HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-10-07, Page 2" . 00ober 7, 1598 ll _ . .111 THE 4LINI ON NEW ERA, r _ __ ___ �� __ g '~ our Ottawa Letter ��^ ing to the number of those returning from PrOPESSIt8a1 andOtherfard The fact that there is a wheat -grow the lilondike, and the effect of the home e Oats Wanted 1 41 + ing area in Manitoba and the unorvan- ,-_ coming upon the imposing fabric of indict- and SCOTT $t: MCKENZIE, ganized districts of the Dominion of (special correspondence of theNEw ExA) meat for maladministration against the Barristers, soi301tors, 510•, 239,QW,C100 acres, of which only 13,0(10,- `� Government is as sun upas A winter's enow, 1Makes f� IN EXCHANGE Clinton and Bayfield. G ;t the whole business is melting away and e iI ` txxl are brought under cultivation, ilutended for last week) proving as unsubstantial as the patriotism r good's {Sarsaparilla to prepared by ex- 12 lbs, chaise Oatmeal for 1 bash. Oats CLINTON OFaicE-Elliott Block, Isaac Street. � 11 I "IN '1. I � 1 should ease all festa about the exhaus- O'PTAWA, SEPT. 24. -The Montreal Star of those who have been so busy discrediting erieneed pharmacists of today, who have 18 lbs. choice Family Flour for I bush Oats BAYFIELD Orytoz--Open every Thursday, - (e� enounees with admirable display of iudig- their country by quoit stories for the .she P Main street, first door west of Post Office, .� f� [ tion of the world's wheat supply. nation that "The Liberal surplus is a sham" of a paesing politica! advantage, brought to the production of this great MONEY TO LOAN. '� and the comparison of the present financial - -- medicine the beat results of medical re- pats taken in exchange E. H. MCKENZLN 1 {". tf JAMES Soon, �--- j�1 C ii Rev. Geo. Whitefield, the inventor of statement with ,,the deficit years of Con- When Mark Twain felt embar, .search. Hood's Sarsaparilla ig a modern t'oC Groceries early Methodism, died 1770. Whitefield aervative rule, ie dishonest." It proceeds rassed. medicine, containing just those vegetable {j�ji BRYDONE. *ill THE STCLAIR RIVER) to prove this by a number of assertions — iflfgredients which were seemingly in- These are our present rates, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY RR�� py� ONTARIO. was the most effective pulpit orator of which ora worthy of a moment's attention, When Mark Twain was first introdaoed tended by Nature herself for the alievia- but we don't know how long .,",.-SAMIh'4 s V N 1 ARIO. the last century, and perhaps of any not because they have a substantial founds- to General Grant the latter. shook hands in tion of human ills. It purifies and en- they will continue. PUBLIC, ETC. ' Y a perfunotory manner and immediately re. .. (}lent [+tog .. century He was thoruughlp in earn- tion, but because the are, and will continue riches the blood, tones tla4 stomach and - Office -Beaver BIOO X;aigaata of tqe 111aacaUOee [or AlIOLigan• to be,90 frequently reiterated thatsome may lapsed into his oubtomary awkward reit• O OLSON, Clinton est, and shrank from none t: the tails begin to believe them, Carlos. There was an awkward pause; it digestive organa and creates an appetite; up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo [caller! Port Huron, Mich., April 6, 1897. and privations incident to what he con grew longer and longer Ba the humorist it absolutely ou£ee all scrofula eruptsun ions CLINTON —MgA. S. N13 DID, Sarnia, Oct. sidered his path of duty. His voice ex- THE "?Score" aF DisSONEarx• g . rt p IT PAYS TO prtAR SIR. -It gives me great pleasure to tried to think of something b tght to say, evils, tormptes, skin soresr3lseate rheum,lt auresliver M. Qs CAMERON I ,abapethisopporives D 0 Bre t Ing my an cellod both in melody and compass. The Star declares that "the Liberals Finally, as it in sheer desperation, Twain aompplaint, kidney troubles, strengthens �. nce t is Op with the stenographer (Mics p and builds up the nervous system. It ea- {Formerly of Cameron Holt Qc Oamerca$ ;rtti4ti lectin Youth the stenographer mea Situs He had a good figure and a fine coup- tion than the Conserve vee thought of do- rim 3 ty, and said : as Mme President, air of great tirelyoveroomes that tired feeling, giving ter 4eill plea. she ie now ode of our valued tenanee. Franklin, who heard him Y strength and energy in place Of weakness J BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. '+sistt,yea correct add rapid in her stenagra• ing." This is perfectly true; the partial feels little bit embarrassed. it you?" " io isritigg and gives rapid unmistakable evidence g+ rt4d languor. It wards off malaria t OHioe-HamLGO E opposite Colborne Hotter/ $O*'rtil and efficientvcq training. From what I frequently, learned to distinguish eas- removal of trade restrictions nae given n The President could not help amilin and ' y- GODERIc H, ONT elasticity to business that has brought its ,Mark took advantage of the chance the in- hold lever,and b uritgiu the blood It tiro learned at your school and the students ily between his sermons newly Compos- Y , ho have graduated from it, [ Den confidently natural result of increase of revenue. In oident presented to give place to Lthere, keeps the hole system heal hy. 06haiendit to a 1 contemplating the study ed, and those which he had often other words the people have been freer to Tan years later, when sFr Grant,eBma and Saf83' JOHN R�®OUT• ,?pfth, 11t)art. With kinds regards,Iremain, reached in the course of his travels. bay, and able to aeaare more for their haroorieametagain, General Grant, with Hood's pari1la TheCauadaBUSiness•College Respect ally YCure, P „ money, consequently the inducement to a twinkle in his eye, said, before Twain had CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTC THOMAS WATSON, ++His delivery of the latter, he says, trade has increased and the barden ppon the chance to atter a word : "Mr. Clemens, Is the best--tn fact the One True Blood Purifier. -- Great Record beeper. CHATHAM, ONT. p y q P the people has been proportionately reduced. I don't fee! at all embarrased. Do you?" sold by all druggists. $i ; six for $6. Real Estate and Insuranoa Aga, t. Money to 'X190 Gillapie ie stili in the employ of the "wag so improved b• frequent repet. still leads its contemporaries in placinw. papOw lend on Mortgage and Note security, "00,bees and rIs Vidg a good salary, inion that every accent, every emphasis, This is an accepted principle of free trade , cure alt Ltver Itis and a''.Students may enter at any tame• which the greatest commercial nation of all -� Blok Headacha. 26a. �4 A. S. NIMMO. every modulation of the voice was so ages -England -hoe proved beyond pared- Hour Men Feel Near Death l IOOCI S pl S Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON perfectly well turned and well placed venture„ but -which no protectionist on at- „The new year of 1884 was only NOTICE TO CREDiTORS R. AGNEW. Minton Post pliTiee. that, without being interested in the ford to admit, as it would knock all his nineteen clays old when death came of our papils were placed in choice pos#eLon+r theories flat. Then the litafi asserts, that n fn the on months ending July tet, an average TIME TABLE• subject, one could not hal being well for the first time, writes General A. All persona hotdip claims against the estate of nearly four per week What do you think• DENTIST, _CLINTON P l3 the Libarsle have spent mora money on ed to send the same to the undersigned, before of it? W. Greely in Lha OC ~ober Ladles of the late Priscilla nit, of Clinton, are requir- k, - MAILS CLOSED pleased with the discourse, a pleasute consolidated fund Aocount than the Con- Horne journal, telling for the Hist the 15th day of October. It pays to attend the best AT ZUWCH THB 2ND THURSDAY OH servatives did durilag either of the years -..:�`:,p:IH I A,M M5 of much the same kind which one de- from 1893 to 1896, but in•as-much as they time the awful experiences of his Arc. �a-, W. FARRAN. EACH MONTH ` b„g 6u London and 5. W. Ontario 700 4 �) rives from an excellent face of music." tic exploring party at Cape Sabine. College ne•opeas Lor t11a Fail Term �p # 39 Wingham and Kinearariodine 100 636 P had the money to spend, and could still ,,For ninety days we had al{ lived and NOTICE TO U1tED1'I'ORS. Tuesday, September 69h. Write for oat OdBee Hours -9 to 5. •SS 6.05 WesterrtS.W. dt N. W. U.S."I 405 snow a surplus, instead o[ a ending what kept together. But death was inevi- tldC;,41"03Iparts, Buffaloheastern U 57 W 2 � Crisp Countp Clippings they had not got, and showfnifs defloft,and table. Its Coming was sure to some, RE EaTATE of OIrlLtiant LE1TCti, DEcreAeED. aiogue of either department to kali "1 03 Toronto dcpointaeaet6snrth 700 2 05 1' J l'Y g inasmuch, further, as they can show other if not to all; our only wonder war' it Notice is hereby given) pursuant to the Be- Cilatbam DR' T- 0- BRUCE, ,7 03` bionttreal and Ottawa, 7 Oil 2 s5 results than boodling scandals for their ex- itntl not cows e+Jrtuer, Only the day vised Statutes of Ontario. 1887, Chapter 110, D. MOLACHLAN &CO, SVRGROli DENTIST, X 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 q0 2 3s penditure, the average elector will foil to bt-fore torts oto cowry, at work. We toratand othed ameodgngaAcBg el0.inta a ani net Graduate- & O' 7y S oT Ontario, and Trinity I'OS V.Stratford find Seaforth..'? 90 2 35 Mr J. Berry, of Lucknow, was in find cause for excitement here. said little. Only one man s° far forgot _ 10� the estate oe tN uiam Leltchn faro oY theowu- PROPERITES FOR SALE OR LET varsity Toronto. ,;, ro3 Hensall on Monday and lensed the that be was a soldier as LO make the ship of Hallett. In the County of Huron, yeo- t+ J.�. . Points E 8 N of Stratirrd 700 2 35 NOT EXTRAVAGANCE BUT ESPANerON• FOR SALE. Specfai attention given to the Preservation �77 store of J. W. Miller, recently occu- faintest sign. Bot the neat of the ratan, August, who died can or stunt the 9th :l U4,...Mitchell and Dublin1... 7 W fed b F. Beattie, fat a drug store. Y end untched its oil. Speech became day of August, 1898. aro Ptqulredtosend by post the natural toeth- -`',:;. 12 4 P Y "In addition they have spent more mons prepaid or deliver to Alex. Leitch, Constance, 255 ,.......C}odericjl�::••.- 94 ones has sold the Janes on capital account than the Conservatives intoe,, actions gentler, determined Executor of the said deceased,. on orbeforo the The undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 461 Oattle, Coate tIce lr,overTsylor'eshpeatere .,�4Q Morley J p " can orossi ,Sarnia and ear Crediton, to Patrick Glavin, have since they finished with the tremend- faces grew softer and conciliation was 24th day of October, a statemantor their names. Cron Railway Terrane Clinton. Barttou ars N B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday aaa falai sato poipta•.. 700 4 05 farm n cps task of buiidmK the U. P. R," in foot flu spirit of the liour. Who Would gh addresses ariddescriptions, wil;hfullpartioutars pppnspplioat od, JAME SCOTT, Barrister Ecu Bayfleld,every Thursday afternoon during the . odd ro & Balgrnve.. 9 55 for $6,000. It comprises 100 acres. and proofs of their claims, and the nature of summer ` ¢ i. on to the public (holidays ex Mr Jones intends going to Manitoba. +'they ran 84,000,000 behind on tbit year's next? tvAs the question written on sac rhe securities, if any, held by therm: TO itENT 8 a.m to 7 t5 p m. but hot are o The fine 200 al ce far to of D. Feign_ transactions a:oua•" If lbs Montreal Star, fair. Not w oras beenventl.' to say a AND NOTICE is hereby farther given that he Lobb until 8 .m miles from as the result t F increasing buain+-so had hi:r teliow, `This is 1 be end.' Haw that atter the last mentioned day. lite said Executor ea have access to y P Bon, One and a quartet will not be 1 a la Por rue said ascot+ r•r any p•rrt A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 86, re- R. wM• GUNK, L. R. O.. P, and L. R. Q S. found it aeoer ,try tr, send $10,000 in en- eternal question, always so unanawer- y 1J Qt I .Order and Saving Bank office open gra6sela, has been leased t0 Charles p q thereof, to env Person of ~noes claint ue aha t cent) occupied by C. C Rance. For partiou• Ed calls at b: Od o r of r arrio ncfireot Clinton ,;a iu."too P.M. RozPll, of Morris, far a term of vests, larging its premises and plant and, as a Gbit+, seNtned t0 he even more of a pat have ra eivod notice at the timie of such ]ars apply to MRS S, HOLMES, Night calla at eront'door of residence on Rotten result, assumed a mortgage of three or four utyetery to ua! The Easter sun had distribution. Princess St, bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. 1ltittter for registration must be posted half Mr W. W. Thompson, who has had thouean)1 dollars on the im roved ro err , ALEX. LEPI'CH, fah tionorbefore a osing the malls, p p p Y illy ,,, set before the second fell before I Executor. Constance FOR SALE. char a of the Seaforth Oatmeal Mill would it consider that it had run that three pteath. A day after, and the third Dated st Constance this 30th day of Sept., 1898. DCS. TURNBI`1� trtRAEAM ' s ,4B MAIL - SUmMERHIUL - Every g Nactory and contents on the roperty of D. '" tleada sand Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- fox sone years, intends removntg to or four thousand dollars behind in the succumbed. Then the fourth. One p bag, #' 30p.m. London shortly, to lake charge of their year's transactions Y That is exactly the by cue they �veredroppiitg at Our side. CLINTON Buchanan for $125; by paging $16 down and gEgajyty,ari0oa� sp „yy,,, S+,c A cc to ONLY fa mail despatched mill there. position, for the expenditures on uspital ac- Tha Hfih followed quickly to solve the WOOD aR/l COAL YARD. balance at $10 a month. Building to be re CANTON ¢PT'tl is office to Landes is and despatched moved. Apply is J. SCOTT Clinton. ta.." ' a oohccl and Dublin, mails closing as Will J. Stewart, who has occu{lied tt count have been in Canal works, railways problem of flit urity. Then the bixth Night calls answePed akoface. 11►b`?be,stat. ositaon in the Standard Bank at and other permanent improvementa which comrade passed, And now We felt pp HOUSE TO TENT. pp y property g p that we were all awaiting the suin- ders for Woad oreCeat, which IN -ill be sold at _ J. L. TVRNBULL, W. GRAHAM ,:a ails .tor British Isles and Enrages, noun• Brussels for the p tet. five years, has have been alwaysChar ed to ca i mOnN, one by one. We scarce) look- lowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS The large frame dwelling house on Albert y, as in tided to be forwarded by New York, been promoted to r adford, where he nal account. II those are to be considered Y IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. W13EATLEY Street, lste.y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half tie have written on the top lett hand corner Will become teller and accountant as current expenditures the late Conserve- ed at each other. Doubt and wretch an acre of land. Rent moderate. Apply to T1R,# J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEP11 iptpavBlom Via, New YORK. tive administration must face an addition• edness were allied, against. us. But JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. ll Oa Mr J. B. Henderson, of the Huron al deficit of $120,000,000 and more, in the the fortunes of war sometimes change NOTICE TO PIG BREEDERS. Aatottoppoal oto., office oda residenee `"",1,1_ -' Road, Tuckersmith, sawed three carte St., opposite English church, formerly o0 eighteen years of their term of office. at the moat eritica! moment. Strive HOUSE TO RENT. ottpied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton out. ' ; A High opinion pounds of improved Ligowo oate,whieh and do, do and strive until death, were I have added to mpstockot pigs a choice - _____ __ �- he Sot from the Ottawa Experimental NO BOODLE IN T91a. the mottoes Of our hunters, and one young tborouahbred registered Tamworth Comfortable frame dwellingg, atone cellar, Farm, and from this sowing he thresh- Boar, Clinton Icing No. 810, o[ very superior new) papered; corner of Rattenbury and DR. 31acCA.LLUM. s • 'F DAVID MILLS SPEAKS OF THE s, This is a ver cod The expenditures under this account do day ossify five hundred pounds of hear blood. trots imported dam and scrod b tat rite orange st eets, Rent $7 mogthly no taxes, •, ed this fall 114 lb Y g u, as ail food s ,, 1,`,.'f LATE SON, M. C. CAMERON return. not include any such items as were provid- and seal meat came, j winner at Toronto, London, Mantrea an Ot- '� Apply to W. W. N ARRAN. M. D., C, Sf., MoGiil, M, C: P: BsS,,.Ontario ed for in Cha Langevin Block, Curran had of most. failed. Oh, the , which taws fairs of 1897, the Fame stock he taken Late Resident Physician to, Royal Rtctoris i I --- Word was received the other day of Bridge, Section B, Tay Canal, GalOp'e that meat brought to us. r ho can chsosion. I a also es pkeepiar registered [improvised FOR SALE. Hospital, Montreal. __ `.,c:It- ;=; LONDON ADVERTieER.) the death of Benjamin Wilson, which Channel, Sheik's Island Dam, and a score tell but those to that buff Something Yorkshire boar -a ane stocker. They boring Office -Dr. Dowsley's stand. Rattaeaituay St. 4* i :•"i,'`r _, ( justice, sad event Look place at Wiarton tin of other contracts, which form a portion of to eat -something to keep life. rue, two correct typeR of choice bacon hogs. Night calla at Clarendon Hotel, ,,. David Mills, minister of just c , TERMS-Foreither, 8t, guaranteed, or par- The residence of the late Mia Josiah Butt, »,-' !rx ,n Sept. tb. Deceased was in his lib the shameful history of the scandals din• tins coming or er 1# miles, 75 ¢cuts. corner of Albert and Shipley streets. This is a 't4ai9: ",lgvented by a severe cold fro closed by the parliamentary inquiries of the floe lace, cassis+ing of new brick housastable, R STANbUItY, GRADUATE OF TH][ ' islthetpdiAg the funeral of the late Aon, year of his a e and was a former regi The special feattires of the October C. HOARi 2nd con. Bull. (Gravel road), y dent of Sternen. His many friends in last parliament. Ever dollar in the pub- tfiood wall R water, eta. For particulars apply y[adfaal Department of VactoiRft Unite! �t7,,�.ameron. in conversation with p Y numbet of Harper's Magazine are"Tha to luF1iRAIM BUTT, Clinton P. O. Baty, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals ani that township will regret to learn of lie accounts has been spent in the pahtio Sant ,,On Campaign," by Caspar Whit• �EW �� Dispensaries, New York, coroner for he step- ter Mr Mil is expressed the sor- Deceased Was a brother of John and service, and the frantic efforts of the Oppo- nen; "On the Roof of t he World,Notea IIJUSE TO RENT. County of Huron, Bayfield,ont. *�o4khe honorable gentleman a death __•- ed tueittt{oned him. "Mr CaInPrOn Henry Wilson and Mrs John Kerr, of sition to prove to the contrary have ani- on my Journey through Asia,"by Sven __ Crediton. formly failed. Hedin; "Our Navy in Asiatic�Waters," • Comfortable cottage on Albert Street north E, BLACI3ALL yETERiI R `.eta. ,were -the beat Of friends," said b �7m, ElliottGriffis,a[td "Our Fu• o sent at once. Good half -acre )Bordeu an J. Honor--------- bUntarloydtet3na - {lis• we entered parliament A slight, but What might have been BLAd1IN6 THE WRONG PARTY. y I having reoenti purchased one of the poptt- Spa, ing orchard, with promisee of lots oe fruit. 0011 a iseaseaot domeatio,ted aa+ tb, " . h I in 18t37, and we always acted fatal accident ocenrred on Saturday tura Policy," by icon. J. G. Grirtiale. lar new Automatsc Reginaa, of vary superior .Rent low. W. MOORE, IIIA a on the moot modern and scientific prine , art. politically, ed a k and Jacob Some of the Conservative papers appear There are further instalments of "So- tone and style being the very finest instrument Sewing Machine Depot, Huron Stmet plea Office -immediately south of the Now Bra J1f;:!uepy close cone „Y at laordwich. Russell Coo "e's.ver much of one opinion. s went out hunting and separated to be getting restive on account of the at. sial Life in the British 4rmy "and"An richuandebrilliantotonee'a td icapable�toergreat Office. Reay atte •- oo pr mp Clinton. Cal V), ­_, ; y Mos - tention that postmaster. General Mulook is Angel in it Web,' h Julian 'I'La! h; Mr HOUSE TO LET. night aide attendadto Promptly „, Ai3iCeC11lOW he ranked Mr Cameron Y P well as the playing sacrad music as omen n s; — y „ in the bush. Russell, whose dun was receiving these days. Not only are they gmatley concludes his interesting pap well as the finest classical piano inatrumentale; g; atrliamentarian Mr Mills aaidr i "I "';, P. loaded for a fox, saw a partridge ries g ,, ++ Pg Good lar oma, cel on Rattenbury Street, with JOHN P. MILNE, , VETERINARY 3IIRldF.ON win the whereabouts Y g ars on Mr Gladstone," and The Span tafnmenpeof Church, au da echo L r concerts six terga rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer JOHN '' : j3afdeil Mr Cameron as a man of a and fired not kno g kind) colleagues, for the feelings o4 Mr Ma- yy Part of the charge went be- Y o' Life," a story by 1'Vm. McLennan of a high order. Forties iutareetad ploase ap kitaheu, try, hard and scat water, large has returned to (,lintonand,opened an office <_ g high order of ahfl{ty• He was a of Jacob. P lock's cjealouaes, who, the seem s fear, pa " ? well -inform- n eyed will be jealous at the recognition bestowed and J. N. McIlwraith ie begun. The ply or correspond my.addrose- stable. Will be rented cheap to permanent d the Queen's Rotel, of all Ito may be conoids• ' l 16or, thinker, exceedingly bind Jacob, but three grains e t cd for the treatment, night to dray, pr of promptly at tli, public questions. He was in his right arm. upon him, bat they complain bitterly of sooner contains also several snort (;,• 130A1tE, Clinton, tenant Apply w NEw ERA ELL, or is tattle, eco. all cane, nightor day, promptly at d P stories, Poems and the Drawer. JOHN H. VVCNSELL Goderich, tended to, •6tie an el7try subject that he want of recognition of the efforts of revi- ,VPAn pa.rliameut, he thoroughly Last Saturday evening as Rev Mr ons Postmaster -Generale. It is claimed in ��; Good House for Sale. tezed, You were always certain Hunter and his mother were driv{ng their behalf that everything that exists in Face to mace With 'Death r'y� Brim n`i ARRIAGE LICENhE, JAMES SCOTT, SB. to the present system, (even the deficit,thoagh _- Ti! k a}hatSle would deliver an instr active MomieBr[he horse., ahyouno animal,took that is not speoifioeliq mentione3,) i3 due Subscriber oilers Por sale her excellent pro- 1i1 insurer of Marriage Licensee, Library Ronal 's Qech On whatever. he undertook to g to the intelligent business administration General Greely, in tha October Lad- party on Albert street, north- The house is a and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. g'` 9$. , Mr Cameron was a very fear- fright at some wood on the side of the commoaioue one, and is in excellent repair, " i and never sought to concili- road, and in the dash it made upset of the Conservative Ministers, and then fes' Home Journal, tells, for the first Far Heating and with all conveniences; ooa lac and stable• leg int lx, & g gg the question is sarcastically asked if all .time, the details of his awful winter at Ventilating Purposes Easy terms to anyone washing to urchaso. TAMES CAMPBELL, MARRIAGE LIC ter' hos. who were politically opposed 1 the buggy. Mrs Hunter had her arm M,tS, �', 113UIR d ISSUs R OF trIARk1AGE LIC TSEB, oI I? 13e;was courageous in utter- broken near the shoulder and was that i9 to count for nothing ? Cape Sabine. Eighteen of his party of I This excellent Dram is con- No witnesses ragiured r s r onvictions, and be contended quite seriously shaken up, and Mr It would appear that this question might twenty-four Arctic explorers had per- atructed o4 the very sial mater- CgUICE FARbI FOR SALE: t he thought Was right and in Hunter had a bone broken in his hand- be best answered by the objectors them- iahed from cold and starvation when lal, on the most scientific grin- — pr'lCtfat t3 selves who can possibly explain why the Captain (now Admiral) Schley, head- '" v ( r ciple%and by virtueof its special A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved �1 W• FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF A -88"N ON -'it "e` ;tib){c interests, wholly r adversaries Mr Gordon McAdam, of the Mill of Sir Adolphe Caron, Mr in the relief party, rescued the sur- y foaturcads theGrentest Heating land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All but 15 F. P. L. S., Provincial Land Burveyor ane h p Drat~ ,n RartJn- Lt takes the .,of "; gq at his political advers&ries Road, Tuckersmith, passed peacefully eplepdid work p R cold Pnout.the floor, heats and acre; cleared, good frame house, frame barn, civil rve Engineer, London, Ono .Office at Goo, t'think of himself cr. • of the opin- swap on, Saturday last, after -•a linger- Mulbok s immediate predecessor ander vivors just in the nick of time. Sum- i^s bearinvorchar, runnlag water.. Situated two Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. !IgA ing illness to several months, Which whom the deficit ran up to $700,000, was mer crept slowly on, but food carne -A , i circulates it through the house, miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold -- I.},4*b6i%,ondpublic quest}inns which he ex pp ' grudginKly," writes General Greet "s'" ce rothPuol to eucb next ant the CLINT.ON MARBLE WORKS. sae was borne moat patientip. I3e has peen left oat of Sir Charter Ta ver Y adminY Each worked to th a end, and evert e n reasonable terms. D. McTAVISH, Clinton. - ld you place Mr Cameron a resident; of Seaforth and . Tucker- tration, although be had loyally stood b fully ono•hate less tool is required. A,pu .11I notttfi" Ur Mills was asked. smith for over forty years. For many the Government in the famous revolt in the very motn none ever knew that poet) lint smolte,. rtts no, ashes. is oast' to COTTAGE AND LOT FOR COOVER's LD STAND, } death wouldtbatdaptouchhitn: One manage. •1'uosewibohavoonein,usesay they, SALE. ,# 1" t,would count him n.+.he very front yeas he was secretary and treasurer 1896, Sir John Carling too, another (Jon• Next to Commercial hotel. e past few earbhis health rssecr Branch Agricultu- aervative bead of the Postal Department, after another passed away, and when a used i not be owithout ith o et houses turn is now — This k lishment is in lull o l�atrk. In l P Y of the Tucks . een precarious, and he had not ,at Society, and proved himself a care- was shifted from that to ;the Agricultural ,,righty midsummer gale from the The undersigned withffers for sale a trance cot- o, station an a bad b P Y south broke our hitherto uninterrupted WN. 'WF B$, CllntOil. tinge of Pour rooms with kitchen and woodshed order filled in the most satistacto, y way Come ken quite e° active apart In �Gliti- fur and COlrifletent afHCial, Department and then dropped to make P Rolan Manufacturer for Huron attached. Centrally situated. Goodwater and cry and granite work a specialty. Prices rCaljatialre as be did when he Was mare way for that yet more famous agriculturist scientific observations, there were left - drainage. Will be sold cheap• Apply to eonable as tboeuvraay establishment (leo. Turnhull has sold his farm, be- p seven wan spectres. there was not W. C. S •ABLE. V,`sn I'llust. There were few men in public ran lot 28, L.R•E., Hap, to his nephew, fir. Montague, bat y h, s othesie of these the physical strength to raise the The Ilrtperial Clinton Dao loth SEALE 5< HUOVEIt, Ciintott I 11Thos. Turnhull, for $5,100. The farm two statesmen has et to materialize and wind -struck tent, and the pad was in •Tifd•:.whoae udgment could be more g iilJtpl{citiy relied up, or whose know- contains 120 acres, has goad buildings, it seems reasonable that the movement sight, Was it be life ur death? It HOUSE FOR SALE. By Ota Established Hansa-=� ltd e"of tnattera with which he dealt tvttd is in first class shape in every tea- should at least originate within the Con- �[ �j jt�;t�.11 ED Hrgh c3rade Mwn at Woman, more accurate. I think the conn- aervative ranks. Until greater considers- was foolish to hope, for even now did MEA MARKET. — of good Church standing. to. set its Manager - : pent, Mr Turnbull has purchased an• tion {s shown by their political admirers it sat the midnight sun, that marked �- . ]Ia9 sustained a t?,rP.at logs in the Othel farm Of 250 acres to the county $2,200 buys nb two semi-detached brink bare and do office work and cariespondenae .' r Cameron and I lament is hardly graceful to call the Liberal party midsummer, ftom that very day (June houses on Rattenbury St., known as the iFox• at their home. Business already built up and eafh °f M of Lambten, pa ing for it $10,500. Mr ton Piop�rty. astablishod hare, tialary �9rlu. Enclose self- sa 99 all the more because I think y f his tow ship, on to account for lack of appreciation. 21) leave us with coming winter in The people of Clinton land victo Pnity the, houses and also vacant lots for ants. addressed stamped envelope for our terms to o Wm. Fulton, also o t p, utter darkness? Had we seven, who they have opened tip in the storeP. Ilei. & deep interest in the impor• the same line as Mr Turnbull, has also itllouey.-Private funds in largo and email &, e. Ether, General Manager, 189 Michigan ratTt'offiee .to which be had recently THE PLEBISCITE. were left, gone through all those two Lornrtarly o¢¢tapled by Fair & Co. sums co l fan un m trtt•t;o, tiRatea low. Awe.. Chicago Ill appointed. Had he lived he sold his farm of 200 acretrs-etQck, imple• y_ g W. BRYDtthNE, Barrister. b�t�r- P meats and crop, for $12,100. By the time this letter appears in print hundred and seventy-eight eight days of MaeHay Block, Ontario Sty FiCxENTS• y�6puldi as -lieutenant-governor, have the prohibition plebiscite will have been suffering amid those 1e scenes for BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR G. C6hlf rr'ed nv4luable service upon the Ogle Johnston, of Hensall, who left taken and it is hoped the vote will be suf- naught? But for a31 that there was a where they will keep in stock all kinds of SALE "book, Klondike Gold Fk,e,,- "hat nr,'ge, cheap, vela; p telltnk he could have teat able book, selling likrc a whirlwtn i »ea'dQmul } dF►iln r�y g about three vteeks ago for Souris, fioiontly pronounced Dna way or the other strong faith that this gale must favor S,pectustwontr•!'jvo cents. Books on time,' ajapcl "e government in the promo' Man. is )tome again. He reached his to finally disposeof this disturbing question. the American ships that must be work• Fresh, Cooked, Cured and That desirable Brick Business Stand on, Al• BRADLEY-GA,lt„k1ETSON COMPAvY,LntrraD, 6f he settlement of the North destination all right and had just The most unsatiataotory result will be a Ing northward through the ice. realit And ' Canna Meath, bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N, Robson, is ;l Toronto, ""'[it:eanntr One of his clear perthis - offored for sale, including rear lot and stsble. q_, Y P worked for half a day when a fellow small poll, or a prett 1 be satisfied slid fort faith hours later,trwhennourttnation 8 such as ie usually carried In a 1#rat•olasa meat The location is one of the beat in Clinton. T o - � ' tCxENTS L , jinni , the position of lieutenant employee thoughtlessly left a trap which neither party wil Y store,. together with Poultry, Canned Tongue ro ort is free from inonmbrance an[JAMI '• °' p "' that countr ,sem a on about a and from u on which neither action nor inn sailors vied in tender offices and gym- Beni, Pi s Feet, Mince Meat, and all artddea o p t Y g P in - S s4o Or in door open just y P {afiS`i r ce rei ion -aura and terms to Quit "The beat life cif Her Majesty I have seen," round, could have given to the a like ,,tura which will be delivered frc 1ffi "' iiQ g where he was working. Nat knowing would prove acceptable tb the majority et pathy for their comrades of the Array an rt of the town. Orders�sollcitafl;• parohasar. Apply to GEO. STANBVI4Y, 1,0,^ writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria" pi7,prnmettt advice of the greatest 1, don Road or address Clinton P. O A ants malts fin dollars daily. that the door was open, Ogle stepped the people, The campaign nae been oar thus saved from death." y Pa J BADy_GARt ETdON CObtPANY, Ln[IT:D, , 0J lle iii the public interest, back against the steps. His in uries ried on with a fair amount of energy on JOHN SCRUTON, Manager f" For Sale or to Rent. Toronto. h�; of Uameron,�like other Liberals," are such that he may not be able to both sides, but there has not been that in- F OWE & co. _- 1ls•added, had the misfortune Ileo. (?• 1L. MorrisoB,''pwsior';of the t' ` - -,r ,. 1 AGENTS st Bo k buabettefabeast than for i 'r;. a :`111 work for a long time. He is able to go tense enth �n.•. .sat' Voss ttidtfoipated in CLINTON ears pest a1s Kava better add faster sallf,g Episcopal The choice brick house on th,e corner of Fuf- �'$pdnd{io " a large period of his ppot- around with the aid of a cane• the earlier stages of the fight. In aDgheavae handle C tpplethodist �Texasawhouh d b 8n on ton and JoaePh streets, belodgtug tit rho estate boosts. Agents o arfrom $l0 to $io weekly. A . tical,' life in o positron, but his indu9- our midst it does not seem probable that a very Y trial at Vernon for a week on the of the lata Richard IIt con ad, is offered mto eioral*ther few, leaders neo: ` otbeeen 's Bible "Lie of Mr p g Death has again visited u vote will be polled. for sale or to rept. It cantatas room for with Gladstone," •'My otlondthb G Marisa)' 'pro - .,.r 1 and hfa fearless courage in de- charge of murdering his wife on Oct. �DY`tga ,'e ale nary totems Is s, and t ll a now hof a with greaeivespesker., Iilonaikb Gold ,"Breakfast 1, t 61, , �r ot}ticing `vhat he believed to be wrong and removad from among us a bfghly NOTES. IOtb, 1897, was found guilty and his all conveniences, p and thus not of r sore plan, G1lrtapseQ [rho Unseen, "."Breakeaet "a8 'xercr9ed a wholesome influence pegrtccted fr{end and neighbor in the OF o: land. If the property is sac sold or rented, Pinner and Suppo ,"' Canada; an Enoyclopel oi3ptiblir 1Ird Iii every part of the person of Annie Matthews, beloved The formidable list of provincial election punishment fixed at death. Morrison part of it will be routed• Apply to dia." Boobs on ti -Gy Outfits free to canvassers. n"00 bti ilia deals viii) bo_ lapaa ed wife of Mr Michael Elford, or., Us- trials ie rapidty diminishing; slreadp administered strychnine t° his wife af• House anti Lot in Clinton. W. COA$S, Exooutor, Clinton. ThQ� BRADLEY•(3ARRETSON Co., Limited o lonaurred in his a in• horse, who died on Thursday last, at twenty oat of tbesixty odd have been praa- terreturning from church. Beforethe Totodtb. lry`tb!!��1. Sym athized with him the age of Ef8 gears, 1 month and Ii p g g- Part of ]:state of the late B. Thomtineon Fa[m ft.r slate or to Rent. • .106,t o ytrhp Y g tioa{ly dropped, and as man more are tike. death a£ hie wife Morrison was en a _— MCI ILLOF MUTUAL FIRE e of late out as a public days. The deceased has been in bad } to rote abortive- The result of the first ed to wed 1ljias Annie Whittlesey, of p The ebtith batt or fat fi concession 9, Town- 'INSURANCE CO. ge _1fj,%o•,t'{1 Y10;g Y P 3' Y p San., wlih whom he was in- Under and by virtue of thb Owers of Sale r ,wilt" * health all summer and during that one to ga through the eoarto, namely that Topeka, contained in a certain ttmrtgalo, v4h'toh will be ship of Morris, Containing 100 screlt, 8l1 soros t{tris had ati#Eered intensely from a in South Ontario, was not andouraging to tatuated. When intercepted be was produced at the tinfe of gale, t ore will be offer cleared and in goad stoic or oultivativation. t'Twent years ago complication of diseases. She has the Opposition, and :lir Whitney ae not at her home. ed fox anis by ublio auction, by Jobn Knox, There are on the promises a framo house, frame tPAEiM gt ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY '1?e i be eiayQ' Y been a resident of that townahf for Adotionosi', at tRa pioaft er w lis sold, that se baro, [tame dove house, good" orchard, never ONLY INSURED eased through a P talking so valorously now altont his fates• to sav tlSb hada heralnaft�r ddaoribad, an esilin supply of spring water. Situated $mils Ars.4dAti dounty pada Lion of the over t1liYtp years, and her many tion to push, proceedings to the bittex end. REA S.Opp' T t� APR l i �` from te'villago 44 Blyth. Will be sol on rem - ' ea orytorms: yq ai6 ..for the p friends .will be ained to bear of her � TO � � � Saturda , 8th OctOAler� l 888 'cassia ttitme, App1 to a• IiAMILTO�, Blyth T p In this ocnneotion rho Toronto Gtlobe ab- AAVERTIBED 1N ITS U7.UMN9 a or TSOS. It. WRIGFIdT Txeaut r, OiB Princess Gao, Watt, President., Horlook F, O.• J ;„ "act• The Chief speaker demise, serves incidentally: -"Conservative jour• SHOULD I S ST UPON, AVING at thehonr bt 3',90 o'clock in the afternoon, the Ave„ Landes, Ont. McLenn; Rippen P. O., vice -Pres.; , . �' bb' 'Kitt 1 a tjtizl Wag The residence of Mr Philip Madget nals are as good at howling corruption as WHAT T �l�t ASS FO REFUSIM4 following prollort Vit .-Vowu lot No. 203, on Shannon, Seay-Treas, s6forth P. O.; Th 'i '4jbf: thA.oppbne#ite` of lacy p d WfnehelsotL, was the scene of a iavonb Liberate are at pi+bviH� obiihijltion. ALL St7B�'17TUTES OlI IriiITATIONS• the acath ciao •oi�ltat%lbufy Street, in rho HAys, Seaforth P. O.,'Idspeatorof Los of Brantford, an - m w„ ,c4 CitintOn. in the Oounty of Huron, and Farm for Salo or to Rout. WnRCTORa. "id t. , p . J,« , �',4,w#lntsr event bn Wee ie o flit! chief platform advocates Of daughter, Mie 11 , fluiZ'�i 61011t� 0 e6iO+fertlent uvea Mr " leing,young >tii�I1. e. Il `(ld�id,wi%, then anal for many nuptial knot' yo&tileLtli t,,%, fang the tions of Tem- Jewett at bit 1 I affc� `'Cit3t' Wel} wore his hair wae� asas�� bgl he rode to Speak at !t a�li i7r� while the grt Il 6,,d of l b some call ahOtt't@d, brother, 9a7 * ii'it4ibir%e1C`fltatVtla$" "Ye3" • ceived were ittil Amongg the ":i�frW4ult-o3 fgi'felli ilaliclwb have a v�seno froth h f}�i1,�1tlWili tuo mial01dt.8i'+ . from her gra ~rad - ,, v ;.,:,,.;iZ.&�.t'..,.;-..0 _,p,%::f A..,� =