HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-21, Page 2I A. .-- , ,,.. )0:ler 21, 189$ AN - q Ava x a jInov The contract fur the winter mail service between Canada and Britain has been gixen to the Allan and Do minion lines, whose steamehips wil call at Halifax, as well as St. John, In the old days Portland, Maine, waf the winter Port for theo n D mi ion 88 ��. I�c L CJ fl The Liberals hernia of the old (QN THE 5. CLAIR RIVER) grand riding of East Wellington paid the Har'd3 S/f!,[U1�h ON 1A[ IO. Government and the Hou. J. M. Gib a,l�/ �. .. Great Camp , . son a splendid compliment by tender lll:#fights or the Maccabees for Michigan. 1Og to the Commissioner Of Crown. 0 Port Huron, Mich„ April 6, 1897. L.a,nds the unanimous nomination of Mit A S. Nimmo, Sarnia, Ont. the party to succeed the late member, DEAR Sin. -It Rives -me great pleasure to Mr Craig, In doing so it demonstrated embrace this opportunity of expressing my on - ' tire satisfaction with the stenographer (Miss in a practical manner its confidence in P,U%ttie Gilispie) you recommended t o mea little over a year ago. She is now one of our valued the Administration, for it means more p,sslstante, correct and rapid in her etenogra- than mere resolutions when half a doz phld writing and gives unmistakable evidence of Qareful and efficient training. From what I en men, any one of whom would have I. ;'have learned bt your school and the students who have graduated from it. I can confidently made a strong candidate, willingly, Vocomtneud it to a 1 contemplating the study :of the art. With kinds regards, I remain, nay voluntarily, stand aside for what o Respectfullyours, THOMAS WATSON, is b them considered to be in the best y Great Record Keeper. interests of the party as a whole. No ' Miss Gillapie to still in the employ of the ' %aeoabees and receiving a good salary, other name was mentioned, no one , Students may enter at any time. else was thought of even in the prima- s. S. NIMMO. ries, where the 99 delegates received 1.Clinton Post Office. their instructions. DIME TABLE. ',3lUE The Central Prison is one of the Pro- MAILS CLOSED 'L vincial institutions that the Opposition iaf, a0 15 P.M. 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario A., 700 M5 4 00 threatened to show u It is to t.e P• 7 40 15 4 30 6 65 Wingham and Kincardine Western S.W. & N. W. U.S. 9 55 7 00 635 4 05 presumed there were some good Con. 16 1 03 Paris, Buffalo&eastern U 87 00 4 05 servatives on the Grand Jury of York, ! '` '15 1 03 Toronto&points east&nrth 7 00 4 p which has just assured Judge MCDOu' I'll1 1 OS o3 ...Montreal and Ottawa... Manitoba. N W T and B C 7 00 7 00 295 2 39 gall that: -"This prison is conducted 1 08 10 2i Stratford and Seaforth..? 00 2 35 oil business humane principle. Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 235 with at proper roan at the helm. The ` 10 27 103 ..,,Mitchell and Dublin..., 700 discipline there is excellent, Every : 1 , 255 .....,,,,Godorio...... 1220part 0 of this large Place is kept per- 615 655.. Luean crossing, Sarnia and intermediate points ..• 7 00 4 05 feet order. We could enlarge on the 1 40 .ondesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 subject, but the reputation of the Cen- The office is open to the public (holidays ex tral Prison is too well known to ne- cepted) from 8 a.m to 7 15 p.m., but holders o ,;, .look boxes have access to the lobby tintil 8 p.m cessitate our taking up more of your Money Order and Saving Bank office open ' . '.8 time. As bearing on our foregoing re- A.m. to 6 p.m. 'Matter for registration must be posted half mark that the C. P. is now run on bus- anhour before closing the mails. iness principles, we would mention ;1 STAGE MAIL - SUMMERHILL - Every Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5,25 and leav- that it is a good Government asset, as Ing tat 5.30 P.M. the amount realized from the different ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched from this office to Londesboro and Belgrave, interests netted $20,000 over expenses also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as abyve stated last year." Next thing the Govern- Mails for British Isles and European noun- tries intended to be forwarded by New York, ment will be starting a profit -saving must have written on the top left hand corner t,o-operativeprison,ret arnin dividends g .'11 ` of envelope VIA NEW YORK. _>' to the inmates according to length of g g North Perth Conservatives asked for service, `_ permission to withdraw the protest, Cris Count a p y Clippings ,J Ieach party to pay its own costs, and �_get-the $1,000 deposit. The offer was -- -- refused the Liberals declining to a 1+ _ ' g pay Brussels rate of taxation for 1895 is lA mills on the dollar any costs whatever. Mr Nelson has sold his 50 acre farm t on the 17th con„ near Gorrie, to Mr John Scott for $2,500. a "`.: Mr H. Cocksbutt, manager of the ' ';' Mr Thompson, of Goderich, former- Cocksbutt low works and , .. p president ", ,,11 LL1,of ly of Zetland, has purchased the 150 the Board of Trade, Brantford, acre farm belonging to Mrs Walters. ?,t,--: ,, states that be has never seen such The trustees of S. S. No. 3, Grey, a( '' prosperous times among the manufac- t have re-engaged E. D. McIntosh as teacher for next year at an advance t -curers o'f'Ontario as prevail at present. of $30. ' Mr Cocksbutt is a good Conservative, Mr W. A. Rose has rented his farm, ", �-I soh near Winthrop, and has taked a situa- ' , tion in Washage, Simeoe county, and intends Rev. Dr. Sexton, whose death was removing his family there shortly. "':Announced last week, will be remem- A little two-year-old child of John r , ;bered by many as a lecturer who a few Smith, G.T.R. baggageman, Winq- � , yeare ago was widely known, He was ham, was run over and seriously but t by a horse and rig near his home t! 4 controversialist before anything else on Monday. r ' and published some books of that The trustees of S. S. No. 6, Turn- �,rw�;?,character. He had at one time been berry, called a meeting a few weeks t celteptical, but devoted his latter years ago, and i e -engaged their teacher, Miss Orvis, for next "to attacks on skepticism. He was year ata raise of $40 on this year's salary. iItlftore successful as a lecturer than as , On Saturdayas Jack, the oldest son of R Robt. Steel Seaforth, -t;R author, bre literary work lacking e, was playing on a pile of lumber at D. D. Wilson's that perspicuity, logical consistency barn, he had the misfortune to slip off end forcefulness which are necessary and a broken forearm is the result. a 'to written controversy, the lack of The trustees of S. S. No. 4, Morris, ' which is partly covered by the elo- have shown their good judgment by quence of oratory. For some yeare re-enga4ing J. D. Henry as teacher toi- the coming year•at $400, the same sal - ]Dr. Sexton has been little heard of. ary as last year. This school draws the highest grant in the township. Wm. Welsh, son of Thos.. Welsh, .Decision in the North Waterloo elee- Huron St., Exeter, died in the Loddon Non case was given Friday morning asylum on Monday, where he had been '',]', by Judges Rose and MacMahou. The : confined for upwards of a year. He was 25 years of age. udgesfound that there had been cot- The remains were brought to Exeter and interred r °' - practices by one Scully, an agent in the Exeter cemetery. ,,alt ofth�-adecessful Conservative Candi- On Saturday Robert Kirk, of West „`,t;^ -. , date, Dr. H. G. Lackner, and the seat i"; ;. Wawanosh, brought a load of oats to Goderich market, and sold them to was therefore voided. The judges Colborne and Burrows The load oilnd that the respondent was present weihed 7,018 lbs., 207 bushels ]Olbs,) theg ) heaviest load ' while corrupt treating was 'taking of that grain ever brought to this mat ket. E ,,...-plaoe, and knew what was going on. Up to the 1st of October there had -- their lordships think his know. been paid into the Seaforth town ledge Was not such as to make bim an �,`,._`,`-,',' treasurer the sum of $8,158 in taxes. aCCessor within the meanie of that 11 IAccessory tI The total tax bill of that town amounts to $15,000, so that in the first month 'qt' rd in the act, and they gave him the for collecting more than half of the beltle8t,of the doubt and did not dis- entire amount had been paid. i ; f ;qualify him. Mr Wm. Aberhardt has sold the Donovan farm, on the 3rd con. of ' The Woodstock Sentinel -Review L..(X. Tuckersmith, east of Egmondyille, to This is says: -"Some of the Conservative pap. the same price Mr Aberhardt paid for . °. perfathat have been abusing the Yukon it three years ago, The farm contains � •-: bf9cials without knowing anything of 100 acres, and is a good grazing farm. •,:the justice or injustice of the charges ' guest flow of water was struck on the farm of Alex McCall, 70i line ` t$r`aligbt.against them, are probably Mor- ria, last week. Mr' Peterson, Kincar. �' not aware that a number of these of. dine, did the drilling, and the well finials are and always have been Con- measures 70 feet from top to bottom, 55 feet drilled, 10 feet being in the V�1 eervatives; that they are among the rock. There is 23 feet Of water in the well, A �artoomanyConservativeofticialswho and they tried with a steam engine to s , , , have been left in office or promoted by pump it dry and could not do it. fit Liberal Government. Judge Mc- Conductor Parker, formerly of Wingham, has been very ill. It seems .' Gluire is' a Copservative, and so, we '�eli,eve, that a short time a o be stepped on a rust nail a y red blood is Mt FiV Vett, the Gold Com- poisoning result- tie nisaioner, who iabspectally singled out ed. was very ill for some days; at one time his physician was with slim t3 i1 tacky It would be very strange for nearly nine hours. His friends twill If It Conservative official should be con of corruption at the Instigation be pleased to hear that he ie now re- covering. oL ,rted eievtttive .papers, noting under The barn on the farm of Mrs Cebrge the fltn t3asion that the are getting 1 y g g Strong, 6th con. of Tuckersmitb, had a narrow escape from destruction by of:ti'htl4*d-L*hom it is always pleas. fire lin Sunday afternoon. Some r4,15t 4,04,,04trrotic to attack." children who had been playing with, matches accidentally „, . .,.,�� set fire to the G MdI� In Cry for. • ' straw stack, which was only a fewfeet removed frond the barn. The stank .1 , Ct , ���� �"r��r was soon in a blaze, but the neighbors gathered in large numbers and all ":: ,. J ., o worked li kr, fro nb a For t j nnatel y the i '� rr 6 &,A&,,' Y4 .. -.y..: xrfit....r - THE CLIN7 ON NEW EPA wind was in a favorable direction, and altbough the building caught several times; by hard work and good manage• ment it was finally saved. The stack and a pig pen were burned. Most of the seaso° s crop was in the barn, an although till that could be remove was taken out. a considerable loss wa prevented by saving the building. A very pretty wedding was cele brated on Thursday forenoon in Car mel church, Hensall, when Mips Mag gis, third daughter of the late Alexan der Ingrain, of the to Ivnship of flay was united in marriage to Robei Eacrett, a prosperous young farmer u the same township. The church wa crowded. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev, J. S, Henderson. Miss U. Orr, who IH•ery pnrchase the Dominion Bakery, Wingham, wa removed to London asylum by Chip Vannorman on Tuesday. Her min bad become deranged, and her action around town caused the cariosity an pity of the community. It appear she had previously been confined in similiar institution in the Old Country for eight years, but the past twelve years has been rational. We are pleased to learn that th trustees of S.S. No, 4, Stanley, have re-engaged Miss M. Gillespie as their teacher. Miss Gillespie has taught very acceptably for the past year an we think the trustees have done wise- ly in retaining her services for another year. Miss Mabel Capling, of Blake, has also been chosen as teacher for the south school of the same section On Wednesday evening a joyous company of old and young, to the number of 40 or 50, assembled at the residence of John Douglas, 6th line, Morris, to witness the tying of the matrimonial bow between his daughter Miss Frances, and James Nichnl, of the same line. Rev John Ross, B. A., of Brngsela, performed the ceremony with neatness and despatch. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Jane, while Thos. Miller supported the groom. In April or \Jay lasts valnable milch cow belringing t,,'Mr J. B. Hnnter. of Lucknow, Kid its hind leg broken above the hook joint. The animal was lying on the gtrept, neat Mr Hnnlpr's residence at the Irene, and a little five year old son of Mr Wm. Boyd, was accused of striking the cow wi`-h a stone and breaking its leg. The case was tried at the Division Court there Ott Tuesday, bot after hearing the evi- dence for I he plaintiff, the Judge ruled that the father waq not responsible for the action of the boy, and dismiss- ed the case with costs. At the regular meeting of the Wing - ham school board, last Tuesday, ap. plications were received from the,pre- sent staff of teachers for re-engage- ment for.the year 1599. Mr A.H. Mos - grove was re-engaged as principal for the ensuing year at the same salary. The present staff of assistants were re. engaged for the ensuing year: -Misses M, Robertson, M. Cornyn, B. Rey- nolds, C. Farquharson, • H, Reid, N. Gray and E. Matheson. According to a standing motion of the board, each teacher is engaged for the that year at $275 and as long as they tore satis- factory to the board, receive an in- crease of $ly each year until the salary reaches M. Those of the above who had not reached the $3550 limit were granted the usual increase in salary. Another of Huron's old set tiers pass- ed away, in the person of Mrs Marga- ret Cash, widow of the late Wm. Cash, of the 3rd con. of McKillop. Mrs Cash died on Friday, Oct. 7th. She had been a severe sufferer from chronic rheumatism, and had been confined to bed for nearly four years. She had reached the age of 85 years and three months. Mr and Mrs Cash were mar- ried in Glasgow, Scotland, in April, 1834. They left Scoland in 1839, and came to Rochester, New York, where they remained one year; they then left Rochester and came by boat to Gode- ricb, and settled on the 2nd con, of Hullettl on the McKillop houndary. After livin g few ears i n Hallett Y t g they removed into McKillop., where they,continued to reside for the re- mainder of their lives. Mr Cash died about ten years ago, Ad left his aged partner to mourn his loss, after hav- ing lived together for a period -of 58' years. . Postage on Newspapers. The Post -office Department has sent to all newspapers in Canada a copy of the new Postage Act, which provides for the ria -imposition of postage on newspapers sent trom the offices of publication in Canada addressed to re. gular subscribers, with the exception of weekly papers, addressed to places not more than twenty miles distant from the place of publication or within a circular area of a diameter not ex- ceeding forty miles. The rate of post- age on newspapers coming under the jurisdiction of the act is one-quarter of EL cent per pound Prom .fan. t to June W. next, and one-half a cent per pound thereafter. Canada's German Rtm+alrae. We have received from Megsrs Rit- tinger and Motz, of Berlin, publishers of the well known Berliner Journal, a copy of their popular German annual, the "Canada Kalender." This almanac has been issued b the above firm for 32 years past, and its popularity is as great to -day as ever. The book is fill- , "ith stories and other reading mat- ter, which will afford pastime and en- tertainment at many a German -Cana- dian fireside during the coming winter. The price of the almanac is 100. We would like to read it, but German is not on our list Of accomplishments. However it maybe very interesting to those who can read it. READERS OF THIS PAPER - DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS WHAT THEY ASUPON FOR HAVING ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. YOU SHOULD KNOW What Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to do for those who have impure and impoverish• ed blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures sorofulp, ealt rheunl,•dyspeppal's, ostsrrh, rheumatism, nervousness. If on are troubled with any ailment caused or promoted by impure blood, take Hood's 3arsaparills at once. HOOD'S PILLET are prompt and of9oient, isoy to take, easy to operate. I I . � )__�11­1 �­- Our Ottawa Letter (Special correspondence of the NEw ERA) d (Intended for last week) d Ottawa. Oct. 8th. -A great outcry hal s been made in a section f the press s dorso p the last oouple of weeks on account of the _ discrimination enforced by Germany against Canadian wheat, as sit outcome of - the denunoiaticn of Great Britain of the . German and Belgian treaties at the inatig• ation of the Canadian G.ivernment. This t. discrimination is alleged to have seriously f affected the wheat trade between Canada s and Germany, and the disadvantage that _ occasioned to Canadian exporters is of course instantly placed to the uredit of the Government. d The fact appears to be entirely overlooked o tont the action of the Imperial anthoritiee f in this matter was received with loud an. d claims and every indication of approval at s the tima it occurred. The 1mFerial Fede. d ral League,now the British Empire League, s an institution which Stands fur all that is a ultra -loyal and imperialistic, approved the denunciation with almost extravagant en. tbusiasm, and Sir Charles Tupper, himself a pa: t President of the Canadian branab of the organization, Mr McNeIll and oth r e prominent imperialists in the Opposition ranks joined bands with the supporters of the Government in approving of the denun- ciation. It is not complimentary to the intelligence of these gentlemen to Suppose for one moment that they did not foresee the very natural attempt at reprisal with which Germany would meet the action of the Home government. A GREAT MATTER TRULY. After all the item is a small one in the Sum total, and while no market is too in- significant to be wantonly out off, the small sum gf $12,600, which was all Germany took in wheat from the Dominion last year, is not worthy of the prominence that has been given to it, particularly when there is a ready market elsewhere for all the wheat that Canada has so far been able to suiiply. The immense improvement in Canada's position in the markets of the old world more than offsets this slight dis. advantage a thousand times, and it is in the consideration of the year's national bu- siness as a whole that the results of a pol- ioy must be considered. Viewed in this practical, and only fair way, the Govern- ment has no occasion to fear the verdict, nor the country the results of the changed tariff conditions, TWO EXCELLENT APPOINTMENTS, The appointment of Mr A E. Forget, for many years Indian Commissioner in Win- Hips-, to the Lieutenant Governorship of the Northwest Territories in succession to the into aon M. C. Cameron, while it has come somewhat in the nature of a surprise to the country, -will be received with more than usual satisfaction by that portion of the Dominion most concerned. The new Lieutenant Governor has made a study of the requirements of the country over which he is now called to rule, for over twenty years, having been secretary to Hnn David Laird when he was Lieut. Governor and Indian Commissioner in the Mackenzie Regime. Later on Dir Forget was made assistant Commissioner of the Indian De- partment by Sir „John Macdonald, and when Mr Laird returned to the East, his former secretary became Commissioner. His long residence in the district has made him very popular with all classes of the community, who realize that it would have been very difficult for the Government to have found a more thoroughly competent and qualified incumbent of the gubernato. rial office. THE NEW rN.PTAN COMMIasIONER. „ The same observations apply with equal force to Hon David Laird,wbo now returns to the West as Indian Commissioner. His knowledge of Indian affairs, like Tony Weller's knowledge of London,is ,,extensive and peculiar," for no man understnnas the habits, peculiarities and needs of the noble red man better than he does, and when he was Lieutenant Governor and Indian Com. missioner under Mr Mackenzie be made a treaty with the aborigines which stands to this day as a model for its class. The wisdom of the Government in ap- pointing men so peculiarly qualified for the special duties of their office i s strongly emphasized just now by the serious difficul. tires that the United States is experiencing with its Indiana in the Northern States, The troublea which are at this moment passing through snob an acute stage, have arisen, like most ai'� $nobbles in the history of the continent, 'through thein_ competency and lack of practical and ac- curate knowledge among the officials charged with the government of the Indiana and no surer guarantee can be given for the good conduct of this people, and the general Peace and safety of that section of the Do- minton,tban the qualification and practical knowledge of those placed in authority among them. T'R'R MAJOR'a E3IPHATre DENIAL The long -expected official report of Ma- jor Walsh, ex -Administrator of the Yukon, has been submitted to the Minister of the Interior, and its contents made public. The most interesting section of it just now is that which deals with the grist of charges against the Government officials in the gold fields. Of these Major Walsh speaks tersely aged ,,emphatically:- "These reports are absolutely false. During my stay in Dawson I several times requested the pub - lie to send in any chargee they bad and also the request was made at a mase meet. ing but not a single charge was presented." Further down he repeats "I sent out in. quiries everywhere, ssking ,the people if they had any chargee against officials to hand them in to me, and they would be thoroughly investigated. Not one charge was laid against any Official of the Govern- ment." Continuing, the Major pointe out that this experience of restiveness under the restraint of law and authority is the usual experience of a country where the -oldest residents were nnsocustomed to that sort of thing, and the newcomers, of whom, he says, 20,000Qf all nationalities flocked in, in a few weeks' time, were dissatisfied with that which was different to what they had been accustomed in their own country, continuing: -"When regnlations coula not be made to suit all of these varied elements of population, the officials and the law bad to be abused, and hence the orasade which was started against both. PROOr STILL LAOKINeli The confirmation of the mass of nebulous charges scattered broad -oast over the world by aliens abroad and Oppositionists at home Is tantalizingly tardy in ,materializ. ing. In the meantime those papers and men wbo are bnay : trying to injure their country that they may embarrass the Gov. ernment, should occasionally pause to real= ize the harm they are doing to the fair name -of the Dominion. The Government paperer headed by tha Globe, have from the beginning very properly deolared tblit in- vestigation, therdngh, ractidal -and com- plete, should -be had. The Gov9' nment it - golf, represented here by the Minitster of , . .� o" the Interior, and in the Yukon 1, Maj ' Walsh in the first place, and now by Uoi missioner Ogilvie, has froiu the time of i first intimation of alleged wrung doiD striven to get at the facts The net resul of every request for definite information far, has been nil. If the aforesaid Pape and men who are BO ver anxious for t Y discovery of the truth, would come to t assistance of the Government and subm their chargee in the manner in wbieh th would pr teed in any other imaitinable ea under th�sun, they would do more in o day to aoaomplislt their ostensible desi than they have in all the months of inde nice insinuation and reckless generalitie FACTS ABOUT HEALTH It Is Easy to Keep Well If We Kno How -Some of the Conditions Neow sary to Perfect Health. The importance of maintaining goc health is easily understood, and it really a simple matter if we take a co: rent view of the conditions require In perfect health the stomach prompt] digests food, and thus prepares nourisl ment. The blood is employed to carr this nourishment to the organa, nerve muscles and tissues which need it. Tk first greateesential for good health, them tore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cel tainly a fact that no medicine has sue a record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilli It is literally true that there are huntim of people alive and well today who woul have been in their graves had they nt taken Hood's Sarsaparilla. It Is depende upon as a family medicine and generl regulator of the system by tens of thot sande of people. -This is because Hood Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure. Th. Is the secret of its great success. gee your system in good health by keepin your blood pure with hood's Sarsaparilla which absolutely cures when other mad: olnes fail to do any good whatever. Hood's pil1S are the only pills to tai with Hood's Sursaparilt NOTIC13TO CREDITORS. RE Es,rATE OF WILLIAM LEITCH, DECEASE; Notice is hereby given pun-uant to tls•+ It viand rtatntes of Ontario, 1887, Chap er 11 Section 35 and emendingActs, that a 1 era tors and other persons having claims again the CSIaLeof William Leitch, late of the Tow ship of Hnlica. in the County of Huron, ye man, deceased, who died on or about the 91 day of tugust, 1898, are required to send by po prepaid or deliver to Alex. Leitch, Constanc Executor of the said deceased, on or before tl 441 h day of October, a statement of their name addresses and descriptions, with full particuTa and proofs of their claims, and the nature the socui sties, if any, held by thein, AND NOTICE is hereby further given tht after the last mentioned day, the said EXect1G will n,pt be hai.le for the said assets cr any pa tberoof, to any person of wtlosa claim lie sha not have received notice at the time of sue distribution. ALEX. LEITCH, Executor Constanc Dated at Constance this 30th day o! Sept., 189 NOTICE TO PIG I3ItEEDERS I have aided to mys!ockof pigs a choi( y)uug thoroughbred registered Tamwort Boar, Clinton King No. 890, of very superi( blood, from imported dans and sired by lar prix winner at Toronto, London, Montreal and O tawa fairs of 1897, the same stock having take the sweepstakes prize for seven years in am cession, t also keep s registered improve Yorkshire boar -a tine stocker. They bein the two correct tapes of choice bacon hog; TERMS -For eithor, $I, guaranteed, or pal ties coming over 11 miles, 75 rents. C. HOARE 2nd con. Hull tt Gravel road NEWMUSICA I baving recently purchased ore of the porn Jar new Automatic Regitim, of very superio tone and styles being the very tinest instrumen I could selet t is Toronto, halving a wonderfull rich and brilliant. tone and capable of grea modulation, playing sacred music as written a well as thefluest classical piano it will be OE en to supply manic of such for enter tainme, -s of church, Sunday schot 1 or concert of a high order. Parties Interested please ap ply or correspond to my address - C. HOARE, Clinton � . T eAM Dru i For Heating and Ventilating Purpog3ei I IT This excellent Drum is con structed of the very best maLer s ¢ ial, on the most sctentiflc prin �e n i ciples,and by virtueof itsspeeia M features is thoGreatest neatlnl 1/rum on Earth. It takes tht 1 cold air from the floor, heats ani circulates it through the house . and thus economizes in the mat ter of fuel to such an extent that fully one-half less fuel is required. IN.ea not smoke. Iles no nghes Is easy tic manage. Those who have one in use say thel would not be without it. This Drum is nos used in some of the best houses in Clinton, WM. WIE';RB, Clinton, Soln Manufacturer for Huror The Imperial MEAT MARKET, The unclere'Rned wish to Inform the people of Clinton and vicinity they have openers up In the store formerly occupied by Fair & Co. MacKay Block, Ontario St., where they will keep in stook all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Cured and Canned Meats, Stich as is usually carried in a first-class ment store, togetlier with Poultry, Canned Tongue Beef, Pigs Foot, Mince Meat, and all articles of a like nature which will be delivered free to any part of the town. Orders'solletted. JOHN SCRUTON, Manager T. R. F. CASE & CO. CLINTON AUCTION SALE -OF- Good BrickHouso IN CLINTON. Desiring to close up the estate of the late Mrs Butt, tho Executors have decided to offer her to one-quarter of an acre, Des and stable thereon, -wn on day of sale, or on Farran, or the Executors, peoted at any time on ap. I McCool, Clinton. iR'ered forsale at the same plat stove wood and other he ; Oats Wanted 0, is IN EXCH kNGE So 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats k e 13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats he the Oats taken in exchange ee for Groceries on re These are our present rates, iI- but we don't know how long F. they will continue. 0.OLSON9 ' . Clinton " IT PAYS TO d � .JJ s I. r Y , TheCanada Business College e CHATHAM, ONT. still leads its contemporaries in placing pupils i 134 of our pupils were placed in choice positions it in the ten months'ending July let, an average 1 of nearly four per week What do you think of it 7 I It pays to attend the best 1 College Be -opens for the Fall Term Tuesday, September oth. Write for oat s alogue of either department to a 3 D. McLACFfLAN &Co.Chathatn PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET_ FOR SALE. s The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 " or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars - upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &e TO RENT A comfortable house on Mary St.,, No. 86, re- cently occupied by C. C. Rance. Forpparticu- i, lars apply to MRS S. HOLMES, L. - Prineess St. 1- FOR SALE. r_ 4 Factory and contents on the pproperty of D. t Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and ' balance at $10 a month, Building to be re- moved. Apply to J. SCOTT Clinton. f .SOUSE TO BENT. t The large frarne dwollinqq house ori Albert I' Street, late,y occupied by Mr. Todd witla half t an acre of land. Rent moderate. Apply to 1 JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. I HOUSE TO RENT. Comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar, - newly papered; corner of Rattenbury and Orange streets. Rert $7 monthly, no taxes. Applyto W. W. NARRAN. 3 HOUSE TO LET. I Good large house on Rattenbury street, with r six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer 3 kitchen, gentry, hard and soft water, large I stable. Will be rented cheap to permanent tenant. Apply to NEW ERA Office, or ,to I JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich. . CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All but 15 acres cleared, good frame lyse, fraIDe--6arn, bearing orchard ongoing wb trio Situated tYvo miles from town of Cliuton. Will be sold oil reasonabla terms. D. McTAV16H,Clinton. COTTAGE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- tage of four rooms, witb kitchen and woodshed attached. Centrally situa•ed, Good water and ' drainage. Wfll be sold cheap. Applyto Clinton Dec. 10th W. C. SEARLE. HOUSE FOR SALE. ho"es0on Rattenbury Sts knowen as the Fos- ton Property. th houses and also vacant Iota for sale- . M , e so vacy.-Private funds in large and small sums tJ 1 Jl:i 0.1 ,n )n., a .'r Rates lone. W. BRYDONE Barrister. ]BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE That desirable Brisk Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by -lir N, itobson, is offered for sale, including rear lot and ;table. The location is one of the best in Clinton. The property is free from incumbrance and title in- disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Apply ro GF.O. STANBURY. Lou- don Road or address Clinton P. O For Sale or to Rent. The cbofce brick souse on the corner of Ful• ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood. is otrered either for sale or to re -t. It contains room for ordi- nary famil,y, is practically a new house, with allconveniouces, and threo-tonths of an acre of land. It the property is not sold or rented, part of it will he rented. Ap ply to \V. COATS, Pxucuwr. Clinton. Farin for Sale or to Rent. Farm In Township of Tuckorsnirth, being lot 29, con. 2 H• R. S., eontainhig lWacres of good land, we'll adapted for either grain or stock - raising, land in good stato of cultivation, 8 acres of good hardwood bush On the place are two good frame barns, stone stabling under one; driving shed, novor-failing spring near barn, brick houso and kitchen soft water in- side, good well, orchard etc. 'N. form is well situated, being five miles from Clinton and six from Seaforth, on goodggravel road- convenient to vchool, church opposlto place. Will be sold choap, as proprietor intends giving rep farming. For particulars a`iplon the promises, or t0 A. k TTTRNER C.lin,,on Ont. Sale of valuable Farin Pro- perty in Tuckersmith. There will be sold at public auction, by Joe. Brine, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Ilotel, genfortl�. on 8atunlay, the 29th or October, 1890, at 2 o'clock p, m., farm lot 22, concession 3, Huron Road survey, Tuckersmith. The farm Is Rust -plass, good soil, excellent state of culti- vation, 15 acres of good hardwood timber. The buildintis are In a good state of repair, compris- ing brick" house and largo bank bnrG, with other outbuildings; windinill and other moder�ttpp im- provements. The property is near a school, 4 miles from Seaforth and 6 miles from Clinton. TERMS -10 per cent, down on day of sale, and the balance In thirty days thereafter with- out interest, Other conditions the standing conditions of the High Court o!? Justice. Fur- ther particulars on application to Scott Bros., Seaforth, or to the undersigned: - JOS, BRINE Auctioneer, JAMES 8001CT, Administrator of 8, J. Carnoohan, deceased. AGENTS WANTED. Aggents wanted• male and female, in every locality to soil our novelties. Big commission Daid. Send application and `lot cents for full line of camp108, The FRANCIS MTg Co.' Confederation Life B'ld'ge, Toronto CLINTON WOOD and COAL YARD. Subscriber is propaced to promptly all all or- ders for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at lowQe�t rates. Office on Ieaao Street, at LAVIS IMP GHMENT ROOMS, W. WHEATLRY .1 . I-A,r �..r�r.iir� _,. - ., Professional and0therCards� SCOTT & McKENZ1E, Barristers, Solicitors, tiro,, Clinton and Bayfield, CLINTON UFFLOE- Elliott Blocky ItaAAO Street. BAYFIELD OFrLCE-Open everfy Thursday,- Main Street, first door west of Post Office, MONEY TO LOAN, JAugs Scorr, . . E. H. McKENzla Wt BRYDONE.. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA.BY PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up-stalre, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery CLINTON M. G. CAMERON N (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron)1 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOU. Office-Hamllton St opppposite Colborne Hot18a GODERICH, ONT JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTC Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money be lend on Mortgage and Dote security, Offioe-HURON STREET, OLINTON R. AGNEW, DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THH 2ND THURSDAY OB EACH MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5. DR- T• C. BRIICE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity varsity Toronto. Special attention given to the Preservation the natural teeth, Othee, Coate JC look, over Taylor's shoe stare 44 ld every Thursdaul visit y afternoon dating a �e summer Dft. WM, GUNN, L. R. O. P. and L. R. O. S. Edinburgh, Office -Ontario Brest Clinton Night calls at front door of residence on Batten bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. DrsvTURN BULL& GRAHAN PEBBIN'S BLOCK, UP Stairs, ULINTON. Night calls answered at office. J. L. TURNBULL, . - . W. GRAHAM DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON A-3concheur, etc„ office and residence On. tario 8t„ opposite Englisb church, formerly oo oupied by Dr.Appleton, Clinton Ont. DR. MaeCALLUM. M. D., C, M„ HcGiIL M. C. P. & S„ Ontario Late Resident Physician to Royal VIctoria Hospital, Montreal. Office -Dr. Dowsley's stand. Rattenbury St. Night calls at Clarendon Hotel. 1)R STANbURY, GRADUATE OF THA Medical Department of Victoria Untoer dity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals aid Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. I E_ BLACHALL VETERINARY snun>ift. malsWn the most modern and seienthi�blU ' plea Office- immediately south ofthe , Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. O night orday attendedto promptly JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON has returned to (.linton and opened an office at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be consult. ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses, cattle, &o. All calls, night or day, promptly at tended to. ARRLIGE LICENSE, JAMES'SCOTT 8R, isenrer of Marriage Licensee, Library doom and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, d ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses required FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF A'SS'N Op • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.-011ioe at Geo, Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. CLINTON MARBLE WOP.R8. COOPER'S LD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This tlisnment is in full o.aration and a order filled in the most satisfe,ctoty way Came ary and granite work a specialty. Triose a suitable as those of any establishment 6&kLE & HOOVER, Clinton WAN FED By Old Established Hoose_ of good Church standing to act as ane Man or omer' here and tto office work and eorreapondenoe at their home. Business already built up and established here. Salary M. Enclose golf - addressed stamped envelope for our terms to A. P. Elder, General Manager. 109 terms to Ave., Chicairo Ill an AGENTS. able book, Klondike Fields.,, a whirlwin'd� Bealttifn. prospectue (went�yy five oenta. Books on time) BRADLEY-GAR1tETSON COMPANY„LnaTflp. Toronto, AGENTS "The best life of Her Majesty I have seen, writes Lord Lorne about '• yu�een Victoria." Bg8R.ee1)LEY GARts make RETSON COMPANY, Lna'rlm, Toronto. AGENTS - Book business is better than for yearspaet also have better and faster salling books. Agents clear from $10to $40 weekly. g few leaders are:', cen Viotorla "Life of Mie Gladstone," "My otber's Bible fitorles " "pro. greseive Speaker,{ "Klondike Gold Fields,""wo. man," "Glimpses Of th� Unseeq, " "Breakf49a Dinner and sup�r,' anada; L Enoyclop%& dia." Books on time. Outfits free to canvassers. The BRADLEY•GARRETSON Co., Limited Toronto. MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. WARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPE ONLY INSURED Orpronns; ,a Sbannon, Seoy Treae, Seaforth 1?, O.p'Tho s Hays, Seaforth P. O., Inspeotorof Losses. DIREOTORS W. hp �feJrtep.WtoPOGeorrg Da Seaforth, Ths E. Hays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans Beechwood P. O.; Thos. Carbutt Clinton; Thomas Fraaer. Brucefield; John .6, McLean, Kippon. AGENTS Robert Smith Aariook; Jno. W. Yeo, Holmes: ville; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth- James Chem• ming Egmondville; John Govenlock and John' Morrison, auditors. 0ott other business will be tpromp aysttend gnto on appliahtiolt to of Y of the above oM00rel allUosded to their roppootive office, `, , I 11 . 'Al " . I _ .__w�f ..., _- - - -