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The Clinton New Era, 1898-11-18, Page 4
.� I :' ,� - t 1% -11 1 rl' n "A . ' - - Dt}�Y' -A - " : W- <, y - e t as att e T' e ram x The a w services. T ,e _ wards admfnfstered; 1iev. W,, Wade i r .. t i re o. nd r to be e e cal u a nd rda t , t . , I TT e rod; . . . I - r _,._,", ", r- --1 ..." I I .r., ..., -"*.: ., r . I .1 - t�J 1., .. "r �ry ♦♦0 o' 1 r .. . 11 1 — ,. ifolm es fpr the Dominion-- services onnday evening last, Garrow for the Local. . atSino,1eFare I ui icM LAR T�p ()ONVBNTION O, Missionary, and Temperance Commit. , —NO OPPOSITION TO MR. GIARROW—R. .1 Wednesday going: Wednesday or Thursday. HOI.MBs cHOSEN TO OONTBST THE DO- .' . $OV 2$ And 24, returning up to 28th I want every elector to feel that some res- a "musical program wiR be rendered. •INION. Uaetai Ana full information about the best -- ,,,...4r1 Iipinis, apply t0 (Condensed from Globe report.) F, R. HODGENS, ._— y Town Agent, G.T.R., Clinton - - . The Liberals of West Huron were called `a 010C010taftato npon on Friday to perform the somewhat tocon- �,iltiv ,. unusual task of selecting candidates Local - test bye-eleotions for both the and an -et Jaoltson,,,•,,...., Pagel Dominion Houses. Dungannon wasobos- en as the convention town because it is o£blisiness-PBCrewe........ .... I son's r mediet-Dr Munson ........ 5 pa,:� Citohell................ . •. 5 practically in the Centre of the riding, and that itis in theoentre of no small riling nllaiobgs F R Hodgens.......... b n,'baker3(_Kirkby ........... • . 5 those delegates who had to drive 21 miles to reach the convention and 21 miles to I%Qtalkca-Cooper &Cc.... ....... y.ga1Ve0-A Badoux ................ s reach home again, are abundantly`able to 11 alrpigg-T' Aroher • • • • • • • • • • • • • testif The drivin had to be done under vent wanted -Ai s na... • . • • • • • • e mid -winter conditions, without the prelim. . . mistook for sale;... IXt"''far Pale—J Ilidout...............•. 6 ant wanted -Mrs J Jackson........ 0 inary mid -winter aoolimatization: There were six inches of Snow on the level, and 11 bsterva Baor-E L Dickinson........ 5 & Co • • ... • • • • a three-foot drifts slop the'fenoes and ditch gerti#ia-McKinnon l'reogription-J E Hovey... .. ICOOk-Harland Bros .............• s as, and so severe was the frost that many farmers ventured out in their bob -sleighs. 90 is elothing-W L Ouimette.......... e 6 Notwithstanding these adverse conditions gqrraions-GTR bury St. church next Sunday. It has been customary to hold a tea meeting, I Iea' aokets-HodRens Bros.........• 8 ', , etersBros .......... .. 8 About one half of these were delegates to one or the other nominations about to be . -Jackson ,Ig diger-W D Fair Co .............. 8 made. much to the eomfatrt and convenience of the teachers and pupils; the entire President Proudfoot explained the object _ � • Lv 0 rw ti+'j mSeoretary of the meeting, and referred feelingly to the death of the late Hon. M. C. Cameron. Coats read the minutes of the an - r. nual meeting of the association, after which pi'fi1DAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1898 Mr Hagh McPhee, ofAshfield,read a letter t- '' "West of condolence with the family of the late �' „ Huron. -- Hon. M. C. Cameron.. For the purpose of the convention Robt. it comes to attending a con- Currie, East Wawanosh, was placed in the -It�Taeta ., olgtion, the Liberals of West Huron chair, and Mr'Wilbur Manning, of the Do- Sec- 11tt?vA- 1. Gly show an amount of enthus- herty Organ Works, Clinton, acted as ... l+aprt.tbat should ensure a successful el- retar Y• The nomination for the Local House was i0b. The elements were certainly first encored upon, and Mr Garrow was re - nominated by Hugh Girvan, Ashfield, and able last Friday for a large `�I avoF as Y seconded by Henry Morris, Colborne. No gathering, yet the Agricultural Hall other name was mentioned, and at the ex - b 1fIpgannon contained over 250 per- piration of five minutce Mr Garrow was de- s, U,,: #nlared ns terested in the selection of can- o midst applause to be the unanimous, choice of the convention. lldatee for the Local and Dominion ME GARrtOW SPEAKS. Htlues, and their enthusiasm was not Hobbs to remain for a fourth year `e4'§d by;tbe slightest friction or un- Although Buffering severely from a cold, of Galt, and Chas. Spalding, baritone, late New York, who will be assisted Mr Garrow made a characteristically frank $Asaritness. address. "I thank you very sincerely," s }'�, e,:, se -nomination of Mr Gart ow said he, "for renewed evidence of your con- ' r the Local Hpuse, should also mean fidence in me. I have always had most ie itlection by a substantial majority. successful nominations, and on two occas- ions bad very successful returne at the poll. hlete' is no question whatever as to The last time, however, somehow or other __ 63 -, fitness for the position, and the we came short. I think, though, that it was one of those slips that take place now lbeiaa8 owe it to themselves to see and then, even in the best regulated mach - 11 is no indifference or luke- inery, and I have not lost confidence that ? ti' rmness in the coming contest, but the Liberals of West Huron are quite able that every possible vote is .polled in to return me again triumphantly. I often think that there are stronger men in this rjer bohalf. If this is done he will have riding than myself. There are men who 11 I o£ a majority. The election will can do a great deal more canvassing than I can, and do more buttonholing, and these fkel� be on in the course of a short are the men thatsometimeg triumph at the lme•'iju the meantime let every admir- polls. I suppose I must have some other er P, Mr Garrow put forth a personal good qualities. I do not know exactly what they are, and I am not going to enter - . . brtfoAis triumphant election. into a catalogue to -day. There mast be In.placing R. Holmes, of Clinton, in something that makes West Huron Libe- > Isle acid as a candidate for thA Domin- rals stand by meas they always have done. All that I can do here iB to renew the pro. on'House, one has been chosen who is mise that, such as you know me, you can r'Ia i,a stranget to public life. As a res- a ., for 33 always count on finding me. I am not much of a hypocrite, whatever else I may f ie"A'pf the County years, more be. That I am without faults I would be �trrrlass active in public affairs, he is the last man in the world to 'pretend. I r" well known througbout the i id- 1' have plenty of them. I have Some enemies l . Pd. his life- must speak for itself. that I am aware of. No man can live in Goderich and practise law for thirty years, hgW',people of Clinton showed their and not make enemies. A lawyer must be . 6,wepce in him by electing him to true to the interests of his client, regard- the Mayor's chair for five years in sue- less of politics, and because of that he must make some enemies. But having 1teaStop .and though it would be un -.U me, I • ask you, gentlemen, to do "st>tonable to suppose that all his pub- what you can to return me. I want to be returned if I am selectad, not so much for stets hope met'with the approval of my own sake, not; indeed, at all for my qct , . e, no one can put his band up- own Sake, but for your sakes. You are tit tt,solifary transaction of hra that he here to -day discharging a serious duty, here to select a candidate that will repro. tclktbt believe was in the public inter- sent upon the floor of Parliament your or,that he profited by improperly views, the views of the great Liberal party to tile' extent of one solitary cent. from this section of the world. If any man 7_11This is°the first time in 30 years that here has a word to say against me, or feels , th ' Oople of Clinton have had an op- rk it of .v6ting for a resident of that I am not the strongest or beat man, now is the time to Bay it. But passing by ile{t! bwn .town .for parliamentary* bo- n`,__ they tahoulld sbow their ap• this occasion, I have a right to claim the vigorous, entire and wholesome sup ort of If will �o l 1,010n of this fact, by generously porting 1fAr Holmes in the coming every man o4 you. you soar duty depend upon it I will do mine. I will make as strong a fight as I know how, pafgn, and talus having a resident e reaentat Iva rho town as t hail r p fight as I know, and that is ail AS e honest a , g On Sunday next Rev. B. Clement I ask you to do. The rumor bas gone r 1Kest Aurora abroad that I R as a candidate for the Do- p,' ' I.. minion nomination. Under somelcircum 1 ,11 However the 6leetions in West Huron stances I could have imagined it to hAve xeA»1t, the•Liberals have good grounds been in some sense a duty to myself to do I I I ,dtisierotion ;vith the Oanalantee they Bo, because the Local House is generally `t,iilto - e Seld, 'Mr Garrow is one of p b6Ot sto in western Cntario; his been regarded as the little House, the lower House. I have been in the front of the battle, such As it is, for some years past, in Legtot dtu a"has very useful, d;>7is:vdice bore had become most in- and have been, I hope, enabled to increase N, . tlal. Tile - ' embly has need of such my usefulness as a politician, and I might tYi mirido as that of Mr Gar. naturally have looked forward to a nomi- ,Ott'oiig';legal wy Ori the dominant element of inaepen. 'Abd, in.his nation to the other House. I am going to stand by my old friends in theLCcal House dosta:,4ipihtforwardness Char• ter ;Hiakeo' him'sh f'deel iepresentative. until they are out of difficulty at all events, , burigh unable to`bold the seat on the vote It is of more consequence to carry West Veit ill %arch licst be rale a fair election, Huron for the Local House than it is for d,'Iioxeprbaoh,arisfngou"t of that contest the Dominion. This is the battle ground, 'boli to 1Sfr Garrow or' to the Liberals and there is notbinu to hinder West Huron be doristlinelm Hai %nay fairly claim 8 Vbtes all Lf ' rale, Ana for that mat. giving'200 of a majoritv. of of all ', aependenta, in West Enron ,and DOMINION NOMINATIONS. ' e trOngit Onoy can do the Provience ae The following nominations were then - , atl,*o•th0 GloVofil .. a t a real service by hit>}:bapk t¢L e islet fire. made for the Dominion vacancy:—Roberl Otiptop , nditYg g r;Iiobert'.Hblfneo; who soourod the Lib• Holmes, Mayor of and editor of NEW EnA, b9 Dan. MOGifli- ; 1>ndlstlfil<tiCnfor"th0Cordwons,in ate- the Clinton Cuddy and Wm. Bayly; M. G. Cameron on tothAtVeteran Soldier of the people, Goderich, a eon of the late member, by H. `Ce Oamaran, is a y0 11 man of excellent McCarthy and Dan McKeever; J. L. Grant ty, and of speofat 'fitness lot public ride. ',li'br SVeye.rs he liar been Mayor Ashfield, by Morgan Dalton and Capt Young; Wm. Prondfoot, A partner of Mi -ounton,atld the Conservatives of his own narrow, by J. Sands and Jos, Bell; Pbilil Vol riot deny that lie has boon a pro. Holt, Gtoderich, by J. C. Martin. And Joht and progrespfge tnnnioipAl officer. Knox; 'Win. Costa, Clinton, by T, Peanoel titan�r.; btiird big= �lyeper` has fought the Liyberalisnt in Huron, but in no And J. Smith; Dan. McGillicuddy, editor of of the Huron Signal, by d`aoob Taylor ani tt irit, and• always with couttosy •„ 1�' , {slid with respeptfor his political S. S. Cooper; Morgan Dalton, lieeve of Ashfield, by Wm. Prondfoot and J. CAtar. 11 . trttr. "136 ra.arl active, oleartbogdea, standing, the tin; J. N. MoKenzfe, Deputy •.lfoovo, 01 ftea flan,, and As dton at �o ern- 40,46 tilb'l>,iHt e""fill . ge . , . Ashfield, by W. C. Coatb and W. Vrond. font: 1. Cl. Martin. -b! D`r"", Saltier tied' W bocfm$ by a natierAotory ma7orir, leer of tba lAberal no11 ii�ii •nt M -2i - ,\-!,. \ r. . . .. n - � I" • • - - fra C ., . n t , - , . 1. I "A . • . .. ,. WAS, no small sacrifice of :feeling, up for as bee ,brow ht i during .the a ecial had n S' fi' p . � [seting is concerned, that they are chic to say the penerRue words that they ;have: I - e t as att e T' e ram x The a w services. T ,e _ wards admfnfstered; 1iev. W,, Wade i r .. t i re o. nd r to be e e cal u a nd rda t e hereto, • a 1 tl t.. s a. n oeive they nomination just as mnob as pay The. Rattenbury 3t. • League'•held jdeli e, Their claims wereprobably " .rsG meei n ainc e t oovan el- 1ustsa rest As mine, and 1 appreciate istic services onnday evening last, their whole -hearted, generoussentiments. e whena large crawdat dad. The , And I now Simply want to say to this and• Missionary, and Temperance Commit. , fence that test Huron will not be we by tee united In furnishing an interesting sleeping on your Dart. .1 am prepared to do everything that I can possibly o. But program: Next Monday evening a Thanksgiving service will be held and I want every elector to feel that some res- a "musical program wiR be rendered. ponsibility also rests upon him, and I be- Bele with the active assistance and support SELF DENIAL FACTS. -- Duringg the Salvation Army'found year I897 the of the Liberal electors of this grand old 1,241 lost persons, reformed 1,865 ex - riding we may still bold it in line for Libe criminals, rescued 3,808 fallen women, ral principle - Reeolutione commending the course par- of secured permanent employment for cued the Dominion and Ontario Gov- 2,734 men, received 10,78`2 unemployyed into workshops,53,288 supplied night el- ernments were read and approved, and the ter to men and women, pro' meeting broke up -with the usual cheers, wo- vfded meals for 3,154,230 men and wo- d meals men;daily cared for 2800 poor and help. School Meeting. ,less. __ The regular meeting of the Public Sacramental services were held in Ontario 5t. church last Sabbath, the School Board was held Tuesday even- ing. The account of W. Walker, $25, fellowship meettag possessing more than usual interest, and being partici- for re -slating blackboards, was ordered pated in by many of the new converts, to be paid. Mr Lough's report stated that the pupils enrolled for October as well as the older members of the church. Many cf the new converts numbered 415-221 boys and 194 girls, with an average attendance of 362. The were received into the church as pro - report of Inspector Robb is,as follows: bationers, and participated in all the The sacrament was dispensed 'I visited the school on Oct.8lst,Nov. 1.2.3-4, and found all the rooms clean, services. by the pastor, assisted by Rev. H. comfortable and perfectly ventilated. The caretaker is doing his work in a Newcombe. Rev. R. Hobbs, of London, will very satisfactory manner. Thepainting preach anniversary services in Ratten- done during vacation has greatly im- the appearance of W6 school.— bury St. church next Sunday. It has been customary to hold a tea meeting, proved The new stairs and enlarged balls are but that will be dispensed with this very decided improvements, and. add year, and a free will offering of at least for to the, much to the eomfatrt and convenience of the teachers and pupils; the entire $100 Is asked make up amount usually raised, the sard4 to be premises are now in very creditable shape, and speak well for the enter- applied to the parsonage fund. Mr Hobbs was in earlier years a colleague prise and taste of the trustees. I found of Rev. W. McDonagh, ,and is said none of the roorns too full; the work to he very much like thatentleman. Mr Millyard take Mr Hobbs' place that is being done by the permanent will staff of teachers perfectly satisfactory. in London. The trustees deserve the thanks and The Quarterly Official Board of the Lon gratitude of the ratepayersand parents for way in which the Askin street Methodist church, - to the very efficient don, met Thursday night consider affairs of the Public School are con- ducted. D. Ross Inspector. the question of the pulpit vacancy, which occurs at the end of Rey. Rich- . and Hobb's three-year term in June Concert. next. Rev. Walter Rigsby, President --ndRev.Dr. of the London Conference, and An entertainment will be given in Langford, of Orangeville, were men- the Town Hall, ori Tuesday evening, tinned as probable successors to Mr Nov. 29, under the auspices of Willis Hobbs, while the idea of inviting Mr church choir, the, chief attractions be- Hobbs to remain for a fourth year ing Miss Tessa McCallum, elocutionist, was very favorably received. The of Galt, and Chas. Spalding, baritone, late New York, who will be assisted board deferred action for three weeks. of by members of the choir. This con- A gentleman named H. Myddleton Wood gave an address in the Town cert is deserving of -the-.patronage of Hall on Sunday afternoon on "These - our citizens, not only on account of the cond coming of - Christ." There was a high merit of the performers but. for very fair audience, but nothing new'in the worthv object, viz., that of raisins^ his remarks beyond what is known as funds for the purchase of music to be the ordinary belief of the Second Ad - used in their Sabbath services. The ventists. Ho is a pleasant and easy following extracts from press, notices, speaker, and all his expenses are paid speak for thernselves:- by a Society in London, England. At At the morning ofl'ertoryMr Spalding form- erly of New York now of Galt rendered with one of his meetings a ragged listener approached him after his address, and -excellent effect "'Palm Branc$es' - (Favre.) him cent, saying it all he Mr Spalding is possessed of a fine bass vdi�ce, which he knows how to use to perfection. — offered a .was had. Mr Wood said he never took Stratford Herald. • • money for his addresses, but as the Mr Spalding's voice is a pure baritone, es- parially strong and velvety in the higher re- man pressed it he accepted the cent, p . • which is the only amount he ever re sister`. He has a tine enunciation, every syl- lable being clearly articulated.—Guelph Her- ceived from any of his audiences dur• ald. ing his ten years' experience in Canada. Mr Spalding is one of Canada's foremost baritones and has a voice that even critical Olives the best tratning in Commercial Science Shorthand, Typewriting &c., which enables friends say will place himlin an enviable posi- tion in the realm of song and this opinion is The Hardy Banquet. heartily endorsed by those who listened to him last evening. His voice is peculiarly rich -- The banquet tendered Hon. A. S. in duality and power and a thorough training in New York and elsewhere has develo ed its Hard at Toronto last Tuesday night y It the natural beauty to a state attained y few was a distinguished event. was vocalists.— Galt Reformer. tribute of a great and united party to • one of its most brilliant and successful Ga ♦v�ial.1.{qjGGuii/1dte� to ]Heald oad mom- leaders. Such an occasion is one of the Church Chimes splendid amenities which are not too On Sunday next communion will be frequent in public life in this country. administered in the Baptist church. The official career of Mr Hardy is a Rev. B. Clement conducted sacra. long record of self-sacrificing devotion to the welfare of the province. mental serdices at Turner's on Sunday When Mr Hardy entered the House, afternoon. in 1874, he had already attained an Rev. Father West conducted the us- enviable at the bar, and all ual service at St. Joseph's Roman Cath- p hra financial prospects ln,y in the di- ial prospects olic church on Sunday. rection of private life. He had been The Regular meeting of the W. C. T. in the Legislature only three years U. will be held at the home of Mrs whetnbis signal abilities were recog- Biddlecombe next Wednesday after- nized by A. Cabinet. appointment. He noon. filled the portfolio ofProvincialSec- The customary union Thanksgiving retary for twelve years, taking the Crown Lands Department on the death service will be held on Thursday next, in the Ontario at. church, the sermon of Hon. T. B. Pardee, and finally the to be given by Rev. Mr Murdu_-k, Premiership on Bir Oliver Mowat's re - tirement. During that Tong period—a On Sunday next Rev. B. Clement quarter of a ;century—there has not and Rev. W. Godwin, of Goderich, . will exchange pulpits, the former been a single Blemish on big political integrity, preaching anniversary sermons. or personal or an effective criticism of his administrative work, On Sunday, Dec. 11, Rev, R. Mill Y Mr Hardy has been singularly adapt - yard will preach Sunday School anni- ed for his duties by an eminently prac- versary services at Londesboro, Rev-. tical mind, equipped by a fine legal H. J. Fair, Arya, taking his work here. training. He bas been a constructive The veteran Professor of Knox Col- iegislator, and his name is written on lege, Rev. Dr, Greig, who was viettin�{ his daughter, Mrs Stewart, .preached a great body of statutes which will form his most enduring monument. To the acts which he devised in Willis church last Sunday evening. enumerate and promoted would be to cover the Rev. Dr. Henderson, Assistant Sec- retary of the Missionary Board, who whole rangq.of provincial legislation. officiates in Clinton on Dec. 18, will His capacity for work has been and is remarkable. If ever a Canadian states - also spend the 19th and 20th on, this district. man earned his position by sheer mer- it, that man is the present Premier of The regular sacramental services of Ontario. Willie church which were postponed on The Liberals of Ontario may well account of the union services, will be honor Mr Hardy as a public benefactor held on Sunday,, Nov. 27, preparatory d a conepicuotta ornament Of the services the Friday before. arty, and we believe many of hie op - -will It is stated that Rev. Richard Robbs onen be generousenough to jn has received a call from Rattenbury el,iftheydonotexpress,somead- St. church, Clinton. — London Adver- iration of the Premier ae a great and tiser. [This item is most certainly useful Canadian. without any foundatfori,So1. far,J• • Rev. Mr Harris, formerly pastor of the Baptist church here. has taken TRiFLEs.—Snow flurries. It's becom- charge of a church at Parry Sound. for win- ins wintry. Get on your storm win - dows. Thanks ivingday in one week. S Be has been at Clifton springs Some time, where he underwent sever- Thanksgiving visite are helms a trees The leaves off theerees al operations do his eyes. ed. are mostly now. Every wide-awake farmer has The union evangelistic service -held his roots under cover now. Christmas in Willis church on Tuesday evening and New Year's day fall on Sunday as largely attended and was a Sue- w ar this year. The skaters are wishingfor cessful meeting, Revs. Stewart, Mur- ice so that their favorite pastime ay duck and Millyard taking,ppart in the Mr de- be indulged in. A home paper like the ERA for fifty-two general exercises, while Qlement NEW IS worth $1.00 livered the Sermon, numbers— less than two cents a week. Mrs Matting,a missionary from The men who have•been busy packing ' South Africa, will addregg the annualapplee in various sections have all been, have itemof meeting of the W.F.M.S, at Willie church on Thursday evening, Nov. 17, called in. If you stn news drop .it in the Nnw ERA letter box in Thq ladies of the other churches are the office door as you pass by, or if you live out of town send it to us on a invariably invited to this meeting, and podt • ate likely to attend, card., The apeciai,feature of the me'etirigs in the Raivatron. Artily_ Saturdayy and Three iteliane herb arrdeted At Point aux Sunday next will be a8 follows. Sdtur• f itflY . ' Trembles on. a chargge of Counter e g A lar a of comm slid oountarfeiting • bh i al lecture i Inst at- da night,, to efn c 1 r y .g on" the creation fall and i'e eneration 11 Vuli • SAlva. , quantity gg i - he tools wan' found in .thti, ttitlt ocdnp ed by t tilsni f Mani 'Subday', a, m., tinct, Eutiday'i 8 p,nr., Praise m6eting A: X611 ltotiltl toot;ity Uugbla,kntlwn 'as un oleo vi i or Su iia s Ick, A, the g t Sunday!, n . wv 9 .4. ) y p a nation in tealt'a. hes rtily �, ,� g tile. a� bout to e S p,crit-wreatler8 re a stud All la#'e .•ln :i 4nitoba, •til the •number of 4060. invited to dtterW i They are said to be good gettierd, ex - 1 Is t., . . n I ill , v_"'^S.T-.,--.b�`+,^•s--"T"" r+i.n w.9^`iis. .'r.12`.."/�±,ftw. o U. if eta.. Letter ,._ . A, (special correspondence of the N . w EIA) .- t Ottawa, Nov,'12.-The formalopening 4 , Athe new Conservativeohead-quarters in ;ljis pity on Thursday night was made the c tocaslon of a characteristic Address :by the Bon. George Fi• Foster. Thorn was noth- ing new in his remarks, which followed aloeely upon the lines of all his speeches since the House adjourned. He --declared the Liberal partylad failed to keep anti - election promises, but in this oonneotiou DIA1 ted to 0411 attention to the repeal of the Franchise Act, the radical remodelling of the civil Service superannuation scheme, the taking of the plebiscite, the tariff re- duotione, the rushing of the work on the St, Lawrence Canal, the reorganization of several departments which are now ran at a profit instead of at a loss, and a dozen other pre-eleption andertakinge which have been faithfully carried out during the brief two years that the Government has been in power. He declared, that the two things upon which the next election would be de- oided (decided, of course, in a manner favorable to the Oppoaition) were "the honest Square policy of the Conservatives and the disregard of principle shown by the Liberal party since its advent to power." TWO POLICIES COMPARED. . Of the latter enough has been said above; as to "the honesil square policy" Mr Foster gave no particulare, possibly he,was think- ing of the LAngevin Block -and Curran Bridge steals, the section B and Caron Scandals, the Sheik's Island Dam, the Galope Channel and Little Rapida Look jobs, and a score of other boodling Scandals which were unearthed and admittedly proved, absolutely, not by irresponsible newspaper•investigation, but by'aworntesr time y of unwilling witnesses before Con- e committees of Parliament. Mr Foster evidently imagines tbat Canadian electors have mighty short memories. Moreover, in scute of unusual and unex- pected expenditures, the prosecution of costly,permanent public works of inestim- able value in the country, as for example the deepening of the St. Lawrence Canals, and the entirely new item of Yukon ad- ministration ; in spite of these, `at the end of two years his successor in able to show a surplus of over a million and a half dollars as against the annually recurring deficits which in four years totalled over six mil- lions. The Finance Department Seems to have changed for the better, at least as far , as practical results show, and the Opposi- tionist has yet to appear who can point to any other Department where the same Statement IS not equally true. THE WAY THE WEST I6 MOVING. While a great deal has been said and written respecting the work of the Immi- gration Department, it is doubtful if citi- zens generally appreciate the tremendous progress that has been made this year in the work of opening up and settling the r h 'e h there been so much No t w st. Never has e land taken up and returns of both home- stead entries and railway land sales demon- strate this to a remarkable degree. During the twelve months ending September 301h, for instance, the homestead entries granted totalled 4,337, as ajainst 2,213 for the pre- vious twelve months, or an increase of nearly 100 per cent., though the figures of the year ending September 30th, 1897, were 30 per cent. in advance of the previous year. The statement of the C.P.R. land sales for the first nine months of this year are just as indicative of the rapid strides with which the country is opening up. In 1696 the Company disposed of 48,234 acres of its land during the first nine months of that year, the price obtained being $168,406 and in the first three-gaarterB of 1897 114,- 496 acres were sold for the total of $383,281, but this year up to September 30th, no less an area than 288,395 acres has been dis- posed of for the total of $930,974. NOTHING THE MATTER PITH THESE. The increase here is even greater than in the homestead entries quoted above. It is all very well as a matter of election pyroI technics to declaim against these Galicians, Doukhobortsi, Mennonites and other classes of immigrants, but while it can be shown that the new bomere,whatever their nation- ality, are thrifty, intelligent and law abid. ing, some prepared to earn their own home. steads by compliance with the none too easy regulations, and others to pay for their land in hard cash to the tune of nearly one million dollars, the country will be satisfied to let the practical evidences of their snit - ability as fellow citizens outweigh the an - Substantial vaporing of unsubstantial etumpers. DEVELOPMENT IN THE YUKON. Already indications am appearing that the time of Parliament will be much ocou. pied next Session with the consideration of numerous enterprises looking towards the further opening up and developing of the Almost ever number f the old fields. o g y Gazette contains notices for that purpose. Among the latest t8 a company to con. struct and operate a line of railway from the Stikine River to Teslin Lake and on to Dawson City, and also from the Stikine south to some point on the coast capable of being made an ocean port; also from the Lynn Canal by way of Fort Selkirk to Dawson, together with branch linea in the Yukon district, and in connection with the Said railway to put up telegraph and tele- phone lines AS maybe necessary. This is only one of many that will be on the order paper when the Sessfon starts. STAMPING OCT THE DISEASE. A whole week has passed without a re- turn of any bad Symptoms of what the Globe has aptly termed "Siftomania." The drastic treatment of the disease by the n ifl d denial of Premier, when by his n goal e d 1 the resignation stories, that had become as monotonous as they were ridiculous,. ap. pears to have killed out the last germs. The Port Arthur Herald appropriately closes Up the dieoussion in that Section ty re. markingillhomier Laurier says that Sif. ton is too valuable a man to be made Gov- ernor of Manitoba, and to this we say "amen." Western Canada bas no better frielid in the cabinet and no one is in a position, to ,k�pw Ito wants Ana needs as well. Holt. Sifton to A' htietlexr He. in a full working cousin of Tarts, and the two make a gptsnkingg general pnrpose toam. We wish Canada had A hundred thousand of Just such men." 3170T ONE tITTtS 6PAA3Xb Ey the w6j, there wag one little spasm the other day in. the Mail•-wEmoire, where A pairAgraph atlpdarerl t6 the efiAob that the Miniskr of the Interior, havidg prat w611 provided for Alt of hid relatives, V1 note h en of i brother 'Into far t a b his frau ed a gg �. thb. 1Vorthvfebt Altaembly. , Of uott ice, the !! oc�g, I An unusually laogd t udibbe of para dept.that then happen to be a`r. The boric eduil* Who Patti 1 ated In the lovefeast got- .London 1! ree .Press in referring W the biWd p ]k ilreo-, vieda of g4ttenbury St,,, `ulluCcla on dotter, sPeako , off them` as ,ra its• the t C can jsttndal,Ust, rafter, 4I lb rpo'tietal tdate tarestlerYi., lkitiat males, tit one tithe or . T,.B at tix>ad, l l�ttotlrrl a. dust4ifi4ey atftythbr, ,ate, shirt tvrootlers4,hfol tbany leads rr alt �Iotlr 610 l� r tial rrllrrof or thein 'alt w ootle with spirlta, so ,btid b �,a fell .. i o aburah. fat. that p6rhapn the Proo P�rert4 x0 libb far all A la� la. > t+. af, � 'wills (tett. � on t -_.�.: ",J'. -.,,, L: iWwt;. 't..l.:,.+. _ - . �'.� . r�,. �,..'�,.r:.•._.. 7ti's .. _ ,,, p, , ° 11 to Minister as it has her print shot rI I I - , . 1. I F ,y ." -' - . �. „� �s*-".�^rn.'^+i`r"`.n.-rv�rws+.?n..r.�m.e+, . �, -�-==--I-----------,,--s.•� Id Mail. A.t'Ony rate the electors seemed. be well pleased wiwh, the o portnnity> p (forded them to ,return a relative of Aq' . 11 , 4 . ct I 1*4 . t� .. .,., . . •- " of the.lutorfor soein the O osi- pp ti p o a. �� ,, . e o to nt t It u ni i a o that h } ns n t n a th x B.. y B p r ca a matter.cf:; icor any ilnbiased obServee 1 ,-, that the: candidate was elected on , own merits and not on ]rig family, i n of on. 9 n e a Talks �4. Q . NN" X=13. - :,, 11 Mrs Margaret Davie diad at Jordon in Important 111th year. . The Judges have unseated Mr Mosorip, - Liberal for South Perth, owing to a mis. ,, . in the ballots. Mr E, J. Beaumont, Barrister, of Galt Themes • • a himself in the leg.with a revolver, and is feared amputation will be necessary. By H. T. Crossley. Mr John Yoe, M.P., East Prince, has bean appointed a Senator to 811 the vacancy Cloth 56e Morocco "ieC the representatio not Prince Edward Is- r The editor of the London Tablet, now on For a short - time w(e) a visit -to Canada, says: "Sir Wilfrid Laurier is the strongest man in the Dom- r will continue to sell A miontoday". this book at Mr. Cros- Mr Robert Plunkett of Hamilton is ening Mr Joseph Rose of Palmerston for $200 r IeE's reduced rice • 11 > damages for injuries alleged to have been W .ch is about one- inflioted by a dog on the plaintiff last An- half the regular charge. -' gnat in Palmerston. _The percentages computed from thecom- plete returns of the plebis cite vote show that 22,j per cent of the entire electorate Songs of Salvation, 25c. voted for prohibition, and 211} per cent against, making a total of 44 per cent, Of Moody's 10olportager Libe the entire electorate, it is claimed that 56 rary, 15c or 2 for 25C. per cent did not go to the polls. The Ponton case will come up before Mr Bibles and Hymn©Books in Justice Ferguson at Napanee Monday next. great variety. An appeal has been made to the Govern- ment for the defence, and the Crown has consented to subpoena eighteen who reside Cooper's I. out of the Bay of Quints dietriot. A larg large number ofwitneeses will be heard on both sides and the case will probably attract unprecedented attention in the locality. BOOK STORE, Dr. Oronhystekba, Supreme Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Fores•! CLINTON ters, has been suffering from nervous pros• , tration since the Supreme Court convention in August, and bas been confined to histwwalw� Wwi . house nearly every day since. About two weeks ago the Doctor was seized with a low malarial fever, and was forced to Seek big bed. Dr. William Britton succeeded in breaking up the fever, and it is expected A Large School . . that Dr. Oronhyatekha will be able to appear on the streets within a week or ten -I N - days. .. A Small City - N U WS- c NrR�' .? � M U Y I , . � I will guarantee STRATFORD, ONT drat my Rheumatism Litre will relieve lum- Olives the best tratning in Commercial Science Shorthand, Typewriting &c., which enables baso, sciatica and all rireuma is aahle In the possessor to secure the best situations. Our graduates are always successful. Write to -day for beautiful Moderate rates; two or thtwee hours, ? catalogue. : board cheap. Enter any time. andin a fewl days., i W. J. Elliott, Principal. I 11 UNTONY At all druggiate, ,. I I, .. 25c Ga ♦v�ial.1.{qjGGuii/1dte� to ]Heald oad mom- ..,_........4...................•..N.A.R..wn..w.�p....J.....,.J cal a"490�nO h 04, I t In W= aN i i . � .� i 5 D. L. MACPHER50N - � Fire ; �jp$uyance Eepresenti — Allis a Assurance Co. f , E Nort British and Mercantile Ins, Co. Perth Mutual Fire Inc. Co.E OFFICE. - - MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON i E JACOB TAYLOR Clinton, - Ont. General District. Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co For Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. All in' formation relating to insurance gladly givew Money to loan at reasonable rates. orllce in Palace block We are Agents tor• Clarke's . Kola Compound The, Guaranteed Asthma Remedy. GRIFFITH'S Menthol Liniment 1 Ln COMBE'S BAKING POWDER COMBESI Dr�I. Store H. B. COMBE, Chemist and Druggist. Crown Bake Br6aa is the staff of life, they gay; •I knead it, you .need it, OVery day; I bake the sweetest, purest, best, The wagon calls -•'yon do the rest. Oakes at Kirkby's A vari ety of Vresh S me - made Cakes on Both goodand cheap, made of best- material. 9ATVJ&D. L-_ PvAtlry la specialty Tart' 14hellg, 106 per dozen A Lemod 911104 8111611n,110 114t dozen too take 4*96i hair antl<dbIg fOr trade 11 Nrtxt. a0br •iii glolle*1 - 0fol (St111f Ujor to ii. 0, 0106) J' r 166"I" If it is neoeesary for you to wear glas- ses it is also necessary they should exactly fit your eyes. All depends up- on not tiring or straining the ,Very organa you endeavor to save. If your eyes feel tired you need to visit as. We guarantee 'satisfaction or refund your money. Spectacles as low as til. Some very nice lines in Gold -Rimmed Spectacles and Eye Glaeaaa suitable for Xmas. Optical department of— Cooper's Book Store. Clinton, Ont. I W. JACKSON Agent C. P - R. Clintou j '.' � 6 IAN q jf ,�C FIC __ -1 ; Through Tickets to Dakota, - 1 Montana, Manitoba, . British Columbia And all points West at lowest tariivratee For all information in referenoe' to travel apply to above ■ ■ .. I, . Now is the time for .you to get your neer FALL HAT. We have the correct shapes iln Sailors and ' • Walkinn a , Hats •.n" Triin.x .ed, Riau h a d �o11e 'fie have goo d�10�t of moa Hata >�o p} k frolr. : land 'tin gall suit, O`i'l ,lu 1`A17� i+ 1. ''1'►►i anti z�ty a l�ew_, i :�lIi�'i, QU 1110, ��1Pst to. � a' +.'' nu , I .t l>�amwfi 411 '$k; f 4 . •.., $ .F .