HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-19, Page 2t, .
r. August i(,), leas T�3..1'�• CLINTON NEW ERA
!I I . .....,.;�;� /'
, '•'t The London News recently stated A (,rl't.At Peal• lUl' Crops l>Ydruutb, t,ut tile freer ihauusual
• ( that President McKinley was likely to , frow insect peaty. At The bast Election. ` ' Yru1(r'SsiotlaliLnd r
' leave the church he was attending be Oats Wanted OtherCards
8 IMIS g The Ontario Reports Show a A TOBACCO BOOM A printed volume giving details of the f
g j cause he did not like bein reache Polling
„ g E d Tobacco has, sit s the re ort h I p gat the last general iesueou for the -
i : + at by Rev, Hugh Johnston, formerly Phenomenal Yield of 1Ke11 quite a boon;'„ Le ex soil K ' had 1'rovivaiai Legislature waeisaued oI Satur- I SCOTT & MUK
qP\TRA�P ( rut thio � da IN EX( Ii +]vOE61 rvured Ha quitt•. Drs 'te the dr weather• and y• Inthe edea of Borne Constituencies I Barristers, SolicitorI .. t
3 r of Canada. If we are not mistaken Mr y P y the figures are not complete owing 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush, Oats
tack of c aper ie°, a of t he great majori- neglect of deputy returning officers to till the
C tmton and Bayfie
J �( Juhgston is not now Pasteur of ti e t of the htntete the cloprouliees ' K ! Y g i 13 lbs. choice Family Flour bush Oats Crtxrux UPrtcr -Elliott Block, Isaac Street,
�J OF THE ROUT CROPS ALL EXCEPT POTA- well, loo. Grasshoppers atld worms the Statement in the poll books. It la not
��„ ^ ��• church attended by the President, he -
!�'1t111 possible, therefore, to get absolute accurate Main
nt't ree , first every Thursday,_
TOES WILL G1 VE FOOD RETURKS, have Can�'ed acute damage. The Up- Main Street, first door wast of hast Office.
I!raving been transferred to another - turn) crop is mostly confined to Essex I data in regard to the total vote throughout Oars taken Ill exchange
charge. The annual report of the Bureau of t'rttt Kent, but Bolas is grown here and the Province, the Dumber of bAllots reject- , • , MONEY TO LOAN,
ON TH�CLAIR RIVER) Indus ed, and the for Groceries JAMES Sca
fC w n���a w wy�w a��• tries on the crops of Ontario is- tl,er'e over I he ,province, even far-off number of spoiled ballots. s rr, E. H. Mciisrryry
�7hlii (r1�4 lr'i► The American wheat yield thio year Bleed last week, is the most satisfactDr St. Joseph's Island ccntributin its re castimat�•Iy, a total of 415,323 votes —
y y g were oast ui Lhc also+ion hold in 92 con- These are our present rates, �/, BRYDCiNE,
doche pro of the kind ever publiehtd share to the general acreage, stituencies on !!(arch let, and at the subse- but we don't know how long BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY
' r• Fall �l'erltl 11e�1IiS Sept. ] is estimated at 7(0,000,0,)0 bushels. The in the province.
�, n } spring wheat which is nearly all her- It is true that from several sections GOOD PASTURE they will continue.
quant -elections, which took place in PUBLIC ETC,
` - 116 - c vested, aggregates nearly 3(0,0(x),000 frost is reported; that drouth during I'aaturage was excellent in the early Russell, or an averageof 4,465 votes to each ,
July was general, and that there has Part Of t1le year, but the recent dry constituency. In the ossa of Prescott, it 0. OLSONr Clinton Office -.Seaver Block.
1 bushels. The average homy consume- been alight damage here and there by weather has been
severely felt. The will be remembered, tbere was no contest, ' -
Of our students have been placed in ex- {{ tion is 900,(100,0(x) bushels insects and rust. But all these evils condition Of live stock is generally Mr. Evanturol being elected by ao-lama- Up -stales, OppoeOLI Poster's Photo gallery
cellent positions during the past year. i ,leaving this ]'(` pAyS TO CLINTON
E Our system of book-keeping is ACTUAL cr•�rbl :2d-aufiicient in an ordinary good. Tbere is vet y little disease, but tion. The number of votes remaining nn- 1 EUSENES8 from start to finish. Our Short- year 300, X10,000 bnahels fqr eirp-rt, !,he y from a in Gra polled in the combined 93 ridings T
1 gaud Uepurtureut is the moetthorough lar est uaeli' year to cause a small yield -have been P y come reports of inflam- ge was 13(i,-
in Canada. g q �9 exported in any prey- rneuiflcient to seriously cheek the [ration of the eyee with blindness in 193, or an average of 1,464 votes in each. M- Cf d CAMERON
For further particulars add $-s 3 loos year was 200,000,0(0 bushels, and splendid development of the early part some cases. The horn n Hy has also There were 2,387 ballots rejected in all, (Formerly
(Formerly of Cameron Holt ec Camaron)f
of the season. All the correspondents been tr•oubleyome in some places. being equal to 25 for each constituency,
5 i`A. S. N1 Pr. O. } that was when foreign crops were bad. of the Bureau send in cheerful reports BI(# RETURN IN HONEY while the number of Spoiled ballots totalledBARRISTER AND
Proprietor, If the eatirnatea are right there will be while one of I he most thankful, writ- 1,163,being an average of 12 for each riding, Office ttaanillltfoo St 0 oett c of Corne House
......,,,,.•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•..•..•........„.,,,,,.•„....,,,,,,,,•,,.�.... The yield of honey is good and there North Essex, represented b a Liberal,
►_ ” in from Renfrew, says: g I NT
a big surplus this year. Will prices 8 y has been an increase in the number of Y
Clinton Post Oelee. The land is fairly loaded with Mr. McKee, is the conetitueno which can
fall? colonies. One cf the best gelds is laY claim to the dubious honor of having
TIMETABLE. — things. No blight; no disease on good
y g TheCanadaBusiness Colle a JOHN RIDOUT.
or beast. Praise the Lord, U to soul.” that, reported by William McEvoy of thalargest unpolled vote. In that ridingg
" DUE MAILS CLOSED The recommendation of the Domin- It must be remembered, too, that the I Woodburn. He started with I11 hives 8,905 voters refrained from —
letters from the Bureau's corres ond. p going to the CHATHAM, ONT. CONVIDYANCER, COMMI$$IONER, >ITO
ion Educational Association will doubt• bat in .Tune reduced the number to 100. PoIle, West Durham represented by a
A M, P. M. W. A.M M5 ents, on which the report of the Bu- Ntom these he had seven and a half Conservatiwe, Mr. W. Ii. Reid, had the still leads its contemporaries inPlacing Pupils Real Estate and Ineuranoe A
`""1 1015 4 301Wndon and d Kincardine
00 400 lase lead to the adoption of Empire teau ie based, were written when the tons of honey, 1501be to the hive, June Smallest unpolled vote. In that contititp- e�/� lend on Mortgage andNotsMMoney to
740 4 30IWinKham and Kiaaardiae 955 635 Day in the schools of the Dominion. count. The average for the province easy only 378 electors remained at home, �34 security.
10 15 655 Western S.W. Qc N. W. U.S. 7 o0 4 0i drouth was at its worst. Since then Omoe—
i 30 15 103 Paris, Bulfalocaeantern U S 700 2 055 The author of the sugge'ition is Hon. refreshing showers have fallen over I is 50 lbs. tending to show that the suffrage is there HURON STREET, CLINTON
4 05 p prized very highly. of our pupils were placed in choice positions
, 30 lb 1 03 ...MontrToronto eal an Ott a a...irth 7 00 the tsuints, These showers not only COST OF LABOR in the ten months ending Jnly 1st, an average
1 03 ...Montreal soil Ottawa... 7 00 235 G. W Rosa, May 23 is already set assure a better return ficin mangles, I Ttle price of labor has varied very The riding of North Brant, for which Mr oof nearly rly tour per week What do you think R. AGNEW,
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 2 3s apart in Ontario for patriotic exercises carrots, eta, than the re ort of the rlluch t4rou hoot the province. Down Denial Burt, a Liberal, sits, had only three
Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 Bureau promises, but willpfavorabl east laborers have been secured at 60 rejected ballots and leads the Province in DENTIST, CLINTON
to 27 in the schools. They will be some- that regard. According to the returns It pays to attend the best
1 03 pointe E &Not Stratford 700 235 thing more than flag drills. The idea affect the potato Crop as well. y i and 75c a day, In some sections wages
10 27 have gone as high as ;)1.50. By the Prince Edward county had {he greatest College lte•opena for the Fall Terru AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OD
1 03 •...Mitchell soil llubliu....700 A RECORD WHEAT YIELD month the range has been from $12 to number of a oiled baliotS 3(i. North G}re EACH MONTH
l2 4 ie to impart solid instruction concern- Speaking of Pall wheat the re ort y Tuesday, September eth. Write for cat- _
740 255 .........Goderich......••... and Lir,coln came next with 32. West
8 00 ung the Empire. Pattiutiem to be real sit s the crop is one of the best ever $25.a Tb oaver15 a has heen $1 to $1.25 Middlesex, South Oxford and Peterborough alogne of either department to
Luoan crossing, Sarnia and y p y $ pet, month for the West do not Show any spoiled 1ia11oLa. Office Hours -9 to 5,
0 15 655 ....intermediate points.., 7 00 4 05 must be intelligent. Mr Roes has done harvested in Ontario. Occasional re- whole season. D. Mc & Co
740 .,Londesboro & Bslgrave.. 9 55 pot to of less than an average return The largest majority obtained by any ,Chatham
, The office is open to the public (holidays ex much to strengthen it. are more than balanced by unusually THE APPLE CROP member was that of 1,628 secured by Dr, DR' �• C. B�O„
oepted) Brom a a.ni to 7 r5 p m., but holders o heavy yields close by. There area One of the must interesting features Pyne, Eaet Toronto. The vote in West PROPERITES FOR SALE OR TO LET SURGEON DENTIST,
look boxes have access to the lobby until8 p.m The attractions of Canada as a place few complaints of lodging and shell- Of the report is that riesling with fruit Huron was a ti®, but the returning officer's Graduate R C D $ of Ontario and
Money Order and Saving Batik office open of residence are being well advertised 1Og The grain is tum and will in Prospects and more particularly the ballot gave Mr Oarrow the Liberal, the FOR SALE, varsity Toronto, • Trinity
#' 9a.m. to6 p.tn. g P P Apple crop. Apple growing is one of Beat by a majority of 1,
by the present Government at Ottawa. C° L°y cases, go over weight. An Of$- The undersigned Spoofs' attention given to the Preservation
Matter for registration must be posted half tial of the Bureau adds to this that the great industries of Ontario. There gned will sell ataeacrlfice,Lot 961 the natural tooth,
an hour before closing the mails. Recently, Mr G. R. Lancefield, the the dry hot weather dill in the ripen- are considerably oyer 6,000,000 trees of or 12, Beltway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars
STAGE MAIL — SUiI arriving
L —Every well-known hots r P in period has bearing age in. the province, and the Rall Pairs Upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o Orae, Coatel`loak,overTaylor'Sshoe afore
" Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- photographer apher at the ca g,P given a ha nese to the P
tug at 5.30 P.M. grain that r,ught to make the unlit yield i° 1898 -the banner year- was N. B, -Will visit Blythe every Monday sail
ital, made a pilgrimage through the atmos: equal to Manitoba hard.gThere placed at nearly fifty -sus million bush- FOR SALE. ummaer every Thursday afternoon during the
ONCE Ar DAY ONLY is mail despatched q els. The out look for this ear c bush- Icdustrial, Toronto, A° 29
from this ;moa to Londesboro and Belgravo, country, securing a large number of is occasional rust and Borne midge in y ' Western London Se g' to Sept. 10 P'aetory and oontonts on the roperty of D.
also to Mitchell soil Dublin, mails closing ae Welland, 1Hrtldimand and Lincoln ered good a short time ago, is not so + , pt. 8 to 17. Buchanan for 9125,• by peying 15 down and
_:q>, . ab,,ve stated views of Canadian scenery, to be used succors in now. The report of the Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 14.15 balance at $to a month. Buil ung to be re- R. WM, oUNN, L. R.
counties, particularly the latter, but s g Turtrherry, Win ham Sept.ved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.dinburgh, OWae-Oats 'and L. R. °' S.
Mails for British Isles and European coon• in making known the scenic attest- the general re sets cunt to a henotn- Bureau says the trot will be a light g + no sreet Clinton
1. p p pt.27-28 D
tries intended to be forwarded by Now York, anal told d 1 t p one. In many North Perth Stratford, Sept. 22.2'3 Night calls at front door of residence on Rattan
must have written on the top left hand corner tions of Canada in England and the y , an exec lent qua ity. No- y localettea it will be con- ' IY"OUSL '10 BENT. y St-, OppositePresbyterian church.
of envelope PIA Naw YoRs. thing is said in the report; of acrea a siderably below the average. Heavy Huron !°antral, elinton, Sept. bur
United States. The views, which have P g ' rains in ured the bloom, subsequent `26'21 • -'
but that it is away beyond that of last 1 q lit The lqa frame dwelling house on Albert
drouth revented the full develo Street, :y occu led b
t , just been delivered to the general Year is beyond doubt. P p' an soreand. Ipt y Mr.'rodd, with halt
The Montreal Gazette (Conservative) meat of the ft frit and in the interval ant moderate. Apply to DR. TURNBULTi,
admits that Mr Mulock has made a manager of the Government railway INCREASED AREA IN SPRING WHEAT caterpillars and 'other insects caused -__ _� JAMES SCOTT, Barrister.
system, are the best yet prepared for Correspondents of the Bureau in the havoc. Winter apples will, the report ,,- ;� . „ Choice House and Lot for Sale. PERRIN'S BLOCK, Up Stairs,
success of the poatoffice department, the purpose. and are certain to prove eastern part of the province report a says, be particularly scarce. CLINTON.
Itis a fact that none of hie opponents considerable addition to the area of " A frame house and quarter -acre lot on the Night calla answered at orrice.
of much value in 'directing flue public spring wheat. Owing to the rapid Crisp County Clippings L eese.atlltl, corner of James and Maria streets, Clinton;
At , . ,. can deny and that few will concede. attention of those countrles to the Do• ripening some of the grain did not fit! oil brtck-.11 barn 14x20 situated near the
y k Irealth. Every nook81,00d.
O• T, R, enation and Dohher�Yy Organ Factory.
Russia is the only country in the minion. Canada is not onl a health- as Wali as it otherwise would have -- Apply to JOHN DhRRY, CilntFa y T1R,J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SIIRCitaOR
ydone, but the crop is Estill well above Seaforth is talkin of uttin u a wd acinar of theDAlconohear, eta, O PHYSICIAN
and resSURG Op -
world without its Christian Endeavor fill place of residence, with a soil de- the average. Many cot respondents, town clock, at a cost of about $85(1, p syst9m is reached by the blood, sail on ratio St., ophearts En, offieHslr church, former! oe
liociety. England has 4;647;. Canada, cidedly fruitful, but it has many at- uta baht the cry g HOUSE TO RENT, oil fed b Dr.A
indeed sag it is the beat hat•ve3ted in 9 p of organ p y Appleton, ClintonOlicOnt
pears, Frost has, in some localities W M. Gray', Seaforth, has removed pei}4e: Good, bloodmpanstrtroa n, Comfortable cottage on Albert street north
5,458; Australia, 2284; Scotland, 535; tractions for the eye, which, artistieal- to Toronto. He has been one of the g " o rent at once. food halt•ert
India, 433; Wales, 331; Ireland, 213; caused•injut a•ud so have midge and good digeetioni robust; hppitL, -Impure beasin orchard, with romfses.otiois ottrnit DR. MaCCALLIIM;
ly put upon paper, are sure to act as rust{ but. the crop will still, as above most prominent citizens of that place. blood mealu eorofa d e Rent lw. tp,'opg�
t China, 139; Africa, 110. The total en. additional incentive to those ilia owed stated, be beyond the average. Mrs J. Myers, formerly of Seaforth,* y p•p•ia'rheama- Sewing Machine Deo Huron Street. M. D" G M,, McGill.. M, C, p, ,� >l„ Ontario
p tlsm, eatarrh or other diseases, The•sarest p t. Leto .
t roilment from without the United and daughter of Joseph Noble of that iZtieidont Physician to Ro al viowti,.
to look for desirable lace of abode OTHER fRArlvs way to have goad blood i. to trke'Itood's HosPital, Montreal. y
States is 11,775 societies. The increase P place, died in Toronto hospital last Sarsaparilla. HOUSE TO LET.
permanently, orae tourists:, Barley is ggenerally good. The grain week. parills. This medicine pn;lIIen, Ti- _ Ot9oe-Dr. Doweley's stand. Rattsnbur fat.
t in South Africa, India, China, Ger- is bright and fine, but in some !scall- taluses, gad enriches the blood and. sen food large house on Rattenbury street, with Night calls at Clarendon HoteL y
" ties is light in weight, owing to the The Seaforth Horticultural Society six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer
the elwmeat�,Of health and strep kitchen, entry, hard and soft water, large �R STANbURY, GRADII
many an t roughout Great Britiat, f3 will hold their second annual flower gfh to
hat} been large. The constitution for 1♦Ir Cxladatone's. Temperance. . lack of moisture. Some little damn a Stable. Fill be rented thea w THA
g show on the 25th, 26th soil 27th of this everq nerve, organ and rugae. It siestas• permanent Medical Department o
"�" Work has been caused by rust, but there is a tenant. Apply to NEW EsA O� fye_s
month. a good appetite,arigives refreshing sleep pJOHN H. WORSELL' Goderich. Dispensaries' for Newe York, coroner for
local Christian Endeavor societies has marked exemption from injury by in -
been translated and printed in 37 dif- / — sects. Wesley, second son of Mr John Web- and cures that tired feeling, Remember, Uounty o1 Hnroa, Bayaeld,omt,
i • Many years ago two The most favorable re bee Devon fell from a ba mow on CHOICE FARM FOR SAI E.
ferent languages, The total enroll- g young men, ports regard- , Y SAX,
E. ' residents of Hawarden, became actor• ung the oat crop come from correepon- Saturday, •and in the fall badly lacer- A splendid farm of Iso sores of im B. BLAUliaLL VETERINARY S 'I
1, Imeat of world-wide Christian Endeav- loos because of their drinking habits, dente of the Bureau in the eastern ated one of his arms. lana, on the fa con: of Stapley. All but 6 � • Hon°ACRA adua ETERefutarloYetertna�
or is 54,191 societies, with an individual and it'occuried to the late distinguish- counties. Frost bite caused sornedaro- James Etherington, of the 5th con. acres cleared, od frame house, frame barn, Oo1lege• Treats all diseases ofdomesttoatedon
t d statesman that be would make an age, but even more injury was the re- of Usborne, unfortunately got his Hoods mi8lee from io at Ct �� ter. Situated two plats on the moetmodern and eoientiflapriao
membership of more than three and attempt to reclaim the erring youths. salt of the hot, dry weather. Rust hand caught in a pulley and had one Wit l be sola .on Plee Office-immediatelysouth oftheNewEra
µ ane -quarter millions. With this view Mr Gladstone arranged and grasshoppers are also responsible of his fingers reasonable terms, D, McTAVISH, Clinton. m°e. Reeidenoe -Albert at., Clinton. Oal
g pulled off at the firstSarsaparillanight
orday attendedto promptly
to see them at the castle, where, alone for loss here :cad !here, The crop,on arsapari I la New House and Lot for Sale.
in the librar tfie historic "Temple of the whcle,will only he an average ne. Joint, on Saturday.
If the report that the fast Atlantic y p y At a meetin o£ s h JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY BURGEON
Peace be impreaeively appealed for Rye, Bays the Bureau, is mostly g the Uirectoraof the Ie the best—In tact the OneTrneBloodPurlfler. Subscriber his house and lot on Mill haere. MILrned to WinTERI opYBUR office
l;,F'„ Steamship line is dead turns out to be their reformation, and then knelt and grown for pasture, and where grown Howtek Mutual Fire Insurance (7om- Street for sale on cheap and reasonable terms. eat the Queen a Hotel, where he may
tbe consult.
` ,• for this ur puny held on Saturday, July 30, applic- t euro Liver Ills; easy t• The house is a new two.etury frame, with atone oil for the treatment of all diseases o! horses
true, there will be no mourning among fervently asked God to sustain and p pose it has given good re- Hb0(I S Pllllz oke, easy >p operate. sea oallar, hard ane soft eater. Lot one-quarter of °attle, Quo. All °sue, night 1 da tom '
atengthen them in the resolve hence- stilts. The grain yield will be above atiuns to the number of 103 for insur• all acre: Reason for sailing -owner wishes to rendes to, y P Pt1Y at
the Canadian taxpayers. An improved forth to abstain from the use of that the average, save in the Lake Ontario ante were passed, covering about $250,- move nearer to hia work,
which had hitherto occasioned so much counties. �• VOTERS' LIST, 1898. W.MENNEL, Clinton,
freight 6ervice, with all the modern Beans have fallen off very much in Miss Belle Richardson, of Walker- jV(ARRJAGID LIUEN6E, JAMES SCOTT, SR.
mischief. The sequel is beet told in COTTAGE AND LOT FOR aaaa°f Ma
atpplianees for the preservation of per- the language of one of the rasa. "Ne. area, and have also been affected by ton, and daughter of Roht. Richardson, M.un icipality of the Township OfMarriage street, et, Clint LibraryRoom
`..,,, fishable products, will be very useful to ver," he says, "can I forget •the scene, frost and drouth. 'What has been formerly of Seaforth, has passed her Hallett, Huron County. SALE.Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
( _ . dile count tendingto give producers and as long as I have memory thein' sown will, however, give almost an examination' successful) at the Nor- — —
' g P vera a geld er y Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- The undersigned criers for sale a frame cot- AMEB CAMPBELL
cident.s of the meeting will be indelibly a g Y p acre. vial School at Ottawa, and has been ted or delivered to the arsons mentioned in tags of fourrooma with kitchen and woodshed , LONDESBORO,
better prices and all the advantages of impressed on my mind. The Grand engaged to teach in the Mildmay unlit sections 5 and s, of the eters' Lista Acts, the attached. Centrally Situated. food water and ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSE$
Old PEAS DISAPPOINTING yP drainage. W.1 be sold -hap, A '
81l enlarged market. But there is no Ol Man was profoundly moved by the school, copies required by said Act of all persons ap- PPI�yy to. No witnesses required
,' intensity of his solicitation. M com- Peas area disappointment. There pearing by last revisedAssessment Roll of the Clinton Dec. 10t.h W. C. bNRLE.
general interest in a project for get- Y y was remise in the s tin On Friday last Mr Joseph Hainstock said Municipality,to be entitled to vote in the Ll W. FARNOOMB MEMBE
pinion to now a prominent Baptist P spring of a frost Howick, brought, ahorse to the black. said Municipalityat elections as for members of 1' • P. L, s„ proviiioi R OF e8$'N Oy
t •; ting passengers across the Atlantic in minister in Males and neither of u. omensl yield, but drouth and frost gg the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal al Land surveyor and
`. five days instead of six,- and there is from that day to this have touched a have caused more injury in this than smith shop,and while there spoke about Elections, and that said List was first posted HOUSE FOR SALE. Civil Engineer, London Ont.—Office sat Geo,
deo of intoxicating in almost any other crop. In different the horses mouth being sore and could up in my office at Londesboro on the 28th day Stewart's Grocery Store, alinton,
I too much risk of destruction and death P g drink, nor are we sectfona of the same cunt not eat. Mr Isaac Wide examined the of July, 1a98,andremains there forinspection, $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
ever likely to violate the undertaking y, or even animal's mouth and found a lar edam- Electors are called upon to examinethe said houses on Itattenbury St., known se the ;Fox- CLINTON MARBLE
i from colliatone if steamships are to be so impreaeively ratified in Mr Glad- the same township, there is a variation g List and if any omissions or any other errors ton Pr°Party, WORKS.
sent at break -neck speed through the stone's library. from good to bad. There are general ung needle r unning crossways through are found thereinto take immediate proceed- thea houses and also vacant Iota for Salo.
fffI taints of bu On the whole a his tongue. ings to have said crises corrected according Moucy.—Private foods in large soil Shull COOPER'S LD STAND,
fogs of the northern route. Better' Mr Gladstone at Liverpool 1892: Let P g to law. JAMES CAMPBELL, somata luau -., m it cafe. Races tow. Neuf to Commercial Hotel. r
us all carry with us,deeply stamped u Y+eld of 10 to 30 bushels is counted on Un Tuesday while Jennie, the 12 -
keep our $500,000 a year and make P" -a short averse The acrea year-old dao titer of Mre July EOth, 1898. Clerk of Hallett Tp. W. BRYDONE, Barrister.
on our hearts, a sense u1 shame for the fi ge, al- g Qllance,Ex..t- This ttisliment is in lull o> oration and a
haste slowly. great plague of drunkenness which goes though the report says • nothing on er, was climbing on the roof of a shed BUSINESS PROPERTY F order filled in the mostsattsfaoto,y way same
through the land sapping and under- this point, is no doubt larger than last at the rear of hie residence, she slipped SALE fDR cry end granite works specialty, Prices a
mining character, breaking up the hap- year. and fell to the ground, breaking her A u conable as those of any establish ent
1 Among those who once played a g►ness of families, oftentimes choosing ENORMOII$ YIF.ND OF HAY collar bone and dislocating one of her That desirable Brick Business Stand on AI $EALE & HOOVER, Clinton
a ' £ ankles and also breaking the small bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is _
great part in the world, and who still or its victims not the worst but th j Three tons of hay to the acre is re- offered for sale, including rear lot and stable,
roost susce tible. Surfll there is hard- ported b man of the Bureau's corre- bone in one of her lege. The location is one of the best in Clinton. The pT By Old Established Houae—
linger among the living, bereft of all P y Y roperty is free from incumbrance and title in- rr urm High d Xqt Man or Woman
ly One amongst ue who as notaeen the spondenta. Taking the province as a Master Artie, son of Mr Walt. An- p
th'eilr greatness save the memory of a pestilent results to which this habit whole a yield of two tone is re cited drews, of Pontiac, Mich., who is visit -0V00 disputable. Price reasonable and terms to salt °f good Uhu'roh standing to act as Mama
leads. We should carr with use dee about 50 per cent. above the average. in with his mother, met with a pain- IS hereby oxtendod to all young men and purchaser, Apply to GEO. n P. o RY, Lem here and do office work and corresppondence
brilliant past, no more pathetic figure y p p don Road, or address Clinton P. O at their home. Business already built up and
and adequate sense of the mibehief,and Not only this, but not in years has the ful accident while at Grand Bend, on women interested in practical education Pat m lr.r dale Or to Rent established here, Salary $000 Enclose self.
'" appear:i than that of the ex -Empress an earnest intention to do what in us Tuewda He was foolin to writ° for the Now Prospectus of the addressed stamped envelope for our terms to
I3 r cro�l been so well saved. Y• g with match- A. P. Elder, General Manager. 189 Michigan
;A,ugenie, now seriously ill. On her last lies to remove it. (,ern is reported as fair in the Lake es and in some manner get his clothes Central Business College The South halt of lot 5, conceaeion 9. Town- Ave., Chicago, 111
1 ;visit to Paris, towards the end of July, Erie counties, where the bulk of it is on fire, and before it could be extin- ship or Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 gores
" raised. In other sections in guished he was badly burned, of TORONTO. FSH term opens sept. 1. cleared .nil in
_ 7 here are on the pod state or cult ivativatio a AGENTS.
eorspondent of an English paper School Narita jury was Eight rogulnr teachers. Unexcelled tit promisee a frame house, frame
caused by frost and drouth. Crows Mrs Joseph Brownell and family left cilities for Accounting,Telegraphy,Short barn. framo drive house, good orchard, ,no r- "glondike Gold Fields;' a lar a thea
rIkieseribed "a venerable lady, clothed in Teachers and trustees are recommended and Blackbirds are said to have done Seafot th on Tuesday for Hartney, hand, etc. Many students secure splen- failing supply of spring water. Situated mil able book, sellin like a D, vela•
111.1 1.considerable damage by stealing the Manitoba, where Mr Brownell has from th villa q 1 . prospeotus tweniy•five ents1wBo J<Bon tiU�
!widow's garb, walking feebly every to read carefully the regulations and course did positions each term. Got particulars. Inge or BI th. Will be Sotd on roa- B me;
of study given on the is at six Pages of the seed in Middlesex -a lora which, b been for some ears and where he has Address, W. H. SHAW, Pi%trlorPeL. or 1gp8 g WHI�fiip1�y to C. HAMILTON, Blyth RADLEY C}ARIIETSON Cs. BoNy Lntime.
tilo'rning a few yards along the arcades P g the wit might been avoided by r Y Ave„ London, Utit(3HT b'xeaut r, 048Princees Toronto,
new register. The register contains a sheet y' g y p e ared a home for them. Mre Brow- Yonge & Gerrard Ste., Toronto
of the Rue de Rivoli, accompanied by on which a achy of the minutes o[ the an- soaking the corn in tar before planting. nett takes her mother, Mrs Charles- AGENTS
only one attendant." Few among the nual meeting in December, 1898, should be FROST HAS HURT POTATOES wOi tb, who loan invalid, with her. Excellent Farms to Rent. "The beat life of Her Majesty I have seen"
sent to the Inspector. The annual report While here Mr Brownell was a severe q writes Lord Lbrne about ' been Victoria:"
r . . ..11g that hurried by reccgnized in and the report of attendenoebave been corm Potatoes are, the report says, con- sufferer from sciatica, but he has fully L1 Great VeYlt °wing >q 111 health of his wife, the subscriber Agants make fi-e dollars daily.
eiderably below the Avera has decided to offdr his splendid farms on the BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, Lnunin,
flast!lowedandsorrow-stricken woman btned and simplified. gem most recovered his health in the Prairie base line to rent. One o[ the farms contains 80 Toronto.
P Y i r vledee. Late frosts are said to have Province, and likes the country well. f
,hd once beautiful em ress who thirty Teachers who consider that their schools P y destructive in the north- CiANADA S GBEAT acres, In Goderi-h township, nearly alt cleared
anti in first class state of cultivation. Therein , eetCs ago, swayed the destinies of aro entitled to share in the grant for con• ern districts and in tbelow lands else- On Saturday Mr and Mrs Edward ' ' ' good frame house, bearin or -hard, bank barn AGENTS -Book have
beCSela hatter than for
lineation classes are requested to Send to where. The ct op aloe the St. Law- 80 feet Ion g years 1g ents{cl have m $10 o $ faster gelling
g Sharman, Godericb, celebrated their g and stables, pigmy of wauir'on the books. Agents clear from $10 t0 $40 weekly, a
; 36tnbe, and who seemed to the Pari- the Inspector of West Huron beforeSeptem- rence is good and the late rains will olden wedding, in the presence of place and also inside the building. Also lot few leaders are: "Queen Victoria ' Lifeof Mr
Y godReas ter;!at,theiohowin Y as the re ggout enerationa of the Sharman Earn- 4th concession of Hnilett, (near the other con Gladstone," "Mr Mother's 13161; (Morias " •'Pro
staffs df those da a a veritable i information: The year port of'the Bureau intimates, f EXPOSITION tldning 83 acres, all cleared and seeded own. gressive9pesker, ItlondlkeGoldrfel3a...4
Y, I Ill I... ,grace and beauty, Who that in which the principal Wee appointed, bill matehially improve existingg conditions fly. There were children and children's In the both farina are 110 acres sissies and man Glim sos oe the Unseen, ^,"Breakt
professional certificate and the number of elsewhere, Bug has caused damage in children present, and, perhaps, the a �� without a foot of waste land, and 28 geese will Denner andupper,"' Canada; an Encyoloase
13/t :lei hien could have dreamed of pupils re�nlarly attending daring the goad. some sectionsand blight in others. only instance In Canada, MrSharman's be toady for fall wheat. The farmsareon good dia."Books on time. Outfits tree to canvassers.
d gravel road, about 9 miles from town of Clln. The 13RADLEY•GARRETSON Co., Limited
W4 ikl�l�rloholy sequel to her career of e°'i; year 1897.8, who lied pa6ee eaamina- GOOD OUTLOOK FOR ROOTS venerable father. The old gentleman and ton.
ten. Will be rattled to a ood t;pant at a tea. Toronto.
•, ,glOt"l+`duri' magnifleence ? Empire, em, tions before I898: -•(a) H. S. Entrance (b) P. is in bis 92nd yoar and is one of the Sonable itgure, with privKege of sing on at
S. Leaving, (gee regulations 20 and 21.) The majority of tho Bureaus corre. fed' who'bas ever had the pleasure of • once, Apply on the Promisee or � letter to
g g p Industrial fair Clinton � eti °mea, y McHILLOF MUTUAL FIR
tier 1}tlsband, her son, the one hope The Public School Leaving examination raga dingtroota althougha hledrouthoeae flftietlip>tbnni anniversary ofa on a weddings 7'HOMns MASON. INSURANCE CO.
i;;tt&d,dyldagtyy for the preservation of will be conducted in 1899 on the same isting when the reports were penned At Rome of Providence Toronto CH•ES7-'LR' BOAtL for SERVICE
It , r I ,eY%' iTe saeriflced France, all swept Course of Stadyl ad in 1898, Physiology end caused apprehension. From Muskoka on An oat 2nd, Joseph Armstrong, of Toronto ... FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PRF
Tetecoursee beingg taken instead otl3otany. and Manitoulin come reports of dam- Eaet t awanosh, died, a ed 41 years. [wilt keepp.torsorvtcoon lot con. 4 Stan- ONLY INSURED
•$11'gV'4�+f buried under the irremovable (88eoonrseoifitadyon last pageof legester. a e b AUG. 29th to SEPT 10th '98 ley, a there t•ed Cheater White !#oar• 7torms--
I 11ftttllib ok one of the greatest dieastere he examination wi 1 be oondtioted by the ore," safe grasshoppers.
"theirs will roared gpa sa awas $ Armstrong of the lOth $1. Payable at time of Service. with privilege OFFIpaxs
Entrance Boatel of aaminers ae fn form- ood report.o! returnlnq i! necessarq• Geo, Watt Prosident, Harlock P. O. J. B.
I'll�+►j} ail"]inti overcome a nation since the er years. Cdpy bcoka, drawing books and Colne field.ota " iAndWjhlean moisture
abundht a conceshe isu$'ered k ,the past five years Near and Wonderful Attractions - JOHN V. DIEHL. McLean, xlppen P, o., Vice. -Pres.
�, J.
trwn all of Poland. What a retro- bookkee�ppung books will not be examined for of well cured hay and root houses well consumption although not pobltged to Ea°ening au previous years CLINTON Shannon, P ri°h T� o ; ineectorth P. O.; hos. H.
ati Ot►I that have came to that lonely either H. 13. Entrance or P. S. Leaving• stored with the succulent mangles, R'00D and COAL yA]{D, �, DIRnoTotia
+ lt�ol txa empire, as she passed alon The Leaving
taus lessons for Entrance ggreat Canadian COW will liveonthe that ofrteachin labors ntiabout s ears The Guban•American War Q. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
g end Leaving for 1899,are given on the third f y Exciting Navalland Military Displays Winthrop I , O.; George Dale. Seaforth: Thos.
at of the land this winter. ago. Of a kind andretiting disposition Subgoriber is pre ared to rromptly fill All or. E. Nays, Seaforth; Jas, Evans Soorth: Th e
I18'arjri!`kt breast of the gayest capital pale of the register for 1899. This register The area givers to flax hue says the be made friends wherever he went by The latent inventlona & p q
t hh NOveltiea low for Wood or Coal, which 0111 be sold at O,; Thos, Garbutt Clinton; Thomas Frae;r,
It !lige "a�erld, unknown, unnoticed, as been sent to each school bq the Inepec• re Ort lowest rates. O�r c on Iwho Street at LAMS 0,; Thoold; John fl, McLean, Iii
for this week. report, fallen elf owing to the hie intelllgentandgentlemanymanner, from all parts of the world IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W, WBEATLEY ppen.
IYll+l)�e bpce she redo in her imperial _ closing of several mills in the to
The remains were brought o Blyth Ao>n
coq, elttrlr+ounded by brilliant guardsTS
, Child ren Or for part of the province. groat and drouth and from the residence of Mr D. Kelly Entries of ExhibitscloseAug , sth, Chea � AGENTS WANTED. vlllobero Smith
i ot14Hi1 apo Soa[ortw' Yeo, aolmos-
have also caused damage to Such flax were interred in the family plot in the errourefoaa from ever here, D h James Cum.
iii tit �tjElill6lastie cheers of an ador_ as was grown. The yield will only be R.C. cemetery, Morris, the services be- entry forma, Programs, and all D ` a ming Egmondvtlle;John Goveni00 and John
y yw For rite Bets �llgents wasted, male and female, in ;very Morrf'eon,'audttora.
ibjilY� Ce`I � TO �� middling, ingconducted by Rev Fr, McKeoai7, address Dartf-blare, 100% W40 soil our novelties. Bigeommfeslon
Bops hhave been somewhat affected oP St. Augustine. J+ J, WITILROW, Raid., Send Parties desirous to °ft'°ot lnsuran°o or trails+
$ J HMI tis. Ii tion and 25 cents for fall not otherblistnes tvill h ti Mended
w i President Mariag8rr Tsugaru ua of sam�oulederntioL Litt9 s d' l Co ' no 96 It to ,atfy of rho . abovb ()111od
O Aye(),dronto addr°sdod to their respective +pletf,
. F