HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1898-01-06, Page 7•. e. + rt . r? I , (I , r t. . . _ .. :. , . ., - .. ...� .:. ;+=+rte. ,v.,�-,.,.,:e-�.+n.. .. �, -- - - _ WNW, x 18, `7K�11' �RM'�`!F' , , PIR1Nn1 �R rofl yf� � � •�•.�. : om �o A germs, 1 n Ur Nl«1C a Sr�4 f'� inlilt4 lip,rSnl11 'I.fo too ptzllnvo# , 16 tai well "�a 1'1#1, Q z st,lop ..,< ,.,n.,;�,,F:,l.,�;. Vr .. ,�. t lR I l I : ° .-.�.,_'rt.��:�'rs �(9r 14 ?Silt? Ai I, k t « i ,. a t/ q . 1��,�'AT, ORO(, 3'k i?ROV14 M.,40_.�cz9etitltir tollr9 ftir �lzte io,t�ta 1R1a��. 3 iX1 K p a 1 0.r,ngta.b 3lzodeeb rlUpCV�l+yi!i�4. solnothing tq ala for, nloyue, i}ilti � Sit,1C1 to .the weldor. xnpmtit r� �t tiiq' « x x4L`T IVI C T, l « r� a4a> l4>�ix txge ax ? e+?d'# i'iliaaov *9 *qlt , Th, -,( � - n + . f, A` . _ �11 ' Y d: N9' 84t oliro o W� '�ti (its{low" to Olva 9 Log Apk�O�fi :.*,,9009?« � GliQ�k. I undeliSt,411-4 Clic 103 to slnO 4 solo R {�<r� � �� ��fi, i!�a, t•��1 �� �, .,r:.- �y�,,r-,. 41p9 4 AF it4�l?iSttN k>Y Alid ,FQt ix waw. Ru1X Q'buU I: 'lQt1}%tcltly" "aI A 4Ti-i�oiL riw 148$ �'h210 vane, 4�F,a0*4,R4,0q, "Tuor faro w witgig * . ', n lr res;. lint'✓ if ane ono date blahno l aalp 6�I t�, =,,, � , .� 7`' S:'. lf,x'UN ..'1t, 4saoing andlaughtCr++tzcl, urtzlos•ei}d•9rlep, tho.,aue, X xC. ttoated,hor taallJ lG?" .. al ��jj.. j. r s� , « . . , . a 1� �+iwplaa Ypz tcud9rest tsf, , (e If t�,�;t.t a 1S a 11! at>"'►1" , U oO�� 111K y �� ill isbot Cas# rrts9 for flutter ,alta r3gge: i3khtica aR'?icpsa salt of rapttu•e: nna al ba, Ila izzd a, hilt cotll(i ftrardly botioy(z It, . . " '40.rlt9lw4kX-4ctatr rtlawoat,Xea6,, , 1 leasn9>i bec;n otlaAazzlaz far apt*nipztz> .W,eak lu' s ix1.. ��1e :��tI�,1l., . 49AX ?linea ai~ t., ,pact pi bli0sa13; y, • no at our 9lxoirlto of l kelt' , It is an it.I < �. . —,-�+ , „.00Inactttlau. tl%1}t is u9i 131toi to meet it � lS f1. b.. must b?c onsf :.'� t aatyear, iltu f.41yearR, z,QQ�,OQQ l therosoaiitatbet#9ru. y g Cl]+. I. U�l`p�r, �y(�/� r{ �M 'lhfa caravutldoritese.fnaytto. tlaaaili»aval'ofqumbeat people, , • �'«i>`r� .. 1,GDO,QOQ. V Y V S .4 LOVI 495t, .AIV(4YA 'rp;soy fit: 1. < ' :r (( p t' sutl ayons0Q,ped'undertberpoloiltheniora Y64r, iWointation sitz rises ale, 2TlCl v1go us., , 1a+ay1141tlalpAt, gXvyaY s tats That it brQught there, only a>i D'aby. thotight ill IVQ31.d ba : leitaal�t to I t oduce. ' " , �r 4 ! * - & FEED $TOAL .f i:utectory; jlrteveot,i .Cold #, errfell'�escolt ppifarciia#f om.QrYtIIpJAut n flatter in n x You inu,tt strike t1IQ •disco $e� QfQell 71![Q1�1'REAi. 4 ski( agzvlrb w14lslia is cello OrpA9r, 9urq till liYQr lllq,, sal. , • Vi K. VOLSOX,, 4A40rR9,R$.ON, President, lvxllpton. lick #4&daoite,.aaundll Q,.�9�tipb�ipn, eGi, ?iE0. conlu),Qn in marl ! oitttrabg9 At rps9>at,3; ��Sf' Oi` lk Wl�� Sl t'):�t�, �P,td„ ,; :.Wl?LrFIt,4TA,NT1iOAlA�iOOlr 04x1mgor, xlze.9, 1, - to take WlIll, A( Y4.1*4apal'W4a. "You au oubticaa >itcazi t well;' .said lilts$ ' 4 •""""" RQ T alfa .SgoRms tilts Large lip �t 7f �I .1. Tharou lzwh9at, with aurcasin In her r t the vcu first sYbn "a�' " Xotea AlLpeouutad, Collectious loader Drafts NEW FIELD volog that belied box, words, x think zasuedr. Sterling ono gnlerica8 ex• SM41 Quantities. _1' tt<t ores Po tat. Itwotil'd not be,quito the tbing in, aur, failing health take Scott's , alta>ago laouglit and eol(l, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS ��HenryWrightchurch, azid z take alto iihortY to 1Ye you INTtriAsaT A,uu9weR oar Dltr9arzs' l0 lbs. Choice Oatmeal -for one Bushel yO � siatant erector infia 4 y Cburoh for anyear a friendly word of oathlep.0, ag Eiffel&1Q11 0� Cod .liver 'Oil tt 9QA G pax atlougla clothes Ola tt and was ✓about to assume ohargq of his The leave talf:lilg waa, coot and con: wirh HypophospbiteS. -11 1 ¢ �.AVJ 1. BANK. Oats worthlewman to disguise him, $rat independent perish, its nuclgts t�giug+ s:traln%l. Mr. Wright wag aw:aro that he . I 11 .11'ntotesti t411'OW04 on dents 4f $X and up. CLINTON.at tvhi9h a snail 'drearla most in In a eaoitall country villa e, had offended two of his load It gives the'body power to g 1; parishton- - .). COOK CI�I The clergyman had visited the place ers,,and he returned to his boarding house I „dh�',JcZ1Vl:il$- , marriage a woman thinks fupsG of, CC+iSt tiI1Q m@t'mS of COCISUTi] ' once and bad been so favorably impressed in an unenviable fraise of mind, ldpg0ya(avanced to farmers on their Own uotes 75241 , Y p'vssed b p ,4 gtai, ono or more endorsors, No mortgage to - A maA wile clic t make a success of that be was eager to enter up, ala now Miss Tliorougpwheaft went to bed with t1Ull. glulrodesaocurlty.. CE�di'IiAL business is nearly altvaya vary afl.0. field of labor, anger in her heart, Almira know that a1.0, SKEWER, Manager, BUTCHER •� HOP donate, So secluded and quiet was the village o1 there were gray hairs on her head and un- S and g,,6o, all druggists, Cr,tilMoi9. welcome furrows in her face. It was time sc:O I T & ROth tri:, Chemists, Turunto. a es om,her. x896, ----- -- Broadlawn, so great was the beauty in and "I 11® F�R,D &,R,�Hy,r Wben a clan For an•y reason is' un• about it, that It seemed not unlike a, for bar to wed if she was ever to be mar-, �i __ �� able to attend a show, he usually adye modern garden of Eden,,witbout any ser, ried, and she pact picked out the' good - - ci�rggar ($U49oseora to J. W. Longford.) g pent to create a disturbance. Mr. 'Wri ht looking clergyman, Avq years younger. at is not sod. g Y g Having bought. out the above business, we intend was confident that the people would prove than herself, as the fit roan to be her hus- to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply Most people hnv. seen worse things to be guileless and kindly. band. He needed 'a practical helpmeet, The Coming Literary Genies. . {',I BANKER''our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay. in 'private than they pretend t0 be One Sunday in the early fall he began nut a pretty and an inefficient doll like Tho question is whether the coming gen- A.LBRRT ,STREET, CLINTON, ngprioos. FQRD & MWRPHY, chocked at in public, e his duties as rector, Hopreached a obeery,' Miss Lacey, .Well; it be could not see ius will be native to the east or to the sympathetic sermon, telling his hearers what was best for hien, she, with her fa- nest, Rays J. S. Tunison in The Atlantic. --- A; truly great roan is ono who can what he purposed to do for them and ask ther's powerful assistance, would make it The case of Japan makes the student o1 A fb7NL'lft1L B[il�llltV( BilSINIJSS 7 �r} �ory '(jl g�� jii jtva in a very small solve and refuse to fog Eor tllvir hearty co-operation. Many Harm for the presumptuous clvrrynlan, literature and literary pQssibiiitfoe pause. TRANSA0TLID, LIVE HOGS. WANTED, became small in his opinions. shook hands with him after the service Miss Lacey sang the solo on the follow- Compare the situation of this empire with and promised to aid hien. lug Sunday, but her, trembling voice and that of England in the time of the Tudor • - ___._ After a girl has' been out of town During the next month the Rev., Henry nervous manner betrayed that she was sotereigns. The tlikoness is noteworthy. 1. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. to take singing l.ilsone it is 110 longer Wright pursued his work with �✓ual lie, not at ease. All the influences of civilization from west . Interest Allowed on Deposits. . Efighest Market Price Paid. said that she singe a song, but that she called on his parishanors and sought to be- The rector suspected that irritating re- and cast are focused, so to speak, upon a "renders" it,—Atcheson Globe. ° t come well acquainted with them. He. marks had conte to her cars. According- political and social organism which is not Otintiorr, June 8th,1891 x D, CANTELON, Clinton. preached sermons that were interesting, ly, Monday evening he called on Miss La- only wonderfully receptive, but which also �'s tiJ8-tt — cyan .1E not filled with clbep thought, and eey. displays the capacity of reaction in its own wig a COULDN'T WRITE HIS f NAME. he received frequent oompl towns. "Yell cannot suspect how much I have original elements. Looking back at the ffi�IZR �lx�t• He noticed that the maiden ladies, o1 regretted that I consented to take so prom - ,history 9f genius and sexing haw largely it It LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND «~— whom thyro were a goodly number, some loess a part in the service," she said. belvnga to rho people ,as distinguished ' J®1•� 1�! 1�1 ®�:�T■ NERVES SHATTERED—BUSINESS GONE— rather old and sedate, others young and "But you must not blame yourself, ++ froth what may somewhat irreverently be ;'` ROPE GONE—PHYSIo1AL wREClt— blooming, manifested a lively interest in said Mr. Wright with eagor gallantry. "I called the blooded stook oY a nation, one « -- WAGON FACTORY, REI;TOBED COMPLETELY BY SOUTH him, but his modesty and inexperience led am the one who is responsible, far I asked fvLie like inquiring bow deeply into the CONVEYANCIIit, CUMMI66IONE$, ETC, him to believe that the sought his res- You to do it" substrate of human life in Japan thoalien Corner Huron and Uhrtngo Streets, Clinton. AMERICAN NERVINE. Y g p „ , Fara Insurance. Real Estate. Money to fond. ^— Once for spiritual guidance rather for any T know it, and it was only to please influences have penetrated. When those _ First -Class Buggies on hand and made to worldly reasons, you that I diel it." reach the depths where folk tradition lurks order, Prices to suit the times. Repairs and "Two years 'ago I was completely But his trap utl da s were numbexed, Tllo answer dc+]ighYcd the infatuated and the popular imagimition slumbers, Offibe—HURON ST1tE1t,T, CLINTON. p q Y clergyman, then the world may well look for a reav- __ ,.sem repaintinilpromptlyattend to. Prices reason- prostrated with nervous debility. I When Miss Charlotte Lacey and her Nyman, tatulhefelt ready to brace any- Y widowed mother came from a cit thing fur the sake of tho beautiful woman tion in which the nation will show all that — "- — able. was so completely wrecked that I had y to Broadlawn to reside, the rector's interest who had lead. an adtniasioih so flattering it is capable of in literature. YRcCx�ei• to quit business. I tried boat phyai• to hirtsvlf, Meanwhile observe, by wa _ in life was no longer striotly eonfi'lled to Y Of presage, G®� m oy�T��f i ciaus, and nervous treatments and his Clerical duties. "i Napo you do not regret having tried that two of the most striking literaryphe- D . W. GuiA N, U 1 YY 11} proprietary remedies with no relief. 'Miss Lacey was one of those sweet, spir- to pioavC'Do. Let file assure you that I ,nomena of the present day are Rudyard 1;, C. P. and L, R. o. s., 'Edlnbnrgh. oflToe- Horseshoer and. General Blaok•- Reading testinlenials Of wonderful cures itual beings whose effect on suseoptible Pully appreciate it." Kipling, with his ovorlayoY Hindooism on ', Ontario strocloClinton. Night cans at front door o! effected b South American Nervine and romantic young mon is that oY angels "I thank you for your ]rind interest, English human nature, and Lafoadio residence on Matteubury atreot, opposite Presbyter- ' 8n11th, y walking upon the earth. 'Cho young olor- but I am sorry that I have boon the means Hearn, with his varied experience, patient- tun churah, i I decided to give it a trial. Before vman taught to reverence hod Women of causing some of the members of the ly inquisitive about everything Japanese, Y + Albert Street, North, - Clinton. I had taken half a bottle I ive' eived g' g e ' choir to be offended," I Finally, whether the successor of Dante I felt that his heart was smitten and began �.�, T:,��I�i�I�LL. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. great benefit. I have taken several to show hertimldattentionnotvouchsafed "Do not beafr•aidtospeal Ib wasMias andGoothe rises from Asia orfromthe — woodwork ironed and first class material and bottles, slid feel ustified in statin° to other fmuale members of his flock. Thareughwhoat who did not like it.'+ west, all the light of the past shows that �, 1. J. L. Turnbull, Al. S♦ Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; work guaranteed; fdrm lmplementa and machines, that it le a wonderful medicine. Be Miss Lacey joined ,the choir, and all the "How call you know?" hewill speak not the thoughts of a nation, U. M., Victoria Univ. Mr C. P & S. Ont, ; t ?low rebuilt and repaired. men declared that Nor singing was beauti- Never mind, but I do know and I but of aw'orldwide culture; that hewill at o! tihe obstetrical society of Edinburgh. LnSe �f fore taking it my servos were so badly ful beyond anything that had ever been sympathize with ou." last unite the divided thought of human- s` London, Eng., and Edinburgh hoapitals OIIice:—, Y. Y g 3" .Dr. Dowslel a stand, liattontiury St. Night calla n q� p w shattered I could not sign my name heard in tine church. As ho listened to her Mr. Wright impulsively caught one of ity and combine in one view two eiviliza- < answered at Office. TO THE FARMERS. legibly, I feel that too much can not voice it was with great difficulty that the the girl's hands and pressed it. ' Miss La- tions that have been in antagonism for lil `— Study Sour own interest and go where be said in pt'aiae of it," E. Eriott, Rev. Fleury Wright could prevent his coy tried to withdraw it, but did not sue- thousands of years YOU eon got thoughts from wandering Into channels teed, and burst into tours. ' DR. SHAW. Morrickville, Oht.—Sold by Watts & not suited to the sacredness of ttto oats- "I have not offended you, I hope?" he The Same Old ries. Co, slon, and that his eyes, in spite of his eau- anxiously asked. One of the richest men in England, ' OfHco—Ontario skive', opposite F.nglieh tion wandered in Charlottes direction "Ob, iio. You are very kind. It was whose wealth makes him atargetformally u •1, ft.,ni,r,y 0, unfal'Uy iJ.. A 1pl0t ou. Reliable Harness. ' because I appreciate 11 11, ­ Itoo often was the verdict of more than one pp 'eciate your goodness.' applications for help from poorer people, In the Far West.--Stranger—As I closet watching spinster The sight of I manufacture none but the Bssxor Smoos. Y g p' ter in his congrega- 8 >I beautiful woman weep- was visiting Paris, and the manner in �■•®®®� Bewares ebb a that sell chew as the nave was clog home late last ni ht sonic tion. ing will upset an man who is nota which ho re elled one of thea licants for ! I P P> v 6' g Y P applicants " ..L. R. C. P. I - h• ,vi. R. C. P. L; L. M. Rotunda, got to live � Call and get prices. Ordera ' body,fired 9 pistol at me and shot this One morning Miss Almira Thorough- brute. hisVenerosityis worth re eatin ' t Dublin ; M. It, C. S., England ; 111. C. P. an(1 S., by mail promplyattended to p g g "Lot mo sympathize with P g " hole .through my hat., Judge.—What wheat, daughter of Simon Thorough -you. Allow On the opposite side of the hotel table Ontario.. 1 969-y wheat, first vostryman of St. John's me to tell you--ah—that I love you—and sat a woman who had once been rich, COusulations at thCofHca reecrttly occupied �"�][-.N ]a ]p the mis0hiaf }la.ve I gOt t0 do with church, met Mr. Wrightand"— "Monsieur,"shvsai g ! by Dr. Turnbull on Rtittenbnr street, Clinton, , gat at the store and d, 'you Englishmen yy p. m. week HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTs, ONT that? This ain't a hat store. If a man gracious manner invited him In be- She did not repel him and blushes began are so chivalrous, so ready to assist those 'from 11 o'clock a, m, to 3 o'clock in a to phase awe Iter grief. H clasped her in distress." clays, and otTlerlt0ure at the `'Hut," Bayftcld, — shoots a hole through your head then half of her father and herself to take tea y g P P GO TO THE come to me, and I'll see what can be with them in the evening. in his arms and they understood each "Yes," said the man of wealth, hesitat- The tea was a somewhat austere affair other- Ing. He had heard that before and thought c �j y� h a [jj j� q doll. about it.—Boston 'Traveller• i The next da aitit�`J • Union Sh W Il illy PiUP1Qr in spite of the efforts of entertainers and y ho announced the engage- he knew what was"co ng neat. g guest to mak. themselves agreeable. Mr. ment, and there was a great hubbub, Miss "Would you, with our usual eneros- Dr: Bruce, Surgeon Dentist, ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Thoroughwheat's grave, cold face was in- Thoroughwhoat and her Father wore so ity, do me a favor and a great kindness?" '^ For first-class Flair -Cutting hospitable to smilos. Both he and 'his angry that they did not attempt to conceal. "Yes, madame—tbatis, it depends some- •' Y and Shaving. He will tell you that Scott's Emu]- danghtex had long, thin noses and grim, their disapproval, and n bevy of disap- what square jaws. pointed maidens who bad angled for the "Think well, monsieur, before you 11 OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton Bion cures poverty of the blood and By their Imperious methods they had attentions of the,Agreeable rector support- promise, for It is a great kindness•" Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- ,T. EMEIiTON, Proprietor. debility of the nerves, He will say conquered the weak and incurred the ori- ed them. But most of the men In the par- It was the same old plea that ho had Servation of natural teeth, that it is the best remedy in the world laity of the strong. As most of the mem- ieb and many of the married women took heard many times be or from people who N. B.—Will visit Blyth,evory Monday, and bers of St. John's church were possessed up tike cudgels in defense of Mr. Wright, wanted a loan. Bayfleld ever Thursday afternoon during the y� n�Y for delicate -children, p „ , eummea y y g PUMPS! Mr q ; PuMpa T of a moderate personality, Mr. Thorough- Elbert Woodruff, the youngest vestry- I am afraid that I shall have to, but _ wheat and his daughter, by virtue of their man, who had for some time chafed under what Is it you wish?" If you want a first-elasx, wolt•made pump, one tha A Heartless Parent—Said M iss Susie masterful natures, had naturally become the imperious methods of old Thorough- "Only that you would be kind enough, ��' ®`Y1 it1`��J"' will give you eatietaation, seed your order to th the rulers of the congregation, their will wheat, had the courage to sustain the rex- monsieur, to pass me the mustard. You ,y= D . .ii..if.,�y ne Yv undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and doit a Sillygirl to her mother at the breakfast, tor'boldl have ever thin "on. " � ° ` . the eloseat prices. He also handles a first-olaa ., being regarded as law, y and placed himself at the head . Y yoursideof thetable. ' FO&OE PUMP. table:— Mamma, you are getting Already aware of this fact, the now reo- of the clergyman's adherents.—Pearson's,Weekiy♦ ®ENTIST: ibeaner and meaner ever de " "What tot was haunted with a forebodingthat if In the midst of the commotion Mr. • };' Of- JAMES FERGUSON have I done now?" "What yhavh you he insisted on his full rights he would be Wright sought the presence of the bishop Linseed Ui: From Flaxseed. fice hours - 9 to 5 Upposit Queen's Hotel - High street Clinton,Didn't y llkol to offend his haughty parish3onera of the diocese, and to him poured forth his P I dream last night that ! Y Flaxseed ell, or linseed oil, is obtained t �' ®diOOYlAO 809-tf g , and bring upon himself much trouble. troubles with disingenuous eloquence: by pressure from the seed of flax. The you went to the matinee and dir;n t g seeds are usually stripped from the dry + -- Y On the other hand, Mr. 7 heron hwbeat Bishop Fox listened attentively. He was ' tak'e me with you?"—New York World♦ and Miss Almira suspected that Mr. both a shrewd and a kind hearted man, At Zurich the second Thurs- @,� ,gyp g� g��+ p sax stalks, a handful at a Lima, through �1 , N. WA L IKr E R Wright had a mind of his own; that he and lie knew that the rector told the truth. set of iron Cohanfstanding in a row, haft ,1 day of each month, might not consent to be under their "My clear boy," he said "I understand —the reliable— d an inch at the top and a quarter of an inch thumbs, las had been rho case with his pro- it all. The experience is now to you, but UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Little �asar's Dlae°°cry, p w the bottom_ The aged bolls are then deeessor, an old•clergyman devoid of force not now to our profession. Shakespeare well dried and thrashed and winnowed, to rrrZixlYCl!j "Fla, ha, hal FIC, be, bol By George I" of character, understood it when he said 'Roll hath no11 . + remove the outside hull, or capsule, from' MAKER, bowled Henry Dustling as be patted his "I hope," said Mr. Thoroughwbeat aft- fury like a woman scorned.' If ono wom- the seed. The latter are then ' Y g er the cake bad been ground r. ° SEAFORTH ONT. little stn's curl head. "You're a great passed and the satin an's rage could call forth a& strong a' tom- ' , g mills and the powder isauhjoctodto power. . s: u bey t Let me kiss you 1 Oh, say, you know was that of arsons who have alread ment from the master reader of human . J. E:. BLAOKALL, Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. more than some rown folks do now. H p {{ y par nature, what would be have said bad he fel hydraulic pressure, which extracts tar Veterinary Surgebn, Carpet,; sowed and laid; also cleaned and re, g taken of enough, that you will be careful oil.. Sometimes the seed is roasted before. novated at roaaoaable prices. ha; ha! Best' joke I Over heard, eon my net to depart in ,your preaching from the contemplated ilio Pate of a 'your tier and Veterinary Inspector, life it is I' P g g clergy- grinding because the heat destroys the sound doctrines of the church. I thought man who gets into trouble with many -Urdera left at BROADFOUT &BOX'S Little Edgar looked u in childish won- women?" gutumy matter in the interior coating of Office on Isaare street next New, Era office. store, Clinton a Setrf BR D be promptly at; g P I detected a rather dangerous tendency to- < the seeds. The oil is therefore soured Reaidonce, Albert St.. Clinton. . tended to. dermvnt for a moment, and then be also, ward the so Called liberal ideas of the da Yes. But I did not acorn them. I y more free from mucilage but it is of a began tillaugh and clap his chubby hands. in your'last Borman." treated them all politely." mucilage, ; B. Henry Dustling held a magazine open "I believe in 'maintainin the regular `"True. But they do not so regard It. tt.higher preyolor asci frail, , th aericl'tastC than B. 'fH®iviLiFi1S9�N at page on g g that, expressed from the raw sena.—St, e+ (1'�rl�jjCar. p g p which was pictured an old 'doctrines of the church. But you must All womenarenot angels, like your fu- Louis l:cimblic. VETERINARY -SURGEON, __, _ _ _ woman who wore spectacles and hada know that nowadays our thought tare wife. The wiles and pettlnessof some 1. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario veterinary Col. �y My double chin. The father looked down at men favor a broader and more intelligent feminine hearts are great, I am sorry to �` lege, Toronto. �� O. L. 1tl �. 11� the picture again and emitted another roar Interpretation of the Scriptures than that say. Remember what the great Jonathan .Felcing's Old Paper. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the f of happiness, which brought his wife and which was permitted in less onlightened Edwards said." Peking's Kin Pan is the oldest, newspaper ,Host modern and Scientific Principles. C1;.XNTON, her mother to the scene. qg©,', , "What did he sayp" in the world, having been published con- Dayand Nighbcall� Promptly Answered. it saCONn Monday of every "What on earth is it that is causing you "The faith of my fathers is good enough "Wily, he even ,advised a suitor for the tinuously for nearly 1,000 years. It began ; ltesidence—Ratitenbury Street, west, Clinton Ont, month. Hall 2nd flat, McKay to make an idiot of yourself?" exclaimed Per me, and i't fs good enough for other hand of a daughter of his who was bad as a monthly, bec(une a weekly in 13(il, block. Visiting brethren always his mother-in-law, while his wife tried to tem Bred not to marry her. 'There are and since the begin-nin of the century has, mads welcome. ' people tea. Ido not believe in bowies• p Y ' g Y J. el sSEPPARD, W. M, take the child out of his, arms, fearing gled notions." ' some persons with whom the grace of God bean :t (fatly, it now publishes three odi- U �^ - P. OANTELON, JR• Seo. TKOs. BEACOM, D. M that bo Noel suddenly lost his reason. "But you believe in progress. You use abides that you can't.' " tiara n day, noel, in order to prevent epees ,' -- Then little Edgar pointed down at the a mowing machine and hook and tackle Well put, I const say, remarked Mr. big by the venders, prints them on paper 1. J. SCOTT, picture in the magazino and said: for removing bay from _the cart to the mow Wright admiringly. • of different colors, the first being yellow, + Dat's aroma, "Now, my boy, there Is but one sensible the secuud whitu and the last gray. Barrister, *0.,! IV, g of your barn: Your father used scythes I �C300111f. The two ladies looked first at the picture and pitchforks," thing to be done, You must resign your • ;' Lr i.LI01(T S BLOUS, - . CLINTON. l�I1iINTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. M. meets and then at FIenry Dustling, but he said "That is another thing,' I am natdn- charge Immediately and must marry the ' C every Friday, on or attar the moon, Visit nothing, He bad become perfectly sober, IaHgd to hear you compare modern fnvgn- lady of your choice. I will then transfer ��,,�,� AT6ne to Loan, Ing brethren al p y P tions with tho doctrines of Christianity. Y parisb, and as a married y and ntting rho, little bo down u on the ou to another - - --- 0. JOHNSTON, W. M. THOS. RUhIBALL, eso. floor he sidled o t of the room steadily y' inan you -will have a more pleasant a eri- �,- CAMPION, n- C y Thq Biala Is the revealed word of God. It sp r ^ • Y � Clinton,OlfntoDec.D8, 160G. � „ gazing into the vy s of his lnothcr-til-law is the same novo that ft ever was—an un- , enoo in your nest field of labor. A SHELL BURST, , lis a lion tailler gazes into the eyes of the alterable guide for sinful man." Miss Thoroughwhcat remained perms- ' VA•l R18TE.R, - - • SULI07Tt71r'., -----I-- -- -- king of beasts while backing out of the "Come father you must not nvntly single, and Elbert Woodruff o AND HE THOUGHT THE BUZZING IN' HIS I i:+ , Y get into opposed NOTARY 4rc. cage' a controversy," said Miss Almira, with a old Tborougbwheat successfully, depriv %NOTARY, r Rearaa Tent No. 60, Knights of the M'aedabeesof Mrs. Dustling's mother was only 1S hard sort of laugh. "Lot us change the Ing him of the support of the majority and HEAD WAS CAUSED BY IT—DR.AGNEW'S Car•otloriol;!X � Out. the World. r 100,82,000 and meat Policies. notp Mala• and was in many respects still' a young sub „ greatly weakening his dictatorial owor. CATARRHAL POWDER UNDECEIVES HIM b bership over 100,000. Assessment principle—leas jets and retire to the parlor. i? , 011ibo-Overl)nais' Drtlq Store. Money to loan. navor exceeded 12 nesassments in n year. Open ost worth. Cloveland Leader.' Almira had her own reasons for not J A Bolter in Chicago Record. AND OURES A 'CASE OF CHRONIC CA•• , : and IlUstandt irdFpri: Meets eve Orouth. a11, tin• wishing her father to become angry with TARRH OF THIRTY YEARS STANDING. M ` O . U O n STON, t� drat and third Friday of every month. Mr, Wright, She did not purpose to let The Jubilee Decorations. •LY her father interfere with her plans, But The decorations were not beautiful, and ('I hay. Ilad chronic catarrh aver' S. -: i"A R9,1r9`���, .: $0LIC.MOR, she had her own disagreeable topic in with the exception of those in St. James' ; �itGr�td►il Trunk il;:tiltvnp: readiness and introduced It while her Ya• street there was no harmony of design nor since the war. .file decease effected C'�)VIIIIr�'r9'In111`Z+A .,TO:, tbor wag absent for the purpose of attend- scheme of color and a great o m bearing greatly. There !vas a diemsI. 7 OLFICIAL TIME TABLE. + opportunity Y g g Y• OKi l� lblili - - Olnt.in torIis late chores. , was lost. There teas probably no other agreeable ringing in my ears which I You like sin i `, tlifloe iyer iTatxliton and fit. Andrew's Ste. BuffaIoanda odertoh Diatriot:� ° Dandruhr ,g g 'ng vers much, I be- ••ttm. when awe mtaob money was ,spent iii j,sd attributed to 'the fact of a shell a e , I — lEeve," she remarked, display with results so Inadequate, ;read ', ,},� CfoingWost,l41ixed.................♦ 101Ka, m, "Yea, I am glad that aur choir, of tab governiYient put rho matter in trio bursting near me while in an engage.. "YY r I 'IlblV .r " Lxproas................. 1.03 P. m. which you' have long' boon the loader, hands of a committee, of artists, Much melts, I used three bottles of Dr. •. lVlixvd..,........♦,...♦ 7,05 p.in'. _ ,A1`�nts 9: y.. sb-6,' arr6R. Vxprgss ............... 10.27 p, m. � r,/1 i (� "/"��' /� takes so touch interest In then• work anti slight have bean dbn. that Would leash a Agnovy's catarrhal powd.r and my =7.A0a.tn, �i�s�`�V help make our services attractive. lesaaii Por the futurrf Gaafngaivat, ICIt rose Ii•m. _ "Wa habty n ldaw singe an Nevi] made the catarrh hag entirely tail m., The Y .i OB,t.3C'i C,, ;� 2.55 ,� r, floss Lacey, rodto of the iiroce0aslb'ii•"a 'valley full of noises •til m " hoed have. also ceased. �,.i, y ado Mlxand ♦ ♦ ::...... ♦ ..... 4.35 p, in, Zhe begAning�f b�idrtrs's'{s d�O(M , Who fs quite active, boauty aitd Mgillfioatice, but, as it yeas �#EAjrID[tilat90#w tiLt2fT(IN. L9 it, Huron and Brace:- 0�Silo-willp + zy It ra it great uiedioiloA-. Aa Reay and Doing South, L7>tpreas.:.............. .7;� Keep fit¢ sealo Cleafi and �ro»iufn 'iha . �'As. roto• to boa ve�� de• ov. houatiilaldor foTloWod His oven idoail,. Oil1>tCEI „ ,. ,. 7 a. in. suable addition tip the obolr, I trust, mat and go, while the loyalty displayed was plellsant tb� apply.' I have no -hr+alta- 11 « 17Y1 ,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.30 to. in 045WWA,oftheA4114-V Meal.10o :, the unso,phistieato'd' filer yznan us uaril• uita pvido t • w Y ",.. +..',.1•-� " � Genii}Notth, ,......., 10,15-a. til "'' .:, " g g q » , the tastewaa moot prlw- tion in recomfnen4ing it as. a uick �i •• �•odly. ilio -hi)s is svi�eat vola. and Nae been live. It wits .lite iiaintf sort at decoration .�t„+,►�i z D . ••,,.••........ 0.65p.m •' i' " y tralilbd in the arE ' 11 ,, and OArtQin Cilrb for Cittnr.rh 1p R*meet,S�W\�I�i fr �., U. C. Jtiiolrsorr.t ��6", ' air tD9�.,_.. (( that 6ito gees on A. Ohristirlita tree. q'ho n. ' A ilv paper 1)1&,$ass> Aptoht. � , 1 agree with yeti tri�t;sb Irl at good that Oa Jt1l3on A. l 7'iolnarti Hardily Route form, J. C, Taylor, 210 lei. ,. .. pt!>r!. Torodto: elitger; bait i aria afirrild Rho W11l trl+'td' 17>lvkii iii liar. dry y (;listen Ave,rsritoll N, J,- gold b U«�' i ° by t tl ltla ipg dna>~a Xit1i`tltyr IBIh Nitwp�»It'tlortli 'itvjll ltlotllVib tv.1~u. tixJ7a,,xj« & T, A,r ll�oiitroiti. b iKa2liie. r hire lid'.: owe-Opoi'ttlitltr a tl1 t♦ .p ray A'i TI�b3ir t . T. >e,0 ht'orvn, r , b a ix w�ci Ce, , .' s . i V W It ' , ili , s . . 1• r. 1 r� I, 11. e I '•'.. 1.1 I _.' tLL a._ 3 .-... .-:-..Y,r. '.uJu.J..L:. ,Y.'�•Y�r .ter s�i.al�"_ I�a -"w..aa..i.iurn _ _ .r 1,.