HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-04, Page 4.
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• BEATTIE-COX TRAGEDY. You bave brought this upon yourself." I I wanted me to come with him that night; I at me; Lily afterwards told me that
1 -- did not hear him spsak after he was shot. he had spoken to me apoat this from six to Fred wanted her to gq back with him,
Father sent me back to the house, and a I a dozen times before; I said I would go but that she had refused, as she had seen
-The Talking The Coroner's Inquest 1tesults In a verdict neighbor came and took me away. Father home with him, and he said he would be at her error. I got the revolver 6 or 7 years
o: Sell -defence, rind on the Prollrrrinary went away and in a few minutes came book my father's house at 1,1 o'clock, bringing a ago; I used it to shoot night owls with; I
i magistrate's kx.sruWutiou ducislou Is re- with Robert Thompson. I lantern when he came to the house. We loaded it last the last time when I wag
May be good I CROSS-EXAMINED. had spoken of leaving hone and going to shooting otgle; don't know whether it was
"nerved till sirtturduy-Urs out or call. I live at Beattie's; I mentioned it to my loaded in full; I got it about half an hour
To Mr Holt -I have one child. My I sister, but she did not raise any serious ob- after Fred went awe on Monde after-
: distance
when you want to travel il , husband was about 27 ears old and a ower- y Y
distance you want to go by rail � The Coroners ingaeat into the casae of Y P jeotiona, though she said it was not right noon; I changed my clothes on Tuesday,
Fred: Beatt 'e death, took lace at the folly befit young man; my father was a that I should leave home. On Saturdayat the same time transferrin the weapon;
:,.'The Grand Trunk will carry ou safely farm, Huron Road, Goderioh township, on smaller man. I have never known father night about I1 o'clock Beattie came for mI carried it because I was afraid of Ba
'. $o your destination, and you 11 feel bet- Taursday. Dr. Wm. Holmes, Coroner, to be quarrelsome. 'The talk abort my I threw my olothee out, of the window and tie; he made no threats against me direct -
if you buyyour ticket from toe be- ' presided, and the following jury was em- buBband and Lily has been within the past I followed; he took my hand and said, be- ly. it was to keep him from clubbing me
fre you start. panelled-Mesare J, E. Whiteley (foreman) three or roar weeks. My sister is 20 years aides some words I do not remember, and taking away Lily that I carried the
_• `.' I Jas. Hamilton, Wm. Monk. W. F. Hick, of age next birthday; I am not yet 22. On "Now, run." We got to my aister's about revolver first, when Euphemia told me on
11 David Prouse, Henry Bell, Wm. Lamprey, Monday morning Dr. Whitely drove me 1 o'clock, and Mrs Beattie helped to Derry Wednesday morning of Fred's threats, I
For tickets and full information apply to Chas. Spence, Otter Wilson, John Roger, home from father's, and talked to Fred, in my clothes. On Sunday Thomas Cox thought be was only talking; I knew he
and gave him some advice. After the doo-
Rimon McCulloch and Richard Chambers. came for me, but 1 refaced to go home; he was a passionate -tempered man. and I had
F, R. AODGENS, I E. N. Lewis, barrister, represented the ter left my husband made threats against came again oil Monday morning, and again better let him alone. I did not know of
Town Agent, G,T.R., Clinton Crown, and the prisoner's interests were my father and his family and Uncle Thom- I refused to go; he can -la o in that after- Fred's threats until Eupbemia came. I
^'*"'—'---- --- as. He said he would eland by Lily. He 1 noon and 1 went with him. Thoe. Cox did not Strike Beattie I don't know how
looked after by Mr Philip Holt, barrister, Said if he met father he would said Dr. Whitely thought mother vC�uld hio hat got off; I did not run, for if I had
�� eaCxlC11IF1110 I Goderioh. The flier witaeee waQ Michael I pglverizahia
bQnes.�QHe also threatened to leave me and g
'Xillinery-MiasMartin .............. .Page 1 Kennedy, a young man who works cn trio die if I did not o home. I went to Fred turned Fred would have struck me; he had
Jake to tab sway. Ile did go away, but I Beattie'a because m sister worried about hold of me 1, -not ver firmly; I had
on winggs-Sydney Jackson.,. ,.., . .... 1 ThgR3pgq farm, and his evidence related y y y y;
t7rownJiNlt@@ry A Ijirkby.:,,,,,,,, •,.,,,; •,, 4 ;lfiuply to what took place after the shot came book again. Vv Wedn@eiy morn him drinking, and I thought It 1 was there not the revolver 0004ed when he kicked my
;'Just Vor etyle-A T a ooper . a was Bred. During the examination of Mrs ing he continued his threats. My husband he would stop. I have never seen Beattie hand; I did not intend to aLnOt flim, I only
1Ic goods Cooper & Co 4 I was quarrelsome, and bad bad rows with
nllfor Bale -C Avery....... .. 5 Beattie Mr Cox came into the room in 4 ill-treat my sister; when he gets angry he intended to scare him,
', ; ' to rent-NEw Eaa....... ............. 5 charge of Constable $nox, and was very otners. I have seen a revolver at my fatb. talks loud and swears a great. deal; I To Mr Ht.lt:-I bad revolver to soard
;!!nation sale -R Vanetone . ...... • • ... b much affected during the recital of her tell- er s house; be used it to shoot squirrels on thought him a nine mslo; there had been no him away should he Dome after my dough.
Ziphold the time -A J Grigg ........ ......... 5 I timcn The witness also was deeply the farm, � e
Cottage to rent -Mrs Rudd .. , • .5 Y• p Y , @ b.i^ oaaQe Pqr trouble between my father ter; I did not think anything of a revolver
~"dwo, Wrappora-J Wigejnan,,,. o moved, and it was with great difficulty �'iA'IMONT OF Milo LILY Cog. and deceased, when I went to his place; Fred knew I had
Notioe to ere.iit.,ro-•`li Vans+one ' .... ... 5 that she could proceed with the exgminati0n To Mr Holt: -About a month ago my a reyolver in my `19600 aioa,
'aping out-Pluuisteel a: Oibbincs.... 5 ' [Miss Cox's statement at the inquest was parents objected to my driving so muck In stemming the 0&ee of defence up, Phi-
:," ootaj' for cool weather -R Adams.,........ 5 I tilts BEATTIE'S EVIDENCE. much the same as given at the preliminary witli Beattie; I never heard m father li Holt claimed the prisoner should be
,Vrade lnoreasin W L Ouimette... ... .. @ trial, which will be found further on in this
'.Thoroughness-�fol{innon it Co,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 5 Mrs Ea hernia Beattie, wife of the man matte an threats against Beattie but discharged on the strength of -these facts,
j 3iorgingahead-Plod clic pros.... g shot and daughter of clic prisoner, was duly tittott.—ED. NEw ERA.] ofd rape- Beattie frequently made threats 'against The lank of evtdenee to show it was not
. •.. ' re ort, and we omit it here to avoid my father. When I went to Beattie's I done in Self-defence, while the testimony
tllothing-Jackson 13ggros.., s P
How, when,.where-W b Fair Co............ s sworn; --I have been married two years
-. neat December. There had been trouble The inquest was adjourned until Friday took all my clothes with me, hence the of the witnesses favore that plea; no threats
between my father's family and my hus- afternoon, in the Court House, Goderiob, necessity of getting them back. When I on prisoner's part towards deceased; he,
M. �� � band since last September. Before that those giving evidence being DK: Whitely, got home I apked forgiveness from my went on a peaceful errand, and no unlaw- ,_, they had been the best of friends. My Robt. Thompeon, Geo. Parmenter, Robt; mother, father, aunt and oriole and pro- ful parpose; he goes. in a' 'quiet state of
husband used to visit there. My husband Lusk, Richard Chambers and Thomas mised never to go there again. When I mind; be does not take seriously Beattie's
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1698 was in Goderioh last Saturday, and got Gundry, constable. The witnesses corrob- spoke to Fred on Saturday I .pro=ised to threats; the sot was done under oiroum-
�. I back about 5 o'clock. There were living in orated the evidence previously given, and leave my father's house and to lige with stances which show that be had no inten-
our house the hired man, Albert Lusk, my added points which favor the prisoner him always. When we got to Beattie's, , tion of murder; no plan of escape premedi-
•r ''1�,` LIBERAL CONVENTION r husband, myself and the baby. My has. strungly,, The coroner reviewe reviewedtheevi- Fred ordered my sister to help take in the sted, on the other hand, gives himself up;
band when he came home Baid:- td have, deuce impartially, and, gave the -case the clathes and also to, me some supper, were any of his acts those of a man with
coaxed to come .and live with us;" she jury, who returned the following verdict, which she did. When I went home it was murder in his heart?
At -Dungannon• is my youngest sister; be had seen her in after an absence of about 25 minutes: on promise to Beattie that I' wool ct come E. N. Lewis, for the Crown, made the
town and had asked her to come. My sis- "That on rbe morning of the '26th of back to him. I went to Beattie's because fallowing suenmery: -A man has been
Friday, November 1 ith ter had said she did not know how She was October, Frederick Beattie camp to his he persuaded me; I had no particular res• ah�t in his own orchard by a man who
' _ _ to come and bring her clothes, and he told death in his own orchard by a pistol shot, son, he told me that if, after I went to his went there with a revolver; it is. not for
``}i' A meeting of the West Huron Lib• her he wool i go in the night with a lantern , the pistol being in the bands of W m. Cox, house, anything should happen to his wife . magistrates to say why it was done unless
g when she was 'to come down Stairs, after I and we further find, according to the evi. he would marry me, it was an accident; all that Cox could have
ti ;�ecal Assoeiat•ion, as constituted both throwing the clothes out of the vfindow, dance, that the said Frederick Beattie was JANE BEATTIE. . g.
'%,br Dominion and Local purposes, will one for was the clothes, and those could
4 . `fie held in the Agricultural Hall, Dun- and he would take her sway. I said, "You shot in self defeats by the said Wm. Cox." have been obtained otherwise; he ie warned
erg fooling, and he said it was straight. I am the mother of the late Fred Beat- not to go; he is warned by Fred Beattie's
N'%• gannon, on Friday next, Nov. 11th, to. I told my husband that although I was The Preliminary Trial tie. When I went to Fred's house on Mon- actions on Monday afternoon to such an
�• select eandjdates for both the Local willing Lily should visit here, I thought it The preliminary trial was held in the day night. I found trouble between Fred extent that he carried the revolver; be
attd Dominion houses. Every polling and his wife; he threatened to take the fishy
,;�*,*. was a wrong thing for him to do to take a Court R6uee, Godericb, commencing on went to see Eupbemia, but had no cause
subdivision is entitled to send .three girl away from her home like that, bot he Saturday,"Oct. 29tb, before Chas. Seager, from her; I ahemppted to make peace, and to go to the orchard. If a man Bays he
,,4 `delegates, and as this will be an fin- just laughed. The man was outside at the P.M. and Horace Horton; J.P. The ris- when I went' to Wm. Cox' next morning,
;, j g p will go and try to get hie clothes, and aBys
... dortant convention, there should be a time and nothing was said to him about over pleaded not guilty, The following is I told them things were all right, and Fred to himself "I'll put a pistol in my pocket,
ill quota of delegates. ilia meeting the matter, My husband's idea in going the fret of the evidence:- would cool down, To Mr Holt: -When 1 and if he assaults me, I'll shoot him," that
..•will be.open to all friends of the Liber- at night was to take my sister away, with- so advised, I did not anticipate trouble if is murder.
r al party, but of course only delegates out the folks knowing about it. My fath'e. ROBERT THOMPBON Mr Cox webt there. My son had a good The magistrates reserved their decision
,will be allowed to vote in the selection and mothei bad.not objected to her coming On Wednesday morning Wm. Cox came wife; couldn't have bad better.' To Mr untilWednesday last at 2 p.m., and made a
uDf candidates. over to farm about 10.20 and said to • Lewis: -He said he was going to'leave his subsequent adjournment to Satarday,and in
here to visit for two or three days, or even Y
weeks, ata time, but I nnderatand from + me "Frederick Beattie is shot dead." While wife and go away; he told me he was only the meantime allowed Cox out on bail-
SVe•Eleetions. what my. husband said that the idea was driving over to Beattie's, I asked Cox bow joking. himself in $•1000, and W. J. Paisley, of
;e ----_ that my sister was to live here all the time. it ogourred, and he replied: -'"I came for EIIPHEMIA BEATTIE. Clinton, and Thos. Cox, prisoner's brother,
1 { Bye- elections are usually. supposed In the fall my husband dbent over to Lily's clothes;Ft;ed was in the orchard pick- Mrs Beattie's evidence is much'the,sarne lin $1,000.
to go in favor of the party to power, Crabb's to help in ,the threshing, and he ing apples,and he started towards me, say- as given in the report of the inquest; the I NOTES.
', :. though they do not always do so. East heard my mother say that be would never ing'Cox,you're just the man I scanted to see; following eviiienoe beide 'added: -Fred The da before Beattie was married he
Wellington was rendered vacant by save a dollar of the threshing money, and by—, I'll have your heart's blood before said on Mondsy that, ho would take the Y
`,„ t -he death of the local member, and in that made him angry. After that he dis= I leave this place'; when I saw him coining spite ont of my father, and make him got a black eye in a fight he had been into,
this constit uency, Hon. J. M. Gibson, continued his visite ,to my mother's, or I Said, 'Now, Fred, keep bath, I have got a dwell in a perfect hell as long so he lived, and visited a Clinton ,doctor to get him to
f , Minister of Crown Lands, though de- Would simply leave me there while hg went revolver.' He still kept advancing, and I and also made other threats on Monday dross it.
' feitted in his own constituency, was on other i usiness and then call bank for kept backing and repeating my warning; I and Tuesday; he said be would never die The funeral of Frederick Beattie took
.." I" -elseeted in Wellington, on Thursday, me. He had no spite against my father at drew m revolver, and he made a run or y' place Friday afternoon. There was sn im-
Y ( contented until he had the life blood of mense crowd resent; the procession was
k , .1by over 500 of a majority. In South the time. My husband hinted before about to jamp)at me, and I fired; I did not intend every one of them except Lily, and that P
11 } Ontario, where Mr. Dryden had the Lily's coming to live with us. My haeband shoot him, only to frighten flim, but it was when he had done that he would die con- nearly'a mile long. The pallbearers con-
" misfortune to be defea ed, and his a fatal shot." When we arrived at Beat- aisted of sig members of the Canadian Or-
used to swear at my father and say every- tented; he also said be had a good mind to der of Chosen Friends, of which deceased
ppponent untreated, Mr. Dryden was thing he could about him. Ivey father .tie's, Cox stayed with Mrs Beattie at the go, down there and murder them all. It was a member, The order attended in a
;;.•x,• .le -elected on Thursday by over 100of a nester said anything against my husband back door while I went to the orchard, was on Wednesday morning that he made
'^ Iuajot ity.. to me or in m presence. The first cause where I found deceased lying on his back, body. The service at the grave was con-
y p these threats; apparently he thought further ducted. b Rev Wr Hamilton
There ate a couple of oilier vacancies of trouble between my husband and father about 40 yards from the house; a ladder would not let Lily come back; he said he Y pastor of
'•I_: '11.;' for the Local Houre, caused by the came up one night when my husband was was two or three rode distant. Beattie was would work the flesh and akin o8 my bones; Leeburn Presbyterian Church.
i resignation of the ait,tinsr members anti returning •from a threshing, He went to alive when I got there; I lifted his head he was accustomed to make threats with- Beattie was a member of the Chosen
'" nets, elections will follow. While the my father's place to get a drink. My fs• and spoke to^him, but he did not reply; he out carrying them out. When m father Friends at Porters Hill, and carried an in-
Glove'rnmenttray not carry all of these tber reproached him for, leaving me alone was,moaning. I ,went back to Cox, who came for Lily's clothes on Wednesday, I anrance of $2000 that had been made pay -
`y(_ : constituencies, it has a very good with only a birsd man to look after the told me to do what I thought best for the mentioned these threats to him. able to his wife in case of his death; the
chance for, most of them. farm, and told him that he would not be wounded man, and said 'I am going Monday before the fatal affray a went to
,` anything ahead by it. This made him an. straight to give myself rip.' , Prisoner was FOR THE DEFENCE. - 'on
of the officers of the Society and asked
The papers mention that a Montreal gry at father. There was no objection b wringing hie bands and saying'My poor t to have the 'insurance changed and made
r': ebeese dealer has failed, but do not say my people to my marriage with Fred. Lily girl, my poor girl.", payable to his child, giving as an excuse
" To Mr Holt: -I have known prisoner for About six weeks ago I raised strong ob. ,therefor, that ,something might happen
: Wiley he did so. had never until lately been prevented from P e tions to Lily driving so much with vi+hieh would make it desirable to have it
coming over here by my people, but of late more than 25 years; he is a very peaceable 1 c Y g
some objection had been made to her Som• man -one of the last men I Bboald think Fred Beattie, but she did not held my re- that waa; and the matter was to have been
r The Dreyfus scandal - an amazing would do a thin of this kind. Deceased monstrations; I never said anything about considered at the meeting of the Society
ing so often; my husband knew' this, and g this to Beattie never threatened hirri
> Tieee of French rascality, is engaging this was the main part of the quarrel. Was a pvbverful elan. When prisoner was , and the Thursday following the affray.
>ppblic attention aeain, It would die ^ going to Goderich I told him to send a never had an angry word with him before r• -g gentleman who occupies a high poli.
Y- THE BIBTER'a VISIT doctor out.
Wednesday morning. When he came over
„ f,, :�qs mad if it was out 'own case. on Monde to coax Lily to o back with tion in the County, and whose opinion is
- _ He drove off on Saturday night about To Mr Lewis: -Deceased was a neighbor Y Y g ivortb Something, said to a N Ew ERA repre-
5 The London News says: -"Men are 10.30, and returned abort 1 o'clock with of mine "for three or foci years; he was a him, I asked to have a few words with him, tentative: -"I'm the father of a family,
< <� y Lily and her clothes. It is about three good neighbor. I did not see any signs of but he refused to listen. I first knew of and I don'i�ihink the sanctity of a home
11 •�Jgcowing shorter." Why thio is an fillies from here tom father's house. M s struggle. Lily's leaving home on Sunday morning,
y y gg titin be too carefully guarded. If a man
i, ' evelryy-day occurrence, ; we're often sister stayed with me that night, and an after daylight; she left a note Baying�whore should wreck my home as Beattie Seeming,
'shoPter one day than another. In Sunday my uncle 'Thomas Cox came far JAMEG B. WHITELY, M. D. else had gone and with whom; Sunday ly did that of Cog, I would consider that I
fact'we re shia.- •most of the time. morning I went to my brother Thomas,
a , her and asked her to go back home. She On Wednesday morning prisoner came was benefitting society by shooting Trim.
did not go. On Sunday afternoon I went ,to me and said: "Doctor, I have shot Beat• and told him of my"trouble, and asked him There's bees too much of this sort of thing
.1111, coming and Going. over to my mother's, leaving Fred and my tie." When I asked him how, be produced to go and bring her back; my � wife was going on, and men who receive summary
' ,. sister here, and found my mother very ill. 'the revolver, four chs iters of whish were taken sick in consequence of Lily a absence; pnniebment hays no one to blame but
�' :y brother went over several times, and themselves."
W. Jackson was in London yesterday. When I came back I told my sister BOBe e loaded and one discharged, Prisoner said finale persuaded her to come home she
.. H. E. Hodgens was in Toronto, on business had better go home. In the night y he had Shot him in the face but did not Y P '
c4 >.,,,- this week Uncle Thomas came again and told us that know if he were dead. Here follows the repented of what she had done. Beattie
4 Mss Martin is visiting relatives in Toronto g came over on Monday evening. I asked church chimes
a , and Oshawa if we wanted to see mother alive we were story of the shooting.) told Cox -to re- Mrs Jane Beattie to try and bring about a
'' T. Graham, of Inglewood, has been in town to go home; he was going into town to call main in my office till I came book. I --
for a few days. - a doctor. My husband said it *as only a reached Beattie's farm about 11.15, and settlement; when she returned she thought Rev. W. H. Butt
r,.:.., Miss Hardy, of Exeter, was the guest of Miss Fred was pacified. I left home about nine of Wallaceburg,
E' Boles this week. pretence, and said he would not turn a band found the body of Fred Beattie in the or- o'clock to get Lilian's clothes; when Mrs who came here to settle up the affairs
Mies Flora Smith, of Stanley, is visiting her to Gave her. He objected to my going at chard. I came back to town and told- Cox of his deceased mother,
"r ,_:: friend, Miss M. Taylor. Beattie met me at the beak door I noticedpreached in
first but at last consented, but would not he had better give himself rip to the an- Rattenbur St. Methodist church on
Jure Annis; Port Union, is visiting her mo- she had , been crying; Bhe told,'me of the Y +
incl Mrs Washington. drive me over; the hired man drove me ov- thorities, which he did. At the post mor. Sunday morning.
j threats given in her evidence, and I tried There will be no Sabbath School in
Dr Turnbull made a short visit to his home or. I found my mother very ill and an- tem examination of the hod on Thnre-
y' to soothe her. I told her I could under no
'at 3filverton on Weanesdadv, causeioas; after. a while She came too and day, I found death was caused by a ballet Rattenbur St. church next Sunda
;:, , Misses M. McMurchie an A. MoCorvie are &eked where Lily was g circumstances allow Lily to return, and the Ontario St. Sabbath School will
1:1,visiting in Toronto this wee$•. y ,and fainted when enterin his face on the left Bide of the
•' J B Schneider, Mitchell, spent Sunday the told she had note come; she grew delirious nose and penetrating the brain; I found when I attempted to enter the house she
' stepped ' front of me, eaying Fred had commence, for next Stinday,at 2.15 and
,guest of his old friend, Victor French and' remained so for some time.. Uncle bullet in the brain. g I was called to visit �n
' Will.Taman and Joe. Gray, of Blyth, were forbid'den her to allow any one to take "close at 3 o'clock.
greats at Mrs R. Biggart's on Sunday. Thomas went to bur pleas again, and this Mrs Wm. Cox on Monday, and found her them. I went to the orchard .and said The quarterly lovefeast and sacra-
' Messrs. E. Moser and Herb Aehbnry, of time Lily came book. Mother asked Lily in a state of nervous prostration. I asked "good morning" to Fred; he, demanded me>ltal services will be held in Ontario
- nBlyth wore Canton visitors on Sunday. why She bad left, and she said that she what was the matter, and Cox beginning St. church on Sunda next commenc-
Robl:. Gardner, Clerk of Tecumseh House, liked Fred end he liked her and nothin too what I wanted, and I told bim.I was after Y +
said it was caused n i t•m
ondon, visited his mother here this week. + g ry, by a n 1 soy Lily's clothes; be said "I just want to see' ing at 10 a, m. sharp, to be conducted
they could say could turn her against him. between his youngest daughter and Beattie; Y y-- 1 am after heart'e blood this by the'pastot,. Mr Clement.
' ,Miss Blanchte Craig, of Hullett, spent last on b •
,Sundayy with friends inKippenand Brucefield Father spoke to her about going So. much that late Saturday night Beattie had taken Rev. Jae. Hamilton, of Win ham,
Mate E -Martin, who has been visitm friends with Fred, and told her people were saying Lily over to his lace, alongwith her morning." He lashed at me and struck Wing
P Y g Y P , me a hard blow; I backed away, from ]rim; torrrierly pastor of the Baptist congre-
ra returned to her hpm� to Goderich this they did not know whether Fred was mar- clothes. I said Mrs Coa s restoration la ation, rise accepted a call to Palmer-
. he followed. I said Fred, I have got a re- P
3 "w Mrs Hele, Wingham, and Mrs Tuifta Bel- r"'ted to ter or to me. Lily said it was all in Lily's return. Cos went to Beattie's volver, ou had better ata ba ." As he Ston and will remove his family next
trrsve, were this week the guests of Yteeve nonsense. I did not object to her going and his daughter returned. y Y
g continued to advance I p14 ant the re-
. week., His friends presented him with
Sennpdy. with Fred. When my husband heard of To Mr Holt: -I took revolver from Coxa arse this week.
.Miss Matilda Hesselwood, Hullett, spent a what my father had said be threatened to for Pear he might commit suicide, so rent volver; he got hold. of ire, ot very fairly, P
PFccaple of days last week with ,her stater, Mry g ' g but sufficient to resent me from running; Rev. W. Godwin Goderich
,11obt. Craig. get fly away from home by some plan or appeared to be his grief. The swelling on . P gi , preach-
, L ., Mies Annie Jardine left this week for Fargo, other.. Lily Said she was sorry for Poing prisoner's face meet have been Denied b a I then took the revolver out of my pocket; ed in Kincardine Methodist church
s : ,ak.. and was ticketed by F. R. Hodgens,town away, and promised to stay at home. I heavy blow *with the closed flat. 1 have as I was bringing it rip, he kicked and ' last Sabbath., Mr Cuninghams, the,
Agent GT.R. retained home• on Monde morning, struck the hand in which I had the revol- 'pastor of the church, is still at Clifton.
• James Steep left on a business trip t'o the Y g, and known Cox for many years se a very per -and there is the mark of the kick et, S
i, . 4lturtlswest on Monday; he was ticketed by W. my husband said he would give me no peaceable man. Y prinve, and we regret to say he is not
.Tackson,0. P. R. Agent. peace if I did not get my sister to come MICHAEL O'MARA on the middle finger; I had the revolver in improving in health.'
Mrs Hunter, of tit. Thomas, wife of Rev..1.E. back; I went over home to of her, y m hand then; I resented the weapon at Rev: Mr Smith, of 13olmesville,
Hunter, and Ernest Crossley Hunter, thou g + °t R7 I met Wm. Cox on Huron road abort 10 ^him and warned him to keep baokq brit he
e pnlyson will spen4 tyunduy here father said he did not think he could let p cached in Trinity church on Sunday.
• Miss A1'ag IS Craig, youngest .laughter of It. her o and Lily herself refused to o back. o'clock on Wednesday; he did not seem to did not atop. At last he said "By—, I
gg f Y g e is [*young man with commanding
ITai¢, Huilett ,Dont a couple c days last I had never told m father that m bus- be in a hurry or excited; we• talked for 10 am thirsting for it," and made a great dive
weok visiting friends In I3rtu;e6eld. Y Y or 15 minutes ppearance, has a fine resonant voice,
band had been unkind to me. I was al- principally about garden for me, and caught my right hand or arm andel romises to be a powerful preach-
•- David Agnew, of Cartwright, Man., is home ways able to do m own work. Father produca. (I am not sure which) with one hand, an .
4(i e.visit to his mother, Huron'St., wast, and Y Y The court was then adjourned till Mon- grabbed at my throat with the other; I er.- itchell Advocate.
°iiaay remain for a couple of month,. came over bore yesterday morning about
! i"` ,' Rev. W, Ayers, of Point Edward, is riling 10 or 10.30, and I told him that Fred bad day morning. could feel his band upon my throat; then On Sunday morning nest lovefeast
bn his old friends; he was booked for tin a 1 Field he would have his heart's blood. OLIVER EDWARDB the pistol went off; I never knew I pulled services will be held in Rattenburp St.
[cress at Sharon Orange Lodge to night. Father wanted Lily's clothes, and I told Met Cox on the l6tb con. last Wednes- the trigger; 1 knew scarcely anything at, church commencing at tO.n o'clock, af-
John Ransford got home on Tuesday from a him Fred had forbidden In to i y pp p ter which Mr Crossley will reach
1;1"somewhat extended trip which embraced give them day, we at ed toe eak for a few the time, I was Bo eaaited; I was in great Y preach,
a minutes; there was nothing unusual about dread of what he would do to me; the the sacrament will be administered by,
}liontreal in the seat and C'hicagotn the west, to anyone. I told him he would have to g threats and loo of the man frightened Mr Millyard, assisted by Mr C7rossley.
wInspector Rabb Brussels, is this weep or- g° and see Fred; be went over to talk to him; he was not in a temper or excited. kp g
f7r ming his officlal duties at Clinton Pudic him abort getting the clothes; Fred had ate, for I expected if be got the upper bend IIev.IVir Dunsmore,of Iowa, who was
it of Although he looks well, LILLIAN COX
� o g o el , it cannot be been picking rip apples and watabine what he would carry out his threats; I thought visiting fiery, occupied flit, pulpit'of
'awidhe is putting on much flesh I live with m father; have been drivin when I said I'I'll shoot" it would scare him Ontario St. church on Sunda morning
was going on. Y g y
0 Mra W. Alexander, who has been with her several times with my sister's latebusband, off. I had the revolver on my person from and gave an unusual] elognerrt and
daughter, Airs Green, of Port Heron, for seve- Tim PnoOTINO. Fred Beattie; about a month or six weeks the Monday evening Fred was at my place; impressive disrours.. He is a'pative of
ral weelts owing to the illness of her baby, Father walked slow) in his direction; a o m father raised objections to our in. I thought Fred might club me at the barn
xotttrned Gme this weep, the child having y g Y i g g Tuckersmith, and a credit to the coun-
�;ecovored its health. when he got within a few feet of Fred he timacy, as there bad been some talk about or some other place, and I thought the try,
10 ,john A. Cooney. editor Canadian Magazin c, made a groat spring at father, and Said it. After this I went with Beattie several eight of the revolver would keep him book. The En' fish church of Blyth had a
i S Willison, Editor Globe, and Joe Clark, as- with an cath thathe would have lila heart's times, and father threatened to whip me. To Mr Lewis: -When I went to get Thoma's a Y
Wstattt edil1tppnr .Saturday Night, all go on a blood before he got out of the orchard; I Father told me Beattie had been drinking; .to go to Beattie's, I was not of to go most interesting service on Thursday
toe bb Ulf editor Dina aitiydplLDe year, eB uie° saw Fred's band raised to strike father, bat I mentioned it to Fred. There has been a alone, but thought my brother would a of evening last, that being the occasion
did not sec the blow fall; fatber backed revolver in the house for 4 or G ears it assiet&nce in getting the ill home. hen of the induction of the Itev, C. L. Mills
`$4 t & Ferris returned a few days since ' + Y g g g as incumbent of the pa'ri'sh, consisting
6rhX&I tcbl he has bought 100 aeres near and Fred followed him up and made snort- was like the one produced; I dont know Lily came bomb at first She Said She w uld of Bl th, Belgrave and Manchester
cheroot with lrtittod tindoutlluildingo thole- or spring at him; I heard father's voice but whether fatber carried it before Beattie ata until mother was better, bat after a
bh, btxt has ' dt yet decided whether he will could not distinguish what he said, as he was killed. Beattie made threats againat while she repented of what she had done, clinic es,
Q64 there this, tall or wait until next spring spoko c}nits low. When the shot was fired my father, which my father probably heard and agreed to stay at home; Fred drove .A very successful time was held at
I•ratry I'fibmirsoiYt of tile loth concession of Fe6d'B kends were near father's Bbonldere, mit talking about, I was in town on Oot.� to my place Monday afternoon, and while the d ening of the nevi church at Arva,
t 6dilirldh o*nhh , wlac silent several weeks p
/Ititthe vlts nityo a»'relt'trli p okfng appies X did not seethe revolver; Y'saw the emote, 22 app. Saw. Fred there, but did not tell him sitting In the buggy Lily went out to talk of which the pastor is Rev. H. J. Fair,
Those wbo have
ufnod ltdnit 7� et vvo'ek, no Von lit book and hoard the Shot, and saw itzy hnbband my father hact.boon making threats against with him; 'when be saw me coming he la of Londesboro. T v
a3th lti»i Ile'vedrtaitttslbs gfleaf ttiaobo, of fall; father stood tlted sled I aoreanled ori$ tiro,' Hole did Z ask his proteetiop, VYhen T started away I a kod him to talk the mat- se6n this church declare it to be the
iviiiolt orielderabTe is grpwrr there. Tie s&yg want cvSi• io tbedl, r ttiSnt^til vVlzbre Fred met 13eattle ozl the stYeet he aid he had ter over,, but S r fused. I t tb'e revolver nest country church the have s een
Its wauid not tak" rty ftiriri intra is r>ih birli-' p11 Y
�liatt oitbljt•6FodMOT t64shill WA't lying'l hd sa#d,w»1#It is till) bbd Fr 'd AAMdi ho lni 6A o1a• >iutpboA to 00' rife ;ae hex In my pooket boo ties Fred looked so an opening services were cot,ducted,
• , ' ..
we believe, by Rev. Turke, of Toronto.
On Monday evening, Oct. 21, a dinner'
and concert was given, when $185 was
realized. The conceit of ten musical
selections was under the entire direc-
tion of Prof. W.H. Uewlett,of London.
Miss Roblyn and Mr Skinner, London, j
took part in the program. .
It is the Rev. A. Stewart's turn to
preach the union thanksgiving sermon
this year, but %s Rev, Mr Millyard has
not yet officiated in this capacity, and
will not likely be in town next year at
Thanksgiving day, he will likely take
the sermon this year.
Speaking of an entertainment in Wood -
Methodist Church on Monday the Times,
of that place, says: -The entertainment at
the central Methodist S. S. anniversary last
night was a great success. Every number
on the program was itself a treat to the
audiedoe. The singing of Mise Acheson, of
Goderioh, and the recitation by Mars Greig,
of Seaforth, were all that the people had
been led to expect, Miss Acheson sang
with a sweetness of expression, and a com-
mand of tone that showed the excellence of
her training, and ooupled with a voice of
great purity and range, made every one of
her s0ootions a musical treat that was
highly appreciated by the large andince.
Mrs Greig's forte, judging by her choice of
subjects, is the pathetic style,
S. A, ,,,tcv f TAPS. -Tho Salvation
Army In Clinton, which has for the
past few months been under the able
leadership of Capt. Keeler and Lieut.
Copeman, is now in charge of Capt.
Huntington, formerly of Strathroy,
ana Lieut. Payton, formerly of Lon-
don Shelter. The well known
effort of self-denial week mill be ob-
served through the Salvation Army
territory frog. Nov. 20th to Nov. 28th;
more tban usual activity has taken
possession of theArmy's energetic mem-
bers in anticipation of this great event
of the salvationist's year. The needs
of heathen and socially -trodden are
chiefly met through the world wide
agency of Self -Denial week. Officers
and soldiers of all ranks join in this
mighty effort, denying themselves of
the necessaries of life in order that the
proceeds may be given to help along
this great work. All friends and
sympathizers are invited to join in
gift or sacrifice.
who gave her name as Edna Leslie, of
ed 21, went into a restaurant on Kin
street west, Toronto, about ten o'cloc
Wednesday, sat down and drank hal
a bottle of carbolic acid. A doctor wa
instantly summoned. but the poor ur
fortunate woman flied in fifteen mir
utes. The body was removed to th
morgue, where it was identified by
mail who said the woman's name i
Maggie Kennedy, and that she former
ly lived in Seaforth, Ont,
NOTES. -Major G. H. Shoff preache
an excellent sermon on Sunday lass
and he will lecture all week on th
circuit; any that hear him once wi
want to hear him again. Messrs St(
wart, Strachan and Heddle are awa
at Hensall and vicinity packing apples
Thos. Gledhill is on the sick list agair.
Mrs J. Nuell, of Goderich, is visitin
her son, George, of this place. Th
boys had a big time playing Hallowe'e
tricks around. Benmiller, carryin
away gates, etc. The Quarterly, meet
ing will be held in Benmiller chart
next Sunday.
South' and West Huron Election
The election petitions in South Huro
and West Huron were heard before Jndgt
Falconbridge and Street at Osgoode He
Tuesday afternoon. Both petitions wet
dismissed. The understanding is that i
West Huron Mr Garrow will resign tb
seat and the contest will be fought ova
again. Both parties agreed that a tie,
election was cheaper than a scrutiny by th
courts, which would cost something lih
$3,000. South Huron was a case of saw -of
Crows .
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