HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-18, Page 54<:' I. t X �. , n 1, „ 1 - " 1.� -1 . -. , i " ­ �. .» i C?oy, Wim, Chapman riled at I,endou. F pJIIka'(>Xiw a'*#t 7 • /, [� I ho u:a -tt living near ^'^ f mac T) . as , a ldied a t 1 in- , tI t4 it xi w, " ' �� ' g a ! T♦o .3, lea landatiiioeasion -0440 akite .,n. I 11 Prigdon, w a l;aoked in the bed by a horse �. chi , conslabing of 47:aores oto wool land, well I hag aktill freoturgd. X.9 k?apaa o#''ixaa rya ared" sziiall3xamo lions olq ii laae atld - � tit �t .. aovery .are entert>t;ped. akoptltYa scrnt3 pf btteii, QilliontQ iv, Lulea l J �# • . .. _ _ ., from th4 to.wa of Clt>lton,. Xe I W11 . � , & __ Ire Daxjd Barelay of TiidetQwn litreotlt i1IDOl7T e WWI+.. 1•� oes- .0,.. r ' d '�+'iitil�N► E r. seopFed voi'dat o! $a,o00 etgalnat the aii>iton,Nov.15, 5, 144akW%WF1a^9 , I , 14% LLL ks e .' Laka Eric & l7etrait River Rscitway for theI . JE� EIER ;„.:, ]BI../,yrV - death of her husba}Id, who was killed ata d Q { y +� crossing Just elle oU one . o - PATH A # w: •_ y - —Y „ Frank $axvoY. op BARGAIN Ona of the problems of the present day' merchandising is : How the tromp arrested for _ =,• I EE ,, N , heat to advert sa ? °' store that does not advertise oanrio pxosper. We shooting 12ohert Parry at Tweed a short ___oN ___ a� Blouses, new designs, well i r hays tried man difi'erent was and we have found the beat o! all is to Kiva tipoa ago, was found guilty by Judge Lazier LA y y at Belleville, PLAIN and PRAIRIE . the people grant big pressed down and canning over v�laae for thein money, - and perfect fit, at $1 to $2.9� + Wevarry !a fall line of ptprl• and whoa they eget home they ate so pleased with their purchases., they tell I Dawson- arty has been swept by a fire--••^-- lpg $ilygr iQoveltit3s, spit [heir neighbors and show theca the gOods,and it sets the peOpla is{king about whi0h Caused damage estimated at heli a A splendid new book, by the wall for presenia gr for g@neral tb$s. store. W e quote a few prices to gave you an idea of the values we are million. A' woman started the plaza by known Canadian author, 9 [tea,-.- •Prtcesl' within every- offering this week hurling a lighted lamp at a companion in a Ladies VeitS and body'areach. Wealeomake saloon fight. JOHN PleUOUGALL d epeofalty of Engraving on Flannelettes, in fancy stripes and checks, worth 5o for 81o. flog cholera is rampant in Woolwich Drawers all goods bought here, with- Flannelette$, wide width, in plain blue and pink and fancy stripes, P Replete with hunting adventures and ea-• 10 "'' Qrit es4ra .obarge. It you , worth 8o for 610, Township. and Mr W. P. Surath, Deputy citing eaperiances on the far western plains want anything in$ilverware, Flannelettes, extra heavy, in fancy knickerbocker effects, wide width, Minister of Agriculture, Ilse ordered the of Canada is the eixtiea. With numerous Plated Goods, or Solid Gold worth We for Qo. immediate quarantine of all hogs,ex +apt fat engravings and handsomely bound 6 6 at the lowest prices that can Ladies' Union Vesta, long sleeves heavy and warns, worth 252 for 20o. hogs for immediate sianghter. Very special at 54c., reg. iQ% and tT be, quoted, call at Rain• • Ladies' Woo! Vests, long sleeves and shaped, With drawers to match, The Winnipeg Liberal Association has Price $41.00 lllfll's Jeurelry ',$t01'e. worth 80o for 260, passed a resolution affirming its confidence W. BRIGGS, Publisher, `' „ - A special line of heav ,all•wool Tweed in four atterns,worth 75c fc,r 50c in the Government of the Right Hon. Sir 29.33 Richmond St, west Toronto, i ; ' All` Repairs lett in Oqr' charge Heavy Wool Frieze IIleters, with sleep pockets, 6-iRoh storm collar, Wilfrid Laurier, and also itsapprovalof and all booksellers �o,d1eS .�,St'iCidill r .. promptly attended to, sizes from 37 to 41, worth $5.50 fpr $4,50 the able and energetic administration of r 1, .. We are sole agents here for Sriorey's Celebrated Ready -to- the Department of the Interior by the Hon. In the High Court of Justice H. HEWIM wear Clothing. Clifford Sifton. Gauntlets, and Brown and Black re: e Manager We carry a €ull range in softs for men and boys. Ask to see Shorey'$ all- James Smith was shot at Mono Mills. Webster vs. Biber. y ,., wool Frieze Ulaters, in four shades, with high storm collar and tab, slash or He says s man named Jones did it, but a $1.25 for $1.00. 0 FRED. RUMSALL, square pockets. Rigby Waterproof, sizes from 36 to 44, they are rattlers, despatch from Galt tells of the stealing of ' Proprietor and superior to any $8 Ulster in the inarket,beoanse the are water roof,and a horse and baggy there, and there is w Pursuant to the judgment herein bearing Y P date the 4th day of Noiember, A,D, 1898, there 4 . our price is only $6 75. When in town drop in and see us. We will be pleas- suspicion that 6mith did the shooting him- will be offered for sale, by public auction, by rl ,t- j "WM ed to show you our goods, whether you want to buy or not. We can show self oe f means of escaping was suspected. for the Master, at the Commercial Hota1* Blyth, Hosiery -1 you a great many special lines we have no room to mention here. the theft of which he was suspected. in the Conoid of the 2n at the Dere bar, 1nck rL noon, on Friday the 2nd day of December, 1898, the following property.- y'- .` �� 0�� l Lot number 26 in the 4th con, of the township Our stock is ver complete and $. 41 1 IYYc�n,on moo., Blyth COLLINS-In Stanley on Nov. 9, the of West wawaneah, in the county of fhuou, y p peg wife of ,vvilliam Collins, Of a daughter. containing 209 sores of L,admoie or le s. , There are erected upon the premises a com- DALTON-In Wingham, on Noy. 6, the -odious brick dwelling house, with cod cellar good value. ”" I �-�� �-I,�y�� + IA%Awife of J. Dalton, of a eon. and kitchen, nh o a driving house TEs -d. 'Phaco , are about 95 acre + cleared and 1 acre of orchard, MARRIED. and the bain nee is pasture and timber, mostly r maple, beech an 1 elm, with ab tit 5 act o, of MILLEN-CALLANDER-Atthe home Swamp cedar and back asb. The premises are ` . ` of Mr Allen Reed, Montreal, on Oct. 24, well watered with living springs and by the 11 II z '. �, . -1 - A GOOD COOK John Millen, of St. Johns, N B. g a Mise Maitland Rlv, r pcrop. 11 I Norma Callander, of London, den pier of Tbero aro 15 sores nP tall cvhoat sown and®����� several acres are prepared for John Callander, late of Clinton. TERms or SALE : T, n per cent. of purchase Cannot Succeed money or day of halo, the balance ft be without la- 1 MIILLOY-BARN ETT- At the real- to Court within thirty days thereafter n itbout '. , r B-t 11 Ience of the bride's mother, London, on interest, when Possession will be given. In all I Pg PIaV. 16, b Rev. Joss h Ed e, Wm. Illul- other respects the terms of sale will be the CLINTON t If the stove or ran a is of inferior make, y P g standing conditions of the Hi h Court o Jus- "" �' f and, therefore, if you expect Satisfaction loy, formerly of Clinton, to Miss S. Bar- tice. There will be a reserve bid. f �' P provide yourself with a nett all of London. Further particulars maybe had from Messrs, °•1. 1- ,� ' Cameron, Holt &t Holmes andGarrow & Proud- -`.. /' Ha Thought DIED. toot, BarristerN, Goderlch, or the undersigned, ,'� • ,/�0/.- t� uN PPY g COOPER -At Friendship, N. C., on E• L. DICKINSON. Ranke . Oct. 15, George Cooper, formerly of Hai- Plaintiff S Solicitor, Wiiigham. .� let, father of Mrs George Crich, Tacker. B, L. DOYLE, . FURNI URE11 ' `3 or an smith, aged 73 years and 12 months. Master at Goderlch. Dated, November 14th, 1898. Honor Bright , BROWN -Near Union, Elgin county, on .1m t� Nov. 8, Eliza Brown, wife of Cornelius x1 Woos cook .. H. C. BAR,LETT. Brown, and sister of O. S. Doan, Clinton, FOR SALE. r` aged 68 years, 5 months. [ . „ we Derry only the leading stoves of the The undersigned has for sale on his Oromisos, We are pleased to state tbat oar trade has been increasing right along, and the" y 4,r` ' Dominion, and the largest assortment in SANDERS-Iu Stephen, 3rd con., on lot 27 con, 1, Stanley (London Road) a litter of 't J If your are carrying one of our watches goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now ti t •, you can uphold the time and be sure the county. Nov. 7, Wm. Henry Sanders, aged 60 years pure-bred Duroc-Jersey pigs--�� 5 months and 5 days. C. AVERY, large stock of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering nti it is correct. Oar watches are fully Y remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite ' , 13 reduce more heat sad consume less fuel D> CANTELON-In Seaforth, on Nov. guaranteed to be --just as we represent Radiant Home Base Heaters p STRAY HEIFER Couches or Lounges, we can sell theca cheaper than any other firm in this CO'iic them. They are mannfantnred by the than any other base heater ever made. 8, James DeCantelon, aged 32 years. ty. Kindly come and see cur stook before you buy elsewhere. ? Waltham and Elgin watch campanies, MONTGOMERY -At Toronto, on Nov. Strayed from the premises of R. Chambers,11 , CHARCOAL put up in sacks, containing Dna half barbel of super• g ��1� whose reputation is world-wide. En 3, Maitland R, P_ Montgomery, second eon Taylor's Corner. Goderlch township a heifer Picture N�ram7ing, UpholateriIIg and Furniture Rep:vitili for hardware charcoal, the best and cheapest article coming two years old, yellowish color, split in and Chea ly done. .tt price they are reasonable. c f Captain A. T. Montgomery, of Goderlch, P I ,. - in the world for kindling fires, broiling, toasting,&o, right oar. Any person returning same or giv- «, � Our facijities for repairing watches are aged 44 years, ing notice will be suitably rewarded. ti+,� Price 10c per sack, or 3 sacks for 25o. RICHARD CHAMBERS, Our Undertaking Departinent .' . the beet. Try the Sarnia Prime White.Coal Oil, same price as common oil. A /'• A R f"�� /�# CARD. Goderlch P. O. Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse _ �'°": v, f�• J. /y � � See our Blizzard snow shovel, useful for many purposes, and the best snow shovel in '- and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country, ,"1!Rlll �+ the market. FOR SALE. ^�, " , DRUM HEATERS -Have one put on your stove pipe and save fuel. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to -- v + '` Successor to J. Biddleoombe, g y g H. L. BARLEY i ClintClinton: TT T� B.Lvo� refund the money on a twenty-five cent hot- House and lot on High Street. A scat -class f �-•-+ D residence in every respect. Price low. Terms P. S. -Night and Sunday Dells at residence on Huron St., apposite Baptist Ch 0, CLINTON. Stoves, Hardware, c tl g f Dr, Wills' English Pills, if, after n Y easy. For particulars a p'y to .f Clinton in three-fourths of contents of bottle, the S. $AVIS, Clinton, or ' do not relieve Constipation and Headache. GEO. E, PAY, North Bay, ' We also warrant that four bottles will per- .� COTTAGE TO RENT. manently cure the most obstinate case of HOUSE TO RENT. < Constipation. Satisfaction ornopay when -- _ ��- 1�(�1T�j �Q .1- '�� < The cottage on Isaac streep, belonging Lo Mrs Wills' English pill¢ are used. The house on Rattonbury St.. just three doors -� ��- -�- Y Y O �- •-+»'ter- t' ,,, 3 - Jas. H. Combe, Chemist & Druggist, Clin- west of the Methodist church, and recently cc- —,_ 4 < .s,.. Dodsworth, is offered to rent at a reasonable cu fed b James Youn is offered to rent. rate. Apply at NEW ERA Office or to ton ; J. E. Hovey, Dispenting Chemist, P Y g• j MRS. J. RlTDD, Mary at. Clinton ; Watts & Co., Drags and Medi- There is accommodation for ordinary family, �T eines, Clinton ; Sydney Jackson Druggist, good stone cellar, hard and soft a Per,andother Have 3YOU l \ ew aAre you overworkedandtired out, or is a disagreeable cough wearing on your y y gg conveniences. For particulars apply to., system? Here is a prescription which is designed for all such cases-Emul- DURHAM BULL for SERVICE. Clinton. Nov. 18-5 w NEW ERA Office. cion Cod Liver Oil with Hypophoaphites. But you want an em- �� 11 boos nlefon that yon can depend on, let ns make it fresh for you, then you can Raving purchased from Mr Stanbury his fine CLINTON MARKETS APPLES W ANTED. a boy who will fit a good j� Goods t' depend on it. Oar own Emulsion contains a fall fifty per cent of pare Norway young Bull, we will kooy�the same for service "�i Cod Liver Of! combined with Hypophosphites and Glycerine. It is easily at lot 28, coo. 3, Huhott.'He ie a very fine ani- Corrected every Thursday afternoon. mal, of excellent pedigree. Terms -$125 at We are now all cleaned up on poor soft ap• . Suit at a . price like this : e assimilated and plbasant to take. The greatest difference between our own time of service, with privilege of returning -if Thursday, Nov. 17th, 1898. pes and will pay a good price for ten thousand We have just passed into 'sto0k'� 3'll W ., Emulsion. and others -is the price. Proprietory Emulsion aells at $1, our own necessary. Wheat .............. 0 70 e 0 71 bushels of good sound paring apples. Can use Very latest styles III Hats and Ca a. • sella at boo per pint. TYNDALL BROS. y two to three thousand bushels chop apples. We make a specialty in thie4ine aatt Oats . 0 2b a 0 26 Bring on your apples and get your cash. '' Field Berle 0 40 a 0 45 TOWN & GRISWOLD, $2 50 Suite $1 50 are prepared to show you the.;,be,b", •� POUL'T'RY WANTED. pose, , , , , , Y , , , , , , , , , , 0 50 a 0 56 Clinton Ont. 2 ?5 1 ?5 valve in the trade. k; tel . E. $CivEY• Drs eosin Chemist, Clinton Fleur per cwt , ........ 2 00 a 2 25 3 25 " 2 20 r%` P Persons having poultry for sale will find a Butter ................ ( 12 a 0 13 Property for Sale est' to Let 4 50 " 3 �6 R'AT FRPROOF COATS are Jas^ + ready market for the same, at the highest cash 5 60 what you want for bhe fall rMme,,, ' prices, at the IMPERIAL Meat Market, Clinton. Eggs per doz.......... 0 14 a 0 1b � „ CASE R CO. H°Y new $6; old...... 6 00 • a 6 00 House No. Ss, Mary St., will be Bold cheap or 6 54 4 50 We are allowing a large ashorknen`t Sheepskins ....... 0 40 a 0 55 let'tow g,odtenant. This house has been ranging in price from $2 up. J. SCRUTON, Mana ern No. 1 Green Hides .... 0 06t a 0 07t thoroughly repaired, hue seven rooms, stone ._ cellar, hard and soft water,newly painted and k' Potatoes .............. 0 40 a 0 40 papered, and has a small stable and good or- There are only a few left, just two or three IN TIES we have all the latest pattmrnkyl ♦ti1r'yr�N'� NOTICE* Pork, live .......... , . 4 QO - a 4 00 chard. Apply to PETER STRAITH, No. t, of each, so i4 you want one come, right in Inspection invited. ^�4, Ding St., Clinton at once. P ' MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. +` Y The tannery of O. S. Doan & Son being burn STRAY �! ALV E$ �� A. J. MORRTSH. Ciltnto , down List spring, they decided not to builds A. J. $QLLOWAY, Clty>tton. present, but have gone into the hide business Montreal, Nov. 14. -There were about and have put u a stone hide house on the old 950 bead of butchers' cattle, 50 calves and Strayed from subscriber's tow premises, lot 19, Huron road, Goderlch township Some time tannery' property, where they are prepared to 1,600 sheep and lambs offered for sale at during the fall, three year-old elves, one be- t ,, Pas the Sigheat Cash Price for ,the east end abattoir to -day. The soft ing red and white, and the other two red, one �­ $. ellin Hides, 0 if Skins Horse Ptdea snow overhead and the muddy slush and with yellow mark on the side. Anyone re- ; s turning the same, or giving information as to Sheep Skins and Tallow. snow underfoot made things rather die- .their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. y =• -ul'�t agreeable and the drovera were rather blue, BENJ. PACKwOOD, • We will give the farmers more for their hides 6' Goderich P.O. t and skins than they can get anywhere else• as they had to accept lower prices, and a Men's Clothing Dress boos Bring your hides and skins right to the store- good many of the cattle will not be sold to• +'1 house, day. Prime beeves sold at about 4o per lb, THOROBRED STOCK. Y g P P Y Of course we expect business heel Cut prices have made -lively sell' 11 .11 _.. _. 0. S. Doan & Sons and a pair of choice animals was held at For sale, a thoro-bred Durham Bull, of good , p . 4ia per lb.. Pretty good stook sold at from with November'i chilly weather, and in in the Dress Goods de artment: V; pedigree, y opportunity. y;q, . • 3c to Ilia ; common dry cows and thrifty Also, kept for service. a thoro-bred Yorkshire we are busy. The weather helps, but This is a bn er s o ortunit If u o POPULAR CONCERT COURSE young beasts at from to 2jo per lb ; the Boar, which took 1st prize at Clinton show, our splendid values have a lot to do See the goods you'll want them leaner beasts and Buffalo bulls brought old or sale, 12 stock pigs, about three months with the way our clothing is carried off. Beautiful brocades in brown,bagy "% from Ile to 2e per lb ; calves sold at from JOHN STANBLRY, Prices that save money for the per. and green, worth 25o, elearin$ &.1 6. . TOWN HALL. $2,60 to $9 each, or from 3o to 4l}o per lb; London Road. chaser, and style and workmanship Heavy, serviceable winter g0Q�a; choice veale bring Be per lb. Shippers paid superior to ordinary ready-to-wear clearing at 15o yard, double widbtt, i �Qe aro still yelling out and reducing our ' stock gxadu- from 8o to 3je per lb for good large sheep ; goods are found here. Dress ends in fashionable and° ,' 1. guy, and for the laiea�t two or three weeKs we want to clear People's Star Series lambs sold at from 3,}o to 4jo per lb. Fat hirable fabrics and shades, $3, $4, 5t 4 bogs sell at about 4Jo per lb off the oars. For : : Men's Ril-Wool Frieze Ill• Good range of blacks in plain ant » out a large stock of , 5 Entertainments5 stern, is brown, claret, fawn, bronze panty Sale Register (� and grey mixed, heavy fancy check Blanket Weatheic. ,rcit;4' :', _. •. Admission Only1 for Entire Conree, —' divers lining, well made, strong sleeve lining, house may be ever so oomfortable, bili Tweeds, �.yy _y�y Auction sale of farm stook at lot 78, eon. ie,ORP large storm collar. Rigby Water• you'{l 17e wanting iii comfort after ray A iN�7477TY fa!" , EFoderioh townshi beginning at 1 p, m., on p -, DEC• 23rd FAward P. Elliott, of New York, p roof, sizes 36 to 42, $8. tiring if you're not generously snpji ile 1 r Impersonator and'Monologue Entertainer Wednesday, Nov. h8. Henry Baker, Prop.; P with good bed clothing. Blankeka�ra D. Dickinson, Auot. 4ov�a,tN. I9th-iltarvard Malo Quartette Clnb, Feat, Men's Fine All•urool Bea- , the greatest warmtb,givst for night v of Boston, recognized as Cho leading male �i1i aC � CZOt�]l�.g leer 0single rea, made in walking and a oar prises for best bei 464 :' '� quartette of America. ¢lti �tuarti�>sila�>zlxt�. . fl front lined FEB.I$t-Fndette'n Ladies' orcliestrn, of length, single breast, y can easily provide against the bbl�eeb 1 ' g Bargains p night. See our special all -wool �1k7]it ` Banton, {See June number of Success Canada at�mpn Wanted. -Jubilee and pre- with double war Italian cloth Mo- "�'��' �7L'a�T`er�i, Magazine for description,) sent issue, used, f p Co.,av velvet nollar iii+ v or cash. Canada "Stem o•, vVair sleeve lining, y et, large and he%vy dt sg.is • MARCH[ loth -Morgan Wood, the Talmage of 54o Sherbourne Street, Toronto. in Fall Boots Price $10. . Hosiery, &e. Detroit. Wrapangle, Rlelorin d o f # SERVANT 'WANTED. - Men's Good All��+rool:_Sulte Dark grounds, and cnlori�a a at greail»• 4 Subscribers' I.lst now open at --- to those who need good anti^ medium heavy fall and winter weights, mauve, pitill, blue, eoroli akta, St'41L- f I 11 � Jackson Bros. Wanted, eneral servant. Apply to MRS, in dark brown, smell check, good patterns, IN tb 1,2110 t JOHN JAORSON, Rattonbury tat. Clea at low prlce8. Only a few farmers satin lining,etayed throughout We have a pretty full etoak'yat ill Hese"lines. We will sell - c IRL WANTED sizes left in the.following: f finished with better facings, four bat -UI dt1 iW B . the � :0 l' 8 thf3ila Up in good style. N i to _•,,•, - tots doable as bra ted, or out away L Ifl l Wanted, good reliable girl for small Tamil 1 sacquoa. sinal[ 36 to 42, price $0.64 Selected Valencia ilareins, BOYS, Lon► Boots .9a ot�x tailor and he makes ggUd fits App1r to bCRS. Ef, B, CB:ANT, Rattonbury s. y Of course vee have cheaper goods, from atones, lsrge,tlhaida 1'rtfitr t3eeded I .1q:be �►owie ,� i5ee Our 'C'Weeds , mend ad OTothin that are equal to blue trait, clean and free from,[ �a Thas 1vYn Boys' (ivershoesa - . � 'tliia4eJ� Coma>�;n(i see v�hat 'wve have. g General servfatnt 'W'a►at0il but the shove mentioned we reogm• Raisins, California Mnilcptel Iii + , orx» A]1 o Ur other stock sold at . . ---- Ment s Long I+�elt Bouts . x.aa goods made to naeaetire and will give I .11. '' t 25+x: .,�� 9 1ltovembec ��� A gocd eneral uervetnt wanted at once. I th"e wearer trerfoot satisfaction. Gurrant�t, i7Pashed. ,by M Ap131y at i is cilia•. Men S Heavy Rubbers - o er soh eryt. , y „ . :,,- tll► Dais , qua.; lti* �xces» • . — w p gait :r► 1lS9>�. (1`4r dCks� �" + Mena lcie o Overcoats, $6. use an ha>a 14TR.A.Y ,C1A�'iVE . d d rsctiba _ . , Ater s Tweed Suits, . r 4. L'eeli - dralias l &. vi<alcwol t �y . e d suitable fur 'arillte li 8r wxM 169un uurkuuN Ttanxs AT O n & le 060dot Omhotntoi9ibecrtbex'avr6nilie9,lbt'li,biatt.• iSeVers% Sondikei at Voll 0s .] '' . 8 ,g} eai+YErie�ei7iatijre,$s.50to$G thin Balt Peeakf %ali?oldt; rttn s l'' bad, 1(1 , . 0.t` oitxt .. 't`he =done ed: 41 bl)X frOtlr Viii ARE land rtah, about th€iidt of i7un9; two yearling . �,, _1i�' �i «tr tr i,r, 4�ome an ' SINGLE , osk6by is i ftd tbti0eher gra� 'i�tia omnur e Felt Linea, 11110., .� Cliild'd, suits, i t Wua j" -J J 1 U' 'W ,. ilAreby nntifledtA pray a vropAa tY,,pai+ ohtarirnit - . +� WCiIIX'... to 4 will be ptira s' loam ': Pari i n — :'rr 1 . • r I . • `n all statilbn# iii Canada ; and . stir ,ane take theta t o pr6 B,'ibber Boots "Mi'd TTX itu W'm.ter" 4� N7, Arlo: v so � , } tl d . � .' $twee o t sn Port' , BADbi n. out at 2 a chit. EQys Pantd, • Pure Taos, p 13rCugt�il, . tient in Can ads tic rind. fiord Detr i v,. : ,, lawrt�d. I t Haxoiir toh..t from alit statlond it OAiiada, to �f foot w,oar. A'l: a�xd .i ecu e Bri ties Ff1lLi, 81ad]CRotllu• . y .,�+ roiiCii£i' tilled tlixotitglitittb,Oo pair. tilJrl ;�etpd►1ia . : rltlidil F7 0, il>g , •�1,4 r :: utrelolN. dem b ore' ho 8 8 1196004 u 'er of roll" liattbrr e8se;., lard, ftillaor arid. �rZed' ��1 �ti . . - 1, t - B LSa • kte til a l� MGd [#44th. .. , .'•;`- eat rlosid :Rask[ itf: Qt>titl:> y . " , & 0 i dgtlitiB'a11£ralnsl�'ov'niAber4sV ata c1.ir ori evibotid rein, , Iiilli I, ai:i. , r irbrYk $bsti titlYl #dI 1at81 %13tWett'trtnit4Vt btid wiiitilf -ilio' , . 4 ,� � ''a I . ., . tined zettlr>iiilg , lad 6t ban . o K- 6 ` STBK�b 1hi pp - r�t tTtlgeraber 48b1i, '' othek a thrill iiwoxt� vlt b b1;U :li1itl1 ft 1 #hliy t :, 15# txloltslaaXtlna , r tifercnatlnn apitllytu.tlr"d.�lhlj *0%i1d*, 01 h�Pxnzp b '11 I L" I �­ � I A"O. Vklftlgov 0. T 1,10, BUZ , . I I —, po sill . mor 4 li >xr nr si ," [ton ai t0 �� » { 'CY ta- Mbsf4rAietS a, nit.` ST It b• iii T. T E � I—, I ; .11 I . I I I,y+��p #i6��1tt?a�aogt,N,1t 1. .: d l rr k I