HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-25, Page 5ti r l . yF+•1�!1 uisTIQ 'NEW ER Norm* THE HEWS JEWEL, BARGAIN GIVER .; 1[4 • We oareY a: roll line of: Steri. ing Silver Novelties, enitable for preaaentg or for general use, Prieee within every- body'sroatyh., We also make a epeoielty of Engraving on all goods bought here, with- out ext}'►. oharge.. If you want anything inFilvorware, Plated Goode, or Solid Gold at the lowest p tea thot can, be quoted, ca at Rums baii'o Jew y Store. All Repairs ipft"" t4,, our charge promptly attended to, H. HEWITT,, Manager FRED. RUMSALL, Proprietor i/p ioId ., The TFme It Required Nerve It Required Money To place this stere in the poeitlon it now occupies. ,The extensive additions and interear.irttleroyemente make it one of the largest and best appointed stores in the County of Huron to -day, end, with the Additional room, we oerried•a larger and more varied stock of geode them we could do -at any other time. Our new Millinery and Mantle ebowroom ie large, airy and well lighted, and,under the, able management of Mies Toddoursales in this department are rapidly increasing, We find it pays to have a firet-class up- tb-date milliner. l.` Io hat or bonnet is allowed to leave this department except it ie trimmed in the latest style and becoming . tc the wearer, ' Our Mantle department le now the centre of attraction; yon will admire the many new and sttlien eonceite,to be found in the mantlee we are showing. Here are two specials reoeived,this week, bought below the regular prices Ladies' Jaokete, Webby in style, made of good Beaver cloth, double breasted, velvet Dollar, new shade blue, myrtle and black.... 5.00 Ladies' Jaokete, onrl cloth., double breasted, trimmed' with braid, velvet collar, very nobby, in blaok and colors 0.50 Oar trade in Ladies' Furs eolipseeiiny former season We buy direct from. the manufacturers for spot cash and get the inside traok eyery time. Ladies' Astrachan Jaokete in fine glossy Curl, lined with quilted satin,in long, medium and short lengths at $25, $28, $32, $35 and.... 40,00 Blank Monatain Bear oape,opposeum oollar,good lining,vory stylish .8..10 Ladies' Fur lined Capes in fine heavy cloth, lined with squirr-el,trimmed with blank oppossnm, very epeeist 17.75 We have opened up something new this week for wrappers in fine Australian flannels, in pretty floral designs, at 12t Don't spend one dollar in clothing till you see our new stook of Sborey's Ready-to-wear Clothing. McKinnon & Co., Blyth 100r akar t totmeni « ' :oikTumf, dome into eubseriber'e premises, and con. Of 8tanley,, some 'time during the fall, two, yee4ling heifers red and, White, The owner la hereby notified to' prey() property} pa' obargee and take them EMS''JoHN I. SCOTP. • STRAY IAMBS. Came into snbsoriber's premises, lot 12, eon. 3, Co b2rne. about the middle of Oetober,teree spring Iambs. The owner is hereby notified to provej.property, pay charges and take them away.' PRANK NAEGLE, ilenminer P. O. 7Vleetictg of Ilurou County Council. . sir Geo' Baden-Powell, M, I?., who who a Boring -8ea. oQp) uissioner in 1$81 and .British member of the joint committee Mll: Washington in 18112, is dead, ••SERVANT WANTEE). Wanted,eneral servant. ,Apply to MRS, JOHN JACKSON, Rattonbury 8t. General Servant Waited Aood general servant wanted at once. Appy at this office. • The council of the Corporation of the Couu- ty of Huron will meet in the Domicil chamber in the town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December next, at 3 o'clock p m. Dated Nov. 21, I898. W. LANE, Clerk.• HUULLETT TAXES. The ratepayers of Hullett are hereby notified that taxes may be paid to the collector at any of the following placesi-Londesboro, Nov. 30 and Deo. 14 • Clinton Deo. 9; Kinburn, Dec. 12 ; Auburn, Deo. 19. Five per cent. additional added to taxes not ppaid'by the 14th of Dee. ROBi'. SMITH, Collector. STRAY GALE Strayed from subscriber's premises, lot 19, Huron road Goderioh township` some time during the fall, one red yearling heifer. Any- one returning the same, or giving information as to its whereabouts will be suitably re- warded. BENJ. PACKWOOD, Goderioh P.O. POULTRYWANTED. At $4.95, Men's Frieze: 'elders Lining and high storm collar, regular at $4.95. Men's English, Beaver Overcoat, .e quality Italian linings, velvet collar, are lar $10 at $8.50. • Boys' Ulsters, extra heavy, sizes 2 28, at $2.25. hderwear Persons having poultry' for sale will find a ready market for the same, at the highest cath prices, at the IMPERIAL :u. at Market, Clinton. CASE .& CO. J. SCRUTON. Mann er. STRAY CALVES. Came into subscriber's premises, lot 77,Mait- land non., about the lst of Juno, two yearling calves, One red, the other gray. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ALEX.BADOUR 1' OR SALE. The undersigne1 has for sale on his premises. lot 27, con, 1, Stanley (Lend -,n Road) a litter of pure-bred Durno Jersey pigs. C. AVERY. STRAY HElFEII • Strayed from the premises of R. Chambers, Taylor's Corner, Goderioh township a heifer coning two years old, yellowish color, split in right ear. Anv person returning same or giv- ing notice wi4 be suitably rewarded. RICHARD CHAMBERS, Goderieh P. O. Hub Grocery If your are oarxying one of our watches you can uphold the time and be sure it is correct. Our watohee are fully guaranteed to -be just as we represent them. They are, manufactured by the Waltham and Elgin watch oampaniee, whose reputation is world-wide. In price they are reasonable. Onr facilities for repairing watches are the best. A. 3. GRIGG Successor to J. Biddleoombe, CLINTON. New Select Raisins New Filietra Currants New Jupiter Vostizga Currants New Figs Fresh Spices We have our new Fruit in if yon -- want .to make that Xmas cake. New Lemon Peel New Orange Peel New Citron Peel New Almonds New Filberts Fresh Oanned Goods New Walnuts Fresh Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and Balthon • All of the above at lowest figures, ooneidering quality. 11:4 -EO SWALLOW, - Clinton Who will it be ? For every dash pueohase amounting to one dollar you are entitled, to ohoose your candidate in the approaching election for the House of Commons, and guess the number of votes he will poll in West Huron. We offer a beautiful dinner set of 97 pieces, value $10, to the person who can name the suooessfnl candidate and guess the nearest to the number of votes polled for him in the riding. This competition closes at 5 o'olook p.m. on eleotion day. The official return° will deoide. The set of dishes are on exhibition in our north window. etiWeNew Fruit, Raisins, Choice Blue Fruit Selected Valencia, Sultana,Extra Cleaned Currants, Figs, Dates, eto., new Nuts, Filbert, Almonds and Walnate, Cross (Si Blaok- well's Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron, Pure Spines and Flavoring Extracts, Finest Teas and Fragrant Coffees. Butter and eggs taken as Dash. Call and get your Holiday Supplies. N.ROBSON'S CASH GROCERY 'cscript/on Are yen overworked" nd tired out, or is a disagreeable cough wearing on your system's Here.ie a plesoriptionwhioh is designed for all such cases—Emul- sion Cod Liver Oil, withulypop bosphites. But you want an em- ulsion that you can depend on, let ne make it fresh for you, then you oan depend.on it. Our own Emulsion contains a full fifty per cent of pare Norway Cod Liver Oil combined with . Hypophosphites and Glycerine. It is easily assimilated and pleasant to take. The greatest difference between our own Emulsion and others is the price. Proprietory Emaleion sells at $1, our own sells at 50o per pint. J. E. ROVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton STRAY PIGS. Strayed from subscriber's premises, lot 28, 5th con. of Hnllott two sows, one white, the other ,a tamworth with black spots ; they would weigh from about 250 to 300 lbs. Anyone returning them or giving information as to their whereabouts, will be suitably rewarde9. THOS. ARCHER, Clinton P. 0, tl Weare still 'Selling out and reducing our stock gradu- ally, and for the f Next two or three weeks we want to clear out a large stock of Tweed,: Su .tzngs, QvercoaV igs, M' • Ready-made Clothing, Shirts, Drawers, • Hosiery, &es I 'Wo -have; t. pretty fisc( stock yet in these lines. We will sell you Tweeds by the yard or naakeethem up in good style. Mi'.4bert"Downs is our tailor, and he makes good -fits evo;' tome. Come and see what we have. See our Tweeds t 2 s ,pit ill ;Surprise you. All our other stock sold at eieeki ras 6f. Sts plc Goods, suitable for winter use, t: ': i . t come and` buy from the undersigned. - o1x ,I• , ,4 , ,y a.' NOTICE.. The tannery of 0. S. Doan & Son being burn down last spring, they decided not to build a present, but have gone into the hide business and have put up a stone hide house on the old tannery property, where they are prepared to Pay the Highest Cash Price for Hides, Calf Skins, Horse Hides, Sheep Skins and Tallow. We will give the farmers more tor their hides Bnd skins thanthey can got anywhere else. ring your hides and Skins right to the store- house. O.S. Doan it Son. POPULAR CONCERT COURSE TOWN HALL. 5 People's Star Series Entertainments 5 Admission Only $1 for Entire Course. DEC. 23rd—Edward P. Elliott, of New York, Impereorlator and Monologue Entertainer JAN. 18th—Harvard Male Quartette Club, of Boston, recognized as the leading male quartette of America. FEB. 2lat—Fadette's Ladles' Orchestra, of Boston. (See June number of Success Magazine for description,) MARCR lath—Morgan Wood, the Talmage of Detroit. Subscribers' List now open at Jackson Bros. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Nov. 24th, 1898, Wheat ...... 0 70 a Oats _L, .. 0 25 a' Field Barley 0 40 a Peas 0 50 a Flour per owl .... 2 00 a Butter.... , 0 12,} a Eggs per doz 0 14 a Hay new $4 old 6 00 a Sheepskins 0 40 a No. 1 Green Hides 0 06 a Potatoes.... 0 45 a Pork, live - 4 00 a • 0 71 0 45 0 56 2 25 0 18 0 15 0 55 0 076 0 45 00 MONTREAL LIVE moot MARr.ETB. • Montreal, Nov. 21."—`hero wore "about 600 head of butohere' battle, 80 calves and 800 sharp and lambs offered for sale at the east' end abattoir to -day. The bntohers were out strong, and there was an active dentaltid for . anything pretty, good In the bear department, but the thin cattle were rather, nninerot and aontinne to bring low prices. Ifricoil were decidedly bigh8r'than on last week's'n'arkete for anything rately good: •The beau cattle acid at . about. 4}o, per viand et this, but they were not of . extra quality. Pretty good aniwalaaold at free" Bible 4o, and the ooiinnlon dry oowa ana thrifty young }Hoek at from 2 o to. 8o, While the leaner boaota brought srbont .2o per lb. Calves sold, 'at from .'$2.50 to $9 each, or trete' Bo to this" per lb. Ship' were paying free" Bo -to 0: o per ib far large sheep. Letil'ba Meld at from 4 per lb. rat 'loge (tontinne to pa$ 4o per ib Off the caro. Tenders for Supplies, 1890. The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on Monday. Dec, 5, 1598, for the supply of butchers' meat, butter, dairy and creamery, giving price of each, flour,oat- meal, potatoes, cordwood, etc., for the foow- ing institutions during the year 1.8tH), viz :— At the Asylum for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brock- ville and Orillia; the Central Prison and Mer- cer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reformatory for Boys Penetanguishene' the Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind, at Brantford. Two suffi, ient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each oontreat. Specifications and forms of tender can only be had by making application to the Bursars of the respective institutions. N. B. -Tenders are not required for the sup- ply of meat to the Asylum in Toronto, Lon- don, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimico, nor to the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the department will not be paid for it. (Signed) R. Christie T. F. Chamberlin, James Noxell, Inspectors of Prleen aand PublicChari- ties, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Nov. 21, 1898. Mrs Alfred Markel, a Deseronto widow, aged 45 years, was drowned at the Bay of Quinte depot in that towc. The body was recovered shortly after the accident. A body, supposed to be that of young Leduc, the deck hand drowned off the barge Melrose at Nicholson's Island a month ago, has been washed ashore near Point Peter lighthouse. Isadore Bacon, who was arrested at Mon- treal for drunkenness, got into a fight in the police cells with some other prisoners, and received such injuries that he died in a few hours. Sale Register Farm stock of Mrs W. Townsend, lot 10, Bayfield Line, Goderich township, on Nov. 29. E. Bossenbery, Auet. BORN. SNELL-At the parsonage, Staffordville, on Oct. 24 the wife of Rev. B. Snell, of a daugh- ter. [Mr Snell is a brother of Mrs C, Hoare.} MCBAIN-At the parsonage, Ridgeway, on Oct. 11, the wife of Rev. J. H. MoBain, of a daughter. [Mr MoBain is well known at Londesboro.] SMALL, -In Wingham, on Nov. 14, the wife of D. Small, of a son. KINGSTON -Ip Seaforth on Nov. 7, the wife of J, A. Hingston, formerly of Brussels. of a daughter. WEISHAR.-In Brussels, on Nov. 11, the wife of Philip Weishar, teacher, of a daughter. COOK- KERR—Amt the ,residence -of the bride's parents near Nile, on Nov. 23, by Rev. Mr Hall, D. C. Crook, of Clinton. to°Mise Aggie, daughter of S. Kerr. PARSONS -ABBOTT - At the residence of Samuel Davis, on Nov. 8, by the Rev. S. Salton W. J. Parsons to Miss Sadie, daughter of Jas. Abbott, of Kincardine, formerly of 'Centralia• FARR-KELLY-At the R.C. church Myth,on Nov. 22 by Rev. Father McEwen M. FaFarr, of Saltford, to Mies Annie Kelly, of i3lyth. SINCLAIR-BELL--At the residence of the bride's father, London road, Taokeremith, on Nov. 23, by Rev, S. Acheson, W. Sinclair to Mise Aggie, daughter of A. Bell, all of Tnckeremith. MAKINS-POTTER - At the residence of the bride's sister. Holnieeville on Nov. 22 by Rev. G. W. Andrews, George Makins, of Nor- wioh, to Miss Alice Potter. DURNIN-GAUNT-At the Manse, Wing - ham, on Nov. 16 by Rev. D. Perrie, Samuel Darnin to Miss Catherine Gaunt, both of West Wawanosh. JAMIESON-CANTLON - At the residence of the bride's uncle Mr Wm. Denbo, Brus- eels, onNov.16, by the Rev: S. J. Allin, ' 17Joseph Jamieson, of Tackersmith, to Miss Sarah G. Caution' of Brnsee_ Is. DT!$D. YOUNG -In McKillop, on Nov. 6, Mrs Thos. Young, aged 36 years. CARMICHAEL-In Seaforth, on Nov. 13th, Robt. Carmichael, aged 81 years, 11 months. LITTLE -In Seaforth on Nov. 15, Elizabeth Willison wife of Matthew Little, aged 69 years and 8 mon'.•hs. CARTER -At Wingham, on Nov. 19, John Carter, in his 69th year, for many years an employee on the G.T.R. HUDIE-In Goderioh township, on Nov. 18, Mary Ann Hudio, reliot of the late William Hudie, aged 84 years, RM -In Goderioh, on Nov, 19, John Reid, aged 66 years. ' Property for Sale or to Get Men's extra heavy fleeced, lined Sh , and Drawers, regular 90c for 75.e. • Ladies' Vests is • All -wool, in 3 sizes, with Drawers match, regular 65e for 50c. Hose No. 86, Mary St., will be sold cheap or let to a good tenant This house has been thoroughly repaired, has seven rooms, stone cellar,„ hard and soft water,newly painted and papered. and bas a small stable and good or- chard. Apply to PETER STRAITH, No. 60, King St., Clinton THOROBRED STOCK. JOHN WISEM.A: CLINTON For sale, a thoro-bred Durham Bull, of good pedigree. Also. kept for service, a thoro-bred Yorkshire Boar, which took 1st prize at Clinton show. For sale, 12 stock pigs, about three months old. JOHN STANBLRY, Londpn Road. FURNITUR H. C. BARLETT. We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and the:. goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a'; large stook of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at.;, remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite 0' Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Coan ty. Kindly come and see cur stook before you buy elsewhere. hristmas akes . at different prices according to qnality. Now is the time to order your Xmas Cakes, for, as you are aware, trait Oakes are better with age. We have already got orders for quite a number of Christmas Oakes, as we have in. the new peels, nuts, eto. We have a fresh and tasty stook of .. . Confectionery and Seasonable Fruits. Nice Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas. Oysters in Bulk. Bread Pastry &'Wedding Cakes A Specialty. Onr Christmas Confectionery and Fruit will be in shortly. Jas. McClacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. Picture framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neat} and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country. H. C. BARLETT, - CIinton P. S.—Night and Sunday coils at residence on Huron St., opposite Baptist Church THE TWO A.. J -'S' Have you New a boy who will fit a good Fall Goods Suit at a price like this : Soaps Buyers Great .Bargains in Fall Boots to those who need good arti- cles at low prices. Only a few sizes left in the following: Boys' Long Boots . .90 Boys' Overshoes - .50 Men's Long Felt Boots 1.00 Men's Heavy Rubbers - (for socks) - .90 Several great values in Felt Lined, Klondike, and Rubber Boots,and in all winter footwear. Call and secure them before they are all gone. e2 50 Suite $1 50 2 75 1 75 3 25 2 25 4 50 " 3 25 5 50 3 75 6 50 4 50 J. TWITCHELL VICTORIA BLOCK Every day a bargain day. feed it,ttg hili " bargain" day to buyata fair price if yen twat' "Shier ell'lioiea." .... proportion of lc� and , pip&t, unl- fatei sat Net ti ppay-40adut PrieottO waitow..,' ateody;, .` alb - - money btalndaboveboard, cit We. *hoboi t There are only a few left, just two or three of each, so if you want one come. right in at once. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. We have just passed into etooktile r'` very latest styles in Hate and,Capa. an We make a specialty in thie"line are prepared to show you the ;halo':';? value in the trade.. a WATERPROOF COAT.: are las { ;, what you want for the fall tarps We are showing•a large assortment' ranging in price from $2 up. IN TIES we have all thelatest patterns;;;; Inspection invited. - A. J. MORRISH. Clinton: R Secret a= VIIIK,We are often asked how it is that we can sell goods reliable goods—at the very moderate prices we do, but it i8-`' an open secret. We watch the market closely. We boxy for:. cash and in large quantities—two great big advantages to start`'{ with. Then we sell for cash, and our expenses -are low, An- other big advantage. A very simple secret after all. Dress Goods Onr special offering of Fancy Dress Goods at reduced prides has had the effect of olearing out several•lines, but we have still some very desirable patterns at prices that will induce you to buy'1! yon will only take the trouble of examining them, See oar Blaok Serge Dress Goods at 25o. It is one of our many trade winners. A Great Towel Event 15 Dozen Pure Linen Towels, the kind that are sold in all stores at 25o a pair,and are good value at that. A fortunate pur- chase enables us to sell this lot at 15 a pair Frieze Ulsters "Where others patch trout is a good place to fish," Scores of shrewd, careful buyers have bought. Meters here this fall. If you want one and see the superior goods we are offering and the low prices we aro salting, you'll buy too. • •- WHLPS • . We show a complete range of driving lwhips in. Rattan, Raw- hide and Whalebone. Everhip bears the battle of Morgan;Bros.,. Monition, which is a guarantee 'of quality. Prices 10o, ISO. 250, 50o, 75o, $1, $1,25, $1.50, 42r'., Bring ue'yottr tett.00tttti't • The Cup that cheers • We have always made a epeoial o Teas. We try to give customers the very beat ten' value that oan be had. We sell .Salado,, which bas many friends. We self" Grund' Mognl, Knrma, and'Ram lal, all of twbiolt give fairly good satisfaction. - Tbea'tip• e t�!` are either straight Indian or -straight OBS-, Ion. This week we introduce "The tine Ribbon," which is 8 blend 'of Indian and Ceylon, possessing the strength of the for.'"-- and which we think from its superior op mor and the delicious flavor of the .latter,/ qualities will in a short time be the blend; that all lovers of good wholesome tea will" demand: Prices 25o, 40o and 50o, blaok 6r. Mixed. ° We guarantee every package. Try it,and if you do not like it return wIlat yon,, have left and we will refund your money. 8londyke Salniion 0 tins for 25o,• Maple Leal Salmon 2 tine to r 250: Canned Corn, Nene and Tomatoes, oboioe'brande,:';,, eat 1 gots ttppbto