HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-09-30, Page 3� � . �� G��'�O�T . ;�1� ��� . . . ,.•c+��;-r+�,•,�x^ar �e����b�� ��� ��s�►� . �.. � � • , . ��,:�.�...�m ..��. . _.. :�.�.� . .. _. _ . _ _ . __ _ ._ . . _. ..._ . .. . a...�.�.___-�---.-�-�-�.— .�.�.�.�_ � � . , ,._�_.__� �- . W�j�Vry . . �1�R�_p� ,�TI � „ (� , �Ionn,,a��dsu�tn�et�6 �:'�d��:t#sd etar�• ' �iLAO I.OV�R. . . . ,., .. .� 1}. .� �{,1��� �ed it,.•were much die�r.eaei�d bytha ve ,�+� �y ���I����� ti� �, .. �, � .� � , r� �l�:a.t ���� �V� I'� Rs. . .. c�t' O� [l► ��1 � K ��iTY I.N G ; .,- , �� ;� �� hea,�y Fi�ar�re �3n ti�e� directian of 6an � i ♦ sw� ut a�aw�n Booth w�1d �4 O�Q N�- . _ . ._ ., ,.. ' , ��1� fraru psi�ltstlop �,# t%e �itatt� JuaA. . � 7H� VARIQU$ FfA[VK8 FRpM COR- � R�'� �e�vrnt. ,, r� � • d�Yoefa�utrpells,R.ateryt�lood� .Meantime our own artillery had aus- �,,, . tbF.r es�i f�e rcadity c�red. piciou�aly {�aockecl Gl�e i3ag•etaff o�' the PORAL TO GEN�RAI, .}� little iuofde�b w�il1 aoauet#mea aLaw � .' '"' ' , , . 4 �it1 it� to . . tLo oheunotsr oi a mqu rlGore olea�ly thnA � � �� { �' , ' ,,,�,-�,,,,, ' I fort�,. and put ha��� ex�oug. .�,.�.,._..._. �� !�!� v tnak�-1{t ' uh5etlahl$. T,�A� '. I�s the �e. Y'ou La.�e �s Precious, _ , a great ucst. hir, 7!3�Nr.@.7�� $utton telle a S t,- z; ., ° ��� ella; Hee C�t. ;; g�nt�jjp,g af tiac�:a�cl af� �(7q�ta y��(��r,g�lilal- � oaiy Faur emer�o�n� HAvq 8o F+►r sua. etoxy o! Ed�v�ri� Bofiblr t#�nt revvale trhe ., . al1 �d'r _, y . : �-' � ��----� i, 6�o{q�y bqC certal��y, tbQ ,Amer�caa � u� ' aeedqd Iu qb�Wn�n� tha Mnch Cov�ted g�ndlp boart Qf txie m�n tei�pul tY�a wArld ° _ " Thet+* ir ao need wh '. fae �0,;�zun. 1� es,' . t �a'�8 x�' • knew� as a famoue nutor, •°- �►�a�+Ar �. tL .gk8'4�,G�oser and c oaer upOA EpWtl, � 81R6e�t Mll,ltrry �ltlo -.• TLp 1it�uk and MOJq.4II t0 �li tilq 6Ui>j60t Ot %�qO ppeUB. and foFt anci biock�bouees and trenchea Dar. Huttio� oai,ttl8 ypo� Mr. Boqth one •. i�:F'� - Flle oY tha Army. ' � .'s •, ^ ,,,.. ., _ �4}., �! •�°° n�M4@�4 ���a��h�,;��t4�3it�eda,,'R¢�.re.�g t�Eiqg des- —"' afternoon e�t the Albe�.aarle hotel in New ; . . �gq� � � i11t��6dlEL �ii�OroyC�g �u7monks " petuteIy, �pd ���1pg A bbld �tapd„ ag, � To begin witL t&e milltarg unib, pr1- �'or�C �nd �p�z�d hi�q ?n ap e,�sy o#�a� xv�th { . , ��� , �r� . � • q � � vats !a an ad'eotive that hne beooma a � i e 1 , ���� �-�" � �' ` � � � ia�'taha� �. `1Mit:�6 ,i d�eS w�1t � mi th�te-h �.b�oml���iad. F�ltl� S Cclery Compoand a ��8 ed SYAa AOS ug � tu,r Zong o�at }vhiph � R�� � il �ti.an rc ,� �!� '. _." .: � . s� ��FF��r�l�►{� �&� w4rk61, ,��L , �t Mr. Bqath ' � 4� ���i � B naun. Origiifeil� ihe ,p�an in tha rnnke ,wag !n � , �lii���z��a rtr� e $e� oP6��ck-Yiot3bes, �na ` �houea�d' ��}e- (r,r . Il ��s.iQre YQp. �a�i .�quest, aq �iefor� lopg a .� e� .,,. �{ �. � ` � ....,_ �vate �pj�d,ier. �'he wAr(� �pldter Waiter �entsred a _ ..'a� ,� beat an mske it r6rong ricane bebind the�fbntiflCl��ibna o�. tlrat • Aae been, '� • .... Ad ��u� n aard ipto,�ie � �1 . wqe u r .� F ;' ,�� .� �`•,,� �, � ' ' ire 'T� �ni li a�rmiy.� 'T��r��was no, a�owthe �xoRP�, far bxroviy's:,�aka, and .haqd. ° �,, • , : _• , ' � �r ��e��'�Ae� . • . ��, . �3-"�� � ti��in ; do:gea��au- i "� Fol1 an D�aclne�s to De- Private. , a ``TQ�I the..lady tLst Mr,. AoAth,ie en. • . . , _ \. :. - , r ..;. R ,. . �er e'�. e ioL"�e�b��' � �t �� �en +�Stb t�e �yun , ip slmpl9 �. p , i' i Y• 4.p�lU � 87a1CMfiipg'ItLA.�oU$+� � � p �, ' BRS�d: we& t�o quleb IPuew@�'� atid atI 1n- iu �, end weak�xqpr� rQ�{•� ati 4��vQi3�R �1�, xnen . i}�,�, �cp �Rq. to � T�e rank $na aie fa wbat tbe privats flu��tiaf;iea�t�r �m Hew; Y�h. Qoaletg went Ct�storia is Dr. Samaei Pitcher's prescript�o�. for<�:�n�,�aiti�. whiah oo mtCny ��eYl �" e�, it .tvag��itili ��Ora�i g��ca1�n. � fer the U80 Q� t�.1B' belonge to. A TA1��C I9 A IIL@Oi 3L8U BLdDH- BWAJ' (li6Etp�10iOL�0II. a�n,d Qluldren. Tt contains neither 4 iuim Mflr hi�Q:l�b7�� !�!�T• r�y$rp One q� ,th�� realized ba�ae In.� gide 4y eid�,; a$lg 1s w iine ot. ,,w�n a tew minutea l�ter a se,Qpnd oalYer, a P ► P , � �5�r�• a�• z p�o��iiiig.the'wqr1�: of artillery, but, Great Medicine. s;Ean�lipg one��iq�,l�d ap,q�l�eac. �}��,,t}�on6 "0Q° honorAb2y.-kno�vn� tttmu�hout� tbe ot�lgr Nq,rCOt,ic� subst�,111c0. It i8 a h�7emles�9 Bu1lst�.�iltt�. .. .ac�� 8p�. aL, }� ti�n�r►3 AQe� �,a���ed, d�termiued, he or a, aie,ls.nil�y&�a o�na �u�; ita �anx� ,xnay oountry�� tc,n,ed sway w�ftbo,xt see��ug m�r. for Paregories, Drops, aoothing' iS3'�P� a�nd fla�tox Qit. �' 1�i�eon'" �1t�� $� � dr�i�in�, ,�ne;�Y�r the epemy. I � be uny num6er. When men uro formed in �O°tb'� '�et °nother ca�c,i; was �senh dtlwn � , ltan., '+�;t3t� N� a�k�'���a�th�'t'day to the re�ular, � with the etatorriant thnti k w �'I �m tired and.�ceyrp ot thie pqptinned twn•ranke, a flfe�oonsisteof twumeni, �Che �� „ `� Bboth�wvaq �tr i� Pl�&BaDt. .�t� gup,ran$ee i9 thirty yea,l+tY�.�tlgp" b�` ���-'�- �aoaonnt ei�• l�er sqldier, I can te}1 ou, aud pet again to � rapk and flle thereforeoonstibuEes the tiody engaged; and q, gehtl�man nnd� hia w�te �iiOns OY MO�iler8. Clastoria, d815tr� t� 'VP017p� IJI�, �o ���4�pWJ►t him and �o,the;� ,� h= �-vQ � lits o! miaery and ao#�r�tnR! Thia ig t,he of n Paroe ot so die whbm tew eo le �o g�;i��lg�& he I #� p p oqol�ld have refu�Ad to 3� _.� ._ ` ��E "I� hava' a4 � p � hesr,tiws�lof tho4eaade vi poox� nq�.v; e } 1'y . p ' g i3 . � }�a�� ��_ kadrheatd the stor df 39� r�an, ap p�A1��Q��� ��� ���� �,s�d vP t� �bs �+��@Qt t�.� �PR"eeC�n9��mnAlae�wued �iva beaame oonvinced t5at tihe sq�or ullays Fev�riah�ess. Cas�Corla revent� vomitin o� �g . � offioer ie o0 oral. He hae ohar Qr � was an exo0ptlon �to,the rula, bub at �qeb . � g,-, ,. �� ��P@n• ' osma a �pnrne Chat met with a di�'efiQpO . T'H� QOIOS AI3D TH�-DEAD IIDTDE$ FIRE be9 aohe, rhenmatiem, nQliFplgF�� I�y�pOp- 1'P �s Curd, curea Diarrhaea and ,VPind Colic. y � � . egusd, postQ ,apd• relia�eN aeAtrlea �nd hae ti'ds�Ori� xelif3'F8� �, a=,�++y • g�Yt �II�1��� e yTwae etrange what�,li�hp impree�i,on' jy aes �yl�d w�ch."�loom,dnd de �onae oq, •-0erEaiu d•feaipiin �, L°te• Teethmg troubles, Cure� ilonstipatiOn, and FlatulCnC�'. :, w� ` � death all arot�qd taa e oa one; death barraoka �or �°ontrol dn oa and •«�how the lsdy up," y$id the now 1p- Pille. For �iionti �� memory fai{e and tb�y ate oft�iti�ionnd;on geant (whlah is pxogerly }��y�d aoEor and Dir. Hatton ub on hie �'$�r�' ��llnilates the Food, regtilates the Ei�OmiLiClt ,y came eo often �;�pd� �D eUdbleixl �t3u �c-. .�}��gr ettai �e ) Pppointed to pre- p �� No �ess� I wee eronbx6� 1Gi�h2i�'�4�}pg gkit �iAth� :th6t ,leada=to� the.:dsrk . Pronouuce�i �sar rrb ie overcoat to let�ve thp room. He wae xtot tlnd Bowels vin iiealth � aad flnttering oi th'e liegr'!. I tne� Sva �°Q�ked it �vi,thaut comment or �urprise; grave. eerve disoipline, teaoh the drill, aomniand {� - �� g y aud natural sleep. .,CaS$OT3� �d �t reeted, p�u ,eQery�vahe[n and uqder_ allowed to depnrG. TLe �ndp waa n lriend , ;�e'eral ��p��� �ptr I}(��9 p� � .. .$�{9� ,Op,1,i�AgB� en�fering bro�her an�, sis- deGa..o#apqQnt�;Af ,esoorts �sd the �ika is $lt�e Chiidi�en s Ps�,naCea—the Mother's rriend. t, ek�#�c� m;��n uuh gQod.., ;iie��ely,x t�ePsd al,�con(iitione; ope nF tkte etiarp-shppt- ter i Psine's Celerq pompoand h�e onred � �hv laweeb �grsde oi oomznlseioned offi- of h1a nnd vpoultt be glad to see h1m, he ,�i�bn�p'e Hearp, antj, e�ve .P,i�ls„agd ers eitting next me np the poinC juet tbqneands, o� oseeg inthe paet ter more dee- aera is lieutenanG, snd the�title-oornes fro�n �°� �$Ured. �C�tvyp,bo�ea, $e,tor� a6 in act af .�eku�ning tt}y ttnco�kec�.c�n- �r y the Frenah lteu • lnae .and,-teuaut (trom Tb��upon he waitc+d, aursoue to a��ao- Castoria. (ia,S�OY'18,. ,, �'� ��J°� t een p�te' and terrible 'hhen, onre. I�� has � P r er the idontity of the person who oould ob- ., ..� - , '„�,IC�'X �fiti�(1 not ciR .my pqeo yqbrk�Arid ����t ' xh['Ru�;hu ' Ertle ilRC�c�� fell RXoved an agent o! life to othere,aud ib yvill •tbe Latin tenena), holdilqg. A ISeut�nnnt �Sn An aud7enoe with tbe man who hed • Cwetorla is an escelleut medicine for "Caetoria is so well adapted to childt'R1s"` �iypxq�BO��pp tod�e� aBI,�r}1Qug �1Qx�qqgt�t�, ��a1DBt IT10. —ynf� I atooped. to �heek oertainly do aemuo3i��oir- foq ln th10 yoar tLerefore ie qne who holde oz supplies the childre�i. Mothere have repentedly told me that T recommend it as snperior tq ass3r ��„c., `., ago��a the �aaetia vv�aker b�f,ore notin he �, lace oi his su been too tired to soe the daughter of one , �ityd. Now I�e} �11y pp��did g �� lime of advereity and distxess. P per�or �n the pQrfqr�anuQ of of the moeb distin of its goocf effect upou their children.' scription known to me.^ ��ino� tsldu the ills do m work en,jo wae dead; a ba11 etruck +� roc�C,�qat ty K�ehed men oi sofence �. P__ � � a_ p ��14C tA'L�1 �poar deoioion . be, euff rer 7 anY dU Or 1II hie �bA�B7A08 ai�t� conso- in the oann o D�• G. C. Osooan, Lowe11, Mass, FI, A. AttexEa, M. D. Brooktyn, �' �" ' �py aq�}� 1 Qs y� �e, ; aton eide another man o4 oqr part�, �pill you a11oA the ms4y eycnptoms oi die- qneqtly the uffices !a oqe �ybo.;tw;,a fpr hie �'Y� r o judge o! tLo eupreme { ��rg� �� e and �ve •wet e- �11 �interestad m oourt o! the United 8tutes ��Lin�Ii�fe 7wort� living foF." �n� � eaee nnfl death to more =fq11p devolop, ar AaPEnin• , or a biahop and a�b��e Heart aa'd�' Nerve Pilla,. sold ,�b�� -�a���ing o� �be bail a�a�y�t c�e bis Wire. TH E FAG�S I 1' �" �� E SI G NATU RE O F x' , will yoa, by-1�he Atd dt natarp's mediaiue. Thu tltle oaptsln, applied ta the oom- The door o ened `� � � i•� by Rll dru giete sE 600, a boz or 8 bozeo rock rather than in hie eseape; one of pQine'a Celery Oompband, etrika 1n�t now mander of a oompnny, ie from the Lntin P , and in . walked blaok q r ' i; a6,,' � twq men Qup 4rtin a thi�rd, wou�d�ed, Hettq, the oid negm servant wHo had ��� ��. 7f�ilbnnn,kUo., TorontqM; Oni. � g ��� st tloe roo6 of yon� trotlble and be made c�aput, a head. I� the Bible tho titlo was �,sed Mr. Booth's dnughter when ahe �' r, `^ , �, Ca ped wit_ a al tbrpugh t�e �l�ad, aonnd, heslthp end �iappy ? given to kinge or prinaea, gonerals or oozn- Laa�•Llver rllls oure Blllousness ilok �nd the other two made their wa�y as The sbleet h eioiane admit thst �aiae'� mundere o! arruies wes a buby, had taken the moat tender �'� y �`. �.==Wadaah�,::�onstlpatloir�am���rs• ,.best,the� ,,could;.and.so,ian to the end. p y , Boverno;eof provinces, a� of hisw3fewhen ehewae sloavl d in ' Celery Ct�mpoidfi3 ia�tbe only trt�q nerva eta., and Sh k�spoora used it Sn LLa eense � y g ' pspsl�. Evehy �ill r�rpot. � end had been a 1ltelong friend to tLem a1L � P��lu�,�bo. ' A F�w OF TSE WONA�ER9 OF WAR AT tood and. mediaine theit hes ever been given ot a o61ef c,nmander. She kiesed "Masea Edwin'e" hand, � � -- to enfferi�hg hamenity. It etreagtbabe and Majon ts the• title of the ofllcer neat in ebook hande cordially vyi�h k[r. Hntton Y^ �� . SANTIAQO. blildsvp�the nerves, tiaeuee and maeoles,it rsnk above a aoptaf�. Fie comwonde a � � ,„ w A r, pntifies the life etream, oaete oat dieanee oP battalion. The word is compounded wlth �d let hereelf tie plaaed fn the inoet oom- � fortable rookin � `'� � Cu ba�n War Remini�eenses• The days foA�wiag the cessatioa of ever kiad ivin � ireeh esietenoe an� s the titloe ot certpin nonoommiesioned affi- 8 abAir. Then eLe began to � �;�; hoetilitiea were days oY suffering, and Y ' g g tnik Pamillnrly about ber own affalrs and APPEARS ON EiiERY W'[�,AP�'�F€.:. � From Ha er's Mn szine. w r k apd wondertnept — eq8ering by lotlg and bapp� lite. A trisl oL one 6ottle oera to show that .they are Che ohiefs o! 8 � g � will oonvinae you that laine e0elery Com• tlheir rnnke, ae sergeant major, drum ma- �r. Booth's. �Che oould not n8qord to o '"""" ; the wounded� � to the theater ii� ill� � 8�i8 BCi(l�� b�3�i B�jQ TNt C[NTAUN COMrANY� T7 Muqpl�Y eTRECT, N[W VORK GITY. bauled ko the rear in ponnd ie a IiPe 8aver and a disease banieher. jor, eto. wanted her hnAband to see "Massa Edwin ` ON THE HATTLE•FIELD APTER LAB great, lumbering� F�%-CYlU10 W8gOL18; A 11e12ten8nt oo1011e1 iB aA o�oOP Who „ * . 6IIA8IMA8, work by the troops. who continued in- , play. Could ahe have e paes for two for Lolde the same relutionship to a colonel that ni htp dustriously to etren�then trenclaes �nd 0}d 'l�ime S�urgery. that n lseutenant halds to a enptain. In g � That afternoon I walked over the build b�mb- roofs to roteet the re- -- He wrote the pass st once and put it in- F P solne Europcwn ormles the lieutennnt ool- battletield of the mornin�, pver the serves from $panieh shrapnel; wonder- Ambroise Pace, a barber eur eon of to her hnnd. �he rend it ond returnod it � onel fe the actuAl aommunder oP his m�i- „ rifle•pits and the eountry acroes wbich ment by all th�tt now, �Vvith trn�nspart�- the eixteenth ceptury,tells in hie notes the colonele bein honor with a shake oY ber head. They wae only . � �,' ' ment, 9 8 �^9. For " „ � � �� the te�u,lars and the Rou�h Riders �ad tiott faeilities increase8 by wagons, no how ia 1637 he wenG to the long wars eaampto, Queen Viotoria and the Prince niggars� she said. The do keeper � � y� �{] �� � p l, � advanced againet the 8p�,niards. I other ratione bpt baoon, hardtack and to �et practise in eurgery. He invent- of Walea are hunorary colonels af oertain wonldn t let no niggere into the orchestra �1J. ���! I�onr Bl�nd Fa,ct�� coutd qlmost trace the coarse of battle coffee �vere bmu�ht up �or the wound- ed eome new proCessea, paeticularly in .���ente in tLe Gorn�an arm9, seata. A paea to the ga�lery was good � � �. by tbe Ptxapty cartridge ahells on the ed — not to mention the well, wonder- the tre�tment of �mp utated limbe. Colonol we�s ori ginall y coronel and w a s enough ior them." ------��••• � r o u n d. F i r s t, s c a t t e r i p� o p� e f i c k- m e n t t h a t h o s ► t R l e u l i e s w e r e s o U t o i� ar e' s t i m e t h e m a s t b a r. b a r ou s A a e c on d paper e he reoe ive d s i len t ly, but S. S. C O O P E R - � - P R O P R I E T O�� "�F � 4� . P P P P introduoed into English from Ehe Spanish ��,��'vRh9re• the A,mericane 'h�.d begun limited rtnd arra,n�ementp sowretched; meane had been qsed to etop the bleed- about the middleof the siateenth centu 'with nnott�er and etill more decided ehake General I�uilder and Contractor y�heir adawnce, 8tring at will as a target that wounded and fecer-atricker� men ing. In liia own worda: "�Joon as the �pith eaah rogiment nre a number o! °f her head. C4lancing over her ehoulder, . , �� 'offered; then rowe of kbe same color, were permitt�ed to aleep on the rain- limb was removed the surgeon woiild �g ofl9aers aominiseioned and nonoom• Mr• Autton read: Pass my friend Betty Thie fsotory is the iargest in tbe coanty, snd Has the very lateet im roved ms ..� :" . 8helfe'lying in isolated g�oups of Sve, soaked ground, with abnndant brueh uae many cauteries to stop the Sow oi miseioned. A commissioned offioer ls one ��$Ak and partq to iny bos thie evening, ahinezy, uapable of doin� work on tbe shortest notice. 'We oarr an eaten " told where our troopa, advancing, h�,d aud ba�boo all arotmd, and unemplov- blood, a tbing very horrible and crue! to whom the heud oP the national or state Edvein Booth. ' And Betty occupied the snd reliable stock end re ared Jana and Y ���'e ''` $red by volley; and yet farther on, in- ed eoldiers enou�h to bnild beds for a►1; in the mere telling. And truly of six bog,—He►rper s Mngazlne. P P P � give estimstee for and build all o1sdQ creaein� distanee between the rowe that inaemuch ae a b�mbardment of of theae thus cruell treated scarce two goverumant bas gi�en A dooument con- eg of buildings on short notice and on the oloeest prioee �il wor►� is' enpervie• � ferring upon him authority to perPorm the ed in e meohanical way and eatisfacEion gusranteed, We e�ell a!] kinde'oi i� `{ showed where they had advnnced fast- �antiago was propoaed,the sled�e-gune ever eecapec�, and even theae were lon� vnrions funotiona ot hfe rank. A non- �phen any part of the body isn'r doing terior and esterior material. er than they had Hre.d. After a whi,le. remained on the transporte; wonder- ill and the wounde thue burned were a min�ling of the nickel with countl2se ment that the refugees at O�ney were slaw to.heal, becauae the burning caus• °6��'i8eibned oonipany offioer holde his the work that natqre intended it to do, it A� ^ �ro�kps o� the brase: ehelle of"the Span- permitted to come �;bout the camps, ed anch vehement pains tbat th�y fell Plaoe by appointmontoP theaomponyoom- pute the cel�ole syetem out of tane—oat of �Lr ""4',` ieh Mauaer ri$e; farther alon�, such a with the exGelle�t cht�nce of a readin into fever� conpnlsione and other mor- �Ander with the approsal 04 the com- hsrmony. Sicknese in one part of the Lun�ber Lath, Shin�les, �inte, Sash, Daors, �Ilil(�S! a;��C; `♦ � _ spri#�$ling of braga ebells �s to lose the fever. I do not remember all that tal accidents. In moat of them howev- mander of the rogiment; a member of bhe body ie likely to rnn into sll pnrte of the • ,, �iCke1'ones. Ttien great hE+aps , af a� caused wonderment er whett tha scar fell off there ca�ne nonoommissioned ¢taff isappointed by the oody. When nhildroq skand a row of Agent for the Celebrated C{RAYBILL SCHOOL DEBR'., mannfapEpa'e�° � . ia��et:i�cass sbell, tha�t marked wheie fresh bleeding, wh+ch must egain bQ ��imental aommandor, brioke on end, they knock the whole row at Waterloo. Call and.�et prices snd estimatee before plsoing yoar ordera. �, s ,' two machine-quns had severally hur led OttR MIIaTARY MANAC+EMENT AND IT8 etanched with the cwuteriee. So t6at � very importnnt ool�nniesione8 offioer dowu by upsetGing one brick. That is ex• r�� ' a fretYzi'L2i IFain o€1e�d iato ttiP^regulars CAusE, for man,y healing was impoes;�le, and "oi the regimental sra� is the adjutant, actly what he,ppens to the heslth wben tbe whose titl� comes from sdjutune the pros- bowels fail to perfurm bheir proper fana. t�� "� �" ot� their front and the Rough Riders on thep hac�an ulcei to the end of their ,� ' ,� „, t Qfit'" r`t�ht. Then rowe oP nickel 1�leo go to war to Hght. To fight iives, wh�ch prevented them from 1��,v- ent participle of the Latin verb adjutare tion. Conetipstion makee tronble sll along � � ;� �raupsshpwing pr.qtninently 9n ah�a,vy meaue at timea to march 8.11 night, to �n� any artificial limb.' (� nseiat), and whoso province it is to aid the line—pnts the liver out oP order, is bad 18e9g ��� ����� ���Z�� �89� rinklin of brass. B e-and-b e ecnt- �o hup r, to o wet. Those with no his oommander in the disoharge oY the de- for the kidneye-�bad for the etomach. It ;'� b Y Y � Y g 'lhe idea of wboliehing such crueltp tsile of his milSta dut . The records oY holde in the bod oieonone matter, and i - she11e of both colora ip a8out etocn'ach for subh adveature should by ueing the ligabure occurred to Pare � 9 Y P rqual num6ex'�;"theti mo�e nickel than etay n�t ho�ne;it is nor apteasuring o�tit- in one of hRe war journeys,�nd his suc- the regimeut are•in hie charge, he re- beaanae it oanuot �o any place elae, it gats � br�,ss; then all nickel; then no ahells at ing. But the depriv�tions that come ae cesa went beyond hie expectatione. His °elves the returne from company oom- into the blood. 'She blood oarriee it all RAI�JNS—Malags, Valenois; Bnitane. CURRANT� , ;� al]; nnd then an o1d augar-millt :w�:ch the natural reault of thinga may be other diecovery was made within a few mundera, reoeives and commnnioates or- over tbe eystem. Thatmakee singgiehneee, California Pruues aDd E�ime Fi�e, � �� `-' the extreme left oP the R�o�h-T�idere greatiy and unnecesearily i�ereased houre of joining the army It was be- ders, iorme the pnsadea, eta. His duties lasitude, bad breas,h and faul tsgie xn t6e —immedir�tely under the command of throu h unlecerned,etupid•managenient lieved by the sur�eons of the dap Lhwt Are mnitifarious,-and be ia altogether tve moutl�, filla the etomacL with gae and QRp66E & BLACB.WELL PEELB, Lemon, Orange and Citran. Colbnel Roo§evelt, himee.lE leadirig the and n�thie there wa�s much in the San- there �vae poison �n a guu-shot wound, busiestofBcerof n regiment if he performe osaaes wiudy belcbing, atope digeetion in char�e, rifle ip ha»d-�-had carried tia�o cam ai n. theni all 4aithfully, t�e stomaob, oausee sour etpmsoh, heert• NTJTS—Filberte 8. �. Almond� and Walnats. Ccokin Fi e ior 6o a ound ' P t� and pne of the accepted authoritiea i�-, , g g p �',, dniwing Lhe . 9�aniarda from theic•last It might not inappropiately be called e�sted that they must be c�uterized �he funotio�a oP the xegimental oom- burn and hesdacbe. Yon oan avoid nll , stand at �ae (�uaeimas. � w campaign of blundere. Firat of all with nil of elderR scalding hot, mixed miseariet in the United Btutes ermy nre sach troub�e, for Dr. Prioe's Pleaeant Pel- NICE, OLD RAI8IN6 for 6o s ponnd. Headqaartere for " �' was the iofirmit o divided between the quertormoater and lebs CIIR$ ooneti ation and ite nttendant Back two r�iles was the evidence �f y f�urpose t�t Wash- witt� a little treacle. The paib wae in- P ' - �, ;, v�hat the d$p had coet. On one eide xagton; then the choice of Tampa, ut- tolerable. .It happened thata,t hie [iret the oommiseary of subaistence. Theeo offi- evils: Tea`i,S� S11�iLPS� Croeker,y, G1ilSSWa`11�e aud Lamps.. � � til��,�um:bli�g wa11 of tbe old.chur.ch on terlp uneuited to be either a point of treakmeut of �un-shot nuuc�da Par�'s 0°re are naually, like the odjntant, lieu- Send 31 oents in one-cent stampe to Dr. • ' f.. the ro�,d'l�y ej�hG,bodiee; with peace- mobilization or departure—its one rail- oil r�,n short and he used ir�etead a di- �nante. The quartarmaater furniahes R V. Price, Bnffnlo, N. Y., for hie �°Medi- fal f�cea t.urneii ekywards; on the o�lier road track oras blocked for mitea aad gestiva m�de of whites of egge, oil of �'aneportation, quarters, olothing and oal Adviser." It is a book of 1008 psgee, r.• "�>;• side, in a hoepital improvised out of fordaya tvith the supplies for which roses aq� turpentine. , To hie sarprise aamp and gnrrison. equipage, fuel, horses, Profaselq illastrated. • �� �� I��I�s „ � � � ,�jlln��� . 4 bushea a�{d ,shelter-tents, lay (;olonel the troops were,. waiting at Tnlmpa. 'next inorning he found the patiente he Poresge and stabling, and the commieanry p , �eTl, 1�a,ptain: �$nos, Liei�tt�uant $c�• The quartermnster deSciencies aloae had thua treated were in hetter condi- °! subsietsnoe grovidea food eupplies. �. C 1 t I{ d Y('; i� ,�j j" f(yj` ,,� am: aT]d BfkGen atb,era, more or leae woutd 8�l a book-- deflcienciea so glar- tion than the dthere. FIe says; Then I qu�0rmseter fs litgrally an" o89aer in y gcieVous1y: wounded. • ing as to make one stare-. the iack of re"solded never more to burn thus cruel- °�'�'�e o! the houaing of troops. Head- , ,; `! The Iaeb time I hrid seen Bc�am we eYgtem in loadio�;: trwneports, whieh ly, poar men� with wounds from gun- quartere is noturelly bhe quartere of the ���T�,� �� • � had joked about Lhe hiysing of the bul- made confusion in the unlaading; aep- shote." head or oommsnding officaro! a oompany, .r .,. ,. „ .,. . • lets about• ug. e�ration oY artielee thwt ahoutd; he to• battnlion, regiment, brlgade, division ��!'�'�' '' . Nt�w is the time to secure you� �;.�, � • gether; mizing of hoapital euppliea (xOOD BLOOD AND BOUND oorps ox army and may be in the aeld or Marrying two women on the same �I, with enernl merchandise• r � , > > . � rv-,: v�: . . . . Fruit Jaxs . . . . a IIN�tsWAxn$n HERo�s OF BANTIAQO. �' ,an& thestor- 4lgewhere. �ny in the enme, city, keeping two p, ,� i':� MUs(7LE8. The noncommiesioned etaff inoludes tbe se � in� dE�p in the holda•of ti�e tcaneporte parate houEeholda fur gever�,l yeart� n \ Meantiroe ammunition had been ac- th►nge•wahted �Srat, while tbs things �3aott'e EmaTaion ie a blood-melsing and oerBeant mujor, who is an useiatant to tl�e • nls� in the eame �ity, is a feat few men ��, c �, ,: i,; cumulaiing in n large pile of boxes, that were not wanted were heaped on etrength-pro8aoing lood. It cemovee that adjntsnt, the quartermaeter sergeant and are credited �vith. A,C the Toronto �ilAc:, ��� Pint, Quart, Half Gallon �i�es aud a mule pack-train was doiva its top faelin� oi ptteF hQlpleeeneae whioh takee oommiseary �erge,ant,. assletant� .to .tJ�e police court on Thureday Henry. O'- ;, n, i R ,,, �� ,', ,� y��, ;, utinoet,,with a faifi me�eure of 9uc,ceae There were iacompetent oPflcials in poaaeeaion oP one w�en enSering Ecom gen- quartermnstor and commtasary, tha�hospi• l3rien, a former C. P. R. foremap, was -------r-. � �, �'�`` �"''�'� _ io'keep the traUps sUpplied with TiaYd- plenty— but how could it be athera iae eral debility. tal etewaril, aasfetunt to th� ewrgeon, eto. praveu to have acCompliehed tbie some � ' `"'`; � tack and'bwcon and coffee. The month. whrn we eonsic]er the attitude oP oiir Offioere nbode tbe rnnk oi cozonal are years ago, Farther, it w&a e�Q�n c�ar Sellin.g at �he old price, notwithatanding the reeent advanee d� s.,. � ��, , ly wn�e of thase. pnekera wae probably government toward• the army for the xha�� C�rnndy, of G}oderioh, hae 6een ap- oalled geaetat offioere. The holder of a one wo�nan, $ar�, Ryan. �v+�a marrigd �2 per gross. Call early at = '` �on�p iW��ew,c�ollars; mayhap, along with pnst thi�ty yeare ? No� in tHe memory pQinted baiIiff of Lhe fir�t divieioo oonrt for general oommission came to be oalled a to him by i� Oat#�olic pr'eat a feW 6q,ure ` thb Corre�'p'dndente,' tllty were even of the pre�ent generation of officere the oonnty of Huron, to fiil the vaosnoy general, and general oommiseione� wero ia befors hie marriage to �ettie (�}i x�br�po, r�V cla,ssed ns "mere ship's stores" by the hsd there before been �,n aseembiq of oaneed by. the reeignation of John gnoa, ooarse ot time grantad. to o�flers lower in �t which a pt ot��tant clergyma�n' }�re- � � ��, r Cl�mmanding general; but tb� aecom- ti�e army— nor even manoeuvree in di- MARTYR TO $EART TRpIIBLE, rank tham a oommander in ahief. A eided. By a etrapge. co-inair�,�,n Fa ���h �� �,pB�pN S CA�H C�RO►CER� 7�`` ,,� ,. p s�ipu nte of tbatY tra�q,�on-1� hat'f the vieions or corps. Diet,ribut�ed through- brigadier geaernl ranks neat above a col- p'oman bore a child on , Xti�„ ¢a�ip,e � s�ze: i� �l�o�ld, C}ave .be0n, _.pver� ;enor- out the countr bcoken u for oet „�re pel�nn E, Oore, Amher�t, N.�.,saye: onel and aommands a bri ude a ma or d�,q, and exactl e�A eri , in �� moue. I eaw nothin oE the kind to an$ arrison dut� what else but con- �t�tixnee I aaffer,ed inteneely from palpit- � ' j � '� �n '�'% B g y, general fe t6e �iest etep, higber and may after mnrria�e tvitl� (t Bri�en. 8 �� t equal it durin{� the campaign. I have fueion and blunderin ebuid be espect- &tion end fluttering o{ my heart. I wse command a divieion, a co s an or lattet� desected bo(,h � wee� and my nervee ehattered, Milbarn's �' ��a livin with h •�1°'�� �t�r never seen such extraordinary efforts ed to eneue when qua�rter�aeters snd geart sn� Nerve Pille have re alsted m e department. A. major generssl is the g t em two . earb, ahd . ' � anywhere by mea a,dd cpule�. �iteral- others who had never seen more than � 3' highesb permanont runk in our nr�p. In leaqing aann,da marraed ta,�,�etroit�,nd ; �, p p heart, toned my nervea nnd bni1C op my t�e Britiah and Qernann nrmias however Laneing. He B,Iso c�eaertQc� k�ia wives �� �, ly, the arm wouid have starved but fragments were caile$ q on for swift henitke." � � ,1 , ,;.� , 1 for the iqdef�,ti�able labore of thase and egmpathetic handlin{� oE large major genernls ere the lowesb permanent at those plt�Ges, ,�t�c� ,�.etu�iiiqg to Can- , , ;� �„_ packers—�xrd: •�$e only reward I heard bodiee of inen ? Foc ears the G}overn- pxemier gsrdy haa eet s good esample ada married a t vo.cpa n .a� . y 4 � n n� e, ,. ,�^ � �' in Yefpsing toallow tha oity oE Bel3eville to genornl oiticor e u n d i n n o t io n neuu l lpcom- �hom he deaette$ la9t �s �� �� ` of their �`eceivit�'g wae cucses from menthascutthearmyiatofra�mental bouase menafeotarer in �order to indnae m�nd brigadae. In modern Eurapean pnn�{ar Au• ,�, , , , , � headquartere, and fever from exposure duty, �cattared its staif or�an�zation, armieAthespeotflo runk oE general.isusuul- Ruet�, ll�e. Tksen he a�a#�z . came o ��, and over exertion. denied it facilitiea for corpe drill, and him.to traneter hie indnatry to thst plaoe. �y subordlnnte to a marehul.or fleld mar- Canttda, was arrestpd tet portage�a ' 1 hie sation shoald pat n etop to the bontts- Pra;rie for �hef�, ,i�le ti6�e$ � e bein ite ata$' experience in traneportation, shal. In this oountry it fe the hf�hesb �? A� g #, 'WaAT THE EIGfHT AT EL OANEY FELT refused to kee reserve stock of rnuui- nunting i� thia provinoe, �nslita wanYed at T rdnto and brpu b ther�, � pRACTi V�i/ KNO �,i°,�/ �; P ry r+�nk attainablo. , K� � ty� ��yy� ' ,LtS�. tions, eqnipment, etc. And suddenly, '1'ho prosident ia titular oommnnder in wbere .Bara �,pan nhn,rg�ed him wjGh �iij R'� whan called on to eghibik all theae, na- ohier oe the nriniea of the TJnited 8tute9, bi�amy. Prisoner ple�dgd guilt to f P � t s;w�p,� The flring wn�s anceaeantand general, turwlly we �ave incom etent abd bi�t t�A r1niz of ei�eral baabeon oonferred ay! charges and wa�� septenGed t 8ve �' `* � tbatnearesteounding like never-end- .$ounderin�o�cials. Someeacusecan �a��_ � � und�.r torn orn� l�ws onl u on four Ye�rein thepeniteptiar W rI N 7„�,, '�:� ` ing stringa of Hre cracketa eb�m� pletel�y ,�e fo un d f Q r t h e i n d i v i d u a l e, b u C n o p e �� ..� � A iu e r i o a n o i T i o o r s— W A s h i n g t o np G} r n n t p� �� *- ��� L� 1-��`~ ° e n c i r c l i n� q o �, w h i l e 6 0 0 o r 6 0 0 y a r d e p o r• t h e (� o v e r n m e n b. ' t�"� ` a,wa it 5eem�ed�aa ii the Crgakera had � �' Sher�nnn anQ a ehort time boEoro hie � 9 TE�B HANH OP MA[VY A�WOMAN S de�tli, in 1888, Shoridan. The xank oi Thin in flesh � Perhaps it s 7,. - r' ` ail been turobled into barreie. It wae � L � g� l inu t���ann t gonera l ls, l i lco t bat o f generel, natural. A r e f e a t u r e s n e e e� s a r y � o t u 8 � u C Q@��" �(�� ���•• w eas to d etip�uish the shaFp p7�et�l,ltc ; � houurar nnd conferrod by aotof oon�rosa. � f cl�c� bf'.t�re Maqe�r Rrp�q th�e +�r�,eh o# Aigh �r.:de Hor,�ea in �emancl. I t h�, s � a e n n a� a b I f er fect l we l l t his is O r d e r e d C 1 o t h i n b�xs�ness. 1 ' -- 8 B e t� u n L� sher�nnn und Sh�ridan nnd is now held b� P y � t be gxug Jo�Ken�en vol eys, whic'h ag- i�' T e l l g q W o e b i n Con, aran � gr " .� ':� s�il�d. t�hp ��e�ar�� llit�� .th � continuoua horse dealers re orti �, re a t e c a r c i t How to aet F�tid af �� probably the case. ' �' P 8� Y 8 o l� o fl e l �, w b o i e on the retired lieb. C�on- uicl� si in o4liaec►. _$ naon there of Srst-claae coach and draughb horses. , erol 800tt was only brevetted l�entenun� p �' �haa �o�ne a iuit, broken opTy�naw and It ie �viEh difficulty tha't a ae�ent Bbtp- Doan s Kidney Pills general. ' BUC many are suffering The purcha,ser ia� a�ssured of all these �hin�� �x� *� ' aaaii� by'tlab 's itg#d1 '��`pci���"d� 'ani�ie ment ean be collected in tliis provipce, Th� Remedy. �be United �tatee armq haa et Wu�h- v x �, erackeC tbab �ad not. gat p� in tiie aliho'�gl� the prices for 9rst=cla��s anim- ington an ad�ataat gen�ral, oyuartsrm � fram fre uent colds, nervous buneh." ��iYe.ri�ai�i no�ed �hd'artillei�� �tl� t��,c�u3te �atI�factbry. 'tli6 demand Mra Eliza Rettz,� g3 Wellington St,� q he seleets his Neur �'ali Suit �rom, tke 1�,��� . "� . ' or �isih-elaes hdrsee is as �reat ae it hae Berlin Ont. sa�s `� F _ mies� eneral� w ear eong eberul aY� m �t �� `' ter. nerAl a a masY�c+r ehbral a o � , e ' , , , orlenysaraIhave dsbility pallor and a hun- .:. � 8te aG EI lPoso. W8 caald alao see that f • '' v'���b,8elt, a'nd t�e �iriCi�e ju�C as High. been atiiicted with i�ldney and back tPou �'g � g ' �A � i � � r � Xt wiIl p�y �r� i�i�s 60.give mOre a'hteb- ble, suAFeriag gteatllq rom dizz¢ne�ss; h�n. '� outor �ene��1� n�ue$e,navooate ge�er�t cit'e(� 2tC�]CS ah� 112}S Sltri ] :�t�i�ik 0� J.'�E38C�,S� Wwrs�eds and '1'routs���aa�.�� � ,; ,�w� tiof� �cY t,he �N�Qding of,h8i�s�9. t'1��+�u1- vonaness, weak b��ght� loss rif sieep� ����he ohibP 1'awr oA9oAr)�' a ohlAf� aignnl o�- p � P y . ,.t,�,�: '. � . .ry� •1�nrs�g ��e 1� �u��1Iei�t clbxr��'nd in tk�e �pd ap etite ° ani� �� a�n pst r.nns �o�sr, h; �o�itei� ot ��tneer�� ana a ahiet oi ��11(3 we ha�ve � ust o►pened u�. , '. .° „ s� .. p - _�,� ,ors�a i �ri s�the ��dt��C oi brigad!Q�r bccause they are not fleshy '1 .� , �� ,q . Uni�e'ti 19�t�ti�� �s w�]! �.a �b�t�lier� l�nd tired, Wealc.afdoliag'4 ?�n ��brua tasi I �� • , . � • b �o�i e�9 cie nrtt�gute !s ,,��yr. .,,�, .;� 'tli�i'be'�g ''° ii�' EYYg�ie$,�ar�t�t ig al�o B'� � box of .Doa� e Kadney p�lla, c�d 6�a�� �`� �`ti� enou h • �. ., :�,;,* � ,�, -�T . , .. . •��rei�e t�1 ou; th�t e�nf�e of �numdi�din g • ��`1 /� , � , , ,�.,� `�<. . ��, ,.�,;�� ,c� , c�iii�� daE��e asii �catll absprb a11 �he roc��Y c�,aa paach benefiE frdtq : at A7�.�.�ys �Q O��ei� ���. e� V ,. � .�}� q .. � . � ��t�,.�,�,'�1 �a�a�� ot idwo� r,�,� e�n� � Scott's Emulsion of Cod- � �- � �'�1 , " - ":'� $�' ,�� �Qp'�' ki Ti• W' h'qN�l ii��h 'tliat (� f�� a i contiaued. the��'• use nt"1 Y�i on k, .� ���'��� a�l , � �"f' . � ,� . g �f . j.:..,a r. .�� rvr 7�. �c�d ::e•�� ��� � C�li ��. �flf' �3001' �� �8 boxeb ii� a11�• � � � , � c` ��b h k� � an �,tv�as o� t �i�� �y �� ��Xe w�iar� �.,���;��� a �� �,i+ve x 'th ypophos e • ��i a$!e�'�1� 7�ark p'r�s�. +. .,¢ �, .. vei�. cured. Thep r�ndo�tecj.;'$,°� {� . n, �r i� 1 5, Wl, . �.:. , ., _ - _ yacmw s�tet�s �t►i x ��►i� � �i � ; � e. �z�@e���n�,�p�� �8���►�,�►�Lp_a• p �" wi�h first-ola�s trimm3ngs� ax�d fI� �,�,e� �� x „ _ �� � � g � � �, � .q # �, � � t� �� ��e ��ar�� �b. ���► ��trwe�n �hites � st"rtngthens th� c�ig�.cs- , � � �,,., . ., .._. � , , . 'r , , +ii' f� " Jt< , t. , ; s�l�'U 1110 t0 eetfi S"�"; ��, �, t t�r� tt`.49! �I��ii pf d�((t� �l`��:�Y11r ifid'bp"�Tli1g' . � . � � • OIICfIIMBF7ft�, M.�7�ONp, 8�1WAItx] from being a x���ar�ta� ,,�,.f�-:fio�p ° ,.. .�'a �-�, . ; t�iOn iVeS il W �tikC'� � � 8 '11�� tt) ��1� �38�t Cl'��i' °�1Q1�,.�i�i�,� � :'� - - ° o qy �ve en a# ok a� ota etxong end �P� �i"r; � , , , _, , '+�a e�lu nwwn%►ff �rt� gr��sx 1t! �he �ee�ele _ , � � . . . , � tb ti�l� g. «ac : , ,; � :�� ` , � � '. �! Pp:�pn� ► � ' �x�e di'11he'tjtltlli"1`CI11Itr``fiiBb �11i1tlt'So7h $x'bi1 L11y . r. .' , , tr k i , ; . �,t ` ,� e ` *'`1�' MIE� �:; < <��,7� r, � Af r�?ee� 1 ��� bt4�., �U �� qn. baY.n e �idne�r � r eet� ►�s 1a Il�l"G'48 an.d ��rk�� „ �rx��1 ... 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