HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-11, Page 81. Novembelr, 11, 1698 a , TOR OUNTO :RZW ZRX 0 VaL ' J3€x�R,ilsT TBisla:-The ether day' Mr Joneschairmtin of ills lairs anhere's a Chance. d, Ladies' e, " Watgr Ci4lgwittee, tented the new hy- drant system In connection with the EMBEit 11 1888 fire engine. The ep ine was first at•' • ar g You a n tmiss o L1A 7!IUP .... ► tacked direct to the hyydranC to sex its r Ahead •�v 1 4i C4't4krd } fel ~ •, r X water supply, instead of pumping it s f ficin the tatlk, and it was ound that We are not given to brag, but %t may interest you t0 We are selling more Ladies' .. in this way the eng><ne used wucit less IInderPPear this season than If you are alive to your opportunities and want s good lauol� to ,road, we v, power and could throw a betterstrgam, ktlO�v that each I11ollth sales are,climbing above the record t)f have just placed in stook about seventy titles. ,$11 rpalar read 4K l HRT Hila RAIRD, -0n Sunday e ' A test was also Made, of the hydrant at year. There must �e s0 Pi cause for .,tills slidperhapsever befOie. In both the some on, solus essays, samQ-J cams, iq tw4..etiyle9 0! binclipg, RAs ing xa twv,. W. Wade was coming Wiltse7s corner, but for a time a very last ye In ► t ctR Whits plinreb, the wind swung a e f, om the the reasgn far increasin sales is found• in the complete assort- medium and fine makes there's plain with gilt title only, the other is a very atitXaoEiYe fpnAy design AR e of the targe doors shut and it tpditl`erent sirearn c m °a p cover. They are printed from clear type of regular size, on Airly gcod Nozzle, and they could not acct ant fur no discounting our values, and paper, The assortment from, which to select is large. WA don't thick: lit one of bis f1ngars; fortunately ;� as theta seerrled to be plenty of meets and down right good values we gllOw t4 -flay. Where .�� there are two alike. Now we come to the question of pries, and that iq' . issue was. eat broken, but the rorce,bl►t after removing a piece of coal stocks and values are best thexe's where you'll £ted the buyers, at every pries qualities axe actually the suaallest oonsideratiozl about them. We don't announce It Un d was Apaittfnl one, which in some way had , of into the , ri ft U t0 the mark. in a mood of bargain hystertoie,and give you a glaring oontrast betwaan and more and more are people finding that it pays to do their g P S31Nl piAp>.« Mr Gledhill, who has nozzle, the stream was greatly increas- , what the price was and what the price now is, We bought thein to dell V in volume. With the system 1w dr goods buying he�:e. If it pays others, want it pay you? Fine, soft finish, ribbed Hygeian at a close advance on coot, for aY' residing in town for several V'locoveringg the centre of the town, y g y g t, long, sleeves, our ptbA is Qin back to Bentniller to afire should'be quickly checked. g © •� �+ Ve.+ts, open iron rle, This is due to the illness of:,h3s $1.00 Ki Gloves l�i 5�i• rest le4dor.................... �j Cents tler,'t+boe. Glled4iil, who has been in NoT>�s. -A Etre occurred in (green a Ribbed Hygeign 'Vests, soft finiah, �`j3 �� �•/en V� �� r hxtalth for some time, and, there- bakery, Port Huron, a few nights dao, + will not irritate, nearly all wool, a A money -saving chance in Kid Gloves that dont come unable to give his business the at- but we understand that it was notyer y g 7oat enough cotton mixed in to licit a hiGb it should have. serious; Mr Green is a son-in-law of every day. Standard makes and reliable qualities foir less keep them Exam 'shrinking mrch, we can't exactly describe what these books are, but we know if you sea o y than half regular prices. open front, long sleeves,........ . 50C them you will appreciate the value. lfiRrAoiiWG., n Friday Messrs John Alexander, of town. Wm. A. Rut Ladisa' natural wool Vests, ver flue lacy tktid Jjoshua ,look went to To • Jedge, of town, lass taken a situation y Mr. Oroaeley's'•Praotioal Talks" in French Morocco at 70x, in Cloth 50x. The regular to for the purpose of repacking at I+'arqubar, and left therefor on Mon- GENUINE "PERRIN " GLOVES, re ular and soft, goods that prices are $1 and 76o. His liberality in this respect should be esteemed by you plea' •for "D: Cantelon and placing day morning. Nelson Bingham, who t g are getting morepop- 04 In cold storage; Thos. Cook rias has been in Dakota and the west for a 90C and $1.00 quaZities, ,Cf. DutAons OY- ular every season .... $1 and $1.15 W T FAIR C an,� the City for: some time .doing considerable time, returned home last The YY . D. �A.1� \JQs Clinton. g siyms tiling, They expect to re- week. Mrs Taylor.' slater of S. Plum- 4 Stud Fasteners, Blacks OnZy, sizes � �• Lnr98 Sizes sin ijUl' flhristmas time, and may mer, left on Tuesday on a visit to an- _ ` igthertaeantime joined by several otherbrotberatRockkwood MrSterl• c3alf, 6, 6 ��%, and net a great mann Ribbed Hygeian Vestsr, sacra large •Often the Cheri, est -^Aiwa s the Best," er Qlintonians; ing, who bought Will Meanell s house sizes for stout people; three quail. @ I► on Mill St, moved into the same this ties all open front nnd60 751 ep1 xuFI�T, _A few days since Mrs J. week. Mie W. Beesley left town yes• ZB �t at t�1 t3 rlGe....................................... . a�cegded met, a painful and un- P ion sleeves .......... C, tarda for L;Stowell, and from there '---' eat accident from the effects of will join her husband in the North• Corsets Drawers to match any of the ,cll.ehe is just recovering. She was. west; they have lots of fiieudS here r 1�erI�Il above styles. _ inK atgn the street, when. a stone, who will be glad to know of their pros - y� • �� • + pwu j, a to at Some other object, I s'ha't F1 * Children's lou sleeve union - yy psilty on the limitless prairie. James g k, t • . • • . �� Ya+zr"on:the heel, . It cut her whoa P 1 nn bas disposed, of his hand Here is an , e` a vests, .......... .......10C t0 25C dxnflicted so deep a wound on her some :driver to Rev. Father Me - pt that She has been unable to leave Cabe, of "$eaforth. Mr Fleuty has item that There are Bette! quality in woo1......25c to li0a er koom since, and is only now begin- rented a bouse opposite the Foundry, many makes rig to have the use of her foot. P o should inter- , Good _ You Need and moved thereto. R. Slake, late of r that don isnot " Q#,fcw .Y DONE. -On Saturday after- the Clarendon Bakery, hasmoved on Areiling / t . Watch spring 'Blankets � n fi, a minnteN after Police lliag- the farm of his father-in-law, Richard A buyers. A stt+w Se er had= given his decision Baker; he has not. yet decided what he _ y Ci01.30tg d0. There are good Blankets, Them {itod$rl concerning the Beattie- wit a into. In the Sunda Toronto few ands t0 r, px case, whereby- Mr Cox was pis- Word appe.irs a longaud well written I fit •=d'! One Of t12e dependable blankets, besides sell at a good , i e'd'r .iii ::'NEw ERA,had air extra article on the European question by 1lewedt, popular styles on the - a,g ► t,. a p the a1L wool sorts. Some pec- r. O n the street' niinounciti'g the same. R. H. Coats, eon of moot Coate, town. deal less than re alar rices. market to-do i the never' r batpeop16 appreciateit, was shown Mise McEychreu, who has been living y y �,r plc say that a little Cotton • • the• fain that; many said so, and in Detroit for the past,year,bas return- 18 Inch Veilinas, fish net, in larce fail to give satisfaction. islaCle tN nded the NEw ExA'senterprise. ed to town, and will remain for the and small p,itterne, with Ghen- ft'O1Tl fine, strong sateen, end mixed In with the wool holds next few months at the home of her ille spots, b+-.ak and brown, them .firmer, makes them wear Tt FALL WHEAT. - The copious brother-in-law, Mr Prout. Thos. Judd, regular 2uo and 30a ...... • 15C Yd. filled with highly tempered Train* 'and general fine weather have who has been laid tip for a couple of better, and keeps them from cstit+ed very rapid growth of the ,fall weeks as the result of a fall from a steels. $(5 11Cr Pair. ' Felt Boots, Sox, and' Rubbers fol wbeat,and' many places it is from 16 , tree, was able to resume work this Shrinking. �IQrp is all extra or 04nehes long. Ofie farmer ran his week. Alex. Smith, Liberal Organizer, Read -Trimmed Hats at 2 OO good make of the mixed kind. peter cJaerthefieldtocheck its growth was in town on Tuesday; he was up y � . t Men and Boys. are now needed i it.A is staid this is noir a good thing this wq to attend the Liberal Conven- i Heavy Union Blankets, nearly all ' tion at Dungannon on Friday, Nov, 11. Remnants gather in a Millinery stock as well as in any wool, 6)x80 inches, ••Winters in the•Farmer a Advo- g ywell finished " CatEr ireconamendaturning cattle on it, On Tuesday Reeve Kennedy Beta pas- colored borders................$2.95 We never had such a variety. The qualities are �{tn •pxeferenee.tb sheep, as the latter ty tumble by stepping on a stone, other department of a Dry Goods store. Exceptionally brisk x-84 to injure it more than any- which tiirned with him, and threw him The better kinds, direct from the A 1 and the prices as low as first -Class goods best Millinery selling lie's broken many lines of Trimmings earlier best blanket mill in Canada ' tbYitg-e-1as. violently to the ground, blr Grigg bas ' can be sold at. d in the season than, usual. To elear'theie all out we have re- made from clean, purecan t0 e�6 Pr. $ttiY9 UV'RRFUGH Thomas Mat• remove the fence from the front of 11 p thews, of,McKillop, aged 65, died Tues. the house, and made other improve- paled a special line of Ready -trimmed Hats for Satu •da is woofs ................ you'll soon need OVERSHOES AND CARDI ciay;;the reinaine were interred at .the menta to the property on Victoria St., • y rislitowncemetery. Ml's Williams, a to be occupied by Mr McHardy, Tees- selling, and you can buy Hats, trimmed with good trimmings � sag GANS. We have Men's Overshoes three, two Brtt�sels-inmtaite, bad fife misfortune to water, next week. John Turnbull, of end in up-to-date style for $2.00 A PIECE. If we asked and one buckle. �Pomen's and Children's Car - alio bb the 116or of the sitting room and Mitchell, spent Sunday with his broth , -Special "break her -leg. the other ay. John er, Dr. Turnbull. Mrs G, A. McKee,of half as much again for many of them you wouldn't think it ��� �.' digans at close prices. Chb well« ; GicderiCh, was admitted ae London, is visitinv at the home of her too much. Of :course the quantity will be limited, but those Heavy Votton/Grain Bags, 19 teff o<nmate this week. for the second. father, W. Doherty.' Miss Linnie Jr- x 43 inches, at........... .82 Doz. time` three years ago he ran away from win has been discharging the duties of who get one will gat a bargain. You'll not find better at 82.25 Otir' Shoes tit well. look well, wear well. ttais agSr,. and on the 5th ofQct. he organist at Ontario tat. Church for a _ U."' away� couple of-S&bbaths, and will continue rafrom Pert h lJouse of Refuge, P ewers no-jeligious service Sunday tobb so during the absence r Miss A. Wm, Taylor & S-, laat; Mr MiIlyard is planned for next Gibbinga, who is visiting her sister in " DIRECT IMPORTERS, ' Sian lay. <]!fr and Mrs White, the new- Michigan. Foster en St., f nephew of HODGENS B eLINTONointedmanagers., of the Bruce Mrs Townsend,Queen St., felt out of an Clinton inusia ati�efnge, =were hereon Wed- apple tree the other day, alighting on pgrt getting pointers. his head, and hurting himself severely 3; x for.the time. Thos McKenzie has com- p-. STOCK NOTES.- Mr Jas. Snell of Hui- ll i $EItTy ORGAN FACTORY NOTES.- plated the house built for Mrs • Thom Snell, of $et jjlnu twenty and re expected car t the son; near o Fair's, and she has taken lett, last week sold }every fine 2 ear �rrr rrrrrTrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrr rrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtjrtrtrlrrr rtrrfrrtrr� , pf ttvalnut ,lumber are expected at the possession of it. Mrs Tomlinson, and old'Leicester ram lamb to J. Smith, of efdR during the next few weeks .. her sister, MissWhitemau, have moved Kent, and a ram Iamb of excellent r, t 011eaf tbP underground tanks gave -to Thos. Judd's, where they have taken breeding to Fred Tebbutt, of Goderich do - +�WWI` eptly,, and John Stephenson a portion of his house. Harry Bolden township. Henry Plumsteel sold the to-'- a A new`oneto replace it... The spent a couple of days in the southern other day thorn bred Yorkshire boars db -- 6 etpployees started working overtime part of the comity this week, on busi- to R. N. Adams and Jno, G. Medd, of db- BE 6 desday, and expect to keep it Hess relating to his dereased father's Hullett. dw Somet'hing pirzd iaitely... They have enough estate. Mrs Annis returned home to PATRrOR MunrHy Bumrl) To DRATH.-A do - a bis lipnd from the Old Country Port Union yesterday. The Templars telegram from Detroit says: -Patrick Mur- orle.toiteep the faotories busy until will re -commence their meetings this phy, aged 40, who lived alone in the rear r_A ewYeate... Although the present evening, and there is no reason why of his blacksmith shop, corner of Ch +-� bout foth�rh,� tiIll 10gs are . much larger, more com- the lodge should not build up a large street and the Michigan Central Railway, r bd16ua,•and have greater mot king ca- membership this winter. GordonCun- was burned to death and the shop destroyed at't'btj* than the old buildings, they are inghame is spending a few daps with by fire at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. De. ` � � hc. %pip small for- present requue- relatives near Henfryn. J. Goodson oAased was a native of Huron County, on- �- , If you give a boy a Reefer he's ;ggSto and itYis not unlikely;t•hat con- Medd goes to Brussels next week, re- tario, where his parents still live• He had f- gif4ierabla,udditiori. will be made. Yes- presenting his cutting system. Miss been in business where burned out since �- � happy, for he can romp and play, skate erday-Dfurray , Gilroy , had his hand Lottie Crittenden, Blytb, has been the coming from Canada five years ago. -[He � '� and slide in them without the hindrance- , aught, between some of the machinery guest of Mrs .Medd this week. T. D. is not known in this immediate neighbor. do - Z. nd severely crushed. HodgCns, M.P.P. for N. Middlesex,was bood.l of coat -tats and Without the fear Of a expected on a visit to relatives vaster- No MORE DEPUTY•REEVEs.-It will db - cold, for a Reefer is the most Comfort - 1 AXTUOAt)NOTES. - The afternoon day. Dr Bruce, President of the Con- tar -- be news to the men who are thinking fEreight, oiisgeast, on Friday last, was eervative Association, and Alex.Smith �--- able garment ever put on a child. Our �- gg g Liberal Organizer for the Dominion, of •as irin to the first, second or third , ; Q iloavllyloaded that it of stuck two P g _ lip's out of Clinton, and the train had are old room -mates: it is quite evident deputy-reeveahip of their township, to r English Reefer 1s made from a heavy !f' learn that the very name of the office, Jri6oufi"in half and landed into Sea- that they did not sleep together, or which has been meanie less since the ~ Cheviot serge, well lined throughout, rtb air.two :sections. -- . Trainmen their political views might have been assave of the County Councils Act, AP well put together, and finished with <•*''n' taia`4a that:the new train running rules uniform. Mrs Potts, who has -been p �.� p g e to be' put into -effect at once, or as visiting at John Ford's, left for home has been abolished. After this year a large storm collar. These goods we on aS all the employes are conversant at Grand Rapids, Mich., being ticketed township council will con there at res- �- g p 'th thein; every employee on the en- by F.R.Hodgens. Tax CollectorWheatr ant of five members, but there will be �.-- offer at $2 and 92.50, and w8 are safe P le has airead received nearl $1C,-0, only one rown a c the remaining -four dp in sa in that the are the* best goods ever offered for Ike gpstehq. will have to ass an exam- will be known as councillors. �' g y ' This department, Bayle 1. 000 taatiori;they wilt, be given areasonable, or about, one -twelfth of the entire sum a►'- p ' laance'.to°,ipiaster the new rules,but ev' tobe collected; promptitude on the part WEDDING, -On Monday last a quiet �►- the money. We 1lnportod themiYeCt frOI7] the largest Special Drip must master them Conductor of ratepayers will save him consider- wedding took place at the parsonage dP-- clothing manufacturers in England, • year in expenses, Can well Burd t0 ' iypbelI is iving instructs ens to the able work and worry. Mills JanetWeir of Victoria St. church, Godericb, the �►- g �, g gall cheap goods, and keen buyers aro ipgtetT tin the orouto division, he being who has been visiting at Lucan Cross- participants being Cleo. E. Cooper, its �hi0�' re9ldW- tiirA to spep,d 8 boursa day in this ing, has returned home. T.Wigginton sistant with J. Emmerton, and Misa �, e have Ugt Con- quickly learning t0 appreciate No. 1 yltbtltr . •, ;Ek. onductor Holmea,who has gone to Listowell for a few days on Lena Trouse; of town, F. Livermore dp - A Special Purchase goods at very low prices. �e aim ent}y fq/iit railroading to go on a business. We iinderstand that `Pym. and Mss Al Trouse being groomaman r eluded a purchase �0„'0,� to sell goods that well give satxsfac• ; ia%allfrtxit"farm at Leamington, wrote Weir has invented an attachment for and hri�esitiaid respectively, and Mies 40,,--. Of OVERCOATS from one of the largest clothing manu- 0 9. ,trie other day saying that gang plows which is exceedingly aim- Hunt befAg one of the vuests. Rev. �. � g tion, goods that people will ask for a second time, and a#iad not b0 n,'ii liasaenger train since pie and at the same time a use ul ap• W. Godwin performed the ceremony, facturers in Canada, whereby we are enabled to offer the goods that cannot be equalled in price. Next Saturday 'est of JliI ; for a man who spent 50 Vora, Dr. J. A. Robertson; Strat- after which the party drove home and d,-, greatest Overcoat for the mons that has ever been Our +rears air hie' life on a train, this is cath- ford, ,ha's. been elected.to trepreaent No. were entertained at the home of the �.._ � �' we will offer the following specials; which are wondeifUl 1 , rutiiisual, 4 district -Huron and -Perth -op, the bride's. mother The good wishes of r- good fdrtune •to place on the. -market. This Overcoat is 'Snaps: MAlfti'a%dr.t7ltlti3OV PIDAT.---MesSrS-F,-..Ontario Medical Council. MissFlor- .their many friends go with. them in �"'-- + •a�.Check leys.T ronto,and A,J,lyaragh, encs Carlyle,• the wellknowit Canadian life's journey, They will , start, house- an All-wo01 Frieze, 6111 length, deep storm collar, slash r llomre heka'dp -Saturday, lash, in the in- artist, who spent some time bere.leaves keeping at the home of the bride's �►- pOCliets, well lined and well made. The color is a dark' LINE l.—Ladies'Don ole Kid Button, turn soles, `�, to Ur4t(a ti1,the Canadian Peat Fuel. Co, Wood stack and Canada to -day, for the mother for the present. •►-- 4 regular rice 3 snap rico 2. y TSE COLORED W$EAT.-The follow- .r'"►. grey, the sizes run from 36 to 40', and the rice is and .g. 1) P P $ •wh}is;.,niti'baragb has tlte�contraet for wider field which the cit of New York P Y , O,pufiyaturittgmParth,$rucesnd Hu- ' affords for the exeroiss of her geidiu : ing letter• haq neon received hy� Mr. J. $5. Without eXception the greatest Overcoat ever offered LINE 2,—Ladies' Kid Button, McKay sewed, 3 to 7, re- nr `Che chisel of their visit here was Onslow Crich has Naught thehouse and t nalord, M&n Prt5f.- fames Fletcher, . .., for the rice. On sale neat Saturday. hleh� to 10rn-the location of, swamp lot on Albert fit., belo'n'# i�,ngg to the ea- Entowologidt'tind v6tanigt, of the Do- � 11gular price $2.25, snap price $1.75. dtnda where, peat could-be�Stic'iihe'd. 11't tate of the,lat Iiug4, Vlctgnald; the minion Experimental Farm, concern- Joird this weelt•,a very,eatiefactory lot is a ood'one, but the liouae is con- Ing the Samples of fall wheat that were • f' • j• (� LINE 3.-�-Ladies' Oil Grain. Button, McKay' sewed, ro- t was made,Uthe peat in the Ellice siderably out of repair. "•D. Dickinson turning yellow, submitted for his �. SENSATIONAL Children's s' S{ it Sale p p $1.50. orwamp, At,prss0ilt;l a onlymaYtufac-, conducted a sale for Robert Marshall, examination,- solar price 2� snap rice tiir%ng plana by hate n o e ,aticm, is at Bayfleld road, on Tuesda�;_ the crowd t1-aNTLxuv_%_1 bog to acknowls4e receipt dw Welland; kititftis 4tnteixdedtopiitathera was not very. large, but young cattle qfp urfavor ofP8th0otobQr;andoAthl 4§X6 t- r••--• , We are forced to confess that our buyer has waded LINE 4.•• --The Napoleon, Men's Long Boot, regular.pri,e'' . %n va this lacep.I They`claim lhat itE went Ab exceptionally ood , prices.-•- of, 6,11 wheat whiob You have'aent for ly am• �►-� p, Justion. I hob e`samined theso earefnll and �••'•'" . s y $8.5Q ole out by the dOZe11 at %,'r5;' (� e t ' ill biit'n nearly ton fo'r,,tpa with coal. Amos Coo pi, for severa ears a faith- t • in- - 1n too heavily on Children's 'Clothing for the fall trade going $ 066p'pi, � find no i>zim'Y which can be attzibritdd b Id Of th e;anattef' the;Torontd fat employee of Ta for Bonand a a Fri flhoor,t eMie +-bulbwo r.H ssnab lM- and we are overstocked in sizes rennin from 22 to 26. YY �r� snap. a .! ,,• brld i3ayal.;� . f tho.experitsten#i .of aloes melnberof theSalvationrngy. s vthatt a plants look ext emelt Ire--Ith ear•- g , nveriiiig salt;oto aftisl of equal vel- Evill leve town. in a couple of weeks to ala �Vith an vidinatiiy Codi a iin9'sliou 4 �- • We do not want to carr this stock overland there i� only' ewlthicoit prcrv,60 aoodtiWdl,,.it Will travel with the arm marine hand. err i tr'1�+�• ofv ry¢ireatilin orfs c8 Wm. Waite brother of Mrs Boles of rtuet bat this:4Cp6kr# to bei of e8 tomth� ” 011e w l t0 siB�l'it, and t at ill by making the price the libber Goodgi ad o I P P. t , txnlr, J, ,f>dr, jakbvixresi Obtatfli;. a is well town, has aunt been elected Judge of l eT at velaped ve e,, attraction.` , All Our customers well know that when we dbes ribl ossese•a sltlgle co 1, the l<4th J'ndlelai Dist. Ukrineaotd.• thus , ,. - `IV1Yr f< mgAwAir ST0.i k AV tOAD. The, 'I'l1d•s tta:cem of life. aitpntlkii t t1ae atiotlheic.t7anadian slib h7s $tnesg �, , eommetice a dale the goods go quick And It will be �1eCep- , All till ter Oaoclg this season �l& 8,13, ' ant pfl 10 : at. -ch `for Ontario the American re ublic nd en `� ; gra 44bi st f 0 tit o for . P66 0 � p • ,n reputation of dames ;3ti�il, of a�C�� sac to act uick.to et a share of these chew Suits. We Cent. bait we a~�'e sellln at last ear's figures. 1 °. btCtttdl Ylld fields, the. eb �h Show theirs realatian of, `•�arteil breedin farm, foti` raisin i rstr ;: ditsebaery of P P pp.,. gg �,tha 3a a mlablo m B, aiseria'kalsominirig find im} class i<lar~k,is Weil known; Itrttl it easing;:.' .. 0 61 ail Mir 3.5d 4 $'4.50 find $5 ►S"uits ap 'the sense- '�oi^tille�t Is' 6ne'xof the �ar ,est' ill the west., ,tZint of Meat, i p hi " , $ that animalti raised bl+ li m are.pri�e= y g alt drill ; royinco is pr . scally rbviti tlls,otiare of ,7.tts. McCJlacherty, pp p i 'd the tnatufactuted pro The tail end df a buzzard. struck here wingers whers�rer t6ep, �. �tietfipring �,'�' tlo>�al price' a�, $x.00. # � :.: �" � 11;t'e idle agents for the SLATER SHOES, alit:.; viii i , o... ties he,snldele'rbir thoro-bred Leicesters to o, .. . d to sae fully "equ4t to coal. yestsrday TI , n5 t7 mwit e e t will sail at r filo iii for do sttsnd eco at Mt. Whtto, of Hothellaville,XX, They; Thld_ 1 the eatest sacrifice" evdr zDpc10 b us. Sea wo aro,ha ill ' `& "tl't3iYlenclotis sale Of these fine goods. bar d, >? a �. .. a k., . ._ ;woreduoiceanimals, but Mr Sn+sllsa s iw ' • *4! vtnu, Vtlith#ttcreas the -first entsrtiameiit or the ionise + 'Where is notllixl to +3gtxal them for satifactor weir. q 111aesy, they Wore no better than othera'ho s 11 our v�rx�dt�wii, g , ce w11X sociis deFt`eilse� bit Mo�nda evenilig, when iii i� h� bu�be rartny� A•tanq rate Mr'''OVl3 `' _ of! aaa3 tvlxb ays iia the buffo.laasaio triad h0morisi;, of X wTork , i 4A it Is qtilto ea • the reserved seat face 1s at -heslaad.tt>+eiiasrl�dblyrtUCCc9Sfnldgft8b$ _ 1Clllr t, a first rix at y..... , With ttlbiYl, .iakiag7 fl p • s it At tot0 add a nod Tha mazy a Jaekstin3roti, 9 ,y clittetetit American rain, 84 040011460, L►ABTII NTAL. a �aitbiat C..;alat9 bavo aYread .been geleot�d. s eaitrn n $�249(l iii. pride ttione , •and a , y xl u n titi'l The membet'o or rite Cilinsen 'rienris 1 11 i i i y ., the, on of tho s ota•s ling had etttf♦zr ' STORE . , . i t�laitxt a.lrooaaa' in id8wanamlier�, fhitin 1 t is a tray � . rb. hie is,16tta> AAA- 0 d . tlbndt t� 0! lade At' every ir+eeti: lttitt ltittti atlas sect t , . p its rotatstrtax I W dy whr{ hail be0 .l h»tra "1 li o • ft reldga'ntiaa� t�xs liwtxti9t}ar" e�` 4'id ,. x + h , WOO ,... .,.. , .._... - L.., , W ....t.. •c,+�k;}t+E.2a°*,L ..iYr'..,,ost .. ..�d8t",�i..S,d ' ti. _ . � ._, . ..ns.r.a.�..,.ri2. a1 � ...':V' .. s .._ . _ .. _.i,6. •_Ai'.