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The Clinton New Era, 1898-10-28, Page 8
(Oct ober 28, 1898 THE CLINTON NE* ERA � ANOTHER 51000H' 36FEIL UNI,. -- We S . hitton �.�Rf , f iv xA are pleased to uute that Miss Mabe! , ��TJJ Caplttt i who wrote aI, Form 11 ex- f Men's Goods FRLDAIc, OCTUI3ER 28, 1898 I taitiod ion a Ja1y, has, un appeal, ob- L+ twined her certificate. This makes six- I 1:Z • • ���� teen successful candidates in Form III ur Talk 0 0 fur the Clinton Institute, Our Men's Furbishing• de- partment is a complete Illeri's •�"/ But Dame some of those bright •a#ternoons i ENTERTAINDIENT COURSE—The citi- ( If you are thinking of buying Furs, buy early, T NOT AccuPTED.-Recently Ben Ma- zeub' entertainment course will o en do it and It will )a 0 St01@ in itself. Phe styles we '�•�• and select from our stook a pattern with +San, of 8altford, leased his hotel to a the aeries on the 14tb of Nov. with J. I pay y011 t0 do the same, show are always new and Up- yM a1I V which b uta new durine the ion walla, to VArty named Johnbton, and uu Mon- �V. Macy, humorist and buffo -basso, of I + g g wtnte 4ay the conaniibsiouets that at the New York. His powersof entertaining There s always a elicits among a lot of SklnS, and the to -date, while values are better montheapproaohing. We have just place K' blouse of the Inspector here to consider i an audience are well spoken of where best are made up first that's why we Order long befog'@ tVe than You For in stook a lot of new designs for the fat S the matter uY transfer ring the license, ever he has appeared, and the comneit_ )' will find In a store trade, which are bright and pleasing. Com They declined, however, to make the tee look for a wood house. The other I need the goods and Wlt it'will )a devoted t0 nie11's and let us show you a tasteful stock of transfer, as they did not consider the entertainments will follow in due time, Y pay you t0 buy w}Ij10 stocks goods alone. A truly artistic wall papers. The patterns here are at their best. It's easy to be deceived in Furs, and , A .proposed tenant satisfactory to their dates of which will be found in another YOUI' boat guarante@ Of SatiSfaCtrpll in I'�ur��� and colorings we know will please you and requirements. column, Underwear the prices won't teother you at all if you fl om a house whose goods can be depended on. We sell and Rainy your hem good ngvalues ui and pretty walls in HOUSE of RENUtaE.-Religious ser- THE CURLING CLUB, -The annual g' NOw is th0 time for Bhang- your home. Bring ns the size of your Deices last Sunda were conducted by meeting of the Curlin and Skating ' Furs aIld sell thele at Close prices, and are here toady t0 make � room and we will tell you the .11essis Horace Foster and E. H, Me- club was held on Tuesday night, when 111 Underwear. Values like Da quired, and trim the pper for quantity re - Kenzie, it being the first appearance of the following officers were elected:- fight anything that does not turn out as it ou ht t i11eSe 'Lie d ) elected:- -either aP these persona at th H Patr J F e Dose. ons, as, ares sr„ W. W.c Ferran, g O• g00 and make It w`I The illegitimate child born to W. Doherty; . S a,, G. D. McTaggart; Our Fur values this season are exceptionally good and ay to do Your underwear d i unfortunate girl a few days since, Vi Jackson; Di Shaw; Sec,-Treas„ W. YOU Can depend on qualities Oil get from US. ' uyillg here, died last weals and was butted in the Jackson; Auditors, H. Sec. R.Agg p y Souse burial. plot, new; Curlin Com„ J. P. Tisdall, W. rr Men's Union Sbirts and Drawers, rr E.Brydone, Curling Skating Com ����'�' A feature Of our Fill• business is themedium weight, soft 'finish, each 20C t~ TROUBLES DON'T COME SINGLE.- J. Johnston, N. Fair, W, P, Spalding, The following from a Wingham paper J, P. Tisdall. The club has joined the Of pal'tiCUlal' attention t0 specjal MillsOI erMen s Shirts andD otter in oft fill. refers to a son-in-law of Mrs W, Mar- Ontario Curling Association oinarilooks isb, just enoal ten, of own T. Hessian has had forward to a successful season. Con- Order either for new goods Or inaklrig Over Old keethem #rum shrinking, extra SOar-C The frM •' D his own trials of late. H0 was a heavy eidering the short titre the rink was value, each, • • , , , , rV F$IR CO garrllents int" IIuW styles. $ Fine and soft Shirts and Drawers, Clinton. laser at the late fit e. This has been open last year, their success was more rangencent with one of the leading Fur houses of the P On11I1 On ea, the beet we've ever e .followed by sickness in the family. than expected. all pure wool, plain or fancy strip. •c Norma, his ouneest daughter, was we can show you anything 111 Furs Did, tach isC Often the Cheapest --Always the Best" removed to the hospital at Toronto, Y ° YOU may Walls, and yq@ Fleece lined Un lerwear, preferred h p PAID THE MONEY. - Saturday John guarantee our prices as low as can be had any by fine a - Mre Aeseian is also indispose_ a Neelands, of Brantford, Treasurer aP where. by many to the woollen, each .... 50C are glad to hear, that Mise No�aWla the Canadian Order of reasurer o ll wool Shirts and Draw. doing well. came here and ggave the Town Clerk a era, soft lamb's wool finish, well cheque for $25 000 Good made, comfortable and durable receiving in return goods, each ....... . ........... . e�] •2e5 A HEAVY CALF. -Last week Robt. i the Doherty Loan Debentures recent- r��� Plewes, of the 2nd eon. of Tuckersmith, ly issued. The the ue was de osited FanC i Medium weight, all wool, seamless 20c q p / r�r soId to Jas. Hearn a calf that was only in the Molson'e Bank, and on Monday 9 � GJ o�%(S,S �, / sox • • • • • • i 15 weeks old, but which turned the morning one of the bank's own cheques, Spitted Top Shirts, dark rotors, rCales at 5711 lbs. and for which he re marked goad for $25,000, was received �� gandkfs. Carociyda atterns„ AUC i eived $20. The calf was a common it, exchange, The Mayor, accompanied �, We sell Only g n Jackete's. wool,blaok or rade, but in addition to being nursed hp Reeve Kennedy wed Mr Z aylar, OOd 1� T'* +sC • • . { brown, extra value, �+ Y its MOUICr, 113d treeu well fed, and chairutau u, the Finance Comu,ittee, g � I we al•e a'}- `n1.25 all �bowa what can be done if farmers went down to the Doherty Factory y Jk• �jJ'; i Gloves, and ! _ ?.: ^` ways Selling -New Ties will only give their stuck proper at- and handed the cheque to Mr Doherty, 4LL1' a a • it tension. Mr Hearn says that in all who thanked theta very kindly for the tlal'all- :• /� �' i lots of Hand- bis many years' experience as a boyar st,me. To a sensitive' man of self reliant / tee goes With / kerchiefs, but We slave just OSboes ;" �I'���. �r �, he never crime across as heavy a calf instinct, and the inborn at of 6 t paned SOIne Ion Its a e. ever ) a i i' �� Of the nobbiest Ties that have I , r11 piuu 1st g stable•, and Overcoming in defeat siring ob- , S' l � this little 1"t been sllOWll lIl town for i atactes and overcoini»zdefeats, to take t at leaves t1121t Carle ill many II'�IJ�� < d Publisher, is ed at. o n Printer money in this wap is h a senst sled ii- ti Store, Here's a little bat. th s , � a day, also new s11 Are most important for int I Tied 1?ubliaher, issuedat.Toronto, says: sting. However, as tyle town failed in , week aro special value apes Tri OUT r 11@ -"The forthcoming issue of The Gana. prat in protecting Mr Duherty's pro- sin lot trf reliable g fam"Lls Eosin -ply q linen Wisdom displayed in buying g Dacia for; asses won't last long. quality than y inter ne wits contain a brief, but party from fire, it is only tPasonable I)e"pie wlto wear Slllall sizes ; C011al'S at 1 $C Y these Shoes depends Ina °teat Zighly interesting political biography to make good, at least, part of the lose. > OI' fOI' 35c, rneaSUl'e the comfort and h� ;. of the late Hon. M. C. Cameron, b Mr , Fine Swiss Muslin Handkerchiefs, e'alth J 9 Genuine ' t?erriu" Liluves,black only handsomely embroidered edges Net Weather Goods through the McGillicuddy, of the Godericb Si nal NOTES, -As Mrs W. H. Brealey will -"M. C. Ctttneron ae I knew h'im,' It be leaving town shortly to join her• standard dollar quality, sizes 5�, c� worth easily 15c, spacial.. ., 10C g winter. is a geneioua, but discriminating esti- husband in the northwest, she will 5' 0 only, species to clear..... , , . e/b)C "' X'�Oill' have an auction sale of all 'her, house- seasonable specials:' ecials ]n lien's Felt goofs S M* ;, mate of the man, such as °rIe would --- 1) i' expect from a whale-soulect, Irishman hold effects :ten Saturday, Nov, 5th. -" that S110u1d attract careful � oX, and Rubbel'S We never were who is not so petty as to let his recent Stone and other building material for buyers In aS gDOd a pOSlti011 t0 Sll t ' embielytter ccntis judgment." with Mr Cameron the erection of eVtahle have been haul -New Millinery great yariety and at reasonablelprices.RST-CLASS GOODS in embriter his judgment," ed on the Dolaertq Factor 1 Large and strong angle,Umbrellas, good y property, top and fancy handle, just the David (7[uff, formerly of town, but 50c Ill the Women's and Children's THE FALL WET• -Many fields of more rec#entiy of Godericb, has taken thing for knock -about nee...... ,. 10,11 wheat in this vi6init up Lis re tde»ce in Wo dst.ack, when An extra busy week in our Millinery Departnleilt I'aC- fine Gloria top Umbrellas, will not Departments we have y -mope 0 a bigstock Of thoroughly Tally khat which was sown early -are he is engaged as traveller for one of tically cleared Our Showroom of fine Ready -trimmed Hats. g Yup -to -date goods, in both style and P turn green, steel ..... slow ribs quality. u; turning quits yellow, hied the fear a the organ factories. Messrs Learoyd This week our milliners ]lave pre,) a finer aSS01'tlnellt 0f °rooked handles Water roof Goa 1C•2 � entertained that the same is due to the Bros., of Windsor, have purchased the , 1) 1 Men's and Boys, p to //••�� ' Hessian fly or some Dotter insect pest, drygoods stock of Gray, Carrie & Co., the 'lowest Styles in Trimmed. Milliner double texture, sewn seams, de- ,�1� Rubber Ialt. thought that c top -dressing tofiels t of °f Woodstock; Walter Lertroyd, who ideas for fall and winter, aS shOWll at 111@ 1V]10]@sal@ 0 )elutes Men' Goods We Can Please YOU in almost Yt �, the latest taohable capes, casts value.... , , e�'¢.�jQ salt may prove beneficial to fields that married Miss Etta Rutledge, of l his any style. We'll please you, are in this condition. On Monday J. Place, is the senior member of this last week. opening,-, s Grey and fawn Waterproof for we Have the stock to please 3'Ou Wltll. Ransford sent to the Experimental firm' %Ir Straith is having the real- Coats,sewn and gummed seams Farm, Ottawa, and also to the Agri• dente of the tate Peter Oantelon, on - double texture, special at.. cultural Cellege, Guelph, samples of Mary St., nut in thorough repitir, a ��Ul" SIIOCS,fit welh look well, Wear well. the wheat, and has asked for their. stone foundation being also built an- ol inion as to a remedy, der it. Owing to the disagreeable weather the funeral of Mrs Davis, ou BROS DIRECT InrPORTERs A PROLIFIC BREEDER.—Tbe NEw Friday afternoon, was not largely at- ERA hxe been for some time publish- tended; Mrs Moore, of Detroit, was ! WIne Tay10r ung items about the profit in pig rail_ present, but Ralph Davis, the ynuni•—'�Y'I�T�N Son 'r, ing, and the large number of pigs rais• est son, conld no,`, be located, as he is Clanton ed-bY one sow, but John Lanxon, of somewhere in the States, and cense- the Huron road, Giaderich township,Herts he was not here. Lorne T n- COUNTY COUNCIL NOilIINATION OF• j has a sow that so far beats the reco dall found a pair of ladies' kid gloves Present Mem two-year of the tet ui of the � � Ill 1 1 4 altogether. It was two years old last on the Cemetery toad on Fridaq,which resent with the to e o county his year, and gugust, and Ilan Lad four litters of the loser can have by calling at his c°ainsty tet k tLaneu last week year, fled t Lige. In the first there wire 13; in house. Geo, D. McTa the necessary ( the second 13; in the third 14, and in the electric light in his bagnk.. has appointed by the county counciltore- do- so- the the fourth 18, and wits the exception Clerk Coats was confined to the house / of three, it has raised them all. 1♦iftq- for a couple of days last week, tilt isceive r,ominagt'who oarehall mutnicipal r%- ThIS -ifive pigs from one sow, in this length now around again as usual . Therehave the followin i0►-- is� .r of time, is something remarkable. been fewer magistrate's cages in town clerks, are the offiAshfieldth Co beorne, ���r ~ district f Go 1 �/ rStandintn, • 0 this year, than r any urgePrevioug year of town of Godericb) W. Sfothers, Bel_ ` ROOM Only -.w MONUMENTS—Messrs Seale.& Hooy- , ,Or -Of the Clinton Marble Works this the town's history, George Bunch has fast; No. 2 (township of Godericb Hu!- �►- rte alll[I have been t week put np a couple of monuments moved back to town from Hensall. - lett, Clinton) Jas. Campbell, Londea- A""T1 � the BaIf's cemeter , base line, one being Sydney Jackson has movtd into hie b°ro No, 3 (Ha ^-� y g new premises next to Swallow's groc- ayfield) Fred (Hay, eZurich; No. 4 Sets Order SaturdayWeP to the memory to the ]ate Jas. :then t Ba fuel 4 the e ery. There are three or four stores va- P nit •'of East Wawanosh, and the other to Ste Len, Usbnrne, Exeter) 'Cheater �" {4'f' 111 the show business -� ithe imemory of the late Ii. Farrow, ° f 1 cant that should be filled up. 7'he first gouty, Hay; No. 5 (Mrli illop, Tucker- �- *��"" SS "Sullett. The executors of the •late taste of winter was experienced on amitb, Seaforth)A.G. Smillie, liensall; A11 - F. 11 --•Wednesday with a fall of snow, The No. 6 (Grey, 1 orris as- Youf ?' kepli Whitehead have ju9t ordered a (russets) F. S. can't f@@X poor When some monument to 'be erect- Guy Bros, band have a good street per- Scott, 'Brussels; No. 7 (West Wawa- jJ YouS�ie Ou .� formance an Wednesda nosh East Wawanosh, Blyth, Wing- ��. Goods and g(s�j our Y'• �s + ry bq this firm in Clinton y, � couple of in bag so much work their specialists dis la in ham) Peter Porterfield Marnoch; No, - OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS 1CGS --i q g great skill. g Howick, Turnberr M LIRE --.n res Uook has been Bariister Brydone as given awl his ( A RIVER—MOVING •-� Y y, hese gentlemen Jae, cm- - _ _ ___— -� dwell-known11asty Scotch terrier, and invest- Cowan, Wroxeter. These gentlemen cm- ►_ ed in a stylist, driver, bought, of Dr. will receive nominations on the last m►-- -T.-Jas, A. Callan- Turnbull. W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Moeda tout ane in December -which `5at11Id L 11aS m ondea oro,Inde writing Stock Farm, has received a number of ` �' bot f0 be the neatest business day �`- will be stake 19th -and the elec• a Of the �Vpek, all SOIlletilllCS We S21 1.11pre 011 a e5ati�1'daY _ n., under date of inquiries from parties for thoro-bred tions will take plane two weeks later, 1�.- -i eshing has been stock, who claim to haysee1 his ad °n January 2nd along with the other ate- than the other five slays o£ the week combined, but at the®•e DePdrtnientis fate by the vertisentent in a tet twinpaper in the municipal elections. Sa1118 tlm@ it iS diflicillt t0 handle the s quite a heavy East.; he was not advertising ,�, Which has stop- for sale, and has none for sale he is at WEDDING}, -A ver Am-- Would Strongly ul•o'• great 1'i1S11, all we fora day or floss to understand the inq iiries, ))r, 3 quiet wedding �� g y b0 S]101)))i11g at any Other finis filar CTOlfided Store and a -� • hook place tit the Presbyterian manse so— � _-i :,ere bring so Graham, findin it difficult to secure a on Wednesday even* young Satill'(la eV@IIIA •, Ing, two ..- Y g Last aturdasr Wo Wexe c"Inpletely rushing' business iII the --� Qrain this year the suitable house, has decided not to take people well known to this community jalilllled, alias we found i.t difllcult t0 1'O )el' Iitacks have eat stood the weather so ftp housekeeping for the present, - beteg the principals, The bride was rot. p j ly ata( lid t0 above de])al'tlll()lit tells ill -•"W KV011 as other gears; there is gaits a lot Judge Massae held Court of Revision 1ti1i,s Ida Cos tin Garter, only daughter d10• Ci13tOIrters, eSI)ecia]ly in the Shoe Dept,, but we al' _' e --ar :of wheat in the stook yes, and it in yesterday; Chert were quitW a number of the late Jonathan Crtrter, and the a'-- 1'a Il 'inm e ar-� Story this week. Our pi'iC@S -� the beat shape, as it drys quicker than of appeals for sures to t laced number vroorn John Malcolm Dowzer, one of m� g b extra aSS1Sta11Ce, slid wl}] tI'y and avoid all de- r 1 is the magnet that attracts -W 5 the stacks. Wheat wi I average about the voter's list or struck off bpboth o- tonere at tate Doherty Organ Factor �- laY In tllp fUtlll'@, Y �' to 12 bushels per acre this year; oats silicas aides, but a mutual a reerrteOf Rev. A. Stewart y' �.-- and lJUS1IleSS keeps Oil performed the cere-- are very good, I had my first sleigh was made between them as to rntiny „g rnouq, which was without f he slight rrltiS we@k ��re b00mlri away t tide of "the season to -day, Plowing rs the names against which no ob'ection eat' ostentation, as bridesmaid and s-- waist to call Special attention to e', Y at a fate delayed on account of the grain being could be offered. Stewart Plummer, ggrcomsmari were (iispensed with. SO'ne wonderful Snaps ]licked. U b zsLirpl'iSOS the manager 'the way'" It., of town, has been engaged to teach These Dun 4 ; s }) y our W. Jackson " , . g _.r young people , t ind in the very �_ C1111'iIlg a visit t0 nrOiltt'eal last Week. -.r }INSURANCE OF THE HOUSE of 13E- in S•S„ Na. 2, Godericb township Ta highest esteem, and after lite ceremony to.• - Of the department. Da )Or's Corners) f p ( y' at once repaired to t heir• new home �- ,,., y after' da ileal People are --•r `6DI}E.-When the Haase of Refuge ) or next year, at a salary The first 1111@ is •" • Y P -"� `was first erected, three years ago, it of H(l0;he succeeds PeterCampbell, and (having rented Due of Mr Townsend's 00" r _ r vas insured in the Gore and Mercan- was selected out of about fort a houses on Ontario St.) where their im• ��► 111 getting tllell' share of the M dile Companies --through the agency y p mediate relatives and ftienrls gave �00 Parsbig plicanis, Mise A. Pickett has been an f bargains Which we aro of James Watson, a torte far the the sick list, but is recovering, them a cordial reception. \Vi' Din in o1 Heavy Tan Oflel'illg, and w]liC]I Wp aro enabled t0 Offal' "n ' weak John Stanbur g Last the congratulations extended tulthetu, �' 1 ioV�s Of SaV1ll aCCOullt r =Alsii of uredo and the contents were y advertised a Dur- �►-- g 1,(1�O,�U per year ill w lea insured. When the stable was bam bull for sale in the NEw ERA, and Poplar Hill, Middlesex, the beautiful s just the al'tiC10 for wear at this tim0 Of the g 1 Y expellSes fl, the Old - 40 Veeted an insurance of $600 was put at once found a purchaser in the'Per- residence of Mr encs of n, one of the Way Of doing business, -i on it, and a small amount. on the co»- Bono Tyndall Bros. Jackson Bros,, was 6eoeGene wn sof a residents of that county, e~ were made to sell for• $1 Y al• T1tey tents, making nearly $10,000 in all, the famous clothiers, are so bus that p�aq union on d► I 7 Yv a pair, but as long aS they ];tat A11y person who will sit down and Chi .' - i F Both these expire at the end of this q Wednesday afternoon. The bride was �►-- JOc will be file Y1C0 This Illi it OVel they had to refuse an order from the Miss Laura McGugan, (eldest dao h- 4`__ slaughter p peril iS file greatest ']rust come t0 ill@ Conclusionwll that We can sell month, and to effect their renewal in Guy Brc there for an entire outfit for ter,) and the groom J, P, Doherty, eld- d►. - My members of the company. The Do- g �-- hisses e� el' Iliad© in gloves, and k@ell buyers reale d time, Mt Lade, County Mrk, cant est son of W. Doherty, of the Doher- � Catch pis q Next We collie t0 a 1j110 Of 3 ,�� � ~� down ou Friday and met Mr Watson hertY Organ Company yesterday re- quick, er Fent ,/ p were, when the policies were renewed, r Y ty Organ Factory, Clinton, Rev A. �tE',raper -� ceived a cable order fair 7v high sited organs for ex g p Sinelaur performed the ceremony, �°"� �I@a•D r'ICltton UND�ER�i • -..,., 'The cost of carrying this amount is g port. Reference was y, in �.-- .1 Cotton (� tial °about $65 for the three tnade last week to flue boys rat the I,;y_ the presence of a large number of 4- under these circumstances. Just now w0 al'0 h -~ a years, rtpora or' a beats, among whom were Mr and Mrs '�^' Which is a cheap rats of idlsura»ce. p eling ]5tH) bushels of a les having a A-40 i. in a week; the same bo shave since Doherty. The bride, who is a which We will offer at 25c. Tho al's Basi] bl full Ona o , drt Turner, -_Saturday night as Al- charming Young lady, was assisted by r--- blit g' I.011�, BOOt', t:Llle(I the NaPOIf'on fists `Turner, oTuckersmitb, was driy- it eight bu�heleirna �andTlsa,(dd �, _ good til ill Y y w01'tli 40C, 1'1%,,�,rIyllar price 14 f �3.�0 but we f- the p her sister Mies Villa, while A. T, Coop- a�.-- y' g, and taking thein ill case lots enables ep/r. 1 �, slid file Way slip s1�g home from, Lawn, be met with an rich townshipshootin affra el, of sman.n, performed the duties of � q are ii'ble t0 sell It at --rr ecideu6, the exact cause of which he day, took place on the fard�near xis' groomsman, Tphe number of beautiful lis t0 Li0t8 t]le a]JOVe low Ili"jCe. Y y are going put demonstrates the 'eatntrot determine. Just after he had tpr's Corners, formerly occupied by L, bride rove that �'r i'eat ValU@. 9 y. and expensive resents received by the � IN FLEECED r 3crc0 in the railway track he stoo ed p at she is held in very ' LINED GOODS --� •coir in the fright a moment after Pte ChosentFr cede held their annual Auhe high esteem, The young couple will •~--- 4horse took fright and ran away, Mr per in their lodge room,oq Wednesda spend a week or so on their wedding at►- We are agents for the famous - t 060r3r ytfae observed by persona on the even'n g Y tour, before settling down to life's Succeeded getting 1) ilial' line Of Undel'wear, we ]lay@ l g, Mr Camphene of Hamilton, sterner duties, in the easy home pre- do -d►-- �t�� tltbelt`ta be sitting back In the seat,ap Grand Organizer, bring present;a cod g g Case of a line Wllich ��� y,,il<rentigheipiesa, and when near the and pleasant time was spent. Frank at1 Per Sills. T]lIs 1'ange was Sold last W0 CaI1 Offal' Ri ff g pared for them on the corner of Town- wr-- adse bf lie tttte y fell out of the rig, Bowers sold a fine tharo•bted Scotch yetli' at X1.25 and WO have had a great run On them. --+n 'i 6 bo Considerably ihj ured, but leaving collie pup to Albert Guy, of the Gu fiend and East Streets. The groom fe � per suit, and everybody a popular young man of town, and the 00 - where y was immensely pleased with the finest goods jn Canada, and rho I.They �ta� bon�H broken. I3e made his way to Bros, eaterda 3' employees of the Factory showed their 4r-- gal's the--•+t1r ltse'e, where hie wounds were wild geese were Cseen uple flocks of goods. We ]lave the in Sizes 34 t0 46 prices st lm da 06edii fats Mace at the time bein cov- town yesterday;this treats cola we�th he was Calle of to the Tuesday, when can get fitted. , and any OriA sole are `, �¢ and �. p ` ped On the --rw g he was called Into the action•making d, stab �11ith. blood from a wound in his ere There are undoubtedly department, a»d resented with a Ar.... When you once try them 011 hit7, `�L'hb irortte managed to get away houses needed in town, but when our o handsome engraved gold watch by �.,. -` h 601A, `the btt�gy and made its way totem states that "Thos." Bell, Landes- Alen, Armstrong, on behalf of all the ~"„ "- — -- -- - I I y will have n4 Other. •• ffMO, S t' 'urner thinks the hamse boro, is looking for a house to bu it employees, Jay making � suitable ack- � kicked tZittlt Tri the Effete but .has no unintentionally gives rise to same sue• yy DEPARTMENTAL' MENTAL' a �Clint ' -•�► tfawtedg tl$ it ifdyand tui$ talcs that Y, nowledgMany We ,loin with the 0- rAC �� 1 piciOn for what does a sin room's many lrfende in within — � •� t3 kib� pi1t, on his chin, its 1f made by naut a house for f Mrs Muir and stn a to g them - w d;11e'C4ulk of �hofsos shoe, n the fullest measure Of happiness, and fes.. Si STORE y move to London on Monday. extend to his bride a very cordial Wel- • + • • y Dome taeltize�bip bore. I�i���i�i� �On -= M 414W • U 01111111