HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-26, Page 1. .. • The New Lrrt trill be went to paw40bsclrlb. (Voting on the plebiscite tabes place on Thursday, Sept. U t T3urn" Liberal Convention at Dungannon, Monday, Sept. 12.) era,[orthebaloneeoftheY,V► tarkScoots. --_ -w. ,ay The L . .. I I . 4( ` r ,s, � 1Vlechanic Yore ll 1 in i on es ttdi contact w th oils, iron arust die 1 �' ano' Girt of every description, and --icdving finished his task lie wishes to S tisfied - _ _... ___ ._ — — get big Akin white again in as short iN EW I RAI $r i _�_ ____._.._ i` __ order as possible, and where it tray 11 ---• — _— ....__...�..—-- .11 c1 . h your choosing if yon have got bruised or out ho wants bay a Watch from ae, sat• CLINTON ONT. AUGUST 26,,1898 $1 a year in advance tbl.so when not eo paid that remedied also. What we offer iefied with its timekeeping, ROBE RT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. r r for this double purpose is known ae satisfied with its beauty, �___y___ ,__ - __.__._ _-___-- - . ~ �� -� --- - _ -- C�Oderlch. Beumfller Aulllptt 1[rlaster Mechanics YQn ii D T 3E HU., TarExtSordinary Save AROUthe boundary N _ Boat for Salo -Sound, 1s foot row boat NOTES.-MlNa Annie Allen is ve►p NEw BRIDGE. eThe Dyer bridat;e, IL i Tar Soap . . [,,I I - I.4V hat wide awak9 and reliable eorrreapondeate turd worthyot recording for publication. theybest inygoderieV $d in 16 oaaood hn Apply to H M s Wm. k and Field , oer f Ashfieid,ris visit- nosh and HUile to has be ntween w o plc ed It is darefully prepared with vege• 1110ne jlllma Ctioderich Taurreship TUiINER, Qodexioh ing her parents, Mr and Mrs Richard and was opened for traffic on Wednes- table oils, gum, balsam and tar, and b,ohoosin here, for ea- PIIRCHASED. - Mr Norman Carter RECovHRING.-Mr Robt. Henderson, I BICYCLE BARGAINS, -G. F. Emerson Jewell at present. dap. Me Ainsley. County Commis- C contains aN the constituents of Caa- urrhased from Mr Jas. Snell, t P Y fila Roy W h cue a lioation oalanae and beauty are recently p ro the seven who met with an accident whileaeafet- has decided to clear out this season's ACCIDENT. -One day last week Robt. stoner, ested it and found it erfectl p- pp + Dined to low prices to our of Hullett, Huron Re + ,ham bull. ing with a threshing machine at Mr stock and replace them with C'a entire- Ross ,net with whet might have been eatiafactory and took it ofF 1 he con- it will dissolve a d remove all dirt, 3 John Sowerby a some timet ago, is re- ly new and up to -date outfit next a serious accident. While he was on tractor's hands. It is a first-class i and leave the skin white and beat.1. selling of Watches. Not roontbe old thorn bred Dur covering slowly. spring. brid e. _ thy. Containing healing properties, - i u ,i • a Watch in our stook that He is a very fine animal sad Mr Car- hie way home the tongue came out g • s unworthy your buying. ter is to be congratulated on securing CHIIRCH.-Nest Sunday At 11 a.m. CauRcu.-Rev, Dr. Meldrum, of St. of the neck -poke and the horses be- NJM.8. A Harvest Home social will it will be found a good soap for ky Weare alas a pleased to such an animal. Rev. Mr Deihl, of Ailsa Craig, will Paul, preached in Knox church on came frightened and .unmanageable, be held Tuesday evening Sept. 8, at washing wo rpda or cute• Thia soap show yon one assortment. IYoTES.-Mrs Ilill and Mies Dap, of conduct the services in Middleton a Sabbath evening. Rev. H. Irvine, of upsetting the wagon on hien bruising the residence of Mr John McGregor, is both soap g and cleansing, and is i Kingston, art the guests of Mias Clark church. The reverend gentleman, St. Thomas, occupied the pulpit of his shoulder pretty badly. A few days of the •11th con, and a good program ie i the best soap we can recommend to ! When will you ba in?j this week. Mies Eliza Carter, Londea- who is Favorably known in thio vicini• Victoria St. church on Sunday, later the same team cut up shines with expected; Lea served from 8 to 8; a fee r all Biasses of tradesmen, including ndin a coo le weeks with t should r honored i a large con- Mr Chas. Uell �gg and his leg was broken of 15c and 10c will be charged; all are mechanics, maohinista, firemen, leaders in oar line, born, is see g P y+ NOTES.—Auction sales are the order net ahov lie�nkie and his arm bad- welcome. Mr and Mrs Hugh McEwen, fnnndrymen, printers, painters, far- • We are friends here• Mr Daniel McDougall gregation. of the day. The S. S, ezcuralon from i left on Tuesda last fol Hannah, North Plexie.-The annual icnic of the Stratford was well atronized, we un- y cut. a is doing as well as can he th Palmerston, paid a flying visit un mere, etc, Thia soap is not ly 10o p p ex acted. the 13th last weak. Mi�ITeonipspn, of aive,ae one large Dake costs only 100 r B. B. Crews Dakota; Mr Menongall'a many (rinds Pleasant Association of this township, deretand there will be one from Strut- P Brussels, visited at Mr ;John Watt's y '' It wish him success in the west. Mr F. I will be held on the Maitland Sats next ford and intermediate points next Leeburn r" Jeweler &Expert Tayyl�or, of Kipppen, has leased the farm Saturda afternoon. This is always a week. this week. Mr H. W. Allen took ad i�lYDNEY J �CKSON, of Mr Wm. Gibb►ngs, lately occupied hu a affair, and in fact it might be THE ELicvATOR. -The building is OHIIReH,--Rev Dr. Meldrum preach vantage of the excuraton to Manitot,rt Cirraduate Druggist. u, Watch Repairer by Mr McDougall he takes possession I ro erl termed aeurfeit. ed preparatory services in the church last week. Miss Jannis Mc(xregor hits ggoaeseor to Ilan &Wilson. in the spring. Mrs Thos• Yellow and i P P Y now about 40 feet above the ground, here last Friday-, on Sunday commun- returned home after an extended visit Miss Mary, of Exeter, were visiting • taoT HIIRT,-Wm. Perdue got badly and going up rapidly every day. Same ion service was held, one new member with friends in Toronto. ,**,,6S, p•.Db.*0y *S14P4 W friends in thio vicinity on Friday last. hurt while backing hie separator into 150 men are employed, and this num- taking ppart for the first time. On Sept Belgrave CHIIReH NOTES. -Next Sunday ev- Jae. McFarlane'e barn. He was holding her ie to be increased. The chimney I6 lat-the Pr•eabyterian church will hold a Church �hlmes . Stanley• the tonl:ue of the wagon and the front also being rushed along. Harvest Home on the grounds of Mrs GARDEN PARTY. -Look out for the L.1. S. -Misses Annie and Lillie Mc eningthe auhj'ect is Uhriet waiting to wheels struck the sill, throwing him CYCLING. -Alex. McIvor is out for Jno, Horton; tea at 5 o'clock; adults ggarden party at Wm. Wray's on Fri- t. NOTE save. $unday last was harvest Sun- b 25c, children 15c, d g p The (r oderith Star cape: -'•Mies Ak- r.:'i• Ewen, of Hensall, are visiting at Mr about 15 feet on some atones afore as many centuries as he can make dui- ay avenin ,under the sus ices of the am, of Clinton, who is the guest of ;, can McEwen's this week. Mrs day in our church; the church was he could sa "hi, bo e " he is recover- Dun beautifully decorated for the occasion; Y Y log the remainder of the season. On NOTES,—Master Herbert Andrew, of Epworth League. An excellent pro bL..Ioseph Beck, Saltfard, sang a solo li­2 *'` Rev. Mr Armstrong preached ani ex- y Goderich, is s endin his holidays with g _ g P in liuox church an $unday morning. ,, r.. W. Clark, sr., visited her daughter, ing. f3aturda he wheeled to Stratford ram is bein pre ared. Mrs John McKinley, of $eafort , re ) hie friend,k_lpora�e Orton. Mrs Wm, most ecce tubi " of Ba field celleht sermon from the tax" ended formerNoteacher inMS. S.•No. 10 oflthie Monday be went`over `the ams touts. potheringham, of Bruaefield, is in this freq�rent a dhsevere durtmngh he week. P Y• 1.�' 1,, Gently. The C. E• society y harvest is past, the summer t Prasb terian church picniced in a are not saved." The Epworth towusbi , has been re-engaged as On Saturda he made the trip to burg at present, attending her dough- Threshing from the wagon rack is The annual meeting a the rs C rich, I; road y and w p y '' iral ,r. afield on Saturday. Mise Ray ire meetin on Wednesday even- principal of Boissevain, Man., High Stratford in 2.28, beating the previous ter, Mre A. H. Clutton, who has been common practice. Shipments of cattle wilt be held at the home of Mrs Cat B' yhardeon left, last week to attend Leag as taken b Mr Geo, Brownlee, School, and at an increased salary. record of 2.31. very ill, but is improving•. Mrs G. H. and lambs keep business humming. Boron �T on Tuesday next, ti 3 , Rtc CHIIReH NOTES,-A!l the p.tstora of o'clock. The tnerobers are all partieu- 1. the Normal School in Totonto. Mr a 1ppen student of Belleville College; We are pleased to mention his success, MENESETUNG CHAUTAUQIIA ASSEM- Clutton, of Stratford, visited her home Munteit,, of Stratford, paid a flying 'act "Confidence in God. but it is not a surprise to his most in- BLY.-The association are having more here this week. Hillary Hot ton , Dun • the village were in their pulpits last laxly requested to attend. ,1,,1 isitin to friends in Stanley the past Sabi timate friends, as Mt Turnbull is a encoura ement than they had last Bgannon, spent Sunday at home. Ou 9unday. The Rev. Mr Higley, how- The Bxyfleld correspondent Ff the :Y v gRev Mr Butt, of Wallaceburg, THE $oCIAL. - A most successful cure man osseaeing more than the week, but have iven u the idea of 'Puesday of last week Geo. Clark, Alea. ever, said farewell to the congregrttion Expasttor says -` Rey. Mr Millyard, i week. 1 reached in Bayfield road church last lawn social was held on the beautiful avers a abiltit g P of l Linton, preached in St. Andrew's or Lon- ands actous lawn of Mr G. Dale, Hu- g y• having thin`nhet ekotin thenpa instead. Dakota to v ew the wheat growing in regrets apt ehisrveddparture. Rev. Mr church on Sunday and gave g •eat at- Sabbath. Miss E. Reid left f l� P week hayin spent her Sum- ron road, under the auspices of the VISITORS.—Misses Criseie Campbell ing them B that visitp tsfaction to his many hearers. don last g ret road. 'Alma church, on Friday. A pleasant and Mabel McLeod, of Goderich, are On WednecdoayaemVeuV Olinthe solo�o M es and oldd'fr ends `from oLeeburnatwho Leaguevinl he Methodist h huEch next ' '! ,, mer vacation at her hams, Fra avenin and splendid program were rusticating at Mr W. G. Whitely s, was the p g It may interest some of aur readers _ "''l the severe g Those who furnished the Miss blary Ann McCullagh, who has Laura Acheson; xylo hone solos, Miss have settled there. H.' W. Taylor has udent ofSSIONARY gPicxic.-Under the au- to know that Mrs Graham, widow •of -, BARNS j3uR`iED.—During enjuyad. p p a avenin ere Ma or Guan, of Sea been visiting friends in Port Albert Zoellner; recitation. Mueea b the chit- (fader his Hiah `School;nation isheSt secured apices of the WF.M.S, of the Presby- iter. 3wmes Graham, formerly of this . thunder storm on Tuesd y g praggram w r Wm. Graham, on th forth; Harry Willis, Me Daley, Mies for the set month, has rehirned and a number of cbor terian church, a roost interesting pie- Chris is now an assistant. editor'of the - the barn of M @ p y g with tek b li htnin , and wcombe and Miss Murch, of Olin- home. Miss McIvor and Mise Camp dren. Everything came cif nicely. Ferri ,Ashffeld,`Sundayed rho this burg` Bic was held on rrueaday in Samer'a ordainian Guardian, while her son, an r + 3rd con., was stri p g Npss HARBOR. --The scbr. Brack, with ro e. The threatening character of ordained minister, has charge of the it1., with its contents, was tote ly de- oil; Rev, T. E, Sawyer, Mr Rose Miss oflToronGtoeraid a vie thtq Mre W. G. Miss Lou Stirling returned home last g V ' atro ed. Of threshed grain there Aitcheson, Mise Orich, MrFowl P 300,(x!0 feet of lumber, arrived in part week, after visiting friends at Bruce- the weather prevented many from be- Fred Victor Mission i t Toronto. Y brut three hundred bushels of Hawthorne, Mr Hawthorne and the Whitely last week. Miss Whitely, of on Saturday. The tug Seaman reach- in resent. The co ram was how t Darin the severe thunderstorm of were a bushels of r extra. �Ve are very grate- Petrous, and the Misses Paisley, of ed port safely with her raft, 500,000 feet field. Mre John Horton and son Han- g P P g g wheat and four hundred Alma O ch i are vieitin relatives in thio r visited Holmeaville and Clinton on ever, fully carried out and was quite a Friday evening the stable belon ing , t musical treat, local talent being assist to the Methodist parsonage , at Write ,,:.- barley; the p AS and oats ►were un- fol to our friends for assisting us to Clinto g of logs; owing to the rough weather Tuesda and Wednesday. hlr Juhn tt"' threshed. He lost nearly all his im raise the handsome cum of $71.5(1, with township. she was delayed a long time off Pojnt Shaw and two of his children, of Gode- ed by Misses Robertson and Uampbell, Church, was struck by ligghtning and 'Y temente. The lase is partly covered which the church is to be refitted. $AYFIFLD LINE NoTz>S.-Jas. Nes- Clark, the wind blowing very heavy; rich visited here on Sunday. of Toronto. The fraternal greetings totally destroyed. Rev. \V. W Leech ' ' by insurance. About the same time hitt and wife have been visiting their owing to the delay the tog [iuron was of the Methodist congregation were lust his new buggy and cutter. Tate ',111 j the large barn and stables of Mr Alex, St. Helens. relatives in this vicinity; they have sent to her assistance. The scbr. Fan Tuckersmith conveyed by Rev. r Oaten, while loss is almost covered by insurance. ' '. K lnnea, oo the 2nd con., were ignited orfs. -Mrs Robt. Lockhart left returned to theirhomein Bl tb. John ny Campbell was in port last week Johns sold aRev. Mr McKay, Missionary Secretary The program of special meetings as "r ^'I b�ythe li Ming and totally destroyed. N of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. arranged f,y the Salvation Army to ;;it.=: g F last week on an extended visit to Plewes, George Allen Wives aerie holi� Humber''s�p ehttStella arrived on Frik blood colts bred byr he popular road. Mr Nichol, of Toronto, delivered elo- , 'il He saved some machinery, but 1 st celebrate their annual Harvest FeFti- r ,1 a HBe workin horse and a friends in Manitoba. Moss Mabel Mc- of Clinton, with thetr y Y quant addresses. Au everting session vat has been announced to be as fol- all his crop, gg Donald has returned home to Wing- dayingg in Bayfield on Tuesday. 1. day from Port Albert, where she has star stallion, Sydne to Mr J. Ha s, <r . horou h bred calf• I3ie buildings a McDonald, of Lor,- Hambl of Chicago, was vieitin ax been lying in shelter. The Carroona McKillop, at a good figure. of the picnic was l�pld in the church, laws: -Sunday afterr•�on and night, E, were insured in the McKillop Incur ham• Miss Ball y gg CHIIRCH NOTES. -Rev E. Armstron! when the same geotletnen again ad• unveiling of large picture painted by , r,1 i mee Mc about $I800 don, left last week for Wingham and his uncle's, L. Trick, this week. Wm. was to Porton Saturday and Tuesday, p dressed the audience � sere in for Iso ,..,.o don, left after visiting friends around Perdue, jr.. got thrown from a horse and had heavy passenger lists. rhe church was Ids orated rrithr S w- the Captain. M,nday night, novel 1.j; PPRSONAL. J. A. Gregory, who has march, sale of produce. Refreshments ; , ,; COUNCiL.—Stanley council met Aug. here. Mrs (Dr.) Gordon, of Ripley, and tramped on. Trick's mill dam ie ers and sheaves. Next Sunday even- All! iijlpnall LOO&I 13w i• ser yed and good music given. . '+° 22nd, all the meinbcrts present, ininutea is visiting at her home here. Miss E. undergoing repairs at present. Tom been organizing ftvr the prFbtbition in the Lew ne will be addeesaed by •; °� of reviews. meeting were read and Robinson, of Lucknow, is at resent Wi ginton is in Wingham this week, party in West f3uron, left far hie g g PROPERTY C HAN(iE.-John Derry, The half yearly election of ofit.ers ,,,r P home in Exeter, where be will spend a Mr H. Foster, Clinton. who has been a faithful employe of r, adopted. A motion was prLased to pro- the guest of Miss Jennie Todd. Me int a interests of the Brantford Pulver A GOOD CHANCE. —For rood and for Ontario St. League last Monday 00 chairs � fur seating the hall, and Mra R. McGowan, of Blyth, called and Wind Mill Company. few days visiting before leaving for Taylor do Son fur about. Leu years, hwa 4; 1.11,11 r__ cure 1 • of taxation it a Lo Luck sufficient reasons Albert Tu.:ner has evening resulted as follows:- Pres., lowin are the ,sten on friends herr on the w y NCITES.—plisses Georgie and Minnie Ua{gory, N.W.T., in which place he sold his house and tat to Mrs Fisher, The fol g i who have a acts to study law. Miss Lizzie .decided to give up farming, and offers Mias Rath; let vice, Mrs :+eward; 2nd ' '' this ear: -County rate, 1 3 10 now. Mr Jaak McCrostie left th s McUullagh, of Cleveland, xp itis choice lace for sale; it is an excel- and int.e rda leaving for the Old Coon- vire, F. Clatwortby; 3r•d vice, Miss H. _� x, for Y q try, wberN his friends reside, abnut .1� ,, -, townshi rate 1 7 10; general week for Forest, where he will spend a been visaing relatives and friencla in Acheson has been at Cliautau ria. P mills pp lent chance fat any one who wants to Whitely; 4th vice, plies M, . WiltsP; 1 1.5 S'?onl `+action rates rig short time ere he goes t.o the Pharmacy this township, lin,v returned. pars A. Miss Florence Turner is the guest of eta ood farm at a nominal price. the micdle of 5epteniber. Mr Derry r•ec• sec., Albert Downs; cor, sec., Mise p-11; ,11 i`' "scbr 1F, '•.;, t I, •rq; Nu, 3, 4 5; Nu. Ovale e at Toronto; we wish him all 13. Plummer, of Blyth, is visiting re Mise Floretta Stevenson, Clinton. J: g g hay beer, a vel y good citizen, bens also A Brickenden ; tress., A. Cassels; ° S�1 ; Na.7, 1 1-10; a webs at his examinations. A m all lwtives here at present.. H. Taylor, of Tighe returned on Sat lidav from bis NOTES. - Mr Shaw, of Toronto, tin active Socely mai, :Lod his tuany pianist, Miss Clement. , tiext Monde ' 4 �' 0 1�'0. 14, 1 2 5; s c y her of the young people around here point Farm. called on relatives here trip to the Soo. Will Cox, of Learn- a brother-in-law of H. Carter, wheeled friends here, his old eu,pluyers includ- evening an address un temperance will No, 1 , Bion, 2 9 10; P P ed, regret to See hint iewvutr, o, 1 Union, 1 4 5; picniced at Purt Albert a short time last week, A large number frum this ington, visited the old home the tst u from Toronto this week. Harvest- • town. he given by U. M. Bezz•). A full at- - N n -on 41.10. The followin g p Y vicinity will attend Taranto Yxhihi- week. Iiugh Bain left last week for ing is now over in this vicinity rind A GOOD IDE•A,-Every now and again Separate Sq_ 1, ago, and report h.tvin sent aver tendance, invited. as sexed: -That this council leaaant da by the lakerde. Miss M. tion next week. hlrister \Villie 'Witsou .Whiteflah Point, lake Superior, where thr•eshion ie the order of the day, sutnebady makes the aug estiou that motion w rid Ltmba killed P y a returned home to Y P P g farmers ought to put their names on Not only the Choir of Ontario St. ' a value fur sheep a Patterson ha received a handsome present fi urn his he will fish during the remainder of Farmers are boa re aria for their p Y r 11 he valued as. Rutherford, of P ) g yi 1 held at the front gates of their places. The church, but all connected t.rewith, b d. a, but no Sheep she 'Wingham. Rev, Ch 4, parents in t he shape of a bicycle IrLst the Season. Mrs (tri t. D. McLeod, of fail wheat. A ,eat m;s from this r Y g ind no lamb at more week. Miss Jennie Whitel is Bbl Hamilton, formed of this town, is art attended the lawn sac a idea is a cod one, and ifit were adopt• have abundant reason to feel pleaseii , sit mare thin $7 vin New York, is spending his vacation y y Y P` g t all parties ha g n this victnit Rev. J. gq Iy in t he duties of orgwuiat in Zion s ending a few days with friends het e. Mr Cleo. Dale's on Friday evening and ed it would make country drives and at the success of Chair day, which was than $3.50, and that otif some with friends t Y c'lled shall n y e in in resent khe guest of churoh in the absence of gan Whitely. James (Tiro):: Payne wheeled down were well pleased with the evening's wheelin trips much• more interesting. observed aceording to announcement. I'Lsheep or lambs 1 t Thos. Pritcha d p Bell at once. tie but ur oses ere long Mr and Mrs Rvht. Huck, 18th conies• from Southampton on Wednesday; he proceedings. Miss Dunemore, of Tor• It would often be a great convenience last Sunday. The platform'and choir member of the con Mr McCros p p g too, as anyone will admit who has loft were beautifully ctecurwted with Wile was again appointed collector, moving to Godericti where he has sign, ►Hoorn the loss of their infant girl holds a situatiop on the a er in that onto, is viaitro rairrtives here. Mie; y acccuuts wets�' paid:- walked back fort yards or so from flowers, and there was it su estive he folio in taken up property. Miss Simpson, of Tho New tarn will be scut twnew submerlb• town. George Cox is home from C,errie Jahns visited friends in Stanley y s. T g the road to the farm house, to find out harmony in all the Pxercises. The11 L. Beatty, repairs on gradii "g1.85; D. Whitechureh, and Misa Flerntrog, of ers, far the balance of the year, for 25 cents. Leamington. Alex. Clark, of $►rat this week. Miss Nellie Sandick hwa Cam bell, repairs on grader, $1.40; J. Brandon, Man., were recently the ford, arrived on Tuesday to spend a returned to her home in Ingersoll• Mr when h,- got there be had struck the sermon by Rev B• Clement was on r p breakin stone, $1.60; Win• assts of Miss Gordon. Vile congratu• Mile. couple oY weeks in town. y. D. llud C. }Lutledge and wife left last week for wrong place. "The return of the ransomed to Zion," Jacobs' g der L 70; Alex. g Y A SWINDLER. -A clever• swindler a„d wgs based a on the 10 h vet se of Collins team an gra , $ late out pushing young echcol teacher, CONC3RATIILATIONB.-We extend our ley, of Colborne, and V0. 5. Dudle , of a visit in North D,Lkotw. Mr; G. Crich p ' r 75 access c fits Rochester, N. Y., are in t,oivn, they and Mrs A. Townsend and daughter named picDunald, alias Middleton, is the 35the'ripter o° I aiah in itsapplica a Thompson, operating grade , Mr 3, C. Martin, in. the s congratulations to Maggie Matthews g under arrest at Woodstock for obt in• tion to the experience of Christians to +; Wallet• McBeath, repairing culvert, u ils who wrote for there thirds; four are'intere_ted in Hurons appte crop. are visiting friends in hiorntn ton Next meetin of council on Mon- P p and Winona Kirkpatrick, who sac• township. in odds under false pretenses; he is the journey to Heaven; the character Fn','c g out of flvtl having beene.aucceseful at' ceeded in passing the Entrance exam.; DEnrH of MR ROBERT GiBBONe. g g da , 5ept. 28th, at 1 p -m. J.T• CAIRNS, the examinations• Mr J. E. Gaunt s to Minnie McVithe, who also obtained Mr Robt. Gibbons, ex•Sheriff, ' a_sed also charged with bi amy, it being al- ' of the pilgrim, "the ransomed of the_ Y i l,• portrayed and .1; Clerk. spirited team of hot sea ran away re- her certificate, and to ho al onnie Don las away to his eternal rest on Friday ev- Ruburn Ieged that he marrie four wi vas, One Lord, hil fru n, " ', - cent) disablin him considerably, g Y, g and Bertha Ryao, who succeeded i s ening at 8 o'clock, at the ripe age of 87 J, NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer' of whom is Said to have former ly be• the joyful reldrn, ";oath songG," songs Londesboro andhewill not be able for work for two ettin Pt• 1 Matriculation certifi- years. His name occupies a promi- in Ligbt and Heavy Harness, (a specialty) longed to Clinton. Inquiries were for- of gratitude, songs of loge, 4tiid Songs `ir or three months again, Mr J. Brown, Whips, Valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes and NOTES.-Miys A. Carter, of TuckerY gather- crates -gall from our Public Sehoo-1. nent place in the political and muni- Horse Trimmings. warded to the Mayor here some tithe of !lope; Lye tourney issuing in every smith, is visiting friends here. of Slyth, visited at Me W ci al histo, of Huron county.' He THS NEw BRIDC3E.-Work on the ago about the marriage of a man lristing jay, the Songs of Heaven. Not - ,a, head's last week, Mr R, A. Miller Bi.G THRESHING+. -Mr Richard Mor- was of Scotch origin, having been named McDonald, by one of his via withstanding the intense beat of the Brueefield visited at Goderich recently, Mrs J. row threshed, on SatOrday of last born in Glasgow on 1✓eeember 21tb, 'new bridge is being rapidly pushed Lima at Sarnia, but nothing could be evening, the church was packed long TEs. -Rev Mr Henderson, of D, Murdoch visited her parents at Au- week,-eihteen hundred bushels of 18I1. In 1832 he emigrated to Uanrida Ptiehed forward. A few days since learned at the time. before the hour of service, and many NU the bank ave awe carr in hund r<? ecu led the endo of the burn last week. Mrs Walker, ll grain fa 1 wheat, oats, peas and bar- and on the 32 of May in that year g Y+ Y g LEAVING+ TowN.-Tho Mitchell Ad• were unable to get in. The program ti Hensall, o p P reds of tons of earth with it; fortun• vocate thus refers to a brother of was rendered as published, and em- ` Presbyterian church here on Sabbath Manitoba, is at resent visiting her ley; rye threshing being done for of arrived at Goderich, then a village of atel no one was hart, btitit took con ' P etric storm, aeeompaaied areata, Mr and Mrs Gaunt. Rev, R. Thomas Uampbe l and John Clark, of less than 250 inhabitants. Here he aid -Y Arthur Couch, oP town: -"Another braced some beautiful sacred musical ., ''. r last. rhe le `.-F.> Tuesda was quite close; such �, McKay, of iToronto, Secretary of Colborne, respective] ; moving a dis- etween the two launched into busineae and at a early arable extra labor to retrove it, worthy citizen is about to leave Mit- selections, the anthem •'Father, O 1,,•, by hail, y, ee or ieces of ice, were Forel n Missions, is to give a mission tante of two miles r used was one of age took a leading part in municipal NOTES. -Miss B, Hahkirk was the chef{. Mr Thos. Oouch, who has been hear est being one of the xecuest we ,. la�rgf,��h�ail stop p e en in thio vicinity. The wry adress on Wednesday evening, farms. The separato aff,tire, subsequently serving several guest of Miss M. Radcliffe last week. in the employ of Mr I. Hord for many ever listened t.o, while the execution >,, ,rav$F+2erD a McPherson & Hovey's famed Mon- ur- of the other piece; was faultless. A fusion Band opened last Saturday under the auspicos of the W.N.M.B.; tet ms as Mayor of Goderich and was Mr Prang and family, of Zurich, were years, has, with Mr John Ruy, p • r M n en to arebs. Threshers, beat•. this who can. few words of historical refer ence were leer' after the bolida e, Mr Be�ver,1Y a tLgat-i _-tX IWAP ; ilar�j99. � _ t •a a hgatter when there is thresh- also Reeve and. Warden of the county. the guests of Mr L. Platzer' thi,4 week. chased a general store at C F the urst, E�6en let ate or on on, avers defray expenses. ------- _ , _ Mr Gibbons was elected to represent Mrs Noel and�',dIaughter, of Buffalo, xre and will take possession of the bust• given by the pastor to mus a ,Jist situation Por a "horn time. ing to do. Sunth Huron in the Hist Parliament the guest_ of 1V1r9 T. Nicholson at pres- ness almost at once. Mr and Mra of sucy well known eymna as, Jeans, f ' he has a SaVfield VISITOR6,-Mrs and Mi_s hlcIntopn, of �;�La;ricr,,and, fuu_r yearT later, in ant. Mr Webb of Londesboro was re- Uou^,b's {eavin� wilt be deeply regret• laver of my soul and Rock of Agee. ', Mr_ Long and children, of London, I t sen vieitin Mr and Mrs CIIURCII.-Rev, S. L, Smith, of Trin- of Lucknow, are visiting at the parson- 1871, was re-elected to the ,R islature, newing acquaintatices in Auburn this ted by our citizena, wily whom they The species collection taken up on be- ,j V who have b g , *R acrFz Palmer and Wilkie, of are general favorites, and they will half of aha Choir amounted to some - Jamieson here for some time, gave re- itv church, was asai_ted last Sabbath age this week. Misses Pointer and each time as the candidate OF t- Lib• 'aces. �W^ turned to their home. The lecture Y eral art whose doctvinea be effects Londesboro, visiao'• Auburn one da carr with them the hest w iseea for thing over $40. l by Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Mitchell, and Pentland spent a few da s at the P y+ I iven by Captain Keeler, in the Meth- Rev, L. Deihl, of Ailsa Craig, both of home of Mr Jas, Girvin. Misa Ethel ally advocated. After serving in that this week. Misa Webste.'° t•he guest 'their future success." .:, ' $ church on Monday evening, was whom are holidaying in the village. Reynas, of Goderich, is enjoying her capacity during two terms of the sec- of Mrs Wm. Neaves at preselit. 'rnS QONDOLENCE,-The toUawiug letter, Inspector's Report. odtst Dred Parltatnont he resigned vis _eat to Samuel Clark is very ill at present. addresdi i to Min Uooper and family, very fine, also the miisic which accom Mr Kerrin preached, as was his wont, vacation with ver cousin Mies Alfie reciated fu11 of incisive Morris. Me W. R. Miller, of Toronto, accept the Sbrievalty of Huron Uoirn- Miss E. S. Blair is improving a little, a Bak" for itaet"t: -ail© the meu,ury of Robert ! [ rwe, lnspeetor for the Can- ;ranied it; this was much app an excellent sermon, p Under ti by all who he and it. Tye Miasee Ache- truths and delivered in that fluent, Inspector of North American Life In- ty, which office he acceptably filled a{so Mrss B. Yungblut. Misa A. Day the E. L. of C. E. of tsi:`:,Bury St. Chian llowin ritera' t concern ng the a Shannon, accomp�anied gas elo cent manner so admirably surance Co., and Mr T. Hogarth, Prin- until about a ear a o, when he found Da of Win ham, is the uest of Mre Methodist church, desire to c o urs to the following re ort concerning the son and 4iMts all of Clinton y' q p ale gen of him. ci al of one of aha Toronto Schools, that bis advancinggage ince acitated Se rle at resent. The gdemand for ou our sincere sympathy in your sad tcit.of the fire appllances here:- �� ' by the Messrs Carli characteri, p p p yy Collegiate, also Mr T. Doig where the RATN AND HAIL, -Tye rain Tuesday called on friends in the village last bim from the active duties of his office. apple barrels is so great that Mr Holts bereaceinent, The mysterious hand TreaT:-�°11 rung at 3 42 p, m.; etears- of the Misses Chr psis, Ft iday was at corn anted by a miniature tor- Tuesdaq. Miss Etta Fellow, of Part The Hew Era wilt be sentlto new Rubacrlb- over has had to add another hand to of a loving father hue been 1>Lin heavily er out and fire at 3,42aV1rneeQ,l nogt3 : guests p u on on. What we know not now steam, SO lha„ at 3.4b; evening last. n idn, which tore away sarongs, broke Albert, to rusticating at tee home of ers, for the butanes ottho year, for 2tl cents. pia staff. p Y down trees and carried general de- Mr Jos. Hetherington. Miss Alfie CHURCH NOTES. -Rev Mr Hi ley we shall know hereafter. But amid wily steam 85 and water I$ulbs, and ' st.ruct ion in its train. Far a time large Tyndal, of Carlow, is visiting at Mr J. �ippen preached hie farewell sermon last Sub the gloom that encircles you there is throwing water 120 ft. horizon'�1i d es fell somo irked up meas• (irummOtt,& Miss Ethel Sneyd, of bath evening from Lnke 18:26; he also then hope of a blissful reunion. Wyile through one 600 ft. line and an ineq hail i on P aun Mrs L. OTES.—Me_srs Jas. Coo er and P, yon mourn you do non mourn as those nozzle; steam raised fbrom hot water; 1 tin her t, Ol� Age uring *pinch and "quarter in diameter. Goderich, is vtFt g N thanked his con gregation for their NOTESt, I. - Mr W m• Townsend, of Taylor. Rev. atld Mrs H. Irvine, of McLean have gone on a trip to Algo- kindnas9 and ended with hip farewell who have no hope. Your loss iS big one length of hose ural during the Goderich township, brid the misfor- $t, Thomas, are renewing. acquain- ma and other places. The vote on the address from II Corinthians, 13:11, gain• We pray that grace may be test. � Honorable tune. to have vis band severely injured tanees in this locality. plc+biscite will soon betaken and ev- „Finally, brethte t, farewell. Be per given you in this trying hour and that $UMb1ARY OF APPLIANCES IN UB&.-- ' , is ■ 1 er hod ou ht to turn out and vote our faith may be quickened as to One steam fire engine with 12 ft. space i; in the thresher one day last week. NOTES. -Rev. Mr Hall and Mr John Y, Y g feet, be of good comfort, be of one Y I" Ia ver desirable thing to Mrs Sim°ria, of GFderich, and for mercy attended the District tneeti ng for it, so as a repetition of the disgrace- mind, live in peace and the lnye of realize by blessed experience that all stiction Kase, water piippty from 16 uta - Bat it ie not Y Dustow fol si hts witnessed in our midst may ++ thin s work together £or good to them derground tanks; three reels and 1,500 >'} hove to a grocery stook, and therefore of town, is renewing old acquaintances in Holmesville on Tuesday last. Iu- g God and peace shall be with you. g feet of serviceable hose; hook and lad- ?I we make it a point to keep our stook bet e• The evaporator is now running not he a ain re sated; let all rally Rev My Millyard preached in the that 1°ve God. '` -' o•oint A visit to am all blast and a ,eat uantit of a Spector Tom paid his official visit to around and let us have prohibition. HoIIeE BURNED. - At about half der truck;2chemicalfireextingui_beire; ' ".il new and rept f g q Y P our school on Wednesday, and re- Methodist church $unday morning, + re will oonvinoe on that we Darr Mr W Shaw, who has been visiting ast three o clock on Friday morning ofght patrol; alarm from town ltafi stn Y Y pies is beinv brought in. Mrs Fisher, orted favorabl The young people takin for hie text the Sancta School Ppu f worn node. This week we P y' at Mr A. Bell ", has returned to Detroit g Y ersona in the neigbhorhood of Dr. none le in Bremen. two frilly paid: ; no ahel g Mies Fisher and Mr Geo. Fisher, of of this vicinity expect to picnic with lesson, found in Kings II, 6:14. Rev p , bowfin some very pretty things Kincardine, ate Visiting Mrs F. A. Ed- Holmesville At Benmiller on the after- to resume his studies. Mr R, .7raw• Bruce a,Fuse were aroused by cries Bane sleeping in flee hall. are e g fords ant Sundaayy�under the parental Mr McKay, of Goderocb, preached in of "Wire, Fire;'and hurrying out found FAIR'S lLL PIIbrP is a very useiui in wards. Miss Gibson and Miss Florence noon of L-tbor Day Sept. 6tb; the re- roof. PMre R. McMordie and daughter, the Presbyterian church, taking his Dr Bruce at an upper window in his auxiliary, and connects with two by 5tuwrt, of Toronto, are guests at fibs turn Football matc{I betvreen the two Annie, left on Saturday for a trip up text from John A:3. Epworth League night d1 ase, while tie lower part of drante in the busineae portion. It to nese China and residence of Dr. Stanbury. Mrs D. clubs the Beavers and the Ram- t of their health met Tuesday evenintr; Aub ect, ' Cheer- the house was in flames, and with the not, however, always immediately Jaya rival tie lakeafor thebenefl Fant Glassware Robertson and two children, of Sault blers, is a probable attraction; aha a as the have been oorl later Mre fulness," taken by Yir J. icholson. aid of a ladder the doctor was removed available, as explained in concluding y in of Baled bowls,. Dopa and Ste Marie, and Miss Mary Osmond, of teams have mat twice already and con- � Balfour has returnedyfrom a•trip to from his perilous position, while some remark" in previous report. &- .. resist Terouto, are visiting Mrs Card. Misses siderwble interest is Attached to the Forest. Mrs J. Crawford is at present Wingham. one hurried down and sounded the DEFICIENCIES for Class D are laak of � r• . ere, r. ineers, bread and butter D, and A. Little and Dr. Marr, of coming event. The choir of Nile vieitin friends in Ripley, and Miss NOTES -No issue of the Advance alarm. The flames spread so quickly two men to sleep in fire hall, and ar-, i } it dtahoa, bouquet holders, Ridgetown; Mr and Mre McKenzie Met7lodtst church purpc_e ho{ding + d keit look et our windows and and family, Ottawa, and Misa Duck, of their annual pirate in tie famous Edna ackson is visiting at Mr John this week. The Times staff hue re- that virtually nothitxg could be save rangements for automatic ringisg o$ ill toe % look at r winey are rep• Crawfords. Rev. Mr McDonald, of turned to dory. A number of our from the dwelling; the engine directed alarm ,ell, both of which have ide - «' " Morpeth, are guests at the redtory. Menesetung-Park, Goderich, an Satur- Varna, Deco led the pulpit of 5�,. An- citizens took in tie Q.P.R. excursion its efforts to saving adjacent roperty, waived ,y tie Aesoeiatioo in consideC+y to -data goods, day. Misa Tel) Stewart, who has been p p y e two h drants in connCot- Remember we are sole agents for Miracle Dungannon � under the doctor's care for the last drew a church on Sunday, while Rev. to Orangeville to the employees picnic. and m c ere art" no wind, there was ion of th l - ppaching Compound. Mr Acheson supplied Varna. Misses riot much interest bee been taken so not much dilliculty in preventing tie tan wit, Fair's Mifl pump. 4•' SOCIAL. -Remember the lawn social week, is spent Su• y and Mn R• Li7zie and Susy Weir, of Petrolia, far In, the plebiscite. ' The Beaver spread of tie fire. The building was g gNAP-Good Glass Tumblers, to hs held on the rounds of John Me- McIlwain spent Sunday and Monday who have bean s ending a pleasant Block, owned by Robert Mclndoo, and owned by Thos. Glbbinga, who only A. T. Lows, a Winnipeg aaaatiMett4f"' 40e prey doze LPgn t,i_ (Friday] evening. A good of thi_ week with Goderich township th iday iu tLis vicinity, returned to occupied by Smith & Petlnck, M, H. had an insurance of $400. Mr Bruce committed eniaide by shooting himtaiP' fiQ program, both in the literary and friend_. Itis expected that Rev. J. h �� CO. y. ) G.. E. King, The Times and • had an insurance of $450 on his forret- the ,end. (%G'►GE COOP edible line, is being prepared. sea E, J• Millyard will preach ,ere on theme esoni`ha"ngones on an extended othera�hae been ppurchased for 812,000 tore and $26(1 on hie piano. The ori• The New Era wul be gene to noir ggbHetiflwr"' THE DASH GROCERY. served from six to eight. Come and evening of Sunday, Sept. 4th; iter• R• tri visiting friends and relatives. by R. Vanstone, barrister. I gin of the fire is unknown. ern, for the balance of the year, for AE cousb l �.1 •(llaah paid for Butter and Ease• Phone 28 have a good time. Hall goes to Auburn for that date.- P g „IS 1 '.,y. ) . 1 Y + t• t. t� !� r (� �' �. . 7 , >. ,, e `,L ,,rLl , n 4 , I mss;.: lC:- biri `sr.dnihwr a ,.. ...^.. _ .... •utrara� r a . .'� -