HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-02-17, Page 6V, TBE CLINTON NEW&RECORD. I I IVI 17. 'Inc Live Stueli 31arket. 81R7'!1S. BY-LAW NO. 7 FOR 1898. TORONTO. STEWART.-lafteter,oll Februag 8+b, the IF You t Toronto, Feb. II.—Ab the W wife of Mr. Andrew Stewart, of it, daughter. OPENED YESTERD'A'Y Life is to Short cl "t"ri RIGNEY.—In Exeter, on February 6th, the A BY -law to raise by way of .loan the, stem Ittle Yards this r"Orning we had a wife of Mr. Will. Itiguoy, of a son. Of Twenty-10we Thousand Dollars for the ei tc,tal of 00 carloads of offerings on sale; PA6SM0RE,_.j.n Ileborne, on Feb. 4th, the The first arrivals of our WE" To Waste is this included at few loads left o, purpode hereinafter nientionecl. E over front wife "" Them"" Passmore, of a son. the receipts of yesterday, and also 1,100 HAISV.-I. Stephen, on Feb. 3rd, the wife of Bur, Halst, of& son. T H E QUESTION IS hogs, 450 sheep and laulb3, aj)OLIt 30 BALLA14ryNE WHEREAS the Organ Factory in the Town of A Vn Blyth, on January 29th, Clinton, of the firm of William Doherty & Co., RUN- ulilkel's, and a few calves. Trade was the wife of r . All row Ballantyno, of a together with all the machinery, dDlaut, stook SIIOFTEN ARMED rathev sl()W, but evol'ytlliug sold, and daughter. both in process of manufacture all stored, and the ro8fdonce and stables of William Doherty T)ViVeS Were, ftS far It$ cattle ARMSTELONG.-.In Hast Wilwariesh, on Fob. the head of the firm, were on the First Day of Were con. 4111 the wife of Mr, C. Armstrong, of twins -bo y February, 1898, completely destroyed by fire. SPRING 49 7'*OOKO verved Practically unchanged. CRY✓ Ilave you the tittle? and girt. And, There is It trade going on in shipping Whereas, the loss Incurred by the said firm What time is it? cattle 'It Prices 11.1,1-Iging frorn 3j to 4,jc is estimated to be olie-hundred thousand dol- OULD you PlJt� off en aro, whilat there Is only an inauranoe of forty Hitting MARRIAGES. la per Pound, for it few extra choice selec- he Band dollars. And, t.111til you were Starving? Is your time col-rect '? Whereas there were employed 11, th Not likely, and yet yo tions •4AC was paid. The rriovenlOtib, IVINE R -ENGLAND. -At the residence 0 We expect in a few days to receive the probably are doing rt 4D of the Bald factory at the time of the Ilre be - If' not, why not ? while of course .!list now not large, is bride's brother, Mr. Goo. Mantle, Orediton, on tween one hundred and twenty-five and Tuesday, Feb 8th, by the Rev. R. E. Bray, one hundred and thirty hands, sovolity of balance, and when it is to sinillar thing just now. Ill Sofile steady and satisfactory for this tittle of Willium Wi&er to Miss Suite England, whom are beads of families it, the Town, and hand and marked Way your eyes tell yon they need the year. ter of Mrs. Mary England. dough- the loss to them in the event of the non -erection af�si stanc They UV110, they tire That's the question I would of the factory fit the Town would be very sari- off and put in stock we will be able to pre - easily, they do their best to give 0 Good h1l t0lleV ClIttle Were selling well, THOMPSON-EARL.-At the residence of the cue. ' And, 5rido's parents, on February V, by the Rev,. C. Whereas, in the % you clear and pet,fect vision, but 0 1 sent to the people of Clinton and vicinity a 0 ask. You can't get alollo, with- and for the best froll) 34, to 4c was paid, event -of the firm not Lhey fail, They tell you so in 0 and occasionally '16C for selections, Fletpher, Mr. John Thompson, of the boundary re-creating their factory Ili the Town, the loss Good stuff fetched front 3,1 to 31c, See- Usborills, to Miss Kate Alice, daughter of Mr. to the citizens. and to tile Corporation through most beautiful and attractive lot of goods. 0 their rutite wily I you refuse 0 out the time. You Vc got to Win. Earl, of Usborne. depreciation lit the values of prope in bust - 13 to assist theta. VIimagine, (0 ondary around 3c, and couituolL cattle uses, and by removal of many of ,,rAyl,, 0 of c :::I to 2�c per pound. While we WYATT-YOUIIILL.-In Portage hi. Prairie would be disastrous, And, habitants ourse, that by refusing. to 0 have it. if your watch is Hot man., on Wednesday, Feb. 0, 1898 Miss Jennie Whereas it is wear glasses you are preserving (3 had lio rush, trade was good. I desirable that this Cov- your eyes. It is a ruhAake, an'l 0 -Lila Wyatt, formerly ofLondun, to Joseph Youhill, poratiou should grant aid to the said firm to OUR DRIESS STUFFS giving YOU IIS good sats The,* was all active den,t, for formerly of Winghtlat. assist them In the re-eroction of their works in a big one. You will injure your iijilkers, and twice or piobabl�( till -ice Clinton. And, eyes as much or snore by refus- the number here would have Ill,(, a STRUVIERS-LAMBERT.-At the residence Whereas, -fog them assisLance, is yo us you would like Whol it is proposed to grant such of bride's pat -outs, Hinia, on the 2nd inst., aid by w0au LI bi,ing it to ready sale. Voty seldom bits the ell- yBot ).n to the said firm of Twent this season are going to be especially fine. a -a for twenty years witty - by Hey. 11. A� MoLood, M. A., B. D., John � nwi0a Rat, would injure your body hy refus- giir� for inilk cows been so brisk. Struthers to Miss Mary Elizabeth Lambert, out Interest upon such security and terms m fog to ear. until you are starving. us, and we will guara ices were up to $45. the Council of the said Corporation may here- (# For $1.()0 you call vo thetu the 0 51OFFAT r -BROW N. -On Feb. 9th, at I -Spring- after require and to itistic Debentures to raise -,it is Nvilat we -n, -e wanted At front 31 to 3Jlle, dale Farm," Howick, the family residence of the said ainerant of Tw I. Five Thousand aid they need. Th. i ake it give you, entire satis- 1311111 ai --- and as much as 4c is safe fill- extra Dollars, such Debentures It'.' Y; "'yable .n the • Charge for the best periscopic choice. the bride, by Rev. Mr. Dobson, of Fordwich, First day of April 1918, with Y.11torost there - let perly fitted to suit our faction, or we will refund you Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Andrew Brown, oil at the ratio of Four Pei, cent. Pei, allnuill lenses ' 0 There is no change in stockers and' to Mr. Peter Moffat, of Morrisbank. p� It it good, sub- yearly according to the Coupons to the feeders, bill, tile dellItInd fol, stockers is BOSSENBERRY-RED.-At the residence of Debentures attached. And, stantial, steel frame. If you your money. d. 'ILROY & ISEIRTAIAN Byers . placed i Whereas, for the payment of tile said 0 want a better frame you will the bride's father, on January 9th, by Rev. P. Debentures and of the utercst to become 3 pay $2, $3, $4, $5 or more, ac- 0- 0 -0 Sheep are quoted at frorn 3 to 3je per Musgrave, Mr. William floury Bosset1berry, of thereon it will require tllesuiuofOneThouisa.ud" carding toquality. Wetestfree pollild, and Choice sheep call colne Zurich, to Alias mmi-garet Rea, of moKillop. Dollars to be raised annually for the payment of CLINTON. 0 -tuths at the said Interest and tile further Built o of 13 always and always satisfy of, I along. Lambs -cl wanted, and tire 11ODGE-TOLLmAN.-In'Xoronto,Tuesdry, Feb. 0.40 to be raised annually as principal 'luell at from 4�1 to 5c, aild _9oI)letjtjj(.,s lat, tit 25 Trauby Avenue, residence of mr. A. Y.9�1 tile Payment Of the said DO 0 fund your Money if you want it. lit P. B. Crews, benturos. And, 5Lc per pound, oousmok thounue,bythe Rev. L ALLEN & WILSONWhereas, the amount of the whole rat Jeweller and Expert Good calves are wanted, and aie Jordan, of St. Jamoal Square church, Eugenie able property of the said Corporation irrespc Druggist and Opticians. Worth from $5 to $8 each- Tollman, of Toronto, to S. A. Hodge, of mit- tive of any future increase of tile same at secondary choll. irrespective Of any income in tile nature IVIttell Repairer. grades will bring frorn $2.56 to $4 each. tolls, interest, dividends, rents, or fees from It] 110gs are active and wanted it cur- HAMILTON -COX. -At the residemee of the said property and also Irrespective of any I "sit] 11 bride's mother on Jan. 12th, Mr. John Hamil- come to be derived from the temporary invok rent rates, which are 5C for singers ton; of Huron, to teary -lane daughter of the mont of the Shifting Fund hereinafter rilentio ONANADIAN (weighed off cars); light, hogs, 41 to W; late mr. James Cox, of Kinloss, by Rev. A. ed, or any part thereof, according to the la and thick fat front 4+ to 4je per, Pont)(]. McKay. revised Assessment oil of the said Cc PACIFIC R Sows sell lit 3c, and stags at 2c per •Y. S potation, being for the year One Thou • 0: THE 9 and Eight Hundreditrid Ninety Seven was Fig pound. These prices will protjably RIOHARDS--GUEST.-At the rectory, Bervie, Hundred and Eighty -One Thousand, One Hu 10 Jan. 26th, 1898, by Rev. E. A. Hall, Samuel A. 6 rille next TuesdPly, but the tendency is drodandSoventyclollarti. And, BEST &INS decidedly downward. Rtollards of Kiniough to miss Ina Nifly Guest, tile existing Debenture de •9 this IAa8 second daughter ofRobort Guest of Kinloss. OfWhereas, liAe Municipality amounts to Twont Ni 0 SETTLERS' TRA Thousand Five hundred Dollarsand no i�i., 0 Of Cloc�,s, an d 00 Will leayo Toronto 9 P. ill. every TITLE SD AY during put or Interest is Ili arrears. 0 watclies WillLyo 0 MARCH and APRIL Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cc p0ration Of tile Town of Clinton enacts I (provided elifflololit busincaa otter") fOIlOwB:- at times a�id 'D And ran via SAIT1116 FALLS to wront), 0 0 0 1. It 811a SIR OLIYER MOWAT'S ADVICE. )I be' lawful for Lila Alayor of ti need repairirfu. ® said Town forthe purpo.je aforesaid to borro MAN ITOBA4nd the the said sum ofTwenty-Five Thousand Dolla If Yours Lvoes astray CANADIAN NORTHWEST. vc and tissue Debentures of the said Municipal 0 * t� toots rc amount of Twonty-Five Thousau 0 Pftssaengors travelling Nvitllollt live stook should appeal to you as electors of Ontario, irrespec- :1� )OIla islin sums of not loss than One-Hkindrc • bring ii' to us an,] leave Toronto 12,80 1,. Ill, BRIne (Ia3.,4, Dollars each, payable at the end of Twent years from the date oil which this by-law take effect and to bear intero9t at a rate not excoe( The only all Canadian direct fast line tive Of YOur Pa"tY Politics, not to put the purse strings we will put it to annuni• payable yearl 0 rights. No cure lb 1711TO 3 UEARTon 139the ecent. per •le first day of April in each and over • o pay. Perlin s KLONDIKE AND YUKON.COLD FIELDS. of this province into the bands of the party Which j�ar during 10 currency of the Bald Ili P entures. Is via Canadian Pacific Railway. 2. The said Debentures as to Principal an 4) Y^U• LOWEST RATES. FASTEST Tllllr�,. �Z governs at Ottawa."—Sir Oliver� Alowat. Interest Bliall be payable at the office of th 0 Treasurer of the said Municipality, 0 G 0XLV TFIROUGlij 8,VItvjCE. Z.- 0 (1)shall be lawftil for the MaYor of th 0 0 �COII11311�4- C.-irs said Tylunicipalityand lie ishereby authorize N F F 0 and instructod to sign and is8iic the said D( bcnture4 hereby authorized to be issued l and t 0 0 causo the same '%till the Interest Coupon 0 A New Watch. With a Torottito Fariners' 31arliet.attachod thereto to be signed by the Treasure our large stock we tire 6 11acific Coatgt. DEATHS. Of tile said Municipality, and the Clork of th bound to have soineth' a said Municipality I,; hereby authorized and it 4 Ing 6 (yet full parilfd.tis tuirl copy Of "S'ttlorg, Index" Toronto, Fell. IL -The market ""I' CURRAN.-In Godefich, on Friday Feb. 4th, Structed to attach the seat of the s4i(t Alunic • that will suit You while 0 .11 "Xi'alloke and yijkllu 0011 Floj,ls" lrom pl,y cVliet this morning: 500 of bapl(�y ,4old 1898 Eli jah J., eldest son of the 1 �Ito Samuel palfty to the said Dobentures, 0, IIIIER 40 to 'L', 'an, aged 22 years, 10 months and 4 days. the prices will plen 9 Canadian Pacific Rallway Agcat, or C. F Me, - 'I t 4:1 ;in(] 200 of buckwheat tit 4 There shall be raised and lovied ill eael 0 you. No house sells SON, A. C. P. A,, Toronto, Out. 311C. On the ]lay Inarket 30 loads of Curr 0 year by special rate oil all the rateable propert cheaper than we IV ILSON.-In Goderich, on Tuesday, Feb, 8th, Ili the said Municipality lt sunt stifficient to die ' do, hay sold at $8 1;,) Sit), tin(] .3 of straw at Sa rn e with CLOCKS $6 to $7, Dresso'd bogs sold tit $6 to :i81J8, wary J., youngest daughter of Abraham 011ack1c the said interest, namely the sunt Of 011( • 1 Wilson. Thousand Dollari and a furthersum suittrion SILVERWARE, etc, Cheese Factory Notice. $6,15. Feeling is much onsier. to provide for the said Sinking Fund nat oij th 1898 the sum of Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollar FOX.-ln Goderich, on monday, Feb. 7 The .#nnilal Meeting of the irohile, -ille NVII011t, white. per, I,Ll..$ 81.1 to 82 d Forty Cents. ;% , Peter B. Fox, jr, aged 39 years and 17 days. n Cheese &, Butter Co. (U(1.) trill be lwl(l ea �tvjt_ do red ................ 00 to (10 - 5. This Bylaw shall tAiko effect on the Mrs uvda3", )"ObVill"T Will, instead of February 12th do goose .............. (Y) to 8() G ARNIE R. - In Lucknow, Feb, 2nd, after a few day of April A. D. 1898. 43 as formerly RdVel't,1800. Bit rIvy per to 43 day's illness, Dr. Garuier, aged 76 years. 6. The voto-s of the ratepayers of the sai( 0 orlaer Td. B. Rumball 0 D. FORSTER, W. 8, LAWRENCE,, Outs per buaki........... 00 to ?3 ADAmS.-mrs marcolla Adams, beloved 'Allinicipality shall be talcon oil tht,; fiyjljw al 0 0 Ilres. Od wife of tl)G following times and place' that is to .,try (11 0 0 P(-$ PCr 1) 1 tsh - - - - ..... 57 t o '58 R. 11, Adams, died at her home in " eat Bay Monday Lite Fourteenth day of Alarch next tit 0 Leader, of Jewellery FashidD.' 0 RYC per 1111811 ............ 47 110 (X) City, Jan. 23rd, 1808, aged �j,5 years, fi'months the hour of Nine o'clock in the forenoon anc, 0 O -NTOTICE. Buckwheat per bush.... ()o to 31h and 4 days. continuing until Five o'clock ill the afternoon Turkeys per 11) ..........9 to of the same day:- I I The funeral was held from the home on Jan. Dudes per pi ............. �')o to c5 20th. Interment at Elm Lawn cemetery. mr. St.. Andrew's Ward at the Town Ball, Waite, There being sonle pikunderstanding with re UllickQlls pol. pair..... %0 to H. 111anning, Deputy Returning Officer. garl towrockage, let it be 116tinctly understood (,et,,,p per 11) ............. and mrd. Adams were formerly residents of St. Jaynes' Ward at John Stevvart'8 13itskeq 'I'll, it.." 5 to 6� Goderich. Factory, 17. D,* Johnston, Deputy Returning Pe"Forl takes possys�,irjn of any kind Butter, 11). rolls ......... I ") to 10 Officer. of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall atPARNELL.-In mltohel), on the 8th inst, siary, once tike proceedings. Remember this is the 14,99s, 11(t­htid .......... 11) to . 22 13 P()t;ttOQ.q p( I)ag .... St. John's Warti. af Frodk. lln-.iibidl's Otr- _1. beloved wife of Richard Parnell, aged 7b years, riago Fi un Street, Thu,,, Cottle, Do, last warning 1811,til give. CAPT. WM. BA B. Oi) to 7 3 months and 28 clays. putt' Returning Officor. Receiver of Wrecics, C000rich, Beans, per hilsh, ........ ,�() to I ill totory, flur Are You Satisfied Goderich, Sept. 7th 1801. Onions, native, per hag 11).-) to . DUCKLOw.- In Einia, on the ]at Inst., Gilbert St. George's AVnx(I at Jim. LeAie'Carilago with the Glasses you are now using? Perhaps slay .................... 8,00 to 10 00 son of Peter Ducklow, aged 12 years, 6 months, Factory, H ,, Huron Street, 8-1. Andrews, Deputy and 12 days. Returning Officer. Straw ... ................ 6 (9) to 700 they tire not as strong as)rou would like them I or Beef, fore ............. :q to r) FRAZER.-In flibbe=t, oil the 9th inst., Alexan- the Mayor shall attend at the Couneil Chamber 7. Oil Alonday the Seventh day of Xii-ch hips they malt your head ache! if you per I do hind ........... ... would like tho'lonses changed we can do so for you Aver $4 0 to 8 doe Frazer, aged 40, years. Rt toll O'clock to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places and l•it the final Lftlflb, carcase, per 11).. 7" to (18L BODL.-I,, Logan, oil the 5th inet., eldest son of sunnning up of the Votes by the, Clerk rot pec - ata small esponse, provided you have a good Ahwhsh MIJAP21 Veal . ....... ........... 2 standard frame. qxrg 111VE qg -Alut,ton p,j, it) .......... TS - to 8-� William Bode, aged 6 ears and 22 days. tively oil behalf of the perons interested ill 5 to 06 and promoting or oppo,,ink the passing of this We know bora to test eyes, because we learned Ch Dressed hogs .......... 6 (N) tt) 6 1,,,) hfcG1LLAWF1,E­fn rl ''t , on Wednesday, Feb. By-law, M ()fit, John NoUfflawoo, aged 82 yeargyand 6, The Clerk of the C'ounuil of rho said Muni• how, and will guarantee to fit the worst cases of is the best remedy that I know c months. 8. ipality shall attend at. tile Towo Hall in the Hypermetropi, myopic, or Astigmatism p6rfeody. said Town of Clinton at toil ti clock in the fore - of for AN ALA101ING CONDITION. CANN.-In Fxoter, on Feb, 7th, ElizftboLh Ann, -ch, noon of Tuesday the Fifteenth (lay of Alai Scientific and accurate test free. moderate (laughter of Wiliam and Catherine S. Cann 1898, and sunt up the number of votes given for charges for glasses, if required. OF A GAITANOQUE RESIDENT -FLESH FEL 1, aged 4 years, 7 months and 21 day". and against the Bylaw. 214 TO 143 -ABANDONED 13Y BRADWIN.-InBlyth, on Febrnary bth Delia Dated at the Town of Clinton this Seventh Orr XPROm firl PP co I'llYsICIANS-DR, AGNBW'S curm rOR THE Nlargaurite, infant daulligtorof Sir. and mill. A. (lay of Feb I ruary A. D. IS98, •I COOPER & go. HEART SAVED ills LIEE. E, Bracbvin. Rev. J. If. CHASE, Four Ililryears. egg Jacob Dewitta, of NOTICE, Take Notice that the above is a true y of T CLINTON. South Hampton,- N. $, 11.y near Gartanoque- was IS THIS SAYING A TRUE ONE ? kc,. Medical A4vlee Free. J, 0. Ayer Co.. Lowell,mass. dragged almost to the verge of death consideration Bylaw been La Into sit, cration and which will be lInallF passed by dreadful heart disease. Remedies lil'ovE, LIKE WATER1 ONLY FLOWS DOWN- b the assent of the Electors being obtained failed. Physicians failed* Ile was 111U. O� the Council of this Municipality Ili tile event Summerhill thereto on Wednesday the 16th day of March See What We Give For Only 10c bill- Cheese Factory. given up to die. prom vigorous man- Do you know who first said that ? or 1898 being more than one month after the flr.qt hood he had one to a broken despond. w1ote it? I don't know myself, rublication ill'I'IIE(!LlNtTO,1;4N�Ews-RrCoRt)ptib- lc Take Notice. -You are given a choice of one of The annual meeting of the Summerhill Choose File• oat wreckl He procured Dr. Agnew's keen n But it shed In said Municipality the ditte of which the following articles find The Horne 3 months for tory will be hold oil is,# k e saying. Maybe you. don't first publication was Thni-sclay theTenth day of only 10 cents. Lord Lisle's Daughter, by Char- Wednesday, February 94 119 1898, Cure for the Heart, used it faithfully, catch the meaning exactly, Depends February 1898 and that the Votes of electors r. lotto M. Braeme ; Book of 60 pages on Crocheting at one 0,0 , - and to,day he weighs 218 pounds, and d on who you are. If you are an elderly of the said Municipality will be taken thereon look 1,, in. lot- the reon! vIng of reports and at the tinie and places above mentioned, and Knitting, or a Stamping Uucfit of 66 patterns, the transaction of buRinesa mrtnining, to thofactory. lives to bless the day the great remedy man or woman, with children grown, or WILLIAM COATS many now designes, including centerpieces, doil- All interested are requested to attend. was recommended to bim.-Sold by Clerk. President. les, etc. D. CuunclILLT" fast growing, out of band, you will un - 0 - .1. STEWART, Watts & Co. derstand it. Yes, yes; and possibly President. Sooretary. The excellent Bt6fies, for which The Some is Jan. 24th. the thought may stir up bitter regrets noted, will be continued; the Fashion and Fancy Toronto JuncLion Leader :- Speak- here and there. petite retprued, and her food agreed Work departments will be kept tip to -a high stand- ing at the West Toronto convention, a with her. then her color came backs ard. Kate Sanborn will oontinno liar bright LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND Now don't any of you strilce back be . t'Off-Hand Talks," and every one of the numer- city book publisher gave it - and she got strong and well. Since as his fors you are bit. The author of that ous Departments Nail( be increased and made MAGON FACTORY, honest Conviction that the parents of then she has enjoyed the beat of health, this province had, during sharp itententle doesn't Mean to 6a brighter. ing tile past, ten y To show our gratitude I freely consent that to the publication of this letter, (Sign - Illustrated Premium List, or ouflt for canvass Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. years, been fleeced out of half a million all childrpn are ungrateful - but ng sant free. 'St dollars by the exorbitant prices char there I Ile didn't explain it, nor shall ed) Mrs, Julia Stebbing, Barford, Wy- Fil -Class Boggles on hand and made to ed by the monopolists for school I- niondbarn, Norfolk, March 22nd, 1893." THE HOME PUB. CO., 141 Milk St., order. Prices to suit tile Limes. Repairs and Boston. Mass. repainting promptly attorld to, Prices reason -books. It is certainly time for it One, two, three. Here are three "Sixteen years ago," Bays the third, change in this respect.let able. abort tiers, all from mothers; and all 'my daughter had an attack of scarlet 'ENT about daughters. Read them, please, lever, which left her very weak and A PROM11N U. S. PHYSICIAN and then we will have a dozen words of miserable. After all she ate she suf- Apples Wanted, PRAISES Mt. AGNEW'S -CLIJ 'TMENT. talk• fared terribly. She had scarcely any I ivant a] I tho MarketabloApplen lean buy 01N t'Five years ago," says the first," my appetite. She became weaker and niod will pay the highost_prico counnicnAurate daughter fell ill. She seemed tired and weaker until she could only walk in a with foreign quotations. Hold your apples un. Dr. M. Barkman, 13ingliampton, N. Y,, t1l you have ascertained from me what I can Heart Spasms languid. We could scarcely induce her feeble, spiritless way. pay for them. Do not make any mistake. writes : "Send rile 12 dozen more of even to taste food. She said she didn't 4 was tionatantly calling in a doctor, 078 V 1). CANTELON, Clinton, DR. ANEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART Dr. Agnew's Ointment. I proscribe want it, had no relish for it. When but his medicine seemed todoher no large quantities of it. Itis a great Bile did eat atrifleshe complained of good. I took her to Bournemouth, but A WONDERFUL LIFE-SAVER. remedy for tetter,aalt rheum, eczema weight andpain at the cheat; and her the change was of no avail. A friend of No organ In the human anatomy to -day and all skin diseases, and also a cure face would flush up. She Was weak and ours, Mr. Hutchins, of Walpole Street, To Improvers of Stock• whose disonsfis ran be more readily doteote for piles. Price 35 cents it box. -Sold miserable. Nothing gave her any London, urged us to try your remedy. The undersigned. has on his promises, 16th ed than those of the heart -and medical by Watts & Co. strength, No medical treatment help, We did so; and soon she began to eat discovery has made them amenable to cotrecasion, Godorich Township, proper treatment. It You have palpitation ed her. For two whole years she was and gain atrength. In a few weeks, by A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull, Tormg-,-$l or fluttering• allortuoss of breath, weak or The quiet, little village of Dublin has like this, We were worried, and didn't continuing to take it, she was hearty and $2, irregular pulse, liwalling of foot or olukles, been thrown into a state of excitement know what to do. It rae then I first and well as ever. It gives me pleasure Thoronghbrod Chester WhiW Boar, regia- Pain in the loft side, fainting spells, dropol- owing to the view of the Coroner in read of your remedy. 8 gored. Terms: -$i, with the privilege of return- I to heart; the case of Alexander Fraser, who felt began tak. to state these Nets. All mothers oil t0ndonor. any of these indicate ing Up and in a few days bettor should keep this wonderful medicine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered. disease. No matter of how long standing was supposed to have coninittted You may and Tonna:-$l, with Prl viloga of returning. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart will cure- fsuicide NVednesday morqin - was soon quite cured. Rup, in the house. (Signed) (Mrs,) A. S. ,% by drown poss that we were both surprised and Harmer, Whits Horse Hotel, Wey- This Is a rare chance to improve your stock We a heart speolfic-acts quickly -sots ing himself in a well. Tho Oo it suroly-acts safely, and Crown Attorney viewed tire body T. C. ErlmuNim, pc'ner thankful. Since then I have always mouth, March IM, 1893." 06 -ti. Owner, I was given tip to die lo�phjalolanq and from rertain 'narks found on it kept a bottle in the house as a family In their anxiety about their daught- and frtendm. one doso of r. Agnew'a foul play is suspected. medicine. (Signed) (Mrs.) Evelina ers these good women felt only as all Cure for i he Heart gave moo and six h9ttles Cured my cKso of (If Loxlev, Pandora House, Station Road, mothers feel. rhe current oflove, run - Ws standine.' Mrs, J.6 HZLLER� For Over Fifty Years Flarborne, near Birmingham, January ning downhill from parents to ohildren -Cottage and Lot for Sale. bitowood, N.W.T. 20 " )0th, 1893." is a mighty river. With what toils Q Ouaraintcketi% ronof in 30 minutes. MIR8, WINSLOV8 SOOTITTIM SYRup has boon $$In N)arah, 1800," says the second, watchings and cares and saorifices it is orsIg od offers for sale a frame used of for their c,.1flldro,, , ik 'Th6 Itild our rooms, Bold by white teething. If disturbed at night and my daughter cotniplained of a sinking, exemplifled. Does it run backwards as t6ttal,m,of f OOMB, with lean-to. Centrally Watts & ()o. brolroft of your rest by a slaic child suff1bri weary, and tired feeling. Her appetite strongly? I ata afraid not. Solve the I Uft c �, �ood water and drainage. Will b- and crying with pain of Cuttin 711 was poor-, and sire had great pain at the mystery for youreeff. A�dtld V Apply to Q'coth Bond once and 11pt a botyo of "Mrs. inRlow's Booth, W. C. SJDAnV2. A big f1glit, ip being lit up akainst- In Syrup' for Children Toothing, it will re- chest, sides, and back. Sho, wita pale But whether they are grateful or not 01hitoil, Nov. Will. tho pronlier 111:80titll st'ant, Mr. W. llc�'c the poor littlo mitioror immediately. no• and transparent, as though her blood the young people will fall ill. Youth G, P"lliott, the clung contractor who rend 11.7VII it tnothprg, thoroJA 110 m1.9tako about .. .... ........... t. t cures )iarrhoo rorlateg the Stomach had lost its color. Ifer heart palplitat• is a perilous time, Patents oannot be Ongerviltive h4nner, i" �Nilln C61io, softens the ed, and she grew so weatt she could too much Oh gtt0d. The first signs of is eAtPYIng the J, , and b6wole, euros CLINTON, doing great 'work %111 nat tile Attt)rnoy- Gums, rodueOPInflawitrultidn,an IV onettlid He bw already put ISM new otiergtotho wholorlyntom. I'VinVinalOwIg hardly walk, I became very anxious Ill health 60014 bob bb ovorloolted or WOOD &ND COAL YA91). 113ftmes on the voterAllist And altogel'b- 1801t "11 ilIgnip" for (3 111droll toothilig Is plea- about her, 'ArG did bverYthirlg We mftft light of. ThO rsModY thetile, or he 1A frigbtenin NIP.1411rdy At) Wid- 'Pf"ttliteo (tit d4estst0m'Nnbf1 Is the VircsOMPtIOD of one know, and oonAulted a dootor , but she ladies finally oMplayed (Mothor golg0l# ubtiorfbor Is pro tilrod to 13 04 follialo Physns and got no better. Altar two yours of this Cura&6 Syrlilp) 60ght td be eV6n near* "OrciPtly fill all Or ly that be wjll st ek to his own coni hurtles In the Price twonty-fire Itt; f6t Wood at) Coal whieh will be gold rt,� 16*60tAtog. otituelney pribbtywell from >t Ittati gorAitbottlo- Sod yandmiggiRtathio rl't wO heard of your medioiriol and bogaft or thaft tho fie,%t6ot ah6mlat shop'j It NPURENTS HOURS. W. WHEATLEY March 1,d, i tile world.*' 110 Burp and ask for " Jim giving It to her, In a few days her gp- dught to bo t)& ba ffi# 41ti41f. M3g