HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-12-02, Page 811 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ::.' . , _ . T ,�-•Tick. ei$t ... ....,_ _, ... .... .. .. i .. r 1 I%QA,oXP =% tag ,�� x . . I . � . ,faun sold over.gip tl0*111- to. leaeaxre RA4 ton *W,kere.iasw:Tlatdal+, f?�+.,'4ValM: I ­­, -X, Dumuna 2, 1"e.ii c r: #lily astir Ai414d , he 0l , I . .. : I ­ Xq " s aErEE?lted 4 R � " . I I } 11 . ho beeia sial Ila `extexleively i�this. p11 _.. 1 : _ I . .ifllci'l, kely. , The $otntnethi 1 fisc I ,dive, " � ''I - :, - �r 1ok' bees o x e� d I , , r r , I. �• " I . I � r l od ..o e, t n. r1' 0 eh p lips R >d1 � •:­ �..e , . a, "e . I I . 1-1.1 1. 11 � .. Ir, +! .. 1 i c -I . I I . I .. so)E on fr>day laat;tho:lO r4teevil a fa . IM + Ta xrsaVi r a. �.; 1 be last p leo shl _ed ' 4 uantit , to. the z o t to y.. a p) S. M ' . iletlog bf!the,comnniseionii s,; seQexal :e we pace the p.�st ♦week;. >< Seo-�; p6 er rap ted.. whit wore, iota boas .Street hao tnade a ood rah of : , • 11* n l4 t K . e Ja�nlathrt th aea a ids; e. a to .p Dill pea z amb -lit a►.ar, act, i spe g , tt<IM a h. r., k ,1 rwas ,tilt •. B t s de s art tidi l31 th o r stetfl w to h , t kl: a1iaes,, ! a I g4>t r} _ of cefu. P;. a. d put. e R_. 3" �� I ycha ll take ciie4r oY the : C1.Qtnitner. tin.. }q Qight ca .loads: t) g els as • clod rt . O •th Knd. gg. its. MilNte� of Oil 16 ` 1 t7h '+eL,/ ' (rct11 to.Thos. $.e11 of ?,Q desharo4t 14, t'gt7z,uC �a�QQTI►'rxQN -- Tull local T :, 8 di to a o Clinton of t. e alurpn Poul- au' ba:lttls let<sect ..the open a.. - . reg . r II n, : l► , Tlta ne)eokiora Of yppx Ritts. le 't►.1►ti er.-waxlh! pt �atll«;tl; oss)�slorabi r . ik 64 * nd<l,'et Stack Aso4e#alton met, frost flop re t. e i , a ez of i" of u>! ad ant• #r,r�i;.. 4l0 g h.:. 1Vlrp're hat. . It the greatest 'season of • thc� ear onl lttl r T r scut foo mlilt . � ,.>} po � on .. yo.. � m t, .. 100, .� Ali' Arwo .. 4c. .1 - a .. Q evrSlettod.Qt P11.fi.seplimon .. Tit, the;sa 1 rn o �� tib nls ora :Quo ba . „ . ,i Tnesdaq ev@u><r4g, AI,ty. 22Ad, tcV , Oar- y PRF , g g khe t�-tstlo..114d *41 uvot' riupply of vis o m ro bet servioa ; o o t ri ilea op tet' 1?resldmh• ll very enthusiastic , 1 . Q , and oet _ . Ron -on Tharilzs I , da , there being t s none too soon t0 til n _ gg X i, eetin ora held, but the Im Important three weeks aw a ,. � Il Il a . 4f ��1€1 � . iTo1l] a,x8 y A h4►u n et_ _.. at e. � . % l path oar r 5 e ter ince, the tt?re caption - q g p, J �l aq�4 greA.tor 9attexy*., N4£irmg stoner, vot_ ;ng:,AloOfi,: n►OrA plea..ng and A. Vit, e . - r Sts ,, s , , ! p t Tinges was the appointment .oilcom- ce ,tAble thg;i:ri'seleallou 9i soma oI ear i2ooy aavel41m Wil Alatui '• of tho fouilf,410 tt �cae estimAtedAlot m tee on prize list, solicit sub ori 1 •� a ' a _ o e e 'fit prize l a, a p- going to �Ve, dry oods stock Ike th1B, abQunt with ' �ein supply t4.ruit, Tote ifb fpr qla or yot4riS at tl4e i!rlm oda is #o:e#p. 7gearly.'XIIQ,hagaes rlp)Zea.a the rapist- bops end 'members. 'Che show as s `� . , All ad ortiaexe r :alai in a,a h . r thein s s d blast,' Chi ar3ea. pS as :vl�rtoi�. ArOther inmate was r . . -, a a .o? k' .. p fq i 1:bA>ta n , s*1� were fixed by 1 h0 generroi dtreetors sott,e. we' ft8�Sn4 Qard,t;lt Ile as ohea au .aa pOm4 a> : I ;z.nitl be a . i<egmye�l on TuesdaG Ivav, l9th, in x e t� cies that make useful, sensibxe and a oro rxat+e H U Gat . � ,. p r _ _ are time ago for the 24th, 25th and 26 h of` �' oh .good Xi is as.good and cheapp se our berbtiner'tei, wtillill>Ey,e boas p�roan' c►f 'l blip. LQathora, from Sea Jan: next, to be held In the Town Hall, a d.0arei in ar sap select. As we lip . e sell. heBe xs" Q li; tolL fortlry'a' ed 611 yedra. B next week tb e choicest stook Qfolldaroocs we ,have R A_ _� �..... T .p Cii3lton. The prosp�ectsare bright for a . • inviting yOAr pabronpge. , Vye at1$ y0i<. terb them, 't�qr' t, 411 , T rt..�t"elan;I'b�aa , OAa ss-, Wil t►re; gl*d to m )ct, successful show on these d%tes, - � - be# Qj, then others, ORa way tot yon,4a ltnoty-� o0me on..� Sep, '. I 11 1,,Vete• xbkt M,aaarp,a,Ggor a li't'.lby and John •he ge Errol dirt;,;, ore will meet on Fri- ever shown will be h6re read.. f lir you to look at dad to buy. , vttuk llrt?tar wrbrr*. or ti�erti8oates last dray, Dec; 9th, at 2' 30 m., in the Town _ , ' w-A�'y:fy,,t Ottt Collegiate 'itts�itute have Hali, and theluetil dlrectora aQjutlrn- a' 11 I •�ilaega9taP;tu:thoitapp+jalsr' mr Biel- ell to tnMeC again on Friday evrninR, T (': /� �. ' `` ' by hie uQvi a, aomIllek 0enior B,esving and Dec. 16th, • D' F�R 00 ► n 111« .liltlr•ta`4Apn a Junior Leaving certificate. The HoaxEr,--P. W.. Brock. of Molson'a t� Q • - ' ' #orimr bafrlieen .admlxted to the Noraapl $�4rik, oras in $eafoi�th Wednesday in Re�oai d 113e4�kYn� `�r��es „ "e't#j]g •. A r a ;Callegr+ ; tr,e atter lie�pine hie biediaa�l •' 6nten the Cheapest—Mway the Rest" ^iaaiii le T, , rnpker tour ails who have regard to the formi,tiorl of a hockey •x p p league, consisting of the t4etowas of On Niantl�s • • • bee>x enaooasful in 'obiditxi tbeir.oert'ti-�•• + Pg Seafortb, lJoderach, " Wiogham, Es- �g -, "a on an Appeal'. - ,ter and Clinton and play top a tro- There's no need to sap dust why of how we are able' to zita�>s.�We arq.very s ry to hear . phy among themselves, which the • of the sudden illriese of Mrs Jas me , think would be as good if not more in offer such remarkably low prices o>s about thirty,five new and � ' ' , , mi lloner "0onl °ur,ither rif'• Measrs Jais and John terestin than nom etin in the On- t li h M tl a e uote halow It's ehtou h t0. tell oil that y •`I I V. g . P g s y s an es s w q ug Y - I �.. McGuol� QU 01fon, ;t�1ie iyas feelirr¢ 'tario H. •ckey Association. Tha time, the Dods are new, the st les correct sold u - o -d te, the Uall- tu:hep usualijood health until Satur- leatha,nd now for organization, as it °� ► y � q . ' ` ' day evening, w hPn. she was suddenly will require all the -practice poFeibte to ties dependable, and prices away below the real value of the we're going 'to• lose some ., L ori cluwq.by a .paralytic gtigke, .her beedmt, thorough. Other towns have } I V - mune Din these Hats but it s p g f+•ly atl'ected. At organized and a,meeting will be Held goods. " y r '�-+" ,� 1 le aide hOf- gT entire resent the clean a for the better bas for such at the Commercial Hotel,on �T ttxn6 they were out of here shvduF jtSelf,, rind 1bi holiedjthab she Monday evening next at 7.30 p.m. Let �`e Nl,antles at X3.60 and we .Want the room th9� _���� ill recover shortly: She' ie one of ,biers be a large number of the boyo ilaWo respected pioneears. present. Skilling will also be indulged take Up aIId are �Pi11YIIg t0 pay � ` A GOAD LAF9 TRADE. -- The imple- in as the managers are willing to issue Black and Green Beaver, Black and Navy Niggerhead, • for it - This is the season o€ the year. mens ,6 " L `' ' jXe tp ra opened ver season tickets. / when the S41e8 of ► hoes..are, tested. y p k' Tweed and Dark Frieze Mantles,all neW at les and favorably fox'. *ear as witness - CURLING Cl,us. — The curling club , k_ ' well made oods that would be ood value at $5.... $3.60 '� ',the fo)lowldg" sale's, maria on Friday are going to have some very interest- goods. g :' It takes gOO materlsll t0 resist this ; F tart, b Clpo.• La6is, the popular agent ing matches the coining season, local- AVERY , UNTRINNED Of ttie:MaPae Bart is Co. ;— two 6 -foot l as well as with outside teaina. They �(� •� AA CC - II lT In the stAre'lWiPs' constant' ores#',:. NOw if ..Dili sOle�i ,bioders, 2 5 f of mowers, 1 12,foot hoe started in having the rink prepared o» 1�Te�nr c'lntle5 tat J•4J and Children's, new i are 1'1. i�'ht our. bhOeS $1`e right aIId � dr111; .and onb,Sbalp Hay (take, steel Tuesday and, if the weather permits, , the w11 16t; r6tt 8; {18(aCtOxll ,wtieele,- representing altogether about ; the'iee will soon be in form. GI.D. Mc- Ladies Baaver, Niggerhead and good Frieze Mantles, in shapes this season, all y , o.:p .. y r SWQ worth. ..This, is certainly a good Taggatt, president of the club; and W. black stud colors, some plain, others handsomely to be cleared at one �� �� 'gut giving you,lpoormaterial inthis ' da s',worlcili'this Eine.rLavrs�tate� :Jackson, of Jackson Bros., $ee.�Treas., art OY ourhUe ids 110, t0 th9 atl� n Ghia l pas tt, tiepin peaking sales ever are offering prizes to be competed for trimmed, all new styles and Wearing qualities, price, each P 'singe Harvest: by rinks and singles. Mr McTaggart 2i� ' vantage of either buyer or seller. i1Ra: .�OoAy NoTEs. - A large g p goods worth easel 67.50 and►8................................ . will give four silver cups to be compet=i y . tlei�k, i4 received at t,WD6herty Or- ed for by rinks and Mr Jacksons pi ize �y �•+ /"� '�/�' __ �n .Laetory`fixe other -day from an conaiata of asilver medal which will Extra Good Mantles at 16.25 25c*-- OUR ONE, �.IX dglis�t_tattee; ttconµistec1 of no less be played for in singles. the club's . r G' �, 11". 697 organs 3f cata of will- Prospects are bright For a most success- Very fine qualities in Beaver and Rough Cloth Mantles, liiitt4rwarpi,vingst the depot from the Yul season and it is hoped that the #p. herl?<Stafaes fdr the factory. A sport with the "lissom and stones"will the very newest styles, a small lot -of exceptionally The are goods that have Is that both Uppers o f : Soles -shall be. of thf� . LL 'A , ie -Q Deing� ,eroQted-in. conuection soon commence. s y .`' g �iandsome garments, we've sold no better at $10 .... 6.2�. sold at from.. 75c to $1.50 each beat material, and our increasing trade is ..evidence that .polar ' RpiTh'tlle vvirrlta, the frame work: of THE COLLEGIATE.—The pupils of the aIId this is & ChailCe to et a efforts t0 supply -honest oods at reasonable r reit is bein �ovhiv,%,is.up;tiT: 1lleKeozie.'has the Don- Collegiate, after Having considered the we never sold stteli good mantles for so little money be- I gg p tkrt; lti$n1l,,sori o1"Rev.Mr 13a11, formation of a literary society in. con- Hat for hole money. appreciated. 1VIle.- has ts,itdir a,siruntion in the fin- nection with the cchool,met and organ- fore, and careful buyers should not let this chance pass. - '' t#1ltlil , . room. : ' l�laater Percy ized for the corning season. They roe,' %Johnston, .son of (rev. JoBnston, had on Monday afterunon, Nov. 2let; and - OQeT�hOe, i�oX an Rlfbbei' 'tido �l'El of If thumb taken off on Tues- have elected the following -able of)lcera: dad boa. saw. Hon.Prea., J. Houston,M:A.; Pree., W. Felt Boots iII Ripa 'arxety. t3, Turnbull; vice' Pres., Mise M. A. �� ,; r I J_,a 7;c(�t;.OUP L P�omio�eio}� T- The C.�pbell; Sec., 3. M. Belly; treas., R. O dqens ra 'olitrwiri I puppftis' have been proriutited H,bv4,; managink committee, Misses S9 W� { f nl •rMiss O§eil s . third. class to. the 'Lough and Moffatt.. Messrs E. J. Car- � � dour'tti<ciae-e lvatcitts,Ray Bowers, lisle, W. Passmore and' N, Brandon; Direct Importers - CLINTON,ONT. ri114IIt0II ` `,, ,;Uil:Yr1(i+• tetbact,Lucy. Lockwood, program committee, Misses Foster, Jf P It t�lrelilti.ggkiged�, Emn4a. igmeteel, J. Duston. Isbieter, Cooper, MessrsAe- \, �admis . H'. 'arvigg,--J. Doherty, W new, Archibald, McKenzie and Helvar; _ , _ ;din ,".ti, Twitchell, Annie Cook, L. -editorial committee, editor, J Laird, the first appearance of both Nliea MoUal- $oovez, MHill, F. Akam, H. Waite, �issea Court.ice, McEwen, Manning, M. vaeat, recommended:- W. $treeta, Robertson, MessrsMillyard, Smithand •lam and Mr Spalding .before a ClintonM"WWAW"M .1 ;... ott,,Mh Cooh;'A..P.rout. -•The fol audience it will -Pot be the last ; they will - . Archibald: The society will have their always s tea reciated 'here, The' reoei to ;owing° haove . been. promoted to -the initial meeting this afternoon (Thurs- y Pp p - 110 k e otsop, ,,fib& ii4fsa Wilson s third da The put pose giving an enter- were nob very hetivy, sorry to say.&&. N r r Ern y)` y P P g g NOTE$.—Miss gate Taylor. of town, ; idss r,l46-QRo)ceon C. Streets, taioment in their lecture room shortly, hint., 11 . deck >Tonston., B. Fisher,M, and when they will be pleased to have has been envaged by J. W. Irwin as it3hiiliary p'racer,, D. Campbell, the public attend, we have goad ma- book-keeper and clerk. S. Senwap, of M e town, has, recently sold his driver to p, r y11 8 * tore 1�1�¢�T;'I., G LA,ovss ":+fihe elections are terial in our coileviate here, and there , is no doubt but that theseliterariea will Mr Yeo, of Porters Hill; we notice hisI I ;aittrtntrlinr. 'fAbd iffi-ReInolde held the be of great benefit to the scholars, attention is being paid�in another di• - •o ►2-nomiriatiop Thursday., Dec, let, rection much more impoetant; we ofeer . q, (r0 %i1g� on. J. T, 4arrow, Liber- PLEASED WITH CLI*TON:— Hon. -E. "oongrats" ahead. The Christmas sup- This store keeps•faith with the people and -go it. The' swing of the crowd comes this way nore�.. - � rid AB .7i34c1t, C,onseryative, being J.Davis, M.P. P., Provincial Secretary, plements of the severi4l pictorials,,mag- . . �#e azfdidates ., 'V`dllfrta •d%y is on remained over from the political meet- azines and daily newspapers are. out, grows %L d prospers. and more. rTh�iisday,:Tiec.'8t'. The sheriff has ing Monday evening till Tuesday even- the (Nobe hayiniv their splendid Xmas ! , . A a ,aitited the fq'1joNt:>rg as polling ipg. He is a cousin of Mro (Rev.) B. supplement arriving on Wednesday; your mind's worth and our haone 's worth. We don't pretend to know it all, but what we do P e'a;ib town with the (deputy -return- Clement, �W,brle in Clinton he was it far supercedes anything of the kind know 1S at your Service. hills- ao�cer vv wmill act in each bootk : shown the different industries. He was they have published. yet, and is far ". ',' St. At dt� 14 w. aid—Xo.l,Down's oho , greatly surprised and delighted with ahead of an�yy other Xmas ot,New Year's - ! , ,,.-11 la' , blocit, N2.. 2, Town Hall; Spt. the amount of work done at factory editions: We are pleased to know that �® w111 show for the il'upcte�'v�ard�*No. 3, H. Smith's house; being • informed. by Mr Dcherty, the both Mie Thos. Robertson- and Dr. men' s- a4nd °- f coming C�llistmas traC�t One 1V'o. 4,• Stev6atVI4h, liaelt t shop; St.John'.s , proprietor, that the hands were - work- Blackall are on the rnad to recovery. — - w+krd•-- ,X "'5r Mcl iircl ia's fanning ing 'overtime, and orders e%n hardly . John Fisher, painter, has rented the ! of theigre.atest selections of rnili,fabctriry�ANn, 6,:I#unitiall'e carriagge be fllieil, the largest orders coming cottage on the corner of Rattenbury La�'�'/4Si/i/'iS neckwear� er shown in ores- D.Dift from the Old Country. He was much' and Orange streets; the house vacated $hap:f3t d1. eorgeerova:r '— o. 7, t " ins- shop; ,1?7n, 8, Johh Btepbenson's pleased with his visit to the factory and by Mr Fisherhas been rented, but will tern Ontario, and nothing factory.. �'he4ollovoingare the deputy- the cordiality of Mr Doherty in being not be occupied until after Christmas. ET .nicer can be given for Christ- • ,,Itreturiitng ofiicershere:—Messrs F. Hod-. shown around his large establishment. Street Inspector C. H. Carter repaired ~'} =a .ens# 1.Soaldina, D. ,Macph6rson, A. J. A, .visit was also paid D. A. Forrester's ,the water pipes at the corner of Albert mas offerings. Prices from 25c to $1.00. olio' To •t,lottle, J Taylor, Wal- and Jae. Faira.farms whepe the form- and Ontario streets, (front of J. W.. Ir - tet i;lqutg unci: Walter Manning. er has about 100 bead of cattle and the win's grocery) this weep; it was found i latter shout 70. He orae exceedingly to be leaking badly. The many- ,Dios q y tlli�e • • One of the Busiest µti FxOi t, "AT;$oals'."—. A very polo.- pleased to visit these places of interest in town are beginning to:put ori. Christ- " f r (r} In our . .11 - a'hle >A H9toe; •was - '!van by the to him as he is in the same line of busi- mss _cheer a d are dis laying their ,adfiee ; id of ontacEa t. Methodist p g D.partment ness. • Amon others he bad the lead- goods to be advanta' a there is no > IRM " Growing Business ureoP roriprwin ac uamtances with O. bewildered Xujieh oto Thankirgiafng, ni ht, This g q need of a per' on to become bent • a Vas,• he,firat'-of a aeries o, `��t homes" $,Doan, proprietor of the late tannery in selectingg:their Christmas presents,— - ( 1 �E.Li1l1l The shrewd boot and is 6 , wh<alirwlll• b'e' give,, ;by the ladies the whom he has known for a number U the booka-tores, dry goods, jewellers �'i}I � `: omtti�•season. , ,The,.atwftdancat Was years. The honorable gentleman was and ro'cers being parti:eularly notice- .+ buyers of this secti6u are'11 ar e,�hR : xo , aitii rovided was ex- greatly taken up with out industries, able by their Window displays. The ogI a >, an igre rept'eshments ood. ulCk to et d1i tLl at11?]]egV '. li ! g and thinks Olin ton is one of the smart- neat meeting- or the Divislon Court q .,h prrop�raiiir odrrsf$ted of!:quartbtte by eat pushing, business towns in Canada, will be on Decemter-1ot'h. The merry ` : methods of doiing�p"uSlness+; ' Unfario i3t.xQd4rotte; pia'n6 polo Miss Q says bre colleague, Hon. J. T. Qat- jingles of the first, sleigh bells were I r r rwi;d;doet�piano ugd.v 61itl,Mesd'alnes C..ow, is'mo�t sure of success in West heard on Saturda riaorning, Wednes- . , f i ��rr Saving. $1006 ' t'e'ar m! 1Ci#ter"« acid 'Watts;: recttatian;s Miss EIuron. day fuel,, Nov; 30, .*as St. Andrew's I .�•. expens9s'enablt�S t.1 Iilt til] s911 4*ni,V,h kii"s AiToL Mra , hown and mr Afn(rAT.rnnr.flnAnT)TN4 (7oNUEAT. -- Those A..v_ Thor t,ihAralg of town have open- r e.. .. y7-„_,L_,,,,,.,,„4..,;,_,,,ak•2-..,, ^VA.-' . iy;sdl6,", Mkliaitland;`instrumental who did notattend the concert under the ed a��� eommltteeroo-ma in the interest , r """ ""`"t' " "syxY "'" "'i Mr .F,nitno'rton bd.: Mosdanies ,auspices of the Willis church choir in the of Hon. J.T.GlarroW, Liberal candidata There is always room for great deception in fiirl ilii ' tg alit : 1��}}ib�b'ri` a; c i ety;. Mrs.•.6lab• town Ball on Tuesday evening missed a of West Hurou,`they are on the ground tli0re lei, Onl. ' 0119 VPs. t(l urCflFage 90 hs do b� on -the ri�llt � tern �Iitarl0:,' aYjC� ����1rd w ' Mr l 1, Harland; and ood thin in fact ft was a treat as for ag floor in this premises formerl oceu� y ,, P• g ed thi$ fact oeeriintrl welt rendered and the n ertainospnt was Oonoerned,. brit the led `li he :t7it restaurant, >eirper. side.• P1Ck Dux soilne'ilf3a'ler WltO knOWg.hiEi 1JlXslIle>Is,110 aY l�Lt e t y ur lila: p y f .: bebauge' --o :Arles h °'untiGh gn dyed b ;,:those present., andienos..0r 6 small. The merit . of the 91o06k, M'airi',St"r iall those rntereaited•-46 as the re 'illation for, liellln oods and iII nine .Cases f'-11 1 a, ursda to rrante r er andi• W and 's pod Duero• h . p . " g. ! • ;�,,,,a:.: reit. nears d, 01, 16t�i.'iself'•, lid ineets.l6-0'1g 6'.' (Il y even4ng e,program wa 11.a is g Liberalrava.and H y g g .• p y, on:thel ` next • ddeial gathering. elks? Tisa program was eacelldnt•through- menu 'ro uxade welcome. The multi- ' _ out of ten you Will. gel: omatllYIt reliable. �t the pre- r : • .�4 . w g ,_ .... p : g y . c om axed lb �'i3t den. 1. I"ee gA ounted:to-Over 98: out and e4�t +number was faithfully car- colored caters dtte..at• election titres ,, ',m `tips ha e a fin9 •stock 6 . Gods that are u -to- m. p saint ti e Y g p ,. .. xied 'rqt�. 'J.'Eie aarl)enoe uvea an appreciative are lit. vo ne nbw. $peaking of the sol ria.' - A union .: ric `We are agents for the celebrated.- :Ur b . i �i , fldiq �.. ,,,., , _ one a was am res ed with the rob bit On an earl. winter Wm. dat9 In ever res ect,.and at the lr� esl p p. _,,,,, :. oseib�e es ka it�in ,$a'v`-'b-waelteldInbn� nd.. a, . _.. y,... p a 14.:y y p 'a k " i s MoOallum and i e 13 aldro . pp e e ld vara a o snow amp _ ltd Oversh6es, acknowlet�gt'�d to 6o t 10 • YCCost xis ab {'; a .'disti ':c)iiitt iii .on" Thiire- : dap , hl e p g Gfria say th t y a for goods that we a;ai1 rocQmms�,ld= Bu ere Can be sal S 11te o 'Each art of the to -am opened with on t a 12th,p4 November, and never y . ,. �t7l,.. Dinh ist menci>i at lo•2o � . .. �! �, . . , u, b oods on the market. 'OPe keep:. a �� , ���t�';:';��s��IYi ht .: �4 t Q41n ianb solos by Mise . M nip Honsto>r, end .left! until the s ring. F. Bowers and lsfied here. i wo,:speCial lities '�P 11Ch .VPD kil6iv are not g g h a. t was din .dezid4ng1 -1 to est _ 1' week , at a times. -: Miss 3 sin ie« Itwft and' were esoeedingly, J. $enned were in Seaforth last w r H nne:nnd. vvas atteiiaed; j M.V. cry . y ; e.. utrlled is oil 11IeII s� 'ar Coat, and o i' 0 elk render d while .the erbetbe of the , n ser the urchaee of Scotch:.. , . � •.•,, qq� Q :". W_o are a eats for the famouo• SXti'te�, , ,, , '.st;Y 3 nutnber of mr iberg of• the cl#fifer- . ,. e , _ q looki . P i Mi ees a o>< `a fi(laoMurra s. No sill bola flttile witliliti a , f ' !t straehWu !L at. The are haVin a rpt t sale, ixo es, ; lr;�+; 1;, flletnen$, pas. oho r, .. ori. yl lj _ collieo�y c Lhdles 4 : y . g g fir' e >X .- . 111e ars.lr a fl`ii ;slid fiSowzer were well re- . d m ee of Clinton can ba proper 1098 a_. e B l g.. , d zen It -:' p9rfrGt goods on the market. t ?d 51., atho ehateh, too3i< chat ge, b%.t th. , - aeived with theft numbers. The outside 1 and''full -ddiVertised unless a • notice t • � 0 �r t1; 6k rt Flaw. A. Ylce 1eP . a int l ler d¢e. to : 1?tw , , o nti nisb and lit EitA we ive bur h ,sisal,, Mise Mnf1a)>ubr, el 0 0 of ft lrrppr3ara itx the itvV # �j y� �. j �� t .� E m W0 ill OffOr` tbo fiD Ye1'l 1 1 lt, the 1'�csabyterittn e g 11�Q11 1 V 1 SATUIt#JY l'`1 W g,j .p , Mr 11 .aldilig,.lsat:ibone, were ddavn or ti0 sort, itticeli fr>ie to alt sibs et %hoar ., 1 `suite ei :1iev.:>v,.Muti•rtbi.k, , , .. . , r g by tilAy , p 11rtm Dae wh e s than Sve sinrbberci Mica A a at flits office, t q 1 bills ,tote - it f en -- .o feel:. 1x9.. coal vtS . reitlrhe car rather . _ r Th9re a e l)jluu&ods� o :xis w �, ': .. , . p f ' o r A. alerg!Ymarn►. ►! .. oia, irited� 0180, laI1 E 1 A fie w air of Mohd Leath9r :S110ef ,. t)x . ki s Ise sok lti,rather rrlah voice, her etiun des ro to' at tbieir lit)Is pt - .. kin ,far : f., reed the ern a Ofbn✓tlt S hifi . , Our w .. it #on is di tinct and h b ria Auer on : the , wh a hatrp'e,. ndtfe6 in; tho Nd'W '.. Much artfl tl: e mu �. �xaVt3• hoaV , tlll� 9i +CXI�t � 1a . i. ,O dO 0o, , . �.., hat: Shall I 1 s, s �,, ,nay � � � � *ear Y� sloes XI to l $ re ''I ±? , , �i, . rt'aalm� lEx, , W a. , . a ., e du on of the 1 r . d itis#d .retell. y . L.. .. _ r s . �... ata e.is.piensing, and .I>Wery, i . , EIiA at our rOgu a ae.. _ , t' d he-irora for a)lrif his be ...1()n(11t91D19 1t1,. l tst..t4o thi}a slid e0 1e110 fin x Lr, P00 litx t . ov s h�k to t' bust etas: s lsodtna ►.. .X few illi ()f OIYd V3at�i .1 i 1��., fi4 :. . - rliffe�tot4f nnmlretb Altai hf4+ pr . B xade tt the dw011,- V ?_ +"` p:. , ewelt chieri on.hanksgltr j.. • a & ri se. .x eb,ia tie suite A.,; t h u11 anti 0 011r real seXoC,tion� . a _ rn the froitt.rapk 11 elbaabf, . l to d d- it , the.xeasod tt+a sag , iCillt,.'I $sats a ti ., Ga. . e ,, � rabli x _ ear x�x 1Z' lh. to 13 re nisi'. t?o sQr. rfe)"rin lirris#lil iy t .. a :. '�G r e t er 1% a of,. ve soY� :. :. �. s ora. lilt aeleobod send w O . a. a rellei" dis ob d d ..:...; �t w, « leotior4. J Gf11 r . w .. ► ll. , _ Y r., er`Oied•etld.rnatrialaellbeeslnxe, ... s r!9. pn e gg tc: ood . .. far teen atkd bo s are baaeiii : aysen• fit; +sC t�J did iYtt0114 lith S 1t'J ,llt[i til. do a onthtielastioall Itooelv"' She res b � d i (j d vVatchea to oris arty. �b "..g u . , � � .4"; � a�IrCl� dill 4�iti1lte�,.: v g J��11 Ul - .91 t) , � .. � . re%renc�e us for nisi tl�atilesgs . , .. ., _o_ x , p� b n x t entities -for tor h lefts . .:. 11 re fng.�.aa one Tho �louteh dek • •.thea r ate: tic a # 1611 % a>le-c?Cisit wbkbh tigo. alba.( g..rX.X!►. $.h. s ; :� . to woe . ao s,v eutri thfs . cv , i p., # : , .. y _ i tlaI eft fob �i I Ali �t�., +�rir our bvali ehitrehea _ . ), ,. 4 . _ E)ilt oods C1 1 Satiir , `IP. . i 1=11 ria r , a drttj „ rr d D oft, Mt` .: dpi' re this io,ode . . f; sE 9,h r a f: alreare.no� brill kold, , ; � i-eadtu r . Lsirnfes �lQ dlc o aId was abaiiit. t.., slit 1. , ... 1a eta nd � o pa i� . ab datii (ilii,✓ -frond g is .. Volt: bi the T, . ,:< x at s a .otter or9d. a dill bakit ne qi halt, lin# t$ly, of e e when tilrte Ifi,,folds , - Th+ no 4 . • alld 8 onl, , ' 'hf t� ;te t h ilI S E gr, o .r . as ,, y.� M g p b11t slits ovctb epe6 ,,�eryic�s e- sv tebrataci Ert tisk Cloves bho SradA oade,'it she' ' . r t ty, area encs far.. swims s Kyo, g. ; e - ... ; T ark qnd t"1hlaao, 3sr find, is blob inatfatt rat oltlidas fAc file fJauts 1 f1r ails dud lett test, I ,, m , 3Vfe o >d . 1 o a e': 8vG d ilii qh tei> (7hriattnae litlt should xe Am a Y ,. fa er ,atear:aud orbital htn alis iii is : 1 stonels For Iatric,lri«: vltiirla#. sad lae�p a wbr t tX kit g ,he:Clolle lope v y po g,_,s C6mm � �4 i ,. Aa p �,its1:ou 6 -: and Shoes x 1 , t tly attf �l t . ,1 rlrlatini�tl+ fji X # . , , r u t tltr u hoab. Al h own, all , a lfna a goodit,. - : . ' k t� yor.. 'Wileatuuele broad sna r!nell s o„af#04 , . b g i will take 'pla;06 at t o !� wn, � , rr I ., � K i tlxboe�tr w . •.a . �J, . - 1 t oils re ood- no : ,uWd to at,, e1 e . . . d ,bitch 'Dep .lent tie ea i �o g � ,. 'tour ,r`<t X o'clock IC ror ► s •� . �'► .. ,. - : . _ �;:. ' ..y J� iblr rp lel referedod..on�: - „ ,. - ... ,- . - � �.4 �,�..' '. �-► ,.,. tioularfzoi As Ali hll'horitored ifs a .1s4tli ae.' C7atn ell. atf hdtlQlCtirVti �; i . w e9aellout Maar, of thfe. . , "- �' ilio ..r.., a of tixg fatrailiat+. , l�sl oadan added', : d#ane• Iby, tris ° (t'enderx 4fYi0oli, J,'C�. 9�rwltlt. yO�tetdaq for •:.. 1� ri �ilV2a a Leaf o eVtirt.r Duma =11116 11. aYo t its"ralte'd � e of tt Iltoc , of" i i ��l �° fin >lo 10 rtrhltrh lnbraaaw Se is )1► g 4 x 0 . IOU B I e cru j etttr T`he l swing . a lr T)ttl#>s 'eYr:viers �daaamw grroeez}ee whit fa ftp flue i &OhMed tlae ie , ! ` i h' ' i w .. = ., IQ sbcste 0- +� #arty h� wl,6 w • rio ole tis t(r his, 1.96 t: Alias th leo i.tti . f I I W 7t titrat oat >r4•bl is to lir SW ou tot, t a reals ., a nal k$ fCtr �#± 19,1 a 14 f �.I mm" " 1. .y.. f '1' -X .- { ry n,,ft 'fir ' wr r,