HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-07, Page 7- ` THE CLINT 011 NEW W ERS,
To De idle is the hardest of
all tasks. Our grandmothers
understood this and even Jn
Travelling With (5hlldren.
., '
• • D
, 11�11.
were never found with-
Ll', ., , I � . I S,
. .t ,
A. Spanish Trick- -Bash
The, relations between tbe.' twin corm.
�" trfetio which Drake's raid irate the south
5 sea, had.fur ea time threatened with open
js rupture, hats greatly iwpruved-at least
In outward. appearanco-and'.1n.1685, un -
be des -special, promises of hnmunitV fmm
r• molestation; ou religious or other ground's,
u Philip had invited to his pmts • a, fleet of
English corm, ships in order tocuppl'y the
s defloienoy<othis own harvests.. No,suori,er,
y howveweri hadi the English ships arrived
t thurran,embargowas laid up'psa:thom,and
m their crews arrested.
11 Oce, ship, the famous Primroee-o5 lwtn-
ot don, managed: to escape. While lying off
d B,ilbiao'gpiotly discharging hors cargo she
Ye had.ibeeir misted by the Corregidor of ms-
? cavand his, guard disguised a-inenohantis.
Suddenly eu1ltid Upon to surrender, the
y anew flung;themselves upon the Spaniards,
r. 4Wow-them, nil overboard ands needs sell.
d Sbme•of the discomfited Spariiandii, as the
e- ahore beats fled, were Boon cilitlo. ag to the
d English vessel. These wore hurinaoly
e sesouocl ,arid carried in triumph hick to
t England, and among thew,rvras the Cor-
a migidor bAmself. Upon bL4A,were found
Y hIA,oflleial instructions, Betiding forth ex -
a. pressly' that the embargo was ordered for
n- this purposes of the expedition.,ahlch Phil -
e ip, was preparing against,: tho English.
e This was enough for tha,ggiWen and the
Y werful public opinion oLoommercial cir-
t, ales In London, which hpd obstinately
t, ol'ung to paoific relationu-:wAth Spain. A
t retaliatory embargo was, proclaimed, let-
s ,erre of general reprisalxwere Issued, and
gDrake was let loose.-Rrgm Publication
of Navy Records Society.
Should ' always. carry with
t them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
t Extract of W4i14 Strawberry.
The change of., food And water to whiolk
e those who travel are subject, often prw
oduees an attack, of Diarrhoea, which is as
anpleasant and; discomforting as it may
d be dangerous. A bottle of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry in your grip
t is a guarantee of safety. On the first in-
, of Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea or
a Dysenterg, a few doses will ppromptly
check further advance of these diseases.
It is an old, reli-
able remedy, with
- over forty years' of
cares to its credit, 4-alaw
whose merit is re-
w oognized everywhere r' T"A
and one that the doo-
e tore recommend in
preference to all d
others. low
Sold by medicine
s dealers everywhere e N 85o. a bottle.
Always insist on the genuine, as nRlmy
e of the imitations are highly dangerous.
a Clloton SEWING MACHINE Depot
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of New
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former is an exoeptionally good machine,
and has given good satisfaction to all
Needles and all kinds of Repairs
kept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payments. Cal
on me or write for prices and terms.
Jan. 1898 WM. MOORE
Bridge Materials
. (Wood and Iron) .
r. .
makes the young feel old, and the old feel
'that life is not worth the living. It's a dan-
ger signat of Kidney Disease -the unerring
evidence of weak, inactive and sore Kidneys.
tell you that when erson,cured othe bark ceased to acf Kidney weakness he
all troubles' ended. Neither liniments, nor
plasters, nor electricity can cure It. The
seat of the-• twuble is not in the skin, flesh or
muscIfs- it's In the Kidneys.
It can be,
I had toraible pains in my back and my water
was thick and Inuddy. I was all broken • up
tad in poor. houlth generally. Two boxes of
Dr HOblts. 6paragus Kidney. Pills curedm1a
•ontpletely,. PitAll tho sale of thern hard,
.here is nobbiugbetter. A. N. VAN ALsxrN
&ITolI had s,tfferod with a lame back atntdtwae con-
Inedtomybed for uca,ly two Weeks Iitook
tot quinottll of a box of Dr Hobb's Sparagus
Qdney Bills and was entirely cured.
SAAC ➢SpA;ic, 851 8 Eleventh nt, saginaw,Wich.
Dr. Hobb,.'
Kidney Pills :S
i-:i'S'bjliC my JTlP-KS011i, Druggist,
JUheaper to
Ride than
To Walk...
Two Week's Salel
,Of Second-hand Bioyolss,
'Ladies' and Genie' 1898 models. All in
first-class condition, only rue about two
months, at $$15, $20 a,md !$25 each.
Call and secure a bargain.
Onward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Block, Clinton
H. L. BROWN, Manager.
Thi old Clinton PLANING KILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his borne for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Faetcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and.. the lowest terins; first-class
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furtti9bed as deshed,
William Street, Clinton, immediately
behind the Park,
tBoomillor INUMles
Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
complete, we are prepared co offer to the pub.
lic for spring planting a very cbolce lot of
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
pi ices. jEvergreetis a specialty.
Large stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, ttanminer
System RENOVATOR G, D W,T1 rrr=, p
.c' r
Sealed tenders will be received by the under BANKER
Signed up to 10 a.m., of 24th October, 1898, for- r
Iall the timber andiron in the bride across SPECIFIC AND Ai1T�'IDOTE UT
the ldaitland Rivcrat the Canada Company's ALBERT ST., - CLINTON *
Falls Reserve, Goderich and Colborlie town. For Impure, Weak and Impoverisbed
•ta Tonders to be stated in a lump sum for Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paipata- A general Banking Business
aha" • • ,le of the su erstructure, which must tion of the Heart• Liver Complaint, Neu so why- i not later than kat Ma 1899, transacted, q''"
be conchae Y, calsis, Loas of M6mory, Bronchitis, CJOA- 1
rTERMe gumption, Gall Stoi t 9, Jaundice, Kidney
pct tdrfnar, Nia2i¢aaEa, 615, Vitlls' Dante NOTES DI,yCOt7NTE13
10% cash and the balance on a '%'
pPrtivetj joint . Adfa19 irregularities anis 6.nefdt Debility ''
notes in four months front date of sale. Drafts tisued; Intei6bt allowed on ` `'�
deposits. °''
G. W. Allan, La Oratory, Goderich, Out. _ 1
A'i're(1 Willson, J. M. McLeod,
Commissioners, Canada Company, Toronto. Prop, and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by BANKERS, ';r
Fruit � --
Advances made to farmers on their owII '
Something notes at low rates of interest.
�o A general Banking Business transacted. `;:''.
Interest allowed on deposits.
YOU will find ns HEADQUAR- v Sale Notes bought i,
TERS for all Seasonable Fruits .�. ,dmire J. P, TISDALL, Manak'�r.� �A
First-class Crawford Peae'lles For Tivent
is a Pretty shoe. We y -Seven Years
Crapes, different varieties )lave them at all prices f
Muskmelons, Watermelons d in all styles. T ii UN. c
Oranges, Lemons
FINE SU11i1iiER OXFORDSF, 'Y 9 0_1
Bananas and Tomatoes. BOOTS AND SHOES 13AK.,
'' . '_:,._, "'i'f;osNt
-All kinds of- at reasonable prices. t
Confectionery Call and see them.'' '
Bread . . . Our 1 HEliO�l�. s7 �C 1 * x
Oakes & Pastry specialties Don't fail t0 see our Single
The sales for our Real Home Made and Double Harness, ,
and Malt Digestive Bread are in. '
rearing daily. our Trunks, Valises,
Satchels School ,
Bags, ,,
Jas. McClacherty, Etc., Etc. watc�,Ivc tli;ite�ea
chaigiKottt, ,ion
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant chartn,forsct 4i6
dot Luvrh ip ' '
Teh4phiihe N8. 1.. fired and W BurTONS, rii�
White each Sand yoilrAttl .-,----4
a+ dress and wa to
theButto %9,p9s ,
M ., ; Anti our Preii�ai5n' I
Cedar Shingles
List. Nbiristtc z
t, a 4pired. 'Sell yi. -
t s" tons amon .��1 (u$1j
did always on, band. friends, re�tilkYr'
d monay,'anil
prle �,n�e(7edss , ," LLLthe Watcjrt'lalSidrt
t[ �!���, A genuhto AMOT n
car'dYti tb�gi; r Watch, quli>a5ii ,
a1 few 4. ..., .,._..� Jw. , .
aaobt�°1lit°:"it`ehel'1�"ri �. 'ViC1T>t�ta $LOC1>K
Jtaire e
ai?ir $ 'tit r fi roi°1telA „r' $Gt$f�1`IK'1F3.�
10°' R 1VI DY C� c am► IlglimpA64 of the Unaeeri" F eoinatingg book
�� sweeps the entire $al of borderland anbfeota
Garter's Li, e Lively Fills Sold in Clinton by liiydney aokson, 7 voYgb6dyordord, M0*6116na illustrations
- . �� - -�" ' drnggietp, !( Proslpootue Bl.Oo• BRADLEY-(fAIiBSTSON
COMi'ANX, Lr11rIgU, !' 0011t0
I wish to inform (he public that 1 w ,
not be Undersold by atiy other �iersoo
in the business. I ane a pr•kacucal butph-
er; and understand kill the branchos of
the business. We keep the very beotY
meats, and a full stockalwaysonhgne,
and will sell at the Luwest Cash P'r'ide K
Bring along your money, and Feti if
meat at the cash price. We will, giC1g
Credit, but not at Cash prices. Ple4f*,,
come and bee what You can d4 its
04sh at
We are doing business on tho cash prfnoia;
pie, .rid
will supply ods uuetomgrp whit
the best meats at the lowest paying pric"',
Subscriber has opeued a shop in too pro+:,'
raises recently erected especially for th311,''''
Urp,ise, opposite Fair's Hill, where he ;villi
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to 4 `.I
karts of thabown,
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share O#
public pabvonage respectfully solicited.
COOK -1S 1
Flour & Feed �to'�
in large or small quantities.
I OIL CAKk; and ME, `'
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel "'
D. COOK, CLINTON. , .,,,',
(late Hill & Joyner) '."
Opposite Market, Clinton ? ;,
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, BarW r ,
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prioe41' ;'.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38e a bui3h', .'
Good Vuloncia Raisins, 28 lb box $1. ,?;
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and ag.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
market prices.)
BANKS- � .11
The Nolsons Bauk
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1§8¢
CAPITAL - $2,000,000•'
REST FUND - $1,500,000
WM. MOLSON a+ACPHERSON, President `.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts ;'
issued, Sterling and American exchangg-
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de: <<
positS. SAVINas BANK- Interest allowed oils,
sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to,
farmers on their own note, with one ox ,`
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BREVI ER, Manager, Clinton _
t , rt . I.. I I . I
I I L I L I .. . I _"
I � .1 .1 .1 / � �
I . /
„ t.ts,
CO., z
20 Adelsldb:St, til.. a
Toroato, lint, a
To De idle is the hardest of
all tasks. Our grandmothers
understood this and even Jn
Travelling With (5hlldren.
their leisure moments
Little boy Love draw his bow at a ehaaoe,
were never found with-
Shooting down at the ballrodm, floor.
He bit an old chaperon wutching the dameb
do these babies all cry so •
asked a wearied
out some little task in
- their hands, if it were
And, oh, but he wuunded her sore)
"Heh, Love, you couldn't mean that?
exc'ursion'ist of hi
neighbor, "Every baby on, this ea,r
only knitting, tat-
3 ting T crochet-
� ins. There wile
Hi, Lova, what would you be &0"
No word would he say,w
a But he flew his
I consider AYER 9 FILLS the, best
c„ g
The man questiasied, happened to
a toredical student twdat
1 reason for this
I that does not ap-
on way,
For the little boy's busy, and how can he
in the world, „
close obser vo
His quick eye ghtneed' from child t
` pear upon the
Al surface, Our
29 Pearl St., Laconia, N. H.
"Don't you see,"'he answered, "it i
�--^ � grandmothers
�' were healthy wo-
Little boy Love drew a shaft just for sport
At the soberest club is Pall Mail.
because every chileli here is miserabl
tadaL'om€citable. Th®• parents are jus
men imbued with
a spirit of ambi-
He winged an old veteran drinking his port
And down that old veteran Pall.
„';eh, Love, you mustn't do that)
Al/ wwaim ! s
tired out, and the strongest of the
aloe carrying the babies all twistywise.
I ✓' tion anti activity
t h a t would not
Hl, Love, what would you beat?
It was as he said, Why should n
ermit them to
This cannot be right.
poor babies be Complaining, bel
d be idle.
It's ludicrous quite,"
r av a
in arms trembling' with fatigue? Y
But it's no use to argue, for Love's out of
where else could trlve haeo been laid
en are morn
women are much
cess active ,tad' more given to idleness than
A sad faced young clerk in a cell all apart
ding his head with drunken gravi whIJe'
he raised hie right hand to,hla mouthy
There is no other -place provided.
, A little later in that same ourne
"the state} of ore, it is because the
y Y y
.-en q5 a smaller measure of good health.
Was planning a celibate vow,
showing the palm plainly. Therein plain
another family patty entered the ca
i Here, escorted by mothea; father
woman who suffers from weakness and
disease of the distinct) feminine oras,
y g
the boy's random arrow has sunk in bis
And the cell is an empty one now,
view.were the three stars andibhc•letteir.c
,. I reckon you've lad a wild life, Gus,"
said the mate, himeelfi lorcker•
„ nurse, was a baby enjoying a mak
shift travelling seat thub anticipate
who is racked with pain, and tortured h
headaches and nervousness, cannot be ac-
"Heh, Love, you mustn't do that)
Hi, Love, what would you be at ?
seating on; a
„ Seems to me I heard sometthing of that
the day when all;; corporations will se
Ht to provide some sucbdtiVice to nee
tive and helpful. Idleness and
are the natural results of suffering of this
description. The poor invalid woman is
He isn't for you.
He has duties to dol"
yarn myself. Didn't youpromise tomarry
her and do your best to make' her set her
the emer enc of; travelling with
>; y
child. Of rousse that particular tab
not at fault, save in her ignorance of her
I am his duty!" quoth Love as he flew.
heart on you, and then 10AMe' goer, a letter
to say you were never coming bank? „
may have been u, marvel of good n
own physical make-up or neglect of her
womanly health.
The king sought a bride, and the nation had
"Why, yes. Perhaps I ought not to have
ture to begin with, but the natural i
faience is that idle virtue lay in th
Thousands.,of women are neglectful in
this way because they shrink from the em-
For a queen without rival or peer,
But the little boy shot, and the king has
done it, but it was jolly $ilei to make love
to her. Marry her? I wouldpt' do that,
basket wherein,it was earl led, whet
it was keln durdng the whale journe
barrassing examinations and local treat-
went insisted upon by the majority of
for I had awife in Bedforid, But I didn't
tell her that -oh no, nod"
- for the makeshift seat was merely
obscure physicians. sul R. V. physician
thirty years chief consulting physician to
Mise No One on nothing a year.
++Heh, Love, you oouldn't mean thntl
And then he broke into a careless song,
carrying -basket;, a common , baa: ins
that really
y eteemed too matter -of -fat
the Invalids' hotel and Surgical Institute,
at Buffalo, N. Y., has'discovered a wonder-
Hi, Love, what would you be at ?
What an impudent thing
such a one as a sailor Laves, and the mots
Sot up and went out, with such a look as
to Cause such, magic results. It wa
lined with soffit pada; it was just ion
fnl medicine-thabcureaall diseasee�peeyliar
to in the the home,
make game of a kings"
+•Baf I'm a king clack" cried Love on the
I I never saw on a man's faoe before
never want to see again. He didn t
enough to hold the baby, which nigh
women, privacy of with-
'out the necessity of these embarrassing
anything to 1
have been anywhere between five t
,ordeals. This great medicine is known as
Little boy Lova grew pettish one day.
me, and, noticed he never
looked at Gus Williams again.
eight months old, and just shor
enough to carry As the Car wa
Dr, Pierce's Prescription. It acts
directly on the delicate and important or-
"If you keepon corn ]ninin bo swore,
I'll pack both my bow and my quiver away,
I know evil would Dome o1 !t, and.
didn't know how I could atop it, but TS
I sea
@l't?�yc�ed,.tb�nurse at first sat with th
gans that bear the burdens of wifehood
and motherhood. It makes them strop
And so I shall plague you no more."
Gus Williams had known the (longer he'd
on;h� r knees until it could
pl&CP(� int ql a ea;t beside her and oppO
healthy and vigorous. It heals interntgal
ulceration and inflammation and stops
Love, you mustn't do thatt
Ht. Love, what would you be at?
drawn on himself I think he'd have jump-
ed overboard
site the.parents. It was 1 in that th
basket and the baby o
debilitating drains. It transforms weak,
.nervous invalids into healthy women,
You may ruin our ease,
You may do what you please.
But can't do without you, you sweat llt
Things went n all right until one Sap-
,sinter day when we were lying off the
were d coinpan
ions, fo. a was at )aoroe there as One i
his own castle. hen it wanted to
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad.
viser FREE ! For paper -covered copy send
tie teasel"
-A• Conan Doyle in London speaker,
- Alaskan coast the captain sent three boats
. P
ashore for some timber he wanted, and
up the curving basket -sides held) i
I steady as no arms coupd have bell
3i one-cent
tstamps, to the ver customs and
mailing y' 50 stdmps-
went in Tom's boat. Gus Williams, who
and when sleep overcame the tittl
Address, Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
- -'A---�-'----•--•-•-_� - ^•'-••-•
was harpoon in the second mate's boa
went too,
Creature it tumbled its small head ove
Mosquito Time
I saw Tom come up and. speak to Wil-
into its pads and closed its eyes.
The motion of the cars, broken*.hy th
in Florida.
11- _4 --
A strange man was Tom Dalton, first
liams after they landed, and they went,
away together, and something put it into
unyielding basket, was to that bat
but a pleasant lullaby. There was n
I shall never forget the feeling I had
wben one of my neighbors said, at the
mate of the whaler Ironbow-a strong roan
among the strong ones. In person he was
my head to follow them. There had been
a light snow, and it was easy tracking
unquiet in its easy resting place, an
when it woke it to
' beginning of the season, "Oh, well,
( six feet in height and well proportioned,
them, and after I had gone a mile I heard
was still lie then
placid and smiling, kicking its.bare fee
there are not many days when you
• cannot drive into town in the middle
and for muscular power he beat anything
I ever saw in my life. Yet somehow in
their voices in a little gully, and crept up
' close,
contentedly, Except when it was fed
and for a loving word and smile no
of the da- for the mail." I did not..un-
deretand ,.er, or scarcely .believe her,
looking at his face one couldn't got over
the:.idea,that he had suffered great sorrow
"You told a queer story the other night
and then;baby was let alone -that shib
but I do now. I also know, of several
other families Vho have regularly
or had.some, wrong to avenge. He seemed
to be looking for
i when you were drunk, Williams," the
rnate was saying, "about a girl named
boleth of good nursing. It was show
ed nothing out of the window or in th
pared for the mosquito season by lay-
always sohre one, and we
never had a new mate and he never met
Alary Blake in Nantucket. Was it true?"
"Why, yes, as far as this: I made her
car, and what was evidently the old ac
customed rattle and favorite doll were
Ing in a stock of hewing and reading,
and who announced, when the season
a stranger but. he'd give one single, pane-
trating look and then drop his eyes, as if
I think I was a single man and matte her
love me, and then ran away from her."
its only playthings. Thus the unaceus
tomed excitement and motion.the
began, that they did not intend to go
out or to receive, until it was over; so
it wasn't the roan be was looking for.
T told him one day how be seemed to
I "Didn't you know or didn't you bear
that she had a lover -a man that would
faces, and the strange place were nal
lifted by the familiar belongings. Th
that practically all social life is at a
. invitations usually ending
affect me, and he gave me one of his
strange looks.
have died for er if she asked him?"
I "It seems t ee bow I
result was, this is a true saying, a per-
fectly baby doing its
with weather and mosquitos permit-
ting." The moonlight nights to this
"Yee, Jack, my boy," he said, "I'm
come to think
of it, that I did boar something about a
placid hundre
miles without a cry, but with wood
little corner of the earth are glorious,
bet have
for a man, and I'll find bin yet,
please God] You maybe thankful for one
tar that had a fancy for her. But what
did I care for that? I wanted my fun."
pigeon cooings and kittenlike slumber
and big restful eyes which told of th
we only been, able to, enjoy
them from our front piazza steps once
thing, my. lad."
"And what I@ that?" I
"Did you never bear what oame of it,
quiet mind behind. "If you have one,
in nearly two months, and then only
for a brief half-hour, while a strong
"That you are not the one I'm looking
for," he
"No- I never bothered myself about it
take It and run," as these parents were
1•unnin but why not run after th
sea breeze swept in over the bay; at
answered, with a look I didn't
understand then, but learned the meaning
much, I've wondered sometimes if the
same fashion - with baby, as it were,
the same time, friends living a mile
away have sat out on their piazza
later. "See here, Jack, I must trust some
one this thing
tarry jacket came home and married her."
i "I'll toll you the and," hissed Tom,
under your Cloak ? The less a bat
sees, feels and hears in its journeying
every evening for awhile.
I am writing of life on the east coast
or will drive me mad. I
want to find a man with the little finger
"When ,,lie got your cruel lotter, she
drooped and faded, and when the man
thelessweary it is,andasaconsequence,
the less it cries, Nor is baby the only
of Florida, more than three hundred
gone from the right hand -a, sailorman,
with three stars in India ink in the
who loved her truly came home from a
gainer by silence, for she whose baby
miles souM of St. Augustine, and of a
part of the country that, in spite of
of his right hand and the letter G below
them. Find that
cruise she was very near the grave. Then
I one day when the burden of her life grow
cries least Jin travelling is indeed the
one whose temporary neighbors rjee up
mosquitos, has a wonderful future be
fore it, and:is already the
me man and you'll do
• aii qld mate a kindness- That's all I've
too much for her to bear, she told him of
your deceit, and described and then
and call her blessed.- Harper's Bazar,
got to say."
arden sggtion tate for earl
'' y
,,a les s}nd .tropical fruit, as wellwe-tpad
I was a carpenter on the Ironbow, and
with her horod upon his bosom. Then
I he took a vow that if you and he ever mot
dt lighiful winter, resort and
hunting country.
o captain who was a terror. Oh,
he was a tough old salt, with a face the
he'd kill you."Eczematio
"I'm glad we nwver mot," said Wil-nd
Gnawing and Irritation Havt
g now at my front door, behind
color of ., mahogany and a voice like the
roar of the wind in a A stove boat
hams, laughing.
a Short Stay After One Application of
of the finest wire work, I can
1k out nn to one of the most beauti-
made )rim happy, if he only got the whale.
have met)" cried Tom. "I'm the
I man the loved her and took that vow,
Dr. Agnew's Ointment - Ii Hel s Im-
. : of landscapes, the blue waters of
I bay rippling in the
That's all he asked.
But we filled earl in the season and
and now I mean to kee p my word. Down
tpo� knees
mediately and Cares Quickly.
W. Howard,
sunshine, the
;Ig ]eaves or branches of the cocoa -
ran into port to get rid o! our cargo, refit
Toni and pray, Nor you have
not five minutes to live."
Peak's Island, which
writes: "Enclosed find 35 cents, for which
trees bending and swaying with
a little and get some fresh provisions.
While we lay there a man came to the
Then I saw a speetaclesuch as I hops
kindly send a box of Dr. Agnews Ointment.
t�iasant rustling, while the crimson
ca -
Iain and wanted to ship as harpooner. e
never to see a y a
gain, as Tom slow] drew
I have been affected for a long time with
of the hibiscus bushes are
noddinggood-natured) over the gray
g y g y
stones the
was a fine, tall follow, just the kind of a
man a skipper would hanker after, and he
: revolver and waited. The harpooner fell
on his knees, wee in and begging
P g ggin for his
eczema, and it has done me so much good
I want to try another box. The first tip -
of wall, at the mocking -bird
playin hide-and-seek amongthe in-
to the captain's satisfaction that
he was a harpooner too.
but that stern face nevor changod-
The self a j g
ppointed ud a and executioner
plication gave me more relief than any-
thin I ever tried. It's going to care pre
.ger plants; and just beyond the wall,
on the path leading up from the water,
He sailed under the name of Gus Wil- a
did not know the name of mercy. The
wretch crawled the
and bordered on both sides by banana-
liams and was every inch a sailor, with a
upon ground and
buried bis face in the snow at Tom's feet,
trees, there comes a man, who has just
• landed at the .wharf with a string of
handsome face, black curling halr, and a
devil may care look in his eyes. Although
and I couldn't stand it, and stopped out
in view.
sea -trout for me; he wears a frame ov=
er his bead
he wag hail fellow well met with the crew,
I didn't tike the look the
"Don't come nearer, Jack Ratlin,"cried
s "'""' •
covered with mosquito-
netting, and, as they say here, is "bat-
of man andmade
up my mind that I didn't want hien for a
Tom, "or, as there is a God above I'll
give you a shot,. This man is doomed and
The goldfish is a groat onward, and l►
tinq .fish with courage to attack it
ting himself" with a green branch that
chum. If I'.d known what he was it seems
he shall die."
frighten it almost to death.
I saw him break from' my favorite
guava -tree. Of course I shall buy the
to me now that I'd have dropped him over
the rail some dark night before we were
"O Ratlin, beg for mel" cried the abject
wretch. "I am not fit to die. I
Before rain snails crawl upon loaves. IP
the rain is going to be light,
fish, which will cost a mete tribe, but
it will take at leastten minutes to
fairly out of port,
The captain shipped him when Tom
die now until I have repented."
"Tom," "before
they lie on
the outside of the leaf; if long and heavy,
the kitchen of mosquitos that will
Dalton was away on another island look-
I said, you fire t ink a
moment, Y'ou ga +'
y you loved Mary B acre?
they go on the underside.
The insect kpow A I to
come in with the sea beauties, for, as
my fisherman says, `they are very bad
after a Kanaka or two that used to
sail with him and so it ha Peened that
"You'll never know how much, Jack-
lins a re a R� Fboatman
such. pair of okio b s a bean
_-this morning."
If he were a visitor he would have to
they didn't meet until the night before we
sailed, and as he always did, Tom looked
words cannot tell." .
"Then listen tome. They say the good
used as such. He swims on his book, as in
that position there is less resistance to his
brush or be brushed off before he could
enter, with the palmetto brush that
at the new man hard for a moment and
then turned away.
and pure, looking down from their bright
homes above, are witnesses of the actions
The wings of birds are not only to
takes the place of the front door• bell
during mosquito -time, for the brush-
When the new man heard the name of
the mate, I thought be gave a little start
of those the loved on earth. If our dead
y y
love beholds you now, do you think it
locomotion in the air, but also on the
ground and water. One bird oven has
in6 operation is a noisy one. All out
of -door work must be attended to in
and turned a trifle polo, though why he
did that I didn't understand.
would make her happy to see you stain
y our hands with the blood of this base
olatve in the "elbows" of its wings to old
It in climbing. The clothing is amodlflao.
the middle of the day, when the mos-
We were well out to sea and bowling
wretchP Can you hope to join her up yon-
tion of the skin, just as hair and nails
uitoes are less troublesome-Harper's
along before a ten knot breeze when Tom
He stared at me a moment,
are, and sometimes it close
hair. >J resembles
came to me as I stood by the rail.
Where does Gus Williams hail from,
and then,
raising his hand to heaven, he cried:
-.—`---_'-" '-
Jack?" be asked.
"Martha's Vineyard, he says. I
I do what you would have done.
Eos! I forgive
g your murderer and leave
Rheumatism - Blistered by Doctors
answer for it that he tells the truth, I re-
hie puntshment to God. Go back, Williams.
Till He Didn't Know Himself - South
From this moment you are sato from in
American Rheumatic Core Performs a
"Do you like him?"
'No. He's got the devil in him some -
vengeance. II
The man slunk away, shaking like a
teat' deserted
where and it's bound to come out. Ho's
and at the port we'
D. Desano
D. Desanetels, Peterboro', writes: "For
montba 1 was unable to work, bad rheum-
as queer a stick as ever I saw in my life,
and I don't want to chum with him."
tared. And Tom Dalton, with a now light
with ht
on his face, the hope of meeting tier he
ati,,m in every part of my body. I was
bltsted by doctors at ten different times.
Th: r:, was one thingabout Gus thatwas
rather queer, and I asked hirn one da
loved in a better world than this, did his
duty manfully until his death, three years
My bands were drawn out of shape, my
,,vhy he wore the finger of an old. glove on
after, in a battle with a giant lvbale, He
fingers were distorted, and my wrists and
forearm were double their natural azie.
life right hand. He said he had got a bad
joint there, and he had to
has entered into his cost. Whether Gus
Williams lives or died I do not know, but
My leg was encased in a plaster case for
wear a cover to
keep the salt water out.
his two victims are safe In port, -Spare
four months. I tried South American ftbeu-
I didn't mind that go much, but one
uratic Cure; I took two bottles. Twenty.
day I was working on a boat and he
1' `
fear hours after first dose I felt' like a
new man. One week after I was able to
helping me and holding the spike and
somehow I
:to work. Now I am as hearty as ever",
managed to hit him on the
and Pathos,,,
covered by the glove and he didn't
A ourious story of a Prench Romeo
A pathetic incident was witnessed on
Thursday in Camden, when Mrs Hugh
even d1lielr, and then I was sure of one
thing, and that was that he had no finger
and Juliet is reported from tis plebeian
quarter of Bondy, near Paris.
Positively'eure(� by these!
Little Pills.
.Jones, of No. 12 Pearl street, rushed u
the street searching for a physician to
sa#e the life
inside the glove.
I didn't say anything, but somehow 1t
Georges Navian and Marfa Machina
both of tender, adolescent '
I a
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
of her 3 -year-old son who
was chokingto death with a Discs of
twi that he had
struck rue' as, queer that this man should
have a finger missing.. and Tom. bad "ked
each other passionately, but their fam .
lies, like the . MontaRues and Capulsts,
Indigestion and Hearty Eating. Aper.
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi.
a swallowed, The tot
,die in ber arms. ust>before she reach.
me to look'for such a man,
I didn't think any more of it until one
were fit tend.
The young. lovers therefore
ness, Bad Taste Mouth, Coatgd Tongttt!
d e (iarriage of Dr. H,F,Palm,a few
night fit the forecastle, when We were all
resolved to
takb thole live@, the peapon ohoaen.belnr
Pain In the Side, TOR>STD T.Iti�l�: Thhy
,s from her home. The mother
pretty full of grog, ,the young ;nen°got to the
revolver. Qeergas was to @hoot Marie,
Rc giaLite'the Bowels. Purelq V6gbhible. .
with the physician to save the
I .
eCx,#li 'darling, but a hast examin-
bragging about themselves and the girls,
and GUS Williams looked up and laughed
and then kill himself, but at the critical
moment hie ,falled.
SMaN Pill. •'Small Dose.
atrt54,e ed that the little fellow was
'beyo'n tit
, "You mytitht br0¢ If you had t1" luck
Marie was resdlute, however. She
4EIrriall Prlcet,
>h"ian'aid. • .
ve, liadr be• said. "Thsre's only' one
brought her pusil'.antmous lover to a tay.
thingon myconscienceafterail andt ' ern
hht s
about, s- .pretty, maid .I made love to in
, bought a bottle of cognac, returned
with him to the trysting-place, and plied
the fraud of the clay.
Nantucket years ago, and Hien left with- him
plentifully wifii llquor, at melt
out a word. boor little thing) I wonder
what bo her?"
mouthful ithorintn;I him to screw Miami*
See you get Carter's, • t
+ F07' 12f871t9 and 011iltil1311.
oame up
"Mabe I can toll you.•' said a quiet
bo the firing point, � �,
She 9decesd,ed at, last, and 066'r it
Voiob,. :that is, if her name was Mary fired,
but he was so intoxicated tliat he
SSI£ for Carters,
/t>7111t iYbi,
diaster, evp�
We all looked no and saw that Tom fell,
inflicted a trffling wrourid, %fain*
hoirever, and Georgesvaao>Y, sorearn•
insist and de
!° d - w iiia
had come into the forecastle. Ing
"`That's her name," reptled Qua, nod-
for help.
Both are doing well.
Ll', ., , I � . I S,
. .t ,
A. Spanish Trick- -Bash
The, relations between tbe.' twin corm.
�" trfetio which Drake's raid irate the south
5 sea, had.fur ea time threatened with open
js rupture, hats greatly iwpruved-at least
In outward. appearanco-and'.1n.1685, un -
be des -special, promises of hnmunitV fmm
r• molestation; ou religious or other ground's,
u Philip had invited to his pmts • a, fleet of
English corm, ships in order tocuppl'y the
s defloienoy<othis own harvests.. No,suori,er,
y howveweri hadi the English ships arrived
t thurran,embargowas laid up'psa:thom,and
m their crews arrested.
11 Oce, ship, the famous Primroee-o5 lwtn-
ot don, managed: to escape. While lying off
d B,ilbiao'gpiotly discharging hors cargo she
Ye had.ibeeir misted by the Corregidor of ms-
? cavand his, guard disguised a-inenohantis.
Suddenly eu1ltid Upon to surrender, the
y anew flung;themselves upon the Spaniards,
r. 4Wow-them, nil overboard ands needs sell.
d Sbme•of the discomfited Spariiandii, as the
e- ahore beats fled, were Boon cilitlo. ag to the
d English vessel. These wore hurinaoly
e sesouocl ,arid carried in triumph hick to
t England, and among thew,rvras the Cor-
a migidor bAmself. Upon bL4A,were found
Y hIA,oflleial instructions, Betiding forth ex -
a. pressly' that the embargo was ordered for
n- this purposes of the expedition.,ahlch Phil -
e ip, was preparing against,: tho English.
e This was enough for tha,ggiWen and the
Y werful public opinion oLoommercial cir-
t, ales In London, which hpd obstinately
t, ol'ung to paoific relationu-:wAth Spain. A
t retaliatory embargo was, proclaimed, let-
s ,erre of general reprisalxwere Issued, and
gDrake was let loose.-Rrgm Publication
of Navy Records Society.
Should ' always. carry with
t them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
t Extract of W4i14 Strawberry.
The change of., food And water to whiolk
e those who travel are subject, often prw
oduees an attack, of Diarrhoea, which is as
anpleasant and; discomforting as it may
d be dangerous. A bottle of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry in your grip
t is a guarantee of safety. On the first in-
, of Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea or
a Dysenterg, a few doses will ppromptly
check further advance of these diseases.
It is an old, reli-
able remedy, with
- over forty years' of
cares to its credit, 4-alaw
whose merit is re-
w oognized everywhere r' T"A
and one that the doo-
e tore recommend in
preference to all d
others. low
Sold by medicine
s dealers everywhere e N 85o. a bottle.
Always insist on the genuine, as nRlmy
e of the imitations are highly dangerous.
a Clloton SEWING MACHINE Depot
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of New
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former is an exoeptionally good machine,
and has given good satisfaction to all
Needles and all kinds of Repairs
kept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payments. Cal
on me or write for prices and terms.
Jan. 1898 WM. MOORE
Bridge Materials
. (Wood and Iron) .
r. .
makes the young feel old, and the old feel
'that life is not worth the living. It's a dan-
ger signat of Kidney Disease -the unerring
evidence of weak, inactive and sore Kidneys.
tell you that when erson,cured othe bark ceased to acf Kidney weakness he
all troubles' ended. Neither liniments, nor
plasters, nor electricity can cure It. The
seat of the-• twuble is not in the skin, flesh or
muscIfs- it's In the Kidneys.
It can be,
I had toraible pains in my back and my water
was thick and Inuddy. I was all broken • up
tad in poor. houlth generally. Two boxes of
Dr HOblts. 6paragus Kidney. Pills curedm1a
•ontpletely,. PitAll tho sale of thern hard,
.here is nobbiugbetter. A. N. VAN ALsxrN
&ITolI had s,tfferod with a lame back atntdtwae con-
Inedtomybed for uca,ly two Weeks Iitook
tot quinottll of a box of Dr Hobb's Sparagus
Qdney Bills and was entirely cured.
SAAC ➢SpA;ic, 851 8 Eleventh nt, saginaw,Wich.
Dr. Hobb,.'
Kidney Pills :S
i-:i'S'bjliC my JTlP-KS011i, Druggist,
JUheaper to
Ride than
To Walk...
Two Week's Salel
,Of Second-hand Bioyolss,
'Ladies' and Genie' 1898 models. All in
first-class condition, only rue about two
months, at $$15, $20 a,md !$25 each.
Call and secure a bargain.
Onward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Block, Clinton
H. L. BROWN, Manager.
Thi old Clinton PLANING KILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his borne for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Faetcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and.. the lowest terins; first-class
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furtti9bed as deshed,
William Street, Clinton, immediately
behind the Park,
tBoomillor INUMles
Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
complete, we are prepared co offer to the pub.
lic for spring planting a very cbolce lot of
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
pi ices. jEvergreetis a specialty.
Large stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, ttanminer
System RENOVATOR G, D W,T1 rrr=, p
.c' r
Sealed tenders will be received by the under BANKER
Signed up to 10 a.m., of 24th October, 1898, for- r
Iall the timber andiron in the bride across SPECIFIC AND Ai1T�'IDOTE UT
the ldaitland Rivcrat the Canada Company's ALBERT ST., - CLINTON *
Falls Reserve, Goderich and Colborlie town. For Impure, Weak and Impoverisbed
•ta Tonders to be stated in a lump sum for Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paipata- A general Banking Business
aha" • • ,le of the su erstructure, which must tion of the Heart• Liver Complaint, Neu so why- i not later than kat Ma 1899, transacted, q''"
be conchae Y, calsis, Loas of M6mory, Bronchitis, CJOA- 1
rTERMe gumption, Gall Stoi t 9, Jaundice, Kidney
pct tdrfnar, Nia2i¢aaEa, 615, Vitlls' Dante NOTES DI,yCOt7NTE13
10% cash and the balance on a '%'
pPrtivetj joint . Adfa19 irregularities anis 6.nefdt Debility ''
notes in four months front date of sale. Drafts tisued; Intei6bt allowed on ` `'�
deposits. °''
G. W. Allan, La Oratory, Goderich, Out. _ 1
A'i're(1 Willson, J. M. McLeod,
Commissioners, Canada Company, Toronto. Prop, and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by BANKERS, ';r
Fruit � --
Advances made to farmers on their owII '
Something notes at low rates of interest.
�o A general Banking Business transacted. `;:''.
Interest allowed on deposits.
YOU will find ns HEADQUAR- v Sale Notes bought i,
TERS for all Seasonable Fruits .�. ,dmire J. P, TISDALL, Manak'�r.� �A
First-class Crawford Peae'lles For Tivent
is a Pretty shoe. We y -Seven Years
Crapes, different varieties )lave them at all prices f
Muskmelons, Watermelons d in all styles. T ii UN. c
Oranges, Lemons
FINE SU11i1iiER OXFORDSF, 'Y 9 0_1
Bananas and Tomatoes. BOOTS AND SHOES 13AK.,
'' . '_:,._, "'i'f;osNt
-All kinds of- at reasonable prices. t
Confectionery Call and see them.'' '
Bread . . . Our 1 HEliO�l�. s7 �C 1 * x
Oakes & Pastry specialties Don't fail t0 see our Single
The sales for our Real Home Made and Double Harness, ,
and Malt Digestive Bread are in. '
rearing daily. our Trunks, Valises,
Satchels School ,
Bags, ,,
Jas. McClacherty, Etc., Etc. watc�,Ivc tli;ite�ea
chaigiKottt, ,ion
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant chartn,forsct 4i6
dot Luvrh ip ' '
Teh4phiihe N8. 1.. fired and W BurTONS, rii�
White each Sand yoilrAttl .-,----4
a+ dress and wa to
theButto %9,p9s ,
M ., ; Anti our Preii�ai5n' I
Cedar Shingles
List. Nbiristtc z
t, a 4pired. 'Sell yi. -
t s" tons amon .��1 (u$1j
did always on, band. friends, re�tilkYr'
d monay,'anil
prle �,n�e(7edss , ," LLLthe Watcjrt'lalSidrt
t[ �!���, A genuhto AMOT n
car'dYti tb�gi; r Watch, quli>a5ii ,
a1 few 4. ..., .,._..� Jw. , .
aaobt�°1lit°:"it`ehel'1�"ri �. 'ViC1T>t�ta $LOC1>K
Jtaire e
ai?ir $ 'tit r fi roi°1telA „r' $Gt$f�1`IK'1F3.�
10°' R 1VI DY C� c am► IlglimpA64 of the Unaeeri" F eoinatingg book
�� sweeps the entire $al of borderland anbfeota
Garter's Li, e Lively Fills Sold in Clinton by liiydney aokson, 7 voYgb6dyordord, M0*6116na illustrations
- . �� - -�" ' drnggietp, !( Proslpootue Bl.Oo• BRADLEY-(fAIiBSTSON
COMi'ANX, Lr11rIgU, !' 0011t0
I wish to inform (he public that 1 w ,
not be Undersold by atiy other �iersoo
in the business. I ane a pr•kacucal butph-
er; and understand kill the branchos of
the business. We keep the very beotY
meats, and a full stockalwaysonhgne,
and will sell at the Luwest Cash P'r'ide K
Bring along your money, and Feti if
meat at the cash price. We will, giC1g
Credit, but not at Cash prices. Ple4f*,,
come and bee what You can d4 its
04sh at
We are doing business on tho cash prfnoia;
pie, .rid
will supply ods uuetomgrp whit
the best meats at the lowest paying pric"',
Subscriber has opeued a shop in too pro+:,'
raises recently erected especially for th311,''''
Urp,ise, opposite Fair's Hill, where he ;villi
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to 4 `.I
karts of thabown,
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share O#
public pabvonage respectfully solicited.
COOK -1S 1
Flour & Feed �to'�
in large or small quantities.
I OIL CAKk; and ME, `'
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel "'
D. COOK, CLINTON. , .,,,',
(late Hill & Joyner) '."
Opposite Market, Clinton ? ;,
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, BarW r ,
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prioe41' ;'.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38e a bui3h', .'
Good Vuloncia Raisins, 28 lb box $1. ,?;
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and ag.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
market prices.)
BANKS- � .11
The Nolsons Bauk
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1§8¢
CAPITAL - $2,000,000•'
REST FUND - $1,500,000
WM. MOLSON a+ACPHERSON, President `.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts ;'
issued, Sterling and American exchangg-
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de: <<
positS. SAVINas BANK- Interest allowed oils,
sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to,
farmers on their own note, with one ox ,`
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BREVI ER, Manager, Clinton _
t , rt . I.. I I . I
I I L I L I .. . I _"
I � .1 .1 .1 / � �
I . /
„ t.ts,
CO., z
20 Adelsldb:St, til.. a
Toroato, lint, a