HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-26, Page 5IMRTNT 11110003DIT The undersigned begs to an• nounoe that be bas assumed full control of the business formerly parried on by bis son, and being desirous of reducing the fine stock of Jewelry, Watohes, Clocks, etc., as quickly as possible, will offer goods at very low prices, for oaab. The stock is all first-class and those who want bargains will get them. H. Hewitt, a practical work - an, will have charge of the same, and all repair work en. trusted to bim will be promptly and satisfactorily looked after. H. HEWITT, Manager FRED. RUMBRLL, Proprietor JACOB TAYLOR Clinton, - Ont. General District Agent tor the Confederation Life Insurance Co For Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. All in formation relating to insurance gladly given. Money to loan at reasonable rates. D. L. MACPHERSON Fire Insurance Representing - Alliance Assurance Co. North British and Mercantile Ins, Co. Perth Mutual Fire Ins, Co. OFFICE, - - MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON r%14' "1" $ Charges Moderate Do You ti atisfaction Guaranteed Our Watch Repairing Depart- ment is attended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watch needs repairing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to unnecessary expense. Proper care and good workmanship is what your watch requires. We know that our work will please you. Need .Pay: of Spectacles 2 A, J", GRIGG. OLINTON Successor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON 41114Vie% 16'10 gieS TIE CLINTON NEW ERA — __ - NEWS NOTES. 00•900000000 0000000 000 Calamity still overhangs the Leahy fam- ily, of of Ottawa. About nine months ago IPatrick Leahy and tour children were To Reconstruct A Railway Bridge Without interfering with traffic is a somewhat diffioult engineering task. It aptly illustrates what is being done in this businese at the present time. We are making extensive changes that we hope will be mutually beneficial. Changes that will make it easier for you t , select goods, and will give us greater advantages for displaying u erohandise. During these changes busi- ness will go on the same as usual. Many lines may be picked up that are decidedly anape, and before many weeks pasta the results' of what is now going on will be more apparent. A FEW ITEMS OF INTEREST Special in Pink Stripe Flannelette 50 Extra Heavy Dark Grey Stripe Flannelette 70 l70 A Flannelette Shirting, always sold at 12&o, for White Apron Muslins, pretty effects in stripes, worth 10e, for 70 A new brand of Factory Cotton, heavy make 50 Sheeting, single fold and plain 70 Double fold Twilled Sheeting 160 A good thing we have just opened is Men's Sox, 2 pair for 25o Fast Blaok Plain Cotton Hose for ladies, 2 pair for 25o A line of Waists at 25o Prints, Muslims and Ginghams are being cleared out. We are always striving to improve this business to make it a most satisfactory place to buy, with more help and im- proved methods we expect sales will take another bound. We are laying the foundation for a big fall trade McKinnon 8t Co., Blyth 000000000 000000000 4,0000011 1.111011.11111111.10.1110... HEADQUARTERS Stoves Furnaces Eavetroughing Metal Roofing Plumbing Oils and 0 s Paints Glass Machine Oils Fence Wire Nails Coal Oil Thorold and Portland Cement Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper AND AT rHE RIGHT PRICE FOR Rope Churns Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Gas Pipe Coal Steam Fittings Packings Tinware Graniteware Fire -proof Safes Builders' t' ar are Tools of a 1 kinds in fact everythingin t11e Hardware line IIARL&W BROS burned to death in their home ou Ereal. street. A short time afterwards a fifth child died from burns received in the fire. A month ago Mrs Leahy also died, leaving, two children behind her, and Saturday one one of the remaining children expired. A boy 6 years of age alone'remains of a fam- ily of nine. The new school books, by Mr James, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Ontario, the title of which is "Agriculture" is in the press, and will be published by Mr Morang, at an early date. The price is 25 cents. From advance sheets of the book which are before tie it may be predicted that it will be useful beyond the bounds of the school. room, and will have a considerable sale among those who are actually engaged in the tilling of the ground. It contains what the farmers want to know: it is written in the aimplest and most intellig- ible language, and it is capitally illustrat- ed. As a compendium of agricultural knowledge it should certainly meet the views of those who ate beginning to wake up to the fact that brains are as much required in farming as in any other business, and in the long run it is the intelligent ag- riculturist that wins. In the production of this book Mr James has performed a nation at eervioe. The marvel is how such a book can be sold for 25 oente. Stoves, Hardware, c c Clinton The New Era will be sent to new subserib• ers, for the balance of the year, for Ln Brut+ BORN. MAIR-In Coderich township, Huron read, on August 19, the wife of Mr George Mair, of a 900. THOMPFON-In Goderich township, on Aug 12, the wife of Mr John '1 honipson, it daughter. REID-In Clinton, 011 August 22, the wife of Mr James acid, of a son, Gat toLDBY-In Brussels, on August ]s' the wife of Mr Chris Grirnoldby, of a sun. BALLANTYNE--In Brus els, on August 18. the wife of Mr James Ballantyne, grocer, of a son. ROD(IERSON-In Morris, on August 10, the wife of Mr T 0 Rodgerson, of a daughter SUNDERCOCK-In Hullett. on August 11, ,he wife of Mr Nat Sundercock, of a 900. ARMOUR -In East Wawanosh, on August 11, the wife of Mr James Armour, a daughter. MacMILLAN-At 266 Carlton street, Toron- (to, on August 22, the wife of the Rev Alex MacMillan, formerly of Auburn, of a daughter. GRENACHE-In Lucknow, on August 18,the wife of Mr W S Greunche, of a son, MARRIED. CONNELL - STURDY - At the Methodist parsonage, Beyfle'.d on Augiu , 17. by Rev E A Shaw, George Connell to Zena, eldest daughter of John Sturdy, both of Goderich township. EY -KIN the of the KING -At resid nc e e bride's parents, on August 10, by Rev D Rug - era, Joseph M }lnnley• of Drayton, to Miss Elizabeth R King, of 131aevale. SINI PSON - RUSSELL, -- At the .Methodist church, Seaforth, on August 10, by Rev A L Russell, father of the bride. Mr .Frederick Simpson, of Loudon, to Miss Louise le L Russell. DIED. WALLACE- In West Wawanosh, on Aug 10,'fhomas Wallace. aged 6'i years. MOORE-In Fast Boston, on August 13, ,lir Peter David Moore, formerly of Egmondville, aged 30 years and 7 months. KEANE-In Clinton, on August 18, Ann Eliza McSherry Keane, wife of James Keane, aged 58 years. NAY -In Howick, on August 1.1, Samuel H Nay, aged li Sears. PIERCE -in Gorrie, on August 14, Thomas Pierce, in his With year. BUTT -In Stanle • on August 2o, Priscilla Butt, relict of the late Josiah Butt, aged n'i years. MENNELL - In Clinton. on August 21, Charles C'eeil, infant son of William Mennen, aged ii months and 91 ,lays. HUC K --In Goderich township, 10th con, on August 25, Bessie (Gladys. haunt daughter of Robert Huck, aged 9 months and 21 days. Duroc-Jersey Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, London Road, Dinsley Terrace (Just outside the••NIN•N•WNN1•••••N•N•N•••N••NNN••••••0$ corporation of Clinton) a thorn -bre 1tA18 - 1 at ' r T73; $ Jersey Boar,, of good pedigree. time of service, with privelege of returning, if necessary. Young pWILLIAM ARGENT SELLING OUT We are reducing aur stock as fast as possible, but have many lines yet to sell, and have special bargains to offer. Prices that you can get nowhere else. Come and see what we Keoffering, whether you want to buy or not. We have a lot of odTsizes in Coats acid Suits and are offering them at less money than they cost. We have 50 pairs of Men's Pants that are marked to sell at $1.50 and $1.75; to clear them out at once we will sell them at $1 and $1.25 per pair. A lot of Odd Vests at $1 each, if you see them you will buy. We have a lot of Tweeds andWorsteds to sell. They are the cheapest and best goods for the money ever offered In Clin- ton. See our 40c Tweed. 20 Pieces of Choice Flannelettes at 7c per yard, worth 9c. Good assortment of All -wool Yarns, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. See our Grain Bags at $1.90 per doz. Remember the place. PLUMSTEBL & GIBBINGB, CLINTON Clinton, August 12, 1898. Business is War. A half hearted soldier and a rusty old musket are sometimes least dangerous when on the enemy's side. And a man may be a holy terror to shoot, but not carry enough s.mmunition to kill a chipmunk. • No merchant can sell enough "Slater Shoes" to hold an agency, unless he keeps enough " Slater Shoes " in -Steek to sell. He can't supply the needs of six shapes of feet, if he keeps only one shape of shoes in stock—nor can he fit a No. 8 foot with a 7% Z shoe, without hurting the foot, the shoe, his own trade, and the makers' repute. But—most merchants would be glad to put in few Ipairs of "Slater Shoes" in order to get the benefit of "Slater Shoe" advertising, which would bring people to their store so that they might sell other shoes which are"just as good." (N.B. Stick a pin in here at "just as good.") Sometimes the "Slater Shoe" customer would be "easy" and buy the "just as good" shoe ---and some- times he'd be sober and wouldn't. But in both cases be would ask himself "what in thunder we meant by advertising a "Slater Shoe" Agency, which hadn't enough "Slater Shoes" in stock i to fit a one legged man." Now we wouldn't mind the loss of the sale so much. And we merely lift an eyebrow at the tricks of the trade. But we have very strong views about wasting our shoes—and advertising our Agency rights upon such a poor "bluff" as this kind of representation would be. Though not reckoned bloodthirsty, we would kill an Agency like this on discovery, if we never could get another in that town. We don't want any "bluff" agencies to fool the public, and break the promises we make in over two hundred newspapers. GEO. T. SLATER & SONS, (rakers of 1 1 1 i4,4,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JACKSON ttt JACKSON. Sole Agents for Clinton i 1 1 1 NEWS NOTES. Capt. Hudgins of L eeeionto dropped decd whsle wJrking at his ya. ht A little girl liana Gurley was thrown put of a buggy, near Ringwood, aau killed. James Martin, a mechanic., uommitted suicide by aspnyxiatiun in his workehop ou Duchess etre t, Toronto. The Mani Iobit wheal crop ie estitnal- ed al 25,00),(X10 bushels, amd that of the 'L'erritut ies at 7,000,000 bushels. A boy named Taugher stabbed a com- panion named Beach with is jack-knife et Beaobburg. Be..eh is in a critical condit- ion. MONTREAL, Canada "The Slater Shoe" The new offices of the Grand Trunk in Montreal, plans of which have batik com- pleted, will be the biggest railway office in the world. People from outside pointe who visit Toronto's Exhibition this year will tra'v'el More cheaply than most of them have ever done in their lives before. The railway companies are going to put in a stngie fare for the round trip, tickete good for the en- tire fair. As these single sates ate based on the out rates now in force the fare from many points will be exceptionally low. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug. 25th, 1898. Wheat, n -w 0 67 a 0 68 Wheat, old 0 67 a 0 (28 Oats 0 23 a 0 24 Field Batley 0 30 a 0 32 Peas 0 43 a 0 46 Flour per cwt. 2 35 a 2 35 Butter C 10 a 0 12 Eggs per doz 0 10 a 0 11 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 6 00 Sheepskine 0 25 a 0 50 Potatoes .-.. 0 50 a 0 00 Purls, live 5 50 a 5 70 pew AduertigemehhtO. BOY WANTED. warted— good, reliable boy for delivery waggon. J. A. KING, Baker, Clinton. SERVANT WAN'TI D. Wanted at once, cod ggeneral servant. Ap- ply to Mlts. J. TWiTCINELL, Rattenbury at. Fruit Growers, Atteutiou. Tho Clinton Evaporator will commence busi- ness soon. Please give us a call TOWN & GIIISWOLD. FOR SALE, The residence of the late Mrs Josiah Butt, corner of Albert and Shineystreeas. This is a line panne, coon Wing of newbrirk housc,stable, good well of water, etc. For particulars apply to EPHRAIM BUTT, Clinton P. 0. STRAY HEIFER. Strayed from subscriber's premises, on con. 11,Goderich township,three file weeks a o a dark red, 0mont 1obi heifers Any ono re turning the same, or Riving information is to its whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. EBENE%Ent RUM BALL. NOTICE TO PIG BREEDERS. I have added to my s'ock'of pigs a choice young thoroughbred registered Tamworth Boar, Clinton King No. 800, of very superior blood. f, ow imported dant and sired by 1st prize winuer at 'Toronto, London, Montreal and Ot- tawa fairs of 18917, the same stock having taken the sweepstakes prize for seven years in suc- cession. 1 also keep a registered improved Ycrkehire boar --a one stocker. They being the two correct type., of choice Lacon hogs. 'PERMS -Nor either, 81, guaranteed, or par- ties coming over 11 miles, 75 cents C. HOARE, 2nd con, Bull, it, tGravel road). Farm for Sale or to )tent. Farm in Township of Tnckersmilh, being lot 20, con. '2. 11.11. S., containing 101) acres of gcod land, well ai apted for either grain or stock - raising, land in good state of eoltivatiot, 8 acres of good hardwood bash On the place aro two good frame barns, slate etabl;ng under one; drrt'iug shed, never -failing spring near burn,.brick house ar,;l kitchen, soft water 11, - side, good well, orchard etc. The farm is well situated, being five miles from Clinton and six ix from Seaford), on good gravel road; convcniel t to school, church opposite place. Will be sold cheap, as proprietor inte,,ds giving up fartning For particulars apply on the premises, or to A. E. TURNER, Clinton, Ont. P11..41J .1,1 ES. 01.11.11, 11.11111=0111 August 26, 1808 a' weeping Shirtwaist And Muslin Sale All Falley Shirtwaists, reg. $1.00 for $0.75 As I am an extensive.grower of p' urns, 1 will be ab e to supply such 10 great variety; prob- ab'y 1000 baskets of a hoice fruit for sale. Come along and get your supply. I�tC�N�:SI�. For sale also. Both Comb and Extract. (,. IIOA RE, The Huron Central Fruit Farm, Clinton, TO RENT LC 1.25 for .95 GL LL LL LG 1.50 for 1.20 " 1.75 for 1.25 11 Pieces beautiful fast colored Muslins, all new patterns and colors, regular prices were 25c and 30c, sale price 10c Lovely 10c Prints, fast colors, for 5c. Now is your opportunity. Colne anti see n hat we have for you. A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 8)1. re- cently occupied by C. C. Rance. For particu- lars apply to MRS S. HOLME1. Princess St, HOUSE '1.O RENT. Itoonly house in centre of tows; one minutes' wa'k from market. Rent low. Apply at NEW ERA Office, BOAR FOR SERVICE Subscribers keep for service at their premises, tot 19, con 11, Hullett, a thoro-bred Yorkshire boar; also a thoro-bred Polnud China. Bntk are of choice pedigree. We also keep for ser- vice a thoro-bred Lurham bull. Terms- $t at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. CARTWRIGHT BROS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hullott,for cleaning out about 600 rods of the Kinburn Crock, IL. I Drains) froin S. R. 10x11, cots. 6, to the river. Profile of the drain, showing the amount of excavation required, can bo Been at the Clerk's office, Lon- desboro Tenders to bo opened Tuesday Aug. 30th, at 2 p.m. -JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. GRAND TRUNK -RAM Harvest Excursions! -TO- Manitoba, Minnesota and North Dakota, Gilroy. & Eiseman, Via Chicago and St, Paul. Round trip tickets from all stations in $28 Ontario and Quebec WD Tickets good going on Aug. loth, good for re- turn until Oct. 20th, 1898. Tickets good going on Sept. 18th, good for re- turn until Nov. 12th, 1898. Excursion tickets will be sold to Winnipeg, Portage in Prairie. Brandon and other Manitoba points. Also to stations on Great Northern and Northern Pacific. rail- ways in Minnesota, Staples, Fergus Falls and West. and to North Dakota Stations, Minot, Mandan and East. Stop over allowed in excursion territory, Staples, Fergus Falls and West. Full information on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or to A. 0. PATTISON, G. T.R. STATION, or F. R. HODGENS, AGENT, CLINTON CLINTON —•T� 'TWO -A. Haire YOU Novelties a boy who will fit a good Suit at a price like this : $2 50 Suits $1 50 2 75 " 1 75 325 2 25 4 50 " 3 25 550 " 375 6 50 4 50 only a fewleft, s two or three Thereare of just of oach, eo if on want one' come right in at once. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.' usually found in an up-to-date gents'furnishing store are kept by us. Our aim is to please our customers, so we keep the very latest goods in the mar- ket, and this season we are showing a much better assort- ment than ever. we have a large aseorlment of the most fashionable EATS AND TIES They are good goods and cheap, so sell well. A. J. MORRIS1I, Clinton. You have seen Y-Hovey's Baking Powder advertised before, but have you tried it? If not you do not know how good it is. Procure a sample from us, try it, and compare results with the kind you are at present using. Use it once and we feel eonfident '.Baking • will be the kind a will use ,Vowder 1 0 that t � �l �tl t e y v.y and recommend. Our Cream Tartar, Baking Soda, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, etc., etc., are satisfactory. J. E. HO VE Y . Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Summer Millinery Lower Prices Is what attracts crowds Better Variety ... to our Millinery Depart - And the most desirable Millinery anent. See our Trimmed .. Hats. You can get a Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very low figure. Before selecting your Summer Hat call and see our styles and prices. We have a grand range of Sailors with Bands and Sashes. See our Sailor for 25c. Sailors and 'Walk- ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,and Trimmed Hats from $1.50 to $2 MACDONALD & SMITH, Clinton Butter and Eggs taken as Cash BEAVER BLOCK. It Saves a _ Lot of Time and Trouble to be able to get all the dif- ferent lines of goods you want from one well -assorted stock of general merchandise such as ours. THE LAST OF THE SHIRT WAISTS We've sold a great number of Shirt Waists this seaaon,and now it's clearing -up time. We have grouped them and offer your choice for only 35o each. TWO MEN'S CLOTHING SPECIALS Men's Fine-Allawooi Canadian Tweed Suits, in four button saeque style, brown shades, boat of farmers satin lining and trimmings, cnt and made in the latest style. Speoial $6.50. Men's Pine Canadian Tweed Pants, in dark grey and black narrow etripe,well made and trimmed,epecial $1,25 WRAPPERETTES New styles, new colors, new designs, sell- ing well. Price 10 to 120 a yard. MEN'S FELT HATS We are showing the latest New York Hat, blank or maple, fine quality, elegant shape, If you see them you'll want One. Price .$l.75 eaoh. TEAS .. . Three Good Lines Salada Ceylon Teas—Black and Biack and Green mixed. Grand Mogul—Black and Black end Green mixed. "Shield "—Japan at 25o per pound. TOILET SETTS Ten Pieces -'-1 large jug, 1 basin, 1 small jug, 1 tooth brush holder,) soap dish, cover and drainer, 1 chamber and cover, 1 mug, decorated in bine, blown, garnet or green. Pride $2 25. SEED WHEAT Get new varieties that have been thor- oughly tested, and success is sure to follow. Among 44 .tow varieties grown in 1898 on. the experimental farm at Guelph, the lar- gest yield of grain was produced by rho; "Gold Coin." Don't you think it Wottl& pay you well to try it ? Price $2.26 bush.. W L.OUJMRTTE, L.ondesbo