HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-11-04, Page 1I., y
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vVatch Care
wlil hdon t watt for itng toNi
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.. • I I! you oesese a gcoo _ . • _ . ..
1. atop before bringing it in. /1.
I . A good watch should be ' ---- 1(, r"'" , 1
111 `-
°`:, CLEANED and ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLIN PON, ONT., NOVEMBER 4, 1898 y i (,,1.
1 a year in advance 111.60 when not so paid ! ,, ,
t , at leant once a year. It -y -- — "" --- — `•'
lengthens the life of a AROTT-l_,l D T Ii H -US. Blyth. I - mile. Bayfield i pri [ C 1ri .
wet h sad enables it to HOTEL CHANGE. -Mr J. Emi h I C a,
What wide-awake and reliable oorrrespondsnts find worthytot recording for publlontion, g flea ACCIDENT. whi1Q working in the, AIIss Marttu's Millinery and Dressmnling
, keep accurate time. rented his Commercial hotel to Mr woods on his father's f rm, last Fri• departments are still in fuel swing. Call and Many vir'tuee `are said 'to hiiva
Goderich, friends in town will wish Alex, Cooper James, of Brussels. Mr James will no day, Mt Will Moreland accidentally sea Mi choice trate ar on's millinery before the must taken wings and flown from this,
t - My Facilities CONCERT. -On Monday evening Miss success in his naw line, he having op- doubt make a first-class landlord. `'Ve got his foot in the way of the axe, re• world, but there is still ilrtpe in gips
Webb and Mr Hoddon of Toronto,will ened a grocery store in Goderich.- understand that Mr Emigh will still re- suiting in a bad cut, which will lay him HOME. -Messrs Wm. and Alex. Per- i drugs, They are reliecl on,f'or thea;` '
for cleaning and repairing furnish the chief art sof the to ram Pitch -holes in winter can't compare side in town. up for some weeks. guson, John Thomson, Alex. Brown superior quality, alwaye-pipairo n
p and Harry Falconer,. who have been g
watches is note anfi .. I at a concert in North St. Methodist with those now to be found on the ANNIVERSARY, - The anniversary UHUROH.-Next Sunday, the regular i the desired effect. All the goods
am an expert, can fin all church. Proceeds in aid of the install- Huron road about three miles from services .t the Methodist church here Quarterly Meeting services will be working all summer on the survey carried b
kinds of watches reason. g . boat "B rpfteld," arrived home from ! Y no are first-class an pate
ation of the acetelyn light. I here; at one place teams are forced to will be held on Sunday, Nov.l3th,wheti here at 10.30 a, m.; in the evening Ma'• be retied on. Our drugs are pnko,..;
ably - satisfactorily. I travel along the side of• the road. The Rev. Jae. Allen. M.A., of Sherbourne or Schoof will reach, avid on the Mon- Owen Sound last Friday evening; they our goods are good, oar
UHIIROR.— Quarterly y t all look well and seem to have enjoyed g g pri so:i%ro
want tro please yon. Bring Q rterl services will be Clinton Co legiata Institute football St., Toronto will reach mernin and nay evenin fo lowln the same anile-ri ht
,, your watch in an time. held in North St. Methodist church P 8 g g g their season's work; Jai Ferguson did right, and if anything is not asrep
y next Sunday; the love feast and fellow- team came up on Monday, and were evening. Rey.11Mr Rigsby will take Mr man will lecture on Africa. For the $ position, resented we refund your money,
defeated by a Score of 5 to 3, The Allen's work In Toronto. Lin Monda winter months Pra not come, having taken a Mase on a•
We are leaders in our line. ship me eCing commences at 10 a.m.and y ver -meeting and dredge in Owen Sound. Messrs JnoM Relmember • .
Collegiate Institute sports were held evening addressee will be Ivan b Rev League will commence at 7.30 m., Toms. Dan •.McLeod and Wfllie Stur-
she sacrament of the res at 10 a. r will g g Y g p.
on Wednesday. Mr Allen and Rev. Jas
be observed at the close of the public per Wilson, of instead of eight,. Rev. H. Irvine, a peon, who were engaged in fisliin
Goderich. There is a small amount of former pastor of this circuit but nowg at we have moved our stook fila: w
P. . Y'f'iW8 service,. p Settle Pont during the as
Summerhill debt on the church bore and an effort of 96. Thomas paid a flying visit to 8 past month, doors south, to the store formerly
* MARINE. -The following item refers will be made to wipe y arrived home with their boat Tuesdayoeon ie
Jeweler & Ex art (intended for loch week) pe it off. there many of his friends here on Wednes- occupied by Jackson & Jaokeanshae--
p to the schooner which was ashore off should he no trouble whatever in doing day last, evening; they report very bad luck, as men, opposite Town Hall. "
Watch Repairer the mouth of the river two years ago: RE -ENGAGED. -Our teacher, Mr WE this, as the Methodists can do nearly the -time was almost a continuous
r_ -"During the etat?gI last week the I theral, has been re-enga ad for 1899, at th thin the tr y ENTERTAINMENT.— A large number storm. Most of the nets were lost and SYDNEY JACKSON
schr. Barvaia, ladett with lumber, was , an increase in salary of 30. This lat- anything y y from here attended the hot Supper at the rest of the company stayed to try ; ' • `
I car is ample proof of the excellent NOTES,- The .electric light engine She ardton on Thursday evenin and and recover some of them, Phone 2 Graduate Drugtiililt
driven ashore near wiith turn ening, i P P g PP y g,
The Storm was terrific and oql the I work done and the satisfaction given met with an accident on Tuesday, and partook of the well-prepared spread of
t P P LEFT. -Dr. Sheppard left for Guelph, Successor to AIIen d Wilson =`' '
y the section during this ear. we were in artist darkness for n time; turkeys, ease ducks etc., before an- timely assistance and bravery of the g y P Y g where he intends to spend a short i
Indiana saved the lives of the crew." SERVICE. -The Harvest Thanksgiv- it had to betaken to lxaftfor repairs.- oyiner the following program: speeches time before going to the Nor 'h est. 4'"w4 " tM'wN' t' tIM 1
Goderich TotirIIshlp The echx'. Poet and Smith was badly ing cervica in St. Peter's church was Dr. Tait. of Blyth, was a vimitoC to St, j Y Rev, Mr Fairbairn, B A., and jie . By bis unassuming mYinner and'ex-
damaged by a storm on lake Erie last held on Sunday last. The church was Thomas this week. Messrs Powell and B. L. Hutton, Dungqannon, and Rev, J. treppe carefulness in attenng his AddittOnal Loc 1 itt3WS
LIBERAL MEETING}. -A meeting will Monday. filled by a large congregation to hear McMillan are running the apple busi- Hamilton, B,A.,of Leeburn; reottationa
be held at the home of H. Elford on b patients he won many friends and se- 1•
' THE E. L, ADVOCATE. -This is the Rev. Mr Serrin, of Mitchell, who ness very extensively this season, Miss •y T. R. Courtice and Miss T. Sprung; cured an extensive practice, btiG not DIED Irl TxE WEST.- There died afi.•
Monday evening next, Nov. 7, at 8 name of the monthly cornet ublished reached a very a ro nate Sermon Amrtlia Anderson tS in Toronto this instrumentals by Mr Echlin; solos by Navin a strong contitutiohis fail- his home in Treherne, Man., Oat ,2$tlt; :k.
m., to select delegates, for polling sub- y j P P week, taking a musical conceal , Mr J. 1'
• division No. 5, to attend the Liberal by the Literary society of North St. E. those he occasion. a are sure that I Miss Ball alld Will Brownell, On be- trig health obliged him to get help; Dr, Mr Jas.R- taon,formSAY oft ,a: 4. ''
Convention at Dungannon on Nov. 11; L. of C. E. Last Tuesday evening we who availed themselves of the Duff, of Goderich, visited his sister, half of the church and Sunday School, 1k'.
g 1' o or who is teaching in town, over Sunda Mr Brownell was resented with a (Dray was secured and the services ren- flelct roan, txnarrrrq trrsvlltlhip, - . ?
J. W. Yeo, Chairman. had the pleasure of listening to this pa- PP tunny of listening to eo gifted a Mr and Mrs W. W. Sloan are visitin Purse, previous to his departure at the dared were all that could be desired by though in failing health i.'ot sdcYla 'ttptle"'
per,and found it most interesting. The man as Mr Kerrie are not sorry that u P P his patrons. Finally, as his health did his death ° was quite unexpected a: ,1711
SaHooL.-The following is the result contents included information from did so. During the service a solo was his parents in Toronto at present, an end of the present term. Rev. R. H. not recover sufficiently, he sold out his was sitting in his chair catkin to'sor'
of October promotion examinationes in in a few da s he and his father will Hall was chairman. g ,
the League, items from the Provincial sung by Miss cote, of Toronto. Rev. practice to Dr, Wm. Pallister who members of his family when his
p felt back and he ea iredinetantl head "'
S. S. No. 10: -Sr. std to `Jr, 4th -Lizzie conventions. church announcements, Mr Smith took Mr Kerrin's work at proceed to the Muskoka wampe on OUR $lox. -Mr Hugh Rvan is atilt seems to be quite master of the situs- p y -;Bar ''
Burnett, Fred Middleton, L+ttaThompp and a whole grist of good hints and Mitchell. the Scent for venison flesh. Mr James improving rapidly, and expecte to tion. As a member of the Methodist leaves a wife, nix daughters and #our
son, Ellie Rathwell, Annie Rathwell, suggestions. Ever Lea ue in the _ _ Forsyth. of Toronto, visited his Sister, be able to return home ahortl his church he will be
y Y, greatly wi@sed by sons to mourn the lose of a faithful bus-..'
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd -Flossie Perdue, Joe county should have such agpaper. Mrs Henderson, over Sunday. Mr J. many friends roriee to bear of his re- that body, as, superintendent of the band and loving father. The decei ' ;°
Ellwood. Sr, 2nd to Jr. 3rd -Oliver Hallett Leech visited his uncle in Lucknow on coverv. mrs Jo n TIf n sr., is suffer- Sunda School organist,
Sunda y g president of was a brother-in-law of Jas. and John
Welsh, Homer Johnston, Bert Middle- VERY ILL. -Andy Youngblut reach- DEATH. -Fred Cook, of the 9rd con., y ing from a paralytic stroke auatained the League, or any way in which his Lindsay, west of town.
ton, Ruby Rathwell. Pt. II to Jr. 2nd ed here last Friday morning, an route mourns the lose of his youngest son, Londesboro some days ago; at one time she was So services could be of any help. He RE -MICHIGAN. -In - ',
-Roy Hearn, Minnie Colclougb, Man- from Manitoba to his home in Auburn. aged five years, which occurred on low that the absent members of the leaves many friends in the community In a recant isatiE .n} , ,,.
me FIanley Frank Ellwood, wilite Previous to leavingthe Prairie Prov- Sunday, from some ailment of the WEDDING. -A very pleasant event family were telegraphed for, but now and surrounding country who wish our paper a gentleman who had beet;
Wise, Bert Vise, Fred Stirling, Ernest ince,he had suffered for six weeks from throat, occurred at the home of Frank Woods I appears to be recover ing. Mr G. Shep- him first a restoratio of health, and, visiting m Michigan made Some cif ' 1. ' ..
Thompson, Willie Stewart, Willie fever, and when he got to Goderich LARGE POTATOES. - Mr Geo. Snell on Wednesday, when his sister Annie, herd, another pioneer, is likewise ren- secondly, auccese in .s future a here parison between that place and Hurgri
Parsons. Pt. 1 to Pt. II -Agnes Mid- was so low that he could not be taken + was united in marriage to Bert L diatt dared helpless with P unfavorable to the formai, i a ii „i
sr., of this township, is not an Irish- g y + paralysis, though of labors. Mrs Shepard and family received a eommiiniCStion n."`' " '
dleton, Polly Ellwood, Albert John- home. On Sunday"hie life was deapa r• map, but he can nevertheless row by ilea. Mr Parke. They left next I fortunate y not dangerously ill; pos• will remain in town for some time yet, I $ lI , ;-
Ston, Warwick Cole, Robt. Thompson. ed of but as the week advanced his con- g morning for the Old Country on their sessed ofa good strong constitution he ' thereto by another arson who `;.
Total on roil 71, - U. A. TEBBIITT, dation has improved. He is Bufferin go9dd murphiiels, having some that wedding trip, we wish them a ban I a g g '
NOTES, —Miss Anna Whaddon, who been, but have not room for it ;thisi
weigh about feel each. he pparently has successfully combated ;sattendin the week, He shone tLro in some Stu
Teacher. from rhenma ism and sciatica. Andy's and safe journey not only across the the disease. And yet the chronicle is g l'a
DEATH -In the death of Mrs McLeod, many friends in town and country will FARM TO BE SOLD. -The farm be- Atlantic, but all through life, not yet complete; Mrs Watson, sr„ is and Miss Maggie Falconer wheeled of Michigan farm improvements are ,
relict of the late Roderick McLeod, of be pleased to hear of his recovery. longing to the estate of the late Robt. tiHIIROH OPENING. -Although the under the doctor's care from the same home teat Saturday and returned Sun- lust as good as in Huron, and if It,con•
the Huron road, this section loses a pi- LITERARY SOaIETY.-The followingCrawford, situated on the gravel road, new Methodist church does not seem to cause; her right side is entirely daY afternoon. Mr Torrance, of tau- tinues as it has, for the next to years
para- resident, as well as a most hi hl ro ram was resented in the Colla near Londesboro, will be offered for be progressing reasin lyzed, and in addition she is also ren- ron road, near Seaforth, arrived here it will in some respects be ahead of 'ibis
B P P g sale b auction on Wednesda Nov, complettiion • g very rapidly toward dared speechless. Our on Monday with the furnace for the section..11
respected od resident. She has been in ill ate Institute last Friday evening:- In- 30th, at 2 o'clock, at Londesboro' This P ,tt has been decided , open P sympathy is ex school. Quite a number have availed
health for about a year, and when the etritmeiptal duet,Miss E. and Percy Tye it for public worship on Sunday, Nov. tended to all the afflicted. RUST IN WHEAT.—In referI 11 ence oto"
Angel of Death came on Sunday even- recitation, Mies Cora Ferguson enera is a good farm, well situated, .and is p themselves the opportunity of hearing the fall wheat locum allow s
being sold in order to adjust the estate ford, when Rev. Jas. Hannon, of Strut- NOTES. -Quite a number from hers Crossley and Hunter, who are at pies- of which g y ' " am I?oilI
ing, she was found ready, and passed debate, "Resolved that we should fol ford, will preach morning and evening, attended the elocution contest for the ent carrying on meetinggs in Clinton. ich were sent to the Agrtcultitl,1t`. '`.A'
peacefully to other aboral She was low the fashions;" instrumental, Ure among the heirs thereto. and Rev, W, Rigsby, President of the silver medal held in Dungannon on Mr Holman drove to . (4oderi College by Mr Ransford, the fallo.win
formerly a Mise McCabe, and was mar- Stewart; Model School journal, Will SCHOOL REPORT. -The standing of Conference, in the afternoon, he will Tuesday evening last; they e n 'oyed the Saturd'a M ch last letter has been received from 14IrL"c ':
clad to her' late husband ahortl after g S. S. No. 5 for October is as follower- also conduct the dedicatory services. pro ram immensely. Maas M. Sprung, engagedy wi th Mr ail Cameron, who }a head, profeaeor of Biology:_ '_ i ""
y Rogers; Question drawer, H. I. Stran ggHiggins, of Vatna, gyo- ,
he bought the farm on which she has solo, will Stoddart; Collegiate Instil- 4th class -Estella Snell, Bertha Man- Further particulars of this wilt be giv of Goderich, is visiting friends in this sent, Sunday at home. Mr I find that the sole trouble ie: rust, d
since resided, and was, therefore, fa- uta durnal, Miss Grace Strang; recita- ning, Lily Carter. Sr 3rd -Mabel Vod- en in a future issue. p James .ex
miliat to all the hardeh*_ of g' vicinity. The a pie packers have $n- Thomson of Bruceflel is in town. sporest°Ik is bally infected with reddish elnSterHo t
pioneer tion,: Miss Godwin; instrumental duet, den, Martha Crawford, Minnie Wal- LEAGUE AND CHURCH NOTES,- Mr ished their work and disbanded for Percy and Brose Smith drov . epidermis. Down n breaking throw ,le'thy '"'' Id
life. Her husband pre -deceased her Misses Olive ":luehanan and Grace lace, Jr. 3rd -Jas. McCool, Jos.Yung a to ParkDown near the base of many leaves ,
nearly 20 ears. A woman of sterling Snaith. This was one of the best pro- blut, John Vodden. Sr. 2nd -Lily Hamilton preached an impressive ser- Lan season. Mise Jennie Treleaven, of hili last week. The drain across M in ifound also blaoki•h clusters of s ores (. blerts ' a.
mon on Sunda esvtlle alerted her brother will St. from Mr Gairdner's cellar, wh h tO9pores) the venting stage tidingt over, wln• x '-
qualitie he vane esteemed by every- Snell, Mat y afternoon, hta theme ter. Many complaints reach us from Huron .
g tlis'evsrt rehdered at the Society s y Snell, Mabel Brown. Jr, bean last week. Jno. Echlin's barn r ;
body, andli a was a attain to r9etin Miss Godwin's, Mr Stcddart's, 2nd-liarry McCool, Effie Jackson K a continuation of the one of the on the could not be finished on account of the and Lambcon,',
g• previous Sabbath. Rev, Mr Andrews boundary, was burned to the ground wet weather, is at length completed. ACCIDENTS. -IL3`
° 2 ugh- and'Mr'`3fewart's selectionsry?eserve May Cousins, Sr. Pt. 11 -Frank IIib reached a ver earl Tuesday A young man, named
tare. The funeral to o a ecial'mention--the were first-class. hart, William Snell, Willie Ho cart. p Y practical sermon on y y morning; fortunately Mr Gairdner was in Clinton last week. g
p y g6 Sunday evening in connection with the'barn was empty, and there being a Mr John Shaw and Mr Reid Torrance Leavery, who is & Mason by trade,;ivas
tery was largely attended, the s r Those resent were denied the leasure Jr. Pt. 11 -Annabel Snell, Mabel Me- small insurance the loss will not be of Porter's Hill tryiu .to do some work for htm$e1f:aG
being conducted by Rev. J. Gre" ne P Cool the service for "tihe late Mrs McVittie, spent Sunday in town, ,
of hearing the question d@bated, which , John •Radford. Sr. Pt. 1 -Eddie paying a very high tribute `o the Chris- heavy. Miss M. Miller, of Toronto, Miss Ella; Sparks, of Stanley, is one ° the machines in Cooper's'Plan
.t , was greater statesmert •'the Iron Chan- Cousins, Elward Yun blut JohnWal- tian life of the deceased member, and P y, attend- fig Factory, last Thursd%y, whenAha ' ''
NOTES.—Invitation cards are out for iX i visited Nile friends last week, Miss in school here; she is boarding with board m his hand jumped, an
the wedding of Dr. A. M. Switzer, of cellos on the Grand Old Man as of a lace. Jr, Pt. 1 Gertte Vadden, Mil- Etta Hall is holidaying in Holmesville MrgHolman. Dr. Gra
+ urging upon all the duty of being pre- y g ] P d hie fin'-' --fin
y Grand Rapids, Mich., to Miss M, E. side withdrew. The general debate an 4r d Snell, Essie Mair. -J. H. LOWERY, pared. The League service on°Monday at present. - Bertie Smith returned this week, Miss F,- Stanwas bur antown gets drawn under the knives, which `+=
Hugadone, a popular young lady of the above subject was well fought, Miss night was led by the president,the top- from Petrolia on Monday; her health y Mr c q three fingers off the right hand at
that city; Ab. is t e eldest eon of B. g " ++ P is much im r Alex. McLeod, who are +tttending the second joint.
h Massonleadin the affirmative and W. OBITIIARY.—Departed thio life in is The Call of Elisha was taken by p owed. Masa S. Courtice school in Olinton, spent Sunday at On Satttrda Mrs Ga
Switzer, of this township, and his Hiles the negative. S, P. Halle, the Hallett, at the home of her daughter, Miea Andrews, who dealt chiefly upon visited in our village on Saturday last, home. Mr John Eason has returned y gen was doigg
many friends here wish him the fullest judge, declared the negative side the Mary A. Moon, on Sunday, Oct. 23rd, the different calls which come to from a visit to Nairn. Messrs Uontine her h steps, breaks nehe steall iI wI
;realization of his expectation. A large winner.. Alice McVittie, beloved wife of the League members; a general -discussion and Dusseau, of St. Joseph, were in some steps, breaking a small bone;:In
number from this vicinity attended PERSONAL. - A. Duff visited his cis• late Simon McVittie, aged 88 years, took place; the regular monthly busi- Holmesville her leg, and bruising herself consider
Y town on Wednesday interviewing the ably, She was alone in the houseIrit, "
I: the Crossley and Hunter mQetings ter and other relatives at Blyth is sts- The deceased was. born in Ireland, and ness meeting took place,at the close of NOTES.—Herbert C. Leech, Detroit, council for the purpose of buying the the time
Sunday afternoon, and were highly day andSunday,having recovered from came to Canada in 1823 with her rar- which reports were received from all who was married last week at Elgin, saw -mill pproperty; the were also ad- managed to crawl t"I - 1
delighted with them; may God speed his recent attack of fever; Monday he ents at the tenderage of 13. She lived departments except the social; the top- Ill., is a nephew of Mrs Leech, of this vocating,the liuildin of a railroad. On window and attract the attentiq'n,of
these evangelists in their greet work. resumed hie duties in the tuning room with her parents for a numbr.r of years is next week is "Missionar Waitingg villa e: some neighbors, , ;
I'IMise Barbara Pett lace, of Ottawa, is of the or an factor Clem Pennin , audio 1830 was united Harvests the life ofFann ' ii g SUirlday evening Mr Glanville conduct= r °, ,)
yP g g_ at smith's Falls ," y coney wi VISITING. - Misses Etta Hall and ed the Epworth League aerylae In the THE OPENIN(I CONCERT. -It wa's,0D hk 1.
visiting at ,her uncle's, B. Switzer.- ton has returned from Toronto, and in marriage to the late Simon McVit- be ksad and only hymns written by her Miller, of Nile, have been a satin Methpdist church; his rsmarka were until too late that we noticed an: a ro;a
Wm. Etliatt'loat two pigs on Saturday will probably open a stock exchange in tie, and en'oyed 59 years of married will be surpg; all are welcome except
enol five. on Sunday from some ,disease P friends in this vicitit durin t very helpful and Instructive, After a had been made'in the date ,in our .die •
town. E. Rose, who served his time life. In 18 3 she came with her bus- small children. weeki. They returned home lengthy visit in Bayfield Mrs Hunter Play advertisement. The first cogCei ", " ri
which Dr.Blackalipronounced measles. on the Signal, and until about six band and family to Hullett, where she left for win ham on Tuesda to visit will ba given-, on NPV, 14r iAsted;¢
There's trouble on the Tipperary line; months ago, was head job hand on the resided until her death. There were Noire. -The berry on thenen Meth- (y#,) Y 8 , y, Y;
it's ducks this lima, The walker firm g ' j odist church is nearly completed, her daughter, Mrs Low. Maas Brierley, Nov. 4, as alinoutiaed. The aomtiiRtal +i
Sarnia Observer, now holds a position born to them ten children -five sons adds much to its appearance. E, Mc. GONE. -Mrs Halls, who has been of St. Thomas, was the guest of Mas will deliver tickets tosubecriberd after .: ;t;'
Nae again changed hands, this time W. in a New York ,job office. Mise Chute and flue daughters, two re whom died Vittie has a sato of farm stock and i e- visiting her sister, Mrs w. Mulholland, Sheppard for a few da Friday next. The
Cook gets it. Mine A. Trick has arriv- formerly organist in North St. Metho- some years ago; her eight Surviving elements on Friday next. Mrs Wm, for some weeks past, left for her. home In Triinity church last Sundaes morn- to subscribers for two, da s on Mondalan willn '"
Ad home and relieved Bob of his house- diet church, is getting about $1800 per children are Mrs Mary A. Moon, Hul- Moon of Stocton Man., is the neat of in Chicago on Tuesday. E. w. An- in Mr Lia el Neftel was ordained as the 71 h, at 9 a. m. sharp, at Jackeorr
hold duties. T.Trick has gone on a vis- yyear in a North Carolina town. Allan lett; James, of British Columbia; Wil- M. Braithwaite. Howard Ridgdell re- draws left for Stratford last week, lay reader by Rev. Mr Smith. Sacra- Bros., and parties wishing to subscribe
it -but we don't know where. Jeckell, now attending our Model liam, of Nile; Moses, of East Wawa- turned from Manitoba on Saturday where be has secured a position as ment of the Lord's Supper was disport- can do so by calling at Jackson Bro•'s "
School, has secured a school at the nosh; Elisha on the old homestead;Mrs and reports thins booming there. Mr telegraph operator. sed in St. Andrews, church on Sabbath The following is clipping from. the
Tuekeramlth Thames Road. Misses Cepba Fisher Isabella Reid, of Clinton; Mrs Eliza J. McCtay and wife have settled down A GOOD BUYER.-Thie fall F. C. EI- morning last. The new officer, Lieut. Woodstock Sedtinel-Review:-
COUNCIL.— A meeting of the council and Millie Godwin went to Guelph on beth Moon, of Stocton, Man; Mrs M. to the realitieF, of married life in Mr T. ford has bought and packed for El• Gaskin, took charge of the meetings The opening of the Poople's Star Course ate , , ,,,
was held at Kyle's hotel, on Tuesday, Saturday,and appeared in the pro¢ram Braithwaite, of Londesboro, She was Lee's house near the Methodist parson- iott fit Mitchell ab nut 3,000 barrels of in the Army barracks last Sunda and the Opera House ]est night was most_auspf
Nov. 1st, all the members pt esent. Mr of aconcert there on Thesday evening; a consistent member of the Methodist age; Mrs Howson has moved into the apples. He is a successful bu er and Y cions there being an appreciative audience
p made a very favorable impression, that i118_ the theatre from pl4to gallery.,"
`, n- Wm.Dgnes was appointed poundkeep- both ladies are good reciters and oto- church for 88 years, being•converta same house with them from Mr T. H, allt he apples be sent out were in first Williams Macy was the attraction, anis for >"
' . er, for Harpurhey and vicinity. The cutionists, and did credit to Miss Fish- at the age of 20. She was always sett- Cade's house. Mr John Bell and fam• class condition. He has given good CJonstance nearly two Hours heeweretertainedhumorousbig pdt eti4
annual meeting of the electors for the er's training. Benny Horton and Fred ing a good example, and those in ily moved to Clinton this week to the satisfaction both to bu er and Seller with selections that were humorous pathetic
trouble alwa a found in her a cod y NOTES. -The free-will offering of the or dramatic, as the fancy sedmed to take hit t. • 4 .
nomination of candidates for the oeon- Brophy attended a Hallowe'en party g house he I purchased last Saturdayfrom and next year we expect to hear of him g ' Mr Macy snot a stranger in Woodstook.. He
cil of 1899, will be hdld at Dixon's Hall at Clinton,on Monday. Lewis Adams, friend and neighbor; very kind in sick- the executors of the estate of the late handling even more than he did this Methodietanniversaryservicesamount- was here afore, and that nie y acoo'dnt>for
Brucefteid, on December 28th, at one of Ulirtton,has secured a position as as- Hasa, and many will mourn her depart- Mrs Butt; we will mien them from our year. ed to $59.30 not $38•'30 as appeared in such ane coptionallylargo andienoe.turnin
o'clock, and if a oil is demanded aiatant tuner at the or an factor ore. She was tint a mother in Israel paper last weak. The C, O. F. lodge in out to he r him last night Ha is a art ly.
p polls g y y midst. The Manitoba harvesters are THE HIGtIEgT•-On London market this lace is ainin In numbers, three man without much hair. fie. as a goo isin g
will be opened the following ,Monday BRIERS.- Last week a woman .came in her relations as wife, mother and returning by degrees, Messrs William on Saturday there were no lase than. nlembere were i it iated voice, but it is as a humorist that he, 0 :
at the usual places, with Jos. Weber, from Owen Sound, and was before the neighbor, as well as sister in the church; Brigham and J.Oartwright are the lat- 27 cheese factories represented, which ani g Thursday ev• cels. His facial expression was very:ologsr,
Jas: Broadfoot, A. G. Smillie, and W. P.M.,on the charge of running a house she was faithful in all her wave, and est, and Mr J. Garrett is expected this offered Por sale a total of 7170 boxes. ng, and three more intend to join ahmraotarsyin Qh gr f p rsonationsI1 1
was much valued b rho astore of the pp nextmeeting. Duncan Tudor, who has e e delightfnily amarG
Sinclair as Deputy Returning Officers, of prostitution;the charge was not sus- y p week. Court Pride of the West,No.31, Of this amount 5590 boxes exchanged been in the' employ of Mr George Clark and amusing. Mairagor Totten says thrit the ,
The Braadfoot Creek Drainage Deben- tained, so the case was dismissed. W Methodist church; in pioneer life aha C,O.F, had a floe turn -out on last Fri- hands. Of course salesman Connolly for a number of cora net basso a - audience was the largest in the historic .,of ,
tures, amountingto $2384.21 h always administered to their wants da p
, ave been J. Morrow and A.J. Cooper have open- y night and there were also some of was there representing Holmesville, ed with Lou Fareham for u year. Quin
sold to the "Supreme Court oP Judice- ed a "China Hall Grocery" on Hamit• and nPcesaities, and her house was not the members of Blyth court as visitors; I and sold at the highest fltrure 8 c,
the a number ossleyhe vicinity attend the t , - . i
tare of Ontario' at 31 per cent interest. ton St.; both gentlemen are well and place of worship for made a many them, buts at the close s the meeting the visitors 350 boxes Holmesville factory offered. Hunter -Crossley services in Clinton. - v
-Gravel and other accounts were passed •favorably known ' town and we wish P P Y years when and members were treated to a lunch, I Of the 5590 boxes sohl, 350 went at The usual Hallowe'en tricks were. in- 7.
amounting to over $400. The next them every success. "What happened there were no churches to the neigh- 8 9-18c; IF; 1
meeting will be held at Brucefield on to ]ones ?"nae pia ed here on Monday g 2550 at 8 c; 875 at S lt•18c; 875 at Jul
y borbood. For several years before her Stanley. ged in by our boys on Monday ev- A
Friday, November 25th, at 10 o'clock, night to a crowded d her any person death She was unable to attend public 8Jc; 500 at 8 13.18c; 350 (Holmesville] evenin g,,the nigght was a little too light 0 i
P NOTES. -Mies Ida McIlveen has re 8&c. It will be seen that Holmesville for their work, a ray of light reveal -
A:. G. SMILLIE Clerk. worshiD, owin to the infirmities of g
+ tar, h%ve asked cannot tell what befell yr turned from Detroit having S ant a was the only factory that secured Sic. ed one of their number in hiding be -
Jon,,• the body her Bible and religious a ' p 11 r'
A row of iron piping has been para were her constant companions; couple of weeks in that place. Miss G. This, and the good sales during the hind a bush,when a lively pursuit took11
SrA►TISFAOTION [aid along each aide of SaIold s rd bridge; she prized her Bible and tom its J hnston Goshen line y that place through the neighboring gardens '"
g , ' 4 pard a visit to past season, prove con luaivel $ g g .. 'aV0 011 B JLn .f; a-110W t
this realIngsupposed to hold Should the pages derived much comfort and Con- Goderich the past week. Miss Minnie HoCmesvtlle has good cheese, 'a good causing himtolose his hat by coming
g y , good in contact with a clothes line. Hats for fa118 If not ,o
OR YOUR wooden tai ing give way. The steam solation in her declining ears and af- Armstrong, who has been visiting her factor a good cheeaemaker
barge, St. Andrew, arrived on Satur- a y brother in Mitchell, has returned hatne, patrons and last, but not least, a good p Yo, ,.,
I' day afternoon from Fort William,with flietion, and during the last tan days of Bronson line. The trnStees'of S. J. salesman. b0 leased t0 i;110
k. , • MONEY BACK. 37,500 bushels of wheat for the BigMilh, her life she seemed unusually happy, No. 3 have enga ed Miss Emily Turn- wingham. ; '
and urged all her children and grand- gg PROMOTION'S. -The following is a list REOPENING, -The Catholic church latest fiVie
6.1n ,
Ifanytliingboughi at the Cash Grocer she cleared on Sunda for the Soo. The er, of Tuckeramith as teacher for the g Ty, gIs not thought to be as good ss we say it is granolithic sidewalksn front of Me- and now hildren tthou faithful Christian lives,followingyear: Mr Jas• Cowan, of of the -3, Goderic reo nil triads in e- fn h" rngham has under one a thhe► a
-if it is not ss ool se yon drink it ought Learl's new block has been flnished,and though dead, yet she epoak Benfield, hay been an a ed with Mr S. No. 3, Goderich , township, as are- ough renovating• process, making the ,, "
g eth. Blessed are the dead who die in g sult of the October exams. No exami• church uite attractive and cornfdr- I''itii ' ING9 r • .
to be --Dome right back and let ns 'know works going c along the front d, the Hueston, Front road, duringg the past q
atom it, fGe will either e>tohanye' rho old Crabb block, Ducks are plentiful the Lord; they rest from their labors g On account action was held with the second and table. Reopening services were held • •
Week Lakin out his roots,
owls br "ve enols the purchase -;money, or ori the Aver. Harr llutstln was u at and their works do follow them• Her third classes; -Jr. 4th to fir. 4th -Em- on t3abbath last, Ri ht Rev. D. D. ► 80 t1181atbflt 7f1 Z1I
gt y p of the exceedingly wet weather the g
h Rice Lakflrecontl rem inS were interred in the Londea• rt ta Calclough, Harvie Mulholland, O'Cdnnar, Bishop of London ofRclat- .
e any of er honerabie thing io.,;satisfy. y ,and bag ed over 100 farmers have been hindered consider. , y and Sailors i11
boro cemetery on Tuesday, and were Saida Canto on. Pt. II to 2nd class••-- In Hi h Mass was celebrated at • r g0 dllll T `
a, of selling goods below Dost we are clucks. North fit, Methodist church y y, ably in their fall walk. Mre Joseph 13•.
o enough to try and make sny 1aiel. many gement bane ordered an 80.11 lib p°flowed by ll large concourse of+ poo Uunbar'treturned to her home in Ash Oscar' Tebbutt, Edgy Wilson, Albert 10,30 by Father McKeown. This was >1t9 Ot
i le. The pall bearers weraWm. Mena, Pickard, John Dempsey, $20
$ '•(VI I .
tion believe ihtti tae al's, bittr we do„ aceta yne girls generator to lace tfla field on Tuesday after a visit to her is Y, Reinert FOr- followed by Cvntlrpnation service. His
--- aaoline system now in use; Robinson Cleo. Moon, Jas. Moon, Simon McVit- dao liter, Mra Thos. Baird. Mr den and Arthur $curdy. . Pt. 1 to Pt. Lordship alearl err plamed to the can• We have I
y _ tti ap a m9w aasoriineni r% :
g rte, I3enr Moon, and Robt. Morrison g Alex` .Ilarice.0 Mulholland, Francis Potter, dilates the necessit and nature of s
" &-Filsin er, are Putting in the ora- yy Thomson, who has been for two months y ; . ..
S t..L O C300D$ - i six grandchildren. Clarice. Badour, Howard_Trewartha,
chine. .17. Dance is erecting a -line in the Northwest afrion his relrrt Cies' .. - _ _ the five sacraments bald by the church, '' ,
yy • T around , Minnie Sturdy, Edith Lavis, Iiia .Hut- to be necessary toSpiritual• Liuen lifibrra1;ile ..
as cheap as any oliQ;in the'trsde. To know residence near Smith's tanpery. h® nd 117toose Jat has rettitned hoe supply .the ,, ,.
ler, The followin . is thfrstagdin Iu .needs of her ,.
that wry are a pro is d. Arai we ive ox- Bell Telephone Co's.poatsaround town Fort;el's .Hill. he is much leased with the ao g > children, viz: --bit tlsm, i
aoti what we prorniae,,if yocl'll give rte a Have n d p unary. order of merit of the second and 'thirdalit,ernie .
yY been.pai to . At the last meet- Mrs Walter Mtlflatt Nae recur ed. r m t ..., confirmation, oniranaar dbutlon
iiingie chance to Sllovi how' darafnl a !► • Mrs FR;ENDS. A special meat- !p f o classestl
foe the month of Oetobot.1- -Sr, and the Masa. He dlsb `ref'exred to,
o the
w rbc to of the town council. A. J.Mobre (on in of the Chosen her ytsit to friends in Londdna M" J.Call a
g , f3 . .. ni 8 rlendei is gall d 8rd.. Mabel. Wills _ . nil nee iliatil the toweai iii .
what good ihingrl.we Sell, . and how muoll behalf of the Mechanics Institute a on,; 1#Irdie Wllladn, sacrame t of ma a 1+
tufa for Thursda . Dunbar, of AshBelcl, wap a da in n rIi go rendered net loon i
ustibfdoiion There ib in frsdin wiihus, we y evening, Nov, 10th, a y 11'loxenee Trewartha He B s d n INA finite, xf you Naas iI'' i,,
. board) asked the town to take the Stanley last week, n atldur, ossar to rdain s rlaitton tri the fatull ,
there is special business to be trans y S ' o;tr Bab a 6600 sob them befor
Hlanbhet Tebbutt Minnie Forded Ed ., y • h
ince Dake you villi ltfeoamo a regular ons• .books and run a free llbl"tt 'he argued _ , ter,•- <• , . _ , , and that, a e crretrre unatlon rag. a re ,
',.. g acted a full attendance is, desired, 1 Mannin s Ro Pickard Edith Mit i; p olrtewliore. e bring the n&aoiji
toiiier. _ i he cbango.would orlly Mo4ti about Htkill► k g h' l aration, fr5r, death, The, candidates
I XJ a i flow' wo bre01144119 p ourTotd,::Booiees, fittrs Berl%n eczi •-
•-.., A. dome *40 tulll lncreas d neation' while NOTES. lir John Pickard, of GI t _ holland, Vd.. Williams. Yr. Srd• •Ma- were then on ,
o to tVh l file logon . ,NOTE11 J. Watt r, t iv r h c fil+Iu :f -Irl tho; evening
rbtiy thins In abillsware: _. as y j r seatoavattn a el f7ds li. We,twllI be larsedia, ,
"< p... tll:of the public would,C§ very teat, -- w tsitin hitt parents last wee g b Munntaga ,Gordon Amass. 011ie ,then went V s r fa o e b sor.: , ..
lace for a cellar uner bier holtse.T Q e pa r 11 ti+ d y el r xtcl r lkglu
1`loialta4i L t46, (7nrtt tt4s si,the 1 rs. Wpa,_ I ntrly Id trecbverin ye p sturdy, My`Irtlo l;at s; Fmuk Rvatlo, mots deli+o red li r ba ti .
r ,1', l*. Brown rg plai to g In sinew, softie g q . Hamiltdnt has been en a ed to teach e the t13 s , , m a
to.aa tercA l# O L flnecUttars, Thebusinesslneraofttlwn slowly, Mrs.,S,Burke.hasgonoon ;# Me'v u Evans, ,H.9WAtd Williams. withstandtn tiled ve
(1 • i'+ irt,11AMOck school for i Our post• 2nd: e asb»=•1'*6or a ddlblatr' h, Wilfrid
Itrce r6461 itnhto ed by thin daily, dela aloft to rt3ihdon. fl do.:has ,Agalu been flan ed this w the>` the i taI
cif flee train wrhic i Atiftld arrive.at,J •` ' `- "" me fromi Mir Shiels to g ` Cdlaldiygll al* if oetoilr, a v erXa 0. vioea ftrl lar e. v
l(r t ' + it 'Co. r Pat+sttnr G. + artne 1,
a,bu y ,
s, troy, vl ilted bl b othir Rolbf , Pi., T1lae :
, elft whish geuetirally gots herb tae cm, Dr, Manis la, i`#,'P,, hasld C lnrpae Sh1el
f A# 7i ` WtJ011l'12 acid 1 'd alo*, Th ixfguy medical p oil Miliom , f , is l►
T44 rdirbl HN on trh ,
A ,x t: "I'll i. " -