The Clinton New Era, 1898-10-21, Page 6October 21, 1898
-#s what many a mother is looking
for; something absolutely safe and
ieliable, that will disarm her terror
Ek,9f that dread rattling, strangling
'cough, so fearful to the mother, so
iatal~pto the child. Ayer's Cherry
�. >V'ectoral is a croup cure that can be
-relied on. Thousands say so.
MR& W. J. DICHaoN ("Stanford L`voleth ")
e tee from Truro, N. S. —
it -That terror of mothers, the startling,
iAotqupy cough, never alarmed me so long as I
3+ua a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the
'We have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In
faamily for years. Once when our boy
severe attack of croup, we thought
I' *646 a would die. But we broke up the
>,pttsck by using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral"
IL H. COX, Plauchaville, La.
C r
No charge for consultation by letter with
a .oar pbysician. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mase.
.., i
In the private schools of China a teaches
is paid about one halfpenny a day for each
The national army is called the Army
the Green Standard. It is twice ae
t, :; tdtrong as the imperial section and is made
„sap of 1,000 camps,
' lreimperial ariiiyconslStSOf MantchuS,
worigols and blue ribboned Chinese, and
U0„000 strong, divided into eight corps,
with )'eking for headquarters.
` Chinese brides, when putting on theft
•:bridal garments on the eventful morning,
(stand in round, shallow baskets tlurinq
;1 + 'tbalf lengthy toilets. This is supposed to
insure tL 3m placid and well rounded lives
n their new homes.
Country roads in China are never bound
ed by fences, but are entirely undefined.
,;. While the farmer has the right to plow ag
xny road passing through his land, drivers
of vehicles have an equal, right, and they
eaar4iso It, to traverse any portion of the
country at large.
The C%Inese have a war god whom th
government regard as responsible for th
successes or failures attending the army,
When he is either promoted or degradod
the feet is announced in the Pelting Ga
zette, which also contains similar state
wants regarding the other deities.
h � A curious industry in some of the Prov
o1 China is the manufacture of ?nock
offering to the dead. The piece
p” only ha`!f-ttk1�o size of the real coins, hu
a ,the dead are sui)pos^d not to know the dif
fa Sites. The dummy coins are made ou
of t' ,'hammered to the thinness of pale
end stamped out to the size required.
a Chinaman dies while being trio
dor murder, the very fact of his dying i
token as a idence of his guilt. He has de
-somebody must suffer, and hi
- a1 "lest son, if he has oust is sent to prisot
a year. If be has no son, then his fa
tlror or brother gets allogging. It's all i
the fa fly, and justice must be adwinis
.A Canadian )Medicine.
":Which Has Made a Wonderfu
Reputation Throughout
the World
`Every Care Published is Investigated by
Responsible Newspaper—The Advertise
Has Looked into and, Gives Below th
Rsixtinalars of One of These Cures.
Brom the Advertiser, Hartland, N.B.
'The Advertiser has come across Still an
irtler instanog of the remarkable curativ
pdwcra of the famous Canadian remedy,D
'PPilliame' Pink Pills for Pale People. M
e li of Lower Brighton, a romin
tGyin. T d e, Low g p
o#t lumberman and farmer,came very nee
g a -cripple from rheumatiem,the drea
diioase So prevalent along the St. John ri
1 >f i, He is now 65 years of age. Five year
yriggo,'he was taken with the first symptom
" pi'theumatism—over expoanre, the strew
dt>itrea and the general bard life of the lum
berman,paved the way for the lodgment
eii`oruciatlhg disease. The Symptoms fir
mkt, ifeat were pains through the legs, arm
and bands. Gradually conditions gre
t5&se. At intervals there would be a
U61ment of the malady, but for month
ar he was nearly helpless. The pai
ggonizing that Sloop was out of th
on,and to work was impossible. T
ted,man bad so often read of the wo
atxy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill
oboes aimibar to his own, that he resol
Or fry them. He says, however, that
not hopefnl of receiving much benefl
tx'tridd many medicines without an
on 13 following. He began the n
ills, and by the time a couple
Ord neda be found they were heipf
Thus encouraged he continned-t
the medicine and gradually the pain
soreness ldit him, he was able to also
nal 4;a d enjoyed an excellent appetit
faot,a£ier using Dr Williams' Pink Pil
I`ar )sins iliisti two mbntliff,Ur Tedliesays
fotdid WOO Self in,the best of health. He
ri I a w rii7 friend of this great medioi
11 titgbd afmilsr sufferers not to exper
111 tr ro�iKilit ber,madioineg but at once b
t. ,gha t`he riew of, W.Williains' Pink Pilis.
RiieutiititrsriY; ociatlds, neuralgia, Parti
tia>tblyeis loecmator fttdxi, nervous has
,rdde, iier� iii{" pttdRttAitf6n and digestot d
gnkofala nbrbflro yblppelite, eto., ambed in the ll dials
1st0 i?efoYd afar tretrtinont ?with Dr. VVI
SOME OLD SAYINGS. Perfect Satisfaction
KNOW THEIR SOURCE. in every' Province
The Mau Who Delichte In Investigating
All Norte of Odd TLLags Robs Peter to Diamond
Pay Paul, Buys a Pig In a Poke and Late i (d es
the cat out of the Bag. Are True Home
"Do you know who Mother Carey is?" Favorites.
asked the man who delights in investigat-
ing all sorts of odd thinto and who is nev-
er So happy as when following up some
unusual line of thought. "I find pleasure in dyeing with the won -
"She's a chicken fanoler, I Imagine," derful Diamond Dyes. They make old
replied the man wbo takes things as they clothes, dresses, silks, feathers and wool
come without question. "At any rate goods look like new."
�e'a n spa rrl)Tntioned except in conneo- MRs M. R. BELL'
tion v<'iti Ter o A-ene." Victoria Harbor, Ont.
"Mother Carey," said the investigator, "Have used the Diamond Dyes for many
and he took anoth(ir look at the book he years and they have proved true and sure
held in his hand N if to guard against the to color every time. They axe without
possibility of mistake, "is the Virgin doubt the best of all dyes.
Mary. The name oouies from the Latin Mile J. G. WALEER,
'Mater oara,' meaning 'Mother dear,' and Quebec, P.Q.
her chickens are the stormy patrols which "I am a farmer's wife and have used
the sailors formerly believed were sent to Diamond Dyes for years, and am well sat -
warn thein Of approaching storms. I tell isfied with them. I highly recommend
you, my boy, theru'y it great deal that's in- Diamond Dyes; they are the most valuable
teresting in these odd expressions area and surest of dye stuffs."
words if one fakes the trouble to look it A1Rs A. Sholevi
up. Now, there is the Saying, 'Don't caro Nichoof the, N.G.
n rap.' now would you interpret that? "I have used s great many of the or all
What does rap mean'?" and Dyes and find them the hest for all
"As an offhand guess, I should say that kinds of dyeing; will have no other kind for
it was a substitute for a word that begins my work."
with 'd' and which is not supposed to be MRs JAB. sonviRARII e
used in polite society." a lioiamonville, s i
"You would be wrong," asserted the I have used the Diamond hem with
man with the book. "'Rap' is derived great success. I recommend them to all
to d
o their o
wn dyeing,
from 'R. A. P.,' whioh in turn comes ladies who wish ) 1
from India and Stands for rupees, annas For coloring dress goods they are just per -
and pica, representing the money of that fent.
country. The expression is almost an ex. Mets ley Bridge,
act equivalent to that other, equally com- D)es r Bridge, P.E.I.
mon, 'I don't Cure a cont.' Now, I'sup• 'The Diamond ev ea are a great theysuccal-
so if some one should ask you about I base used them several col times and they al.
F° y ways turn out lovely colors. I am delight.
'Jack and Jill,' who 'went up a hill,' you ed with them."
would say they were simply nursery char- Mas,JOnN Lowc,
actors." West Selkirk, Man.
"I certainly should." "We ase the Diamond Dyesand find them
"And you would be wrong again, fast and beautiful colors;tbey are the beet."
'Jack' was the name of a pitcher made of MRs CHAS. JOHNSTON,
waxed leather, and 'Gill' was and still is Montgomery, N.W.T.
a measure of capacity. That is how they "The Diamond Dyes are the best sold in
happened to go after water. Somebody the country; they always give me satisfac-
was doubtless carrying them and careless- I tion and I will always praise them."
ly dropped them." I MARY A. STEADUAN,
"When you say 'By Jingof' I suppose Vancouver, B. C,
you don't mean anything except that you i
are excited or angry?" i
�► Twentieth C'zntury Wonder.
over. he ass you aro literally swearing The great engineering feat which opened
by the evil one, for the word is from 'Jan. the iron gates of the Danube and glade
co,' which means 'devil' in the Basque that river navigable for Its entire Iengtll
language. I suppose, also, that you re. i Wi)j onk into insignificance oompared
Ord 'garpet knight as a term of re -
i -i {with that undertaken on the Nilo, to got
proach?" around the obstructions caused by the cat-
u?•F&durally." aracts, and by mcaus of an fuiuleuse darn
"Yet Henry Irving is a carpet knight. open the historic. river continuously to
So was Tennyson, and so are and were navigation. Operations are about to com-
many others of whom England is proud. mencetunder the direction of the eininent
A carpet knight is one who wants his title British engineer, Sir Benjamin Baker,
by his achievements in the world of Sol- who recently hazarded the prediction that
onto or the arts or, in fact, anywhere art- by the beginning of the twontioth century
sept In battle. He may be really more de- the first steamer would pass through the
serving -of the title than any of those who looks into the reservoir, on its way to the
won it by the sword," upper Nfle.
"You must put in most of your time Though the work is one of immense
with dictionaries and cyulopedfas," sug- difficulty there IS no doubt it can be uar-
e gested the man who takes things as they tied to success and that it will stand as an
e Come, engineering achievement worthy to mark
"Not at all. I am simply cuffioiently the opening of a new century. The same
Interested to look up these odd expressions quarries at Assouan that furnished gran -
when I ran across them to See what they ; ite for the temples of Phila, 8,000 years
really, mean and whether we use them ago will be drawn on to supply the stone
properly. Do you know why the patrons for the latest triumph of man's handf-
of the top gallery of a thentor are called work in overcoming vast natural obstacles.
E the gods?" —Buffalo Commercial.
"Never even gave the subject a thought.'
,Well, they are so described at the
Drury Lane theater in London, flrst, be- A foul breath is one of the gra atest affiio-
t cause the calling was painted in imitation tions a man or woman can have. An af-
I of a blue sky, with cupids and angels fly- fiction not only to themselves, but to those
Ing about. I imagine the terns 'battle with whom they come in contact. A foul
d royal' conveys an Idea of grandeur to you breath is a great discourager of affection,
s in the fighting lino." It would be more so if people would only
"I should think it ought to be rather realize what bad breath means. Bad breath
s thrilling." is one of the symptoms of constipation.
"Nevertheless It was originally nothing Some of the other symptoms are sour
but a cockfighting term and was used to stomach, loss of appetite, sick and bilious
n describe a fight in 'which three, five or I beadacbe, dizziness, heartburn and distress
seven birds were put into the pit and left I` after eating. These thinga•mean indige9-
until all but one bad been defeated. How tion. They lead to dyspepsia and worse
do you suppose we got the expression�'eook things" They all start with constipation,
and bull story?' " and constipation is inexcusable because it
"Give it up." can be cured --cured easily, quickly and
"You ought to investigate these things permanently by the use of Dr. Pierce's
If you are going to make use of them, A Pleasant Pellets. Tbey.give to natnre, just
1 man ought to know something about the little help that she needs. There is no
what he is Baying. This comes to us from i case of Hlionsness, constipation, indiges-
the time of the reformation. The papal tion, "heartburn," or any of the rest of
bulls bad a cook on the seal, and of course the nigbt-mare breeding brood, that these
there were a great 406 people of that little `'Pellets" will not cure, Send 31
day who'were fnelineQ tlq lcpredit any- cents in one -cent stamps to World's Dis-
a thing in the cook and ballu'. But the pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.
r expression that doubtless oil} luterest you Y„ and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page
a most is, 'I don't care a dam. " Common Sense Medical. Adviser, illus -
"You what?" trated.
" 'I don't care a dam. i' --the dam with-
out the 'n,' of course." Snow fell in Chicago for over an hour last
"What difference does that make?" Thursday night. It was the first of the
"All the difference In the world. D -a -m season and the earliest in 26 years.
e is a coin In India equivalent to an English STARVING CHILDREN.
r twopenom If you are caught making that Thousands of well-fed children are atarv-
r remark in a loud tone some time, it may ing, simply because their food is not st the
i to you be know at
^ be worth something y right kind. They are thin, pale and deli•
r there is such a coin. It will help you to ,
d explain matters. Now, where do yon sup Date. Seattle Emulsion will change all this.
v polo the words 'peeler' and 'bobbj,' mean- L, gives vim and vigor, flesh and force.
a ing policeman, come from?" Accountant Neff, Toronto, has conclu3ed
s "Again I give it up." his investigation into the Ellice township
m -'From the name of Sir Bober$ Regi accounts during the past twenty years, and
of the founder of the London police force.' reports that though there is no evidence of
"Do you do anything except look Up wrong -doing on the part of the officials, a
et these things?" asked the man who takes number of minor errors, amounting to the
e things as they come. sum of $285.71 was discovered.
w "Oh, yes," replied the man of an inves-
n Ligating turn of mind, "When you get
9 into the hnbit of looking into the origin of
n the expressions you run across, you do it `� I had gait
e as an amusemont at odd times. Now,SALT
Ur. Ward's a
preach in English for the benefit of
Blood & Nerve
those who could not understand Ger-
- Pills.
man, and also to read a short sketch
Director) residence.
a which is the
of the life of n e deceunderstand, on-
practise, 1 understand, at all Afennon-
u �
rte funerals.
After the service the procession was
re-formed and proceeded to the burial
A deaf-mute named'*Thomas Hill was
ground. A deep and wide grave had
nearly drowned in the Brantford Canal re.
been du for the reception of the coffin.
gently while being baptized. Hill got a
On reading the grave the of the
Coffin was again removed, and friends I
mouthful of water,and his struggles landed
and calsre looked upon the deceased
him in a deep spot. He was finallyreseued
In an unconscious condition. It was a close
for the last titne "until the resurrec-
tion," A Mennonite friend whispered
in my ear, "Then we shall see him spir-
What will likely prove a fatal accident
itually." The lid was replaced and the
occurred last night at Verdun, near Mon -
coffin gently lowered into the grave.
treal. Achman Walsh, a young Montreal -
One of the sons of the deceased threw
er, was out Shooting, and while jumping ov-
a h andful of earth upon the coffin, af-
era fence his gun was discharged. The Will
ter which the grave was filled; the
entered his thigh, inflicting what is feared
choir meanwhile singing appropriate
will be a fatal wound
by inns in German, closing with the
well known air, "God he with you till
we meet again." A few moments of si
The standard tobacco of Can -
lent prayer brought solemn cere-
Shorthand, Typewriting, 13ool,keeping and a
Commercial subioots are properly taught in
mony to a close.
oda for 34 years
To English . sensibility there was
much that appeared crude, and indeed
has been
sometimes unsympathetic; but the key
Conference has passed a resolution in
to the difference in Gush matters as we
view them and as theyare regarded by
those intimately connected is found in
the word "simplicit.y." We think they
T to R
carry the idea to extremes.
give expression to the will of the peo-
Eight regular teachers. Splendid equipment
ple by suitable legislation at the earli-
Write for catalogue.
est practicable date,
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Rheum Of the worst
yesterday it suddonly occurred to me that
ii n't know why it is that we Peter
ld 1 w y
kind as our family
, y
a to pity l>aul.' "
doctor called it
Did you find out?"
'Certainly, In 1550 several estates be-
and could not get anything to
t lougiug to Westminster abbey were grant-
cure me. I read of Burdock
y ed to St. Paul's onthodral for repairs and
0 maintenance, and Westminster abbey hap-
Blood Bitters, and determined to
pens to bo dedicated to St. Peter. There
try it. I got one bottle and be-
ls an intorosting Story connected with
'buying a pig in a poke' too."
fore I used half of it I could tell it
p "Lot's have it."
was doing me
countryman ones put a oat In a poke
e or Sack and Sold it in the market place as
good, and after
a suckling pig. The customer didn't in•
taking six botRHIEUM
is vestigate hie purchase then, and when he
he vary naturally 'let the Cat out of
ales I was per -
the bag.' There, you have two explained
featly cured, and
e- at once.'
"It's rather Interesting, isn't itP" said
to -day am a happy woman at being
al the man who takes things as they come.
cured of that terrible disease." MRs.
d- , I behove I'll look up the noxi odd ex-
MAGt)ALSNA VO]GT, Rhineland, Ont.
p rossiou I Dome across myself.
g Do, returned, the ineAtlgator. "I'm
B.B.B. is the best remedy in
psurd you will find" it quite as thterodting
. as the genealogical fad and a lot More in-
, Salt Rheum
the world for Eczema, ,
struotiae, "--Chicago Post.
Tetter, Scald Head,
Shin les its, Pim- r
iit Saluted th6 Quarterdeeki, -
Ales, Stir s, Ulcers
A n6val eii man hDA bubo every day 1W
t' Salute:tlic .4 tordeoTt $f hit ship, *van it
Arid oil;. food ti4d,
t" no oiloex It tipptt' ifs.".. ,'
'.aicitt z9i1• .;.
� y
+ •r
R Mennonite )Funeral.
! ! ! we wish to announce to the public that we have purchased the Grocery busi.
Rev D. Millar writes as follows:—An ness and stook of James Steep, and have thoroughly overhauled the same,
]ped man in a small town in Manitoba 'h+ar and added to it over $600 worth of the freshest and best goods in the trade. We
ay upon his deathbed, ria manifest-
every evidence of being a true are now prepared to welcome our old customers and as many new ones as will
"' '
honor us with call. We are offering some real snaps. See our I lb, tin Bak.
justfan. , a waiting, waiting,oil a ing Powder and Scissors for 25c. Our reduced price on Teas is giving great sat-
ust waiting," was his continued ex- isfaction. Pickles Be. per bottle. Crystal Gloss Starch, 5o per 1 lb package.
lamation, and for two months he had45V
Mushroom Catsup 10c, three for 25o. Try our line of Teas at 200. Goode
been thus waiting. He felt and believ-
m, as did his friends, that that was all r delivered.
he and they had todo, or could do. To, e a Cash paid for '®RAY
Jo more, to tip and stretch out life's Butter & Eggs Mc•=•iMU[ir Combe
span, was to them equivalent to an-
deavoing to thwart the purposes of a
Providence. He bad reached the age ----- -- - -- — ----
af 73 years, and although he had no
special ailment, he was prepared for
death and waited for it. And so death
^ame as a natural sequence to long
Aimost immediately after death the
body was removed from the bedroom
to an out -shed, and there it was laid
ont and left alone. There being no
life in it, it was removed from all asso-
ciation with life. The body was then
placed in a coffin or large casket, plain
and somewhat uncouth in appearance,
and weighty. It resembled an eastern
coffin, a shell divided into two parts
and having a primitive arrangement
for shutting, The remains were kept
in this shed until the day of the fune-
ral, when they were removed to the
Aiennonite church, and placed in front
of the pulpit. On the platform was
the officiating clergyman, having no
distinctive dress to mark his sacred
office, and to his right and left upon
the latform were the officers of the
VIM—to work and to win -to keep a sane
mind in a sound body—to laugh at worry.
VIGOR—tO ward off disease—to con-
quer obstacles—to transmit health and
strength to your posterity.
VITALITY—to resist the fearful strain
and tension_ of modern life --to makeup
for the constant drains of overwork.
Dr. Ward's Blood and rierve Pills confer
all these essential qualities on the user.
Before using Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills I felt weak, nervous and run
down. I had lost weight steadily for
some time; my circulation was poor;
hands, feet and limbs were cold. I always
felt weak and my muscles trembled. Now,
after the use of one box of Dr. Ward's
Pills, I feel like my old self. I have gained
five pounds in weight and too per cent.
in cheerfulness. I now walk firmly, my
muscular system is strong and my blood
Clearing :gale
0 f Furniture o
By an error in the shipping department our order for fall goods was
shipped DOUBLE, Instead of shipping these ogods back to the factory
we are going to place them before our customers at GREATLY
Double the quantity of Bedroom Suites, Tables and Chairs
to select lironi at greatly reduced prices should interest buyers
We wast to supply
Your wants
oiec or
P 1 Ih vein om t
circulates vigorously. a MILLINERY of the ver latest style and in large quantities for the Fall trade
church and the choir, respectively. than I have experienced in years. Dr. y y g
now to be seen at the Emporium.
The latter was composed entirely of Ward's Pills have done more for me than
male voices, an medicine I ever took. DRESS GlOODs that cannot fail to please in color, style and price. Then we
At thea appointed hour one of the y have large quantities of Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelattes, Linings, Canvas, etc.
PP PETER CARMICHAEL, BOOTS AND SHOES for wear, more than ornament. Also HOSIERY in
choir gave out a hymn in German, and 13 Bright St., Toronto, Ont.
iben led the congregation, which join- Allgood druggists can Toronto,
rl you. if greet variety
ed in heartily. To English ears the they won't, we will by ?nail. Price oc, per FOODS AND MEDICINES are not forgotten hers. Everything of the very
music sounded strange and weird. Af- box,or g boxes For $z.00. TiiE DOCTOR beet quality. Good assortment of Hardware Give ns a trial
ter singing, the preacher read the les- WARD CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Terms cash or produce
son, and ihen spoke for some time in a WE WANT
very feeling manner, bringing tears to yyy�ybyyJyYY4�yy�y�yyl�,tiyj1
many eyes, A choir from a neighbor- 3u e any quantity of Fresh Eggsand good Sweet Butter
ing congregatlon sang severa appio
priate hymns, and I was then asked to
Ur. Ward's a
preach in English for the benefit of
Blood & Nerve
those who could not understand Ger-
- Pills.
man, and also to read a short sketch
Director) residence.
a which is the
of the life of n e deceunderstand, on-
practise, 1 understand, at all Afennon-
u �
rte funerals.
After the service the procession was
re-formed and proceeded to the burial
A deaf-mute named'*Thomas Hill was
ground. A deep and wide grave had
nearly drowned in the Brantford Canal re.
been du for the reception of the coffin.
gently while being baptized. Hill got a
On reading the grave the of the
Coffin was again removed, and friends I
mouthful of water,and his struggles landed
and calsre looked upon the deceased
him in a deep spot. He was finallyreseued
In an unconscious condition. It was a close
for the last titne "until the resurrec-
tion," A Mennonite friend whispered
in my ear, "Then we shall see him spir-
What will likely prove a fatal accident
itually." The lid was replaced and the
occurred last night at Verdun, near Mon -
coffin gently lowered into the grave.
treal. Achman Walsh, a young Montreal -
One of the sons of the deceased threw
er, was out Shooting, and while jumping ov-
a h andful of earth upon the coffin, af-
era fence his gun was discharged. The Will
ter which the grave was filled; the
entered his thigh, inflicting what is feared
choir meanwhile singing appropriate
will be a fatal wound
by inns in German, closing with the
well known air, "God he with you till
we meet again." A few moments of si
The standard tobacco of Can -
lent prayer brought solemn cere-
Shorthand, Typewriting, 13ool,keeping and a
Commercial subioots are properly taught in
mony to a close.
oda for 34 years
To English . sensibility there was
much that appeared crude, and indeed
has been
sometimes unsympathetic; but the key
Conference has passed a resolution in
to the difference in Gush matters as we
view them and as theyare regarded by
those intimately connected is found in
the word "simplicit.y." We think they
T to R
carry the idea to extremes.
give expression to the will of the peo-
.Children Cry for
Myrtle )Navy
EMPORIUM, Sept. 13th
Look in the
Hub Grocery Window
A chance to get a Musical Clock free,valued at $5.
You purchase one box of Sunlight Black Lead, one of the
best stove polishes made (positively no dust) costs you no-
thing to guess, and gives you the chance of winning the
clock. We are the only dealers handling this lead in town
Gl-EO SWALI..UW, - Clinton
ad roof of the fact that our goods are righ an0
The steady morease in our trade is _ g
our prices lower thap those of oihere-`al6r9 `
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to�h..
eap. If you ay
from us, we Save for you the profit, which, in other caso be added in for
the retail dealer.
This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. Space will not pormivr
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade.
In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubted) yl;thel best faneral
ontfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest.
A Dimpled Dot in Her Arms and a Body
BROADFOOT9B0X & C0• J. WMa Chidley
Without a Pain—Here'e a Case of Moth-
P 9—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at -J. w. Chidley's, (Funeral
er Cured of Tormenting Piles b Dr. A
g y g-
Director) residence.
newLa Ointment
- — --
"Atter baby was born I suffered great
torment from piles. Nothing gave me anyT
lasting relief or benefit until I had used Dr
Agnew's Ointment. One application of it
gave me almost instant relief, and afew
applications'nured me. Mra M.K. Conger,
30 Paoi fie Ave., Toronto." Bold by Watts
& Co.
Shorthand, Typewriting, 13ool,keeping and a
Commercial subioots are properly taught in
Central Business- College,
A special committee of the Hamilton
Conference has passed a resolution in
TOBONTo, Youge & Gerard Sts.
relation to the recent plebiscite, call
ing upon the Dominion Parliament to
time Hove span. Members admitted at
envv time
give expression to the will of the peo-
Eight regular teachers. Splendid equipment
ple by suitable legislation at the earli-
Write for catalogue.
est practicable date,
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
I �tNttifjtlljtu 1�,,,�� �..;,�-+�- • r ! ,
1 '
We Keep in Stock and make to order
Waggons and Buggies of all kinds.
rr u
Qlti�r 's YY arks
ne. ttCh htid ha
'ir tt+ts � C
t1 s e++a
s ,e
.�•t i a9, , i s., oistiff' asrb;wad�'s5i" orb.
I='�Ili�i�'�;� : , r • aaas►twete � b
A Prstndnent Plhys1telan.
♦' proxnWi oat Now`itork phyid6ba
In dfeoui%ing the merite 'of Ripme
Tabules with a brother Ili,. D. said i
" Several� JJem ago I asserted that
It one :Ued to betwme a philau.
thopiat, and do a beneficent deed ---
one that would help the whole hu-
man race --nothing could be better
than to procure the Roosevelt Hos-
pital prescription, which is the Faris
of the Roam Taimbo, and datise'it to
be ut up In the form of a ketchup
and distributed among the poor.
sial)•• InerOONI CO
The bgaest retail drug store In
Amerioa thiLt of Hegehiatt & Qo.
on Broadway in New York City.
A reporter who went there to learn
how Ripens Tab.
ules were selling
bought a f tw-ceAt
carton and asked t
Do you have
much call for
He was referred
to ageritlennan who
proved to bo the
head of the depart-
meurw He said
" The sale of Ripane Tabules, is li
oonetb.nt wild It, iizoroming; due
espeaTally to the Influential character
of thetestimoniala in the dail press,
and growing out of these, tough
the rboommdiigtioh of fried to
friend. Satisfaction with t1}ep►
very general. Whoa once they hrb
begun I notice that it vem Hent
eustoi ner f6f1h6ii i In fnad. .1
trelie�'e..ia,. tbarougb..,�:ttelimf�in�}'o
erlt which roves th bona etre
charaoter of the advertising. I think
them specially useful In the general
wa of etamsoh troubles."
As WderW LmAy.
� AMt eSilerl3 � �� at
lReights,i a parts -lit Nei► Yorl sty,
and who woknto R:
advocate of ffi oibe cir
ease of Hvw trouble atr
odd to orepo>-rpo"Loftil who d
Lars the padon-
Of bAr wade: 'had always
employed a phyafoim and did so on
the lastion
occas I had for one. but
at tbat time dliftited Ito beliblltiw
result. I had never had any faith
In patent,niedfoines, buthavingeom
Hipans Tabules, re�ocqmmended tical
highly in the Niw)York Herold con.
oluded tq . Che there a trial, ;anis
found the'? wbri Duet what my base
demanded. I have never employed
,t,W#ocI,s4 si uoe, and that means a
saMYraa of ffia a can
A dollar's worth of
Ripans Tabules
me a month,
d I would not be
without them now
if 'it were my last
dollar." (OAt the
time of tbLa i6ter-
view there *ere
tele who d data h -
objected to their mother gyc
testimonial whit)? should parader
name in the newspa rs, but do
thf'B the elder lady gubd i "There
may be other es just like mine,
I& I Am eureIttake meat plea U"
in recomtn nying the T bul�I to arm
ono smile , ag' L'tvda. Mhb te�.ing
about my ease in the papers enables
Bomb other JW%bzf similarly off ted
to. Woo great) benefited as I . ave
yy ,, ,.,, .
Isee aoob selloff. Tliodliil' li:'
tore, Iknow g bow, earnestly she felt
a'bW t th 6 nils *bho luk r&ooivad,
decided she waa quite right.