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The Clinton New Era, 1898-09-09, Page 2
- _T-7—ww--T"` , _.� --,p"s;r,T,j�_ -- - . " 11q11Ws`1WP�"VFFVP_ T _—T ____ - --qr--.-- - . ______T6 - -_ --' - ' 11",—, _r - ----- . _, - _ _,._,__ ,r , , __ 9"PP?_Ar__ _- .1� . •' .. .i -• 1S(1ptcmir s, lass TNSL�NTUN NEW ERS ImusA LI'Itill L�Utillty ��llt),1►IILMs Good Horses Becoillins scarce —_' — The Plebiscite Campaign in the United States Oats Wanted I Professionaland0therCart Jas.Nelsoo,of (xlasbnw,Scotland aur• 1V IX 112%JIV ' '' ',� E�� I r - t C (6N THE 5. CLAIR RIVER) '• SA►RNIA.ONTiARIO. .. Great Camp .. I'AWleeillspio) A ghts of the Alinexaboes for ll,tchign Port Huron, Mich., April 6, 18 XR A. S. NuAmo, Sarnia, Ont. DEAR Stn. -It gives me groat pleasure Mmiirace t4js opportunit of expressing my e lire satlefaottion with the stenographer (Mi you recommended so mea litt ovops, year ago. She is now one of our valu AsOptant•P, correct and rapid in her Stenog s •phig writing and gives unmistakable eviden . tAareful and efficient training. F nom who , 06 learned ct pourschool and the studen :'.WhObavegraduated from it, I ca•a confident '` Teoommend it to a I contemDlatin,r the stn chased dram:+ Mc tle,a mind, Ash field,irttwell ty ag- __ Good driving horses, according to ISOOTT & MCKENZ gr, gate oabout $25,n,luting iu theag- -- reliable reports, are b�etting scarce in IN iJXCH SAGE Barristers, s;oticitora, &o. 1 ltr.+gate to about $25,1N�). the United St t L' 12 lb h The Directors of the Bayfleld Agri. criltltr•al Society, at a meeting held on Tuesday, decided to hold the annual fuir uu Thursday and Friday, Oct, 6.7, It is our sad duty this week to re - curd the deathof one of the rn"st wide - I known and respected residents of ��'est Wawanobh, Mr Thomas Wallace of con. 7, un Aug. 10, at the age of 60 n. years. 97. A very pretty and quiet wedding oc- curred at Filion, Mich., when Miss k YES NO Are you in favor of the passing of an Act mend for this kind of animal of any class and they are likely to continue to of the Easter a States Is this the case. prohibiting the importation, manufac- '44 ,es and receiving a good salary, snts may enter at any time. ture or sale of spirits, wine, ale, beer, cider and all other alcoholic liquors X BAYFIELD OFFICE -Open every Th Main street, first door west of Post for use as beverages? from 1{entucky and Yui [her tUl' GI'oCerles k a es., yen u) some of the principal horse -breeding counties B. o otee Oatmcal for 1 bush. Oats 13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats Clinton and Bayfield, CLINTON OFFICE—Elliott Block, Ise mend for this kind of animal of any class and they are likely to continue to of the Easter a States Is this the case. and disaster and sin. The anti- '44 ,es and receiving a good salary, snts may enter at any time. Manv persons in the Eastern States requiring g.,od drivers are ggetting Oats taken i.0 exchange BAYFIELD OFFICE -Open every Th Main street, first door west of Post be a drug on the market for some time from 1{entucky and Yui [her tUl' GI'oCerles MONET TO LOAN.them JeMsa scarr, A, 8. NIMMO. __ west. But good horses are getting minion Alliance, Mr. F. S. S encs in reply to the utterances oat made, b 1 Y L, H- MoK to come. As we have stated ftequent- ly in these columns the only kind of scarce in the west also. As in Canada, � cure liver lite; easy to Hood's Pills take,ealtytoop�te;" Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to Clinton Post Office. many farmrrs went out of horse - breeding a few These are our present rates, but we don't know how long Wt BRYD0�11E. BARRISTER, horses that it will pay the farmer to years ago when prices took a drop, .mid it will take Limle to they will continue. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PiMETABLE. }?rayldetheni:elveswith suitable mazes for breeding purposes O. pLSON . CllntOn PUBLIC, ETC, Office -Bea Bl ver oc . to Margaret, daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark your ballot thus The genet m umtlook for horses in the Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gatlery u Joseph Stuart, formerly of Hensall, Unite Stalos as well as in Canada is IT PAYS TO CLINTON ss was united in marriage to Dr. W, G. likely to be good for some time to le Keely, Detroit, come. It (must tae borne in mind' M. G■ CAMERON cad Mrs Jelin S. White died at the resi- A BITTER FIGHT. campaign. This is a serious mistake. however, that this favorable outlook ce The liquor' traffic is doing, and will do, Is only good as fat as really first-class � J% (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron), t I dance of Mr L. A1cTaggart, Exeter, on all that can help its cause. Its cam- horses are concerned whether the be is Tuesday last, a ed 40 years. She was Y BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. ly a resident of Toledo, Ohio, and had PROF, GOLDWiN SMITHS BLISTERING palgn work is going on. It may be in the roadster or heavy draught dy cpm& to visit Mr White's mother, Mrs I that there will be little platform oppo- classes. The outlook for scrub horses Uffioe-Hamilton E oppoette Colborne Hoose SOP13[STRIFB SCATTERED BY MR, sitionto prohibition. Such earn paigning is no brighter in the United. States GODERTCH, ONT L. McTaggart. F. S. SPENCE. geneeally results in the benefit to the than it is here. There is no active tie - m The farof Mr John Blatchford sit- temperance side a d' ..o„.,aoavor. Gillspie is etitl in the employ of the + oared a little north of Exeter, was sold under mortgage,The following crushing answer is s open kscuasion favors the truth. It would be in the mend for this kind of animal of any class and they are likely to continue to TheCanadaBusinessCollege and disaster and sin. The anti- JOHN RIDOUT. ,es and receiving a good salary, snts may enter at any time. at the Commercial House last week by Mr John Gill, nuc- furnished by the secretary of the Do- interests of the liquor traffic to have a small vote polled. Prohibitionists de- be a drug on the market for some time CHATHAM, ONT, G �1 e i'iar� a+,p,ar� l l,a CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, IDTO A, 8. NIMMO. __ tioneer, and was purchased by Mr J. Hawkshaw for Mr B. S, O'Neil. The minion Alliance, Mr. F. S. S encs in reply to the utterances oat made, b 1 Y sire to have as ftill ail expression of the eople as to come. As we have stated ftequent- ly in these columns the only kind of still leads its contemporaries in placing pupils � cure liver lite; easy to Hood's Pills take,ealtytoop�te;" Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to Clinton Post Office. price realized was $3,550. Pt•o. Goldwin Smith and the Rev. can possibly be secured. The liquor traffic will fight hard. horses that it will pay the farmer to Huron Oentral, Olinton, Sept. 20.21 WOOD and COAL YARD. lend on Mortgage and Note security, PiMETABLE. Mrs H. S. Holmes, G}oderich,terei�ed th d Principal Grant, and which are being issued as campaign matters by the The danger of the situation is the pos- b'1 t f ' raise isa good heavy draught, roadster Or coach horse, These are in demand '�� IsaaoStreet. - Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON r17H: MAILS CLOSE M. P.M. A.M IN 15 6 55 London and S. W. Ontaria 00 4 A 90 Wingham and Kincardine 9 fi5 6 F 655 Western S.W. c� N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 l Ab ;1"03 Pari3,.Buffalo & eastern U S 700 4 J$ P 1 03 Toronto & actors east Qc nrth 700 4 rl 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa.,. 7 00 2 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B 0 7 00 23 I Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 *1.927.. ��,_37 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 +1.03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 ;¢ ` ' 12 4 R 'Z' 65 .........Goderich;...... , ... 9 ti t.' Lucau crossing, Sarnia and 16 '6 M .. intermediate points... 700 4 0,1 I0'•': .. Landes born & Belgrave.. 9 55 �lio office is open to the public (holidays e 1)tLd) from 8 a.m to 7 15 p m., but holders o Ck?�hgxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m !010,by Order and Saving Bank office ops 4in, to 6 p.m. utter for registration must be posted hal ,':hQlir before closing the mails. ft -GE MAIL - SUNIMERHILL - Ever i0day and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav -:{tG,b.30 P.M. ?Abby A DAY ONLY is mail des patche rm"this office to Londesboro and Bel grave Ia�`tb•.Mitoha and Dublin, maim closing a y!'to stated dulls for British Isles and European coon erf ".intended to be forwarded by New York, iel; have written on the top left hand corns envelope VrA NRw YORK. Me young Queen of Holland, Wil- l:i4 ha, • ascends the throne with )re than ceremonial welcome. She stns to be a warm-hearted, bright, d p °tident-minded girl. Her Minis- rs of State every now and then aug= ,atsomeoneas a suitable husband, it she hat3 always declared tha6sbe eans to have a big say herself ori at 1.matter. The ascension of Wilhel- ina to the throne reca.Lcra the corona- rn-of ,Queen Victr,r'ta• A long and ppy life to Wilbelmina. Dompanie�a `are being formed by all 3110 Of I+.•+bmoters to do business in tba.4jawait, the Philippines and oth- acquired territories of the at `s.. (7irc1 1 tfl� i ars are re being sent to r adians urging ,them to subscribe &offering the gr"St possible re - 11, css'�or the sin ilest '{iossible outlay. e: ti ust that mr 'G�anadran friends I ig(mey to invest will not throw ,. ,. 18y in visionary schemes, but put b' something Canadian. There lent of opportunities !p, Y pp s for the in- �lr, of capital at home, IN a do y" ,,Aire any "South Seaj,,bubbles" I. eport from Toronto states that r419 M.P.P. for East Wellington, A'tive on account of ill health and •:Hon, ,J. M. Gibson, Minister of a A^ , •ill be oftptted the Lils=' o' i�� which m would mean et'tion, as East Wellington is a ;°Liberal riding. The retirement 'Craig will be regretted, but the 0 his health seems i o render it �ai'y. He was unable to attend' to eessiorl of the Legislature on bt of illness and is not making provement his friends would de- Tn view of this his retirement a`'wise proceeding. It is need- ) qo;k that the election of Mr ri by the riding would give great i., ,on to the Liberals of the pro- ai`rdo"I a public generally. He �,,,.1 0Xj man whose services to the ryahave been of great value, and ild be a distinct loss ,were he re- �rold] the Legislature. -,.__ _ he late war disease killed more hanthe weapons of theSpaniarde. ,e the army is mustered out, it as if disease would kill more men the war than in it. It seems,too, these diseases are mainly pre- � le. They result from exposure, foodand unsanitary conditions. *Odical department of the army ►.;to. be a failure. The death of titfany, son of the great jewel- Apoi the failure to obtain fit food 4eshig after the war, is only one )ioany, but his high standing in i stole# hits brought the matter I'Otdiperjce. "Death from star - !rt> �•ds the Short-cut verdict ren. 11 1*fu fla ly physician, when ci�;lt`titbpl#rttknft.yto investigate. .fie 1llttii'fli 0d�" bf 'othe'r e4fially lt`-;1#vef ie tdg"'Ciir610ssIy 1tNWrif�L'- �,;pito l i�,P iiov.b$igaf iatit ftitlot4ed' idi.s �rlUjilt�h'tY oht of the &11ty Ys e as intrmatwn on Friday morning, liquor men in circular farm and ai k I y o indifferenee on thepart, of both in the United States and in Great in the pupmonthe were placed July lateen average Aug. 19th, of the death of Mrs W. F. through ever paper to which the electors favorable to prohibition. A Britain, and are likely to continue so in neathe enmonthsen i what do you think R. AGNEW■ D g c P p y full vote would mean an overwhelm- for some time. of it? McGregor, of Milwaukee, Mrs McGreg- can secure access :-Against the pro- in ma ort q Quality counts in DENTIST, CLINTON M055 or was a daughter of the late P.Nolan, hibitory movements are arrayed the g' 1 y against the liquor traffic, horse -breeding as well as in anything It pays t0 attend the best If Goderich, and daughter -in law Of rhe selfish interests of those who are ,The friends of temperance have not alae, and the better ►he quality the 03'a Captain Murray McGregor, of this being enriched by their- connection the control of money to perfect else- greater the profit. It costs little, if College ite-opens for the Fall Term AT ZURICH THE 2ND THIIRSDAY OH 05 tow -I. torai machinery that the political an more to reduce a EACH MONTH with the liquor traffic, and those who y+ P good horse Tneaday, September 6th. Write for cat 35 parties bring into display at elections, that will he credit high the far mer and alogue of either department to Office Hours -9 to 5. 05 One by one the old residents of Bay- fear that a rigid law would interfere evert if they were disposed to adopt that will bring a High price when put 35 field are passing away On Tuesda wi'.h their personal gratification. S , d• y The do not state that those are the their method, The rank and the of the upon the market, than to produce a D MCLACEIGA;. & CO,Chatbam John Cowan die age a pears, De- Y voters favorable to prohibition Imus scrub horse that will sell for a low _ _ DR• T• t:• BRUCE. 35 ceased was horn in Gallowayshire, re)asuna for their persur,al upppsition• make more than their usual voluntary price and bean eyesore to its owner all Scotland, and carne to this country They present certain plausable argu- electoral efforts in order to secure a its days. -Farming, PROPERITES FOR SALEoRTo Lia' SURGEON DENTIST, with his wife and family some52 years tllents to favor of continuing the pre- fair expression of their views through _..-_. — - Graduate R C D e of Ontario, and Trinity ago, sP,ttling in Tnekerstnith; he has sent system. Most of these arguments the ballot box. ThP end to be obtain- FOR SALE. varsity Toronto, 0o resided in Bayfield ahuut 15 years. Six have in them a measure of truth, and Will Fay for Itself. _ so havefurce with ed is worthy of such an effort. Chr•ia- sons and three daughters are living. persons who do not Lain civilization is meeting in (his des- The undersigned will sallataSacrifice, Lot 451 th Special ialal teeth. given to the Preservation On Monday last Robt. Charters, of Preceive that they are largely exalter• Aerate conflict the sordid selfishness Early in August the Glotx�e published or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton, Particulars ations a d t hat the adyauta es that an estimated financial resultsof the o upon appllcatra,, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister ,Tru Office, Oasts flock, over Taylor's shoe afore x the A1t11 Road, Tur,kersmith, received ' rC g that, really appertains to the heathen p' N. B,-wB1 visit Bl the sad intelligence of the death of his Prohibition wontrl entail upon some barbarism of bygone days. The result errat.iou of the Postofiice Department ytb every Monday and people are i+,.!guificant cpsupared to will de for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898, FOR SALE. Rayfield every Thursday afternoon dart the mother, Mrs Will. Charters, which pend on the zeal and activity of summer n took place at the residence of her the trewen i us t •j"'T '111('1) the those who are professed adherents t aud t he showing way so fsavorabit- tli I, >'actory and contents on the property of D. daughter, Airs D, Kennedy, Ashland, liquor tratti ,1 ,eS to u,nny. It is it Ile the gospel truth. Let. every vote he the Yostmaster•General was cungr,tt- Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and t that; rohib, i -n takes awsty flit- liher'ty olleu,' skated upon all hands. The •tc•cuunrc balance at $to a month. Building to be re- I R. WM. GUNN,L. R, C. P. and L. R. C. C. Wisconsin, Mrs Charters died on I P inoved, Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. Edinburgh. Aug. 26, aged 84 years and 6 months. i few men now enjoy li Beit Ijquur, aud at that lime showed that the deficit j Onjee-outario groat Clinton indirectly effects the liberty of those, -- had been reducedduringtheyearfrom Night calls at front door of residence on Rattan Every Another enterprising young busine-s who desire to indulge in intoxicants, 0586,539 to $74,03x, but that statement HOUSE TO RENT. bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. man has succumbed to the chs' urs of Now every custortl and law of civiliz- Mother's Distress. did not neatly represent the measure one -of Tuckersmith's fairest daughters. ation, however, similarly effects the -- of credit due Xv Muluck for the intro- St eet,liateey occupied bylMr. Tadd, with 1halt d We refer to the marriage of Miss Mag- liber ty of some for the benefit of the ” DR TURNBULI "My boy is serving five years in file duction and practise of business meth- an acre of land. hent moderate. Apply to I, s gie G., eldest daughter of Reeve Shep- many. Our lives are hedged in by ,just penitentiary,"said a woman to one of ods in the administration of his depart- -- _ JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. herd, to Wilson C. Wood, son of Jno. stick divine and hmnian laws, prevent.- the plebiscite campaign workers in the [Hent. The accounts have now been >rERn[N s aLt►cic, Up stair,, Wood, Esq„ all Of Tuckersmith. The ing our taking certain courses of action city. "He would not he (,here only for balanced arid audited and the precise HOUSE TO RENT. CLINTON. r young couple will take up their abode that. we might prefer, but such action the -drink." This bo is not figures are available. Instead of the Night calls answered at office. in the Forest City, where Mr Wood in- would interfere with the rights or Y Yet twenty deficit haviu been reduced from 80 _ Comfortable once. 000d. had -acre �aardenoai d g one. "My husband is dead, esti& an- g $.5 .586 - happiness engaging in business. happiness of others. The result of all 539 to $74,033 as was estimated, it has bea,ingorchard, with promises of lots of fruit. ---- other, ,,but my two sons are breaking ltentlow. W. Aero is At the regular monthly meeting of these restrictions is fuller liberty for my heart, with the drink ; fine boys actually been cut down to $46,339,a re- DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEOX the directors of the McKillopMutual all in what is best, fuller enjoyment h " f s ! duction in one year of 5MOW, When Sewintr Machine Depot, Huron Street. A�ooucheur, etc„ office and residence On - J Y v they were too! bathers. voters Y $ tartoSt.,OppositeEn y Fire Insurance Co., held at Seatorth on all of privileges that of her•wise would will you not help these defenceless 1VIr• Mulock took office on July 13, 1896, gosh church, [ormerl 00 Friday last, 'lightning claims to the be monopolized by a few. Prohibition home sufferers by voting out this pes- the Postofflce Department was con- HOUSE TO LET. oupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. amount of $2,3(11 were passed by the is in the line of file civilizing principle t ilence of strong drink from our land, ddeted,at an annual cost of $781,15`2. In Good large house on Rattenbury street, with board; four of these claims were paid of over coming selfishness by wise legis- now that you have the opportunity ? the first year of his adminrst ration he six )silt(' rooms, cellar and woodshed, Hummer PR. D1aCCrl LLUM. by the treasurer at the meeting, and latiun for the benefit of all. I reduced t he deficit to $586,539 and now kitchen, pantry, hard and soft water, large M D., C, M., McGill. M, C, P. & g„ Ontario five the day following, by the Presi — — — — but �46,WOpf it reuiaina, so (bat there stable. Will be reared cheap to permanent dent The heaviest of these claims was THE HEAL REVEA CTE ARGUMENT• ym nth tenant. Apply to NEw ERA 011100, or to Late Resident Physician to Royal Victoria }[ Priest s S p y, has been a total reduction in less than JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich. HOSpital,Montreal. the barn of Mr Alex Innis, of Stanley, It is also true that prohibition would two years of $73-1,513. Speaking in Pat - which had been burned only on the loci sellers ( lia.ment last session he stated that b CHOICE FAR31 FOR SAi.E. Office—Dr. Dowaiey's stand. Ractenbury St. affect the revenue. e, t liquor The chairman of the Monti eal Pleb- January 1, 1500, he expected to make Night calls at Clarendon Hotel, preceding Tuesday. are in a certain sense, tax collectors, incite Committee lists recent) r A s They take fit rn the people annually y received the depar'LrllenL self-sustaining, so that plendid farm of I60 acres of improved R STANbUlOt GHADL'a'i On Tuesday, at Goderich, �Vm. lie They a very cordial letter froin the Rev, it tvuuld ant cost r be erectors a single land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All but 15 L 01' THH CArthy was charged before the P. M. about $411,UUO,fN1U. About $i3O(la•000 pf I Aladin Mahone Cha lain of the USth- dollar. His csiti li refused t , cleared, frame house, frame barn Medical Lepartinent of Vicuna Unr es the riches of the public treasury, the y+ P c accept bearingorchard, runnin water. Situated two sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and with asssutlling S. A. Pugh, and the balaneP cf tS ,INN),(h)(1 is the coinmissicin'� chic Orphan Asylum, and of the Good this a me unceinent, and sought to din- miles from town of Ctisgton. Will be 1 Dlepensarres, New vork Duron char a being proved the defendant j Shepherd 'House, St. I aul, Minn., and credit it, sa in that such ,t result was sold ou et- for he of these collectors, who claim that t hep y g ioasonable Lerma, D. 3Ic'rAVISH, Clinton. Lounty of Huron, Bayfield, Out. was nPd &9, ketch included costs, and editor of the rohihttion organ, Alan*- an in)pussibility, Praeticlally. however, mac- .' " ""`�- hel t thPrevenue. They situ >I inn ase P g _ hound over n keep the peace fpr twelve a tax upon the community sixSthne as festoes, Father Mahoney exprr sses a it has already been accomplished, and E. BLACHALL VETERINARY New house and Lot f'or Sale. ti" a months. On Wednesday Jno. Dricoll great, as the community would have to h^pe that thepr•ohibitionists of Canada it appears certain that before Lha time g — J •Honorarypraduateottheuatr' was charged with assaulting Win,' Me- will be successful in their efi,rrt for the, linut,clsairoed by the Postmaster•Gen- RtreebkPoi salaffcurs his house and lot on 1✓Iill lo-t'i Tr eats a11.at""tt t d ea°�eter Pay if Lhe liquor traffic were abolished o cheap and reasonable term~. mars on the most modernead sci`e rt Cal thy. and the charge being admitted and this extra recPnue collected annihilation of the dilute trnliic, and era)every penny oflhe deficit which 1'hchouseisanew twosu,r frame assn Gffi - p S fine of $5 including Costs was impos SssnrPs them of his s 'rn sat( and has so long = blood in the way of Chea - y pith stone ce I .in atelyso, , the Naw Er I h t cellar, other channels, e lar ch tut I, hard e it is r ) and ed ori lt t ne P silt w Y b aper. Lot one• iebe8 of night. Residence -Albert St„ l,linton, Ca defendants. p[•SyerQ. He also forwards Cn P an acro. Iteuaon for selling -owner wishes to night orday attendodto promptly that those who abstain from liquor pi(srf erratespfpostagewillhavedisappear- upovanearer tohis work. We have to chronicle this week.the would pay a share of the $7,(NN),(NIO, Manifestoes, with per nttssion to n,e ed. It should not be forgotten that ' W. MENNEL, Clinton. death of Thos. Blackwell, wh;ch occur- They at•e willinn to du this. They them as thecominittee think hest. The the enormoussavingefiect.ed byiNlrMn- JOHN F. MILNE VE red at the family home, Parr line, Hay, object t n a syaten, that tne;ans special p` 1 !; Y. h lock has been accompanied by an Tial- (O1 IAGi E VETERINARY SURGEON t ter is a br'i ht. nunthl containin * has returned to't lintou and o;,ened au office on Saturday, Ativ, 27th, after a long taxation, heavy taxation, wrong ont excellent, selections from the wri! ings provement in the mail service such as AND LUT FOR at the Queen's Hotel, where he array be consult. of Archhistin t Ireland, Bishop �i SALE, ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses, an painful illness. D, e�asecl wSs ,t 'of the misery of suf eviug wives and 1 p;dd- Chanada has never before enjoved, cattle, act. All calls, nighcor day, prompts at native of Ireland, hilt emiarnted to starvingchildren. Moreover, the h1g, the Kevs A. P. Doyle, M.F.Fole •, Theunden3i;nedoffersfor sale a frame cot- y tended to. this COUDOp wheat bur. Schild. He liquors itsnrulves othervastorsLlst ti 1.J. Comity, Michael Stafford, and tageoffourrooms,witbkitchenandwoodshed Y• Everyday Topics. attached. Centra'lvsituaed. Good water and was in the 72nd year of his S e. Just that taxpayers have to mee` but ether eminent Catholic prohibitionists. drainage• Will be sold cheap. Appt�y to ARIiIAGE LICENSE, ,TAMES SCOTT, SR, about an hour previous to his death, a which enfred prohibition would te- ----- Sin in its own clothes would never find a Clinton Dec. troth �V C sL+'ARLE. reenter of Marriage Licenses, Library xoom telegram was received announcing the lieve these from paying, Statesmen, "A] , liberty ends when it begins to place to stay at night. _ and Residence, Mary street, Canton. death of his son Thomas, who was ac. philanthropists and financiers agree to b We are most like Christ when - HOU cidentally drowned at !Vliami, A4ni- denouncing the liquor tvatfic as a tinsel- I involve the possibility of ruin to my suffering for lIim. SE FOR SALE neighbor.' John Stuart Mill.' rt- Ilim,,_ --- � _ TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, folia, where he wag residin'. cial curse to tileemumillmity• -_ __.-E+erttwhi a witbout deliverance from sin JAMES ISSUER OF Some time ago a petition was ore- I would be eternal evil, t$2,'=66 buys the two semi-detached brick NA�IAGE LICENSES, VALUE, OF PROHIBITION. housos on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox- No witnesses required sented to the Wingharn council asking - The General Conference. Human nature on the throne is no better ton Property, that a census of the 'town be taken to A• good d� -n cliiiic•tirt,k would be than human nature in the gutter, (her houses and also vacant lots for sale. L1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OH ascertain whether there was a stinj- frrLnid In ei)forcing a law of total pro- We have to be tried to find out how much 11oney.-Private funds in largo aud small 1' . P. L. g Provincial Land surveyor cient population to allow the .fit -. hibition. There would be law deflance The quadrennial meetin of the Gen. of a hold we have on God. euinst't,t' °•"" "',rt;e. Batey low. Civil Engineer, Loudon, Oat, -Gibe and ' fir)' g There is no g W. B12YDONE, Barrister, Stewart glueerr, a at Geo, tel license being granted. Fire petitiot) and law erasion. This is the case with era) Conference of the Methodist place this side of the rave y store, Clinton. signed by the Lice,;ge Inspector and clearly all laws, especially so it) refer- Church in Canada began its fifth meet- where the Christian may not find some- --_ - Cbairman pf..I in in the Metropolitan thin•+t IiUS1NESS PROPERTY FOIL — he LicPnse Bonrd was ence io license laws, which are Contin- g politan church Thurs- e o do for Christ. SALE LLINTON Al AH.1;LV VVOjLtKS. dul�f?,-.warded. The Lieutenant -Gov. ually violated. Yet these laws do day morning at 10 o'clock. General "Whoso putteth his traso in the Lord. arnor ran Su )err t. Led n cud clic 1 permission =cod. All legislation ant Car 1 be safe P • • tion would he a fail- 1 man Was in the ThatdesiraM1e Rrick Business Stand on Al- COO I+.R S LD STAND, g p si n forthe he can- h g chair. There are 292 accredited dele- The devil uses a good deal of whitewash, bort St., canton, occupied by Mr N. Rrbson, js Next to Commercial uotel. ens taking, and �'Vm. Robertson was ur'e if it, was considered that faihrre offerod for sale, including rear lot and stable. appointed census enumerator. I•IP fin. meant falling short of I orally abolish- gates, 1ta.v and clerical, in a nal pro- About the hottest furnace into which a --- child of God can be Uast ie world) The location is tae of the best in Clin•tan. The This t usnment is in toll w eratlon and a fished his work on Wednesday with the log the evil prohibited. Itis wrong to portion. This conference legis ates for y pros• property is Erse Erom incumbrance and title in- order tailed in the mostn full 6t- Way, Come fnllowing I-Sult:-Ward 1, 497; ward 2, test the value of prohibition legislature British North America, including New perity, dispntab'e. Prtce reasonable and terms to suit ery end gri site work a specialty, Prices a 429: ward 3, 517; ward 4, 834; total 2307. by considering whether or not there Foundland, the Bermuda Islands and People;aometimes think they need more purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- bonable ab ,hose of any establishn.ent Japan. There are within its 'urisdic- grace, when all they need is more rest. don Road, or address Clinton P. o This is 141 more 1 ban were reported by would he liquor selling where it was in P SEALS & HUOVER the Assessor, and is sufficient for the force: If pinhibition succeeded in sur•- tion 250,000 communicants anil nearly There is no greater sin possible than the Fat in tt.r Sale or to Rent. , Clinton granting of t he additional license. The passing the liquor ti aRic to such an ex- 409) ministers. rejection of Christ. ------ largest family reported consists of 11; tent as to materially diminish intern- The superannuation board met Wed- Some little lions have .a ver big roar. The south half of lot 5, concession 9, Town- `a% �7 n1 B Old Established Home-' needs t The Y g ship of Morris, containing 1W acres, i acres rt- �1� 1 LD high Grade Man or Woman, the smallest of 1. penance, then it q cold be a success. Y o consider the details of the greatest blockhead is the one whose cleared and in good sista a calcis, so ciesion, of good Church standing to act as Manager r A little thought would convince arty condition of the fund, which is in a mistakes never teach him anything- 7heiaare o the eniisesaeforamehouse,frame here and do allies work and corresponden On Sat olds~, 29th ins[,, a fire in the sat isfaetor Letting the boys run the streets at night , good orchard, never. at their horn. Business ahead b ce hash of Will. Maunders' farm, 7th line one that a law that entirely an a law y condition. The reports of failing supplyofspring water. Situated mile established here, Salary ren y built Morris, ran through his flalds.aided by can be more easily enforced t h,an a law the Secretary, Rev.. Wry). Kett is ie a good way t0 help the bar -keeper. from the llage of Blyth, Will be sold on roa addressed a ._m ed env 8 Enclose self - that partly prohibits, It is proposed and the Treasurer, Rev Dr. Griffin, Obedience to God is the highest evidence sonable terms. Appplyy to C, F4AMiLTOIv,$lyth A. P. Elder, liter era) MuunQ =et- of r terms to the strong breeze, and set Ste to his to re lace license lsy showed that the fund now amounted of belief in Him. -Ram's Horn, or THOS. R. WHI(dHT Execut r, 948 Princess Ave., Chico(. '11 8. Michigan gransiry and suable which were soon P pr,+hihition. to $T: 1,000 — Ave„ London, Unt. consumed. Frorn there the devourIn Even parUalprohibiti sul)a> 1i uie tad is which is invested in excel- - g doing good in CSnadn- and t he cunclu- lent. securities at an average rate of RGEAITS. flames made their, way to the house Sion is that better pruliibitioll would 51 2% interest. The beneficiaries Of Excellent Farnis to Rent. and it was soon reduced to ashes. the fund are now 218 ministers, 186 wi- "gtondike Gold Melds," a 1ar$e,cheap, valn- pr produce still better results. Owing to ill health of his wifo, the subscriber prosy cruIn s selling yike cents. n trim Neighbors rallied to the aid pf, the own- cows and t children. A series of re- ures hen decided to offer Ills sp lendid farms on the 1tALLEY-GALt1tJ;TSU,( COMPANY ont izoeuA et- and made a vigorous fight to put LIQUOR TRAFFICKERS' ti(>I'HIS- commendations to be sant to the gene -C base line to rent. ono oP the forms contains Eo . the fire Out but the supply of water ran TRIES, ral conference were draw❑ up. Lead_ it „ acres, in (toauri - Onetowor th farmsicar)y an demo& Toronto. short crippling their efforts. The loss Cures talk in favorand in first-class state of cultivation. There is AGENTS will be uite a serious one to MrMaund. 'A few of the apologists for the liquor I Ing members of the Methodist general of Hood's Sarea arlUa K q T'alk good trams house, bearing orchard, bank barn traffic argue that this traffic provides conference state that the Nipissing p + 80 feet long and stables; plenty of cantor on the "'Phe beat life of Her Majesty I nava seen;' era as lits wagon, cutter, harness, art a temptation, resistance to which tends as for no other meds- b writes Lord Lorne about ,,Queen Victoria. District, which extends from the Pro- Placa and also inside the wilding Also lot 33,, of his crop, &c., were burned. He will to develop moral character. It is vince of , and is great cures recorded In 4th concession of Hn!1 tt, near the other) con - receive $75 from the Howick Mutual Quebec to Manitoba nine. Its o ( Ag8alta make s• a dollars daily. now part of the Montreal Conference oonvincin language of ' llz nth g o acres, all cleared and seeded down. BItwDLEX-GARILETSON CU141PANnt LnriTsu, on the house and $35 on the ranar scarcely worth while taking time to ggrateful men and In the both farms aro Ito acres otoarod and Toronto. g y' deal with this sophistry. T'he liquor will be detached from the Montreal women, constitute its most effective ad- without a foot of waste land, and 25 acres will and added to the Toronto Conference. vertising. Many of these euree are mar- grabe velttoad, abfor lou wheat, il© from town000fn giod ADEN eS -Book business Is better than for Mr Charles M. Hays, of the Grand snecesefully tempts thousands of men, The territory is largely missionar ter- t past;a1so have betterand faster selling entailing misery not only on the temp- Y veloae. They have won the eonfldence of ton. ,t ill be rented to a good tenant at a roa- books. Agents clear Prom $lo to $40 weekly. g Trunk system, has got a raise, in fact ter but upon thQ innocent arid weak, ritory, The Montreal delegation is ex- the s sortable figure, with privilege o[ going on at few leaders are: "Queen Victoria "L y A the new General Manager is getting who have not yielded to the induce- pected to concur in this arrangement, people; have given Hoods Sarsapa- once. Apply on the promises, or by letter to Gladstone,' "My Mother's Bible btorieyfe°Prro along quite rapidly and should be able The flnal fl teres for the est Metho• rilla the largest sales in the world and Clinton Post Ofilce. p ment to da moron The intemperance g a ' THOMAS MASON. roan "� (�IInA s©s Klondike Gold Fieitfa,"^Wo. to keep the wolf from the door fairly of some brio s sore sorrow t Aman dist mission year show that the guar- have made necessary for its manufacture Sp he Unseen, "-"BreakfaaD well Burin the corrin winter. Itis g y' ter million mark has been closet a the laboratory , Dinner and upper,"'Canada; an Enoyclopao- g How abst.rd it is to propose that we y p greatest laborato on earth. hoods die." Books on t me. Outnts frac to canvassers. stated that the lloart9 of Directors of p p proached. This year's increase from Sates AGENTS WANTED. The .B &o Co., Limited should continue to sacrifice the weak parfllaisknown by the Cures it has Toronto. the Grand Trunk were so well satis- all sources, includingthe , 8000 ill ordi- made -cures of itorofula, salt rheum and AgDots wonted, male and female, in every fled with Mr Hays' work since he took and the blest young lives with a rain nary contributions, between $13 000 g from which they cannot escape, de- + eczema nurse of rheumatism, aenralgia locality to sell our novelties. Big commission �Ie1iILLOP MUTUAL FIRE hold of the road that they have testi- and $14,000. In round fl uses the re- ' paid• Send application and 2t- cents for fun fending the outrage by arguing that If and weak nerves, cores of dyepepeia ii true o[eamptes. The FRANCIS M'f'g Co.' INSURANCE CO. fled their appreciation to the tune of a ('slats amount to $230 00(1 In 1897, , ver the temptation has benefited some I $10,000 increase. It is understood that There is evil enough[ in the world to troubles, catarrh which prove Confederation Life B'ld'gs, Toronto Mr Hays entered upon his work as fight without the communit and th genera manager or the Grand Trnnk at a solar of $25,900, and he gets $10,. 000 more as receiver of , the Vermont Jr e parliament joining in the devilish work of providing Inducements to READERS OF THIS PAPER DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING NB 1400d's Central. The affairs of the latter road crime, and disaster and sin. The anti- SHOULDADVERTISEDNISTINITSUPON SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVISVG HAVING temperance are reported as paving been in a ter- rible tangle, but llfr Hays carries home fated a bundle Of not arguments have been re- purr and oyer again. They are the real reasons why prohibition WHAT THEY ASK FOR REFUSING ALL SUBSTITUTE~ OR IMITATIONS. G �1 e i'iar� a+,p,ar� l l,a Pall Pairts papers and works at them every night till midnigght, and now is rumor has it that day]ight is beginning appichoset They are the sophistries which the liquor traffickersbus h to Is the but -4a tact the On6TrneBlood Parffser, in to shine into the heretofore complica• induce ted affairs of the Vermont Central, ed tam right principled but short -sight- sig people to support the ruinous Sys- these Western, London, Sept. 8 to 17. � cure liver lite; easy to Hood's Pills take,ealtytoop�te;" To this handsome Sum of 635,000 the directors of the Grand Trunk have building out of wbich traffickers are up colossal fortunes for them- Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 14.15 South Huron. Exeter, Sept. 19-20. CLINTON sent along another ten thousand, selves. Which brings the 9uni total of Mr 'LET , f EVERY VOTE BE POLLED. Huron Oentral, Olinton, Sept. 20.21 WOOD and COAL YARD. Rays' yearly salary up to $45,000, and there are very few to deny that he Spence, sops not earn it, not 'There is an idea abroad' said Mr, ,that the liquor traffickers are I snaking much effort in North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22.23 Turnberry, Wingham, Sept. 27-28 dere East _ Subscriber Is propared to gromptly fill all or - for Wood or Ccal, which will be sold at on attALAVIS the present Wacwanosh, Belgrave, Sept. 29.30, IMPLEHIDNT1mice IsaaoStreet. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLYINSURED orFICF,RS Geo. Watt, President, i Harlock P. O - J. B. McLean, Kiponn P. O„ Vice -Pres,; v. J. Shannon, Secy-'freae, Seatorth P, O.; Thos. E. Hays, Seafort . O., lnspectorof1ossee, DiREnforl M W G. Broadfoot, 3eatortli;.-To ev Winthrop P. O.; George Da1ke. Seatorth• Thos. E. Hays, Senforth-' Jas, Evans Boeebwood P. O.; Thos. CarbuttClinton; Thomas Fraser. Brucefleld; John 1#, McLean, ICippen, AGENTS Robert Smith Hat -lock; Jno, w. Yeo, Balmer]. Hobt. Mo11•Iillan, Seatorth• James Cum; ming Egmondville; John Govenand Job look r' Morrison, auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will bepromptly attevde3 to on application to any of the above Offloera addressed to their rosnootiva mein..