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The Clinton New Era, 1898-08-19, Page 1
M 0 ' a ' Y �'liiirsda Sept. 29th, and the Premier has promised to enact Prohibition, if carried by the people. r-' " "�' Voting on the Plebiscite takes place on Thursday, i .�� LINTON . . 't 0 ' . E I �.l�fJRI�1TVl i I HOT 11 I �"P I * I'll (P " 11.1 , Rie - .complaints are prevalent __ - --- __ ! which are more frequent in summer -Y Satisfied _ -- win er. C fol ra Morbue or .11 _ _ _�.. -__. _ --- - -- yse ; b in t e with your choosing if you __ piety re quite frequent in 8,102. buy aWatch from us, eat- � � CLINTON, ONT., AUGUST 19, 1898 �1 a year in advance t41.fi0 when not so paid � over. The excessive hot weather ism with its timekeeping, ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor, silents some erable f , but the diet is 1• . satisfied witb its beauty. -- - -- , mostly answerable r e pains f n awe ble fo t u o _ -. _ _ _ e euinm-r complaint The use of -- -- -- ---- - Goderich, green fruit a fresh o i. YOII°Ix -- Blyth. � Exeter � ;, u r h a es pr 1 ARO..�-N� rP -�T treat for year.—Sound, l5 foot row bout, I .1 RA L �� � �J .B• NOTES. -Miss Blanche Chamberlain KILLED BY LIGHTNING.— Daring a only three Years old in aoo.l condition; one of duces a laxity in the bowels cvbioh is Save `ie spending a few bullas s in the For- y g b, g very hard to bear by children and What wide-awake and reliable oorrreipoud3nts And worthyof recording for publicatlor. Y se Vere storm On Frida +.i ht last liar- the best in Goderich a 15 cash -Apply to 11. est Cit at resent. Mr M. H. Hain TURNER, Cioderioh delicate signor. Even the strop City p ry Rowe, farmer about a mile south of p g honey Auburn mond and Mies W ray wheeled over to town, had two valuable werkir_gh^esee ELEVATOR -The br'ckwork on the and robust cannot endure the ex - Alma let- o!Dysentery. by choosing here, For ex- a meeting of the League J, NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and deal<r Bayfteld on Sunday, Adam Wett- killed by lightning while pasturing in boils. s;.d. engine houses comp e ' 0 actions oellenoe and beauty are NOTES.—The avenin was a nils- to Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty) laufer shipped a car of bricks to Clin• Cho Held. Mr. Rowe has been unforlu- ed. The timber worm is p finis ed Aromatic is a strop safe. clued to low prices in our on Wednesday g whips, valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes and, ton on Wednesday. Dr Tait was ht, nate. Last year he lost his fine brick and the large bina will soon be coni- H1ackb-rry g r J g. "Every Horse'Primminae. I Tot -onto this week; he accom allied a rater of ambos - selling of Watches. Not gionary meeting; the subject, y opticaan•-S. L. Tanbs optician, Toronto, house by Hre, and some tune previously mWced. i Gomponpd eatery 'iarrboea, a Watch in oar stook that Christian a missionary," was taken b us pp p was called upon to mourn the death of WENT Dowty. -Last week while F. CholeraMorbue,SummerComplafni, in Miss Emma Cat ter. Every prepara- will Iva i eui'yroerei l satisiaotio truing the Lotuie tWray18 of Brownsville, its the an affectionate wife. Mr. Rowe has Hunter's yacht stella was near Sau- � etc. When any of these complaints �, is unworthy your buy g We are always pleased to tion is being made to In Dale's on Aug. last ten years to his l,atrone in this vicinity. guest of her aurae, M. H. Hammond. the sympathy of the community to his Been, in tow of �lrhe tug Phoenix, the i are manifeet,a bottle of this remedy y'hI : show you our assortment. at Mr. Geog g ReidWright, many tribulations. line fouled, and the yacht went down success, and if the weather be favor CIJVItCH NEWS. -Mr O. Mloaze a his mother civet Sunday. Miss Grand- d- I should be at once proonred. It isf , NOTES. -A calf belonging to Mr Me- in about 50 feet of water. The ownereasy and pleasant to take, and wo When will you be in?J able a good time is expected. Mr T. will supply of Lucknow is kips died this week from the eliect of at the time was on the tug. guarantee it to give satiefaotion. Nott, of Algoma, ws ekieit,ihn wises ds save &n excehis blent sermon f omRev. Mr �I John by, Carder this week.e guest Hew otsunin b Paris Green. Cat Geo, SERIOUS ACCIDENT,—Late Saturday t�r ��".-_-' .' We areleadere in our line. in this Vicinity last we p Y evening when Thos. Sturdy entered SVD EV J ICKSONO on Kemp, passing out of his and e erased to see $o many farmers finished at ted Mr Clement Saves rusty helpful dis• friends inrtown' foto the past month. P g y P • g • g QR �� harvest; he said they had the other morning, slipped on the wet the stable, a horse he had recently Graduate Druggist. ,, P. B. Crews harvest at Algoma when he left. Mrs course in the Methodist church on returned to her home on Tuesday. grasa, and in falling sprained one of purchased kicked him in the face, in- i Successor to :+Ileo & Wilson. Richard Carter, of Londesboro, is Sunday evening from John 15: 5. The Albert McDowell, an old Blyth boing y, hIs Is s badl Ed Maguire has been Htctin in pries which are proving, Jeweler &Expert - hilt now of is on a ointed mans er of the Salt works, ver seriou-• His nose, mouth and 7br7i�7r7r7y7Lti�A7l�� s ending a few days this week with I Epworth. seHattie t ok the old Acqua ntanrces in'town atwpr gents PP g Y• g Y g J Watch Repairer her niece, Mrs John Jamieson. Mrs ! ening, M P Fergusong „ as successor to Eaevett, removed to chin were bAdly disfigured. Doubts T. Livingstone, who has been away in ,subject "Helping others. from Godericiss Annie honMonday,rie wehd ie she Brantford. The ExeterTiirf Club have are entertained as to his recovery. !!Tile. ` Iowa for the last three months, re-, NOTES.—The Misses Erratt, of Lon- has been visiting friends. Tuesday decided to hold a meeting, on Labor THE CIRCUS. -On Saturday Main's 4. turned home on Friday last; she was ' don, are the guests of their bro Here a being the day on which the Harvest dap, on the Exeter Driving Park. An bi bhow arrived in town and pitched CHURCH. -The League meeting on r accompanied by her niece, Mise Walk- T. Erratb. Mrs Murdock, of Sr excursion to the Northwest took place, other of the pioneers of this section g ' Tuesda evening tucrk the form of a i'`4 Seaforth las Johns, of Tuckersmitb, is is visiting at her home at present. Pas Richard awe on Monday morning last, tents at the Agricultural Park. The Y g I.+ L. er. M in the neighborhood of fifteen took P Y procession in the morning was wit- Praise service. The meeting for next • AMPIONSHIP.-The C. endin a few daps with her sister, Miss Cassiday, of Ottawa, is speeding in the person of Richard Davis; de agged by a large crowd and afternoon week will be a missionary service. The ,. LACROSSE Ci3 ap g her holidays at her mother's. Mrs Me- advantage of the cheap rates, most of ceased ad been iii for some years, dur- Astor Rev R. 1. Hall, preached both ;. 11.1 L. A. senior championship match at Mrs Ltwson. Mrs Iddo Crich, of rich'is visiting her them going from Blyth station and ing which he suffered intensely from and eveningperkormances were large- P «'..;.- or senior on Jaturday, between Tuck L,tws n spent Saturday and Sun- Gillicuddy, of Gode some of them taking the C. P. R. a 1 attended. The wild beasts were few In And evening last Sabbath. T. ,, �' e , mother, Mrs Cassiday. Mr Hilder, of rheurnatism, havin of late been con- Y R. Courrrce will take the service next Seaforth and Georgetown, resulted in day at the home of her father, Mr W. Win ham. The Misses Carder gave a g in number, trot some, the lions in par a victor for the via team, by a Dale, T. H. Brownlee left on Monday Kincardine, is the guest of his dl,ugh- g fined to his bed. Mra Meyers, of Galt, Sabbath morning and Rev. Hall at Y part to a number of young friends on sister of Plra John Muir, Exeter, died titular, were very fine animals; Uewey, night. score of 7 goals to 4. An enthusiastic f,ir• Toronto to attend the Normal. ter, Mrs R. J. AGkwith. Mr I. C. Monday evening. A baseball match the bab els hent, was quite a draw- g rete tion was tendered the Beaver The Alma Orchestra made its flrat ap- Richatdb, of Brussels, paid a flying was taped op the grounds on Friday in the General Hospital. Toronto, teat Y P p visit to Auburn on his wheel last P in card. Noris.-DIi and Mrs Thos. Hillock. Lacrosse Club on its return from gears, in the Sunda School on evening between the north aide and week; she was 33 years of age, and g of Stratford are visiting the lady's , r stow Saturday. The bops were morning last, and rendered week. Master Gidley, of Blyth, Is the loath, loin under the names of leaves a husband and family of five THE BREAKWATER JOB. -Many of arents Mr and Mrs Geo. May. lIar- (}c g p t ,• g small children. our r.ownspeople were surprised when P lustily cheered. A torchlight Stores excellent music, visiting Master C. Moore at present. Moaerites and Tamanites; the they saw in Saturday's dailies the vey Hall, of Lucknow, is vfeiting hie ,� Sion was formed, and headed by the Mrs Mason and daughter, who have an item saying D. McGillicuddy and F. father Rev R. iI. Hal]. School has re- ` ",i,';a :33rd Batt. band, they marched through been visiting her sister, Mrs Cunnings, game eTamanftesresulted �' the score being20to Londesboro o ened after vacation with a good at - the streets to the principal square,, \Kingham. for the last month, leaves to -day for 5; this shows that the boys do not f,r co had been awarded the contract P v; THE CHURCH -The Methodist church far completing the breakwater. On tendance, Many people are suffering ,,r res eecheg, expressing the town's „• �yTFp_200 Tubs Choice Dairy SNtCter, Markdale to visit her parents before need to go away from home to be de- here will be improved in appearance Monday and Tuesday the Signal office from severe colds, A few of our Citi- whe P • returning to her home. Miss D. Hirt; appreciation of the boys' efforts, were 14c, also 5o rases eggs weekly. -ti. E• K ottom was the nest of her aider, feated. Messrs. J. Hing and D. D. by the,addition of a tower about 35 feet was bealeged by numerous applicants zena apant Saturday at Port Albert. 1. delivered. - IT RAINED. -The Wingham Orches- ingb g Crittenden were in Wingham on Fri high; there will be room to put a bell fur a jab, and we will not blame the APPIe packers are busy packing the .11 Bavlield trI was prevented from giving the Mrs H. Cullis, last week. Mr D. EidG da A. E. Bradwin and wife were in at some editor if be invests in one of the mo the early applea. The Plebiscite T. y g of Mrs a ram intended, on the lawn of J, J. visited friends in Berlin fast week. Ham last week. work and mosttof thea roof will be done darn m ixirn guns and a Herce null ganizera, Messrs J. A. Gregory and T. . . ILL. - The many, friend this week. dog. There were other tenders trorn R. Courtice, have snout finished lheiF Whiddon, wife of our highly esteemed pHomuac�f the akhesahose the same ev- Monday lasda t ons he way toschool No. Colborne work in organizing; Mr Gregory is or- , u•, .:~ anerchant, Mr John Whiddon, will be chest hence the music of Wing- 8, to return to her sutras as teacher. TRAVELLERS.-Thelullo ping Qarties town, among them being the are c owners anizing it�Colbon'e this work. sorry to hear of her serious illness. ening, and in the 'over and threshing is all the qo at left for the West from Londes of o eta• of thy d is ormednold Tlrie successful g Mrs Whiddon had been camping up barn Otchestra had to be storm Merle oftAuburn, was united in for NoTEg. -Harvesting is nearly all tion on Tuesday:-Measrg D. Floods, recti ) ;t --' Lake shot a with the family of Rev a future occasion. The electricvest of the holy bounds of matrimony to Dr. Berl, present. Some are getting ready fur J, Collison, J. Mountain and J. Way contractors have our beat wishes for Holmes�rille f `' the Forest of Walton, and there con- of that evening was the heaviest formerly of Londesboro.. Mr L. Wett- fall wheat, but we think they area mouth_ for Hannah, N. D.; J. Cart- the early and economical completion (`HVReH.- On Ttiegdap next the Mr , Y g Goderich District meeting will be held11 c . r tra:ted a severe cold which settled on season. q Wright for Winnipeg, Man.; R. Waite, of the work and may both live ton X s On Saturday night and HEARERS of THE oRD• -Ted h©�e IastweekeneMise CCFerguson eB litgtTRvcx BY LIcixTNrNo.-The barn A, Webster, A. Roberton and J. Moon to enjoy the beneftts resulting there- in the Methodist church here, and in r'' her lung . from. the evening a pontic meeting will be 4 Sunday her condition was quite alarm- ministers from a tionaof the Methodist visiting friends in Colborne at present. of Mr Will. Blake, con. 1, lot 13, Col- for Brandon, Man. - n but we are leased to say that at in the tong g one was Nis F. Jones is very ill at present; Miss borne, was struck by lightning on CHURCH NOTES. The following CHURCH NEWS. -The quarterly ser- held in the interest of prohibi�ion, to ',k + the time of writing she is improving as church on Sabbath morning; on who B. Yungblutt is also very ill. Messrs Thursday evening about 9 o'clock. A were the amounts contributed towards vices in connection with Victoria St. be addressed by leading clergymen rapidly as could be expected. Rev Mr Brandon, of relatives in this vi- J. Brown and H. Turner, of Goderich, very heavy cal was heard by Mr L• ministerial support at the two ap Methodist church, Goderich, opened and laymen. q,4. ": CHURCH NoTEg.-Rev Mr Mill aid, has baso visiting re M Wellwood were renewin old ac ualntances here p g g CHORAL SOCIETY. -There will be a ebur cinit ;the other was Rev $ acquaintances Snyder and Mr Wm. Blake, who were pointments of the Londesboro Metho- Sabbath murrain with it cod clock; �{ the eloquent minister o£ Rotten y Y took a. Welageof this week. Miss L, Whitney, of Gode in the shop, and the man was at the distchurch:-Londesboro, $197.58; Kin- dance at the Lovefeast at 10 o'clock; meeting of the FIolrneeville Choral So- `,>. P, .'' t Methodist church, C►inton, preach- of Thornbury, who t g barn when it was struck, and when total, $722.58, Contributed the meeting was spoken of as being clefs held in Wilson's hall on Thurs- S burn, $225, ed in St, Andrew's church last Sab- his vacation to visit his friends in this ,week. w O. H. Erratt Theis. Iiowehtte the man carne in he said that be emelt to Connexional funds:- Missionary, one of s�liritual blessing, a large num- day evening, the 25th lust., cowmen- i bath, both morning and evening, Rev vicinity. SAM MERCHANT.- Otto Regner, David Patterson, 141r something like wood burning Ana $169 33; superannuation, $45; educa- bar wing in their testimony cheer- Ging at 8.20. A full attendance of the , , 4 ' Mr Graham going to Clinton. One of DEATH or. A WING g struck the post of the ventilator members is looked for. Those who got the Marler. The sacrament ,; has been our The death of Gerrance Pethick, of Kerni nanhe Macu slop last tTuesday passed ihrongh the roof, tearing sone tional, $7.20; contingent, $1.50; Geller- fully t the finest discourses it `with & Pethick, hardware merebmits toba o al Cooferenee, $4.03; union relief, $3.25; of the Lord's Supper was administered have not obtained their membership , pleasure to hear in Bayfield was de- b occured on Saturday at Mr Wm. Wheatley has bout finished shingles off, and in its course passed Sunday School aid, $2; sustentrttion, at the close of the evening service and cards map do o that night. ,, livered la§t Sabbath morning in Trill- of Wingham °s ita1, London.. Mr., his contract of removing the earth several times through the boards and $3; g eneral Epworth League, $1; total, many remained to manifest their at 11',it church by Rev Mr Blunt, the bril- St. Josephs Hospital, out the window; it split the stone wall Stanley. >'�', y $239.35. Total raised on circuit, 16961.93. theitncon consecration Saviour service. iia_ American west at the Queen's Pethick was in his 49th year, bibs guff idle, Abut talent farted la, tcDione j+1st behind the horses: The horses ,., ;3� Taking for his text., "Gather been in business in g which be day with a fags staff oAnlen at th did not eat anything that night and A CHARMINCI WEDDING. the regi• the Quarterly Board meeting on Mon- FOR THE SVEBT.-Mr John Moffatt •', oF- entre." Mr Blunt expound- past 20 years, revious tok. Mrs next morning it was with difficulty deuce of Mr R. G. Webb, near here, day evening, which was one of great and wife, Mr Huh Gilmour, Mise .. s which it suggest- est- lived in Metcalfe township. He was COvisiting tinder the p went that the roan could get them out to was the scene of colon elyThe day. was unanimity, the Hnancies of the church Janet Gilmour and r Alex. Thomson ,r a nth ggGoderich,-is , in a n. at once attractive and unmarried. His mother, s Meet, Lon roof at Present. Mr E. Helweg ,orad wafer and they seemed very stupid all Wednesday after n o were found to be satisfactory, and Mr all left on Tuesday for a three months' 1= swing. Pethick, of No. 80 Stanley p g h e the next day perfect, and promptly at the appointed John Dlillian was appointed to repre- trip to Manitoba and the northwest, i; E MERRY DANCE -One of the best don, and two brothers, Th vines and sister, t (hod ddile, �Feice s+vecr�lkin Miec�� v j - time the bride, Miss Nettie Webb, took sent the Board at the Approaching prCNIC.-On Friday last the good sr bel ver held in Bayfleld ,was given Edwin, also of London, survive. her place on the lawn beside the groom, Financial District meeting at Holmes- pe°pie of the 2nd and 3+d of Stanley 11 ',` r,,�`;; 1 on Frida night. A RIINAWAYS.-As L. J. Williams and Couzens and family returned home Dungannon Dr. Herb. Bell, of Montgomery, Mich., ville on Aug. 23rd. bald their harvest home picnic in Bap- ; 1, l;:i in the'town ha 1 Y last spending a few holidays, We are while Miss MAry Webb played the tea1.t deal of trounle had been taken Gas McLzugghlin were on to evening, l P t Friday from `Cilaouhurg, after EVAPORATOR. -The eve orator will g affair to de- W hitechureh oil Saturd p have to record that Miss E. A. p those etting up the a ran Awa ; sorry to commence operations on Monde J. wedding march. The pride was assist- MUTES. -Toe managennent of the field. The day was tine, a genera y ... by g r the occasion, horse they were driving Y is ver sick- we hope she hill p e the bttildin for eivin Blair y H. Gay will have control of theybusi- ed bq Misa A. Crisp, while Dr. T. Ag estate of the tale James Reid turnout of old and young took place ,: nment week nd d a torsi g evergreen were .both were thrown out, L. J. ret g s bunting and g 'rev the soon be able to get around again. hairs ness this season, while Frank Russell new acted tis g i by Revand he Cere be at ck we an ill pronablystbe sold en anNOTEsry Dr,Th enjoyable Bu chart and wife and flag , g rofusion a cut on his head, and Gua regal moray performed artfully arranged in gay p a to walk at all comfort- Ferguson has returned to her `�yil4Vell_ will be manager. P left, last Saturday to visit friends s 4 ' I", Andrews. The bride was dressed in block W J. Morrow,' £tali and pro - white the brightcostiimes of the ladles aid of a can was slightly damaged. Benmiller, Mr C°ok and , lr, duce merchant, is the market for Elgin county; afterwards they purpose e lidded over the waxed surface ably. The rig g per of wood have returned to Anharn, Aise FOR MANITOBA. -Among those who white bedford cord, trimmed with lace, go to Saginaw. Mich. Mr Frank as they g as reap beauti On Tuesday morning John Gad Tuesday ribbon and pearl trimming, with white plume, and promises to make some g t,er made a picture that w Y tae at the back of T. Sprung has returned to Nile schooh left this section on Tues a for the h ani menta this season; two Bate ai' left for St. Thomas on Tues- ,.i c is effects. Among Bluevale, tied his ho ias Techhoura, of Goderich, has re- Prairie Province were: -John Patton, flowers and hollY, the bridesmaid being cavy P pp day. Dr. James 13utchart left onTues- fill in its kaleidoc -e ..r• re people from St. the C. P. R.. freight abed. When the M similarly attired. Only immediate years ago he and Burow shipped ;� dtiy to visit some American cities, i' k,, those present ae p P an 1. IviI been spend- Young and James Douglas. friends of the contracting parties, and baskets, The furniture facgtoThe r la after which he urpovea returning to .rc Paul, Washington, Detroit, Toronto, train started the horse took fright, turned to her school. Dir C. Wrath- Albert Glen, Robt. McCabe, Ilam hitb 1'ennsyl broke loose, and ran around the ata stall, of Michrg pp �'+ on Stralfurd, W pu in his holidays with his brother, AI£., Noxkg,-T. G. Allen is moving into membeof which athelbrhde was arnem or factoryfierso busy that the men ,Stanley. Mr Wm. Graham ®hipped visa + i^ Lond ' tion yard, overturning the buggy. fiis uvula, Ann Arnot, Mitchell,Goderich, one front wheel and break- returned home last Tuesday °°ode bis new house. The gypsies are again choir, ( Y seven car loads of cattle for England r;1 ,.' Seaforth and Clinton, as well as a large smashing o in our midst. A number from here bar,) were present. Both are well expect to get only a few da a vacation from Brucefield on `Monday. Mr An wy in all about in the shafts off; the horse did not wheels Mate and Mrs Baer. Dr. Ag ride having been Wednesday from Exeter t° Goderich, drew Foote left on Tuesday for , Car- numberfrom the village;f3 a,p are el g took in the circus at mbar Goderich r on Sat known here, and stand in the vera this year. An excursion was inn on two hundred were present. A great run tar, and wa 'easily cM tWellwood, new and Dr. J. J. Walker, of Londes• urdaq. The farmers are busy gettin highest esteem, the b 3; p berry, Man., where bis brotner James , credit is due Mears Ambrose MEN of NOTE. -Rev M in their ha cro ,and business is dui an active chuich worker, and will be and the Carrie excursion takes Icca resides. Mr Jonn Johnston left on "a deal of g greatly missed. Dr. Bell has jpUablish- today (Friday). Alex. Mclvor raced Smith and John Jowett, who were•the of Thornbury, is at ptesocdvi itinW est bo Twe e aWallace,DofRDonnpbr Donnybrook, STQRM. Y On Thursday a heavy ed for himself +t good practice In the at London, on Monday and got fourth ,Tuesday on the Manitoba excursion. •- r chief organizers of this. highly enjoy mother, Whe fidslh s brother John, died on Tuesday night. Mr W. Fluker, thunder storm passed over here, doing lace, being beaten by Moore, Axton, Mrs Geo. Forrest and family, of Al 11 able evenin r , Wawanoab; lac ver weak state of sr., is very low at present. Quite a d west, and they carry with them noth p g berni, B. C., are visiting her parents.11 g Salvation Army held a of Wingham, ra a Y considerable damage to crops an iven 75 yards, Higley, of Blyth, of 11 NOTES. -The o£ Northwestern number passed through here on their frusta. A telegraph polo Cr front of ing but good wi9hes. The bride re- and in the handicap race lyex' gas Mr and Mrs John Cameron. lvty John ver successful garden patty at the old health. Mr Rogers, ceived some very "handsome presents, g McTavish,of Bliss Commercial College. r Y evening. . Minnesota, , is visiting his brother' -in- way to the circus in Goderich last McNAllq's blacksmith shop was struck that from her father being a eautif,ll 300; the local racer gaped snout 100 Rectory grounds on Tuesday g an linters hurled across into the ards on the Blvth man. Haverhill, Mass., who has been send- + Misses I�at.harine and Annie Murray, law, Wm• 1Vellwood, of West Wawa week. Miss Marp Mitchell, of Clin old watch. After partaking of the y g d ne3t o! came after his lot apposite. A cow belonging to W go' dip dinner, they left for Staffa, HARBOR. -The str. Cambria, which in his holidays at his father's, left fur who were in Detroit for some time, nosh, whom he bad not seen for 31 of Hull, Iowa, Mr' K lUJ Nichol on Ce W T at holy Campbell was killed. and will also visit friends in London recently went ashore in the Thousand his home on Monday 1 tat. Mr Court- ,,,t were home on a visit; the latter re- years. Re and Detroit, going from there to their d111on Tuesda they are accom gave us a pleasant call on Friday; he wife, who has been visiting Islands, L tke Ontario, is now running pep Crooks, who came out from Ire -1'1v. I Y f on of at least three of that name father's, Mr McKenzie, for the last LAWN SOCIAL. -The E. L. will hold again, The steam barge Jenks ar• land in the spring and was working anled by Master Dickinson, son ° is o is art of Hume County who month; they returned to their home a lawn social on the grounds of John home in Montgomery,Mich. thni?d +y Master n the United from ktl p McLean, next Friday evening, A+ig. 26. NOTES. Kay, of Detroit, was rived on Saturday from lake Erie with with Mr eft Graham during this -r States, under President (Aeveland s are making themselves useful in the on Tuesday. A first-class program will be furnished the guest of Miss E. Adains last week. a cargo of coal. The schr, of lumber to er summer, left for his old home this S t by competent talent from Goderich, administration, who has been sent west; two others are H. W L. Kippen ucomp Auburn, Westfield, Nile Miss McLaughlin, a former teacher, Wrought down 300,for feet e t this week. Mrs ed F. wan, of the Bayfield to e re for his health. Mr James Don- and'T. W Mahood. d gently die 'r. L' aid a H ing visit to the village last from Theasalon for Dyment this road, ret,uroed last Week from a visit left on Tuesday on a trip QUIETLY DONE. -Quietly an g Y PERSONAL. -Mr R. McMor Jand °tiler points. Tea served from P Y, ' aldson, sr. Obert Martin, operator at the left bete last JR for British Co-Lweek. School resumed on Monday, week. The tug Seaman left South• to friends in the northern part of the s {� to Manitoba. Mrs and Mise Loca tle, ip did R who6 to S; ice cream, bananas, oranges, much to the relief of the mothers of arnpton on Saturday with a raft of coapt Miss Scott, of London, is tela returned a sin thiq Junction, slip away on a very interest lumbia has succeeded in passing his etc., extra. Admission 15c, averybodp a `� Danville, have g There was nothing to nidi- the section. Miss Mabel Bell i. visit- 500,000 feet of saw logia far the Gode- week viarting at Mr John Butclaart's. anon to s end a couple of weeks at ing trip. s snout examination there very creditably, welcome. ing at Seaforth. Miss E. Adams is en rico Lumber with The steam barge Miss McEwen, of Hensall, who was se .11 , Pg and has also secured an excellent posi- the Queen's Hotel. Mr Wtn.Monrieon, tate that anything unusual o a Awa teacher. Mr DlcMardie is a SCHOOL NOTES.—Dungannon has no joying the lake breezes at Bayfield this Lily Smith, with 312,000 feet of lumber visiting at the home of Mr Duncan , �' of Landon, formerly of Bapfleld, was to happen; he was simply going Y tion a week. Mr McNaughton, agent fora and the barge Prussia, with 350,000 McEwen, has returned home. renewing old acquaintances here this on his hapten; But it has leaked out Young. man with more that the aver need to complain of the inatructiog ublic school.tea] estate and loan company in Tor feet, were in port on Monday, on their Several from here attended that Robert has gone to Wis his fe age amount of ability and persever- I lie list of names of successful students onto, has been laid up sick at Hill's way from Golden Valley to Sarnia; Benmiller r week. Sl,•. Main's circus in Goderich on Saturday. meet the lady he has chosen as Mill ante and as such will be sure to ateHotel for several days; he is not int the Prussia cargo was from the Goods. „• Mai n is the companion, in the person of Mi Y success wherever he goes. We are in the third class examinations was .; Mass lists Campbell, o£ Clinto P ed nun lady of to hear of the Huron that of Charlie Whpard, while Brown proving very much. We were much rich Lumber Cu'v mill up on the penin- LAWN SOCIAL -rhe lawn social pre- , f Miss RetaStanbury this week. Pettman, an esteem young always pleased nest o s whispered that on to the front, and we jo[n Durnin and Milton Stothere obtained pained here to hear of the sudden sola. The schr. Todmrtn sailed on viously announced to be held on jthe Ir Ed. Routledge, of St. Thomas, is that town It t P boys coming Y• death of Mr Will. Cooper at Blyth on Sunday for Pike $rty to load lumber; old ,.,- a lanes oily A eg 2 h' i cit, ' a s in the breezy Wednesday the mystic words were with his many friends in offering him pert. School opened t Monde T. p Y p Vt spending his hoard y d the transference of ongratulationa. G. Allen Was charge of the senior room Tuesday; Mr Cooper was well and fav- this is her first trip since she was dam- held,.,- rr•dnesda . village. The Church of England pro said that marks our warmest c and Misa McConnell has been re -en Drably Itnown in this glace. Rev Alex. aged at the time oft he elevator Hre, the chanti, will not lessen the pleasant , le held a concert on the lawn of the Robert from the ranks cis the bachelors newl(HIIRCA NoTEg• The quarterly gaged to teach the junior. Rapson was calling to the village on The dredge Arnoldi got in several nature of the affair, and a good atteta- rectory on Thursday evening. Miss to those of the bene Wadneadap. Mrs Brown is visiting days last week, working for the ale dance is leaked for. Anna PTU Iddon has been successful in married couple left on a trip to Nia- the loth nstt., Ape Hilisgreen,aandl was CHIIRCH.-Rev. Richard Treleaven, —Melvin Howell left on from Goderich township, where he had scalp the recent examination for para Falls and St. Thomas, prior to reached in the Metho- bar daughter in Holme a here vator company. gvRT,-Robt, Ross was coming borne passing "„� down to the sterner duties of as well attended St is usual when held di Brantford, p l ERBONALg. M 3rd class teacher s certificate; we under sett,, o at the smallest and most distant. ap- dist church on Sunday evening. At Quite a number from around here took Tuesday for Onondago, where he will been engaged in harrowing, when she will now attend Goderich life. all Nile delivered an ad- ilyday. Miss Emma Tipling and Mre spend his holidays. Amon those from the tongue dropped out of the neck- stand ointment. TUe pastor preached from the League meetin on Monday even- in Drain's Circus at Goderich last Sat - r 1- Model School. NOTES. -Mr Fishers cow gat mired p , , town who went to . ces been on the prairie on Thursday last, but Iva• 41:20+ "He feedeth on ashes; a de. ing Rev Mr H of on account of the illness of day were Robt. Armstrongg, J.E. Sbar- for barrowing, and he pad forgoTues-tten ,; pp ra 's ceived heart Hath turned him aside, dress on to Pa rRev TRE. Armstrong Tll d yeffrey left for Cleveland on d Austin Chisholm.anito toksoiortenathem.ad The hotsese�ata _ 11-1 I was Safely extricated. A. Mur y Brussels their brother-in-law, "' has Blip ed into the timer while tak- that he cannot deliver his soul nor say, p g Turner was in Brussels on Saturday. away, throwin Robert out. He was p the dissatisfaction, (2) Gregory pt eached at Crewe on Sun- excursion oieirt Goderich on Frida forget gg 11 Old Age ing a drink, and had tr be hauled out is there not a lie in my right hand." exchanged pulpits on Sunday. J. A. Mr J. Henderson, Y. Aug.Will Elliott was in town nn Saturday; severely injure9, nut we hope to hoar with a team. Postmaster Farrow, of Ha spoke of (1) 3 the disability, (4) the day afternoon. Next Sunday Rev. B. 19th fare 50c. The Londesboro Cream- while at the Ottawa Normal School of his speedy recovery. Brussels, was a delegate to the district the deception, () at a g $- his school in Goderich township will NOTES.—Mrs Thos. Heddle, of Perm, meeiCng of the Winggham District held defencelessness of a life ifn which God L. Hutton will take for his theme, are, and the Treasurer, W• L. On" be taught by Miss Blair. D. McGilli- Mich•, is visitin atherfather's-in-law. Is Honorable. Iiev S. J. Alain was is ignored, and showed how the true od succi ,.Scriptural truths for total abatin cry butter has Treasurer, thesold roceedat fl g- on Tuesday; matte, ie pay g P caddy was in Toronto and other cities Mr AndrOw Heddle s. Mr Jas. Sto . Bat it is not a very desirable thing to i also in attepdance. 'r• J 1Maguire left , where he The Christian board feasting Wedne d.iy. PERSONAL. -Mrs J. M. Robsrta b - in the east last week. Miss K. Brown wart and family, of Kansas, are vthill , ^ : �A have in a grocery stock, and therefore on Friday for Parry Sound, w g dale later Edith, are visiting Mr leaves to -day for Sarnia, where she ing big mother here. Mr J. Gledhtlt we make it a oint to keep our stook has secured a school. Miss Editrle da the circa following iwlllp beicof sinter st concerning arts sister in Buffalo. Victor Odium Hallett takes the Monarch, one of the Beatty hie spent the past few daps in men MC- new and up-to-date. A visit to our is spending a few weeks with f Dundalk. Circuit, though weakened at points, pas gone to Woodstock and may gra to P dine visiting hie son. Mtn JameslSlC }. 1 cnvince on that we carry in Maikdale, Flesherton and Dun remains mush the game as it was eight the coast. Michael Foley was H Kin- FRACAS.— on At a threshing m this boats to Port Arthur, in which lace Lean, of Buffalo, who bag been visite• ' store wit oda This week we There is no issue of the Times this care ago. In 1890 ,t had 193 members oardine on 11Z°nday. Herbert Hutton township one day last week an affray she will y isit siting h Mrs D. Me -ins her sister, Mrs Andrew Heddlo no ahe14 worn go occurred that mi ht have resulted Gillicudd is visitin her mother, Mrs hag returM f are showing some very pretty things week; Brer. Elliottre T.Foron srwho Uae including Drysdale appointment. It has resumed his duties as pprincipal of gg for the past six weeks, their vacation. M for bas now 200 members without Drpv- the Bervie school. Jonas Rhea has re- much more seriously, and it was ex Cassiday, Auburn. Miss �arree Ceasi home. Several of the villa ars Wolf been nursing a very painful armdale. In 1891 there was raised for alt turned from Chatham, where he at- ceedinglp fortunate for all concerned dap, formerly of tgown but now Mrs in the bi circus, and report at 111t i >t Ise China, and Snipe weeks, to recovering, Mias Shore, p Y tended the F that it turned out as it sand. Two men London. is visiting at home. g Mrs good erformence, It seems ttlt4- of Straeeks, is rho guest of Mre T. B, purposes $1,043.08 and ifI the ast ear +ureters Convention. Mrs of into a angle over some bad lan- Shar e, of o Mro, is. Biting her p vary Glassware pp $ and Miss Lindsay, from Lucknow, are guaire used, when one hit the other a �arents, natural to bear the school bell t aint. I,, McAndrew. Frank S h of the iDi.ese- The nambernof coptributorsfatatU sed visitin_gg Mra TUoa. Anderson. Mr and c ppiasg W, W, Fisher moved to Goderleh clkt.';4 ooneisting of salad bowls, Daps and the pulpit of the OU three appointmentsiit 189I was 93, an Mrs Wm. Shaver, of Ancaster, have mark over the head with a heavy pitch M' WhitneyWhitne is visiting her home y Monday last, the demand for his N,t11''" p fork handle; the man struck dropped Auburn. Robert Morton, formed sanoore, jardineere, bread and butter iah In Kincardine last Sunday. is at present 92. In the two years of been visitin at Geo. Harris. Mrs g temente beinggo teat that he hs i plater, trait dishes, bouquet holders, Mr W asset's pastorate the member- Carr and three children; of Kirkton, like a log, and had to bo taken to the town reporter o£ the Signal, is in town to move so ne not great lose any t1 A0, ':> etc. Take a look at our windows and Qsborne. ship hoe bean larger than in app other are visiting her sister Mrs ' itea. Mrs doctor, who found that the skull was again; grace he left town be has been driving back and forward. Mrs " c. will a convinced that they are rap- - Friday last John, two years since three appointments be O'Flpnn, of Chatham, is visiting her fractured, and it required considerable reporter on the Toronto Star and the went out. west to visit her da�gllltriii aril . to -date geode. ACCInENT, On Y h p p sister, g, dre3sin to put the wound in shape be• News, and book-keeper on the Wood the excursion this week. 2dr Bo 8'rwo . ore barn improved by a new ar- derson left on Tuesda for her home fore the party injured was able to go stock Sentinel. John Tighe was a Nigher moved on Friday• vat, *. Emh* Remember we are sole agents for Miracle eldest soh of Frederick gunk n, met -came a circuit, and the c arch ra er- Mrs T. T e8d Armstrong, 1r An- to work a ahn. The participants ad- round trill passenger on the Carmona W VPashing dompound. with what might have proven a m ty has P h in Clare, N. W. T„ after apendtng the g last Tuesday: G. M. Elliott is °n a bongo lately occupied by 1 Tutnablers serious accident. He was assisting to s nage and a new chore Death liar tnit.that blame rea.ed on both of them, A SNAP -Good Glass , caused the removal of an ►mnsuallY a�st three months with her parents, and as both expressed ,4orrow and trip to Manitoba. Frank and Mise er Messrs O. L. Fisher it to lt{S'p9M'�t ; per doz. unloadingg grain with a swinj , and prand Mrs Matthew Young. Miss Long left last week for their to 9Qc P white swinging a fork 4u11 aroand he large number within the last two M made u friends again, the matter has Hayden, of Port Albert, event to Man- wae struck and knoelked dCriCtl, f'alli' g years. The amount raised by each Annie and Mostar BertGirvta, of Har- P, schools. 1 11 LE COOPEft & ,w e a�� ointment this year is as follows:- been amicably adjusted. But it card hobs Tuesday. Mr Elliott, teacher, Additional loom matter oa Vag" p , riston, are visiting relatives here. very Hoar bein a Dasa of a much more Walkerton,�}s visitingloatthe home of OG Co.r r strings the ton ue of tivhs �vag •11 p Y $300• Hills g hfs.ptiotlxer, ;F+ M. 1 sI'll, 11idos breaking threeribby6114 btlieir Happen, $235: Chiselhurst, se> inial nature, ���CIO c7Asz� C1td�il�RiC. �rlde injured. Green, $I40. s>S NZ�w ERAc+ivilgxl3s IoMIDNffi�Ovs I bald fbia Hatter an Batil> P$oiie 28 J • I d. t. ( 1. ., , , . ,% J - 1 <