HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-09-30, Page 2Wip'7'
itelnber 30, 1893
1. �__
A52 BOILS Ti,ere seews to be no limp to the our Ottawa Letter iladllit qii Latidl N@WS• ' 'Oats ilteti Professional andOther ar
i' , "Os
versatility of the German emperor. He NEW Booiis,-The follr)wing books �tff Wanted
• is reported to be the inventor of a tri- (`dpooial oorreaPondenoe of theNsw Ext) have hPen added to the P tbht Library SCOTT & MuKENZtE.
elate the flth of July twat. The'3tand-
angle for scouting by the army. The (Intended for last weak) ar•d Bearer by S. R. Crochett; Lorraine IN EXCHANGE I bush Barristers, Solicitors, Ito„
machine is of gigantic proportions, onions, " , Kron+-tadt b u Three ears o I was troubled 12 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bash. Oats Clinton and Bayfield.
g g p p Ottawa, Sept„ 17th, -The Ottawa by R )ht. W. Chambers; yy y ago 131bs. choice Family Flaur for 1 hash Oate CLuiTosr OFFtos-Elliott Block, Isaac Stree
I weighs 2,40J pounds and is driven by Citizen" ie looking for information. In Mac Pemberton; Katete West by E. l3.
;r' its yesterday's issue it asks, le our North- Sin Penelope's Progr•es•i by Kate with boils, and tried several BAYFIELD OFFiaE-Open every Tbursday,
1-�2eight, men. The crown of the uptight west so unattractive to settlers that the Douglass Wiggins, Shrewsbury by remedies recommended by friends, Main Street, first door went of Poat Office.
49) ii $Cited with an apparatus which can Hon. Mr. bifton can induce no more de- Stanley J. XVeyman; The Pride o£ Jen but they were of no avail. I had Oats taken 111 exchange AiUN. TO LOAN.
c� ' be used either as a telescope or camera. sirable immigrants than the Galiaians and alto by A. and E. Crt,tle; A Little Wiz- FIFTY-TWO BOILS in all, and (i0r Groceries
Jeia&sSc°TT, E. H. MaKENzu
i! ;,41 Doakhobortsi and other riffraff of Europe and by Stanley J. Weym n: Hwlbeck of found nothing to give me relief
to colonize it ; cannot any British colonists Bannisdale, 2 vols., by Mrs Humphrey g g W BRYDONE
" c (ON TH_ 5'CLAIR RIVER) It is said to be the intention of the be induced to come out here 7" The re- War Life of Gtadatone by J. McCar- until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. These are our present rates, . v
��, o��w M ��• } g' The first bottle I took made a coin- but w don't know how long BAgRI9TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY
/�j� Dominion Minister of Agriculture, as cords of the immigration department wilt thy; '; The 1{in a .Iackali hp R. H,1)avis; they will continue.
_SAMa result of his investigations while in answer that question fairly Nell. Up to Thr. Story of a Play hp W. D. Rowels; ' plate cure and proved so very - PUBLIC, ETC.
Great Camp . May 30th there were 2364 English, Irish Inebriety by C, F. Partner; The Girl at sat'tsfacto that I have retain- O. QLSON, Clinton Office—Beaver Block.
Raygptys ei the Ilaeenbees for niehlgan: England, to establish poultryfattening and Sootoh immigrants registered in Win. Cobhurst by F. R. Stocktoni The For- �'
('ort Hurou, Itiioh., Apri16, 1897. stations iq Canada as a rpeans of it nipeg, for settlement in the Weet this year, eat Lovers by Maurice Rewiett;Rupert mended B.B. $. to many of my Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo flaUsr!
near! ors more German, French, Bel- of Hentean by Anthony Hope; Prison- Mends who have used it with good IT PAYS TO CLINTON
ifaA. S. Nimmo, Sarnia, Ont. I lustration to the poultry raisers of thio y results." A. J. MUSTARD,
IZEARBtR•—It glues ma groat plessors to roan, and Scandinavian and over 2000 er of Zenda by tlOpe• M. Ga CAMERON
GlnVEASSIB.-Iogves m foxprt pieing my et country. In England they area money from the United 8tatee. During the same NEWS WE ARE AFTER. -We want all Hyder, Man.
Lira eptlstaotiott with the stenoggrapher (Mise making institution. Fowls ordinarily period there •were only 2307 Galioians, so the news and again ark our readers to • (Formerly o! Cameron Holt .k Camaroa)f
" fattiiGillopie) yourecommendedto mea little g that the proportion is two Britishers and remember that we are not mind-rescjAny one troubled with Boils► (f
o,'re> a year ago. she is now one of our valued I weighing from three to three and Americana to one Galician, It ie worth ers. Any item of interest written and BARRISTER AND SOLICI'1'Oli,
�r aa9lstautp, correct and rapid in her stenoRra- pp
,.,p lowritingand gives unmistakable evidence , three and a half pounds can, by pro- while noting also that whereas 2364 came handed into this afilao or told to any pimples, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Offiats—Hamilton E oppaaite Colborne Sense
.'of:obrefaland efficient training. k,'m what I 1 in ander the Sifton administration daring member of the NEW ERA staff will be or any Chronic or Malignant Skin QODERICE. ONT
'lia,ve learned at your school and a etude. to : per feeding and attention, be condi- the first five months of this year, only 300 thankfully received and cheerfully in-
, have graduated from it, I can , �nfident'y tioned u to seven pounds weight. were registered under the same period of sorted Remember that hundreds of Disease, who wants a perfect cure,
,*+Icttnmeud it to a 1 contemplating the study P 1g97 and only 353 in 1896 white the figures TheCanadaBUSinesSCollege JOHN RIDOUT•
;•ltDart. With kinds regards, y' o friends at distance read this paper should use only
Respeot dy yours, p each week, and the want all the hap -
THOMAS WATSON, The probability of a wrongdoer ea- from the United States for the same erre y CHATHAM, ONT. CONVEYANCER, tJOMMIssIONER, RTO
Great Record Sevper. to compare with 2020 of this year were 94 penings of their old home. Scores of p�oo11
caping, even though he f des to and it respectively. In other words, there copies of the NEW ERA are remailed by p u
Mise Gilleple is stall in the employ of the p were nearly seven times as many British subscribers to friends at a distance. r stillleade its contemporaries Pupils Real Eaters and I aaranoa Agent. Money bo
and receiving a good salary, the ends of the earth, are ear- and American settlers brought into Canada Bi�TEBSs lend on Mortgage e_nd Note aeourity.
Students may anter at any time. d now it ie next to g The postage is 52c. a year, if mailed BUR 134
tI ly decreasing, an
�" A. S. NIMMO. this spring than in the last term under regularly. It's worth at least another Office -HURON BTRE�ET, CLINTON
impossible for the law -breaker to get Conservative management. Is the Citizen dollar to look up wrappers and attend of our pupils were placed in choice positions
Clinton Post Office. out of the reach of justice. The latest ' answered? to the mailing isn't it ? Then perhaps NOTICE TO PIG nitEEDERS. in the ten months ending July lot, an average R. AGN EW.
TIME TABLE. ' country to establish an extradition When the critics of the present Immi• you forget to mail it until the paper is -- of nearly four per weak What do you think
_ anon olio are so anxious to enlighten stale. It only coats a dollar a ye.er to T havv !l,a�dded to my stock of pigs a choice of it? DENTIST, CLINTON
treaty with Groat Britain is Chile. Un p y y PP g y Boap,.Cliri n Bing No. 590, or Avery sa erlor It pays to attend the best '—
r., DVH1 MAILS CLOSED the poblco, as the appear to be from the send the NEw ERA regularly from the young t toproughbresi rer#istered Tamworth
e.nt .nib der thetreaty which has just been sign- amount of space editorially and otherwise office of publication. Rave the names lutblood; from imported dam and sired byontreal ist r., AT ZIIRIc13 THE 2ND THURSDAY Olt
t. P, aa. I d ---
;•,s�(.1 R ,6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 700 4 0o ed, a mutual surrender of criminals is that that' have devoted vv�Ot On, ° air thtit athey onpthe list and save money. t ohters ubIs t wa fairs of 1897, t sumo stock having taken Tuesdaycon, Septembers Gib.g6 Be -opens r tWri ehe at orT saint EACH MONTH
r,' ,40 4 30 WinRham and Hinoardine 9 bb 035 rovided for, and those Charged With would pp y the ion. Italsokes prize for seven years in euo-
xQ 15 6 Sh, Western S. & N. .U.S.W7 flo 405 P ebould ooaasionaily quote the facts and and irrregularity. Remember, its bet- cession. t also keep a registered improved alogue of either department to Office Hours -9 to 6.
110'16 103 Paris, Buifaia&eastern U S 700 405 any one of the 23 different offences are leave the public to do their own thinking. ter than a letter. Yorkshire hear
na stocker. They being
li0 16 1 03 Toronto dcpointaeaet&nrth7 00 q p5 to be given up On legal demand. the two correct typed of choice bacon hogs. D MOLACI�GAN aTfC CO,Chatham ]DR- T+ C• BRUCE.
1 031 oronttreal and Ottawa. 700 2 35 g PUBLIC RECOGNITION OF PUBLIC aERVICE9, TER31S-For either, 81, guaranteed, or paY-
1 03 Manitoba, N n T and 8 C 7 00 2 3a Like an oasis in the p')lit;oal desert, is Seized by an Octopus ties`. ROAover
E 2nd con Elullett (Gravel road). SURGEON DENTIST,
to.lStratford and Seaforth,.i7 00 2 35 the action of the Board of Trade and _ PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity
Crisp County Clippings Notional Club, of the city of Toronto in — r varsity Toronto,
r 1Q 03 points E & N of Stratford 7 00 235 FRIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE OF A MAN TicLCEDIM'
recognizing the serviaeg of the Postmaster Spacial attention given to the Preservation
1 03 .•.. Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 Ot112 4 General, and too mush publin appreciation OFF THE NEN GUINEA COAST The undersigned will Boll ataeatrifioe,Lot 461 the natural teeth,
r.Ij' Mr Andrew McCaa, father of Mrs Dr cannot be shown for such Dstionsl reaog- --
'/,40 255) • • • • . • • • •Goderieh:.... • • • • • • 900 Sloan, formerly of BI ptb, died at the or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars Othes, Coate f look, over Taylor's shoe stere
Lucari crossing, Sarnia and nition of nat:onsl service eendered. The The St eateat enemy the diver had upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o
55 Lucntormadiate�ppoints n 700 405 residence of Dr. Sloan in Toronto on Board of Trade on Wednesday last waa to fear in the waters of New Guinea , For Heating and N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday ane
i ' `-4Q j:.t oudeaboro& tlslgrave.. 9 55 Sunday morning. largely attended by the leadlog buainese Ventilating PurpO: ,es TO RENT Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the
,••ll The office is OWAY,, frttfe public (holidays ex Messrs W. Bawden and A. McDonPll men of the Prnvince, irri speetive of poli- sen the dreaded ctclup.rs, whose pre summer
settee occasioned afar greater pante This excellent Drum is ron-
'''.eepted) from 8a.m to 7 15 p.m. but holders o of Exeter returned last week from the ties and the dinner the following night at that the appearance of a mere shark,.
"v;-�;,•lock boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m where the had chipped struoted of the very brat mater• A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 80, re.
Cld Cunntrv, y pP the National Club was egnallp non -part• Thee loa:lisome monsters would ial,on the most scientific prin- eently occupied by C. C. Rance. For pardon• TSR. WM. GUNN,L. R. 0. P. and L. R. C. S.
'•�'" Money Order and Saving. Bank office open and disposed of a number of horses. isan. Both Owsc nnn-political bodies have ejplewsnd byy virtue of itsenting lura apply to MRS S. BOPrinc DRE- Office—Ontario great Clinton
"'` 9a.m. to 6 p.nt- sOttlrF lines Crime and throw t heir hot " features ill theGreatest lieating Princess St, Night calls at front door of residence on Rattan
1 fdatter for reggistration moat be posted halt They report a good sale. proved themoelvcs worthy of thejr tradi- rihle tentacles over the aide of the forum on Earth. It takes the bury St„ opposite Presbyterian church.
t,'>:anhourbetorecloatng the mails. Wm. Fortune has sold his farm on tions by rising superior to rorty politica. frail craft from which the divers we><e coldatrfrom the floor, heats and FOR SALE.
lYlcKilln to Mr Jas. Their past history records many instances wos king, and actually fasten on to eirculatds it through the house, TURN
r„ .;, STAGE MAIL — 517MMERHIL.L —Every ilia Iiuron Road, p, and thus economizes in the mat- N'actory and contents on the property of D. Drs. i UlLNBULL lYi GRAFAM
=:, Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- Oronin. The fat m contains 115 acres, where they have honored themselves in the men themselves, dragging them •• ter of fuel to such aneateut that Buchanan for $125; by paging $15 down and
• i� `.,ius at 5.30 P.M. and was sold for $4,900. It is a good honoring ,public men -Sir John Macdonald, out into the water. At other times fully one-half less fuel is required. balance at $10 a month• Building to be re-
`', 01VCE A DAY ONLY ie mail despatched farm, and has good buildings, Son. Alex. McKenzie, Hon Geo. Brown, octopuses have been known to attack Data not Amalie. Ilea me ashes Is easy to moved. AppiR to J. SCOTT, Clinton, PEQRIv'S BLOCK, IIp Stairs,
` from this office to Londewboro and Belggrave, Sir John Thompson', Sir Wilfrid Laurier p nw.uuge. Those who have one in use say they CLINTON.
t, 'also. to Mitchell and Dublin, mails Belga e, Mrs Kirkman, Seaforth, has been the divers down below, and hold them scold not be without it. This Drum is now
and marked approbation at their hands, relentless) under water' until life was Night calls anaweredatofHce.
',',., ,; ribge•stated compelled, on account of illness, for a and every .eonrring instance of a like y used io some of the best houses in ClintonClinton. HOUSE 1'O RENT. - - -
Mails for British Isles and European noun- time to give up her duties at the Col- extinct. One of our own men hada W H. WERg Clinton. J. L. TURNBULL, W. GRAHAM
flies intended to be forwarded by New York, nature must be of inestimable eerviae to terribl narrow escape from one of The large fraena dwelIin; Clouse w Albert
legiat.e Institute, and the board has se- Canada by its reorignition of prnioiple that y sale Manufacturer for Huron Street late.y ocoupled by Mr. Todd, with half
musthave written on the top left hand corner Cured, as a substitute, Mise Duncan of those fearful creatures. I must ex- an acre of land. Rent moderate, Apply to
^,of envelope VIA NEW YORK. the drat duty of public men is to their plain, however, that each evening JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, R. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, BURG a
_ Richmond Hill; oonntry sad not to their party. The ea- when the divers returned from pearl C�11 Aseonohear, oto., office and res+ctence n -
We have this week to chronicle the trema partisan need have,no fear that on- fishing,the to ed all their little skiffs Mortgage 1.7ale FOR SALE. ouptarl St., opposite English i church, formerly o0
'('11e t~Ontinued Expansion in death of Mies Minnie Logan, daughter y P oupiedbyDr.Appleton, Clinton out.
g g oesions like these referred to will injure his together, and let them lie astern of the " "-
Ganadian Trade of Mr and Mrs James Logan, Flay, and party cause if that cause alae be first and schooner. Well, one night the wind OF The residence of the late Mrs Josiah Butt,
g foremost, the interests of the state. corner c Albert and Shipley etr k h This is a
formerly of 13ensa1l, which occurred rose and rain fell heavily, with the floe lace, consisting new brick houaestable, DR. MaeCALLUM.
-` - on Thursday of last week, at her Fath- NOIISe and Lot in Clinton. p
Ottawa, Sept. 22.—The customs re- er's home. The deceased was quite nn. DRYDEN'S POSITION. result khat next morning all the little good well of water, oto. For particulars apply M. D., C, llf., MvGilh M. C. P. & B„ Ontario
boats were more or less water-logged. to EPARAIM BUTT, Clinton P. O.
aurae for August show a continued ex young, being only 19 years of age. According to the Mail & Empire the Some of the Malaya were told off to d. Part of Estate of the late B. Thomlinson Late Resident Physician to Royal Victoria
The South Huron county fair held at Hon. John Dryden, Provincial Minister of and bale them out. While the were y p HOUSE TO RENT. Hospital, Montreal.
:.pans{on in Canada s trade with th out- Agriculture. in in an jbfinitely worse plight y Under and b virtue of the owes of sale Oidoo-Dr. Dowsley's stand. Rattenbury at.
The aggregate trade for Exeter was fairly successful, some of now that he has demonstratkd in the at unit k one of the men_ saw a inyster- contained in a certain mortgage. which will be
;:>$tde woad. Ttrio departments heirs well filled, {ons looking black ob art in the sea, produced at the time o[ sale, [Here will be offer- Comfortable cottage on Albert Street north Night calls at Clarendon Hotel.
g ' courts that be was done out of hia seat by g ) ed for sale by Public auction, by John Knox, o rent at once. Good halt -acre (garden anti
the month was greater by over three while others were much below the ave- the most unbluibinq bribery and corm which so attracted his curiosity that Auctioneer, at the promises to be sold, that is beat ing orchard, with promisee of lots of fruit. Tg STANBURY, GRADUATrw -OF THA
'i's (age. There were some very f;r)od tion, than he was before the trial took he dived overboard to find out what it to say the lands hereinafter described, on Rent low. W. MOORS, Medical Department of Victoria UniveS
+, ... million dollars than it was during speeding contests, the Exeter brass place. It is also declared that the elastica was. He had barely reacbed the Saturday, 8til October, 1898 Sewing Machine Depot, Huron Street. ally, Toronto, formerly of the Boer to And
5 ^; August of 1897, and the revenue in- band supplying the music. The weath- water, however, when an immense oc Dispensaries, New York, coroner for h
of hie opponent Mr. Calder a strong Oount oiSnrou,Ba Seld,Ont.
eased by $340,030. The imports in• er being lovely, there was a large at- friend of popular liberty and an essentially topers rose into view, and at once at the hour of 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon, the HOUSE TO LET. y y o
tendance. [made for the terrified man, who in- following property viz:—Town lot No. 203, on 1
ere sed by $2,5�,� and the exports honorable man; helped to rise Ontario the south side of ftattenbury Street, in the Good lance house on Rattenbury street with
t a politics to a pian above the nepotism sad atantly saw his danger. and with rest Tow of Clinton, in Cha County of Huron, and i E. BLACyGrad yETER1NA ]s
g six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, Bummer d • gonora Qraduatedithsiii7ta oVe erinsr
ver, about half p million. The following Jno. Gillespie, Exeter, met wt h „ presence of mind promptly turned and province of Ontario, containtug by admeaeure- kitchen, hard and soft water, large rt' 1
}-". by s painful accident last week, which office grabbing to which it has deoended. P P P �' stable. Will be rented thea to permanent college. TreatealldiaeaseaordomestioaterTatr
are the figures for August, 1898, a It the elevation of Ontario polities are to scrarii bled Flack into Cha boat. went one-quarter of an acre of land, more or p msle on the most modern and scientific rine
might have cost him his life. He was The terrible creature was after him, less. tenant- Apply to NEw IgA Office, or to p
riding on a large load of lumber, when be secured by soobiextensive debauchery of Ou the property are erected a frame JOHN H- W�RSELL, Goderich. plea Office-immediatolysoath of the Now
;:,; compared with August,1897: however, ani to ulna horrors of the on- cottage, cnntaming dining room, parlor, three Office. Residence -Albert st., Clinton. sal
I1Ilporta dutiable by some means the stakes of the wagon the electorate at; was so abundantly proved lookers it extended its' great flexible bedrooms, kitchen, pantry and bath room and night orday attendedto promptly
' 1898 1897 gave wap, precipitating him to the in South Ontario, it is more than likely tentacles, enveloped the entire beat. also woodshed annexed. The house is well pa• CHOICE FARM FOR SALE.
*_` ground and the lumber falling on top that the boneet majority will conclude that pored and painted throughout, and has a turn. A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON
>, man and all,. and then dt agged the ace for heating.
cods ,.........$7,210,457 $5,889,761 of him. He was bi dip cul$tround the the remedy is "infinitely worse than the whole down under the cr stat sea. The land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All but. 15 hue returned to Gltnton and opened an office
pods 5.357,715 4,610,307 disease. And if the candidate defeated by y Terms- -Teo per cent in cash, remainder in 30 acres cleared, good frame house, frame barn, at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be consult.
F 1X head and received other in uries, diver's horrified comrades rusheft to days. Part of purchase money maybe retained bearing orchard, running water. Situated two ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
<'•"+Coin and bullion.. 1,528,497 1,040,158 such means is in "an infinitely worse his assistance, and an attempt was upon mortgage it desired.
Wm. Moir, of Heusall, received a light" after the rascality is exposed than P miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold . tattle, deo. All esus, night or day, promptly at
°r: -- — ------ p made tU kill the oCtO us 'with a her• For further particulate apply to reasonable terms. D. MoTAVI$H, Clinton. tended to.
ota1,...........$14,090,759 $11,546,225 telegram on Tuesday informing him of before, it is likely that not a few defeated P W. BRYDONE,
the death of his brother Alexander. supporters of the resent Provincial Gov- Poon, but without success. Several of Solicitor Zor Vendor.
Duty collected.. 02,047,265 $1,703,514 pp P his more resourceful companions then Clinton, Sept. 8th. 1898 COTTAGE AND LOT FOR
_ _ who resided in Iowa. The deceased ernment will find themselves in that "in_ MARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES BOON, 813.
formerly resided on the farm now gullet worse pli ht" b the time that the dived into the water with a big net SALE. issurerof Marriage Licenses, Librarynoom
` 'Exports CanadianUZ901,136 $12,508,328 Y g y made of rope, which the took rr ht and Residence. Mary street, Clinton.
'''`' Forel n.•..., 1,138,547 1,215,224 owned by Mrs M. Swan, near Huron- balance of the election trials have been �' y The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot.
ii dale, which he left some seventeen underneath the octopus, entangl ng to a of tour rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
g0oin and bullion.. 167,430 4x,382 disposed oi: the cr'eatnre and its still hula ray. 1 . THE g
_ pears ago. He had succeeded Wa11 in ,� cexADA's FINANc$s. g p , _ attached. Centrally situated. C7oodwatvr and •DAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO
Iowa and leaves a famil to mourn his The next step wag' t0 drag up both drainage. Will be sold cheap. A fol to e/ ISSUER OF MAR1i1AGE LICkNBES.
1'otgtl . • ..........414,267,113 813,768,824 y The completed statement for the finan- marl and octopus into the whaleboat, W. YNARLE.loss. and this done, the unfortunate Malay�� AMITIM
Clinton Deo.lOthNo wttnesaea regatred
`'r�'nada has been subjected to a good sial year ending June 30th hue been made jjjjjj
de'akof unmerited Criticism in England •A =ery pretty wedding was celebra- public, and, in ample falfulment of the pre- was at length seized by his legs and
4� irecentl upon the ground that a con- ted on Monday, Sept. 19, at 2 n. m., at liminery indinations, the net result of dragged by sheer force out of the fear- HOUSE FOR SALE F W. L. S., Provincial
MEMBER Ole Surveyor
•,, y P p ffensall Canada's business for the year is a surplus fill embrace, more dead than alive. 1 Q(�(] • • P. L. ee London Land Snico at and
-�ignmetit of Canadian bacon arrived 1 the residence of J. G. Troyer, vt7t7 Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -office at neo,
(there in such a condition that it was when his sister, Emma$eturah, young- cf over one and a halt million dollars. However, we soon revived him by put $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
tln$t for human food and had to be est. daughter of the late John Troyer, The comparison Ot the praotioal results ting him in a very hot batb, the water houses on Rattenbury St., known as the (Fox- - -
ili`; ..::Condemned by the Southwark Mag,is• Hills Green, was married to Mahlon A. of the past two years with that of the being at such a temperature as actual- Only Seventy - Five Cents ton Property. -.
finite, to Whose attention its condition Rice, Toronto. The ceremony was previous administration is instraotivh and ly to blister his skin. It is most re• y y thei houses and also vacant loge fore sin CLINTON 117ARBL WORKS.
performed b Rev W. H. Kerr, to the n[oney.-Private funds in large and small
" Tivms officially called. The Grover, a P y interesting. The deficit of the previoae markable that the man was not alto- "TO some w i�au on m )rt•tweo. Rates low. COOPER'S LD STAND,
�'',aWade paper published in London, presence of the near relatives and four years had amounted to oonerderably gether drowned, as he had been held January 1st, 1900. W. ERYDONE, Barrister. Next to Commercial Hotel.
thou{ah cognizant of the facts, is unfair friends. over 86,000,000, and the last of this deficit, under water by the tentacles of the
in 1897, amounting to $500,000 was due to octo tie for rather more than two BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR This tlishment is in full 0, oration aur] a-
' enough to represent this shipment of Mr and bIra John Uolclough of con.8, P SALE order filled in the most satiefaato.y way Oem•
Macon as furnishing an awkward ob- Morris, are mourning the lose of their the extravagance of the pact. Th+s'ie the minutes. But, like all kLe Malape of Now is the time to subscribe for ery end granite work a specialty. 15rices •
r '• ::jest lesson of the wrong kind to the g first year in which a fair opportunity has our party, this man carried a knife, the beat Weekly Paper published in That desirable Brink Business Stand on Al t enable as those of any establishment
youngest child, Lorne Edmund, which been given to test the working of the Lib• which he used to very good purpose Ontario.
')) i`;))" . tieh'trade. The facts o£ the case sad event took place early Monday oral policy, and the result is each that the on the monster's body when first it bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N, Robson, is REALE &HOOVER, Clinton
"" riffs• they have been stated, both in Eng- morning. He had only been sick from Write for our low clubbing offers. offered for nils, including rear lot and stable.
``;Itir'rd and in Canada, are that this ship- the previous N ridgy, death being cans- Government and the country may feel dragged him under water; These r e- The] ocation fe one of the best in Clinton. The
3rxtent of bacon was spoiled during trap- satisfied to continue along the eame lines. pprated stabs caused the creature to ADDRESS...... propertY is tree from incumbrance and title !n
ed by obstruction of the bowels. His Not only has the ledger been balanced, and keep rolling about on the surface. The diapni'... Price reasonable and Corina to salt W �T r By Old Established House
the'rosultOf the grounding of the a e was 11 menthe and 23 dayf+. The ppurchaseablr. Apply to GEO. BTANBURY, Lon-
�l� "'�D High Grads Man or Woman,
g the new year o cued with a evbatnntial unhappy tnan was in this wa enabled Western Ad VertlSer, don Road or address Clinton P. O of read Church standing to act es Manager
e ,atnship Milwaukee, the vessel on funeral took place on Tuesday to the y • p pPy y here and do office work and correspondence
p n d
which it was being carried across. A Clinton cemetery. amount to its credit, lint the condition of to get an occasional breath of air, London, Ont. at their home. Business already built up and
hole roves stove in the ship and water every department of industry is such that otherwise he must infallibly have been For Sale or to Rent. established here. Salary 5900 Enclose self.
the improvement will continue yet more drowned. The octupus had an oval addressed stamped envelope for our terms to
do ed the bacon,°with the result that On Sunday afternoon last Miss Orr P The cboice brick house on the corner of Ful- A. P. Elder, General Manager. ls9 Michigan
its-° quality was seriously damaged. of Culross made a presentation of a rapidly for many years; indeed for ae long body, and was provided with an ex-
x- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate Ave., Chioaoo Ill
The, ,insurance company which had book to each scholar of the Presbyter- as the same policy is pursued. traordinarp number o£ tentacles—six of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
fait8 I the risk on the cargo paid the ian Sabbath School, the total number The expenditure ander the Liberal ad- very large ones and many smaller ones for sate or to revt. It contains room for ordi- AGENTS.
I `�} ministration has been heavy, but every of varying sizes. It was a horrible nary family, is practically a new house, with
I Cl&int, a - lf{)On the arrival of the con- being over 200. Dr. Macdonald was Tall conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre "Klondike Gold Fields;' nl arC, cheap, ,V1A-
ont {n England undertook to present, and made a suitable address. dollar of it is there, and doine splendid looking creature with It flat, slimyelegraphy of land. It the property is not sold or rented, able book, selling like a whirlwiinnd. Beau fol
{1 itself of a portion of the bacon Misa Orr takes a vary friendly interest service fol the people. The millions that body, yellowish white in color, with part of It will be rested. Apply to prospectus twenty-five centra, Books on timet
, ,". are being devoted to the deepening of the black spots and a hideous cavity of a W. COATS, Executor, Clinton, BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY,LnuTxD.
4t l m{ lit be found by the health in the welfare of thio school, as this g
. _A
tv C ISSt.6filcer to whom t was submitted to be will make the second similar presenta- St. Lawrence canals is out ane instance of mouth, without teeth. It is the ten-
,t:`'undamaged • and saleable. Professor tion she has made to the scholars there- the practical application of bnsineas prin• tacles of the creature that are so dread- Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and all Farm for gale or to Rent. AGENTS
itobertson sa s that no attain t was of durin hhe ast two ears. oiples, a soore of others might be enamerat- ed, on account of the immense sucking Commercial subjects are properly taught in "The best life of Her Ma
y P g P y ed• and so ]ono se the people see;that their power which they possess. After this the The south hale of lot 6, concession fl, Town- testy I have seen," . rA
:'Ieiade 'Ytlr put the damaged bacon on , ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria:'
+ .:' t e+ txiatket.' But the mai .feet is that The death of Martha Jane Stogdill resources are being husbanded and develop- incident the divers always took a t Agents make fire dollars daily.
Central Business Calle (' cleared and in good state of cultivativation. AgentsEY-GARRETSON COMPANY ,
t'hhe condition of the sbippmeth must not occurred at the residence of her moth• ed, that the beat results possible may be tomahawk with them on their expedi- g f The••e are on the premises a frame house, frame , LnnTaa
as re resent{n the unlit er, James St , Seaforth, on Wednesday made out of our magnifioent heritage, so tions, in order to lop off the tentacles TORONTO, Waage a Gerard Sts. barn. frame drive house, good orchard, never- Toronto.
b6 egarded g quality failing supply of spring water, Situated } mile
p of last week the cause of death being long as th-p are satisfied that the money is of any octupus that might try to at- Fall Term now open. Members admitted at from the village of Blyth. Will be sold on rea- GENTS — Book business is better than for
aof•ilacon exported from this country
I;d'Great Britain, and any British jour abcese of the liver. Last spring Mies being need for legitimate purposes and not tack them. -World Wide Magazine, any time. souable farms. A pfogyy to C. HAMILTON, nBlyth bo yaarepaints l have better and faster selling
it Which undertakes to make it an Stogdill was taken ill with typhoid fe- squandered into „Langevin blocks, Curran Eight regular teachers, Splendid equipment )rTHOS. R. W1tIGHT >i xeout r, 043 Princess books. AAgent� olenrfrom $10 te$4o webkly. A
ells otherwise because of a nurely ver, and although she overcame the bridges, Caron manipulations and Haggart The English aeronauts who went up 27,- Write for catalogue, Ave„ London. Ont. G adstonfew)eade,aro: "Queen 's Bible Stories 1 " Mr
disease, it left her health to some ex Gladstone," "My'lather's ke o dFie!
i!" "Pro•
tal circumstances wholly be- railway deals, eo long will they be content 500 feet in a balloon the other day report W. H. SHAW, Principal. neipal. Farm for Salo or to Hent. gressivespoakor,' "Klondike Gold F olc{s,^"Wo
tent undermined, and she readily fell a to leave the management of the country in _ man, Glimpses of the Unseen, "' Breakfast
ontrol of anyone does an in jus- the thermometer at that altitude registered Dinner and Sup sof t Canada; an 1I'Bre Topa li
to•tbe disease which caused her the Bands of her resent administrators. Farm in Township of Tuckersmith, being lot
,�anrlda, prey p 29 degrees below zero,and everything metal-goodla." Books on time. Ontflts free to canvassers.
death, The diseased was only 37 years . ALL CANADIANS ARE BROTHERS. lie became coated with ice. Here Is a new 2a, con. 2, li. R. toS.containing 100 acres of stock-
of age. field for scientists. It would be a boon w The ruiato la d ins goodr state of� Cultivation k8 Toronto,
�nc1e Sam Is going pretty heavil The spontaneous expression of sympathy
g y y Wm, Sweet, V. S., Exeter, received which has been called forth by the terrible they canto arrange to bring some of that arrow of good amswoodbarn bush to the Aider MCKILLOP MUTITAL FIRE
ritit�l'.$iltj comtrliBBion business. He has the cad intrlligenae last week of Cho disaster that has befallen the city of New weather down in the hot season, and die- Q�� are two good frame barns, steno stabling under
ansa it to sweltering hnmanit one driviu eked, never-fui ing spring near
Mrs Richard Westminster is a strong proof of the P g y barn, brick Moues and kitehe soft water tn- INSURANCE CO.
"ottt, fri Canada, one in Cuba, one in death of his mother, growth of that bond strong
common interest Reliable side, good well, orchard eta. The farm is well
Sweet, yvho died in Morden, Man. on A man of irregular habits will find one of situated, being five miles from CIlntou and a FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY
%pt fb Itie0, another In Paris, and one the 7th inst., after a prolonged Illness that is yearly more closely uniting the g° from 8aaforth, on good ravel road• convenient
,7tldltgd for at Manilla. Will the re- from internal cancer, The deceased widely epartaed Provinces ct the Domin- Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders tak- ONLY INSURED
y eh in the morningblear hisbeadaaho,stead to eah, yr ri op uRt to place. 'G up
r word f
e was well and favorably known both -ion, and the manner in which onbstant{al y ahoap, ae proprietor i on t e glvinR up farming. ovVIOERS:
,Ce t4 pay the working expenses ? his nervus, and font him in shape for his For a mild smoke select For particulars a fol on the premises, or to
here and In the townshipof Stephen, assistance is followingthat first expression day's work. Price 10o. and 25o. • a. .TURNER Cllnwn Ont. Geo, Watt, President, Harlpck P, Q J. B.
in which township shresided for of sympathy indicates that the feeling is a O McLean, Kippon P. 0., Vloe-Pres.; J.
X16 ;talo house keepers will rejoice many years, and her many old friends genuine one. It is in the memory of ail Zurich Fal) Fair, held on Thursday, '� bright 1)lllty Of. . ' Shannon, Secy -Tress, Seaforth P. O.Losses,
s, >fl.
t , kd1 . I 'Wh the war with Spain will will hear witb regret of her death, except the youngest of our Citizens, when 'was it rate$ suc6ess. The ball was CL1NTdN Hays, Seaforth P. Dln'2 apeotorof Lowses.
era({rel the supply 04 their She was 76 years of age. British Columbia was scarcely thought of filled tate utmost, all li):ies being well WOOD and COAL YARD DrHRaforta
�t51; Otis y pp y t T � r • P. O.00t, Seaforth; Sca Q. ; Tboo.
as a part of the Dominion, and one could repre�el+ted. There' bVaB a good crowd iWinthropinrP. O.; George Dale. seatertli; Ttioe.
runes. Calffor- Blyth will soon lose one of its most onlyreach b way of the Pacific Ooeaa, • -
srg�y1e.fgbgel{C�ey-p energetic and progressive yuan basin- y y but tkie rain kept many back, In all Subworibtr is prepared to rotf+ptiy, flli �ri or Hags, Seaforth; Jas - Evans BoeohwDod P.
hilt1. X61 ah to kt#e rescue with a crop q while its citizens spoke of the rest of the the society feels proud of the grand do,% for Wood or coal, which will be so d at O.; Thos, Garbutt arintou; Thomas Fraser,
esu leen. We refer to John S. MoKin- country as thou li it wag a forei n land. Ilowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS Brucefteld; Job It A Matoan, Kippon.
y g g anatase.��� IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. Wl3EATLEX
t t� g¢�00te�g jlil ,year, grown in or- non, who has been offered and has ac- It is not the $rat time the cities fff the AGENTS
ra ate 55000 acres. cepted a responsible position in the
irllAf c ql► tielr g ' large wholesale millinery and manEle the coast have m'ef with [lira disastriY, dud REea� TgIS P p DR . A01tN fiS WANTED. Robert Smith HarloI ono. w, Yeo, Holman.fa.
b` ',— , , Wfil;illtlo be g1lid ttl know establishtnettt of Ills uncle S, F. MC- hevb risen frorrl their aeheS wrath tnsrvel DES . ANYT.RX G vi11o; Robt�ltfialVl also, Sedfurth Jatras Joh
hff 014 a B O VM ci rrr r: tf ming Egtiiondvile; Join govan'look and John
KinnOti Of Toronto.' He will ent0i' up- 0'ns vitality 4tnri t116re Ili n0 doubt that New SHO ST UPON HAVING See " i . aw 1U." in Gilt on lop i t to selleour noveltiie � Biagi Coal mission Marr ticissonauditors.
, tbit � • ddc6aw of rhubarb are t Parties aeairous toe I#ii }ltd', you or trans•
„ on his now duties on Nov. 1, and his Weatnlinater will quo yet another example WHAT THEY ASS FOR REFUSING std. Sand applicatfo and 25 ante for toll
r, Ii>i Pith llflwtitr culliiratitln, While p g ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. +very 1'ltlg, !pine o! sem lea. Thv)RANC16c�M`t' Co.' sot other business wllla rolrlptlq atteydu3 to
removal from Blyth will be a distinct of the magnifioient stayillg and growin � on appheation to anq o the above offioofel
titClce40 life t I I e ht�l it loss to the business eommunitq powers of our glorfons West. f Confedoration Life 111d'as, lVorouto aadroeaed to their respoot{We otdoe.
'fit' t I .
11 ,, (• l hll
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