HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-08-05, Page 2, r� 4ug1PSt 5, 1898 #.,.,-„-.,9,.. -_..-_..,,w .,....,,,,,. ... �,`.#'°A.._,.: .---r,--.'!-'"^e: f-.'T.--,1M•S� -, - -...—..1._ --” -, . , ! FT -7-1, :,WWT ' + . 1 t a , THE CLINTON NEW ERA --- Toronto Iie4ssPf Rdi.in l�i'Id 1 County ' d 11 i)lllc'I�. miscellaneous ltvelPestions. ��� _ 1 —•� j n --- Rall Pairs ' The following r ernarkable article ie l from the Toronto World. It is re• The following appears in ibe Expusi- lr.dustr•ial, Toronto, Aug.29 to Sept. I I Mr Thomas McMillan, of Hullett,left tor, £rout the ptan of J, (;, NILOI.rihi,u, WestPrtt, London, Sept. 8 to 17. i O markable froru the fact that the on Wednesday on a trip to the uld clerk of Mel.(illup, and furn, i,ian who Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 14.15 RT'.HA, P World predicted absolute ruin to ev- country for his health, knows as much as he d,,e.: a.rd writes Tui uber•r•:, Wiughain, Sept. 27.28 erything under Liberal rule, and here, ' Miss Findlater, Win =ham, has been Its good a letter', Le Motto'•l give the Public the benefit of his thonghts North Perth, ttratford, Sept. 22•' after• Only two years in power the ;engaged to chant s Muss 1)1y on the 1 Huron Central, Clinton, Sept �� E i staff of Winghttw school, more freyu-ntly:—I desire once more 30=21 ­. 11J N CA ` World is forced to adroit that an un re- to trespass on yours lice to relieve to I b p The other dray B. 1 Biggins, of the mind of one or two thoughts which (ON TN� LAIR RIVER) redeemed Boum has set in:— 2nd con., Usborne, fell from a mow Our Leading Writers �DN w ]Loci fractured several of his ribs. have o(:cur•rPd to too rind which ►u'ty be 19 �f11J��1e►,®NTlelRlO.. Toronto again. r Y of interestor�usetoyournutnerousreac}- --- The old time activity is in evicldnce The "tan friends of W. Brooks, er's. In the first place, I would remind Robert Barr makes his home in Lor • r r , again on the streets, at the factories, post toaster- of the Exeter- north otiice, SDC L`,�i pathmasters that they should have all don, England ; William McLennat Ts certain to th„se who take s Business or in the stores and offices. The popula- will regret to learn that he dues not weeds arid t histles cut out of the road who writt s almost exclusive Shorthand course at this Cullege. tion is increasing every dal More regain Lin health rapidly. re for Hai y gr 1 • Y• in their respective road divisions. How ,per's, practiceb law in Montreal; W,P During the Past tiftoeu months our People are to be r'een on the streets. man of the Y $d P Messrs (;arlinrr Bros., Exeter, sold Y pathmastersin thiticount I cosec, tt hu writes for McGIEue's, rE 41 uateshave been lucnted a4 fouuwsc_ the cars carty larger numbers of pass- a quarter section of land in Manitoba attend to thio duty, and the councils? I sides at :it Guar etown, Out.• Sir arnia34, Gutt 1, Goderich t, 1'Oruntu e, engers,and the receipts are bigger than for $]'LOU. This is an increase over the The law also instructs municipal conn- G. Buurinot is Clerk Juh. ;"� � ondon5, Windsors, Winnipeg, Mail., ever, notwithstanding the great in- oils to see that k of the House c Morden, bion., 1, Boesmnut, Duk., Port- prices of land Ihere a few years ago, pathmaster•s perform Uuinuiuns, Ottawa; I+'. Blake Cruttu Huron, ,rlich.,32, Detroit, nlich., it), San crease in the number of bicycles. A this duty, and the council is liable for is Le it,htlive Librarian at Halifax +11184,Otiio, z, Now York, N.Y , 5, Orange, feeling of confidence pervades all class- Robb Brothers. who have cart ied on dan)age if they fail to prosecute path- Edgar Maurice Smith resides : XJ 1, Louisville Ky., 1, Chicago, Ill., 5, es of the Community. The real estate a successful grocery business at beat- des iu Mor Bt.Iiouis, Mo., D'esmonies, Ia.,1. agents say that the market for proper- forth for many gears, have disposed masters who neglect thier duty in this [real and tnakPs his living by his per p p of their stock land business to lYIr J.W. resp countil I venture to say that, few A. Il. U. Colquhoun is a Turont 'Collaga open throughout the entire ty is regaining much of its Former s are free from res onsibilit your. Students udmittett arty time. Gr Ll stren th and bo ane Mostly all the McCabe, lately of Toronto. p Yin jam ualist. These gentlemen are a uatesaseistedto positions. Daft Tera. ftLCtO es are tannin Y Y this matter, a.nd vet. with a very little awung'.nu• leading writers, and sac begins siepteruber lar. Write torpor- g up to their full On Saturday while Tom Mur•pby, firninessun the post of connrils and a utieh;ts a contribut•iun in the Midsu[r tieulars. capacity, while many are being en- sou of John Murphy, of Seafurth, was very little labor by pathinasters, our roes cumber of the Canadian Maga ' ' _ _ . A. S. NIM110, larged, and several new factories have engaged in pitching stay at John Scott's highways might he kept clean and de- zine. The first. three named cortrit either been recently started or are Ile had the misfortune to break one of cent, and the weeds which now flourish ute short stories; Mr Smith is autho Clinton Post Office. now being constructed and equipped. the small bones in the fore arra. and go M seed on thorn, dirtying and of a aerial of which the first finis agmen d1. PIML+' ]'ABLE. And what is even more encouragi(,g G, I,,. Monknlan, formerly with Mr destroying the land adjoining, would appears in this issue, Among th than the immediate present is the int' Kar es, Win horn, has be kept under. one into t DUE MAILS CLOSED mediate future. The crops s allover fi g he P leading articles are: "Diq'aeli, Th P nlintsrry of the AlPthcdist LpiscopaLl As a municipal cleric, I went to Olin• Man and the Minister," The Builder c Canada are moat promising, more church and is stationed for the resent ton to attend the annual meetings of of a Uanadi-tis Dominion " Irish Po A.M. P. -J. c 1015 0 55Londonand S. W. Onuario7 00 g �° sitters than ever are coming into the its junior minister, at Grand Pia ids, the clerk's Association. C at,IPnderl the and Poets et 7 15 4 30iLon hum and lciucnra Onne tario 05 835 country, while the mining industry is P y, and `What I Saw a 1010 4 50 Western & N. W. U.S. cul 4 u5 flourishing. Itis quite evident that the second day, and was sorry it) learn that Tampa,. The latter is es eciall in p ."!1%,.:]1015 1 u3'Paris,Buf}'ado&eastern U S7 uu 4 05 we have seen the end cf the .even lean Mr. John Straiton,son of the popular there was no meeting, tha attendance ter eating, bring written and illus Pat the est, 2 35 ears in Canada, and that an era of station nnaster of Goderich, hits been present herr being so small that those ed by a weeks there. journalist of who span 1015 1 03 Torpatp&poiutseast&nrLh.7 00 Y rumoted to be station master and tel. 1 031.. 3' prxsperity has arrived. p ho Pnt eE•ame diacnnr,lgEd ru,rl went sE)rne weeks there, The other illustra Montreal and Ottawa 7 00 J• e >ra nh operator at Hagarsville, on the ,: me. It is a pity Ihat clerks do not tions in the number rue as interesting 1 03 Manitoba, N lti' '1' and B C 7 u0 2 3s I p take more interest in these meetings, as they are numerous. The cover is ; ,.r:. 1 U3 ..Stratford ,uxl SetLforth•• 700 2 35 It must he :Ln exceedingly careless Harnillou route. Has last station was l0 27 g y St. George's. as we all could learn something from new design toy G. A. Heid, Presider 1 03 man that drinks carbolic acid in mis- each other. Fov instance, we could of the Ontario Society of Artists. 10 27 Points 1$ & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 Last week Mr, John B. McLean, of arrange to have all the voters' lists 1 03 ....Mitchell mid Dublin 00 take for medicine, as is sonietiriies Kippen, presented his daughter, Mrs uniformly as to sivle and size; and also 11 ; 7 4p 2 �5 .........Goderieh..........' 1y 00 done. Car'bo}ic acid has so rank a smell H• ]'McGregor, with a beautiful $75 have them prepared :;o that, there About Some Boys t ,. , Lucas crossing, Sarnia anal that the difference should l e discover- t.lcycle, Mr. 1VIcLQ'Ln this week also world not hP so rna.ny appeals and in — — ¢ ;.0 10 8 55 .. iutcrmo,o & points... 7 00 4 05 presenl4d his sun, J. W. McLean, with this wav cave Pxpence. As the clerks in an English dockyard a great shit X1,'.'. '40 Loudcsboro & 13elgrave..l9 55 ed before the liquid touches one's lips, one of the silent steeds. I have mor'P to do curl h assessment. T)it- was to be launched. An iminenst The office is open to the public (holidays es There was made at the Winchelsea rhes ahci ]Vaster ContsPs. and +hP Ntun. crowd gathered to see it glide down ,loiokb) from a ac o 7 15 p m„ but holders o the Ontario (rovernnlent pay's a Butter Factory du['ing the luouth Of �� ieipal Acts'thann any olhPt' ofiloials in t'he sides that, N'et'P f.0 C"rL Y't'y it Into the !look boxes have recess t.0 the lobby until 8 p.nn water. The lilocka and -Money Order and Saving Bank office open compliment to an able journalist in se- June, 28,382 Ills. of butter, which was , the county, thev .should he the hest wedges wer( 1 XQa.m. to p•m• letting Mr H. J. Pettypiece, editor of wild for- 17 cents per ib. F. O. B. at St. ' able to Inggest. amendnnents, which knocked away, i but the massive shil Marys. 1he I come} belakon a )hvtherount-, rot,ncils did not stir, ust then a little boy :�rlatter for registration const be posted half the Forest Free Press, to move the ad- 1 Pat -rolls it were paid 14� I rein forward and began to )ash tis( hour- before closing the mails. cents pet 1b. 13. F., or a total of $3.569.22. i and l,Pgi�latnrP. Misch good might he g' T °'bTACE HAIL - SUVNIERHI1A, - Every dress to the throne. The duty last ' done in this wa ship with all lila might. The crows. 1;!Vaesdaa.30p rFriday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- year also fell to a journalist, Mr An- On Wednesday morning a young 1 :1c 1her� wa; no clerks' meeting, T broke out into a laugh; lint it so hap sou of Juhn ]'ale, of Exeter North, at.- paid a visit rn the C sooty Clause of p Pd than the vessel was almost ready drew Patn Ilo of t r ht Woodstock. Voted. tori E , tock . S - C A D en AY ON - n LS is mail despatched tern ted t too e• c tit bed to (irive V the c cit esu e f v - p several al •o . e� u T p cows pounds • c away i ZP 1 e• rl b ( I ft . and was LVP T_hed h i] r� P repaid for P ti' m ilii Y g m y 4 a office to LondesborO and Belgravo, tinct -Review, and the year before to from fence thrcugh which they were trouhlP. I was pleasPd to Fee so Com the boy were only needed t) start it, ivlso, to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closint; as forcing g an entrance. Uue of the ani- for triols a borne for the pnnr,and I dare and away it went into the water abjvestaced M. Y. McLean, of the Seafortln Expos- trials kicked the little fellow, knocked � say many of the inunates never were so No)w• that. was a little thing but you •Mails for British Isles and European coon- itor. him inseusible and broke several of his i mi nfortable or well cared for in their see what it did, tCip9 intended to be forwarded by New York, 'Xrinthavewritten oil the t.opleft hand corner Iribs, Ilivesh(fure,as they are now in this Otte" IinlesIbe.littlethings You dodon't ,,o Opvelopo vie Naw YORK. The American soldiers in Cuba have What might have been a fatal seri magnificent institution. In fact it. was seern of i,uch account. But they are, already discovered that their Cuban (lent happened to Robert Copeland, a surprisP to mP to SPP it so well kept, Orie spring morning a little buy plitnt- E TOt a paternal Grovernment Usborne, when he was at lacked 1) t , at so little expense, the only hired help ed a ainLrlc seed in a bank of earth. T1 t .. alliesare not to be relied n on. The y a heir one servant girl. Mr. and 1Crs. grew, 1'udded and blossomed into ,.. _— P Y furious bull, which sir uc k him, knouk- g g sweet blue violets, unseen b the i ° , are described as a lazy lot whose sole tog hits W the ground and falling of 'french are, undoubtedly, floe right child plants,. It also seeder} and th y hien, thns_breatking two ribs and also I parties for their present position and I , e 'he Picton Gazette sa s:— "We are idea of war is pillage. The fact that seed fell out upon the blink of earth, sore to feel ourselves compelled to injuring his lungs by pressing his ribs think the county officials were most and next Slicing more vi t� , fess that the Dominion Government the President, has appointed an Amar- upon them, for timate in secnringjthPir cervices, But I clefs gee v; hacv is it that, the service of Mr. andMrs, arrd so tot yearn, increasing every sea- (4iot a paternal one in the true sense ican general administrator of civil af. Wm. E. Clegg, a well-known former I French are not, worth as much in this Son' The boy, now a ,),art in foreign ol;,the word, Professing to be a friend fairs at Santiago instead of a Cuban resident of Goderich, died at Los land, desired to visit his childhood's ¢9A a Canadian farmer, the Govern- Angeles, California, on the 24th of I position as the services of the gaoler horse. When he saw the bank of vio- "" , perrnita American corn to be im- shows that the American executive's June. The deceased was born in that I and matron. I can see no reason why lets he remembered how, ears before, b>"te free of duty, with the result head is level, With the Cubans i7 con- county officials who do more work Y e, town and was employed for man i , pa 'he had Plat ted there a single seed t,E1"''t the severest blow is being dealt years on the staff Of the Signal. HoatL m rit £ficial Te Ly thein Govern• 'Call it be,'' ho said, that all thesel v et,;iile farming industry here that the fro} Santiago would be given over to g meat officials. Another suggestion ra e failure was the cause of his death, I would make, would bP the I Lnlin sprung from the single seed I planted ? rpers of the soil have ever known, rapine and murder. The Americans which cattle very suddenly, 1NIr Clegg of a Glum p R I• will never waste a single seed." Oh fieeeci fF t s not only to reduce the p of trees to the north side g , are realizing now that they are sacri- was 56 years of age. of the house and between the house dear children, remember the import- j�rle, of coarse grains, and make thein firing the lives Of a host of good our Messrs L. H. Dickson and I, R. Car_ and road. It would add to the appear- ante of little things,—Exchange kotically unsalable at is profit, but g g young ante of the lace and ver tirn' is•taking the place of these grains Lins risen for the benefit of a bad lot, who ling have formed a part nership in the p Y much to the tri.,&:Considerable extent in the roduc- practice of law in Exeter. Mr Dickson I comfort of the inmates, as it would p promise to give them as much trouble make a nice shade in warm weather, t#aipq,iif.pork." is well and favorably known to the " - ,'he Gazette is astray entire in its as they have done the Spanish govern- community, havingenjoyed a lucraL- and be a protection from the winds in cold weather. I think, also, a mistake ales Qiiciueions and its statements. ;t meat. Live practice there for some years. Mr. .was trade in the building of the stable. x Caarling '.is also well-known, being a r Ba decidedly good act when the Mullhall, the celebrated English stn son of the late Isaac, Carling, and re Provision should have been made for With Hood's8areap,,- g cent.l graduated at law, the keeping Of a dozen cows, These, rills " ," t,i!(jY°: was taken ori corn, and thous- tistician, recently published the follow- Y 6 with hogs, would he the most profit- r Sales Talk and T The county rate of McKillop town- able on a faun of this kind, and would show that this media f ,(6. If farmers have realized the bene- ing table of estimates of the wealth of ship, and proportionately of all other entail much Tec Dine has enjoyed public 0 s work on those in ] y P confidence and tr.;f110reof. To this extent the Laurier these eight countries : municipalities, has been reduced rapid; charge. patronage to a greaterextentthanaccord- ttifnoatent has shown itself a farmer's United States..... , ..$81,750,000,000 ly. This year the am in is $2,297,25- ed any other proprietary medicine. This rxegd.• ' `Vhen the Gazette states that Gieat Britain .........59,030,000,(X)0 in 1888 it was $3,165.74; n 1878 it was Ontario's Farm Wealth is simply because it France .. • .47,9,50,(X10,000 $3,61:3.66 and in ]868, it'g,"Irants ty years ago, _ P 9 possesses greater of coarse grains has been low- it was $5,3(19.69. Thtter, ears do The fifteenth annual report of the merit and produces greater curse than r, Germany............ 40,260,000,000Y p e an other. It is not what we sa but not include the i or an Bureau of Industries for Ontario fur y , tji ass result of the removal of duty, Russia .............. 3L,1`25,(XXI,(X)0 Y yr thing except for count purposes. what Hood's Sarsaparilla dose, that tail• )3 rtes what is untrue. Coarse grams Austria ........ . . .. . . 22,5(10,000,(XX) Y P poses. the year 1896 has just been published. the story. All advertisements of Hood's Italy .. • ............. 15,800,000,000 It represents a vast amount of work ei %0kil of being lowered in price after A young child of Mr. Thomas G. r ., a arilla like Hood's nares rills ed Spain .....:.......... 11,300,000;000 Scott, Seafortb, met with a painful ac- to neglecting and arranging statistics, ' itity was taken off @qrn advanced P hence the impossibility of bringing r are honest. We have never deceived ' Great Britain's colonies and territ- cident one day recently, The child, •'.e public, and this with its superlative I., 5'per cent. This statement can- down the work sooner every year, ovies are not included in the estimate who is only a little over a yeah old, fell The number of acres under cro medicinal merit, In why the people have E ,"', ydisputed, and no better reply oht of the up -stairs window to the this province in 1896 was 8,511 4£, abiding confidence in it, and bug of her u' wealth, otherwise she would ground, a distance of about sixteen fe'remarks about feeding peas to lead the United States ;and it'must be feet. As a.result its collar bone was which was larger than ever before. Hay arid clover led with 2,428,711 acres; t7 C&Y9 be given than the following, borne in mind that a very large share broken, and it is only a miracle that oats were next with 2,425,107; then fall lrh11 , �l Hamilton Times:— of the wealth of the United States is the child was not killed. wheat with 876,955; and peas, barley, O® wt., pr contention has been that the represented by British ca ital. if the Estimating the injury done by the qtern and spring wheat in order named. d S er'B of ,Canada can find P frost of the IOIb of Jul at . 100 to 100 The acreage of spring wheat in 1896 � good use y $ g Cfiltn,, or they would not import it, amount of British loans were deducted acres, in McKillop, the lose will was 255,361 compared with 651,302 to Sarsaparilla f ether there was or was not a duty from the figures of United States amount to $40,000. Many farmers 1892. The acreage of fall wheat in ;.`9oj�: in any case it is not the busi. think the loss will greatly exceed this 1892 was 966,522 and it fell to 74.3,199 in wealth, and added to the British fi estimate, and perhaps it will, if wetake 1895• Almost to the exclusion of all others. 1r7 it ftLe Government to arranges g Theavera a Prepared only by C. I. Hood&Co.,Lowell,Mass. lt6ipsof duties to compel the farmers ores, they would, not including the direct or indirect lose; as for instance, ); yield per acre of fall the flow of milk has failed one half on wheat in Ontario was 17.0 bushels, , are the only pills to take " .. line rain or to refrain from colonies, be far in excegs of United account of injury pastures by which was greater than any of the Hood's Pills with Hood's 8arsaprtrllll► ng.another, It hardly probable jar to the tbe;,.Irlsb feed their pigs exclusive- States figures. Also it is to be noted frost, followed by drought. grain growing states of the union. II - t 9jr, asfrom weaning time to butch- that the Br'L' h E lmois lead th 1 rg,, �et;tbey produce pork which ggfo,t,lhe highest price. I� Atmour, of the Armour Packing ho'.i,yr; Chicago, is a pork packer l}robably understands his business, n'has written a letter to Mr Hod. 11. 1 tlfierintendeut of Ontario Far- '..1fistitutes, in which be says:— , .,*Ag, however, a revelation to us thesplendid condition and fine )r`'*iide of the Canadian hcgs, and Wil; eery sure that the Canadian of careful breeding and feeding Cbttrect one, We have come to `.prelusion that the best breed of oO; the fancy export trade is a ; ' Tamworth boar and York- ' The food for the first four • of the pig's existence would i to mpire and the Unit- ed States would be wealthier than all the other powers combined, . Canada's Oldest Exhibition. The Silver Jubilee of the Western Fair, London, September 8th to 17th, is going to be the best in the Association's history, and will be formally opened by Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant Gover- nor of Ontario, and in all likelihood the Governor General' and Lady Aber- deen will give the Western a visit be- fore retiring from office. Stich are the expectations at present, and will be fully made known on receipt of their acceptance. Applicat.iotis for space are bein d Samuel Alton, who died recently near Belfast, aged 74, was one of the old settlers, and wag well-known throughout Huron. He died from a stroke of par•alysis,altbough he had re- covered from a previous one. Deceased was a Methodist, and his remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery in the presence of a large number of sor- rowing relatives and friends. Here are a few figures taken from the Ashfield assessment roll for the years 1897 and 1898 which might be of interest. Amount of assessment in year 1897, $1,698,930; in the year 1898, $1,696,130; No. of persons on roll in 18917, 3,449; in 1898, 3,3116; No, of cattle in the year- 1897, 7,244; in 1898, 7,240; No. of sheenin 1897 3 829 • Ia 4 s e atter with 14.7. In spring wheat Ontario's average yield was 13.8 bushels per acre com aced with 4.3 in Manitoba, 14.2 in Minne- sota, 13.8 in Iowa and 13,3 in Wiscon- sin. In oats, Ontario with average of 34.2 bushels per acre was second only to Wisconsin with 35. Ontario was tied with Wisconsin in bailey, with an average of 27.4. The total farts property in Ontario in 1896, including land, buildings, im- plements and live Stock, was valued at $910,291,623. In 1886 the aggregate value a as $989,497,911, the highest fig- ure reached. Farm land values show- ed a steady decline from 1886 to 1896, but it is though'; that a change for the better has taken place since then, Cheese factories in 1896 numbered t'bdal<ly very little difference who. at such a rate that several departments 001; No. of hogs in tpe year 1897, 1,991; 1'147' as compared with 1,164 in 1895, bkt corn or smaller grains. How- are nearly full already, and the gen cal in 1898, 3,743; No. of horses in the year the decrease being due to the drought, �1 rpm 'four mouths up to the time impression throughout Western ❑- 1897, 1,791; in 1898, 1,851. In 18fl(l, 104,393,98x pounds of cheese A Great Event Ck6tPd, say for six months, we tario is that with the good crops n were made compared with 109,230,340 4'6s inlon that the use of corn being harvested, the farmers and fh ' A seriou and what might have in 1895. bqo diijcontinued entirely and been h will turn out en mase to etre proved a faMl accident occurred at the The population of all the cities, CANADA'S GREAT... g residence of Mr J. Hallida Wlu ham towns, villages and townships to On- kji.fe"d lin peas, barley orcrueh- much needed real and support the on Friday last, A Mre yFlynn who tario in 1896 was 1,972,286 and the as - v ,10 It fair�proportion of green Fair. makes her home at the above named sessment $814,917,633 compared with ei'tsi5d. We are also of the Ito immense growth has caused the lace was tem 1828 r li4b; the weight of the hogs directors no end of trouble in the past, to th' going from the sitting room 1,828,4,95and $694,830,639 respectively XPOSITI N 660"Itceed 2110 ounds, nor, do rovidin a nining room and opened the ten years before. O � p proper accommodation for When the statistics for 1897 and 1898 ', . A—-.tliore tan six hogs the;Live Stock and Agricultural Im le- door leading to the°cellar, in mistake � p for the dining room door, ari`d not seer are gathered they will doubtless tell a- t together in a pen, as then meats in particular,, and every other ing her mistake fell head first down brighter story. and o Crdwaing among them at department in general. cellar. She was observed falling and • a(` lIitt It is necessary that the The entices close Se t. 7th, but as the help was at once secured. She was READERS OF THIS PAPER -^•+'•rr ,0 I)ttic .be given all the comfort space and stabling will be alloted in the nR industrial fZair order the entries are received, it be- carried up the steps and medical aid DESIRING TO BUY ANVTMNGp :Qtl$ some veep fine hogs hooves intending exhibitors to make called in. She escaped with a broken ADVERTISED IN ITSUOLUMNS) arm and a sprained ankle. SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING 1 Toronto ldaky' `districts, and we be- them as early. ars possible, and secure WHAT THEY ASJC FOR REFUSING ••• Ont[ 010 is singularly fortu- the choice positions. Write the Sec., ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS, SEPT. Or, Monday morning Amy t Town- AUG. 2901 to SI+ PT. 10th, '98 tliiti"respect, having such a Mr, Thos. .Browne, for information, send, wife of Mr James Leatherlancl, f hey -(if. dairy farms. These, prize list, programmes, etc. of Seaforth, joined the silent m jqority Hon. Geo. E. Poster, talking of pro- --- g dl5.d, hea tby p' s with a The attractions, which have always which await, the resurrection. Re die. hibition, said:—"Prohibition llas been Neuf and Wonderful Attractions 111041 by of meat. 7 e Cana- been ektertaining, are to be even more ceased lady has been ill for some carried in four Provinces already, and IAUEc a nu Excelling all previous yoare■., [ erls AVvity ah.11id of the so this year. months, having had it paralytic stroke probably when the general plebiscite ;,, t .rtl'60iAt at l9ast in so far Each evening there will be the grand- early in the spring, but from this she is taken one or two others will pro- The Cuban.Ameriean ]Alam Bli Mlitiicot is concerned. est pyrotechnic, display ever given in rallied and her many friends hoped to trounce in favor of it, Quebec and ExcitingNaval;alLdlMilitary Displays= 1G1' 019fled 'Wiltshires corn- London, together with the realistic re- see her around again. Mrs Leather- British Columbia are the doubtful ,liip'b � Pehlitlm, and rank presentation of the 't Blowing up of land was a quiet, retiring woman, and provinces." The latest Inventions &Noveltles th 't11(#' lirlestt� Danish the Maine," assisted by all of the ring only those who knew her well •were from all parte of the world nacii market, and stage attractions. As special ex- acquainl.ed with. her Christian quali• THE WC.EELMAN'S FRIENV cursion trains leaving London after 10 ties, She was it consistant member of No bicyclistshould be without a bottle—__�_.-_� I rte �rry, for o'clock each evening Are beings arrant- the 1liethodist church. A grown up of Hagyard's Yete Ow Oil, It takes out all excursions r omievor close U r Auq• nth, Cheap ed with the railway companies, it is family of two sons and one daughter stiffness and soft nese of tho clots and y ° °• fo, r prize lists, ekpetCed that a very lapge number and her life partner are left to mourn consoles. Reliev ,pain and takes down aadrress rma, programa, and all particulars, - O IAN will remain far the flrewoilce, her,less, swelling in an instt t, 25o. J. J, WITHROW, A. J, ItMI,, P President Manager, Tor to 11 /; r °k 4 � ,,.;, „ i° I .' . I ­-, - d.w-AM..04*1, �­:"Z 10 , - • ' .1. Oats Wanted IN EXCIIINGE 12 lbs, choice Oatmcal for 1 bush. Oats 13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats . I Oats talfep in exchaur;e for GI'ocerleS 7 hese are our present rates, but we don't know holy long they will continue. O. OLSON, - Clintoll f 1T PAFS TO 1 J ; 19 I. 1 ;_ — Are You Aware of the Pact that TheCauada Business College L 3 CIIATHAM, ORT. Is doing more for its puplls than any other Basin C one ollego u) the I)omluiou. s 43 pupils were p'ac,(I in two months Sru- t dents from all quartors are R•)ckiuo o this worthy business school Besides a o large attendance tt adanco f, Yrorn Chatham m those aro already this year 93 Pupils registnreri I from outs'du prints. 60 of then from points nearer to other business Colleges than to Chatham. We presume those people investigated the t merits of the different schools, and decided that nothing lint the best would satisfy them, hence, they are here_ Write for catalugue of other dopartmeuts and a list of the 43 pupils placed fn two itlomhs, D. McLACHLAN &Co,Chathatn PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET FOIL SALE. The undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAhIES SCOTT, Barrister &o FOIL SALE. I h'actory and contents on the property of D. Buchanan for 8125; by paying $15 down and balance at $11) a month. Building to be rc- movtd. Apply 1 to,. ' PP bUOT' •Clinton.Y 1 L I IaOUSE TO RENT. i The largo fratne dwellinz house on Albert Street., late.y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half an acre of laud. Tient moderate. Apply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Choice House and Lot i'or Sale. A fraise house and quarter-aore lot on the 12 corner of James and ,tlaria strects, Clinton; cod brick well, barn 14x'.0 situated near the , 1', R, station acid Doherty Organ Factory, Apply to JOHN DgRRY, Clinton. HOUSE TO RENT. c Comfortable - cottage on Albert Street, north, o rent at once. Good half -acre [garden and bearing orchard, with promises of lots of fruit. Rent low. W. MOO1tn, Sewing Machine Depot, Huron 'Street. I HOUSE TO LET. P Good larve house on Rattenbury street, with - six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer kitchen, ppantry, hard and soft water, largo J stable. N ill be rented cheap to permanent tenant. Apply to NEw ERA Office, or to a JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich. L U CHOICE .FARM FOR SALE. - la d Son n the 2n icon I60 acres Albimproved 15 9- land, acres cleared, good frame house, frame barn, n bearing orchard, running water'. Situated two p milereasonable e terrom ms. of U. McnTAVISH, lbe int n. n New House and Lot f'or Sale. Subscriber offers his house and lot on ldill J street for sale on cheap and reasonable terms. at The house is a new two-story frame, with stone cc oellar, hard and soft water. Lot one-quarter of O6 all acre. Reason for selling -owner wishes o to move nearer to his work. W. MENNEL, Clinton. COTTAGE AND LUT FOR 061 SALE. _ The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- 7 tags of four roonis, with kitchen and woodshed i attached. Centrally situated. Good water and drainage. Will besold cheap. Applyy to Clinton Dec. 101,h W. C. SEABLE. - �, HOUSE FOR SALE. st $2,200 buys the two sem}-detached brick houses on Rattenbury St„ ki,own as the iFox- C ton Property, ther houses and also vacant lots for sale. Money. -Private funds in large and small Bums Le 1,";111 On al )r;; 14e. Rates low, W. BRYDONE, Barrister, T BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR oe SALE Al- bert Thatdesirable n o, occupieriok dtiby Mr Stand Rob on, is offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location is Otte of the best in Clinton. The ppropertyy is free from incumbrance and title inof - disputablo. Price reasonable and terms to suit 1 purchaser, Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- lte don Road, or address Clinton P. O at ea Professional andOtherC rds� . SCOTT & MCKEN E, Barristers, Solicitors, &y., e Clinton and Baytield. CUNTON OFFICE -Elliott Block, Ibaao Street. BA"Jul,l) 0PPICE-open every 'rIILrs,Iay,- Main Struet, first door west of Post office. 7IOVEY TO LOAN. JA&,Es SCo'rr, - - E. H. MCKaxrzfa W, BRYDONL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY' PUBLIC, ETC, Office—Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery CLINTON M. G. CAMERON -� rig; (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron)] BARRISTER AND SOLIOI'TO.H. L Office -Hamilton st oppesite Colborne House y GODERICH, ONT 1. JOHN RIDOUT• CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, HTO Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to lead ou Mortgage and Note seourity, Otlioe-HURON STREET, OLINTON R. AGI�IEW• DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THLr 2ND THURSDAY Oy EACH MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5, DR- T• C- Blf UC& �.�' SURGEON DENTIST, graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity varsity Toronto. he natural toal attention given to the Preservation 0thce, Coate l: lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday and ayffeld every Thursday afternoon during the u,nmer DR. WM, UUNN, L. R. O, P. and L. R. O. S. Tight calls at frontt door Orrr esidence on Rattan Ory St„ opposite Presbyterian chureb, DR. TURNBULL, I'Eltitl\'J IILOCK, ITP Stairs, t C.'LINTON. Tight calls answered at office. ' "�-- --- . -- 11 i M����� W, PHYSICIAN, SURGEp1fCtc„ ot5ce and residenoeOn-Inglleh church, formerly pa) eton, Clinton Ont. i I)it. DTacCALL ul M. D., C, M., McGill, M. C. P. & S„ Ontario Late Resident Physician to Royal Victoria ospital, Montreal. Office -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. ight calls at Clarendon Hotel. )R STAN.BURY, GRADUATE OF TSH Medical Department of Victoria Un ver Ly, 'Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and tspensarres, New York, Coroner Por he ,"unty of Huroin, Bay:1f,ld, Out, j--- - ' E. BLACKALL VETERINARY SURGEON . `HonoraryGradua to of th eoutarfo Veterinary )liege. 'Prfllcciesto alldiseasesol domesticated an als on the most modern and ecientill 0 -prima eta OResi-e eeediatelysouth ofthe NewEr• hoe, Residence - Albert SL„ Clinton, Cel ght orday attendedto promptly OHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON has returned to Minton and opened an oilioe the Queen's Hotel, where be mag be consult. for the treatment of all diseases of horses, ttle, &o. All collie, night or day, promptly st y sdea to. LAi surer off Marriage Licenses, SCOTT, iba�y SoSR. v d Reeidence, Mary street, Clinton, AMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, ' ,; No �vitnesser; required a W. FARNCOMB1 MEMBER OP, ASSN OF P, L, S„ Provincial Land Surveyor and vii Engineer, London, Ont, -Office at pec, owart's Grocery Store, Cilnton, LINTON MARBLE WOltHS. CooeER'S LD STAND, Next to Commeroial Hotel. Th tlishment is in full 01eration and a der filled in the most satisfactory way Ceme ry and granite work a specialty, Prices e bonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton < ------r---1 - - _ WAN FED By Old Established House - good Church stand ng to act as MMan or a agei re anti do office work and correspondence their borne. Business already built up and tablish id here, Salary 39W Enclose self. 1br sale or to Rent. addressed stamped envelope for our terms to if The south half of lot 5, concession 9, Town. Ave„ Chcaggo, ill al Manager. 189 bilohlgan ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres Cleared an d iu good state of cultivativation, AGENTS. The, a are on tho preniscs a frame house, frame barn, frame drive house, good orchard, never- able ondfke lsell old Fields; ' a large, cheap, vain - failing supply of spring water. Situated i mile g ike a whirlwind. Beautiful from the village of Blyth. Will be sold on rea- prospectus twent�yy-five cents. Books an time. 9onable terms. A�pppp]p to C. HAMILTON, Blyth BRADLEY-BRADLEYcents- Books ontime. or THOS. R. WRICIHT Exeout r, 948 Princess Toronto. / ' Ave„ London, Ont. AGENTS 1•.xcelte"t, Farms to Itent. "The beet life of Her Malesty I have seen," writes Lord Lorne about 'queen Victoria;' Owing t.o ill health of his wife, the subscriber �'g coots make lire dollars daily, has deaded to offer 1 is splendid farms on the B ADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, LnnT= baso line to rent. Oi a of the farms contains 80 Toronto. acres, in Godortch township, nearly all cleared and h) flrst•olms state of cultivation. There Is AGENTS -Book business better than for good frame house, I:oarirg orcbard, bank barn yearspast;aieo have betterand faster selling 80 feet lonk and stab es; plenty of water on the books. AAgents clear from $10 to $40 weekly. A pplace and also insider the building. Also lot 33, few' leaders are: "Queen Victoria "Life of Mr dth concession of Hiillott, (near the other) con- Gladstone," "My Mother's Bible Sories ,, "Pro 33 aures, all cleared and seeded down, men lv s, poakser."• 11.londike GoldFiolcl9,""Wo [n ilia both farms are 1t0 acres cleared and pee of the Unseen[ Broakfaeo without afoot of Ho) to land, and 25 acres will Din and Supper," 'Canada; an 1Ln reakf a i be readyfor fall what, The farms aro on ggcod dia." Books on time. Ontflte Prete to oagvtlo canvassers ravol road, about i miles from own of Clin• The BItAllLEY OARRETSON Co„ Limited ion. „ill be rented to a good tenant at a roa. Toronte. sonablo figure, with privilege of going on nc _ -----' undo. Apply on Ihr. promises, or y ]otter to WKILLOP DIUTUAL FIRE Clinton Yost on) Co. THOMAS MASON. INSURANCE CO t CHESTER BOAK for SERVICE HARM & ISOLATED TOWN P 1 will keep for service on lot 25 eon. 4 Stan. ONLY INSURED " h' ley, a thorobred Chester White f#oar, 7tm•ms- $1, payable at tine of sorvice, with privilege orrL•lorrts of returning If necessary. Goo, Watt, President, Harloek P, JOHN V. DIEHL, McLean, Kitimn Y. O„ Vioo-Pres.• O'. J' J. B' Shannon, Sacsy Treas, Eleaforth P. O.;'T os. E CLINTON Hays, Seafortln P. O., Inspeotorof Losses, ' WOOD x11(1 COAL YARD ullifiOTORS • _ • W. G. Broadfoot, Soaforth; John G. Grieve, Subscriber i9 prepared to promptly 011 all or. P Winthrop Soa4ol,tli�oTae, ilvnitoigSoBaforth• 'Phos, dere for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at O.; Thos. Garbutt Clinton; a 1300sllwood ' lowost rates, Oliloe on Isaao Streot, at LAVIS Brucefleld; John I#, Mof,oan, Rippon, 1 IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WHIdATL1uY •1• AOTINTS ' Atil•ENTS WANT.EU. Robert Smith IIartodlt; Jno. w, spot >Teltnes• _ vino; ltobt. Malnt2illag, °Seaforth; Jafnes Cum. A )ts wanted, male acid female, in evory min.9i'son iondvill ' John Govenlock rind Jalin `' 1ppooatiilr to 9011 our novelties. Big commission parties desirous to elf'o0t Ingurabb0 or ti Min's• ,' linodbf atpplogpltoaThAnPWANCCId 25 8 hi f, f00 full Rot Other ld ti �ilfto991p111 bo pl orSn�tlq itttb5do3 tdr „ • (' on 001011 Lif9 i17d'gg, gTOrOnto Addr`bgfroti to ilj toi x�ap9 0 t 1, a5ovd oiHtl rdj, A � ' � - A.&