HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-09-02, Page 6i , Mi Septeltcbor 2, 1898 0WE CLINTON NEW ERA 1.1:.cam.•. - - Fall fairs THE END OF EXPLORATION. CAN'T E A T• --Era ..----- tUe first and ilia early Genesee Giant and ff , — lr �'],, ���j���� ����� Pride cf Genesea were the last to mature. - - By 1860 the World Will Sold No Geo - 10. The Dawson's Golden Chaand lcdustrial, Toronto, Aug.20 tn Sept. 10 graphical hiy.tery. , f'tP�'` New Columbia produced the plumpest and Wester -ii, London, Sept.. 8 to 17. The world has been searched and mapped till r4 �• , +� the,pools the most shrunken grain. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 1}.lg and chartered till it is seen to be but a i We wish to announce to the p, anlic that we have purchased the ear' cry buss• T e following leading varieties of winter South Huron, Exeter, Sept.Il) 20. littlg place hardly Uig enough for its poo- I I nese and stock of James Steep, and have thoroughly overhauls e t 9QC, ���� A�c� wheat will be distributed this year for co- ple, yet which will never grow any bigger. and added to it over $600 worth of the freshest and bast goods in the We operative experiments. Huron O-entral, '"iinton, Sept. Captain Cook found the last unexplored arenow prepared to welcome ourold customers and as many new e' as will Set 1, l,awson's Golden Chaff, Early 20.21 oontiuent, and now it is scarcely possible honor us with a call. We are offering some real snaps. See our 1 lb, tin V/6a• You need a doctor many times when you , don't call one. You suffer pain in fifty Genesee Giant, and Early Red Clawson. North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22'2'3 that there exists even an island of which I ing Powder and Scissors for 25o. Our reduced pride on Teas is giving great sat- orms and et won't axil the doctor, be- :,Set '2. Dawson's Golden Chaff, Imperial Turnherry, Winghan,, Sept. 27-2H the experts at the admiralty or Lloyds' f f isfactton, Pickles Be. per bottle. Crystal Gloss Starch. be per 1 lb package. gauss you hope that the pain "will go Amber, and Golden Drop. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Sept. 29130, could not give us some account. We have Mushroom Catsup 100, three for 25o Try our line of Teas at 20e. Goode delivered. away after a while." And, too, you know Set S. Dan son's Golden Chaff, Bearded not reached the north pole, and there tea by esperienee, that that first visit of the Winter Fife, and Stewart's Champion. WHAT llUEa IT MEAN wilderness of land to be discovered some- doatar ie once, followedbymanyfth1 fAny Terson wishing to conduct a careful where in the far south if the antarotfo fog - Cash paid for MO"J�U BRAY with the inevitable follconsowed malty others, big experiment with one of these eats should It means rich blood, strong nerves and would only lift, but 1n neither can there I Butter & Eggs J. ,j,•j jj��jj ) combe's Block bill "for professional services" You don't apply to the 1 xperimentaliet, Agricultural sound digestion. It means prosperity and • be any new human beings. There is no t'ollegs Guelph, for the desired set and growth to the young. It means good color great untraversed, there is no kingdom know what todofor yourself orwhattotam. But suppose that you could get free, ob Kd one half pound of each variety together with instructions for testing and the blank and mental vigor. That's what Scott's g Emulsion means. unvisited, there to no city -unless there be one, as the Indiana murmur, at the bank solnieiyfree, the advice of one of the most form on which to report will be furnished George Bevis, aged seventeen years, of Peru -which Europeans have not visit- OOD is the fuel that feeds the fires of life. F free of cost to his address. The supply of of Hatuilton, attempted to comu,it ed. There ata minute discoverlea still to Digestion is the process that turns the IMINCRI the varieties is limited but we will be en- this suicide by taking sttychnine. be made in Africa and Australia and even fuel into energy. New possess imperfect, if you tion. If your digestion is imperfect, if you ranging from $6 and up, as fine goods and as cheap as ever sold in Clinton, considering quality.. also a Prate of Stoneware, direct from England. You can get any part of a set or a whole one, just as you wish, and at ridiculous prices. .bled to furnish a large number with P•ll re the most effec- Asia -for we know little of Tibet and cannot eat what you like without discomfort, seed before the supply in exhausted. Doan s i any t a a the wild hills, rich probably 1n old, in 4xi A bulletin riving the results of 92 varje- five remedy known for weak paintul bac. ; P y g if you cannot eat when you ought to eat, the ties of winter wheat grown in the Experi- Dropsy, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, b u _ which the arBby year other mist Is takes Its ecedingurce ' tWard ss Blood and 1eNervoe Pial Hu gerDis menta; Department of the Ontario Agrioal• ment in the urine and all kidney and ! the beat Sauce. Take these Pills and get a'. tura] College is now in the printer's kande deritroublt e. till shortly all will be visible even to vol- hungry, You ,nay eat what you want if you in the United States? You can. The php- gar eyes. take Dr. Ward s Pills, sician is right Dere. He has an office in the and will be mailed from the Department of American troops at Chattanooga By 1980 the world will hold no goo- siciaing_ he has aetaffofcorrespondentsto Agriculture, Toronto, as soon as printed. stoned two negro pedlars to death to graphical mystery, and the true expldrer, WHAT THEIR MERITS ARE' buildiassist him, and anyone and everyone at C. A, Zavitz, Experimentalist, revenge for the death of a nun -sero- who has affected the imaginations of men My system was entirely rejuvenated by t Agricultural College, Guelph, Aug. 20,1898. missioned officer at the hands of uu- like the conqueror or the great King, will the use of Dr. Ward's 131ood and Nerve Pills, needs medical advice is invited to at. to other colored Ivan, and I consider them marvellous strength hiuL If it's baby's health or mother's or not only boa nonexistent but an irupos- `k and nerve builder for dyspepsia. I was so the health of any member of the family you ALL NERVES. Bible being. The world within the pros- sick and miserable that I seethed to have no at may write about it, sure of a careful read- Many people say they are "all nerves," ant writer's lifetime has shrunk to a third life or energy left t eatme. I suffered so better Ing of our letter, sure of a conscientious Travellers of Its size, and 1t will then, 1Y there is times that I thought death would di better diagnosis Of your case, easily startled end upset, easily worried .neral sacs be little lace, Basil for nice I had tried Doctors and different and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve B peace, Y P y kinds of medicines, but all failed to do me Pills are ,lust the remedy; each people re- traversed at about 80 miles an hour and any good. I am in every way now a well 1 a �� for the most part open to the sarcasm of woman, and have been for months. Bofors Sure ® quire. Tl ey restore perfect harmony of using these Pills I was so sick that I could the nerve oNntres and give new nerve force Should always carry with the American who described to us the Isle not keep a ptinlo,g in my stomach. I was to shattered nervous systema. them a bottle of Dr Fowler's of Wight as a pretty place, very pretty, under the opinion that dyspepsia could not but "oultivated with a pair of scissors and cu cured, but now I o e satisfied y can be a $n8 toothcomb." We do not knout cured, for I am able to eat like any healthy iicureiapossible. Every letter will be held Extract of Wild Strawberry woman and feel better I every igq . 'v hey as a strictly confidential communication, Ti 'Dreaded Disease - . whother the oxygen in the world, as Lord. have built me up also, -I now weigh several Remember these facto. - tea.• affl Kelvin seems t'o suppose, will ever be eon- Pounds more than I ever did before. In con - We offer you medical advice from one of More People are Tortured by The Pangs of suiuod, but we do know that for the rest- elusion, I wo digestion giveever r.womanrd's Pied the most eminent practitioners in the United The change of food and water to whirls with pdor digestion to give Dr. Ward's Pills States, whether our medicines suit your Rheumatism than by any other Cause- those who travel are subject, often pro- loss brood it explorers who have done, so atrial. particular ease or not. We offer you this There is a Cure for it. duces an attack of Diarrhoea, which is as much to utilize its resources it will beoomo MRS. L. E. WATSON, Port Colborne, Ont. advice at the coat of the two cent .tam s shockingly dull place. They will not Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are sold p From the Advertiser, Hartland, N. B unpleasant and discomforting ae it may reach another planet, toil they ever so ps at o cents er box, s bones For .:oo, at which it will take to bring our letter to our be dangerous. A bottle of Dr, Fowlers s P s gY Mr Richard Dixon, of Lower Brighton, Extract o! 'iVild Strawberry in our i tieutly, and ,vo see little hope for them druggists, or mailed on receipt of pnee by t office. Address the Medical Departmentp is one of the most prosperous and best Y Y grip unlosa the can take to studying butter- The Dr. ward Co., 7: Victoria St., Toronto, Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maas. is a guarantee of safety, On the first in- y Book of information free. known farmers in Carleton county, N. B. g files' wins snails' teeth or the discovery - _ --_�-_ In June, 1897, Mr Dixon was seized with dieation of Cramps, Colic, Diarrbcea ly wings, - -� - D senter a few doses will prom tl of some elixir, perhaps liquefied oxygen, ..;:; an attack of rhenmatism, and for six weeks Y Y+ P y Reuben Morgan, of ni nkford, tom check further advance of these diseases. which shall prevent pain and arrest the milted suicide by drowning. a Wilnter Wheat lay abed suffering all the tortures of this It is an old, reli- spread of every epidemic disease. -London -- terrible disease. He grew so weak that he able remedy, with ' Spectator, Thieves broke into the store of 14 : wag unable to turn in bed, and his friends l L. P. Lazure, rnerchant, of St, Remi, LEAPINO VARIETIES SUCCESe1•ULLY TESTED IN over forty years' of ` { almost despaired of his recovery. At this The thirteen -year-old son of (sprain blew open the safe and decamped with 1898 ON 191 ONTARIO FARMS stsi;e one of his friends who had been cured whocurese to its credit, of tUesame disease b the use of Dr Will- whose merit is re- (Bradley, of Buffalo, was drowned at $4,900 in notes, drafts litad gouda, enc y ao nizedeverywhere 1 ' I Port Bruce while bathing. $170 in cash. initial fink Pills, urged Mr Dixon to give g (Special Correspondence to NEw ERA) them a trial, which was followed. Almost and oneth>Lt the doe • The Postofflee Department is about DR FOWLEWS EXTRACT OF WILD r tore recommend in i p STRAWBERRY -- from the day Mr Dixon began their nee an reference to all to issue natal notes of the denomjna- ' ' One million acres of winter wheat will improvement was noted. Previously his opthers, tions of $.l, $2.50 and $5. likely be sown in Ontario within the next appetite had almost failed, and the first Sold b medicine Children � A Nothing has yet been found to supersede ' three weeks. As the variety sown has n sign of returning health was a frequent Y C h i id re n Cry for it for Diarnc�ea, Dysentery, Cholera, Colic dealers everywhere Cram s and Summer Complaint. Don' marked influence upon both the quality feeling of hunger, Then the pains began p p at flys. a bottle. the tenuine�ubsiitute. Insist on getting th and the quantity of the crop produced it is to leave him, and his strength gradually Aiwa s insist on rho genuine, as many 9� very important that the very beat hinds be returned and after using about a dozen of the imitations are highly dangerous, ■ g " fi,.,' :; used, An increase in yield of one bushel boxes Mr Dixon was as well as ever ho had t : of winter wheat per acre means a total in- been. To a reporter of the Hartland Ad- — — ---" -- '-- crease of one million bushels for the Pro. vertiser Mr Dixon said he bad no doubt his . +--y� t yince. The average annual yield of winter present health was due entirely to the use t 0.�At h�t�Qn�t��pn?n0??D4�??�inQ`„' `�-:Pef y wbett.t per acre in Ontario for the past Sif of Dr Williams' )'ink Pills,andeincehie re- teen years is about tw6nty•sewn per cent covery be occasionally uses a box to ward dower than that of ai'eat 13rliiin and Ire- off a possible recurrence of the trouble. ♦ci, = ` `�' ' land and about thirty-one per cent liiober hr Williams' Pink Pills cure by making a ,� Ahern that of any ?f the winter wheat grow- new blood and invigorating the nerves, but ♦ lir ' ,ist get the genuine, always put up HENCENis gratesof the American Union, The you EEMI' .fi gOF PR h era THE }"a - aim of Ontario should be to approlch the 1 in l oxep, t11d wrapper round, which i a �, t� re"lord of the former rather than that of the full trademars name "I?r Williams' , tholatter. The average yield of winter I Pink Pills for Pale People." Do not be e - , wheat in Ontario for the eight years end- persuaded to take any of the numerous 4,10 ing with J.898 was 21 G bushels per acre, pink colored imitations which some tin- c The most brilliant orator is the most fiercely criticised --Or most lavishly and that for the eight years ending with 1 s'orupulous dealers say are"just the same." 410, , j Iaso was is bushels per este. Hence the [n' case of doubt send direct to Dr Will -j, eulogised, according as friend or foe speaks of him. change in average yield of winter wheat jams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and Yrr acre in Ontario is moving in the right the pills will be mfeued post paid at 50 I ^e' Mediocrity is seldom heard from. direction. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. +� Very bad people flash into notoriety—and disappear. The growing of thin important crop has► / received a good deal of attention in the may, Super -excellence in anything, man or merchandise, must rise above the . ;� x . Experimental Department of the Ontario a Agricultural College within the past ten It Looked Suspicious. h common --must be talked about, praised or criticized. years, Varieties obtained from the United They were out driving in the mellow r `? :, States, England, Germany, Prance and twilight, and their engagement was yet in �1a Introduce the Sub�ECt O)� men S ShOeS anywhere, In the hotel, home1140, Russia are being carefully tested along its infancy. 40 train or lace of business—and somebody will say something about " The , with those secured from the wheat grow- "Darling," he said,.."you are sure that 40 i p in sections of Canada. After the variet• I am the first and`only man whose lips c slater Shoe." '� iee have been carefully tested in the experi. have ever come in contact with yours?" ~1a mental plots at +he College in each of five "of course I am, acetest>" she replied.I► And why? Because it has been advertized? Because it is beyond cavil ' years, the leading kinds are selected for "You do not doubt my word, do you?" , oo-operative experiments throughout On. "No, no, sweetheart," he answered. "I t the only recognized men's shoe in Canada? tario. It has been found that the varieties love you too devotedly for that. But when a partly for both reasons.. ' which have given the best average results I put my arra around you a'moment ago 41, r� ,t , w in the expertrhents conducted at the Col. and you made a grab for the lines I could 466 More men know Slater Shoes, have worn and are wearing thele, have 1� lege for a few years in succession have not help thinking you possessed wonder- ' nearly always given good satisfaction on fel Intuition." -Chicago News.40 praised them or criticised them than any other shoe. ` fbe #flims of the Province, �. "The Slater Shoe" K "Seven varieties of winter wbeat were Two Blind Chaplains. sent out for co-operative experiments in �' l I is head and shoal- the autumn of 1897. These were divided It is a coincidence that both the senate �� I .�► and house at Washington have blind chap- _ ders above the best 4 int.tthree sets with three varieties in each lain.. ]Milburn of the senate is considered set:, the Dawson's Golden alraff being used 4 in all the sets se a beefs by which the re- the more distinguished, but Cowden of the _ other shoes made in , suite of all the varieties cculd be compared Rouse is spoked of as the more eloquent: r _ • - with one nr,ottier, We Kaye received 191 Couden is a man powerful in argument k. Canada. eta full and satisfactory re orta of carefully 0nd a friend of the Woman's Christian Ir - f. f 7 y is y --Because it is strict- .jam conducted winter wheat experiments for Temperance union. ♦c�, dal 11 l a , 1898. ly a specialty of a facto - 'y The fniiowing table gives the compare- The first mention made of the use of five yield of straw and grafin per acre of coal as a fuel is in the records of the ab-, ; �� i ry making Only that , the vari:,ti. s of winter wheat tested in 1898 bey of Peterborough in the year 850 A y on 191 farms, D., where is found an entry for 1fl Dart -c AIN the �t I' �- _� one particular class .} Straw per Grain per loads of "fossil fuel," �s�' i aa� h' f .1� acre(tons) ao weigh 11 with b V 1 ' Il 1`� 1 II of men's shoes. Jr. .� PLUSHPARLOR SUITESOnly' z5 Sr We carry a large stock of Extension Tables, Sideboards, Chal Lounge", Bedroom Sets, Mattresses and Springs at prices the defy competition, Window Shades and Poles at rook bottom prices. Pietur0 Framing a specialty. Our Undertaking stock is complete. Prompt attention awaits your call,. J. H. CHELLEW. BLYTH JULY`AFECIALS Men's Tweed Pants, good value at f3.5.0, offering now for $2.50 Men's Navy Bitte Serge Shits that would be cheap at $7, our price is $5, Men's F ancy Tweed Suits extra lining and make, well worth $10, you choice for $7.50 A large stock of Lamps, new design, special top that will not come loose, hand- some colors and patterns, price within the reach of all. Very cheap. They are a real bargain. Come for one.; Another supply of Wingbain Salt to hand. Price $1 a barrel„ cash. Sugar and Fruit Jars still booming. Beet value anywhere to be found here in Tweedq. Your interests always well, attended to here. We want your custom. Cash or produce are our terms. LOND2nd. R ADAMS r EMPORIIIbf, Jane 22nd, . h HUB GROCERY e The most of goods are advancing, but CROCKERY is getting cheaper. Don't l ed bus. Next to our grape wine it le be ev a —Because Its Vila - M1; Aawson's f:ol,ien Chaff 1.8 306 g p Y 7 the Inerite of I aI18 Hsighib, a part o! erI Or t7r Imperial Amber, .....wum ....... 1!i 228 Japanese sake, or rice wine, is the oldest �;\ d in p Early tie:ieree C+iant...... . 1.7 28.2 alcoholic beverage known to man, its use ♦g► . erS have staked their Tabules with a brother M• D. said: and who wise in to be a r any New CGenem pe jani........ 1,7 27 5 al Japan dating back over x,000 pears. ���yyy,,, �� "8ovoral yyears ago I asserted that advocate of Ripens Tabules for any Early Rwi Clawson ...... . . 1.7 2R a 1 ��, \ ` `` 1 �% business life on its be- '�3 i if One v;+iehed to become a philan- ca+oe of fiver trouble or indigestion, Pride' oe Genesee .............. 1,5 25.5 1' I ///, the iet, and do beneficent deed- said toareporter who visltedher'!os Poole .., 1.5 24.n X14 I� p 0 learnin the partieu- Thie table should be of rest value to the `�; ••----�-- ing exactly what they ' one that would help the whole hu- the purpose „q had always g – 1 man race—nothing could be better Ian of her ease : ale wheat growers of Ontario, as none except �ubstitutlon f I say it is. the 191 rood reports are included in the . than to pip a the Roosevelt Hos- employed a physician and did so out the 191 Much err re is duo a the care the fraud of the (lay. —Because it is made pi&d prescription, which it the basi the last oeeaaion Thad for one, land fol rxperimentera who sent us the reports ' ` of Me Ripparu Taduks, and Cause it � at that time obtained fad beneficial of the testa made on their farms. SCC OU et Carter S, �, , Y n all the �bapes to fit a � kinds of feet and all the Sizes alld widths ',1 a�n�'udiatribute i form ongttiie epi ,in patent m�edfonever s, b thutbbavviinygeeiem CoNCLt)aIONa , "'1 Ripans Tabules recommended vwy r1�k for Carters +' and is therefore the best fitting shoe in Canada or elsewhere. , hl in the New York f -ld con - haler Inoreaeiln¢. highly 1, In the average yield of winter wheat i .�► The largest retail drug store In eluded to give them a trial, and cr acre, the Daweon's Golden Ci,aff stood i ---Because its value iS absolute—the price being stamped On the ie what m ease 1' ' g f IZS1St d.Il(� c' ,t� America is that of Ilegeman 8G Co. found theT wore j y highest anion 11 varieties tested over On deYIY1C1 �, sole by the makers. on Broadway in Now York City. demanded. I havenever employed ratio in the yrcar 1803, among 9 varieties i❑ a saving of $2 a call. cash of the years 1894, 1895, and 1896, and Because it has been tested, WOrn, and proved by hundreds of thou- ,` w�RipanshTab-nt there to leaev' a p}i)N1Cian since, and that means a ^nrietiea in eaof ch of the earp ' : A dollar's worth es 1. Y ,A897 +�; -:ter'-, Little I.]Vel �'ll�, ales were selling Ripaas Tabules sands of men in Canada and other Countries." akin countr '1� '. bought a f" cent lasts me a month, anti 18bx. '. g y . carton and asked- 2, Three of t1,6 varieties of winter1, That it has been worn by citizens of the greatest shoe IJn and l• would not be wheal, nava bean Costed over Ontario for Do you have 1 i 1' without them now e , have in succession with the tarso or Fp in the world, The United States, and appreciated by them, the following 4130 much call for I if it were my last iiv Y 41+ ° these?" t 9yetikae y ielda per sore: Dawson's Golden ��"�'�, .. *-h letter from one of them will show • ,t He was referred dollar." +�iAt the t bhaff, 32 hushela; Early Genesee Giant, l�O� toagentlemanwho time O! this inter' 29.9 bushels; Early Red Clawson, 28,7 ����� e• I view there were bushels. BUFFALO COURIER --EDITORIALS Rooms, i proved to bethepresenttwodaugh- s. Dawson's Golden Cbaff was the Buffalo, April loth, x898' 4+ f hh a tof th said ters who specially moet popular variety with the experiment. ���ii a l� t. ere in each of the past five years, t�uea, GRo, T. SLr.TIsR & Soxs, "The sale of Ripens Tabules is objected to their mother giving a 4. In the co-operative experiments for is constant and is increasing, due testimonial1honewspapers, ibut to18973, the Early Genesee Giant name ; es eciallytotheinfluential cl,araater name in but tothe New Gentlemen :—Are your boots and shoes sold in any Canadian town on the Niagara River p t end a air of our shoes in Toronto last Fall, and they are the best I of thotestimoniaLs in thedai! press, this th® elady nrgtietl It through the winter the best, 40 r- Say at Clifton ? I bought p y y be otUotumhja cases ju-Sto tha pool + ever had for the money. If there is any place nearer than Toronto where they are sold, I d like '13 the recommendation o! eiribnd through and I sin sure I take 9cb' 5, The Early Genesee Giant, Dawson's gg Golden Chaff, and New Columbia possessed c to know it. friend. Satisfaction with them is in recommendiaig theTabul the i 5 the strongest straw and the Poole and lm- AD H , Yours truly, (Signed) WILLARD &AYES, BuAalo Courier. very general. Where once they sie one atRictcaerf i weal papers ables..d theist Amber the weakest.0 K HEE 't begun I notice that a permanent about my case in the papers enables 6. In the co-operative experiments of d pp}}��, >hti• 'esti flee yearn the Dawsun'a Golden j'Ositively i`ared by L118aC "The Slater Shoe" made in fourteen foot^fitting shapes, eleven d, belie eel for hthem o �hs heir intrinssio be aeht nor olyy nefiikd seaffected l h ve ri merit, which proves the bona fide bean, Iseenoobjeation," The dao h- (1h>x{ was ane of the tenet, aha the Early If,ittlo )"ills. Si7.eg, nine leathers, Goodyear Welted, Soles stamped with makers' name ' g iu4iftlelihs Giant one of the most affected by chis facter of the adveitft�iiig, I think feta, knowing haw ear illy she Ea t ilial. They also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, and price. X3.00, 4• and $5.ioo per pair. , them s W14u iigdfhi ii tp gee rel about he u1 y ' hd, d 1PaCe ��, practically indigestion aucl 'i oo ifearty Elting. Apex. >r11it a! ii ja'ddbles,' deiyfde bh Was q tet gift? weft 7. - In�1898 all vnrieilea were racticnll ? i ttoe front smut, which is nearly always feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-« theettee when no smut is sown with the ness, Bad Taste in the Moutl,,CoatpaTongue Wil toe g CStstlA�;ue. �� [� 1 lr Aaewe4lepwketoontetninxraxste►itir►ntLubii.okadinsparoeraa n- (wstnouttt>> � W for soloa� same drag etoree--�oa ins emrri. 'rhte torrprtceA�Kx to fande_i1e�t_o"bt�� � rifitat�r e TO L1YE` . They It's free. eoonoattasi. Onedesanott eewocwntonrtanspzauibntoe) n LRd f'i1@ Q • �Ijiy j!t'id6 bf Ooneeee ane the Itiiper- Pain in the Side, etRntoentawclto ita.ite osLOarr.M,No.tn rune shoe Nerr or areata a . (xWrs.Ds`"" �°1"�tuge•In�+ti °aodr":esomtosttano.nabamrri�ec''tlOt»Aadaa°et"pma.'rof�iac01•rA' 11th Aolbor produced the longest and the Regulate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable. , ehope A► $r The New n abortnet straw, { Small Pill. small Dose. I,il'g#�'Cotambia Colombia, Early Rod l'y�,�,�,r,�,c�,i�F,xi�'iv'�ic�vc�+oic�+l�+t�►�uc�'jvt�vt�►t3jvc�juu�vA�vc�c�vt7�+t�ii�i�1� CiiAwtton acid Dawson's 00140n Chaff avore '$i1IA�1 �Clilfi. f 4. t • . i . We have just received a shipment of DINNER SETS, ranging from $6 and up, as fine goods and as cheap as ever sold in Clinton, considering quality.. also a Prate of Stoneware, direct from England. You can get any part of a set or a whole one, just as you wish, and at ridiculous prices. �3-EO SWALLIt�W, - Clinton FUR�i•ITURE -BROADFOOZ BOX & CO - The steady -Increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods are d lower than those of other dealers in the trade. on r prices We man afacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. I uy from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other cases, has tom a to for the retail dealer. This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. Space will not permit us to quote prices, but come an'd see for yourself what snaps we have to offer, Remember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. UNDERTAKING, In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedlyl;the best funers outfit in. the county, Our prices are as low as the lowest. Chidlc BROADFOOT9BOX & CO. J• anagert p $-Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Clhidley's, (Funeral Director rase i� THE REST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY H O R AC E FOSTER A Frolndnent Pbyellclan.' A>a ]�dAlJlir iLaldy. A prominent New York physician a An. elderly billy livbng at Fca'dlsam N W-16 GY l ed bus. Next to our grape wine it le be ev a —Because Its Vila - M1; Aawson's f:ol,ien Chaff 1.8 306 g p Y 7 the Inerite of I aI18 Hsighib, a part o! erI Or t7r Imperial Amber, .....wum ....... 1!i 228 Japanese sake, or rice wine, is the oldest �;\ d in p Early tie:ieree C+iant...... . 1.7 28.2 alcoholic beverage known to man, its use ♦g► . erS have staked their Tabules with a brother M• D. said: and who wise in to be a r any New CGenem pe jani........ 1,7 27 5 al Japan dating back over x,000 pears. ���yyy,,, �� "8ovoral yyears ago I asserted that advocate of Ripens Tabules for any Early Rwi Clawson ...... . . 1.7 2R a 1 ��, \ ` `` 1 �% business life on its be- '�3 i if One v;+iehed to become a philan- ca+oe of fiver trouble or indigestion, Pride' oe Genesee .............. 1,5 25.5 1' I ///, the iet, and do beneficent deed- said toareporter who visltedher'!os Poole .., 1.5 24.n X14 I� p 0 learnin the partieu- Thie table should be of rest value to the `�; ••----�-- ing exactly what they ' one that would help the whole hu- the purpose „q had always g – 1 man race—nothing could be better Ian of her ease : ale wheat growers of Ontario, as none except �ubstitutlon f I say it is. the 191 rood reports are included in the . than to pip a the Roosevelt Hos- employed a physician and did so out the 191 Much err re is duo a the care the fraud of the (lay. —Because it is made pi&d prescription, which it the basi the last oeeaaion Thad for one, land fol rxperimentera who sent us the reports ' ` of Me Ripparu Taduks, and Cause it � at that time obtained fad beneficial of the testa made on their farms. SCC OU et Carter S, �, , Y n all the �bapes to fit a � kinds of feet and all the Sizes alld widths ',1 a�n�'udiatribute i form ongttiie epi ,in patent m�edfonever s, b thutbbavviinygeeiem CoNCLt)aIONa , "'1 Ripans Tabules recommended vwy r1�k for Carters +' and is therefore the best fitting shoe in Canada or elsewhere. , hl in the New York f -ld con - haler Inoreaeiln¢. highly 1, In the average yield of winter wheat i .�► The largest retail drug store In eluded to give them a trial, and cr acre, the Daweon's Golden Ci,aff stood i ---Because its value iS absolute—the price being stamped On the ie what m ease 1' ' g f IZS1St d.Il(� c' ,t� America is that of Ilegeman 8G Co. found theT wore j y highest anion 11 varieties tested over On deYIY1C1 �, sole by the makers. on Broadway in Now York City. demanded. I havenever employed ratio in the yrcar 1803, among 9 varieties i❑ a saving of $2 a call. cash of the years 1894, 1895, and 1896, and Because it has been tested, WOrn, and proved by hundreds of thou- ,` w�RipanshTab-nt there to leaev' a p}i)N1Cian since, and that means a ^nrietiea in eaof ch of the earp ' : A dollar's worth es 1. Y ,A897 +�; -:ter'-, Little I.]Vel �'ll�, ales were selling Ripaas Tabules sands of men in Canada and other Countries." akin countr '1� '. bought a f" cent lasts me a month, anti 18bx. '. g y . carton and asked- 2, Three of t1,6 varieties of winter1, That it has been worn by citizens of the greatest shoe IJn and l• would not be wheal, nava bean Costed over Ontario for Do you have 1 i 1' without them now e , have in succession with the tarso or Fp in the world, The United States, and appreciated by them, the following 4130 much call for I if it were my last iiv Y 41+ ° these?" t 9yetikae y ielda per sore: Dawson's Golden ��"�'�, .. *-h letter from one of them will show • ,t He was referred dollar." +�iAt the t bhaff, 32 hushela; Early Genesee Giant, l�O� toagentlemanwho time O! this inter' 29.9 bushels; Early Red Clawson, 28,7 ����� e• I view there were bushels. BUFFALO COURIER --EDITORIALS Rooms, i proved to bethepresenttwodaugh- s. Dawson's Golden Cbaff was the Buffalo, April loth, x898' 4+ f hh a tof th said ters who specially moet popular variety with the experiment. ���ii a l� t. ere in each of the past five years, t�uea, GRo, T. SLr.TIsR & Soxs, "The sale of Ripens Tabules is objected to their mother giving a 4. In the co-operative experiments for is constant and is increasing, due testimonial1honewspapers, ibut to18973, the Early Genesee Giant name ; es eciallytotheinfluential cl,araater name in but tothe New Gentlemen :—Are your boots and shoes sold in any Canadian town on the Niagara River p t end a air of our shoes in Toronto last Fall, and they are the best I of thotestimoniaLs in thedai! press, this th® elady nrgtietl It through the winter the best, 40 r- Say at Clifton ? I bought p y y be otUotumhja cases ju-Sto tha pool + ever had for the money. If there is any place nearer than Toronto where they are sold, I d like '13 the recommendation o! eiribnd through and I sin sure I take 9cb' 5, The Early Genesee Giant, Dawson's gg Golden Chaff, and New Columbia possessed c to know it. friend. Satisfaction with them is in recommendiaig theTabul the i 5 the strongest straw and the Poole and lm- AD H , Yours truly, (Signed) WILLARD &AYES, BuAalo Courier. very general. Where once they sie one atRictcaerf i weal papers ables..d theist Amber the weakest.0 K HEE 't begun I notice that a permanent about my case in the papers enables 6. In the co-operative experiments of d pp}}��, >hti• 'esti flee yearn the Dawsun'a Golden j'Ositively i`ared by L118aC "The Slater Shoe" made in fourteen foot^fitting shapes, eleven d, belie eel for hthem o �hs heir intrinssio be aeht nor olyy nefiikd seaffected l h ve ri merit, which proves the bona fide bean, Iseenoobjeation," The dao h- (1h>x{ was ane of the tenet, aha the Early If,ittlo )"ills. Si7.eg, nine leathers, Goodyear Welted, Soles stamped with makers' name ' g iu4iftlelihs Giant one of the most affected by chis facter of the adveitft�iiig, I think feta, knowing haw ear illy she Ea t ilial. They also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, and price. X3.00, 4• and $5.ioo per pair. , them s W14u iigdfhi ii tp gee rel about he u1 y ' hd, d 1PaCe ��, practically indigestion aucl 'i oo ifearty Elting. Apex. >r11it a! ii ja'ddbles,' deiyfde bh Was q tet gift? weft 7. - In�1898 all vnrieilea were racticnll ? i ttoe front smut, which is nearly always feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-« theettee when no smut is sown with the ness, Bad Taste in the Moutl,,CoatpaTongue Wil toe g CStstlA�;ue. �� [� 1 lr Aaewe4lepwketoontetninxraxste►itir►ntLubii.okadinsparoeraa n- (wstnouttt>> � W for soloa� same drag etoree--�oa ins emrri. 'rhte torrprtceA�Kx to fande_i1e�t_o"bt�� � rifitat�r e TO L1YE` . They It's free. eoonoattasi. Onedesanott eewocwntonrtanspzauibntoe) n LRd f'i1@ Q • �Ijiy j!t'id6 bf Ooneeee ane the Itiiper- Pain in the Side, etRntoentawclto ita.ite osLOarr.M,No.tn rune shoe Nerr or areata a . (xWrs.Ds`"" �°1"�tuge•In�+ti °aodr":esomtosttano.nabamrri�ec''tlOt»Aadaa°et"pma.'rof�iac01•rA' 11th Aolbor produced the longest and the Regulate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable. , ehope A► $r The New n abortnet straw, { Small Pill. small Dose. I,il'g#�'Cotambia Colombia, Early Rod l'y�,�,�,r,�,c�,i�F,xi�'iv'�ic�vc�+oic�+l�+t�►�uc�'jvt�vt�►t3jvc�juu�vA�vc�c�vt7�+t�ii�i�1� CiiAwtton acid Dawson's 00140n Chaff avore '$i1IA�1 �Clilfi. f 4. t • . i .