HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-12, Page 6August 12, 1898
,, , .
G e , ,
th a
rhea thlttic
woman too- lI
man of the day. "DRINK HAEL.N
The peat twenty THE HORSE SHOW. THE KINETOSCOPE. i Odds and Ends ' CITY BUTCHER S$(1P
r Yearn has seen 8fie Pledged the Roman in a costly draft, An Old Country worthy entered a drag-14ACKA'CHE '
It wonderful pro . That Dense Egyptian queen, and yet she Old Barney, 2:08, to very limber this er's shop and told one of the lady assts- you feel o
! gress in this re- threw I reason and has hoop a mile #n e;lli at Wall street mon have organized a lunch- I makes the ng and the ald feel
4f spect. That this Unit A peurt into tete cup she quaffed- eon club. The favorite, dish will be lamb, tante that be wished to sec the cashier. that life i8 not worth the I wish to inform f he public ><hat J will
tendency will re- A pule, °cid tasteless pearl when I pledge Readvllle. --St. Paul Globe. The assistant told him that the cashier i ger r,igna of K]dne D' � $ a din• not be Undersold b
suit in a more ro- r yUu Knapsack" MoOartby has worked Dan Those phantom phleets are the phunny y isease`-the sae y troy other person
1 11 cast G1te love !beur you in the wine. Cu id, 2:09y;, in 2:20 and Miss Jennings, P was engaged lust now. "Engaged," said ' evidence of weak, inactive andsote unerring in the business. I am a Pract.
Y:., bust womanhood, "Drink hael," I'll say, "in tbia B posture of the coast resorts this year.- the worthy. O, gie him my best wishes, 'qnY person Carred of ICidae weafinesa will ere and understand all th bra
better able to bear mine Poor cup of ! 2:08Y4, In 2:16. Richmond Dispatch. Y an, I houp be's gotten a I tell Y the busihe�ness, We keep t
the burdens and good woman for You that when the, back Ceased to ae
Drink heel, dear love) would that I could Bingen, 2:12%, is working beautifully Dealers announce that hammocks are his wife." Collapse of the lady assistant. a!! troubles ended, Neither fiuiments, nor 'and will esti a
duties and pleas- r and so far has not worn a boot or toe going up, but they have a habit of coming y. menta, and a full stock alwys on au
'� yres of life, there Pour Two railwa plasters, no ' IeetriC] t the Lowest Qaeh rte
My gout into the cup for you t° drink i weight this year, down suddenly later in the summer,- men were e�eaking n at of the t ' bis isnot in the skin, f at mat Rt the ea �•
can be no quos- And with that wine your fainting heart to Bright Light, a:08�, paced An sahib!- P a Record. about theft' work the other da when + g your money, and het the!
tion . But this etnrel Philadel ht Ne 1 v` rsation turned on how John nr �t31n I�18 KId08 S. ah price. We writ give
r result it11 be ac- tion mile to wagon at Belmont park, Phil_ New England lei great on seeing things, I he nr•eacher, had risen from a t can r credit, but not at cash prices. .Please
cum lisped by DranI think dear lova-drink basil The cap, I adelphta, on June I1 in 2:16 , The numerous reports of sea serpents !n I Colne and sae what
8 porter at Greenock station to be a you can do IPor
� Nr^% the building up Though all tpo poor, holds something slab ! Junk Peek, who recently took a ocnsign- ordinary years are now easily accounted ' minister, The boys in the house were E Cash at
al those women than wine, merit of horses to Europe, has returned for. -Indianapolis News. listening all the time, and one of them D
�� already it res- I R• FITZSIMONSI
K' s e n a b 1 y robust so drink, deur love, from this poor cap e,1 'atter a suooessful trip and reports the mar- Texas is a lone star no longer, She I said to the other- whit we I was taken with a severe attack or rheums.
health, and the °1131st kat good. die my father no, rise to be, a ministerl" tierrs ad dto tryDrlir Hobmyself
s' paraguda. Kidney
raieoe her fait quota of troops for the war ,
killing ori o! their -Argosy 1 t Tom Ervin, who ie working Netts W and also about 20, 000,000 bushels at wheat It tak s him a' his time to rise to his �tlis. They noon put me on m CENTRAL BUTCHER SITOP
weaker sisters. FOREIGN MUSICIANS. I 2t10Y, without her hobbles, Is reported to this year, -Syracuse Herald. wank," was the prompt response, Lees than one boa cured nt° n come eelyg in
Athletics s will have recently stepped her the fastest quar- The Boston syndicate that has bought g I have returned again to my work in the Lake
make a naturally strong woman stronger One night in the COrotxiercial room of Shoreliepalrghopeae well as ever. FORD a4G MURPHY
and healthier ; they will retake a naturally The �agliah Style of Pronouncing Their ter of her life. 800,000 pounds of worsted yarn in antic!- a hotel inScotlar d some travellers were I Ww- A• SanuFIELo, Adrian, Mich,
weak, sickly woman weaker and more Names Is In —Greatest Vogue. Joe Thayer has turned out hie fast year. r Patton of a rise dose not expect to get talking over the elate of r rade, when am pleased to say that Dr We are loin
result and if indulged in to excess, may The pronuneiatton oP rho names of for- Itng filly Futurity Belle, trial 2;49;I, by worsted in the deal. -Boston Globe. one young man be a❑ to boast of the Ihave, v g Hobbs Sparagua b business on the oa
result fatally, g Kidney Pills aro Che most relitvirag remedy I P
sign musicians is a subicot with regard to rug
$ell, until fall. She has shown a Now that the Vesuvius has been tried large orders ht had booked. An old this as ri teetimnnialhtormatiem. You may use the b et meats QtPF1Y car customers
A woman who suffers from weakness and Kuarter in 88 seconds, in aotuat warfare and found the o Scotehman interao ted him az.yiol the bene8t or others the lowest paying prroell
disease of the delicate and important or- which rho average Briton is disposed tq The aq{r of wantin opposite "Nae fear Wye; � who are afflicted, CAARLEa HEas, of
si gans distinctly feminine, cannot hope to claim and exercise the most unrestricted P 9 gelding Esteem, by Axtell, g, a war trial of the ram Katah- y you've din naething p Civil War, 284 A delalde tit , Detrolt, Micb,of
recover her general health through ath- fro°dont• The result !s not usually such stepped Into the 2:20 list with a record of diRi would seem to be in order. -Rochester I the kind." The young Duan very an- ON
letics, so long as she remains locally weak, as would lead to self Identification by the 2,19% recently, Ile is the Only side Democrat, 12rily retorted, "I'm a liar, then?" The Dr, Hobbb, B
A woman suffering in this way is unfitted unhappy owners of the names Ghemaelvea i Wheeler in his sire's list. Representatives of nearly all the first old Scotehman replied, "Aweel, that's Bu'!
`� to bear the strain of athletics lust as much Several organs of the musical press 4ave i Friends of "Uncle Sltn" Hoagland, the class foreign powers accompany the .Amer- no' mtickle to brag aboot,"
as she is unfitted to bear the duties and begun discussing the matter with the PARAGUSburdens of wifehood and motherhood. view of protecttng the foreign musician veteran New York horseman, who died a l°an navy to see how the business !s trans- I It was in the house of a dissenting �`
1. There is a sure safe, speedy and erma- I fear ago, have erected a handsome moau- acted. We have not heard that any other family, "This pie is excellent, 8istpi•
P from nominal mutilation at the bunds of ' m°ret over his grave in Evergreen came- nation is taking lessons from Spain, -St, I Smith," said tittle Willie at the supper Kidney Pills Any quantity of fat hogs wanted Lott
Hent cure for all disorders of this deserip- his admirers and of bringing something I hipping purposes, for which the highest
Linn. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pr scrip- I t°rY• Louis Globe -Democrat, table, addressing his mother with one- hi in
I. tion. It acts directly on the organs con. like harmony out of the present state of I Altho � h John R. Gentry has not been Vermont is paying her soldiers $7 a t"OUS solemnity; and then after a SYDNEY JAoR HALE BY market prices will be paid. Parties ha
ceraed in wifehood and maternity, making chaos. One writer states that at a recent � asked to o fast in his work month in addi'iion to the, xeguliir govern-, Pause he repeated the statement, ' G1iCS0N, Druggist; hos to ding
;', them strong and healthy and vigorous, It conference of musicians hb heard the name yet, the rail- `This CLINTON, ONT g sell will oblige by leaving word at
i:;v soothes pain, allays inflammation, heals oP a ford! n musical celebrity birds at Hartford are saying that he nota meat allowance. Vermont is a wee little pie is excellent, Sister Smith[" "Whitt
ulceration and tones t}ic nerves. Jt fits a g Y Pronounced i as if he would be better tban ever this state, and Its bank account is not as largo trick are you up to now, Willie?" ask- the shop.
Vis'' . wotnan to indulge in, and be benefited b in Pour diflerant wags by as many speak- Year. ae Missouri's, but it knows how to treat :.
Y, ers. Tschaikowsk was alluded to b one Its volunteer soldiers, -St. Louis Republic. ed the mother in surprise, "No trick Q
athletics. All good medicine stores sell it. Y y At Honolulu May 28 Violin, by Alex at all," answered the boy, That's ONWARD t ChaS.J, Wal;#y, Clinton,
tue."Your valuable 'Favorite Prescription cured speaker as "Shy -cow -sky" instead oP Button, and Irish Lass, by ,S PAtriok The Omaha eapoeitign has scored one what the minister says and he always ARD BICYCLE LQ
; '; chs ge from t i wens ness and a catarrhs] Itis• "Chy•koff•aki," as the composer's name I Paced a match race for $500 a side, won over ven the World's fair. It has not ' gets a second piece." ---_-_------
'u: t.: charge from the Linin membrane of the special ought approximately to be pronounced. I by the [utter In 2:24 t/,, 2;30, 2;;30, splen q BUTCHER SHOP
,,,r, housed its "women's exhibit" in a asps- The following' story was overheard
.,,"" parts," writes Mrs, a H. Parkeq of heseBroolen,
Jackson co., ]rich, 'ram now perfectly well. ' Although strfficiOntly serious, this is leas Violin had taken the first heat in 2:26.-- rate building, but has treated the women Subscriber has o
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti. g Horse Review. As if they werereali a art of creation and the other night in a Peeblesshire REPAIR SHOP• paned a shop in the pre:
disconcortin than the reproach I y p train, It was a social meeting, and wises recently erected especially for thig
piseas Constipating is the cause of many againct English name orthography in not an exotic growth. -St. Cure the cause and ),on cure the general that we write a word '`Beau- SPANISH OMELET. B St• Paul Pioneer after the minister and schoolmaster arpose0 opposite Fair's Mill, where he'will
disease. One "Pellet " is a gentle Taxa- champ ' and „ I Press. had spoken a farmer was asked to say Subscriber has his establish. peep on hand and deliver promptly, to ai)j
• ''` pronounce it "Beecham. a few wards, and this is something meat fitted up with the beet karts of the town,
,,,: tine, and two a mild cathartic, Druggists Still, a more rational method of translat It is positively stated that General Way. POULTRY POINTERS. _
<: Bell them, and nothing is "just as good." 1119 proper names from languages which, ler went Positively
Cuba wi like what he said -"What Can I art g °f machinery, enabling him ,��
7 there's the rneenister, his heid's fav o' to do all kinds of repair work, ' Fresh Meat of $ll�kinde. A share ell
like, Russian, have an alphabet entirely ed to Spain with $11 OOO,OOOU NeweYork lheolo public patronage respectfully solicited.
3` urn-Qenerallythesoonerthesickhenlakllled gy; an the scbulmaister, his is Special attention given to overhauling _
FOILED THE WOODPECKERS. different from our own is much to be de- Press. and burled the better, and repairing of Bicycles, and riders can F. $, pOWE
sired. 1'hore is really no reason why we fu' o' books; an' a' you ]ads au' lassies
Y One benefit to the illitctate part of Spain Exercise Is better than drugs •as a slim• heids are fu' o' marriage• while look at rely on work of this nature being promptly LL. - - CLINTOIf
Ltieniom Schema to Save the Poles and should retain the German 'w" is such !s that they won't be tender the nocessity ulant for egg production. me, I'm [tat an agricultural man, an' and satisfactorily attended to.
r, r Hat hes as Tschaikowsky, PadOrewsk! and i of lcurning the map of thou possessions Ae a rule with hens the better the ma heid's fu' o' beas." FLOUR AND FEED STORES.
Ito Peculiar Result, Tur�eniev. The Russian letter is v
_ "Speaking of modern ingenuity," re- although it has the power of "f" before ' all over Again. -Exchange. As
the better the layer. Onward Cycle Cor
ri marked Assistant Superintendent of Tel- Spanish gunners, us u rule, are men of When the hens stn In in DIZZY SPELLS Perrin S]OCk, Cliflton '�� y�v
hard consonants and at the end of mosb 1 P Y g, give them • + And feelings II, L, BROWN, Manager, C001K s
isgtaph Rooms the other day, "calls to words. The gottorai substitution of "y" 1 IONV trims. They can shoot holes in the eharlgO of food for a few days, g of faintness that come over
�'7 mind the happy idea to Superintendent would at least give the death blow to such surface Of the deep salt sea, but they never A little stimulating and animal food I you are only Nature warning you of the
Joseph Donner, now located with the I mspronuuciaitions as "Paderoosky, " The ; lair aship,-Now York Mail and Ezproas. `will t` �tnefiaial when the hone are molt- weak condition of your heart. Milburn'a Flour Feed gore
Southern Pacific company tit San Francis- adoption of the suggestion:Pain is still for war, cot realizing that trig. Heart
and Nerve Pills make the heart
that Sir George she, will have, to pay all the more in the strong, then all the feeliige of faintness die•
+ oo, when he was on this end, You may Grote or some oilier authority should Never allow rubbish under whish ver. I �RAiV
g?," remember his experience in paiutiug the °Omp]tto a pronouncing vocabulary of °n d. Uncle Satru will continue collecting min can shelter to be near the, poultry appear. _�— Bmillor Nusuics
&�H ORTtelegraph poles of the Arizona desert with foreignmusicians' names might prove as rho hostilities ruceed,- house,
quirer, P Cincinnati En- A young lean in Dundee recently In large or ems]] quantities.
asphalt,and from the sand sticking to thorn useful to the student, but the infrequent in a Poultry house the most important ad gained a few reasons in the noble art ,
t ; gradually simulating steno. 1Ve11, what I °Oncort goer would probably remain un- � Roc}Po for a Spanish navy -Guns that essentials are light, ventilation and ' of self defence, after which he fancied 'TR -EFS.
am about to relate equaled this proceed- influenced. The too deferential Baboo, won't work, boilers on a bust, engines warmth, I h4fiself'so much as to issue a challenge OIL Ci_�Kx; slid MEAL
p,: fag both as to efficacy and cancoption, when asked how his somewhat formidable that won't go and torpedoes that won G Cement snakes a good floor for apoultry art have a few rounds with a noted Our stock or fruit and ornamental OF ALL
"` In western Texas, cost of Spofford .Juno- name, was to be pronounced, politely atn. explode. "lix will' Andiu and stir to slow h°use• Then use plentq qP dry earth as a bruiser. Accompanied h a fa complete, we, are. prepared to alai trees being KINDS.
T` tion and for many "'Iles, it was almosb swergd, "As you d -n please." Thls, it guitar music.-Pitilnclelphia Truss. deodorizer. friends t he y w of his lie for spring pia11d,19 a very clan °e lottof pub 10 ponnde Choice Oatmeal
r impossible to make, a telegraph is t° be feared, will continue to bo the rule Oertainly nu pooplu cxn escvl rho Span- Vount rasa, armed with eal for I bushel of
Ppole last The scraps from the table soaked in twit pairs of hexing gloves, repaired to APP1C, NlUtu, Pear, Cherry Oata,
more than six months, owing to the many with the majority of foreign musicians .= ' lard:" in courtesy. Every time they sus- sweet milk until soft make a good feed for the house of the experienced boxer and and, Peaelr trees, at suitable �'r
r ' woodpeckers in that section. The birds London News, fain it defeat the minister on duty at that the turkeys, g proceeded to don the gloves. After a pi rtes. JEvergreenS a specialty, D. Ci0(�i1
I �11, constantly attacked the posts and actually I particular hour proceeds to cable congrut- Confinement and nothing to do generate tP°v preliminary feints the young man LArge stock Of small Fruits, s CLINTON.
s perforated the wood in divers plaices until A Japanese Dinner. uhitions to his vanquished and retreating vicious habits, such as egg valla and received a tremendous blow right on Choice list of tiering bedding Plants,
•, the poles bore the Appearance of having IIs Pound the, great room up stairs half i countrymen. -St. Louis Glubu-Demopxall
t loather pulling, g Price, list mailed on applteatiou, i
I the nasal organ, Come on, Jatmie " DUNCAN S FLOUR &
;', been well bored, Boon beconting useless. full of people, b•ho were seated fn a semi- The hardy, wide rangers, clean of limb 1 shouted his companions, "a hat die `v 1'IIED Sto
$ealizing that solething must be done, circ [° at one end, writes Mrs. 1111mg1. C. THE BEEHIVE, and havin� g you feeling the back of your head ford' vJOhn Stewart Estate fu
ri Mr•, Donner put on his thinking cap, and I Fraser in The Pall Alall Aingazino. Char- . ' small combs, are the fowls "Oh," replied the would -he boxer Renrniller (]ate Hill & Joyner)
at the end oP a week ho had solved the wanted by farmers,
k ,-. tents was a little late, and the rest had be Ali. excess of drone comb should be re. The hen Stops laying when improperly ' feebly, "I was finding for my nose." OPPOSite Market Clinton
r. problem, gun the dinnr. . Alble meal which is called ' moved fxom the hives. I fed, when too int or when in a diseased i A certain minister hada Servant who MCLEOD'S
"A month later be journeyed to Spofford Japanese dinner. All the strangest prod- I Aiost beokoopere clip the queen's wings Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley
dtrtagtion, and attached to the train was a condition. -St. Louis Republic, had, much to the annoyance of her ms$- / �i,�T and all kinds of mea
ixets of earth, regardless of precedence, 1 when they hive their swarms. SySlem R,L'l!g O�ATOR l sold at lowest prices.
carload of hollow iron polos, each painted hustle each other on the small square ta-ees ter, got into the habit of supplementing
ehe se ordinary rough red cedar, bee before rho guest and litae d little blacklo es andd areare bmore eater �lytcontentede WAR SIDE LIGHTS, all his suggestions by the remark that the Fresh Corti for Feed, 3&e a bush
,;K;.., he set up at intervals of fivt milds, overflow its bounds and are placed on the same thought bad been in her mind. 7 he AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES Good Valencia Raisins, 281
_; covering the territory affected by the f floor around him -a growing nebula qY ' Have your new hives reedy and the new it probably strikes Spain that "the I'minister determined to wean her from this brbox $l.
± woodpeckers. A skilled Hyo could not do- tiiiY Plates, many of which be will not colonies swarming over full when the Yankee pig" is reservingi thought he would give her a Poser, so he Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb, and n
Havana for des- i g p SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE All kinds of era; bon ret highest p
cd' termine the difference between the iron tour,h if he be wise. honey flow comes. This is where look sent.-«aehington Star, came t° Janet one day and said: -"Janet,
` poles and the wooden once Concealed j comae in, "What the navy eta$ won the arm will these books in the library are ver duet I For Impure, Weak sad Im overiehed marketet pi'iaee. " `�,.�
What strikes hty first perhaps ,the When returning frames to the hive, ad_ hold," is a Merritt•oriuus slogan,-pittQ- 1 think they would be thg better of beinK all Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pal ata_ W DUN )
Uvithin the top of each of the metal poles uncanny familiarlGq oP some aP them. If p CAN, - - CLINTON
]tit'. Donner attached a very small `buz- this Is really his first visit to little Japan, just them 'slowly and carefully, Then no burg Chronicle -Telegraph, I taken down and washed." Janet, ever tion of the Hear`, Live_ Complaint, Neu-
zw,' similar to those used !n lieu of call where could he P + bees will be pinched or crowded between Of course if we could capture a Spanish 1 ready to acquiesce, blurted crit "Deed, ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
t' bells and these he attached to the tele- P Poon g have sten three the frames. sir, I was "Now, gumption, Gall StoL't,3, Jaundice, Kidney BANKS, -.
Pink shells lying on golden straw in a � hero we would readily exchange him for I last thinkin' that.,, y
i graph wires, they keeping up a constant Scarlet plate or a large white fish, with be- I The swarming season'usually consumes Robson, but Spanish heroes are scarce.-- ' Janet, resumed the minister, "did you and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
;tramming• Here is where, the woodpeckers seething countenancri, comPortabl about l0 or 20 day after white clover Washington Post. really ever bear of books being washed? ' Female irregularities and General Debility .The MOISOn
' were fooled They imagined the `buzzers' bed among sprouting rushes all apparent- ; cornea into bloom. Bees often swarm from The European concert started to la "Weal, sir, I was just tbinkin' that," added Laboratory, "� S Hank
were insoats in the poles, and then began 1 gout of the mashes of that fat the Philippine q play Janet. GollerlCL, Ont, Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1
. s desperate sortie of the birds upon the y growing lack of room or ventilation, PP ne !eland quickstep, but there 886
,;,F, basket work? Where, in the name of San- One of the best places to locate Was hives was discord before the end of the first J. M. McLeod,
4r✓^.,; metal. They Hocked to the anticipated 1tY, has be had sugar peonies and chrpsan- Is in the orchard, There usually they will Imeasure,-Indianapolis Journal, Dant neglect that nasty cough, Dr Prop, and Manufacturer CAPITAL - $2,00(),000
}riyrvest by acorns, and the Foolish things themums done tb,Ghe life double their Hat- be free Profit annoyances that are likely to If the work of acquiring new Cerrito �V°°d's Norway ping Syrup can Dort it. REST FUND $I,500000t
ne121- ver realized their error until the bill of Ural, size or octopi and red crabs artistical- arise whtn,the hives are placed elsewhere, territory Best cough remedy made. 25c, all dealers, S°ld in Clinton by
shall continue a little longer, this govern- J. H, COMBE and SYDNEY JACKSON HEAD OFFICE
�h was worn down to a frazzle. d !Y abasing each other on plates of cornu- person with a very little bel Dun g g ry MONTREAL.
One er went will soon haat enough to ive eve ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
P month's time found every woodpecker in gated glass? Is this the stuff that dreams easily attend to 100 colonies oP bags it He will tell
12tH state in Ghis awkward aro made off P soldier an island at the close of the war.
predicament, comb honey Is the product. More her cures poverty #the bloodanddebility MADE ME A MAN Wim• LFERST MOLSON A7AuomAs.ox, President
•-•+St, oral J e WheDtrll°arab. F. WOLFER$TAN THOh[Aa, Gen Manager
aaQd being unable to penetrate the iron Z�ien he remembers, OP course they will be needed iP extracted honey is yho General Joe Wheeler s vase cannot sup- the nerves. $e will say that it is the best
tlt+ey gave rip and went to eating gravel have all tom® out oP the embtroidories and obje°t. -St. Louis Republic. Press a smile•every time it glan°us in the remedy in the world for de ' y M SAX PomnETS POt3iTIpELYCIIRLt Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts.
Tho poles of wood were saved. off the lacquered tables of his'ehildhood• aLtivd, „e,,y �faenie s e e4e cngExcouu ed leaned, Starling and American exchange
direction of the anima) that !8 compelled hgato children. tis 'abuse or other leasnees and tn°ie
A peculiar result was that the progeny The dinner is an object lesson in exquisite to °rations Thor n,sraxav aaa surer bought and sold, Interest allowed on de -
1[ the mutilated birds showed bills with- arrangements of form and color and PERT PERSONALS. Po��aiTY General Shafttr.-Wnehfngton �i111dren restore foal Vitality in old oryoasurer Poaite, SAVINgaBANK— IntertatalkoWeaOiD
arran Cry for fit amanfor etudy, bueineeaor mnrttage, aEmg of $1 and up. Money advanced to
snot points, and consequently these latter should be regarded as such, Viewed ria A Bremen German Prevent Insanity and bonanm arra it
/010 unable to do any damage, Every food it Is distinctly unsatisfactory (Germany) Paper has inform- to en in time, Their use shows immediate tmprove. farmers on their own note, with one or
Emperor Willie may be friendly, bat Its readers that the Spanish fleet has �� went aria etxecte a cus> whore an other fail In. more endorsers. No wort a e
r14 woodpecker along the line now wears his Pm, far too satisfying. The impression' evidentlq he has rnlslnid his German press gist nPoa having the semi e e all otherTablets. They g g required
iii(Il as rounded as a baseball, and we ea- on rising sti$ and dizzy from the floor is gag'`Seattly Post•Intelli enter, bombarded Chicago. Now let some Stott- hnveearea thousanasana wiuQnrayat, rye ive n os
B Sart editor send the done against the for- itivewritten guarantee toefPectacum 50aiS Pia R' C- BREAER„ Manager, Clinton
perience no more trouble, Mr. Deaner that of having watched a kaleidoscope and I Don Carlos is having an awful time tificatrons surrounding Tgyrq gain _ There is a well ryuthenticatecI stor each aeon ret pkgaa itM t outman t for $26(x, , sy
' was thinkin Of Packn e; or six
e patenting the idea, bub swallowed Mont Blano, trying not to look conscious every time Cleveland Louder. of an epitaph which, after r•ecttrdi tree?' n Pearn wrap or, upon rocoipt of rice• Circular r�
did not, however, preferring that other 1 the Spanish crown is mentioned-Bniti• the names, ages and deaths of an old '�'1``,X R MEDY CO., ian,u r a G. D, M%1 AGGARTs
iL'rneashould have the benefltof hieinge- Ancient Htndoo Giaude, nioreNewe. JEWELRY JOTTINGS, man and his wife, concludes with the Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson,
nuitq free." -Now Orleans Tithes -Demo- The indications are that Aguinaldo Is ----- Iaconic words, 'Their warfrire is end-
° Drat, Till the time of Vishnu's lawbook ed. How a crusty old bachelor or an druggists. BANKER
° third sent , going to be in a position to carry the Belts of gold webbing striped with blue
uryA. D., no one of these guilds Steonth ward of Manila at the fall else,. sad white bear facsimiles !n gold of the rinhappv Benedict would chuckle over
s appears as pre-eminent, but in this work tions without ballot boxetufl9ng,-pmsha regular army buckle. that suggestive inecriptionl Another
CORN SOWING "metal workers and smiths of silver and Bee. The old CliIlto� PLANING MILL ALBERT' ST,, - CLINTON,
' Pink coral is onto more Paehionab]e in de ed i m ssionary cof an i epitaph orae as some- 21 Ina process conducted by the agency of this preeminence may be due to acrid nt4 A
ChiathoughIt lecke sa 1P Decoy and Hobson had form of round beads of uniform size, ar-eneral Rankin Business ,
,.. :tight bouts ali the year round. ' But the circumstance is interesting, be- the laugh on the women who rejected what as follows: "In memory of _- H• STEVENS,STEVproprietor g
Corn reap- ranged r neoklacea oP frow one to hale a missionary, who was treachemusl __ tranrl lCtee �� �""
ing ie best conducted through the agency of cause exactly these them, In fact, it ealways dangoroueto re- dozen strands. y The old original Contractor and Builder, !111i'utnam's P sinless horn Extractor, the chief guilds became the feet I murdered by his native servant, Well
guilds of ordinary towns and be- good ]nen.-Cincinnati Commercial A necklace of strands of Hne $mall done', thou good and faithful servant, who has made Clinton his home far forty NOTES DISCOUNTED
+only safe and sure•pop corn cure. Put- cause they were very likely the first to Tribune.
nAm S Dxtrnctar is now wider imitated. Bother in self dcfenseall the guilds p°°res. hold by diamond slides of gracoral fn a Dublin cemetery a widow has in- years, is still in bus nese with a modern, Drafts aenvd
a band to Colonel Frank Satan of Tennessee car- and fanciful pattern, representsam a .. scribed on the I•vmhstvnO of her hue- , Interest allowed on
Beware a all Poisonous and sore producing ginnting in this wa but thuMos an unfortunate name. No matter cent orr.aatienb, Up-to-date Factory, and is prepared to All depoeite,
I`'v; substitutes, °r' I band, "Thou fnnl, this night thy soul all orders of whatever description, on short
al gold- what deeds of valor he An artistic variation of the popular but I shall be re<lrrired of t.hee," y notice and the lowest terms; first-class 1- p. ��-
smiths perhaps first of all, since the old Performa, parents FARRAl� tX
r law in regent! to s?niths was so extreme[ will not nam® their cbildren after him._ far from now pansy brooch is in enamel, workmanshipTISDALL
y Pittsburg Chronicle-TelOgraph, with the edges of the petals finished by a guaranteed. CONTRACTS
hien severe as to call for some anion on their "' HEALTHY for baildinge taken, and all kinds of build-
Vea.r:4 ago, when of t visit part. It to said that Corvera is a skillful narrow line of gold and a single row of ing material furnished as desiaed. BANKERS,
'elan a array little town on the svnthwPst The old law in regard to a guitar player, so he hats tiny petit -is.
,coast, of i,:ot.land I st.e found goldsmith P y probably had
tioner'a shop and ?net paed Chea racf�r� principle th< ttar`goldn piths basecan most
mora or less experiencO in dodging project- Fiftarn rabic~ nlfernatod with diamonds HENRY' STEVENS, CLINTON,s NT,
,e the rincl Iles -such as water pitchers and old oboes and Don1"ted with flno gold chain form wO William Street, Clinton, tmmediatel
''tChe side of the shop wits filled with easily deceive, and that when he does s° be -hurled from upper windows, -Clew♦ tho nttrnrt ive sh;rpo which oat° very hand- MtA ■ y Advances made to farmers on their
the puhlical lona of the Bible is "the vilest of sinners." Tho king to Land Leader. behind the Park. cotta at low rates a interest, own
SociPly ronu• nv,•.'.hice tt-sums. Emeralds And
rile other with drug$. iia the course therefore directed to see to It that a gold- Nine -tenths of all
I Jewel rs' term liar„rater of similar sty[°,-. the sneering and Weace headquarters for all A general Banking Business transacted,
iiP COnverFaytion I remarked, ,,you smith found guilty of rhettting shall be CHURCH AND
[ II;Ive as trnr' SCHOOL. Jewelers' (.u.•uiaar, disease in the world hinds of Fruit, SUCK as
11 ge combination in your chopped up into very small pieces with - Interest allowed on deposits.
r3COCk, „ �.et'I+ man, no' aye had, sharp knives, wherens ordinary thieves or -' comes from the kid. Sale Notes bought
V 'beesie fns• the body and pheesic for There are 126 bishops of thoChnxoho! RAILWAY TIES.
chaeta aro merely be,hnnded. By uniting England distributed over the world. a°ys• Yet how few
. , ifie son] -castor nil and Bibles are act' together and oskruc:icing a guilty rnernbor Infant schools began in New Lanark, ` people there are who J. P, TISDALL, Manager.
`' #d0 bad,” I l:ytrghocL "have you, the tht guild could inflict a ficotland in 1816; in England not till The Iiuiglan gOvc'rnm°nthasgoidaijg� '���.� deli°ateI.ttieoftheso Lemons14#
edition of the Bible here which, if it was aril FO sovtrelaprotb+ably that In the tntcreat oP ngws
qnt?" 1818, every newspaper in the county organs. QraYle C�lo� SEWING MACHINE D
dt, ria; ]ltd' sold think for us here. had a still more deterrent effect. -Yale There are 16 colored Baptlstchurahos 1n Y is entitled Backache,, Jame Lara Epot
di,ei o' your new fanglec3 notions o' ways in to a free, pose over all the rail- ba°k,heada°hes,llat. li
the Script lire for ai9,,, Review. Philadelphia with tau a ways in the country, bananas Huron Street.
"Rut," I said, aggregate member- British railroads have oombingd t° atop loogriess, all signs of __
"'I*ar�they have shortened the Lord's Dignity and Trousers, thip of 10,000, kidney trouble, Ara ►A�er. "Nun, that's no' a ba,d thing Jiusband-Aly clear, these trousers are Of the 781 Univer•sallst 1nin15trtr.W in rho Saturday half ltOluln'y excursion trains almost universal. •�•p ria �%° beur jest received another lot of New
fflT them as hap to frayed at the bottotti. United Statue named 1n the, Annual roK1s_ ' during the summer months on the ground f �a UL;r • ■ ■ @IO H°erg and Dominion Sewing Machine$; alae
1. Iget up tae their Y ter nearly 70 are wrnnpat, that they have their hands full with alt® Doan S 1[�adney pj�j8 ns former is an exceptionally good machine;
%0,&E early in the mornin'a," Wife -They are the best
you've got, The University of flhtellgo o••;u•nd,,d wOTe profitable rog•ulatr traffic. Tone and regulate, the kidneys and bel Plums,Tomatoes
pears and has given good satisfaction to all
I'll, IJohn, except your dress tt hosors• mart than tl,ouo,orin in t tr,, v,,.aa, l t:; (aP The supreme °Dort of Maryland has de- them to throw off the, poisons from peaches,
`-`` Husband -Well, Kiev thagq to mo, I cldod sup the purchaser of a berth or system. P ,Tomatoes & Blackberries Needles and all Icind9 of
'� have an impnrtant intnrviaw Godly in f80l-8 $309,000 was In the srelarh:v of t.ho om the are coming in regular now, Our Repairs
�� I which I exper't to he art difforent times y' Section of a sloop)ng car hasaright to give Mrs, A, Brown, R O. Boa 200, Dresden, p li M jt )rept on hand
I proud, haul,+hay, indifforont, dignifled and another person the use thereof if he leaves Out, says; Por Years I eufforod from John Bull Mart �•lf1► 1(�tt p r� Machines sold on month[ a
DRUM TAPS. the oar before It ronohas the end of the diet eseai trouble l which oan esIdadnoy pile �o�^`�� Broad y P Ymvnte. Q
, perhaps a h i(lo ell :d;sinful• Aman can't _ __ trip for which the berth was boughlt aqd got a box or them at Switzer'a Drug Rood sntisfnett on me or write for prices and ter
1>n nri that sue,•essfnily with fringe on the {s moottnK with t�-
IiiOaliled rite for a long time. They wore, hot.t.omS of his trousors,---London An_ In the Fr�nc -( tr"a"m" riot" of 1.v'; n t t hn Store. Before e,n,,,"narolug to tako them said oP it by load{tag authnrtties: °n' What is Jan. 1808 wM. trio,
. �a and painful. I tried many so-callr,l swers, losses tvoro atln,na :,;,, r P,.nt or rill o ;a{n.�r,l WOMEN'S I was unable t, buttoa m It ie boll flavored. n itieFioua nrtd ansily
WAYS. accoaat of my a,rollon condition, but bre _ -•----
ltehl6dias, but nothing helped mo. I was - and were dI l hlcd ; miry etnul•y holwoou - dig°stud, Ihave<Iet.ormb.od to have at on my F _
ttaltlpT6Geiy cured when, by recommtndatfou — the time I had finished tile o first box I now own t0d- h tabletcr Rin n„ to Ca a it oM. D, of Tiven ty-seYCn �'L,a
Vsndervyver, n Bolgdan, stntos that the brattle atnd rl°=,•;, ,•, A woman does not, enre how warm her Lakonia eetoDnd i,ne nvdnhnoa no nePBnow allied ane rs
it is a bread whish s riyspepric or Young
iI Alii la len dross really hesitancy oasil g '
t, I need length of exposnro far radiot;a'°,phs through The Tin ;. ;r ",Idf r has notnitvnl's worn Y is, iP It looks °Ool,--Atchison inrocommendinG n,•nn's r{idnep Pills for M•n•, can OR., (Fq 1 jtq pT l ovntz W right,
����' limps of d(fferent dimonstngavaries as the a rod tnii', ' , , t.l il• l ret ir.0 L, r'n the pre. Globe, as R18no,,n Ing rr.ioal tsoublo.' Tho flavor is oP sp )1f 9, xcalionat, alth
Sebes of their thh'l:ne,sS M, B°ndeard vailinQ , ,h,r 11""' r al -ru p L, I f marl dark The onlq wag a man can find oUt jest 1MysriDorihHlBnoy e'ittt91 Qo.2Tor1 nbtcin somewhah acne,!, ough
gglste. rnsemhlln�� in this respect•
States that Roentgen nays can diagnose groom nr rtr„ort in a I , i inu' rel' I•,Ilz„beth. what A woman really thinks of him in to , cab T o Lancet, London, E
Plouxisq and sfrnilhr aamplalnte, The Pt,�t'dt r t";"I nn n man-of-war ie mA1re her nn go Nowa. Tho Halo of our ItRAL n119t11 ria
»,� angry.—Chios is stt►1 InoreaeIng. wedding Cak,,p,nRTAA ��
brawn. A char, for the bi est Talk about rho progrew of the weatarti rtrond
���!ll►►►* In the Klondike region in midwinter gg gone womaal A IinnsAS woman is sntnq on° "f#lim sesoflth�SNrS auct i astry err still oar spertatttes.
the sun rises from 9:80 to 10 a, M. and tvgighs 600 Pounds And is haistOd to the nn INO ..
1 ,%�� 41 breech by n derrick, the powder being man for h� each of promise l nuothor for Eiv,°ops rite entire field of borderland anbj b tis
`'�� 1V', �I�ARDS'�rj', L"nrelrs, k7A sate from 2 to 8 p m, awed up in coarse
serge bags. divorce f-�evgiston Journal, Everybody enders. Marvollone illusiratl�a,s
Jas McClacherty,
Prosppa°tus 91.00, BRADLEY-GAIi,I%ET p1rj 2 QrrI�a
I ER '
\ I COM ANY, Lurrrrtn, Toronto Novelty B� rep ne d Restaurant Y�lECpOK`S W��� rr
If LARQg$T SALic (lr C A J6 ,,1
t 1►`'
. t
,,L - 11111=12�..- . - :.
L9hy�.,,�'iL sh.- ) , , I 10 ' ' )'. --' ' .1 LL