HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-28, Page 4.� : .. ". 10 r' A October 28, 1898 THE CLINTON NEW ERS,, -1 . _ _ -- - - _ . -_ --._ z. w.ra� - -- -.--.-,--- , _ _ _ __. •' ! a 0 : West Huron Election Matters �illlltCr-Cl'OSSIC ' Meetlll S. wY+ek with his mother here, who is yet , , , � _- — -- ` 3 unable to leave her bed. Ullr UttaWa Letter >yorrespondence The West Huron election cases, set The ladies of Rattenbur St. Church - We are not responsible for anything what y (Special correspondence of the Nsw BOA) ever that appears under this heading. " 1 down for hearing at t.oderich, on the are preparing a box of clothing fent - -- I The Prig® The Walking 27th, have been 1 ransferi ed to Toronto + needy Indians on mission fields. t Ottawa, Oct, 22nd. -Sufficient time has The Sentiments of a Staunch ' and will be called oil Nov. 1st, which ° The friends of Rev. A. Cunningham, now elapsed to get some definite idea of the Briton t YA�LIar�J be QQd means that the petition against Mr f, Kincardine, will regret tobearthat he real effect of Mr Sifton's immigration pol- i ✓ Garrow, and the cross petition against f1 r is still at (Tifton Springs, and not im- icy. The supposed effect has been pretty but when you want to travel a Mr Beck will both be dropped. It is • t � proving in health. I well dilated aeon, for so much has been To the Editor of the New Era, -UF- assumed that Mr Garrow will res' n. s - '' Israel Taylor wife the only re reset- P P distance you want to go by rail I and a new election be held for the Lo- t y y P said about the nor Galician and Doukho- Allow me to compliment Mr Kernighan ., tative from this county who attended bortai that many casual readers honestly for his manly declaration of principles in The Grand Trunk will carry on safe] cal, The toport that Mr Garrow will 'v believe that no others have come into the your issue of Oct. 14th. The reasons he y y �: ` WA to our destination, and cul feel bet- run for the Commons is a mere matter 1 wk . �: the convention of the Provincial Sub- I �h PAP>R i ' bath School association at Peterboro country. According to the latest returns gives for being a total abstainer should of surmise, and could not be decided, � °�' + Your you buy your ticket from me be- the Winnie office hasrecorded 25,000 im• commend themselves to every lover of this week. Winnipeg ^ Core you start. except by a convention, which, when 11,; �, ��.� I migrants this year to the cad of Septem- "civil and religious liberty." They shoujd called, will certainly be called for both \ \; a The Signal says:—"There was a large bar. There are other S pointe west of Win- be printed in ]otters of gold and placed in GOES UP Local and Dominion purposes -and the � N audience at the meeting of North t. nipeg that have received quite a few from every church in the land. Mr Kernighan s sooner the better. \ , , '< . Epworth League on Tuesday. to hear For tickets and full [nfotmatton apply to a ���\� \ P g Y the Northern states. The Winnipeg Com- is a Christian and lover of his species. He A. T, Cooper, of Clinton, who gave an missioner estimates these at 5,000; at least contends for the teachings of the Bible and F, R. HODGFNS, Thie county, t \ \ \ I '� interesting and instructive add " Town Agent, Gt.1.R., Clinton y, that it was predicted 1 . ,'\I. `•, ress. another 5,000 may be looked for before the for the betterment of bumanity. His in- �----- — would go to the bow•wows if tha Libe- M \���` - The following figures are from the season olosee, which will make a total of at disputable facts and calm reasoning are ]viii fgl16xii�eili,eltt rats sot into power, seems to be doing Cfinancial report of Bayfield circuit of least 35,000 peoFle this year. The total admirable, and should be convincing to 011 the First Of October Come very early if you want a sear. the Methodist church, showing the last year for the same period was 8439,and every one not blinded by emotional and fairly well, j adeing by the following, amount of mono raised at each a in the first nine months oP 189G about 8000. sentimental feelings.In fact, all Mr 3temoved-Sydney Jackson..............Pago 1 Mr Crossley is a cousin of the late y p , all the wall paper manufacturers in '15itti,fac•lon-O Cooper & Cc ............ ..... I from the Tor onto World:- Hugh Moore, of town, pointment:-Bayfield, $485,95; Bethel, As to the nationalities of the immigrants, gernighan a lettere are worthy of the man. P P ":A largesoLool—UVJ NIlliott.....,..... 4 $`199.&3; Cole's, $299.37; Collection for particularizing and sub -dividing Canada and the United Statee raised Common run fight -W Cooper & Co "-........, 4 "Never since the time of the boom a A young people's meeting will be held too Allow me also to remark recent the rather their prices i:. 'Walt aper -W Coop -r& Co .................. 4 few years ago has land been so valu• in Ontario St. Church this afternoon Cannexional Funds, $43.84; Sabbath y, it may be stated that aaoord- peculiar outcome of the resent vote on pro - Schools, $29.50; total, $I158.34. ing to the last return made up in the Im- bibition. The overwhelming Roman Catho• From 10 to �O Per Cent. c;$upe for goo Compound -11 B Comb & 4 able or houses so scarce as at recent "One of the finest singers I've ever migration Department about twenty eight lin province of Quebec gave an equally ov- x3uparior goods-UcKG,uon & Uo.... ......, 5 P' Thevanishing point -A J O+isg .............. 5 in the northern part of the city. It is, heard" is the unanimous !verdict con' The series of sermons which Rev. J, per cent were from the British Isles, a eght lic pro ince vote a bec statequail 1Nueical cock -Geo Swallow ............. .... 5 +finical impossible to get a house or cernin Mr Crossley. T. Kerrin, of Mitchell, is preaching on g prohibition ".Solicitors wanted—F F Parbor................ 5 store of any kind in that vicinity, and g y Sunday evenings on labor topics are flay proportion from the United States, -that is for "civil and religious liberty," whish means that our prices will also Bulltor service—'P ndnll Blos......... 5 Mi Hunter tells a story with twelve and one-half per cent were French, The reason is not far to seek. Byaliberal have to advance. We were fortunate, the extensive burldin operations that y great attracting large congregations, The 1['`drm to rent -1, A dtt•orth....,,, ...... g p picturesqueneas and pathos, and will sermons are full of interest and deal German and Belgian, and only twenty -flue application of the baste principles of the however, to have a large stook on hand, Conecrc course -Citizens Committee......... 5 are now going nit there s eak well for make an audience laugh or cry per cent of the total were from Galicia and British constitution, they, as Roman Ca- and as we are anxious to reduce the Hunters escnraion-ti T R ................... S the future prosperity of Toronto. This g y itresist- in a sympathetic and practical manner other tholioS, are :`;'Notice to creditors ........................... 5 ibly, with the different phases of the points in South Eastern Europe. guaranteed religions and civil amount we now carry we will continue That touches the spot—J �t ,AlcLood....., .., , renewed activity clearly shows flint blame igvolved in the relations of c+puro rights not often accorded to a conquered to sell .. - Cardigan overshoe -Overshoe Cc .............. 5 there is a boom in real estate." A little child, noticing thc, picture at pi- IMPERIAL EAZIORATION STATISTICS. people. They voted against the impair - u Roo sn,1 shoes -W L Uuimette... ,,.,..... 5 the head of this ,column, wanted to tel and labor. In this connection the Imperial emigra• ment of any of these`uiighte, they ootlt Mouse for CunGeo me . .................. 5 G''oming and Groin know if it was "before" and "after" The London Advertiser says:—The tion statistics are unusually interesting easily see that their approving vote might g 8ulbe—eaoCuninghnme ........ ... .. ... 5 g• taken , y. Fall shoes -W Taylor & Son ............... g -- g• Young People's s Society of the Conten- and significant. Up to the end of August be used as a precedent for robbing them of °' This store seta the pace -Jackson Bros....... t3 VISITORS �O AND FROM CLINTON AND /ARIOps Mr Hunter spent Mondor ,with his nial Methodist Church have a social 129,740 have left the British Isles, and of other civil and religions rignts; for if it is .,FIADon't wait -W n Fairs ................... .. 8 OTHER PERSONAL NOTE6, wife and Tamil y service last Monde evening, the occa- this total 20,155 were booked for Canada, right for a majority of the people to enact rtalk-HodgenSBros ....................... tl y at St. Thomas, re- y g+ ,' We shall be glad to have contributions to ttirning in time for the meeting Tnes_ Sion being the welcome home of the 3,500 more than the previous year. Only a prohibitory liquor law, there would be at prices which are now this column from any of our readers. if day night` pastor, Rev W. J. Ford, and wife,frotn 21,000 went to South Africa and Austral- equally good reasons for the Protestant , you have visitor, or purpose going away a three weeks' vacation, The Christian alis in the same period, so that we are majority of the whole Eominion by an ap- 1�1 j � � #�n rUt (gr, yourself, drop in and tell us or send us a The Town Hill was again packed to Endeavor room was dense] g rgvin Below �/p' �/ rlP1 note to that effect. the doors on Sunday last, and the id denselypacked gettin about one half of the total migrants P g, vote, prohibiting the exercise of D e`oW Re uta/ W. Weir made a visit to Toronto on dresses by both evangelists. were at- and the best of good feeling prevailed, from the Mother Land to the colonies, the Roman Catholic religion and of excep• all vying to do honor to theirdeserved- With the improvement in the Dominion tional civil rights enjoyed by the majority Monday, tentivelq listened to by a deeply inter- ly popular pastor, there is a corresponding decrease in the of the people of Quebec. The Protestant FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1698 ested audience. P g majority Q 1. J. Ranaford was at Sarnia, on Wednss- On Monday last confirmation was stream flowing south of the boundary, and J y of the other provinces, and of the Wholesale Prices About Yukon CGharges. I day, in connection with the salt basinese, The evangelists think it speaks Ligh- given in St.Joaeph's church by Rt.Rev. tbie is more significant when the changed whole Dominion, are continually asserting es D. Ross, Exeter, father of W. Rose, of ly of the good morals of a town of this D, O'Connor, D.D„ Bishop of Loudon, feelings of Britishera towards the United their right to "civil and religious liberty" Mr Bateman, of Hamilton, who has the Doherty Organ Co., was in town on size, t hat it has not had a public bill- After masa, which was celebrated h States is remembered. While the Govern• as their dearly bought birthright. The I'; 1 g y g Y Good Paper as low as 3o and 4o per been to the Yukon, has been inter- Monday, iard table in its midst for so many Rev. Fr. McKeon, of St. Au uctine the went does not claim credit for the good denounce the tyranny of the R. 0. hierar- yeara, g roll, (will be worth from Go to 10c in "'"" J. P. Tisdall leaves this week for De- Bishop put the candidates for confirm • weather and the abundant crops, except of chy in these matters. But they have hor- ' mewed concerning some of the alleged the spring.) All Paper trimmed free. t! ,` wren dein there. This is what he troit, where he expecte to remain some Since they have been here Messrs ation on Christian doctrine. The an- courve in the columns of the Opposition ribly Stultified themselves by voting in -.1 . wrong - doing time on business. Hunter &Crossley have received in_ ewers were good and satisfactory. The Prase, it can with reason claim that the favor of the enact, t of a law, which, if ,`, says:- vitations from Barrie, Stratford and Bishop's address to the congregation, Splendid improvement in the immigration it means anything, means the curtailment Dr, J. Henry and wife have returned elsewhete, They were. in the latter which was listened to very attentively, returns are almost entirely due to the prao. of "nivil and religious liberty." The vote f the officials I have little to say; home to Dutton from their visit in Col- place 14 years ago, and the invitation was excellent anti practical. In the tical and attractive immigration policy in Qusbeo was in favor of civil and religious ' and area hard-working lot of men borne and Westfield. Froin that lace is most cordial and un_ sanctnary in addition to the Bishop which its Minister of the Interior has put rights- CO�P�R n and are dein the Der best the can. P P' into effect. P The vote in the other �y emphat o opinionisthat none of John Neelande, Brantford, Treasurer of animous, so far as united services are Rev. E. B. Kilroy, D. D,, of Stratford, provinces was in a ,` the Canadian Order of Forresters, was in concerned. and Father McKeon were Father Mc- favor of the surrender of these rights. It 11 'the many charges now being made r';• 'have any foundation in fact. I have town on Saturday. During the Sunda evening services Cabe, of Seaforth, and Father West,of CANADIAN GOODS IN FAVOR. has come to pace that Roman Catholic Book• Store. had to wait trig torn at the Post. Office Mrs W Cantelon, Goderiab, was tie 'while Mr Hunter was s eakgi of the Goderich. The singing by the choir Word has been received in the Depart. Quebec is a special ganrdian of British guest P g was very good, meat of Agriculture of the safe arrival in libertq, and Protestant Canada has been.11 CLINTON for twenty-five hours, and I had Seve• g st of Miss Graham, Orange St., for nobility of -character display by Dan• the Old Countr of consignments of fruit, relegated to a back seat, whereas it should . `,`� ial friends who were employed inside, ample of day this week. iel, he alluded in terms of thestron est THANKSGIVING IN ST, PAUL'$. -The y p maple syrup an sager, and clover honey. have been occupying the front benches. ';ar? the disgruntled element hue been res• OV;. Taylor and wife, of Walkerton, late raise and coin to the blame- thanksgiving services in St. Pauls The fruit, principally peaches and pears, Yours, BRITON. ponsible for all the noise, and these of Clinton, who have beett in Manitoba all less life and character of the late Alex. church on Sunday were bright and were delivered in Bristol in perfect oondi- 'hr are the people who never went out summer, returned to Ontario this week. Mackenzie, and also narrated the cir- interesting, large congregation being tion, and the recipient, the General Mena- North Simone prohibitionists will meet with any intention of doing hard cumetauces of Sir John A. Macdonald', Present at t nth services. Rev, J. T. at Sta net nest Mends s'a; work, and are disappointed sim ly be- Mr C. A. Phillipe and wife, of Chioagry conversion during oneof their meetings Herrin preached two thoughtful and ger of the Bristol docks„writes that if Can- Y y to Choose theirI 11 wbile on their wedding tours g ads Cqn deliver Trait of that quality, and representatives in the bye election for the cause gold was not to be had or the g pent s couple in thit city ten years ago, eloquent sermons that would assist his in such condition House Commons, a „ of days with his crater, hearers in realizing the blessings they ,the Old Country market A Large S(Y110O1 . 1. ;..,. trouble of picking it up, Y , Mrs Geo. Davis. "Which of t lie evanvelists do ou is an unlimited one, The avrup and honey Russel Cook, an ine year old Brampton -i N- Rev. H. C. Dunemore, D.D., of Sargents like heal'r” is a question often asked, enjoy in material things and in their were sent to the Mayor of Manoheater, who boy,died from hemorrhage of the brain, re- The Rall Fair Bluffs, Iowa, will spend Sunday next with and the smiling answer usually is, - estimate of the greatness of their declares that he has submitted samples to suiting from a blow on the head with a . . A Small City -- his aunts, Mrs Andrews and Mrs John "Well, I don't know; first I like one Divine Lord. Owing to the lateness several large buyers, who are much leased horse -chestnut thrown . by a companion. 5.... Jackeon. + of the season the decorations were not g Y ' P The Dundas Banner raises the gaeation and then the other; t hey're a good team y y therewith. In this connection it may be C /VTjQ , : i4 the township fair has survived its u,e• Mrs Brooke, of Mitchell, who had been and I like them both." Mr Hunter's as profuse as usual, et the were in mentioned that the Department has St. Andrews Church, Toronto, lice now fulness. Replyingto the Hamilton Sec- 'visiting her parents, (Mr and Mia Wm. keeping with the festival. The offer P ) telegraphed a call to Rev. A, Connel, pastor own illustration seems k meet the case, tory was most gratifying,over $170 tasted a bulletin containing instructions as of the Regent's egaare Church, London 11 :34`` rator,which atede that there was a time Cantelon) for e couple of days, returned to Fie says "We are like two medical to the beet methods of actin for the Old + ; when the township fair did good, as it was Mitchell last Saturday. men; Mr Crossley is the physician and being placed on the plates, and when Country market, suchpinformation being England, offering him $5,000 a year and a BTRATFORD ONT °,, the only fair that the bulk of the farmers J, A. Cooper, editor Canadian Ma azine does the dressing; I'm the surgeon and all have handed in their offering the gathered from the experience of last year's manes. sod their families could atter d Bat in its g do the cutting." sum will doubtless reach the amount dives the beet training in Commercial Science .,.k�i Op�nIOU that time la est and now the town. Toronto, spent a couple of days here this g•" asked for by the rector -$200. The ehipments. Copies of this will be gladly Mr F. W, Tompson, Manager of the Shorthand, Typewriting, &a , which enables 'yIle P week; his wife, who had been viaitin here Next Sunday morning each minister choir was ably assisted b Miss Latera furnished to any applying therefor. Ogilvie Milling Company, estimates that, the possessor to secure the best situations. Our , `,: ship fair should be abolished, seeing that oro going back with him on Wednesday g will occupy his own pulpit. At 3,30 Acheson, of Goderich; Mrs Coulter and despite the unfavorable weather of the fall, graduates are always successful. Write to -day mapy of the prizewinners are professional m. Mr Crossley will eek to men Mr T. Jackson, MOR. LANOEVIN ON THE SCHOOL IIEFTION. ManitOba'SOrO of cod wheat will be lar for beautiful catalogue. Moderate rates; axhibitora who o from fair to fair carr in Mrs Hugh lYIoore, of Detroit, who name p' y I? jr., of town, and the Q P g ger board cheap.gEnter any time. g y g cold in the Presbyterian Church sub• musical part of theserv'cea throughout During a brief visit to the capital thio than that of last year. W. J. Elliott,rin I .. off the prizes and are up �o all sorts of here to attend her mother a funeral, in- ject, "Mgsteries." Mr Hunter will were most creditable to the or waist, week Archbishop Langevin, of St. Boni. Ilia said that MrMolockintends aboli h- + Cipa, i s3hemes to capture the prize -move Ex- tended to go back last week, but has nct face, Manitoba, expressed hof St. upon y' get been able to do so, speak in Rattenbury 5t. Church, to Miss H. Combe, and thechoir. Special p n ing the position of postofl'lee inspector in ilibitors borrow from each other, frauds ,owing to ill health. women only, subject, "The Model mention perhaps should be made of the present position of the Manitoba Toronto, held by MrSweetman. Thie will are perpetrated, and articles are exhibited Mrs E. Marten, of Goderich, sister of Woman," In the evening at 7 o'cloclr the solo by Miss Htv'nian, accotnnanied school question. He ;declares that the Ro• effect a saving of over $3,000,inoludin Mr� ,y.;'`. I which are not the product of the exhibitors, Mrs L. Manning, has been visiting her for double he: dere will be field in the two b the organ and arm Acheson on the P y and traveling ex g y g man Catholic schools of his province, Sweetman's,alar g Penaes. r^'•."".••••••.....••••••••••+.••.••.•.." -„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, while the prize -list is itself made up of a few days, being at the Same time under Methodist Churches, both evangelists violin. It was a beautiful combina- though handicapped for lack of financial On Friday afternoon s I contributions levied on unwilling mer- the doctor's care; she returns to Goderich speaking in both churches, the Presb tion of the human voice, aid from the Government, are matin fair Y on Vicar -General Tl1C : ColllnlOD, : SUllll°llt K chants. Up to that point the Banner is this week. y the violin g Routhier,of the Basilica swallowed f b _ terian and Baptist Churches being and organ was in perfect harmonyy Progress. His Grace adds that in accord. IA _. - quite right, but beyond that there is the fact Geo. Robinson, formerly • of Bayfield, closed. and keeping with t he worshi of A!- anoe with the expressed wish of the Pgpe, a piece of wood in a_)l,_g,of brCad, �!!d.- Has is composed of seven colors, Ano - that the fall fair gives a chance for fore- they were making no agitation upon the since been ana�eto attencT-to his duties. (C jest that absorbs and does not reflect gathering and the formation of friendships but who for 16 years has been a resident the tneetings during the past week mighty God. The memberepof 5t. question, having strong hopes that the so- The wood 1,�3ged inithe throat,and as all at- an of them i fi}";'.: that dose not otherwise exist, To that ea. of New Weetluiaieter, B. C., left here for have been more lar sty attended than Paul's mast feel deeplq grateful for y s called black. Black is the west on Monday, Since the great fire at any previous tem Sunday evening her eeneo of the majority would eventual] tempts .o remove it havebeen nnanecessfal, sot a color, but is really an absence of r.*; ' tent it ie a cod thin the success which attended their ser Y P^ operation will be performed. Inflamat- g g.- London News. in that city he has been visiting at Mr T. both Willis and Rattenbury Street vices, more especially as the season is assert itself apd their demands be oonced• c any color whatever, while white is a ' It is the opinion of a good many that Jowett's, Bayfield. Churches were densely packed. Each so far advancP0..,-,• .. -weather Y claiming that they were askju� for ton hue since set in. ; combination of the seven original solar the small fair has outlived its 'useful- W. Shier, of .Xarlette, Michigan, was church in whjch the services have been roads far from favorable, noon.: g to which the gid. .ot entitled by It is ,ratifying to learn that ,the news colors. A child is five years old before the . ConQtitutign slid that their demands which came last week about the damage to i it can recognize any ,of these colors. fo fHess R^,a, tuaNEw ERA has met lent Ween ,nL guest of Join . Briakenden. held in town, has been filled, but Rat- DEANERY OF $URON CHAPTER.— were based on equity, Manitoba's wheat oro b the rains which 5 One person in ever sawn is color armers who agree �sith this view Eighteen years ago be left Hallett for tenbury St; Church, by reason of its The half -yearly meeting of the Chapter sense. "If," continued justice Archbishop, isn P Y '. blind; 98 out of every 10 Michigan, where he has since resided and gallery, will hold more than any other, of the Deaner of Hut on was held in +•has fallensincethe wheat was out was not ,. They'admit that the bulk of the•prizes trade substantial progress; he is looking and on Tuesday night rtwas impossible St. Pa.ul's church school room on Mon- the Protestant' majority can understanwell founded. Though Some of the wheat i tive eyes. If your eyes are good -you exec trona]] well, to pack one individual more anywhere that we have no desire to over -rule, or in m shock has been injured, there will be a ; ought to be thankful, but don't try to fall into the bands of a few exhibitors, P Y Y day afternoon at 2 p.m., Rev, Rural any way interfere with; their educational greater quantity;of sound wheat for ship- . make yourself think they are when i Dr, J. V. Henry, graduate of Toronto within its compass, and man could Dean Hodgins rector of Seaforth, affairs their nttitade would be entirely meat thio year than there was last year. they are not. If you do there will be li ud there is no compensation of the not gain admittance; by actual count residin „ Ontario Veterinary College, and who hue presiding. The members present were: different. Mgr. Langevin further expres- This means a difference to every business i a day of judgment. Money hack if time required to attend eo manysbowa, been practising in Dutton, in the count there were nearly 900 persons in the -Reye. Bray, Exeter; Mills, Blyth; sed the opinion that the matter was not in the country. There will be no set -back the glasses we fit are not ri ht. It is true the occasion brings together of Elgin, has been appointed by the Do building. A number have already Smith, Bayfield; E. B. Smith, Middle g sought the Savic nr, and more are do- ton; Parke, Clinton; Turnbull, Gode- of Parliame nt,�andt fur her th t tftthe pion to the tide of Canadian prosperity. 4 = farmers�that might not be brought to- minion Government for the inspector of ing so every evening. Services will be rich- Kerrin Mitchell and Messrs We direct the attention of our readers to W COOPER & CO. stock shipped from that district to the k vinoial Governtrent of Manitoba continued the advertisment of the Condi a gather in any other way, but it is a de- United States. continued next wee in Rattenbury St. Ranaford and Plummer' Clinic n; Met- g rOverehoe ... ............11.11.1 -11.11••.•..•..•,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,, Church. to refuse to grant any conceseione to the in another column. This Overshoe is all 1. ry . hatable point whether the social benefit W. Doherty & Co. have experienced con- calf and Corley, Blyth; and Clauson minority their only hope would be the in- that is claimed for it, -the lightest, neatest, is wcrth the actual cost. Why should siderable diflioulty in securing walnut and Petty, Hensall. The meeting was Crease of the Roman Catholic population cheapest, and warmest overshoe in the mar - lumber, ba in from travellers all the church @.himes apps nt dtsetpetaryanARverylinte est- by the immigration of settlers. the government be called upon -ore it is Y g y tet -and is especially suitable for woman W.JACKSON KS could seoare, and yet not getting enough ing discussion was held in connection A STANDARD or VALUATION. and children. It has been for some years 0 - _1 'under existing circumstances - to ver- to keep them going, so Mr W. Doherty . Mr W. Doherty has presented Rat• with the manner of collecting the ver- The Customs Department is aboat'to is- in extensive nae in the large cities, and with A cut tually pay monPp simply for a social will soon start on a trip to some of the tenbury St. Methodist church with a 'nus diocesan funds and an extra effort one schedules of rides and description of with the recent improvements made m its g C. P. R. Clinton r. fauction of a character of a fall fair. p P P sale. Ask your Should have a large general western American cities to secure a stook handsome carpet for the pulpit plat- will be put,forward this year to raise certain standard linos that figure largely sale. Aek your shoe dealer to show it to r}:r if possible. form, the amount required from this Dean- in the list of imports, in the hope that this oa. l t I l , The ground, unlike some men, is W'Cudmore and wife, of Kippen, were The first Sunday in November er The following Y (;par- y g gentlemen were will remove the complaints of importers The Orange Judd Farmer Bays: The ” cod and full" -of water. in town on Monday, the former having terly meeting services will be held elected on the local missions co.nmit- that the a praisin is far from uniform, g just got back from the Old Country, where most of the Methodist churches in this tee to act in conjunction with the and fbat different standards of valne pre- apple crop of the United States is smaller 1 That flue old ram -whose name was Can he had been on business for a couple of district. Rural Dean: -Revs. Turnbull and veil at different ports, While there is no than it has been since reliable statistics g months; his son, who went over recently Smith and Messrs Ransford and Holm• all, ation bava been collected. The total supply And brought to Hodgata tame - with a oar o of horses is else on his way Revival services have been in pro- g or even suggestion, of intention- pply Through Tickets to �Is dead and gone. His hide wig tan g sted. The chairman in opening the al unfairness, this lack of uniformity is from the I898 crop of the United States is . �= And flesh will sell as good asbiggergame. back, tiggress for the in the Methodist church, Cran- meeting pointed to the very encoura- naturally annoying, and injurious to the 27+700,000 barrels, compared with some. Dakota, '" Mrs Gilroy, who has bbbn visiting in being done. past few week, Good is g y of Huron business community, but when these gene- g year, and seventy Montana f q, g in fact that the Deaner Y thin over 40 000,000 last ' 1'.. What a splendid field there is for ad- Chicago for Several weeks, b$'e returned to was next to the )atge county of Mid- ral irate have been prepared and supplied to 'pillion in the record-breaking crop of 1896. + town and will remain here until such time Rev. Dr. Dewart will conduct Mis- dlesex in children attendin the Sun- all the ports of entry, there is little doubt The failure is widespread, reaching from Manitoba, tiertising this country, if every barrel sionarp anniversary services in Clin- da school in church attendance and that matters will move much more cutis- and in none of British Columbia I"" . as Mr Gilroy decides to move west; her are- Y , the Pacific coast to Maine a of tipples, every cheese box, every bag ter from Sarnia will also make tier home ton, in connection with Rev. Dr. Hen• in attendabee at the holy communion. factorily. the States does the output of fruit appr000h '•11, '4 here for the winter, for Company, The derson on Dec. 18th, Mr John Ranaford gave an interesting an average. in the great apple states of And all q.tints west at lowest tariff'rates of hour, etc„ had a small sticker on lat at word received from Mr Gilroy stated Rev. Mr Wakefield (colored) was in resume of his observations while in the NOTES, For all information In reference to travel simply raping "This is from Canada." the west, the crop is almost an absolute apply to above ' that he was well pleased with Regina, and town this week soliciting subscriptions old land, concerning church matters, Long expected, coming at last I It is failure, although the situation in Michigan '1`r The King's Daughters of Ontario doing well in business. to relieve a B. M. E. church of its bur- which gave rise to some discussion. definitely announced that the Fenian Paid is better than elsewhere, having about two- den of debt in the city of Toronto. A good service was held in St. Paul's medals for the Canadian veterans will be thirds of the cru of 1896, New York has i )lief"d their annual convention in Strut- church In the evening, when a large + ready for distribution next May. They are only one-fifth ofpa full crop. iobd last week, and the Herald a Saks BRING IN YOUR hue Rev, W. J. Ford, pastor of the Cen- to be of silver, the obverse bearing t t P congregation was in attendance, The g he Imo r; ;; of"the delightful attack of palpitation" had the reputation of being one of the tehnial Methodist church, east Lon- several clprgymen present assisted in Penial army long service medal design, and $ P P best. grain markets for several years. don, and formerly of Clinton, has re- the reverse the British ensign We are Agents for r• turned from Chicago, the service and an excellent sermon g surrounded l; experienced during their stay in that Itis better tban ever this season, as go, where he spent was preached by Rev, Mr Turnbull, of by a wreath of maple leaves and crossed 1, I• City It is evident that the editor's there are four buyers, all of whom are several weeks. Goderich. The choir took their partQ latitudinally by a straight bar bearing the , 1�' wits did not see that item before it keen to buy. Farmers have not been Mies Morton, of Toronto, who con- very creditably and Miss Acheson of word "Canada," the name of the recipient Clarkes i inery went into print. hauling much grain as yet, because ducted very profitable religious ser- Goderich assisted with her violin Acheson, being Stamped on the edge. Attached will they have had so much other work to vices in North St, church Goderich is inR the offertor�yy The next meeting be three Clasps bearing the inscriptions, Kola Com oun(1 NOW is the time for ' The death of Sheriff Morton, Went- do that has brought them ready mo- at present holding meetings in Mitchell will be held in lianas]]. Fenian Raid 1866, Fenian Raid 1870, Red n •wdrtb, makes vacant a good office ney. Now the apple season is partly Methodist church, - River I870, respectively. r 0 you to get your new over, they will soon commence haul. Recent] Rev, Mr Yelland of Ethel Space was given the other da HAT. which should go to Mr Gardner, editor in rain. Level o y It is to be observed that the remarkable P g yin the gig y opposition is a good vote in Prince Edward Island ie iven b Mail -Empire to an extract from an obscure The Guaranteed Asthma FALL HA 1. of the Hamilton Times, The yeoman thing, fur the farmers will brio more was thrown out of his buggy at the g Y little a er tinted in this cit trade to r the a er g Cranbrook church and had two of his one province which has had the longest and P p P y, reviling service he has rendered the Liberal Buyers were paying rihs broken, It is thou ht P pp g the Minister of A rioulfare in choice Remedy.-., q P Y g fullest experience of sn restive legislation g gat. .. we have the Correct t3hapes 1TL 70 and 71c here yesterday Thursd g that the ' ay in dealing with the liquor traffic,and is not ter -journal language, because the writer ".1'7�-itdd a makes his claim a strong one, Pltl[ s POINTERS,—The lou nights tramyed a pn bimini or else his horse g p q _— u,ti'd as he was passed over in the Regie- g Q there#ore a Speculative or chance vote. It alleged, Mr Fisher had taken offence at the f:raeship, he should not be in the pres- ate a preaching; you have unlimited P P is tho'deliberate verdict apeople whohaye said paper's attitude on prohibition, and , Sailors •silt[] time fpor reading; the Nnw ERA from Rev. R. Hobbs, of London, will tried prohibitory legislation in the best had in consequence stopped the paper. GRIFFITH S Walking Haut, aet;it'in�tance. now to the end of 1890 for H. There reach anniverearp sermons in Ratten- available form and have not found it want= The matter would be too unimportant to f are plenty of news a ers pry St. church on Sunday, Nov, 20. in warrant attention Menthol Liniment y but for the fact that :�oine paper the other day intimated y � P ,but not one A teameeting will not Tyre held g• -Prince Edward Island Guardian, + that you can affo to do without leas but ,i snob accusations are notinfrequently made th9t the vote on the plebiscite had tak- than the Clinton INEw ERA; only $1 to free-will offering will be asked towards Rev. Mr Howson, Menford in his address and with just as mach ore much trnth as in Trimmed Hats end of 1899. We want ever brie- the eoeral funds of the church. bare Monday evening on Some of the Songs the present case. As a matter of fact the i '"i the temperance question out of the y g Wo Sing, gave a piece of information that I I'llmeas man who Advertises in the NEw The Hensall Observer cava: -"The is not generally known regarding one crony paper in question lies not been subscribed COMPS BAKING POWDER We have a good collection itYriyt it of politica. We do not believe ERA to do his fair share of business, People of St, Paul's church are very most papular church eon s. There lies for at any time by the Minister or by the -- � On ani IEhin of the kind. It ie more than and not to he overlooked b an of the g Department under bio control; moreover 3' > y y much eased with the ministrations buried on the Shores of Rice,Lske north of of Trimmed Hata to ick from, jI've'tL in the realm of politics, and ie NEw ERA's friends; we helieve in help. of Mr Kilty, of Helmouth College. who Port Hope, said Mr Howson, one James Mr Fisher bad never had his attention S% p a ing those who help the Nztw ERA, and hue been supplying them for tghe past Scrivener, who at one time was wealth called to the policy of the paper, in fact it COMBS and we can suit you in price btii tic to bedome still more so. There make no bones about saying so every few Sundays and rregret that he is not Scrivener was an extreme] liber) m n 's ce, and if he was even swath of its a afe and Style. New Trimmings, ,at,o bo daifbt ' difficulties ahead before time. . , We are offering the NRw yet ready to, take a charge." and eventual] became very Y Y tense, and had he known of it, it is safe f y Y rY Fohi owing to guessing that he would not have given it a nr 5' ��e wings, quiuS, rips, Etc. or b the. 636th n of the question is reached, ERA from now 1111111 Januar 1900 Pbr Rev. A. H I Drumm, of Port Elvin, his liberality. Friends forgggt him, ore they gee ssi thought. , bot they Ate difficulties that must be V. This is on condition that the dol- ((son of Mrs,, Williams, of town) con.]so often do in such extremities, and it wits ;aced 1ls.pnllt#csl Abd not simply social, lar be pald before the end of this year. dneted ser 3tcea in Guelph last Sunda , then he wrote that beautiful ungg, What s - } ' + h0 �otn i>]tli' 'l�avo revealed. Several If you cannot bring in our dol}arll and will !told anniversary jv Friend We Have in Jeans o whie1 it ie Joaeph'Lalonde, a business man of Gan. M thlil i . y 9 services n anoque, who has recently returned disap-i�� E. H��,I@x� y auk" tneang send them by mail• postal notes are Gear e,ocvn.PreBh terian church neyrt said t9iore than flit miliicn copies have H. B. COME, ]wattle tli� tCeelric► , , , handy and•qulte titllle, g y y p pointed from the Klondike, committed y , Suit I% i 110 hAS been r�peieding the been priniedr brit t htxs not b suicide by ehoaiing, . Chemist sad Druggist. Clarendon Uluc ,, . 11 .• r. , - • . t If Y • n