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The Huron News-Record, 1898-01-06, Page 5
Alma. the E. L. of C. E. held their annual Meeting on Wednesday, Dee. 29th, when the following officers were elect - SKI for the ensuing year: -Hou. Pies., Iiev. Mr. Finley; President, T. H. 13rowulee; 1st Vice, Mrs. A. Scott; 2nd Wee, Miss N. McMichael; Secretary, Miss Mary Roberton; Treasurer, Miss S. Livingstone; Prayer -Meeting Com- mittee, Mrs. R. (libbmgs, Miss living• stone, Miss 11. Dale, Mr. M. Clark, Mr. T. Liviugs•ton; Look -Out Cominittee, (leo. Dale, Wm. Jamieson, Mr's. T. Livingstone, M•y 1. Roberton, Miss Maggie Mc[oul, 11; Organist, Miss N. McMichael; Musical Director, Mr. A, Scott. The Lengue here has made wonderful progress since we organized. Judging front the officers elected there is a bright future for us here. A very interesting musical and literary pro- gramme was rendered on that evening. 000 3000•61)0-10.•0 000o1909059c • •• 1 eep Tab e on the �lln�`` 0 Temperature. 0 • WE have got a bargain fur you in 0 • Thermometers - A Genuine re Bargain. We got an exceedingly 0 • low price on a, large lot -a price so 0 • low that wo can afford to Boll you a e • thermometer for 15c that would be e • good value at 25e. It is 9 inches • • long, in solid wood, enamelled in 10 white, Dream or black with figures 0 plainly marked in black. It has a good catch to hang up by and the • bulb is protected from breakage. IT g • REGISTERS THE TEMPERA- • 0 TURE CORRECTLY and is worth 0 ® 25c but our price, for the above roaet - • son is only 15c. • • d Our $1.00 • Spectacles .. . • •• f2 e • ala 0 ARE reliable. They aro fitted to 1• your oyes, riot by guesswork but - 0by a scientific test that is sure. The • lenses are carefully ground. The tD ® frame is a substantial steel one. You tl can have a better ono if you want it in nickel, alumuuico, silver, filled gold or gold. The cost will run Frear $ l to $10, good ones for $4, $5 and $6. ® With even a one dollar pair you get 12; a guarantee of satisfaction or money • refunded. •' No. 3 held by Mise Jean McPherson took • the large bottle of Perfume wo were giving away. Mr. Grigg did the drawing. A • • • • • ALLEN WILSON. ® Graduate Druggists and Opticians. et 000 0000 S0900-0,^•,000000,00000 arm esa • 63 4 00 A 06eetlisocesoeseeeeeetiessee' e • a• Pd • •oo • 0 • Lead • s We were well satisfied m a with our Christmas and •° ® New Year's trade, which : was in advance lust e ® ei ear, and considerabl • y y * • re d 'our immense m •• • duceof o • ® Watches, • e e • Clocks, w g Jewellery, etc. • i But our Stock is too big o • yet and Ire will continue O giving snaps. To secure c•• • one or more of those • • snaps is , well -worth coining miles. 0 • • J. B. RunThaII ALeader of Jewellery Fashion. • •• eeeeemeeeeeeeeeesee WHAT ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE Daily or Weekly Paper for 189.8. Have you subscribed yet ? 'Do y'bn wish to ew ? Part of our business is to receive and renew Subscriptions to all DAILY, .WEEKLY and MONTHLY PERIODICALS. Don't go to the exp1ense of sending yourself as we are officially appointed Agents and Newsdealers and look for an increased trade during 1898, by look- ing carefully often the wishes of Subscribers, WE SECURE YOU PREMIUMS'. o . . PRICES GUARANTEED. Via COOPER & Co. ALL CLINTON. A POPULAR INSTITUTION. STRATFORD, ONT. Offers nnexeelled advantages In all departments Aix male teachers, graduates eminently successful board cheap, moderate rates the boat business sotlege in Western Ontario, Warders free. Winter feria Monday Jan. 3rd, 1898. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Is Your Watch sRight g If you are not just satisfied with the time you are getting out of your watch, try our Re- pair Department, That work is a sp'. cialty with us. Cleaning, $1, Mainspring, $1, Or Both, $1,501 a0-© P. B. Crews, Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. Circular City Briefs. The Henderson Co. has started the manufacture of horse powers, pulp(', s and grinders. The Goderich Organ Co., among other shipments last week, sent 10 organs to the Motherland. Installation of officers at the ;meet- ing of Huron Lodge, No. 02, 1.0.0.F., this evening. Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A.P. and A. M., will }Sold its regular meeting next Tuesday evening Miss A. \Vinnifred Ball returned to her school duties in Crediton on Mon- day. All the educational institutions in town (01111(1011 eeel the feral in earnest. on Tuesday morning. Miss Millie Campbell returned to the Toronto Conservatory of Music tiffs week. Miss Mat Irwin, of Clinton, was in the Circular Town on the first day of January, ]808. 11s•. Hayden Williams, of Stratford, spent the bank holiday :it the paren- tal residence, Colborne Street. Mrs. Blair, who is leaving town, will sell the Whole of her furniture by pub- lic. auction, to -morrow afternoon at her 1051(enee near Sheriff Gibbins'. 114r. and Mrs. Conquest„ of Buffalo, spent their holidays with their rela- tives, Mr. stn(} MPs. P. Holt. E. Armstrong, nfVic•tot•ia University, addressed 1a temperance tweeting in 'I'enlpornnce 11a11 on Sunday afternoon. The annual meeting of the 11ur11010- tural Society will be held in the County c'lerk's office Thursday evening at 7.30` Sleighing was not largely patronized on the First. Sc. George's anconal Sunday school Christmas Tree entertaiwmeut will be held in Victoria IIall next Tuesday - evening. Blackstone reports a big .sate of oysters the past two Warks. It is reported that the prospect us of the New Elevator Co.. has been issued but Your Correspondent has not seen.a copy. Mr. G. C. Armstrong, of New Bruns- wick, was in town last week. G. C. A. is the person who ran the store under the Opera House it) Ache - son's block a few years since, Our butchers had an excellent show of meats and poultry for New Year's. There was no contest in town on Monday, though the polls were open and a few votes were cast • for the Deputy-Reeveship. The work on the breakwater is al- most suspended. There was a 'shooting for geese on New Year's Day at the range of the Goderich Off -Hand Rifle Club, There was a Holy Communion ser- vice at St. George's on Sunday morn- ing. New Year's Day was very quiet and had it not have been for the opening of the skating rink and the coming and going of the G T.R. cars it would have been like Sunday. In the morning it was cold but towards the evening the temperature was more comfortable, and as a consequence there were more people around. The skating rink was fairy well attended in the afternoon and it was crowded in the evening. St. Peter's was the only church that had service, and the day was ushered in by the usual ringing of the town clock hell. The Town Connell for 1808 will be composed ad`follows :--Mayor, Robert, Thompson ; Reeve, Wm. Campbell ; Deputy, .las. Wilson; 2nd Deputy, D. Holmes; Councillors: Goode eedie Colwell. St. David's; Pridha.m,\ A. ?. McLean, J. C. Martin, St. Patrick's ; M. Nicholson and two ho he elected St. George's ; I). Canlelon, Jno. Craigie and R. Radcliffe, St. An- drew's. The Public School Board for 1808 will be formed of the following :-- Rohn. McLean, and A.S. Crystal, St. David's; J.H. Colborne, and Wm. Ach- eson, St. Patrick's ; Jas. Buchanan, Sr., and D. Nicholson, St. George's ; John Craigie and H. W. Ball, St. Andrew's. The first meeting of the Council for 1898 will he held in the Council Cham- ber next Monday. Last Wednesday evening a happy party of friends gathered at the resi- dence of Mr, James Johnston, St. An- drew's ward, to Witness the marriage of his daughter,. Miss Elizabeth, to Mr, Charles Hunt, of the bicycle livery firm of Johnston Sc Hunt. Miss Gleed, of Clinton, assisted the bride, and George Johnston, the groom, Rev. Mr. Godwin tying the knot, (the second of the kind he bad performed that even- ing.) Supper was served and the even- ing spent to a social way, all joining in sincere good wishes for the young couple. Last week Roland Smith alias Alex. McCleary was brought before Judge Musson for trial, on a charge of hav- ing forged a signature to a check and cashed it. At the opening of the court the prisoner withdrew his plea of "not guilty" and admitted his guilt, begging the clemency of the court. A barris- ter who was present, also asked a merciful Pen tence. Judge Masson, after pointing out the serionsuesa. of the offence, sentenced the prisouer to 15 months hard labor in the Jeuteal prison. Dr, James H. Burns, brother of Mrs. W.J.R. Holmes, fell dead at his resi- dence, 7 College street, Toronto, on Monday afternoon of last week, Mrs. lint ns was upstairs when she heard her husband ring the telephone and fall almost instantly, and Hurling hint lying on the floor summoned Dr. Anderson, who lives next door, but before he arrived life was extinct. Forty-five 11liuutes before he died, Dr. 1;3ur'ns call- ed on 1)e. Murray McFarlane, 32 Carle- ton St. and complained of a dizziness and singing in the eau's. Ori CX1Lmiea- Lion 1)r•, McFarlane found that he was suffering from organic heart trouble, and advised him not to worry. De. Burns was between fifty and flfty-five years of age aud'very well known. Ile leaves a widow, two sons and one daughter, the wife of Coroner Atom - sun, Cayuga. The funeral took place at the foamy residence to St. James' cemetery ne \Ved,tesdlty afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. 'I'Ite county treasurer and Mrs. Holmes were present at the n terms en 1., VICroRIA S•r, E. L. The election of officers in Victoria St. street E, L. of (t,E., was held on Mon- day evening of last week, when the following were placed inch>u'ge of the work :--11omtt;try tiles., Rev. W. God- win ; pres., Loftus 191. Dancey ;vice pres- idents, Miss E. Hiller, \Vm. James, pias I+arllua 11lillian and Miss Sadie 11illier; treasurer, Miss (?laws Alillian ; secretary, Wei. 111(1 edge ; correspond- ing secretary, Mips Etta Barry ; organ- ist. Miss Minnie hillier. (1001+sarei1 (%Bost N FRIENDS. - At the last regular meeting of the Goderich ('hosed Friends the follow - officers were elected for 1898: 1'. ('., A Duff; P. C. 1>'., \V. A. Ross; V. (1., A. Egeucr; Treats., A. Farrow; 110(01der, 11. 11'. 13:111 ; Prelate, W. A. Huss; Marshall, Jas, hays ; Warden, 1T, Carl; Ge:rrd, \V. 'McClure; •Aielit. Fula., A. I+:genet• and A. Duff ; Repre- sentative to Grand 'Council, Joseph Heck, Alternative, \\. A. Huss, MAITL,tND Cower A.O.F. .At regular meeting of Maitland court, 8097, A, O. F., held 01.1 Monday evening, tl)e following officers were elected :--C.11,, John Richards;S.C.R., Thus. L�neesbaw ; treas., E. C. Beck ; sec., L; ('1D111>13 ne ; S0. 1V„ \Vm, 'Kl10l'shaw; Jr. \V., (a'ent•ge L3ates; Sr, 13., J. Doake; Jr. 13., F. E11iot.t; erns• tees, Jas. Heid; P. E. Bo11, Jas. Strongh; auditors, R. Cattle, ,Jas. Reid, J. Storey, 'l'he installation of officers takes place on Monday waning. NDit'rtl ST. E.L. The election of officers in North St.. E.L. of C.11., held recently, resulted as follows : -- Honorary pros„ Rev. Jose(1)1 Edge ; pre.,., \Vatter Pridh:un ; Viet. pre;+., rlliss Isabella. Sharman : con- venor of prayer -meeting committee, Miss 1Lat tie Thompson ; of lookout, Miss Howell; of missionary, 'Miss Lizzie Acheson ; Of social. Miss \Vhit• wry; secretary, Mitis Ella IIgs'jge; tr'a1surer, Harry 8:0 ('1(1 ; pi;taist, i\T:188 Billie (:alnpl)c1l ; chorister, Miss 'Whit- ney. I:. Inverness ('amp No. 54, S.O.S., last r Friday night elected officers for 1898 as follows' :-1'.('., A. Straiton ; chief, J. ill( Math ; chieftain, Win. McCaughan ; chap., Gordon ('netts ; t'in. sec., A. I). McLean ; rec. sec., James 'Dlatchel1 : 1.roits., A. P. McLean ; m;tl'sh1t11, \Vtn, 21(0reath ; standard hearer, ,Jdhn ILowrie ; piper, 1). C. Strachan ; guards, Alex. Henderson and Alex, Johnston ; physicians, Drs. Taylor and IInnter; trustees, 'Phos. McLean, Jas. Stewart. and A. Straiton. MAITLAND AND MQRNI'(1 STAIR L)D(7ES. Tuesday evening of last week witnessed a large gathering of the brethren of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, and Morning 'Star Lodge, of Colborne, at the hall of the former, the occasion being the installation of the new officers for 1898. R. W. Bros Radcliffe and Beck perforated the in stalling duties very capably, the new officers of No. 33 being :-W, M., Geo. Porter ; 8, W., E. Beck ; J, W., W. D. Tye; Sec„ R. Rastell ; Treas., E. Down- ing; Chap, T. Huckstep; S. D., F. Clarke ; J. D.. R. G. Reynolds • S. S., James Leonard; S,S. John Tancott; Tyler, J. Hays No. 32 C.O.F. At the regular meeting of Lodge No. 32, C. O. F., held on the 21st ult., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term :-I3t'o. R. W. Clark, C. R.; J. H Worsen, V. C. R. ; Wm. Me- Creath, F.S. ; Thos. Burrows, R.S. ; B. Reinhardt, chap. ; Wtn. Lane, treas.; J. 'P. Thompson, S.W. ; Wm. G. Tay- lor, J. W. • T. Warner, 5. 8, ; W. J. Daniels, J. 13. ; Dr. Taylor', C. P. ; Jas, Wilson was appointed delegate to 1-1,0, meeting. • i1!1rARRIAGES. VANSTONE-TIAAKE.-At the rosideneo of the bride's parents, on the 29111 December, by Rev. Mr. Godwin, Cyrus C. Vanst.one, of Colborne to Ada M., youngest daughter of Mr. William Haake, Goderich township. ANDIIEWS-McLEAN,---ln Goderich, on Christmas, at Spruce Grove, the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, John Ir. Andrews to Lizzie M., youngest daughter of A P. McLean, both of Goderich, I(085-ILEINKE.-On Wednesday, Dee. 20th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev, Neil Shaw, Daniel Those, to Dora, second daughter of Mr. Jno. Reinke, Tuekoremith. MCCLIJSICY-BEATTIE,-En Goderich, on Wednesday, Doc. 22nd, by Rev. Mr. Ander- son Jaynes MoClusky to Lizzie Beattie, both of son, township. HARRISON-FAN8ON. In Exeter, on Dec. 30th, at tho residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. James Fanson Exeter, by Rev. Mr, Willoughby. Dr. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit, to Miss Ella, daughter of the late .lames Fanson. SNELL-CORNISH.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Doc. 29th Mr. Wm. Snell, of Honeall, formerly of iixeter, to Miss Susan, daughter of Mr. Geo. Cornish, Thames Road, HALLIDAY.--:1M1LEY,-On Wednesday, 22nd ult., by Rov. B. L. Hutton, Harry Halliday, to Amanda Smiley, both of the village of Dungannon, SHELTON-PROUDFOOT.-On Monday Doo. 27th, at the residence of Wm. Prout'ifoot, 'barrister, brother 66 the bride, by Rev. Mark Turnbull, rector of St. George's, Isabel A. Proudfoot to William L. Shelton, of At- lanta, Georgia. MCKAY-ROSS.-At FairView, Brussels, the residence of the bride's father,. on Tueectay, Doo. 28th, 1897, by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of Brussels, assisted by Rev. 13. B, MaRao, of Cranbrodk, Mr. Angus M. MoItay to Mies Ellen, daughter of Mr. David Ross, all of Brussels. ttntntrttrttrttrttrttrttrnrttrrtrttrttrttrnrttrltrr ttrttrl • trttrttritrttrtrrttrttr ttrttnrrttrttrttrttrttrtt Stock Ta ing1 OP, f . • • • IS NOW THE ORDER.• D_ We are anxious to know on what side of the balance sheet we are to come out so when we are not busy waiting on eu,stomers we I are busy taking stock. We will know all about it on lst February. In the meantime we are selling at Sale Prices. Every article of goods within our doors, is still to be had at the prices they have been going at for the past three months. 6ra3+ ,e,a,e 4• F3a9acy./cG'a? C ? QA:yo Je cue "� ,64E% .44,9 pl.enweed.s, Pine Furs,. Warm Stylish Mantles, en's Warm Heavy Overcoats, Beautiful Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths and A inoleums, Fine Table Linens an(.• Towels, arm Comfortable Underwear, Stylish Neckwear for Gents. �3'Cii�e9T3 e.-e'�'�?e3,ee9e2�£��b��s�Sei�Ei9ss-9 � C.\� *�3et3��9��e fiefn These are all here and till the 1st ,of Feb. are going at the same prices as they have been offered at for the past 3 months. —40 rem --s -+r —rr 1 --r CLINTON. 3!:A&1 ftl,OQllt,', IIOGG--MASON.--In Morrie, at the residence of the bride'-: father, un Wednesday,. Dec. 29111, 1897, by liev..Juo, 1toss, 13 A., of Brus- sels, Mr, Joseph Hogg to alis Mary, dough - \l h n both of 31or • to u[ n. John 2) atou c cis. 33 7,\DOW'S -:\[('M11LLAN.-In Brussels on Wednesday, Dec. 29th, 1897, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev John lluss, B. A., M1' John \V. Meadows to Mise Eerily .J„ daughter of 31r. Geo. McMillan, both of Brussels. STARK -•S\II'rll. (•hr Wednesday, 9911, ult., by Itev, S. J.:Uiin, assisted b'y i(ev. W. A. Smith, N. T. L., at the family residence of the bride, Town +hip of (.•rey, Mr Loftus Thee. stark, of Seaford), to :111.x, Bella A. second dough ter of the late 2Iaraden 5tuith, Mc('A LL--MAi1SIIALL.- At the, residence of the bride's parents, on Dec. 99t11, by [rev. W. S. Rigsby, Mr. John McCall, of Ilolyr•ood, Ilrltce Co., to 'Miss Sarah '91., 'daughter • of Mr. Wm. :Marshall. HARRISON- •DO\VNEY.-At the residence of the bride's farther, Mr. Downey 2nd con. Huron, by the Itev. Mr. Swan, on Wednesday evening Dee. 2911), MlssDowney to Mr. James Harrison of Huron Tp. CLINTON MA1LKE'r REPORTS. (wnrrocted every Wednesday afternoon.) ...082to083 .. 0 20 to 0 23 ...022to023 0 40 tc 0 45 Fall Wheat, new Barley Oats Peas Rye .... 0 39 to 0 40 Potatoes, per bush, new0 40 to 0 40 Butter loose in basket0 13 to 0 14 Butter in tub. 0 I3 to 0 13 Eggs per doz 0 13 'to 0 13 Cabbage, per doz...., 0 0 40 to 50 say .,..600to600 Cordwood 3 00 to 3 50 Apples per bbl.... .. 1 50 to 1 75 Apple's culls 0 45 to 0 50 Dried Apples per lb0 04 to 0 05 Ducks per lb. ., 0 054to 0 06 . Turkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per lb.' 0 n5 to 0 06 Chickens per pair 0 30 to 0 35 Wool,.. „ . 0 18 to 0 18 COUNTRY PRODUCE -TORONTO. Toronto, Dec, 31s1. --The receipts of large rolls are fairly liberal, .there is a good demand and the market is steady at 14e, to 14ic. Choice dairy tubs are scarce and firth at 150 to 101'. Medium tubs are in demand and steAdy at 126c to 14c, Eggs -There is ;a good demand for fresh laid and the market is firm at, 17c to 19c. Held fresh and mid storage are slow at 14c. Limed are in fair de- mand and steady at 13ic to 14e. Potatoes -Are dull and unchanged, Cars on the track here are quoted at 60c. Potatoes out of store are held at 70c. Poultry -The supply is good, the de- mand is slow and the market is easy. Fresh stock is quoted at 8c for turkeys, 6c fur geese, 40c to 750 for ducks and 30e to 45c for chickens. Turkeys car- ried over front the Christmas stocks are slow at 5c. Baled Flay -Is steady. Oars on the track here are quoted at $8 to $9'. Baled Straw -The market is un- changed. Cars on the track here are quoted at 55. Toronto Farmers' Market. Toronto, Dec. 31. -Business was active this morning on the street. About 8,700 bushels of grain were de- livered; 1,000 bushels of wheat sold ; 84c• to Stic fur white, 855'• fur 10(1, an 77hc to 7S_,c for goose; 400 blt5he l_4 rye at i 1 •y c , 4 )sc to 4(10; 3,IY)0 bushels of ba ley at 20c' to 30,..; 4,000 bushels of 011 tic ;tt ..bc, to 27c,and 300 bushel. s of pens ; 451e to 48e. (inc load of buck whet sold at 33c, 'Twenty-five In;rds of h; (17(1 1l) of straw sold at yestl'lday prices. I./tossed hogs sail(, at $0.15 to 30.30. Wheat, white. per bu..$ 81 'to $ 8 • (lo red 85; to 8 do goose 77 to 78i 13:1rta'y I,er bush.. 21) to 3066 Oats per bush 211 to 27i Peas )er hush.. 45!; to 48 Rye. et bash.. 4 q to •10 I3uckulieitt twists -ashMesh33'• to 33• Turkeys per 11) 8 to 9 Ducks per pr. 50 to 75 Chickens per pair... 30 to 50 Geese per lb 5 to 6. Butter, 1b. rolls • 15 to 10 Eggs, 110W laid 17 to 11) P4itatoes per bag 65 to 70 Beans per hush .........75 to 85 Onions, native, per bag. 50 to 60 Hay ' 8 00 to 900 Straw . 7 011 to 800 Beef, fore 4 to 5 do hind 05 to 085 Lamb, carcase, per Ib0 00.4 to 0 071 Veal, carcase, per lb..'0 06 to 0 071 Mutton per lb 5 to 6 Dressed hogs 11 15 to 6 30 The Live Stock Market. tt CARD OF THANKS. ,l -i`O THE ELECTORS Ob' ST. ANDREW'S WArtU- nl' r- Ladies and Gentlemen, --i take plea- ts ' sure 11 E. It 1 thanking l.utr youfcr placing la Auu m(' • .L t I g tt the head of the poll in the vote for at Councillor. for St. Andrew's Ward. ty 1:32 votes out of a possible 154 is some - 's thing unprecedented. U.; It is gratifying to at young man, just starting out to bear his share of public 6 responsibilities, to be recognized in such 1A a manner. I ain sure IAo not deserve such en- thusiastic support hitt, as I am now placed under heaviest .obligations, I nest try to promote, to the best of my ability, the town's interests. Thanking; you, l..atn, -, Yours Truly, J. P. DO FIERTY_ Clinton, January 4)11, 1808. TORONTO. Toronto, Dec. 31. -Offerings at the Western Cattle Yards to -day were about 0 dozen carloads of stuff, includ- ing nearly 300 hogs and about 100 sheep and Iambs. Buyers were not, anxious to operate, and the market was a. quiet 0110, with practically unchanged prices. Should the weather remain cold it is likely that there will be an improved market next week in nearly every line. Export cattle rule at 31c to 4c, hulls fetching 3}c to 36c. Butchers' cattle are quiet at 30 to 3.fe, the latter figure being seldom paid. Stockers and feed- s etre nnehanged with lack 01 trade, r sling from $2,00 to $3.60 per cwt, the bit ter for choice half -fat steers. Sheep and Iambs are holding their own, Dot there is 00 telling what they nifty do when offerings increase. They are quoted from 3c to Sic per lb for export, butchers' $2,75 to $3.75 each and tat bs at 40 to •tic per lb. Rucks fetch 2 c. Some lambs are being taken for Buf- falo. Hogs of the best bacon kind are thin at $4.55;aer cwt, weighed off the Car's, 1(11(1 other's rule as follows :- Milch cows, each. $22 (A) to $43 00 Export, c'itttle, per cwt.. a 3 50 to 4 00 Butchers' choice cattle, ewt 350 to 375 Butchers' good cllttie, cwt 320 to 330 Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt '275to 300 Balls, per ewt . 2 00 to 3 50 Feeders, per cwt 3 25 to 3 50 Stockers, per cwt • 2 90 to 3 25 Export sheep, per cwt3 00 to 3 50 Butchers' sheep, each2 75 to 3 75 Lambs, per cwt 4 00 to 4 50 Calves, per head. • 2 00 to 8 00 Choice bacon hogs, per cwt 4 70 to 4 75 Light hogs, per cwt. 4 20 to 4 25 Thick fat hogs, per cwt 4 15 to 4 25 Stores, per ewt 4 10 to 4 20 Sows, per ewt 300 to 325 Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 2 10 CARD OF THANKS.. To Ters RATEPAYERS 00 Gonkrucrr T'i'. I wt -ant. to take this opportunity of thanking the ratepayers of Goderich Township for their splendid support 111 the late election by placing me at the head of the poll and to assure them that my best endeavors will be put forth in the interests of the township. C. W. WILLIA.MS- Goderich township, Jan. 4th. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual fire insurance Company„ will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEA FORTH'. on •I''1i;IDAY, JANUARY 21st, '98 at 1 o'clock, p. m. Tho business of the meeting will bo for the purpose of receiving the annual statement of the affairs of the corfipnny, the Auditors' Re- port and Financial Statement, the election of three dlydctors for the township of McKillop, and any ether business that may be in the in- terests of the company. GEORGE WATT, W..1. SHANNON, President. Secretary, lolmesville Cheese Factory Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockholders arid Patronq of the linimeerdlle 011e08e and Butter Com- pany (limited), will bo held in Wilson's Hnll, Holmes. rule, at 2 o'clock r, m„ on Saturday, February 1241), 1498, for the pnrpoee of 1105159 up the husines, �f the season of 1897, and for the election of officers for the conning year. W. a, TONS7'ER, W. 8, LAWRENCE, President. Heoretary, II imesville, Dee. BUth, 1897_ Clinton Horticultural Society. The nnnnl meeting of the Clinton Hortlau ltvral So letynwlll ibo held et the Town Hall, Clinton, on Wednesday, 12th January, 1898, et 7.80 o'olook p. m„ when the annual report will be presented and M- oors and Directors elected for the; ear 1889. W. COATS, J. C. GILROY, Seoretry, President, Clinton, 27th Deo., 1897. Hullett Agricultural Society, The annual meeting of the Ifnlielt Agrionitnral Society will be held at the Town Hall, 0linton, on Wednwhenthe aannual reportiwlll y, 1215 January, be presented oandck l m- oon' and Direetora elected for the year 1898. WM. COATS, 0, A. roRRE9Ten, Secretary. President Clinton, 27th Deo., 1897. Cottage and Lot for Sale. Tho undersigned offers for sale a frams, eottag. o of four rooms, with loan -to. Centrally situated. Hoed water and drainage. Will b' sold>oheap. Apply to Clinton, Nov. 10th. W. 0. SEABEE