HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-06-11, Page 6BEST OF THEM BLUNDERED
Ludicrous Mistakes Made by Some of
the World's Greatest Artiste,
In Vnndyke's celebrates picture of
°lanae I. In armor both of the gaunt-
let's are for the right lutist Wilkie
.palaisal a horse without a bit fotun-
'lyaltVie mouth. Anglin In hie great
"The Last .1udl;utent" line
tlNla,ed Charon's Durk. lirenghcli,
Abe Dutch painter, in a picture of
"O Wino Men of the last" snaking
emir Offering to the infant ,1' lie re.
preeente our of them dressed to a
large white eurl.IIce, bootee and spur-
red, offering the model of a Dutch
seventy-four gun ship. Sir ,Joshua
Reynolds gave one Of his portraits
t'wo hats.
There aro mlmerolle similar errors,
all most rldlculoue, but 1 cannot at
the moment get hold of a list of
them. Some abeurdltiei are In West-
astaster Hall. Sir Cloudeeley Shovel
le dressed In a Roman culrase and
landaus, but on hie head Is a full-bot-
tomed wig of the eighteenth cen-
tury. Tho Duke of Bucktnghain IN ar-
rayed in the costume of a Roman
emperor, while his duchess le In the
'court dress of the George III. period.
Tintoret, in a picture which rcpre-
meote 'The Israelites Gathering
Manna in tho Wilderness," has armed
the men with guns, Paulo Mazzoehi
In hes eymbolical painting of 'The
Four Elements," represents the sea
by Bisbee, the earth by moles, fire
bat a salamander and air by a camel.
vldently he mistook a camel Ser a
chameleon, which traditionally lives
stn air,—New York Press.
' The Tracker Board en the Massey-
lilartde Mnwer hal a prof eters, steel
It rune all along tiro bottom of
tido Board.
It prevents the Board wearing
dawn and helps to maks a better
track than the ordinary Board.
Dene Wheel ui the >!1asHey-
Herrin Mower has four pants and
tt,enty-veven cogs. p
That to why the Knife on the M'Is-
sey-H'irrls Mower begins to oper-
ate as soon as the horses move tor -
Ward. !Stere IN pas lost motion.
It le not necessary to back up
when starting to the grans.
Tire lgbwer begins to cut right
where It stands.
TM Doubletrece can be hitched
NNW Above or below the Pole. The
a$t*tklaent le very mutely,
She Knew Some of Then t.
Young Jack Notwerl—Yon don't
think bachelor., should bo taxed for
Not marrying, do you!
Oladye Biitley—Dear Inc, no! Most
of the bachelors I know deserve a
'humane medal' for staying single.
One of the most valuable books for
Nay horse owner to have around
the house is Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.'s
hook, "A treatise on the scientific
Standpoint, yet in plain practical
form, so that anyone can apply Its
teachinge. The horse and his
handling are fully doecribed and
there le hardly u single trouble
Which is peculiar to the horse
1010 le not ably discussed, symp-
toms and cause suggested and ap-
proved method of treatment given.
The work le published by the pro-
prietors of Kendal's Spavin Cure,
that world known remedy for the
Iiia that horse flesh Is heir to, and
*anteing the gist of their many
years' experience in dealing with all
kande of horse ailments.
They send thin practical book ab-
solutely free of charge and we ad-
vlee any of our readers who are In-
terested in horses to write for it
and mention this paper. ,iddreae the
Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enoaburg Falls,
Ys -
Remote KM.
Kansas City Journal.
it ! ady—liow many are there In
teeny besides yourself 7
Amle—Four. Mamma, papa,
deter and a distant relative,
" There is only three. The distant
relative is not a member of the fame
"011, yes, he Is. Ile is my bro-
"Your brother? Then he isn't a
distant relative."
Yes, ma'am—Joe is In the Philip-
#fififiRgf fl9Sf;tIR4
How ?
By soothing and subduing
the pain, that's the war
St.Jacobs 011
C rse
Price, 25e. end 60c.
.: >; ttcfifiii'iJtMfi'iF#Iditl�
Aim at the
Let It be Grip, Malaria
Fever or what not, al-
ways strike at the Heart
to protect it, to strengthen it, to
cure it, and you baffle every other
Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure
puts new vigor into every heart, and
ninety-nine out of a hundred need
it, for that percentage are sick.
Having put that machine in good
working order, it has guaranteed
the whole system against sickness.
Every organ is soon sound. It al-
ways relieves in 30 minutes.
Mss. EzaA DunoAttAst, Temple, N.A.,
Canada, sol iter :— " Have had heart trouble for
rears ; would have it as often as three times a
week, sometimes lasting twenty-four hours.
Was persuaded to give Dr. Agnew's Yeast Cars
atrial, which I did, with the greatest results. It
surely is a peerless remedy, and would advise
any one who has heart trouble to try it."
He who would be free from piles and skin
emotions must use this cure, which routs them
Out at once and for all time.
The safest, quickest cure. because compounded
011 correct principles, Fiercest foe of itching
skin diseases Price, 35 cents ZO
Took Experience as His Teacher.
In Portland, 71e., the other day the
proprietor of a small packing house,
who had the opinion 1 hat he knew
more about mottling a boiler than
his foreman, Went to business very
early. After getting the tubes red
lot he let to the wetter, with the
usual result. It east hint $130 to
learn this lesson from experience.
Don't pay a Washwoman
who takes all day rubbing the life
out of your clothes to get there clean,
you can do the washing yourself-
sitting down—with a
New Century
or you can
make the
work easier
and better—
leave time for
other cleaning
—and save the wear on your clothes.
Buy a New Century and throw away
your useless washboard, ask your
hardware dealer to show it to you—
Or write to us for booklet.
A New Job El. Woman.
A very unique position Is held In
the city of St Louie by lure. Gra-
ham nose. In one of the first banks
there Nhe occupies a position known
me that of the "hoCtess." Her duty
Is to explain banking methods to
the woman patrons, thus relieving
them of en barrasement anti expe-
diting the were() of business. Mrs.
Frost finds that nearly all women
need instruction as to the clipping
of coupons, renting sato deposit
boxee, real estate matters, re-
demption and exchange of money
and so forth. Beneficial results have
accrued to the bank from Mee.
Frost'., employment, the volume of
bustneas being greatly increased. It
Inas alreadty 0,000 women depositors.
by local applicatlona int they cannot reach
the dieeneed portion of the ear. There's only
One way to cure (Ienfuexe, 111111 01n) le by con-
xtltutlonal remisllem. Deafness ie caused by
an inflamed condition of the mueoux llningol
the Euetnehlai Tube. When thio tube Is In-
flamed you have a rumbling mound or Imper-
fect hearing, and when It to entirely closed,
Deafnele le the result, nail unlexa the Inflam-
mation can betaken out and tide tuherem tor -
ed to Its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nfue clues out of tan aro
canoed by Catarrh, which le nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous surface,.
We will give One Hundred Dollars ton any
ease of Denfneex (mewed by catarrh) that
cannot he cured by Hall', Catarrh Mire. Bend
tot clreuhare, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Bold by Drugglsta, 75c.
Hall's F,mlly Pllla are the beat,
For the June Weddlnry.
In planning a June wedding the
hats worn by the maid of iionol:_and
the bridesmaids must be ,i Vete(' with
particular care, they have no much
to do with the picture effect of the
entire wending party. Big, artistic
hats of the cavalier Shape are those
moist 1n favor this year. They show
the high crown and the artistically
(sent brlin, nasi they aro invariably
trimmed with ostrich plumes. Soft
flutes of ,pink ribhon give a neve
:such to many of these picturesque
Wood' Phostphodine,
Ile Orval Eoppick Ree
be an old, well este(,.
li5hcd cud reliable
preparation. Has beau
prescribed and teed
over 40 years. All dmg-
gieta in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as heirs
the only medicine of
its kind that mires and
;ices universal satisfaction. It promptly nog
permanently cures all forms of IVerroua Weak.
ar, Rrn,o,one, ,vpertnatorrlusth Irnpok1mp,
nd all effects of a hues oroxcesans; the excessive
use Of Oidunt or At£msfanfa, Mental
and Jernfn Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity Coneamption and an llarly Grave.
Insanity, per Lockage or six for 0.5. One teal'
Nrnee, vie wilt sure. Mailed promuty on re
cefpt of price. tend for free pamphlet, Add,- ti
The Wood Co,oraay,
Windsor, Oaa, Canada,
Afore and "lifer,
Devotion., or Scotch E'armer Who
Thought Well L1' himself.
An old Ayrshire farmer, says the
Scottish Anlerlean, used regularly to
deliver himself of the following
quaint effusion /IN a grace lsdurc
" Tak' aff yer tounetx, honest num 1
Are they a' aff i 0h, Lord, weed oot
a' the 1'aplstn rot u' the land phlck
them cot as we do the Mei le free
tot 0' the grund, four dote) It 01100(0
o' whittles 11x0' a' the loons that
wear the dawn xlceves, fur they eat
up the fat and the lean o' the laud,
and winna let a puir body like mo
gang hie alit way. Dig a muckle dyke
aLween us ate hell, but a far muckier
tine between us the the wild Ingle.
Oh, (;rant that the grey mare brack-
ets the tether, nor the wind blaw
dawn the haystacks. Grant that we
may keep the bion coo, the crum-
mie coo, an' ]lowtle ; an', oh, preserve
us free witches and warlocks, an'
beasts) wi' Lang nebe that gang In
among the heather. Grant a' j(yde
things, au' guilt halrsts to tt' honest
towk, an' a' men present, an' I, my
aineelf, wha ttsn as muckle as ono
sax o' them. Shcoer doou a blowing
on a' honest men that wear blue
loneete, sic like as Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob wore in the holy land o'
Canaan. Ole to corsets, an' to a' the
freen's o' Scotland, wcutl and forti-
tude till endure a' the ills an' unco's
o' this life, nn' toe What we've gotten
le a' ror ale' it's naetooly's business.
Grant a blessing on the present
favor. Amen."
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Inoue.
Heals He ulcer Gears the ale
passages, stops droppings 10th.
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and ii ay Fevete3lawer
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toroi o and Basle
No N ruder 11e lbuldn t t" bed Them.
Penn, Punch Bowl.
1t, E. Morse—Marriages are made
In Heaven they say.
D. Yore., Well, I've often thought
tido thing we call marriagee wasn't
the real article.
Mlnard's Liniment Lumbermaa's
Mental Presence,
London Globe.
The following letter Inas been re-
ceived by to London fu'm from a na-
tive of India, with whom they only
once had transactions in the long
It to with pleasure I request your
goalselv'ex to be present at the
isedding of my eon K. on Tuesday,
1110 5th May, 1901, i lindoo date 1)111
of the bright hal( of the mouth of
Valsllakh, 1939). If your goodselves
may not be prevent on account of
the dlstanee being very great, maty
t beg of your goodoelvee to enjoy
and .,Mare the wedding mentally, as
it bee been Theosophically acknow-
ledged that the power of the soul
snrpenes the wave., of electricity,
although your representative of this
Nide would, I trust, certainly par-
take of the wedding pleasure."
Dear Sim—Within the past year
I know of three fatty tutuore on
the hoed haying been removed by
oho tipplieatloe of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT without any surgical opera-
tion and there is no indication of a
CAP71. W. A. PITT,
Clifton, N. 13., Gondola Ferry.
A Fine Salad Vinegar.
This will be found to be a great
addition to your pantry stores, if
you are a salad maker. Take three
ounces each of shallots, chives, tar-
ragon and sweet savory, two tab-
lespoonfuls of dried mint leaves
and the same of balm; pound all to-
gether in a mortar and then put
them In a gallon jar. Fill up with
strong white vinegar, cork tight-
ly and let stand a fortnight ex-
posed to the sun en,ch day; then fil-
ter through a flannel bag, bottle
and cork securely.
Public institutions have found Pain.
killer very useful. There 1x nothing equal 10
It In all cases of bowel trouhlex. Avoid xnh-
xtltunte. There le but one " Painkiller"—
Perry Davie'.
Doing and Not Doing.
"Sir," Bald a lad, oonling down to
one of the wharves to Bouton and
Iddroseing a well known merchant,
"have you any berth um your ship?
I want to learn something."
"What eau you do?" aekod the
"I can try my bust to do what-
ever I am put to," answered the
boy. "I have sawed and spilt moth-
er's wood for nigh on two years."
"What have you not done?" ask-
ed the gentleman, who was a sort of
"Well, sir," Bald the boy, after a
moment's pause, "I have not whisp-
ered in school for a whole year."
"That's enough," said the gentle-
man. "Yon can ship aboard this ves-
sel, and I hope to see you plaster
of her solve day. A boy who can
master a woodpile and bridle hie
tongue must be made of good etuff."
The h1ati,factiun of having the
Hashing done early in the day,
and well done, belongs to every
user of Sunlight Soap. Loa
Presence of Mind.
N. Y. San,
"Look here," evelelmed the Irate
dude; "there Is hair in Mix. sale
"Well, chuckled the funny clerk,
"perlulps I1', is'canee we use shaved
A trip to New York or Boelon on
the tt'alns of tho New York Central
Railway prover b'yond a doubt that
It is the premier line to these poluts.
For epetxl, comfort, reliability, and
general satisfaction this great
four track line has no equal.
11080)n Sponge.
Put half a round of gelatine in
cold water (the water to cover) to
soak for three or tour hours, then
pour over It a full pint of boiling
water In •which the rind of one
lemon has boiled for about five min-
utes: add the Ju lee of three or four
lemoane, half pound of sugar, or
more if not sweet enough: leave It
until It is nearly cold and begins
to adhere to the sides of the basin,
then add the tvltitee of two eggs
welt b"'aten and vvltisk 111 together
unt11 it le like a stiff white Rooms',
have 50100 1101414 ready 111 cold wa-
ter, vhake out and put a your
sponge. t'anillg may be used in-
tend of the lemons. This is a
pretty digit for ehlldron's parties.
Ask for Mlnard's and take no other.
Javclle Water.
Javello water may be made et
home. Pour a quart of cold water
hoer a quarter of 0 pound of chlor-
ide of lime allow It to settle and
pour off the clear water. A. pint
of ;Multi soda should be add-
ed, and the mivture kept in a blue
glees bottle, tightly corked. Jn-
velle water Is invaluable for remov-
ing stains from white goods.
Minard's Linlmemt Is used by Pby-
Iatbby Likes the Quakers.
London Truth.
Were ! to Join any particular
sect of Christians ft would be the
Quakers. Their tenets appear to nue
to be most In accordance with the
Sermon on the Mount and thea.
have no clergy.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the
No Scarcity of Farni Hands.
Mr. Thomas Srothworth, Director
of Colonization, Nays that the pro-
spects of a sufficiency of farm lab -
were for Ontario are bright. Many)
of the farmers who had formerly(
told him that they would need men
were already supplied. Laborers sent
out to them found no demand for
their services and had to be placed
elsewhere. Mr. Kyle, the Provincial
agent in England, is directing a
number of men to Ontario, and the
Dominion department Is alert sending
men now to Ontario, because the
Northwest demand was well satis-
Waah greaey dishes, pots or pane with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
History in Six Words.
Wall Street Journal,
Poverty. .
Prosperity. \-
ISSUE NO. 2¢, 1903
always beest used forDChildren Byrup Teething ould
soothes the child, soften,' thematic aures wind
colic and is the belt remedy f'or Diarrhea,
by mall no you.lcin 1111110 tram F110 To TON
1101.1.A HS A soy. tar p11rttralara write
A. HANSEL, M. Ha, Ave North
Hamlleon, Ont.
Bast Bl Blas Venose el Wats Adlnsar
Ysf Walnut lab M .,teat. Good ,met.
Bal SI awe W soma doe torso to aunts
1t Hes No Equal
Manufactured only by
For ale by all Ieadiu ea
May Excursions
rramllton to Mont-
real, single *7.00
Irl. 812.00
Toronto toMontreal
Also to Intermediate nolntx. Mcn1, and berth
laeluded. $t01111e,4 leave hlond11yx nod
'1'hureduyx In May—Handlllnn 1 p.m.,Toron-
to 7.10 p.nm,Furt.hcr Inforn anon apply to
agents or If. 1r11s'rl'il IIA EL, 1 extend
1'aaxenger Agent 1:. A u.,'I'oronto.
I 1
, OGL\.S,
Put a variety into Summer living—
it's not the time of year to live near
he kitchen range. Libby's
Veal Loaf Potted Turkey
Deviled Ham
Ox Tongue Etc.
Qekkly Made Ready 10 Sena,
Send to -day for the little booklet,
"How to Make Good Things to
Eat," full of ideas on quick, deli-
cious lunch'serving. Libby's Atlas
of the World mailed free for 5
two -cent stamps,
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Chingo, U.B.A.
it Tells in the
Show Ring
1f you hope to exhibit your stock at the
Pall Fairs, start now and get them in per-
fect health by using
Dick's Blood Purifier
it will hole sow to carry, off !h.
Alin IRlbbosa.
Fifty Cents per packen..
LEEM1Nd, MILES & CO, Montreal, Agents.
For sale by ell first class dealers