HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-14, Page 7A..
,, There ar
- -a weeds [•n every
�� bod
- y's garden
. and no gardei
was ever la
. ed in wp
c�,'f � r' j�v,i�weeds did no
t' insolently pre
seut them
. selves. The;
S� come withou
invitation But
I /- r Zk without a wet
•y �i. come. If yon
recognise then
as weeds out
ti' , 'if you ling,
to knoww tha ilia
weeds chok,
flowers, atlt
pull the weed:
up, root ani
eti. - ,branch, yet
will save tht
"'' flowers.
There art
weeds in tht
health -garden of many a man and woman.
The doctors call thein disease germs. I1
you have sense enough to distinguish them
from the flowers of health, and root them
out, you will be robust, healthy and happy.
The most dangerous of all the weeds in, the
flower garden of health is that deadly
creeper consumption.
There has never been but one medicine
that would choke out this weed, root.and
all. That medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It acts directly on the
lungs through the blood, driving out all
impurities and disease germs apd bullding
up new and healthy tissue. ft restores the
lost appetite, makes digestion and ase}mi-
lation perfect, invigorates the liver, puri-
fies the blood and fills it with the life-giv.
ing elements of the food and tones and
builds up the nerves. It sustains the ac-
tion of the heart and deepens tbq breath•
ing, supplying the blood with life-giving
oxygen. Medicine dealers sell it,
"A doctor, who is considered Be expert on
"ungg troubles, told me I had consumption and
could not live longg " wri~tes Mrs. James Gatfield,
77 Mary Streetilamilton, Ont., Can. "Three
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cured me completely." .
Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med.
ical Adviser. Send ;t one -cent stamps to
cover customs and mailing only for paper-
bound copy. Cloth -bound So cents. Ad-
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. V.
inThe Duchess of Marlborough send# to
ew York for most Qf .her,',d''r��lases• She
lys her perfumes in"IiQf c,`Wch is'for-
• warded to the Manor of Woodstdb'lt in gal=
Ion jars.
MiesAlioe E. Ives, the playwright, is
one of the most successful hostesses in Bo-
hemian circles. Her at homes have fi't-
tracted the most brilliant folltsiving'of aktm
I.amd letters of Gotham. •, "'4. � ,;
Like her husband the general, Mme.
Weyler is a native of the Balearic islands
and as a girl"was 138autiful: ' itbr `Parents'
were peasants and *hen she married the
general, who was then a lieutenant ool-
onel, hhe could Aoithbl lead noY'write.' "
Marie Depo&, *hop mild along folr ist
be le
time i i Milan, received a single rose which
was passed up ever the footlights and wag
surprised at the smallness of the `1ft, but
en the stem of the flower she found later a
beautiful marqufsa ring'of' mtntlgzie 'nliki.
Mrs" Hattie Murphy of Gotta island,
Maine, has over 100 pieces of ancient ohina
and crockery. Among other interesting
articles is a Vegetable dish with a view of
the l'>elaware river and early sottleim' cob-
inli. She alsd'has a "Ldwes:oft" tea'caddj•
that has been in the family more than 103
years. .
Ex -Empress Eugenia's life is simple and
' an .portion of eaob day is spent In
1 ial chapel, built at an expense
0, to receive the remains of her
hueb'and'and'son. Althoughafiiiotea'with
rhoumatism she spends much time out of
doors in the beautiful grounds of the
Farnsborough House.
Miss Lucille Hill, late prima donna of
-the Royal Italian Opera company,' after
taking part In a concert of the Ideal 4j_
chestral society at Walkdon, wont down
-the Peel' Hall colliery', and after going
through some of the workings she han
the well known song, "The Old Folks at
Home," to the men below.
Mies Edith Vance of London has l'seu6d
a fervent appeal to other English women
to support her in a crusade for ijdtter
smoking facilities. "Let us insist on
smoking oars for woman," she says. "We
need to indulge in the bar•Inloss and Booth-
ing habit, -at our work, on top of the bus
and.in the railroad carriage."
Mother Krugermann, Berlin's senior
artiat's model, is dead at the age of 92
years. Her husband fought in the battles
of Leipsio against •'Napoleon I. She was
peddling in the st&bots when an artist took
her up over 80 years ago, and Thumann
used her as the model for Atropos with
the shears in his well known painting
"The Fates,"
Mrs. Grace Richards Woodward, who
sang by request of President Dole the first
American song In Hawaii, "'Columbia, the
Gem of the Oceari," after the udws of an-
nexation reacbc$ the inland, was gr&duat-
ed from Drew Seminary For Young'Wbm-
en, Carmel, N. Y., In June, 1890; and re-
ceived at the commencement exercises the
prize for the greatest progress made dur-
Ing the year in vocal music.
4 .
I was to neo line, which was true. He
Bismarck's Memoir"
t We w niched a tett moth
pretty h
to fl1 g t
seems d rather u nese and not !n very o
Y ed
t7 g
a Boo '
u' says 1
Y s t io Lo
y "don cotta•
. Climbing the highways of the night,
apirlts. Perhaps lie was a tiny bit ashamed
, spondent o1 the Now York Times, "I an
t Ever with upward swift intent
of himself in spite of my friendly manner.
given to understand from a publisher and
Uptil boyoud our gaze it went.
"why does it fly so far o'er head?"
. She
But I made him sit down, and I talked on
blandly and didn't shirk a thing. I told
friend in Leipsic, there will be preeipitat-
ed upon Germany, springing, as it
asked, and I as gravely said,
It hopes to reach a star." Then she:
"what silly erauteyos moths must ban
hien about every person and every place we
had seen and known together, and I post-
from the grave to which Bismarck takes
all his nurtured hate and malice, a senna•
Tis beyond all
tively dallied over the subject of his long
tion compared to which the scandal over
lloliahn at
• To follow what one cannot roach!"
clarinet reach
absence a d the summer before his de-
Goffeken acid Frederick's diary is not
� 1 only sighed and maid no word.
I To her it never had occurred
I did i t ohlefi
P to prove
Y p ve to him
that memories wore nothing to me --that
worth mentioning.
"Bismarck could not bring himself to
The while, where'er her pathway lay,
I. longing, followed night and day,
was more justice to myself—but I did gee
him grip his hands now and the and hie
g B n,
trust his sons to deal after his death the
terrible blow he has been so long
g prepay -
That she from we seemed just as tar
ilea grew whjto, just as they used to do
ing for the kaiser. The old prince's Imm�-
As from the moth's vain flight the star
when Ife kept on proposing,
oirs therefore are safe in his publisher's
—Madeline S. Bridges in Woman's Home Con-
At length there came a pause in our con-
hands at Stuttgart, and his Intimate oir-
versation, and then I feigned another
cle of biographical and journalistic pare -
mood, and I made up my mind that
canna not break to silence. Cousin
I sites, like Moritz, Bisoh, Horst and Kohl,
have been busy from the hour of his death
Bridge Materials
George sat and breathed hard for a min-
in preparing the press for the tremendous
ute or two, and then I suppose he decided
uproar they will create. There are even
It was generally understood among my
on breaking down the artificiality of our
statements that the publication will begin
friends and acquaintances and relatives
interview, for he got up frons his obair
as soon as a month bonne."
that I suffered a secret and unceasing pang
and strode about. I looked out Of window
Sale Notes bought
of hopeless love after my Cousin George
and pretended to -be pensive. At last he
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
changed his mind and delicately refused
stopped beside me and said, "Flo."
the honor o1 my hand, and perhaps the
only ray of comfort which slanted my way
I Iooked up at him and laughed.
in Ge4ge," I maid with mook solemnity,
System IiCNOVATOi =`
came from the inner knowledge, which I
might hug to myself, that is wasn't true,
laugh," he said, drawing back
his p•
blackheads when I began taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla, but after the use of this med-
that I had not a spark of hopeless love in
"I must," I said, "when you look so
icine a short time I was entirely cured. I
me—that the only strong feeling I had in
the matter, and naturally enough, too,
"I am serious," he declared."Flo,has
cannot recommend it too highly since it
done so much for me." MAY RYAN,
was the one whish found,expNsolgn in the
North St.,Oungah, Ont,
words, uttered gs�lto `privately to myself,
"All right, Cousin George, you just wait
"Forgive?" I repeated, wrinkling my
brow and looking puzzled. "Forgive? I
HGOD'S PILLS are the only pill to take
a bit i" And I think I didn't look quite
have no enemles. People are so good to
with Hood's Sarsaparilla, 2.5o.
AS pretty as usual as.I murmured them,
me I rarely have anything to forgly�_"
According to a special despatch from
Of course if I had been offered to Cousin
"Forgive me," he pleaded.
Shanghai, a fire on Sunday at Hankow
George and he had not wished to possess
"You I" I cried, "Surely I've nothing
destroyed over a square mile of the
me that would have been another matter,
to forgive you. Why, you have never doag
city, including the government build-
ari�'hehould have been the last to blame
moAnything but kindness,"
ings and temple. It is feared that a
him'' but the way in which he philandered
.140 turned hastily away and muttered
thousand lives were lost.
rouli<h"find pestered me when he came
bo 6041 om Heidelberg nearly four years
ago butane more than
something which sounded wicked. Thin
he turned to me again. "Flo," In loatj.
"will down
' Children' Cry for
a joke—it a became
absolutely gbSorbing. I hadn't even time
you row with me ip t4e
to mend my frocks, for I didn't like to
I really was taken &book then, for I
bring a whole shabby skirt Into the draw-
gathered how much_ t`n earnest he was,
ing room to bind the bottom of it while
and I felt touched. But I recollected his
he sat and looked at me, so I used to do
last letter to me, and I put on a silly smile.
silly small things, such as darning three
"Oh," I said lightly,,"I'm so sorry,, but
Now He Planned to Tarn the 'tables on
cornered rents in my pocket handkerchiefs,
I'm engaged this afternoon." Then I
His Unsuspecting wife,
where 1 had hitched them on the bushes
sighed and added, "I've so many engage-
He looked at his watch, debated with
and suchlike—things I should never have
himself for a minute and then said "Go
dreamed of doing at all if he had not been
"Tomorrow, then—next day—nest
week; only promise."
on with the game. I'll sit in a little lo s-
He proposed to me live times, which I
thought.a pity each time be did it, and his
"Oh, you've no ideaof my importance!"
I laughed, "Listen to this," and, rising,
"Likely to be somebody sitting up for
you"" asked the dealer,
proposAl's used to make me very hot and
I went to a drawer of my writifig table
"Sure to be," was the reply,
exhausted. They were all made In June
and took out my little tablets.
"Possibility thal,thepartywhoissitting
and generally in the sun—Cousln George
I said again, holding up a
up will be Rind clear through?" inquired
never had much idea of the flt#&d "of
linger to him. "Thursday—that's today
the player opposite.
tbiriki-afid,1, so soon dame' to fie a dot
—tea at the Forestiors'; Friday, drive to
"yet ons a
y, possibility, but a certain -
all I 1{pd"to'say that I was At. a sadvan•
tage and quite uncomfortable, sitting
Ellerton manor. P. P. C."
"P. P. C.1" he repeated. "Are you go.
ty," answered the man who had looked at
his watch, "and I don't mind saying that
there Baying nothing, whereas Cousin
George seemed Ablb'to priittle'on' forever,
ing away?"
I laughed half shyly, but significantly.
if it was any other night I wouldn't dare
stay another minute."
I don't.ltnow why 1 did it, bat the fifth
"Yee, I am going away," I admitted,
"What is there peculiar about tonight?"
time Coiltlin George grew white about the
lips and finished tip as usual' by saying,
to town, shopping; Sunday,
to the Dalton's, lunch and dinner; Mon-
asked the dealer.
"Tho fact that I received thin today,"
Will you, marry me, Flo?" I Bald, ."Olt,
well, I'don't iiiind'if I do."' And really I
day, picnic on the island. Ob, by the way"
—1 looked up with pleased interest—•"if
replied the player as he took an envel
from his pocket and held 1t up. ope
didn't mind, for T, had known Cousin
You want to gee rho island, better come to
"Lotter?" they asked.
George for yearn and years and was very
the picnic. I'm sure the Wendovers would
"No; bill," he answered. "Milliner's
fond of him, and I felt that at any rate
like to Is a you."
It would put an end to his' proposals, and
Aunt Theresa said that July was going to
"Plonio�" he snapped angrily, "Do you
think I want to gO with a whole camp
"I don't BOB"— began one of theothers.
"Why, it's simple enough, "returned
be very hot
Well, anyhow, whether It was right or
"Oh," I protested blandly, "we shan't
pian with the bill. "Can't you always
rind something to kick about In a mii-
wrorig or stupid or sensible, I said straight
be that sort at all I"
liner's bill?"
out,- "I don't mind if I dd," and then of
course we were engaged. 'I really did not
"Tuesday," be pleaded; "Come on Tues-
They admitted that they usually oould.
"Well," he "there's
mind it at all, for I knew Cousin<george
"Tuesday," I repeated, referring to my
went on an item
for a hat here that's all right. She told
so well, and be knew me, and there was
no bother about rearranging ono's ideas
tablets; "Tuesday, to town; final jotting."
"Final fitting?" he queried, rather puz-
me she was going to get it and what it
would coat, but there's another item of
and bab[ts, as some girls have to just to
please the -man they're going to marry. I
My frock, you know," I oxplatned.
$4.83 for ribbons and things that would
give me a chance to make my roar. I'll
used to look at him sometimes (whoa he
didn't happen to be looking at me) and
"Thursday, oh, yes I Here it is. Thurs-
may, I'm to be married. Ye -es, I shall be
turn loose the minute I get in the house—
before glib has a chance to say a word."
Say to myself, "Well, to think that that's
occupied on Thursday."
"Well?" they said.
the man I'm going to marry I" for it real-
ly did seem odd, but I wasn't at all upset
I looked up at Cousin George. He was
very, very wblW about the lips then.
"Well," be answered, "that will put her
on the defensive at the atart and then I'll
about it, and after awhile I decided that
`" To be married?" be repeated in a sort
hoop it up until a curtain lecture or any
It was really a most comfortable arrange-
of hoarse whisper.
kind of a saroastio reference to the club Is
merit that it was probably all non-
"Yes," I said nonchalantly. "After
about as far, from her thoughts as we are
sense that "height of bliss" sad-"ovmg,
Wholming happiness" sort of aflaff that
0' I shall be away for awhile• „
toe'li8 91ftR to ftPRRMeAI" M rM14-
bola the Philippines. Just you show me
A man who c¢rn't work out his own salva-
mome persons talk sand write about.
It was very matter of fact at first, but
ed again.
I laughed rather deprecatingly. "I
tion when he once succeeds in putting a
woman on the defensive, and I will show
when poor George obafed at that I did my
best to play Up to ltriy part. I never could
didn't know it was considered quite so un-
likely," I said humbly,
you a man who bas not been married
long. Give me two cards,
iniagipe why p6rs6ns couldn't go on just
"Who's the fellow?" he asked bluntly,
sago Post
as us8al instead of slinking off for tote -a-
"Mr. Featherston -Hope," I anawil!ed
totes, just likesillychildi•en telling e6crets,
but George seemed to like it, and by de-
`"That"— he began, then stopped short.
To Cure a Cold in One nay.
grees I got on capitally. I really tried"Yea,"
I said, "that one.,,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
hard to do as other engaged girls. I don't
"Goodby, Flo," he blurted out, shooting
Drugirists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c
mean to Say that I bad to try hard because
it was Irksome to me. I really did
his band at inn as if it were a gun. iteal-
IY felt as if I were taking bold A ba`t-
Ottawa claims a population of 56,000
object to it, Only I was apt to'forget some
onot point.
Say "No" when the dealer offers you a
times. However, in less than a month I
broke myself of tugging away from him
you got"I said sweetly.
"It seems I must." And his tone wad
substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla.. 'There
18 nothing "just as good." Get only Hood's,
and looking bothered or resentful when
bitter, which seemed rathor cool, condider.
he kissed me, and when we had had a tiff
ing how he'd treated me.
I was always ready to befriends again.
In those days, had
"I'm so glad you're home," I saidgFleas-
when we had a tiff acid
antly. will mend You an invitsti0n."
be Your Experience as it was Mr
bad grown tired of sparring, George al-
waye used to say, "Let us go down the
He turned on me then and glared.
"Don't," he commended.
Spooner's—Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow.
river to the island." And I always went
""Oh, YON, I must," I went on cheerfully.
der will Positively cure you.
island" always meant making up
our quarrels again and being more dovot-
" 1 want to have all my loving relatives
about me. Uncle, Edward would adore
"I have used Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder for severe catarrhal headache fst-
ed one another than usual, an&Geor a
admitted that I never bore malice in heart,
you if you'd go one better and relieve him
by giving the away."
and with every application the re-
So the months went on, and George had .
Then I know Cousin George said some-
was almost inetanteous. I believe it to
the very beat remedy for catarrh in the
to go away, and I grow much Ponder of
him then, and I don't think I have
thing wicked. I won't repeat it. Then
be strode out and slammed the door.
market to -day, and take pleasure in saying
cared to change him for any other man I
knew—as a fiance, and I
I stood still and laughed to myself, for I'd
scored one that time,
these words in commending it to all ca.
tarrh sufferers." C. Spooner, Editor King's
used to write such
lovely letters to him. I used to think out
at any rate. And he
deserved It too. A man shouldn't be
County News, Hampton, N. B. Sold by
Watts & Co.
sentences in to night, little remarks I
knew he'd like to get from me. I really
" • • • • • •
was very attentive to him. I've nothing
do repronoh
I don't believe it was anger after all. I
myself with on that score.
And so things went on. I
believe It was pure enjoyment.
That's so like a woman, to mistake the
Needles were undoubtedly the Invention
of prehistoric man, as thoY have been dis-
And then after awhile when George had
very core of a thing and realize it when
covered among the oldest remains of hu- A
30en mono soiree time his lettere changed,
she's wasted berself.
man life. Some rude specimens made of it
Ind he seemed rather troubled about some-
' • • • e • e
borse s bone and evidently intended for F
hang. I didn't take much notice of it. I
ust thought that perhaps the climate
Poor old Goorgei I've been thinking it
over. I don't think I'll send him the in.
sewing shins wore found not long since ah
in a cave -in Franpe, together with other th
lidn't suit, him, and once I took to trou-
inn t„ ,,o out
vitation after all.—Lillian Quiller -Couch
traces of primitive r}fe, Ne dles, l;avp also bO
py and send to him a recipe
vbich I had heard was good for one if oho
discover t
eti In the oldest Egyptian
arid among the romalugof the lake
elt irritable.
But nothing seemed to cheer George,
The Eleventh.
Archbishop Usher was
dwellings of, §witzer10
1p{i,d. Tl;o dgfie of the
Invention of steel n0bdt os is
nd fit leingthwheh I Wag really beginning
one* washed
ashore from, a w}ock cif the coast of I,o-
unknown, but
judgiXg-from tha! rich embroidered gar -
0 gmw tFoubled about Ills toiurtt.yyQ�i I had &
sttol• ft&A ilii"' to.s6y be fb'o'ugli�ti�'we bad
Afmost destitute of clothing, he
to Ehe house of a digni-
despribed, in ongleu; , rgoorq it
appbhxl"i:hat flno needles
,otter flay "Goodby." Ho tho'ifght fit was
Lary and ;askedfor, shelter and aid of a
of steel or
other material were in Use at a very
Ili duty to nim to, say So. He felt that we
early period.
-we It jbu h d d
I 111o,pt, m
:, ros>«vely" .Cn>fe by
Little P3
, a ma e a mis►ko.
He could never hope to be worthy of me—
any commandments are there?"
inquired t o otper, thinking to detect an
c lifgruf�.
s. his
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, whole
inoclest� vyps SoTew}it)t '�1�--and a
heali df Tike ohartlbttir:
impostor. ,
"I can at oafos satisfy you that I am not
The name of Callfor{Ifa ¢griped from
the tWo Spanish porde; calientA forna111—
I. "hot
Indigestion Anil Too Hearty Eating. A per. I
fect remedy for Dizzidets,,Nausea, Drowsl-' atigt"y,
,wrote badk and, saiQ; 't Oh, Very *all;
eapent you kn �1bst," pt 71 ap ealllr
">iitid JA '
the ignorant impostor, you take me for,"
replied t1?q aliohblmhop; "[hero and 11 colas-
e., furnace t'—waa Siren by Cortes
in the 'year ,X(!86' to the peninsula nov/
knovyn Lower
ness, bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Ton �Sl,ie -anything
iuhd8l' b" itiig ioi' this"'
else was 6be Eilottght [flat "enter
"'NW" was the sneering comment,
a# hs
Cralif?rnlp,,0;, � j►ha
was the dldooddrg%, on account of ti
the'Side, TORPID LIVER. Th$q
dny one else really knew bc;* bard
"there ane but ten commandments In my
!flu* Boiwela, I, i V I
had,found it to%ploy f,hp" law +14,9 't
Bible. Tell me the ale—g- d
a genuine
good article than 1 am at the present time. I
keep a cod etook on hand. Best 9owin Ma-
chino Oils in bulk bottle,
urs p #getable. 7W �i(Irt: van , an I Will
of thi &?rail ei t�iit td Cigbrge find th t I relieve you."
OMNI, .M , Small Dose, hadt;')twantod .to iwo bif age �•°Inti°J#p1.'�C1f ""There it 1g," said to arch bishop; "'&
I 1P Small Price• °°urs• thdy, !til ytlbiought.tt was neo�bGly new commandment I give unto you, that
r wear a tha't'vlllow, and the, live}ler I be. Ye lovo one another.' "
.�7ubSti . 4i, 1� came as'the ftm,'jii�5aed gyi'tb6 ftibrtr tali ,, "
paseton tel ��?r�Q tiv@m 1 #y at Roosevolt's Pluck.
the fraud of the clay'. Ir! yr „ nom^ro When Theodore Roosevelt, who learned
�'; 3' S6d g twgi'fi6t12 V1=11 t
I hinkina, 1 '2'"lir : mrij pl di?'dm , " S$lri,° to ride brouohom In 'the, west, mbttntod one
See you get Carter's, but m wrath did simmer up at times, of the animals for the first time, a lot of
r.nd I �4 ehiriii a few strong thoughts of °Roe gathered about to see the abnder-
Oeorge. foot" dlmoomfitecl. Sure onqugh, ,-Ur.,
Ask for Carters, An Inatq'jost >poti+, my i'a6Bl lilai4td out Roosevelt Went rs11 _ at; tho*io �iir* �t' d P
strong as !alit tgthten Jane opened the d r. fell hoavlly, To the durprimo of all lta�t�if
•n�i�t and demand ilii. afternoon and {tn ot)ncied`piljib I elotedyi>ti 'tiryfi3g It agaiiA;'liitGs►a, Georg., h)g tors self, and smiledperafght n `tinge etald on until W
+ into his fano and balked avo witliont a on when bo df•t,.•,
O.rter's conquered,,
1.x ,�tel.e Zave , FI lir, InQ10 i"
*W ,
, �_ - _ i L . _,"
le 66'best remedy that I I=w
. of �lll'
N A i%M2WW,>w,rw N
ROv 1
- ..u,r .,i"
am � , I I 9edleml'Advioe ftes, ,j,
, C" .'IL I � _` � - I , - ___
Phil May's start in life was made at the
Leeds theater, where he was engaged to
do odd jobs at a salary of 12 shillings a
week. His present income is estimated by
Clarence Hawkes, the blind poet, says it
!s one of his favorite theories that every
human life should contain three kinds of
t igence— uncoils mon sense, common
sense and nonsense.
Jules Verne says that his famous
"Around the World In Eighty Days" was
suggested to hien while he was studying a
tourists' advertisement, and that moat of
his stories have had their beginnings in
such shall events.
Keats was onto a medical student and
entered upon his studies at the early ago
of 15. He tells of how he came to adopt
literature as follows, "A sunbeam came
into the room, and with it a whole troop
of creatures, floating in the ray, and I wag
off with them to Oberon and fairyland."
Algernon. Charles Swinburne, the poet,
Is one of the most eccentric individuals in
England. He 1s a perfect n4aster of Greek
and French, but it is hie delight to pre-
tend to be entirely illiterate, and though
he left Oxford with a great reputation he
never took his degree. Mr. Swinburne
lives near London, but he 1s rarely soon
In society.
No one must touch the king of Korea
unbidden, and any one who does so meet -
dentally is oompelled afterward to wear a
red cord round his nook.
The son and heir of the Grand Duke of
Saxe -Weimar has what is declared to be
the most peculiar face in,Burope—one Bids
of it being continually expressive of joy,
while the other side whare a• look of deep
morrow. a
In the matter of pedigree the 18 -year-old
prince who is the heir to the throne of Ja-
pan seems to hold the lead. He is, it is
said, the last male descendant in the or-
der of primogeniture of a dynasty which
has reigned 2,600 years.
King Alexander of Servia, when only
18 years old, summoned his regents to a
dinner party, rose as 1f to propose a toast,
drew a revolver from his pocket, proclaim-
ed himself of age and dismissed the re-
6ente, whom 'be looked up all night in
the dining room, while he went round to
assure himself of tine fldolity of his guards.
The old Clinton PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Faetery, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest terms; first-class
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired,
William Street, Clinton, immediately
behind the Park.
October 141
G. D ltd , A_ G A
e� RT�s
ie finding its way into a groat many homes.al
Why? Because people that have- b'6ught
I wish to inform t he ubl lc tb 4
n of be undersold by any otllult' ,
Is caused by Uric Acid and other im-
to the businese. I aril a practical .
purities lingering in the blood, which
have not been filtered out by the Kid-
the businend ss. We
We keep the ve
neys through the urine. The seat of
the trouble is not in the skin or
meats, and a full stock alway$()!T
and will sell at the Lowest Cah
l c mus-
t s
It's sick Kid ne s. Ele
y etricity,
Brin ale n ou t t
g non
g Y e at t
[neat the
„I"iments or plasters wirl
ll not reach the
case• But the disease can be
at vb''
cash price.
credit, but riot at cash prfcee,
come and see what you can o -
Cash at
a genuine
good article than 1 am at the present time. I
keep a cod etook on hand. Best 9owin Ma-
chino Oils in bulk bottle,
R. rt rzslnloNS
I was taken with a severe attack of rheutna•
tism and could not turn myself in bed. I was
persuaded to try Dr Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney
Pills. They soon put me on my feet again.
Lass than one ox cured me so comp1� otoly that
I have returned again to my work fe the Lake
Kepnir shops as well as ever.
W ,i. A. So Adrian, Mioh,
I We are doing business on the gamin
Vencased any that Dr Hobbs' Sparagus
idney Pills are the most relieving remedy I
pie, and will sagely out cuetom6
have ever used for rheumatism. You may ase
as a inl for tile tiVeteranoof
the best meats at the lowest paying
Who Bre nfll[Oted.s CAARLES HESS
Civil War, 284 Adelaide . L. Detroit, Mich,
Dr. Hobbs,
Bridge Materials
Subscriber has opened a shop iD.>r �: -
Advances made to farmers on their own°
notes at low rates of interest.
mises recently ere ;ted es eciall •',
' Pilt. ls
urpose, opoosite Fair's Hil,,whIre.. a
peep on hand and deliver promptly;x
karts of the town, 'at 5
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A s�ill�! a�'
public patronage respectfull of •t,
Cheaper to
Ride than
To Walk ..
Two Week's Sale
Of Second - hand Bicycles,
Ladies' and GentB' 1898 models. All in
first-class condition only run about two
months, at $15, $20 and $25 each.
Call and secure a bargain.
Onward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Blotk, Clinton
H. L. BROWN, Manager.
Clean zinc with hot soapy water, then
Polish with kerosene.
The beat glass towels are made from
old napkins and tablecloths.
Salt and camphor in cold water is an
excellent disinfeotant in bedrooms.
For washing flatirons drop half a table-
spoonful of melted lard Into two quarts of
warm water. Wash, dry thoroughly and
Put in a warm place until the moisture is
Two emergency suggestions are that
the loose top of a lamp may be secured by
using plaster of parts wet with water and
quickly applied, and that mustard water
Is useful to clean the hands after handling
any odorous substance.
Norwics hmiller
Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
complete, we are prepared co otrer to the pub-
lic for spring planting a very ebolce lot of
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
p1 ices. !Evergreens a specialty,
Large stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, he"el"er
Y6 I
F. B. POWELL, - - C14
Flour & Feed ?yrs
ARAN & SH C�' - ,"
In large or small quantities...
,,l y
OIL CAKE and MEA.►,,"
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 ba
(late Hill It Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton .s4i.,;,:
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Bnllejt',
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest grid{ "l
x. LL!
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38p a beA
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box 81
Choice Tea, special line 25c per Its. and Up.,,
All kinds of Grain bonght at highest
Market prices.[ '
The Holsons Bay:k
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000
REST FUND - $1',500,000
Will. p�OLBON li'TACPHICRSON, President
F. WOLFERSrgN TncAlAs, Gen Mangge!'
Notes discounted, Collections made, D
issued, Ste ling and Americ
bought and sold. Interest allowed "op-
posite. SAVIN09 BANK— Interest allowed
same of $1 and up. Money advanced.
farmers on their own note, with one
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BREVbER. Manager, Clinton
Bnilt tc lasta life -time. This excellent machine
G. D ltd , A_ G A
e� RT�s
ie finding its way into a groat many homes.al
Why? Because people that have- b'6ught
them and recommend them to oth, ". TjGy
have "" .... . "'- i em—no 1!11}�er11p t' �•
U _ - I
ue,n w,tl&,::,--' .,"LY,-
tfllef OF [Tiih goods. It has a ,
troUhitltnntnaaaeama. No expert -operator is
rtl§uired to
- - • f- .
ALBERT ST., - 6 i .,I 6O
work the attachments; they are
Almple and strong and are made of steel—made
:. W work. You
Price 33c, at all
can have ono put in your house
on trial and I never was In a better position to
snugly the wants. of the people with
A general Banking Baaintas
transacted. :a,
aau•e su.■7,ru7••,
gr ANc
a genuine
good article than 1 am at the present time. I
keep a cod etook on hand. Best 9owin Ma-
chino Oils in bulk bottle,
• • • DANO[N•ue, • isave
���, • .�
or Get good oi� and
your machine. You can get shuttles and
all parts required for any machine., made from
me. Singer
Drafts Sensed. Interest allowed on
repairs procured direct Prom New
York for all singer machines. A call respect
fully solicited. WM. MOORE,
Agent, Clinton Sewing Machine wareroom,
Huron Street, Clinton,
Bridge Materials
fruit R;A
Advances made to farmers on their own°
notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted:'
(Wood and Iron)
Interest allowed on deposite,
You will find us HEADQUAR-
Sale Notes bought
PERS for all seasonable Fruits
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
finedu to 1a0 a will received by the or
fined Scaled t ,m., off u8, 24th October, e ffor
First-classCrawford Peaches
1 the timber and iron [n rho bridge across
Goratrho Canada Company's
nils Koaervo, Godorich and Colborne town-
GrPes, different varieties
System IiCNOVATOi =`
opwholoeoP that uperetruoturo whichumust
Muskmelons, Watermelons
� ' "a';,r
not later than let lday,1899,
Oranges, Lemons
cash and the balance on approved joint
Bananas and Tomatoes.
notes in four months from date of sale.
G. W. Allan,
—All kinds of—
For Impure, Weak and Impovertidlietl'"`''
Blood, Dyapepeia, Sleeplessness, PSIp l��t(, ':
tion of the Hear}, Live. Cominlaint, i
Alfred Willson,
Ne �
raigia,Lode of Memory, BrOndhitip,u� r
Commissioners, Canada Company, Toronto.
Bread . . . Our
snmption, Gall Stol.ts, Jatin'dlod" ,licit1 �, c
Cakes & Pastry
and Urinary Diseases, St. V'441 D ,
Female irrbqularitiee and G4etieral D641 i
The salsa for our Real Home Made
r -
Laboratory O+u, .r paI;�
s pe.. lc
and lh alt Digestive Bread are in-
creasing daily.
g Y.
^ t F" >cj
Prop. and 11Ig ai'�►u
r hi
W ive this 6ne
Jas. McClacherty
Sold in Clinton by t q,,.
.in and
'. doz. Lsivirk'Col,"R
a,Bo�ro� apt ton qt!
:a, Cls. SXfgpS r
try and Restaurant
Telephone No. 1.
,> r^
For Twent S Vqn
�' Qi "Y' S X;e lsr r " i
4551; ,
tvk LE 13R .
:' CO.i I ON
30 4ellsldo Et., 0.
r,,: • '1` tbatol eat„ , '
aria (Wil