HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-11, Page 7• . ', . ,. - ` W_ 11 I I I `Z_ _1� I . - P . I I I . . I . . I - I o • . D ,. �'� THE CuNTox NEW ERA - .�.�, w 4 MY FIRST SWEETHEART. -�--• r'" !N • t3he wAs the faheet, bonuieat lass • , 'What mortal ever knew. . ti • 11 IT . The rose's, blush was .om her cheeks, Her eyes had caught the -blue %. 4.Q Of June time skies. Around her head If I` e l+• - +�3�.�. Bright, golden ringlets danced, �+�+ And when my sweetheart smiled on me I toll my heart entranced .` v�"` + I found her sitting 'ueath the trees LAUNC11ING tffli LI.FE.80A,T. One glorious day in May, The breezes with her dancing curls There are ;greater dangers than those of Were merrily at play. 'the angry sea. That dread disease --con- I looked at her with steadfast base. �sumption, kills more men and women in a She turned her eyes on me. ;;.generation that} the:. sea has swallowed up They brimmed with love. Our warm If katnce, the earligsthistory ofnavigation. Gnat There is a sure and safe life -boat ever In klaaea one, two, throe, 'T 17 to be launched for men and women That day vvae years and years ago, who Buffer from this merciless destroyer. •A, Js Dr. Piercee''s Golden Medical DI ye But I can ne'er forget - .:,e s tit ti p 41 a i' MAad oh WI to eart'a bewitching eyes, t'$• It cures pe cent, -of 11 cas,e,; f con um ion ronchius, asthma, laryn a her yet giha, Weak fun a, spitting of blood and As fervently as in those days throat and naso, troubles, It acts di When first on me she smiledi • ou the lungs,"•tirjbing out all im'pputitiCp tinct And she loves m*, I know it, for .,disease germs, It soothes and f9 61'x` the I pm her only child. I mucous membranae of. the lungs, b;oiaehial-ThO10if B. Holmes in Ladies' HomeJourna tjtbeti,tiittisltZtnld nasal cavities: It tiestores 1. j,Ue lost 'appetite; makes digestion and as. imilation perfect, invigorates the *liver, A SOCIETY CRAZE. Bind urifies and enriches the blood, It VIA the blood with the life-giving clementp / • of the food: that , baht' -new' and healthy The Hon. Leila Cavendish,was Belli tissues. B tears down, carries off and nl oxcretee the diseased and half dead tissues buttonhole bouquets at the bazaar got nl qtpOn which the germ" o£' >}sumgilon for Sx, 41POPA!tt church. She encoAAter 'tl5rive : If elute is the cough a f"61 t , ii , ed Sir Belix Tre'botham loitering at th F�upvh�toieit!®n bath the lunge are thor- entrance of the palmist's tent. y cleared. Iss is thg .. egt _:bl,�qio�l-,_ "Are -you cin e i sti}rdet. "UIn ki cod flier y going to have your hani build flabby flesh, but the told}" she asked. " r ; firs -of health. It does "Y I shall at 6 o'clock, when my re not make coypu t people tinbrt,cm7ulent, s �' ' r thousands hav testified to their curd` p•0tedj aunt hse quitted these premises " S . under this great medic pe` anter they were "'`!Zt .i lP feet craze of society," said l , ;8iven up •by the docto, 9, and all hope was Leila seg �pf "Every person I Jrnow ' ,,gone. Aa,honest dealer will not suggest has had 4 a told, and If it is good they Biome iul'Crior substitute for the sake of h believ ,its d 1 '" i'.ilittle ex§'aibelft pro¢t: q, 'Q q f n ,t, , ey don't. I en h 4 . p- -'. man,,Qr w9mau w}td neSlQOta Pose th ((mr! bp_�"'nthf�¢ !n it - fpan'i :constipation suffers from slow be all eI o 1a.. Do „ t poisoning. Dr. Pierces please t. '+ ,i Tau belieye,ln.lt}- i Pellets cure con§ti i 'fr I d 1n?pl only . little "Pell " D$t o Otte "N°;: 4 I9t 'p4on1 0 et is g !Fe, ti b 1 ggeutlt* acs. n r YOU. 411690 What- , tive, and two a' <mild' 'cathditk, ever t Y 'told yon 0onoernipg your fu - t All medicine dealers sell thetas tura}" . No other pills are "Justas,good." "Of oowp ts.! "Ani Ip tth ay told 'yon to do something NEWS N01'E8, would you obey.}''-'. "How astt,gotti l4osht itYR . . ~ - - ' "„ " West Zorra townah p ships over ten His face wassg4awo; Rpd Leila did not 'thousand barrels of apples this season. observe the'aatfrical emphasis which so- "*"~- Tb, I2 year-o)d son of QP,az. Souliere, 0ompatglgd his words. She. moved away G -<of Cbth,ber, was unloa,dhag„Iurniture at and hactample leisure to consider an ad. I the hnme of his parents, when the venturous plotwhfolr persistently haunted I ' horses started;1bI1ow ng :yotm $9uli- h is '- ere from thewaggoII and killing him. gi�Fe iz�s namealin" benoroupY°d 'so Success comes to those who persevere. If I often with that of Leila Cavendish that you take Hood's, SgrsapprillJa,faithi'p11 and she had oqqn� i Bred hint bs, gii�ui1t! +BB� per- t f persistently, yo'n will ga#el j "i►e heYiotted. " kt;nal'prepgit But' of 1'af e hi hs)d�eltown Premier Greerrwai says it is itnpos= A'm°et. attipid+ite►donbq tc: adrr�lr.i that Bible to give anything like an exact silly, painted little �ot',Eliiot�tt"ISt�u��, and _,k ' • estimate of the damage done to Mani- Leila really could "not ihYrilt bt n911iiving t ' toba crops, bub h that, AtA fOW wialutss to 5 Sha �,,� .. g.loss*,w'i be=aer'ous dllst+srd- iv . • Son, Robt. Wslt otYihf#r i4 25 percent W her1oiber b4WAhd!rinoveU1dljiwly but n of the crop will b9 web;indl >l2oYc�ror' with $� )ifiteF,qiluau "g'towexft t 0'081m- .... jyaim_ IN less damaged. kion: M Dtitekl 9 ks fst'e tent, wIN el had ,J. sed hie [11,;I . . Fhopefully of tHt�glefd``rai d'tlie &r7d'i'- ' stand 46 escort.9ijj i if tb tial olsftiage. 11 &tion of grain along rho Northwestern another, _ omptrlt Rf bi� tt3tiga,; §Ad; then .. t:Railway- The damage has been great- Leila di'eb Aside ` the Silken eurtilin and er than the millers would have people s^epb in. "believe. The ptfim�eb s pct}squilla ue long orlm- Ededbmthei, witS'a long blsok'mesk, and WE LUNGS, I wasApparently affect t0 leave the tent,by. '•I was, tmnbled with sore <throat end a aec4 +O �",. to enjoy her gel, -ff ,; weak lungs, and was completely dared b tt�' dh sw00�¢t 9a<:..nad Norway pine Syrup." Frank Jennings,. book andt ieainned with deep Interest the C61 water' Ont. 1 U . ,ls; imperious face. 'k 5, wish," said the fair Intruder, break- .ancouv 1 • r. Bonnar, of Ing gllenoe with dil8oulby_, "I wish you , e ails re un Chs tiv0 Ttlt`nia we" ebur oalc i�d sleets 'from Dawson Ci 'y, 6i a few minutes, only a •may short time. ;ast;to spen.t'r a,lfew 8; Xaa havelr)lrf�adl+,toId�'m , faiitlt,r-14iuld fi Tt��i ly. If'alr= i, �lr�s d' d' d I oho' 14 Plan _ :: t a rsi. , i pare Yodg+ht with hiiri` ik cl�dn-np �f riglst- 'I aim playing' it now. Only you wWhich, in addition to the can help me by lendingmop this disguiw e before enjoyed, will make for a small eaperimeht X wish, to iii ►ke• I of the ricbjgst.men of the:4is- will ZITO '61 11, plenty of mesal• %r this 'which here Ades bi $ontt'ar . ohsrity it j;0a?:will consent to my'regusst- sfully con 64 Nti'li' Bruce k!f6ir►iri;hnlf for the bazaar and bait t Federal ei,Ction, -ln tile, Lit to `;y'bt'ti41f.w' She held ant hee.l5apd, Bpd rest, hie, opppjbnefit "Eieitig the ' se l�goldpieoes glltterdd against "the 1'member,'Alex. McNeil. white palm as it touched the astonished Palmist's fingers. 1. BOILS BANISHED "I cannot, "she began falteringly, while d. Murray, Charlottetown" P.E.I„ her eyes rested covetously on the shining ''' Mout six months ago.I was troubl. oo;ne. Moils, and got one bottle of B.B.B., Brat urn°' mute and will," said Leila `, mpletely cured mel' Imperatively It 1e only for a few min- uten I want those things, Do, do give 1 ' I J. Kelso, superintendent of tie. them mel" 'o g1h rMichigan and Weswho has been tern Sion n a the self wialternate lled girl got her owetermination and n way, i b says that in the States the and the reluctant palmist retired and f a t gether difj'eren o tat dw,� against the tent outside, de- 1 wlls>'_se Oa melior- termined to hear what would be the result t ondition of erlected little of this strange whim. Leila softly stole I the establishes t of numer- to the curtain, pulled it aside and said I bus children's aid societi , whose mis- Sweetly: "You needn't wait. Thank you, v bion itis to improve ho life, instead I am all right now." a f by iljmovjng them i o Industrial "I--my-my dress was caught," mus r eehool@,•as is done in th' Cates. Bet- mored the other, quaking. ter results, however, race got by the "Your dives was caught} Oh, I fancied 14 ;•Canadikn method o elevating the it was You who were cau4ht 1" e character of fanlr !y lie t)1a b th 'illi , p,t� °' ct; wgiedly,; and h rfi 1 ff ti g e, , itiietp, d�parte h Amt'ric�an'' p o h` di}ig' heglec,W1 Leila wdtoh.0d •her .vanish Claforan she. re, d - reli in 13rgdinati tions. _thibe(i'tb`&A il%t�rimson robe and mask, A PREACHER' (NERVE 44%lg he,Rbat;cjfafglly away from, eight. tl ve o'oloolc ragg out in sonor0uit tests , v Will Break Under the !lltrairi of -Ind- ' 6oWfhe'ba06' 'i �t1'Slmoon's steeple and tion - Here's the Testimon Six'Felix y .Ps punctual to the m1pVtd He V 9f the `puffed aside the ourtninrfE dTs$,koayv in bi Preacher and His Wife ",Bacheiiders iiftVih, it oi' ai*k dardnes1§ iUd defiance, a From Good Health- dleolarmed by ,tho tee}in�Fnc1 "� igoking •like a gullty person w oaught,fti foolish a�t, 04 Power of t1se,4reat South Atiierjoan Nor- Viii iiii b1ii¢'B lbw gen v, , shd, m vine. ; i t', rl ., k .. . ",1bg berntilt; ,On"drke of, :tbe' pedmtst'S ¢e Rev. W. S. Barker, Yeterboro' says: "I emry obai4i+s, drew another close beside her + y • for Sir Felix. rA was gret�tly afflicted with indigestion and .. nervone Yostratio find, .. w} Youwish to knorc,yout pais, present ar inn dowrxand 6tsfftt�ingl3deysaQnl' and fmilp}f! slro]questioned wr erml debili �g "Yee, �rou� p1' sk i y, and we hesrti y join hslidtlane ' '" G°o]ni (i Gift+ He!'e; and I will do my An giving tollmony to the rest relief,t' the onratfve;:powera of ��o��tt Amn�iir �o ,I to enlightren you.!' . vine. S' endid rdaslte'idllbtved'bli' �a�I !''Ho 4�3�J'and t$eld out tr►oivell marks yb of the fl . 'bbttle and e, few bbttIiii, s ns;° ne tIb I..i ' cured li sal a e' 1?Qr t� �?tly uey%Ti and we oheerfally reoommenci �tili>t ° brie waif 'to : c�ra:i it nearer, of < t o onr,tellow-nta9fer§F,5,,t �doit>j ,by, tw fug fnnii Sf1�cyyP 1triz� Await 3 there was Co xs;° ' y, �sa'e°tilfiII 121 b n of ing 1rf Yfer be asepl}acher, th6 French r acic t fie . "�oti mims`Igenerbns, obstlndte and !m- cam R `.vc.'i been. etind .mnecl :cj lI!' j"0 yd id r �•l" p iJdt'Yd x e `.ipthi798t' f.l 4.;, 3 t��l9rfa 80 �< na. �: � � , samba nd. u �b �tl /+ma seldom t rlyottr tail whitbe el �la �.. t � k�dt 4? r _fbil '' or, co fr0tw to "Do If"' twelve -dere, ,---h'• is •seven leak. +''Ston bay* A long lino of nfe, unbrok"i- she Lifan t osecation hnWited to h1w... ' any Illness or serious trouble. Your " =leis h4l I , mania,- $rte' �brbke out .I a ap "Ell tly _'Will=bit a orlrt; q�14}� 1t�iil lhilit I8S4, �apd he argued that pis ofpI r� +� h ; ,.,, a 1�� ,.. ti on flag alI.'PI4ect,: 'And wi -A ./Ina ; <a, . . M "" e rY3oll 3s I W11 we ..geg0r T.116 Ver I! Oatt a3 attenraa� �t&�y, (� (j1'� ('] all (�Q ro a 41.16 of Wl1 D'� Pia NAa Forfattoning a calf flesh eggs [A. abun-F`� 'A ,p . 11 L''tU'CC �R:. Banco and. rho rlghest oreAm would ver- 1��0 trainly seem to be lift anoMmaly, -- ' n mal .for it i ��� y, s a cub0 i9 torn by no means usual, and_ it !e n0 Is caused b r` pot be to Undersold 4 eaublita that x ; going too far to. say Clint it Is s y= ,lq adel, •and other'im• y any othrdr po IT IS COMMONLY KNOWN- AS GRIPPE. known to biose vvhe prepare veal fore our �a a net been it t � put Ii which er, and ratrindal h� bi a by market.g theer, an ai?f+l1oR In Italy, however, the ease is quite dif- h6.trouble !sh not hQ me busine s. fait staeeg t.Aa very e soot d. . • fereut, and calves Int®ndcid to make veal aiet , Its s1 in a skin °r roue- stock alwayel cin for special feasts or for v9ry rich people i,nf Sick dnQy Pleotrielty, and will sell at tbeLowr?stpnsb k't'i c>!t,,. are frequently fed in this way, enhancing g case But the�disep VITnot reach the Bring along your money, Bird gbt Paine's Celery Compound the Only Medicine that Can their value so that enormous assn be meat at the cIash price. W e will gig asked and are willin 1 prices are credo, but not at cash prices„ Pit .' g y paid for the flesh, come and see what do flop Cope With the Dread Visitor, so careful have the tatters got to be that you pan A Cash at • the calves destined for this aristocratic CURED. mode of eafstenoe, are condemned to a ,life, I was taken with a severe attack of rheums- ;44• FITZSIbIONS, long muzzling with a wloker basket, in Giem and could not turn myself in bed. I was The ole assn order that they may not by spy possibility ,reuaded to try Dr 110W' aparagas Kidney y grippe is now prevalent The mysterious visitor gripe may pgss tlisBipate on their sabre natural food mise than soon put me on my Yost again, in many sections of the land, and, AS in the many of ue this autumn and wi ter ; we should hay or han one box cured me so com p'feeoly that CENTRAL BUTCHER SI�UPr Winter grass happen to come then I hays returned again to my work in the Lake peat, it is the same old insidious foe -cruel have, however, no guarantee that we shall way. 11. sad deadly. be spared, so that it behooves all to be pre- Shore Repair shops as well as ever. The lore eminent Ea Heli Physician, Bir pared far the Groh enemy. Wm- A Scaosrr rn, Adrian. Mich, FORL c� IVII7RPHY ' - gg g .p MT9, Great Bob8oheme. I i npI asedtosny that Dr Fiobbe' Spnragiia Morrell ManKenzie, beld that ri a was K ,+ „ . p To those who are run down, wesry,tired, of MA Simpson, fn her Man Memories ji d Oy Pllls are tha moat relievin remedy I We are doing business on Cha Dash rinot'R ` the reatilt of "poisoned nerves, sit+' Mor- Many People, says of Archbishop Chia a a E used fqr rheumatism. og Sia use p l oar vu p rel compares it to an extraordinar disturb. eJ,aeplese, tiervoae, who have le, and will supe y stomera wig ]x he Bache and debility, Y Periodical Whately: He 'seas utrterly regardless of ap wbo are telt - iaCAo rzsie9H�es a of -.b r the bast menta at the Lowest paying, prtoe4i sues in the telegraphic system produced by y, we ea Use Paine 4 penranoe It he came to no without a Of War, 284 Adelaide ret , Detroit, Mioh, a thunder storm, which is,nothin com ar- Celery Compound to fortify the system for FORD & hIURPHY, {)),INTO g P ,, v servant, and perceived a hole in his black ed with the freaks played by the livingoon- all, emergenoiee. Physically strong men stocking, he would put a piece of etickin N` doctors in the human body when the govern- anti women are not readily attacked by S diQease,l th& hhlf.weil and weak! mortals plaster on the cosies g part of life ° , ` , I I NEW BUTCHER" ing centres are out of ear. Poudln SCOP' ` $ are the"fi'rat `victims„ At this time leg to concent the defeat. Ki 0 � It is certain that the majority of medicalpre. j ; ' �� } ��. 11 men now agree about the theory of "pois. caution drid;prevention are all-im ortant; — -----•--- , •,.11 ++ the banish oe t p ��� . • r subscriber oned nerves, whioh . explain the almost n of nervousness- alae le a. SU , ;hasreatedd a oho f ' P nets, languidness, deb' i P s Bugle calls, mieee recently erected es eoaailu f r't inHntto variety of attacks that mark the iX ty and headache Klltlney Pilliy pp y disease. The profound impression made should be first thoughts with cid and ons All the calls in the regular army are urpgse, opposite Fair's Mill, where he Will, p young. sounded by bugle Instead of b .drum the F0$ ear�m By peep on hand and deliver promptly, tb 4 on the nervone system by the poison ex. To safely guard against grippe and all latter lriatrument being need only 1n oda- SYDNIY JAG''ItSON, QrugSliyt� karts of the town, plains all the after effects of the meiilidy, other common, diseases afne'e' Celery carted music, Thie'is bqq.o1 used aurum mny CLINTON, ONT Fre and more especially that oarious lose of Compound je the ono effaptivp `.rnejdioine- easily have its head ]sicken And ip dlffidult Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share vital energy experienced be.y victims of the only, pare praventative of rlgnger: to mend in_the field, and It i® useleei when public patronage respectfully solicited; , grin past someone, when grip was epidemic, Do; noi.iie misled by dealerM,who attempt, 'Net, A bugle gives a fhr,ole4pr 'sound, fi+� g� P . for'tbq sake of, lir e rofits to substitute,, And -its 03114 call be heard at a lou BIS- l;G peY' �Q OWELL, - - C[,INTity'�1Tc ,' the ablest and most thonghtfaldootors ppre- g P I g4>N scribed Paine's Celery Composed, a maul- saoiething thea brill just as good; Where `t�0o• , he lt)t,ib gor}oerpecl.tkore ie no.btb;r fined!» y� �j: 1 FLOUR AND FEED STORE Et Dine that sots directly on the nerves of, thq, 6i$ that can take thio place of elir}bid dl_ Ivory billlprci balls( freshly turned liAta 'D --`de LO Vhaw body, cleansing them from all deadly'pdis: P �t to be treated.v6ry carefully, ae a'sudden'to /�7 ' one, tonin and braoing n the entire ays. cry �omponnd 'ai1t1 �ive ' eatisfactioii� f b i D ai 7� !'1 O O 5 ;, . � those who are Anaiossly desiring a new change bf, to may cause them on w-' 121 () � , i tem. Int is way fresh vitality is quickly life, crack. To prevent this they use tet be �� ` bestowed and sound health restored. placed for at least thAe months in a warm �'�Upl' & Feed * room inordor to shrink gradually and dry Two iYCek's Sale 6o, -Viii', CORNISH DIALECT. true, before .they are finished and polished , mummp>ged Le11a "You are Cuomo ad fa Of Second -hand Bicycles, B RAN & S M ORT `t a very important one now. SOme quaint .Terms That Ara Com- Ladies' and (lents' 1898 models. All in "Oh, am IP" moa Amonfz,the Natives. Three Kingston men who took up first-class condition, only run about true In large or smmll quantities. three hundred tone of merchanaise, months, at11i, i$`LO and $25 each. "Yes." "A hitched my toot in the sconce and write from Dawson, City that they Uall and secure a bargain. "This is rather embarra4eing," knacked my nuddfok, and A wadn't able expect to realize $100,05"0 profit from OIL CAKE and MEAL ' "I must reveal whatI'sseInyogrlirno." to clunky for a fortnight." their venture. That beats mining two Onward Cycle Co., OF ALL KINDS. Sir Felix wished he hgil not pgmq In Readers of reoent popular dialect tales to one. Perrin Block, Clinton and writhed helplessly as UUA oollthiped will probably take It for granted t1i,n ibis H. L. BROWN, Manager. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 basheI <' oalualy, "From What I ooh call your eo- sentence in Scotch. It is, however, Cor. Oats, tion 1s returned." nish, and, being interpreted, means, "I I����� hp j�jjnt p �j MILL* ''And what 1s bile myetetlonS 'She' caught iziy foot !n the pavement and Tho old Cliatoll PLANING I1keP" etraok Glia nape of my nook, And I was not weak __ D' CCOI�, CLINTON. "She is dark and pf .noble family. I able to swallow for a fortnight," H. STEVENS, Proprietor r should imagine by this peoulfar, line that There are Some quaint terms common in {� A jj �j �1 she has a title." (He mustn't think it's Cornwall which have a leasing savor 01 DUNCAN S FLOUR & FEED ftit that horrible Dot.) their own, The. phrase �'rlay dear's -.pro- The old original Contractor and Builder, - , I . I Leila's heart beat fast as she watolaed longed to two syllables -is not, lglr fay �Un S who has made Clinton his home for forty (late Hill k Joyner) .r his face obange and. the color flush hotly Stance, any indication of especial Affection. years, is still in business with a modern, Opposite Market, Clinton to ilii cheeiL, ` .. : It is a common form of address to either i ap-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill "Yon will be married Chia year and lire man or woman. So also, though with There are many people who al! orders of whatever description, on short Floor, Bran Shorts a I `„ , Oats, Peas,- Barji *.. a very happy life,' she ventured neryot,4wj rather more discrimination in its use, Is catch cold easily -whose lungs notice grid 'the lowest forme; first -°lase and all kinds of meal sold `at lowest pritiel[ "That sounds rather like the ending of "my •deear life," sgem ,to need spacial care and workmariship guaranteed. CONTRACTS ` e fairy tale," said Sir Folia witfl snI irt- A young bhild 14,mentioned in terms of arses h ni for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- Fresh Cpl's for Feed, 3Se a 11us"_ :'' credulous and rather contemptuous im11e en as "my�'ansome" Or "tender 4. #tg, �qch should take ing mmterial furnished as deeiced. Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $]Gr "But it 1s true, or will, be if you do not deans" or even "tender worm." "AAA" pR. wOtD�'s! HENRY STEVENS, Choice Tea, special ling 260 per hi. and ap, besitat9 Your fate must be decided and 4eonny" Bre used without the lease speedily."- relation to the age or sex of the person ad- NORW:AT. F1NZi 3TRQr - William Street, Clinton, immediately All kinds of Grain bought At highAst + K ::You are right; !t must." dressed. Aeon may sometimes be heard behind the Park. market prices.1. "Lose no time in nettling and Securing speaking tJ his own father as "my son" It so heals and invigorates the W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTO _ a happy destiny." or a husband calling his wife "sonny I" Lungs and Bronchial Tubes as to "Right aggin; I will not.,, "Young" means simply unm ed• A - render them capable Of, resisting �-- 7 %,' "It is a hhbit'of' yours to procrastinate bachelor of 8o is "a g colds.BANKS. , p yens m of a Bounmillorrs��tes-a bad ,habii that must be mended. If bride still in her teens it wan_said''that she „ M Mnot, I will not answer for the consequences was "a piettylob better looking than when I was troubled for years vdlthThe Mo�Sons Ball ++ she was young]" weak lungs," sa J. E, _ w,' --I mean," said Leila hastily, I cannot r , g An old peraoII !e not Ys E. Purlin read Chum." simply ski He is "old ancient," Sev- Lower Woodstock, N. B., "and ;, �j , Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 , Sir Felix meditated, curling his mus- I oral New England localisms aro found in could not get any relief, but on Incorporated E E S • taohe,iu, some per Cornish speeoh, a4 "cricket" for t small CAPITAL $2,000,000 "It`i>iust be LeiiI'' '" lie murmured,IIW Stool,`. "oliores" for household jobs and trying Da Wood's Norway Pine Our stook of fruit and ornamental trees being REST FUND - $1,600,000 rrno0nkcidusly, and it was well that the "dowdy" for pudding, though in Amertoa Syrup, it acted splendidly, heal- eompleto, we aro prepared to offer to the pub- lic for spring planting a very choice lot of velvet mask hid those burning cheeks the latter word survives onlq as part of in$ -and strengthening my lungs," HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. "It may be," she said, but I am no "pasd°wd7;i:' the delioios4,diiep opined APPic, Plum, Pear, Cherry War. MOneox 1%IdCPHTiRaox, ]'resides :. thought render. I onlytoll apple !e r , Price aS and Soc. at all dealers, and Peach trees at suitable t " you the lino D ori,tlotintry house .iteih. F. WonrsRSTex Taouea. (len Mana Df your hand, where tha,voice bf'.t' A Qorulph" becdote rale ` i g was prices. L;vergreens"•-s ecialt �� � " 11 p y Notes discounted, Collections made r the present and the f�t re,.ie'tuPried ifi'tdi i i�YJ fait efF'holrie to supervibe, t a Yasin ' ` '� '� ga stook of small Fruits, , it rt ,` Picture, vlsible to our a en opl I can- dinner while the rest t y Choice list of spring bedding Plante. leaned, . Sterling and. American exehangt. Y r 9t !bouwbold Price list maned on application. bought and sold. Interest allowed. ontC3d• • ; ;ry oottoll if the ideal of your *duiih'ts is the wet at ol; h, having, ,nine peraon'wlioea destiny aeerizk filter- II�gl iY duty aY�. �j'yit .•� �r John Stewart Estate snmsa� of 01 rand nom -Interest aholged woven eb strongiy,i3Yvitfi- your, &' ii ij% , pu`ddfnig o 000ioh, in 1 I dim r I n �� • nenmiller p. Money adbanced vow, '`air, I must request you to asake t5o obtirol;t' and`irom - E j� Ouf �h�f DOPES farmers on their own note, with one Olt "roomforoth .+ fmore en signs to the housewfte s dossers. No mortgage xegairedr ere. I can tell>you no:mrior., eol,r gib• TSE BEW. 80�E. SE�ViN� �tAC8�N8 H, C. BREG4ER, Manager, Clinton M Sir Felin; rose,• dropped his coins on the indignantly signed to ri-0 c. OL .11 able and left lust as the real pel�ieb for a`time he did, but ' aised the enter curtain and entered her Impatient, oried aloud ' -,r Built to last a lite -thus, This or9e}lenrWgcll�itlq i�• j^�� _`j _ ant. er sinks acid grim c -i--- + iaSnding•Its way into a great many hotlSeA. l beil1\ Vf of Why } HMange People that have . X "You may have yo robakaq" Qthrl:etartledcoon 0 ;'• v =1 �i �y them and teeornmood them to othersgh3hey � .elle, a " I o c•haveno..tivnblewiththem-notinkerin to sew qd, cast oft thi ol, Yiew may wintry an li A ��� g BANSER 1 1 �? 9 - f . io p 1 .per �- a thick or thin goods. It has a double teed; o houldere.' The owner resumed d y w du lase, but thQ $gam t]ppdy !p f Z'=� • trouble to,oross seams. No expert operatorgie 'lanced,with Secret bttmltf6ltq.'ly'ts rya burnt gin the crook!" Y '` i required M; ' ion. - opith d "upon' q ed to work the atteoliutnl�nts; they era - CLIl�TT�yvi', ling flnggrs which seemed lopbh tp- ys / G! simple and strong and are made of steel -made ALBERT ST., t' �• to work, , You can have one pub in your house be mask, so dock ly were ilia 171abi��b- I. on trial, and mover was in a better position to ons untied and the pulse duffed: ILails � 3 "D supply thq wants of the people with a gemsiae A general Banking BusinessI . ,' ut on hos hat and qul2tioo Me 4 iealt• $ � godd article than 1 am at the present time. I transacted, 'ardly quite calm a>tid veil Nes4e a keep a ood stook on hand. Best Sewing Ma- sh y�00 chino Q ja in bulk or bottle. Get good oil and NOTES DISCOUNTED voided at renoontrt9 with 8fftfb .save your 41a,ohine. You can get shuttles and olitm;'and all partb required for any machine made from fanned her old stand at rife regi'itiao and w, j me. Singer repairs procured direct from New Drafts ssaed, Interest allowed A friend` ivho 'dwndd, ttiai ration of Othef^`f+, COiI1- �r - York for all singer machines A• call respect On ,vely but unsalable warei renntrlted''i'hat ' plaints ' to whlcfi Chit• _ fully solicited. WM. MOORE, deposits. - ie looked rather white andWeary, ,,you i Agent, Clinton Sewing Machine wareroom, FARR a 1,r TI/7DALLa ive been Working too hard, Min Cavan- dren ars liable there is J Huron Street, Clinton. t11ty eh." .: . "Yea," assented Leila, with an oda Iit- 90 medlgne equal to `- - "' BANKERS, s smile. "I have been working. hard, e Ty hard'" - By Wearing our reliable Boots Fruit ;?� CLrNT©N', oNT, And have you made a lot}" ' and Shoes this fel], School "Well; I don't quite kiiow yet, you nee, A -YEW. S �/� Advances mode to farmers on their 01'7n It -but. I Hope I have been successful. Boots, every day -Boots for a notes at low rates of Interest. +5d night+ Dur. Hamilton; the earih.. the man, Woman and child,call Confectionery 11 be' Waftint fol"hie'bj^ tbidiime.' " No, ane" A. CASEY. Hlitott. /frit, A general Banking Basineso transmatamd.-,1-`"- V.ptalq,Whitp;'you aro nbt to coma with for your inspection. Interest allowed on deposits. ]how ie the wonderful bran tub to You will find no HEADQUAR- sale Notes bought ' I;,012 iiitbotit ydti}"�''' ' ' Don't fail to see our Single ,and 313 Fpij�j,wall ,,tkpdiu „ THE. Double Sarness,Trunks, Valises TERs for all semaonable Frsite J. P. TISDALL, Usnager.iC 1il the door.a4��. � !lf► cpm. out Singing . light "a1,' [1 Fire -c1aS r iand� ,2-,hoaidljrtlt,'aird• 6x,14 41 !f- , . Teleses e , Etc. SC awford Peaches ..:11 '11. 1 aridkoiygk,her3nrraj},warmlIF 'bve>. o '-'-'moi Bed and White Cedar Shing- G('a,t� diffei'e��arietie11 :°IjdlaghA a 1v,,�l���pppd bh LIQHTE$T r les also Pl Y . s11 'Well tfvdtle 16fi N �. $ ' s Pine slways on hapd,Il 1L " "'i 1rfo' IVpi'1 CN79udisl?f;4tdt rrill•kava( � T, 1r, S laetaus,, Watermelons THAT TONCHBS: The SP , mune told by the palmi,,} CrH ST O ', 94PA, Ora e yea I di i.' ,�!A s e n nd d i wasn't !b foolishly filiiiii. WAR J/f !!a' . T!!,y�' oar f j)O WARMEST Banana: an4'' gMatoes. `- ''_` " } And you?" VICTOFrIA' ,I,OC$i 1: I '', `-I Mao hail, my future late„ spvOwled," OVERSHOE IN THE N ODI OL •�ravgly �T -611 kinds at- r+ c , " , ,alfa lauiiailsititiaasiljf,lbirl tiebkaYwlft ° t r , It rej� of his unreadable faoa r! csi Con(Mionery � ,t'1Hi(► 111 I "Tp b�on Ord�a�, io to i9llpny T ,.r-= a ltfltbrl'lib +r Cir '� no 'B»=ead . Oti>c 1n\1�1YJ•,C� �+1��,11�11i' ti1Nn���r aP. ,,, . . , N 1 AITJd IIJ,:13 A�n' , we Tao sr.c w.' .ir' :. .,, � 1!'A-1 )rk i... u Y�4 �Iilya►Xt € ' : Cakes Spe<fialties 11fM, iIr,. o but, d ti r ►t orf of j . f, I, i F 1.{ . °us?. Qtell;mq 1� ks r, we.�s,!• Paltry nt' +' "tv,tt' i TO Org.i r)( 6 i,+ "G, , , Matca c ' f t �„ q 7�jlrr ; ' sih and s', No,- �pi�gh ---� �htkin,for,ellogtW6 the seeing toropi� Real Dome Made Werk and Ilaptir•`e�7obd, , Atr� us .toot . IW I have 11 a� I l.,e,.doz,,,Laysh COLLA , acid, M Ik r Il ilBt1*6 Bre Are. In •. !" ' ` " ' , " Id t ,, BtirroxA,.iiC[en ids, cress Liver d�, B}id12 y . i -1 iLp la,, ing Bait• ,eyT�]Il .n',; 'i ,r. a1 tib ybYm ]nabnlNi s i ��% r. eriadr,J> 3.nt1 r'idi ; • " ` i n� 11 I . V 6n 61i]►iJtO;'s th%p rifAit s rub : ;.r 'Cl 13 'r ` V ;r + thoB ifs w4forrs W dd, o y+ s , y ."+•••-• Fame'le Compla>f1 � (ti, 4-1 4 r �! �� t%$ wfd .r i . .T11 ,; arc i' .9%,V Ko' "�; a rti, ing,,, .4�O11 i�+�ih6I"t.. , Ask Druggist, or WAte direob i4`� : , !S+�l]r!iti ne7i {�k<141 TQJy113 RdH11N Yid " + kla t.i�ir 5Zll ie7ltie, q m ��fy r +r fifi i e V . 11 v your n 1„...B A e `' �' ii, e,l::.t,{noP „vaur, ipvett B#4 , t urilut; -kr,r.iso r� r1, fMl r r rc,t if g,r o rthdq?. , C ilio #y ' q��yjy .i e 0rho e hri? lI< ..,ilii.. = cr + , sr� iiii �7Md c,it lepra Q Non X •nYt�? ht pr !dF A x "c3haW trio 6t yotin f , lltliltifre Ainerita n l ♦ilt r . a, ,,+:r" i :r..I , F . , •1 ,• . who tfftl y u man f9 an i,.},�1 .: 1Ci, w,8har/y!yi4 ie �r !r G^, r r , b sake , of ae� li ee:la r " k' Rlwlio ark + i ? ; s " q " rre �•. ± �. i + l }' ;f r, <t� iitt i k �yvlfl oho�s+ lits a i, i fi kn3n isir'th� ;. "r , '' i M t3 who I>�r IP!, w , tt Worth 7 �jyy� >iI y�{{ j1 �r , 40 A.11. til g. :, ,..:j .. F ` ' wr^. •.? t t i off"., r � • t: . • y' '� re ponefbfe o . , . � est. ; ,Ctrl,: . ,. � ,- ; i•>W ,,� ��'�.Oiil��al.e! Ion fl , .,. - `''i .,+ warm tIIr3 vvdrds o iZ lj . i. j'en N h9., ♦nW,�yl�urfl,:R--loo in -ltis'eeobno..,-'ryew I I � ', .'>�I+tYiff& ' iNir'hti'drd:k,'C�'i :.:� ' � ;;.,. :. 'ICT (. '� -n !t'. �i t a -,ti J f.A t ,. .... i �% V .. ii'a R S Ki+ e y i ti , , . _ ; . % r . S K i ,1 (:.: 'i ` o +ba�n�� �', xneri.`he thret5 laws - R; a r re. Oliedt8 Cg.to. i4d T h „ o w •..0 .. }' ,, 4Atl$!4t. ,., f. ,�, y,� �i vol eli;ie 01# cull l i iry¢p t ` 1",Ill<' . gal mj /may. 4,mt a 1tOitiflLilfl���y , at., i hs -r �, , ir' A,:ra� t�Rr1Un,11 Tx*'•R. {..1.{11 M���yyp� '>; •`:!. .e.. y f,".+',� y : -A ,. ,. k 8p117t _-L tb0 yT , iA r r t y, .filo atN��»ely. p «.#k(1wuw, 1. 1 r ' +�+tlt►, 1,49h 100 �elisi loo'1tlnlC ," d . bldoit inatk, trlifob beret' f[Gtri = y t�4`,1WW ril:Jll.iG eltoN blrtly. ft11 an ,l y�.iW ',�y� �. �. � �i+%ak Wla y''��jj,, Ay ' ,' t `� �-�•b+ r �• r' � *,1• t. "C G M ., r, i I Swdkw� 1� r �rM. r f ',, i.y ' 4 n is r I, {r.