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The Clinton New Era, 1898-09-30, Page 5
Ir IRE CLINTON NEW ERA ROW TO MAZE MONEY,.. We are in the Jewellery trade to do buaineee—to make money. and. we can only do this by meeting the wants of the public. Do you Want Anything in the Jewellery line. We can supply you, and at prices that cannot be sur. paseed elsewhere. Our stook of Clocks, . Watches, Jewellery, Etc. ie right up-to-date. Re- pairing Department is giv- ing the beet of satiefaotion H. HEWITT, FRED. RUMBALI„Manager Proprietor Blyth a Fair JACOB TAYLOR Clinton, - Ont. General District Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co For Stratford and Goderloh, inclusive. All in formation relating to insurance gladly given. Money to loan at reasonable rates. Office In Palace Block D. L. MACPHERSON Fire Insurance Representing– Alliance th British nd Mercantile Ina, 0o. Perth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. OrrICE, - - MACKAY BLOCS:, CLINTON S SS atisfaction Guaranteed Our Watch Repairing Depart- ment is atteladed to to first olase manner. If ytryour watch needs repairing, we tell tou so, if u o unnecessary expensewe do . Proper care and good workmanship is $ what your watch requires. We know that our work will please you.n. S Charges Moderate .. Do You Need A Pair of Spectacles ? A.J. GRIGG Successor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON, Will be held on Tuesday & Wednesday Oct. 4th tt 5th We are preparing some special lines for the above days., It Will pay you to come in and learn more about this store and the way business is conducted here. Bpi - ing for cash and selling for cash is well known as the only up-to-date method of doing business, SPECIAL FOR SHOW DAYS Dress Goods, new lines at 20c,25c,300,50c, 750, $1 a yd. Millinery in Sailors or Trimmed Hats at prices lower than you have been accustomed to pay. Ladies' Mantles -- we pay special attention to Mantles and Capes, and the styles and values shown this season are really good. Prices $3.50, $4.50 $5, $7, $10, $14. No better range can be found in the county. Fur Coats and Capes and Fur Lined Capes in all the newest effects. Gloves -- some special numbers in Black Cashmere for show days. We will be glad to see you. McKinnon & Co., Blyth You have seen Hovey's BakingPowder der advertised before, but have y oa tried it ? If not yon do not know how good it is. Procure a sample from us, try it, and compare results with the kind you are at present using. Use it once and we feel confident that Hovey's Baking ,Powder will be the kind yon will use and recommend. Our Cream Tartar, Baking Soda, Spices, Flavoring Extracts eto., etc., are satisfactory,_ J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Farmers, Attention. Do you want to breed the correct Bacon Pegs which will make you money l If so come and see our Thorobred large improved Yorkshires. We will sell them at low prices for breeding purposes; both males end females for sale. Come quick, as we have only a limited number for dale. Hillside Stock Farm, Clinton, Sept. 1, 18PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS. The Imperial — MEAT MARKET. NgThe undersigned wish to inform the people of Clinton and vicinity they have opened up in the store formerly occupied by Fair & Co, Mackay Block, Ontario St., where they will keep in stook all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Cured and Canned Meats, such as is usually carried in a first-class meat I store, together with Poultry, Canned Tongue Beef, Pigs Feet, Mince Meat, and all articles of a like nature, which will be delivered free to any part of the town, Orders'solielted. area' JOHN SCRTJTON, Manager T. R. F. CASE & CO. CLINTON SELLING 011!!! The protest against the return of Major Masrfe as Liberal member for South Wellington was diamisaed, as was, also the protest against Mr McLaughlin, Conserva- tive, for Stormont. The Court of Appeal on Saturday an- nonnoed their decision in the celebrated constable Daae. Their judgment is that election constables have the right to vote. Mr Legislativek Assemblyer , whoel haathe Onbeen seriously ill, is recovering COW FOR SALE. Good fresh -calved cow for sale cheap. T. C. PICKARD, Holmesville. WAN TED Good Dining Room girl at Hotel Clarendon. Wages $9 per month. J. C. MILLER. APPRENTICES WANTED At once, to learn the Dressmaking. Applyq to MISS CONn1,LY, Victoria St. MEN WANTED. To frame and take out timber. Will be in Londesborough every Saturday night. MATT. MAINS, 40 IN lE For sale also. Both Comb and Extract. C. HOARE, The Huron: Central Fruit Farm, Clinton NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons holding claims against the estate of the late Priscilla Butt, of Clinton, are requir- ed to send the same to the undersigned, before the 15th day of October. W. W. FARRAN. We are reducing aur stock as fast as °possible, but have many lines yet to sell, and have special bargains to offer. Prices that you can get •nowhere else. Come and see what we are offering, whether you want to buy or not. We have a lot of odd sizes_in i— Strayed from subscriber's premises, on con. 14, Goderieh township, about three weeks ago, a dark red, 10 menthe old heifer. Any one re turning the same, or giving information as to its whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. EBENEZER RUMBALL. STRAY SHEEP. Came into subscriber's premises, lot 39, con. 12, Hallett, about two months since, a ewe and two lambs.. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay themes and take them II away.. GEORGE RAITBBY. STRAY HEIFER. Coats and suits and are offering them at less money than they cost. We have 60 pairs of Men's Pants that are marked to sell at $1.50 and $1.75; to clear them out at once we will sell them at $1 and $L25 per pair. A lot of Odd Vests at $1 each, if you see them you will buy. We have a lot of Tweeds and Worsteds to sell. They are the cheapest and best goods for the money ever offered in Clin- ton. See our 40c Tweed. 20 Pieces of Choice Flannelettes at 7c er yard, worth 9c. p Good assortment of All -wool Yarns, es' and Gents' Underwear. See our Grain Bags at $1.90 per doz. :entember the place. i POULTRY WANTED. having sale for l aradymakefoesams, at thehi hetcsh prices, at the IMPERIAL Meat Market, Clinton. J. SCRUTON, Manager.CASB CO. TEACHER WANTED. borne, totcmmenceteachingeC JannNry,4 18!49. Applications to be received till the 1st of Oct. State salary certificate and what experience. Apply to 'WM. HILL, See. - Treasurer, P. 0, TEACHER WANTED. FApplications Sca 8 ns stating ealarhy and township, U particular will be received by the undersigned up to Oct. 14, Personal application preferred. W. F. FHICIK, Secy Box 288, Goderieh, GRAND TRUNK .SV EM` Annual Western . Excursion . The G. T. R. will run the Annual Western IExcursions hsonS and returning Cot, uplto ,,good 17, as follovis: Clinton to Port Enron and Detroit tea p0 Cleveland 6 ae " Saginaw and Day City g 0e " Grand Rapids 7 e0 " Chicago and Cinofnattl. 9 e0 " St. Paul and .Minneapolis 33 00 For tickets and all infottnatlon apply to any agent Gft'and Trunk railway Srst4,m, or to A. O. PATTISON, G. T.R, STATION, or E. E. 1 O»GENS, AGENT, CLINTON. $0,,,,...t,, 4.. -,.,..»w .*a %S.` .Y, . :, ,.r..,„i„, +ic , L 86 GIBBINGS Do Au 1 Zt � 89s ' Milk Test, [ We republiah this from our last week's issue, because a slight transpo- Sition of the first figures did an nniu- tentional inajustice to Mr Weir, his be- ing recorded as 3,02, whereas it should hn,ve been 3.20,–ED, NEW Eiu,] As required, the following teat was made on Sept. 18, 1898. Butter fat Sp. gr. (a) W. Weir 3 20 10.30 b) Tyndall (Smith) ....300 10.30 c)B. Churchill 3 40 10.321 dP. Towers .3.80 10.31 e) Tyndall 320 10.30 All the which a below standardre tfoy his seaood son. J. W. SHAW, Medical Health Officer. Huron Horses at the Western. That in its last issue, refers' to the live stock at London Fair, aa follows:— In the two-year-old heavy horses the Toronto winner had to give place to a bone and fiod ne feather, shobawn with good Innes & Horton, Clinton, In heavy by horses London was stronger than Tor- onto; these had all to be Canada bred, In the to o•year-old class John Essery, Exeter, .had 4 good strop colt and got first. Thos, McMichael, Seaforth, was second with a chunky colt,neat hut not big, bare of feathers, but of good bore. The same exhibitor showed a Shire— a plain colt. not over large of his age.— There was a fine show of brood mares in this class — some real good ones and with a capital lot of young things at foot; G. Dale, Clinton, took third. The last one is a brood mare, very good be- hind. The Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Society gave a special prize for mares registered with them, and which did not trace back with them on the dam's side to imported tock. The first in this class went to Innes & Hor- ton, Clinton, and second to V.H.Iiay, ' Farquhar. NEWS are NOTES. labens inesthe Plevn rn ditriot,' Addington County, The trate recently fined a Ridgetownoupolice h $4 5fora gaindecent lan- guage on the street, Mr, George McCare fell through a bridge near Ingersoll with a traction engine, but escaped with an injured foot and back. At the meeting ste Guelph Presbytery Watson's 'resignation ishaeo Alma and Zion Churches was taken up and accepted. NortLern Spy apples are going to be bers of trees halentiful ve beais falln around broken Tilbury. Nand des troyed by the weight of their fruit. Mrs M. arris, of er, had the mis- forttu a to fall tall down the steof her home on Saturday last and was badly bruised about the face and •body which will lay her up for some time. St. Catharines and Merriton were the aeenes of a disastrous tornado on Monday, whereby three persons lost their lives, and many houses were destroyed; the cyclone took a path through these places, and car- ried destruction right along. The be very heavy. g loss will The Liberals say there will be no difficul- ty n IEastWellington. J.M. Gibson's uTheumorspread about ad i about so profusely to the effect that there would be no opposition is unfounded. A local editor was named as his opponent, but he says now that he will not accept the no- mination. Election may come on the last of next month. BORN. DONNELLY.–In East Wawanosh, on 18, Mrs Owen Donnelly, of a son. Sept. RANKLN.–In Seaforth, on Sept, 17th, the wife of Jas. Rankin, of a son. DEWAR.–In Stanley, on Sept 17, the wife of Mr George Dewar, of the Sanbie line, of a daughter • LEECH.–In flullott, on Sept 14, the wife of Geo. Leech, of a daughter. BROWN.–In Hallett, on Sept 16, the wife of Win. Brown, of a son. MARRIED. SMITH–STURGEON.–At Bayfield, on Sept 27th, by Rev W Graham Wm Smith to Miss Annie Sturgeon, both of Bayfield. MERELEY–Bon Sept 7, by Rev F .7L Oaten, H A lMerkley, of Turnberry, to Martha S Begley, Wingham, SOO:PT–MULDREW.– At the residence of the bride's mother, Egmondville, on Sept 14, by Rev N Shaw, B.A., Mr .1 R Seott,Maeillop, to Miss Mario Muldrew, WARNER–JEWELL,–At the Victoria St. church parsonage, by Rev W Godwin, on Sept 21at,Mr 1)H Warner to Miss Katie Jewell,both of Godericb. HALE–MCCLYMONT.–At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich, by Rev W God- win, on Sept , M 81 r F T Hale of Guelph,to Me- linda A., eldest daughter of W A MoClymont, NE WELL–FRASER,–At the residence of the bride's father Mitchell on Sept 21st, by Rev.IMr Bradley, Mr John Newell of Gode- rieh, to Miss Jennie Fraser, of Mitchell. ROZEL Septi 20, Miss NetltieB&fe rurnbult of Brussels to W J Rozell, of Paw Paw, Mich, LING–RYAN,–In Brussels on Sept 19, by Rev Father McCabe, Miss ICatiierine Ryan, of Walton, to Mr John Ling, of McKillop. MALCOLM–HU'.1`TON,--At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs J. Sutherland, Walkor- Maloolm,©of Gal14, t, tov Mie MFlorrence HMr utton of Walkerton, formerly of Wingham, PRENDERGAST–MC UAIDE – church, Seaforth on Tatesdey, Sept 2n 0tb aRev Father McCabe, I'f Prendergast, of Chicago to Miss Josie McQuaide youngest daughter of J McQuaide, of Seafort}i. IIIAl7. FEAR.–In Atwood, on Sept. 23rd, Samuel Fear, aged 72 years, STOGDILL –In Seaforth,on Sept.16, Martha Jane Stogdili', aged 37 years and 8 months. WATSON.–At the hospital of Manilla, Phil- Tipin° Islands, of fever, Harry Watson son of W. N. Watson, of Seaforth, aged 20 years and 9 months. MOORE.–At McLennan, Algoma. on Sept.B, formerly ofTnolsorsmith, aged 58 years and 7 Months. COLOLOUGH, – In Morris, on Sept. 10th, Lorne Edmund, youngest son of John and An- nie CoIelough, aged 11 months and 28 days, avenue Toronto at the residence of Dr. oana Andrew McCaa, formerly of Tackersmith, in the 87th year of bis ago. LOGAN,–At her father's residenoo,Stanley, Minnie J C. Logan daughter of J,Logan,aged 19 years and 10 mtfnths, law, Mayor Wi'aon. the residence on Septi 20 non -in - 'law, M. O Cameron, Lieutenant -Governor of the North-west Territories, in his 87tH year. CRON'y1'&–In Brandon, Man., on Sept 21st, Chas Cronyn, youngest son of P. Cronyn Godo - rich township,ago 25 years and 3inonths. SWEET,–in Marden Man,, on Sept, 7, Mrs It, Sweat, formerly of Stephen, aged 70 veers and 6 months, ARMSTRONG, --,In Morris, on Sept. 11, Mra Arwstrong, relict of the late Wm.Armstrodg, aged 78 years. MobOUGAGL, .In East Wawanoah,on flept, loth, Alex. McDougall, aged 78 reeve, 1 m olith. and 15 days. STIMORE,-»In MaKlllop, on Sept,19h,dolin tgtimore, sgod 28 yeare,11 menthe and 97 days, 0b1'iBOX,+=tn G1'olt, en Sept. r7 .Aloud Con.' rot, stepson of Aron. meLeatt, leta don.,agod 14 1404. d1LTN?o ltA}ULM'S Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Sept. 29th, 18x8. Wheat . , .... 0 65 a 0 60 0 24 0 33 September 30, 1 ate Field Barley 0 23 0 30 a Peas 0 47 a 0 50 Flour per cwt 2 10 a 2 10 Butter C 14 a 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 1`l l a' 0 13 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 6 00 Sheepskins 0 40 a 0 55 Potato aG, ..Fries 0 50 a 0 60 Pork, live 5 50 a 5 70 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, Sept. 26.—About 500 head of andbutclambs were off rerie cattle, 50 ed sat the 150 east sheep en abattoir to -day. Boyers were present in large numbers and there was a brisk de. mend for the beet cattle, but all other kinds were slow of aale. Some beef sold at from 4o to 4io per lb; good stook at 3to to 4o; comnion stook at 3o to 3}a and and thriftysmaiyounglabrebel bulls, et 2o $2.50 to 012to eaob, o from 3 o lb. Ctoal 3 o saped r at Shippera pay from 3io to 3o per lb for large sheep. Lambs sell at 3/c to 4lo per Ib. Fat hogs are not very plentiful, and sell at about 3Jc per ib for fed hogs, W E. Gillespie of Penetanguiehene was sentenced to six months' imprisonment at Montreal for issuing false statements to decei,e his creditors. Il>rty Aa Ji t'ttl emeut,, BA( i FOR SALE. - 300 good cotton bags foisa'o at 15 cents each. W. G. PERRIN. HOUSE WANTED. To rent. not too large, nice locality. Apply at this office at once. Ladies' Coig We are showing special value in Laies Coats in all the newest colors,from $3.50 ill Dress Gods Our stock of Dress Goods is very large, ein bracing all the newest shades and Weaves, We are showing special value in Ladies' cloth, 54 inches wide, regular 50c for 30c. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR in all sizes in Wool and Union LOST. On child sthe ov rcoate1 F nder will coon nferda favort'by leaving same at the NEW ERA Office. FUR RUFF LOST. Lost, somewhere around t' wn a Fur Ruff, Finder will be suitably rewarded on returning same to COIIBE'a Drug Store. HOUSE 'VO RENT. Comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar, newly papered; corner of Rattenbury and Orange streets. Rer.t $7 monthly no taxes, Apply to W. W. IiA15RAN. Good .louse for Sale. Subsq,iber offers for sale her excellent pro- perty on Albert street north. The house is a commodious one, and is in excellent repair, with all conveniences; good lot and stable. Easy terms to anyone wishing to purchase. M.S. W. MUIR BOY LOST. Ran a boy 13} years old; the df farm a brown undersigned, grey coat and cottoned, pants. patched; good laced shoes. He has dare brown hair; large teeth in front, nt and at ono side, Any information as to�hishwhere abouts wilt greatly oblige JOS. MUTCH, Auburn, HOUSE FOR SALE.. The well-built hop,;° on the corner of 51111 and Maple streets, at present occupied by the unfourobed bedrooms andsitrned, is losetss;lpctaThs, with par- lor, r- stai s.niig Hardroomand softhen and water,, stone cellar oand furnace; woodshed, etc. MRS. D. ROBERTSON. NEW MUS/c, I having recently purchased one of the popu- lar new Automatic Reginas, of very superior tone and style, being the very finest idstrument I could select. in Toronto, haring a wonderfully rich i capable and eomdulaon, playiniant gsared music as written well as the finest classical piano instrumentals; will be open to supply music of such ;or enter- tainments of church, sunday school or concerts of a high order. Parties interested please ap- ply or correspond to my addrese– C. HOARE, Clinton, NOTICE. JOHN WISy,A CLINTON Rave you New a boy, who will fit a good I Fall Goods Suit atace ri like ke this : $2 50 Suits $1 50 2 75 ` 1 75 325 ” 225 4 50 " 3 25 5 50 " 3 75 6 50 " 4 50 1 We have just passed into stools the; very latest styles in Flats and Caps. We make a speoialty in this line ani,,. are prepared to show you the best, value in the trade. WATT-RPRQOF COATS are lust' what you want for the fall rape' We are showing a large assortmgnb There are only a few left, juft two or three ranging in price from 82 up. 1 ?. of each, eo if you want one come right in IN TI ES we have all the latest patternl3 at once. i rG lnpeotion invited, _ A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton, j A, J. MOIIRISH, Clinton FURNITU$$ down last spring, 0.of S. decided Son nothto build aburnt preeentess and have putbut �up a ave stone hide ne into thouse on thehe he old tannery property, where they are prepared to Pay the Highest Cash Price for Hides, Calf Skins, Horse Hides, Sheep Skins and Tallow. We and skins than the ey can get anywhere else. Bring yonr hides and skins right to the store- house. 0. S. Doan tt Son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. RE ESTATE Or WILLIAM LEITCH, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontagrio 1887, Chapter 110, Section ors a ,d8 other amending claims Iagai et the estate of William Leitob, late of the Town- ship of Hullett, in the County of Huron,yeo- man, deceased, who died on or about th9th day of August, 1898, aro required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Alex, Leitch, Constance, Exeoutorof the said deceased, on or before the 2addressee and descripti descriptions, With full particulaars and proofs of their claims, and the nature of the securities if any, hold by them,Agiven of erg hDo a t mentE ioned das yy, thehsaid ecutor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim ho shall not have received notice et the time of snob distribution. ALEX. LEITCE Dated et Constance this 30Executor, Sot., Constance THE CANADA COMPANY. Bridge Materials (Wood and Iron) FOR SALE. signed up to 10 a.m,jof be Octdobecrri, �1898, for all the and River at the Canada °meg y's Falls ltesorpo, Goderieh and Colborne town- ships. Tenders to be stated in a lamp gum for tho whole of the auperstruoturo which mus t be removed not later than let M�aq,189s; TERMS 10% cash andthe bid/thee on approved Joint notes to four months from date of talo. • , 031.• Vi Allan, -Alfred VirAiliotc," - iilplWebs, Canattt<•004,0X, Toren to. H. C. BARLETT. We are pleased to state that our trade has been inoreasing right along, and the' goods we are offering are of the latent design and up -to date. We have now a ' large stook of Furniture on hand for oar spring trade, which we are offering at :. remarkably low prices. If yon want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or Couches or Lounges, -we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in thia Coon. ; . ty. Kindly come and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere. Picture eramin g, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neat1 and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse,, and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country. P. S.—Night and Sunday calla at resHnc .n BARLETT, - Clinton. l3uron St., opposite Baptist Church. tart tet tet tet tet tet tri tet Mt!! tet ret ttf tet tet w,_ I:: Tea Tea Tea �- -fir•;,. OW.– Mir- 11111.--- db.– alb- 41110.--. �db.– ..-- `-. db.-- ilo– Shield Brand, Japan, the befit5e lea on , .0411111 the market. Imperial, a brand of the finest Ceylon, India " and Congo, 35c. -^•- Are you satisfied with the Tea you are using ? zzser If not, try some of our lines. Salada Ceylon Tea, Black or Mixed, 25e, 30c, 40e, 50c. Mb– Grand Mogul, Black or Mixed,a very superit article, 40c. Stapleton Salt, $1 a barrel Barb Wire Cut Nails, 20 a pound. We want butter and eggs, and are prepared to pay highest.market prices for a cod article. LONDESBOR �Itl��l1lk#Ult�atl�lliil UI