HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-26, Page 7THE CLINTOPT N ;W ERA
SUNSET ON THE FARM'. of a start. Romance was not at its stron-
--- -
I gest in his mind that morning, because the PUSSY CAT PRANKS. , , if
Down behind the w0stern hill the red man kind parson who provided the dance had "I dun t "oil I • , ,, A — ,1 cuk to me
rinks to rest. l p
�'.J 17 also provided a pale pink champagne, A Southern Feline That Knowe a Thing again I')t' a ltut•1.
y , All the world is weary, and I am weary too. which punished even the must abstemious or Two About Acting.1 "Wliyr"
The partridge soaks its covert, and the redbird I
400 I ,, reeks its nest, with the after horrors of excess. A lady who has a small nnouagerlo of "Ahuut a iiwtith ago I bought a new
y cy And 1 am coming from the fields, dearhearb Yes," he insisted to himself, ' I shall pets remarked the other day- "I ha%a r•rrzor without Irtt-ug bur knew it, curd
to home and you— marry Kitty. Not much fear of being poor colpo to the conclusion that tl'o cleverest "Ince tint' bhr's k -:pt „n ripl I g seams
. 1 H011ie, when the daylight is waning, now. ' and sliest animal un the world is the cat. with the old one, When she found out
1: > Home, when my toiling is done. Then his mind wandered away again to The are cautious and ausideiuus and lust night how she had been fooled, her
Ah, down by the gate, sweet, watching the more inaulnrate possibilities, Should y Collstarautl0n was resit pitiful. 11—Chi-
. i ! ` eyes wait P while a dog can b0 fought implicit obeli• y P
—�� My.00ming at setting of sunt he stay in the service or not? On the once, you can never get muni than eye ca Record.
whole, he thought he would for awhile, service from a cat. 1 own a very tntelli- r
ll' If The sheep frop�nri off the hillside haste to the but he would be inclined to exchange Into gout epechnen. 1'hongh he ie old enough I It 113 probably not generally known that
+�.: ,,, shepherd's fold, a cavalry regiment. A few race horses? to be more dignified, he has a manta for the word "dad, " i, ,rd by many children
.` • For death lurks in the mountains, and dark- Yes. He had just begun to contemplate la in place of "father,'' is the purest Walsh•
ness cones apace. playing g with turd pulling at Anything that
himself loading in the Darby winner when The opening words of the Lord's prayer in
The fleeing run looks 'backward and turns the flutters in Ghe wins, whether it be curtain ' Welsh are "Ein Dud."
k'. FF�___ sky to gold, he again returned to the young woman. or plant or ribbon, and his sharp claws do
Then folds the mantle of the night across itis Yea," he said to himself, "of course very destructive work. When I am pres-
,s;, Uvery woman should realize that her crimson face— I that's the best part of it." As a matter of est, I have only to say 'Roger' in a quiet- It is well for public st:eakera to know
y 12, health is like a bank account. At the out- Home, when the daylight to waning, fact, it was not at all the best part of it. 1 reproving that just before beginning to tart, lot tnly
�, ., set she has so much deposited to her credit y p g tune, and daily
stops tits opts• E
in the bank of health. If she draws out Home, when my toiling is done. Marriage in a way ru0une the end of chief at once, but I see dally many pr of In g a small piece of borax in the mouth'
-;A more than she puts in she will soon over- �• down by the gate, sweet, watching youth, and the young man was just trier- that be takes advantage of the turning oP will clear the vocal organs.
draw her account. An over -drawn account eyes wait Ing on a new world which be had never. my back. _
, " . the- bank of health means ope of two My coming at setting of stmt known before. It ie impossible to be mat- "lie is forbidden to go into the parlor, — ��
a life of hopeless suffering or an La aside the hoe spade put the sickle isfaetortly young on a limited income. A CLE Alt SKIN
. lit
Lay P P g and Hover suture it while I au' it, the No one can have a skit clear and fre-
e Bath. by. The rosy droams came trooping before house, and were it not for the pros, uc:u of from blemish whose blood is impure itur-
The woman who neglects her health in a All the world is weary, and I am weary tea his eyes were not domestic. To be ode- black cat's htrirs on my en Pa out J- I
„? womanly way is making big drafts on her Gently fades the rosy light from out the west nate] domestic you must be a little tired dock Blood Bitter:, ,,urges fila bio ,d Ai Li
',' .account with the back of health and will ern sky, q y Y knight fancy Roger a nu.del of of ••,.• remove pimples uua ;oil kinds of eruptions,
i , soon be a physical bankrupt. Disorders of And I am coming from the fields, dear heart, of other things—not necessarily vicious One clay as I approached my hous0 I sow leaving the akin ulnar an -1 smooth.
this description wreck a woman's general to home and you— things, but you must know the sunshine Roger on the parlor window sill, viewing
,, health quicker than anything else in the Home, when the daylight in waning, to appreciate the shade. Half against his I the passersby with much interest, lie (iid Alex. Crepin, a teamster employed -n
,I"I world. ThQy soon transform a healthy, Home, when my toiling is done. will the dream pictures told him this, He not see pre until I tapped on the window J. R. Boot h's lurnher yards apt 01 taw.,,
happy, amiable woman into a weak, sickly, Ah, down by the gate, sweet, watching wanted, though he would not admit it to I pane with my umbrella, cud thea h° dis ods crushed to death by the ovc rturit
� fretful and despondent invalid. They ut- eyes wait himself, to enjoy his own sweet will with- I appeared like a flash. He was up stairs trig of his Waggon, One of the tnurs�.
t terly unfit a woman for wifehood or mother- My coming at setting of eunl out any olog. 1 before I opened the -front door, and whets war, also killed in the accident.
t ;'. hod. r all i orders options i ature Dr, —American Agriculturist. ; These things were hidden as yet from I 1 went to lily room there ho was, stretchou GANANOQUE'S POPULAR BAKE?,
of all medicines. It acts directly on the anything but the young man's subeon- I upon the hearth rug, apparently it) ill, Mr Law,enee O'Neill, the well know.,
delicate and important organs concernedsc}ousnesa. As he finished dressing slowly I deep slumber of innocence, 1 gave hie, a dispeneerof the "staff of life," Ga„aunque,
in maternity, giving them health, strength, . i he decided to go at once after breakfast slap as a slight Punishment, and ho u ren,'l
and tell the young woman of his ha i i- 1 Ont., °aye: I have used Milburn's 1,. dr.
vigor and ela'sticity. It relieves pain, Y g happi- his oyes "I'd gazed Lit n'e in mild surprise, n
+f " allays inflammation, checks debilitatingand Nerve Pills and can highly reoonirur
'ems `•.._., drains, and quickly subdues all other e m "You're going tomorrow?" the young Hees. The thought ought to have suggest- as if to say, 'What's the nzatler with yuuP them for heart troubles and ne, vo+,su, .. '
y ,P- 8 ed a as
procession, but only pre- He evidentlywanted to persuade Ire that
toms. It at once stops the. dragging pains woman said. sented itself as a logical and obvious pro- 1 A passenger train oti the Union C '
and sinking spells, the nervousness, the I have to see my people before I join P I had been the an be of an optical ills P g
digestive disturbances and other complica- my regiment," the young man answered reeding; also, if big fealingb had been sloe. No human being could have dosis fiery Coal Railway „tit Vrtncuu, a'r I-
',,, tions that arise from the same cause. Taken what he iinaglned them to be, he would a cleverer piece of acting. "—Trow Orleuus land Plunged down through t h1• 'l'ry ,
,t What a good time I've had here) have babbled out his good fortune to the River bridge, a distance of 1'20 te,
n 1, during the months of expectant maternity "You were about," she observed, 'Ito g � Thuaa•Deniocrat, g
it banishes the usual discomforts anti ray something about the Bout Cross." other late comers at breakfast. He be- Six people were killed, and stere ii.
r k makes baby's advent easy and almost pain- "Tia Southern CroseP Why should I?" liuved that it was romantic to reserve the jumed.
;+ less, It insures the newcomer's health „ news for the young woman, but the belief German Justice Reversed $tmeel/.
� and and a plentiful supply of nourishment. "Surely," she said, you wont throw Whon George R. Pack first became an A KIDNEY BLOCIiADiS
was artificial. 8
Thousands of women have testified to its away your opportunities? Aren't you attorney for the Santa Fe, he wont to a Is a serious thing for the whoic bodv ate,,
He found the young woman sittll)g in
marvelous meritc. An honest dealer will going to gaze on the Southern Cross in • small town in western Kansas to argue n calls for speedy relief. Dean's Kidury
the sunshine on the lawn. She was look -
not suggest an inferior substitute for the few weeks and think of one?" caro that hod been brought against the fills break up any kidney blockade am
*ake of extra profit "Very likely," he answered quietly. Ing, too, preposterously healthy and hap- road for dtuuugos to several hoed oP cattle care Banknote, Dropev, Uiabutes, l;right'„
py, considering the circumstances. He
News Links "That's right," she pursued. "No was able to explain quite intelligibly what that had been killed. The case was tried Disease, Urinary troubles and Waddi"
young man of feeling, within sighing dls- had happened, and the before u judge who was decidedly Germt.n. weakoess.
pp young woman ]!s-
tance of the Southern Cross, should neg- , The witnesses were examined and the
,Gossip from Every Land Sum- lett it. I on the other hand shall look toned and watched him quietly. In some
°t ways he was a very transparent young case gone through with, and the attorney ,0011W& li - a.,
marized for Busy 12eaders at the Great dioAr and think of you." for the prosecution Arose and made a pi _� .W.,
„ man, and she was a young woman of per- `4d ®`"
r Have you been to any theaters lately?" I strong plan far conviction. He waxed elo
Capt, Jonathan Norton, reputed to he asked. "So now," he concluded, "of course we quent, and the judge paid close attention.
,ti: be just closing his 101st year, aided in No,' she said, "but you must have can be married just as soon as ever we I "Ara you troo?" asked the judge when For Infants and Childrei,,
raising the Stars and Stripes on a new visited some really pathetic melodramas." like." the lawyer stopped.
11 ' 80 -foot pole in East Lee, Mass., after "I only mount that it's been a rather "Married? You want to starry me?" "Yes, your honor." The foo• _ r
the surrender of $antiage. Warm July, and are you fond of bicyolingP ( You vins de case,' said the judge. simile —
`', , It's not a bad floor tonight. she said dreamily, as though he had seg- "But I want a chance to argue m aids, aigaaatare /Q%�t-- e a j
;;,; An apron is the royal standard of g „ gested a new idea, which as a matter of g yof CGL �/ wrappe'
I Persia. Goa a t ersian, who was a Arent you just a little ungrateful? of the case," said Peck.
' she said. 'I only wanted"— fact was the case. r "No, he vins," stoutly asserted the
she by trade, raised a revolt „ Why, what's the matter, Kitty? Arent judge. But Peck commenced to talk and
which proved successful, and his leach- I undorstand—a nice, cold ; shower I you glad?" he asked. He Remembered.
,er apron11
, covered with jewels, is still bathos, he answered. You needs t be gradually his talk irsd up to the case, and
I Ili very glad that you 11 be rich, she He rose to depart as the rluelt sounded eight,
afraid I shall bother you. Only I should I „ before the judge knew it Pock was arguing
borne in the van of .Persian armies. answered with a smile. What are you g g And, getting bip hat and hie cane,
i like to thank you for having given me the cin to answered,
! the defense, he judge listened closely, His wife sweet! h
,,,,.,, London's underground electric Wat- happiest fortnight of my life and to wish going y murmured; "Note, don't stay
, and when Peck had finished he said: out ]oto,
,?I erloo and Cit Railroad has just been „ I "Oh, have a good time generally l" he „
;, i y 1 you good luck. You vine de case.' Dear Charlie. 'Remember the Maisel' "
opened for traffic. The road is a mile "You are," she said softly, "rather a answered. "But
and a half long, ending at the Mansion nice boy." A good time generally—generally," you have already decided in my With iei,µt somewhat startling injunction in
House, and shot tens to five minutes a „ „ „ she repeated slowly. favor,' said the other lawyer.
Some day, be answered, I trust that „ „ Dat's all right. I reverse by vi de- He was back home at ten with his pet,
journey that takes half an hour in the I shall be a nasty man. A nice boy to a What is the matter, Kitty? be in- cis}on. Dis pian vans." And the judge For should he stay later he very well knew
;f crowded streets. thin that is supposed•quired in a puzzled way. I dont under- What a great bluwing up he would guts
The walking advertisement ween in matter." neither to mind nor stand „ stuck to his last decision, and Pgck won —Denver Post.
1:1„ „ his railroad case.—Topoka State Journal.
all large cities, and sometimes known "Jack,” I'm not sure that I do ot, she said. The Generous Ancestor.
ns a "sandwich man," is by no means she said, putting her hand on I Y
his arm, without prejudice, as the law- "Surely after last night"— h° hnretout. Residing In Three Countries. "Dickie, how did you happen to eat the
., a m08err wrinkle. In 1310 a proces- yore ray, would you mind loan 1E it did Leet night," she said, I rcfuserj you r whole pie?"
s t representtv
sion of me,ti'dre sed o straw because cause ott • •r Cases have been k
were o ee mown of
oor, and lust Ili aman's house „
matter?" Y P ht
a tor?
Efamma 1 •
I played ed
you tvuz r1 n
„ > t dnia
covered wine bottles used to parade "Ts it quite impossible?" he asked. was years Ago t0 you. being !n two parishes, and oven in two an told ilia to ltal n all wanted. "—Da -
the streets of Florence, Italy, being "Nell, isn't it?" she answered. i "You surely don't think I'm such a cad ; counties, but a Belgian paper gives an in- troit Free Press.
hired by the merchants there. "Of course we should have to wait," he as to let that inake any difference. Of stance of a miller whose premises are in
t6Some Chuan t men have
(announce � said.
. "But couldn't you wait awhile, course
re riottagcad,t )}•ick. Bavaria, he claPrussin and Lorraine, though
} of course he cleft is to be a frontier inhnb-
Ye it Havana ust h soon as "Please don't think me horrid and mer- You happen to be A gentleman. That's itant. Ho is the millorof Uhrigmuhlo-los-
I2,1 . rs and Stripes live over it. eenary," she said. "It isn't altogether what complicates things so," she said. Blidsmengen, and the three territories on BaClc �r,
The, taken the name of the Cub- that, But don't you know what a long "I don't understand at all," he said, which he dwells touch each other, the line
" an Tr in� and Improvement Com- engagerniont nrenns? It's the longest thing "You're very, very young, Jack," she of demarcation being In the kitchen. The
,�. pant', nd their" project includes the on earth. It's a marriage on the hire pur- answered. Do did look very young that , miller cannot really say that he is a Ba- THE BANE OF MANY A WOMAN'S
establishment of a real estate business chase system, where you pay three times morning in his new aspect of A possible varian, a Prussian, or an inhabitant of LIFE.
and bank. as much as it's worth for a thing that's husband. Lorraine, for after investigation it has
�• Limoges has just held its human worn out before you real] et it." I'm no younger than Iwas last night," been discovered that he sleeps in Bavaria,
g j y y e A Berlin Lady Tells
I hair market, women from all the "If I left the service," he lirEe�, "wr be arsri� lives in Prussia and works in Lorraine.-- I30W to Get Rid of It.
�1. country round corning there to sell should have enough to live on quietly." I ::If I gn9ff y140"— she went on ryutetly. London Tit Bits.
. their braids. The price is now, on the "You'd be so content if " If you said yes? Don't you caro fur me r
I 1.you ata, she Doan's Kidney Pills
average, $i a pound: twenty years ago said, "And our castle in Spain would be a still?' be asked. consolation.
"" it was $10, When a bargain has been villa In West Kensington. No, Jack, It ' "Wait a moinent," she answered. "If I Mildred—I just heard a little while ago The Remedy.
struck the woman is taken to the near- wouldn't do. I'm sorry, but it wouldn't said yes, we should be married soon, Then Y y Mrs. Eliza Reitz Wellington St
• that our brother Chol] was Ill,
est inn and snore. At the lust market do. Can't you see?" we should seting down to u you bum- , 33 g i
g "Ob, I see clearly enough," he said bit- I Mabel—Yea; he has brain fever, Berlin Ont, says, "For ten ears I have
X12,M) worth of hair was bought. drum, unexciting life. Do you realize Y', Y
``,,! . Three Nreneb officers ro ose to terl "I ho pe that some da I that? Neat year you wouldn't want to Mildred—Oh, I congratulate yowl This been afflicted with kidney and back Crou-
p p y I y you'll taus must be a eat relief to your family. ble sufferinggreatly from dizziness ner-
carry out Jules Ver•ne's idea and ex- a nice large paper marriage, a la modiste, I dance with me all the evening." Mabel -don't understand you. vousness wak eyesight, loss of dizziness,
plore the Sahara in a baloon. Their with real golden wedding bells and the Then do you mean you don't care for ' nt
„ I meP he asked. Mildred—Why, this will prove beyond a and appetite, and an almost ,Constant
. plan is to go up at the Gulf of Gabes full approval of the family solicitor. „ , „ A doubt that he has some.—Cleveland tired weak feeling, in February last I
op the Mediterranean, to be carried "Don't, Jack, don't," she answered. Ao, I cion t care for you, she said de- ' g' Y
�. along by the regular northeast trade "Can't ybu sec that it takes two to make liberately. She had watched his eyes for Leader. got a box of lloan's Kidney Pills and
�111k, received so much benefit from them that
winds, and to land somewhere in the a muddle like this? Don't let's spoil the the light that never was on sea and
P , land," but it had died Away since the During about 700 years the Latin tan- I continued their use until 1 had taken
Niger basin. They have asked the little time that s left us. Let us at least „ guago was the language of court, camp three boxes in all, and was completely
Paris municipal council for a grant of part friends," night before. And Ill toll you why. 1? Y
1' . �, „ Last Ili ht T was n and poPi v eocietey'frmn the river Tweed, cured. They removed every vestige of
$3,1N10 for their enterprise,. I'm sorry, the young man said. "I B Brent deist to you. I in Scotltand, to the Euphrates, in Asia, Gain, dizziness and nervousness, and en-
c'' It is found that the X-ray shines suppose nothing I could say would make ' should have been the prettiest thing in a and from the Crimea or Chorgoneae in stied me to et restful sloe so that
r through a fox terrier as if he were a any difference?" life that wasn't very pretty. Now I'm ' g sleep;
Chinese lantern. The experiment has "Nothing, I'm afraid." • , only a very, very sniall part of your life,the Black sea, to the pillars of ,Hercules, from being a sick woman I am now
just been tried on an animal of this "Very well. ➢lav I at least have all the That wouldn't satisfy me.,,at the western extremity of the MediGef strong and well again,"
ranean. ,
species which had swallowed a diamond other dances tonight?" Surely you dont mean what you say?" Doan's Kidney Pills are the best remedy. Iii
the world for Bri ht'9
ring, the trinket appearing twinkling "Yes, iP you want them now," the he pleaded. I —' Dropsy, Backache, Gravell, Sediitientainethe
in his midst—visible as a fly in amber young woman said sadly. Ohyes, I do, she said, with a little H. H. McEdchern, said to be frc,M Urine, and all Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
I or gold fish in a glass globe. All the The young man and young woman en- laugh."'I shouldn't be adequate, and you Toronto, shot himself through the Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt
do family will do well to lay the lea- joyed themselves inunense] for the rest of wouldn't be adequate. It wouldn't do. head with suicidal intent at SeaLtle, of price, so cents a box or 8 boxes for anxS.
Y The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
, _ , my o and look sharp at what the evening, although they Imagined Believe me, Jack, it wouldn't. We like Children � r�/ for the swallow themselves heartbroken. The young man each other, but we don't love each other.
';'J To make half a ton of coal go as I5 said several things which he considered Don't let's be foolish any morn. Let the We are headquarters for all
t hundredweight, place a quantity of really cynical, and the young woman will- i dead past bury its dead. You've a lot of ����® �' ® kinds of Fruit, such as
chalk in the grates. Once heated • this lowed in a sense of martyrdom. They said i arrears of enjoyment to draw, and you'd ■
fit' is practically inexhaustible from con). goodby Ina cold morning light, and she better go away and play now without
'', bastion, and gives out great heat. allowed him to kiss her. The kiss they making too notch of this." Fond"—Its Two Meanings. Lemons
'r . Place the chalk at the back of your regarded as a kind of sacrament, "I never thought"— he burst out. The older meaning of this word was, as
-fires in nearly equal proportions with The angel of death, with iiia habitual "N°, .Jack, I don't think you did," is well known, equivalent to foolish. Oranges the coal. Full satisfaction will be felt disregard of the fitness of things, disturbed she said, ` or you'd agree with me. I know Now it has the meaning of affectionate. to
both as to the cheerfulness and as to the oven course of the affair. The young I you want me just for the moment, because The following instance of the use of the
the warmth of the (ire and the saving man hod possessed a mercantile cousin I've said no, but that's the only reason, word in both senses on the same page of Bananas
tbrougpout the winter will be at the and the cousin, havingone two or three Run away and piny. Goodby, Jack. I'd the same work marks the period of trans}-
rate of 25 per cent. days before to a lanwhere mercantile rather you'll go now." tion, when the old sense still lingored Watermelons
is believed that lightning can be possessions are rigidly excluded, had left "Kitty I" he exclaimed. while the now sense was coming into use.
seen at a distance of 150 miles, the whole of his property to the young "Ooodhp, Jack," the young woman In Dr. Watts on "The lmproveanentof tho
but opinions still differ as to how said, with a sanlle, holding out her hand. Mind," first edition, 1761, to chapter 16, Fancy California Fears, Peaches,
P man. His reasons for thin unexpected act g
far away thunder call be heard. ,,,; The Young uran took it and strodeawn section 6, on page 119 I find: Plums, Tomatoes &'Blackberries
of tr erosity were probably that he had Y g y g +
A French astronomer has made ob• ani,rily. For several days he said evil "Some are so fond to know a are coming in regular now, Our
Hover met the young man, which, in view Y great dual r
servations on the subject, and he . of thv old gentleman's temper, was an ad- things to ltinisvlf about the young woman at once and love to talk of things with p n I
declares it, impossible for thunder ' vanh ge,and alsothattho latter cultivated ill decided tint she was not wor•thcaring freedom and boldness before they truly Jrhll Boll Mat DigUslt�U BrUad I
to be heard ata (•eater distance than noir, lA aspirations underneath his mer- Cur boon afterward he decided that he understand them that they scarcely over
ten miles. An English meteorologist cam ito soul even to the extent of beim at iwver hull eared for her, After another allow themselves attention enough to is meeting with
has counted tip to 1,30 seconds between g eonrch the matter throw " said of it loading
satisfaction, What is
d one Iime a captain of volunteers, and re- hrf ,f interval he crone to the conclusion through and through. y gall horities:
I. the flash an the thunder, which gaic4•d the Youngman with favor, as be stint "he teas un unustiitlly nine girl and A'nd lower down ou the page, in section dlg"It is well flavored, nu+,ritious and easily
would give a distance of 27 miles. t. of conte da perhaps, If he met her, he 7, Is: own bre Ihnvodetermino'l to Cann it on my
Ing the only military specimen of the Patin• y 1 i , , own breakfast table."—Bir C. O. t'amaron,M,D,
fly. mlght t ry ifs lack again. When theyoung ; "A soul inspired with the fondest love "Itis a bread which a dpspoptic or young
Pronounced Iueurable By 1'hnreforo when the young man rose wonuu, married amrthorman, he felt sorry i of truth and the warmest aspirations after child can easily digest."—T, 1'ovntz WriA. ght,
for her and tho other inan ' sincere felicity M.D•, M.R.C. B„ (Png) speL.cial
[inn, hie brief sleep on the Polio� ing morn- ,being under l ty and celestial beatitude will, 1'ho flavor is of special exoollonno, although
Doctors But Made Strong 17ip lie found a solicitor's letter\nform}ng the impression that he hold a permanout keep all its powers attentive to the inces- somewhat sweet, resembling in this respect
ho -i of his good fortune. At first the in- first mortgage on her affections, which sant pursuit of thorn," matt."--The Lancet, London, Eng.
and Well by Paine's for, ,atlnn appeared too good to be true, was a mistake,, because the only mark I Also in Coles' English -Latin. Diction- The sale of our RD,
Ii011F,-�iAI/F BREAD
but tin Additional Information that be which he loft on theyoungwoman's mind ary, fifteenth edition, 1749, both mean- is still increasing. Wedding Cakes. nrend
Celery Compound was a capacity for appreciating the other I Ings aro given as follows: "Fond, indulg- asci Pastry me slut our speclnitfes.
env lit liberty to draw on the flan for any „ _---
rpn:•nnablo amount put the truth beyond man, I ons, and lower down, "Fond (foolish),
WELLS & RI°HARA6ON Co., qu sion. The fact that he was rich, por- But the whole thing was a pity. It mtultus."—Notes and Gluer}ea. Jas. McClacherty,
Gentlemen:—Having been given up to tc„thusly rich, at first filled him with an might have been such an excellent little
lace of romance in two eo 1 Novelty Bakery and Restaurant
om�time ago St some of the beat doetn-'rno denial to shout. As n silent relict i P g P P ung elver, rise Prig P
e United States, I cams to Cana. to 1.14 mental tension be took his slippers ,gild It degenerated into the exposure Ota Telephone No. ].
n terribly Ill, and had lost c ”' iind threw them at the door. Then he flirtation.—Today. Kph %
ring agonies from inflam• i its thorn on again and 1}t a pipe. All his f wi,, MADE ME A MAN
titin, I was strongly advis- l i. a the young man had been in straitenBi
aloe's Celery Compound, I clicumstanees. He had never had enough Mrs. Peck—Yes, I was tongue tied when ALLr'er•vons Diaeeses+ Failing Mem•
g satisfactory Iundergo p Dr. J C. Ayer's Pill$ will prevent and S oby ryImpotency, sl eeplesaneoe condi Causal
Save it a trial as recommended, and the 1 '+t wa money . school f a khat laoto I was a child and had to an o er• euro biliousness, orations or Thou qi Ext area eIndir
ret bottle did me so much good I aontin- i' 1"wanes since, Now be felt that be pos- . atfon fn order to be cured, roetoro Itoat1ley qy in o'id a young. an
the medicine until I had cd no single witnae a desire w
pedd titch be
t3 could not Mr. Peck (sotto voce)—Gee, I Wish I "For vara I havelhoronirhlytested Avt R $ fit a ens, In anity, bvei Consumption marriage
77 r Prevent Insanity and Oonenm tion i.
seven bC tiles, when I found myself perfect- r:,t I9Py. Visions Of infinite possibilities could moot the doctor that done itl—Cbl- PtLLs both ns a prevent ve and cure for men onnrl e. ho ruse allows
lml ether in,fLOin°
+ . ly cured; indeed I never felt better in all 1 ,130 before him. He even looked at his sago Now& thefousneso, They are the beat medicine for eist neon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They
Ding itis than at present. 1 ;I o with contempt � P;i=lort0 and do all that fs claimed for have cured thousands and willonreyou.`nWgx1v enpos.
I use every possible means to tell others "And now, ' he maid to himself trium. Allaying Hb Jealorum. J• E. KOLB, Shark, ArL it h written
wriitt e � iuiidtt ot%nas•nPri a �1* 1 sl. In
t', , of Paine's Celery Compound and will al- phantly, "I shall be able to marry Kitty. of Oharle y yeti pnokngai _r et: Nteoe.tenu trencmeati for 136210. ��gy
ways recommend it to to those troubled Oddly enough, the Young woman fled y—I can understand why mail, 311p stn ern o ,non reooiptof rico,ptrentor
g Ab call your watch Prank. • tree. AJAX R�t�[�DY CO.
�th rhenmatlam. Yours ver soul not stood in the forefront of the as>b111- i ie°•.rbOrast.
y y' lm His Ffrml Weekly.
isn't ft open laoeQf etue� tu. '
I QVat. MORRIaETTIt, floe He noticed the toot W1b1r somsthigg--+Jfiwelera' Weekly. Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson,
Roston Pond, P.Q. �i/pow$ne draggiata.
n r:11 .1111.1� " N" k"
snakes the young feel oldl and the old feel
that life is nutwpprth the livir'g. It's a dan-
ger signal of Kidney Disease---t!,� unerring
evidence of weak, inactive and sore XLdneys.
Any person cured of Kidney weakness will
tall you that when the back ceased to ache,
all troubles ended. Neither liniments, nor
plasters, nor electricity can cure it. The
seat of the trouble is not in the skin, flesh or
muscles. It's In tho Kidneys.
It can be
I was taken with a s ,vere lit tacit of rbeuuia.
tism and euu'd not tm•n it,vself iu bed. 1 Hae
oersuadod to try Dr klub ,s'-pti,aga, Kid„uy
Pills, They soot, put vie on Illy fuel again.
Less than one b >x cured Ilia so cutup otely that,
1 hav,.ret1",iod again Lo lily work in the Lake
>hore Repair limo,;_. w0l as ever.
Wet. A. Sctros,..,'+ Adrian, Mich,
am pleased to 1311yy that Dr IfdnG,;' . "tnaragus
iKtdeeveriused fo•are L rhreumatost iisu,.v`Yout�,myt.
this as a tostin'nnial for the be alit or others
Who are afflicted. (1,tnit,t•:8 Iliac, Veteran of
Civil War, 284 Adelaide at, Detroit, Mich,
lit•. Hobbt+' Aft
Ki,l„ey Plus
SYDNEY JR12KSON, Druggist,
Cheaper to
Ride than
1 o Walk...
Two Week's Sale
)f Second - hand Bicycles,
,adzes' and Gents' 1898 models. All in
,rst-Olass COndltiOn only cuv about two
I nths, at ,$28 and $25 each.
Call and secure a bargain,
(inward Cycle Co:,
Perrin Block, Clinton
I. L. BROWN, Manager.
1`h; old Cllotoo PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his home far Forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Faotcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on abort
notice and the lowest terms; first -clans
workman hip guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for bnildings taken, and all kings of build-
ing material furnished as desired,
William Street, Clinton, immediately
,behind the Park.
— _ — — -
t eves
Tx RFs.
Our stook of fruit and ornamental trees being
c0mp'utc, we are prepared to oiro• Lo the pub-
[I- fur spring planting a very choice lot of
Apple, Plttill, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees;, at suitable
prices. Evergreens It specialty.
Large stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bodding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, neundiler
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
ion of the Hear`, Liver Complaint, Neu -
,algia, Loss of M.mory, Bronchitis, Con-
,umption, Gall Stoi.,,;, Jaundice, Kidney
Ind Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
?emale irregularities and General Debility
Labori,tory, Goderich, Oltt.
J. M. McLeod,
Trop, and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
is a pretty shoe. We
have thein at all prices
and in all styles.
at reasonable prices.
Call and see them.
Don't fail to see our Single
and Double Harness,
our Trunks, Valises,
Satchels,School Rags,
Ete., Etc.
Red and White
Dedar Shingles
always on hand.
J. Twrtche//
"Glintp$so ofithe Unseen" Fa°olnating book
S weeps the entire field of borderland on
Prects810sB=A9os u.0RADABYGRRET0N
COMPANY, Lu mss, Toronto
, u
Atigust 26, 1898
ccry ItU'I'caut SHOP a
I wish to inform the public that I will(,
not be uuder"old by stay other F�eyNon
its t he bo"inebs. 111111 a ptacticul butch(
et; ,t ud itndert;tand all the branchea of
the business, NVa keep the very bestir
"teal", and it full btuc•k always un hand„
and "ill sell at the Lowest Clash Prices.
lir•ir,g along your money, and get the
nle,tl at the cash price. We will give
credit, but not. at vabh prices. Piease
curve and bee what you can do for
Cash at
i t. To'd'd 110NS'
We are doing business on the cash prinoi-
ple, and will supply oat uustomers with
the best meats at the lowest paying prices
Business Chance.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
shipping parposes, for which the highest
market prices will be paid. Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word alt
the shop,
Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre-
mises recently ere:ted especially for this
urpose, opposite f'air's Mill, where he will
peep or, hand and deliver promptly, to all
karts of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of
public patronage respectfully solicited.
Flour & Feed More
In large or small quantities.
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
(late Hill & Joyner)'+
Opposite Market, Clinton
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices.'.;';
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a bushV
Good Valencia Raisins, 28 lb box $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25c per 1b, and up.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest:.
market prices.0
The Holsons Bank -
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000
REST FUND - $1,500,000
Wu. dloLso,N MACrHF11,0N, President
F. WOLFEIiSTAN TuonAe. Gen Manager
Notes discounted, Collections mdde, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de-
posits, SAVINOS'BANx— Interest allowed on
sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to
farmers on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage require$ — -
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
A general Banking Business
Drafts sorted. Interest allowed on
_ deposits.
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of Naw
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former is an exceptionally good machine,
and has given good satisfaction to all
Needles and all kinds of Repairs
Inept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payments. O&O
on me or write for prices and terms.
Jan. 1898 WM. MOORE
For Twenty-seven Xeai t
DU '