The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-11, Page 1tub 41).
No. 44.
NOTEn.-Mr. Andrew Auld left last
week for Alberta, where he expects to
make his future home.,.. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, MeLarty have returned home
from visiting the latter's brother, Mr,
R. Hoover of Brussels ..Mrs, Rowdan,
of Benmiller, is a visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Morrish Mr,
and Mrs. C. Armstrong, of Shelburne,
are visiting friends in thie locality....
Westfield football team played at Bel -
grave on Saturday evening. Westfield
cameoff victorioua. Good for Westfield I
,,Mr, and Mrs, R. Brown, of Morris,
spent Sunday with friende here.., . Mr.
Melbourne McDowell, of Bemniller, also
spent Sunday here.... The heel ring
which was organized some tome ago
has commenced operations.... Lust. Sun-
day evening our township was visited
by a severe thunder storm. Lightning
struck Mr, Samuel Thompson's barn.
Metiers. Archie Rubicon and J. N.
Campbell had fence posts slivered,...
What's the cause of Mr..Tamee Boyle's
smiles these days? A young Miss Boyle.
,,Rev. Wm. Baugh preached to a
large congregation on Sathbeth lest. It
is seven years since iter. Baugh was our
pastor, and he is as full of energy as
ever. He spoke in a feeling manner of
the many changes that have taken
place since ha left Westfield
JarrINee -One of the citizene of this
township went to Londe,boro one day
last week and took from tha village a
dog that did not belong to him. The
next day the owner of the dog put the
legal machinery in motion and the man
who done the stealing settled rather
than breathe behind iron bars. Moral:
Remember the Eighth Commandment.
.During an electric storm in Meaford
a few days ego, a calf standing in the
yard at the residence of Rev. W. M.
Bielby, brother of Mr. Thomas Bielby
of this township, was knocked com-
pletely off its feet by a severe flash of
lightning. The electric fluid struck a
post a few feet distant, splitting it into
splinters, after which it peeped into the
ground. Strange as it may appear, the
calf was not seriously injured .... A gar-
den party under the auspices of Jack-
son's church will be held at the resi-
dence of Mr. Wm. Clark, township
clerk, on Tuesday afternoon of next
week, 18th inst. There well he a short
program and refroehments. Music will
be furnished by the Maocabee hand, of
Brussels.... Wednesday of last week
Rev, J. E. Hunter left on a trip to the
Northwest, where he expecte to spend
the next couple of mouths. He took
boat from Owen Sound. We wish him
a pleasant time and hoe he will return
much invigorated ....Owing to the re-
signation of Miss Maggie Bielby, who
purposes attending a normal school
after the suniiner vacation, a now teach-
er will have to be installed in Button's
echool Mies Tillie Clennan and her
eleter. Mrs. Burke, are home from De-
, troit for visit, The latter is just re-
covering from an attack of typhoid
fever and has come here to recuperate.
We hope she will soon be quite strong.
....A. certain Morrisite who is not too
anxious to work and whose actions are
said to he hand on too high a standard
of morals will require to brace up or he
will be asked to take a vacation at Gode-
rich jail or Huron house of refuge.
WAIFs,-The lawn social on the
manse grounds last week was a great
succees in every way. The evening was
everything that could be desired and a
large crowd was present, proceeds of
the evening amounting to $6O....ltev.
Win. Beugh, of Ilderton, occupied, the
Methodist church pulpit on Sunday and
Rev. Mr. McMillan, of Toronto, preach-
ed at Knox church, Both churches
were well tilled, khowing the apprecia-
tion of their old pastors..., A. number
from this vicinity attended the barn -
raising of Mr, Jamie Bruce, of West
Wawanoeh, last Wednesday..,. Rev. T.
B. Coupland and family attended the
London conference at Wingham Mr.
F, R. Munro has passed his fourth year
at 'Varsity and now has his B.A. He
was also chosen to represent 'Varsity
in a debate et Kingston between
,Uueen'e and 'Varsity. Frank leaves for
Toronto this week.... Mr. Wm. Mole,
of Dungannon, and Mr. Edward :Stole,
of Seaforth, spent Bentley at the paren-
tal home., ..A number from hero at-
tended the circus at Ooderich on Mon-
day.... Mr. Robert Sprung has arrived
home from Utah, having disposed of
his car load of cattle.... Mr, John Nich-
olson attended the London conference
in Wingham on Sunday. ...Mrs. John
Knox is home from Brucefield, where
she he been visiting friende,... Mrs.
R. Sprung and daughter, of Manitoba,
are visiting her father, Mr. John Clark.
....Mr. R. Jenkins and Mise Ada, of
Clinton, spent Sunday with their sister,
Mrs. J. J. Washington.... Mr, A. Jack-
son is moving into Mr. George Toms'
house and will take charge of the new
chopping talll...A number from Auburn
intend taking in the excursion to Guelph
on June 2utlt....Mr. George Toms and
family left bare on Tuesday for Delhi,
their former home. Mr. Toms will re-
main in Delhi for a few weeks, visiting
with old friends, aid in July will take
a trip through Western Canada with
the intention of settling in some good
point. We are sorry to lose Mr. and
Mrs, Tome from our village. They
were good citizens and will be much
missed. The best wishes of utauy
friends koro accompany them Bed may
they meet with better fortune in their
new home than they did here Mrs.
Samuel Scott received a message on
Tuesday informing her of the death of
her sister. Mrs. P. J. Livingston, in Lis-
towel. She left on Wednesday morn-
ing for Listowel, accompanied by an-
other sister, Mss Jones, who has been
living with her for some timeMr.
James Young left on Tuesday morning
for Hamilton. whore he will attend the
high court of the Canadian Order of
Loo,sns.-There wan an exciting foot-
ball match played here on Saturday
evening between Westfield and Bel-
6reve, the score being 4 to 2 in favor of
Westfield.... Mr. F. Wheeler in in Ham-
ilton this week attending the high court
meeting of the Canadian Order of For-
esters as delegate for Court Belgrave,
.Mies ,JCHRie Cole visited friends in
Wingham over Sunday.. ,. Quite a num-
ber from here want to Wingham on
Sunday to attend the special services in
connection with the London Methodist
conference Rev, and Mrs. A. H.
Brown loft here on Monday morning
for Browueville, where they were sud-
denly eellsd to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Brown's mother, They have the
deep sympathy of their matey friends in
their sad bereavetnent.,,, Weare pteas-
ed tc report the meetly improvement iu
the health of Mr, Wm. Lawrence since
his return home. His friends have
good hope now that he will soon he
enjoying his former good health....Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wray left here last
Thuredey on R visiting tour among
their friende. They drove first to Pais-
ley and from there to Simcoe county.
1\ta hopo they will have a pleasant trip,
-.Rev. John Ross, of Brussels, will
preech in Knox church, Belgrave, on
Friday afternoon at half -past two.,,.
Mr, W. B. Sutton is the proud possessor
of another son. Who says we dout
need a school in Belgrave ?.,.,During
the thunder Storm Sunday afternoon,
Mr. Wm. Grigg'c barn was struck by
lightning and slightly damaged.
Cenxcu, MEE'rrre.-The first sitting
of the court of revision for Mullett
township was held in the township
hall, Loudeeborn, on May 26th. Mem-
bers present -R, Ferris, H. Warren,
W. Patterson, W Moon, and Thomas
McMillan Rs chairman. Only one ap-
peal was received against the roll, that
of Wm. Scott, who claimed his Resew
ment of $4500 was too high. As the
farm contains 125 acres of good land
with first-class buildings the court very
quickly decided to confirm the assessor's
work, .A number of ehiu ges and cor-
rections were made as follows :--W i 19,
con. 7, and Si 20, con. 7, were assessed
to Win. Morrison us owner, and both
John and Samuel Kyle struck off; Wi
17, con, 2, assessed to Win. J. Millar as
owner, and Wm, Scanlan struck off;
John Edmonston asseesed tenant Npt
86, eon. 9, Jane Dodsworih owner;
John McCallum and \Vin, Scott joint
tenants Wi 4, eon. 18; Josiah Rends
tenant Ni 8, con, 4, instead of Joseph
hands; John Randa lot 16, con. 14,
M.P. ; Addison F. Johns lot 27, con. 9,
M.F,; Henry Youngblut owner lot 91,
E.S,Man., and James Young struck off;
Albert Brigham owner part 15, con. 14,
and 15, con, 12; Jatnee Strachan and
A. Kirkpatrick, joint tenants lot, 11,
M.B., and 0. Carey struck off ; Edward
Jordan owner lot 20, B survey, Sum-
merhill, and C. Beacom struck off. A
meeting of council wee held in the even-
ingand the following accounts passed :-
Wm, Carter, services as assessor, $90;
Harland Bros,, sewer pipe, $45.62;
Morrell de Holmes, $4.55; W, Leo, hurl-
ing sewer pipe, $2; '1'. Roberton, open-
ing road, $5. Ooly one tender was re•
ceived for building abutments, which
was not accepted, and the work was
subsequently let to Frank Gutteridge,
of Seaforth, and the tender of the Strat-
ford Bridge Co. was accepted for the
iron auperstruotion at 81599, -JAMES
-Arrangements ere being made by
which Wentworth obunty will receive
$83,000 as the government grant for
good roads for 170 miles CO be improved.
• ••BREWER'S •
• •
• Art Gallery ••
• ••
• •••• •
• •
•• PHOTOS ••
• ••
• Of every kind and finish. The •
Sepia cud Olive finishes aro very
• popular at present.
• Prices right and satisfaction •
• guerauteed.
Amateurs' Supplies on hand. ••
Call and see us. •
• •1s •
• T. B. McARTER, •
• Ri
• • el
• BLYTH, : fi
S•••••••• •••••••• •••••••• n
DEATII or MRS. RouEnsox.-ilUt
regret was felt in this vicinity on Satu
day, May 80th, on its becoming know
Chet We. John T. Rogerson, of the 9t
concession of Mullett, had died tha
morning. Mrs. Rogerson had give
birth to a baby a few days previous!
and was getting along very nicely unt
Friday evening, when she took a chill,
resulting in pneumonia, and this with
heart weakness, did its work all too
quickly. Mrs. Rogerson's maiden natne
was Jessie Lowrie. She was a daughter
of the tate Win. Lowrie, of Mullett, and
was but 82 years of age. She leaven a
husband and two children, the youngest
only a few days old, She was ranch
and deservedly respected by all who
knew her, and her death is deeply re-
gretted in the neighborhood.
COUNCIL MEETING. -The council met
as a court of revision at Mr, Christopher
White's residence, Leadhury, on May
flOth, There was only one appeal from
the assessment. Mr, Thomas Dodds
appealed for a reduction on lot 81, con,
7, the assessment being $8000 and the
court reduced it to $2500 for 100 acres,
The following chaugeo were also made,
the properties having changed hands
since the assessment : Wm. Grieve was
struck off as owner of lot 27, con. 4 and
Edwin Hunt put on as owner; John
Henderson was struck off as joint owner
lot 28, con. 5, and entered as M.F.lot
22, con. 4, John Wood was entered as
M.F. on lot 22, con. 11; John McPher-
son, entered as owner on lots 6 and 7,
con. 18, and Robert Gray struck off as
owner; Richard Barrie was struck off
as owner of Wi lot 18 and E; let 19,
con. 1, and John J. Flannery entered as
owner, Arthur Galbraith was entered
as owner of Wilot 19end Ei lot 20,con.
9, and Wm. Galbraith as owner of Wi
lot 20, con. 9, Patrick Rowland was
entered es owner of Ni lot 9, con.14, and
James Campbell struck off. Thomas
Grimoldby was entered as owner of
northeast part lot 21, con. 8, and Dr.
Scott struck off. W. Harvie Hudie
entered as P.S. on Si lot 24, cat, 18,
Michael Nevins as M.F. on lot 1, con.
2, Ernest Spading and Frances Klein
were struck off as tenant and M,F, on
lot 11, con, 5. Timothy Curtin wAs
struck off as owner of lei lot 2, con. 7.
Separate school changes. -N71 lot 6, cat.
2, Edward Roach owner, changed iron
section No. 1 to No, 8; W} lot 8, con. 8,
Michael Matthews owner, from section
No. 1 to No. 8; lot 17, con, 1, John
Devereux owner, from section No. 4 to
No. 8; lora 16, con, 8, and Ee 16, con. 2.
Timothy Ryan owner, from public school
section No. 1 to separate school section
No. 8; lots part 16 and 17, con, 2, Faulk
McConnel tenant, from public school
No. 1 to Tellies Mesh owner, separate
school No. 4. The assessment roll as
thus amended and corrected was finally
passed and court adjourned. Council
inet and the reeve wap authorized by
motion to wait on county council with
resolution for survey of boundary line
of Logan. The good ronds improve-
ment scheme to get use of government
grunt, no action was taken or recom-
mendation to county council made.
Drainage bylaw No. 57 was provi-
sionally passed and bylaw rearranging
school sectio e 8 and 9 was passed and
signed. Lumber and other expenditures
were paid for to the amount of $352.47.
Council adjourned to meet at Mr, G.
K. Holland's residence, Beechwood, on
June 80th, at 10 o'clock a.11., when
tenders will be received for two drains.
COUNCIL MEETINe1,-The council met
on May 26th as a court of revision and
appeal. Having severally subscribed
to the declaration required by statute,
the first appeal heard was that of bVnt.
Deacon, Si 813, 81, con. 11, who com-
plained that he was too high assessed;
assessment confirmed. Joseph Cham-
ney, lot 29, con. 8, also complained that
he was too high assessed; assessment
confirmed. Sampson Carter, lot 31,
cat, 3, sent in notice of appeal in good
time, stating that he also was too high
assessed. Mr. Carter failing to put 11
Rn appearance, this Repeal was post-
poned until next sitting of the court
John E. Coultis to be assessed as tenant
of north part AV} lot 35, con, 6. Wm.
Snell to be assessed as owner of 0 ?art
Wi lut 35, con, 5, instead of Robert
Wightmun, The following names were
added to the roll :-,Joshua 1', Walsh, Si
lot86, o
con, 5, P.M.F.
; Wtn. F. Deacon,
Si 38, 84, con. 11, le (51.11.); Henry
llintoul. lot 23, con. 11, M.F.T.; Ed-
ward Pattison, Si lot 83, con. 18, M.P.
David Taylor, con. 4; Wm, Stackhouse,
con. 6; John Black, con, 6, and Richard
Chamuey, con. 9, on application, each
had a doe struck off the roll. .1. Camp-
bell, Ni lot 28, con. 11, struma off the
roll, havieg left for Manitoba. The
court was then closed, to be reopened
again on Tuesday, June 16th next.
Council resumed. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and confirmed, John Fer-
guson was a ppoioted ptulvnaster for
road division No. 45, in place of Finlay
Andereon, and Richard Jaynes for road
division No. 48, in place of W. G. Sal-
ter. John Campbell, lot 42, con. 7, was
appointed pound -keeper in piece of
'Phomas Setutdrett, Belgrave, and George
T. Robertson, con, to), fence -viewer, in
ace of John Mensies, sr. Moved by
r. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that
r. F. Gutteridge, of Seaforth, be noti-
e1 that a certain culvert 40 southern
un Wiry, built by him in 1902, was
ow in an unsatisfactory condition, and
Capital, all paid up, $ 2,000,000, Reserve, $t,600,000.
Total Assets, over $2o,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of $f and upwards received and interest allowed
compounded half yearly.
We anticipated a big trade in the month of
May and were not disappointed. It was one of the
best month's spring business that we have had in
Blyth. The question may be asked why business
is so good? Because you will find here the right
goods at the right price. And what about June?
We have prepared for big business with goods and
prices that will commend themselves to the buying
Just to hand a consignment of
Men's Waterproof Coats
You should see them, They are excellent value.
Some special prices in
Sizes 81, 84 and 33.
Also some good value in Men's Overalls and Punts.
The value we have in
is simply marvellous. Ladies needing anything in that line
would find it to their advantage to see these goods before
buying, 1'or
(tall and see what we can do for you before purchasing else.
that he be requested to fix the same up
again at his owe expense as 5000 as
possible, according to promise hitely
made to tee reeves of Mullett and East
Wawauosh.--Carried Messrs. 'Thomas
II. Taylor, jr., Alex. Scott and David
Scott, jr., were present, requesting that
eonethiug be done towards fixing tip
end otherwise repairing the hill on cot.
line at lots 37, con. 6 and 7, at present
in bad condition. Moved by Mr. Bee-
croft, seconded by Mr, Ellis, that Reeve
McCaltunt and Coun. Menzies be auth-
orized to look after this job and have
the same attended to as soon as possible.
-Carried, Reeve MoCallutn acrd Coon,
Wilson reported that they had inter-
viewed Mr. Hoary Deaceu, lot 139, cane
10, according to instructions, who had
agreed to take $7 in full, being payment
for ditch made throvgIt his property
some time ago, agreeing at the same
time to keep up this seine ditch at his
own expense in the future. Complaint
was made to the council that the road
lists this year had not been made out in
a proper manner, the clerk having neg-
lected to group assessments of property,
belonging to ratepayers situated in dif-
ferent road divisions. After s, ae cession over over this matter, it was agre,al
that the lists so made out this season be
accepted and distributed to the path -
masters forthwith. The treasurer re-
ported cash on hand to date, $4:32.69,
Nothing definite was dune iu the matter
of operating the road -grader Ibis season
80 far, n0u0 seeming to be sextants for
the job of wotkit.g the machine, De -
bent ures were iss,ied ter payment of the
following emotints: -lleuy I/nneon,
peymeut in full for ditch through his
fproperty, 07; Pelee Leaver, hauling
ogs. $7; Win. Fear. repairing bridge,
$ . P el. Ruth, drerndi:g and putting in
two concrete culverts, ale; Wm. Itob-
insnn, salary as tassessor and postage,
456; George A. Page, lumber and plank
fee bridges on creak, $2.86; John Ter -
vitt, drawing tilt and putting in two
culverts, 3.i; Johu 'T. Currie, tile end
putting in culvert, 82.62. Couuctl thea
adjourned till Juue 1611i_
-liincnrdine tetizens aro agitating
for an all-uiglu electric light service.
-During the thunderstorm which
les tied over the Gerrie sectiou Sunday
svonhtg the large barn on tate farm of
Mr. V1'm. Montgomery, about one mile
and a half west of Gerrie, was struck
by lightning and burned to the ground,'
together with a large quantity of hey
and all hes farm implements. Two
horses, a bagee and a tnnnher of pigs
which were in the stable at the time
were all saved. The loss is covered by