HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-12, Page 2WF
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Cris Count Clippings THF FIGHT A FIZZLE. _
_ R Rreat Stattnpede. Rada ,
Isn't it ourious that women never take 1 Professional
5, IMIS Exeter Methodist Sabath Schools rte A fad for pleasure or 00t 'tire for a Pad? � ��Wanted i rif f essional andOth(; a jjrd$
picnic at Goderiob on Aug. 17, (I MANILA'S LAST EXPERIMENT IN THE [ NDtANS AND A THUNDERSTORM CRUSH- How difi!erent risen aol bllrrd, we don't
Wednesday,August 10, was civic hol- 1 BULL RING" ED THE CATTLE UNTIL THEY say superior. A
RTHA�P j � Playing rttun's Pad—whether !t be
iday Por the town of Goderich. LOST THEIR P y g golf, or riding a wheel z
HORNS, or °Delver- IN EX01I tNGE C'aTT %PA NICKER , ��rt
Ing rare ohlua, or wearing white beaver 12 lbs, choice Outmeal for I bush. Oats Barristers, Solicitors, fila ,
U` le .Buswell, of the 2nd con,, Of U.« After w Tl hats --Is the thing which he like best to 13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats `
I �i �., ACAD
� bAst w lest a utedby bl valuable cattle to )door o Not Overhoryt Failed
., - — Clinton ane Bayfield,
'CJI ' last week, caused hp blackleg. From the Donver Republican do. He adopts it purely for fun, and, al -
The favorite story with sill cattle- though he occasionally falls a victim and I Crurroa Oar"1aa--Ellintc Block T11aao
E. Christie, Exeter has die Deed of domonfum Broke Loose In the Audi. men," said W. P, Andereun of Chicri c y, a !s a BAYFIELD OFt'zox—open aver
(QN THE STCLAIR RIVER) r P enol attd the Show becomes the slave of his hobo h Maln Stxeet first door west eve
�� �it��l�l®• hes 11 Very bltainP.d9 rtL.d res! estate In Wba Declared of>t yHNte['daV af(ernopn, "la one
Of a Btagre perfectly willing slave. A Woman does Oats taken lD exellange 'of
fi0�l connection to VVrn. Snell, of Exeter, Hesidvs many other regular forms of never, fargera it. not adopt a fad for fun. She takes it up for Croceries JA=sscarr, 51olYEx To 1,u.1N.
peve. Wlel, a man witnesses one he
SUCCESS We are sorry to learn of the death of ' amusement the residents of Manila used "C have heard ►nen talks of the As a duty to be performed, whether toe E H Moxiiaz;ts
-Is eert.lu to th„se who talie a Business or Mrs D. D. McKenzie, of the 11th con, n°tv and then to feels like it or not, Perhaps p Tbeae are our present rates, t� --
I.shorthand course at this College. have the bullfight. Asa kind, but haver a huller, one than that tad because her dearest friend has one or but we don't know how ton W, BR i i ONE.
Ashfield, which took place on Thera- rule, however, performance in the buil told by A• H, Pierce, known all over because it is the Fashion or ehehappens to they will continue. , SOLICITOR, NQTATiY
, lDuxingthe past Rfteen montheour da morning. g BARRISTER
graduates have been located as follows:— y g' "Ing were few and far between, since lusty the range country as Shank Hy Pierce. have a little time on band, The average
Sarnia 34, (}alt 1, Goderich i, Toronto 8, At the last maetingg of Exeter town animals seemed incapably of thriving in ` He t�,lti it
in the L'ndel! Hotel in Kan. woman Will rage round with O OLSQNr PUBLIC, ETC.
London 5, Windsor J, Winnie Man., i, council Gee. Bissett was a the torrid climate oP the Philippines. It $4.- petitions O. Clinton Office—Beaver Block.
Morden Man„ 1, Baesmaat,agit„ 1, Port- ppolnt<d (it y As near as I can remember against viviseotiona for a week and then
Baron, lfiah., 32, Detroit, blioh. x0 loan Clerk of the village of Exeter, M. Eac- was during the early days after m sir_ it. is as follows : forget the subject in favor of bicycling. 1
dusky, Oblo, 2, New York, N.Y , 6. Orange, nett haying resigned, rival. that the old wooden ring s y Several ear's She will fill an album half full of foreign IT PAYS TO UP -stairs, Opposite Poster's Photo Gallery
l r „ XJ , 1, Louisville Ky„ 1. Chicago, Ili. 6, 8— quattin g y ago I started from stamps and before six months are over CLINTON
A quiet home wedding out in the ri0efields of the Ermita suburb the ranges (if Texas with 2,(x10 cattle
St. Louis, Mo„ 1, l5esmonies, Ia.,1. g was held at which I wanted to drive into Kansas, will discover that her parties, dances and
B31Colle a open thxou hoot the entire the residence of Mr Rugh McDougall, `was to be used for the last time, and the '� —-.T_-
8 g Turn herr on Tuesday evening of last occasion e Post was orae of unusual interest since It was the regular routine work to dinners leave her no time to go on with M. Qs CAMERON
r year. Stugdants admitted any time, Grad y' the Deters announced in ' it. If women would one (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cam
nates assisted to positions. Fall 'tern► week, when his daughter, Miss Helen, grown up letters ' ga`her them from .he ranges in Texas y take up a par- September est, Write for par- was united in marriage to J. Murray, a "struggle between wild beasts— rand - and start the drive. r'f Course, we ex- tieular fad because they want to and pur- i BARRISTER
tioulara, $ g parted that we would et to Kansas in sue it gently and in a leisurely manner, AND 80 CI
of Wingham. tight between foil blooded Spanish bull dna tune and withoutgtr^tibia. I had p y would have!—New UHioe—eta,urt(tI°uDst o
A. S. NINNIO, and royal Bengal tiger, direct from the what leasure the Opposite Cotboxne Sousa
Mra Williams, wife of E. Williams, jungles of India." For days before the ' driven
in era read to held,ad over thee York Commercial Advertiser. ERIeH, ONT
> of the 8th con. Usborne, died in the exhibition conversation in the cafes ale
Clinton Post Office. London hospital on Saturday night, the Eseolta invariably turned to the sub r did trot vnticipate trouhlP on this TheCanadaBnsiaessCoilege dOHir�
Mrs Williams has been a sufferer dor- ject DP the Doming exhibition, and it was The Ot9oe Boy Indignant, RinQUT•
TIME TABLE, trip,and when I started out, I had with The editor or editress, if there is a fem- CHATHAM ON'P.
ing the past two pears from internal evident that the managers Pully intended vs the hast lot of cow punchers that mine Porm ► CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETo
` DUE MAILS CLOSED cancer, and about two weeks ago want both to tea a large harvest of beau dol- l ever left Tt�xas. „ permissible, Who daily records
to the hospital to under o an opera- lata and to wind up the career of the bull0. Milady's Moods," the dressmaking "Do- still leads its contemporaries inplacingpupila
It was q, beautiful sight when we Ings of a Daughter of Eve" and looks at Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Money to
r ` 10 1M6 B 551 Loudon and S. W. Ontariol7'00 4M0i5i tion' The Operation was performed ring association in a blaze of to ,started out, driving 2,000 inn laud on Mortgage and Note security.
7 40 4 30 Wingham and Kincardine 955 635 glory. i steers. rhe men were all in good orad glees ehofro uthe t Feminine Observer,he not always rose " 134
on Wednesday from the effects of , A hot afternoon in early February Pound s
10 15 B 551 Western S. W. ,a N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 which she died. planning n P , of our pupils were Office—HUkON STREET, CLINTON`'i 10 16 1 03 (Paris, Buffalo& eastern U S 7 00 4 05 i everybody directing their steps toward the . I „pmts, I g to dah red paint all called the boy who has charge of the pho- to the ten months engin in choice
spositions •
2 35 The annual report wooden structure, which consisted of a er Kansas City, Through the thick tographs. She was tired, o , itithe usual of nearly four per week ending
do yo R
Lill 16 1 03 Toronto east&nrth7 00 4 05 p rt of the Methodist lot of rickety seat; piled up around acir- drl,t frcm the hoofs of the „ „ oftt? Y think A�',1ID1Ew
y 1 03 ,..Montreal and Octawa... 7 00 2 chnrch of I3luevale circuit was publish- °alar arena, The reserved sections were cVaitlecould hiefs of the be sen the redh handke language
dl h 'Pairtjgtter of the On- ,
' 1 031Mauitoba, N W T and B C 700 2 3s ed a few weeks ago for the ear end- ys ae they dashed omato Dario feminine fade and fancies, j It pays to attend the best DENTIST, CLINTON
1 03 ing May 15, from which we extract the covered with a light eooP to keep of[ the i u and down,' P " _
10 27 Stratford and SeaPorth.. 7 00 235 hot afternoon sun, but the "bleachers " P gathering the herd to• want you to get me some bouillon." t,c lte•operta tar the 8
1 03l following items of interest: aarterl g Doric• • AT ZURICH q
Points E & N of Stratford 700 235 Board racei to o Q V for those that held one 'billetes de col," other and swearing !n ;good-natured "And where shall I ° 1+till Teras E 2ND Z'$URBDAY OB
11002 7 p , $7 o Trustee ssinnjard, were exposed to the blindin manner, Puzzled.
got It?" said John, Tuesday, rlrpterubar 6th. Write for oat EACH MONTH
ys 1 3 -• 11itchell and Dublin.... 7 M $c3Z2 8$ Sunday School $55 78; Misainn_ _ g glareerson . The When we were out about four days P "At the Continental," replied the tran- alague of a}char department to
7 40 s with
255 ...,...,.God rich;....•..... l9 00 ary te11.85; Willing Workers, $$$.t3q, dark faces showing°above suf 8,000 its of white bothered small band of Indiana, who scriber of the mucin ; o! Office Hours -9 to 5,
r�, Lucan crossing, Sarnia and These wick other funds make the total sheeting—found q ria ttnttl we drove thein away, maid, g the matinee D, MaLA(.HLAN aSi Co,Chatham
0 15 055 ., intermediate points... 700 4 05 $1388.80, an increase of about $400, I namentged with athu center on cage so a o t re oof the rinf i d ecwee a fi over t•hv m+tt- ` Can't I get it at the newsstand nick- �— DR' T• C. B
7 40 ..Londesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 g Q RULE.
'y` The financial report of the Victoria 'rods square, while off at the side were mornin and h afternttomitewe for ot, hi q PROPERrTEB FOR SAI,EoRTo LET SURGEON DENTIST,
The office is open to the public (holidays ex St. Methodist church sataller oa g g, V yin the Or?? said John, a light breaking upon _ ____ ___ _
cepted) Prom 8 a.m to 7 16 p m. but holders o , Godetich,for the cages containing the Heras " or all about the Indians, and ware busy Fifteen minutes later John was tellin Qraduate R C D S of Toro t and Tzinity
,, look boxes have access to the lobby unfit 8 p.m year recently closed, ,bows total col. wild beasts. g FOR SALE Dab 9f Toronto,
tecf.ions of the circuit . I The show o taking care of our stock, We knew his troubles to the new rtit
eporter. "Why The undersigned Special at
Money Order and Saving Bank office open X1478.15, the hest paned amid breathless excite- that a heavy storm was coming up didn't she sa sou tendon
' s a.m, to 0 p.m, in the history of the congregation. The + ment with an exhibition of g will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451 the natural teeth given to the Preservation
panthers, zing and wanted to get our herd pretty well wanted sou P Bay
thou"ht asked, "if she ui` 12, B ilwa Terrace, Cllntan. Particntare
Matter for registration must be posted half expenditures for the same period were a man grossed in pink tights ate dinner hunchNd before dark so we could ban- „ y
n n pour before °losing the mails. just flfty cents leas. Among the re- in their big cage after setting off a bunch file. them easily in case of rough wee- P g she wanted are PP ion, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u Othce, Coats l look, over Taylor'e shoe store
"; STAGE MAIL — SU:v111ERHTt,L —Every ceipta, envelOpPs yielded $717.I4, plate oP firecrackers under one of the "$eras," the+ + g afternoon paper. —Philadelphia Times, —Will
FOR S11LE. Bra is d cry visit Thursday afternooMonday
d day cad
Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- collections $132 52, Zinn chnrch $180, l which did not seem inclined to wake u Avoiding Notoriety. summer wring the
,;11� Ing at 5.30 p.m. Sunday school $10x.93, Ladies' Aid $84, enough to lick his chops or to pretend to the herd naodtwe never did get stampede , to �� N'actory and contents on the
ONCE A DAY ONLY i; mall despatched organ fond $61, mission; $(i2.13, even- + large Your eggs," remarked the coarse hen Buchanan for $125; by paying Property of D.
front this office to Londosboro and Bcl rave, want to eat somebody. The daring per- number of the cattle, although the with the raucous voice, her real animus Y g $15 down and
g lite 80.(30, smaller ire former lived to digest his glass of water herd proper was saved. The ahampede balance at $10 a month, Building to be ro-
also to Mitchell and Dublin, malls closine as e W � making up g moved, Apply to J- SCOTT, Clinton. B wM• 4h d L. R. C. P, and L. R. O. S.
p p but thinly cloaked under an affectation of Edinbur h,
ab; ve stated the total, and one cracker, and a deer was next in. was caused h,v the Indians with whom Indifference, "are not as large as hail- , Night ca11a at&,tDor Ontario Brest Clinton
Mails for British Isles and European conn- Last Fridaynight Mr Frain,; highly ' troduced into the inclosure. The panthers, we had trouble during the morning. stones." EAUSG 10 $E bury St„ o of residence on Batten
tries iatended•to be forwarded by New York, esteemed res ent of con, 3,Gre ass even at the command of the keeper, seem- $ the flashaq Of lightning we paw „ „ _ NT. Opposite church,
r a must have written on the top left hand corner y' P ed unwilling y g The henly hen smiled sweetly. The large frame dwellipq house on lbert
1' of envelope Vie NEw YORK. Cd away to the unseen, He went to g to attack theirgentle foe, and them Sc Lmpering away across the „ No, she answered in her quiet way, Street lato_y occupfed el Mr. Todd, with halt p
, 11bed about A.30, a,nd was sleeping quite I on continued hissing from the big audl- plains in an opposite directiod to that Ido not court newspaper notoriety, "� an acre oP land. Rent moderate. Apply to DR. TUR
naturally at 1l o'cicek, Saturday morn °ncelthe animals were withdrawn. taken by t.hP herd. Detroit Tribunes NBULT,,
' �' The Plebiscite Vote to be ing when Mr Frain did not rise his wife I T{ten great shouts of "El Coro, of tore!" "The stampede started shortly after JAMES SCOTT. ltarriater,
wentto ascertain the cause, and to her sirose as off at the small gate at ono aide midnight Choice House and Lot for Sale. I"CHR1N'S BLOCIK
Ll, Stairs,
r c➢AA terrible grief found that the vital spark filo bull appeared oaliuly walking forward everf trget what I went throtugh heforle ' CLINTON.
taken on Sept. 2e1. under the guidance of two natives, and daylight, The Indians A frame house and quarter -acre lot on the Night calls answered at oftlee.
P had fled, and deceased, with his head gathered a On corner of James and Marla streets, Clinton;
li _— under his arm, had gvidently passed !ton°wed applause arose as the small heavy the flank of the cattle and wormed )' ood brickwetl, baro 14x2
e away without a stl uggle, .heart fail- cage containing the royal Bengal tiger them until the whole herd was in mo. an
Apply to station and Dotter Fuetory ��
1 Thursday, the 29th Of Sept., is the gat was roiled u i' JOIi Dox
fixed b the P ore was the cause. p to the sliding door of the tion. Of course, in a wink we were. all ':•� 1', Clinton, DR, J, Qp, ggAw PHYSICIAN,
` y government for the vote all I central structure. g Rtoonoheur, etc„ uGEON
1 over the Dominion on the subject of prohi- The Goderich Star says:— "Mr and The bull was shoved into the iron jail, t P ng to gf11 mounted, and e eta after the herd, This is the complaint of IIJUSE TO REN ratio St., oppoeitA English chnrch residence on.
bition. The Government having shown its Mrs Wm. Tighe, of Britannia Road, a dozen or more bunches of fireorackere them taaeth p, mPede and keep thousands at this season. T. cupted by D osli"' Englishton, hchuClinton Ont formerly oo
good faith in this instance, may be relied are called to mourn the foss Of their ; They have no a Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north
k one dart were sot oft in the small box holding the "Shortly after t.ha stampede started doeanotrelish,Ppetite, food art o rent at once. ge o half -acre warden anti
`upon, when the result of the vote is an- able y daughter, a very bright and love- tiger in order to wake hien up, rho slide the Storm began,and the bright flashes Root ] nR• MaCCa
1, thy of publ prose themselves equally wor- ar.d TOtmonthe rllthoagbetlol4 Drente door connecting the two was withdrAwn, Of lightoin , and t the stomach and di estivetortoniagapot Ovorchard, with promises Driers oPPruitORE, LLUM.
;, thy of public oonfidetice. The form of the W e Depot, M. D., C, M., AIcG[Il, M, C. P. & S„ Ontario
z 1 y g , and with a deafening roar the g he heavy rolling of g gene, which Sawing Machine Depot, Huron Street.
c, , ' ballot paper, and of the question to be sub- she had reached the third room of the I than cat rushed forth and tried to swallow the cattieer added to the madness Oi a course of Hood a Sarsaparilla well give Late Resident Physician to
a wv :: witted, is as follows:— Collegiate Institute she was beloved b A o e the roar of the them, It also purifies and enriches the HOUSE TO LET, Hospital, Montreal, Royal Victoria
' ' ' teachers and schoolmates. The funeral a man who was standing outside the bare storm and (he thunder, of the hoofs of blood, cures that distress after eating and _ Oflice—Dr, Doweley's stand, Rat
«:. Ara you to favor of the impo g on Sunda a ! quietly a heated pitchfork. glia bull stood the c trying
I could hear my men ailing internal misery one a dyspeptic sixGi od large house on Rattenbury street withNight calls —D at Clarendon hotel. tenbury St.
t of an act prohibitinRthe impor- y ftefnoon was a very large I quietly in one Corner wagging and tr in h y y can arge rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer
( tation,manufacture, or sale of One; many from a distance bii�leing req_ fig g Itis tail y g y every power to keep kitchen, psoftcomer
spirits wine, ale, beer, cider, g P and after blinking his eyes once or twice there to ether. p knout, creates an appetite, overcomes tarot W Y. hard and soft waer, large f, R BTAN1sURX
t ant, Rev. Fr. West officiated an the ;proceeded to examine his antagonist in a g The bellowing Of the g and builds sip and an;tains tenant. App] be
rented chew to L GRADUATE OF THS
t 1. t ;, and all other alcoholic liquors mad cattle, the rush Of the horses, ttte tired feetln Y NEW ERA OR}ce, of Permanent si Medical Department o1 piator}a
r c ' for use as beveratres? Das No hnnuP and at the grave, The floral i most friendly spirit. In fact, there seemed Yellin of the v 11
I. � tributes are many and ver ex expressive, g men and the thunder the whole physical system. It eo prompt- JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich. Diapansarnite' EOrmerly of the Hospitals
The persons right
h vote Provincial
franc including tokens from Mrs W. Z•giPl 'Ito be no hard feeling at all between the made a combination of "noises the like lY and eP&ciently relieves dyspeptieeymp- Y Dflgttr New York, Coroner for h
who have the right of the Provinotal fraa- g P. I two beasts, and Che ti era y y of which T newt expect to hear again, CHUICE FARM FOR SALE. Count °n' Baylleld, out. e
` ohisea, or thosy who ander tba Dominion Miss Allie Lewis Mrs Judge DO le, M,sq I g PParentl one tome rind cures nervous headaches, that 11 _ .G
Maggie Hixrlav, Mise l+to McIntosh,a°ted to get at the gontloatna outside Just as dawn commenced to streak the beams to hay ------
' Ymnohise act passed last session, would + , the cage, net at the bull. horizon we managed to turn the head • OBt'ca magic totrCh.'• A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved J.H BLACRALL VETERINARY BURG
Farr Rus,els Mrs arthv, Mrs P. Mo- lana, on the 2nd con, of Stange All but 15 onotary(}radaataofthe0utarioVete SON
Piave he purposes
po es vote in a federal election, Farlane, Mies McCarthy, Mi„ Fraser, I ti ere audience howled and jeered at the of the rushing column, and in a short 00acro; cleared, cod frame bons y' College, i tsars r ri
I For the ur Dees of• this vote the came pro- g bet ou the buil and criticised the time had them Din ' gg e, frame barn, aliarteases�P ti ate'
P Miss Beatrice Carnev,Miss Mabel Tom, P g beanngorchard, running water. Situated CHwa male un the mostmudern4nd cele
r . headings, as nearly as may be, will be had Mis, Strang, Miss Iii ttie Flood; Mi, Man with the itCbfork as he ave the ing. g gin "circle, mill- miles from town of nig on. Will be sola on plea OPtioe-immediately south oft °
ae in the Daae of a general Dominion elec- 1 tiger several hard pokes in the ribs. Th}s With daylight the storm ceased, reasonable terms. D. MCTAVISH, Clinton. night ergs heN Era
1 Katie Deane, Miss Bertha Baia, Mias i fb e, Itestaenae —Albert tit„ Clinton, Dai
i+ tion, The ballot papers will be printed at Lizzie Muir, Miss Buchanan, and sever- angered the beast so that he made a dive and we could see ever y attended top ' bt., q
r Ottawa. Every returning officer will a for the bull and y movement. New tlouBe and Lot for Sale.
p al other friends Of little May The Promptly found himself After we once Lot the herd going in a JOHN F. MILNE,
paint two agents to attend at each polling friends who caanP rO tossed tint° the air. But as he came down circle it wa,q an ;acv matter t S Subscriber effete his house and lot on VETERINARY SURGEON
f m Hullatt were: ° keep S a rsaasir,,11 a treat for sale ou cheap and reasonable mill at the Qrieeti ed to (hncon and opened an oboe
u g3tative on behalf of those desiring an aiiir- be hung on to the bull's nolo and dug them together, and our efforts were I-
�t1 I
Mr and Mrs J. Reynolds, Mrs Blake and t°r°'a' ed for ttte Botal, where tta may be con
r costive answer to the question, and two en his claws into the tough bide. Curiously g The roue° is a new twn•swry frame, with stann tieatmant or autt-
daughter, VV, Morrison and sister, Mr directed to .akin the circle so sural, ocliar, hard and soft water, Lot one- cattle, mac. All esus all diseases of horses,
behalf of tbose desiring a negative answer. and Mrs T. Tighe, Miss Tighe and' enough, the bull did not sem to mind that that the stampede would he stopped. 1s the best —In taut the One True BloodPutiLee. an acre. Reason for selling - quarter of rand , night or da r
i", These agents will not be entitled to any re- hew, Mr Robert Millar, Mr and Mrs p- in the least, and the two stood perfectly As it grew smaller nothing but a mpov_ move nearer to his work. g owner wishes to ea to. y, promptly at
w+ Painneration from the public treasury, A McKie, Mr and Mrs F -McKie D. Shan Perfect are the best after-dinner W• MENNEL, Clinton.
still, locked in close quarters, for some tog bunch of great horns could be seen
luige vote should be cast, as there were ahan and three daughters, 51'r J. Scan. minutes. above the herd, and they kept milling HOOCH°S pl](1S arils, fid digestion 260.
t , ' x,3ego w 'names on the old federal lists:— lin Mr D, Shanahan, 'r. J. Reynolds. And, to make along storyshort, there and milling and. milling, COTVAGE AIV p MAl curer o 1tlarEa�oEilt A ESCOT, SA,
,,} 'rhea° were •divided among the several pro- 1 y oeeurted some Pour of those ild attacks VOTERS LIST, ISO$, SALE. LOT FOR and Residence, Msry serest, Oiinton,' Library R cow
winces as follows: Tr•. and sister, O. and A Flynn,M, and , " 'Here the ,fury -teller stopped to _
(T / I �. Brown, Mrs J. YlcWhinnie and 'always incited by the man with the take a thaw of tobacco and one Of the `---
Ontario ..................650,021 daughter, Alice,of Dungannon,and Mr pitchfork —during which the bull stepped interested liateners interrupted to know Municipality of the Township of t ge of foucdoom� °Teta for sale a frame cot- AMES c
Quebec and Mrs M.Foley.Leeburrr, also attend- Peed Huilett Huron CouLit3. with kitchen and woodshed CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO
Q , • • • • . • • • • • .... , , , , 361,07G on the tiger, making him howl with pain, What happened nt?xt . att:ached. Contrally silos+ed. Good water and TSSUER OP DiARR1AGk LIO7NSE8,
11 ;^ Nova Scotia ........ . .....111,124 ed the funeral, On Monday at 1 p, m and the latter badly bit the bull on the " `Weli,'continued Pierce, 'they kept Notice is hatch -- drainage. Wi}I be sold Chea A
a rat le s and nose. After the fourth round g And milling, and when they ted or delivered to the persons xnAntion r p• pals to No witnesses required New Brunewiok .......... 91,G97 q tram .a,s, was sting by the choir g Millin a Y Bruen that Ihave trnnamit- Clinton Dec. IOLh �'' C SEA1tLE.
r t Prince Edward Island .... 25,245 of fit. Peter's for the repose of the soul ' both beasts seemed to be in want of a "topped I found that in , their millin sections.5 and r> of the Voters' Lists Acts the LW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER M1. anitoba ................ 65,684 of the deceased. siesta. It was growing dark, and the they bad ground al! their horns Otft copies required'by said Act of all persons sip- HOUSE �) r . R OF A BB'N OB
dissatisfied audience pried for another gearing by last rev isedAssessmentitoll of the FOR SALE. P. L. Engineer,
,Provincial Land Surveyor and
Northwest Territories .... 20,878 and I drove the herd into Kansas and said Alunicipality,to he entitled to vote in the Civil Engineer London, Ont•—Office at Geo,
British Columbia 38 010 burl. sold them for inulase.' " said Municipality at elections for members of X2,200 buys rho two semi-detached brick Bt°wart's Grocery Blore, Uliaton.
: { `' """ Walter L. Main's Bi t and The flrat animal was finally gra the Legislative Aesembl and at dtunicipal y
" ` ady'four of the provinces there have at- y gged g houses on Rattenbur St., known as the ,Fox- CLINTON MA
Best Sh0/K3 �Oliling away after the tiger had glades retreated Elections, and that said lyiat was first posted tan Property, R13LE VD Ol;vlis.
e dt been popular iotas are
the ltquor Rail Pairs Ltp in my office a Londesboro on the 28th day
to his Dago, and a Ptah bull with more of Jing, 1898,and remains there for inspection, thoryho juste funds near°te and ala'
(pleat#Sc These Manitoba
provinces are Ontario, spirit 'was introduced. Now, however, the Mone g mall OOOPtLR'B LD STAND. t �tova Scotia, Manitoba and Prince Edward Rivalry among showmen the g Electors are called upon toexamine the said sums w t i.tilr u i n tr ; , :y. Kates low. Next to Commercial y,
past ti er was leas game than ever, and no Ir-dustrial. Toronto, Aug.20 to Sept. IO aretfound therein iODs r any tbererrora W, BRYDONE, Barrister, al notol.
Island, In each ins;since the result was in ten years—tbot• ts, rivalry among the amount of firecrackers would induce him proceed-
fA"ver of pzohibiti The votes recorded wealthy Ones, lifts been the means of al- to stir from the email cage Ile seemed Western, Landon, Sept, 8 to 17. inns to have amid errors corrected according This lnsnment is in roll or station aa@ a
were as folkws: moat ruining the beauty and real Northern, Wfllkerton, Sept, 14.15 to law, JAMES; CAMPBELL, BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR orderfilled ra the
wostOa i fec o`1
y trier- far too sensible and literall a Tttrnberry, Wtngharo, Sept. 27.2$ July lath, 1895. Clerk of Hl Ilett T y way deme
For Against it of their enterprises, owin to the be possessed of an asbestus akin to p SALE sonable as those of any eetabl ehnYenti rices a
b11 ario .......... . .. .192,497 110,757 all -absorbing sc0heme to present big It was now North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22 23 _
a ova Scotia....... , . , , , 43,756 12,355 shows to the public. To such an ex audience joinedgin a chorus of dark.
The Huron C'.entral That desirable Brlek Business Stand on Al SEALS & HUOVER, Clinton
2021 Minton, Sept. Application to Parllatnent bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
t #ttiia Edward Island.. G,lTB 1,923 Creme lies this been carried, that mer- ale began to light matches to see their -- offered for sale, including rear lot and stable, _____ - -
MAnitobs. ........ . . . . 18 037 Notice is hereby given that an application
The location is one of the beat in Clinton. The WAN rED By Old Established $
7,116 It hal been almost forced into second programmes, and the circus Mng looked ae will be made to the Legislature of the Pro- ppC0p0rty is free from incumbrance and title in- High (}rade ouse�
1 ]Majority for prohibition, 128,868, ary place for magnitade, WICK, how- if it were filled with fireflies. Then the vinoe of pntario at its next session, by the diaputablo. Price reasonable and terms to suit °f cod Church atandia Man ,o�iWoman,
ever, one exception. To use anadver• programmes tbemaetves Were ignited to CURTAIN RAISERS. Corporation of the Town of Clinton, for. an ppurchaser. Apply to(}iCO.STANBURY,Lott. here and do Dolce weti'k� at
rising line, the one in c�nestlon rosy be get more eight Cries oY "Give ua book Je1T Act to confirm By-law No 7, for t8n8 of the dO° Road, or address Clinton P. O at their borne. Business already but'p1 do°O°
r The Americans are now speaking in most fitly described as rhe Main Show, our money 11 and others a less printable Baia Corporation, passed to raise upon scant- , establiahea hare, ,alaxy M. Enclose and l
w lt>ct'uth more eulogistic terms of England Maln in Mame, Marne in size, arson do Angelis is summering in its of debentures of the as}d Corporation, the b at for Dale or to Rent, addressed stumped enva,ope for our ,,If
P London. sum of s25,uu0 00, to be advanced to the firm of A. P, Elder, terms to
newness an Main a- kind arose, and pandemonium reigned. W. Doherty & (°, for a period of twont The south •half of lot 5, concession Ave., Chicago, Ill al Manager' 180 Michigan
licaf.thing6 English than they have us- d, above all, Main in fes- Men jumped into the ring, but rho t! er Elite Proctor Otis plays the leading role from the date of the advance, without ship of Morris, containing 100 aures 9' Town -
.0 tures, As old.timer, will remember, refused to move for anybody, A couple of mann a est, to assist the said firm in the erection of 80 acres
t bt3tlly been wont to-do. And not before g !n "Sporting Life nest season, under the cleared Mor in
Main Haver advertised a single an Organ Factory to the said Town of Clinton Tbol a are on the promise to Pramelhouse P frame 'AGENTS.
1t'?iS High time, If any people are un- he did not present, and thegsame r iVid tot ovcago withthe
hastily introduced in- B ment of Jacob Litt. and to authorize the issue of ,tebentures bar°• frame drive house, good or
Mise Zuiirmp Searles $olkoom rettder, under the said B failing g chard, never 7ilondilre Gold Fielaa," a tar e, Chea
tl%�ts pbligations to Great Britain !t iB bull in Chu hope oP , Y law and to validate and g supply oP spring water. Situated $ mile able book, sellin erica a whirlwind p' v�lA`
rule adhered t° now is going to gree stirring things up. has accepted an engagement to travel with gg
confirm an agreement made and entered into from the village of Blyth, Will be sot d on tea- Prospectus twenty-five cents, , Beautiful
FOX+ en in the engagement in this rtty see- but the hull merelylinked env the Chfoa o LadYea' between the said corporation and the said gOnable terms, Apup1y toC. AAMILrO}v, B,ythooks on time,
#tut}3 of the neighboring Republic, but en features alone, each worth the on the nose and wagged his tai p twTAM
aGtbhe g quartet next season, firm of W. lloherty & Co, or THOS, R. WRIiIIiT Exocut r, 948 PriuI BRADLEY G}ARIIJf TSON COCOM pA nc L Im
tke have been slow to show their sip- price of admission, not to mention the other, while the show was declared off on Kyrie Bellow, the actor, has been matdy0 Clinton t . SCOTT fit MCKENZIE, Avn„ London, out. - o, '
enormous mens a follow of the Royal Geographical socia 'loliaitors for Applicants ACt,ENTS
ire(tiitti0n. We hope the tide has per- menagerie exhibit and the account of darkness. Thea everybody filed y Microscopical 4th July, 1808. xc leant %'stills to Rent. "
ra flne circus performance in addicion, the and a fellow oP the Ito al Microavo The beat lite of Her Afalesty T have seen;'
117ittlently turned, and that hereafter latter presenting 87 distinct arta but out in disgust, and the
man with the soai°ty, ('1 {, writes Lord Lorne about " assn Victoria:'
• 141; ing but A�he most friendly and none confusing er conflictin tiger, panthers and pitohEorks sailed for Manager A. M. Palmer has a now Pearce A <JI rest Event owing to i I health of his wife, the subscriber A8Ants make f}• a dollars daily,
seven features are, first and foremost Foreign eboxea by the first steamer. Such comedy by Mrs, Chartreuse, entitled has deeded tl offer his s lenclid Parma on the BItADLL+'X-GARRETaON CUEiPANY, LnilTrcn,
1 kI - ,,y relations will exist b0twesn the only bib elephant on earth of its P That Man, wbion he Intends to give a s 1tores11"o Loci ! ich Onetow� ipc armsarly contains ad Toronto.
was the last performance in the "Plaza de CANADA'S GREAT. , , ill
'IhgYtl' as de Manila," and nowadays nothingtrial production in August, and in Orat, c r, a etata oP cultivation• Thera is AGENTS — Book business is better than f
size, little Admiral Dewey, only ten marks the spot where stood the arenF. Ziegfeld, Jr., has acquired the Amer- 9°-111 "ram, ho se bearlrgg orchard, bank barn Ys. Agents ci have beuerandfascorsei °r
days old, 32 inches high, and weighing Dace t 80 Peet long an etitblex; plenty of water on the books. nq,nta clear Prom $lore 4e. lin
"',Aisevtr rthYBuss Record for the but 260 ppunds the moat daring and P the little ticket office, over whose icau rights to the Parisian suocosa "La place and also inside the building, water lot 33, few leadors aro: "(1 1` fr Viu6or} $ woekly.
(iRliQda Jt3uslness GOlteg@,. thrilling arentc lion, ti er, anther and windows are the words "Billetea de So1." Tortue," by Leon Gandillot, which will p 4th concession i Hnitott, (near the Also other) Con- Gtadstono," "Vty htother's}3tb1 a, `Life of Mr
Iger, p --Jose h IOarlvStevens In New York Po reopen the Manhattan theater, Now York, Xi �SI TION tint°g 3;3 asr, ,all clearod and seeded down. ° Stories Pro-
s t ` L'hat —_ Ont, elephant act on earth the realest p u the both f rms are Ito acres cleared and greasivoSpo paos''of tete area; eo11d Fields,""�ro
acrobats living (the Pd(I ,family); next season. 0 0 man,^ "Grim Breaktasb
y y>; th0 without a foot f waste ]and, and 25 acres will Dinner and Supper," ' Canada; a' ftnoyokf ati
yo have judt received a °ommunioation grandest flying aerial act everattempt- Wolseley In Canada• Mr. O'Dell Williams has been re -en- be wady for fat wheat. The "arms are or) ood din." Boolrs on tante. Outfits fraa to
1.0, 0111, Ur Dr MaLsohlan do Co., proprietors ed (the family "Werntz " , " gaged by Mr, W. A. Brad to la his ned =ravel road, al oat 2 miles from town of Min. anvassers,
of Berlin) It Is intsrosting to recall th0 circum- he BRADLEY•GARRIETSON CO..CLimited
'Of,'010446f da Business College, Chatham, the only Crandall, riding clown; Toney stento," says the London Chronicle, "that original role of Squire Bartlett in ",Wa "Oil, le Ill be mtod to a ooa tenant ata roa- Toronto,_
Whkii e'h6*0 that the last scholastic year Lowande, the most graceful of all there was some thought of makingColo- Down East" next season, opening at BOB • rose• opal on rife p°mt9ose or °ing ou atMcI�iII,LOP ]{TUTUequestrians, and William Wallett now DelWolseley, as he then was, lieuttenant ton on Au 15. Industrial �a,jr floe. ppi on til P gY letter to AL FIR,Eihilt•: tr .O ,th t the moat tituti n. in rho Champion bareback rider of all coun- governor oP Manitoba, g,TAOMns MASON. INSURANCE CO
��arlYi+yOf that worthy institution. 184 of tries, Taking Out these eight leave province, in which b supe es eat 8 Rea Oonan Doyle's own play, founded on 611eir; itPiflIShave been placed in good pool- g g the Sherlock Holmes tales, Is said to be Toronto ... CHESTER BOAR lop SERVICE .
rt#01iiti rife ten months ending JRfy 1st, q a additional numbers on a pro "file®r rebellion more than a quarter OY a now in the hands of Charles Frohman, �r pp FARM & ISOLAT&D TOWN PROPERTY
f $fent , cktAd form have nqt been able to pre- � , eo the press say generally, that century ago. But the Idea was not carried who may produce it in this °°tinny neat AUG. 2e/flt t0 SEPT. 10t11� f,�$ ], y, mi hoeeg f o Cho for°Whito�Ilonr ' ItaigtAn ONLY INSURED
.`�t]rg'thei't k 6tol fast enough to meet the as never been equaled in the circus into effoot, season with William C#tllvttd as the de- -� $ , payable at time Chester
r Whit with Privilege orrrorR,
ettnitgd 'fbr stetiogYAphere, book-keepers, world heretofore, Main's motto is: "Foxt Ga teotive. or returning if timeneceary,
Merit flrst + � which the rebel, fled Rumor, have been u NeW end Wonderful! Attraction9 Geo, Watt, President,,ppoll oflarlo°k P, O .
.1 (" 6 101ets #> othertion,colleges. The Col. accounts he money making sand from all an the approach of Colonel Wolseley, has published porting JOHN v, DIEHL, nrcLenn, Ki
IA rir3i6 nTnsed for vacation, and will re• k g merit make now developed into the flourishing city of the engagement of Mr, Joseph golland l xaolling all prAvious yearsannon, Sooq-Trane, i3eaforcpi I t e•1
aft' gbec�aysl�s#it. 8th. The College of. the money, These enormou, big Winnipeg, the metropolis of Manitoba for Miss Viola Allen's company far noxi � CLINTONCLINTOTv Hays, Seafo,, P. o., i[nspeetorot Lassos,
Ydt#Ydt#lis 0#SetY Ffb that parties interested ehOws-will exhibit in Goderich on Sat- Various relics of Wolseley'a march from ay�son, The statement is incorrect. Mr, The CGuban.Arnericall War WOOD aI1Mi COAL YARD 61Rrorolts
te';f0>E OatAlbgite, Aiid get tiny Other urday, flee 13tH. -VOrt Williall to Fort Garry are still shown Halland has not dot made any arrange- Exciting Naval;and Military Diepiaya • W. G. Broadfoot, Snaforth; John G. Grieve.
dl� hiform at Any time by ad• to totiriata in that quarter of Canada." menta for the Doming theatrical pear, Subscriber Is or
oal to temples Nil all or. E Winthrop P. O.; George 1)alo. Snatorthr Tboa,
d#iC[f1. l 14tCLACtfr nx & Co. RIO AD$RS of 't`l�e latest In�rentlons &Novelties dors f, r Wood or Coal, which will E sold at 0.; Thos Garbutt' olinton anTltama9litF Beechwood P,
THIq PAPER 11'eW 6m d y b near it" to the title Of ]own, rates. OfHan an Ieaao Street, at LAVTS Brumfield, John 1#, iC into nTLEY, IGlppan,
y� DTC STRING TO BUY ANYTHING ti new oOmedy by Ilgnry Arthur Jones, from all parte of the world I.tdr LEM es. fuse on W. WH t LAVIS racer,
fere Y��t ryQr ADVERTTShIn IN Ii'8 COLUMNS Aeotirding to the New England HI to which will by produ0ed at the SAytmarket `="==
8H0pLD INSIST UPON HAVING} foal Genealogical society, only 29 families theater, London, not later than the second ACrNTs
WHAT THEY ASID FOR REFUSING that came to Now England from Great week In January, 1899, This ariangemont entrytries of I xhibitsolu�or grize 1 sb p AGENTS WANTED. Ebert Smith fiarlook; Jno. �V Y°b,1;o
r ALL BUIiSTITUTE8 Ott IMITATI excursions from everywhere,kk Ville; RRobt. McMillan, Seafortb; James lOtt°s.
OATS. BritalD ward entitled to bring armorial limit, to run at that hovev oP "The Lit• adllrga forms, program an and all i e+ Aronts wanted, mato slid Pnmate, in every Mor��aon &idiYtttrs°'John Govonloolr and Jphq
baaxing;s with t11am. ten Miffiie " partin ears, loan its to ae[1 our novelties' Big commisalon
C _ �. J, J, WIT.HROW, acrd. coag application and 28 cents for Pull not -the bu mese w/ll b0 proof lugger". or �d ns• f
—W President H• .t. f12LL Iron of eattinnlos. The T RANOIS M't'g Co.' f P y
Manager, Tot• ti Glbnfodoration Life Vld'ga, Toronto 4rtt2d sped ttio°ih it r epeotfytp - ,- eve O,MdoYt
„ . 11! °11 >
, /
i" Y
.. .. L I I ., *1 , , L I" I . . I I , IrL .1 �'` . , . � k . L 1. ?I 4 . I L " 1 'o-',4% 1. . I - I I I I i , , 1 . \, , . I .11 1; I �
L --kik"k . I— . � ; I I . , * L , ". tl .nmft,,�M�Wfiddik" , 10, A 11- �l - ` , I L , _1_%%=.&��'=� _
. A