HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-02-24, Page 8r�
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DAIN'P'Y Dib$I�yFOR IN'�ALID�. s�e
Tt �rv�s a.tton�icrn i� nacesaaxy in pre- t�k
�aring �ood. s�ufieliy it Is imoaC needed [n w�
Gl�a �r�eparablbu rrt �oad Por those wbo oc
a.na iu ill-healtL a�d �uff ;ring fram tha 01
oapricicruaw�s tuf appetite t�sat is al- �,i
u¢�t [t�sla�rrJlrLa dnom it. IIpan those �
w'ho greparo the ;�uec�la a� an i:nva- ��
1Ld lt ra.naat �taa tao stron�gly nrged, �
thaC u'Leanii�nes�v, daintiness nnd C:
i�`dm,pt�tud�e, vn, e�rvi:p,�g, are absalutely '�
duydisp�elnisaible. �lhe firat two items
aanathliq oNaere�sd, wfltl Lnsure the in-
Gr�rest af �t�e �a'tie�nt, the tast rvill ren-
cber t�ua foad w�dlesoma ; for all dishas �I
elA�du9d 'b� eerved �s saan� aa ready-hot r�
dtLvh�es t�o�mu{g4�y hat x{wd iced oas� d
�n aaoimiro�letely iced. �
As e, ru� woi i�t�valid's �,ppetite ha� to e
bre teumqrted.. It �v ,pat a wise Q1a�n to e
cougtnutl'y bntlhier tbo petisnt xe�gard- y
t!h e
ia� 'hfis bi11 a2 la,ne. By a little tact
a.o�d aairodt qu�eatioming, Pu,vorite dishes B
�aa e�ri'ly b. discavered, and an invalid t
aft�e,m be eurprneed. inta takipg a fair
�npun�t ai ueurti��hlmettt by finding
�om� temptunlg marsel u�nexpectedly
p�tar�ed befare Q�G�:; wtiereus, if ques- p
tuov�yd. immediately beforel�and he �
w'oti9.d im all pra6e,bility �a,vs daolared F
lva "v�'as ,u�rrt uun�gry and ddd nat care t
flar a,nytkifi�stig.'• �
Ae► so �m:woh sixildnlssa ia riPe durin,g i
th�i�.v tim� o� the year, we will give c
a Eew re�ipes Par i,�uvaiid dis�he�, with E
btua hape that they ma.p suggest eame- F
tb�ing �niew to th� in oh�arge o� tha �
sdblt owle+s od t�leir hoimes.
rcel�.nd MoSs Jelly-'4�as��, ab�out two
oixnc�es af i:h�e mno�s i,n� cold watsr,then
Fdaca it i.m thrrsa pinta od crald water,
uNd 3aod�1 t�ids g+�,ntly aver the fire nn-
bi�l a1b�o+ut a thfircl od the liquid ha,� eva '
parabad. S�traaiu it uuom rem�oval from
th,a fire, e,nd, allaw it to thoroughly .
s�st beforo serv�in�. + A tet�upful of
t�is is t�h�a m�at strenlgthening jelly
t�h�t an, vnralid can talne.
A Cutl�t [or an, I�nroa�,LLd-$ave a nice
cuti�t, rut thlin3q, frqm a lain oY mut-
ton, reunave o;11 fa.t Eram it, aad put in-
to 4 gtgvv-�tan, withl two tea�:upsful of
wat�er, a vory s�mal� aut-up sticJr oE
o�'�ry, a�nd �epper an1 salt, ta taste.
I.,at tA�e outlet sd,mmar very ge�atly for
maariy two ,hauns, and be carelnl to re-
�wve� u;11 �at tdvat may ri�se to the aur-
f�� ��� m�eat caoks. The wn,ter
must bdil gzntly, otberwise the meat
�cviil s�t �bM,cam�0 sttfficie�ntly tender to
suil: thia sick gersoUv's digeati•o�.
T3�eeP Eqsen.oe �with Crealm-Cut up a
�vyu�cud vd 4�u sta.ke and pound each
��artd�ou�l wiClv tlua f1Mt ot a silver spoon
u�o{n, a d�s�h, so thiat thie juice ma�y be
Cr�teal. T�hGn� +mdx a tahlespacinful
,:s �Wee,t fluid with a teaspoan,iul of
� o crea� an,d a flavorin�� oi salt or
, accordfimf� ,t�o tlk�la taste oE the
� �- ���-� ��P��nCal of tl�is
ura �every �h+rnir �ar so. It is es-
r �a1p �nnurEslhi,n;g, �but muet be vnade
�rusrh avery day.
ia Cao1c .L'fi�H Por alsu Lnvalld-5elect
a s�axl, qunGs fzr.�l� �v.hitsfiah ; clean it,
a�nd pilaae it i:n a, fr'uit jar wit,h a table-
sE�aan!fui of nnillc aaad asprig of parslay.
Ulo�� t'he jar. crolmlpletely, acud let at re-
mai�nl in a�auo�an aP bailing water
Lor �h'a�lf aav h�ur. 6arve upo,n a smal]
d�'vs�h, with a pnetty g,arinish of freshl�
waslhod pars4ey.
5�.g�o Mi'ik-Saa.'k thrr�ee table�won�ul�
oiY �aag�a iitn p. cu,p of cold waGer for
e14�du�t atn, 1�our; add tbnes ou�s oP boil-
iatilk, e+ww�aten slightly, a,nd Bimmer
or au�pth�er half hour, 6arve
wit'h' a, mli,g�t flavarinlg o,f ¢►ut-
.,y, iE it ie •n�t distasLeful to the
I r ..�� �
,An easp �vap oi supplyimg' hovse
p lan t e w� t h le a f ,m o n i� d�is to t a J ce� t he
qe11oR lee.v�es a:nd useless eeed vea-
sela tha.t are plucked froon. th'e plant,
roll themn i� little wada and ;thrnst
theim. damn i�to the sai1, there ta deca.y
Lnd duppll nairimne�nt. �ut this ca.n-
not ba done wi�th all plant�, eapeuiallp
Choae whi�ch are graartn i•n sanall pote.
For i+nsta.nce the fuchaia is a oamplets
mat od roota wh�ncl� often lick the eidea
o�f thd pat,, and are apparemtlq teanpted
to try ths upper ais, but it thrived and
flouri�ahea well e�vw�n ii ita feet are
p�Lnahed. Of course, if ths buda grow
too �lemder or fraul, or i! the leavee
turn yellaw and drop� a larger crock
mauat he granted Lt„ but e�van tn that
" cuse th�ere will net lomg be roam foi
much buryi.ng af wilted leavee, as amali
y,ota are the rule for that plant.
Eor euch enses other w�ya of as�ist•
�ug plant gro�wth m�uet be resorted to
.�. cancentrated, nest and u�ePul glani
food, com� i,n tweutyrfive-cent pack
ngres and �ha fu,chai,ss reapand to i
roa,diJp. Odarau�e bnt equallq afticaci
�»ie ati,mulants can be eupplied from tiv
f�eAi-rooat and horae ste,ble. 'CJsa wit]
�iiacretian, o£ caurse, pesDeaiu,ily upoa
plamts of the budbous rooted aort; 9�m
ary Ilie Johraaanii will scarcely bear any
thi,ng af the kind, but cf�,lta� will gra
fitt by a ganeraus e.moant.
Fwctrsina „ ,lpat,kunias, Ig�ara�it�,ms t�
' e�all pots, h�liatropes and a�butilon
�,re all heavq fexiders,
�Here is a donuble pfstsunia with twantq
tour blossom�, li+�e little pink roses, an
e�cures of buds on eRery sid9„ that lae
pu,m,mer waa bat thres small sli,pa in
fo�ur-imch pat. It haa !baen pinche
back and cut bacl�, repotted�nd shorl
Gnod cmany tiaies since,, and haa nrn
adva.uced to tho root agace afforded b
a sevesn-i�nc�h Pot.
4, manth a,go it dean�.nded more roon
T8�i1Lsl',D� t0 dA'VB'l�Op its mya,ny promise
bude rimleas �nm�ething was done for i
• W1�fa.t it receiv�tl wae a shnl�in�g out �
the pot and a s1ilrRs out aff its iowe
roois, thwn it wda gwt back into tt
eoume croek, whlab was fiz�st thorouughl
wae�had e�nd eerwbbad wlth an old hai�
� 4uC af doqxs everythimig wue fror.e
atiff, o.aad atl the riah soil grcrvided i
tha fall Ear euch uses had gan�el for otl
er enaes af ueod� bttt ander L•he co
h,ouee was soma fi�nc� dry manures.
wae the krest tli�t ccxu�lcl be offered tl
pst�nia, whieh h�<L also to bo prunE
oi all i�s least: prcxm�iau�Y� braoehoa
bala.noe its l�ss of root�. Thq plai
wtis nnt lang ic► aho�viug the eEfec
of i�:s ovexha.ul�in�g,. Narw tho numb
nE bin�vomB apem at otte tima iH dui
inlerentsiny, tiv►th °no aign of any Im}
d4 frsah buds, •
Tt'or houao plamta, it is a w[s� 'prn�
yiom to sta�clt up soda and g8�rdew l,itte
give it two 3�flara' timo tO d�ecampo�
and usA t3�fe xon�dy-snado pinnt £ocxi
�rimull potti, to aneaura�ge compar,t a�
vi(�`61'6US �:0'VV'�kt• '
If yau ctf.re to tz�p ths expc+ri,men,t� f
c�ne s�nstaan, pttl,ee in a+ai�d.ow on�e
�w� �tdt,lcy 1i�tle g�srarnitrms that l�r►
I�en tiv�11 �1{nehad be,c:k i�nd Ltopt
[urx� tir ev� whrE�e-lnab' po'ta, to�eth
tyitt� tv�lci t�,�1 gorawt�cind �n targd pe•.
��g �ti�.Yl �l�.n� sna� 1� tx�uatod
��t�,��l�os�tmt i;�+� t�ll one�, �t�rl eaei,ly s�
« P�LL. �#y�?•�»'�' :�'"�'r.�°"�rl gannrnl e
�: .:�
rr��r� � �__. . _ _ _ .
� N9i'P� I�I`��H�� OLOT'HS. ���4�jlS U�` T� �' T0�►�'��q. �!IF$ GrIYIN(� �N(#LISHDiEI�.
��virng svavar triad �u{tax sq�cka for +11►PKeaf��tlorl 4d h�41?i�Ci1Y �iN11�F14tk6C11�►9�'A' .
�hiolaths, �nd diah �tawiela� wvwtl y4ur� QFFIC��5 AND CRL�W Ai+WA�CS FACE of K►��t��Mn•w �•oltcr t#► upaloa.
�ve�a at tihe apportwtLity ta aeoure TO FACE WITH I?EA'�H. siF RIo11aTd Webater, aftor deolaria�
�m for two ntn,d on�-Y�a�1� ��� ap+ieoe, � that it woWld p� bettar #o� Giraat Brit-
�,d, t,h�ei+e�by 6e raanwinced th�t nothing �n �Var Their Tqxkr ARe QA!%uYn ueper - atn tp �ight and loss notv tha�t to kex-
u7,d, be 7�ic�r dox t�e purpo�a, �+a grer le P�oaeef�Q Tlp��,s Rp �rlror. Aleslar ($h o� elow rstwrvation by th� loes oY
�gti,�d,ly �rtlsu70.g le�s dx�rapaive. �v- peMtruotlon -� U� AcuoAupllrUiµ� tho
.� grOO'ax �'� �,�, °,�' �un°�'t�erA. �AB Ruln oYq llu�tle 6d1�� t6u Turpedo Eoai trada, went on to �ay triat the UAited r1
�pp]i� o�f g�rau►ulautred su�gwr are sh�iP- 6takea �vus eu,pportin,g England a pol-
zr3, us� ans'hundzed Paund au'°ka ot aoft, IA Su1re ta be DC86roy�1. ;a9 �n }„� (2hine�e trowhle wfthi sur-
uiia u�W+�n, auah a,� ia n�v�er ta �be
ru,p,d upax► t,lva �Uslvea oE the dry qooda ��ace are very iew p�►qpin wlhb �e"' prisi:ng ununiulity. That ie true, snd
�ezvhwnt. T1vey tedca 't�p' the maisture ,�lq� � dlam��re bzaav�ad+ bY t� ma�'a� it oou.ld hardly be otherwise, beoauso
�as�; dus;hes ra�lidly, wr►�h �easilY� are ���Sa anid are�w' emlg}�138a �� t°r' the iuterests oR the twa countriee are
usily irep�t w,lvite> e1n�d wear well. ,�� e�rvi�ca, �1hfs ia, }uaw�ever, the �oat icl,antical, saya tl�,e New York Even-
TO �Li�'.�AN X'IANO gEYS. �'D�'x'0�� b�iA'�' °� � n�" £O� thare iqg Pos�. Bot�h ot tham desire that the �
i� mblt e, miam�am,t aik�ea� in pea'ce or war trud,e oP Chinu s�'hall Ue open to tai;r
x,t� w1�lt�a ivory Mays aP° a piaao w� ,�e v�ribue ,torp�dn �„ts ese an competitio�a. However, mu.ch we may
yryu,�, y�v�r be olea'aed wiitih' we.ter, ��, cr�u.6ses ta'hieut the ldves od everp {asiat wpon holding our own mark-
,hich dlxoo0.or� ths�• ��' �hey �ul a�O�.rd ase �x�dt fin� io�xninent dnn- ets, tor ou.r own producara, we ara
lo�uyd ,6e rubl�ad pver wd�th a soit flan�- ��, aE dreadf�u:4 daait9�i. The �li�ghtest em,�xhnti.cally oppo.sed to the olostng of
a], om gier.e o3 silk dipQed in oxygeniz- errnT ipo� ha�dlfm tih�ese ctt'e,4ts tmeaut neutral marketa to our cammerae by
i wa�ter, whQch ca,a �l�e abtained at n�ny �' are�v. outaide violence and campnlaion. Upon (
I�e�,,st's a�d w�hein the nQtes are etaiu- �+�rta6n d�eat+h fnrr affi�cers eund this oint Amn�rico,n proteutionists an�l
;3, ar griea.ay use meChplated spflrite, whi,c•h 6n c�aaa af vvlaqr the an�,p thin�g �
i,a or dilut+0d w'�his�ky, w1�i�h' th�e �en im ti�e tb�rped+o� servtce Pr�e traders are at o1ne. T�e organ of
A s,i,mpls wa,y a,f nlm�niag ivory ia as tlu+ Mnnufacturera' (Jlub at Philadel-
illows: Gat aoma in�:urbann.te of soda c�tm laol� fo�rwa.rd to i� tOvs ch�ance o� sa has Lhe atron eet artiole on thix
nd s�am ho�t w'aat�er. DiP a bruah ia- �acaipim� frohn �tihs n�fpi,d� firin� guns C�h� 8
� the aocla. e,n,d rwb the ivory with it. ot a l�aibtlg aSlitip, fram• wRh�iich i�n endeauv- sub,yect that w�e have sr.en in the Ameri-
orim� `to simlr wLtih a torP�3�o tlue littla can pross. Althow�h Germany has in- _
NEWSPAP�Ii:i FOR P�A.NTB, timated tbr�,t she hay no intention to
bae,t �.tr�s dra,¢i^n �hs�a� #iire mt clbse ranige. ��,ut rastrictions on 'th�e commerce of
Durin�g the �;a1d nighte, where planta �n� �� �,�1�,�� ,�,y, �,� �odern �iao-Chau bay arxd its tributaFq conn-
xe ke�rt, stap the a(►art�uxes ebout the �n�� ���„prlkL wl[dl tn�tautly re- try, tho "bIanu.facturer" thinks that �,
�indmv eaah, if it be loose, with' newa- &1,�8 t,��t auGh� a haP'a ia mt beat a for- � Youna Iia.ilwsr will l�ear watoLing.
apera presaed 'uato 1ong�itudinal Pold� OE German policy i:n Cbina," It eays,
he wudth oL the cracks� Y�rn one. These a�Tc�h'ent danigere'have �•H,e know notU3ng. 1'V�e do knaw what
place �newspupers batwean tha wi�n- aerved t�v a�itttraac�t �muc,tv attontilo►� it has haen in �Africa and in gomo oth- d
!rnv a�d the pia.nte. to t;lvs tarpoda lxiwt aervi�e, an�d t�husre er parts oE the u�orld where German �
For exce�edimgly law teunperatare, cov- coloni,es iiave boen established, end• tha p
ara ¢n�nq w�hio d.o nio�t b�li�eve 'vn aend- ��rogress which haP beon mado
r tha plante th�maelvee with news- .�� �km �� ��eiwna af su.clh immin- �,nder Germ.a.n au�i�.ices ho.s Uaen ao �
�,pera, �giving plenty af epaou £or the
pread off the leewes, a�ud ti�e abaut the c�nt Perid i�olr av ]+iittle hhmat c�+t� Ue� b'�n' $ effectedom {,beirson wittL that which t
ate. The sasne Papere may �be used ed by iit. Evan recqgmdizing 'Ghe fu11 have haen touchadr Uy Lhe rlife-gi v n� �
gai� and again. etr�enlg��h od wil�at the tarP�edo boa,ts can ����yhman, tlaat wr, must look ul�on '
dn, �m.ny be�llteve th�alt tanped,o boat war- g�ranteeg from Berlin with' eome dis- �
�e�.lth I�ost �Il� �oand� Lar� ie dawbtlessly tfha mcaat terrible truat." The life-giving EnglishmF�n �
"booruirtrTwn�" styl�e o2 f'���h�tipa�g cop- comie.� verp hnqdy jt�t no�v, with big �
kaig PLeet a�nd hn�s coaling sLations„ of- �
oei.vabls. 1Th,e cre�w �tvY ti.n�n��hilate ���ng to do owr filghting for us in :
CAS 5TORX OF A YOU[3(i BOY'S ecattsr to the aki�es a1n aAposi�nlg'forca. ���rn Asia, and we� are gl�d to Eiud
TRIALS. &n,d i�n a ferv Lnstanoes Llve to tell a�l�oiwt a growin� regard for ha+m among the ;
ilt. it ie mwmp� caha�noea ta ane, hbrvv- �an-ufacturars of Pennaqlvania. Tie
� ought to have ha�l a vote of tha�nks at
� in
yypq �Tp�v4nR Too R��pldly nud QIa [feaitb �ver, •that t'��ey wL1d thennselves dis �� Fecent convention in tbLs citq. The
pave `Vuy-��wu�•ut 11SnuthK' Doatorlu` � p�;(� ��;�y }�ype wrauig'ht�, vi,cL'i.ms "DianvPaoturar" urg�es our governm.ent
p1d 1IIm Nu �iood = u�� rareut� �lmo�� �,{,b,Ei.r o�wn pm.truotic braverp. to aat promptly and intelligently at
Puoouraaed. 60 lfilttLe d�s t;h�ero to ava�ke life beamable .�liis juncture-not i'n the way of eend-
G rom the Napanee Be�a�ver. ing warahi�s acrosa the PaciPic, but by
It is trul� pitiaUle to see boys just °�' �'�se �tanp�clo baa�ts th�t iln the �n��- letting Porei'�n n:�tions kno�v that ou�r
bcginning i,o rea.lize the posaibiliCies oY l�� savY '��y �'e ab1�IS'sd tq pick men ti�ut3� riqhta cannot be curtail�scl or
]ife stricken down with diserase, the ��' '�r'P'&db brnut servilce WntY �+�9e in� s�et at nawght 'by a re-arrangemenl: of
��cape �roin �vhirh ie sometimes �r�eased pa�p ito t,b,e en,tire orew a�n�d oR- the kwundariea of tbe Chinesa empirc
thou�l�t 4o l.�e little ehort of a m�racle, ei�s '� � fUot�tilla. , to whdch w�e ane not parties. If we
H�earing oF auch s cas�e a re��orter call- 'It �� �P'0`98ib1�3 to avoid� thia diecom- want a eFri.Fited forei�n policy, tba
ed on IIT. J. 3. Stuitli, living uear �art. 'T,hs tonp ado boats are construct- �alace to sho�v it is a place where we
1! rederickslrurg St.ation in Lennos Co., �d P�'����'vly for speed vnd t'haic• ]ig,h�t- liave r�Lghts of our o�vn to stand up
ind 'xnte.rvie��ed bim ro�;arding the meae, ns��rrnw beanrt and �hallow tor, not �,�h�are we� come ns an iatrwder,
cure of h•is son who w�s in bac!� h�ealth ��'a�ht, w�hNlUa ea�wibbim�g theun� to make T�ratend[ng to re�store or defond thoso
and acagained it L+y t}�s use ot Dr. �'�'il- fai�' sFeed un cal''m �ve'ather, malies them of oGhsr people. i
liama' 1'ink Pitls. NTx. Smi1;h is one oP alimio�t vtnd��halbi�t�»La in ba,d weaGher.
tlte oldest residents in the localit,y, of 1� a T�a'� tT�� ���rpede bou.t
dlreut U. �. Loyaiist dessceut, and has a.croan �t'hle A't]laln.ti'o Wt was fown�d Lm� SPIRFTIJAL SPEAR PQIN'I'S.
resided ail xii9 life on the farm on poag��� far' d�YB ���� to li�gm�t a �
�vhich he livas. I3e is coneequentlp ei;ne im �alue co�ollc�s �4'u�artera. �Ive offic-
tirell kno�vn th•roughout tbe disCrict. � rs ware sa ,� �+ �very dblg ia a lion� somewhlere�
In re[aly to tlis soribe's qu�ry he �nve �CRAM;PED IN T�H'EZR CASINS Wh�ereever lave ia there God i,9.
the deto,ils of tve caso. "yLy son, 5tan- T��t th�g were farced td s''t «•i.th their Gad will leave n�thin,g haiP-done.
lay, was tuken sick ahout the tirst oY f.eet 7rrapped up ag�slimet bh+e si4des ef •�,� vyore yanu. love, the �ore you li.ve.
Febxue�ry, ifl'JtT, Ha bect�mo ver�� deaf ��g bani. Lvary ane an bcralyd, durith� patri,otir�m keeps up �ti�ith� nati�,nal
�nd had a duil constant Esaip in his r�,u�gny K„e,a,�trk�r� x^as burlled fram, ai.cle i�it
lwad. He grew very weak, sucL a}� sld�,,.af t�he n�a�rrow steeL tu:be unti.l d q•
condition being more prvperly dest:rih- all w�ere e� ��s � bru,i5es a�nd c�o�itu,si� Content is n�t content, withAu�t
ed by the term "genaral muscular ana, To c�ap> �lu��;r trpubl�es th�ey slapt Eh�ank.sgiving.
�.vealznQss." He was troubled with se- wi�bh this u,n�p�leasalnt kn�a�vledig+e that ba- � cLty is es ptt^qn�g 6or the goor,
vere pain in t4a t�ack and had no ap- oP�,� t��, wera sbored ex�pd�asi�ves au.f- a,s it is �ar t�e ri�h!
petit�, continuino to �steadily grow fi�cusmit bo bl�aw' GY�m beyowd ths cloucis. �ind�er tb�e �wtpit is the f�esb place
weakar and finally loat all am;bition. TUre dliscqmSarts in, time oE peace are �. the churcb s�tove.
Iie h�d littte mor� color 'va kum than ����y y��,t i�n waar tiim�ea tah�e tor- Wh�rn cLanbt is in the pnipi�i infide]-
a bit of �vhite ��aper. A phyaician wa.s �fl��a �,�y w�ell be called tahe for-
consulted on trie first �spearance of �� ity suts in the pew.
Ilarn 3��aITa of th's flee�t. �+�awg�h hc�.a
4he trowble. He carefullp esamin- �,�en eeen af t�he da�igers to ahAw wha.t �A 'Patc'hed-u,�i frueud.ship ie apt to
ed the cnse atating that the a��l c�ha�noa �tlLere is af tho baat's craw �1� � a netiv plaoe.
haarin� was aft�tod b,y cats�rrhal �,i���, �,1,�,�,h a ko�r,pe,do dwel. '.Che Wa cli�n,g to awr 6eliePe chiefly4 6e-
dea�ne�s, the p�.ins in the bacic origin- m�yt tra���:,tvl e�t'on'� ad recent ra.ws�e th�y cli.ng ta us.
atin�g frdm muscul.nr rh�eumatism and n�,cau1 t�attLe�v im 'wn�ku w ba,np�dio l�oat j,pve af tive 17rathretl i� ou,r title-
th�s cc�nstant tired PeeLin� zind ganeral �� p�I„t oc�uxrmd 'on t�he n�:�g�h.t foL- deed tcr Divin�e s��nship.
�v�eakn�es �vas ca;used l�y cxver grawth, ��,.��, �y� }�,ttls af the Yatw, `h'bgn 'I�,h� devil f�emrs the prayer thab ia
'1`h�ase diificnit.ias tcrgether with the �� C�h�:iwese ehip�a hat� sau�'ht shalter ��,raad nt a motli��r's knae.
aPtsr effeatsaP La grlp�e left ba.m a phy- i� a, can�v�em,iient ba,y, witlh onity a small
ytical wreck. • Tie had the be,aeLit aE ��� .� � e��, T,hroag�h this apan� G:ad give,.g no burden whrere He hae
careEul �inod2cal attantian, far four ;��, a Jamt�n�esd torped�o l�oat stole dn�r- n.ot fisst given atrength' to bear it.
m�ap�ths. 7'�g dactor- had carefully i��, ��9 ����� � the a',tt;a,ak. The aam- I.ove is the apex. .Hivamility the
Lr.eated ha�m�'�for the deu�fnoas an d suo- ma�.nr3�n, u4 ,tJhs Gh.,n�ye vessel„ �Ln�g+- foun�dation af t.h+e C`hrist-like li fe.
reed,ad i�n re.stor�ng hishearing, butin Yu�en„ aand, a nu���er af G'he crew, were �;�1Vever hhg'h a ms.n may o7imb, hs
c;,tber resz�ec.t; was n�o better. He Q� a� empect�:m�g samre wtta,ek. �Vhen mu,yt always giart fro�m thSe grnund.
ord�.rod th�at he sh�onild be carefully �; naled by at+hsr v'esaels t�Y:ra�t the to,r-
ilurs�ad w�ich was about a11 that oould ��� �,� �� been a'cygl�ted the 7�i�n.g- '�h'�� � n�o �e�w in any� cl�usch that
h�a dane. �b �maka thingsmore clearly Y� �� p� un tahs dflr.actiom tlab devil has nat �oune times occapied.
uixndJenstaod. T mri,$'ht aay he was at this ��n� 8b� ca�e. The smake froan the If yba ��ve neutl�er money, friends
tiuua past tk elve yeo.t`s a� age, havi u�
gmwtn, v�arq ta,�t, was large epaugh for 6�n+� 'm'ad�e �ft Ln°�°ssibl�e to see tiha at- n�or cbaracter, thank God you are out
c� a a�ix years h�e sentor. The doctor �ckim�g bd�art„ and G"iue eamrmand was g�v- of jai:1.
nl e�n tc� cease fi¢Gm�g. �e Gh�inese cam�- A reform me�.sare measurea man.
c,�ad �paadicine cawld not benefit b�m mandien' nexti discacered tlho tarpedo L,oyalty t� principle is th�a measuring
�uwd all that c«utd be dou�e must come �t &b� a�� ����, ��tanit comin� r,od of patriatiam.
Y�y mursun�g. ��'e naturally telt greatl9 at fiiLl s�peed toiw�a.rd tbs �hu�P• The 8�n if the wprld i�t g��vercued U� fate let
d[acourag$d ntthe praspect, n�otknow- ��w i�mmedfila.'tely apem�ed fire u�pan iler lyy �rin antL k�ee�r'it; iA bq lave, let us
i�n;g 1vb�t courss I:a puz�ue in the �,t� &la �t�h�na, �one�chi,na ancl rapid-fire ��isve aad �hg.re it. �
futura. At �this juncturs one of the �n� at ,x�s soam �e�n tbat �hs was
dru�ggtsts oP Napa;nee who had P�- �11 of ah,at �hAle-s, throwgh whi,c.h es-
v�i�ou�ly cotmpo�ncisd maJnp prescrip- cap� o�� � �m.
td�anla, rec<rmrxiended a trial nf Dr. � Man in Diatres9.
W�itliam,g' Pi�tk Pills. Tt was Lh.�n the T�� J&p'�'n�ese sv�cceeded„ m+owever, in
Pinst a2 Ju;a�e whe�n we purchasert three a�scnang�im+B 1��u' taI'P�a• A du11„ snuf- A whble fa�ilg mu,ffering. A dull
I}a� and. cam�nenceci the treltment. �leci report anmausiced th� egplosiAn an- a�clvi�nlg a�f nerve or �mmuscle, or the
lV:hern� 1�e had fi�ni:shed the secand box a�''T �'�'�T�rs a4 tahe shi+g. A oalumn acsu,ter pe.n� o'f nenrttll$ia, tnoth'ache,
:ui�s �.ppetite, previatu�ly fickle an,c1 ua- of wat�es waa tl�mowu im tkile a�r where ar lwmha�o mak�e� lifie a miserq. :But
steaudy, ug.d. wanderPa2ly i:mproved. �0 s`6':►P was strwok, �n�dS am exam.i�na- NerviLi;ne-n�erve•�:ain c�ure-will re-
ile oonLinuAd takin,g the �;illa until t��n b2lkxw abowed t�sfa.t' the proteotiiv� lieve all �ese. Nerviline .is pro�werEul,
�evo�n. '�axes hrad been� used. His ���e ap� ri'�'��T'tii�r,ht daac ila, tU�le penetratin,g, and etfectual.
stren,gth retu,rned with renewed vig- ����e were ]enkiln�B badly �nd th�a
� or and all signs oP mvecular rheum�= ���P' ��'� �'r�dtumlly gimlkimig. ��0 wA+� ANOTHER R.EFOR.MEft,
• tism had vanished and h.e steadily xe- i8a't um�dk''I' ''v�3' at°�d r°in °°t° a m'ua
, gained a atrong b�ealthy color, and was ��p� ah t,he atk�ler sifd�e oY the baGy., where L�uearci it all, said the father to hi;
atal�e to do consxderah]a lig1�;G work in �h e%�''��� °n �"�0 £O�SO�ing� duy clau�g��har at the brea.kftuit tablo. Yat
' t:lu� harvest field au�h as riding the �U�� �'helt as halie E3�ve b9 e'ilght �eet„ Z i�ssed t'hat heau, so mv�nty times tha
�1 ' }� {�e,en �blb�wm iin bh,e battam of bhQ, 1ha�1. to keep track �y th4 �ra�s. I`n
� mower, reaper or horae-rake. He hae �}��
i since attended Hchool regularly nnd gh��> '�n'a �b� $�'� � i o,m ustiti•ed a.
thou;gh a year has elu�aeclr he has had PR�ACTICALLY A WR�CI{. A�er � kiss T �� H''� declares tha
� no sqmptome." ,12rs, .. mitli �poksn to A�,� ,�r camqrartmevrte w�ere Ei,lled 3 8«'e �,im makes him a bet
' abowt the matter readily concurred in wilth wull�ex arn,d th�e Ei�rea extun(giuished, te,t' 41.tiIl a'pd I purpcxie work�in� ��L
• n�ll that hnd Leen said relative to her t6�raugrh reforun.
Ae t,ina we�abhler was biitter oodd, 20 de- ,
.�on's case, and was vcrq decided 'nn hor gT,eBs �)�. zera, �h�e e,t�ul� b�+� to be
vi�aws r�agarJing ttLe health giving pro- &y�a,nd�n,P,d, ,A, PL.�QU� OF THI� NIQFiT
� perties c,ontainecl in Dr, Will[ama' �,�, f� � t,he cretiv af tbe torped,o
j Fiuk Pi71a• twa,t was eilmqvLy anpall'unlgi. S�hie wae ItchlnR PIAe� nnA Ot�er atoctal Trouble�
. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood d���„�red t,h�e tal�^ung:mor�ing floah- ��„��y o��rc� »f w�arri ntP�uou-s te-
_ Isuilde.r and nervo reatorer. They sup- �b� ��� l�. Tihie firet man who m�rknble hombe� ot cnros Mada
i Fyly Llve I�lood �-ith it� lifo and health- lnaa,rd�d ,Usr faurnd v�nhait w�as lleft of u� T�n,�g�s ;��aanet�o o�n��uon�.
t giving propertiea, thus driving disease {;be c•re'w frazem ta d���b on her decke.
A from th9 syetLm. 'Phera are numerous T,y�,g eplgiln�eer� w�a�hlinist t�vd firem4n About one per�on 1n every fovc suQeri
� pinlc colored imitations, again�t whinh ,b� �n, gca�lKUed t� deaGlv thTauig'h the trom some torm ot rectal dlseaNe. 'Phi
_ the �uhlic ie warned. Thc� enu�ne i es b ane of �u°at common aud unnoying te Stehing p11e5
[ � cu�ttimig' bi Gh�e ateaim p�Q� Y lud�cnted by warmrth, e{Iqht mota[urc au�
� Pinl� Pilla enn k�e had only in bcrxc�s the th;: �fl,ld,er �hkMtg frarn the ma,chi�n�e �,i�eqae, uncontroltnble lcching ►n tlie pnrt
T wrapper around wlaich bears Che ful.l g�ns. �,�,gy �.gre a11 helaw dec+ks. Tb'e «rcected.
tTade maxk, "Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla abiA•f en,gimeer wvns lbnirnd nee�r t�ha the usnal trentment hns been eome stRnpl
for �'ale Peo >le." Refuse all othera. of �ttue en ime rcrounn frozBn ��ntment or rsnlve, whlct, somettmea glve
� f ha�tcih'wa�Y �& tempornr� �relief, but nothing like u perma
3 --- �- atiff. I� Wais erviida�vt� 'h�wever, thWt he nrnt cure aan be espeoted irom svch supei
• RICQI:G5T GOLD �.INE. b,ad di�d frc�m t�le ec8illds amd YrwrYas. [tclal trentment.
,p Owt ca[ �tJhre� emrEi,re orew ai 14 m�an not Tbe only perinanent cure for ltching plte
r Tltile riichest g+od�d minie in t1iel wnrld �s Yet dtecove.r��t as Trnsk'e Magnette olni
one 08C&ped, ment, not only Yar Itching Iled, bnt Ca
,� lacated under thla thriving, t�wn oY I,n �b,�, �,r �t,w�eag� tlbli,li� tuud Feru every othar iorm oe lles, b�lne, bleedln
9 Ra.11ara�t, Pi,cstarin„ Atustr�lia. It yields �,t N,� �y�ri �,q,t Garrvl�l�e as ware tar- or rotruding. The i�rst nppticatlon g�ve
_ hlu.t ha:lf an ounc�e a£ stan�d,�rd1 gofd P,P,��s �,�m �they Ig�olt here� aw +3. ves- S�is�nnt reflef nnd the eonttnued ueie tor
to khb to�n, nnd yoZ th�� Sand, T3n,rton �l�g s;i�]� �� c�k�itvices 'WeTe a111 im fav- e�lort tlme cnusea a permnnent remonal c
the tuwors or the ammll pnras�ltes whlc
�, npd Allxi;an mine hin:s yicldsd morei than or of �th,e torped�o iwat bei,n�g. sumlc lon$ cuuse t'he lntense ltcl�ing and•diseomRart r
��154,000.000 evf' g�l,'d since it w�as� apened, }�fore slh,e �^a.s memR' e��au�b� to dto' an9 ltching pttes.
i_ g(y yei�pg g,��• , d�nnnp,g��q, Whi,jJe, j�f s7��e stucedded in� di9- Muny phyglclans tor a long time auppoae
� r n Yhat the remarltnrile rellet nftorded h
�y cihargi�n�' h�er deFul.ly nnu�sile the chancea Trn�k's A4ngnetl�o dlotment �vae beceuae
t AI,L fl�r Rlr(ZUI�tF.9. oR �r �stti.n,g aiw'tk9 �4terward, w�re wAA atrppoaed ko eonteln aocnlne opfutm i
� E�y. �hg }��t fi,��e orew oowl�d expeFt slmflnr druge, but snch Is not t6e case.
A I�,gRiaq nablaman, Count �an. n- �Yeiuq,� t�e �to� ei�nk wiihb, t�h�e bnitie sh��p reoent careful analya{R of the remedy eho�
.o fiky, ha9 tivt'itten to M's.y�r Wartvick, n,nd di� g.lina"ipv51•9„ knawing �+h�s+E �n o�alne, O�p lU[t] yO�C aQu LRCC LNIy pOlitYII011Y� !'
it of P'h,ila,del;phia, isayiu�g titat he hns a tluanr den.t.ha they pwlied daw�n, tho en. �urloug 4rug� whntever.
;s F;aud-laoki�n� Pon, 24 yeara of age� whn emry '�• 1Gor thle rcnuan Tr�,ek'a M,� �et1a OSn
�r wants ta mm�ke n P'hti.lade�,pthia woman Sn oertailn ie ut t1ha�I� eliroo, oh�anoes at mant 1s protuubty tho ouly p�lo cure e
y hds wife e�n�d a Cau.nte9s, AI,1 he re- lt'vim,g� oam �o ex�bcted i�q t+b�e �fficers aaiisevit te so�gAfe,� oa ro9atpiin�theereli
.k quixc+,� ia he�auty nn�d a clat( oP. $3,tr00,000. ap,d. arelw' o� � taripedo boat tlh�nt it b'as snoread ane ao tnr a� �Cnowu the omty po�
��r �o ta �p �,���},p� �A�,itmatiian G'hnt �Ive cure for pllers aYcopt n marglcai ope:
i` �$'I�EL Ib�, OF TEMPER�NO�. 80 i:o BO jp�e�r ran,t. at tih�o torpe�cl,o boata ttan.
r e,n�'agetl ihl a�tta.c,k.im�g r.ruhaers nnd bat- ic e�sttertnk tmrim nn torm ot pltea a
A Ifittla r�cm�rl girl ba the rural dis- tiy,� gh(�r� wi.Li gtcr to� 4.hb 4wtt,c�m with your drngglst 4ox a A� ur 90o paoknre
A Trnek'a ht�e8netlo Ointment nna try tt i
� Lric�� of G+eori�ia, wa.q taLd to write a avery etawl ori� lwa�rd�. It iB m sexvi�n of nlght.
,� �am.�icx�itiorm on "7.lemporance:' i3he dea�,� i�n �var tfrtrnes; dr drea.ct8w� dis- H�n.eN�caI�� �hFiLID, lA7 sa�� etreet,
turnr�d o�tyt th� F�Illow+i��ig;'�T`em�;qranc.0 ��pr� iln� ti�ei of pea.oe� . 2�ron�
i�v m�rrA ��ottc+r thtut� whisk�. Whisky .. ��_....._ '.___� -_--
>T 1�9'�P,'I1 �P�Cl�9 A, C�P�h.�K� fLYl(j. �,4�d Oi �. �.� -..
�� �� �r;�,�� ��,n4kp. �.o v,�� �oA �u,� `�wa Nr�r��r�d �i�d ��av►�rr�y��iv�
tt IlA tn�rnea. Un� c�i,gh�t ha cc�me ham� �a
,r )o.t.�s :�n�1. �mr� wr�n�� out nncl cui: �am� Cups in e�c� pound of 4oc. �.Up�LLA Cbjr10i1 TCA
1e. h;iokari�e.a a�n�l wall�p�od him g�ood. The��►
����, ���� .}��y b��,�l i�u n. tvt� of soap- Do you realiza the value this cdniait���-�-se�ven cu�s far ane cent, Try it
�., snal� nmri Lar.k�e.�i hwm� np id thd »a.rn.
�,, A n�. t9�Ms �n�e�t xn'aru�Cu.g �'nY ��a, �a�id hn �E� 40� fi0 �ttd 600. fn la►d Pe�akagsr. 1�r01ttl I.s�,dln�' gt'up�Po.
CexlKbticiri }!d'd. e��4hiL� afG , .
n ' ,
� . . �. .. , . � . . M �� ' . ..
�hA��f �
�.�.�,.rlr.err� '� � ��.s�•'i'.�.,ar,..^1L _.�rt�.zi4��� �....e__....�..'.2n::�i��.�...���.�;.''Y'.��� .
"� . �
,M6�in' � a r t .
� ., __.��.�F _ ..._ .r
� , ��.�:�
--. __. _.. . .
, , . ., � reoR �xcus�. i � � �
� : re�,� ,,, ��Ff,1SSiF�LE K� �c��l��r�'�a , '
' ". 4nk plerk (sarutinizlus atseak) -- -
3��U0!I�, Ft�.rxfier ls Ma.dam,a, �v�e can't pay ttsia unte� you.
� Wrimg som$ one to identify yau. .�����:'� *�t�,�,+,M`
�i�od s Sarsapt�arill�, Qld ladg (tartly) ' t, �hauld lilrs co ��� �
Lnow whgQ 11,`1Q4^�G'�IXaQ� T��
Which absolutely Liank Clerk--Beoat�a we don't knQw '
C11rps evei foxm O# Y°u' it baing paaked in seal�ed �Aad p�►�1�4
� Old Lady--Now, dop't be �tlly ! T gts.--�laGk and mix�d. ���',grqc�K#�
.�1lii'6 bi00Ci� ��'OIIl don't k#iovy �ou� elther. '
b • ' �
rhe pimple on your Ir�'c�slsr.B.
FA�CQ tQ t�18 �'1'�£L� • i'ruyn--$uve qou heard that horrible � .
A atory about old StiPfe being buried .�___
Sorofula soxe whi,cb a�;�e z
Dr. i3olus, vaatily-Buried alive4 Tm- T�i�i��O G:;����Sr ��h�Q�•
Drains yQ11Y' Byt3�0IY1. �rosaible 1�'Vb�9, he wae a�ne ot my pwt- �OUNQ MiCN. I,ear�p to c:uw Nobs�tae tcnd�
ienta' or proLesalon. �rii8 YapRa6l�Toronto,
�ousands of peaple .
Testify that Hoad s �TUFINNY'$ HB.NDi9. �� you wsnb to buy or se 1 � carload o! POTATpl�
wrltn w. 861p ue 7oar ButEor, Egre, Poultry Ap�
1YIother--3oh�ny, you eaid you'd heen v1ea, sennn� Aia��eByru�, Ha�t., oeosh spsadoo
Sarsaparilla cure� soa �o Wu� Qa�,ou ��� �►.,.o�n on e�. �.
x0 Sunday 6Ch001. Quiolc eal a wnd reEarae. OozroP ondeppo IArlted,
Scrofula, Salt I�t�eum, Johany, witL a Yar-away look,- THH D1►Yi80M COMMSi�1YtN 0�, 41mit�d,
Yes'm. por, ot Weat Markat ond OolQornp ta. TONQNTO�
I>yspepsia, Malta,i'la� �[other-Hbtv does it ha+ppeA tha�t Ka�ereuco-DoninlonHank, 1t�rkMHi�ao11.
your b�as Bm�ii fisby 9 �AMo�e 41�TA6.l0 B[I�lNE�iS CQ[ �,
�tarrh, Rheum�,tism, „+a
Johttn I-i carried hame th' Sun- � �
.And That Tired da�y eohool Fr��er, a�n'-un' th' outaide Moct wtdeiq Attendad fn lroertoa. 8aM
Fealin�. .�temember this p�ge ie u11 atHou�i 3anah an' th' whale. Ytluetrated tlatalo¢ue (e0th �eer>, Ana��ses-
FtpBIN80T'l & JOFiN60N, I�.O.A.,
.tlnd get Hood's, , r��x.�cv:r,y�. • • • ox�rx
_ , with LOCdL APPLTQAI'TONS, se they oen- ��� �����' ����� ��w�N�
"`�'_� not reuoh tba peot ot tha dl�ea�o. Cnta��p �wrris�,yrx,ota..re o1rN
le a blood oa omutltuLlonal dl.eano, nnd In �o �Fenle Hld �.�q1s�
ZUSSiA'9 MT�ITARX STRENG'TH. order to oare t6 you musL tnlcu inWrnrl mosA94�P•.�OSOrGi
remedlos. Tis1Pe Cate.rrh Cure !v tai�• --
� np {a�ernnllp aad acCn directly on r: yyy• Supplies •••
Is I:.tluutled Tl�at al�o Itne AUnut Flvo bhe blood a�d muooum eurtpoee. Aaii'M �'atarrh ��On ('� ���
1Fllltton �lou 7'�Ated aiuil TraiUed. C1ure 1M not a qnaok modipine• Ib wae pr�e• jjU ��,�,+,y
ns'tb88 by oII0 nt the beeL ph981p1nne !n thi9
.+'ollowing the visit oP their preei- aou��try for yenrP, and te re�ulsr p e�crlp� gp��Ptv� Daaa. Q�'oR.x Fioope, Mespvvrd
, tion. II ie oompo6ed of tho �c>t rouice �nown. �7xT.y, BNOW9HOB& lSGD9. BOOTB MQUOI�B[N6�
or Klnndtkoltah
nb to Rutlaia thel Freach pat�ere ha�ve i combined wlbU tha k,rrt blood Pw�itlorr, Nie�Irto p�oxz.�c, H`�TO. f36AdL
�,n instructin$ their readore on the ! n�;,taCe oombinatlon oC Ln� two in`g e�ai� ut� �is �he Wightman Sporti�n� �oods
^ces possessed bp that oountry. Tba � aehe,C grouaae� Aueh wondprfut raxdlra in our• a� 403 Sr. P�uL6T., M013TR1CAL, QUR.
and Nav (aazeita of Loridon ex- �°�gtnrrh, knnd for te+tltdonlale, free
'� Y p'. J. l'SENICY 5c CO., PtoPe., Tol�do, Q
�cta from one o4 the most widely read �a�dbp llrnq$ivte, prioAT5o. �Q�����Q ��
these aoana i•�nterestin H&11'o Family Pi11a are the 6cst,
n g particulars. wt� v ona + roua
ie I4.ussian army, founded by aukase * li�l.�itotaeatao� ptace�wa
AN ALASIiAN B'UI�CTIOV, rrnted toan o awho u e
1970 an universa.11iability. to service, 1dos.In�emtru�ttbleLura v�t
rti drak• upon annual recruiting liats SOM'n0�r �av�e ucs a. regtilar Sldn- �neea�otrtmmtnS;�mon�rr c���eacioq=f.ercR �r�
eomethibg like 7b0,000 in Europe, �k'� �arty Yl�at last nJ�gtht. 4n�`�:y uai�M�ibe 0.one�y�andwew111ma1ly0utha in�.
ici 190,000 in Aaia, Lut in time oC peace w��t �� the feature�B BTeFi CH&MIQ� CO,.no=Ii11e,Qa�rbroo7C,(,ue4
�y cases oP exemption, are admit- �tid Bt°�I'ay�e abmas�h�ere eund not .___
d, a'�d onl al�out a wu�' � eat.
y quarter oP tHa g1 and SheOt t�ofial Norka�
�ove mumbere, or somo 2�0,000 in all, '-"- R�� "���A`-
•e c&lled out. �:Phe liability is for (3EED>S GIVT+�N AWAY. ROUFING HLA Tu, 1n slaolr.
Red prpraen. 6T.ATEBLACKBOAR��(Wenuuv�i
ve•nty' qears' service, commeneing at Pub�la and itigh Hol�oola,'roro��L�). RooanH nett, r;cety
ie af;e of 21. 0Y thia period five years Ther�e l�e•ver waa such a t�ai•gain o!- ao«� �Bf, eta. goorixc riG� sea xoti, ot�Y Buad�
vve to be p�sed with the colors, uut fer'ed in aeecks a�s that aet forth in inae, Torontu, done by ourtlrm). etal Ceilin��, aor
I�ennie's advertisement in thia paper, nicee, eEo. Eetimaten furninhed for work oompie o orta
iis time mAy he reduced to four for m�terialp shlnpeQ co a�o art ot the country.
en oP �e.tter education tha.n the av- U�rg � offere� seeds in 25c, pack- C. DUTNiE 8c SON3� Telaphone 1830.
�uge, �n:i ewen to tbree and two Tor ��es � lesg than wholesale ratea. Tbie p���eide and Widmer Sts.� Toroe�to, Onti
�uuig �men •joining direct from the ia no fe.ke bargain, but aomething gllt-
�co,nda.rq und superior schools. e�8'�d; in fa.ct tha price at which seeda
�re offered spesk for them�elvea. More- ._ HAVE YO[I -
' '-" "~' '-" over in dealing with Mr. Rennie peo-
B.ICx.c1ll�Y IN' H�UNGARY. e are dealib with a man whose name TH ?WO iAI�.S 4
� pi g A PIG INl
�iga,m,y is punis�hied in a peculiar � b� �n a houaehold word in Canada ! Ig �� �v��T$ �
Eor pral�ity and tionor for a genera-
ianner in H�un�garq. 11h� man ���ho has ��n �p�t. �Ve have no hesitation in �f Me7kf.
een £aolry�sfh snaulgh to �nnrry t���o recommending onr reudere to order Wr u� NAR�I�� MEIIONAM�
�ivas is c.pmpelled by law bo� live witiv freely a.t the grices oEfered{ Do not ��1118ri1 St•: --- TORONTO� Oilb�
�t'h af thean in the ee.me hause. When wa�it u-ntil the offer i& withdrawn, but �O� a���•
. cames t� ti�le refinementa oE tortura order 'aow. �
�fa Hun�arians are nat �o slo�tv. _ _..- � o � ��G�.1f
Faok, fanay and Fabie �� .P� �� �r i
7�q�e Prince of Naplas ig camp[ting
f�,ve cqnvinced I�eople tlilat Pv:tnam'� ��1��,�� �rk on th�e ooin,� of
'ainlesa Carn E.xtractor e'hbuld ha Intsllig+ent ladles and gentlomen o�n 6e aap.
iven �h�e preference. Get �id of yc�rtLr i Ttaly, modern and mediaev�l, and i� plied with Renteel nnd very PROFITdBG�
em loyment. Iadn�trq ta the e+senttal NN:Q•
orhs; �,rot rid crt them wi�hoat �ain ;, � a�nxiio�ws to h'ava all persons �vho poss- �a�A1tY to eeoure Qooll Rffi!�IUN1�ltA
uo I.'utnam's Egtr�tor and no other. ( ess rnre Itali.an ooins cum•munict�tz TION. Csn �Ive ��he addredA ntrepresentativ�
wi.t6 him. H�e ht�.s a aollection� af 18,000, �ho hne juaU ole�red EILS tn Sl D iY3, ;5 aao
HE KNE�V � b'ut th�ere sa'e 34,000 yet ta be accr�unt- bemadarl hb AT �'o»r otvn H��1�ID. .
� ed £ur. �.L. N(c�HOL9 Bc CO,
33 Riohmond ��ia�h Toront0.
��1,ap echoalt su�pe�riintendant- Can � �_
�ny littlo boy in th�e clasa Cell me e.ny- tiy p C J07 �`
1.ing nboat TyreZ 'r �Y S1'A � D���9'
Littia l�oy-'�es, �ir ; I can. Mine �
�uated o�ne day la.st summe�r �vhen I ��� ��� � ��� ���
vas out on my Uik�e and I had to hoof A __�
t hoaue.
� �� _' THAT�S HOW hlR5. A. W[LSON� TORONTO�
• � I �y� pU��T �O �Il iAR • • • • • • DESIGNATliS KOOTGNAY CCR6.
�����,���,$��� ��7p �e sell,as to aetl, aud it D�73 I''s a good thin� for {:c�,rle gett.ing np.'
�� bobu�the beat-an a Bood in�eatmoqt jtt �CA[9 to knuW Oi 5ome ren�edy they
CURED �E���� ���� � nndoasteretnrnte�hbe JOY OF THL� � Can rCly on ti�at will bc thci� "Stanc�by"
nv in th¢ hour of sicicness, and when diseaso
Pure Rootaand I4erbs w1tL Celery-a greatdigen BV6IPI�88 ��N' �`'.�y pVectakes thetn.
ttve etlmulant--soi3 by al1 druggists. Larga pack. �, Goodrioh
t�o� 1jG WOODNAAD �lEDICIN� Co.� TOAONTO� 0�14 �iy � Mre. ��`ilson is a lady 68 years of a�'e,
V � residing at Gxy ]ohn St, Like many
Re$•,��f9�( � another person� advanced in life, an at-
� tack of Grippc, which sl�o had five ycars
�E gIN�L1E TUBE � a go, left her m a bad candition. She
/ � 7! � tella re�ader oath that she had the doeYor
aro a eefs reiurn Yor your money, bo- � '
oauee the� ara oonatruoted oo aotentf90 attend her, but found hCr kidneys tvere
' � � i prtnalplC� nna u�e away shepa o t�ta4 ba dly affected, and the cords uf her ueci:
� ( old-timert Etra. TLe doc'4 C+L+T U T
� � o�' wIND. Our 'l�" 9atalo�te en had grown stift? W"hile in tbis condifion
ptstns wh7• 8and tor t. eeter. sho began talsin�; Ryckman's Kootenay
� Q �; vuoted. Cure, �nd she declaros that she ��evec
� AMHRICAN TIRB CO.� 6imlted� hatl�an thing before that seemed to hit
1 � 104 end 1Ed HinS St. W., 7oronto t}�e rig�t place. She says it }ias cured
� her, and is now her standby. Tt �a9
������� ��� ���• toned up her constitution, given her a
�51�9� ^elieh for food, and made her feel better
� � � • �= in every way.
-- Full particulars of this and hundreds of
Q � LZ. SPROULe, B. A., (gradaate ot Dubltn other cases sent frpe by addressing The
( � uutoel�eitv, Irelnnd). 9peclaliat Ohrrmia S S. R ckman Medicme Co., Limrted�
Q ieeaee� oY t0e Nervoe, Blood, donetitutional Ailmenbe. Y
, ��ps[redVltolEnerBri Lotteuaonfldeut[allpanewerad. Hamilton� �[It. Chart bools frea onap-
OarlWn6E„ Toronto. p�IC8ti0a.
I .._.,� .� -a�
} a
. . . 1 _ . - . ..._ . _ . _ _.. � _...�.�... �. �.-.. .svr--•ar:3-��Y'=..T '..'+'I.`.G'Fi:F3i
Our M�tto Azan B�rrr ......
The Best G�ods at
Lowes� Possible Prices
snd consequently our low priced machines
i hava always given extra gocd service and
better resufts than many machines Uring.
� ing i�sg highei prices.
, Every Cycle Fully Guaranteed.
> Cood suainesa Men, Ineuranoe ABente,
� or other8� wanted In eaah towq or
' vlltage as Agente.
�t '
a �
� p,� JG�¢ r W ��,� � �`�,�� '��,� ; _ _
Q Ao � � � � ��� .
� � ���
. f••
4�/�r �t➢O a��r� lg��s,�g 8$r ia� �aax�'i89$o�y. �.
OYer i00� i� '�(''or�ap�w �na� �r��a�ra.
C�emoves I��r�c� r�f� i � ��� �'�✓����.
Cure� ��chia�� �� t�-�� ������.
�'rev�nt� �r��.k�n� ��' ��.��s
�t�pg ��.11�n� ��x�.
P�+�a-raac��.� ����e c�a�,��.
�" SY3043N Tfi�TtMONIf�LS 9fNT F�ifiE.
ff���� ■i�.�.�M�� �I� �6.I���i9
@�l.09 per Bottle tY•om iDrnpCgi�te, or on �
�. receipt of prloo Co �, �
@��°oR J0� Cook l�f'g Co., �,or�d�u, O�t. ,�e�' ��'
��'��+�� �i��� � � ���
- r- r+7 � r. =C !" GC.�" �'�'�: : r. - �. � � � ...
�-- . . _ ..__
_ �_._ __ s __,� ._ . __ __ ._ ..�. ___y_� �,s��.�nr��
� 2 VA �? � �T I l�� �O ia. �, �ts.
Thtr ia e BONA PID6 ofter made to fntroduae our Ve�etabte and PlaWet
y�ede ko now cuaRomere and whlch we gue�rant¢e to plense you or the
smoaet pald refundad ertd the Seede given es n proeent.
Ab these prioea we onn oxi.x ofler the varfectee named betow. O'r�lar
br nnmber. HUl9 �bab qou want� Thoy ure`eent'bY mail poat noid. �eleo0 Trom tDo toUowtng Het :-
' YBaBTABL�9. 1B. Rrstor Metod, IDa�ty Uenad�
(Ordec b7 N'nrilber.i �7� dnlon, Inr e reQ Vt'nGhera(ield -- -
18. On1on Yd�low 61obo D�nrots I
1, Ree�, �olfqea, roand 10. Pnrantp,liollow (Jrowp ., �nMp� W,'�',{ �1j�(�� 11
9, Hee4, �R�qt1tin, 9nt ropnA 9p, Ro.qtnh, L'reneh Bronktaeb �r �,i� le � 0����
S. Qtibbaro, WlnnlnraE�dA 21. Itn��lisl�, Ttindy f:ein { IRlrFr
!, O�bbnyo, $of�Elor'n Emrisatok 82. Rryun+�h, Hribhatd P orl�iln thla iipn on
6� OarroE, halt 1ong, �onttel 29. Tomnto, ezM1ra rnrly AEtanElo ��y�l ,� � T
!, tlarrot, qnernmin eentlef 24. Tornnto, flwnrt ChnmDion y�- le dUT �)t � and n n0 to « a�atth
7, puovmber, dhSont�n Pfokliutt ". � �'�° an ntdor Por 12 tIAORbf rrn anl I
8. tlnaumber T.ont Urean PLOWF:R`J� ;'� ' �� -. Inelu.ta 7 ackeb Dlew t�`AntChi�•
!, pElef�,Qolddn Qet{•BLncEtnr 2IS. Aatore, tr�Jxod t; ^ int� �nlpitt�to*rSr, Trfa�2c7o, }� np
10. }TArbn, 9nge 2b. Mign000tte� sKeeA • oP f!)i��rgo T� HLYRN(YRtTi1C�8
11. H�Ths, Hnrar� 2". tanny miYoQ �� ^: �,� Ot' 1"]'IIH PAPFCIL.
1!. Herbe MnrJoram F'o�un�s mixed "' ..,._...�._.�..-- -- ----....
18, Lettude, NonAnrell (OAbB�Ba; �. N'netvrtin�,� e�r� mix�+ ,� ���.�
14. LattNpe S)on�et Mnrke4 iont eQ) . Hmdeb'Pertt, �'Ine tnlxed ��4,, „ _.� ,-
16. Mwk 14l�elon, aYEta� eet1Y. DTnpmcw Al. Wlld Elower, qarflen mfxad - ' '
I Wa �rltt
� . . . . ✓ . r . tlrr�..., .._ � -M... �`ti :�1Y�
lio�y C1otn Redi�h. •
+1w^�v.r �MAY1. ['fi���l���y A 4.���A��S�J.
' �w>.a. , .