HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-14, Page 2009ber 14, 1.898
1"4 . %�� S-, 6� Is I
(I THE S.At)
"A, ONTAR10..
,.. , (Treat Camp - -
.0! ,the Muccubees for 1111clilgan.
'�Port Huron, Mich., April 6, 1897.
tylt',,'Nipftxo, Sarnia, Ont.
I$ot. -It gives me great pleasure to
his opportunity of express ng my em
sfaot;on,with the stenographer (Mics
ljigre) you recommended to me a little
year go. She is now oue of our valued
nte:,00rrect and rapid in her stsnogra-
ldug a,nd gives unmistakable evidence
ul and a olept training. From what I
lflttrn, ,of your school and the students
lyse gradn4tod from it, [ eau confidently
fiend it to a 1 contain In. ing the Study
artI With kinds regard., I remain,
, Great Record Keeper.
WGRllgpie IS Still in the employ of the
a, os and receiving a god salary.
kt,�stdeuts may enter at any time.
i°_ " A. S. NIMMO.
Clinton Post Office.
. .� l - A.Mt M5
55London and S. W. Ontario 700 4 00
30�ingham and Kincardine 955 635
55asteru S.W. do N. W. U.S. 700 4 05
11$ Paris, Buffalo & eastern U S 7 00 4 05
"1;03 Toronto&pointe east&nrtb 7 00 4 035
4Iii ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35
A 03 Manitoba. N W T and R C 7 OD 2 Ss
1103. ,. ,Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35
13 points E& N of StratforA 7 00 2 35
..Mitchell and DuWa.... 7 00 12 4
,:. .,,..— : f:;--rrich;.......... 900
Lucan crossing, Sarnia and
8 551...
5 ....intermediate points... 700 405
�.-Loudeaboro & Balgrave.. 9 55
ie office is open to the public (holidays ex
)d) from 8 a.m to 7 15 P.M. but holders o'
bolteahave access to the lobby until 8 p.m
luey Qrd'er and Saving Bank office open
14'cto,6 ;p.m.
tier. for regg)jatration must be posted half
H1k:hofore clbging the mails.
Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav-
'DAY ONLY is mail despatched
, thgqP office to Londesboro and Belgrave,
` qtchell and Dublin, mails closing as
:e .weed
Slee for British Isles and European coun-
„intended to be forwarded by New York,
YIrove written on the top left hand corner
velope Vi► NNEw YoRK.
1;; phi Plebiscite Vote.
ie vote throughout the Dominion
0oken of as a small one, and corn -
with a general election it is
ll- but here is a fact that should
be,overlooked.—A general election
is -Gut a large vote because both
W. work -to that end, while in the
ient -instance there is no induce -
i1 at her that a moral and pbilan-
Ppic one, to induce people to vote.
ien this fact is borne in mind, it
wil a fait ly strong sentiment favor-
8`.to prohibition, and we donot
ik any supporter of the principle
Old feel disheartened. The vote has
Via- opportunity to show where
lestand, and will be aneducation-
actor at any rate, of considerable
hat the Government will do we
ot tell; if the majority had been
` 'v mi h 'v r decisi e, we g t e iture a safe
ast. This one thing ,is sure, that
nestion has entered politics more
an ever had before, and must be
counted as a factor of some importance.
a"argument that people must be
1 1";educated along certain lines is a good
':;lone, before legal restraint can be of
? tiny effect, then the discussion that has
!taken place on this question will not
be without its beneficial results.
The Toronto World bas been one of
at vig orous in its denunciation
`'of.alleged wrong -doing by government
,6cials in the Yukon. Yet the
World's own correspondent, who has
`leen located in Dawson City, has just
Arrived at Victoria, B. C., and he says
that there is not ,the slightest ground
t"TCI e�itarAes of wrong -doing against
these officials; he says, further, that no
'Aarge can be sustained against them.
:":Chis is the way most of these unsup-
loorted asset tions end.
or'superb silliness the London Free
Press easily takes the .palm. It has a
'i ng editorial trying to prove that the
�Iiving effected • in the postal depart-
mast is due, not to general economy,
glut to the fact that the clerks have to
,do two nllen';s work. This is really to
llad, and yet those double -worked
abklis hang on to their positions as if
#hell were apparently vatiafled td do
two lnen'a work. f6r'a brie -mad salary.
"Y'here)& no lath* compelling them to be
VI 'VLH; AfiA s f,bi'ffl lt6 thef'df o oiib
lint " lit mein' 'ahltrous t6 see
in'11nil. d'h�il-(*he' work that'd required;
`af thein.
J 44 , 4
. .- _„ ._........
__-___ . ..--__-__-_1__-_____ _ . _ - ---.---
Crisp County Clippingsi before last. He was engaged in farm- ling, Mise Nutt; plain band Sewing,Mrs
Ing and the mercantile business in W Stirling, Mrs C Campbell: Riohen
Laughlin, Gerrie, has re- North Dakota, and was well known in apron, Mise U. Wise, Mrs J Howrie;
Mica J. Mc
engaged for Lau McKillop and Grey, where he rebided crochet or knitt slippers, Mrs J Howrie,
before going West, Mies Pareo; laundry bag, Miss Wise,Miea I
J.H.Colclou h hasrented the Wright i
Nutt; handerohief saaket, Miss Wise, Mrs
D. L- Strachan has been re-engaged i
farm, east of lyth, for a number of as teacher at Browntown for 1899 at C Campbell; drawn work, Mrs D Moan -
years. tyre 1 2; patched quilt in cotton, Mre C '
Miss A. Beattie, Seaforth, has been air increase of $30 per annum; he is a Campbell, Mies Wise; patched quilt in
hard worker and is giving good satis-
engaged its teacher of the McIltoy faction. cloth, Miss Nott, Mies Parsons; knitted
school, McKillop, for next year. Epworth League anniversary ser- quilt, Mise Nott; crochet quilt, Mrs J
Hugh Johnston, of Bluevale, has mons were preached last Sabbath Howrie, Mrs Penbale; button holes, Mrs
bought out Ben Mason, of the Saltford mor ning,at Brussels Methodist church. W Stirling; collection ladies work, Mrs C
hotel, and took possession last Monday. ( by Rev, Wm. Godwin, of Goderich. Campbell, Mrs D McIntyre,
Rev. Mr Allin preached at Goderich. PLANTS AND FLOWERS. -Bouquet of flow -
J. Heywood has disposed of his 100 Last Sunday evening James, eldest ers, large, Mrs T Wallis, Mise Parsons;
3 Uabor one flow re small Mrs \V Stirling,
acre farm, being lot 13,con. son of James Cloakey, con. 4, Morris, bouquet of e , M S ng,
to S. Rowe, Stephen, for the sum of ppassed away after & brief illness, aged Mrs fi Hairston; collection of house plants,
$5000,27 years. He bad been enjoyincowl- dahlias and pansies, Mrs W Stirling; large
L. Wheeler, Morris, has harvested aratively good health this fat and botyquet of flowers, reco.Dmended, Mrs
about 1300 pounds of honey from his d been threshing. Catlse of death Marks.
bees. He started 18 colonies of these a g' ART Wolix.—Pencil drawing Mrs C
was hemorrhage of the Rings.
industrious little insects.Campbell, Mise Parsons; crayon drawing,
G. Harton has purchased the John's water color painting, oil painting, keneing.
farm on the 4tb con., Usborne, which tonaintin lustre aintin Mre C Cam
he has rented to S. Hunter. Mr Har- BAYFIELD FALL FAIR bell; Fainting painting
on silk satin or velvet, Mie
ton will move into Exeter. C Campbell, Mra D McIntyre; map of the
Geo. McKee, of Gorrie, has been en- Prize List county of Huron. Miaa A Galbraith.
gaged as principal in the public school PUIILTRY.-Docks, R Penhele, T Wallis;
for next year. Miss McLaughlin has HORSES.—HEAVY DRAUGHT—Brood geese, R Penbale, W J Irwin; Dorking.,
been engaged as teacher for the junior mare with foal, Levi Trick; foal, Levi W J Irwin, E Munro; Brahma., E Munro
department. Trick; 2 -yr old gelding or filly, James 1 2; Black Spanish, W J Irwin l 2; Ply -
On Thursday night of last week a Campbell 1 2; year old gelding or filly, mouth Rocks, E Munro, A Duncan; Brown
valuable horse, belonging to Mr Adam J Salkeld; span working hot sea, J Sal- Legborns, Mrs C Campbell, E Munro;
Hays' livery, Seaforth, had one of its keld. White Legborhe, W J Howrie, E Munro -
hind legs so badly broken that it had General purpose—Year gelding or Homburgs, E Munro 1 2; Bantams, W J
to be killed, filly, J Sparrow, L Trick; span work- Irwin, E Munro; collection of fowl, W J
fiftieth anniversary of the estab• ing horses, R Luker, W Elliott; groom Irwin, E Munro.
The fif e
lishmeof the congregation, f the now team in harness, R Luker, J Salkeld. MANUFACTURYS.-Gent's. suit of clothes,
g Roadster—Brood mare with foal, R W Sterling, con 6, Goderich tp; home
known as Carmel church, Hensall, was McAllister, A Butt; foal, A Butt. W made white flannel, Miss H Wise, Mies
celebrated on Sunday and Monday. Thirsk; 2 -yr geldinor fill; H Davis, Nott; home made colored flannel, Mies
The services were appropriate. W Brandon; year ofd gelding or filly, Wise, Miss Nott; borne made woollen
T. F.Coleman, Seatorth, has sold his E Hagan, D Lindsay; span roadsters, blankete,'Miss Wise, Mies Nott; rag mat,
handsome young driving mare to John W J Irwin, C Grib; single roadster in Miss Nott, Miss Weston; yarn mat, Mies
Bell, of Londesboro, for $150. She is buggy, O Johnston, W Tbrisk. Wise, D Prouse; woollen yarn, W Stirling,
four years old,was sired by Tera Haut, Carriage horses—Brood mare with ono 6, Goflerich tp, • MiGs Nott; stocking
and is both handsome and fast. foal, W Thrisk, D Prouse; foal, D yarn, W Stirling, Mien Nott; woollen
Hiss B. Mc•Crostie, of West Wawa- Prouse, C McGregor; 2 yr old gelding stookino,, Mian Wise, Mrs W Weston;
nosh, has gone to Goderich to keep or filly, J Weston, C J Williams: year woollen soaks, Mise Wise;' Mrs Weston;
house for her brother-in-law, Rev. Jas. old gelding or filly, B Hivgin�; span cotton socks, Miss Nott, Mies Wise; cotton
Pritchard, who has retired from the ?artiage horses, P McDmgalh single stockings, W Stirling, Mies Wise; woollen
itiiniatry and settled in that town. carriage horse, J Swan, E Bossenbury; gloves, W Stirling, ribs Weston; woollen
lady driver, Miss McGregor, Miss Et- mets, Miss Nott Mies Wise; coarse boots,
J. Hinchley, Hallett, has forty peach liolt, Miss Irwin; saddle horse, Hat vy Jae Youne; ei-igle harnese, B Higgina, Jno
trees all of which he has raised from Davis, J Sproat. Tippett; double harness, J Tippett, B Hig-
stones and all bearing fruit this year. GRADE CATTLE. - Milch cow, Jas gine.
It is four years wince the stones were Johnston, I) :t1CNaughton; 2 yr old
planted. He. transplanted two last heifer, J Johnston, W 1-I Woods; year BICYCLE a prize, Varna and back, 12
spring and they also bore fruit this old heifer, W Elliott, T Jolinston: fist, 35 45 Time prize, J Jowett, Bayfield,
year. He is champion peach raiser so cow, heifer or stent•, W H Wondq 1 2; 35 45 min; let place, open race, C Fergn-
fat• heifer calf, Eleoat Bros, W H Woods; eon, Rayfield 39 min; 2nd, F Gemenbardt,
As Justus Parish is leavingChisel 3 yr old steer, W H Woods 1 2; 2 yr old Bayfield, 36.45 min; 3rd, N bor,'G dericb
field• 36 4Ei min; 4th, M Humber, Goderich,
burst to enter the Methodist ministry steer, W H Woods, D McNaughton; 35,46 min; 5th, C Sallows, Goderich, 43.30
ear .old steer, ll M
cNau htoo W H
in the Minnesota conference., a number T g min; 64h, G Davidson, Goderiolt,43.3J min.
of his friends and neighbors assembled ear
b+111 calf, thorobred, Eteogt
at his residence last week and present_ Bros 1 2, heifer calf, thorobred EI-
e Cattle Jas Connolly,
ed him with a neatly worded address coat Bros; special for bull. calf by W Ilill; Jas Hearn, Clinton; J Erratt,Varna.
and handsome puree containing asum Rat,hwell, Geo B,ttes 1 2. Horses„ I J McLaughlin, Clinton; J Me.
of money. SHEEP—Leicester—Ram, 2 shears, W Nevin, Kippers; John Dunn, Blake. Sheep
Flossie, the five-year old daughter of Glenn 1 2; ehearling ram, Elooat Bros; and pigs, G S+anbury, Clinton; W Madge,
J. Hunter, he five-year
Usbornewho was several ram lamb. R MOAlliater, Elcoat Bros; Bayfial1 S Andrews, Goderich. Poultry,
y pair ewes, W Glenn; ehearling ewes, W 8 A Moffatt, Varna; W Graham, Staniey;
injured by an old sow some time ago, Glenn, Salkeld Bros; ewe Iambs, W Glenn, A M Todd, GodericIL Grain, John Wit -
does not seem to improve very rapidly. Salkeld Bros; fat sheep, J Cooper & Son, A liams, Zurich; J Thomson, Bayfield.
The bone in the arts which was Sobad- Duncan. F ruit, R Mollveen, Bayfield; A Anderson,
ly mangled refuses to unite and it is Shropshiredowns-Aged ram, 2 Shears Goderich tp. Dairy, W Scott, Brueefield;
deemed advisable to remove the ends and over, Jae McFarlane, Cooper & Son; T. Johnston, Zurich, Vegetables, J Rut -
n; the decayed bone. ehearling ram, J McFarlane 1 2; ram lamb, ledge, Clinton; T Harrison;,Bdydeld. Lad -
On Saturday, Oct. let, Catbarine J McFarlane, A Duncan; pair ewes, J Me- ies work, Mies S. Wallace, Goderich; Miss
H. Swanson, wife of Goderich Town Farlane 1 2; ehearling ewes, J McFarlane, B Robinson, Varna; Miss Dunn, Blake.
Clerk Mitchell, passed away after a Cooper & Son;ewe lambs,Cooper & Son 12. Flowers, etc, Mrs Stanbury, Bayfield.
painful illness of several years dura- Pros.-Berkabire-Aged boar, W MOAT-
tion. She was in her 48th year, and lister 1 2; brood sow, R Penbale, W MoAI-
was the eldest daughter of the late G. lister; boar 6 months, W McAllister 1 2; Huron Assizes.
Swanson, and was favorably known Sow 6 months, W Me 11lister1 2:
throughout Huron county. Chester White -Aged boar, R Turner, J The autumn assizes for the county
Gemmell; brood sow, J Gemmell, J Foster; of Huron were held by Mr Justice R.
A couple of weeks since Elliott & boar 6 months, J Gemmell 1 2; sow 6 M. Meredith on Monday tend Tuesday
Mitchell shipped a car of fall apples to months, J Gemmell, J Foster. last. There were seven civil cases on
a merchant. in Minnesota as per order, Red—Aged boar, Fisher Bros, J Race; the docket, and one criminal case. Of
and about a week after the shipment sow,J Johnston,Fisher Bros;boar6 months, the civil cases, two were settled with -
received notice that the fruit was spoil- Fisher Bros 1 2; Sow 6 months, Fisher out going to trial, and three were set -
ed. The fruit was found to be in good Bros, W G Johnston. tled in court by counsel. The court
condition, and was sold at remunerat- DAIRY PRoDucE.-Tub salt butter, R and was opened at 2 o'clock on Monday, and
ive prices, and the merchant who T Snowden; 25 Ilia salt brutal, W Sterling, closed about lo'clock Tuesdav,
thought he was playing a sharp trick (6th con), Mrs Weston; 5 ]be of Butter, W The first case was' Webster et al, vs.
got his eves o �ened. Sterling (6th con), S Houston; home made Biter et al., an action for construction
Last week one of the respected young cheese, R and T Snowden; bomemadewine, of a will. Judgment in terms of con.
men of Dungannon passed away to the Geo Wilds, Mies H Wise; honey in comb, sent minutes.
silent majority, , a
t t t Mr B. S mb A Smith; hone in 'ar, A with Ran T
y, y He left Y ] S d
his father's home for Whitechurch on Snowden; home made bread, D Pronse,Mrs Green et al. vs. Green et al.—Bycon-
Tuesday, where he was employed; on J Tippett; bakers' bread, John Biggart. sent of counsel judgment was given
Thursday he did not feel well, and GRAIN AND SEEDS.-Wbite winter wheat, setti'nF, aside the tax deed attacked by
grad -wally$
got worse until inflammation Johnalkeld, S Fense; red winter wheat, plaintiffs.
set in, and he died Saturday evening. S Furse, T Wallis; spring wheat, G Wilds, Stewart et al. vs. Molson's Bank.—
The body was brought, home to his par- John Salkeld; large white peas, John Sal; This was an interesting case from Ex-
ents' residence on Sunday morning, keld, S Furse; Small peas, S Fine, John eter. Stewart & Williams, millers, of
from which the funeral took place. Salkeld; Six rowed barley, John Salkeld, S that place, ,had overdrawn their ac -
Jas. Ross, of the London read, near Puree; two rowed barley, John Salkeld, G count at the Molson Bank to the
Brueefield, has recently sold his heavy Wilda; white oats, John Salkeld, G Wilds; amount of,$ M15, Mr Stewart took
draught Canadian bred stallion to Mr black oats, T Wallis, J Salkeld; timothy to the bank a cheque of $1,000, the
McRoberts, an American dealer at a seed, John Salkeld, S Furse; corn, John whole of which amount he claimed to
nod figure. This horse was raised by Salkeld, G Wilds. have deposited with the bank, The
Ross himself, and was bred from FRUIT.—C011ection grapes, G Wilds; fall teller alleged that the balance—$336—
imported stock on both sides. He was apples, W Elliott, W Stirling 6thoon; win- after covering the overdraft, was given
sired bve Mr Mason's Clendrie Prince. ter apples, D McLaughlin, W Elliott; col- back. The plaintiffs did not notice the
Mr McRoberts is taking several Cana- lection of apples, G Wilds, W Elliott; pears, discrepancy until checking their bank
dian stallions with him to the other D MoNaugbton, G Wilds; collection of book at the end of the month, when
aide.. pears, G Wilds, T Brownett; peaches, G the intention of the bank officials was
Wilds, W Stirling 6th con; grapes, G drawn to it; and, their claim being dis.
At .Brussels, on Friday last, about Wilde, James Campbell; crab apples, R puted by the bank, action was taken.
8.30 p.m., a number of boys were play. and T Snowden, W Elliott; plume or After the hearing of evidence, the jury
on tete Street near the ban ,
d stand
g runes i ,brought in a verdict fon the
p , G Wilda, S Furse; baldwins, W K r plaintiffs
before the band started to play, -hen a Elliott, W Cook; northern spies, Joe Race, for $336; His Lordship ordered judg-
team came along at a very fast gait, S Puree. meet to be entered for plaintiffs
driven by a lad named Greenslade,who VEGETABLES.—Early potatoes, D Prouse, also for costs of the action. Proceed -
was said to be the worse of liquor. One G Wilds; late potatoes, Jae Young, D ings are stayed for thirty days togive
boy, named James Forsyth, ran out,on Prouse; marigolds, long, R Turner, R and defendants an opportunity to appeal.
the street as the wagon was passing T Snowden; marigolds, yellow, John Sal- Walmsley vs. Rose. —An action for
and in some way or other was Struck keld, D Prouse; beets for table use W damages for loss sustained by the
by the horses, knocked down and ran Cook, R and T Snowden; cabbage, John flooding of plaintiff s land by drainage
over by the horses and instantly killed. Salkeld, W Brandon; carrots for table use, from defendant's land. Judgment to
As Mr Dough and wife and sister D Prouge, Rand T Snowden; parsnips, W terms of consent minutes.
were driving along the road, east of Stirling 6tb con; pumpkins, W Parson,Jno In the criminal case, Mrs Postleth.
s ra s r Waite sr, o 'r
Rensall a Pew da Salkeld; she M e J Howrie F f Qoder t ,h a
days ago they were heldq S arse , , was arraigned
up by a gang of four young men who potato onions, large English, R and T for the theft of a number of articles —
attempted to rob them. Their horse Snowden, N Westlake; potato onions, Can -
took fright and upset tbgm into the Adian, D Prouse, Mrs Weston; other onions, Tunget and Mrs Stenshorn. The theft
ditch, where one of the ladies nearly" John Salkeld, R Turner; turnips, T Stin. was alleged to have been committed in
died of fright. The Scamps were ar- eon, G Wilds; field earrota, D Prouae, T 1896. A daughter-in-law of the prison -
rested on Wedneaday and tried before Cameron; white celery, R and T Snowden, or swore that she had often seen the
the magistrate at Exeter and fined W Stirling 6th con; winter radishes, G articles in question in the prisoner's
$2,50 each and costs. Their names are Wilde; citrons, D Galbraith, T Stinson; house the year_previous, 1895, and, in
muek melons, • th
Melville Oaks Smith e s W H Dods a absence of an s
t and Scott. W R MoI Veen Iron evidence
, 1 y
watermelons, W Elliott;: large beans, 13 against the prisoner, the judge directed
Andrew Govenlock, of ' Winthrop, Furse; small beans, P Furse,ro Weston; the jury to return a verdict of -,rot
who is well known as an ardent tem- large tomatoes, It d `l1 anWnowden, D guilty" which they did.
perance man and strong prohibitionist, Pronee; small tomatoes, G Wilds, • D Gal -
left• his sick bed, on which he has been braitb; corn, reoomroended, R Penbale. .
confined for over two months,on Thurs- LADIES Wog� Pillow, shame, Miss Nott, The Reward for Good Rarniting.
day last, and drove to the polling place Mrif' C (lampnx: crazy work, Miss Nott,
at No. 4, McKillop, a distance of four Mrs C C inpbelh.crochet ,table mato,, Miss Judgingfrom the,official crop report
miles, to vote for prohibition. So weak m WiSgg, ics 0 Campbell; toilet urate, Miea for Outarlo, a spmmary of which bits
was be. that had to he carried to and Nott, Mise ? Oelbr{titb} table oentre.[.i already been published in the Sun, the
from bib buggy. He said it had been Mss" D Ko titgqre 1 �, mantle draper,;y� re, crops of the province will tbistyear ex -
t14 dream,of ilia life to have an oppor• U (7arriplia3li; Miee'Nrlt µ,,'sofa5V0iQ01V%A16
bw 111`trb' teed an revious'.yield. , T15e . rice Of
ti 6ity of Bastin his vote with lois fel- Moine rb l 2' bllaoikinbtdork �Q
6- wheat, i is trite, has not.1!emained at
ilovtr,Oanadians rti Ar bi of � a national bell, Miba P6fiMti'e;' ,kodlfgk, the point t ;q�hich♦ it wall, f9r by,
,proltlbition law, and be Who letermin- Miss 0-?Olafiipbbll M 6 Nott;"eioobed worn' spebulhfifi$ tit` rides enerall .tire a
edL hot tolJosp the opportunity,no niat iif cottori,'Mra d bi til 11, 'Mi�il R .Wyse; q y
frf#r a0' it' e,'ti >4o i,en eases,, l4eli�
ter what the consequences might he embrof$'dry'Oh"silk,isatiii'bi4�re ded,Mra']� flieang b6t'f 't`f, t0r, 'I, I some ,sec -
to himself. •Ilia friends feared that the McIntyre, Misr Na t , ,�gsbkDiBeDy 'on'bolt.' tions of 'tb$ V�••avrntte erl"s dame, e
greatt exertion required in his .weak ingAloth, MYi O • Cam�ibell itliss Salto•, was ddnb b ttwla e' r0 g
state vvould,prove injurious to liirri,bu"t faxidy whisk holddr;'"1iYs` 1rJbbt; Mies y p4, and the
d u lit tldr N
# �dl
rQ nil a1
s W it,
we are plQ)tsed to learn that be is none $enaton; lanoq pili art'shi64i, Miss 1 .'W'iafl' Iy, twtidbpe .is 3x'*�
'''s" ti ,eon wilth=
the worse Rol hie brave act. Mriafl Ca ' ball; kn'itti lk in wdi�stzAil,•M(art' standitl t4�t]>�b�i� ld
We dee 1 re ret to learn of her Nott, Mrsj Cam li, hpniton•-or nut ��Qir#ep y (; I!bQ ' Po hfi�s���prd` 6d' �ti' AAa_ ac for v, ,
death,. at, her boine, n'Par Sheldon lane, Mril D MAJntyrd,l Nrs C, (lain bell; 'I I e belf6vofthfah hd 'fadtirhble''tidId
North Dakota, on ,Tuesday of last tattfng, !Vr4, ta7 0v?npbeU, Urn '.i'.Wtxllis;. ; t;hia'geabbn,is`YnttrtWtbd1%16r the tb
we- of,M r�s E Robertson, formerly. arrasene ,lpprk,.!Mrs D ,Molntyraj Mrs,0, nllturaPcat 6.• m owfbi o,G0fithe
' nisi the
v t74 ll• tib ilo Stork on felt r ,
l,Ifs t IA' tie e. of Seafortb. J. mph ., . oP of p11aohr improved tn6thbdif lit ra}rt Ihdf 1`666bt
(fir#Qve, of I1Mc illbp, her bratl�er and i11ai No$tf Mre"A (larppbell;-tga;ooeyr-311[isa', pettr6d' T`h& t*t� er•iiti'aitilti ,`laiid
sister, were son f9r,and, arrived . there oil,. Miss Wine; tragi dlotNkrs J HowL*, tnnio mldil°e elle 1a., ani " "
h od� lt'a62i;
ali0flybeforqe.s ,gdieds Vi%elilsolearn 704. Not(; table, pover,embrolderedif"WYs' the'farmet;6,t(j-*dt,,tbe'sett, li�earliet'
With rekt'et:oi the death of G. Laird. of Wlrityre, grH Q QAtnpbell; stetted doilido. Chari fhrmrdrltt, �hvm,'f..hn. AHm,4t; ii -a
4 #ew We0kfl "4g0# Ud'rUod o1i si uciaq •1 149th 1 t110i1'� tindgrplothingi r4til W Uti:A l ed'iti ii iri�'iy�E Iffi, '1,<ill &6aIG6
increase the returns from the soil, '
Farmers will feel this year to a greater
extent than usual the value of Intel-
ligent and efficient work.—Farmerb'
The Queen's Narrow Escape
Queen Victoria, her daughter, the
ex -Empress Frederick of Gerurany,and
Princess Adolphe of Schaumourg-
Lippe, had a narrow escape while driv-
iog at Balmoral, Scotland, on Monday
of last week. The horses of Her Ma-
jesty's carriage holterl, and the coach-
man lost.control of thein, and aserious
accident was only averted by the
horses turning into the woods, where
the carriage stuck between the trees.
The members of the royal party were
severely shaken and much alarmed,but
were not injured.
Grave reports are in circulation re-
garding the condition of the Duke of
reek. Ilia health is said to be extreme•
ly bad, and there is much anxiety.
None but relatives are permitted to see
him at present.
Left Prostrate
Weak and Run Down, With Heart
and Kidneys In Bad Condition—
Restored by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
11I vrils• very much run down, having
been sick for several months. I had been
trying different remedies which did we
no good. I would have severe Spells of
coltgilihig tYA'would' Nave me prostrate.
I was told that my lungs were affected,
. and mfr heart and kidneys were ' in a bad
condition. In fact, it seemed as though
every organ was out of order. I felt that
something must be done and my brother
advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
procured a -bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone "I felt that It was
helping me. I continued Its, use and it
has made me a new woman. I cannot
praise it too bight 11 MRS. SuMixsn-
vrLLE,. 217 Osaingtdri Avenue, Toronto,
Ontario. Get only Hood's, because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best-ln fact the One True Blood PurlIler.
Sold b] all druggists. st, Six for $5,
Hood'sPHIS liable, be sfielLl. 250. M
All persons homing claims against the estate
of the late Priscilla Batt, of Clinton, are requir-
ed to send tire same to the undersigned, before
the 16% day of October.
Notice is hereby -given pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chap
'er 110,
Section 35 and amending Acts, that a4 credi-
tors and other persons having claims agaiust
the estate of William Leitch, late of the Town-
ship of Hullett, in the County of Huron, yeo-
man, deceased, who died on or about the 9th
day of August, 1898, are required to send by post
pprepaid or deliver to Alex. Leitch, Constance,
E. critorof the said decease•i, on or before the
24th day of October, a statementof their names,
addresses and descriptions, with full particulars
and proofs of their claims, and the nature of
the securities, it any, held by them.
AND NOTICE is hereby further
iven that
after the lastmentioned ay, t h satg
will not be l,a to for the said assets or any part
thereof, to anv person of wbose claim he shall
not have ro^.eived notice at the time of such
M:xecutor Constance
Dated a t Constance Ibis 30th day of Sept., 1898.
Subscriber is pre ared to promptly fill all or-
ders for Wood o pp o wL h b s
r Co ! is will o of a
d t
lowoet •area. OtHce on Isaao Street, at LA VIS
I have a ed to myBrook of pigs a choice
young tbo ougbbred registered Tamworth
Boar, CII» King No. 890, of very superior
blood, ficin I cried dam and aired by let prize
winner at Toro , London, Montreal and Ot-
tawa faire of 1897, a same stockhaving taken
the sweepstakes prize for seven years in suc-
cession. I also keep a registered improved
Yorkshire boar --a fine stocker. They being
the two correct typeo of choice bacon hogs.
TERMS -For either,.51, %uaranteed, or par-
ties coming over 11 miles, 7a cents.
C. HOARE 2nd con. Hullett Gravel road),
I having recently purchased one of the popu-
lar new Automatic Reginal, of very superior
tone end style being the very ll nest instrument
I could select In Toronto, having a wonderfully
rich and brilliant tone and capable of great
modulation, playing scored music as written as
well as the finest classical piano instrumentals;
will be open to supply music of such for enter-
tainments of church, sundersy school or concerts
of a high order. Parties Intorested please ap-
ply or correspond to my address -
C. HOARE. Clinton,
Tho MCMC Bram
For Heating and
Ventilating Purposes
This excellent Drum Is con-
struoted of the very best mater-
ial, on the most scientific prin-
o e
1 e an
I d b virtue e c
P y t it special
`� , filatures is theCreatest iicating
Dram on F.nrth. It takes the
cold air from the floor, heats and
P. oit•oulaWs it through the house,
and t
hda economluls in the maty
ter of fuel to each art extent that
fully one -halt less fuel is required,
Does not Smoke. ling no ashes Is easy to
manage. Those who have oneln use say they
would not be without It. This ,Drum is now
used in some of the best houses in Clinton.
WM. Wi RH Clinton.
Sole Mnlro abturer Huron
The I101,,,erllal•
✓1 -- , . ,
The undefs'rcned wish to inform
the people of Clinton and vicinity
bhpy have opened lip in the store
I Oo 1
ou ed Palr & o,
y C
c�ay',pl`o,at 011tario St,,
`av-her6•thejiAI kA913 in stock tit] kinds of
1. 1.°
Presh, Cooked, Cured and
Canned Meattl,
each as itn!(
lly oalzf•m fri a first 1013 meat
.tot , twwith iPou try, Canndd Tongue
Beep. PIg, Mingo fit t, slid all articles of
a lie hggidh Wqlli o olivorod fico to
ioiny 1)t r6'tbw�i: 0) a aolioited, ,
JOHN Spvi X404ger
, R. IF. -CASE & 00*
_ ....- w . -. . -.____
Oats Wanted
12 the. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
13 lbs. choice Family Flour for I bush Oats
Oats taken in exchange
for Groceries
These are our present rates,
but we don't know how long
they will continue.
00 OLSON, Clinton
TheCanada Business College
still leads its contemporaries in placing pupils
of our pupils were placed in choice positions
in the ten months ending July 1st, an average
of pearly four per week What do you think
of it 2
It pays to attend the best
College Re -opens for the Fall Term
Tuesday, September '6th. Write for cat
alogue of either department to
D. McLACULAN Sc Co^;ttbam
The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451
or 12, Railway Terraca Clinton. Particulars
upon application, JAME� SCOTT, Barrister &u
A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 8fi, re-
cantly occupied by C. G. Rance. For partion-
lars apply to MRS S. HOLMES,
Princess St,
Factory and d contents on p
y the property of D.
Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and
balance at $10 a month. Boll ing to be re-
moved. Apply to J. SCOTT Clinton,
The large frame dwellin[[ house on Albert
Street, late,y ocoupf,d by Mr. Todd, with halt
an acre of land. hent moderate. Appply to
JAMES SCOTT, Barrister.
Comfortable frame dwellingg stone cellar,
newly papered; corner of dwelling,
Orange streets. Rept ;7 monthly no taxes
Applyto W. W.1;ARRAN. ,
The residence of the late Mrs Josiah Butt,
corner of Albert and Shipleyatrec s. This is a
fineplace, consisting of new brick house,stable,
goad well of water, etc. For particulars apply
to EPHRAIM BUTT. Clinton P. O.
Good large house on Rattenbury street, with
six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer
kitchen, pantry, hard and soft water, large
Stable. Will be rented cheap to permanent
tenant. Apply to NEW ERA Office, or to
JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich.
A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved
land, on the 2nd on. of Stanley. All but, 15
acres cleared, god frame house, frame barn,
bearing orchard running wAter. Situated two
miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold on
reasonable terms. D. McTAVISH, Clinton.
The undersigned offers for Salo a'
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached. Centrally situated. Goal water and
drainage. Willbe sold cheap.. Y A p. to
Clinton Dea.lOtfi
!$2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
houses on Rattenbury St., known as the ,Fox -
ton Proparty.
then houses and also vacant lots for sale.
Money. -Private funds in large and small
sums to 1 i.in on in IcS:a,o• Rates low.
W. BRYDONE Barrister.
That desirable Bri k
a Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
offered for Sale, including rear lot and stable.
Tho location is one of the best in Clinton. The
gropertyy is tree from incumbrance and title in-
"'putabte. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon-
don Road or address Clinton P. O
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belouglug to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, to offered either
for saler
o to rent. It c n
o Giiite room for
nary family, is practically a new house, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. It tho property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rented. A ply to
W. COATS, xooutor, Clinton.
Farm for sale or to Rent.
Farm In Township of Tuckersmith, being lot
29, con. 2, H. R. S., containing 100 acres of gcod
d well adaptedted for efib
grain or s
rSirisof land in cod state 01cultivation,8
acres good hardwood bush. On the plce
are two good frame barns, stone stabling under
one; driving shed, never -failing spring near
barn, brick house and kitchen, soft water in-
side, good ,wall, orcl;:rd etc. The farm is well
Situated, being five tdties from Clinton and six
from Seaforth, on goodgravel road- convenient
to vchool, church opposite place. Will be sold
chrap, as proprietor intends gtv n�RR up farming.
For particulars applyy on the nali up or to
A. E. TURNER Clin,,on Crnt.
Sale of valuible Farm P`ro-
perty in TuckGrsmitb.
There will bb s6ld'at pdblio auction, by J'oe.
Brine, Auotioneor, at the Contelliiercial llotbl,
Senforth, onsaturday, the entli of oetot4et•,
1898, at 2 '41 pit p. m., farm lot. 22, conoeSbio
3. Huron Road lrvcy, r1ckerspnith. Tho farm
ie $�,rrst-'oldae;'g,d Soil, ot'; q"dllon .state of cGlti-
vatfon, 15 acres of good hiti•dwobd umber. The
buildings aro in n SSoot: etttto of repair, compris-
ing brick house and large b44n]]��liat q.. ,with other
outbuildings; windmill.JdrSdor frlodorn im-
provements. tTho plpperiy is Boar a ,achool, 4
mllbe frbYd`8ohfoi•ttt hhd d 1{lilos 'frotft CIf , .
T tRMSHAO 11or� C611ta 4SWIl Oh 'cidYY' of 9ltid,
anti the ba>,1ano 1p •thirty Ida sthoreafcor with+
Ont I'ntero6t, rho 0ogcjiG Ono the Standing,
cooditi6ntr of a ''h Cott t 8t{ 7u tico. E+Ir
ther partfoularg on AP lictitldd'to t tt Il"A"
Seafortb, or W the un ersikhIe�d:4.
JOS.E�g,itI66iiCC1E ��,;uotionser,
Administrator ofJ.,SG4oi`iroohan, deceased.
4:_-4 , .
. Agents wan -ted• mate and female, in every
Professional and0therCarde
Barristers, Solicitors, &o.,
Clinton and Bayfield. so
CLINTON OPPICE-Elliott Block, Isaao Street.
BAYBIELD OFFIOE-Open every Thursday, -
Main Street, first door west of Yost Office.
J"Es Scorr, - - E. H. MoKENzas
Office—Seaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery
M. Go CAMERON V-14(Formerly of Cameron Holt & CameronM
Office-liamilton St opp��oeite Colborne Hone
Real Estate and Insurano Agent. Money to
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
Office Hours -9 to 5.
Graduate R 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity
varsity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation
the natural teeth.
Office, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe stere
Bayfield every Thurisit sday afternoon th f duririnng the
I DR. WM. GCNN,L. R. C. P, and L. R. C. S.
Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Sreet Clinton
Nightcalls t
Ig at front door of residence on Rotten
bury St„ opposite Presbyterian church.
PERRIN'S BLOCK, Up stairs,
Night calls answered at office.
Aacoaobe"" eto..Offlceand residence On.
tarso St., opposite English church, formerly no
cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
.1I. D., C, M., McGill, M. C. P. & S„ Ontario
Late Resident Physician to Royal Vietorila
Hospital, Montreal.
Office -Dr. Dowsley's stand. Rattenbury St.
Night calls at Clarendon Hotel.
formerly oft the Hospita eiind
Dispensaries, New York, Uoron ' ,-, jq
County of Huron. Bayfieio n L•
the .
- HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVetsriaary
College. Treats alldiseasee of domeeticated an
male on the most modern and scientific prino
Plea Office-immediatolysouthoftheNowEre
Office. Residence - Albert St., (3linton, Oaf
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned to ed
to, t,lin
ton and opened
at the (lueen's Hotel, where be may be consult.
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &o. All calls, night or day, promptly at
tended to.
issurer of Marriage Licenses, Library doom
and Resid
onceM u
r err
Y set Clinton.
No witnesses required
P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, Bondan, Ont•-Oldee at Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This k lien
o oration on as
order filledin the most eatiefaoto,y way Ceme
cry and granite work a specialty. Prices a
bonable as those of any establishment
SEALE tit HOOVER, Clinton
TAN l ED By Old Established House-.
High Grade Man or Woman,
of good Church standing to act as Manager
here and do office work and corres ondonoe
at their home. Business already built up and
established hero. Salary $900, Enoloso self.
addressed stamped envelope for our terms to
A. P. Elder, General Manager. 184 Michigan
ace Hl
b book, selllin ii'ke a whirlwind hBeuutifal
"The best life
of Her e n
Majesty I
y have
writes Lord Lorne about "neon ViotoriR;"
Agents make five dollars da y.
AGENTS - Book business is''bgttAr___
rgronw. •,: r:, .,. , : r 0 • —,
orFroinns; ` y
Goo. Watt, Prestdent, Iiarlook cPOJ. B ,
McLean, Kippen P, Oc, Vice -pros'.; iV. J. f
Shannon, Sooy Weas, Seaforth P. O.; Thos. E. 1
Hays, Soafbrth P. O., Ynspeoiorot Losees.
Dlit6TQP� ,
W. G. 14roadfoot, Seatorth) Johii Grieve,
Winthrop P. O.; Goorpd' Dalo. So I rr ; Thos, '
an gbboh
E. Hays, Soaforth; Jas. Evwwd p
O.; Thos, ,Carbut ' Clinton; Thomaa Eraser,
Bruceflold; John h, MoLea% X.1ppen, ;
. . AGENTH , , '
n n
rxg't'ti ,tea diibto. John! (lo, 673 it tland Jolin�s
'drtioe d'osiroirs to oitieA lrieuranoo or trandc .
ether bueinoes w111 b) tom; I Attbnded
applibatlon t� ' a,Yiq Af'th`g .t��90.,, offloc 1
iroesflcl t�tY thbit' respe8tlire dlflde.
-. x.,- .,.i_ l - r