HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-09-30, Page 71,.
. . q
only a stranger, you have a stranger
right „ g
safety and protection."
- - •my
The man whose home I WAITI that is done—ob, Laura, you and I can be
I is menaced by midnight - _ -
marauders isnk slow to happy together I A Gladstone Aneedote. Didn't Appreolate the Joke.
grasp a weapon to de- Go not far In the land of !!gyri "No, TOW, not at the price of another's The following story of Mr. Gladstone 1s I Ono 04 the groat practical jolters of the
1++ fend it. The same man A little while by the golden gate, unhappiness," said Laura very fir,nly, told by the Sunderland correspondent of British navy was one Jack Hatboro. HO
I , F when threaten -J Leet that I loose you out of eight, "l'i'e have no right to that property away the Leods Mercury: "Years ago I was in I was oiiioer of the watch in the day when
4&,, ed by an enemy Wait, my darting, wait! out there in the Pacific. It belongs to the Hawarden, and in talking to an old man 1t was customary for thO guard to present
>' .l o ten thousand rslandere. We would be usurpers. I atm- who said he was older than Mr. Gladstone arms to the ufticer commanding tho vessel
times more Forever now from your happy eyes not do it, Tom. You mustn't ask me. " b it year or two be told tae he knew Mr. b cl
+. dangerous, will Life's seenio picture has passed away— „ , Y Y whenever he loft or boarded the ship. Ono
calmly go his You have entered into realities. Not ask you to sbare what is mine with Gladstone since a few days after he was I day Captain Burdett remarked, as they
way and make And I &in yet at the play mel" exclaimed Toni. `•That plantation married. This old ,nan in his younger were going through this COre,nOny before
If lie effort at de- at is ours because It does not belong to any days used to carry pig iron from a ship or he went ashore: "Mr. Hathurn, I am tired
fence. T h e YThinkitn piety
of time—through all, one else. According to Hawaiian custom, � boat to a foundry some miles distant- He I of this guard. Don't call It again when I
most danger- g you and your high estate, lepers have no legal rights. Itis impossiblo had a hill to go up, and he had to put his Come back. "
ous of all man- A little while, and the curtain will fall— for tbnm to have, shut u i that
kind's enemies Wait, my darling, wait! p f} at colony shoulder to the wbeel. One day Mr. Inthorn did not, but he managed to
11 is consumption. as thuy are. Besides in the clause of the Gladstone was going up the hill, and be, surprise the captain quite as thoroughly
There is but Mine is a dreary part to do— will there is a paragraph which mentions too, put his shoulder to the wheel until he as if he had. When that dignitary came
one effective A mask of mirth on a mourning brow. the conditions under which Uncle John got to the top. The man rested his horse over the side on his return, he Pound 20 of
.weapon w i t h The chance approval, the flower or two, was to inherit It. In case.of death or lep-' at the top of the bill, and an old man the afborguard down on their hands and
Are nothing—nothing nowt
which to com- rosy removing his heirs the old fellow left breaking cloaca said, `llo you know who knees with swabs -serving them for manes
bat this grim The last sad act to drawing on. the plantation to .Uncle John. I told you ; that was who put his shoulder to the and tails, the ,nizzentop men on their
destroyer. It A little white by the golden gate that he had a dread of leprosy. (L'hat Is wheel?' The carter said, 'No.' `Well, backs with cutlasses drawn. Hathurn
is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Of the holy heaven to which you are gone, why he put that clause in the will. He that Is Miss Catborine's husband,' was himself wits astride a quartorrnaster. The
It cures 98 per cent. of all cases of con- Walt, my darling, waiti did not want the property to be enjoyed by I the reply, oaptttln was distinctly not delighted with
weak lungs,
bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, —New York Lodger. a native He wanted Uncle John t0 have
weak lungs, spitting of blood and throat Band the spectacle, wh0roupon Hathorn ex-
nasal troubles. Thousands have testi- it." Sandy's Dreadfully Budden Demise. plained that he supposed that after the old
fled to their recovery under this remedy ANNEXATION. "Granting all that," returned Laura, It still happens ocoasionnlly that the fashion had proved so tiresome a r•ecep-
after they were given up by the doctors, "you cannot get around the fact that If it price of some particular stook or share do- tion by cavalry might prove welcone.
and all hose was gone. Many , these had not been for the leprosy we phould not Ponds largely on ono life. It often hap- Hathorn was dismissed the service for
have permitted their experiences, names, 'Laura, Hawaii Ie annexed I" exclaimed have got the property. The rightful own- Pools, too, that the sudden death of an this bit of pleasantry,—San addresses and photographs to be printed in p ry.—San Franolsoo
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad- Tom Worthington as be walked briskly or to that poor follow on the plague strick. operator who is a large holder or a large Argonaut.
viler. Any sufferer may write to them. into Laura Glenn's dooryard. en Island. I think the income should be bull of any stook will cause a sharp fall in
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is the It was a fair, brown haired girl who eat used in making him comfortable for the its price, because the knowledge thaA. this Children
1 great blood -maker and flesh -builder. It on the low bench under the old tree, Tom unhappy plantationC r for
rest of his unlra life. That etock'wilI have to be sold makes the deal- Y
makes the appetite 'hearty, the digestion bad looked at her with a thrill of �xulta- Is an inheritance from his ancestors. We ers sell bears in anticipation. It is related
and assimilation perfect, the liver active, tion as be came up the path. She ad not would be interlopers." that a certain Scut, on hearing of the sud- �AS�� �',��
ile blood pure And rich with the life giving heard him, and her brown head was bent "Fust a woman to have all the scruples den death of an old Glae
• elements of the food and the nerves strong pow friend who
and steady. Acting directly on the lungs, over a book. She looked up with a smile in the world I" exclaimed Tom in disgust. was notoriously very deep in North Dritish •
it drives out all impurities and disease as he sprang across the grass and ap. "Can't you be.reasonable, for one minute, railway stook, first rushed to the railway -Peter Sehemm, a brewer from Phila.
germs. It is also amonderful medicine for proached the bench. Laura? The property 1s there. It must market and sold 10,000 "British" in prep- delphia, jumped from Goat Island bridge
all nervous troubles. Sold by all dealers "Flawail?" she queried doubtfully, smile be used by somebody. II It does not be- aratlon for the fall that was sure to follow at Niagara Falls Monday morning and big
in medicine. Ing beQause he was smiling, long to us, 1t will be confiscated by some when his dead friend's account was 1iqul- body was swept over the American falls.
Jno. M. Hite of Audubon, Audubon Co., Iowa, "Yay,"donut you $now that Uncle John one with no slot to it, while w• have a dated, and then took a telegram form and
says: I took u severs; cold which settled on my had a coffee la +, right there. Haven't I been ea wired to the widow, "Am terribly vexed At Whitby during the trial of the South
lungs and chest. Several of our best physicians plantation near Honolulu? plawrig Y Ontario election stn
gave up all hopes of my recovery. I would cough "No," said Laura, and explaining that the old native wanted to hear of poor Sandy's dreadfully sudden petition Mr. Frank Den -
and spit blood for hours. I took Dr. Pierce's "Of course I .remombor now Qat I Uncle John to have it in case his own demise,"—Exohange, tout who appeared for the petitioner
(,olden Medical Discovery and recovered" heirs had leprosy? I can't make plain- against the return of Mr, Hoyle, M, P.P.
did not tell you about it, because I had for -north Ontario, stated that he had Do
Dr, Pigree's Common Sense 1tiledical very little Idea that it would mean an er. I wish you would be reasonab e.'t echoer Physicians.
Adviser is a book of r,008 pa es and over thin to us. You see mother's brother "I can't be reasonable enough to do evidence to offer and the case Wag dismis-
three hundred illustrations. This book is g , , Some o! the primary schools in Germany '99d•
free. You may have it in all its usefulness my Uncle -John, went out to Honolulu what I think is wrong, ' said Laura, with have their own Physician. scho He watches
.and in strong paper covers, for f customs over 20 years ago. He did not stay long, great firmness and dignity "I do not say over tine Classrooms and !s there to show
stamps, which pays the cost of customs but while he was there be befriended some anything about your taking the property, that questions of warming, ventilation,
and mailing only, or in cloth binding for rich native. We never did understand just I do say, however, that I will have noth- lighting and cleaning have entered into
50 stamps. Address, World's Dispensary how 1t was, but when the man died he left ins to do with 1t." the kingdom of science whereof he !s king.
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. a will by which._Unble John was to inherit "Well, Laura, that means that you will
Once in every fortnight be is to give in- 1
a certain tract of land in the Unuanu vel- have nothing to do with me, " said Torn in str•uction in every class !n the school, and
Tales of Medical Men. a voice as hard as her own. He could be the text he preaches from is "Sanites san- ..
_ ley provided there were no direct heirs.
Of Course we did not think anything of it, quite as dignified as she. ltatum, omnia sanitas." In short, he is 4.*6 . ` ` ` ...
'The house surgeon of a London host because Uncle John used to laugh about ` That is what it means,"assentedLaura the health officer of the whole establish -
poorwas attending to the injuries of a his Hawaiian estate and say that there coldly. Ment, the priest of b t .r �
poor woman, whose arm had been sev- "Oh, very well," said Tom. Rising, P yheia and the pbllos-
was no danger but that them would b• g, he cyber and friend of the teacher and the ft • ��'��� a ae`
erou bitten. As he was dressing the plenty of balks to keep biro out of it strode toward the gate. He turned as he taught. The experiment was first made •��• ` •
Wound, be said, "I cannot make out "However the-'interestin opened the gate, lifted big bat and said: at Wiesbaden and has Loon 4.-
. "'
what sort of a creature bit you. This g part r. this, „ pronounced n W'!D
y and that is why I am so happy, door. The "Good morning, Mies Glenn. Nim, 1r • , t
is too small for a horse's bite, and too land is ours now. Since the United States The annexation of Hawaii had precipi-
large for a dog's." "Oh, air," replied have annexed the islands the property InA toted a lover's quarrel. Tom walked down Badly Joined.
the patient, -it wasn't an animal;it was Creases in value and all question about the the street, viciously biting his mustache +< '
k `•', II-anot}rer lady," . Mr'. Russell, in his Collections and ` C.'• 6 " •' '
validity of rho title will be setiled antis- and swearing under his breath, He wnath- Recollections," tells this story of An Snap- •• � '. • .
. A Marquette physician had been back faotarlly. einatized women's consciences, scruples .
P propriate quotation: the leading citizen
only a day or two from a vacation trip "Do you know what that means, little and unreasonableness. This was a pretty of a seaside town •rooted sem• iron
when be met on the street a sexton of girl??' And Tom loaned tenderly toward mess, to be aura, and he thought his fico- l,envhss oa the sea front and, with a view
one of the cemeteries, "13ow rine you, Laura, who sat looking at him with wide blas wore over. to combine the commemoration of his own rem dy knownlforl the r effective
lief and
doctor? Novy are you?" inquired the open, surprised eyes. Laura went up stairs and wept until she benefio•nus with the giving a profitable cure of DIARRHO A, DYa ENT6RY,
sexton, with every show. of friendly in. There'was a quick gleam in her eyes as had a bad headache. Her eyes were so rod trona to the tyoaghte o[ the public 1n- COLIC, CRAMPS, CHOLERA and SVM-
tereat. "Very much better," replied she looked into his, Then her head droop- and swollen that she had to keep away scribed on rye back,,: "These seats were HER COMPLAINT. It settles the
the doctor, "I flied my trip has done we ed, and a blush mounted to her cheeks, P from the family. On the whole, Tom and resented to tips twv►n o[ Shin iebon b stomach, stimulates the heart,
a world of good." "Then you have `Yea, dear," oaclaimed Tom Laura were migerable encu h on that g y soothes and heals the irritated
You ,•pressing gphBuggialEp J. P. for this bowel.
rt beeri'awayon u trip? "said fbe sexton, her hand "It means that ou and I °an warm July day, not so many weeks ago. 'T1'lhu• 1/, and =• made' NEVER FAILS.
-i ti "I thought as much. Why, its been 3 Marry ,yery strop• We will net have to Tom's face was set in hard lines all that I& I " "For several seasons we have no-
weeks since there was a funeral." work and vi aft, as we thought. The path afternoon. He was very angry with lied on Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wtid
k;' A French statistician has discovered is plain before us. Won't you tell me that Laura, and the whole world seemed to be DYSPEPSIA GROANS for what Na-
for all few dosesummer s gi e
^^;} thiyt n she sixteenth century the aver- you lie glad?" And h• drew her within wrong, relief and it never fails to cure. We
ag'e dutation pf a doctor life was only the'olrole of'.his arm. tare alone provides for this stomach corse'
°' When be went home that evening, he Dr, yon Stan's Pines fple tablets aro ❑a- think it a very valuable medicine—
= thirty-six and one-half years, In the `It se•ma too cod to b• fru told his mother that Laura thought the as precious as gold." MRs. p. C.
} sevepteenlh century it reached fort the ha g e "sighed g tare's panacea for all stomach ills. Plea- WINGER, Font Hitt, Out.
leper ought -
y' !r1 Pto have
Pthe un
PP7money. He Y•
Ave can
fl e and two-tbir•d years,the eighteenth Tom was too ha would not tell her that the had quarreled, t and positive cure fors o Stomach, happy to remain silent Y 4 ed. Distress after satin Loss of A eatoc ae crNTS.
Centsrr but he allowed himself to show his inn g' Appetite,
Y Apty-nine and two.third He wae•,,xcited and exultant, blow much pa- Wind of the Stomach, Dizziness, Nausea, Ifrress SUMT1TOTES• Tnar'RX DANGnOUD.
ears, and at the present time he finds this news from the Capital meant to him tionce with his sweetheart's scruples
1t is fifty-six years.. The same inquirer and Latina could nob be estimated ,atoncp g and Catarrh of
di ordose°direoElq 1traceable g86t*
Laura is right," said his mother. "A
eel to fiscertain whether the av- "Teltme •about;it," whislSered Lamas. part of the money at least ought to be einggish digestive organs. 35 cents.
E longevity of patients has incises- "You see, we knew several months ago spent in providing comforts for that poor •
ed r;G'the same proportion. that the last of the Hawaiian heirs was fellow. I am glad the woman who will If it only requires a fifth of a second Fruit t_ - be m son's wife has shown the right for a message to go 2,00 miles across p c
gone -rehabs, aura, hAd leprosy
dead. y ght "the Canadian continent, rtcannot be li
YOUhTG AT SEVENTY. Just think, 'Laura, he had leprosy ,,and, spirit." said that much time is lost in trans- •
wase should
to the leper oolong. You abet the Tom was silent. He had not the Lact Confectionery
Indigestion and Stomach Troubles Remove estate tihould have resin oun°their, but the: much about Plroa Hunan befo•n. The f:,ot mission.
ed by South American Nervine—Four native agents out there kept the facts away that his financial difficulties were to be re- A Yarmouth man was smoking a pipe,
from us. The agitation about the annex- moved from his path was all that had !n- , when a spark dropped into the tack of his L
bottles Brought Back Health and ation, however, brought all these things terested him. Now he saw the bitterneas trousers and burned a hole. He made a YOU will find as HEADQUAR- C
Vigor. to light. The will of Uncle John's friend of the poor native's lot. To face a slow claim for loss under his fire inenrence TERS for all seasonable Fraits P
was plain. If his heirs were not able to death on the hateful leper island was a policy, and the company paid the damage.
Mr, James Sherwood, of Windsor,.' Ont., inherit, it was to go to Uncle John and hard fate indeed. But what could he do!
writes: "For twelve mouths I wag a great ' his heirs. Mother and I are the heirs, you Suddenly he sprang to his feet. Seo First-classCrawford Peaches
suffbrer from indigestion and etomaG$ know. So we come !n for a good inoome, LAUre be roust, ' WILL DIE BEFORE DAYLIGHT."
troubles. After trying. other i•eniedieg they tell me.,, "Mothor„” ,be :ezolatmed, "I arra gulrlg Wonid $ave Beea Her Answer to Your Grapes, different varieties
without any benefit whatever,.."I was at= "And we get this blessing because of to ask Laura to marry me right away. Muskmelons, Watermelons
braoted to South: Amel•ioari Nervine the Dorsa of leprosy upon those poor people Tlf,m we can go out to Honolulu right Query—When ?—Bat Dr. Agnew'e ,
'ihroagh great Oared read of its making, out there?" said Laura In a tender voice, away, 1 sok after the plantation' and see Cure for the Heart Snapped the Death Oranges Lemons
and I decided' to try '• it. After a few "Yes, dear," said Tom, sobered sud• what can be done for poor Puoa," Strings, i
-doses I felt great relief and - benefit, I deal He looked n into the swaying Catching up his bat, he almost ran from Bananas and Tpnli� tQe� i
have taken lour bottles, and though I am branches above him, P H• saw the July the houto in his eagerness. Fifteen min- Mrs. B,, 186 Queen street W., Toronto, ' J
years old I 4 this thankful testimony Bowers nodding In the breeze, and then he Iltes later he was standing at the Nlenn gives this unsolicited testimony : "For a —Ail kinds of— c��t
for the relief from the great suffering I looked at Laura, fair queen of his heart, front door askin4, breathlessly for Laura, number o1 years I had been a great suffer. S
had. i Watts
it a great medicine."— His happiness had been purchased at a `"Laura is up stairs with a headache," er from heart troubles and smothering Confectionery F
Sold by Watts dz Co. dear price indeed. Hideous leprosy had said the small brother who had opened the sensations, palpitation, neuralgia thump-
,'� robbed another man of all that was dear door. ing, was very easily fatigued. I was in. Bread . . . Our
uecialtieS BI
to him—horns and wife and friends and Tom drew a card from his pocket and duced to try Dr, Agnew's Care for the Cakes & Pastry p rn
SPARED THE ENEMY. the enjoyment of the commonest things of wrote: "Won't you see me fora few min- Heart when I bad despared living throuth
Utes, dear? I want you to tell me how to the night. The benefit was instantaneous. The sales for our Real Home Made an
t8panish Governor Showed Great Generos- , help Puoa." I have taken five bottles and have no heli- and Ri alt Digestive Bread are in. Fe
Sty In the War of 1748. It seems that the old native who was P Cation in heartily recommending it, and creasing daily
Uncle John's friend had a borror of lep- When Laura came down—and she made 7
In the year 1746, when England was en- rosy," said Tom in explanation of the sin- haste to obey her lover's summons—she will be glad to communicate with any one L
gaged in war with Spain, Captain Ed- gular will, "In Pact, he had it himself found Tom sitting on the bench under the desiring it. Sold by Watts & CO,
wards of the Elizabeth a London, Coming when Uncle John was there, bat he kept old tree which had so often shaded them. Jas. AfeClachert
through the gulf from Jamaica richly lad- it a secret. There was a curse upon his It was here that they had quarreled that Hon, Dabid Laird has been appoint -
en, !met with a violent storm. The ship family, he often said. He hoped much, morning. As Laura approached, her white ed a commissioner to inquire into com-
sprang a leak that obliged it to run into dress gleaming in the moonli plaints which have been made in re- Novelty Bakery and Restaurant
11 • the port of Havana. The captain wont on however, of this youngest son—fife one g B ght, Toni J
P who has just been taken into the leper wont to meet her. Taking her into his gard to the management of the Dor- Telephone No. 1.
chore and wonted on the governor and told colony." arms impulsively, he said: cheater Penitentiary. �/�
him of the occasion of his putting in, add- Tom was silent for a few moments and `Laura, you are the best woman in the The Provincial Synod, meeting at MADE Iii
Ing that he surrendered the ship as a prize then went on: world. I am not half Montreal. rejected Rev. Dr. Lan tr s E A MAN
as well as himself and Drew prisoners o! ' g ,,notion that the clergy in its 'ursdic-
The old fell ep explained to Uncle yOU' gy J orLImpoteaue D silos .wale c Mom•
war, only requosting good quarters. � John that if the leprosy carried off his en- "Why, Tom 1" said Laura in surprise. tion he ordered to abstain from marry- ory,Impetoncy, etoealoasness,ete. onaooa
"No, sir," replied the governor; If we tire family, the property would go to some Tom's only reply was a kiss. Releasing ing divorced persona, or Abuse or other i;rcosses and India*
had taken you in fair sea or approaching restore They gwta)a and suroty �+
11pP g collateral relative. It was to prevent their her and holding her away from him so restoroi,ostvltallty in ofdoryoung.and
our own coast with hostile intentions, obtaining possession that he rondo the be asked ane- fit n man for study, bueinags or marrtnge.
that he 00n1d sec her face - _ Prevent Insanity and Oonsum tion if
your ship would then be a lawful prize will. He hated them. Their grandmother iously: to on to time. Their use sbows immediate din ve
and your people prisoners, but when, dig- men and effects a ODRL wham all other foil In -
I had pureed his Pnthor and his father's "b'oa't you go out to Honolulu with , i � silt Upon having the RE vvlxo Ajax Tablets, Thoy
tressed by the hand of Providence, yeti children. You know how queer and ell- Inc and p have oared thousands and wiiloaro yea, we ivo epos
( come to our port for safety of yon,, lives bol mo to do what Ie right for ictvowrlttonguarantee toetreotacum 50�TS,per
perstitlous those people aro. Leprosy has that poor leper? We will divide with him." ���� v oke odor ti pkgoe e r i t oat rice for in
• we, being men, though enemies, are bound taken the entire family of those cousins, Laura's face brightened, but she was too mail. plain wrap sn upon re tl, of rano ol0. By
by the laws of humanity to afford relief to astonished to speak. i froe- AJAX fie n..rb... St.,
too, so that there Is rt one but one leper, P tL R MBUY fro., cldt„M
the distressed who ask it of us. We can- 1 to inherit the property. Now that the "We must goat once," said this im- C
not, -even against our foes, take advantage I Unitrd States government !s taking hold Perious lover. Then he spoke timidly: Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson,
Of the not of God. You have leave there- uhd t, to will be cleared up. We will Provo "Vico will mttrry m0 Host week, won't �I druggists. FI
11 fore to unload your chip, 1f that be neves- I our claim, and the income will be paid to you, Laura? We ono sail from San Frnn-
e�ry to stop the !colt. You may fit her Us." clsco on the neat boat." �� BO
t here and trafllo so far besides as shall be ! But the poor leper?" exclaimed Laura He waited for the anbwer,
needful to pay the charges. When re- I "Surely he has a right to the land Just "Oh, Tom 1" said Laura at ]sat, andff �
paired, you may depart. I will glue you a think how miserable he mush bei" there was consent in her voice.
,, pass, to be in force till beyond Bermuda •
If after that you are taken, then you will Well, it is pretty hard, " admitted Tom,
"You leo be to as good s dead now. In
be a(lawful prize, whereas now, as you are the eyes , the Hawaiians themselves loo
Mr Frank McQuillan, of Guelph
only a stranger, you have a stranger
right „ g
safety and protection."
dead, No one who goon to the leper colony
township, was killed by a fall.
H6re was fairness. The ship departed
and arrived without any further
evercomes back. He will be fed and clothed
and that In All'the poot-wrotch oan'want."
The estate of Sir J. Adolphe Chap-
lean has been probated at $225,000.
Positively cured by these
In the port of London.—Pittsburg Dis-
"IIow old to bee" asked Laura suddenly.
A telegram has been received by the
Little Pills.
me ace," and Tom drew out some
payors and turned them "Pnoa
British Foreign Otliee statins that
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Cooke has been shot dead in
indigestion and Soo Hearty Eating, A per.
A joclaeq named Johnston was
must be about 24 now." . � ,
"Three years younger than you i►re,"
said the Laura. Thoh,
Fast Africa. He was a graduate of
the Roval Military College, Kingston.
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nadgea, Drowsi•
ness, tadTastgl[athe Wutlrr'CoifcdTongue
• r' hl his horse And trampled
Wen Sound Fair, and
pitying turning to
her lover, shfi a i3latmedr 'Torsi, he ought
1Tain in the aide, TORPID LIVER. They
ilarly injured at Col-
laiBs accident
to have some of that inanby., :VPs hs,Vd no
right to it—that is, of course You a d our
gores and nloers of -the worst kind are
Regulate the•BbwR ls. Ptrreljf Ve6efable.
an un-
ed down +
mother may cjp tie you (<h1ri7G 8®0ftabbut it;
readily healed by Burdock Blood Bitters.
Tak6 ft' ini4nally and it
Small Pill* is , , - 4R' A11 D086.
I can t take any of !t. Wb4t 41}ave. I
A1�erdone tlkatc 'lih'oulttnalajr th*'Nhult of
apply externally
according to' directions and see beef quickly
ama�� price.
S bstlttf tlot1
vuetomera wi
the beat meats at the lowest paying price! `
'b'ow's misery?""
a curb twill bd fnade.
Huron Street.
',us little thing It is I"
n bair, "But
James McKenna, of Montreal, was on
hie way to Toronto as a delegate to the
the fraud oi'tho �ft3•.
U b
'ted argu-
fireman's convention, when, in trying to
board a moving train he fell against the
. 1
See you get Carters,
shipping parpoees, for which the highest.
wheels and broke his neck.
market prices will be paid. PartieshaYia�
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word tit
Needles and all kinds of Repai�i,
kept on hand
W. Gillespie, the Penetanguishene
Ask for Carter's,
Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
merchant, tried at Montreal on a
ebarge of furnishing false statements
insist and demand
Of accounts, h,%s been found guilty,
With a strong recommendation to
Bubeoribe;•hae opened a gh9N in the pry.
miser recently
(,;zter's Little Liver' Fills.
— ��
where he wo
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to W.
. I, ��..� �. I �I . , - I I ! .
.. I�',
Sept jmb3v 30, 189s
6 AL
C11'1' lift) I umiltt ,Sn
Sold in Clinton by
I wish to inform the public that I win
Is caused by Uric Acid and other im-
in the businpss•ot be unders4 1 I am ad by tpractltc4l hUt i*r
A general Banking Business
purities in the blood, which
have not been fiftered
er; and unee stand all the branc,hPaof
out by the laid-
treys through the urine. The seat o2
the trouble is not in the skin
the business. We keep the very (Scoff
meats, and a full stock always on hands
Drafts sailed. Interest allowed on
or mus-
t•I<s It's sick Kidneys. Electricity,
L t.:ments or plasters will not
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prici4i
Bring along your u,oney, and 6 the
'. -
reach the
case. But the disease can be
meat at the cash rice. We will y
credit, but not atcashprices, Pled.
come and bee what you can do for
Cash at
I was taken with o severe attack of rheuma-
t f ..
tism and could not turn myself in bed. I was
nersuaded to try Dr Hobs' .sparugus Ii;idney
. Pills. Thoy soon Pitt me on my feet again,
• notes at low ratite of interest.
Less than one box cared oto so compp etely that
1 have returned again to my work in the Lake
A general Business transaotea.
rheic Repair shops as well as ever.
WM. A. SC IOFLELD• Adrian. Mich.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
Iam pleased to sa that Dr Hobbs' Sparague
Kidney Pills are the most rolievin remedy I
We are doing business on the cash pr'la
pie, and will supply out `
J. P. TISDALL, Manage't •:.
have ever used for rheumatism. You may use
Ghia As a tostimnnial for the benetit or others
vuetomera wi
the beat meats at the lowest paying price! `
who are atllieted. CAARLES HESS. veteran of
Civil War, 284 Adelaide nt, Dettolt, Mich.
Huron Street.
Ur. Hobbb•
Rusiness Change.
U b
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
HomeandDominion exceptionally gdoachrnee;}I',.
p y good maolrintl,
Pills _
shipping parpoees, for which the highest.
and hoe given good satisfaction to all,
SYDNEY JAeI4SON, Druggist,
market prices will be paid. PartieshaYia�
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word tit
Needles and all kinds of Repai�i,
kept on hand
the shop.
Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
Cheaper to I
; •
Bubeoribe;•hae opened a gh9N in the pry.
miser recently
+ • • . ,
eiWied espeoially TQ;: ybjl
anyone, opposite Fair's Mill,
— ��
where he wo
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to W.
Two Week's Sale! �/
karts of the town,
Of Second -hand Bicycles,
Ladies' and Gents' 1898 models. All in
nblic Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share oil .'',`j
p pair°°age reepeotfUlly eolioited.
first-class condition only run about two
months, at $15, $20 and $25 each.
Call and secure a bargain.
Onward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Block, Clinton
�'tOO FT�c
II. L. BROWN, Manager.
r1 1.7
Flour & Feed at0re
ThU old Clinton PLANING MILK
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
In large or small quantities.
who has made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description,
on abort
notice and the lowest terms; first-class
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds build-
material furnished as desired,
', ;
William Street, Clinton, immediately.
jl�� 1 "F.
behind the Park.°
(late Hill &Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley
- I ,-
and all kinds of meal sol d at lowest '
wet n P
Fresh Corn for Feed, SSc a b�,i,
' TR Yf I s �
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and up.
stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
ompletc, we are prepared Lo offer to tbo pub•
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
market prices.i
c spring planting a very choice lot of
Apple, Pluin, Pear, Cherry
and Pesach trees, at suitable
pr ices. Evergreens a specialty.
arge stock of small Fruits,
hoice list of spring budding Planta.
rice list mailed on application.
1 M U
The j� ����j�s Bank
Stewart Estate
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000 .
REST FUND - $1,500,000
• WM. MOLSON MACPHF-RSON, Presides►,.-.
F. WOLY&roaTAN T1sOMAs. Gen. Manage,*
dioeoggt@d, 001loptionp made, }•q,f Y,
-- maned,
I '
8torling and A—alerivaan exclisp
JL4 •"J wild. Interest allewod All de.'
: •."
Impure, Weak and Impoverished sume
BAViNes BANK— Interest alloweu on,
of $1 and ap. Money advanced t0
cod, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- farmers
of the Heart, Live: Complaint, Neu-
on their own note, with one oir
more endorsers. No mortgage required
lgia, Loss of Mimory, Bronchitis, Con-
mption, Gall StOLt9, Jaundice, Kidney
H. C. BRERER, Manager, Clinton
d Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
male irregularities and General Debility G.
D. �it� A\1f
elf A
aboratory, Goderich, out.
Vf i� l e
e, a'
J. M. McLeod, BANKER
Prop, and Manufacturer
. '
Sold in Clinton by
_- -' A
,y} 5
`: i
A general Banking Business
I ` 11
Drafts sailed. Interest allowed on
is a pretty shoe. We
., ^" `il
11 ve them at all prices
n d in all Styles.
Advances made to farinetrd on their own
• notes at low ratite of interest.
A general Business transaotea.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
at reasonable prices.
Call and see them.
J. P. TISDALL, Manage't •:.
lit fail t0 see Out' Single
Huron Street.
and Double Harness,
We have just received another lot of U"' , '.. ,
our Trunks, valises l
HomeandDominion exceptionally gdoachrnee;}I',.
p y good maolrintl,
�atcllels,SCh00l Bads,
and hoe given good satisfaction to all,
Etc., Etc.
Needles and all kinds of Repai�i,
kept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payments. ,
Red and White on me or write for prices and terafl� . ;�
Cedar Shingles Jen. 1898 WN. Mao!,t 1 11 I
For Twenty-seven Fe �'� °a,;
alWaps on hand. — - L A�.
is TwId "'
N"(4li ges of t a fusee
ISweeps the satin $bld of
- - d orders, -, Marl
Pros eettrs 1.00, ` RA•
. -• - fJOJkt .•rldXI flfrxrisniwort
tkrf :, .
,y} 5
`: i