HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-11, Page 5°j: , ., / -7.
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1`l$w8l`TQTFR. An elderly lady named l'lla# n
. ,"''r' d wag
Q U n'tkIz Dryden'e,oiliptai mx"crit in .l3oktRQCPd death bu 4 hall at i3t< ''i✓h rte tJl)
i 0 Qiita#}die 101., ] y la Rill ills tnileol;om 4Vin i e s �^—�» JW .' .
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r r u or ► lklr J ruseNa .�!
- >vci hlontrp4l,girls, aged ten O4d sixte n a Brpphy of 13tratlord was ran X _ .� .
to ■■ IL
li�ta4l . ys4ro kpspeotivei hav e p down a train while. work ' ' _
yf a be. n arrastelt on ng near the lit.
N l kis# a brill
,.,' i O 9, , _ Be of ®tea ing tllamorroo valued at 0460, Ser aril killed, i
ue day ]est #eek a lady came i to hi or , '
„� , .,, lz t ._q sto#e !►rad asked if this was :.. The books at Picton ss Lottie Colltne, the London s
a}nrioll @. $t;set School At gnu to A.
. h , . e
She was informed,thatt at, w4B, end replied tl}at ohs, had. Idam)ltoia w er a 1}411 singer, attern ted to comm q,31x-:.«
card this stoke spoken of so much by li$r nei hb r ® li .e tfi • .p4ptls lead puffpred p it eatvidQ
.1141, AIN ' in the o a q O a_. being. the best place: ., frgvs di `htherla herr C, horned by gpening v6ins in her tbrcat and ae '
. o Duty to ProgACp reliable p p t e . _. u o lied and the Wk . t,
DIVE . • gpgdB 4t ppplar ricsa, and offs had Coma , xpqui fnwigatpd, Paul Brown, a wuiatto 4f Winnipeg, h V u :t :
to eQa for herself and find out something. 01 the Way be epnten a 'i Pea, as .. Cis 1d pU Q �,' S
Y Pf dpiuB bAslnese, and o d to be' 1144ged 90 Docautbe r , ,� � "`4
flee if our Fads" ware truthful, 4Pp showed qAr goods: clad abs bon 11t whit Welves are reported p)entffgi in the Town, 23 for the Huard r o! •
she required and went atv4y las hAndrpda of athero d even ; lipla� 1 snipe sof Raglait and, Rsgolibfe, North 'Rep. a Wilbur E. Barton, and Bl .
VPe carry s. full line of $terl• ' she received y w- ,1'� feeling few County: About four hundred s The Joint "Si h o I Sy w � ' x'811
90od,value for every dollhr iixpeuded and that our avis can I}a ed keep , (; Cointniaaion for the g , ,
Silver Novelties, editable depended upon, and we felt that we had gained a. new oustoraer, have been 11
killed. cpttlpm, put of disputed questions between • y �i
#ofi : presents or for general Every detaii of thip,business is looked after oarofn 1 Th > aniBh r ' the United 13tates and Can and pHrf 88t at � •li.: ,.t . j' '�}n
e p o AteerInlantaMarirTezega, oda inept9 in a sA rslif ,
use, Prices within every. nese in every branch is insisted Upon oily, and thorough.. Weahington Wedeusday.' `
a>, , .
body s zeaob. We alsomake igom� of t e p' t, r was raised by the Ameriponsat'$an- .
I li �gpdo and-lfriope we showed the lady above mentioned tiago, fcanderpd !n a storm while being t'I'n? trying ta•lead a 011rietlan life, I'm •
a sp0otaity of Engraving on era givon below, Probably if you are a thrifty person you might axve ,some towed to the 1lnited States. homesick to ape Jeau6: I'no ready to lzc to ��:
, all goods bought bore, with. dollars by following hqr example, 4p' s
Marion Brown, the •one,legged tramp, today, this bour,�thie minute, if necessary,
out extra charge, If yoA was formally committed by Palioe Magic- 1PEt16e the Lord. Scarcely had the wnrdebrawers
I , I I
- '. want anything inSilvetware,S and .
Dregs floods for ever da wear, double fold at 140
y ' - trate Parise at Loudon to stand his trial at he lips of Mrs Jennie Walker at a re- •
Plated Goods, or Solid Gloid Vary Leavy wide make of double fold Dress Goods at•20o and 25o. Itgioue meeting at theGoodwa
at the lowest pricea that can Factoryy Cotton, special at 2fo, • the January Assizes on, a charge of mor. g ' y Mission,
be gi}oted, pall at White Potton, I yard wide at 6a. delving Policeman Toobey, Kansas City, Sunday, when she fel! back
I I'll 11Rum. into her seat dead. The woman had died Very special at 50c., re 600 a,
bll'a Jewelry Store, Gentlemen's Rid Gloves, flannel lining, at 50c Thomas Morrie, h Guelph bo ,had hie of heart disease. O•t
Flannelette, good width, at 4o clothing set on fire by a can of benzine ex- Z?
All Regains lett in our gilf+rge Flannelette, very slseoial at 50 - plpding. He was fn danger of burning to
promptly attended to, Flannelettpsinbratdery at So, 8p, and IOD death, when Mr Frank Cote came to the +I'll' dUCI'tft 4lUtlltB. �.r 1 SI
" t Towelling, best we have had, at,5o rescue and extiaguiahed the flatbes with hie - ="t1" 1� ,
11, ■i1 Tioking. some good values at 140,180, and 200. own coat, Gl@n@rel Servant VPauted V
$• H :lw �TT,, Ladies' Roa9,4 special at 15o, 20o, 250. The farewell dinner given on Saturday
Manager Ladies' Gloves, email sizes, or rye large as you require, at 20o tc`26o. evening by the citizens of Toronto to their A good generat servant wanted at once, Gauntlets, and Brown an d
t #RED. RUMBALL, Black Velveteen, 13 inches wide 25o Excellencies the GFov-3eneral and Countess & - at this office, �l�c '
� Proprietor Gorey Flannels, speoiale, at 140, 15o and 20o. of Aberdeen was beyond doubt the most ,t, y �y y -1-� %f ` "
A Very heavy, grey, factory Flannel, as good as is usually sold at 35o magnificent• spectacle @ver seen within rho GIRL WANTED 1.25 for $1.00.
C a Yard, our price 26o walls of the Pavilion, -
, - , Ladles` Astrachan Mitts; nicely, lined and very warm, at 1. Wanted, good reliable girl for small family.
Men's Nutria Wedge Far Cape, at $2.2b 11Agh Hooper, his two eieters of Kings- Apply at NEW ERA Office.
_ Men's CapB, some extra valaea, at 2bo, villa, and Fred White and Oharles BarnaBOZw��
360, 400, 50o end 700. of Pelee Island left Kin eville in a email C'j
' If Ran are thinking of baying a RarCoat,either Lady's or (ientleman'e, we boat for Pelee Island. gTha boat drifted Jr oeket Book Lost
"� . y 0�� have some interesting prices to quote opota you. ashore at the island with the dead bed of `"` ;
BOOTS AND' SHOES are strong rote here. Every desirable m4ke' Barnes, and it is almost cerLafn that body
book t'oman ngd save all smalidbtla anise Our stock s veryco f i • r `-
r' •. of leather, rubber and felt goods, „ �� other four perished. little silver. Finder will be suitnbl reward- p e 6 and spec
' N.S.-A few weeks ago we mentioned in oar ad that a enm of money The roof of the new Wonderland Theatre ed on returning same to the NEW RA Office good value.
�� �' ,tad been found in this store. Last weok we had the pleasure of hanging it at Detroit collapsed, carrying down the iron11
to its rightful owner. The amount was $i0. galleries of the etraatare and a great mase Property for +a'e or to Let
+r Blyth of aoa[folding atfd'. debris. Sone 26 men House No. 86, Mary St., will bo sold cheap or
c• ,�l'110�1 �� wane working ander the collapsed parts of let to a ood tenant. This house has been
� �' the atra0ture. Scarcely any of these seem thoroughly repaired, has seven rooms, stone
f z to bayle escaped injury, The bodies of gellar, hard and soft water,ne wly painted and - �`
1�'., I �� eleven dead men have been recovered. Bev. Papered, and has a small stable and good or-
I .
f �� obard. Apply to PETER-STRAITH, No. ea
eral others are fatally injured. Hing St., Cl3nt(.n JOHN
�IN SE '
�� Tbomae Carson s shoemaker, living in .`
Toronto, with a wife and eight children, STRAY J'ALVES
�° 11
� had been drinking heavily during the last ---
�' where From the old established firm few days. Monday morning ha secured a Strayed from subscriber's s prem3aes, lot 19, CLINTON, R I , `
Huron road Goderich township some time
, 11
bottle of carbolic said, and in the preeenae dnr3ng2he fall three year-old calves, `one be- i ,`
11 4 `t �� J. W Ir-wi ., Clinton of his wife drank the poison, His wife sent iwnghred and white, an theother two red, one
�% A ante for Ram Lals, pp ' , mmediately icr the doctor, who arrived yellow mark on the side, Anyone re-
r� ✓ ou 8 A leton,a and Monsoons Pare In• promptly hat the moo fought desperately their'reaovery woiil be uiesbiy reward des to '
--f O dfan and Ceylon Package Teas. In bulk, extra value fn to prevent any remedy being applied. .Fin- BENJ. PACK WOOD,1. ``':
,� Purchaser Black, Green and Japan Tea from 15o Ib. n
p ally some oil was forced between the man's Gioder3oh P.O. FURNI
11 1, Your New Raisins New Fige New CrOSBe and teeth. He died to an hour. TU E 1 _
• • New Carranta I New Prunes I Blaokwell'e Peels , STRAY HETFER`
Tho report of Major welch on his year d H C BARLETT.
Groceries P New Shelled Almonds, mince meat, Quaker oats,Pettijohn'a admm8tratfon of the Yukon, was issued Strayed from the premises of R. Chambers, C. breakfast food and buckwheat flour, our ants, raisins and Saturday. There are no recommendations Taylor's Corner, Qodariah township a heifer
figs from 5o pound rap, in it regarding the royalty. The matter is io hGng tH o years old, yellowish color, split, in We are loaned to state that our trade hue been inoreasin right. .
If our are carr In one of our watches dismissed with a paragraph stating that g ear. n person ret-urning same or giv- p g g t along, a11si t11QY:• ,
y y g Crock@ry, China, Gilassware, Lamps and Christmas the miners consider it a Revere tea, and they ing notice wi'l be a% bly rewarded. goods we are offering are of the Latest design and up-to dote. We have it�,t7r
you can uphold the time and be erre Fancy Gl•oods always in the lead. Great reductions in Dinner, expressed hope that neat year would see it RICHARD CHAMBERS, large stook of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offer1, , i►t I
k It ie correct. Onr watohea are fall Goderich P.O. remarkably 1
Y Tea and Toilet bete. Printed Dinner Set, 97 pieces for $bra removed. Major 6Valsh does not see any Conches or Lounges,
If yon want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Butfg or ,'.
guaranteed to be just as we represent objection to the officers of the over ment g s, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Co, n
them. They are manufactured ca by the T g tV. Rind1V come and see (.ur stook before you buy elsewhere. ,.
-, Waltham and Elgin watch campaniea, V . W. IRWINa lding olairae, and Bays that no difiiaulties SOUTH HURON
whose reputation -is wand-wide. In Clinton�.rhad arisen from the officers holding claims ,
'y in the Yukon F'AT S TOCK SHOW picture naming, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing.>c1C,:1�ly' a
prise they are reasonable. previous to 1897, and that
Our facilities for repairing watches are they were not likely to follow any now. and Cheaply done,
i the best. As fo>?'himaelf, he would rather bay claims Open to the �1 orld. Uar Qndertaking Department
J H CI3 E LLE W II LY TH than prospect and stake them. It would
�� J. H. •� be cheaper in t•he end. He speaks of the The South Huron Attrfoulturn' Society will Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and beat attendance. .Hearge 11 :l
w wealth of the country, which is goon for hold a show for the exhibition of Fat Stock and and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country. '
This store is known far and near as being the right place to buy good reliable man Poultry, in the Agricultural Buildings, in the
V years, and regrets that the defeat of VILLAGIE OF EXETER, on II. C. BAItLETT
Successor to J. Siddleoombe, Furniture ata moderate prise. We also do considerable business in Musical Ins'tru- the Stikine and TeslinLake Railwayscheme FRIDAY December 16 1
menta. We sell on easy terms ;the famous Bell and Dominion Organs and by the senate was the means of driyingaway ' + 89gs P, S.-Night and Sunday calls at residence on Huron St., u y ClI11tU11
t CLINTON. Pianos. At80 the celebrated Heintzmau 8: Co. Pianos. And if yon want a the trade of the Yukon from Canada to the when the following premiums will be ppoeite BaptiSt.- -gip
good Sewing Machine, call on as. All instruments warranted for six years. , United States. He asked that sotl5ething offered for competition
be done to hold this large trade for the CATTLE-Pure Breeds-- Steer, two years
Dominion. old and under three, fan $7, 2nd $5, Steer, one I
TEACHER WANTED. year old and under two, 1st $6, 2nd $4. Steer
-'e calf under one Year, IeG $4, 2nd $2. Cow or'
° BORN. baiter Ist$G,tad$4. "_+��� T'WC>
,i, a oiigh .`? _ Wanted, teacher for School Section No. G TAMBLYN-In Hullett, on Nov. 4, the wife grades,-Steer, two years old and under Q �` j"
i , - z East Wawanosh. Duties to commence In 1899. of Wellington Tamblyn, of a daughter. three, fat $G 2nd $1, 3rd $2. Steer• one year old -�+- v/ ��'�" __" -
Applications received u to Nov, 12. and under two, let 1
P $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. Steer calf l
A. B. CARR Westfield. bicMICHAEL-In Hallett,on Nov. 5, the under one year, 1st $4 2nd $2 3rd $1. Cow, 3
wife of Thomas McMichael, f a daughter. years an over, fat hr 2nd $3, 3rd $2. Hotter, two Have
If so, is it not worth 25o to get rid of it? WINTER'S C7UGi•H CU F, DURHAM BULL for SERVICE. McTAGG1ART—In Clinton, on Nov. 5, the years and and, r three, 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. � �p�
gives relief at once, and will sure all ordinarycoughs and colds in a few days. wife of Cleo. D. McTaggart, of a daughter. SHEEP`Lgng Woolled.-Ewe, two years and yoU fib✓
g Y over, 1st $3, 2nd $2, 3rd 81. Ewe, one year and '.
We have sold many bottles of it and know just what it will do. It is not a Having purchased from Mr Staobury his fine CHUR'CRILL-In Hullett, on Nov. 8• the wife under two, let $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $I. Ewe under �j q
patent. The formula is printed on every bottle. We keep patents, but we do young Bull, we will keep the same for service of B. Churchill, of a eon. one year, 1st $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1 Wether, one a b0 who will fit a good Fall11
not recommend them. We do recommend Winter's, and we believe in it so at lot 23, coo. 3, Hullett, He is a very line ant- DOWNS-In Clinton, on Nov. 9, the wife of Year and over, 1st $3, 2nd $2. 3ra $1. Wether y CzooCIS
mal, of excellent pedigree. Terme-$I 25 at Albert Downs, of a daughter, under on + year, I,t $3, Ind $2 3rd $1. �+ .y
much that we say "Your money-book iP yon want !t " time of service, with privilege of returning-if gARNESS-In Exeter, on Nov, 1, the wif of Downs-The some as Iong wool. (Suit at a price like this
necessary. John Harness, of a son. a Grade the Sheep is he sameno third
as r long wooIIed, ex. We have just passed into- atOtSk4ho
Try it, and you will behave in it too, TXNDALL BROS. cept that there is no third prize• ser l y
HORRICKS-In Fordwich, on Oct. 30, the KGS, Barrow, over six months and under y latest et les in Hate and Capp'
POULTRY WANTED wife of John Horrioks, of a son. twelve, tat $4, 2nd 2, 3,d 1. Barrow, under six We make a specialty In this line hod
• E.
�^l�• • PEPPER-In Morris, on Oct. 31, the wife of months, lst$4, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. Sow over 6 months $� �� Btlite $1 75 are prepared to show you the •bB6
��// v Louis Pepper, of a son. and under twelve, Ist $4, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. Sow, un- Vol2 25ae in the trade.
Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Persons having poultry for sale will find a der six months, fat $4, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. Pen of thri e 3 25 "
ready market for the same, at the highest Dash BABY-In Wingliam, on Oct. 29, the wife of bogs best suited for the bacon trade, all bred 4 b0 " 3 25 1
prices, at the IMPEF;IAL Meat Mfvket, Clinton. Cleo• Raby, of a son. and fed by the exhibitor, let $10, 2nd 5, 3rd 3. 6 50 „ WATERPROOF COATS eke 7Ug ,
,�, lj' LOADSiAN-In Exeter, on Clotober 31, the A sweepstakes badge will be awarded to the 3 75
CASE 1eG C�. wife of Arthur Loadman, of a son, best beefing animal, best sheep or best pi,r of 6 50 " 4 50 , what you want for th0 fall raip6.
J. SCRUTON, Mana or. aa.v age or, reed. Age of all animals will be Vile are showing a large assolttiient
_ CILLLe of Da Exeter North, on October 28, comprated from l; ecember 1st. ranging in price from.•$2•ap
the wife of David Gilles, of,a dauBhter. DRESSED POULTRY-Rest pair of turkey
~�' ,"Ae*"• NOTICE . MARRIED. cockerels, hatched in 1898- -1st $2, 2nd i, 3rd 600. There 'are only a few left, just two or three IN TIES we have all the latest attern9 '
Beet pair of turkey pullets• hatcaed iu,1898-1st of each, eo if you want one come right in p
COOPER-TROUSE-In Cloderich, on Nov $2, 2nd 1, 3rd 50c. Best and beaviest turicey of at once.
7, by Rev. Mr. Godwin, Geo as E. Cooper to any ago, $2. Best pair of geese, hatched in Inspection invited. '
'' 1 :� . _„2_ The tannery of O. S. Doan & Son being burnt Lena Trouse, both of Clinton, 1898-Ist $2, 2nd 1, 3rd 50c. Best pair of ducks ii M v
down last spring, they decided not to build at CLARKEparent , Duu At the residence of hatched in cockerels
st a 2nd 769, 3rd 25p, Best A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton, �- J. MORRISH, Clinton.
present, but have gone into the hide business the bride's parents, Dunore3lT,on Nov. s,Alfred Pair of cockerels hato�ed in 1898-1st $1, 2nd 754
and have put up a steno hide house on the old J. Clarke, of Crediton, to Miss Dollie, daughter 3rd 25c. Best pair of pullets hatobed in 1898=
tannery property, where they aro prepared to of David (}flbort, formerly of Stephen, 1st $1, 2nd 76r, 3rd 260, Bost display of dressed
. .'�. , ill I Pay the Highest Cash Prise for DIED, poultry-1ec $s, 2nd 2,3rd I. 11
Hidei3 Calf Skins HOTS., Hid@8 Dressed means drawn and trussed.
' > > CHURCHILL bur Hullett, on Nov. 8, the in. Bost and largest display of dressed meats- 11
I 9 Sheep Skins and Tallow, font eon of B. Ohurohil Z. fat E+5, 2nd 3, 3rd 2,
We will All stools exhibited will be for sale. Parties
I give the farmers more for their bides MATTHE WS-At the House of Refuge on desiring to sell steel( can have the use of the
and 'kine than they can get auywhere else. Nov. 8, Thos, Matthews, of McKillop, aged 65 ground.,, whether the stook is for cibibition or
Bring your hides and skins right to the store- years., not. It Is expected that a large number of buy-
-- house, �( KEYS-In Stanley, near Varna, on Nov. 4, ere will be present. Ample accommodation
11 I` O. S. Doan & Son. Mary Redmond, wife of Thomas Reye; aged 56 will be provided for all animals and poultry. � It"".
I Years. Entrance Pees will be charged as follows:- e a :- /'�d� '������,�
DALLAS-At Hespeler, at the home of her Thorobrsd cattle, $I each; grade cattlo,60c each;
POPULAR CONCERT COURSE ( snoop and swine, , 2 each; poultry, 25c a pair ;
brother, Mr McDonald) on Nov. I, Margaret display of poultry, 250 ; dressed moat $1. Etl-
'�/�, ! McDonald wifo of James Dallas, of Tucker- trance to the grounds, 16 cents. F .1
aged 27 years, JOHN MURDOCK. President, This October baa been one of the beat of months. Trade has loomed.up
TOWN HALL. EVANS-In Howick, on October 27, Fred D. M. Y. MOLEAN, Secretary. in steady increasing volume, and now we have determined to make the gales
only eon of Win. and Sarah Evans, aged i� for November exceed those of October. We depend solely on the merits of
years, 4 months and 17 days.
' We are still selling out and reducing OUr stock grade- : —� HICgS- In Riverside, California, on Oct. 2s, FOR SALE, the goods we offer and the low prices we quote to draw the crowds anti effect
ally, and for the Next two or three weeps we want to clear People 9 Star Series Russell Parker Ric oldest eldest son of the late sales. That means we are doing buafnese on business principles. Wo`a1 d
Entertainments 5 Andrew Hicks, of Exeter, aged 17 years, 6 The undersi ned has for ante on his premises, careful to have reliable goods to begin with, and the goods themselves rlo
out a lar a BtOCk Of months and 11 days. R the talking.
g lot 27, can, 1, Stanley (London Road) a litter of g
Admission Only 1$1 for Entire Course. WOODBURN-In Grey, on Oct. 30, Agnes pttre•bred Duroc-Jersey pigs.
Lynd relict of the late Phomas Woodburn, C• AVERY. Blankets
NOV. 14th-J. williams Macy, of New York, aged 91 years, 11 months and 2 days,
^� • Fina
1 �,i eed,sy Isuitil,gs, Humorist andBuffo-Basso. �� _ - , pure, all wool white blankets, thoroughly scoured, superior,,,flpit
( PEC. 23r,11-FAlward P. Elliott, of New York Z,$ COTTAGE TO RENT. lofty finish, assorted fancy borders, fast colors, size 60X80,02.75 a`pair, Only .
Impersonator and Monologue Entertainer KILINTUN MARHTI ton pairs in stook. Larger and `leavier Blankets, $3-60, $4, $4.60, 05 pail`;
V&Cd4t g s, JAN. 19th-Harvard Mate quartette club, Corrected every Thursday afternoon. The cottage on Isaac street, belonginte to Mrs
is offered to rent at a reasonable Shaker Blankets
-Ready'-malde Clothing of Boston, recognized as the lending male Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1898. rate. AppIq at NEW Ere Officn or to
quartette of America. MR3. J. RUDD, Mar et. Grey or white nice fleecy goods, with fano borders 75o, �1, $1.25 paiir,
r � FSR. 21st-1Fadotte's 1Lrtdies' Orchestra, of Wheat " " " """'• 0 70 a 0 71 y Y , Y g + y , I �� �,
Bostoxi, {Sec June number of Success Oats ............ 0 25 a 0 26 . i
0hxrts, Drawers, Magazine for description,) Field Barley.......... 0 40 a 0 45 FOR SALE. 82 Inch English and Canadian Flannelettes, pure, firm, soft finished
Peas........ ......... 0 56 a 0 57 cloth, assorted stripes, medium and light shades, durable cloth, price `70:
Hosiery,, &c MADetr 19th-1Horgau Woos, the Talmage of house and•lot on High Street. A first-clas11s Detroit. A
. Fleur per o Wt , . , ...... 2 00 a 2 26 residence in every respect. Price low. Terms Wraperettes.11
Subarvriberls' List n0 fAf O en 0t. Butter ................ 0 la 4 0 16 easy. For particulars ap ply� to '
-' p Eggs per doz.......... 0 l3 h 0 14 S. DAVIs. Clintom or Choice designs, new patterns, fast colors, prices l0o_to-12jo,
poi "W6e�s .` tlir r,_ arti`_, P @t�eth
.the aliIIeS. a Will sell _` JatiCkaod 8ro$. Hay flow s; old...... 6 0o a G 00 t Eo. E. PAY. North Bay,�e have a pretty fall stock sheepskins .......... ao66 Dress Goo(Istem up IIT good style, t [ r111 - . _.hTo.l C#reen Hides ,... 0 067J a 0.07_- OUSE T .
N O illi ENT
'" . Potatoes...... ..,... 0 50 a b t6 The house on Rattenbury St•.1ast three doors we have sold a lot of Dress Goods in October, That is nothing 'nn- I
Pork, live ............ 8410 a 3 90 west of the Methodist church, and recently oc- common, there is always a lot of Dress Goods sold in that month, bat now 4 �, .
't 11Ir Albert Dflv�ns is our tailor, and he makes good fits i Duni@d by James Young, is offiered to rent, ,,we to sell as man --'
g y in November, There has got to be some _ extr4 in,
c' ry lum.o.• Conte and see what we have.
► e8 Oilr TWge(iS unters Excur `'ions MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Theraia accommodation for ordinary family', $u0ement to enable us to do that. Well, we de end on prices te.lio it. We
good stone collar hard and softwater,andother
will clear oat all fano Drees Goods. We made a droflt on .Dress doodd 'in
at die. It `gill. surprise you. All our other stock. sold at prrokh Brockvllle end West in Canada rA 6 Montreaf, NOV. 7." 7Chcre were about oonvanidnooa. llfor particula a a ly to y
50 head of botdhere' bathe, 25 calves and NIN BRA Of$co. October, we will give you the profit on November sales. Theire . le do spa :.
h'onetang, Ml+itand, Severn to Nartlt ,nay, - attempting to describe the 90MB and quoting prices. (Come and see th fit • .
I l ; lows' r1Ces. 1,100 ghee hnd-lambg offerod for sale `at g e y
p inclusive, Ar lie to Cobeconk inclusive p and our word far it if we have the goods to lease on
„- : w - Cameron to I atibttrfold. inclusive, and all tbo east Did abatioir to-d y. Tha b ttchdra APp�i�'iS �AN���• 8 please you, will Sled ho tanit
-q furs on.lNdtskolka 1Gakes lvla,i4ltakoka were;prpaentin.large inumberg. gnawtrade..
wltlt the prl0o asked.
f �'6r a�: kinds of ►StllV .I0 G o ods, suitably for Whit& Use •�iaviiaatio , Co.) was fair, but the' low rices of last o V'e aro now'ait cleaned ug an Dor Bot .
f _ week log a d w ,_p t aP. ` elt"Mitltolt-We eh0w a good ran a of fandy lm g btefds dte
still aantlnue There were. Abbot .fat n .ill pay a geed price fortesn tlfoupand _- $ , ., . , r I i
•]t I I "Pay'' , t� Como a11a,'Wt� from the ulyde rsl trod. Tipkbts wtli ba iasaoti 1VlED1YJRt1DAyC Ocx. Y g lel and fano colors Bilk 1 a
ri" • 28th, to Tii) i1AT NO+Vr 'xnt 894 o ` _ hes( of cattle Mini tt e ' . F us bf ggod, satl:ld parit#q apPlas.. t5on lose � p Y tt s, black and ocfgrea velvets, anrdetl pelvgtp, eft),.
.. at , r Jl (tit riilstvo) d. h N+irthwe4t lrn110bod fwd to. throw tk[0usa0ti bustSels ehol, apgl08,, Lege, C91t>t telkrlt �-grehm or white, 45o; 750 1 $1,5 2 h si
o>gfered to•ctay; whibh Bald at about .Ao er . An du• our a 1 A and of oar tiabh. .. 0, p r. 1.
p B y pp Y Ta61 „fan ill �25o, 86'0, 500, 60u a yard,
T W1 84 (IRIS Oib .
beClal $aCCItlC1M .bill"�dtii'rxiit, " lb, 1lir Glebrgo:td101}0lapiz bduglrt 'illirte u 4.—F`'itr6 of'o6 data in x n
f of the 11etf tYattld o Clsnn pnk. rind 1 , spa o y,Fingeriog and h�y':JdnAtliliaft . .
fi o 1olarket at,, s` Gloy>K ti
It ' ' Ngood to rbtiYrn,,leAvt>ig il0ttliiait$h.not IaGdi `�% I Cki41t >ri= '1t#ts.blhokoaiibin0ze eetsocl 200 25n d,,4 O& _,6
thaw Weds da ea ! h lb 1`Ett oo attic eo t . i--r. , y -- •• __._ _W.. r. i _ .pit.,IVlspd
P , 1 t 18webr until the , p 3r_g -„dA . ld#1 _Iro)n $o W �o,
1 ds Y Rni rod G4lovea"04Borted tlalordr:250c
a ose of Hev3 atfon !f ditrliet ttt r 4 m n
( �. .Da me pelohast Dim b dr gowa,tt froth.
tlf a nor .. ' ' . 01% ” RED 13700(70.
i. by lvluskaka rave atlon to o $londyke Solinoltii0 bits for 225(: , 0OJU nb1si C%t$se 'W • : ,
Js , lb, whiMtheleaner stools Ancl Buffalo'bol d - • x, , k.. .
, I � I �� .
la crt river allovpett, tat yo[uts soy" it 4 told at ffam Ila tts, to drib:. ofilvib sold ''raster +�tftbrc ltrad l7atbArtt Litill; 01. o4d e'wtliut r zipc� A Igg htfer d1#c E si `;
,.RK Ab, over . 9., lr p6di(s� x W , . pp b It I 11 «
a #rola Oo >l0 4o pbr lis, but alhaze iv8ke 1i
li'ttll iliforniatton it «T.lh • A r Alsop t fdi ,aerrltl�. a tt dro,>ykeii `bt'lfaliite
. r om.. k If4l► , ri me veolit %lrlank thele. Shbe 1 - ,,�'
.. 1.teotnl p fro e! at klcar. w ail lc 1st prltEt at atttxtcit attetw«
. ;
, "' , lir,tt 1a17i1>�' ' fri►ru, prate.' a l , r abplit thiYle: inoAili's .
C y f fy� j{'�%j`� y�'yy yq� + �y �{r'' rad. 1a11za �t`l~
.. , _ i. A:/,'x• •F .M DVN' Vif' i'iV1 '{7 1, $ o r . Ott" "
$ Tr dr, tl ih u l fat hb s t bll a
i , tae , r t •albailt l�et�'
. , ? ► 1 �'r 1IC)T7+GlE t , dEl�' t ti , t 'O T > t lit i0i~ hdgs Act gdlnmon bii' tll't tfNlttt. bEM _' #lit , x ,
,_' i` ` .
r lad.Alhikak,
. 11
. ,
: e .., /.
f([ , .
- 4 , .�" , I ., , , , I I
q�. Yi .,,�`' '