HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-06-04, Page 6FACTS ABOUT OOTNAM. flew Yorke 2501.11Year Was fele• braied Yesterday. l First eett(txf in 1614, but no !buildings were put up until 1101 be - 'ginning of the nett Afar, 14513. First flour mill and first lawyer, 1830. 'Clergyman turd erhemimasler a- peAred In 16.:5, and whipping pout le 1633, when first artist also up - peered. First physician le recorded as of 1890. First Long Island ferry, 1637. First hanging, 1011. First building lot, 161_, &old for $9.80, worth a million or two now. First public school, 1032. First city charter, 1633, City Hall opened, 16;3. First O0fl Its, impaled Ion 1,000, 1656. , First fire company, 1637. • First poet, Jacob Steedman, 1016, First. Mayor, 1063. Merchants' ETclmilgo established, 1170. First' letter carrier route, 1073, reached to Roston. First regular dock, 1677. Flret professional undertaker, 1061. First printing press, Bradford's, 1694. First power house, 1698. Streets first lighted, 1697, lantern bang on a polo at every seventh house. First aewepaper, 1723. . First public library, 1729, Meat college eatabllslied, 1736. Became first city in the union, 11190. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM THE CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS The annual report o! the Regis- trar of Insurance furnishes indie- putable evidence regarding the STANDING and 1'ROf1RESa of this purely 040001lao Order. YEAR 1902 Total ascots ... ... $ .164,01200 Total membership ...,23.829 Members added ... 8.201 Amount of Insurance Written ... M,505,00009 Increase of assets ,. 125,08200 Inoreasa per $1.000 at Mak ................... 500 Information cheerfully given and Organizers wanted. wrlta W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder. Hamilton. Ont, W. F. Campbell, Grand Organiser. Hamilton. Ont. On Going to Church. "It was the oustom of Christ to (attend the synagogues, to Join in the.ongs of praise and thanksgiving, tolisten to the reading of the old testament and to Ito lesoone as en- forced and !lluotraied by the ap- pointed leaa3er. From Ills earliest boyhood to the entertag upon Hie ,Ministry 110 had been a regular at- tendant upon the House of God end, when proclaiming Ills Afessiahshlp, Mt(1I both as 0 hearer and preacher, Ho was thus keeping holy the Sab- bath day. Christ Himself set the ex- amplo of going to church. The Chris- .tdau'e religions needs demand the house of prayer and the assembling Of God's people regularly within 1)13 walls. The disciple is riot above 121a Lord."—Bishop Fntlows. KENDALL'S SPA CURE old teliabte,rm^s.v (:n Spa Inn, ninehonra, splints, @Curc6 annual:, Lures ,t, L n .ct,u Ll n, ust 111-1, Complete Curs for gone Sposla, Resell, Alan,,.,! a, tan. 20, fm} leen. R. J. Kendall C,., Centtrr.rn: 1 ha 1 ,o n, y,,,e,¢ r lean a{,,,.hi :h had a Bono t8 pavin ;IA 1! )ad to the Ing „r waxer, the .*,.neon,a,>Fxd tt lad to had it in warm water, ,,, ,I�I,lir,l Kendalls 1'M Cure. 1 had pa,,,1, lever the .,a ce winter and to Iy athe gendnll sl,avin Curr. eaua,finnc4 11118 It only took seeda half *sales tacit,* his leg with to ,Ulm,.. treatment, Sadie did so comele,ely that •m, would neve: kna w Ilia he haat • spark 1 he never ,y truly yours. since. Very truly yours. GES. S. HARRIS. Soots eedonemen,e as the ehme ere • puamnte• of merit. .010.111; alt for pa. Asa liniment Or fondly toe)) hes no iota Ask your druepkt fee Xendalra R avin Caro. cap"A Trestle* on the Hone, ths book fr e, or address DILL/. KENDALL Co., ENOSBURO FALLS, YT. The Poor Boy. Ch lenge Record -herald. Little Harold—I whdt you were my Mamma. Tile Nurse—Why, dear? Little Harold—Xi/luso you're so d1s- agreeable, The 'Nurse—But why should that makes co. teen' Ice for your mamma', Little Hart ld—Wri1, then I wouldn't kardty goo you any more, and I could stand it. Elbe Had a Sweet. Troth. Cornell Widow, Willie fell In the molasses Barrel, in the shed. "Now I'!l lick you, Willie," II1s angry mother sold. biter's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfectant roap Powder is 1,etter than other powdery, SD it is both soap and disinfectant. • , 0 , ..., GOING TO TELL IT. The Great South American Rheumatism Cure; the kind that cures 10 0 few days the most ob- stinate and painful cases. If you have a friend suffering from that horror, or from lumbago or neuralgia, it is your duty at least to offer it to him. It will re. lieve, with the fist dose. You too. William Marshall, of Varney Post Office, County of Gray, Optario, writes: For the last year I wan continually In bed. I Spent hm,dreds of dollars Or doctoring and tnedi dnes which proved of little relief. The first dose of South Amalcsn Rheumatic Cure gave me in- stant rein f. I am r mpletely cured." TKR GREAT SOIITR AMERICAN NMI )411 TONIC builds up into vigor and health the most shattered st•stems. It is un- matched in female complaints, or general debility in tither sex. hundreds et testimonials from the cured ones. 19 Limerick intelligence. If arrant Lampoon, features of the MASSEY-HARRIS Mr. ilogworthy rented a suite, In a building without any huite, hinder, Ile lived there for sex months, You' can sen by the rut howl very Bent never kicked oaths, simple and light it Is. Por a surgeon had cut oft his tune. His Complaint, , I ant a baby, eleven months' old, and nearly worn out already. Please let me alone! 1 11111 not a prodlgv, except to the extent that, not having anything to say, I don't talk. 'Two big persons claim to be my parents—why can t they let It go at that 7 I have never denied the charge. 1 haven't much data to go hy, DA I don't think I a m tither it nnLgi'lan, a learned pig, or a virtuoso. I don't hanker for applause, he, it will bo an rip- Irrectr-ted favor if you won't put mo through Illly parlor tricks. If I have my wealthy old Ezra'q coca congratulate I;ncle Ezra, but 1.101't blame me. , i play be a klepto- mnnlne, for all I know, but I can't help it. Don't rattle rattles at me—they rattle me. Don't goo -goo and oot- sic-kootsie at Inc. l can't understand it anv bettor titan I can the Eng- lish language. (rhol al l 1 have le not in Icy stom- ach, but in my Detk, I don't want to bo cntertam(vI or mystified or medicated or applauded. And, if WI don't want me to grow up to be a hypochondriac, a stomp-colleo- tor, an awful example, a ping-pong enthusiast. or a misanthrope, you Just blame he!—May `.;marl Set. Ask for ?Ilnard's and take no other. Crafty. Cornell Widow. Pedlar—Madam, I have here a fine complexion beautifier which-- Lady—No. You don't work any akin game on me. A SJMI'LE Si1EAF OR BUNDLE CARRIER Is one of the many good Piles TO prove to you ,that Dr. Chaae'n Ointment is a certain and absoluto euro for each and every form of Itching, bleeding and protruding piles. the manufacturers hare guaranteed It. Seo ton- Hmonlals in the daily was and ask yourneiRh• bore what they think of It. Yon can wait bed fret our money back it not cured. gee a box, nt all dealers or EDMAge0N,1ATSe & Co.,Toronto, Dr. ChasOe Ointment The Idiot Again. Columbia Jester. College Idiot (indefinitely) — It strikes home doesn't it ! Find Friend—Er—what .does? College Idiot—Why, I wroJ just thielOng of our parlor clock. It has grout capacity, neverthe- less, and to strong and well -made. It drops back from under the sheaves when dumping, without damaging the heads of grain. ! FOLDING DIVIDERS—Simplest of all. A child can unlatch them and turn them 1n. Many other manufao tm'era are trying to copy thle fold - Some Fences are Good Some Fences are Cheap For a fence both good and cheap, write for our catalogue. It also tells you about our Now Steel Gatos SELKIRK IFENCE CO. Welland, Ont. 'Tubby Winds the Cluck. D',i A,au ever hear of n. cat that hods n eloek ? 'There le on? 10 \„rip? Dak•+la.. 11, 11, name 108 Tabby, :1;1,1 She ir't': r ban to be told when 1,, gird the clock. She just sits )eslr it 1',o the 14110 draws neat, and when the h;:nds are at the right place she minds: up and attends to the, matter. 0f em11'0e, she doesn't have it key. It ;s'e't that hind of clock. There are weiEhle, and Tabby draws the weight down that has gone up during twenty-four flours. That keeps the clock going for twenty-four hence; again. Seasonable Speculation. Montreal Star. Miss Sweilman sumrnered at the Pier, She wintered at the Hall, Now, should she spring at Ligonier, We wonder where she'd fall. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED 1,v hent applications us they cannot reach the dlrenned purtinu or the ear. Tin -rids only one way torure dentuess, :11,d lhnt is by cou- stitnthood remedies. Ilea Nino., In cannel by ,a, Inflamed condition 011 he 111 11441111r phdngot the Euotachbn, 'Fahr•. %Vhen this tube 10 in - Mooed you 11nve a rnmblh,g wound or imper- fe01 hearing, and when It In entirely Honed, Itentueas to the resit)?, nal i mens the h,nan,- motion 1',m betaken out and thin tube rentor - ed to Its normal condition, honring will be destroyed forever: nine renes oat of ten are Caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but nu Inflamed condition idhe uu,enuo surfaces, We will give nue Hundrtd Dollars for any case of Deufuess 100000) by elanrrh1 that 0nnnnt be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, fns•. F..1. CH EN & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 'i iic. Dales Family 1'!)), ere the best. one Dealt Never Dishonored. N. Y. Press. There aro no drafts on the Bank of Motherhood which are not hon- ored without discount. lag devlee.—became It le so geed. 1',ut. MASSEY-HARRIS patents pre- yeut them duplicating it. Remember 1t is the Massey -Har- ris. The Careful Burglar. The cold grey of the dawn Is steal- ing through the windows. The ,burglar is stealing Inside the house. JIM foot strikes a chair. Crash! From the epatalr rooms come the sounds of people moving about and conversing In sleepy tones. Acting with the quickness of ono who has a trained mind and under- stands humeri nature the burglar seizes the call bell on the table and rings the rising summons of the family. In a immured the sounds of snores till the house, Ali. the rising hell le better than the knockout drop.—Judge. J believe MINARA'S LINIMENT will cure ON case of Diphtheria 11118. REUBEN BAKER. Riverdale. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will produce growth of hair. MRS. CIIAS. ANDERSON. Stanley, I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT Is the best l e»lsehold remedy on earth. t MATTHIAS FOLEY. 0!I City, Ont. ) , Gems From Famous Authors. The world's a hllbhle, and the life of man Loss than a even. —Bacon. Truth le the handmaid of Juettce, freedom is Its child, peace is Its com- panion, gaiety wake in tie steps, vic- tory follows In Its train. Sidney Smith. To know, to esteem, to love—and then to part, Makes up life's tale to many a feeling heart I —Coleridge. If thine enemy hunger, feed him: If he thirst, give him drink; for 111 so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head,—New Testament. Sorrows remembered, sweeten pre- sent Joy.—Robert Pollok. The man may last, but never lives, Who much receives, but nothing gives, Whom none can love, whom none can thank, Oreatlon's blot, creation's blank. —Thomas Gibbons. Censure is the tax a man pays to the lelbJlc for being eminent.—Jon- athan Swift. Mtllard's Liniment is need by Phy- Amelia. SeatensousemaselliMellealle Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. CHT REDUCES EXPENSE Ask fee the Nelsgon Bar ep ills Humble Beginning. Philadelphia Moroni. "I hegrin life tvitlout a cent in my pocket," remarked the self -mad- arm. "I didn't even have 41 porko1 when I was born," retorted the gilded youth, NEW Yo)tK AND THE EAS'r Aso 'reached by the trains of the Now York Central Railway. Tills great four -track line enders the only station in New York City, the Cram( Central Station, corner of 4th avenue and 42nd street. He 0.0 rill Count, Exchange. "Well, ho'sv do you like married life?" enquired the friend. "Not at all," replied the man who had married money and wax suffer- ing for It. "I'm a case of matrimon- ial dyspepsia." "Matrimonial dyspepsia?" "Yes, She 110501' agrees with me; site's too rich." Keep Minard'it Liniment in the house. No Excuse for the Bunch. Flirgende Mutter. She (who arrived an hour late at a rendesvousl—Excuse me for coming 90 late. You must have Lad a long Walt. t He -0h, no! I have Just come my- self. She—What, you would have had the Impudence -!o make me wait 1f I .bad been punctual? Mla'ard'e Liniment Lumberman's Wand. , The Woman and Her MIrene. How much time dot's a x5/110111, spend before her looking -glias? .t German, WUt11 true 'Teutonic pa lone,•, has set himself to answer this tri- vial question with ecientlfie - curacy. He estimates that a girl Of 6 to 10 spends an 0werlle of seven m111uten a day before the mir- ror; from! 10 to 13, a quart.tr of an hour le consumed daily, and from 15 to 20, twenty-two minutes. La- dles from 0 to 2:i occupy twenty -hive Minutes. from that age to 110 they are, at least half an hour at tlf'tr toilette. Thence, he alleges, there Is a decline. Painkiller is Jost the remedy nce,tnd In every household. Por cuts, burns nod bruises, strains mid sprains, ihimpen n doth with It; apply to the natlud cud Ute p;tle leaves. Avoid nnbstlt'11,01 there is int out "Palnklller"—ferry Dal 11.1% Follies of Long Ago. Philadelphia Ledger. Bibbs—No man knows lilmselt. Olbbs—That's true. I have Just been reading over some, lettere I wrote to my wife before 15111 were mnrrled. ISSUE 100. 23, 1803 Itrs.ay b. used ttor°Children Metslnbamp � 11 sta always W used moths. the child, softens thetrumR., oaree wind cone and 1, the beat remedy for Dtarrbas. LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS by mall en you can make frac rev l To 0108 mn.t.Aits A 1:1 V. I or pnrtic,lars write A. HANSEI, Me H., A e North Hamilton, Ont. LADY AGENTS WANTED B est Sawa 81tM 50Aesee ed West Mesta tier IMre11scsa Soils et SOS Good profit. B eat XS ensu ter amyl* and term to arcate, BRi1,g11 & CO., DEPT. II., TORONTO. USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFG. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all leadin ea May Excursions Hamilton to Mont- real, Single 117.00 JO. 412,00 Torun*. *.Montreal Single $13,Rt.$11.50 Also to loterutedlnte mints. Meals find berth Included. Steume, 0 leave Mondays and Thursdays In )1 ay—Il nmitt on 1 p.m., Toren. to 7.1)0 p,m. Furl her information apply to agents or Il. Ft1ST lln, Iia)+Fb; 19, western Passenger Agent fl.11 u, 'Toronto. S AVENO BRASS EYELETS S0FT {:op'EYELETS NE.Y RSlry1kp((ROUGHTHEGOWN WIITHtR CORR0bE'NOR, tiC ''SI'AI`I UHDERGARMEN I S ' ,;ANJ wlU' NOT RUST. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Ladles' favorite, Is the only sate, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the Holm and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2, No. 1.—For ordinary eases Is by far the beet della( medicine known. No. 2-1for special cases -10 degree stronger—tbree dollars per beg. Ladles—ask your druggist for Cookie Cotton Boot t'Mmoound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations aly dangerous. No, 1 and No. 2 aro sold and recornmended by all druggists In the 00. enlnlnn of Canada. Mailed to any addrer{ en receipt of price and four 2 -cent postage stamps, The Cools Comnttny, Windsor, 01401 !SUPERIOR TO ALL. OTHER E. B. EDDY'S NEW INDURATED FIBRE WARE TUBS, PAILS, ETC Por sole by all first class dealers ger INSIST ON GETTING EOOY'8'f�E With the old surety. St.Jacobs Oil 50 tura Lumbago and Sciatica There to seo such word as tall. Price. 25c and SOes Dick's Blood Purifier Is the best Tonic for Horses and Cattle It puts cows in perfect health, and increases the flow of milk. DICK'S (rives horses a smooth glossy coat, and puts life and spirit into them. Try a package with any nm -down animal you may have and you will be convinced, 60 tents • package. LEEMINO, MILES a CO., , MONTREAL -sarrss/