HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-25, Page 4�.; t F'
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., 'r Stewart. Qt''Bervle..al- tory thtet will ,ofrord tho -Liberals: ol, Woof r
'hankrsolvi..ng '00, . " tion. Rev. M address Ala "The, i$tsron :an o pgrtanity of shotaing, to the
.Theso gave I exceilont� t'
10 .- .. , E worth League a i�ctQrin charaGtex woad tbo,tirnd of, tad they are �nad� o#, �r
Th 24t, af' Novertr er. fs barn . Ob, Up
worth - . h b i n • T e foliowin ,offlc4re wet a Their past record ltta>i8es FKe o9nvrotra7n. •
I. I -T' q length :and t� idi R I�. a Ma a.; """
,,served tbrougbouL the ng .. ed � - es. Rev, F, , .Oaten, Bel-, that flag , twill uot. ba wonting when -'the .
o th A ertcap Contin-, .elect : i Pr t 1 e mea:' a °•,lt a moo an
brae,dth of. tb1a,N `t , to rave; a Int vice: . T'rss„ E, k'. Paulin, fine tat .gd Tl� y ap „
111i'esr iylt+trgni it.oCa[ to be p>s f n tan l the ks rein v , u m y
S_ ,
.• eut, as a. day a ,. a r . ft p g VfF haiai� 2nd "Vice Pres„ Rev. Swan, hazel fought battles, and'under more adverse ' '
Decertibgtr M.
Many uses are, made of this• day ln8-
- , ehootru Ripley; 3rd Vice Free., Miss Q, Selleryr orraumetancea that now Saps them. Let
.. _ - • Such for military' reviews, � Cardin 4th Vice Pres„ Miss M• the retarna.on eleotton night show that they -_ - 'a Ic
I.ti; FOR THE DOMINION NOT FIXED, . at h e hunting, , visiting friends, , T3 it? o. 21 V , I
Dai tri., c, e , g 1100MI.
Mrs hewn not lost any of their old time 6triot,
faruil :reunions, &c,, but the main •ob-
Staples, Teeswater; 6th Vice Pres„ P. 0_1
I' ,.West Lawb� yy s sen set 'A. Brown, `Ieeswater; Sec. Tres., Br. ism and determination.--peafarthEaposrt-
The r�omirtion writs fo je't .,gr which the day ha b
Gillies, Teeswater; Representatives an or.
,_ , torr, North, t imcoe aha East Prince apart is that we may recount our Executive -•-Mise Howard, G orrie; Mr's By reference to another col. 14 it will be
• have been issued. Nominations will meccies and in the house Qt God aseem,- Findlay, Tiverton; Miss Ida Lanes, - soon that the Li rain of West Huron in
aet�atn IeFare bled give praise and thanks for them GQaarlmelee: (%,"
{- g' tak eplace in. these couetituenoies on Zanesville; Mr J. R. Currie, Greenock; onvontion at Dungannon, on ,Friday last,
to the great ('diver acknowledging Him F
t Wednesday, December 7th, and polling Sovereign and Lord. -Thanksgiving Miss L. Berry, Lucknow, Represents- nominated Mr J. T, Garrow Q. 0. or the �`� /,
rive to Conference, Rep. Mr Mug• opal Tae islatare and Mr Robt. Holmes, 4 4 - December let
pdsa- May -or, Thureda�y, Da does not mean that our thanks- , • k g
xetarninl; up tin 28th on the 14th. The date of the bye-elec- giving should be compressed into this worthy, Teeswacer. o! the Clinton Ninw Esq, for the Oommane.
tion to be held in West Huron to #ill one day of the ear, but those who Two more pop�i�r ppandidates ooald not l
Ytail ln#tormstion snout the bash byand Tha0h.91feriug have been placed in thB field ,% From December 1'st to .l`alivary lot We will, eouductl&:
ie, apply,. to the vacancy created by the appoint- most
tally return thanks serve tin he
ethe Cour a �• R. M. Meeting - els should have no trouble in electing them.
F; R. HODQENt3, went of the late Mr. M. C. Cameron of Gad's house are the most likely ones Mr Qarrow is one of the cleverest men in Holiday Sale that will make . Deeelnber the benne]' mouth O�
'Tiavey AgQpt, GF,T,It., Clinton to be Lieutenant -Governor of the to make tl}ankegiving a rule of their The annual thank-ofierin meeting the Lo.:al House and "evgry lover of good OUr Dar's 1JU81IIeS8• When w0 placed our import orders for
Northwest Territories has not yet dail life. We have much to be thank- of the Womana Foreign Mlsstouary government for our provtn3e should give , p
y h
been fixed. A provincial election will gel for. Where is a parson more high- Society of Willis Presbyterian chert him their hearty aapporti. The Liberals li` ante Goods last a r1 I
ing we did not anticipate any CllallgA.7]1'11 � ful take place in this riding and ae the lyfav�red than the Canadians, When was held on the evening of Thursday+ have already opmmenoed work.—G9inghatri the business and W en the ohange did conte it was too• late•
electoral districts, though not exactly we -reflect it is all impossible not to Nov 17th. The lecture room was well Tithes, r
11 . xiQVE;], BER 25, 1898 similar iii their boundaries, are stiflici- make a comparison of our circumstan- filled with ladies. Mie Lough, the . The Liberals of west Huron selected to make cancellation. 11
ently alike to be confusibg it has been p President of the society, occupied the -rhe stock is now here and must be sold, so that those11
�lecided to postpone the Federal slat ces with those of other pec le's in their candidates for both Local and Domin•
l� dt'fl � le fli P P other lands. Our national blessings chair, and the meeting was opened ion Houses last Frida Mr Garrow will
There There is -no pressing necessity stand out in striking contrast over with devotional- exercises. Mfss•Wil- again enter•tho contest for the Legislature; who buy their
I 1,„.�gei for bringing it on before the Local others and one which we would par- son gave eivery practical and intopic, and Robt. Holmes, publisher of the NEW T Q
r(•.9'-Jfackson ,-•••• I election is over which will be held on titularly _mention has been, freedom five talk on the devotioxial topic, Eras, and president'6f the Canadian Frees HOLIDAY- G�rIFTS.
64.wc 1o�piov d. ••”"' q Thursdgy, December Sib. from the scour a of desolating war, "Praise," basing -her remarks on the Association, was chosen as candidate for —�
iss x,HiwQ#• . . ...... g
Swa10w :> while in other lands the swotd has 103rd best
wn,an thec psalm, this
5 c the Commons, Mr 'Holmes is an able news-
been unsheathed, the blood of the is the beetknown,and the chtefoet,bless ra er man, has been mayor of Clinton for
Qs W, I)Fair 1. o..,..... B Corrupt Practices at Elections Bower of the country hoe been drawn, means to praises. David wrote this Nie years,canpresoh a sermon if'neoeseary, frOI1I Us will receive Special Values O 1 many biles Of our.,
Qrke�MoKinnonCo....... 5 . -- psalm when he was an old man. How
Q,n,l-ohn " Scott .............. 5 mothers are mourning their sena and p and T.ea type of the best Canadian. Jud P�r lar a stock.
„-FraiikNaegle-.••...I...... 5 The Mail and Empire, if it is really widows and orphan children are living we should praise God: 1st, full and ing from the indefatigable di@position he
dire: W Lane ............... 5 desirous of discouraging corrupt prat- in unprotected and lonely homes, we hearty; 2nd, with all our being; every evinces in the columns of It
paper, be
WIN hrjstle ............ •• 5 tices at elections, should state the re fancy •chinaware' Bibles
1.1?icokwood;: .............. 5 in this land by the bfesaing of God affection and mental power should should make an ideal representative, and
,i, o"X.,Bobeon,,,,.,,,,.,, 5 sults of the controverted cases fairly. have been spared this desolation and sing praises; 3rd, our praises should should
we hopehe may be the successor of the late
(ttiseman.., ............ .. . 6 In Weat Huron there was no admission sin and have been enjoying peace special and definite. Why we aghould M C Cameron — Renfrew Mercury, is a line receiving due prominence The Book of Books moss never so•
�}a1Xee-JaQMoClaoherty....,. 5 ofcorruption. Mr Garrow resigns his within our borders. Then, too, mobile rafae God: because let, 1Ie is cod;" just now, end we can promise our popular ee in this oentgry, aud-
eerRobt Smith ... .......... s seat b agreement with Mr Beck, to
irdgobt"Sms Y g rutin There is some other Janda have had internal nd, because He is good to us; 3rd, for west Huron Liberals have picked a customers an assortment not egaall- never befoewere there somany sold.
spt,'p o. a:l , ylorbt son 8 avoid the cost of a scrutiny. strife and social upheaval and the cruel His holiness, His great power, wisdom winning team in hissers Holmes and Gar-
ar- ed by any store outside the cities. The values we have to offer this year
,te-Jaakeon Bios• - •••• not a shadow of dishonorable conduct work of the assassin we have been and love; is good to us in the gift of row, oandidatea for the Commons and Come in and see what we have, and will en rise you. Our bibles are•
Of any sort resting on anyone in con
s ared these things, law and order His son, His spirit and His word. Mrs Legislature respectively. it rarely happens don't forget to ask about our specials 500 an $1 are splendid books and
': `fAC,Cst Ruron. nection with the West Huron election. P g R. Irwin led in prayer, followed by a that one riding has two elections concur- in Cups and saucers, beautifully bound. Teacher's bibles-
Needleas to say, the Mail and Empire hays Prevailed, life lies been secure, solo from Mrs Hoover, entitled "God rently, but West Baron Liberals are ready
': ' -•=— and the harmonious working of cur �� from $1.26 to $7.50. You can have
ilppdrter of Liber al principles never mentions South Ontario and social and civil machinery by which Knows." All joined in singing a hymn. to meet half a dozen. Mr Garrow has prow- them indexed and lettered it you
North Waterloo, the worst cases of all. The scii ture texts. which were found ed one of the ablest members of the Legiela Celluloid and wish.
ey try,-jiersonal admirer of, This is too,silly to be successful eves we enJoy so much freedom and order, in the thank -offering envelopes, were tare, and it is gratifying to know that body
should stimulate our gratitude and �1M�
oy, 4. ould leave no'stone un- with partisan readers.—Brantford Ex thanksgiving. We should be thankful read by Miss Wilson. The offering is soon ,to have his services again. Mr
" ositor, amounted to $54,85; this money was Holmea,who is.Mayor of Clinton and editor Leather foods ■t
at will oogiribitte to his suc- P that the state of public morals in our Purses
erelention on December Sth — land is as good as it is and that the dedicated to God's work by Mrs Ste- and propriAtor of one of the leading weekly
K z,,:,r ' conditions are •favorable to their im- wart. Mrs B. Gibbins favored the newspapers m the provinee,enjoys the con- During the past week we had a line Every lady wants a nice purse, and"
5*0&,for the election. It is MR. UARROW A CABINET provement. Our educational system audience with a solo. rs A. W. Mar- fidenee and respect of both parties in the of Celluloid and Leather Goode in we have selected our line this year
Y ossible for a candidate is one of the best., in our national re- ling, a returned missionary from Afri ridingsnd has the beat elements otetrei5gth our windows which were very mnoh with special care, we have some-
' p
mSelYhowever good he may MINISTER ligious life we have no sectarian feuds ca, then gave a very pleasing address as a candidate and afntnremember,—Lon- admired by all who saw them. There beautiful phrase at $3.50, $3.25 and.
.-,el or bitter strife, and we entjoy the full- to the women of the c utch. We. re- donAdyertiser. would be [no trouble in selecting a $3, as well as a very choice assort-
.` ,,L nt on the work and — est liberty strife,
worship. A further terve our commission to go as misson- Brer, Robert Holmes, of the Clinton New choice {lift from thpse goods, ment at $1, 75c, 50e and 250. Also
s, iends, and these persons The County of Huron has been hon- ariea from God's word. Bishop S' -P- Era and President of the Canadian Prase A, cheaper lines at 50, loo and 15u.
mark of Divine favor to our land is the
hitter they have ae direct a orad by the elevation of J. T. Garrow bountiful harvest which the husband- son says: "No one is a Ohtistian who Association, is going into Parliament, Ask to see the wide opening purse
tQree3t in.the election as the fo the position of a Cabinet minister man has just gathered. Our land hoe canner pray this prayer —Pray ye baying received the nomination of the West Books with spring attachment and card'
brought forth plenty. for man and therefore the Lord of the harvest, that Huron Liberals to contest the seat for the case combined. °'
`, eliritri�f3ade:"-tatnent }n the Hardy Cabinet, but without beast and now that kind Providence He would send forth laborers into the Commons in that constituency lett vacant More books will be sold this year �N�
harvest." Some are afraid to offer b the resignation of the late M. 0.Cameron.
of she r mewed confidence of Po`bt frolio� The position is similar to has favored us with good national Y g than ever before, because people are Y .
health to enjoy these blessings let us this petition lest God ehould bid them Brer. Bob is a hustler and will make a good Juin more reading. W e aim to ee
e,'nd as a member of that that held h9 Hcrr E. H. Bronson at j Y g o. Mrs Marlin labored in Up Upper K' g• iz P o s
call upon our souls and all that i9 with- gg g p Commons member. Having helped to a good cissa of books and for the
Ottawa rior to the laat election and Guinea, the Congo Fiance of Africa; make man members of Parliament in
�e'rit' Mr. Garrow deserves pops P in us to bless and magnify His holy Y Holiday Sale a will offer very epee- di most of you know our Toys are ;4
"�bit: on hie own merits and before his withdrawal from the Gov- name. Further, let us individually the temperature ranges from 75 to 4t tbinWesHuron he Holmes yore properly no valnth ay, have a large order displayed np•stairs, where w. have `
;P,:.,. , learn not to be selfish with God's gifts degrees; this part of Africa is a greryt thinks it time he was doing something for now on the way, which for value and ample room and good light. Our {�
V_ , .- .Government. ernment, when it became evident to to us but mark our gratitude b look- forest country, and the travelling; is himself. All his oonfreres will rejoice to
him that his health would not permit g Y done mostl on the river, as going quality will be unequalled. Our Toy window now on exhibition will
bot Id have remained in pub- P ing about us for and extending 'a help Y learn of hiaeleotion. Mr Holmes has raised Toy Books were never so well bought give some idea of the immensity of
across the country, in through jungle himself from the type case tt to his re -
lou 48 Mr hardy has, unless of his longer continuance in public life ing hand a those upon whom the YP P P as this year and we have some sur- our stook, The o'irtme are de-
&' , trials of life rens sore—applyingthe and there is no protection for travel- sent position and there is no man in Canada prises in store for you. lighted with our assortment.
s tnuCh in his career that meet as a member of the Legislature or as a P Iers, as the eo le are without a ruler
golden rule of doing unto others as we people with a better character than he possesses
btrc:'eiidoreation, and though member of the Government. This is would be done by remembering Him and have no government. Bove are —Parry Sound North Star.
:•u the second time that Huron hoe hada who said "inasmuch as ye have done taught the names of their ancestors Mr J. T. Garrow,who moss declared elect- Office Dlarles for 1599 HOW ready. Canadian Almanac
z chit elv with his ad- it unto oneof the least of these a have and family feeds, and which clan to
— minister in the Ontario (shiner, y ed b the Returnin Officer in West Huron,
on, ;`.' so invariably been (Hun' done it unto me." revenge while looking after a baby. y g for 1899 will soon be in. Several of the English Cihristmas ' :I
A. M. Rosa having been a member for "For the gladness of the sunshine, Mrs Marling translated 98 new hymns; has resigned hie seat and been re•nominat-
li6`ltiterest as to meet with For the dropping of the rain, so God uses even the weakest things to
ed. Mr Robert Holmes, satin, of the clin- papers have arrived. The Globe and Mail special numbers :I
ton NEW ERs, moss nominated the same day p
several years,) and the people of the accomplish His purposes. All joined will soon be ready. There will be a large bale for those, and
;hpp4'Oval. For the epi ing times bloom of promise, ,, as the Liberal candidate for the Commons #?",
West Ridiy will no doubt show their in singing Sowing 1n the morning, in west Huron, the seat Navin been made customers should order at Once.
r one are taking exception to K For the autumn's olden grain ;
and the meeting closed with the Lard's g
rhent'of Mr Garrow tot appreciation of this act. Mr. Garrow's For the beauty of the forest, in concert vacant by the resignation of the late mem- ;
1 For the fatness of the field, prayer her, . C. Cameron, since deceased. Ae a tj T• �oo�� �O•' _ Clinton
fit` this pattieular time. The appointment has been talked of for For the orchard's rosy burden,'newspaper,/v
some time, in fact, he was named as a For the vine's rich. drooping raid man Mr Holmes has the Re- :
11 Brits -,perfectly justifiable on P g Y piety's very best wishes, and a000rdingl-
i probabla minister when Hon. Mr, We thank Thea, oh Lord I These are Hind Words we cannot wish to see him snpporti;ng the
,but' in -addition to this the - -- Intem erate Order of Pledge Breakers. He
Davie was appointed. The following, For the losses and the creases P g ",
simply followed a preced- from the Globe, will be endorsed by CominTlItyless,
sore against our will, From our Brethren of the Press. is a good square man and an excellent joure
tract°been egtblished by their even man of those who do nota roe From hand each good gift cometh, Helier, and his "friends in West Baron are, uTe Sell for Cash or ProduceY g And, the seeming ill ; Mr. Holmes, of the Ct ixxo r NEw ERs, ie no doubt, with the best intentions, seeking
f ori. - . C. Patterson was with him politically:— What Thou givest. in Thy wisdom, jnet the sort of a man who would do honor to put him in a ostrich where his sense of
to West Huron in the Commons. Bore's P P and by doing so can anus you money. We carry -& full line of Overooate,snits rid Mitts
eiri ie of the Dominion House "Mr Garrow is a barrister -in the That alone to us is blest, right will have. to take a seat behind his Gloves, Hats and Cape, Hosiery, Men's and Boys' Underwear, Tweeds -and D as Goods
11 �V ointed minister of ranks of the profession, with a large And. of all Thy countless givinge, hoping be Aill be elected. —Belleville San. fealty to the government.—ginoardiye Re. Wrapperettes, Shaker Flannel. Teas, Sugar, Raisins, Currants, Lemon, range and
lie' „ its' app P g
. a,nd•he sought and obtained a and lucrative practice in the County Of For Thy boundless love—the best— Brer. Holmes, of the Clinton NEW ERA, view. Citron Peels. Sole agency here for Grand Mogul and salads Black ��jjrr iced Teas. A
Huron and surrounding counties. He We thank Thee, oh Lord 1" is reminded that those two marble slabs By report elsewhere it will be observed Dinner Set, 97 pieces for $6.45. Highest price for batter, eggs, lard ,,Elillow,dried apples "'
tx Weat, Huron, afterhis appoint. is equally able, whether in the capacity which he noted an route to the Star some that West Huron Liberals have placed two
recrs�ly . Mr Garrow is doing; of advocate at nisi pries or in atguing months ago, are both ready for the inserip• strong candidates in the field in the persona W. T. RIDDELL� Auburn.
hat Mr:Glarrow was virtua11 strictly legal questions before the full public School Leaving Grants tions is memory of the two Grit candidates of J. T. Garrow, Barrister, Griderioh, for
y court at Osgoode Hall. There are Pew for west Huron. We'll set them np neatly, the Local Legislature,and R.Holmee,Mayor
`l.er.6 - Lite :House alpost up to men at the bar in Ontario to -day who We give below the names of the Bob.—Goderioh Star. of Clinton, for the Commons. This dttett
tenon ,-6 . his appointment, while" are Mr Garrow's equal when acting in schools receiving Legislative grants West Huron is all right. With Garrow will probably be opposed by Jaw. Beck and D. L. MACPHERSON gargaims
forsoh either of the above capacities, and few- for doing continuation work, and,also fpr the Logielati -, and Holmes for the Robt. McLean, both well-known residents Fire, Life & Accident Insurance
n had not.been a member 'er still who are his superiors. He is a the amount received by each.• In es .Commons the Liberals ought to sweep the of Goderioh, and men who have been The Ontario Accident Insurance Co. pays a •
e "';• f MY:',Patteraon's ap• Hien of great natural gifts developed case of schools doing full. Primary Cer- riding. Mr Garrow has given proof of his through ail election contest an candidates, -
weekly indemnity during illness from typhoid �������
r�rit, ;therefore, was right—and by an extensive- legal practice, of the tificate work, the county gives a sum ability ;and Mr Holmes will not disappoint so the electors will be carefully looked after typhus or scarlet Fever and Smallpox, as welj
dais ;did not object to it— that soundest judgment, of wide and accur- equal to that granted by the Educa- his friends when his torn comes—and it is for the neat few weeks with neatness and as for all accidents.
ate reading, and if party men have tion Department:— coming.—Hamilton Times.' dispatch. The rule is that bye -elections go Cristae, Mecger Br gas, Cnrirron �'11
ri<rro'w., cannot Ifs wrong. looked upon him as possessing one CONTINUATION CLASS SCHOOLS Editor Holmes of the Clinton NEW ERA, with the Government end hence Messrs'
e6� lout on show its confidence fault: of a political character it is that + Garrow and Holmes stand a favorable show J ACO g TAYLOR •
Legislative County hoe ca tared the Liberal nomination for On �rlday, NoV.�5
aide, by giving Mr Garrow a he concedes too much to his opponents chant grant P of occupying sesta at Toronto end Ottawa.
and deals with them, if that is possible, Win ham • . • • • • • • . • • • $ 100 $ 100 Weet Baron for the Commons, made va- With a doable barrelled election and the Clinton, - Ont. '
16majority. too tenderly, Mr Garrow is nota t3 cant by the death of M. C. Cameron. This consequent duplication of etnm&ra West General Dietrich Agent for the
., Wroxeter 50 50 - mark of confidence and esteem isdeserving. Huron electors won't have much chance to
s eaker on ublio uestions of the Confederation Life Insurance Co We are going to give big ante in all
p P P Brussels 50 50 May both our calling and election be sure,
liamboyapt kind, but e speaks with • • • Y Y B get lonely between now, end election day.— For Stratford and (3oderich, inclusive. An in, our Millinery to clear out our stock
iarcc>v< and McLean. ease and reatforce, lo¢ically and with Blyth .................. 50 50 Bro. Holmes.—Attwood Bee. Brussels Poet. formation relating to insurance gladly givem N11
precision, and with thitt'argument- No. 4, Turnberry... Robert Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, editor Money to loan ab reasonable rates, .�1.2l1 Sailors for - 900
of, itis Conseivatives of " Hallett ........ 25 of the NEW ERe,and President of the Cana- Otacc in enlace mock �D
rive skill which characterizes him as a „ 3' Tuckeremith .. 26 25 The C. P. R. has announced cheap rates
#ori vvati held at Smith's Hill, leadin advocate at the bar. He is a 2, 25 25 dish Press Association, is nominated by from Manitoba and Northwest points for 1.2,5 Walking, Hats for 80C
1, ;1 anil is, said to bade been man wg o Nae always possessed both in to 1, Grey.. . v...... 25 Christmas -holidays. ,
h p reformer ae member of Parliament in W J AC KSO
dad and enthusiastic. Messrs his rivate and Public life the entire 1, (xray............ 1.00 Sailors for 75C
p p west Huron, to take the plane of the late
,ere nominated for confidence of all those who knew him, plunwo 801001, LEAVING M. C. Cameron. If the good wishes of In Brown, Rook end Dison ao11nties, Agent C. P. R. Clinton
- t and 'Dotty Houses re• whether on hie own or on the iippoaite No. 8, Grey ............8 5 .......... friends outside the riding oonld elect him Nebraska, thousands of sores have been t� .75 Sailors for - 60C'
ly. rami accepted t -same. Mr side of politics. While there were a ,. 4, ,. 0 � , � 0, . , , , . , 10 • • • • • • • .. • "Bob" would go in by 5000 majority.—Tav- swept by prairie s feral and much grain, f
istant or abizer, was resent, number of members of Parliament who „ „ man barye and several houses destroyed.
retook Gazette. Y d '� �' l
p 6, . • • • • • • • • • • • 5 • • • • • • • • • In Gregory, Todd and Tripp counties, South 20 Per Cent Off
iiTpoinlxzr., Chief organizer, might have been called upon, no better „ „ 10 .......... Another newspaper man is Borne into
7, .. • • • • • • • • • •Dakota the range is on fixe and man cattle
t1Te arldip'g. superintending the choice could have been made for the U 4, " ............ 5 .......... public life in the person of Mr Holmes, of ' g Y a `
h position which Mr Garrow is called up- 10 • • . • P P are leported lost. Rattlers are fighting the As r
.� on it fill. Mr Garrow will not be a No. % Howick ....... • . • • • • • the Clinton NEw ERA, who has been nom- flames with poor success. On all our Trimmed -Goods,
5, 20 .......... inated as a Liberal candidate for the Com -
inion election will -be run in salaried member of the Government, „ 7, .. • • • , • , 30 , , . , , , mons in W eat Huron. Mr Holmes ie just Through Tickets to Wings, Quills, Feathers and
on a pair of, Bobs, and, as has been said, will not hold a „ 9, " • • • • • • 5 .......... now president of the Canadian Pr eee Aeso- Ribbons
portfolio, He would not have been in "18, " ........ 5 .. • .... • • • oration and very popalar with ita members. A Large School . . Dakota,
1' a position to accept a portfolio if there 15 ...,„ ,, „ d Call and see our stook before buying
omrthton, trade ,sterna for the P$ 17, .••••••• He, is a man of soli ability and high char- —I N— Montana, F
had been one to offer, as his large legal No. 2 Hullett..r....... 10 .......... anter. He should take a good position in
t ei. at'n Oet.31, shows how practice would preclude his acceptance „ ,. .. A Small Cit Manitoba,
trite p pr�spering'under a Liberal of a portfolio unless he were prepared ,. 5, .. 090.9..... 10 •••i""" the kSentinel- down at Ottawa.— Miss E• Hillier,
#:tlistrtKtlon. Our foreign trade for to make greater pecuniary sacrifices 8' •••'•""• '••'•""' stook sentinel -Review. ^�T British Columbia
., 8, a -a&-".... 5 ow ........ N�/..
riiIlll" i htsnYorre 9h ntbo.s&tne per od b t he will -sit in Council, and the Govto - Nod Mc�Killop.••.w••• 6 • •• lastThe
day nominated MriGin
row fortthe �a4 v apFor ply � i. And all nformation in referencerttortravel Clarendon Block
.1.11 0 ernment will have both in Council and .. 8' „ 5 �•::•••' Legislature, and Mr Holmes, of the (71in
in the Legislature the advantage of his ., ' .. ton Nnty ERA, as Mr M. 0. Camerons aue
.- W ,.,,. _ g 7, ......... 15 ....:..:.. aTRATIa'OIi�D QNT
Y marl iiia leading 'Toronto ripeand mature judgment, of his legal No. 4, Morris .......... 5 .......... cessor for the Commons. In view of. the We are Agents -tor ,
leoale house � d Groris.o vative, by- and business knowledge and of his in „ 5, „ • • •• • � � � 10 • • ,........ tribulations of a oitndiiiate in thesedegenar• (lives the best training to Comineroit, Science Crown
ate days scarcely know haw to con rata �hc@lhandf T ewrtti g� ko. wtiteh enables
dustrial habits. He brings unquestion- ,. „ 5 Y y g sensrEopaeonrontho bosh aituatione. our -s ateepthis week that trade •'•'"" 111946 our hi hl esteemed contour oras or �Bake,/ arks ,Sed strength to an aiready able Admin- 6' g Y Y tos ro es s aubooesful. write to•aayra $ole,i4le' hoUAea teas beirttr than • No. ,Tuckeremith ..•. 10 .......... ex rasa our aorrcw for him. a can at rautiui oatia%guo. Moaorato rates ;
igtration, and while congratulatirier ,. 3' " •��•••�• S •,,•„,,,,
itj boon bt�yehrs, •�Thft shows'how Garrow we also congratulate the (xov- „ 4 ,. ���••�•� 10 least oongratulatothe Libtir4lsof west Hu- board cheap. rnteranytime.
bountr'y is'p ro6Vering under Liber- ernment upon having called to their ., ' ,. • • • • • • •, ,, ron in having eo clevor,aud upright a can. W. J...ulliott, Principal. ole Com ound. ' -
clrilinrgtration. , Counsels a man of his high character .. 9' ., drdate.�-•Mltabou Rdoorder.
. Mr J. T. darraw, ..._ _ _.
and great ability, and one possessin 4,16 ,. •.••••.. 5 „•.,,.... Q, C., has. decided to The Guaranteed Asthma
in so largo a degree the eonfidenco o "•""'
rhi11 efirixe of oihr. dot'ems are, aux•_ g tx Tot Legislative grant, $85b. stand by the' Ontario 'Lagislatnra. and will r t ' r1 1,111kill Bread is the staff of life, they say;
t do draw, arrant#bn. 'thZi number the Le hslature and of the entire coup- Uounty ,ant .................... 400 dgsiih„oonttoet West Huron.. "Tho-twainideMMM-191 -
. 4 ....$ldiitl Y1 11. I knead it, you need it, every day; ____ �.
dlflr e�hdtders n,u fern ly,tlt0y rn- ht t r Glarrow is of Seotttsh arent- otal. t ............... for the Ob mtYys Erol• iGhu game tlon.atitueno
��� gg age, was born at Chippewa,, Onfario,rn WMe Ttobt. Holmoe, editor of the Clinton
the claae of Thoo,'Farrow ex M,P. 1843, was educatad at the Godeiieh Nilw ERA,, end Mayor of.tbat town. Ha ra � a I bake the sweetest, purest, best,
r is Trow Pootmastet•,, of hru4bels„ 'lAt'ingham District Epworth hanksgiving Tha wagon calls—yon ao the rest. �y i'
11 So School,'was called 'toihe bar'in an earb®dant speaker, a good th#nkeriand a GItIFF.ITUIS ,`-
at tvo•ot• brela sota,in the, Civil 1869 and- made a Queen's'CounseI in o Teague than of the highastraharaator who would do '-`"`.'w*"”' "
tk e,, aid • a : brother ' at Goilerlch n ardeii of ” the — . om tb G'h oanstituenoy, Not°tha least of 11CdtCi�in1 �1' 1 •. .
1886. He has been YV , hon . - . ,_ , f . ,
D is. alae dratt`ilig a Comfortable sal Tiro and wits a sated to The E worth League convention, y Da.: /� M®n�ihol ' +�
County of H n, 1 pp in Nov 10th and l7tb bra f ebof dinaihddtions is that he i preaidadt r y 1898. ftk a's at Kirkb s 1►1 L sa„FM•e� . ' r
,, _Thorn aro Zithers oleo, lel in 13intard e, . _
the Le islatutre of Ontatio in 180;1804 ho.. of tho canadian Preps .Association, a poet. , ►
�r was a grettteu4oasgi in allb thumbere. t' n eiilrned his modaofn .one of, ribs' J
and U .i4. . - b p 8 , w volt Z ts8= 13 =AX TIOXiOtS At A. narlety of Vreah Ebme maaa -•-�'----
' ro ineitt' dauadians who are The bad trcfads and tits fact the cttttven t l t►i . a u ih'. the . xnvidoe, -�
ilb. 0 1tu of he is ti` t. ver#'bas . t>a p Poli -,...• .p , Cakai -on hand. Both good and y
riot was held iq a Cbrnar t d t r.
.. eabayn beat material. COUPS NAI(INC Y000
#Abingtosr. tr +ing to gdltist the Ii, t71r o ithi,vailb.,-- Anothpr In, Sttatfbrd B , At , i
- reverted the eual lax a uttenilttitycAi, • . ► GIJ Vira clang FARC dherv, made t .
tt try ,t n' x saleotiu 11d>z Bairns, ort e•,bainitiw - _: - .,' . -M-.; ," ,
rise. 16et sen. (7arlt a .erect ilia . nn:tto was admitted .�N ay, . he xeseit a Dr. F:, G� lteph�rreo�, . , : 8 h . - _
p , 1fstWa•nt►Yl:Mtttti40j)tn.CIt%nada, ared i►tl eta 14,•!' jTttb'&'
ri u of Jam s 1Nil1' r of leaforth ,P chit� xdembei' ton a tiberbIs. ih4vo .,Bards"bb Inidtaker•;
,,sibs sadtl Itoihe tt.the+l , peuso e , Toronto soiree on b7t X„ t laut<1nFl aaatuanaxrormbatr»ivaaa-a�brt
., a DID
y p nit ever t3 'ae of the ti >x. n . _ &stti` aphtitaltq
a a . ti ro elf entertalttea n, t4ho fs 86.jfeaiCs gt a e, The. manage►i `' aa?i Ban ns i>zatioti with heart idd s a e,ott. iiia it 464 vicar, M ., fro>hi li Hiatt n i r7il a ,to �.
I y _ . g lY'.I+aVI.r.. p
h n �Y&ers; alias bean at Wallterton a cirri to of'. ly rib .haatiticTertal;efi tris term, lQ6 should be a:ait"ong dindiclatb, " to�i nrfon,sr#a e,z iatraxA dlist'wl k alt• Tort f3hrillil i0o pax doten' CO
cltyf U Win itpgto p p irises. '], clisf a tidlJl N .. Dju.
, ' , . t e dorsa lib will..mA6 koreditabla r®• s . rdo, 1 o r dbza>i
e : h3 .ht of the tideii'ibere of da a this weals attenciin a Cotritrtit ee w nit of , a, fnidalataar ,..tinder, the sad iii Ldmati I'#tied Shells, 5
'► . g � y r3 l►tiD St III 11
Gland a b11 r'hhii116ot►tt 6t_"rrihttd>tltk«
a es ee. a t# on ;su lies for .rite HrueK rel Bbard ` . �' reeentative, . Weft' Hamata, ae gonetiinted, s t!
loverlimaxit, ind p nr a ilg lilh direction of the torte i,
o :rte o Mr arch 0bdu(C : ' beln -tie foc thd' chile#on,• fs d•atbeo aslcl unoertalu �.00cl tc 6m d "t�l>itt#iou uob.latar : 'fie fid. eg°t�r hax'aud citta for tt�ulo
friar, itrhb eeefuf ha�� Fl Zitise f fug Mr Raley,#tntnat �..� g t , tR
s v s Sita d e ab rtitna ulittbalt rA alta ,battx . 1>rtiratiirxaoe..,,
nisi Thd out+ ea the coli iotas ser 100 oda nay, a b ,4elaemi The, a drbsa ti lx . �►.P 3C p+� itldiYl�a;
anis i nater . _ ; - .
l .atwrr�ireal arld noV. i k''MurclaCk fakes charge a# ii. rierttert were o4 a hi H0lW0d•i a worker# sad will •ititipim ilii >�orrel Nita tldztrttDpl!►iatlt it l't'+Raai�>si►�
if t We the orv1c6s for next H'itnds thfir la ie ista lea nn ii a sit' a w#t:h lite 6v<+a °'ethtiitia diem grid sretotn egxi , qr two
i al y1 bract 'thrjse of M pn,,�° pRIX s
taddad Mr Murdock's dist sotAft, . One of o ; e ' 4ZAwalf4r. rhobld eluate ', It.will. b6,4 gram vltl• �Y,b, PA ISON' il•. T.R.15 Att.!109 or Ndxb �od>F � tlftlx�olidon 9t 10l - g ' it, pova� '
tract it o bi . p rr ` r: neon f tin in. for both : d Ili x` OWNT. !
g .,
trot tits• o ferinala. intrlates Wats sent to the cud, lwe�urbh, ell slatii to wn+�a, tory ,t stir 1tC a l 11'. R. JEkti 1�,, C N r inti b tis R�lMkrj
�li�itr, Lutld'atx, .: tsa,llta,�r. ulc�,. a�' 4�' filtttiy,► 3It11t►ltlittlas d . ' xt rr� titullat aria
A, a
p t.'K• .,,,, a .,, ,'t,, '� .n.. •,d. 'Lit' % - i,. 'i . 1