HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-04, Page 2.I w , ..p --- t ' reports of crookedness were never sub- 11• . 'w . 4 stantiated. Of course, there was con- • . p . .I w of Mines, illi Macgregor, and the other eight survive her -four sons and four ! daughters. Eighteen grand -children ' and seventeen great grandchildren ' reports of crookedness were never sub- � ���� stantiated. Of course, there was con- are also left to mourn the loss of a lov- siderable difficulty in keeping matters straight in the various offices, owing Wffr%k�[) .: ' . -, (� - to. the un recedent rush of people, and p this caused much dissatisfaction. Mr - (` it ��� �a��► Wilde was an agressive lawyer and lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush, Oats Clinton and Bayfield. - Blo k Isaac Street. T FLOE E111otL a CLix ONO Qa s � f 3 choice Family Flour bush Oats lbs. o o y l]►�IJmade M many enemies." (OS• CLAtR RIVER) - A �IA.0i� I�R10. 0anada's Exhibit . ;. Great Camp . • ' ghts of the Maccabees for Michigan. -- ONE OF BEST GRAIN DISPLAYS EVER �,port'Huron, Miob., April 6. 1897. MADE IN STATES A S Nimmo, Sarnia, Ont" -- �,�pgArtsta.:It trivea mO groat pleasure to binbethisoppor unity of expressing my on, The Winona, Minn„ Daily Republi- �� says:- The thousands of people tatisfaotioq wlth.tbe steno ggrapher,(Mise ttioquipple) you recommendedco mea little can who visited the street fait were given a,yearAge. She is now one of our valued tahtF, correct and., rapid in her stenosis- 'unmistakable the o of tunic to see an exhibit of PP y and grasses and other products writing and gives evidence efficient training. From what I grains of the farm that seldom occurs. The ,carahtl•and gteloarnedat yourschool and the students 1Y &s vQ raduated from it, I can confidently tnmo>i, it to a 1 contemplating the study exhibit spoken of was one that was made by, the Government Of the Do- eya.rt. With kinds regards, Iremain, Res pPo uily ypure. - minion of Canada for the purpose of demonstrating to the people of Min- THOMAS WATSON, . Great Record Keeper. nesota that outside the limit of their State and in Western Canada there a .;'�iti q pillsple is still in the employ of the and receiving a good salary. was developinv , a country that would iea £itadents may enter at any time. easily maintain all the surplus popula- East. The A. S. NIMMO. (ion of the overcrowded exhibit was certainly a revelation to I _ those who have never visite the ppro- ' inton Post Office. H vincea of Manitoba, Assinibota, Alber- to and Saskatchewan, where the ,'PINE TABLE. grains and grasses were grown. The quality of the straw, the lengths of �1iJ)l1 ` MAILS CLOSED the grain heads, the excellence of the 1 - p M. �Q,15 '& 65 •: Lohdon and s. W. Ontario A.M 7 00 M5 4 00 }gasses, all showed how remarkable must be the nature ofthe soil and the 7qq 4.Yo Wineam and Kineardine9 Western S.W. & N. W. U.S. 55 700 6 35 4 tis climate to produce such. The thresh- No. 1 hard 'Q 16 ff ;55 " '. ]`03 Parte, Buffalo & eastern U 3 7 00 00'4 4 05 ed Igraine comprised the g I? wheat for which that country • fa aO a 10..1 b$ Toronto& points east &nrth7 paper. 'f+ 0055 celebrated, some of it weighing as _ CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTC x, 03 ...'Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 S5 much as 05 pounds to the bushel. One and upon arriving homefounda couple P P of lizardson-hisbody, How they got 7 03 ManiWba. N AN T and B U7 90 L ss of the samples shown was taken from /� -- 134 Office I 27 •r Stratford and Soatorth.. 7 00 235 a Held:yielding 40 bashels to the acre, Mr C. Gillespie and Messrs Armour & McAllister, Of Wingham, are ship, XU 03 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 it being the 6th successive crop of wheat grown on that Held. This is t 1 03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 12 4 said to bean ordinary occurs enee. The 7 ¢0 265 .........Goderich;.... •..... a ear in ad- 900 oats, both in the straw and threshed, f 045 •` ,655 Lucan•Crossing, Sarnia and .. intermediate points... 7 00 4 05 were such as have neves been seen at a Winona fair, while the barley was 7 4Q '; f..Londeaboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 Exeter, died on Saturday. He was Plump, heavy and bright. There were The`offico is open io tt}��e public (holidays ex cepted) from 8a.m. to 7 16 p.m. but holders o 166khoices have access to the lAby until p.m also peas, flax and other products of the Held equally to be admired. The Alogeg Older and Saving Bank office open p.m. display oX vegetables was excellent, the onions being as large as the cele- }.�a'Sq:a08 , Mattes for registration must be posted half brated Spanish article, the celery taus y anYtottr before closing the mails. Inmany a housewife to envy it, while .• sT , MAIL - SUMMERHII,L - Every Tu 11 ay.andFriday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- the potatoes, turnips, tomatues, cab bage and cauliflower were titled for ingat.A30p:m. exhibition in a aeedman'a window. UXOP 'A DAY ONLY is mail despatched to Londesboro and Belgrave, There were also shown specimens Of lro'in`thia-office also tu,•Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as the soil which Mr Ed. Holmes, the + agent, St. Paul, who was abyv6:a ted a4 iia for British Isles and European conn• tiies•Yntended to be forwarded by New York, government in charge, explained was the only soil capable of producing such a rich pro- muatliavo written on the top left hand corner duction as this exhibit certainly was- ofenvelope, VIA N>tw Yoits. Of course the object of making the ex. - hibit was to interest those desiring READERS OF THIS PAPER new houses, or who wished to better A.ESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS their present condition. Mr Holmes says that fully five thousand heads of :SHIdULD INSIST UPON HAVING 'W�yji9TTHEY ASK FOR.t REFUSINIi OR families have gone from different in ALL,BUBSTITUTES IMITATIONS. States of the Union and settled Western Canada this year. They are Factory and contents on roperty of g. d Buchanan for $125; by payin pp15 down . nd R. WM. G QNN, L, R. C. P.. and L. R. O. B. balance at $l0 month. Building W. be re- Edinburgh. Apply to J. SCOTT (limon. g Office-OntarioBrestClinton now sending hack glowing reports of k It -bas always 'been to the credit of the country. He has excursions leav- i Sit Wilfrid Laurier-lona• before he ing tliice a week for Winnipeg and Edmonton, will be to send beeame'Premier of Canada -that he and pleased samples and other information to those ' wwrbefolre all else a Canadian, thathe rsquest.ing it, by addressing him as . was 8eized with the possibilities of Can- above." 4 adaJis a'co-partner on equal terms in Investigation Challenged. the gtea� est empire of the wotld and -- that - made it his ideal to. place Can- -Members of the Ontario Oppositicn r aloin her rightful. place among the have had a hard road to travel. They ei bbrfiotid of nations. Since becom- have felt the necessity of presenting fur �ij"­ retxiier. he has used the o or- g'y(l PP some excuse opposing the Liberal Government, but they could not, point tunittes'that were his to cdrry ont-so to one dollar misspent, and when chal- far 'as ;practicable -the old ideal. 'salting at Queen's University last lenged to do so they were obliged to take refuge in the vague statement that the public accounts of the Prov- ' +• roveelz'he declared that_ the English ince were not honestly made u and P lsiggtrage i® rapidly taking the place were not thoroughly audited. Hon. G. W. Ross dealt with that statement at ,pf, 411;'th8 others the world over and Mount Forest last Monday night,point- k. he always urged his Quebec conn- ing out that on page 333 of the Revised .. trymen •iso learn English. The lately t Statutes of 1897, -there is the most am- pie provision for the audit of the pub - ' lr6surrected `'La Minerve," the French lie accounts, that the audit is as full triick+�t organ oP Sir Charles Tupper, Sir Wil- and complete and searching as the aud- it of public accounts at Ottawa, and wlpticing. this statement calls that in every essential respect the Pro- 1eid' x`tin' Anglo-mania•smitten French vincial Auditor of Ontario,has the same d of Sir Wilfrid The words 'n w ri,la . yG ad a power as the Dominion Auditor. ,He said,mo reover that the Public Ac- "+K bed �7 O qualification -no apology. couts Committee,of which Col. Math- 'eson is hfi8e Arse the plain statements of an 1.,•, a member. and which consisted last year of the leading Conservatives r,10,)'v}ous'fact. We mention it to show in the;house, has access to every paper aai'F;Lp,, Minerve" is "La Minerve" and document affecting the public ac - 11, - t still:,` •xiii its old days it was always counts of the Province, with a right to examine witnesses under, oath, and wotr,t to tgnora what was obvious and prove every transaction to the very ttia'and express appreciation for what 11 bottom. The Minister of Education is not con- was.'ttivial and unhealthy. Walking tent that the Government to which he tkplie,oldpaths it will still continue to belongs should lie under suspicion, so a be.a`apentforee in Canadian politica. he made a challenge that ought to in duce his critics to up or shut up, a matter of surprise! can see why good's Sarsaparilla cures, when other put "IP," he said, 'Mr Whitney is not eat - .; ,+A0'"V,4nC'ouyer Province publishes isfied with this mode of auditing th 4tn 10', . yitlr► with Mr Lester W. Ha- Public acc�unta are presented, or the the Government has directly or indir •,rw1.ottlh°an editorial writer on The Mid- ectly profitted by any transaction af- nicht S of Dawson City, in the fecting the public interest,and I tell M IItL}i#6e' f which Mr Haworth says:- Whitney here that he can have a com- mittee of the House,and can call in th 'tTho heads of all the departments, I best accountants in the land to exam I 'belifsye, are innocent of crookedness We our mode of keeping the public ac counts, Qnd can examine all other 'r+'Wt eft, the, Gold Commissioner, and per be by e the drown Attorney, sievert so t sons that can reached a subpoena of the Rouse,and the Government will I coli.. ascertain, did a crocked rthtse stand or fall b the consequences- of y Whitneyr that investigation. If Mr It's a long'stoiy in regard to how y Col. Matheson thinks that the Govern reports originated. A newspa- went, for a sinister putpose,isattempti Ing to transaction, . et"•.dorrespoitdent, named Pelletter, conceal any public let them say so in Parliament, on their r, I .to whom Mr Wade. adminiiitel ed a de- responsibility as members, and th lie'eved thrashing, wanted to gain glory Government will place at their dispose ' bq $etting,ecmoicifthe offiCets dismiss- . all the machinery of Parliament t collect the necessary evidence to mak 11 od, .He,•ctras donnected with the Min- their charges, good. .. frig kicharige at luwabri, and by tiay "We have nothing to fear," Mr Rose "for -fin fI016 gob 6cimv information from. g. added, there is frothing corrupt or irregular to disclose. Mr Whitlie t W, 610ke, hoad clerk in Mr Fawcett g must not make the mistake of regard oiAe'e, wbleh, course, was given Ila as the successors of,the Trippers an , ,of �IEter houjrs, ' Thst information could n: the Langevins and the Raggarts who , he has bean accustomed to follow, an O aaeo furnished -during business whom he follows still We are th �.., when Mr hpif4Yft jitet As WP1l` Well, w successors of a difl?erent class of poll ticianet, ai;' our record during the lag golvle 4 t+i`i�t3c�C in ijaw&od ten days 2i years has shown. There is no. staff 'I' lei ;rollettci`, whose real idol b' on our (inanelal record, avid it door no • I 1poA in Wimilpog is I"e1key, �tibtained lie within the powe't of our c otien to discredit that record by ,anypdiscloil b I HE CLINTON NEW ERA t ir e t Mr e e 1 o ® y Rue rn' d t n is of that village, died on the night of the fire (Monday) from beam Ya[lure. husband is absent in Seattle, eight survive her -four sons and four ! daughters. Eighteen grand -children ' and seventeen great grandchildren ,_ ,.r- Wanted Professional andOtherCards I Oats 'fy AD-VINOD PAYET1Her Washington, and could not get home are also left to mourn the loss of a lov- SCOTT & McKE ZIE. Barristers, Solicitors, &o., to attend the funeral. ing mother and kind neighbor. IN EXCIIA"NG E r - We regret to hear of the serious 1 Evelyn, the 8• illness of Lvely a dangerous r Mr H. Park, of Wingham, returned 12 1 o , Friday. 's fait Ls, x last from his v t y 1 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush, Oats Clinton and Bayfield. - Blo k Isaac Street. T FLOE E111otL a CLix ONO Qa s � f 3 choice Family Flour bush Oats lbs. o o y 0 Commencing on the 1St and year-old daughter of James Parr, two , While there he had it t•ery narrow es. BAYFIELD OFrtcE-Open every Thursday,.- Main Street, first door west of Post Office. � of January next post- and a half miles north of Brussels. It cape from a serious accident. He was e will be lm osed p is to be hoped a change for the better out hunting and was using smokeless the Oats taken in exchange 41ONEV TO LOA4N. E. H. MoKENzn1 a g will soon set in. powder. Not being aware of for JAMESSCOTr, Groceries upon news a ors pay- p p 1 p Y The couuty jail has two inmates- Helen Bowler, of Ashfield, a woman strep th, the charge be put in was a ua o a double chtgtr a and in iirin g 9 g + W. BRYDONE. able by -•the- llblisher .. This will m6dii considerable of of unsound mind who is awaiting re- moval to an asylum, and Malcolm Mc- y , burst the un. Pieces of the un bat • g g rel made holes through his coat sleeve These are our present rates, but we don't know' how lou BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY g they will continue. ETC, an outlay in the year and ' ' w Cosh, of Stephen, who was sent ftp last week for thirty days by Charles Eilber, on both sides of his left arra, and in- flitted a slight cut on his wrist. The injury PUBLIC, -Office -Beaver $1oCli. O. OLSON; Clinton while the price of the NEW J. P., for malicious jury to property, escape from a very serious was for titnate. Up-stafre, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery ERA will not be raised On One of our bld and respected resi dents in the person of Mr David Scott Isaac Jarrett, of Ki en, sold his 5U PP IT PAYS TO CLINTON .than that account, it is more than passed over to the silent majority on acre farm in Stanley to his father•in- low. Gilbert McDonald, for the sum of M. G. CAMERON ever neeeseary that we Oct. 16th. Deceased came to this country from Scotlwnd in his early $2,8t)Op. Mr Jarrott hits since bought (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Camerong On advance payment. We manhood, and settled in the vicinity of the fat in of Mrs John Rosa, of the London road; the price Mrs Ross re- V BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. cannot afford to a OSta a p y p g Wroxeter, but for the past twenty years he has resided within the cor- ceives is $6,000. Mr Alex. McBeath, Office-Hawllton St opposite Colborne Hones GODERICH, ONT in advance and wait an inde- poration. of Stanley, has also been extending finite time for the rice Of the p A rather peculiar incident happened to a Hentr nice the other even- �' y his borders, and has bought the farm Mrs McDougall, the 3rd con, of This Hue adjoins I 11 TheCanadaBusinessCollege JOHN RIDOUT• paper. 'f+ young Y ing. He was returning home from Stanley. a property S Mr Mc•Beath's, which will rye hila an g _ CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTC We are Sure that church on a recent wet Sunday night, excellent farm of 200 Aeras. The rice CHATRAM, ONT. most of our subscribers and upon arriving homefounda couple P P of lizardson-hisbody, How they got which he gives is in the neighbor hood of$5,500..MrR,Murray, of Tricker- Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to still leads its contemporaries in lend on Mortgage and Note security. and there he cannot tell; the clammy sell- but.pleasaut., smith, was last week offered $7,000 for /� -- 134 Office are too sensible sation was anything his tarn of 100 acres. This appears to -HURON STREET, CLINTON— fair-minded to expect We Mr C. Gillespie and Messrs Armour & McAllister, Of Wingham, are ship, be no inducement to Mr Murray, which is self evident that he is in no of our pupils were placed in choice positions in the ten months ending July let, an average R. AGNEW. uS t0 d0 SO• ex- therefore, that before ping their season's gathering of eggs this week.. The two. firms have gath- way scarce of cash.. - of nearly four per week What do you think of it? DENTIST, CLINTON pect, the C10Se Of the year °Vel' y Y ered over twenty car loads of eggs from the fat mere in that vicinity dur- Mrs D. Labor, Waterford, Ont., Says: "I Eagyard's Yellow Oil for It pays to attend the best AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY ON subscriber in arrears will pay ing the season, which will total up can reoommend pains of. any kind. It cured me of a die- College Be -opens for the Fall Term EACH ONTH a ear in ad- nearly .$200,000 dozen of eggs. tresstng pain that the doctor could not Tuesday, September 0th. Write for oat Office Hours -9 to u and also a p, pay y , Frederick Triebner, of Stephen cure." alogue of either department to '�-- vance. Subscribers In arrears township, one of the pioneers around in Exeter, died on Saturday. He was W.. Burt, a well-to-do farmer, about D. MCLACHLAN & Co.Chatham DR- T. C• BRUCE, should bear this notice mind and not their minds rest found at Itis home in :.n unconscious condition by a neighbor: up to this 10 years old, living nine miles east Of Napanee, was accidently killed Thurs- -SURGEON DENTIST, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET Graduate give da they pay all time he enjoyed good health, partial day afternoon. Mr Burt was riding R C D B of Ontario, and Trinity TO RENT varsity Toronto. night or until g y paralvsis b>irig the cause of death. He one of a span of horses going to work. arrears on their weeklv visitor. wnq 73 years of age, and leaves,to sur- The horses becoming seared threw him feet became in --- Special attention given to the Preservation , A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 86, re• the natural tooth. MOSt Our subscribers vine him a widow and son Fra We regret to note the illness of Mrs , Off. One of his tangled I the harness, and the frightened team occupied by C. C, Rance. For artfou- Cars apply to MRS S. HOLUSa Oftice, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe stere Care of pay in advance, and We want Muldrew, Egmondville. Two weeks agn she went out to McKillop on a dragged his body around the fields for over an hour, killing him. The body Princess St. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday and FOR BALE. Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the to get thein all Oil the same vigit to lter- daughter, Mrs Scarlett, wxs bruised:,veky little.. i I ,, summer the D. ■ The P80018'S Faith footing. It is as easy to pay hence, where sbe was taken sick very sudden- w At present 'writing she is still there, but anmewhat improved though Factory and contents on roperty of g. d Buchanan for $125; by payin pp15 down . nd R. WM. G QNN, L, R. C. P.. and L. R. O. B. balance at $l0 month. Building W. be re- Edinburgh. Apply to J. SCOTT (limon. g Office-OntarioBrestClinton now as ,-ix months moved. o , Night esus at front door o1 residence on Rattan deal more to yet very weak. `: bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. and a profitable all parties concerned. At a meeting of the dlreetor9'of the south Huron Agricultural SocieW, Firmly Grounded Upon R�eal Merit HOUSE TO RENT. — The large frame dwellingg house on Albert held at Hensall on Monday, it was de- -They Know Mood's Sar saparilla Street, late.y occupied by Mr. Todd with halt Drs. TURNBULL & GRALAM We shall still endeavour tided to hold a Fat Stock show on the Absolutely and Permanently an acre of land. lent moderate. ripply to PERBIN'S BLOCK, Stairs, to publish the newsiest paper Agriculbiral grounds in °Exeter on De- cember 16th. Liberal prizes will be Cures When All Others Fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not merely a simple JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. CLINTON.INwere in the Province, and ask that offered for fat stock of all kinds, also preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock, Stil- HOUSE TO RENT. Night calls answered at office. het us to the for dressed meats and poult''ry. lingia and a little Iodide of Potassium. J. L. TURNBULL, . - W. GRAHAM Comfortable frame dwelling, atone cellar, . Our subscribers p extent of promptly paying up The school house at Zetland narrow- ]v escaped being destroyed by fire on Besides these excellent alteratives it also , contains those great anti-piljous and news y papered; corner of Rattenbury and - Orange streets. Reit $7 monthly no taxes. any arrears, and also paying Thursday evening. A Harvest Home waq being held by the Anglican Sun_ liver remedies, Mandrake and Donde- Applyto W. W. N'ARRAN. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON _ A�Coucheur, etc., office and residence On. Strictly in advance In the day School people and at the close Mr lion. it also contains those great HOUSE TO LET. tarso Bt., opposite English church, formerly o0 cupled by Dr. Appleton, Clinton out, future. Wm Deyell was blowing out the lights in the chandelier, when tt became de- kidney remedies, Uva Urst, Juniper Berries, and Pipsissevr•a.. Good large house On Rattenbury street, with taChed and fell to 1 he fluor, ePttin fire g to the building. It was with a groat deal of effort that the fire was fought , Nor• are these all. Other• very .valuable curative•agents are harmoniouslycom. , is bined in Hoods sarsaparilla six large rooms, cellar and woodshed summer kitchen, pantry, hard and soft wafer, large DR. MaCCALLUM. stable. Will be rented cheap to permanent M• D., C, M., McGill. M. C. P. & B„ Ontario tenant. Apply to NEW ERA Office, or to JOHN H. WORSELL, Godericb. to Residentto Royal Victoria Crisp County Clipping's and placed under, control. carefulfy prepared under the indeIIt Hoa cathysician _ M%Icolm McCuish, of Mt. Carmel, On Tuesday evening a very happy t ook lace at the residence of supervision of a regularly educated pharmacist.. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. NOhffi�e—Dr. Dowsley's stand. Rattenbury St. K calls at Clarendon Hotel. has made an assignment to B. Brown, of Crediton, for the benefit of his cred- event Mrs F.Ider, Hensall, and formerly of Tuckersmith, when her daughter, Miss Knowing these facts, is the abiding faith the people have in Hoods Sarsaparilla You A splendid farm of I60 acres olvinproved --- , rand, o❑ the 2nd con. of Stanley. \A,1 nab 15 ilR BTANh[JRY, (1B DUAfi _ R frame house, ficins barn, iters. M Helen, WAS married to r Andrew a matter of surprise! can see why good's Sarsaparilla cures, when other acres cleared, good !-� Me cal _ lo bearing orchard running water. SiCuated two ora nit ort Mr Jacob Beswitherick is lying Moir, of U9ber•ne, eldest son of the late medicines totally,absolutel fail. y sf ormerl miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold on , y of the Hospitals curl reasonable terms. D. McTAVISH Clinton. Dl res. New York, Coroner for h0 very ill with typhoid fever atbis home Geo. Moir. The marriage ceremony by Rev. J. S. Hender- Hood's Sarsaparilla CO yotHnrou,Bayfield,Ony. in-Gorrie. We regret to state that Mrs James was performed son, to the evening at six O'clock, and witnessed by the relatives of the M Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. COTTAGE AND LOT FOR SALE. J E, BLACKALL "TERINARII SIURGEON J.E. HonoraryGraduateof Gibson and Airs Benj. Merritt, Blyth, both ill. was contracting parties. - 1 •Sold by all druggists. si; six for $5. theontarioVaterinary The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an y�� are the best after-dinner (1'S PIIIS -r i<" qo pills. aid digestion. We, are very J. T. Curtis has been re-engaged as W a are sort o note that Mrs Robt. Elvie, jr., of'T!ddkereraith, has for some' tage of four rooms wish kitchen and woodshed male on the most modern and scientific prino attached, Centrally situated. Goodwaterand Plea Office -immediately South of the New Ere Office. Residence -Albert Bt„ eiinton. Cal teacher in Anderson's school, Morris, days been :kept from her usual activity drainage. Will be sold cheap. A plv to W. Y SURLE. night ordav attendadt0 pCOmptly Direst for 1899, at an advance in salary, kE3 by a pair of scalded feet. Mrs Elgie Clinton Dec. 10th Robt. Thompson, Brussels, has leased block Was busy per.formintr her household Bulb � Import from JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON HO[1SE FOR SALE. has to one of the stores in Dr. Graham's duties, when she Kaci occasion to Litt a Ao sand. returned Clinton and opened an office for an emporium for butter and eggs.. tea kettle of boiling water, 'and by some means the kettle upset, the con- Hyacinth, air color, double and single at the Queen's Hotel, where be may be conenit- $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses, cattle, &o. All calls, night day, I.L. Jeckell, son of Wm. Jeckell, near Exeter, has been engaged to teach in tents spilling on her feet. The wounds hear Narcessus, sl4gle and double Chinese sacred Llllcs houses on Rattenbury St., known as the JFox- or promptly at ton Property. tended to. Mouses lots for the `Thames Road school neat season, "are very painful, but, we hope to of her sugedy, rpeovery Fusias Tuberous Begonias the, and also vacant sale, -1ltoney.-Private funds in large and small at a salary of $325. Mr D. Stewart, of the term of Wilson Lellum Candidas Croens, Etts. sums to loan on m +,v;age. Rates low. A assure of LIrriage ce nsEB SCOTT BR. W. BRYDONE Barrister. lIl ieeurar of Marriage Licenses, Library doom Mrs James Coulter, of Morris, was and,McN'aughton,-,Seaforth, had a nar- Special Collection of 200 Bulbs for $1.00 and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. n o thrown from a wagon on Friday, by from ha,d .row escape from suffocation. He en Come and see it BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE thrown starting s nlF and her left arm broken at the elbow. tered the smoke of Beattie Bros„ when the door, which closes with an outside FOR SALE -Good double-barreled, breach- loading shot gun. Will exchange for hay or wood, JNO. CUNINGHAME, JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDEBBORO That desirable Brick Business Stand on Al ISSUER OF bfARRIAGE LIChNSEB. John Welsh Exeter, has purchased p has suddenly closed, imprisoning Mr p, y P g • bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is No witnesses required NOTICE TO CREDITORS. from Thomas Hartou the 50 acres on the London road, Stewart, who was soon experiencing suffocation. With great. presence of offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location is one of the best in Clinton. The the west aide of known as the Murray fat m, board mind he kicked ila loose at the In llte Estate of Arthur W. Willson, Insol- t title in- 1 W. FARN MB preporty ie tree from incumbrance at d � CO ,MEMBER O>T ABB'N Ol/ disputable. Price reasonable and terms to quit • P. L; S., Provincial Land Surveyor and We are, pletsed to note that Mrs bottom of the building, and called for help, and was soon extricated from his vent. purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY• Lon- Civil' Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo, don Road or address Clinton P: O Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton, Wm. Berry, of the London Road, near Bruce9eld, who has been very ill for perilous nOaition' Geo. Hess, son of — Notice is hereby given that ARTHUR W. F. HOImeBNille, in the For Sale or to Rent. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. some daya, is now slowly improving. Master only Hess, jr., Zurich, had a narrow escape WILLSON of tbelVillave of County o? Huron, Merchant, has this day made COOYER'B Mr James as purchased the Pettyy P farm of the late Mr Robt. Elgie, of from losing one of his eyes. The little g y few an assignment for the benefit of his creditors, to the undersigned, pursuant to R, S. O. 1898, The choice brick hoose on the corner of Ful- LD STAND, ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate Next to Commercial Uotel. IS Tuckersmith, opposite to Mr Samuel fellow was playing with a other little boy 3 and in some way fell on the Capp 147. A meeting of Creditors of the Paid Insolvent of the late Richard Heywood, offered either _,,— for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordf• This k lisument is in tall o, eration and a Smillie'° farm, for the sum of $4,3000, We regret to hear of the decease of regret sharp point of a lead pencil, which en- tared the head behind the eyeball, will be held at his Store in llolmesville, on Thursday. November 3 1898, at2o'clock p,m„ for the appointment of 1'nspeetors and the nary family, is practically a new house, .with order filled in the moat Batisfacto, y way Ceme all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre cry and granite work a specialty. Prices a of land, If the property is not sold or rented, those Mrs Dickson,+ former well causing it to bulge Out. The doctor giv ing of directions with reference to the disposal - bonable as of any eetablishment part of it will be rented. Appply to W. COATS, bxeoutor, Clinton. known resident of the 12th con. of Grey. She died at Detroit ort Monday was called in and dressed the wound and he is doing as well as can be ex- of theestate. All peraons having claims against the said BEALE & HOOVER, Clinton _ and was buried at Brussels cemetery Y petted. It is thought he.will regain Insolvont are required on or before the 15th day of November, 1898, to file the same with the House - Old rade FARM TO RENT. FED WAN on Friday. \ the sight back; it is post ible that there 'assignee, dutyy verified, Dated Godorich this 26th day of October, Hi Man High Grade Man or Woma><, of good Church standing to act as Manager Miss Mortlock, Exeter, burstrt blood will be an ugly scar left behind. g y at A. D., 1898, Lot 41 con, 8, Goderleb township, containin g here and do office work and Correspondence 60 acres, 11 acres fall wheat, 50 acres meadow at their home. Business already bit and y u t vessel in her head on Sunday, and lost about a ailful of blood. It was with p On Monday afternoon, as Rev. Mr Aitcheson, of Kippen, was ettingint0 OTTER B. WILLSON, Assignee, by LOFTi79 E. DANCEY His Solicitor. a nd asture; Cod builain B and Cod orchard. p established hero, Salary 8t>00, Enaloee self- e The arm is t e propertyb ,Mrs flame Hudic, addressed stamped envoiope for our terms to difficulty the flow was stopped. She is regaining stiengtb, his bulgy, the horse starts off, and save himself from falling the Rev. gen-. and will be rented at a reasonable figure to a �� yy A. Ave.Elder, General Manager. 189 Michigan gCOApply to Security for fur ALDW ORT13, e., Chicago lll to The Imperial On Saturday as, Frank Johnson, of Kinburn, was ridin�a horse, the ani. tleman caught bold of one of the back wheels of the buggy. His daughter, NKAT MARKT 1st con. Goderich Township. AGE111TS- "KlonalkoGoldFielde, mal sudden] backed and threw the lad y who was eeated in the ri seem the dangerous position of hergfather,cried P • al arsge cheap, vain• Farm for Sale Or t0 Bent. able book, selling like awhirlwind. Beautiful over its head. A broken Forearm was the result of the fall. R for help to the passers-by, which added frightened _- The undersigned wish to inform — prospectus twent,yflue cents. Books on time) Farm in Township of Tuckersmith, being lot BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY,LutrraD. 29, con. 2, H. R. S., containing 100 acres of good Thomas Dart, who has been for the to the terror of the already horse. Mr Aitcheson wag dragged the people of Clinton and vicinity they have in the Toronto. land, well adapted for either grain or Stock - 8 past summer engaged at Mr ROht. Es- quite a distance before he could extri- opened up store formerly occupied by Fair & Co. raising, land In good state of cultivation, acres of good hardwood bush On the place AGBl\iTS sery's, dentralia, has purchased the San- tate himself, and as a result received a v are two good frame barns, stone stabling under "The beat life of Her Majesty I have seen, Lord Lorne ^Queen farm lately owned by Mr Richard do, for the sum of $3,000. severe cut on the back of hit; head. MxeHay Block Ontario St. ! , one; drivfog shed, never -tailing spring near writes about Victoria." barn, brick house and kitchen soft water in- Agents make fire dollars daily. BRADLEY-GARRETSON G. A, Howe, late Deputy Reeve of liobt. liafl Was last week fined $20 whore they will keep in stook all kinds of side COMPANY, Lnum. .,t., ggood well, orchard etc. Tho farm is well situated, being five miles from Clinton and six Toronto. Morris, now a resident of Blyth, is bothered a deal with something g and cos*s b Mavistrates R. Harrison, y of Ashfield, and W. Mallougb, of Dun- )), rosh, Cooked, Cured and Canned MeatB, from Seaforth, on good ravel road, convenient to vohool, Church opposite pisco. Will be sold GENTS -Book business is bettor than for intends farming. bo great g akin to. paralysis, but We hope the sullen, for assaulting Wm. S sera, g g Halle a contract o brush of such as is usually carried in a firstrdlass meab with cheap, as proprietor givin up years pest also hays bottcrandfaster selling Fi For particulars appply on the prem sea, or to books. A genta.dear from $10 to $40 weekly. A A. E3. TURNER Clinton 'lint. "Queen 'Lifeof the treatment be is receiving will prove and clean some land for Speers, and and clean Store, together Poultry, Canned Tongue Beet, Pigs Feet, Mince,Meat, and rill. articles of~ ttewloaders aro, Victoria Mr Gladstone," "My Motber'S Bible �torles " "Pro. On Wednesday the nine-year-old son the assault grew out of a dispute as to a like naturo which will be dClivered free to" MiN TON gressivespeaker.1 "Klondike Gold Fields,""Wo. ' Glim Sae of the Unseen, Breakfasb of Gottfried Wein, of Stephen, while to a field driving a span of horses, one him down, the way the •work was done and the amount of 'land first specified in the any part of the town. Orders solicited. :l lbtl, good Sausage for 25 cents. o yV00D and COAL YARD nnbr and Suppper," ` Canada; an ]6ncyclopae• �,Ia.an, � • " Bookson rinse. On fife free to canvassers, of the animals knocked and tramping upon him, broke one of his agreement. Speerfe face is badly used ftp from the pounding he received and JOHN SCRUTON, Manngor ic BRADLEY•GARRETSON Co.. Liml�rpd, Subscriber Is progared to gromptly fill all or• Toronto. I'— ° , , lege. . rite understand Hall Clow intends lodg- T. R. F. CASE & CO, dors for Wood or Ooat, which will be sold at onIsaacs Our readers will be pained' to hear ing a complaint against Speera for as- ," C1LIN.Q�a lowest rates. ROOMS, IMPLEMENT ROUMB, W. W�HEATLEY i W. W ELAMB WKILLOP MU UAL F1 of the death of Mr Samuel Warnick, 'who died in Algoma on the 19th of September at the a of 81 ears. De- e Septa g y Sault, - Mere 3@lixabeth. Wilson, relict of the late Wm. Wilson Plied at the residence ,, " , . -'� " '` 9LNIBrim hi I , T�itAT AGENTS CVANTED. FARM ISOLATED J in AR & TC PROPERTY o Algoma some ick for s . ceased left How g her daughter, James Rath, of t4 ents wanted• male and female, dvory ONLY INSU locality to soil our Big commission I8 years ago. of ell er. Mrs East Wf wanCgh, `Oet.•7tk}. listing E y novelties. , gold, send application and conte for full oarrtcnris- Co.' 'Chord has been received of the deoth. •on reached the adbaneed age Of 8K years For Hciattig fold line of sauiVpen Tho n Life MY'k FRANCIS Confederation Life B7d' S Toronto Geo, watt Peosidont t1ar1 cif g o' d `��� t of ilii David Black, which took lace �edar and six months. I)eeeased's maiden ' Ventilating PuiIi0g !s ' McLean, Kippon P. O., ` Vieo=Prt a ' . J; on th 17th of last month .at . Bluiie Nebraska, Mr Black wag at ,name was Corle ,. ands a was born ar, yCount Mayor, Iv near Castleb y y • ,, This ;oxeollont Drum 1g con- u d tth ver b st mater• Shannon, Sac&qTreae, Beafdrth P-0; xhoe,lot i onto Evor wliare for Hays+ SeaforUt P.O-, 'Inepeotorot Loss6s, , - ACTIVE Solicitors W Lit r1• Vview with hien $1 td. Said• ire had . q tib ores they, can make themselves of that Dile time a resident of Wroketer and land, on June 12th, 1818, She was . i tjun cafe most eclontlfia •'rin• The Story i6f es the hill probe,' h Murat D1ttt bxoRs a n cri.n be m3,do b ail et!tloU ori their hi hl roti acted. l nd in 1881 and came to A. bi toe andli virtue i it bairn Haigtoad oomntiesibne h trio goyorhmontds . �}, Broadloot, 'a eafortht Johh G. Girleve �brlfi'ts of aotruptiozl ,�tCl, ll y ag t st „ y y .p g y p married to Ire a � , . t np. official x'ist6vIan til the ar Dopdrtibent. The b@ilei . ar settlin ir3 Pitz• �: Postures is t bl rdatnet K[cating Winthrop P. 0.; George Dale, Seafelth; Thee, , ' v1. i Oanttdit the same ye , :. g book WftgWrittenin drmy eamt5s eC sen Fran E. Hags SaaPbrth J Eva rt B eb ttebi fl nffiae. lit tlg ivie in eta . ,.: x, Oh Tftesdii o,0onlog of last weep 1Vir llrutir, on Ehrt%, . It takt.'g the a n 8 , . htvood Pc t hi Cariett5n ^butlty After cisco on rite Ptcn I with Gbnbral Mbri Frain• O a oa b C t . :. ' ro Owns t d ON. k alt limon, T bmab Irrdn ,,y ie as y . p a9ld air t to the fiber heats an Ox► Edward . Sotherati, T!~ordw h, w q th6 h s Mals fit Sbnblulo in Halt bug, in the , r outfit dontl�i 6ltibit.brief reatdifigtherea ntitnber of ears sli6 t dirculaos_itathroughthb botiee, b l? . insu bat B ucofield,Johnl , 110hn,$1PV#n, united in the hol$r bond$ Of mAttirldtiny 1111 het" hustotid, filimil ifl ! find thus ebbnoMIZO i In the mat Amoriban trendhst# fit Matlil ; iu tlttl cg �hmsTa btk Wthorut ei gif ole ifs Mri Nitta C#ibsont The 'c °mon removed w _ y .. f arnpa �ivitlt: Ajlninfilao, oe° .the look be the , Rutotl count "..id , 853 'arid l9ettiod in leg of x1to1 ka such an otttAtuCthat C Me 9a with Dortoy titl ih tike that of battle ` ladp,gftod. Pt'tae GQ, i y . ; ri a sures Itobe>?''il13Slth i3adttdi#1.Yr� ;i t rtra,htbltii8if. was peri5r ' fliert the reatol^.y Gt# e. illi ne.hale rests fuel i+r reiltttrba, P 3llofcria to+ hibipt boy lie'1tt te>rkfaVed 4~ btl ,idbt smoli4 11as nb assuee Ye saw to et tut fall ;itis M nitlid. and a fb> k 4, pule, It t,• 1Kol4iiltan, soirforth moo t�ttml tS+Ri1r+iQ. , t sine r l .,, 8 t t`fkt thti� t♦ielrldedtittitil.Elte' tri ostl'witibhavbanairfne2ibay tvliey $rlttittilb4drlgltit, ,'ttrr6�_ kott lfy }otla.n ing glnondWLllilJQhnGbrfin� tar John !� 1)r..- + _- . -_ tttix e�. hob __-. • L ,w.. , nntHhntactt'aYllinYYtthlt}10.9t)ot-i,attlb l>dbltt YtiNrrrf.nn_Yrt4tlnw�. . `_