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1- .r.•.a with your choosing if you ----------- I
� bay a Watch frotri us, sat -
y;" is ad with its timekeeping, ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor, CLINTON, ONT., AUGUST 12, 189 1 w
satisfied with its beauty.x your in advance $1.60 when not so paid
I - You'll m �j u��(' Bayfield . Y Stanley• Cyoderich.
Save AROUND 111E I— lJ IE3• IMPROMPTU.—Otte windy day last iBoat for Sale.-9ound, IB foot row boat
What wide-awake and reliable corrreapondents find worthyof recording for publication, week while Mr Datil McLeod, in com- ENGAGED. -Miss S. E. Reid, of the only three years old in good condition; one ni
Mone the best in GodericV, $15 cash—Apply to H•
Money an with some others, was sailing his Bayfield road, has been e0 a ed ae
8elgrave Coat
g g TURNER, Goderich
Holrnesville boat out of river, the beam swan and. teacher for S. S. No. 4, Hay, for the
ce choosing h be for are HARVEST,- The wheat is not only NOTE$. -Missed A. Whiteman and den) about and knocked him into the coming year, 1899. ELEVATOR. -The concrete and brick
oellenae and beauty are Y
. a:., joined to low rices in our safely gathered in but a large percent- H. Ivison are the guests of Mias,Holde- water. As Dan is an expert swimmer, ( LECTURE. -On Tuesda evenin Dr. pprate, d, which there are 72r are all
1 P age threshed with gratifying results.- worth this week. as well a9 an experienced sailor, Y F'+ flriiahed, and the ground fluor of the
selling of Watches. Not The s cin crops are all in stook, 1 P h@ Jas. Butchart gave a very able and structure is now beinglaid.
1. a Watch in our stook that P g P Y CHEESE. -Mr Connolly has sold and found the shute and safety. eloquent lecture in S. S. No. 1 on his partlyd. The large
is unworthy your baying. much already rn the barns. Harvest shipped the 1st half Of July make of ANOTHER ACCIDENT.—While play- recent seven years missionary work in is said 100hn re en ill be needed int
and fall apples are plentiful throug out I Holmesville and Oonstance Cheese in about the stove on Monde at China. His address was illustrated by `aide of ten days.
We are always pleased to g Y
this section, winter fruits will be some- Factories to Ballantyne & Son; Strat• noon the little child of Mr and Mrs fns is lantern views, which unfolded
chow you our assortment. n CLEARED. -In last week's dailies n
what scarce. ford, at 7c. Wallace Johnston, Saubie line, was many of the mysteries of that foreign P
Ai - . : peered an account of the drowning of
n When will you be in 7 NOTES.—Mrs Tufts,after an extended W. M. .- The Sewing Circle of the terribly burned about the arms. The land, and was much appreciated by ti Goderich o,in g
We are leaders in oar line. absence, is home again. Miss Black,of W- M- 8- will have a five cent tea in the little girl was in great pain when dr•iv- audience. his decease Y g man charged Chatham;
a Elyth,is visiting her sister,Mrs Wight- church on the afternoon of Thursday en to the office of Dr, Stanbury for NOTE$, -Dr. Thos. R. Butchart and McDonald, of tithe Kolfe.O having
man, this week. Mrs Barkley is slow- next, at which they will make quilts treatment, but is now getting better. g
P. Bo Crews W wife, of Michigan, are spending their shoved him overboard. We under-
ly recovering from her recent severe and prepare articles for their Mission- SERIOUS ACCIDENT. -Mr in. Hig- vacation at John-Butchart's. Alex, stand the evidence went to rove that
fall. Rev. G. Leech and wife,Toronto, dry box. D�na+ione of anything use- gins, of the Saubie line, who returned g P'
Rev. W. W. Leech, and wife, White• fol thankfully accepted. "Freely ye home from the west this spring, met Moir, of Denver, Col., and sister spent the Goderich captain was not in any
Jeweler & Expert have received f an evening at the home of J. Butchart a way responsible for the accident.
church. Mr Ed. Leech, Bluevale, Miss reels give. with an accident one da last week
y this week. Miss'Young, of Minto, is
Watch Repairer McIntyre,Winni�eg,Miss Glregg,Wing• CHIIROH.-The sacramental service which may, yet coat him his life. He at present the neat of Ltdie9 Kate Rose, SALTFORD BRICK YARD. -Mr Cor -
and Mr T. Lourtice, Ho rnesville, of the Methodist church held on bun- was assisting at a threshing which was g nell, of Thedford, is at presAnt an aged
Mise Tena Batter of G • 't'
` have been visitors at the Methodist. cin on at the farm of Mr John Dav- Y+ ray, Is vial Ing in putting in at Cornell Bres'. brick- ._.
day, was a profitable and enc ing g the fs,mily of Geo. Baird. Miss Stone- Auburn
parsonage this week. one, and a large number artook othe Icon, Goshen line, He was in the mow yard, Saltford, one of the latest im- .
' + g P and for some purpose limped oft, man and Miss Portice wheeled from rovementsili the brick making line
BIIILDING.-The business block oc- Lords Supper. The business meeting P p P London on Wednesday of last week P g + J. NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer
Porters Hill. cupied by D.Geddes, tailor, and P -Rob- was held on Tuesday evening, with a alighting on the erect ban le of a fork, and are visiting at the home of John the down draft kiln, with a capacity in Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty)
P fair representation of the officials. A which entered his bowels. At the of 1,00,000 brick. It, is circular in shape Whips, Valises, Combs, Brushes, Roes and
NOTES, -It is evident that our black- inson, butcher, has this week received P P- Gibson, Mise B. Habkirk, of Blyth, P Horse Trimmings.
smith does not like working alone as a new roof. Mr R. Robinson, having propriations similar to last year and to time of writing it is impossible to fore- Sunda ed at Wm. Graham's. Miss 't the fuel to fed h frOrn the top; the
E roraptly aid quarterly. S. tell the result, but the wound is a y heat passes through the bricks three i✓HQRCH.-Rev.Mr Couzens has gone
recently purchased the shoe store oc P � Q Y• I. Wal- Ethel Sullivan, of London, is visiting
he has employed ano�her apprentice, cupied b pR. Hobbs, has had it moved ter was appointed delegate to the pi- Painful and dangerous one. her grandparents, Mr and Mrs John times -down, up, down, and thence to C,ifton Springs Sanitarium,and may
the one he had having left last week. P Y through the smokestack, effecting a remain for a few weeks his work here
'I' Mise Alice Whiteman and her two to the front of his own lot, Main street. nancial District meeting to be held A RARE CATCH. -One of our local McGowan. g g +
brothers, from Kippen, are visitingg in Mr R. Stonehouse is putting a new here on the 23rd anglers hooked up a fish this week saving of 5C%. The bricks will be equal next Sunday will be taken by the evan-
the neighborhood. Miss Hannah Ivi- foundation under his residence. Mr which is of quite a rare species for to any brick made iu Canada church , wil.1 mak; Mrs OWest White -
son had the misfortune to et her McCrea, just north of the village, has these waters. It is kpown as German Nile. S. S. PICNIC. -On Tuesday the City church, will take the Westfield and
Cwoderich Township 1 Donn brook a ointmentF
§,' thumb put crit of joint on Friday last built a stone cellar and had his house Carp, and was, we believe, introduced CHURCH FINANCES.—The financial of London left with a large picnic y PP ; on the fol -
ACCIDENT. -While at work at W. here from lxermany about three years report of the Methodist church on this party for Bayfleld, but when within lowing Stinday it is expected that a
while milking, by the cow jamming painted without and within; the most Weir's threshing the other da George
her up against the partition; medical fastidious young lady he might select g 9 ago, but has never been caught until circuit Showa the following amounts a short distance from the piece, the young roan will be on the circuit to eup-
for awife caald not complain at the Elliott slipped through a scaffold, and this season. The one caught on Mon- to have been raised towards minister- captain would not risk running his ply Mr• Cotizen's work until he is able
skill was needed to replace the joint P broke his ribs also sustaining internal da 2; to take it himself.
and dress the hand. now cosy home neat among the trees. g y was only the fourth unfortunate ial suppport:-Nile, $414:5 Sheppard boat in with the heavy sea then ron-
in cries. of its kind,and the fisherman the second ton, $93 85; Ebenezer, $90.56; total, ning. If reports are so, all the baskets NOTES. -The Misses Dyer, of Hul-
CHIIRCH NOTES.-Rep.Mr Higley has INOTE$.-Mr Jervis' hands are very fortunate of his kind. It is a large $598.93. Total money raised on circuit: were on the boat, so that those who lett, were the guests of Miss C. Fer•gu-
d ]Benmiller been the only pastor occupying his pal- much swollen with rheumatism. A fish of a very sporty disposition, hard Quarterly Board, $598.93; Trustee drove down were somewhat disap son last Sunday. Miss Jones, of At -
pit the last two Sundays; a week ago meeting in the interest of the plebiscite to catch, but excellent on the dish. It Board, $488.80: Missionar $98,10; Sun- pointed. The excursionists reached wood, is the guest of her sister, Mrs S. '
`' LEAGUE, -The monthly consecration the Prerbyterian church was closed, was held at W. H. Elliotfe last week fie cents the still water and generally da Schools Y+ I.
1 ' meeting in connection with Bethel q g y $141.69;, Sunday School the Goderich piers about 5 o'clock, and Scott, at present. Mr R. Reynolds
g while last Sunda Rev. Mr Perrie, of remains near the bottom. We under- Aid, $2.30; Superannuation, $40; Edu- lunch was served in the Harbor Park. and family,of were the ueste
r� y for organization.
, 11 league was held last Friday evening. Wingham, preached an eloquent ser- Clinton, g
:�• Miss Carrie Snyder led the meeting, mon to acrowded houae;Sunday before MUNICIPAL. - The rates levied on stand, however, that it is destructive cational Fund, $16,50; General Confer- WITHTHE SCHOOLTEACHERS. -Miss of his neice, Mrs J. Nicholson, one day
", townshi ro err is as follows: -1 to other fish -a very sparrow of the ence, $2.29; Union church relief, $3,50; Cunningham, last week. Mr W. Gregory and Mr
GONE. -The community in and about last Mr Wellwood, West Wawanosh, P P P Y i finny tribe. Contin ant Fund 3 72 ' g , of Port Albert, has se. g Y
mills on the $for count purposes, 42.5 Y g , $' . , Women s cared the school at Grand Bend. Lorne Courtice are canvassing for the plebi-
Benmiller need not be alarmed about preached in the Methodist church, and Y P P NOTE$.-TheMisaesRobinson,da+t�h• Missionar $41.84; Suetentation $2. Elliott leaven to morrow for Port Al- scite; everybody should come out and
�� the removal of our blacksmith. Ht last Sunday Rev, G. Leech, of Toronto, mills on the ,$ for township purposes, y+ '
• and 1 mill on the $ for ectal school ters of Mr Chas. Robinson, of British Circuit incidentals, $5.10; Sexton s a I- Bert, where he will be principal for vote for prohihition. Mr J. Graviston
r, still resides here, tis just his whiskers preached an inspiring sermon from the , P Columbia, who is well known here, dry $40; E worth Lea tie P
?.: pur oses. (council will meet on first p g + $73 4+ this term. Miss Keefe, of Kin bridge, has resumed his work again after being
r that are :cone. test, Lo, he bringeth them into their Wo in September. are guests at the residence Of Mr Thos. Grand total, $1559 40. visited in town leaf week; she has been laid up from falling oot of a cherry
0. '.1 . desired haven. On Tuesday evening Y •,pj ,
j.., POST OFFICE. -The change in the BAYFIELD WOAD NOTE$. -Miss Min Jowett. Miss Whittaker, Toronto, is NOTES. -Farmers have almost finish- promoted to the principalship of the tree at W. Oliver's. Mr J. Habkirk,
,,, post office took lace last week, and the Epworth League service gave way nie McCullau h, from Cleveland is vie- visiting Mrs G. H. Hewson. Rev. Mr Isbell their harvesting, and threshing home school. Geo. Howard and Allan of Blytb, was the guest of his brother.
mail is now to be obtained from the u to a regular' church service when Rev- itin friends here. Mr Carson and Blunt, who is summering atthe Queen's will soon be in full swin Miss B. Bowles will attend the Normal school. Win., last week. Mrs Brown, of Kin-
pp G. Leech again preached a stirring Gos- g g
per end of the town. The present P. el sermon; an exceedingly inter@alio Mies Wilson, of Toronto, were visiting Hotel, conducted the services to Trini• Blake, pf Ashfteld, visited at Mr- Geo. and the format's work will be taken cardiae, to the guest 0f her sister, Mrs
M. has a ver neat and convenient P at Wm. Elliott's this week. Mise Alice ty church last Sabbath; a very large Ma s. Miss Etta Hall is visiting in b Duncan McDougall. Benson Guest IM Askwith, Misses Taman and Mc -
r Y . part of the exercises was the baptismal Y g Y g
stand for the matt services conducted by Reve. W. W.and Woon is on the sick list. Arthur Can- congregation was present. Rev. Mr the vicinity of Lucknow. Misa R. has given up hie position with the C nnell,of Blyth, are the guests of Miss .
& `. NOTES. -School re -opens on Monda , telon s horse ran awn with a horse Ross, of Brussels, one of the several Rusk 'a former school teacher, who Stratford Insurance Con., and on Mon- R• Yunghlutt at present. Miss L. Et-
P Y Geo. Leech, who baptized the twin Y +
the 15th lust. Many from around here children of Rev. F. J. Oaten and wife; rake and made things ratty lively reverend guests who have been at- has been visiting in the neighborhood, day assumes charge of the school near fling, of Blyth, is visiting under the
attended the race at Goderich on Tues- down at Plewes, but did no special tracted to our pretty resort, occupied has returned to Goderich• she leaves Broadhagan, Perth county, formerly Parental roof at present. A. Cabal-
the pastor also baptized a child of Mrs P the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on deston, of Holmesville, was the guest
r y,: day, between MrO.Grigg'srunner,Sky- Brooke; the simple but beautiful floc- harm. ehoetly for llemptville, where she is taught by John Habel.
lark, and Mr B@arty s mare,of Clinton P DEATH OF CAPTAIN GEO. STIRLING. Sabbath, and delivered an interesting en a ed in teachin school, Mr A. HARBOR. -The to Huron returned of C. A. Howson one day last week.1.
al decorations added to the interest of engaged g g
1, • we are very sorry that Mr Grigg was the services. The August uai terly -This esteemed gentleman died at his and edifying discourse. Misses Grace Watson, of Galesburg, Ill., is visiting on Saturday evening from Main 9ta- S. Carter, of Goderich, passed through
` ' nll,ot successful in securing the aim for residence, the Anchorage, late on Fri- Cameron, Mary Walwiri and Bertie his brother at resent. Mies M. Ste tion, the celebrated fiahin resort 20 hereon his bike last Monday. Rev.
g P religious services in connection with g P g
Colborne. g day ni ht, after a lou and severe ill- Walwin, who have been in Detroit, re- wart, of St. Mar s, is visitin her r'ela- miles above Southam ton. The schr. Mr Higley preached Sunday even-
- the Methodist church were held at St. g g Y g P
,, nese. Ile was a native of Cournoustre. turned home last week. We under- tive Mr O. Stewart. Miss Annie' Buck arrived on Saturdaywith 300.000 iug last; next Sabbath service is to
SOCIAL. -A lawn social will be given Augustine on Sunday morning; a full stand that Mr John Wh;ddaTi intends commence at 6 m. A e
°, by the people of Benmiller circuit on service and impressive will make the After serving his time on the sea he Grummet( is visiting friends at Kin• feet of lumber for Dyment. The City p• special vestry
p came to Canada, and was for some to commence operations at his evapor• loft h. Mr and Mrs Frank Hawkins of London ran three excursions out of meeting will be held in ,lt. Mark's
the arsons a lawn,on Wednesda ev- service memorable, The business meet- g ,
'tm parsonage Y time on the lakes; returnin home be ator very shortly. Miss Singer, . of left last week for Elora, where he has here this week-' Moonli nt' ou Mon- church next Wednesday. Rev. Mr r;
,; Bin ,Aug. 25th. Great preparation Ing was held in Belrave on Monday g Exeter is the uest of Miss Ma ie g Mc'Ka conducted the service last M':,
?7!:. being, ads to make this a success. evening when routine business was engaged with a Liverpool firm and g gg bought, astore. day night, to Bayfield on Tuesday and Y
3., h n� g + sailed to Calcutta. He was captain Wild at present, Mr W. Thompson, to Kincardine n Wednesda The Sabbath in Knox church. E worth
Admisaior 15 cents or 25 cents per transacted, the year's finances launch- P wife and family, KEPT HUSTLING. -Rev. Mr Hall, as- Q . y' r,
con le. Proceeds in aid of parsonage ed under favorable conditions, and W. for many years, and was always held y, of Mitchell, and Miss p to Seaman arrived on Saturday League met Tuesday evening; t e aub-
in the ver highest respect, b the var. Mabel V. Thompson, A.T.C.M., of To- tot- of the Methodist church, was kept g Y ect "Christian giving," was taken b
s, . j Wray was elected an representative to Y g P Y pratty well on the o on Sunda last. from the Peninsula saw with SOG,000 j g g+ y
- is ious owners of the vessels he was con. ronto, have taken one of the cottages g feet of to s for the Goderich Lumber Mi9s Annie Ferguson; the subject was
r` the District Meeting to be held in on the river bank. Mise Mar acct O. He conducted quarterly services in the g well handled, ,,
RCH NoTE$.-The August quart- Win ham next week. A Sacramental netted with. Some ten years ago he g Co. The dredge is working for the
g Eastwood, B.A., of Whitby, is holiday- morning, which are always longer
erly service of the Methodist churches came to Blairgowrie, and started small Y+ Y elevator. The steam yacht Stella is
on this circuit was held at Ball's service will be held in the Methodist fruit rowing after an experiment in ing at the breezy village at present. than the ordinary service, wnd after a home from Main station. The schr. Londesboro t
church next Sunday evening, growing, P Mr Gran of London, s ant a few da a hurried dinner hastened away to the
church on Aug 7th,th'evariousappoint- fowl raising. For a while he was the t+ P Y home of Mr Geo. Currie to conduct Cataract arrived on Tuesday, from LOST. -R. Adams let a fine cow out
m@nie being well repreaented;asuitable moat distant occupier on the Muix, with his wife and daughter at the Thessal0n with 250,000 feet of lumber of the stable on Monda ni ht about
I Varna River Hotel. Thursday was Seaforth the burial service of his mother, Mrs I• Y g
discourse was given by the new pastor but fruit cultivators are now much be. Y and timber for the elevator..gk eight o'clock, and though he has made
from Ps. 31:19; a large number remain- CHURCH SERVICES.- The Quarterl Civic holida and an immense crowd Currie, sr„ and to lead a large funeral g
Y yand his residence; his crops straw- Y BRIEFS. -The fare from here to To- diligent search can tine no trace of `
ed to partake of the emblems of the meeting of the Methodist church of berries and raspberries were always spent the day at the lake. procession to the Colborne cemetery, ronto on Tuesday was 2 for the round her. She is +
Y after erfcrmin there the burial rites Y $ principally white with ,,,
'i last supper of the loving Saviour with this circuit was held at Varna on Sab- noted as among the very best in the (From another correspondent) he had to hasten home for tea and pro- trip. Every time the watering cart red mixed, and horns turned in very
His disciples, In the love feast many batb, Aug. "7th. The unsettled state district, and he invariably got the P oes u or down Hamilton St., a large much. She may probablyhave a calf
were deeply moved as brother and sis- of the weather no doubt prevented a highest price for them. Deceased was CHURCH. - The quarterly meeting Geed to Ebenezer appointment and toile runs out, andgetting under the with herb title me.
J. Iter related their experience of God's number from attending. However the of a bright and cherry disposition and services of the Methodist churches on preach again. The day'sdtities involy- h Y
love; one dear brother was so filled at church was well filled, the different this circuit were held at Cole's appoint- ed a drive of about 30 miles in addition spray enjoys one of the est shower Q Y
a great favorite with every one. He baths to be had. The bicycle and organ CHURCH NOTES. the The uarterl churches
i the thought of Christ dying for him appointmente being fairly well repre- was well known and hi hl .tea acted, maul, on Sunday, at 10.30 by the pas- to all these services. Is this a record factories are closed for stocktakin Ing services of the Methodist churches
1 ' that he could only say "It Is wonder- ...ted. The pastor, Rev, R.C. Burton, not only all over the district, but at tor, Rey. E. A. Shaw. The Quarterly breaker? A couple of photographers were' over on this circuit were held w Kinburn,
£til, oh, it is wonderful I Truly it was a took for his text John 3:11 'Verily,ver- the chief shipping centres. He was 61 Official Board met at Bayfield,on Mon CHURCH -Quarterly meeting from Wingham last week taking views on Sunday morning last, with a very
s Feast of Love. At the Quarterly Offic- fly, I say unto you we speak that we ears of a e, .and leaves a widow. De- day, at 6 p.m.; the finances were Pound services of the Nile circuit were held in of the business portion of the town, fair attendance and a good number par=
11 ial Board held in the Benmiller church do know, and testify tbat we have Ceased wage a cocain of Wm Stirlin to be in a very satisfactory condition; ,the Nile church, on Sabbath, the 7th P f ticipating in the sacramental service,
Stirling,, After the horse race on Tuesday there
Monday,Aug, 8th,all the appointments seen. The entire meeting was spirit- 6th con. Goderich township, salary for next year was fixed at $600, inst. Rev, R. H. Hall preached a good were several smart scraps between the conducted b� the pastor. The official
beingwell represented; the salary re- ual. The business meeting was held on same as former year; G.Coopor was ap- sermon from Is, 63:1. The singing of a board meetin was also held at Kin- .
p y g g g several interested urtica, What has g ,
mains the same as last ear;the receipts Monday evenin The board was not Alma pointed delegate to the financial dis- full choir, in which was two duets,sery burn, on Monday afternoon, represent-
y p y g• become of the breakwater and Harbor
. of the first q'bal•ter were very satisfac- as well attended ae usual, there being a trict meeting. ed to make it an interesting occasion. dredging jobs? While one of our atives being present from each appoints
tory considering the busy season. It number of threshers in the neighbor- LAWN SOCIAL. -A lawn social will CouNeir. MEETING. - The regular The love feast which followed was hicycliate was coming down a hill in menta the appropriation for salary was
is desirable that a finatncial, statement hood and harvest pressing, so that the be held at the residence of Mr George meeting of the council was held on the marked by prompt and rapid testi- Ashfield one day last week, a cow increased to $725, with the promise of
of receipts and disbursements of the money collectea was not up to the ay. Dale on Friday evening, Aug. 19th. lat. The following accounts were or- monies, after which the sacrament of came in his way, and the wheel attack a further increase as soon as possible; „}
year be kept and printed, and that cit- erage. However, each appointment Refreshmeiifs will be served from six dared to be paid: -W. Woods, cutting the Lord's Supper was administered. --bossy" and the rider was thrown o0 finances for the quarter were hardly up
cuit plans be printed and circulated was represented. The meeting, as ns- o'clock, A gond program may be ex- weeds on streets, 1J days, $1,50; S. The meeting of the Quarterly Board his back. g the mark but the prospects ted ,/•
sufficient for each family; Albert Allin ual,was very harmoniou3. The appro- petted, as there will be talent from Fisher, J day spreading .gravel, 50c. the following evening was well attend- PERSONAL. -Chas. Harper spent the good. Arthur Woodman was elected "-%,;#
was appointed delegate to Financial priation for ministerial suppori was Seaforth, Clinton, Godetich and other Moved by Dr. Stanbury, seconded by ed,and beside the usual routine of husi- representative to the Financial Dis-
District meeting, and In case of inabil- fixed at $700. The Superannuation al- places. The proceeds to be used in re- Thos. Clark, that the following rates ness the assessment for Alma Colle a first part 0f the week in Toronto. Will trio meeting to be held in Holrnesville.
glutin the Alma church. upon the $ be levied on the rateable gg Elliott, is home from London, where
ity Mr Jesse Snyder; resolved that we lowance to be raised outside of that. painting P was accepted and the amount will be he holds a position in a job printing NOTES. -The new church is being rap- ,'^.
do all we can to promote the Plebiscite The money to be raised was apportion- NOTEa,—Williani Jamieson and his roiterty of the village for 1898, viz:- raised. The Epworth League meeting office. The Misses Anderson and Miss idly pushed forward, both the' carepen- ,, �>
vote and that special temperance ser- ed to the different appointments as fol- mother sent Sunda in Win hath; d mills for school purposes, 1 mil. for held on Tuesdayevening had for its ters and bricklayers being at work. -
mon be reached within the two weeks lows: Varna, $270; Goshen, 265;Bruce• P Y g count purposes, 5 mills for village „ „ Duncan, •of n the ion, are making a Y g
p $ they war@ the guests of Mr S. Bennett, Y P P + � g subject, Tae Book o Nehemiah. round trip on the schr. Buck, which An interesting event will take place in 1,
recedie the 29th of September. field, $165. Samuel Rathwell, our shoe- brother of Jamieson. Miss Ma Purposes, a total of 14j mills on the $. The meeting next week Willi be a this neighborhood next week whereb
p g g was in port on Sunday and Monday. g �`
maker, is appointed delegate to the ie McDougall has one on a visit to On motion of C oun. Stanbury, second- raise service. Our church has under- two lives will be welded into one; r-
'-- Diatrictmeeting, Rev. Mr Philpot, of g g g P Mrs A. J,•.Moore left on Monday for p�
Toronto; she expects to be awn about ed by Thos. Elliott, the sum of $XO was one consider able re airs.
Hamilton, will reach at Goshen next P Y g P New York; where she will join Mies titulars later. Walter Riddell hue;°
`Aii,ngh'am: p two months. Miss Lily Miller, of Olin- granted the Stanley Agricultural So- Graham On a trip to Ocean Grove. Mrs moved into the house vacated later
wanted -Butter, not less than 12c. cash for Sabbath morning and Varna in the ev- ton, was the guest of Mre H. Little last crety.-Carried. Moved by Dr. Stan- DEATHS. -It is our painful duty to and Miss I. Sharman are visitin- in by hie son, T. W. Riddell, which is the '"' t�;
bestDairy'Tubs-0. E. KING, Wingham ening;he ie a popularpreacherand well week. There was no service in our bury, seconded by James Thomson, record the death of Mrs Jas. Bogie, +(':i
Toronto., Mr Morton, of'Ayr, is the Otd Hitl property on Main street, Thos, •.
NOTES. -Dr. A. Watson, Galesburg, received here. church on Sunday last, owing to the that the council grant the Salvation which took place at her home, on Sat- ❑est of S. Sloan. Mrs Jas. and Miss Lee therefore has a vacant house anll. ,,.
Illinois, is ,a guest at the residence Quarterly aetvice held at Turner's ap Army the rise of the town hall for $22 urday, 6th Inst., at the age of 73 years. funic Reid are visiting in Lucknow. .lot. Miss Edna Allen is home on a vis�-
of Dr, anti Mrs Irwin, Winghanl. An Hullett pointrnent. On Sunday, Aug.. 14th, Per year, they • to furnish their own She had been sick forthree weeks in C. K. Eberts, traveller for the Wisil it, The official G. T. R. train made sl
excitingly close game of football was there will be service in the evening as wood and oil, the meetings to be Sat- which time she was delirious and knew Type Manufacturing Co., is spending stop at the station here on Mond `
la ed here Monda between Win FULLY RECOVERED. -For twelve g y y o Y anybody. p YP g P g
Pin Y g- well as the mornin ;the subject for the ureas night, all da Sunda mid one scarce) an hod Her husband, Cat a month in town; his mother, formerly evening while the members of Mr Wi
ham and the Riversides Torontocham- years the wife of James Holland,of the ] night ht throe h the week. - Carried. Jas. Bogie, preceded her four ears, son's part -W su er. George John-
' Huron Road,bas been in delicate health evening being hat think ye of g B g of town, now resides in Chatham. h Y pP g
ions: result a tie. Mr and Miss Broad- Christ." The topic for the Epworth Council then adjourned to meet on the She leaves three sons, Jas. of Go erich Sid Malcolmsen, the renowned base- ston Bas procured a Tamworth p
and for exactly six years next Sunday P 1st Monday in September. -H. W. ER- and Wm. and David, of Colborne. one from Me gra John Pul her &Sons v
toot, Seaforth, are the guests of Jas. Leap ue is "The Christian Race ' taken Y P ball player-, is home from British Co- P +
she has been constantly under the WIN, Clerk. dao liter, Mary, who lived with her P Y Bram tou. it
Cline. Miss Mabel Reynolds in home doctor's care but the medical roan have by T. H. Brownlee, g Y )amble. Tam Murray ie home from P I
I from St. Thomas to spend afew weeks. ' SOME OF THE OLD TIMER$. -There mother. The funeral on Monday was ' t'_1,{;
P now renounced her entire) free from Mount Forest, where he holds a post -
McLaughlin, of Detroit, is visit- P Y are not, very many of the real early very largely attended. ,The pall -bear -
disease or ailment, and as an expres- Brucefield residents of this village left in the land tion ns stenographer in a private bank,
ing friends here this eek. H. Allan g ere were her three sons and three r Kippen
, 8100 'if gratitude a special religious NOTES. - Misa Portress and Mies of the linin BIG Guxs.-Sir Charles Rivers -Wil- . to
moved to Wroxeter is week, • ,ervice will be held in the house of Mr. g, yet there are three per nephews. The bereaved family have son, resident of the Grand Trunk GATHERINGS. -Harvesting is almoeli
Stoneman, of London, are this week sons here whose experiences go back the heart -felt sympathy of the neigh- P + over, only a few late peas, and thresk- `�
Holland next Sunday at 2,30 p.m. the guests of the Misses Gibson. Miss nearly half a century, and who bid fair borhood in their loss. Lady Rivers-Wilgon, and Miss Paunce- iug is in order. A few invited friends '
t A PIONEER'$ DEATH, -Time, in its A. 0-impbell is this week visiting at Mr to reach the half century mark as Mrs Curry, mother of Geo. Curt y, foto, daughter of the British ambasea- spent a pleasant time on Tuesday ev- / i
Old Age ceaseless, irresistible onward march, is Geo, Baird's, 2nd con. of Statile Mr residents of "Bwlm breezy Bayfield." sr., of this lace died ver sudden) at dor, and the following G.T.R, officials, ening at the manse. Mise H. Knot, w
slowly lessening the number of those T. A. McLachlin, who was Principal of The first of these is Mr James yGaird- his home, on b'riday morning, at the Messrs. C. M. Hays, ggeneral manager, of Clinton, was the guest of Mrs 8:.' ;;,
who braved the difficulties of pioneer the school here, is visiting his many net, the esteemed postmaster, who has ripe age of 87 years. Her funeral on F. H. McGuigan, E. H. Fitzhugh, R. S McConnell last week. Mrs R. McMeC,
As Honorable life and heroically endured the hard- friends in this vicinity; he has nearly) lived here continuously since about Sunday to Colborne cemetery was Logan and A. F. Begg, were at Goder- die is aggin very poorly; we hope sodrli l
ships that were incident to the etreg le recovered from his recent illness, and 1852 or 1853. Mr Gairdner enjoys fair- a' ,tended by many sorrowing triends. ich on Tuesday on their official train, to be able to report better. Mr Dant -
P d g makin a s ectal ins ection of the n@w p
But it is not a very desirable thing to for existence back in the earlier ays has secured a position as Principal of ly good health, but is not able to move g P P els, a native of Persia, preached t*
have in a grocery stook, and therefore of this country. Soon the brave band Sault Ste, flarie Model School. Miss aro•,tnd as freely as of old, owing to elevator end harbor improvements. excellent sermons in the Presbytee1Ai.',;, '
we make it a point to keep our stock of inen who laid the foundations of sue. Flo Chrysler has returned from a visit rheumatism. He is, we believe, the Dungannon They expressed themselves as being church on Sunda last and deliverttth• •,',
now and up-to-date. A visit to our cessful farm life here will have entirely to Grand Bend. Rev Mr Stewlrrt, of pioneer of the village, and in the early CHURCH MATTERS. - Sunday last well pleased at the progress made and a lecture on Monday evening on the:, 4;
store will convince you that we carry passed away, the number being made Clinton, preached in the Prestigteri,t,n days did quite an extensive business, the Methodist church held its regular the quality of the material used, and people of Persia and their customs, 46
no abelf worn goods.. This week we one less this week by the death of W. church here last Sabbath, Mr Mathe- being the only, grain dealer here. Next quarterly meeting services. The at- the wotkmansLig they pronounced as told some very interesting facts abo0i,•,;+
J are allowing some very pretty things Leitch, of the 6th con., on Tuesday. son preaching in Clinton. The blow to him 0mes John Essan. who came tendance was large; Rev. B.L, Hutton, superior to anything of the kind they the Persians. School re -opens on Mole -
k, in Deceased, who was in his 7latyear,was of a steamer is now the order of the here in , as a clerk for Mr Gaird• pastor, officiated. In the evening Mr had seen. They are anxious for the day; No. I4 Hay has a new teaoltor;' ,,> `
born atCrichton dean, Edinburghshire, day; one would almost think he was in' net; afte serving some time with him Hutton gave an Instructive and stir. completion of the building, and say this is three changes inside of a Icbt4K:
a Lanese China and Scotland and came to this county y g Y g ring temperance sermon. Ile is at contracts will be forthcoming thatwiil
1 , yin a eft In the morning to hear the num Mr started conven anein and g p Mise Mabel Shannon, of Clintons ab
1851• he at once came to Hullett and erous whistles. The schoolteachers in money lending, also serving seven resent giving a series of temperance keep it working constantly up to the present the guest of the Misaea f4w I I ;;
Glassware;, pp g
W settled on the 9th con., where he resid• our midst are beginning to get on long years as reeve of the village; Mr Es- discouraes bearing on the plebiscite, close of navigation. European goods eon. Mr F. Ta for has leased tL,1e�t in
g' of salad bowls, oups and ed for a short time; he subsequently faces for. next week; we hope they son is as active mentally and physical- and if his people are not, well informed for the west will be sent through this near Alma. Mr Geo. Thomson 69 th0
cera, jar losers, bread and butter moved to his farm on the 6th,on which may not Was severe as they look. Mr ly as he was ten years ago, but the on the temperance question the fault waY+ and general freights, via Goder- 2nd con., flay, has rented Mr
pI tea, fruit dishes, bouquet holders, be has since resided. He was a well- T, M- Higgins, barrister, and his two partial loss of his eye sight was a very will not rest:on the shoulders of the loll, will be made to compete with every lysle's farm f r a number of qt "'
� +.,, etc. Take a lookest our windows and informed man, strictly honorable in all sone, have returned to their home in severe blow to hint. Next on the list preacher. The Official Board met on other line. Witt. the harbor dredged Mr A. Moir, of Denver, Coli, w;ho, 60'..;
1 on will be convinced that the are v his dealings a Presbyterian in his Toronto, comes Mr Wainwright, whose real- Mondayevening.The finances of the to 22 feet of water, this will he the best been visitingfriends in this vioitI
o�8ate goods, Y P views, and Liberal in polities, Lt'nlarge- dente here dates away back to the past yer were ll satisfactorily settled, terminal upon the lakes. The engin- for the pastfewweeks, r..eturntt ineI . 1.
member we are solea ants for Miracle meat of the heart was the actual cause Oarlow. fifties; he is not quite as active as be eer in charge, Mr J. H. Tromahuset,
g Q eceipta of Quarterly Board, $?51,50; g ,.ue8dag to resume his work. � ; `:
Washing Compound. of his demise. ,A wife, two sone and NoTEs.—Mr Wm. Howell has par- used to be, but he has lost nope of his I Missionary Fund, $192.25; Superannua- explained the various parts of the work
SNAP—Good Glass Tumblers two daughters are left to mourn the chased the store ro� arty formerly be- force of ,character or personality. There tion Fund, $44; Educational, $20, and and pointed out the improvements Hon. J. H. Turner, Premier of $Ail1, I ,
lose of a good father. One of his dau h- longing to John pp e ppons b; W.Green are others who have been here for a other recei is, making a rand total of made in the new elevator, which will
400 per doz. g g g g M ll + g g ay the a, line been di ov tri6 a'01 r r5i� "
tera is the wife of Henry Taylor, of the the present occupant, will leave in Oc- considerable length of time, but these .$1467.85, Without a dissentingg voice be in every respect one of the best els- by the Lieatentiat t}uvePribl^ rr'gti dd;•
1 91 h while one of his sons is a member tober ext, Chester Morrish and Nicb- are the 'old stagers," and our vr' h Is the same salary was granted to Mr Hut. vatore yet- constructed. The engineer Robert Beaden has beb13 4#611 `ib. i{�rrYt iw
OGLE COOPER .� CO. of the municipal council of this town- olds iltn bavo gone to their work at that they may each and all lonf/e�pjoy ton as in the past year. Geo. Harris, who had charge of the train was a Government •'
TH1C dAS g (1 ObiCRY.. ship, The remains were interred at G, M. )Botts, after having a week's va- the blessrnge of this world befoke t$ey •recording stewward, was elected delegate I Hallus of Goderich, Will Holmes, "_
,eb Bald for Butter Attd Eggs. Phoho 98 Kinburn eemetery on Wednesday. cat! . are called to another. to the financial district meeting. I youngest son of Dan Holinea. additional focal riteMi ori lid e#
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