HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-07, Page 5'UHE CL]NTON NEW ERA Fall Novelties in Jewelry We are approaching the treason of the year when, more than at any other time, novelties in Jewelry are waatei. We have the Very latest goods that the market pro. duces, suitable for presents or for general use. If you want anything in Silver. ware, Plated geode or solid told, at the lowest prioes hat oan be quoted, call a. RumbaIre Jewelry Store. Repairing De- partment is giving .the best of satiefaotion H. HEWITT, Manager FRED. ROMSRLL, Proprietor AftWWWWMIAMM JACOB TAYLOR Clinton, - Ont. General Distriot Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co For Stratford and Goderioh, inclusive. All in formation relating to insurance gladly given. Money to loan at reasonable rates. Office In Palace Block D. L. MACPHERSON Fire Insurance Representing— Allianoe Assurance Co. North British and Mercantile Ins, Co. Perth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. OFFICE, - - MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON rvii, 1)1~6%7 Satisfaction Guaranteed Our Watch Repairing Depart- ment is attended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watoh needs repairing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to unnecessary expense. Proper Dare and good workmanship is what your watch requires. We know that our work will please you. eharges Moderate .. Do You Need A Pair of S)ectacles 2 A.J. GSIGG. Successor to J. Biddleoombe, BlythWill be held oli tTu Fall esday Wednesday Fair Oct. 4th 5th We are preparing some special lines for the above days. It will pay you to come in and learn more about this store and the way business is conducted here. Buy- ing for cash and selling for cash is well known as the only up-to-date method of doing business. SPECIAL FOR SHOW DAYS Dress Moods, new lines at 20c,25c,30c,50c, 75c, $1 a yd. Millinery in Sailors or Trimmed Hats at prices lower than you have been accustomed to pay. Ladies' Mantles, -- we pay special attention to Mantles and Capes, and the styles and values shown this season are really good. Prices $3.50, $4.50 $5, $7, $10, $14. No better range can be found in the county. Fur Coats and Capes and Fur Lined Capes in all the newest effects. Gloves— some special numbers in Black Cashmere for show days. We will be glad to see you. McKinnon. az Co., Blyth Have you a Cough ? If so, is it not worth 25o to get rid of it? WINTER'S COUGH CURE gives relief at onae, and will cure all ordinary ooughs and colds in a few days. We have sold many bottles of it and know just what it will do. It is not a patent. The formula is printed on every bottle. We keep patents, but we do not recommend them. We do recommend Winter's, and we believe in it so much that we say "Your moneyback if you want it." Try it, and you will believe in it too. a J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton POULTRY WANTED. Persons having poultry for sale will find a ready market for the same, at the highest cash prices, at the IMPERIAL Meat Market, Clinton. CASE & CO. J. SCRUTON, Manager. GRANDE TRUNK K ' RAILWAY LW AY SYSTEM REACHES Hunting and Fishing Resorts that are unsurpassed and That abound in all Kinds of Fish and Garvie. igen season for DEER, .Nov, 1st to 15th in- clusive. Open season for DUCKS, Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th inclusive. Open season for GEESE, Sept. 15th to May 1st incivaive. Open season for GROUSEf Sept 15th to Dec.e15th inclusive. h inclusive. Opeason nsea on for PARTRIDG15tti to E, Sept 15th to Dec 15th inclusive Hunting and Fishing Guide and all informa- tion apply to any agent Grand Trunk Railway System, or to CLINTON. A. 0. PATTISON, G. T.R. STATION, or F. R. HODGENS, AGENT, CLINTON. 44 SELLING OUT We are reducing aur stock as fast as ,`possible, but have mal lines yet to sell, and have special bargains to offer. Prices that you can get nowhere else. Come and see what we are offering, whether you want to buy or not. We have a lot of odd sizes,,in Coats and Suits and are offering them at less money than they cost. We have 50 pairs of Men's, Pants that are marked to sell at $1.50 and $1.75; to clear them out at once we will sell them at $1 and $1.25 per pair. A lot of Odd Vests at $1 each, if you see them you will buy. We have a lot of Tweeds andWorsted:s to sell. They are the cheapest and best goods for the money ever offered in Clin- ton. See our 40c eed. 20 Pieces of Choice Flannelettes at 7c , per yard, worth 9c. Good assortment of All -wool Yarns, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. •See our Grain Bags at $1.90 per doz. • Remember the place. Rev. J. Smith, who was appointed tothe Church of England Mission of Petawawa. left Halifax about the first of September, and telegraphed on his arrival in Montreal to Rev. Rural Dean Reid that be would be in Pembroke two weeks ago. Since then nothing has been heard of Rev. Mr Smith, and there is much anxiety. Any tvutibenlents. APPLES WANTED. We are now all cleaned up on poor soft ap- p es and will pay a good price for ten thousand bushels of good sound paring apples. Can use two to three thousand bushels chop apples. Bring on your apples and got your cash TOWN it GRISWOLD, Clinton, Ont. Sale of valuable. Farm Pro - E perty in Tuckersmith. There will be sold at public auction, by Jos. Brine, Auctioneer, at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, the 29th of October, 1898, at 2 O'clock p. m., farm lot 24 concession 3, Huron Road survey, Tuckersmith. The farm is first-class, good soil, excellent state of culti- vation, 15 acre. of good hardwood timber. The buildings are in a.good state of repair, compris- ing brick house and large bank barn, with other outbuildings; windmill and other modern im- provements. Tho property is near a school, 4 miles from Seaforth and 5 miles from Clinton, TERMS -10 per cont. down on day of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter wit It - out interest. Other conditions the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. Fur- ther particulars on application to Scott Bros., Seaforth, or to the undersigned:— JOS. BRINE, Auctioneer, JAMES SCOTT, Administrator of 5 J. Carnochan, deceased. BAG S FOR SAL E. 300 good cotton bags for sale at 15 cents each, W. G. PERRIN, ROUSE WANTED. To rent, not too large, nice locality. Apply at this office at once, COW FOR SALE. Good fresh -calved cow for sale cheap. T. C. PICKARD, Hormesville. WAN TED Good Dining Room girl at Hotel Clarendon. Wages $9 per month. J. C. MILLER. APPRENTICES WANTED At once, to learn the Dressmaking. Apply to MISS OONOI,LY, Victoria St. MEN WANTED. To frame and take out timber. Will be in Londesborough every Saturday night. MATT. MAINS, HW))1NEY. For sale also. Both Comb and Extract. C. HOARE, The Huron Central Fruit Farm Clinton STRAY HEIFER. Strayed from subscriber's premises, on con. 14, Goderioh township, about three weeks ago, a dark red, 10 months old heifer. Any one re turning the same, or giving information as to its whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. EBENEZER RUMBALL. STRAY SHEEP. Came into subscriber's premises, lot 39, con. 12, Hullett, about two months since, a ewe and two lambs. 'fhe owner is hereby notified to prove property. pay charges and take them away. GEORGE RAITHBY. TEACHER WANTED. For 8. 8. No. 2, Goderich township, for 1899. Applications stating salary and full particulars will be received by the undersigned up to Oot. 14. Personal application preferred. W. F. HICK, Sec'y, Bos 288, Goderioh. Farmers, Attention. ' Do you want to breed the correct Bacon Pigs which will make you money l If eo 007110 and PLUMISTEEL .... GIBBBINGs. see our Thorobem latgl motley cess 1rorkeedin . wo will sell them at low prices for breeding purposes; botlrmalesaud ferfil1 8Tor sato: Conte quick, as we have oni a Beaked number for sale. SillsidPLUMSTEEL it GIBBINGS. Clinton, Sept. 1,1898 Linton, August 12, 1898 CLINTON Nigh Unto Death. Paine's Celery Compound Saves a Life after failures with other medicines. Mr. McMullin says : "Paine's Celery Compound worked Miracles for Me." The Only Safe Medicine for Sick and Diseased People. WELLS & RICHARDSON Co, Gentlemen :—For over four years I have been in poor health. and reoeived treatment from two dootors besides using seven kinds of patent medicines. I also sent to New York and got a month's treatment of a spe- cial medioine, bat no good results came from it. I was run down, suffered terribly, could not rest at night, and every morning had a severe pain in my hack, dizziness in my head and vomited bitter green matter, and bad no appetite. I heard of Paine's Celery Compound and decided to give it a trial, and am happy to report that it work ed wonders. The pains are all gone, I rest well at night, my appetite is good, and my health is now splendid. Nine's Celery Compound has worked miracles for me. I recommend it to all sick people as the best medicine, ROBT. McM.ULLIN, Camden, N. S. According toe record kept by the Chicago Tribune, the numbers and homicides in the United States in the ten years en ling with 1865; was 48,834. This includes man- slaughter of every kind when committed by an individual, wbether by premeditation or passion, or by an insane person, or in self-defence. rioting, duels, or in resisting arresting, The percentage of murders and homicides to total deaths from all causes, for the same period; is about 52 in every 10,000. Mulhall's statistics enable these figures to be compared with those of other countries. In Italy there are 29 homicides in every 10,000 deaths; in Spain, 23; in Ane• tralia, 8.8; in France, 8; in England, 7. These figures, however, represent actual murders, not homicides from all causes, as do those given for the United States. As regards England and the United Status an estimate made several years ago fixes the percentage of murders as 1 in every 63,000 of population in England, and 1 in every 43,000 in the United States. The static. tics show that murder and crime of all kindsis on the increase in the United States, says the Philadelphia Times. The Rev. Dr. A. C. Macdonald, pastor of of theQoeen Street Presbyterian Church, Inverness, Scotland, has returned to Tor- onto,from spending he s t ammer monts in in the Yukon district. The Rev. Dr. Mac. .donald is one of the greatest trvellers in Europe. Regarding the repotted wealth of the Yukon Dr. Macdonald admits that some very rich pockets of gold existed along; the Bonanza and Eldorado creeks. The good mines, he says, are very" limited, and are for the the most part in possession of old-timers. No discovery of claims of a paying character have been made during the last eighteen months. He asserts that the Yukon district as a gold miniug coun• try has no future before it. Thousands of people are coming back from the district disappointed and ruined men and as they return to their homes in Cay add and other countries they mast of necessity influence the public mind. The sanitary condition fo Dawson is most deplorable, continued Dr. Macdonald. About the time I left there were from five to ten deaths per day in the hospital. While the sanitary con- dition of D..wson reflects no credit on the administration I give great credit to the officials for the way in which Sunday is kept. The saloons and business houses are all closed and all is quiet in the streets. Perfect order prevails everywhere. Sale Register Sale of cattle, sheep and pigs on let 1, con. 7, Hullett, on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 1 p. in. Robt. Armstrong, prop. Thos. Brown, Auct. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon, Thursday, Oct. 6th, 1898. Wheat ...... 0 63 a 0 644 Oats 0 24 a 0 24 Field Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 51 Flour per owt 2 10 a 2 10 Butter 018 a 014 Eggs per doz 0 13 a 0 14 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 6 00 Sheepskins 0 40 a 0 55 No. 1 Green Hides 0 06;# a 0 074 Potatoes 0 50 a 0 50 Pork, live 6 50 a 5 70 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Oot. 3 —There were about 700 head of butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 2,- 100 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir The butchers were present in large cumbers, and there wee good bidding fqr the best cattle, but all other kinds were dull of sale and brought lower prices. Mr Martel bought seven choice cattle at 4i}o per lb. Pretty good stook sold at from 3fo to 4o per lb. Com- mon dry cows and thrifty young stook at from 2to to 3}o and the leaner beasts at from 2o to 2}o per Ib. There were several persons purchasing stockers for the Buffalo market They paid from 2}o to 3o per lb for stockers and heifers, and from 20 to 2j;o per Ib for small bulls. Calves sold at from $I.50 to $17 each, and from 3o to 50 per lb. Sheep sell at from 3j•o to 3,}o per lb. Lambe at from 3243 to Oto per Ib. Fat hogs are still deolining in price, and sold at about 4}o per ib for` fed hogs. NOTICE. The tannery of 0. S. Doan & Son being burnt down last spring, they decided not to build at present, but have gone into the hide business and have put up a stone hide house on the old tannery property, whore they are prepared to Pay the Highest Cash Price for Hides, Calf Skins, Horse Irides, Sheep Skins and Tallow. Wo will give the farmers more for their hides and skins than they oan get anywhere else. Bring your bides and skins right to the attire - house. 0. S. - i oan t Son. Judge Hughes of St. Tuumay id eeriRusly Hamilton's assessment is $0477,450 in ex• oeas of last year. The protest against the return of lion. A. fe IIardy in South Brant has ben for- mally dropped. Charles Bellamy, a farmer living near Chatham, was kicked by a horse and fat- ally injured, Mr John Joyce of Sutton was thrown from his horse, dragged half a mile and killed. Mr W. M. Davie, Town Engineer of Woodstock, has been appointed to a similar position at Berlin. The body of Miss 3race Moote of Owen Sound was found in the river. She disap- peared a week ago. Sheriff Stuart of Leeds and Grenville lute resigned and Mr Gecrge A. Dana, ex - M. P. P., has been appointed to the vacancy. Mies Etta Alice Sebtlrn, aged 24 years, daughter of Mr Hatniltcn St burn of Ueeew Frilie wad saffpoeted by gas in ber room. Madie Brown, the one -legged tramp, who, it is_ believed, shot and kilted Policeman Toohey at London, has been arrested is Washington Territory. Mrs Boomer, the lady member of the London School Board, has succeeded in having a resolution passed endorsing the proposal to teach domestic science in Pub- lic Schools, Mr A. E. Forget, Indian commissioner at Winnipeg, has been appointed Lieuten- ant•Goveinor of Northwest Territories to succeeded the late Hon. M.C. Cameron. Mr Forget will be succeeded ss Indian com- missioner by Hon. David Laird, of Prince Edwardleland. J. W. Fralliok, proprietor of the Windsor hotel, Kingston, says that though he is in the hotel business and has a bar for public convenience, yet he is opposed to the traf- fic, and recorded his vote in favor of pro. hibition. There are probably not many hotelkeepers in the province so minded. BORN. • LOBS—In Goderich township, on October 3, the wife of W. H. Lobb, of a daughter. CRICH—In Clinton, on Ootober4, the wife of Onslow Crich, of a son. HOOD—In Stanley, on September 25, at Bev- erley Hill Farm, the wife of Joseph Hood, of a daughter. LA WSON—In Brussels, on September 26,the wife of Wm. Lawson, of a daughter. REEVES -1n Seaforth, on September 27, the wife of '17)cmas Reeves, of a son, DEWER—In Stanley, on September 17, the wife of George Dewar, of a daughter. EDGAR—In Gorrie, on September 25, the wife of Thomas 1). Edgar, of a daughter. ELLI3-In bordwich, on September 27, the wife of Thomas Ellis, of a son. YOUNG ---In Exeter, on September 26, the wife of Win. Young, of a son. GLADMAN—In Exeter, on September 26, the wife of F. W. Gladman, of a son. MARRIED. SMITH—AITKEN—[n Teeswater, on Sept. 22, by RPV. James Malcolm, lhomas Smith, of Philadelphia, to Miss Maggie A. Aitken. ROBERTON—LENNOX—At the Manse, Lon- desboro on October .5 by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, George hoberton to Miss Jessie 31 M. Lennox, both of Hullett. HART—MANN—At theManse, ansa Clinton, OctA 0 on October 5,byRev. A Stewart, ewart, John Hart, of Mel{illop, to Miss E. E. Mann, of Hullett. MOMILLAN—BURDGE--At the residence of the bride's parents. Stanley, on October 5, by the Rev. 15'. Muir, Wm. McMillan, of Tucker - smith to Miss Maggie M., second daughter of John purge COOPER—PATTERSON—At the home of the brides parents, on the 2nd con. of Howick, on September 22, by the Rev R. I. Hosking, Al- bert Cooper to Miss Annie Patterson. JAQUES—BARNETT—At the residence of the bride's parents, Mayne Corners, on Sept. 28, by the Rev. R. 1. Hosking, ,Marshal Jaques, of the 2nd con. Howick; to Miss Mary Barnett. BETCHEL—WHYARD—At the residence of the bride's father, Dungannon, on October 3, by Rev. B. Hutton, Milton T. letchel, of Haid elburg, to Miss 0, Girvin Whyard. FERGUSON—UARDNER- In Ashfield. 12th con., on September 21, by the Rev. E. Olivant. J. M. Ferguson to Miss Sarah Gardner, eldest daughter of J. H,Gardner. D[EID. TOWNSENL' — In Goderich township, on October 2, William Townsend, aged 60 years. C00K—In Ashfield,on September 2'2,Palmer George, infant son of James Cook, Lucknow, aged 7 months. ARMSTRONG—In Grey, on September 18, Albert Armstrong, aged 22 years, McADAM—In Tuckersmith, on September 24, Gordon McAdam, aged 70 years. YOUNG—In Hullett, on September 29, John 'Young, aged 70 years and 5 months. 'MSSON—Tri Goderich township, on Sept, 20, Charles Mason, of Stapleton, aged 78 years. MacILWAIN—In Wingbam, on October 26, Mrs John Macllwain, aged 59 years. PATERSON—In Detroit, Mich., 'on Sept. 25. Wm. Paterson, formerly of Wingham,aged 31 years, 6 months and 18 days. ANDERSON—In Gienannon, on September 23, Maggie S., daughter of Wm. and Annie Anderson, aged 20 years, 11 months, 15 days. BARRY—In Stephen, on September 22, King Barry, of McGillivray, aged 80 years. DREW—In Santa Barbara, Cal., on Sept 25, Edred Drew, formerly of Exeter, aged (30 years. ELFORD—In Ushorne, on September 22, An- nie Matthews, wife of Michael Elford, sr., aged 63 vears, 1 month. Feathers to Stockings. Economical Suggestions for Women and Girls. The hat and bonnet, with its trimmings of feathers, ribbons or velvet, the silk neck scarf and tie, the cape, jacket, blouse, waist, skirt, sash. and stockings, are all outward articles of feminine attire costing consider- able money, and demand close attention, so that daily neatness and good taste be maintained from day to day. When artioles of everyday wear snoh as we have mentioned become faded and din- gy, they are usually cast aside by the inex- perienced and careless, who forget that the garments are still whole and yet service- able. A few economical suggestions at this time will be useful. Thrifty, wise and economical women and girls know just what to do when confronted with such a problem. They have a fall knowledge of what oan be done with the wonderful Diamond Dyes, those marvellous money savers, and they aot accordingly. They use Fast Black Diamond Dyes pre- pared specially for feathers, which give a deep, rich and lasting blank, making the feathers equal to new ones. Their dull and lietlees silk ties, eoarfe, sashes and gloves are quickly made new creations by the Diamond Dyes, The faded jacket, cape, blouse, skirt and stookings are magically transformed to suitjtbe taste of the wearer. Wise wromen know well that failures are impossible when the popular Diamond Dyes are used, as the mannfaotn "vers pro- vide a speoial black dye for feathers, and speolal dyes for silk, wool, all Cotton, and for every make of mixed or union goods. Hosiery and Gioves.. We have just opened out two cases` of Ladies' and Children's Wood Hose in ribbed and plain. Vera special value. Kid Gloves Two -clasp, in blue, green, tan and, black, Perrins make, reg. $1.25 for $1: Gloria Fingering. Yarns. in all colors, regular 10c oz. skein for 8c. JOHN WISEMAN CLINTON --THEI '2'WO .�.. Here you a boy who will fit a good Suit at a price like this : $2 50 Suits $1 50 2 75 " 1 75 3 25 " 2 25 4 50 u tl 25 • 5 50 3 75 6 50 4 50 There are only a few left, just too or three of each, so if you want one come right in at once. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. New Fall Goods We have just passed into stook the,., very latest styles in Hats and Caps.:' We make a specialty in this line and. are prepared to show you the beet; value in the trade. WATERPROOF COATS are just, what you want for the fall raingt We are showing a large assortment - ranging in price from $2 up. IN TI l= S we have � all the latest patterns Inspection invited. A. J. 111OIU ISH, Clinton.. FU$NITUBE - H. C. BAR,LETT. We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and the goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a large stook of Furniture on hand for our spring. trade, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Co-tn- ty. Kindly Dome and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere. Picture L raming, Upholstering and Furniture 11( pairing neatly . and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse and outfit, there is no better lir .s part of the country. 11. C. BARLETT, - Clinton. P. S.–Night and Sunday oalls at residence on Huron St., apposite Baptist Church. Clothing. If you intend buying a Suit or Overcoat you should call on us. Why I Because we carry a nice 'attractive range of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds in stock, and in addition we show a full line of manufacturer's samples, comprising 200 patterns of suiting and 125 samples of overcoatings, in curls, beavers, meltons and frieze, These are all new goods, made. for this season's selling, and in this large variety you are._. -al- most certain to find just what you want. The prices.are rig i, and we guarantee satisfaction in fit,trimming and workmanship Suits made to measure will cost you from $10 to $25 Overcoats " " "" " 10 to 20 Ready-to-wear Clothing We handle only the best. Every'suit bears the name of W'. E. Sanford or H. Shorey, and will give satisfaction to the wearer, Prices for a lldantitl snit are from $4 to $10 Waterproof Coats English Covert Cloth, fawn color, seams sewn and taped, fly front, velvet collar, thoroughly waterproof, and a very dressy coat, our price $6. Cana- 1. dian ooat made in same style, 04,90. Cape coat, with stitched seams, and folly ventilated, $5 Boots The Yamaska Long Boot, made to our order and sof `by us during the past twelve years. is so well and favorably known that we need only advise intending purchasers that our stook is complete in all sizes Ladies Your neighbors oan afford good re- liable Silverware on their tables. Why not you ? If you buy from us and pay cash for your purohaeea, you too will have the best of Silverware FREE or otmRGE. It's worth your whileto enquire into this matter, It pays to deal with ne W. L. OIIIMETTE, L0:1JDESBORW