The Clinton New Era, 1898-10-21, Page 71 .
. ... , .
IR; . iherc are ulgT¢y J track unhooked and be tiled on. I sub -
i 'thousands of Wise woe DR�AM4 ANt) ITALY. mitred ellentl PERT PER&ONAk.S.
, ' ,."' men in .tit''1e country y•to be unhooked, but I
Who, when they found know as well as she did that she* had been I • —
It will be so. I shall not see
+I f MUt theyweresuffer_ Thy ripening vineyards, Italy, arying, • . • • Carvers kissed a girl baby at Ports
*1 IM'! ng „ °ra weak- Nor n a hoar oliva w + • • Mouth. $obson wisely welts b1M the - vI
i y wood, y
ness'or disease of When spring oomes in a southern flood, Time did not stand still In our village. grown up. -Exchange.
@ , their distinctly
Gather the rear sweet violets
womattly organ- 'Yet still my hQart sometimes Forgets � bioyole factory reared its gaunt ug11- I1 Princess Kaiuluni annexes an Amari
l •neva"' f fame, promptly That with gray skies s mess by the church, and the moss grown can for a husband, sh%will elect haFoolf i
wrote to an emY g s, and leasers trees I yell was replaced by a galvanized iron queen.--Chioago Times•11orald.
I pass my days, but rather seas
hent and skillful Parched hills and silvery woods and sky Pump. The old families moved away, and We wouldn't advise General Weyler is
ptkyalcian with a Purple as Aphrodite's eye— new people oame—smarter people, in their , come over here on the strength o2 the ro
world-wide repo- f
A land o fig tree and of vine lmcrack way, who of their dresses made caption that has been d to Ce
B y, R a P anaorele rvera
tation, in of The perfect cup, the godlike wine in the count town and despised Miss —Boston Globo.
1 � trusting their y P
a; Of olden dream and posey, Peokitt'g old fashioned patterns And les- I O1 course Joseph H. Choate to w defend
cases to acme ob- Unseen, belayed Ital 1 P I
Italy deed she was not enterprising. Nothing or of the u system. No man has hat
` '�. ✓'� score ph sician —Pall Mall Gazette P g' B � jury y
4 �, with but limited would induce her to make a bicycling suit, more fun with juries, than Lawyer Choate
1 practice and ex- however conventional. The changes in -Boston Herald.
,/'" penance. There THE PINCUSHION our village took mighty strides while I Perhaps young Mr. Aguinaldo might
are many reasons why, a wise woman fol- was finishing my education In France and I len joy w tri to the United States If bht
lows this course, The chances are that an Germany. When I came home, I hardly weather at Manila becomes o
Obscure ,physician of small practice will ppresefvel]
not diagnose troubles of this nature prop- Mise Peokitt was our dressmaker, She knew it. Almost my first visit was paid hot.—Nevi Haven Union.
erly. If Ike does, he will insist on the wore a brown dress and a white lace col. to the, little white house with the groan I With the requisite change In the oonatt
-I obnoxious examinations and local treat- lar and was as neat and dainty as a little ratiings. tution Mies Helon Gould would make t
,ID., went from which every sensitive, modest bird. She lived in a small square house "It will do the poor thing good to see pp
woman shrinks, at the end of the, village—a house with you," said my mother, "I four, sho fo bor- I Yoik•, andnshe could gate baro or of
The specialist referred to is Dr. R. V. green shutters and a green fence, a white ribly poor. She gets hardly any work strength of herwar r000rd. Boston Tran
Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting face that always looked as though it had now, find she won't• accept anything she B
physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surge- g B script, •
cal Institate,•at Buffalo, N. Y. Thirty years been washed that very morning and shin• does not cart;. The last time, I, sant for John Hay, author of "Pike County Hal
;ag8 he discovered a wonderful medicine Ing little eyes of windows, There was a her she, would not crone, and when I went lade;" is ipnmeaeurably reenter of fast
for diseases peculiar to women, that maybe bit o2 garden round the house, In which to see why she told ma plainly that she
`used effectively in the privacy of the.home, Miss Peckitt grow the most wonderful knew I didn't really want her 'end was than the Rep. John Har, iplomat 604
and does.away with all necessity for.exam- flowers. Pansies for etmenots and wood. only making up work for her sake which . secretary, o2 state, can ever._ .pp• to b•,,111
inations"and local treatment. This meds- g was quite true." ', matter tow admirably he may dieohargt
I` , " , "', ." ruflo, wallflowers and def#odds, tacos and
cine ti kTtown as Dr. Fleece's Favorite,Pre- Iso Peokitt hada little since our these funntigrw --Yew York World., ,
scription. '.It is dirnetly on the deiieate lilies, sunflowers and nasturtiums, all in 8�
and importantorgans concerned in wife- their due season made a blaze o2 color is last parting, but she had grown very thin. I Du Base, the attache of the last $paalsl
strong,nd motherhood. and vroes. t alta It silakes ihem s in- 11a ted by the last
dark days came The
b t though we wore oloao on Christ ! OutlegOfnC "hIAO`t d pianwho ds that ML
t` g, Y go y, gh y t yeaptheinums And moa there was no fire. ( British government tiIs PC so fql
flammation, heals ulceration, soothett..paiu the•garden settled down' under its brown She did not know -fns at flrat ting him so rudely. �hwt II C
and tones and builds up the nerves. Taken coat to wait the news of spring that should and was
Youtes,tfoald ha'•: had with);Ilei
dunng the penod of prospective maternity come with the first yellow aconite, dusting a chair that was already o! a gpot+ the'tv►o herd i�yed opAtam eQl.
�t barb,hes the ueJsal „cliscpmigl;�� Othouso.vyas; lar lomanese to shame am ohair9 ,ark ho7me
makes bob ra coming easy sad almost pain- , gar than Mies Peak- Nevi' 'fork b!a$ and il°= r
` - less. It insures the 13ttle new comer's 1tt s, and our garden would have made a when suddenly she recognized ma The p
health and an ample supplyof nourish- good score of here, but somehow our gar- shpgk,Ohattered for a moment the reserve -
. ' ment. Over ninety thousand women have ' donors never grew such flowers as those. of years. She threw her thin little arms `TOWN TOPICS.
testified to its marvelous merits. Medicine Miss Peokitt used to come to our house to around my neck, and kissed mi} d'altered -,..----•->+.- -
dealers sell it. sew. She sewed my frocks, and she sewed as apology for the "liberty" and then sat Chicago will oel•brate, the restoration o1
It is a druggist's business to give you, not my pinafores, and sat among her tapes dowp on the doubly dusted chair affil cried peace by indulging i'n;an enbirs vwook,oC
to tell you, what you want, Piteously. °,I Any ailing woman may write to Dr. R V, and pins and yard measures telling me old P Y. I comforted her as well as. I Anything to Beat Glotham l—Boston 9w
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get free advice, stories that no one also oared about, for could, but before she grew calm again I Old.
By inclosiug 3r one - cent stamps in her Mies Peokitt had no relatives and had al• had listened to such a tale of poverty and Ohloago's latest census estimate I
f letter, to cover cosi o customs and mat tri ways, as she said kept herself. And of all self dental as my yours ears bad never
l �' ya, , p B 1, 8093090, and doubtless many of the per
' y only, she may secure a paper -covered c py her stories the one I liked best was the one heard before—work source and growing sons includedaotually live there.—Detroll
of -the "People's Common Sense Medical about the pincushion. It was a large, scarcer, hardly enough to live on, and, to Tribune,
r , Adviser." Cloth bound, 5o stamps, , heavy cushion, and I wondered why Mies crown all, the urgent necessity for saving, What difference dose it make it there Is
I 11 Paokitb always brought it with her when for hoarding every possible penny. people w11
Ube Dame for the da "But why?" an !o• famine in Boston? The
7• notsufierfirom thebeat.--Cincinnati Oen
FAgH I ON AND FABRIC. "I will make you a pincushion to keep • "For my lnneial, my dear," she earth merotal Tribune.
here," I said, "and then you need not "I've kept myself respectable all those
•�,,,,' Boston ls . edlypri ed off fes snot•
Scarlet velvet hatbands are considered carry that heavy thing about What makes years, and If the parish was to touch me I elderly dam*. Deprived of all ohOfna 11
`: Ivory Ohio wlth,whits pique or duck tailor it so heavy?" should turn in my ooffin—I know, I distinguish herself in a millt wby, sbt
gowns. "It has a brick Inside to keep it steady should."
I In Parts belts of goatskin, blank and when I pin my work to it," she said, "and "Dear Miss Peokitt," I said, "you know 1s now aaokling over the basebal peistlaA%
-white speckled, and fastened with polished I carry it with me because it was the last 'w'e'd never let the parish"— --Cleveland Plain Dealer.
/, " It will be a long and hard work to no.
"'' -steel and turquoise and ruby clasps, area thing my young man made for me." It would be just the came, she said,
"though I know onolle Chicago to peace. Spain at tee be.
-fad, Miss Peokitt smiled and sighed, and I g you mean 1t kindly, and
I thank -you• the same. Now, ' ginning of the war insisted on oalllnss of
Military trimmings are being mannfao- swid: ,you Il crouse hogs, and Chicago is veep waeitly wbOµi
�. "Ori, did you ever have a yuan sant me getting on with what bite o2 sewing I taro• thine Louievllle Courier Jo
, . , #cared for fall gowns. Thera an epaulets, B
.�adjutant'm oordings and a great array o2 Do -toll me about him." have. The. Now York and Ch1 papers
ka l
1. gold braid -And trappings. ,At 10 years old one is not very dise)eet. And the needle began to flash in and — p pets favi
I suppose. Miss Peokitt was not. Inclined to out through the white stuff. , entered upon a two years ¢lsoprslo* d
Damson is one o1 the easing autumn be h on "What is itP" I asked idly. the relative importance of the two cities
shades. It has a great deal of riot,, deep i41 youthful indiscretion, though .,It's for m /. with respect to the head
-crimson In it and Ip soon in rloh autumn she "would have been the first to resent it y burying,, she said. 1 P quarters of the
' materials in'silk and wool. fn those o1 riper years Sha threaded her . know I m not long for this world, for last i Parte exposition commission,—Milwaal[N
- ;.Sloeyea eoutit uo to tit the arms closely. 1106' q ggdl begapi night I see my Willie',s ghost as plain as �t�01 -
me women stick to the "It bass w)ten I was a young girl." plain walking in the churchyard, looking
snit of the She could not have been ,more than 80 much the same, only older, no was to be KIDNEYS CLOGGED.
oulder, but they cannot fasconhion.
them- at this time but tome she seemed im• expected, and I know that'@ a sign," «=-`1�
auk of fashion. measurably,old, go I sakjt "Your needle's crooked," I said, fight- Many Victims of Bright's Disease—Diabe•
lika A for the newest '!ft'$ a 197pg time ago, then," an o m- Ing. with a choking feeling in my throat, tee, Dropsy and Distressing Urinary
hoe Thigh collar and pathetically as I could. y "Let me thread you another."
oflit gray promise to "Yes," she said, "a very long time, "Dear miss," she said, "this is the o ly Troubles Have Been Saved b' the Time
ca a own w long. He was the son of a farmer, and we was needle I've got. It's not so very eroo ed, Iy Use of South American Kidney Cure,
°era to wear wwsh courting ever -since we was quite little I and a penny's a penny, and nee 3 in The kidney are nature's filters in eapell-
saido lighten e i n e efi
eh sot
: li ° nn packets isn't
t n an t who they
h s d- tuse
i ,g an went to f5und�y eojtool, .And � penny P to be. ing from the body all impurities. If the
r`.1 gowns by means of poked' yPil7ie
to be takeA•on to have a ! No, and I won't let you bu tpe even nee- kidneys are out of sorts the whole system
owered or plain pique Dollars andrevera, share in the farm, and we was to have ; dies, miss. It's the principle I think of. I becomes impaired and disease• follows as
A new corset, designed solely for, oomr been married in the spring. But It was won't be beholden." sure as fate. Bright's disease, diabetes,
tort, is made of alight, supple material , not to be." "You've got the old pincushion there dropsy and distressing urinary troubles in-
"'! :and boned with alternate straps o1 ela,410- "Whatfbappened?" I still," I said. "There must be lots of feet four-fifths of the race. It need not be
'is well adapted for easy and neeiges "*Iiy, his father died, my dear, and needles in that. Let me empty out the so, for South American Kidney Ou 13 is a
r I� why -it came to looking into things ii I sawdust and see, I'll put it all back very power in dispelling all tendency to the
alkin6 dresses made holt of silk and was found ba.d borrowoed-.raoney on the carefully." seating of disease. It has cured oases that
,,,, ' a or 6 len stiste lAnd and the intorest'1;iadn't been paid. I think Miss Peekitt's will must have have been long and stubborn and that have
�\+ g Ivor, andon. Tlzis fashion Willie told me it was because hie father been weakened by long fasting and tro baffled medical skill. Sold by Watts & Co.
affords a good opportunity for making would grow wheat, and that seem to be ble, for she let me rip up one side of that
E Over old gowns.P. always a, snare. to farUoere. So.,than my snored cushion and pour out the bran inti Thomas 11 ".Wool. crepe de obine is a noW.,;rrtaierial Willie said ho',d''pay the interest and all if that little black tea tiny with the gold Wilkinson, a farm laborer
Which promisee to border. I found in that bran 67 at Wm. Russell's, 4th line, East York
ltd rtluoh erred for >,u- tb@ _, d Qnly wait. liut }lion wouldn t, and good nae' township, ,tlimn gowns. One o! the most taking° the „Od ,place; was Bold a hougs and dies/ ie NOY rotshing of broken Ouse. Then
Pr was found drowned in a cis-
; features of this now goods is that it does buiidingg-and the beasts and the land, with t began to put the bran back, and as tern full of water. An investigation is
not wrinkle9std drapes gracefully..- the:•!. standing crops.:.(Chey may say ib;e pushed it in to make it hard and tight being held.
,,:Shirt waim`te of white taffeta are `made law, but it ain't justice." , felt a hollow In the brick. There watt Inland Revenue Officer Floody, of
5t =. with a yoke of guipure lace with fichu of. She bit off bar thread sharply, and I something In it. I pulled it out. Toronto, captured an illicit whiskey
. n loot. The sleeves are also of guipure, and said it was a shame. "Oh, Miss Peokitt," I cried, "look still in Stanhope township, Halibur.
p� '. tk46 tiny knife piai6d ruffles finish the "So it was—a•black shame. My Willie what I have found in your pincushion l" ton.. The alleged owner, John Craw-
1 • bottom, giving the bodice the appearance would a paid thein every penny if they'd A little canvas bag, and in it ten eov- ford, is under surveillance.
t Is, ,of a short barque, only 'a' waited. But no; they sold the old ereigns and two bank notes, and a little
' `• .The latest notion in millineryIs narrow place, and it fetched more than the looked letter.
black velvet, mounted on wlr% for, car ,,Q- y Igy * ON A FRIEND'S RECOMMENDATION
ay,, that it , and .vag n e +E 00 •over, and MY DESS DLosaorr—This is >Pb0 0! •
can b• bent into any forth requll - for that thoy,gAve ,to VPiliie, ae watt only fair. so you will have sometbing if I pp
bows, wings, rosettes, loops, oto. It has And after the sale was over I dew nothing lucky with the rest. You will find tltE�pHon Mrs Gampton Uses Dr, Agnew's Cure for
found great favor, for, in addition to be- of him for two days, and then he came to you rip ort the cover. If all goes .v`►@li, as the Heart and Receives Instant Lasting
Ing effective it to light and ai and looks me, looking like a do that the bo a are please God it will, it will pay for the- firings g
g r B r9 g y for our home. Your true friend and aflootion• Relief — Immediate Relief is What the
well with gauzelike materials. --New after with stones, ata lover, WILLIAM BEATsI,,. Sufferer Wants—and Clots When pr. A
York Sun. "'It's -all up, Blossom,' he said, He Al- She showed me the letter aftervir>iid.' , , g
ways called me that on account of my fresh Now she only kissed it and put it in her new's Cure for the Henri to Used,
1. color." Miss Peckitt touched her laded bosom --quite simply, B
An immense tract of country has oheek with her thimble and sighed. —el to aim 1 undoing two but- "I was fora long times great sufferer
been burned over bare in the Eye " `I'm off,' says he. 'With this bit of tons for the purpose and said softly: from heart trouble. I had palpitation no.
. L. Hill district Sas atelfewan. .The y "Pay for things for the house? It will companied by great weakness and painful
> money I ll make a fortune over In America, pay for my funeral." spasms. I got very little relief from medi.
stables and cattle sheds of Thomas which is a free country, and I'll come A e . 0 • • •
Fields and P. -Paynter were destroyed, home for you, my girl, or I'll write and cines, and doctors failed to give me real
as well as the t#ta les,,gn the ranchihq you'll come to me.' Mies Peokitt was on my mind. I bad benefit. A friend of mine had used Dr.Ag-
tract of the) Indian"Department•. " `If it was to the world's end,' gays I. seen that the money and the words from new's Cure for the Heart, and it has been
Percy Smith, "aged 15, 'son of J. Smith "Then he gave me this pincushion. It the dead trod brought her more pain than a great relief to her. I pronated a bottle
seemed a Enna resent bean joy, and after dinner that evening I slip- and it has been a great blessing to me. 1
lot 3, con. 3, Euphraeia, acprdently slipped y present, g quite plain, ed on a dark cloak and ran down the great heart cure and hearth re-
sa you sea and It bad big P think it a e
r , on the leed•basrd of a maohine at hie fath- y / g stitches, but y
i, quiet street to the little white house, I commend it to all like sufferers. Mrs Gam
er a tbreehing,, Both f6s �pvere"drawn into sewed very strong, and I almost laughed Opened the door softly and peeped in, ton, 46 Bishop street, Toronto." p
the cylinder. One leg wae'man led to the as I took it. I was glad after that I hadn't
'there was afire In the rate and before
)tip, the otheeto the knee., Ir, died within laughed, for Willie, he says: 1t in the armchair with the patchwork
), _' ,half an hour. - " 'Blossom, my dear, do you know what cushion eat a middle aged man. Miss The bod.v of Thomas' Wright, an old
makes it go heavy?, settler of Norwich, who has been miss-
. „ Peokitt sat on his knee, and her arm was
So I said no I didn't. ing since Monday, was found. in the
" 'It's a brick out of the old south wall around his nook, In her shooks was the water near his residence.
11 At home,' says he, 'wbere the yellow rose fresh Dolor I had never soon there, and
Is, and where the apricots fruit so Eros, 1n her eyes the light of youth and hope.
She sprang up at the olfok of the latoh.
and its covered with a bit of the "ilk gown "It's my Willie,"Abe cried, "He's come �A� ��
11 T my mother was married in—it's faded, book. Oh, mien, dear, to think of it—he _
but you can see the rosy sprigs on it yet.
, . M }}}"'���"`"' You'll keep it for my sakeP' wag coming home to me with his fortune For Infants and Chihiren
lT'GLE.: °` made, and the ship was wrecked, and him
So I said I would, and he said, When and the others has been living like Robin-
'� the cover wears out, rip it off and put on The fdc. A
another. I've got the rest of the dregs laid son Crusoo, and only fetched away by a simile fa ea
by et ire the things my cousin's kee in ship the other day. And, it was him I gee signature'. — alar t'7 .
P g last night, not his.ghost. He was looking of _, P?Mi
PILLSPi Li.S for tau at Maidstone against.Icome bank, for mq among the graves, because heeould ;
11 Then he kissed its a great many time& not bear to come to the little house and
God bless him, and oft' he went." Mrs Richard King, of Texas is pro-
, me death and buried." p
i "Well?" I asked, for Miss Peokitt had "go the Xan will buy things for the bablp the richest woman in the United
-„ 'r•, • stopped abruptly,' house after ail," I said. And the bronzed, states, not exceptingMrs Hetty Green.
• ' .,Well, Yhat'ga}l,"she said eltortly, "Ho Olean ,havoc man Who stood th re shy Her wealth is partly inherited from her
.0 '_�= WNW6never ease bank. But I know he was P o y father, a pioneer Presbyterian clergy -
Una, and he would be? come back If he'd and Awkward, answered in a voice such an man, the first who ever went, etaff and
I .- I c " had eeiflom filled that neat, prim little Bible i barid to reach the og el to
q y, boon living, and the Lord'a will be done, room i P P P
Positicoty clamiy`iLr;Ii'`' alio added resentfully. "A e;. so slim rays the doer Irl"— t Ile Indiana and mixed races that peo-
. ` Little Pill& "Did you •koep the place of the old }v g I pled the vast ,domaff] over which his
dress," I asked, "when It wore ant and SO °stn• away and left him With hie own little dao liter was destined to
They 2130 relieve Distress from, Dyspepsia, „ dear girl.-bhero was no Ina ro rlatene:• , gg
f6n ripped, It of? I should like to ,lee it. pP P hold sway as a Iand' proprietor. Mrs
lndigestlortaud'TodRearty Eating: A er.: • "Z, n ere f r i q ,., in the pilrnse Her 40 years. lay llKh: ly Kin r
1' e4 r PLO Q4e, said, I g, 's ,a widow, and ,her landed
p on her now, and,ln bar lo'ver's eyes sho estates in southern Texas amount to
feet zeintdy: fox Dizzineee, Nausea, biowsf. tioveirid"It' over with a bit of damask, was still (I " , ,opt--beoauae of her troch I 250 000 at res or ab
adTast6inthe Month, ConfedVopgu¢ menAWS to idtovb it'him fresh and brightcolor),_out 2,000 square
when he Dome home but I d a sa it's slid would be, to tfie arid. miles/
the`Side, TORPIiD LIVER. They ? y I am mut® they were both persona of son.
worn out flow t9ndoWbath w!t all the tlment, beoauso they bought back- the old '
tole l�ltwelw Purely Vegetable, needles Arid pule 1?,,Ve, itpok tri,it-�wor farm with its south "Mor•
r 0 Wrtll he
w .ro th
/ d a ri-
tlt r,
o alt
riot in P
w' ��■ ' $1111k74�11 �pgee , d �1 io sfiow-fat ft, li a res cote "fruited ep free, and when they
Hobe tlo' �o tmean—nothllog, gh'nw
" e�nrlal� ibl"1L'd6 for it, Ilk,`,Ouf" went to clitiroh plias Peckitt wore a gown
Ubstitution "Why; bbild," Bald Ise Peolrlbt witlf of faded silk with a rosy sprig. The cousin
1 : •i
in Maidstone had testi faithful to his 1
the fraud O her tnoptft fill) o>r lbs, 1,1# fp >it}d.bein the,anerewas ercag ��
f"the cuyl. ItnrdtM.1r11]< Ad Wi]l and fab should marry, that the brill gra ni'6 mother had Wornf the iat ,
I darn A*y I'd a looked no youbgor then her marriage to olotho the little bride on .' ' ° "' ' ' •
"e you pet cm so, Ido, riot .e young perhs , dot that •
b r vvoWdW*bA'.:matteted if ld bad: some• her wedding day,—E, Nesbit In Long- d constipation Alai idle
man's Magnziftti. .
• tiring Citi show for iii--A'tidy,home and a Illvaltu",% �1w1!biyll riff
,. `"+ fOi�. a It f ` b kl)DY itiultaiid,;And-�aad ohildrea• may- It has tieoit ryrmongtraEetl tltati tbib;air: " ill— , .
• plosive powex of n Aphol'a of ranter ;oitlj•. Ott : e 'ley >.
tiNr 6 np and looket�
a oiefri to�IirGtt } y
iIi b oenle. no a, t a brags vessel bavin a remltij, pov►t`1
ono inch in dlriiudter is n l)
I thea 87to00 Pounds. g F, a 1 d 1 t r ,
Q . if° r� ,,f w
..., - I
., >
Easy Ciofng,QCRtral Aurorlowus.
A writer in the Providence Jourxtal tells
of a conversation be once bud with A
wealthy and educated Central American
coffee planter:
"Isis estate, upon which more than halt
of his time was spent, was 20 miles from
town and Postof8oe and reached only by a
bridle path. All of bis coffee had to be
sent to shipping points by Pack mule and
household stores taken home in, the Bamo
WAY. I asked him if a carriage read could
not easily be built to the district whore he
"'Certainly,' he replied, 'but what
would be the use? What better way is
there to travel than by horseback? We all
love it, and when we want to, ride In car-
riages we go to hurope or this, States,'.
" 'But,' I maid, 'your coffee could then
be, hauled in wagons and much expense
and inconvenience be sa erat And I sup.
pose you would want a, postoffice nearer
home and more frequent, mails.'
"He laughed heartily, 'I assure you,
my dear sir,' he sald,, 'that we get our
mail quite often enough. I always dread
the day, on, which , it, arrives, It means
work, for I have quite a correspondence.
An to the coffee, there is profit enough in
it already, so why not let the mules and
muleteers have the job?' "
Price EDo. at all
wriest: ee■eTITYT•■,
T"[T Aa.
•.-. DAee■■ee•.. �•..
Bridge Materials
(Wood and Iron
Sealed tenders will be received by the tinder
signed up to 10 a,m., of 24th October, 1898, for
all the timber and iron in the bridge across
the idaitland River at the Canada Company's
Falls Reserve, Goderich an,d Colborne town-
ships. Tonders to be stated in a lump Bum for
the whole of the superstructure which must
be removed not later than lsb iiay,1899,
10Y cash and the balance on approved joint
notes in four months from date of sale.
G. W. Allan,
Alfred Willson,
Commissioners, Canada Company, Toronto.
Kip h b.0AMPNO
By wearing our reliable Boots
and Shoes this fall. School
Boots, every day Boots for
the man, woman and child,call
for your inspection.
Don't fail to see our Single and
Double Harness,Trunks, Valises
Telescopes, Etc.
Red and White Cedar Shing-
les, also Pine always on hand.
J. Twitchell
We give this fine
watch, chain' and
charm, for selling two
doz. L£vER Cot,LAA
131)VkOt75, at ten ets.
t(' .',each..Sbadgourdd,
�res K r
a e fdtwa d
r r b d tr
thCB t[O 5 051 AI
,? u gg.p d,
and our P minium
1fi "' L'isr. No m ev-r"e�
b Bnt•
U'red. C
Dna bm b
J +t
fribnda ruin the
r �. ^i -0 "«iwi:la rt wA «:art
w� ° h�tr r
I ' ' co
'r ,30Ad lilt Ut
W_ . �. I � I
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. . -"71 " I I
the young fel oLij >tad the old 'fees
that life as not worth the living, It's a don,
ger signal of Kidnsy Disease --the unerring
evidence of weak, inactive and rare Kidneys.
Any pecan cured of Kidney weakness will
tell you that when the back ceased'to ache,
all troubles untied. Neither liniments, nor !,
plasters, nor electodty can cur"e it. The
seat of the trouble is not in the skin, flesh oa
�. Ito In ilia Kidneys.
It can br
I had terrible pains in my back and my water
was thick and muddy. .I was all broken up
and in poor health generally. Two boxes of
Dr Hobbs. Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me
completely, hvtsb the sale of them hard,
there is nothingbotter. A. N. VAN AL8TEN ,t
61 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich,
I had suffered with a lame back anfl was con-
fined to my bed for nosily two weeks I tools
not•quitealbofa box of Dr Hobb's Sparagus
Kidney Pilla.and was entirely cured.
ISAAC MAnts 851 S Eleventh bt, Baginaw,Miolo,
D,t'. Uobbe'
13.1 YARAGU I"
Hidney Ixills ;
SYDNEY JRP_If,S0N, Druggist,
I Oheaper to
To' '!0�'alk
I Two Week's Sale' 9
Of Second - hand Bicycles,
Ladies' and Gents' 1898 models. All in
first-class condition, only tun about two
months, at $15, $20 and $21 each.
�„ Call and secure a bargain.
Onward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Block, Clinton
H. L. BROWN, Manager.
Tho old Clinton PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Factory, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on abort
notice and the lowest terms; first-class
workman4hip guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired.
William Street, Clinton, immediately
, yehind the Park. I
Buillor ARMS
Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
complete, we are prepared to offer to the pub-
lic for spring panting a very choice lot of
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
Pisces. Evergreens a specialty,
T arge stook of small Fruits,
Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, Benntiller
Bestit to lasta lite time This excellentmac
is finding its way into a great many homes.
Why? Because people that have bought Ma
them Atid i'ebdtntAend them to others. They
have no trouble with them—no tinkering to sew
thick or thin goods: It hasa double feed; no
trouble to crogs scams. No expert operator is
required to work the attachments; they are
simple and strong and are made of steel—made
to work. You can haps age j1ui In your ligtlse
on trial and I never was in a better position to
supply the Wants of the people with a genuine
Robin article than I am at the present timo. I
&cep a Good stock On hand, $est Sewing Ma-
chine Otls in bulk or bottle, (let` good oil and
you machine. You can got shuttles and
all parts required for any machine made from
me. Singer repairs procured direct from New
York for all singer machines. 4 call respect
fully soliotted. WM. MOORE.
Agent, Clinton Sewing Machine wardroom,
Huron Street, Clinton.
October 21, Isgs' �
i '. pii �``��ww```` }
Ury B V �I OU 4 f,7nor
I wish to inform the public that J
not be undersold by any other p� ,
in the business. I ;Am a practical b1;
er; and understand all the branchos
the business. We keep the very
meats, and a full stoskalwayson
and will sell at the Lowest ge,sl} I'
Bring along your money, and $et
meat at the Wish price. We Well gi
credit, but not at cash prices, PI
come and see what you , yan, do. to ,
Cash at
0" �'
FORD & MURimy. "
We are doing business on the cash, princt,
ple, and will suppply put.. qust ,mars wj,,
the best cleats at the lowest p4yi ' $ .
Subscriber has opened a shop tt, tbo pre.
miles recently created especially for .t :., .
urpose, opposite Fair'a Mill, where 0, WI ;,
peep on hand and deliver prorltptty; to: tl. .
karta of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share_ 0! ',
public patronage respectfully, solroxted.
F. H. POWELL, - - CUNT'(#
Flour & Feed, - Fa,,i.? r
BRAIN. & SHe?I�T' .
In large or small quantities
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel- Ott ,
(late Hill & Joyner) .; "
Opposite Market, Clinton-.'
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barj,e
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest privet[
. ,w
Fresh Corn for Feed, 3$c a beat,
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box#1« - r I
Choice Tea, special line 25o per lb. and -up.
All kinds_ of Grain bought at is gbest
Lg4r> of prieee•I
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated by Act of Parliatneitt 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000
REST FUND . $1,600,000
Wu. MoLgoN MecrtrEBaoN, ?resident
F. WOLFEEBTAN TmcmAs..GOII 141aIeger ,. ,,.
Notes discounted, Coll
leaned, l3torlin
bought- and gold:
Posits. SAVIN439
game of $1 and up. Money a vanoe ;
farmers on their own note, with captor=
more endorsers. No mortgage requirtid
H. 0. BREaER. Manager, Cltnttin
G, n,.. nitzAGG, RSM
.M ge1>lei:al flanking Busineti
itrtl,asa etled,
Drafts asued. Interest allowed oie
deposits ' "I
Fruit *=�
Advances made to fariuePd on their o4l; `.
notes at !ow rates of interest.
Confectionery general, Banking Business transnoted.
Interest allowed on deposits. '
You will find ns HEADQUAR- Sale Notes bought
1`ER5 for all seasonable Fruits J. P. TISDALL, V. anag@rr �
First-elassCrawford Peaches McLEOD'S
Grapes, different varieties System RENOVATORMuskmelons, Watermelons
Bananas and Tomatoes. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTO ,
—All kinds of— For Impure, Weak: and Impoverlmlud.
Blood, Dyspepsia,-Sleeplessuess, PpclpatW*,1-
Confectioner tion of the Heark, Liver ,Complaints VA4
3' ralgia, Lose of ,MLinory,, Bronohittg', Asst*_
Bread .. Our as ption, Gall StOLt9, Jatmdioe, $l4W, ,
Specialties and Urinary Diseases„>St � Vitnq',,�lht A
Cakes & Pastry Female irreRularities and Genaisfbebilifl �
- The sales for our Real Home Made L:L1i0r� tory, `• Goderxthi Oji4 . `
and Malt Digestive Dread are in. 3. M.,N0116”-,.
crossing daily. Prop. ,and Mamtfaitilt'ak
Sold in Clinton by - f v ; +.
Jets. McClachertyy, J. H. COMBE and SYDNEY AA:0X ,Qbt
Novelty Bakery and Restiturant ;� "Y
For Twisty -se � ;
TolophouO-No. 1. y,�
� X.tdr :,.MADE. ME A MA �l �1 1,Z:.-.
? . , t . :
;ABI.tiiES 8 . ?,' } t _ ,ii tlorvy�� baetrt' etA�Th 11�I !iHFltirlihsh'��bnti�prrglr; � .,, � �,11 � � � L> • ' •�
.17.17- l i� " e . pt