HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-09-09, Page 7that she is a sufferer, One of a healthy woman 's princi- pal charms is her vivacity of car- nage -the daiuty, springy steps with which she walks. The woman who suffers from weak- ness and disease of the distinctly feminine organ- ism, who is troub- led with back- aches, stitches in the sides, drag- ging down or burning sensa- tions, sick head- aches and the multitude of other ills that accom- pany these disor- ders, cannot have the dainty, bound- ing carriage of a healthy woman, She will show in every movement There is a wonderful medicine for troub- les of this description, that has stood the est for thirty years, and has been used suc- cessfully by many thousands of women. It is Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned and makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It allays inflamma- tion, heals ulceration and soothes pain. It tones and builds up the nerves. It is the discovery of Dr. R. V. Pierce, an eminent and skillful specialist, for thirty years cbief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. This is one of the greatest medical institu- tions in the whole world. During the thirty years that Dr. Pierce has been at its head he has gained the unbounded respect of his fellow citizens at Buffalo, and they showed it by making hini their representa- tive in the National Congress, from which position he resigned to give the remainder of his life to the practice of his chosen profession. He will cheerfully answer, free of charge, any letters written to him by suffering women. Address, as above. " A few years ago," writes Mrs. W. R. Bates, of Dilworth, Trumbull Co., Ohio, " I took Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which has been a great benefit to me. I ani in excellent health now. I hope that every woman, who is troubled with ' women's ills,' will try the 'Prescription and be benefited as I have been," WILL YOU WALK WITH ME THE DAY? [A Derry duologue.] 44W111 you walk with me the day, Rose O'Do- herty, To Trillig banks away, Roseen dhu? To a ribbon you are ready And the sun is shinin steady. Will you walk with me the day, Rose aroo?" "I91 no walk with you the day, Mr. Cassidy, Not the long nor little way, Master John. The sun is shinin steady An for Trillig banks I'm ready, Renee I'm welkin there the day with Cousin Con.' -"What's your raison?" "Who was he that on a pleasure boat, When he'd wired 'Domestic duty keeps me here,' I caught out exehnngin kisses With some light young Miss or Mrs. Through Con's telescope from off of Derry pier?" " 'Twas myself between the puffing Juno's paddle boxes. Iponfess it, claimin kisses with a will From no foolish, forward stranger, But safe out of stormy m danger neer om my sister off the liner at Moville. !11 you walk with me the day, Rose O'Do- herty? jewel, 'Vs too sore you're takin on." ldrroea it—if you'd—blame me— ith kinidnu::s—so to shame mel 11 walk—I'll walk—forever—with yon, John." —Alfred Perceval Graves '. Sketch. CAUTIOUS UNCL He Woulld Take No Chances Even : or a Ai' Goodly Fortune. A lawyer had come all the way from California to pay a $10,000 legacy over to Uncle Jerry Hopoflrld, who had lived all his life in a little town in Ohio, and after breakfast two or three of us were invited to go along and witness the transfer. When we reached the house, Uncle Jerry was tightening up the hoops on the rain barrel, while his wife had gone to see a sick neighbor. They had been fully iden- tified the day before as the proper parties, and now the lawytr said: "Well, Uncle Jerry, I want to hand you that money and got a receipt and be off this morning," "I'm kinder busy just now," said`- .;ie old man as he stopped hammering for a moment. "Yes, but I have $10,000 here for you. I don't believe there's a man in the world who wouldn't stop work long enough to sign a receipt for such a fortune." "Mebbc not, but it looks like rain, and I want to git this bar'l fixed right away. Can't you comp over in about an hour?" "Look here, man, but did you ever see $10,000 in all your life?" asked the lawyer as he opened the satchel and displayed a ackage of new greenbacks. 'No, I never did," replied Uncle Jerry as he pounded away. "Did you ever have $1,000 of your own?" "Lands, not" "Never had a hundred all at once, did you?" "Never. Durn that hoop, but it don't want to go on I" "I must ask yon to get this business over as soon as possible," continued the lawyer as the old man kept at his work. "But it's going to rain." "Yes, but bore's your money." "And I've got to got this bar'l fixed." "It won't take over ten minutes to fix up our business. Run along and fetch your 'wife." "See here," said Uncle Jerry as be laid down his hammer and wiped the back of his neck, "Malar has gone over to Blod- gett's to be gone an hour. Before she went she said I must tinker up this rain bar'l." "But can't you stop your tinkering to handle 810,000 in cold cash?" exclaimed the lawyer in indignant tones. "Yee, yes, I kin stop work, but what about Mariar?" 'Well, what about her?" "Why, she'd come home expectin this bar'l to be an tinkered up, and if ebe found it wasn't them $10,000 wouldn't hold her no more'n a tow string would hold a hoes, • She'd jest shove me Olean • down among the cabbages and jinn» on the bar.'1 with both feet and squash It all to squash,, and flue the next week I'd hey towplk !round on tiptoe and eat Mr the wood shed."—Waebingtgn si CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. The he - simile Air it ea sir/oaten, Of eve .44, vulvas T1'E CLINTON NEW 'ERA The End Came Another Way. A distinguished actor of the present day was ono time engaged at one of our lead - int; proyinelal theaters in 0 drama in which he attempts au escape frau a con viot prison, first by ,getting rid of his fet- ters by means of a filo and lastly by get • ting over the prison wall. In the act of doing this he is shot at by a warder and killed. One particular night the drama had run its usual course up to the point where the actor attempts the esoape over the prison wall. The warder, as usual, presented his rifle, but instead of a loud report nothing but a faint clicking sound was heard. The rifle was lowered and after a brief delay again pointed, but with the same disap- pointing result. The audience now began to hiss and jeer. The disgusted actor then got off the prison wall, and, staggering toward the footlights, exclaimed: "It's all up! I've swallowed the file!" and fell prone on the stage amidst the laughter and applause of the audience.—Pearson's Weekly. The Matinee. It was a common ,thing for actors to accuse Mr. Boucioault of being the origi- nator of the matinee in this country. That is not truo. The matinee came from Bos- ton, and it was only a few years ago that it was against the law in Massachusetts to give a theatrical performance on a Satur- day night. The managers, to got their six performances a week, gave a matinee on Saturday, and it has not been suoh a great number of years since that law was repealed.—Owen Fawcett in Detroit Free Press. Seatless, An English hostess was entertaining about 800 people at a reception and had provided only about 76 seats. In despair she said to a compatriot: "Oh, I ant so distressed! Not three-fourths of these peo- ple can pit down 1" "Bless my soul, madam I" he exclaimed, "what's the matter with them?" European Postal Facilities. Letters dropped into a box in Paris are delivered in Berlin within an hour and a half and sometimes within 86 minutes. They are whisked through tubes by pneu- matic power. A German authority has recently stated that rubber is not waterproof, and as evi- dence of this he instances that rubber turns white when ,long in contact with water. Although Ireland has been described as one great farm, only 30 of the 8,566 school- houses have gardens attached to them. Doan's Kidney Pills are the most effec- tive remedy known for weak painful backs; Dropsy, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, sedi- meat in the urine and all kidney and blad- der troubles. All Canadians, and his many friends who are not Canadians, will sympa- thize with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who is called to mourn the death of his bro- ther. Dr. Charlemagne Laurier, which sad event occurred at Artha- baskaville on Friday. AN AWFUL COLD Mrs Wm. Darkes, Pine Grove, Ont., says: •`I recommend Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for Coughs, Colds Hoarseness and Sore Throat. I had an awful cold and could hardly speak. One bottle of Norway Pine Syrup cured me completely." A DOCTOR'S HOMAGE. Prescribed for his patient South American Rheumatic Cure, and the Man's Own Words for it : "It Saved My Life." Wm. Erskine, Manager for Dr. R. R. Hopkins, Grand Valley, writes ; "I have a patient .who has been cured by South American Rheumatic Cure. He had been trying- everything on earth without the slightest relief, and had taken to his bed. Three doses relieved him, and when Ipie had taken two bottles he was able to dri'e out. He immediately came to me and said this great remedy had saved his life. This re- medy relieves in a few hours and is curing the world. Sold by Watts & Co. Love Will bind the Way. Will Getthere—Miss Howe, yon know the language of flowers. Do you find any hidden meaning in this simple little plover leaf? Annie Howe—A clover leaf? Let me see. One, he loves me; two, he loves me not; three, he loves met Oh, W111, this is so sudden 1--Pearson's Weekly. Of the 250 stamps whioh have boon is- sued the values have ranged from 1 cent to $5,000. Five dollars !e the highest value among postage stamps, brit newspaper stamps reach the hundred dollar mark, while a revenue stamp may represent $5,- 000. The beautiful lace known as fayal is made from the fibra in the leaves of the 'sitter aloe, grown in the Azores islands, a relative of the common century plants sax HEMJACIW Positively tytired by thane Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia., Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Month, Coated Tongue fain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. cies you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, nsist and demand �arter's Little Liver Pills For the Aged Paine's Celery Compound gives the needed stimulus to good digestion and assimilation, and keeps tine blood pure Nature's medicine bring, health and happiness to those in advanced years King David, the sweet singer of Israel, says:—"The days of our years are three- score years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength, labor and sorrow." The physical troubles and burdens of old people are many. Disordered nerves, con- stipation, flatulence, drowsiness, indiges- tion, palpitation and impoverished blood seem to make them grow weaker from day to day, Paine's Celery Corflponnd is a precious and igtveluable medicine for old people, It is nature's true nerve, tissue and flesh builder; it keeps the blood pure and fresh from day to day, regulates the organa of digestion, and keeps the appetite natural and healthy. No other medicine in the world so quickly recruits the strength and waning energies of men and women ad- vanced in years. Paine's Celery Compound bas added many long years to the lives of old people in the past, and today thousands sing the praises of the wonderful medicine, because it has bestowed peace and comfort and kept them free from the infirmities of old age. The Elder -Dempster Steamship Line has made a proposal to the Dominion Government to carry the mails between Montreal and Bristol free in order to ac- commodate Canadian shippers to Bristol. A BAYONET THRUST 1e as a pin scratch to the tortures of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. The bravest soldier will weaken before the onslaught of these redoubtable enemies to health. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets break down the strongholds of disease, build up and fortify the wasted nerve force, put new life, new hope, new energy, hoist the banner of victory instead of the fiag'of distress. 35 cents. Sold by Watts & Co. The Independent Foresters, by a vote of 125 to 6, adopted increased in- surance rates. They also voted to ad- mit women to the benefits of the in- surance department of the order. Of the wisdoin of the first resolution there can be no doubt; as to the second there will be many who vlitl inspend judgment and await the test of ex- perience. Children Cry for CASTOR IA_ WHAT DOES IT MEAN It means rich blood, strong nerves and sound digestion, It means prosi rarity and growth to the young. It means ;mot color and mental vigor. That's what '400tt's Emulsion means. Monday afternoon William 7'lhnst In, a well-known farmer near ;;alt, was ser ions- ly injured by a vicious heifer. Mr John- ston went into the stable for the animal, and while there it turned on him, tearing his ear almost entirely off with its horn, anal bruising him about the body. The ear hung by a shred of tendon, and it re- quired 42 stitches to rejoin it to the head, Mr. Johnston is in the hospital. SMILELESS WO MIEN. Nervousness, Indigestion and General- De, bility Have Driven Away the Sunshine, but South American Nervine brings back the Heart Gladness. Mrs. D. A. Gray, of Waterford, says "For a number of years I was a great suf- ferer from indigestion and general debility, and many times was unable to attend to my household duties. I was treated by nearly all the doctors in the town and got no permanent relief. I read of a cure by South American Nervine which seemed to exactly fit my case. I procured one bottle and sot great relief, and six bottles cured me absolutely. It certainly has not an equal." Sold by Watts & Co. ]les Harry. "Why do you want so many men put to work on your new house?" allied the builder. "Are yon In a hurry for it?" "furry I" replied the man who was pay- ing/ the Mlle, "Well, I should say 1 was• Dry wits has expressed herself as satisfied with the plans of this house, and I want to see if I can't get it built before she tires of it and wants me to sell it."—Chicago Post. A Strategist. "Do you think that Spanish prisoners ought to be received with social colt in this country?" "Certainly," answered Miss Cayenne in a tone of gentle sarcasm, "Wo ought to make it so pleasant for thein that all the other Spaniards will grow jealous and try to be captured too."—Washington Star. The Usual Recklessness. The oli summer sadness 1e with us again. '1,`he solemn reminder that years, es they fly, Caul teach men the lesion that ought to be plain. That the fool killer Hill Ida neves tailing mutat thy, And our sighs As they rise • To the echoing skies Are expressions of sorrow, but not of surprise, When we hear the Old atdry, laeonio and grim, "He was allowing how far from the shore hs could swim." De warned, ob, Bagneta, before it's too late, And give poor Camera a bit of a chancel Let vanity panne on bohelding,the rate That relentlessly waits on a reckless advance, For pooh fleet Sunt to meet ON erwholndng defeat 4ffords ss example, with warning replete, f danger for people who yield to tike whim Of showing how far from the Audis ihejr oar MOM. —Washington *tar. The Weaker Went. A Kalamazoo crockery dealer was just closing up his store for the day when one of his customers, a grocer, came in in a groat hurry. "Hero," said he, "I packed this jar full of butter, and the jar split from top to bottom. Perhaps you can explain the phenomenon." "Oh, yes, I can," was the ready reply. "The butter was stronger than the jar." Tardily Acknowledged. "What are the graves of Adams and Otis marked by big rucks for?" asked the yle- itor to the Granary burying ground, "Because they were bolder Oren than most of their conteruporaries," said the Bostonian proudly.—Boston Commercial Bulletin. First Thought. First Young Girl—Would you like to be a princess, Emmy? Second Young Girl—Oh, no; a princess' age is in every calendar.—Fliegende Blat- ter. The deserts of Arabia are among the most remarkable places of the world and aro especially remarkable for their pillars of sand, which are raised by whirlwinds and have a very close resemblance in their anpearanoe to waterspouts. News Notes The Rnpal Military College was yes- terday opened for the recruit class, which numbers 35. The C. P. R. monthly returns of the s ile of lands for August are double those of lase year. DR FOWLER'S EXTRACT 01' WILD STRAWBERRY Nothing has yet been found to supersede it for Diarncwa, Dysentery, Cholera, Colic, Cramps and Summer Complaint. Don't take a substitute. Insist on getting the genuine. A one -legged negro tramp, has been ar- rested at Wilmington, Del., in connection with the murder of P. 0. Towhey of Lon- don. HEALTH RUN DOWN I was ran down in health and weak and could not get anything to do me good until I tried But'dook Blood Bitteas which has made me strong and well." THOS. LAW - SON, Terra Nova, Ont. Lord and Lady Aberdeen expect to bid adieu to Canada and sail from Quebec for his home on Novetnber 11, Lieut, -Col. H. E. McCallum, R. E., C. M. G. Governor of Lagos, will suc- ceed Sir Herbert Murray as Governor of Newfoundland in October next. ALL NERVES. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled and upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy 'such people re- quire. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. While in American Hon Mr. Cham- berlin will, it, is said, invite one or more of the Canadian Ministers to visit him and discuss outstanding questions. MEETS YOUR NEEDS. When you feel tired, languid, nervous and are troubled with pimples and eruptions, you will find Hood's Sarsaparilla exactly meets your needs. It purifies and enriches the blood and imports to it the qualities need.;d to tone the nerves and nourieh the whole system. It cures all blood humors. HOOD'S PILLS cure sick headache, nausea, billiousness and all liver ills. Price 25 cents. Harry Wells, brother of Marshall Wells, the wheelman, was killed in a crossing accident at Paris. At an early hot' Friday morning fire destroyed thiertram Engine Wrnks, Toronto, causing a loss of S200,000, HEART SIGNALS. Quick as a Flash They Appear, but Just as Quickly will They Vanish Under, the Healing Spell of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.. When the breath is abort— when you tire easily — when there is palpitation — when there is smothering sensation — and drop- sical tendency — all these indicate heart weakness,'and are the danger signals if you procrastinate. Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart is saving lives which in many cases have been proclaimed by eminent physicians as beyond hope. -It will relieve most acute cases in thirty minutes, and patience and the remedy will cure any case of heart trouble in existence. Sold by Watts & Co. [Little Brother of the Riots." (Mr. Moffatt, the "silver king," has take.) the head waiter of the Fifth Avenue hotel abroad as his guest.—Daily Paper.] Ah, would I were a waiter man, to with th waiters stand, ' For then I might be ohosen from among th waiting band To view the distant continent. to Moulli, Rouge with glee! Alas, these argent royalties don't grow on el ery treel I silt and long for Moffatts with a passion meet intense, I write of multimillionaires in laudatory senee, I stand aside and cringe whene'er a plutocrat I see, And now a silver king prefersa menial to mel I've closed the doors of carriages with meet obsequious grin On sexing first a furred or feathered matron step therein, But found myself lorgnetted to a horrible de- gree With such a stony, social glare I fairly had to flee. I'm reckoned handsome, nervy and unusually bright, The world's enthusiastic ever verses that 1 write, I never waited yet when persons beesitset, dine or sup, And yet I'm always waiting—fore Moffatt to turn up. —Town 'Espies. Agers hen wrong is the standard remedy for all pul- monary complaints. A timely dose of this medicine curelt the cold or rough, and Prevents Disease. Tan tail.•;,tg, Cllialt s—WilLtt 1.,,.,..,, you look so blued Augustus—I just got a letter from home inclosing $SU. ( htu•l . s—That's nothing to feel bad over. Augustus—But the old man forgot to cut a re euao stamp on the check.—Now York Journal. Common Falling. "If there is anything 1 enjoy," said the Mali with the placid look, "it is to gut un the river bank and lie about, fishing." "Couldn't you stay at honer and lie about fishing just as'easy?" asked the lean ansn.—Cincinnati Enquirer. The Man Who Wins the Battle. You may praise th' proud commander.. Rut, when all is said an done, The elan who wins th' battles Is the man behind th' gun, There's th' gold lace en tb' }pridges, An th' cap'us in, ill' tower, They press tri' ready buttons, An they have a lot o' power. An th' men who gauge th' biters, An th' lively chaps who steer, They're sure to do their duty An to do it without fear. But o' course that isn't fighting, An, when all is said an done, Th' man who Willtl th' battles Is th' man behind tit' gun. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Bright i'reepaots. "Jimmy, we won't have to go to school no more." "Why, Joe?" " 'Cause all dem big war heroes' birth- days goin to be made hollerdays."—Ch1• cage Record. He Filled the Bill. "Why don't you have a sponge to moisten your stamps?" said the unwel- come poor relative to the business man. "timid Idea," saidthe business man. "You can have the job, "—Cleveland Plain Dist les Weak Kidneys. Always Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. I. Patterson, Croft St., Am- herst, N.S., makes the following statement : " Having been trou- bled for some time with distress- ing backaches and weak kidneys, I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills. They acted promptly and effectively in removing the trouble with which I was afflicted, and re- stored me tc, my old-time form. It is a pleasure for me to recommend them to others." Doan's Kidney Pills are the most effective remedy in the world for Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Backache, Gravel, Sediment in the Urine, and all kinds of Kidney and Urinary Troubles. Price roc. a box or 3 boxes for vl.z5. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Remember the name, "Doan's," and refuse all others. IIII 1111 TARTAN •liiiEllt411.11 r� Arlt IIV lieltislat rlaaarliellarnsrlmttesllll illifv''ii11111•1 \1111 �1�lUl!�I�VII i HU11■I11111111■11111■1111;1 iii,:. ii■i. ' ii. IIIA illl�lalllllllll�lillllil�l�ill' ■1■I l!I■1�"; T1)BACCO II ai INN IL 11=relelllrltl1111l.l[llll•11111 eallilleet MMIN. �rl,ll Mail J DATTRAY&CO e .e M ONTREAL,CA N. ■ill'' ■loll, We are headquarters for all kinds of Fruit, such as Lemon s Oranges Bananas Watermelons Fanny California Pears, Peaches, Plums,Tomatoes & Blackberries are coming in regular now, Oar John Boll Nall Digestive Bread is meeting with good satisfaction, What to saidot it by leading authorities: "It is well flavored, nutritious and easily digested. I have determined to have it on my own breakfast table."—Rir C. O. Camoron,M.D. "It is a bread which a dyspeptic or young child can easily digest."—T, Povntz Wright, M.D., M . R.C.H., (Eng) L. R. A. "The flavor le of special excellence, although somewhat sweet, resembling in this respect malt." --The Lancet, London, Eng. The sale of our REAL HOMEMADE BREAD is still increasing. Wedding Cakes. Bread and Pastry are still our specialties. Jas. McClacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. MADE MEA MAN AJAX TAIILI3TS POSiTivlyLY CURB oor''rtKir ionreue, roppsen—eFea, eng o0m0 o!'othes( E*kcoal' sea,anti at. eisaiforete . shims o }am *i� 1'ro retia for eta Y, boeti Co or p pprattant ,m�nea ii ad Coq t minip' 1. to en n•t :,b. Tbair'db0.�ri QfMmedlnte iiipibis meat eree�s q e ell other 1515 In- siet n bin fro fbb6 rt*rtnbibtl Alex Tiblete, They have dred'tltdti4Sttyealid Wlnbnre7'en, wi twe e (tire wean gaprant� tore act agnea 500 pack Midas r. yIs pki s I W t tre Yrents for 2l Q, 117 package's �fe� tiler pkgde Oats sepal snit �or.�(611delreie' r mail, in ]n n w np p n root o1 rice, feces AJA�x It n v jEAP" e'" Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jeokaon:, drnggiste. September 9; 1898 CCI atakts the young feel old, and the old feel that life is not worth the living, It's a dan- ger signal of Kidney Disease - nue unerring evidence of weak, inactive and sore Kidneys. teny person cured of you that when the backyceased to ache, tell will ache, ail troubles ended. Neither liniments, nor plasters, nor electricity can cure it. The seatmuscolesf th• fire trsouInblethe is notKidnefyns. the skin, flesh es 1t can be CURED I had terrible pains in my hack and 111V water was thick and muddy. 1 was all broken tipand in poor health generMly. 1'1.10 hose~ of Dr Hobbs Sp tragus Kidney fills cured Inq completely. Push the sale of the 11/ hard, there is nailing better. A. N VAN Abe rix 64 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. I had sutT«red with a lame back an way con - riot quote to allbof aoboxu ofyDr Howo weeks 's Sparagi s Kidney Pills and was entirely cured. ISAAC/ MARK, 851 S 1E,leventh :t, Raginaw,illich. Dr. Hobo✓ PARACLJ Kirl'tiey Pills FOR BALE BY SYDNEY JACiICSON, Druggist, CLINTON, ONT Cheaper to Ride than To Walk Two Week's Sale Of Second - band Bicycles, Ladies' and Gents' 1898 models. All in firat-claes condition only run about two months, at $15, 820 and $25 each. Call and seoure a bargain. Onward Cycle Co., Perrin Block, Clinton H. L. BROWN, Manager. Tia, old Clinton PLANING MILL 11. STEVENS, Prop' ietor The old original Contractor and Builder, who has made Clinton his home for forty years, is still in business with a modern, up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill all orders of whatever description, on short notice and the lowest terms; first-class workmanship guaranteed, CONTRACTS for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- ing material furnished as deviled. HENRY STEVENS, William Street, Clinton, immediately behind the Park. 1J3jJfljJJ1 TR E ES. Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being complete, we are prepared to offer to the pub- : li for spring p'antung a very choice lot of Apple, 11(1111, Pear, Cherry and Peach trees, at suitable pi ices. Evergreens a specialty. 1 I aro stock of small Fruits, Choice list of spring bedding Plants. Price list mailed oil application. John Stewart Estate, Heumiller McLEOp'S System �1 ytm�i,C NOVATOD. AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Far Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall St01_t9, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female irregularities and General Debility Laboratory, Goderich, Ont, J. 1MSLd, Prop. and ilianuMcfactnreoer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE and SYDNEY JACKSON Something to Admire is a pretty shoe. We have them at all prices and in alllstyles. FiVE SUMMER OXFORDS BOOTS AND SHOES at reasonable prices. Call and see them. Don't fail to see our Single and Double Harness, our Trunks. Valises, Satchels,School Bags, Etc., Etc. Red and White Cedar Shingles always on liand. J. Twr tehell VICTORIA BLOCK • AGENTS. r "Glimpses of ithe Unseen" 1l'asOtnating book Sweeps the entire field eif borderland subjects Everybody orders. Mar anon Illustrations Prospectus *1.00. BR4UY-GARR,ETSON COMPANY, batman, Toronto ` I I'i ittt e 4 SA i.11( 1 wish to 111114 : the public T hat J Wilt not be under,old by :toy other per.iotttl in the bueiuee•s, I aro It practical fatit4,,itte era a nd umien-land all he branches:of the bus:ne,4. We keep the very beak., meats, and a fall stock always on hap crud will sell at the Lowe -t Uash Prices Bring along your money, and get the [neat at the cash price. We will give,; (re'di1, hut not 'u rash pt fres. Please.• (orae and bee what you can do for (`ash at R. FITZSIMONS' CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FOLD tilt 3IURPHY We are doing business on the cash priapi+ ple, and will supply out oustoinere wiith the best meats et the lowest paying priced(. FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for shipping purposes, for which the higbeak market prices will be paid. Parties hevi hogs to sell will oblige by leavirg word .. the shop. Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. NEW BUTCIIER Subscriber has opened a shop in the wises recently 'started especially for urpoee, opnosite Fair's Mill, where he peep on haftd and deliver promptly, to A4'. karts of the town, Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTON c FLOUR AND FEED STORES. COOK'S Flour & Feed stort BRAN &. SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. DUN CAN'S FLOUR & FEED Stow -- (late Hill & Joyner) Opposite Market, Clinton Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a bush Good Valencia Raisins, 28 Ib box $l. Choice Tea, special line 250 per lb. and up. All kinds of Grain bought at highest market prices. W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTON . BANKS. - --y The Moisohs Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1886 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,500,000 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. WM. MoLsorr i1 suer EItsos, President F. WOLFERSTAN TH^.MA9, Gen Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAYINGS BANK—Interest allowed on same of $1 and ap. Money•advanced..to farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required , H. C. BREVMER, Manager, Clinton G, D, MCT ALGA RITL BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts slued, Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN t& TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advanceq made to farmers on their own Jtea at low rates of interest. A. general Banking Baeiness transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. Clinton SEWING MACHINE Depot Huron Street. We have just received another lot of New Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the former is an exceptionally good machine, and has given good satisfaction to all Needles and all kinds of RepaltrH kept on hand Machines sold on monthly `payments. !hill . on me or write for prises and terms. Jan. 1898 WM. MOORE.,• For Twenty-seven YeaN.,a, 11Ytall " 0'1 THECOOKSBESITrag LAR<i*ST SAL'R i1$'CANADAi Ia r t 1tl 11. �ta�.•. �i