The Huron News-Record, 1898-01-20, Page 6<•c••. 'tzaz�seme5r5'eleeze ire[ ertesrravNrzei„?.,zree areme!L'^t�S7d:^..i,=" sexe $�:,i'•'•'Ss`T1C7zies'+&"•t` - `A :y;.;!;."X:u'' '�+w'G L"'w>Wtaw+�' u.r*^r`"u.?<tiYir:iSr.u. ..... _ Iie4ittt ul anti Economical Win- tering of Morses. One of the topica now being die - massed is [fiat of winter feeding and care of farm horses of various )lessee. It ueeda uo long-drawn-out argument to show the importance of studying the various teat•ures of this branch of atoOk- tending, as it interests every tanner more or less, and the difference in the result between wise and careless wiu- tering may easily amount to a serious monetary cousideration. It is not long since horse stock, except ot some speei.tl class then in demand, was of so little value from a market stand -point, that with idle horses especially, and to some extent with brood mares and young ata k, the cheapest means of wintering suggested itself as the tuost consistent with true economy. The mark t has changed, however, end at the cummenoetueht. of A. D, I898 hor- des are horses again. IL is not neOeA- rary to review all the circumstances which have led to present, brighter prospects for horse -breeders, as it is enough to say that fuir horses in decent flesh e,e worth good prices, This Sub- ject. ot wintering, as taken up elsewhere in tires resins by a number of horsemen in various parts ot Cauada, throws out in praotioal turn many useful bugged tions -the outgrowth of years of ex. per ience -which, if not applicable to 0,41 our horse -keeping readers, will at least suggest borne beneficial modifications in their practice, or elee provoke a dis- cussion in which the views of many others way be made public and mutual- ly helpful. Swamies Natcoat fbo�s trona Canada. The Best �f Results, A leading American experiment stat- u ion, when it wanted utodel typal? of the various modern breeds of hogs for an ALWAYS FOLLOW THE USE 01' its ortant feeding feet came to Cans ads to gut thew.A couple of months 1)R. WILLIAM'S PINK 1'1LL`i. ago a representative of Armour's big Chicago dressed meat establishment visited some of the swine raising die.. TWO CASES IN WHICH THEY it l.9rUitED frit t. of Western Ontario to observe HEALTH AND STRENGTH AFTER Af+L Canadian methods, and shortly after a well-known buyer received an order OTHER MEANS HAD FAILED --1Y1141‘ for a douhla-deck carload of hogs auitk THEY HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS TLIEY able tor what is called the ''Wiltshire" WILL nu FUR YOU. brand, and our Chicago correspondent From the ('ulberne Exploits. writes us that they have arrived there Tltere ars fug if any people ire blur at a coat] duty and all, of 66 per cwt., that they dreased well, and ought to ray Lowudliip, Northutuberleu)d °ouuty, make tine bacon. 'Che American to whurn the llama of Chase is nut authorities and packers are determined familiar, .aM.i. Jacob Chuse, who has to get at the inwardness of Canada's l'u,lutsa.l the oecupetiou ut termer and tine bacon trade, and it is proposed to fishermau and ti.•b,lealer LI ear•.°;ally make a test of this lot with an equal well known. 11 oaa hnuu a great sun number of the boat U. S. bacon hogs, fever from h<+utnatiew all as his brand all as''-tmeriean,"but keep the neighbors know, but bus t8 ti!Iut two lots separate, tool compare sales on o , y the British market. There is no perti- succee,!rd In getting rid or the dist•ase, cuter secret about the success of C:n t• To a reporter he gave the lulluwiug dian bacon. For a good many years particulars, 1 had been a sunnier our breeders and farmers have been trout iheu i ttnw fur 11piaurdd of tweu br,eding for the ideal bacon type, and Iv 'cars at tint„„ heiug coufint:l.i to the.. this, coupled with an intelligent plan of hue e. At ant' limn 1 wary laid up fur teeding and management, has lett the suleen weeks, and 0 1 1)3 a [engem ul Western States hog -man, with his fad that time WL( C07) U1.Il t urns hurl, and clean, who'.esale methods, and big, animals, feu• in the rear. 'the moral for pettedly helpless I lied the boa,.fi'. the Canadian is that he cannot now ate of excellent me lir,'tl treatment, Lot ford in any particular to relax the of it tsar of co avail 1 believe, tau, forts that have proved advantageous in that I have t) iter ev, ry tuudiciue ud Toe wintering of idle horses has re- ceived, as It deserves, liberal attention. Every farmer has an int(.rest in this branch, as Bellatny's universal and absolute electric power has riot yet commenced to take eflect in agricult- ural prae.tice. Almost every hors. - man has his own pearlier views of what constitutes true economy in feeding any clans of stock, but it must be t in- sidered reasonable to believe that tine maintenance of vigor at the leweet possible cost shoulu constitute an i,), - portent consideration. What we shou'd seek to get at, then, would be a: near- ly as pOssetrle a maintenance ration, along with sufficient exercise, pure air, and, when housed, comfortable quar- ters. A recollection ol'thu approprtltte- n..as to health ot summer pasture will suggest the value ot a .udicient'ratiou, The I)•eetdoIu of the field has alto prov- ed its worth, and to make the best use of food and labor expended, juicy an•t palatable ['udders, as well as ilberal ex `ercise, should be granted. 'n'o supply the necessary sucnuletice, rim t tar - niers have either ensilage o1' roots, or both, which have given Mr. Rennie, Fttrul Superintendent at the Ontario Agricultural College, good satisfaction in feeding idle horses. So far as stable temperature is concerned, it • should not go much above 50', so that a toler- ably eeavy coat of hair would be induc- ed to protect the body from. the col.) during the considerable Wile that they should be allowed the liberty of the yard. Where roots are fed and no coru ensilage, a little crushed or whole corn would serve a useful purpose in .tortifyibg the animals against low teu,- peratures, and for rough ration, well- , preserved straw will answer admirably, and if cut and tnixeil with the auccu- lent food and crushed grain it will be relished. horses prefer, however, whole straw to pick over between meals, the remainder of which may he used as bedding. It seems unnecessary to add to what our contributors -have remarked re- garding the care of brood mares. Lib- eral exercise is highly recommended " and generally considered as most abso- lutely necessary to a living and well- developed offspring, hence the general recommendation of loose boxes, It need hardly be mentioned that mares nourishing a foetus require rather more , liberal feeding than ether idle horses. It ie, also important that possibilities of her slipping on icy surfaces he guarded against, as many foals are lost by falls and strains of mares its various stages of pregnacy. .Young horse stock is quite fully dealt with. The general impression is hat box stalls are necessary, and 8 ouriahing ration shoind be given in ,rder to advance giowth and vigor. Skim milk is spoked of for foals, and we may say that our own experience verifies 11Ir. Scott's couelusions in that regard. We would do little more than emphasize the importance of liberal feeding. Clover hay. boiled grain, wheat, bran and roots should be liber- ally administered, as well as dry whole or crushed oats once a day. The cure of the hoofs, referred to by one of the contributors, is worthy of every con- eideration. A crooked aukle,contract- ed heel, orperhaps a ringbone or nidebone, may easily result from a long, turned up toe, which is very liable to occur when the colts ars kept in box stall, and yard the Boors of which are deeply covered with manure. The feet should be examined, and, if necessary, treated with the ebieel, knife or rasp, being careful to keel) the foot level and the frog resting on til,. floor. Shoeing, blanketioy, clipping, etc, of working horses and drivers are all gone into more or less, and tnany use- ful points suggested, En our own ex- perience we have Ionnd much less •.hoeitrg than used to he considered necessary to ans',, et' admirably. If colts are carefully driven without shoes for the first two years at ordinary farm work it seldom becomes necessary to have them shod in later years, except when road teaming hes to he done, or an icy•spell occurs In the winter when they have to be driven. We are con- vinced that much money that is now spent in horseshosinx could easily he saved without injury or discomfort to the horses. far as clipping horses is concerned, we would live it no place Rt this season of the year,' If done in N'oveml er, so that a protecting growth ot hair occurs before mlfi• weather sets in,' it le often a decided advantage, es- pecially to a heavy -coated horse or one inclined to be lazy. Comfortable blanketing must be r sorted to follow- ing clipping at any season. After De- rereber sets its We mcrh lrt•efer singeing the parts inclined ter assent, vitt , flanks, belly, sides, bree.al, site. I'his may be done fairly closely at any time Wtthout attendant evil. We have used the singer for several winters on our reed horse, and like its effect. Smoked the Samples., There was given the other day sin 81.1 up%towu street an illuatratiuu of the way in which articles at0 often hopelessly perverted fruw the uses fur it filch they were iuteucled by their makers. It was at the luueheuu hour,:, The Italian laburers who, iu accor- dance with the prevailing fashion, were engaged in tearing up the pave• Went had aueueaded their labors and were partaking of ti err middy meal us they s,t un the sidewalks slid the eteps Of houses. Presently a man who carried a largo basket °ante around the corner, lie started down the street, distributing from the basket at each house a small package of one of the new cereal pro ducts at present being advertised us greatly superior to coffee as d beverage. Ile merely laid these packages on the wiudow eillaund did nut ring the dour bolls. After him atadistauee follow- ed one of the Italians, evidently Reput- ed to the task by itis conlltanions, Ile carefully gathered up ail of the sant- nice (iod catrled then, to where the s l group ef workmenworkmen,At. Clearly y the Italians knew what tide packages coil tained, for they euro opcned-net curiously, but Lit 8 tllitttt I: of feet way. !`ho brown, finely ground contents were 7rausfelred piw eptly into a pipe bugle ofthe assemblage, tied, having been set alight. were soon going up in am ki, atl(1rdtl)14 as much pleasure ap- peieutly to the anus of toil es if the eerie! substitute for cull•eo had been the utast guldeu ' itgiuia.-New Y ik Tribune, the past trert'ised tor [he anti) of theunlnlisiu, and I all) 80re I expended at least IS YOUR DAUGHTER 1N $200 00 11011 got nothing more at any, :,Cl-1OOL? time than the: M(i)st leulllur,try relief At lest) was induced to give I)r. "There ere theu,.,uds of sickly school Hem Piot< .fila a trill, :ult1 110171 that 14)11' dnntgl et thulr way IIr)0gh time I (fete ley gond frtuue i:t ri+ruing 8 0(01 who might 1.0 ctl,iuyrtrg tri++ toil rid of the dice+so. l tuutiulied using +•t;; r ut tltl it yuullt Ly (•d;iun Scott's ..huts tar sev,+,'al nluntt,s and ,l,lily Ll1l Il8•nits towel that the trouble )flat hail made -- IDy Ib:a ler NU Inan1 Wale a' .0 dieepi )sarin:.;, and el I oe ,Ill banes ,t. Good n,•yete nt n'tearlb' Outlined. . ei pain lied lent me sed 1 twits a Editor Farwee's Advocate,. 1 soy cornu Stir I have taut sillep hail I'othoLlt , Sti:,--1 believe Mr. )tennis's eester1) rekoirrcnee of the treeblee of feeding horses to Ile a vtu•.y giant we, r e ail troubles ( ie I, As proving the div, t. t t. 1 for any person wlio Las (he ftindel'b 7)8 - fur which Ur. \\ illi ln.s' nod; 1'llia e -n e ssary to make up the daily v Enter tl tiOO ed viz.: Cut hay, 12 'l (lura it linty Ileo 1)•f )lletltlulled ration me tit,[ and pill- 'Ise reetoeel1 Its. 1''7 )71) Chase, )e pounds; ensilage, li pounds, a 1 } Y ped turnips, 11 pounds, 1, 1 in three ,t,)ughter iu 1788' ul' Lilo gen tletnan daily feeds, with three pounds of eq•ial 11u\e r, fie 1 ed ip to health and parts chopped grain and '•ran fed twice :etcnoth after all rid) or ))(cans 111111 hp 0 (lay. We are wintering eleven horses ,,,.e,,tly t,aliu,l til Chase with the lollowing feeds: wheat, oats, tet whet my tomtit() and ea straw and eusil.,be, and propoptl 1 nun 1.01)0'1 l d f was for even duc)0rs (10)11'.1 not e, tee mixing eta strew and ensinage in emus, , rt parts, and feeding twee duly, with as to the nature of it.. Otte said it was threeor four pounds ground grnin and corisuwptien of the stunt :ch, while ail hien, giving one daily teed ot uncut other •was equally einplait ic in dor: kr hay. I have never found much profit nig that it was liver trouble, Otte in cutting hay, but by cutting straw and thing 1 du know, and that ie fur years mixing with ensilage they eat it much I was a sick autunu. 1 know that I better. • 1 teed as much as they eat up 0 U afflicted with neuralgia, lay hl. od cleanly. The above ration is for work our, and I wets s(tlj` et to horses, mares and colts �lowu to two was p years old, but for yearlings 1 give 1. ss depressing headaches, 11y tippet jto 4traw, and prefer feeding foals with was not good at any time, and the clover hay, oats sad brae, and if we have !east exertion left Hie weak and de skimmed milk to spare we give it to apondent. A lady friend who had been them, and find that they grow finely benefitted by the use of 1)r. 1\'illit(nts' fed thus. We have a good welt at the Pink Pills advised we to try then), anti door of the feeding passage, an(?t water as the had also cured nl lathe)_iu the horses from a pail, giving them all Y Y. they want before feeding The brood law, I determined to do eo, and I have marcs and colts are turned out almost much cause for rejoicing that 1 did Query day for exercise, Some of the for you can etre ly see that they have horses we keep in a concrete basement, made a well woman of ate., I took the and others in a frame barn; some of pills steadily for a couple of mouths, them in boxes and some tied. We have and at the cud of that time -was el),juv one driver bred and fed specially for that purpose.' We clip him about the ing the blcaaittg of good 'width, It beginning of November, and use a warm gives ole much pleasure to he ahla to blanket alt winter, and he will stand bear public teelintuny to the value of any reasonable amount of driving, this wonderful medicine." scarcely ever sweats, and keeps in good Pink Pills cure by condition. Ile is fed principally on hay, going to the Sect. of the disease,, They and bran. A driver should, in my o • opinion bo shod all the time, but work 1enelV anti bells up the blood, end horses only when it is slippery, or when strengthen the nerves, thus driving they are on the roads much in summer, disease from the syetetu. Avoid inlita• but for working on the farm they are as (lues by insiefiug that every box you well witboutshoes. It is well to have a purchaee is incloee(1 in a wrapping chisel and mallet in the barn, and bearing t}le full fade marls, I)r, \Vel keep all the mares' and' colts' feet trim- lietnls' Pink Pills for Pete 1'auple, teed in proper shape. A. B. SCOTT. Middlesex County, Ont. OAST AWAY FOREVER. paine's Celery Compound Banishes Rheumatism and Sciatica. Mr, Beechinor was in a Terrible Condition. Could Not Walk or Pat His Hand To His Mouth, ,Lx Glottics of Nature's Medicine II:flfeCt a Complete Cure. A STRONG ANI) CONVINCING LETTER. is There Such a Disease as Hydrophobia? For Over Fifty Year's like, \V1N:sLOw'a 1400'VIIINO Svrr')' has been u,01) by millions of inulhers for their childre" while teething,. 1f disturbed at night anti broken of your rest, by a sick child suffering and crying with twin of Cutting Teeth send tit once and get m. hula' of "2118. l\'iusluw's suulh- (ngSyrup" for Children )'renting. 1L will re- lieve IIie poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it., tout hers, there i; no mistake about it. It en res 1)itw•rhu'0, regulat0, ileo S1u)01011 and buwuls, (Inca \Vied (`ant., softens the (iomer (111C04Inl,autn1ati0n,aatl7it•cstuuoau)7 energy to the whole system. ''2Itis. \1'in;:lnw's Soothing Syrup" for t.hildren teething is plea- sant to lea- 8(0 11.o the taste and is tilt. 1+res)i•iltlion (if out: of the oldest and hest female physicians awl nurses in the Coiled States. Prier t went )•11)1 (1uta a bottle. hold by all druggist" ).)bough( out the world." tin sure 11.1111 est; for '•2tit:1. \VIN,Lo\v'81uo'rltlxn tiwt(0)' President McKinley has scut a, 711Ps- enge to the Milted Stites tion gree.s i'e• uunlmendiug nay merit of lite 8011118' claims. PAIN-WI1ACK. $500.0o IN GOUl! 1st Prize . . . • 2nd Prize .... 3i d Prize • • . . 2 Prizes of 5 Prizes of , , . • 10 Prizes of • .. NO STATION iN LIFE 1st PROOF AGAINST RHEUM ATISM ALL COlIl( CNDER( TIIE DAN-SOCTtt A31Eft ICAN 11I7Elf VATIC CURE CURES ILL. 'Chis. Co'toll, of Grnet)0(lue, has been employed by the Rathbun Corn- pauy for pearly twenty yeti's ns eu g ineer, and trent the nature of the esu ploy 105111. Weil 83)1)j1'Ct ed t0 508el•e attacks of rheumatism, !Ie tried In)Uv remedies with scarcely any beuelit. South Atuorienu l'iheunlatic Cure lens recommended to him. lie found almost instant relief aid the first bottle effected a cure. IIIMINIONfirerfeffellellegffillSWEINNIOM 20 PRIZES. $200.00 ••.• 100.00 •••• 50.00 •.•• 25.00 each 10,00 each 5.00 each •••• •••• 200.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.0G 50.00 $500.00 To the Twenty people who solve this Puzzle, if there are so many correct, we will give the above Prize() IN CASH. SE D NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER. If more than 'Twenty should be correct, every correct one will (in aridition to the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver Watch," of which the not factory -price is 1$10. If pr'efcred, the winner can chooses genu- ine Gold• 0ised Watch of the Same value, As ..this Stoullvitle's new wenn-winka were given a S itisfuctory test, EATS WITHOUT DISTRESS. "I suffered with inflammation of the stomach and indigestion, Everything I ate distiessrd•r„e. 1 hula Urket) a fete bottles of Hood's Sat84earilla and it hes cured me. i am now able to eat almost auythi11. 1 swish without distress. 1 heert1ly iO000tnu'U(1 Hood's Salseparilta." C. A. Aixswonrn, 1020,1,North Edv'i ds Street, Kalama• Michigan, ichigan, HOODS Pit.Ls rare all liver ills. Mailed for 25c. by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Miss. Fire yesterday damaged the plant of the Illustrated American, in New Yorlc, 10 the extent of $15,000 The belief seems to be growing among acientiste that there is, after all, no such disease as hydrophobia. This strikes deep at the root of a long es- tablished and venerable opinion, and will no doubt be received with a great deal of opposition, but there is so much to be sail) on the subject and so 'many experiments have been made that one is inclined to suspend judgment at least and wait for further development. An incident Is related where a man was bitten upon the side of his face by a pet (log. He applied to the hospital for treatment, and was found to be ex - tremely nervous. 'I he dog war care- fully examined and pronounced by the veterinary to be in perfect health, Some experiments by inoculation were tried on rabbits without any unpleasant iesulte. Again and again were the rabbits inoculated, and they, remained to all appearance ay well as ever. Ent the man became more and mere nerv' ous and frightened, and finally died, of what disease the attendants in the hos- pital found it very difficult to deter- mine, although the death certificate was issued for hydrophobia. WELi.S & 1RIOIIAIRDSON CO., DEAR SIRS :-For five years I sol fared from eclat10a and rheumatism, at times being au bill that I °unld not walk or put my hand to my month If I attempted to do any work I would be crippled for weeks. I took medical Iroatruout, Turkish and mineral baths, but all failed to meet my case. Some time ago I tried P,tine's Celery Cem• pound, and after using six bottles 1 feel like a new man, and can do a hard day's work and feel none the worse for it. I have ,also gained in weight, end can say I am permanent- ly cured. Yours truly, J, BgE0i11NOR, Shiloh, Ont. ® A ® FTFIUL • • + meaning •uo to 1110 Timfle. • _ Tho quufltlee 0f oar Watches which aro acknowledged to be the foremost llah to andrho AmericaEngn Markele. 0position FR°1T13T Our Proud In the watch Prade. ®1)1110 -- a word they will tart Meanawhictr&END°H° a life -flies. woudorful oiler is only made to advertise our far -fumed Silver Watches, every Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them. 1, Send your answer on an '•luternati, tett Post- largest amount, and so on. If not more than twenty Gard" which can he hou(ht at the pectenIe( feriae win and recei7e the Watch and t hair, acs if thee) 3107110). 'There fs 110 entrance te11 or cha,gu whit, do n„ buy a11) (hing floor the (atalr,.111, the whole aver. of the prize money will ba (1) 1 1))• divid,8 umorg 3. In 71801 1011 to the ('0111 Prfzre, ev.1+Ono whn 110111. eiviog $'75 11713. All amounts in this sends the correct, answer w•111 thereby win 0110 of our +181 girth einem. are taken at the exchange of :5 to fl. "N'nithful'1'imeo.ep(3' 8i7ver \CatcheA weieh 00 sell 5. A 1..rm will be F.(7ut fees to sett ware), must he in Euglaud for 1 1O .o1eh, and 0171') could be soli) filled up all forwarded 0o reach us by 1)01arubor 25th Seton iu At.,criea for *1., to 4)4 nu.•n, et all Gorda rrdered on accuuut of 71040 1'1izes. 5. [)very winner of the Watch is rtlmired to par. , rli. The names raid (1 (1)1101(0 of the cnsh prize e.1):ue ono (1) 11'13 Nil P.votu 1'er.rt; incsprusicl. 4u)i,1 roses wi,l be prin118 in the Titers, Daily Trio• 011v01' Albert Chains 1. wear with the+Na:1.10)te., as per apit .ud .';111 1.4a)(/, of 1,nudoe, ,.0 iter. 81,,t next, nae nnpte0udcltt:d, ace „hid,w.. uitt send. '1'twso n.1 "u1's.,7 )01tly in the .Vele 1•or/r 7lrarld, Ural), eh;tina aro Il.,ll•rnaeked on every link h)• t1)„ o; the Prizes will be posted stone day, ICnglii.h Government. If the a3070 13111(1. is req 1l 4,7 7. Write your name and address in full ever)' with (: f Id111ed 0:1x1• ivatend of .solid Silver, a Chain lima yob write to us to avid mistake,. t.o match nay, if desired, be ' holes. 3. Orders for these 14:zee may he sent in separ 4. With Dor Watch and (:lain ,on will receive oar' suety term im0 to time, and you will be et edited mammoth Catalogue quoting Wholesale Factory with the total of all when you 0(10(1 iu the retort Prices for Jewellery, Plate, 0te, 'rhe First Prize will fo •nr as above, be given to Iho one who s•,Ives the IteLus. 1'81.0110s I) W11e0 sending' order, please remember that tho the Watch 1,1111 Chitin, and older) altogether the letter 10.snege to England i, 5 cents, per half ounce, l.u•,;e0t amount of Gerd, from the Catalogue ; the and if iosU Iflotent p110lug0 i0 used the letter 70 liable Second Prize t0 t'lu w•im:er 000 orders the s11und to go os•ruy. Send you answer at Ince 1 Yon are sure to win a Prize if correct, even if nut correct it costs you nothing. Tho Watchmakers' Alliance & Ernest Good's Stores. LIMITED. Llrw'por'aterl according to Art of Parliament -Capital ,£00,000 ($450,000). LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS, 1S4 (3',taxi'oa•el ]L.onclion. Cable Address : "CLOCKLiKE, LONDON." Business Established 1885. Some eminent medical men declare that one of the most important thing. ie to attempt to eradicate from the pub - he mind the idea that there ie;; such a thing as hydrophobia. They claim that it never occurs in fact, but that there is a nervous terror which takes possession of the patient, who actually dies of what is nothing more or less than fright and nervous convulsions. Of course such a statement leaves a wide margin for discussion and debate. As a matter of fact, if there is no such thing as hydrophobia there certainly is a nervous .tate that becomes terrible in the extreme. Really there must be something of a serious nature to cause each dreadful suffering and death, -New York Ledger, Conghe, colds, pneumonia end rovers may 1)0 prevented by keeping the blood pure end the syetem toned up with Hood's Satrsttparilta. mos im while are not distinguished by any mark or sign from coughs that fail to be • fatal. Any cough, neglected, may sap the strength and undermine the health until recovery is impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. Ager's Ctierrg Petted CMS Coughs "My wife was suffering from a dreadful cough. We did not expect that she would long survive, but Mr. R. V. Royal, deputy surveyor, happened to be stbpping with ns over night, and having a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral with him, induced my wife to try this remedy. The result was so beneficial 'that she kept on taking it till she was cured." 1.8. HUMPHRIES, Saussy, Ga. "My little daughter was taken with a dis- tressing cough, which for three years defied all the remedies 1 tried. At length, on tbo urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to give her Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After using one bottle I found to my great sur- prise that she was improving. Three bottles completely creed her." J. A. GRAY, Tray. Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co., St. Louis, Ada rs EW FRUITS FOR XMAS. The best brands of Resins, Currants, Prunes and Figs. Best English Lemon, Orange and Ci' Son Peels. Cocoa and Chocolate Icings. Pure Spices, Extracts and Essences. Grenoble Walnuts, S. S. Almbnds, Filberts and Candies. ' The deservedly popular brands of Illgh Grade Teas, including the Noted MONSOON and BLUE RIBBON varieties. -It is never peddled. IN CROCKERY 1 Handsome Toilet, Sets from 52.50 to 58.00, Jr Piece Dunnet' Sets from $0.50 to 15.11(1. N. Robson, Grocer, Albert St., Clinton -- 1897 New Dried Fruits 1897, Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants - Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Waltnuts. COOKING' FIGS fur 5c. a lift NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c. a ib. --Headquarters for , TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, McKay, Block, Are you a Subscriber to The NewsRecord ? kernI'CtOl1 Advice free 11 eminent phyeldin. Lbttere private.Addrees 0. Antigks 1 1Mils* Most Rubbers are Uncomfortable It is no wonder that rubbers which are not the same F; shape as the boot should be uncomfortable. It costs money to employ skilled pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory fit. Each year the Granby Rubber Co. add new pat- terns to fit all the latest shoe shapes therefore ran y Rubbers ARE ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE. They are honestly made of Pure Rubber. Thin, Light, Mastic, Durable. 'Extra thick at ball and heel. Granby Rubbers wear Moe Iron.