend to, Prices reason- Thousands ofttYeed elaven tell the tended Crossley r4 Nunt.et's meetings For the best rttdea of butchers' there manufaeture'the gall -stones Which gave attack of typhoid fever and it left my same story -don't Buffer an hover Burin the puler month and I enclose g our correspondent such terrible pain. system in +t very weak and norvous able. lon�or.-22 was it better enguiry, but we had little The are ver hard to dIelail a and condition in fact y -_____._ __ __ you 3 conscience money and 90c in- really j�cod stn here. For the poorer Y Y g ' s hired of recover' so bade thin I tie - _.__ _ terest. God has forgiven me and I cattle there was a weak feeling, and sometimes it is necessary to resort to P Y• I was induced to PUMPS 1 PUMPS 1 Sold by Watts & Co. hope you `viii," , g' surgical means to do it, try South American Nervine. Ina i J� lJ1�A,tCA7 i _ 111111111 n the stuff did not seal. For a Pew choice But the thin to bear in mind is that tt on want a flratolesr, wo11•mnda pump, one the ,.,. r remarkably abort time any health im- -_;:2 ___ _.-_-__ lots 3Jc wag occasionally paid, but R + ! .Y ru cjund 3 to Bic. wits the avers. a for gall -stones are a symptom of biliousness roved, and when [ had taken a few 'will give you antionction, send lour ore,er to th 1 g P ottles I wits completely cured and undersigned. He will dtg and eknn wells and do it a The best sod shiff. Medium sold at, 2 to 3o and that biliousness is commonly a rd- the olaecat rices. He also haudten a urat•clas h �' Ca�arr� t; have better health since than for years p seeds grown aro per rh, and common at 21i to 2 per lb. sult and symptom of the Stomach comb {,afore."- Snld by Wattt & Co. FORCE PUMP. Y's. Tho best We had it fair demand for mlikera Plaint we know of as dyspepsia, or indl JAMES FERGUSON seeds sown are Ferry's. to•d+L hut, t ices were more easy, estion in a ohronie form. In aurin The War Office scheme for thn re - The boat seeds known are y' p Yr $40 8 r g was m eat affliction for a num- epPoait tdneen's Hotel - Ulgh street UHnton. terry's. It pays to plant y � being +Lhr,ut the top figure, this painful and dangerous malady, form of the British rtriny adds 2;3,00(1 an9•tt bar of ears. for id not bel � y DOC 9 d P Too ru,tny Iambs and sheep were Miother Seigel's Syrup begins, as it men to the n,rmy, oho htr'geat increase �E+ ��� me'.Byafltiend'sadVlcelbeganusing here,+loci prlcesrel+txed it little. Sheep s ould, at the beginning(thr stotlnaeh), suet' proposed 117 Great Britain fiIimo _ your medicines, and was perfectly sold at around 3 and 3je, and lymbs and never rests until all the affected of peach. -� cured after talon three bottles of wt•re sidling 4round 5e per lb. organs are sat right. amo��Rds i Calves were nrtchnnged, at from $2 One more word in your attentive ear. Ask your grocer 6�2111��Iylte_r7lw Ask the dealer forthemr Bend Cor er s to each for ordinary, and top to $0 or Mind your digestion Don't let your trggAV's 0990 ANNU/tL y $7 each for choice veitla, stomach remain in a disordered condi � lwvwl 1 STILATFOR.D, ON'r. andgetallthatstcoodand tion. Un the first Signs of It take, A l• here --the lateAi and � Iu the hog market there teas a t1r'm r Ii r t t • .�7 Our aanrnea aro praetionl and aro siferod to tha the boss or tone anal a slig ht adVlLllco. For the blother Seigel a Syrup. 'rhenyoU wont .i rt r k v nblla with eon8donno that the Instruation it D. M. FEftItY 6 00.1 Sarsaparilla: •rI Y,I . v befit here Mr. Harris Paid 5c, with bs bilious, and will know no rpore of ;a, t p . - I '" Moron hand the boat toboobtained rn Ebisaoun- Wlndder, Ont. It ht hogs at 41c, and fat tit 4Jc, per lb, AallsatonPa than good old Galen, M. D., 4' col ;r�,x ! o�� fi try. 1 nndividual Ins truction. Students can ante r J MU1ZPt'iv "fie .11L. O N it N.J gf a I. nyt i • Oirsnl— • , A t, e , A 1 kinds are wanted. knew of the Blarneyr Stone, � W. J. Tdi.LIOTT, rrinelfiat I 'r'Aabliaand ),,Iry, urv.,t:ut,l l:txat . -1 To Improvers of Stock- • The undersigned has on his premises, 10th concession, Goderich Township, f;;" ' A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms:—$i and $2. , 1 A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Terms:—$1, with the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered. g gf. Terms:—$1, with privilege of returning. 11 This is a rare chance to improve your stock I T. C. EDMUNDS, r.; 965-tf. Owner. Cottan and Lot for Sale. The undersigned ofrers for sale a frame cottage of four rooms, with :can -to. Centrally situated. Good water and drainage. Will b! sold cheap. Apply to W. C. �ARLIL. Clinton, Nov. lq,• , a - GOD TIMES HAVE COME. You can afford to indulge yourself or your family to the luxury of a good weekly news- paper and a quarterly magazine of Action. you can get both of these publications with almost a library of good novels for $S per year. __' , /ti&-'VOflft " 'iTlfU[i 9W world -famed for its brightness and the most complete General Weekly—covering a wider range of subjects suited to the tastes of men end•women of culture and refinement than any journal—aver published, Subscription price, !a per annum. TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS, a n56 -page Quarterly Magasine of fiction, appearing the first day of March, June, September and De - comber, and publishing original novels by the boat writers of the day and a mass of short siories, poems, burlesques, 'witticisms, etc. Subscription price, $2 per annum. Club price for both, $D per annum. You can have both of these if you subscribe NOW and a bonus of 10 novels selected from the list below. Regular price for each, 60 cents, All sent postpaid. Remit $S in New York exchange, express or podtdi money order, or by registered letter, together with a list of the foo novels selected, by tfumbers; to TOWN TOPICS, DOS Fifth Avenue, Now Work. J =,ftw. •e-,TIR SALT[ Or A Bout.. Bq c. wt. a. MtLellin. , T'F E COUSIN OP THE KIN' I1A. S. V*oWV vmrA. 1yFS/x MONTHS IN HA FIS nyy C1�aAce 1 CHnthain �"b+Tlllr SKIRTS OP CHANCB,• Dy Captain Alfred Thomppson. to-ANTHONV KENT fly chades Stokes 1Vayne. i ii—AN HCLIPSH OP VIRTUE. %y�champlon aluell. 1 st`.•AN UNSP$AKABLH SIREN. U john Ge tdt V one. ,,*+.THAT DRIIADPUL WOMAN. y N Y I vivand V naG oar ..e X111 CLINTONNLI rr M*.+It,4.-...%1'<J RD. a 10 5 8laovale. Is tlno �4nutluy'SclfQol >I►eeaYlna? - � � ,�...' � YOU RUN The 11ip;Xgtitau to the ]Klondike. � _ S Mr. John Burgess left on 111onday It took two and it half years fromNot fora 1anR tiara has the Sunday.#. ale `�71 ®�' for Peterborough where Ile will attend the first discovery of gold in California school as tel Institution been handled the Y1► 1 g vietoriv (�the high court meeting of the C. O. F. fur the popu @tion of that tevritor to SOabsoluteliy without gloves as in • NORISK He was accompanied as far as 'Toronto increase front 15,OOU to 92,000. YAt Edward Bok's editorial on "The Decayy 1-4111111010- by by Mrs. Burgess and daughter Nellie. least 100000, ro9 ect6rs will ad- (if the Sunday School" in the March A political meeting was held in the vitnee upon DawsonpOity tonal io vicin- °Ladies' Home Journal. Mr. Buk has prillb �l•tS111PE3t3 if Forester's Hall on Monday evening. itY in the first six or seven months of evidently studied his subject closely, . The two candidates,. Messrs. Mooney 1$88 -less than it, year from rile time and the results have been far �QUlf1d >t0 b(.' (,7, a,p�] Whatever and Hislop spoke, also Mr. Diblcenson, when the world first heard of the new from' Batt isfactory, judging by the ' of Wingbam, and Mr. Blalr, of Bruesele. gold sensattutt. The clays of '49 and way it' which he handles the the entire topic. In words which no in buying a Watch here. ion Wednesday of last week at 5 werepeaceful cornpar lush to years later one can inistindermtaud, with a Wheat is booming up i11 price and fal'mels, "The backbone of O'clock Mr. W. J. Johnston and Miss other dramatis: fact-thisarin of old- sure aim, he pillories the average Sun- Oft` Our county , will have money in every pocket. We guarantee PEI;FF,CT Maggie Stewart were united in mar Y g day school, and declares it to be "a y hunters will spend far transportation o riage in the Methodist church. The and supplies rebuke' to intelligence and a discredit Our preparations to meet the wants of the people are ver ex satisfaction with whatever pplfea before the end of the year gg P p bride was supported by Mies Sarah fully $60,000,000 -four times its much to the church.' Probably no religious P P y Johnston, sister of the groom. The as the pprobable output of gold 1 -From article of recent publication will cause tensive. Men and Bops can outfit here in Watch you buy Of u9, and groom was supported by k1r. William "The Itueh to the Klondike," by Sam so much comment or evoke such bitter Stewart, brother of the bride. After Stone Bush, in American Monthlycontroversyy as this remarkable editor- READY - To been in bu$1110sS the ceremony about one hundred and Review of Reviews for March. ial by the Philadelphia editor. READY TO NEAR C L OT H I N C long enough to prove that twenty guests went to the house of the ---------- ---- To greater advantage than most any other Mice. bride's father where a very enjoyable THE GOLD RUSH P we keep our promises, time was spent. IF YOU WISH TO BE WELL -- Our `,Mock of Men's and Boys' Now Felt Hats which the spring Mise West, of Woodstock, has arm IS NOT MORE ENTHUSIASTIC THAN ARE THE We know all about the raved here to keep house for her You must fortify your System against PRAISES OF TUB THOUSANDS WHO ARE will create tL large demand for 1$ 1'l -gilt U In style and the brother Rev. W. J. West, M. A. the attacks of disease. Volur blood P y must be kept urs O AMERICAN TODAY BECAUSE of eOUTH price is considered extremely l,lotlerate. WatClle$ We sell and sell We ars sorry to hear of the death of P pure, your stomach and AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. 'y Mre. Ramsay, of the first line of Mor, digestive organs in order, your appetite Its worth our while to them for just what they ria on Friar last. The funeral took good• Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi- and your Tweeds las 1 eriortto soft make thas store ttlueuSore of to in aof utinhwear , Y Thousands verify what is claimed of p place on Monday. � to build you up, purify and enrich your ing. Prices will be found low for quality offered. South American Kidney t�ure. Great- q Y are. Don't you need One, blood and give you strength. It creates q g, p The trade hits already y est, safest, quickest satin y alis y begun in Dress Stuffs. Its quite wonderful an appetite and gives digestive power. Hent results. A specific; for kidney alis- how quickly the ladies discover where the nice thing@ are. BIRTHS. --- P Y ° HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family orders in young or old, male or female, . BEATTIE,—In Se tforth, on Sunday, Feb. 20th, Y It enjoys the distinction of a hearty e �,,pP�� the wife of J. 1Vesley Beattie, of a daughter. cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate, recommendation by most eminent plry- �/ o0 1iLESTON.—in Exeter, on Sunday, Feb. 20th -- _ sicians. It relieves die tressing kidney P., r ®• ��,rd� the wife of H, E. Huoston, of a daughter, disease in six hours. Never Pails to REID.—In soaforth on Frida L,'eh. 18th' CLINTON MARLCET REPOR`rs. the cure if persisted in. Acts directly on Jeweller and Expert Watch wife of Mr. Jae. Heid, of a son. (Oorrected every Wednesday afternoon.) the circulation and eradicates from theGILROY & WISEMANp FISHER. -In Tuokeramith, on Thursday, Feb. Fat 1. Wheat, new ............. 0 96 to 0 98 system all solids and foreign substances Repairer. 24th, the wits of Mr. Joseph Fisher, of a son, Barley, 0 30 to 0 35 which dl, -g up these sanitary organs of `- CLINTON. HART. In MoKillo on Sunda Feb. 20th the ..... ` ' ' '-' N, Y Uats........................... 0 28 to 019 the jtuman anatomy. You teat what wife of Mr. Jas. Hurt, n a sun others have Silver Novelties -little things- peas.* ............................. 0 50 to 0 55 proved. These words from -- -^------•-- -- Big wife o Mr. Fordw r Thursday, Feb. 17th, Rye ..•., . , ....... 0 89 to 0 40 a letter received to -day : "I, despaired Permit Big sues if you choose; the wife of Mr. •,. J Crisp, of a son. Potatoes per bush new,.. 0 41 to 0 45 of recovery until I used South American Things for baby -Baby Rings; IRELAND.—In Blyth, on February ernd, to Mr. Butter lose in basket.... 0 13 to 0 14 Kidney Cure." —Sold by Watts & Co. �• � O Good +Lod cheap at CREWS'. and Mrs. James Ireland, a daughter. MORRISH.—In Clinton, on the 25 inst., to Mr. Butter in tub ...............: 0 13 t0 0 13 -- I -- - and Mrs. Marsh Morrish, a daughter. Eggs per doz.................. 0 14 to 0 15 The death of Eliza Uase, beloved - _ SUMMERHILL, Cabbageper doz............ 0 40 to 0 , 61 wife of Mr. John Glenn will be learned day.......,........•.•............ 6 00 to 6 00 An eas chair at hard prices 1II,,ICf1;tAGL3. by her many friends with deep regret. y l ` We should like to ee a much larger Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 25 The sad event took place at the family is not all etaschair at all. The �+ `} atterel tnee at Sunday School. The LAMONT-THOM.-At Revelstoke, on the 12th. Short Wood, Dry ............ 1 75 to 2 00 residence, Hibbert, early Wednesday y `< 7 . s I C. E. meeting last week was taken by January, by iheRov. ,Nit. Frew, the Presby- "hart Wood, G.t'een.,,......,1 50 to 1 75 morning of Isar week. The deceased Chairs you buy from 11$ al'e s_ 7 Mrs. Bingham in the absence of .Mr.' terian minis to:, of Nal on, Mr P. Lamont, of Live flogs................0 00 to 4 40 hits been it patient sufferer from par•- Wetherall. Mr. Chris. Lowery is ill the Canada Drug and Bookstore, of Nelson, Brit Pork per cwt.. ... - .. ..,.. . ... 6 00 to 6 00 itlysis for over,six years, and bore her easy and the prices you pay lt,r+ ( ,1")1 ish Columbia, to Miss Vary Thom, oldest 4 afiicti°u with Christian fortitude. with an attack of scarlet fever. daughter of her. James Thum, .formerly of PPlea per bbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 f0 ' them are also easy. _ —_ Mitchell. Dried Apples par Ib........ 0 03�t° 0 04 She was highly respected in Hibbert 4 y. - IVFLKES-ALLISON.-At Phoenix Cit Ari_ Ducl:s per lb ................. 0 05i10 tl O6 and also the place of her birth and her !/ A PAIN CRIPPLE. y' rurke a per ib .............. 0 07 to 0 O8 loath will ho regretted by all. She In Bedroom Suites rod Side-('lyp,1tt,)vtl;h1)lf,',!;)',''III'), �� . zona, on February 0th, Mr. I•red. C., second Y p leaves to mourn her demise a sorrow son of Mr Charles 11'eekes, of Varna, to Mise Geese per lb... ............... 0 05 to 0 O6 i,� �'.1,� // TORTURED AND TORMENTED WITH Maggie Allison, of Phoenix city, Chickens per air............ 0 30 to 0 35 ing husband and four children, who boards we have a line we are t• • (/ / SCIATICA -60L L H haus the sympathy of a large circle of `� )) 11 - 1, 1 I (' In tl � I have By Roy. 1�1r. 1\'001 ................. , RIiEL':YSATI6i<I AND .. � 18 f0 () 18 AMERICAN ItHEUMATIC CURE \VORKS Leitch, at the residence of the bride's father, " " friends. offering at pl'1Ce$ which are -- . r THE WONDER, her. Fronk R. hlcl{eehnie, of Tor,?nto, to uiss COUNTRY PRODUCE -TORONTO• ``more than easy." Margaret Amelia, second daughter of Mr. `U Mrs. John Fisher, Woodstock, N.' B., James Bennoeh, of Stratford. -- Toronto,R. GALEN AND HUMOURS. In Feb.Feb.25th-Eggs-Unchang- carrying on a Business like we do -which extends from the Atlantic t0 writes: "I had been suffering far over -DALRYMPLE-3101R—At the residence of ed, Litned are noted at, 15 to 15 c, the Pacific and also through Great Britain we are compelled to keepch+tn in th;ee years from ulnacul,ir rheumatism the bride's mother, Mrs. Gonrge noir, of Hen- new laid at 17 W 18c and held fresh Ht Seeing that he died about 1700 years Our designs. Our New Designs are now read for the market. A w oY Inst attacand k OYes al can PhtLd or ` Ve nl weeks eonacute s, oM ssbiIsabell i moir,lto tor. RobertnDid- 15 to 16c. ago, we can forgive the great Galen fon 'season's designs are left but not enough to offer to the wholesale trade. We Y Q not being quite up to date in physielo- want t0 c1e:Lr thew out and if low prices will do it they will soon go. If you I was unable to walk or attend to m rymple,o. of moose Jaw N. IV.. T. Potatoes— uiet. On track here car gy. As the physicists of his day be- are looking for Bargains come to its and you will get them• honsehold duties. Tried several re- STEWART—DUW.—At the residence of the lots etre quoted tit around 58 to 60c, per lieved our environmeDt to be composed UNDERTAKING. -In this Department our Stock is complete medics, and physicians failed to give bride's father, on Februrry 23rd, by Rev. P. hag; and on the street, in faruter's' of tour elements -fire air, earth and P p ate and prices rate rel ter. I saw South American Scutt, mr. Neil D. Stewart, to miss Johanna loads, at 65 to 70c per bag. water, ' ' as low as the lowest, We have the finest Hearses and Outf}ts in the Count Rheumatic Cure advertised and bought Dow, daughter of David Dow, Esq,, all of Ful.- so the doctors believed the y. larten. Poultry -About steady. Prices for human body to contain four humburs- Night and .`r,J. y calls for Undertaking answered at residence of our gc bottle. Fou bottlesteffectedrtul lot Of turkers range , phlegm, yellow Funeral Director, J. W. ChidleY, King street, opposite Foundry. perfect, mo00mB-GREEN.-.In Goderioh Township on ge from 10 to lac per lb • bloodblack bile and Wednesday, Fob. 23rd, at the residence of the geese, 7c pec lb ; chickens, 40 to 60e per bile. They held a man's disposition n permanent cure." -Sold by Watts & Co bride's uncle, mr. George (been, by the Rev. pair ; and ducks, 50 to 70c per pair. to be regulated by the amount and wt. Goodwin, mr. McComb of Palmoraton to eine Beans -Dull. Choice hand-picked quality of these several humours. Ex-����® T Ido 0. Green, formerly of Gorrie. beans sell at 80 to 90c; and common at cess of bile produced the melancholy, -------------__..__�_-_- JoHNST0:v-STEWART.- In the methodist 49 to 50c Pet, bush. one of yellow bile the bilous tempera- CLINTON. em era- ® �s9 church, Bluevale, on Feb. 16th, by Rev. D. p , A C)i;1NTON• Rogers, torr. \Ym. J. Johnston, of ,Morris, to menta, e° called. g Dried apples—Slow. Dealers quote Too much of one or the other of these FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WOOD AND COAL YARD' miss maggio, eldest daughter of Mr. Thea, new stock at about 3 to 411c delivered __ Stewart, of Btuevate. 'her e, and small lots resell here at 4. to humours, or a vitiationhanie them, was, in I f. ti�. �)k11C�)1@ ' Subscriber is prepared to promptly fill all or CHADNEY—PERDUE.— At the residence of 5C; ,Cud evaporated at 9 to 9ic for new. the opinion of the ancient mediciners, _ �e :l[anaxer. dors for Wood and Coal. which wi,l be sold at the bride's mother, East Wawanosh, on Feb, the cause of acute disease. Hence --- — -- — ^— lowest rates. Offlce on Isaac Street, at LAVIS' 23rd, by Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blyth, ,lies Honey—Slow. Rotund lots of choice, their r IMPLEMENTS ItOi�MS. \V. wHEATLA/Y delivered here practice of frequent purging and Sue, to Mr. F. tabes ter of .urs. James Par- r will bring shout 8c. blood-letting. There was both sense 1898 New �rled �g■.��.Ls 1Q08 -_____-__.__. __ �.._ ._ ._ _.._._�.__ __ due, to Mr. F. Chamney. Dealers gnats from 6 to 7c per, lb for 10 and login in it, too; as modern doctors �+ ]Fruits 1((]] - to 60 -ib tins, and in comb at around NOTICE. Ill LIPIIS $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen sections. admit, when driven into a Corner. , Maple 3 rut But when Galen taught that the Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. p syrup -Selling Iltng in 60 ll Eric in liver was headquarters for the BLOOD in RA 98, Jane, a In Morris. on Friday, rnbay,Eehruary d 64 large' tins, and 65 to 70c in scall Lina. Currants - F iliatras and Fine Vostizzas. Tharp being ease misunderstanding with re 1898, Jane, beloved wife of Allan Ramsay, aged 84 the body, he was a bit on one side of the Bard to wreelcage, let it be distinctly understood j'ears and months. Baled hay - Practicallynothing Y q California Prunes and Elime Figs. that If any person takes poescssion of any kind doing. Car lots are quot,ed,, delivered mark : et that the liver is he7Ld- uarterS , of wreckage and fails to report to Hie I shall at BEWLEY.—In Morris, on Friday, February 18th, for a lot of trouble and pain is as evident , once to -lie proceedings. Remember this is the 1898• Eva May, ,oungo,t daughter of ltiahard here, at tLCOnnd $8 t0 $8.75, and NO 2 at CROSSE sold BLACKWELL PEELS LemoD OraDge and Cifrou. last warning L shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Bewley, oged B years and 9 months, $7.50. to day ae it was in the ages when medi , , Recoiver of, Wreclm Goderich, DUNOAN.—In Elma, on Feb, lltb, Olt e, layant Straw—Very dtill. Cttr lots are cine,wasin. the hands of the priests and NUTS -Filberts, �. S. Almonds and Wall`nuts. Goderlch, Sept. 7th 1891. daughter of George Duncan, aged 5 montlis, quoted at $4 50 to $5 on track. surgery in the hands of the barbers. COOKING FIGS for 50, a 1b. NICE OLD RAISINS for 5e. s lb _��r..m MORRISON -In Nowry, on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, et it is no more than justice to the --. _—__ John Morrison, aged 83 years, 2 months and 22 Hops -Brewers not buying. Prices liver to remember that it does a tre- _ dave. keep as follows :-Round lots deliver- —Headquarters for A IV/4D I A N INGLIS.—In Howick, on Friday, Feb. 18th, 1894, ed here, strictly fancy, 1897'x, X15 to 16c; mendous deal of work, and does it PPACIFIC �� {� @� Geo. Inglis,. aged 30 yeare, 1 month and 21 days, choice, 14 to 14ic ; No. 1, 13c ; and amazingly well, so long as it gate any- TEAS, SIIGARS CROCgERY GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, ACi ■ I C R i ■ SHARPIN.—In Corrie, on Saturday, l+'ebrnary 19th, 1896's, nominal. thing like fair freatment ; but when ' r thew Jane ie, a d 8 yea, bub m wife of Mat- either the owner OP a particular liver or ' ' McKay, Block, thew Sharpie, aged 84 years, S months and 14 his ancestors for him) Overloads and AAI days' Toronto Farmers' Slarket. overdrives this faithful servant he not o e ' ���Clinton• SETTLERS' TRAINS FIAMredW. Ha menta on 7 yeday, Feb. 22nd, , Allred W. Hammett, aged 17 years, d0 months only finds he alae liumoure, but very Ben and 22 days. Toronto. Ont., Feb. 25th.—On the AND CRANKY humours, at that. Will leave Toronto 9 p. in. every TUESD.tY during BURKE.—In Seafortb, on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, street to -day about 7,400 bush- That is what happened to Mrs. Hamer MARCfIand APRIL ilan,youngestdaughter of Mrs. Burke, aged 8 Cls Of ,tfwh t so delivered; 1,000 ,i PP ' Slaughtered Sale of Crockery, Etc. (provided suRlctent baeiness offers) years. bushels of wheat sold at 84 t0 88c for who says "Eight years ago I .began to suffer from liver complaint. M a And ran via SMITH'S FALLS to PEAREN.—In Wingharo, on Feh, 20th, Diary Ann white, 93 to 95ic for red, and 86i t0 $7iC P Y P- r l t f the t M area a htadelund oto o h ate atthow Po ed . K petite was nor, old f a after meals To m for ossa a 1B I had ode room f , 3.000 bu P for vin importation shale O P g f barb r ��� ITp��ana too 75 years,' at 38 to 44c ; 3,000 bushels of ottsoat much pain and fulness around the I otter CROCKERY, CHINand GLASSWARE forconeemonth fruntrlst Feb. JOHNSTON,—In East Wawanosh, on February 20th peas at 57 CANADIAN NORTHWEST, David Johnston, aged 67, years. .34 to 34 c • 200 bushels chest and aides. at the following prices :- Pasaaengnrs travelling without live stock abould to 61c, and 20(1 bushels of rye at 51J to "I suffered excruciating pain from the Printed Toilet Sets, 10 pieces at... $ 225 regular price $ 300 leave Turemo 12.80 p, m, same days. -- - - 52c. On the hay market 30 loads passing of gall -stones. About every Printed and Gold Stiped, 10 pieces at...... , . 3 25 11 3 75 The only all Canadian direct fast line NOW IS THE TIME were offered at $7 to $9.25, and three three weeks I was attacked with this Gilt and Enamelled, 10 pieces at ........... . . . 5 56 7 50 -- of straw at $8 to 7.50. Dressed hogs agonising trouble, and what I Suffered 97 Piece Dinner Sets at .. 1. TO THa HEART OF THE TO purify your blood and fortify your sold at $6 to $0.20. • with it is past description."""" """' 13 00 4. 15 00 KLONDIKE AND YUKON COLD FIELDS, system against the debilatin effects Wheat, white, per hu.,$ 84 to 80 P P Breakfast Plates Der doz......Plates per d... .... 90 1 10 s g g $ I consulted several doctors, who pre- P ...... , .... �, 9(1 Ip via Canadian Pacific Railway. of Spring weather. At no other sea- ds red .. . . ...... . . .... 93 to 951J scribed for me, but. their medicines af- Tea Plates per doz........ , ....... .. .......,, 65 16 75 do goose .............. 88 to 87i forded only temporary relief. FANCY C13INA and GLASSWARE at cost. Cell and seo our Stock no trouble to show Goods. Be LOWf S'P RATES. FASTb;fiT TIDAL. Son is the bitter taste in the mouth e0 Burley per hush....... 38 t0" 44 rr 25o.Tea onthe Market. irryour Monsoon and Blue Ribbon Tea. Those Toas are never peddled. ONLY THROUGIH SEH VICK, prominent, the breath so offensive, the Year after year I continued to suf- . Oats per bush,........:. 34 to 34 fer, and carne almost to despair of ever drowsy dizziness so frequent or that ex- peas per hush........ 57 to 61 Tourist Card P ' N Robson Grocer Albeet Street trema tir«•d feeling so prevalent. Buckwheat per bush.... 00 to 3¢ being free from the disease. • )H:avh `Pec�l� Serious consP uenees o ten follow this tr 9 • q [tYe per t,ush........... , 511 to 52 In January, 1894, I read about cases _ Tu Tho lassitudT, which degenerates into de- Beans, per bush........ 80 to W like mine having been cured by Mother Pacific Coast. 3 bility most favorable for the appearance Onions, native, per bag 50 t0 80 Seigel's Curative Syrup, and determined For Over Fifty Years OATS I Gat full p,r lridars and oopy of "Settlers' Index" of disorders. Your system is all run Dressed hogs.......... 6 00 Lo 0 25 to give it a trial. I got a supply of this Y • • • • • . • • •, • ......... 700 to 925 medicine and after tak;n it a sbor MRS. WINlions SOOTHING SYRUP has been _ and "lih,nkike and Yukon Gald I9elde" lrnro Hoy down,' @nil your blood is to an impure Ha , g used by millions of mothers for their childre,, Canadian Paeiflo it llway Agent, or C. E. Mc PH Ell- and impovished condition. The blood Straw..... ... 6 00 to 750 time I felt marvellous benefit, and by while teething. If disturbed at night and SON, A. C. P. A•, Toronto, Ont. must be enriched apd purified if you are 1':ggs, new laid.......... 19 to 22 continuing to use it I was at length broken of your rest by a sick child suffering Wanted in exchange, Rutter, lb.lrolls......... 75 to 16 and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at —�—_ _�___� _ ___ to have good be, completely cured. once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow'sBooth- 12 lbs. C;hOi g} Chickens pet, ppair....... `0 to EO "Since that time 1 hove bad no re•• ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will to - For a g sod Spring Medicine we con, Turkeys per It,.......... 09 to 11 laevo the poor little sufferer infinedfatel De- Of the al ,enjoyedend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about c f r fidenlly recomm, nd Hood's Sarsapa- pucka per fisnr..,......... 50 to 75 painful ailment ai.dOatmeal for rills. By its use the blood is purified, Geese per 11', ... , , ... , .. 5 to 0� good health. Pt. It cures Diarrhoea r,egulates Lhe Stomach t enriched and vitalized that tired feel- PotatoeSI "I have strongly recommended this and bowels, cures \'�fnd Colic, softens the 13 lbs. Choice Rheumatism.?per bag...... 85 to 70 g Y energy tothe hhole %stem. " givestonoa 's 1.blis Oa,tS ing entirely Overcome, and the whole Mutton per lh...... 5 t° g remarkable remedy to many friends, soarg , reduces the whole syation 'Mia. tnalow'a Family I011r fol' r t boil given strength and vigor. The Beef, fore ............. . 4 to 5 who have benefited by employing it Sootlntn Syrup" for children teething is plea - Y g g g i sant to the taste and is the prescription of one l These etre Our present rates SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE appetite is restored and sharpened., the do hind .......... . . . 8 to 8 when in need of a medicine. Wishing of the oldest and best female physicians and but we don't know how A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. g K y veil, ..... . ....... ... 7 '1 others to know of what has done so nurses in tho United States, Price twenty-fve long they will last. ,digestive organs toned and the kidneys t° 8 centsabottle. Sold all druggists L+Liiih, carcase, per Ib.. 7 to 08 much for me, I uoneant to the ublioa, r throught and liver invigorated. p out the world." Be sure and ask for " Rs. Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. Relief in six hours Whab a Riad mes. Those who have never tried flood's - -_ tion of this statement. (Signed) (Mre.) WINSLOW'S SOOTHVG.`'SYRUP. sage to the pain -racked, bed•rldden, deo- grR. Hamer, 52, Catherine Street, Burn- - -- - " ni ® OLS�Nr$ • CLINTON Sarsaparilla abould do so this spring. TItO LIVO fetOCk Market. , , pairing sufferer from rhonmattem's cruel It is a thoroughly honest and reliable grOnA Road, Sheffield, May 5th, 1897.' the fisheries of the Dominion yield- ■ Qrasp—and this is a fact, borne out by re oration purely ve stable anal in TORONTO. One of the offices of the liver is to ex- ed Over $20,000,000 last year and em. volumes of evidence, for this greatest of P P , p vegetable, crete the bile acid, the bile pigment (or ployed 75,000 rnen. VICTORIA STREET. pain conquerors. fact the One True Blood Purifier. Toronto. Feb, 25 -At the Western oolouring matter), and other materials. Rheumatism Is curable -South Ameri. Thousands testify to its carative power. cattle market this morning we had it One of these iv a product of nerve THE KLONDYKE'S WEALTH can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute It is the ideal Spring medicine. total of fifty loads, including some re- waste, and goes by the musical name of LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND specific, and radically cures the most ___ _. v_ Ceipta yesterday; Chore wetel,400hu s, stubborncassslnfrom ono t0 throe days. f3 OHOLESTEILINE. NOW, wb3n this opera- WOULD BE NO INDUCEMENT TO THE A local merchant, Galt, wishes to itc- 500 sheep and Inuibs, 40 calves, and a tion is arrested and the bile stn nates WAGON FACTORY, "I suffered intensely from rheumatism knowledge the receipt of $8.00 from fete milkers. r stagnates, SUFFERER IF IT STOOD BETWHUN HIM and sciatica. Tried many remedies and bile sand is apt to form 1n some of the AND PERFECT HHALTH. Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. many phyaI lana without an lastin some one signed Oonscience, and as- II ort cattle were quiet,, at from 31 small ducts or Daseaggea and gets oar- benofit, a few donee of sout� Amer sures them that their letter 'and con- to 4Ic per pound. Shipping !,aIle are Tied into the all- tT . First -Clava Buggies on hand and made to can Rheumatic Cure wonderfully helped tents were a reciated laid re nest. I g blit dere. 'lhen, as H. IH. Little, calinpbonferd,rwrites: nn q weak, and sell at from 3 to 3,c with a order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and mo; two ill,,bottles cured me," -B. ErretG the sand grains grow by aoaretion, they About One year ago 1 bird a severe Mornekvtuo, Ont. granted. The letter said :-"1 have at- fraction more for extra choice. � repainting promptly attend to, Prices reason- Thousands ofttYeed elaven tell the tended Crossley r4 Nunt.et's meetings For the best rttdea of butchers' there manufaeture'the gall -stones Which gave attack of typhoid fever and it left my same story -don't Buffer an hover Burin the puler month and I enclose g our correspondent such terrible pain. system in +t very weak and norvous able. lon�or.-22 was it better enguiry, but we had little The are ver hard to dIelail a and condition in fact y -_____._ __ __ you 3 conscience money and 90c in- really j�cod stn here. For the poorer Y Y g ' s hired of recover' so bade thin I tie - _.__ _ terest. God has forgiven me and I cattle there was a weak feeling, and sometimes it is necessary to resort to P Y• I was induced to PUMPS 1 PUMPS 1 Sold by Watts & Co. hope you `viii," , g' surgical means to do it, try South American Nervine. Ina i J� lJ1�A,tCA7 i _ 111111111 n the stuff did not seal. For a Pew choice But the thin to bear in mind is that tt on want a flratolesr, wo11•mnda pump, one the ,.,. r remarkably abort time any health im- -_;:2 ___ _.-_-__ lots 3Jc wag occasionally paid, but R + ! .Y ru cjund 3 to Bic. wits the avers. a for gall -stones are a symptom of biliousness roved, and when [ had taken a few 'will give you antionction, send lour ore,er to th 1 g P ottles I wits completely cured and undersigned. He will dtg and eknn wells and do it a The best sod shiff. Medium sold at, 2 to 3o and that biliousness is commonly a rd- the olaecat rices. He also haudten a urat•clas h �' Ca�arr� t; have better health since than for years p seeds grown aro per rh, and common at 21i to 2 per lb. sult and symptom of the Stomach comb {,afore."- Snld by Wattt & Co. FORCE PUMP. Y's. Tho best We had it fair demand for mlikera Plaint we know of as dyspepsia, or indl JAMES FERGUSON seeds sown are Ferry's. to•d+L hut, t ices were more easy, estion in a ohronie form. In aurin The War Office scheme for thn re - The boat seeds known are y' p Yr $40 8 r g was m eat affliction for a num- epPoait tdneen's Hotel - Ulgh street UHnton. terry's. It pays to plant y � being +Lhr,ut the top figure, this painful and dangerous malady, form of the British rtriny adds 2;3,00(1 an9•tt bar of ears. for id not bel � y DOC 9 d P Too ru,tny Iambs and sheep were Miother Seigel's Syrup begins, as it men to the n,rmy, oho htr'geat increase �E+ ��� me'.Byafltiend'sadVlcelbeganusing here,+loci prlcesrel+txed it little. Sheep s ould, at the beginning(thr stotlnaeh), suet' proposed 117 Great Britain fiIimo _ your medicines, and was perfectly sold at around 3 and 3je, and lymbs and never rests until all the affected of peach. -� cured after talon three bottles of wt•re sidling 4round 5e per lb. organs are sat right. amo��Rds i Calves were nrtchnnged, at from $2 One more word in your attentive ear. Ask your grocer 6�2111��Iylte_r7lw Ask the dealer forthemr Bend Cor er s to each for ordinary, and top to $0 or Mind your digestion Don't let your trggAV's 0990 ANNU/tL y $7 each for choice veitla, stomach remain in a disordered condi � lwvwl 1 STILATFOR.D, ON'r. andgetallthatstcoodand tion. Un the first Signs of It take, A l• here --the lateAi and � Iu the hog market there teas a t1r'm r Ii r t t • .�7 Our aanrnea aro praetionl and aro siferod to tha the boss or tone anal a slig ht adVlLllco. For the blother Seigel a Syrup. 'rhenyoU wont .i rt r k v nblla with eon8donno that the Instruation it D. M. FEftItY 6 00.1 Sarsaparilla: •rI Y,I . v befit here Mr. Harris Paid 5c, with bs bilious, and will know no rpore of ;a, t p . - I '" Moron hand the boat toboobtained rn Ebisaoun- Wlndder, Ont. It ht hogs at 41c, and fat tit 4Jc, per lb, AallsatonPa than good old Galen, M. D., 4' col ;r�,x ! o�� fi try. 1 nndividual Ins truction. Students can ante r J MU1ZPt'iv "fie .11L. O N it N.J gf a I. nyt i • Oirsnl— • , A t, e , A 1 kinds are wanted. knew of the Blarneyr Stone, � W. J. Tdi.LIOTT, rrinelfiat I 'r'Aabliaand ),,Iry, urv.,t:ut,l l:txat . -1