HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-02-17, Page 7�_ •
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, .,- .. ��.1�[ (kt � ��hlt��' �di4'RrY I!dM'r1b�� Wi�1 �lM��1.1� �;V�i� . . W �'j� �' ��'�? ���« '
. , ��� ���J1T�,�. at Quapl�4n�4�. �h� �a,cp whe.re tba Iit� �l! l,UJ;I��J�� �U� �*,��k tA, s. � trw _ �le
�. 1�p o�es �.Y �a1�ly ��wn� t��tx little � ,.,� ' � 'v� r to �Aa.i�n, d,esca�i�bas,
� � cru. .
�. q� ac�,a i�tn, t
c;olp�p�Wtous, icuawin� w�all motl�;a� wi11 ' �. w��. e� bLie dap�r,
'' . 8UT SHI� S���IS A�,�tEl���! �Q �A�'�
.. , 41iT�,`T�k f70�i�NEB�. ,wnt ua.ria bu�, wi'� t,akia an� tnterest [u �ure at �, �i�n�� P�r t7uba. Ak1 day
� 4 S�t fi�b,e� tau�d."Y, iq sm�t1, try wasb3+nigti �ir s�hil�i[�h a�v�, e�v�a pexhapa �oiu- WON H£R POINT IN CIc�IN/1. long thera hd�d b�a�u hea,t'd �ha xa��auxT
a %n�g with th�aYn, i�n aqu�et way. The plaaoe �
;� dncs a ta,l�tuii�ftti, and i;t �ao�bbl�e an a� wh�a�+a tbs ci,wu:Bb,ter �+at op�m,� wft11 her r"`-+ ad t� df aa�lsli�erai, aap�xedai,u� t�uraugh
�day� t�i l�eaves M�amda.� �to �idy wp 1tt�La trou'b]�e� an.�l �anfidences. alwaya Appxrau` 1lqeeaa�f o( �er Demt►ud t+Pe Opeu t�e etrae��t aal daY lq�,' gaialy b�deak-
'"�'`�- � suna aE im;o'�h�er's rsady oar an;d mother'e n�turkets - Itu� ti►o dtru�I�le to* 6nqreni4• e�], bp�,� k�d be�m�
wn,d 1ao1� ove�r t�,a oloth�, irn,andim� �a�aaim$ to and �rvm
' 1v�,a,i � et m�dm taxm M th�e wash. ��'�� �N°�B o'P oqrn;Port. The glaca acy at koktu �irc� og- t+4}ns iNr»r �'rost the ve�sel that waa to take theapn to
, �� K WlhlOr�a t,he ydulLg 4�'au/l, jU&L 6�&Tting otli by tl►a ltlrulry uf tho Po�reFe � Tp�f Vµ9� g�v��.
6b�,k t,hs clat,h�el� av� �b,t iin teTid or �n� lffe, �lpleet�iyg with er> D1�IIy �empt&- prepnratluh� for OVsr T4nt L"�aRlau�d�ANR
t�vUd water, anrl i3t yau, itae�p t�a Eiare �'nJ� wtud d{eaoura&,�jm!ants caa oouae, T,he �wi;li�3,Llt 1�a� ba,gun tQ cle�pei�
''�,," pw� tQLe boi�r, twn-t�h�isds full oY �� ��'�her wdth her ki�nd Tt is aoav re�tt etterali reco ntz- w�� �'G°'rr�eBp°'�;ci�nt aa.w "a atarCl-
wards ot sylr�at�y wA�d wise cou�nsel � �` B �' g in and r '
�va'ter am t}�a etave, wi't1N a�ood aupPul �y �,a sa mludln towa�rd kaepdng him e�d thait the Eas�term crisie had �asaed � P�tx �'�`�t' -� �Ps�uovs
dE sLi�ced e�oa� i,n it. 7.lbs ane K^hb g�tai ia k�hia ri�h,t wa�* e�nKl stran,gtheu his �yond the poin�c ni immediate danger &6tion of a,portly� goad-lookGqg a.ud
brea.kfa�t ebiawl� bs u� by fi� o'olocl� �T'�a�r �ar t'h�e coiauun�q years. The �fore the wall-d.rea�ad lady� w1�,a aotIr,ed a�oldier
on wushd�, p� ��i''a � htus�b�un�d, and fnthar publio was in,formed o! ite wa�lking dcje�o,teclly aipne dorYn t,3i.e pier
q` t}3� tha tim�,e ehe bas r�wn tut+na� a� ta a�a�v�eliu oR rast, where all aoute phe�se, wrihea a Lon�lon oorres-
�r'l�s cLath� thro h the wri� er the �n Ih1a travallinl�,r gray, with �, kua -
LUB' g h.hte v�exa�'tious c,u,ras of h�e day are po�ndent. � There is no longer muah P
w�ter i.� t�a baiiLar is bailingt, Ta1ce �h+rnwn� asdde amd �vith his wiEe and dack atr�.pped o�v�er lvie shouldere,
doubt that ��n8dand'� peremptorp de • ;A1� g�e x.,es,t oP ths �en had friands,
i�awr tabLee�poanfu�ls oY ]flaro�ene remd�stir �alciz�n: ga.tkvared raund himc, he is oan-
Z a te�nt. Pleasan�t indeed, is sivah, a hvme, tt►aud Eor open Chineae marketa hae re- their movias, motliers, reiativea, and
i,� irai;o t�kya boildng� eiurcl�v. 1'ut thia wret a� ,��, amP in tQit� lndmia i� so loved oeived wha;t mt�j* be dasoribgd as a tacit , ffi�.de tlte u,aual ga�,llant ePfort to look el-
dLat�h.es i�, b2uis„ th,e cLemaiest in the ftrst �,� y,�v��xi�d as tlie dear 9atither w�to ated and full of h
�wilerFul. �q �e�v�n� o'clac:k tih�e seoond ma'keis it sa. +��d ��Porary rocognition Erom the � oPa• T�h�is lad hnd
� no onci,,, and i't uvi�ght ba divined that
ba'tc,� aP d�oth�esi i�s im th�e bolLer. Noth- po�vers, inciu�ling ltussin. The etrng- hQ �,� �,pryi�ng a d�esoln.te hoart over
iing reun�a6m+� b�u�t tv rinse t�h.oroughiUy in L��� �'.HLr BABY �t Y. gle for param.ount inEluence at Pekin �S�y,
l�W�p watems, Rr11u�e, amd �g� out. T}a;e�re T�hat iba�biea o still goos on and upon the iseue of that I�he �handsom�e waman burst from her
u�h�t to ory occastonally contest much depencls. � I�O� °'� Priem�d�, tvok th� boy's �und,
18 D�ah t1� slliig�t�eet odor aP, k�orosemey, 'I�s a Pact w�lll k�nawn to doctors, ll>ut and eai.d, "My san hu,a already gone to
t China, iP �he exercieeo her usunl Ori- I Lv��y ,� ig � ttvB r�f�a,nt oi Andalu-
�� II•Ad tilya cLath�ee �T�e t�autiRully cleam. dn� whdch eee�m,s to be very muoh ,entat eYarewdnees, ought to profit muoh � a�ia, and aai�lcd two �onths ago. Y'ou
� Un�de�rc]a,t�hRa ]oek snw�7il p�rc�ttier a'8�►'na�t 'th�a cnee�d oR ,math�ers and nuxs- at the dx enae oY Britiah and Russian ��Y me�et him, Pepe G,; take thig kies
R jyJ�.�.en iran� but tivat i� a,11-th�ey do �. '�Ys E'lare�nce Hull WinEerburn in n � ta LiuL." S,he lean.ed and kiesed 6ip
� the Wdma�,'s H�amie Com rivalry, aald there ie aJready avidence �beek.
� �ip(s e�mti11 ae ew�e�tly, �10 mot laai as �'1On' ��� tba't ahe ia� fu�llp Fa.live ta the� posaiUili- An Ez►glish boy �vau,l�l h4ae shown
F JKm;g, eund a�r� not tug wih,oLe�a. 23�wb �de�l �babti�ea w(tvo never ory ura un-
� F�a c1otY�les �t be tive11 eutwed; iiC ae�tural �specd.{n!ens. Cryin�g is �� ties of the situatian. Tke game af Ehe anvkwardm.ess, b�it tiLesa graceful eouth-
divisian of the Chinese �mpire has beazl grn�ers are never at a loss Por a Bretty
� �1 lad Un t+bia �}nau�e on a�ecount aE W an�ly �sx�er�"[e�e p, youmg ba,by gets. It getsture and a prottier word.
i � expands ths� lu� , ca,usas a[>etter cir- cheoka3 for tho time ueing, but i4 Lord �rho 'twy fiush�ed with pleasure, a�nd
T�m, �an;� th�em itn th�e swn a,nother
i. ouLa�tian oP tJio b ood and h�elgs on mua Salisbuxy succee�de in rogaining the as- �till hold;ing the lady's haud, said, with
��. By d�nyin,� yqu�re�e,6E t(h�a pxatty oular grawbh. Of, course, fratl;i,ng gallnntrq, witbaut
�om�d ga:r2n�etn�ts at� m�a taa a oalmer, cende,noy ��t Pekin, which he allowed to 4uito a natural
3' Y wlveul t.h�era i� disoamfort is to be eimi.rk or ai11q �mile, "A�d may T nat
' ppi�er, s�trom,g,er wamata fo�r thiose elip awa�y to Russia thxee yeara a8o� take ona far mqa�alf as well, aenora B"
c' whn�e l�i�v�es ara bound up witih� youre. P�'O�mptly attaad�sd ta; und acreaming,
whl'i�;h mioht causs ru�ture, must not it wi11 Ue otnlq at enormous cost. Meun- The lady redd�e,ned, lt�wghed n, little
�1.s to ka,bLeclot,he„ mapkime, -h6tnflkes- ��.1lowexl; 6ut � i�ea[Iy heaitby Iittie time more completo details, of thevast aervou�ty, and beut and kisacui l�m
�a,�efe, amd �idlawalipe, bq iraning a ory, vv�eW. no�th,ing q�art'ic;ul.ur is tha
{i�ELe at �, tilm� tll�q �vill give yow no matter, save that bt�by n�eeda that Proparations ior war un<lertakon by aoAin, Co Lhe frantiG applausa oP soldi,ers
�rowble. 1'ul! bha ah�ts �thorou,�}�lyo ��,�,dp oP e the British Governmont are now av�il- and cLvillane, while ths boy walk�ed an
h xpr�es.vian for his pen�t-up brapad and happy.
and ba otz�+aPml t�hca,t �averythlun� is snap- �,P,Lin;gs�-t,hfs is nat e� thing to ffi,al�e aLlo. 7na�dnuoh ao tl�e crisis is only
$�d am,d a7ald�ed ap i't its ta,leem, frolmf !t�,e ev,erybady rwn and try to d�iverL• the pdstpon,ed, and at a�n,y moment ma9 �$� aUCIIESS OF T�CI�.
•�'��• L�ittl�a ans's atte�ntcon or to ston �him,
hecomo acute, it will be interesCin� to
1'V,hsua�v�er a r�rpet weare ault„ iIP yau ar g�e�t ou't of tha way as if there were It is gonexally arread that tlie
ireo e,h�ort oq �hA.lpy replwce iSt by m,atbi.ag u, fir�a ur a ru�naway locomotive coming. in�licate som�e oP �the measuroA recent-
wnd art-aq�n�,res. ` TP �iatLilnlg� is Ll�ar- ��t� a�y� y� yy�pt lea;;ant, Uut iL we � dominant note of tho craractsr oP the
hl ew � ly un• erta.kan. l�,te Ducvess oP Tock wa9 �er amia=
knug y e�p�t anaa im� t�v�o weo.l;e„ arndl w�re ance assured t1��at iL �vas a liarm- �irst, there ��ere tUe prar�arations for
wuped wp �vit+h, a olatlil dippad in a ha.1P- I�ess pastim�e far �aaby, most of us could bilitp, and tLn�t tarm dces inadenuate
�a�,l aP water w'v4h a�h'au•d�fuL af salt in� n�ycan.osts our.�elves to it onc� in awhiiu cn2ling ou�t the Nra'val Reserve; eecond,
ut, •n,o ¢�aoms n,e�ed, ba� swe�pt beL•w�een Chaug,tx, �n,o't at w,ught. IP tl�ana is one mobilizntiom or�lers were sent to the ��tice to t1�e heart Prom which it
¢iimes �axoe�pt f�l�e �Lin�in,gi•rdam and I�qn tnox�a imgortant th�an anotl�er � apr¢ng. Sho was charitq itaelf, and a
comma,n• ers bf the bome naval sta-
ki�tah�en.. �A �a.rloT i�P diueLed, a�nd u et Ls t,ha,t dark�ne�ss and si:illness ga wonderPu,l orgQnizer of c2�aritable re-
��we,e�p�a�r rvm aver �tJhe mi�d,dle aE 'vt ev- t tions, followe�d by aimilar orders to com- 11eE on a lnr
e�ry �'ew dp� ag�t.her. Sut a:lthough the i�daa �nap g,e scale,
qe,, �need u�at.he awap�t ofton- be a �ruav�l o�ne, t1��ere is something to mtiu�lar:s of s'tations e.bro�,d; thixd, the , Tt is said that she ave out of her
� +�jr than anba a iman�th, but then avery- be sa.zd in favor of littl� banies boing� com �leLio�n hP ptaus from the prompt �
� Slhi�ng �nu,9�t be tak�an� aut, an�c1 tkueH�ark allawe�d, a suiall cr i�n F 11-t,hat is, � pWn Iwnkot a good fitth oE th�i annua?
' .mvet be Gbrorowgh. It its tryimg to ke�ep am ex�rcdr3e s�wll-di ri�g t�s dn.y, pure- organizution bf amount granted to her by Parliamen�,
�aus�s tiviitlr' an�e s�erw�un�L•, ar none, as �,q upon tQua grov:n�dx oP health." � A TZY['NG SQUAD,R�ON, e,nd a etory, vouoved for bq Lhe SE.
»��hers d�a wi�Gh� £ou,r 'tbo,t br�e�.ke s
nvo�nan dpw,n�. which �vas to consist of not lesr� thr�n �.Jam��� Bud�et, shoK�a tliut she
Have a wime "draimer" far di5h-wavh� ton warshipe; fourth, tLe decision io knew 1]OSY to y;ivo on a sma11 acale;
fmg a•nd two d�4�h,p�.ns. ,\'Vash� in hat Pe���neatl� CUred• inerease the pers�onnel of tbe navy by �O �xi generaucs in mind as tivell, as with
p,ad r;m�se im bailin,g tivater„ a.nd pil�e maneq.
� rrraekery 4tn• tah,e dr�,imiar; bp the t�me �r more tht�n 7,000 men, which is now be- There �vere to be some festivities at
you ,U�.ve dsiied the �sS�lver a;nd glass a,nd A STORY TOLD BY A JUSTICE OF �nK carried out hy the quiet enlisL•ment, '��Vbite Lod.ge, tho RicLmattd residence
tud.��ed tlh9 kitcli�,n the chitva. will be of stol�ere aa�i ether ciasses of inen ; aP the duebess, and an invitation rvvas
a]m�osL i8 nat qv�iita cUrq. TSE PEACE. � sent to tUo seareta,r of �, ct�arit
. 't�Vasih a� quantiity aE patatoea �t a � fifth, the inere�tese nf tLe ar�,ry bY 1b,0�� i w.hich the duchoss was tnterested. � By
��mae, vsimg a w,hisk-bnaam far tha op- �C�acYed 'F�'tlh i�n (�irippo'Nt�ici► LetY Qt�n man; t�ixth, enormoua purcha,ses of ��, �},gr ��ost the young ladq received
ratiq�n. Fnla Glu�e Ln tke diah-at�ra,iner '�ocalc nn4 fPor�i Ont -liidurq Tronble steam coal and a general reple.nisbment' a letter from n friend, uaking her to
a,nd h�hsu� dry �pn�,t iin t}ie cl+as�et-thep ���cil IIa Complichtlons attQ lho 6at1'er oE stocka a� alll stalions at homa and I a�nnis party wbioh was to be beld
t� sAme aas. ,
.�re r�eudy Ear l�akung�, anrt]. w�uLl not �oil �r �Yna nlaconrnged. &broa3 ; seventh, Che e.lA�ration of a� Neat .morning both invttations �vere
'k�,e �anclq v�ry ,m�u�ch when, yau pee1 From the Jouraal, Summersi�te, P.E.I, acicpawl�dged, kntt ths replies were
�, plan for an eknergenc�y squal3ron com-
One af t}�e. best known men around Fose�3 hnainly of ba�ttleshY.gs more or careiessly F�ut in th�e yvrong envelopes
�' , ,; CASE NfAgING. Bedique and vioinity ia Mr. Alfred lese obsolei,e and old-fushioned, but ef- �� duohe�.s oT�ened the latter in whiah
6churman, who has recentlq removed �ective for I�omie�defence. � i the writer decta.red to her friend th�.t
tA �reat mwnq im�as,p�eirieneed h,o-use- � North Carleton. n2r. Schurman �vas �5e liust me�surp, �lecided uron this s� wa,s very aorry she could noU come
born in $edique nboixt aeventy yeara «.�Bk, attractad little attention hare, to tennis, because "Stout 112n,ry" had
'� +tvi�vea thimk iP t'h�y h�,ve a gxrad recipe ago. Some 'kweu'ty-4ive years ago he althou,gh' it im �not the tetist significnnt' aske.d her to ��hite Lodge, �nd she� tivas
ilh.at ie aLl t'ha,t ns �ne�sessarp in rnccllar ta W��3 sK'orn in a� a justice of the, peece, of the r�eries, t�ecause it in�licates the � t�ou.nd to go: i
' maLke go+�d ea.k,e, bat ths more gractiroal and aLout tv��entq-one yeare ago he �robaUility, tha�t Fn.�land's foes, in the � The day dulq arrived, and the irank.
' rea.lur��e tha't t��a best oP rea' es will fait 4°as &�C�'nted elart� of the county e�vont oP w�ar, will inalude France. QC ' you� Iady wRe warmty welcomed by
� cour�, m both of whioh officey he has tbe seveuteen battleships inclu�led in the d�ucheas, �s�hb afGerwaxd took her
• 1� t'�e �an�dis d4 a care�ll�as caok. Per£ecb given every eatiafaction. Mr. Sahur- tho e�mergencp equadron, not a half nside aud laughingly eaid:
ca'ke rtnakimt� r�qwiras exa.ct' rules an�d man was also a farmer on a larga acale �iozen could eafes3� 9,e sebt far trom I "My dear girl, I k+n�orvv I am stout,
'� g+o'o�d materi�l etq w�ll as carafwl judg- �'n� iike mb�t men engaged in that the home hase, an•i, as a matter oP fact, but I cannot heLp it. Y'ou sbould be i
' occupation le�d a bu�y life, being com- n�ast of them wpwlrl be sssigned to m�are caretul in posting qour lettera,
' mp.nit an,d pa�i�nstaki�ng L'abdr. ni
, pelle�d to atteud s�trtotly to bueinea�, .��-��positions in the tiv'aters aepar- and nevar forget that yau do notknow;
� 1•3�3fdra sta:rti�g� w�ttt tlke ca'ke have bat lase tt�a�n a year agb ho retir- o,ti�rng �l�.nc� drnmv thre+ Cantinent. who wfll read what yau writs. Don't
' all t'ha iin�gm�d�iian•tr� at 3�attd„ and the � f:rbm farm{ng and naw lives in a The Br3tish flaet in Chineae �satera ak�ologize, I have forgiven yotti." �
� cnke t:in�s read�y. �Zil�a ti�na e�haudd g� cottage, iai North Carleton. Before his has bee�n au,gmenta� since tl�e trou�le � I
� retirememt, �vark s�oh as only a man t,�egan Uy tK�o power#ul cruisers �nd two SuoCes9
F ^ wel] graaasd wi�;h lard e.wd th'on sprink- eugaged in th�.t occupation knowa any- torpe�do boat de�stroyere. Other eteps
i ted w�it.tt �fldu,r., t'hug will gre�v�nt the tUing atwut, claimed hie attention. His ha,ve beem �a.kean, one of which escapod I'n ln�iness comes vc�hlen thorough eat-
� oake frdm a,dlh�e.rimig� to �t�e tuna when. �ncrenging yerar� me,r% the burden heav- hoiice, sven by rumar, namelp, the des- �faction is �iven t22a pufrlic. That'a
1 ier, and the �rpring wark of 1893 wvre patnh of or�'ers tn the commandor o4 x''uY Nexvi.line sells eo reepidly. Zlooth-
bake.d, Fgiga eh�dwld tie fresh�, midk per- �i� �ompletelq out. This.is w8at; h,s the Au�s`tralian sqna<lron, to hold in nc�iv� is on.nad es if Inr magia, Pain, in-
� fe�etlty awarJ� a�tud bt�tter wi�ihdut a teile aliout it, �.pd hutv�he was cur�d. rea�linees for Chin�, the four cruisers �xnal or ext�rnal, findfic a pm�mdrt an-
i tain�t. �A �grwnilte dr rarGlv�nwaxe bowl �� 7� the spring of l,£�93 the oonstant MoHaw•k, OrLan�lo, Pyl�,des, and Royal- tidote ia Nerviline. Try It.
� ie better ka �rapare tah�e c�ite iml tb'an t°il an�i drudg+erq connected witl� tl�e •�, The defemce of Auai;ralia was to
� work of fnrmiag wore me out oompiete- 6e untdertaken by a Bs1t dozen emalt . '�-1iG.�TS AND $�ASONS.
� _ tt�n. Sf yda are igpdmg to u�v� baking� �y, and the bre�k dmvn was the mora y�siyelg, to�e�ther with five small oruis- I�,yp; a,1wa s g
i 1' �'der �iift' ilt wit�h the� fl�ov:r two or ��qp��te becauae the resalts were cou- ers, a p�art of 'the aost of which tsde- Y tall K;h�en m tvif�e has
� �]hre�e ti�m,es t+lviis wild make the eake pled witA the bad effects left bv an pra ed b the caionial Governments on �ght �a�11 tha wd,aGer clothes ehe
� " fSmQr Igsa�imed�. attack of la qripj�e. Une oE the reault s couprlitinn that thay sball alwava be w�,�, � y4u tel! 9
� T,h�e e�s �6�du[�d 'be �laced im1 a caol of la �ripge was a' nasty cough, an- }�Apt in colonial waters. This ' ar- ,
� ��lece 1re'Par� beirolg used n�nd Hhe yolks ather was the o4m lete toss of a s� �� t° talk '6P buying some-
� Gtn�l 1w�hi�to �bi�yu�l�d 'be� beaten se arate. p PP�+- rnn¢ement. �c�as conai<iered aate hecause tGng [or mis.
p t•ite. Mq apirite K�ore greatly depresaed it �va,s ndt tbou�ht thak Franc�, for +.,,,__ �
.�l' sRnndi �pim�th, dP ealt a,dded ta tba �n� i Felt t4at I had lived out m daya, in,.9{ance, wou4d be e.'hle to epartr � I
' pt�hi�tee w9L1 Rro�able yronl ta wh�ip theam r a�,sw�yg Fett colcl, and conee uenLl
SI�1P�E AT Ft1iS1°
; bd a sti�ifer frat�h. ,\�*�a,r,m t�t�e butter t,l��, w�Qe a•nd i��+ere � p A ST,N'CxT.E SH[P . I
great friende,
(��ut do nrat me�I�t i�t. Cne�am i�he butter �t ths cold affacted mora espeoially for thoae tretn�ote v�•aters, uad if any --
at�ki eu�a.r ilageJF�h,�T„ add th�r. }�eaten� my f�t a»d cnusad uie great annoy- �'ArA eetn�t, the�y wdui�t not bo able to It IA Foullsli to NrRlect nny iUnd of Pilea
' ydlka, 'than thre mildk, �n�xt �he flour to ance. Addad t.o tl�,is complication R�as �eP'� the se� oany ]ength of t,ime, owing -Cnco TI►en. ��t thA ne�tnnlnR•
; w,hi�ch th�+ iw�..Jrimlq p�d.vxi�ea� hae been t�Rd- � c�Priaus kidney troublo W�liCll threa.- to t��e imPbesiliility of aatt.ina ooai. � Pi1es arP simple in tlh'e beginning a.nd
qd. a.nd la�s�tiy tdu� w�lili�t•es aP e�gg$ whi,p- �ned to {�rove ttte �vorxt r•nnmg of �rr.� re�ert that the Pa�iCia fleet ��ne etu.wi�ly ounad. T�h+ey cain be cured eve�"a'�.
, yped ta a stiifP trot�h. If [l�avori,ng ia us- a.lL f wus u.nat.lc� to �in an,v work, or.iere�l to Cl�ine� was only.na,rtly true. �� t7ue waz�t sta�g+a� witbout pain or'
sd I�ra%ar �tn add i�t f.hP l�a,st thin'�, had no amhii.i�n nn�l IN.�.9 strength, nnd ThQ wh47�+ fle�!t. Was not, o[ course, to. l�y� blood, qu�i,akly, suret,q, anti com-I
�o!m+e t��w+�v�e�r, adld i�t to tl�e mi�l-k. ( w-:�.g n�t a hiY thP bn,tter of all the ��e �Parecl, ?>ut the aecond-r,lass eruisars ��y�Q�gly. T}uera ia anly ane remedy tbat
Cake b(haal�d ►re lxatem an•d not �ti�r- i doctnr'w mr�ii,•ine 1 hn�l taken. �t w�a �mnhion, Lean�er, and Phac�ton nre I �,�,,a,�� do it-"Tra�k's Mag�nistio Oint-
�red n•n.�] �t1U�a Irrniger and fiardar it ie iny u•?fe whn nr:vi�ed' me at last to trq now unrier orders to be refld.3� to 9tart. �,eNt."
heat�n t�� I�i:gnh+ter i.t wtll be. I Dr. Willfama' Pini� Pills, i t�.g�h{ Fnrt.her enormous cont;racts Por aup- r� altays 1:1i�a i-n�laiq,maL(on immedl-
�'ru'�t e�hdul�d h�. N'pI� flour�e�d bef�re ��,is iwx�s and hPgan t;�king them, My nliPs oP steum �oal htive hePn nlnan�i a�y h�eals Lhe irritated surPace, an;d,
ad�ii�niq t�a tihe. oake. �LTae t'h'�e aame size t�oK�e r�vive<L bc�cRw�� n chan�A for t.he in thA na::t fortni�ht at Car�liff, and µ.��b, eontinu�d treu,i:menl., reduc�.s the
•wp far eaelh ing�rrdh�nit a.nd a"eup" 1�el,t�:r was eoan talcing pin.e.�, anci hA- othe.r Routh Z'Vn,ic+s pnrt�. TherP haa �„�qti�ng an�d. pu,tR j;tu� unem,7ara.qes in
means a teac�u.p. �Smnid cak�a an�d laser I fore, th9,p tivcare �inrie I w�s cured. '1'he also i�een ti]ar� amount of apeculative g,o,�,',.�u•ad, hewlthy canditio�. This
• n�,kes Rhdwl�d nnt lve dieturl�e�cl i,n t�h�e si:c troxes brovi;;Lt. I�a�,� my n���etitP, ��ni'inR in connection �vith t6e poeai- cur�e is t'lwrauq�h wad p¢+ruuianent'.
i tivrn for ut least ben �rn•i•nvtes and )terge atrenqt�, and r�mf�itian, in eliorl:, ;�it I�ilities oF «�ir. . H�ene are eyam�e vntuntary and nnao-
ke� r�n�a i1�w4P. lidu:r. Do nok o�en und, that I}ii�l l�rst in lt�P «�a,y oC slren�th �umultnneon�sl�v the north F.nglanrl �icitcid testimioniq,la we have la,te�r re-
, LOl4A tb�n aven dnnr P.00 aften for th�i5 and he.alLh. The next sp�ring, hc�wev- � �oa�l trfl�l�+ hnq sufPered denTes9ion. the ceived:
� �r tlhn freqmen.t' ��e�e cv� cak�.s talling�. er, my hflt�tC}� a uin gx�•e «•�y �nd, I � nnlv ��oom 1edn� in �VelRh smoke�e3s Jwdge HYrmry D. Burri�n, 5i. Croax
, �lpri,niklr tlie i,Np af thR ck�ke li,qhtly imtnedia�+ly treg usinfi t1iP Pink Pills �onl. on a�.nountof its a-dvantaeeswhioh Fn.11s, rtays:-"I ha,ve ad'fE�ered aevere-
, +n�i�t�h Pl�ur 1>eforA 4rast:imiy, khia «•ill pre- aguin, and 1�,m ha �E;y t�> aa�� thn,t lhe,y I in «-nr fiime nsre ohvious. �'Velsh con.l � �y fx� �yile�s, a•u�cl fo1�'tvd no remedy
� vcmtt il�� frotsh.im•g• frrnn runnin�. C��re effertad I.t��t timP a���+rtnanc�nt �ure � mnqters hnve the i�ien. Y.h�t if F.ngland � u�rntil I mpplieci 'Trask's Ma�a�ettc Oint,�
� A�b.OU�!I 1�P kAIf4A'1 thkut tii�+ crven i�v crP i�h� and to-ri�ny T am K,a1) anrl l�v�,rt,y n,ti i[: �cx�g to ti��nr nn Rritieh mercantlle vae- ��iy�;�,� I't reliev�d me at an�r.e, and
� �ri�gli�t tPmPernture.. A r�uirlc avesn is T w�,re only forly, T ql:rnn�ly rPcom- nei �vill ventnr� `to put to ser� tivith the ��rtan�an,ar�tly, to the prc�ent time."
� beusft far la.yerr rak�ea an�d one not Ro 1�.ot mcjnc2 Dr•. Z�'iliinins' Pink Aiile to utl I or'IIM1jfLT�y Koft roa1 ��•itii whir.h the9 �re Da�n�iQl Jahin, aP Lityerty, s¢iys:-"My
, fb�r to�4 �n.kea. w,lio are �+u�fferimq ae I H•�K, conic+ni Stn time nf veace, for it [s'a wife wns aftlictied wiLh f.Ue �ilea for
� br. �'t":llinnts' Pink L'illF ��urn ��,y go- mo�'Prn nxinm thnit th�+ 1e�.9 qmokP the tan ycia.rrs ar �more, and ha.ve tried
� •CL'F,Ah'TN(� 'I�H7�: RTQ�'�. in� io the root of th� rti,�;n�5�, 'f')hi�,y I m�rP gafal•p. ututvuy emit�ent phqsuians, but receiv-
� Llippnti�na ars aP�te�'givea for blaelr- renew and l,uiid ur� the hload, und � Tt is }:elieverl hy �romr optimistio dip- ed. na Iyenr�Fit untfl T w�ns induc�d l�q
� strrngthen ti:e nPrves, thva drivin��lomn,list Ihn# Ihe ea�in� o[ tUe erieie y�rur n�5em�t hrere, Dr. Bon,ver, t� u�se
Lng n:stave eveay .m3�g�hrt a:fter ihs firs ����Q3A rt�om tl�� R,V9FPII7. AVO(t� imi�.a-! in the fnr F.9SI: ISP�N,'PPiI Gi'PA�f I31'1f,A,lI1 Trn,�k's D'SfUg+ppl�(O Qintment,' nnd [
; t�t dx+ad�:ned. T,hi� is n�at neceas�rq it tionK hy in[i9tin� thnl evt+ry �io� y�ow� nn l Rusqiri �vitl have a fn,vorrtt�le PffP�t can riaw say sih�B is entirelp ouredwith
� k�hA etrnnP ��as bre�n nroperiip used dur- Furchnem iq Pn�l�sed fn a�sra,ppin,(� �lron thp t1P11' Fda'tern fIP,A(��Oflt nnd tl�ree hdttlea."
� }ae,n.ring th�e fuii tr�ccl� mark, Dr. �'ii- nFrha,FKs mtii�e it pc�ssihiP P.� 9ettle t.he C. I.. Raot, MaNroaville, Esa,ys:-"I
, 9�g t,li,e draq. •TP �nyth�iva is apill,ed on �in.ms' Pink I'ill� for Pnle� PAo �le. i�nlerminn,hlP CrPtan nuegt9on. Thene hnve beo�n• n�iw
�he {o�p, waa�h� ar sox�aps it off nt anna. � g yvur`Trask'a Magnet-
� -----�- n�+r��na rtre not hqpAlnss thAt Prince i�o Oin,i,mem'L' fi�r bleeding pilea, nnd
, Ruh grerts� ofE �viQh a th,iak, blttck cat- Afi TO (3RAY fIAiR. �PorqP wf11 gnom hP c+stniiiiRhP�i in the fi�n,d it htvlps �a more t}�an anyt.hing
r $'oaa cir�l�h. ,A r�ieoe of binak etookinet �nvernorshin nf thF uni�nnp.v iRland. de- e�lsc, I tie,v�e tried.."
� ma.kea a gaoc� stave oloGh. See� ik Gra,y he�ir i� caucc�cl solely by thA loae 9nite the �ll�fNTl�9 YrTtltiPAf9. AI.I drugg�ist.a aell Trask's bingn�etici
� of pigmes►t «•hiclx gave it color. C3rayoese • �i�n�tlmnu�t. It. ik 26 and 40 oents for
he�ngi�ng �nee�r t+he et�roe., �vhere it can ,. - fn,tl��i¢ed. parkn�gr_�, and is put upanl
i ma�y ocQur n't n{ny period of life. irrea- y
9be uaed t'q rufi pte n�nyt�h,i.n� qot of a by rra�nrns tr, gnlule,, 127 fin,g streAt,
r TT3T�; AXiAPT�: OF THi: Ft1R'Cft.
,. � ftttekp, dug�nrty cam�isf.eneq. r,et Kugar ��ctive of a,ge; it ig aleo here�lit.n,r,y. A 'Ibranto.
� bnar�t to a. ah�ttrctral� amd. soraps i,t off. draabm oI po�vderod borax ie nice to O�vin� to the aotio❑ of cerfain well- _
put i,n t}ie «•atsr wl�en �vashin the kno���n laws, the e�,r'th ia nnt t� �x+rfacf•.
�•" 21hiH 1�� p�r�noDes t,�uic+es ol'f tb;e Ulack4ng� g bRYiNCr CTA'I�I.FB.
�: w�b,i�oh� auoiust bo re,n�ew�ed mt mig�ht �v.hen bair, i�ul. uhou1d. noL• f�e used too ofLen. aphere. CnreCul mAo.xuremente ehow
� � dtov�cs is eql�d, in oa'dinary wea�r th�e a���o effecl oP I:he �•nntinun! u.5e ot pe�r- I tt�a't it is R7ightly butging at the� �+qua.- Th�e dryi�c�g of olothea i� f.rosl:q �veath-
� bUa+okp�nunig �n�d nat I�a renerwed �ft- oxi<le in to dry anci break the hair {or, It !a a�s3m�le matter i;o sho�r• ex, is somel:lmea, iu tt�e case oE delicate
� n,t1.d r,a,uae preutalurn gra,yneHe. Rain fabxice, ai.tended w�th tearing, because
�n�er I�han anc�e a mo�onth�. root theut tl�e earM�h is round. �Vl�en
� ;l'tr�hrm �ih4 gtav�e; reneives its m�rnihiy or �listilled �cater ahonld I�e uyeri when r af the quiolc stifRet�in;g itt th� veryeold
waa�hing tl�� h�air. a ship ir� apprauching the ehora, the+ �ir. A si��9e recaut:idn �vhich will
t no�i, ot bl�cky �nLx a sma.11 pinah of �Gm P
i •bengtt�cant�h. !m enaugH tivi�rm water ta "'-�- - firxE pa,rta to i�e seen arp tbe toY� eails ; t��vet�L �p,y auoh trdable is tn di�olvo
I" ±Q.idsal.w� i.ti and add it tcr t6a meii;ed A��tNn T� AFPLAi7D. av sk�e ne�urr the land the lower aa�ila three ar fou"r haQdfn7a ot con,rse sa,it
f' 'bl�,ckimg. ,Apply tho blurkin wttla c�na ,At the A,ntertnlnmen! ancl riqging opme lntn view, and ln�gtlp � �,be laet rtnsi.ng water, tUus mak[ng
givPn !n a f,he huIl a�er�rs. Tf Lhe oarth'e surface
� brun�h u,nd k � D� tt, itt faoC, a, weuk brine, Art[cles so
� eeq� a,naP�hiar ta pol�ish u�itL. Landon Haq �tal ti�liere man of the u�•ero Pln:t the l��u,ll, boSn the largesY.
�alSaits ap�►iqi�n;� �,i�a �,abisb, se� th�,t the � � � ri�ed .vill nat suffer from or eti£fen
� va ta �Sr,rfeaLby olsu�n�. tlnply �th,e P��•�gnts linai Lo�t tne use aP ane arm, parL•, wautd be eaen firg . � witl� the oold.
jla�kim�g r�d �1xa17, lvith ltght„ �vwt�t tUe auu�fancQ m�naged to applaad b� _..__.. _� _.._
oit�. ��%p� �e �to�ve fs� weil biaak- �Franging itse�£ in pn,ire so ti�ar eaoh � - �� 60Di�TA�TriNGf lTOIt, NOTT3INt�.
prrrr��a �f�h �'+lil� ed�g+e� w(th hritsk �las� Pair haui xhe u�e M t�vo sound handa, S�A.�''�. Pesr�an� ewfEorin�
,�blf�ri,ifpl� �oa,p, a�tfd wa�i� d;ry. �'�hit- � 8r Prarnu 1'i�ri,ouanati�sm,
�a a,rid pp�ti� �I�a rifCJteT �vb�k wifU a E�P7.A.INEll. VV�,q da�as qon�:r Eatluex insGs� a�ott eit- 6aUt itlhe.wnM �ileN, 7krtter, Ch+tlbial�ne,
he kr
#rUnlg L'�, �a `�a.ck �a.rlor 4 inqut�ed ber Tlcszema, Skin� 1�9eanaee� et�., wlbid sen�rl
cihn,ma�� �k�f�. 7�rwrg;n, Inng-�wrisiied miE. Rnax-T wand�r w,hy it fe th�. +u�e ��; a twvo caqt et�m� (fo� post�e� anty)
Vlr t
�et�t� m�d� ot c,hd,ai�i� '�iin ar+� e�reellont �,x ole run �,m�q m�e;u bronking dov�n �• P�,pal 9�a is �o �u�ear-aigl�:tod wiGh q� r►�nd _�dd�w�e wiUl dend
�n btackqn ntov�ets i,u. �coa�sibna�iIq tI�Wr- {�nr: G'��a �rim�e oE �Li$0 tWwarlc+�a tAua�ti hb l�;N't r�ee a euxih�.t an the enct a ire�e� tldloaip�lg aC T;raek'n ,gmeti� Q4mt-
��h�5 mxNnih� tk��; �S�V'0 tYlh.y Ue p0I- ;G�ax-yIt la ci.��y uma dou t t�a tbrqr4 at Q�3e� �,t�. �ne�u�' �'vN�tti s'i�y��onn��qCaok $onk tre�d:
bett rviH;tr i;�re U�u�h� b��� n�r t�are" 1�n�q ��qq mo�a adlp-�i�n t�en, t1ik�.�q �•}�gr� w� a wtet in,�ternhangd �`ra�nef�r `(J. ��,l�l�, ]�'1 ,�S �, xo�nt�»
�te;�ki.n� &� r��t��T. , i�r,un�er'1q. a��bdal eddultat5biut��
� I.......�... ..ww�+.�h � 'L'0. 3�' i
+ phe ( t�hingl 'Y'lieyr , a�e dN►ya . --�...__._ ___.._ � .
� ��.AT��ii� �i�J.1�� �i,�A.�5A1V'��. � �'�".�r� � rT'YII�'ti �����E'�i� ��"ffi'� . ��11'��i��► ��V'$
vvhoa w r�ena mo�tl t t�5a �n v�iih �a» ,ir .
, � �eati�� �ri� rull trxrg than �►t at]��r �ta�e�r �Ii �nt�
�d�v �5a�.� riax�l�i�t
tble��t��ri� a'n�. i�,tl�.'��n� �f �hu� �vartTs. I�.;�t,� d�e+e;�a to bba 1�uco�d �v�� �fi`
, Y ntx�i�m,� ,�ax�d�n� n� �� urtl�re�ee, k�a� Cu�e �n ��eh pourt� o�' 4�c. �,����,�,� ��ylon �'en.
�� r��r�i. ++�� r�C�very r�otTtdx� : nu ��"b� i��tic,�d. �� " � _ , .
v �: x ���a �
tta�� t.' a�t �a� b11; thn a•,�e ��,��. x tie +���°u�� tlyu.� ��� +�a�� �na ,�'� Y�u r�aii�M t'hb r►a�u�a th#s ����t�.ina���ver►, �ups E"d� �t�� G�ti�t� �`ry itr
1��+� , � ' ��+��e�i' �t�r��rer r�' ,�.�: ��rr� ,�. - , ' ��, i�W, �p �►n� �i0b: �d M� P�dk�'b�ir i�wom �+radtn�t �'i��rsw
. . � .. .
. . .... . .. .. .. ,... .... ......... . � 'i�hFi!! i#An��r Ili�l7. � . ... . . ..
��1��M���� , ��1rrV� `�r�'v�eli�i6 ot� 6► r�Alw�y EbaC �16xaQ(�
ebd ap Qta�� ��12�sidee �nd vvxi8'�'Zec�
,�,,,.,� wbouft �nnou� ,pFeoi�,�cee, a�n old l�d�r
�31�IM�1 W#►� Nat MV�11 a 81�n Is� "��ad the cox►�luctor i� there w�s any
� fear Q; a,q acafdent.
�&�y fo.�' Thre� 1fea.rs�-A F��h- Fle�i,y oP teur, madam, l�o Aaisi, bu�
er*a �1Ka#eful Wowd� �Por th• uo �anger.
Oe�rq �q#' 4�1� ii�.N�i�tor. K'h�r sa C
,� Becauee 'tk�ere �s a bxak� to every
�y lft�ls �irl, w�la la now sevep, wheel.
ys�.xs cvld, wei,�htod only threq pou,ud� But auppasiug the hrake went wranga
at �4w 6i�n,e of hsr birt�, For threa c�ueried tho old lad;y.
Y�'s s�d. a quartar pi 1�,er iif'e she wus The� �ve oun rever�e the engine, and
n�ot r�l! a aiagle clfa,y. 1 wa�c pYirsuaded prevent the train �oin[; up or dawn.
tk► �iv� 7uor H��od's Bacsaparilla,, a,nd� But aup�ing thut fuiled, what would
t�hlot�g�i I w,ould giva [t a iki,ir triai. bectrme oE ua 4
1�tna ohi�,d beigan to,king it aqcosding That madam, finally eaid the grizzled
�a d?�teGti�ns. T�s re�wlk was q perfect l and guarded condua.tar, depends on the
ott�re a,qd her iyaa,bth has been ga�d, ever lifa you have led.
�inm.�. �uer recavery, due, we feel aare,
ha �h(e �gaad efisr�ts oP thi�y wonderfa'4 �,_.�, i ��: i',
tv,edi�ine. You do not kno�v what a� `
c�m&�u�t it Ls to my wiPe an�d myael� LOST EGGS 6UPPORT.
t,o i�ta,ve 6er rctwtored to health. � be- Firet Tra-m�-When did yer take t'
15,sv� i:lua cure is perm�,nent, an� z sbal! � road 9 � i
always feel thaukful For FTl�od's Sar- seco,nd Trum�-W1�en me wife died. I
Eapar�lia." George DZa,Farland, Wall, Firat Tramp•-bat muet 've been a
aoeburgL', O.pb, hard Ulow,
! Sarsa- �CO�'� Trump-Tt wuz. I didn't have
��� � a t'ing t' ev��aller'cegt de lumN inme
pariltai, �'roat fer wee��.
Ia Canoda's [ireatest M�dicine, 8uld by �1 -----
Druggieto, prlpe,gl; eix tor:6, Qet Fiood'e.
�QOd�3 PiIIS�'reprompC, e�clen0 nnd
eaay in efPect. 25 cont.e. I suspea't tl�ere hae bePn same crook-
e�l �ro-r�7c �goiug on ltere, be said.
An l he wa,s right. Flis wife had been
1��E IMOON'S MOV�M�NTS. �riving� nails.
The moon is the nearest, und, Ueing �
the neare.st, it appea,ra to us, with the ���'�� ������4�
aingie exception oY the sun, ttae largoat, �����}
althoagh it is tn reaiity one of the �' �e0a�.fB�:`S—
smallest of tLe he.uvenly k�odiea, Just � The salllng doee not amoun!
to much, they alnwct
as tha' earth gaes rouund the aun, and aell ihemselves.
the period aY revo1utiona constitutes ������drach �
year, so th� moon goes rou,nd the ea.rth
approximatelq in a� period of one mon-
th. Bu:t while we turn an our axis every �� ��.�� f��� '�
i;wsnty-four houxs� thua cauaing the
niternationa oP ligh.t �nd darknesa-day ���i SO�G�E 7UEfE TlRE& �
aud night-the moon ta,kea a month
tv revaive an hers, so tLat ehe ulwaps I� You obta�n aret ot an n tire of,the �
presents th8 SiEII2B, OT very nearlq l;ho aiuxEer aneb�, bullE oP tAu eEsa�
"'6tLTri8, &11TfRCe t0 t1S. t�tna•�nieL, and eubjeeEed bo eevoro
r� � toete. ?l�ose nre Dointe that rhould ��
� estublieh the confldence the tlre do- �
�'i�0 �Ad�B$, �� eervec. Ow oatalogue "T" fultyex-
Th'�e fems ,receive� the record of dail Plnins. 8endforit. DoalerRQuoted.
experiau�;e. Gaxus�tant suffering fro•m �� AMERtOAN TIR� 00., ttm�tea, �
oorns wiil mar yrou5c kneauty. Do not ��� 164 and 180 King et. W.�
lo�k anxious and discontented, but ,� ToeoNio. ,�,�
use Putnarm'a Patnlpsa Corn �xtrsctur, � "r
whlLch will �eptsa,ct that eiore aoxn ini a'�������s ����0
das withau,t ain`.� . _._ .___._ _ �_- - _ _- - - -
, '-
INJUR.ED. ieror�#� ��ut�i�g �Q6aoo1.
I�'inwt I�1dnkliJc�2r-Wha't was the mW VOUN(� M�h, Learn to (.u� Nu better trad�
or proteseion, V4rlte fOr pnrticulara,
dow�n at Hat Dqg aaBe tLis morning2 li9 YonKes�,'toronto.
S�ecan�l ��o�nclfll�ar-�ne of the hoqs , �
fawn�d hGs lAst luriat in l:Le saddle aoup. ;�R• SPROULB, 6. A., (grnduate ot Dub2in
Univoreity, Troland�, $pociuliat Chrnnio
piseusee of tiia Neraoc, Bloud, Conacitutional �flmet,tn,
ImpairodVltalEnergy. Lettereo�.n8doutiaAlyanawetad.
CATAR$H �CANNOT BE CIIRED � aarlton st., Toroow.
avith LOCAl. AQPI,ICIATIONB, Qa they ann• THR A�m��10 nU�+I�Es� CnL���'1$
aoC reuoh. the �eat ot the dl�oaeo., Caturrh FAMOUB �1 1 .4 j1 q
te a blood or oouetitnLional dtseaeo, and in
order to onre i4 y-ou must take intoi•nal � MosC widely Atteudod in Amerioa. For
remedles. FIall�e Cutarrh Cure ia trak• I�luetrated Oatalogne (SOth �ear)� ADDRE89—
en [qternally and ncts dlrectly on ROBINLQN & JOFINSON� F.O.A�r
"the blood and mucoud eurfa�cee, Hnil'n CaCarrh $����� ,__ ONT.
(7ure ia not a quaok medioin�. Ib wne pre•s•
cribed bY ona oi the beeb �hysiofnna in this
conntrJ for yenpe, und ie n�ogular praecrlp- MIl1�, MIH� & Hales
tioa Ib Is compobed of tho beeb toniey known, Barrietera,etc., remove�
corobiheU ►v16R the betlb blood VnriBere, ��� to We9te 81d�_gF., Rtob�
aoting directly on the mucoue eurfacee. Tho morid $t �.• Toronto,
perPectcnmbination ot tho two fngredlente [e
whab prodnoee Fuoh wonderEul resulta in our
!ng Catarlrh. ?�nd Por te3timonl��ie, fcee
F. J. Cii6N�Y & 00., Piope., Toledo. p�, �•
8old by UrtiGgiAt& prloe 76c.
Hall'e FumJ17 Pilla aro the b�eG at
1Y P Q 906 ` fr
� m
Applcs, Poultry, �bgs,Qem;od th
Llmlted rl�
The Dawson Commts$ion Co.� ����sh. We fully guarantee every
Oor.ottllestM�rkqttu�d0�iborns8t, - roaoNro, FREE OF COST. Write fc
� NPNTItEAL-Winqsor Hotel Blook.
• WINNIPEC--Winnlpeg RubbBrWorkB.
� NALtFAX-Offtoe opene 1�tAprit,
R+�xt•,st�r•q,r;i���t utta!HttpLbin,��uktfi,�i
, , .:ti . . � � , , ; , . , bA�f� 4fl+t� Y4h4�1�, !wA c�#4+(4t
� ��
��� ��.
� y �IIM'�M1�M
_ : � �.�IC!Q��`��4�t� �'.��!i
�.r.e.w•t4 batha mo.akeco�an�i��1�fi�*���•
. ,. �.�n the� wpr�a. T`R'�' IT ! �......�..
a A���R��
J. N, �N1U/HAQN� M.C►q No. � Qp114i�Yr�.
. �Y��ARy NO�II� �SPBGI l,I�T
I ����°������pp�� �;
rur�ieti tp any tta lyho w i
ldqz.7u�e�truot�4laLALqD U
� (needpotrlmmta6)amoa ir_te� 4d'aC Oqte.Qautr rtt
U� 40d w0 wtllmall Taa t 9 Wialu. XoU, re�C t44
andoenda�themoce ar� �v0�111 �13 putp9Rln
6TAii 4fiE11I0AL �Q.. Bos87B, 4��atN�Droojc. Q�
"'�� WANT � � U QUICg,'�
w-�=� � r
IqtelllgeA6lad�ee end �oatlsm Qn cap hs e�t ���
pllad with genteal and �ery Pti4P[TAB4
amploymant. Induebr7 Ls the e�aentlal NE�
�99QItY to enaura GFOQD RHiMUN�[�
IOp. Oan givo th addre�s oLrepro�entut,l �
�vho ha� �ue olsaro� a1t9 ta �} � Y8, ;a op�
bs made rf �6 A'L' Yon r � p n� �. ps
j; L. I•TI47FIOL� & d0 ,
83 Aloumond W i�h, Toron jq,
Klnndrke sup.�li�s...
1�'[8IIIN63�OKLID, ECTU. 9endtpr 1�ndlkollab.
The Wightna.an Sportin� �oods
00., 403$T. P,Avr.9T., MONTf6�Ax,, QUIG,
-.- HAVE YO�T -
-- Ia So, Wa,ia'a --
Willfam St•, - - - TOIIONTO.Ont►
�`Q$Z �iLTZ'��7o
Ro a� Safet
ihe �e�t C14�fAD1AN OIL.
�o �I O�i C�o
aR. aoon�•s
A Speoifio for Female Compl�,inta,
are a truu boon to o�ery lad� eho euSerr in tho,par[orm•
ance of naturo e elFort. The� aE ona �aa� the pa[u s
reaWra »ataralandhealEh aotioa ot Eh� o�erlan �-
smq. Bor paung and dore�op(ns womanhood the1 e:
any remed� nhinh oan be aaed. They ara uompdunde
�ol41� from Ehe uotive ptinolploeot teg�Epble�ubqtaqce
and �re perteaEl eale rnd rpllable. AaY �car dru�yis�
[or tLem, wd � Le do�n not kesp them In �took ha onn
pr`xure tLem tor ou. Prloe �1.00 per Botlle, oc 0 tot
�o.IX1. Whofe�FteA�¢ent.:
lri� Toronto Piiarmaoal Oa. Limlt�d, Taro�.
�.R'.�.'�'��,1'7 single tube
id'�iTYl� pebble tread tires come
�m the hands of experienced work-
en, not lacking in one good thing
at goes to•at once make a tire eas,y
iing, wear resisting and perfact in
pair of road tires, and repair them
r prices. '
TORONTO TiRE CO., Lienited,
9 Adelaide $t. West.
������� "� ,
� 0 ���� �� �� � � �
T�� ��� 1�������,i�f� [3�
Ga�re� ghcu�n�tism, Ki�t�ey �e�d S�e� �isea�see
$OOq C�nadians testi£.y io its �Viarifis� A�j�sieiac�s use it doil� in their practice
Glerg�rr?en o4 alt denomin�►fiions endors0 ifi. The generai p�blia swEnr b� it.
King'� D�suhhtere, Hanc�iltnn, sage "'No h�aitation 'cn reoonz,n�ndin�{ it. Iinow it has e�rea �,
terrible case of Soiaticu, e�nd othcjr c�,�es of tthenr,i�atixm."
Rev. Thos. Geo�heg�un, St. Peti�r'a Miaeion, Hatnilton :"Froni per�ona intorviewad I reaekved
the sa�Lue hearty te�timony of pain removed ar�d haAltYt reaCored. `PNenby•flve �eople."
Rev. Eugene C-}roulx, A.rebl�isP�op'a Falaca, OtE��va :"D'Iarvollous curea n�octed in Ii,l�uematic
and Slcin Di�eases whioh camo directly to iny notice." '�w�enEy-si� peaple,"
P�tcick Ryder, Lonclon, Ont.: "IInd Rheu�t�tism t�iicty-air. y�at�ra but "Kootenax �iire"
drove it atl out of my ay�tem."
Mz�a. Mag�;ie 14[cMartin, R�n,cienhur�t 56., Torunto :"Left eido compleLo�y parai3�aed. "I�oote-
nay Cu►�e" ancl nothing elee, restored nly hr�alth."
HE tiVHO IIE�ii7.'A7.'ES x� LOS'�.
The longer you wait the woe�o you bocotne, but as lo�ig as you l�avo �vt�ited �vo cRn oute you.
• Juat thinlc, 4000 pAop18 cured in Cant�d� alon9.
Copy oi above teatimonials and othera (eworri to) �ont free'op appl�aatio
Thef•e ie no qub�titute for "KooteuFiy Cure" wbipli containe tl�o NL+"�V ��4RB�3Ii�Di�, aud i�f
y�ur drug�iab doea no� sell it �eud direc�t to
Tfl� S. ��. RYCI�I��N I��DIC1N� CO,, I,imit�d, ��II�GTO� 0��.
PRICE �1.0� l�LR BOTTLE; 6 BC1TT1.1�8 F�ii �6.OQ
"TCOO'1'ENA.'it PILLB", which contain the �'ew In�redieu�, xro n auro ctua tor Headaahe, Bi#l�oua-
nese and Conetipation. Ineiet upon S.00tenny [�ilis. Prioo 2ac, ►nn9lod to nny ��ddresp.
r� VA�tETi�� �Q� �5 �ts.
TI�lN !a s 80N1A lxID13 otfar�ta�t t+> tntra+iu.•e eur lequtabla an� Plntivar
beeds !o naw cu�lo nra r�d Nhla� ��e �uer��tae !a ptcaa� ynp er the
�enoun! Ptfd ratE� "A��anU t�a �e�ds h'�lYi AR i i7 �uent.
.�e tl�ouo 1�r�{J0A l'VO 11�Q t��r,v ��ror !h� e�rt�e',twa n�.���� bvlow. Or+tor
by numbor �u� vra�t ron rra�e. 'Thay sre eenE bp mQil posE pald. beleni trohi tics toflu�rie� ItNt b�
VBhBTA�l,ii'S, l6,�yntar D4elon, Se� � t7�uhA�
�brdati b� Iittmhetr.► 17. Aalon, lat e rod �etkerefleld �
18. qnton Yeglow aloba Den��rN --- �
_ _. , 1
X. Sgot,lCo1{pne, roliilQ . I0, �erea�p, }ibllOM YJfOWp ' Y. �t� �y���
�II6e6, �g�pd�isb, A�t totl�nd p� Esd11h, b`raneh Erook[ae6 p(� �
tl�b�e, w1e�lnreEsA1 71. $�di�h, Ren�r Uorn �� P P �
aebbd�e, �eEd er'eStufen►kk 7). BqnhNti, Hubbard i{rMr Q���{
brrtle, hq lpn , bobrlef 29. Tom�to, :Era ss 1 Aet�nEt� P�virhih�� tld� Cnn �Prn
rrot, fJrtetaade naarloe Q4. Tomnta, �eert ai��mptat� ' in �+'trP nl t' pH�l PNHE t61IW N�UI
. Oaoatpbo�, UhiM o Plaklinr �y�tlW�RS. n�, ��nl�+ tor lit ��o efe, �re ,vi11
. ,�onmber Loh� �+rteu d i ., k
� t�r of461a a1t�l�lnohtiUt 9tl. AALbre, mlx+Ki +'� ;� �"� ���`��� u���k+e ��� i�inee(!lril�
{wn yn! iIR',�.:dn, prico LK1n 1�'r�+
10, srbM; rrs 23. Ml�neaa �e,,rwaec e�t �+t�n,� �� q'�� s��lH4CR�R1�;2�
11, atbb �k�oty �7� Pann m�xed �}i� ON t`tit4 l� ►r1�;Ct, �
if. erbtl Ai rjbrAm A& 7SotW�}A, mtxed u
1�, stcude, 2�bnp�xelt (bh'hbfiqe1 R9, AineEnr lumb tsil mt:ed .+.,�:�...
14. �eea� A1nrer Mntket dirrlaQ) 30. Etweee i�aa., f� ine mixedt
__� _ .
I6. T�Spek A�eI�s�Y� elitK ihAHr�Itutuier 31. FVlld �luwet, (latden miYPd _-. _
etn Radish. .
'1Ve It t���' AGC 1� ,. . . , : � � � . k \ �Fesy d . . :
W( .. 1� �' ,1N b1�ti�tt e� t�� Eb tce��, ere , _
�►-'�,...�► ,
. tNb bkb�i rt�s N'Q Bt�oCtbd hain tMe t�bo�b It�f. "
a� 'W�11�w I��,`��1�N� "�'
� �
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.. . . . �.. t , . ,
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,: � � , . ���
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